10 Untapped Tips To Drop Body Fat Fast Getting in shape and cutting fat can be difficult if you're constantly going from one diet fad to another. Here is a list of 10 tips that will help you get started in the area of quick fat loss. You can use these tips in figuring out if any diet or quick fat loss plan is a good program or not. Regardless of what diet plan you are currently on these tips will only help accelerate your fat loss even more. 10 tips to quick fat loss 1. Stop eating just 3 large meals a day. Beginning today, eat 5-6 small meals daily. You'll be eating more often but not necessarily more. Eating 5-6 times a day will keep your metabolism revved up, which causes your body to burn more fat. Make sure that your meals are not loaded with simple carbs instead go with whole grain foods. 2. Drink less soda and more water. You will see immediate results by simply trashing the sugary soft drinks in favor of water. 3. Slow down your eating. Research shows that the longer you take to chew your food the less food you will consume. In addition by slowing down your eating, your stomach will have enough time to send signals to your brain telling it that it's full. 4. Get involved in some sort of low impact activity. Try walking around your neigborhood for 15-20 minutes. Any exercise is better than nothing so try doing a brisk walk around the block. 5.Stop eating out instead cook your meals at home. In the long run you'll save money and control your portion size. I know it's easy to order fast food everyday but trust me it's doing more harm than good. 6. Stay away from sugary foods. That includes candy, soda or anything from a bag or box. If you didn't know it or not sugar will add weight to your frame even if the label reads fat free. 7. Try green tea for fat loss. Research shows that Green tea has antioxidants, which stimulates weight loss. 8. Eat fiber rich foods. Shop for foods that are high in fiber (whole wheat bread, potato, nuts, grain) you'll feel satisfied longer. 9. Don't go heavy on the dressing instead go light. Dressing, sauces and other condiments should be limited because of the carbs, sugar and fats. 10. Shed the pounds and keep it off permanently. A staggering amount of people who have experienced weight loss gain it back plus more. It is important to not let up on your diet. Watch what you eat and don't fall back into your old habits or you can quickly gain the weight back that you worked so hard to lose. If you follow these 10 easy tips, you'll be on your way to quick fat loss. 12 Reasons To Live A Healthy Lifestyle The aim of this article is to show just what a range of benefits that you can achieve by losing weight and improving your overall fitness. By consistently following a program of sound nutrition and exercises you will reach your goals but don't expect it to happen overnight. The first thing you need to do is to stop listening to or buying into the multitude of diet scams that are around these days. Reality is that you are not going to lose weight or get fit with no effort. Permanent weight loss and fitness requires effort and commitment but the end result is worth it. There is no other way around it…you have to eat properly and you do have to exercise. Okay…let's look at some of the benefits of exercise. 1. Losing body fat If you diet without any exercise, you lose some fat but you are also losing lean muscle. Restricting calories actually slows down your metabolism causing you to gain weight as soon as you increase those calories again. Combining an exercise program with your dieting helps to maximize fat loss while minimizing lean muscle loss. 2. Maintaining a healthy body weight A good routine of healthy eating and exercise keeps your weight stable so that you don't have to turn to dangerous fad diets all the time. These scams may work for a very short time but you will put the weight on again just as quickly. If you make healthy eating choices and exercise a part of your life, a stable weight will be normal for you. 3. Faster metabolism How many times have you heard someone use the excuse of a slow metabolism? I must admit that I've used it myself. Well, it's a myth. Our metabolism slows down due to our own unhealthy choices not the other way around. Calorie restrictive diets create havoc with the metabolism whereas an effective nutrition and exercise plan can definitely speed up your metabolism, allowing it to burn off those excess kilos. 4. More sustained endurance and muscular strength You don't need to be a bodybuilder or an elite sportsperson to benefit from increased strength and endurance. Whatever you do, it allows you to perform more efficiently. Some women are concerned that increased muscular strength means huge, bulky biceps and so forth but that isn't what you need to become. 5. Better cardio respiratory function A properly designed exercise program can improve your endurance in a short time. As the cardio respiratory system responds positively to exercise, you will find you can climb the stairs without any trouble. 6. More strength in the bones, ligaments, and tendons Weight bearing exercises and a sensible regimen of resistance training will not only strengthen the muscles but will benefit the entire skeletal system and connective tissues, greatly reducing risk of injury. 7. Greater muscle mass An increase in muscle mass equals an increase in the number of calories burned throughout the day, meaning a faster metabolism. It also makes you more physically attractive. 8. Lower blood pressure High blood pressure can lead to strokes or heart attacks. While medication can help, lifestyle changes in diet and exercise are the vital elements in blood pressure control. 9. Lower cholesterol Cholesterol is necessary for some of our bodily functions but many people have led a lifestyle that has left them with a dangerously high level of cholesterol. This can lead to cardiovascular disease, particularly if you are also overweight or obese. Losing fat through nutrition and exercise is the key to the overall improvement in cholesterol levels. 10. Reduced risk of type 2 diabetes In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin to maintain the bodys blood glucose levels. Maintaining a healthy weight and leading an active lifestyle decrease the risk of this disease. 11. Lower risk of osteoporosis This condition is a very painful disease characterized by decreased bone mass as well as ‘chalky' bones. Because they are so fragile, fractures can occur from something as simple as bumping into something. Resistance training and weight bearing exercises can assist in increasing bone density. 12. Higher self-esteem Participating in structured exercise leads to an improvement in appearance. This makes you feel good about yourself and you find an increase in energy, vitality, and confidence. So, as you can see, the benefits to your overall health are numerous and too important to leave to chance. As the saying goes, “use it or lose it” and this is very applicable to the use of your muscles and your body in general. 1600 Calorie Meal Plan - The Best For Fat Loss A 1600 calorie meal plan combines the ideal amount of calories with protein and fat to allow women to release fat from their body and to tone up at the same time. But be warned that meal plans are all different and while on some you may lose weight but the are not healthy for you in the long run. And some you will get no results whatsoever for all your hard work. This article will go into what makes up a good meal plan for weight loss. An effective meal plan will need to be step by step and very easy to comprehend and make use of. The lady following thet 1600 calorie diet should easily be able to understand what the importance of the meal plan is and why she is on it. When it comes to making the transition from a routine eating pattern to a completely new meal plan a bit of knowledge will go a long way. Women and men need to be on seperate meal plans. They need to be divided up because men and women are biologicaly and physicaly different in many ways. The goals for men are usually to build muscle mass and to fat loss. For women the goals the want to achieve are different, they want to lose the weight but instead of build muscle they want to tone up. A 1600 calorie diet awesome for women to begin on. It gives the perfect amount of calories for weight loss as well as the right amounts of protein and fat. For meal plans to be effective they need to be followed everday. For a meal plan to be effective it also needs to be a bit flexible. Not everyone likes all meals and ingredients. Health needs to be an important element that is taken into account with each meal plan.. Weight loss without health gains is not a good option to take at all. Daily meal plans should always have a varied amount of different vegetable and fruits. Fruit and vegetables are very important and you will need to have a few serves of each everyday. Variation of meal plans is an important factor for your daily meal plans. When you vary your meals you will not only feel and look better but will also be more motivated each day. 1600 calorie meal plans are great for women who want to realize their goals for their bodyy in the shortest amount of time possible. But to get the best results women will need to exercise as well. Meal plans are only one factor of weight loss. Results come quick and fast when you are on the optimum meal plan and exercise program. 2 Easy Ways To Bypass Weight Loss Blockades Hey weight watchers. This article is designed specifically for you and I have included unique weight loss hacks and tips that will ensure your weight loss success. Now you were probably losing weight successfully for the first few weeks after you joined a new diet program, only to be stuck at certain point later. When people start a diet program they rapidly lose a few pounds, because most diet programs are created to offer you 'instant weight loss'. Sadly enough, this 'instant weight loss' is more often than not 'temporary' weight loss. You notice that you will lose weight very quickly for the first few weeks but after that, you will suddenly discover that the scale is not going down anymore! You are not losing any more weight than what you have lost already! At that moment you have hit a situation commonly known as weight loss plateau! In such situations, the only remedy is a complete overhaul of your lifestyle habits. You have probably done the same sets of exercises as well as ate the same types of foods over and over again during those first few weeks when you were losing weight. As a result your body got accustomed to your diet and exercise routine. When that happened, your weight loss methods failed to bring any sustainable results! If you want to go beyond this point, you need to change your diet and exercise regimen. Here are two methods you need to follow to get out of the weight loss plateau. 1. Calorie-counting is not the way to go: When you count your calories, you basically limit the intake of calories to an abnormally low level. When you eat low calorie foods, there is no incentive for your body to increase your metabolic rate since it has to burn only a few calories. The result is that your metabolic rate always remains at a very low level. When your metabolic rate is low, you aren't able to burn fat! In order to burn fat and lose weight successfully, you need to forget about calorie counting and eat enough so that your body is forced to keep your metabolic rate at a high level. Your body needs fuel to burn fat, and it can get that fuel only from foods! 2. Exercise more: If you have been avoiding exercises altogether, or have been doing only light exercises, then you cannot lose weight. Weight loss is only possible if you perform high intensity workouts daily. Instead of being afraid of exercises, try to love them. Exercises are yet another powerful way of increasing your metabolic rate. With exercising I know they can sometimes be treadful to both your mind and your body but the trick is to just get started. Once you get going your body will love it and that should be enough motivation to continue on. Now the trick to get started in the first place is a little technique called the 5 minute technique. Simply put, tell yourself that you are only going to exercise for 5 minutes and this will make it easier to start your exercise. Try it, this technique works beautifully. Follow these two methods and nothing, absolutely nothing will stop you from losing weight! 2 Exercises To Reduce Thighs Fast Need a few exercises to reduce thighs fast? Ok, I'm going to show you a couple that you probably aren't doing. If you do them (they're easy), then your thighs will get smaller and smaller. Exercises to Reduce Thighs 1. Use a mini-trampoline and jump on it You may feel this in your calves big time, but you can be sure it's working your thighs a great deal. In fact, this is considered the #1 exercise for helping to diminish cellulite in your legs and butt. The way I like to use the mini-trampoline is to jump on it for a few minutes at a time (a bunch of times each day) instead of just 1 long, boring workout. This does 2 things. First, it keeps you fresh and allows you to recover quicker... plus you won't sweat. Second, it is a superior way in helping to boost your metabolism faster. So I'd like you to try and make it so you jump on a mini-trampoline anywhere from 2-5 minutes at a time for a total of near 25 minutes a day. This can easily be done during tv commercials or even during the tv show. 2. Wall Squats These are better than squats with a barbell and weights when it comes to slimming your legs. Weights will add some muscle and this possibly will make your legs look bigger. Wall squats are bodyweight squats done against a wall. Find a wall and put your back flat against it. Put your feet out about 18 inches from the wall and around 18 inches apart. Then squat down while maintaining contact between the wall and your back. Do 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions for 3-4 days a week. These are 2 of the best exercises to reduce thighs fast. 2 Treadmill Workouts To Help You Lose 10 Pounds Of Fat Are you a beginner that is trying to lose weight but keeps on avoiding the treadmill? Do you find it really tough to go through a treadmill workout because you find it extreme hard to jog for even 10 minutes? Well, you have just landed on the right article my friend. To tell you the truth, I face the same problem when I first started out. I was a bit fat and never exercised when I was a teenager. Not until I entered college and then I started to be more aware by how I look. Then I decided to do some cardio to burn some the access weight off so that I too can be noticed by genders of the opposite sex. Lets face it, it feels good to be noticed sometimes. But I have big problem because my stamina is really bad and that causes me to be really terrible in running. I could never complete a 20-minute run. Long story cut short, with sheer determination and desire, I learned 2 ways that helped me tremendously and now I can run a 10-kilometer run with ease. Here are two techniques treadmill workouts for fat loss that I about to share with you. The first step in anything that you seek to accomplish is that you need build a super strong foundation so that you can have a strong platform and skyrocket yourself to unbelievable heights! The foundation that I am talking about here is your stamina. You need to keep fat loss aside and store away your weighing scale. Focus the task at hand, which is get to get your stamina strong. Here is how I did it and you could just simple follow. It is easy and anybody can do it including you! Never let somebody talk you down! The first treadmill workout is a 4-kilometer run. You can do five if you wish but I would recommend 4 first just to test it out. You need to jog for 1-kilometer non-stop. To me, for a beginner, this might be your toughest phase so lets do it when you are fresh. Jog at your comfortable pace up to 1 kilometer and then when you reach 1 click, reduce the speed to walking pace. Then, you would walk for 200 meters and when you hit that mark, start a slow jog for 300 meters. Then when you hit that mark, increase that speed and run for another 200 meters. Now you are at 700 meters from the point of 1 kilometer. Run faster up to the 900 meter mark and then sprint as you can up to the two kilometer mark. Just repeat the same process until you finish four kilometers or 5 if you choose to. Here is an example of a fat loss treadmill workout part 1 1. Run non-stop to 1 kilometer at the speed of 8.0 km/h 2. Walk at 5.0 km/h to 1.2 km 3. Jog at 7.5 km/h to 1.5 km 4. Run at 8.0 km/h to 1.7 km 5. Run at 8.5 km/h to 1.9 km 6. Sprint at 9.0 km/h to finish of 2 kilometer. 7. Repeat form step 2 to step 6 until 4 kilometer or desired distance. Of course this is just a treadmill workout for the beginners. If you can run faster, increase the intensity from 8.0 km/h to 9 but the style of the program remain the same. You will find that your stamina will increase dramatically by just doing this workout for 4 to 5 times a week for over a period of 4 weeks. Persistence is the key here. If you want to enjoy the fruit of your labor you need to work at it over and over again. You will definitely be able to enjoy the cumulative effects of this treadmill workout. Fast forward into 4 week later, you have a stronger stamina now and you want to focus on a treadmill workout that can help you boost your metabolism, turn your body into a fat burning furnace and run even faster. You cannot stick to same program. You need now a cardio workout that is higher in intensity and challenge your current fitness level. With your stronger foundation, you will be able to look forward to losing 10 pounds of body fat or more! In 2 Treadmill Workouts To Help You Lose 5 Pounds Of Fat part 2, I will reveal a technique that can help you run faster, burn more calories, speed up your metabolism. Through that technique, you will be able to literally feel your body burning even 2 to 3 hours after your workout! 3 Alternative Methods For Weight Loss Have you tried losing weight only to feel frustrated and unmotivated? The key to a successful weight loss is to change your lifestyle and habits… not dieting. Consider alternative weight loss methods, like using herbal remedies for weight loss. These methods can prove much more effective than standard weight loss attempts. Let us take a look at 3 alternative weight loss techniques that embrace the natural, herbal and holistic approach. That which is found in nature is most compatible with our bodies and seldom presents any negative aspects. If you have visited your physician and know that you have no medical issues to be concerned about, then perhaps the natural techniques will suit you well. 1. Healthy, balanced organic diet You've hear this one before, but first and foremost, maintain a healthy, balanced and organic diet rich in fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains. 2. Fresh Air & Exercise Each day, partake of fresh air and exercise of a sort that is most comfortable for you such as walking, tai chi, or a light aerobic style. 3. Consider the benefits of herbal remedies These will assist in creating harmony and natural balance on every physical and mental level. - Do you gain excess weight too easily? Look for an herbal blend with Gymnema, Malabar, Guggul, Zinc Bhasma and several other herbal extracts. You'll want to find one that supports metabolism, boosts digestion and slows the absorption of carbohydrates. - If you suffer from excessive stomach acidity and hunger, you may benefit most from a product with Indian sarsaparilla, spreading hog-weed, and prickly chaff flower as the main ingredients. - Are food cravings your downfall? Try a tea with Rose, Peppermint, Liquorice root and other appetite regulating herbs. It will reduce your tendency to reach for unhealthy snacks throughout the day. - Try a metabolism balancing essential oil in your daily routine as well. Look for a blend of Neroli, Fennel, Lemon, Ginger and Grapefruit. The benefits of these oils come from sense of smell rather than through skin contact. Treating your body with gentle, natural weight control techniques will bring the desired results easily without unwanted side effects. 3 Apples A Day Diet Plan There are many ways by which apples can be incorporated in our diet for a quick weight loss. As normally observed in any case the simplest system will be the most effective one. This weight loss system is very simple, effective and complete one. This system is not only interesting but also the laziest weight loss system; called as the “3 apple a day diet plan” is unlike any crash diets to lose weight fast. By using the 3 apples a day diet plan you don't have to avoid any of your favorite food and hence can be ideally called as “food lovers' fat loss system” and very easy to implement. All a person has to do is eat an apple before every meal. Now before we go into the nuts and bolts of “3 apples a day diet plan” we should have a basic understanding about what it means by saying “struck by a diet plateau”. When a person starts dieting and exercising, the weight reduces drastically at first and then very slowly and finally it reaches a stage where even with an intense starvation the body will not lose weight. At this stage instead of losing fat the body will slow down its metabolic activity so that only a bare minimum amount of energy will be spent or in other words fewer amounts of fats will be burnt. This is due to the fact that the human body does not like to lose fat, so it holds on the available fats by retarding the metabolism because it thinks that food is scarce or not available. This is not a desired nature of the human body when a person wants to lose fats. So people who are struck with a “diet plateau” will usually have difficulty in reducing their weight further until and other wise the body is tricked to believe that there is no shortage in the availability of food. It all started in a town of Wenatchee in Washington, where Tammi Flynn, was a nutritional director of a gym. Tammi Flynn found that one of her clients who was struck with a diet plateau, had lost a significant weight within a week by taking one apple before every meal without changing anything else. Tammi Flynn started experimenting on this breakthrough weight loss system and found incredible results, which then changed the lives of more than three hundred people. These findings laid the foundation for her to write a book “The 3-Apple-A-Day Plan”. Now how does this system work? When apples are taken before the main meals the fibre content gives a person a sense of fullness while the sweetness satisfies the carving. Pectin also increases the beneficial bacteria (intestinal flora), promotes digestion and reduces the cholesterol level in the blood stream. The composition of apple, such as eighty-five percentage of water, low sodium higher potassium with other minerals, vitamins amino acids and organic salts makes it ideal to convince the body that food is not scarce. So the body steps up a faster metabolism, thus the diet plateau of a person is broken and results in further weight loss. Apple is more effective in weight loss for people who start dieting initially, with or without exercise. In this system there is no requirement for calorie counting or other measurements. . As already mentioned this system is complete to burn your fats but in addition if you are taking selective foods as suggested by Tammi Flynn then you will be adding more fuel to your fat burning efforts. Please take time to go through the book written by her. I am sure you will find it interesting. I have included the links for 3-Apple-A-Day Diet Plans here for your convenience. 3 Ways To Burn Calories And Lose Weight Let's be honest with ourselves. If we want to lose weight we need to try to find ways to burn calories and hopefully burn fat as well. Now it would be ideal if we could burn calories and lose weight by watching television. But it doesn't quite work that way. So what are some good ways to burn calories and lose weight? Here are a few suggestions and some of them are a little different. Each one will stoke the fires of your fat burning machine and have you losing weight in no time. Plyometrics “What is plyometrics?.” Simply put it is a series of explosive jumps. Plyometrics will speed up your ability to lose weight. Plyometrics involves explosive jumps. Often times it involves jumping onto a plyometric box. If you have never done this you don't know what you are missing. Broad jumps, squat thrusts, side hops are all forms of plyometric exercise. Each will get your heart rate elevated and place you squarely in the fat burning zone. Stay tuned in the near future for an extensive post on plyometrics. However, for now focus on side hops, broad jumps and jumping in place. Sledgehammer Training Alright, I know this is an odd fitness tool. If you need to break up some concrete this is good but to exercise with? Swinging a sledgehammer is exhausting. Your heart rate will climb, your will burn calories and ultimately lose weight. You can stop by a flea market or go to a used tire store in your area and come up with a larger truck tire. Take it home, lay it in your backyard, break out your sledgehammer and go to work on the tire. I would recommend swinging for 1 minute at a time and then taking a 1 minute break. If you cannot swing it for one minute then break the time periods down into more manageable segments. Start with a 6 lb one and then work your way up and your are better able to handle it. If you scour yard sales, garage sales, flea markets, etc you can probably come up with a sledgehammer (or should I say calorie burning, fat burning, weight losing fitness equipment) pretty cheap. Burpees For my money Burpees are the best fat burning exercise around. If I could only do one exercise for the rest of time then this would be it. It is truly a full body workout. And if you haven't figured this out yet allow me to let you in on a little secret. Full body workouts burn calories and prompt you to lose weight at an incredibly quick rate. If you are unsure of what a Burpee is then you can view the video below. That is enough said about Burpees. You need to incorporate these into your fat burning workouts. They are a must. If you perform these three types of exercise it will quickly move you down the road on your journey to burn calories and lose weight. 4 Reasons Why People Eat Too Much Many people come for weight loss hypnotherapy because they believe that they have no willpower. They say: 'I just seem to feel hungry all the time..' or 'If I just had enough willpower I could lose weight.' Often they believe I am the person who will be able to give them that magic bullet that will break the habit. Sometimes I am able to do this. But most of the time, overeating is often a symptom of something deeper. Just like the alcoholic, the overeater is often craving for the next 'fix'; only the poison is not alcohol - it is food. The first step to overcoming food addiction is to recognise the reasons why you do it. We are all different, but here are the 4 most common reasons why my clients eat too much: ONE: Stuffing Down Emotions Many of us grow up in culture that frowns upon expression of negative emotions. We are told to 'put on a happy face', or that 'you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar'. It is true, sometimes we have to be diplomatic; but what exactly are we expected to do with all that leftover vinegar? Many people the answer is to ignore it. They grow up believing that they are not allowed to feel angry because anger is a negative emotion. The truth? All emotions have a purpose. Anger, sadness and fear can all useful emotions in different circumstances, and we can learn to express all of these emotions in a logical, rational and respectful way. The problem is that most people are not taught how to do this, so instead of developing healthy communications skills, they find themselves using food to repress or 'stuff down' those unwanted feelings. Food becomes a numbing device. TWO: Filling a Hole Do you ever get the feeling that something is not quite right with you but you can't put your finger on it? Often your subconscious mind knows exactly what the problem is. It offers us clues and signals as to how to address our internal issues; but it can be difficult to recognise the signals. Many people misinterpret these signals as hunger. When 'Julie' made her first appointment, she was fiercely adamant that there was no emotional reason for her overeating. Her hunger, she said, was insatiable and never-ending. If I could just 'flick the switch' inside her, she was sure everything would sort itself out. However, further investigation revealed that 'Julie' was in fact using food to fill an emotional void. She had had a string of failed romances and her problem worsened after each break-up. During hypnosis I addressed both the physical and psychological elements of her overeating, and after 3 sessions she was a new woman. Her insatiable hunger had disappeared, and she was well on the road to recovery. THREE: Because Someone Tells Us Not To Is there someone in your life who says 'should you be eating that....?' The one sure way do make sure a person does something is to tell them NOT to do it. It is human nature to resist another person's attempted dominance. Sometimes friends and partners think they can help their loved ones to lose weight by 'reminding' them of what they should (or should not) be doing. However, there is a very real difference between encouragement and nagging. One works, the other doesn't. 'Cathy' had been married for 33 years. It was an unhappy marriage, and she came to me not only to lose weight, but also to work on her self-esteem, which had eroded to almost non-existence. During our work together, we discovered that Cathy's overeating was directly related to her husband's constant criticism of her weight and her eating habits. Our sessions were focused on helping 'Cathy' to break ties from the negative effects of her husband's behaviour. She was able to get in touch with her subconscious mind and let it know she was making these positive changes for her, and NOT her husband. Once she did this, she was able to lose weight easily. Her overeating vanished and her self-esteem blossomed. FOUR: Because We Can One of the biggest blocks to weight loss is unwillingness to take responsibility. Do you honestly believe that you cannot control your eating? Or is it simply that you love to eat too much? This was the case with 'Jan', who was sent to me by her children. They believed she needed to lose weight. She didn't. End of story. Grudgingly, she attended her sessions. In her second session, 'Jan' revealed to me that she had no intention of changing her behaviour. That she liked herself the way she was and that was that. We agreed to end the session there and then, with the understanding that I as a hypnotherapist simply don't have the ability to make someone do something that they don't want to do. If you want to stop overeating, examine your motivation. Are you changing your behavior because you think you should, or because you truly want to? A little self-evaluation goes a long way when we want to make life changes. 4 Tips To Lose Arm Fat Fast Are you searching for the best way to lose that extra arm fat? To achieve this you will have to use some weights . No doubt there are many various other ways too, I think you really ought to know.. I am going to reveal just four top secrets how to shed that fat from your arms!! 1 Lifting weights I mentioned you must lift weights if you wish to get rid of arm fat . I would advise you to buy a pair of dumbbells so you can perform these easy workouts at home . Even watching television at home you can perform this! the great thing about this is you can easily stay in a good routine of weight lifting doing this in the comfort of your home. 2 Aerobic workouts Doing the aerobic exercises will help you to shed some weight off from your entire body as well as your arm. . In case you are fat, you might not wish to go out for workout like jogging. Another alternative is you to go walking in the comfort of your home on the treadmill exercise while enjoy watching television or listening to some music at the same time! 3 Eat chicken without skin Chicken will provide you with protein, bear in mind it should be skinless, there is much less fat in skinless chicken. when your body gets that protein, it will help to build up muscles and boost up your metabolism rate. This will no doubt help you lose arm fat much faster. 4 Calorie shifting diet plan To boost up your metabolism you need to use the calorie shifting diet. For this you have to be aware of what kind of diet will help you to lose the extra fat. . You need to be determined to stay on this type of diet, if you want the real results. I do not recommend that you take any weight loss pills or supplements unless prescribed by your doctor. Instead I would encourage you to find a healthy and balanced diet program by an experienced nutrition specialist that is combined with workout routines to help you losing weight. Finding a good diet and workout program is essential to help you to lose weight from all over the body as well as the arms. There are many programs out there that are available online. However, only few provide valuable and useful comprehensive information that can help you lose weight easily and effectively. Visit our website to find more information about these programs and read our review of the top ones that are available online. Also will find a lot of helpful resources – including articles and videos- if you are slim and searching only to lose fat from your arms. 4 Weeks To A Flat Stomach ! Whenever you see yourself in a mirror, how do you feel? If you are like most people you probably feel a bit despondent. You aren't totally happy with your body and in fact, sometimes you actually despise the way you look. Perhaps you've tried dieting before and even exercise to change the way you look and even if you started noticing slight changes, eventually your body seems to return to its original shape. It seems that no matter what you try nothing seems to work. The good news is there is an answer! There are some fundamental strategies that will work if you're willing to use them. Plus, these strategies are simple. They don't require an extraordinary amount of time or effort. All they require is a commitment to use them consistently. In this article, we'll cover the most effective strategies to help you flatten your stomach, lose the ‘spare tire' around your waist, and create a mid-section you can be proud of. You will be able to achieve all of this in as little as 4 weeks! Right now, whilst you are reading this article, pinch the skin next to your navel. Take a horizontal fold of skin with your thumb and index finger. Look at it and estimate how thick the skinfold is. If it is more than 2 centimetres then it's time to start taking immediate action! The first step is to start making changes to your eating and drinking habits. One of the biggest complaints I hear from personal trainers these days is that their clients' eating and drinking habits are the only things stopping them from getting the results they want. The first area you should look at is your alcohol intake. Sure, we all know that a glass of red wine every night is good for our health. Notice they say a glass and not a bottle! However, if you want to lose your belly then you have to be willing to make some sacrifices, at least for the next 4 weeks anyway. There's no need to cut out the alcohol altogether but you will need to cut it down substantially if you drink regularly. Perhaps allow yourself to have only 4 standard drinks a week. If you are a regular drinker then this one step will make a massive difference to the way you look. If you're not, then it won't make much difference at all. Let's face it, alcohol is a poison to the body and whenever it is consumed the body metabolises it before anything else. Even though alcohol doesn't get converted into body fat itself (it mainly generates heat), if you eat anything with it, the food will tend to be stored in the body. Plus, the alcohol provides quite a lot of empty calories to your body, which makes it difficult to create a calorie deficit and lose weight/ fat. Since we all tend to be so busy these days, we want everything to be quick and easy; food probably tops the list. That is why fast food outlets are so popular. Unfortunately though, convenience comes at a price, and that price is our waistlines and our health. Regular consumption of fast food will cause you to put on weight faster than almost anything else. If you are serious about flattening your stomach and losing the ‘love handles' then don't eat any fast food for the next 4 weeks. If you want a flat stomach then it is important that you eat as ‘cleanly' as possible for the next 4 weeks and don't skip any meals. This means having 5 or 6 small, healthy meals every day! Here's an example of what you should have: When you're busy or tired it is easier to get take away but rest assured if you make the effort and commitment to prepare your meals every day you will be amazed at the results you will achieve. Not only will your results be a flat stomach and better health but you will also feel a dramatic increase in your energy levels. Your body will start functioning closer to optimum levels. It is definitely worth the effort. Plus, make sure you have all of your meals, don't skip any of them. Skipping meals is one of the first strategies many people employ when they want to lose weight. Whilst reducing food intake will assist fat loss / weight loss, skipping meals is not the best way to achieve this. The human body has many contingency plans to overcome this strategy. It will reduce its output of thyroid hormones, which slows down the metabolism, it increases the production of cortisol, which breaks down muscle and slows the metabolism even further. The human body also increases appetite, which leads to over-eating and it also increases the activity of fat-storing enzymes so it tends to store more food as body fat, which will prevent future ‘famines'. If you decide to follow the nutritional plan outlined above or something similar, you will be eating much healthier. Despite this, it is impossible to get all the nutrients your body requires just from food. Accordingly, it is necessary to take supplements. Supplements are not magic but they will speed up the fat-burning process in your body as well as improve your overall health and well-being. Only a few supplements are needed to help flatten your stomach in 4 weeks. A good quality multivitamin/ mineral supplement, like MultiBoost, is a great place to start. MultiBoost is known as the dieter's multi because not only does it provide nutrients that may be lacking in the diet but it also provides specific nutrients that up-regulate thyroid function. These nutrients (iodine and selenium) are absolutely essential for dieters because if someone follows a calorie controlled nutritional plan (as they should if they want to lose weight and flatten their stomach), over time their metabolism will slow down due to down-regulation of thyroid function. Supplementing with iodine and selenium whilst dieting prevents this metabolic slow down. Omega-3's from fish oil or flax seed oil are also beneficial. Research has shown that omega-3's can assist fat burning in the body as well as provide many other health benefits. Take 4-6 fish oil capsules a day or a measured tablespoon of flax seed oil. Often people find it difficult to have 5 or 6 small meals each day to assist their weight-loss efforts. In this case, protein shakes, also known as meal replacement shakes, are a great option. They are certainly not essential but because most people are so busy they are great to have for the mid-morning and mid-afternoon meals; they are quick, easy convenient and cheap. Shakes should NOT replace whole-food meals in the diet (breakfast, lunch and dinner). If you are serious about getting a flat stomach in 4 weeks you really need to consider all possible options. Thermogenics (fat burners), like XLR8 Thermogenic, are definitely beneficial. They speed up your metabolism, give you an energy boost, and force your fat cells to release fatty acids into the blood stream, which then may be used by your body as fuel. They can certainly help you get a flat stomach fast. Thermogenics aren't for everyone though. If you have high blood pressure, take blood pressure medication or are pregnant or nursing then you will need to use a non-thermogenic fat burner, like SoLean 50+, instead. One reason why many people find it difficult to lose weight is due to their body's inability to control its blood sugar (glucose) level. A high blood glucose causes the body to secrete insulin and insulin has the effect of storing glucose as fat if the carbohydrate stores in the body are full. Insulin also stops the body from mobilising and utilising fat as a fuel source. Insulin stops fat burning in its tracks! GI Factor has been specifically designed to help keep insulin low by stabilising the blood sugar level. This results in greater fat burning in the body. It is best taken with the two largest meals and for most people this is lunch and dinner. Since they assist in keeping the blood sugar stable they will also help keep sugar cravings at bay during the ‘danger times', which are around mid-afternoon and after dinner. MultiSlim by BCN provides MultiBoost, XLR8 Thermogenic and GI Factor together in one pack. It is the ultimate weight-loss system and will help you lose weight and get a flat stomach faster than anything else on the market. If you are serious about getting the best possible results then this is your best option. The pack also offer free support to ensure you achieve your weight-loss goal as well as an information booklet that explains everything you need to do to get amazing results. For any weight-loss system to be truly effective, exercise must be a component. Ideally it is best to perform both aerobic exercise and weight training but as long as some exercise is performed that is fine. To get a flat stomach in 4 weeks you need to perform at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every day. Remember, it is only 4 weeks so you have to be willing to commit to doing whatever is necessary to get the results you want. Once you achieve a flat stomach then you can reduce your frequency of aerobic exercise to 3 times a week. The type of exercise you perform is completely up to you. Select the type of exercise you enjoy doing and can see yourself doing long term. It may be taking the dog for a walk, cycling on a stationary bike at home in front of the TV, or performing a kickboxing session with your personal trainer. The most important thing is that you enjoy the exercise. The aerobic exercise will help you burn fat during the session, especially if you've taken a thermogenic prior to it. This exercise and thermogenic combination will also dramatically boost your metabolism and keep it elevated for some time after the session is completed. As a result, it is best not to have a meal for at least 20 minutes after the session is completed. This will promote even more fat burning in your body. If possible, perform ‘interval training' for absolute maximum fat burning from the session. This involves interspersing sprints with moderate intensity exercise. However, if this doesn't suit you then don't worry. The most important thing is that you perform the aerobic exercise consistently! The weight training component is ideal for achieving the highly desired ‘toned' look to your body. Whilst it is best to perform weight training exercises for every muscle group, in this article we are focusing only on the abdominal region to help you achieve a flat stomach. A very important point is that performing abdominal exercises will NOT directly burn the fat from your stomach! It is impossible to ‘spot reduce'. However, performing a variety of abdominal exercises will help to make the muscles stronger, which will improve your core strength and help you flatten the protruding, flaccid muscles that may be hanging over your belt! Here are the 7 abdominal training principles: 1. Train all the abdominal muscles 2. Apply the abdominal training principles 3. Do not perform more than 20 reps per set 4. Train to failure on every set 5. Progressively overload the muscles 6. Don't train abs more than twice a week 7. Perform 2-3 giant sets of 5 exercises each workout If you would like to find out what abdominal exercises to perform, simply email: and we will send you the complete ‘Tone at Home' exercise that include the abdominal exercises to help you achieve a flat stomach in 4 weeks. So there you have it, the best strategies to help you get a flat stomach in 4 weeks. If you are seriously committed to achieving a flat stomach, use all of the strategies suggested here and within a month you can have a mid-section that any Hollywood star would be proud of. Go for it! 5 Benefits Of Herbalife Weight Loss Products 1. One of the best things about herbalife weight loss products is that you do not only lose pounds but also inches. This means that herbalife weight loss products do not just get rid of excess fats but also tone and shape the body built, curbing the imminent re-accumulation of fats. 2. Herbalife weight loss products do not only make you lose weight but also supply you with the nutrients that are needed by the body's cells on a daily basis. 3. Herbalife weight loss products are known to have excellent taste that is why more and more people who have tried it are satisfied with its yummy flavors. 4. Best of all, herbalife weight loss products lets you eat more of the foods you like without having to worry about accumulating more weight in the end. 5. Herbalife weight loss products are also known to help you lessen the extra calorie ingestion. Hence, losing weight will be more effective. Genetics does play a role in obesity, of course, but not as big a role as you do. In can be just an excuse. Most health experts say that the concept of genes making you heavy is a myth. For most of us, genes may set the lower limits of our weight, but we set the upper limits by our food choices. Most of us tend to put on weight as we age and if there is one thing we cannot prevent,it is the aging process. But is it age or do we just eat more, and move less with age? You just can't take being skinny for granted anymore. You have to have strategies for food control in your life, strategies that work. One of the known strategies is to take some weight loss medications. This does not necessarily mean those that are being advertised as "diet pills" but also those that are herbal medicines. One of the fast-growing herbal medicines especially formulated to help you lose weight is the so-called herbalife weight loss product. Herbalife weight loss product is one of the major breakthroughs as far as herbal medication is concerned. Herbalife weight loss products contain the necessary herbs in order to facilitate losing weight. Some of the well-known herbalife weight loss products are herbalife formula 1 strawberry weight control powder, herbalife diet formula 1 tropical fruit, herbalife formula 1 vanilla diet slim lose weight, etc. One of the best things about herbalife weight loss products is that they are great tasting products, easy-to-use, and is definitely effective in losing weight. Best of all, the prices are relatively affordable when compared to other weight loss products. Also herbalife weight loss products give you the pleasing feeling that curbs your hunger while you lose weight. If you can keep the hunger pains away,it will be much easier to lose the weight. To prevent weight gain, eat fewer calories when you are not involved in activities that burn up those calories. Then, try to incorporate herbalife weight loss products in your diet to get you through the rough times by making you feel full longer. 5 Best Way To Slim Down Your Thighs There are some people especially women, who tend to carry more weight on the thighs and buttocks. No matter what diet is used losing weight from the thighs always seems very slow. If you don't like the look of your thighs, read this. We all want to lose weight, but the hardest weight loss happens with our thighs so here is the list of exercises for slimming your thighs! If you want real exercise for your thighs to prevent them from being J-Lo like without the curves at all, here are some ideas for you to try. 1. Exercises such as squats give the best results when losing weight around your thighs is concerned and if you tighten your stomach muscles there is a good chance you will have slimmer thighs as well as firmer stomach. You can do a variety of squats in different position like wide-leg squats, or ball squats, split squats. The easiest way to do squats is to lean your backs on the wall and slowly slide towards the floor doing squats. Or you can use a chair to perform your squats more efficiently. The best routine for slimming the thighs would be to do squats* 3 times per week on alternate days. Start off very light by just using the body weight for 2-3 easy sets of 10 repetitions, then gradually build up the resistance over 3-4 weeks. 2. Walking is the best all-round exercise, as well as being great thigh slimming exercise. Walking uses practically every muscle in the body, it increases your heart rate and breathing for improved cardiovascular health and it makes you feel good. 3. Stand straight with your feet apart. Bend downwards without bending your knees. With your right hand, reach for your left ankle. Hold for a few seconds and then go back to the first position. Repeat the step, your left hand now reaching for your right ankle. Repeat this for 15 times. 4. Another thigh slimming exercise that is easy to put into practice, involves controlling what you put in your mouth. That's right – what you eat has an effect on your thighs. Gradually change your regular diet to one that includes several serves of vegetables and fruit a day, lean protein at every meal, wholegrain breads and cereals. This is one of the best natural weight loss. 5. Stand straight with your feet apart. This time when you bend downwards, you bend your knees, but still keeping your back straight. Hold the squat position for a few seconds and then go back to position. Repeat this for 15 times. 5 Common Fastest Weight Loss Method Too many dieters grab the newest, most advertised product on the market without due regard to the effect it might have on their bodies. Rapid weight loss is exciting, but nothing is more depressing to a dieter, than gaining the weight back and then some more. So surely, if someone is willing to give you a few quick tricks to lose weight fast, then you'll be all ears. Given below are a few tips and tricks to lose weight fast that will help you to cut out on all those unnecessary calories that you unknowingly pile up. 1. limit the starters and remove fat from meat. You should include in your diet products with fewer calories, like fruits and vegetables. Good selections are also foods rich in fiber. Try to turn from white to black bread and choose whole grain cereal for breakfast. 2. If at all you can't eat small and frequent meals due to the nature of your job or due to some other constraint, then you can instead follow the famous saying 'Have breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper'. This way, even if you eat only three meals a day, you still eat a lighter meal as the day progresses. Thus, you can keep weight gain at bay. Also, try to include foods that burn more calories than they contain in your diet, like fruits that have a high water content, like watermelon and papaya. 3. If you're full, or even simply satisfied, stop eating. There's no need to eat until your stomach feels like it's going to explode. Also, keep in mind that it takes a while for the nutrients in your food to enter your bloodstream, and circulate to the nerve centers in your brain that regulate appetite. Eating slowly is helpful in this regard--you give your body a chance to recognize that you've had enough to eat. 4. Setting realistic goals will ensure the weight keeps dropping and stays off. People who expect rapid weight loss to be permanent after they abandon the diet program and stringent exercise program are more likely to fail in the long term. By setting realistic weight loss goals, the dieter never loses the motivation which lead to the instigation of the weight loss program in the first place. 5. Possibly you are carefully measuring the calories you take in each meal and you forget about the snacks. There are some cookies in your office, a piece of cake brought by a colleague, the ice cream of your children etc. All this added together can sabotage your otherwise well-designed weight loss diet. If you take seriously the issue of calculating the amount of calories you consume then you better use a notepad to write down every thing that you eat throughout the day. 5 Goals Most People Never Reach In Life (but Want To) There are some things that go on the New Year's resolution list every year. This means, despite being on the resolution list for an entire year already, they still have not been accomplished. What are these universal desires people have, and why aren't they being met? Here are five goals most people never reach in life, but hope they do. Having the perfect body Losing weight is the number one goal of most Westerners, and it is easy to see that it isn't being reached. Weight loss products are some of the most successful products offered for sale, even though they often don't perform the way they claim they will. Why aren't people losing weight? Because they look at it as a process with a beginning and an end. If they do x, they'll reach y and they can go on with their lives. Losing weight or gaining muscle, or changing your appearance in any meaningful way takes a permanent change in lifestyle. Once a successful formula for change has been found, it has to be maintained forever in order to really achieve success. People are focusing on the end result: weight loss, instead of focusing on changing the underlying problem: self-discipline. This isn't to say that people are overweight because they are too lazy to stop eating; weight loss is infinitely more complex than that. It is important to note that the true change needs to happen within the mind before it can happen in the body. These inner changes include developing healthy habits, gaining self-confidence, and taking responsibility for what happens in your life. Reaching their creative potential Talent is common. Even great talent isn't unique. If talent is so common, why doesn't everyone reach their potential? Reaching one's potential takes much more than talent. Nearly everyone has an idea for a novel they want to write; nearly no one actually writes that novel. It takes perseverance, tenacity, confidence, humility, and the ability to try again to succeed and reach your potential. And, just like weight loss, it is something that never stops. A successful novelist doesn't rest once they have published their first novel. They continue with the dedication, passion, and confidence that got them that far. Because even the most successful people haven't yet reached their potential. Potential grows as you feed it with passion, practice, and devotion, and continues to do so until you die. Reaching your potential means devoting yourself to your craft and never, ever giving up. Making enough money How much money is "enough"? I bet you can remember a time when you made half as much money as you do now, when the amount you currently bring in seemed so enormous that you thought if only you could reach it, you could finally rest. So why is it still not enough? There are practical, logical reasons, of course, why your money doesn't add up like you thought it would. You've probably got a larger family or more responsibilities than you used to. The biggest reason people never reach that final threshold of having enough money is that they allow their lifestyles to expand in direct correlation to how much money they have. To allow the money you have to become enough, or even more than enough, you need to know what is truly important to you. Spend money on that, on your responsibilities, and nothing else. Being mindful and aware of where your money is going is the only way to finally feel like you have enough. Finding Love Experts estimate that 50% of people end up getting divorced and countless other people never even get married. Finding love and getting married is important to a lot of people, but yet so few people seem to reach this goal. Relationship building is hard an often time consuming. People get busy with work and distracted by technology and entertainment. Instead of going out to new places, people are also content with meeting up with the same friends. Also, people often accept their weaknesses rather than fight to improve themselves in ways that make them more attractive to the opposite gender. To improve the odds of finding the right person, commit time to improving yourself as well as trying different things to meet more people. “Arriving” Then, you might finally arrive. This is the nebulous sensation of having reached your desires. Everyone wants to feel like they've arrived, but the sensation is so vague, most people don't even know what that would look like. The secret to finally having your desires is not to achieve every point on your long list of goals. In fact, once you've achieved those goals, it is likely you will feel disappointed, because the feeling of success doesn't automatically come with concrete success. The only way to feel like you have everything you need is to be aware of each moment as it passes. Live every moment with the courage to face it honestly. Stop trying to change what you have. Accept life as it is. That is the secret to arriving. After that, the grass will never be greener anywhere else. 5 Steps To Reduce Uric Acid Levels Preventing gout and other health problems can be done by simply reducing uric acid levels in your body. Easier said, than done. Some people can make simple changes in their eating habits and uric acid levels will reduce down to an acceptable level. The rest of us have to make more than a few changes to our eating habits. But, don't worry. With my 5 steps to reduce uric acid levels, you will be able to reduce uric acid levels in your blood and have the knowledge to keep them down. 1. Reduce the intake of foods with high levels of purines. Purines are found in a lot of the foods we eat. It's almost impossible to completely eliminate all foods that contain purines, so don't even try! Just limit the amount and how often you consume them. Some examples of foods high in purines: red meat, shrimp, mackerel, mushrooms, and cauliflower are just a few. 2. Don't eat fatty foods. You should stay away from these types of foods anyway. They can clog your arteries and make you fat. The fat in these foods make it harder for your body to filter out the uric acid in your blood. 3. Keep away from alcohol and caffeine. Both are diuretics and can cause dehydration. Staying hydrated is a great way to help reduce uric acid levels. Try to drink 10 to 12 glasses of water throughout the day, even if your not thirsty. Beer drinkers beware. Beer also contains a lot of purines. 4. Lose a few pounds. If you have a few pounds you need to lose, this is a good reason to do it. I'm not saying being overweight causes high uric acid levels. But, it can be a factor. Be careful not to go to the extreme with the weight lose. Excessively quick weight loss has been known to raise uric acid levels in the body. Giving you the exact opposite result you are looking for. So don't try to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks. A nice gradual weight loss program is the best. 5. Drink milk and eat cheese! Milk and low-fat dairy products are great for reducing uric acid levels. One serving of low-fat milk and cheese per day can help lower uric acid levels in your body. 7 Lose Belly Fat Tips And Tricks My friend, I know that you are probably annoyed beyond comprehension right now with all the confusion out here on what truly does work for losing belly fat, losing weight, and getting in the best shape ever. Combining a healthy diet with regular exercise can aid in shedding those last few pounds. Rotating the kind of exercise you do and keeping up the intensity of your workouts results in faster weight loss. 1. Whole grain breakfast cereal is a rich source of complex carbohydrates that targets the belly fat, and is the best option for breakfast. Ensure they are unsweetened, and contain at least 2.5 grams of fat per serving. Another option is oatmeal, eaten unsweetened. Oatmeal has the capacity to lower blood cholesterol and target the fat cells, because it is extremely rich in fiber. 2. Change your eating habits. Many people eat larger portions and sugary, fatty foods when they are stressed or going through emotional situations. Learning how to curb your emotional eating is key to losing belly fat. Eat smaller portions and focus your diet on healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. Avoid eating late at night. 3. Consume A lot more - Rather than a few big foods, I would recommend that you simply consume many smaller sized wholesome foods during the day. Like, fresh fruit, nuts raw veggies. It will reduce food cravings, quit desires, and definitely will enhance ones metabolic process. 4. These methods apply to both men and women and people of all ages. Throw away your junk food, don't have the temptation around your house and you won't think about snacking on them. You will break the habit of reaching for cookies or chips when you want a snack. Junk food is high in sugar and refined carbs, this raises blood sugar levels and reduces the ability for the body to burn fat. 5. Many of you may be concerned about the fat contained in eggs, mainly in the egg yolk. In such a case you can discard the yolk and eat just the egg white. Egg whites are full of protein. Protein keeps the stomach full for longer, helps in building muscle, which in turn, keeps the fat away. 6. Find an exercise routine that works well for you. Rotate the type of workouts you do, and take at least two days off from exercise. These two factors will allow your muscles to rest and heal. Exercise alone may not remove your belly fat, but in combination with a healthy diet it helps to speed things along. Certain workout routines are aimed specifically at eliminating belly fat, which can be helpful. 7. Get up and exercise, don't be a couch potato. Hire a personal trainer, go to the gym, walk around your neighborhood and park the car a distance from the store to get a few more steps in. Building muscle speeds metabolism. Interval training and circuit training burns fat fast. Vary your workout routine and you will shed pound more easily. Combining different types of exercise will keep your body from a routine and will ensure that the pounds drop not only faster, but with fun involved. Exercising with a friend or colleague always makes it that much more interesting. 7 Things To Consider Before Melanotan Use Top 7 Considerations for Experimenting with Melanocytes: Tanning: Melanin is the substance that gives color (pigment) to hair and skin. Production of melanin thickens the epidermis, absorbs light rays from the sun and absorbs heat from the external environment. Fair skinned individuals lack the natural ability to tan. Low skin types on the Fitzpatrick scale require synthetic melanocyte hormone supplementation to protect themselves, thrive in certain longitudes and develop a tan. Melanocortins are able to deliver a natural tan from within as compared to a spray tan which can become a messy hassle. Libido: Stunning testimonials from test subjects include descriptions of the craziest aphrodisiac feelings. Older users report feelings of youth when you just had to make love and there was no telling the body no! Husbands and wives rave of pleasure, climax (multiple) and desire. The PT-141 date is an interesting concept. Always a topic to look out for hero stories. Melanocortins might even be effective for treating neurodegenerative diseases in the future. Weight loss: Clinical data and theory are coming to surface in regards to weight loss/obesity research with regard to melanocortin peptides. Reports that a-MSH (Melanotan 2) has fat loss/appetite suppression traits, particularly following administration for hours. During periods of fasting or in a caloric deficit, Melanotan peptide hormones exhibit greater influence body composition, feeding, fatty acid oxidation and metabolism - hence Melanotan 2 being dubbed the Barbie compound by the media. Hair: For the blond, strawberry, ginger, auburn, etc hair types out there the MT-2 will effect facial hair growing in. Very rare that hair on the head will change in color. Changes are often noted 4-6 weeks after intermittent or continuous therapy. Going from a blond (flesh-colored) beard to a dark black 5 o'clock shadow is highly desirable for the category. Dose: Rely on a common sense approach of dose escalation and experimentation. Charts which float around the net often have not kept up with the collective and advocate dangerously high dosages. Escalate the dose and dose as low as able to measure (micrograms equate to super-physiological levels). With Melanotan 2, a good starting point is 250mcg. Find the smallest effective dose possible while limiting side-effects. Everyone is different, not all peptides are created equal. Guides: Find the best information from many sources. Misinformation, trends, fades, and propaganda run rampant in the marketplace. Successful how to guides often share many similar principles which are extremely helpful to pay attention to. Creating or simply participating in user logs offers insight into the thought process of the MT-2 user. The market relies on the collective knowledge. Rare there are detailed instructions applicable to you and your specific objectives. Ask questions and engage in Melanotan discussion today! Research: Melanotan is a selective agonist of the particular melanocortin receptors. Analogues of the naturally occurring hormones continue to improve binding affinity to melanocyte cells offering new freedoms and possibilities to those with sun allergies. Magic happens through diligence, understanding and appreciation for the skin. Melanotan peptides enhance many lifestyles with some of these considerations. Check out as much info as possible before diving in. Find out each reason you should not use before a decision is made. Become an expert or plan to when considering supplementing melanocortins. I have had best results administering while fasting to see weight/appetite changes. Libido can be controlled via low doses if the objective is strictly photoprotective. Peptide combinations such as MT-II, IGF-1 and GHRP are trends catching attention. Be safe, good luck! A Beginners Guide To Fat Burners Supplements Many people around the globe suffer from weight issues. Food habits, lifestyle and genes all can contribute towards your becoming overweight. Search for weight loss solutions is therefore very high. We all know that exercises can help you lose weight and stay fit but often the results aren't as prominent as is expected. fat burners supplements are particularly popular because these help one lose weight faster by speeding up the fat burning process of the body. We get overweight when the rate with which fat accumulates in our body is higher than our metabolism rate. As a result the unused fat get stored in our body. fat burners supplements, as the name suggests, accelerate the rate of metabolism to burn out more fat. fat burners supplements would also suppress your appetite to get you eat less than normal. This along with the increased rate of metabolism would break down the fat molecules of your body faster to help you achieve the weight loss target more easily. There are now thousands of fat burners supplements available online but unfortunately not all are as effective as they would claim to be. Hence, you need to carefully choose the fat burner supplement that would worth its price. A beginners guide on fat burners supplements therefore is useful for anyone looking for weight loss solutions. Things to check in fat burner supplements Ingredients: You need to carefully check the components used in the supplement. Phentemine, Ephedra, HCA, Chitosan and Pyruvate are some of the fat burning components known for their fat burning ability. You need to find supplements which contain these fat burning ingredients over generic vitamins and minerals. FDA guidelines: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) board is responsible for public health safety. Manufacturers are therefore required to obtain a clearance certificate from the FDA to be able to market their products for general consumption. One best way to choose an effective fat burner supplement is to buy the one with FDA certification. Price: The price of fat burners supplements vary widely between the manufacturers. You may therefore compare the prices of different brands of supplements before purchasing. However, since quality depends greatly upon the price, the cheap fat burners are often not as effective as the expensive ones. You may therefore do your own research before parting with your hard earned money. Manufacturers declaration: The manufacturer's declaration would guarantee upon the authenticity of the product and its effectiveness. Also confirm the money back policy of the supplier to avoid inconvenience. Till 1990s fat burners were available in abundance in the market but then there has been an outcry over the negative side effects of one of the fat burning ingredient- Phentemine, which had forced the authority of put a ban on the fat burners supplements. But over the years many scientific advancements have been made in this area and the fat burners supplements currently available in the market are free from the negative effects of their earlier version. One may however still consult the doctor before using one. A Body Type Diet Tailored To You Unique Needs A close observation of the people around you will unveil an interesting fact. There appear to be four distinct body shapes that people fall into. Most people think they are simply stuck with this shape and can't do anything about it. It is true that there are genetic tendencies. It is also true that hormonal imbalances will cause excessive distortions of accumulated fat in different locations around the body. Internal hormonal imbalances can, and do, affect our external appearance. In order to effectively get healthy and lose weigh we must each follow our own unique body type. Each person's body is unique and each has its own specific needs. There are four different body types that each of us falls into and each type has a corresponding body type diet that will directly counteract the hormonal imbalances that are happening in the body - It is actually hormones that control where fat is deposited in your body. You will not only lose weight by following your own body type diet, but you'll also diminish the odds of further health problems in the process. Your body type diet provides you a diet balanced according to the nutrition your body needs, and counteracts the negative effects of fat making hormones. Applying your body type diet will help you control your weight. It will also improve your health as a result. So many people start weight loss routines but wind up right where they started. All too often they'll weigh even more than they did when they first started their diet. One of the main reasons that so many people fail at their diets and become yo-yo dieters is because they've been told that consuming fewer calories than are burned will assure you of weight loss. The problem with this belief is that hormones see food calories in a different way than we might think. Eating the wrong foods, period, will not allow you to lose weight. People who don't follow diets correctly may lose weight for some time, but if they do not know about the basic principles of fat burning, and of their correct body type diet, they find themselves back at their original weight. This is not going to do you any good and can actually affect your health adversely. When you learn the principles about your body type diet you are going to learn that many of the things that you thought were facts were not at all as you imagined. You will learn such things as the fact that 95% of your weight loss happens at night. Imagine all those hours of weight loss that you missed because you got up 3 hours early to hit the gym for exercise. I am going to guess you probably didn't know that eating the wrong foods after your work out will actually prevent weight loss and take away the benefits that you should have gotten from your exercise. For instance: If you have the adrenal body type, getting a good night's sleep can be the issue. Your body is being exposed to too much stress, and because of this you crave energy; coffee, energy drinks, and chocolate, for instance. This leads to difficulty when it comes to sleeping regular hours. The adrenal type's body type diet can contain more proteins than the other types. Quite often, a pot-belly is a primary characteristic of the Liver body type. Dry skin, dandruff and a yellowish eye-color - these signs show the liver body type being caused by a malfunctioning liver. It is recommended that the liver body type follow a body type diet that contains a good serving of potassium and protein from eggs and fish. Bananas are good for this body type diet due to its high potassium content. Compliment this body type diet with short, intense work outs and you will see signs of improvement. Women only can be an Ovary body type, with the charachteristic "saddlebags". The areas being affected are around the hips and the thighs. A specific diet for an ovary body type should include a good serving of anti-estrogen vegetables, and protein that are hormone-free. Along with light, intense exercise, this diet will result in an improved figure. The Thyroid body type is often the case if your body fat is evenly distributed throughout your body, as opposed to a large mass of fat in a single area. For this body type diet, iodine-rich foods should be replacing fatty sweets. Iodine can be found in many vegetables, and for the thyroid body type diet, an ample percentage of vegetables are recommended, along with a little exercise. Once you have the information that you need about your body type diet you will be able to lose weight by working smarter instead of working harder. Not only will you look better but you will feel better. This should be your primary goal – total health. About Fda-approved Weight Loss Drugs Obesity is a sickness that affects anyone at any age. According to reports, as much as 65% of adult Americans are suffering from obesity. This number increases every year. Even children are becoming obese because of the lack of discipline in monitoring their diets. About obesity Simply put, obesity equates to being overweight or having an excessive amount of body fat. Obesity can be measured through one's body mass index (BMI), or the proportion of one's height to his weight. If your BMI is more than 25, you are considered obese. A more severe form of obesity, morbid obesity, is characterized by being over 100 lbs. overweight or having a BMI of over 40. Complications If left untreated, obesity can cause serious health complications such as difficulty in motor movement, high blood pressure, heart complications, and diabetes. Obesity is known to be a major factor in causing Type 2 diabetes. As much as 90% of diabetics are overweight. Finding the cure Because of these threats, Americans are constantly finding ways to curb weight gain. An estimated $56 billion is being spent every year on weight loss methods and products. Sadly, though, as much as $6 billion of this is being spent on fraudulent and ineffective weight loss products. Weight loss products There are lots of weight loss products being sold in the market today. Weight loss pills and patches can be found in local grocery stores and websites, claiming to provide the fastest and easiest means to lose weight. Scientists, however, have warned that most of these products have not undergone rigorous testing procedures like other over-the-counter medications. As such, the long-term effects and safety of these products remain unknown. Weight loss patches One of the weight loss products being sold today is the Dermaloss weight loss patch. The Dermaloss weight loss patch is placed on the skin like a band-aid. It is said to work by eliminating hunger and boosting metabolism. Because it is placed on the skin, the Dermaloss weight loss patch can be worn discreetly for up to 24 hours. Unlike weight loss pills, the Dermaloss weight loss patch does not have to pass through the digestive system, allowing a faster effect. Ingredients The Dermaloss weight loss patch is made from natural ingredients. Its main content is Fucus Vesiculosus, a natural seaweed that stimulates the thyroid glands. Other ingredients of the Dermaloss weight loss patch are: o Garcinia Cambogia - an ingredient in fruits native to South India and China. This chemical is supposed to work as an appetite suppressant o Guarana - said to boost metabolism and improve overall digestion How it works The Dermaloss weight loss patch injects chemicals into the body through the skin. Because it does not pass through the digestive system, essential chemicals for weight loss are not eliminated. This weight loss patch costs $24. Other forms The Dermaloss weight loss patch also has other forms, including a patch that contains Hoodia Gordonii, an active ingredient found in plants native to Africa. Hoodia is said to be used mainly as an appetite suppressant. Does it work? Despite their claims of aiding in weight loss, there is no scientific basis to back them up. Science has not made enough research on the effectiveness of weight loss patches, as well as their long-term effects and possible complications. As such, extra care should be taken when buying weight loss patches. Do not be easily fooled by would-be client testimonials. On weight loss There are no quick fixes when it comes to losing weight. Weight loss products and programs claiming to provide the easiest and fastest means of losing weight are most probably fraudulent or ineffective. If not, the effects may only be temporary. And once you stop using them, you can you can gain back even more than you lost. When it comes to weight loss, the best solution is to eat less and exercise more. Losing weight takes time, effort, and perseverance. Consistency and discipline are also essential. Before taking any weight loss pills or enrolling in a weight loss program, it is always best to consult an expert for advice. Also, research thoroughly about a product or program to learn everything you can about it. Acai Berry And Green Tea For Weight Loss Hey all Im a guy and recently I found a couple cool things that help me shed 40 lbs. Everyday of course I'm constantly bombarded with snickers and insults because of my weight in public etc. It's not like that anymore for me. I have been doing a bit of jogging but also been taking a few different products that I know have made the difference. The first thing I have been doing is taking a cool thing called acai berry. The claims on the bottle sounded too good to be true but I decided since it was a natural berry picked right off a tree and not some man made chemical . My friends said it was really great so I had to try it. It also said it would flush my colon clean and I would shed excess pounds which obviously piqued my interest immediately. WIth those factors weighing in I took the free trial and began taking it immediately as soon as it came. I felt instantly better after a couple days and I began to literally dissolve my excess pounds within a week. I combined this with a green tea exract that I have been taking for some time now (but not religiously). I decided I would follow the instructions and take both every day. 2 months later I am here 40 lbs. lighter and not a bit of excess flab or skin on me. IF you actually take the products daily and not every 3rd day like so many of us do then this acai beryr and green tea combination will 100% work for you. In my humble opinion that is the biggest reason people fail at diets that work for other people - they skip days, eat 10 lbs of icecream with their diet pills, etc. Follow my exact plan if you want and get a free trial of acai extreme here. After a bit of searching I also found a free trial of green tea extract (I paid for mine). Advantages Of Playing Basketball Playing team sports such basketball is one of the best ways for people—especially those who have big families or those who have groups of friends—to enjoy spending time with another. It is also one of the best ways to maintain a healthy body since it can serve as a daily exercise. In fact, many people play basketball because they want to maintain an ideal weight and they want to be active. PLAYING BASKETBALL IMPROVES SKILLS Aside from gathering people together, many don't realize it but sports that are played by team such as basketball can bring about many advantages compared to those that are played by individuals. Primarily, the biggest advantage would be playing team sports such as basketball is that it is more fun since it involves so many people with different personalities. One of the major advantages of playing team sports such as basketball include is that it helps people develop their social skills. Since most of the team sports encourage people to interact and get along with other members while playing the game, playing basketball helps each individual to develop good social skills to win the respective game. It is also one way of learning how to properly mingle with other people and respecting their individual personalities. Aside from improving the social interaction of people, playing basketball also helps instill the value of unity and cooperation. One of the major advantages of team sports such is that is teaches each member the value of being one while playing the sport. Since everybody wants to win, all members will be forced to cooperate with one another to achieve a common goal of winning. Playing basketball also helps improve the person's overall skill levels. As a team, the members are expected to rely on one another performances. When playing basketball, there is a possibility that the overall performance of the group will improve once they see each other desire to win. BASKETBALL HELPS KEEP A HEALTHY BODY These days, people are into more into more popular weight loss means such as indulging into weight loss diets. Little do they know that a simple sport such as basketball can do all the work in keeping healthy and fit body. One thing that sets playing basketball apart from weight loss plans and diets out there is that it promotes and encourages versatility since playing basketball can be played alone for a practice or with a team. One good thing about playing basketball is that it aids good lung and heart conditions. Experts say that basketball helps increase oxygen that can be found in the body, hence, it makes people have better lung and heart function. It also enables good utilization of oxygen as well making the person's heart use oxygen supply more efficiently. If played regularly, basketball can help people prevent and even cure illnesses of the heart. Aside from conditioning the heart and lungs, playing basketball can also help control the body's fat along with proper diet and strength training, increase the body's resistance to fatigue resulting to the supply of extra energy, helps achieve toned muscles and could increase a person's body mass, prevents stress, vital to good sleep and can generally the person's stamina. AdvoCare Meal Replacement Shake compared to Body By Vi Shape Shake Weight Loss Protein Shakes Challenge: AdvoCare Meal Replacement Shake vs. ViSalus Body By Vi-Shape Nutritional Shake Meal Replacement Shakes are an excellent addition to your weight management program. They give you an alternative to high-calorie meals packed with sugars, fat and other empty calories, and provide the protein and nutrients you need to stay at your best. Meal replacement shakes are probably the most valuable and underrated weight loss supplement. In fact, they really are not supplements at all – They are complete meals. Meal replacement shakes provide a perfect, compact meal that is high in protein, low in fat (some have no fat) are low in carbohydrates, and contain all your essential vitamins and minerals. For optimum fat-burning and muscle-building results, we need to consume a quality protein, moderate-carb, low-fat meal about every three to four hours. This equals about 5 meals per day. So, replace two of your whole food meals with a quality protein, low calorie, low carb meal replacement shake and you will drastically start burning off stored body fat. A healthy diet protein shake can taste great, fill you up and help you lose weight. We are going to cover two popular healthy diet protein shakes that claim they can help you do just that. Who will be the winner? Will it be Advocare Meal Replacement Shake or ViSalus Vi-Shape Nutritional Shake Mix? So ~ lets compare two popular choices for meal replacement shakes : AdvoCare Meal Replacement Shake VS ViSalus Vi-Shape Nutritional Shake. Diet Protein Shake Taste Challenge: * AdvoCare Meal Replacement Shake comes in 3 flavors : Chocolate, Vanilla, and Berry. You can add fruit to customize them more, but you cannot get around having a chocolate, vanilla or berry taste. * Vi-Shape Nutritional Shake Mix comes in Sweet Cream flavor. You can easily enjoy this as-is or easily change the taste by mixing in your favorite fruits. You can also get ViSalus Health Flavor Mix Ins that add not only great flavors but great health benefits as too. With the Health Flavor mix ins, Vi-Shape shakes can be enjoyed in thousands of different variation. Winner: ViSalus Vi-Shape Nutritional Shake for being the most customizable to your taste preferences. Diet Protein Shake Quality Protein Challenge: * AdvoCare Meal Replacement Shake uses a combination of whey protein concentrate, calcium caseinate, milk protein isolate and an amino acid blend. Each serving has 24 g of protein. * Vi-Shape Nutritional Shake includes a unique, concentrated and highly absorbable blend of proteins called Tri-sorb protein. What makes this blend special is it has the highest quality whey available, whey hydrosolate along with the whey protein isolate and non GMO soy with the isoflavones removed. The tri-sorb protein is the fastest absorbed and utilized form of protein available. The protein has been processed to remove fat, lactose, carbohydrates and isoflavones to provide the most pure as possible concentrated protein. Each serving has 12 g of whey/non-GMO soy protein. Winner: ViSalus Vi-Shape Nutritional Shake because of its superior form of Tri-sorb protein. At just 12 grams, it is superior because you actually absorb and utilize more of the Tri Sorb protein. Because the isoflavones are removed from the soy, it is an appropriate supplement for building muscle. Need more protein? Instead of using water for your shake use an organic nut milk, rice milk, cow milk or soy milk. Diet Protein Shake Ingredient Challenge: * AdvoCare Meal Replacement Shakes offer a combination of vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates , fiber and probiotics that are wholesome and easy to digest. There are 26 vitamins and minerals and only 220 calories per serving. * Supplement Facts -Advocare Chocolate Flavor: o Total Calories: 220 o Total Fat: 3 g o Total Cholesterol: 40 mg o Total Sodium: 80 mg o Total Carbohydrates: 24g o Total Dietary Fiber: 6 g o Total Sugars: 12g o Total Protein: 24g * Vi-Shape Nutritional Shake has ultra-high-quality ingredients that will provide you with a unique blend of Tri-sorb protein, non-GMO soy protein, fibersol to help keep you feeling full without the gas, pre-biotics, aminogen to help with absorption plus 23 vitamins and minerals along with other ingredients to help you burn fat. When you blend a shake, you end up with a large 16 to 20 oz smoothie to keep you full for hours! * Supplement Facts – Vi-Shape Shake: * o Total Calories: 90 o Total Fat: 1 g o Total Cholesterol: 15 mg o Total Sodium: 75 mg o Total Carbohydrates: 7g o Total Dietary Fiber: 5 g o Total Sugars: Aerobics And Weight Loss Aerobics are practiced all through the world for weight loss purposes. You can also lose a significant amount of weight by practicing aerobics or more commonly called cardiovascular exercises. Aerobics involve rhythmic activity involving large muscle groups. If you are interested in aerobics and weight loss, you have come to the right place. Benefits of aerobics Aerobics has several health benefits, and weight loss is just one of them. Some other health benefits are: " Enhanced energy levels " Improved mental health, and reduced stress " Increased lung and heart efficiency " Reduced blood pressure, and heart attack risk How much How much aerobics is required on an average for healthy weight loss? About half an hour of jogging can send up about 300 calories. This can create a considerable input to weight loss. You do not need to join a gym to do aerobics. Some cardiovascular exercises can be done at your home. An easy option is by playing your favorite music and dancing in your home, while cleaning. This will not just be healthy, but also entertaining. Outdoor aerobics You can walk fast, and it can be considered as cardiovascular exercise, as long as you are breathing faster and your heart rate is increased. You can also consider running or jogging for weight loss. You can also practice aerobics at the gym, and practice on machines such as ski and rowing machines, stairmasters, exercise bikes, cross trainers, and treadmills. There are many ways to practice aerobics and work towards fast weight loss. A Few Easy To Follow Weight Loss Tips You Can Use To Start Losing Weight Today Need a little extra help trying to slim down? Here's a couple of good weight loss tips which will help you when you find yourself trying to lose a few pounds. Practical, common sense tips that's simple to do, and you can use them beginning right now for successful weight reduction. Try to avoid missing meals, and keep a regular routine for your eating habits. Although it's true that you're supposed to be going on a diet and cutting back on your calories that doesn't mean eliminating your meals entirely or to reduce your consumption of calories to drastically. Whenever you don't eat food consistently you're actually hindering your body's ability to get rid of the excess fat. Your body will begin to automatically slow down it's metabolism to compensate for the decrease in calories and the lack of food for fuel will hamper your body's fat burning capabilities, thus making weight reduction more and more difficult in the end. Therefore not eating breakfast or skipping meals to decrease on calorie intake to try and lose weight is a bad idea. Instead try to eat 5-6 smaller sized meals and snacks throughout the day to keep blood sugar levels more consistent. This way your body will burn fat more efficiently and the extra calories will be less likely to be converted into body fat. Exercise - Increase your physical activity throughout the day to burn off more calories, lots of people do it in the form of exercise. It will help to jumpstart your body's metabolism causing it to burn off much more calories which otherwise would likely turn into fat, another added benefit is that it's great for your cardiovascular health. It also helps to help control your appetite. Drink enough of water - it enhances weight loss. Water has almost no calories and will also help your body's calorie burning capabilities if you aren't not dehydrated. It also helps to make you feel fuller and suppresses your urge for food and hunger pangs. Eat more fiber - Most people do not get enough dietary fiber in their diets. It suppresses your appetite by helping to make you to feel fuller and your body doesn't digest and so it won't add any more calories. It just passes right through your body, but excess food cholesterol and other potential toxins attaches itself to it and is passed through the body at the same time and is less likely to be turned into fat making losing weight easier. Consuming enough dietary fiber also offers some other marvelous healthy benefits. Eat complex carbs - (low glycemic), whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables. Low glycemic carbs won't spike the bloodsugar as much this makes your body less likely to turn the extra calories into fat. The same is true for wholegrain foods that haven't been refined or processed. The body works harder to digest it (burning more calories) and the healthy nutrients haven't been removed. Another simple tip for losing weight which you can follow whenever you are grocery shopping is to create a list prior to going to the grocery store and to stay with that list. Never go shopping when you're hungry or the tendency will be to pick foods impulsively, you are going to be tempted to buy junk food which includes no nutritional value just because it looks a good idea at the time. Impulsive food shopping when you're famished and not making a grocery list can easily help to throw a monkeywrench into your plans for taking off those extra pounds. When it comes to losing weight a few simple and easy practical tips, and using a little common sense will go a long way in helping you to take off those extra pounds. Affirmations For Weight Loss Fat loss affirmations are usually incredibly effective resources, which may enable you to accomplish your get slimmer goals. Weight-loss affirmations should be fully extended to other facets of one's everyday life in addition to enabling you to accomplish whatever other dreams you could possibly have. Weight-loss affirmations usually are positive phrases, which encompass whatever you'd choose to reach. The particular points you would like to manifest, that is, to turn into reality - in your existence. Undoubtedly you've read about the Law of Attraction, made well-liked through the widely known series of self-help dvds and books. In accordance with the Law of Attraction, one brings to oneself the actual items you believe in and really "feel" the most about. When your own weight-loss affirmations express together with develop a far healthier, slimmer you, it is precisely what you are going to create. Your weight loss affirmation really should be repeated aloud on a every day basis. Soon, they are going to direct you to accomplishing your weight-loss objectives. Your weight-loss affirmations need to be paired with positive visualization. You would like to "see" and "feel" yourself at your ideal weight. You want to rejoice in the image of yourself that you are generating inside your thoughts. It really is essential to fully grasp that you have lived your life in a certain way...for a reason. And that your weight has -in some way- served you. Inside your weight-loss affirmations and visualizations, you might wish to focus on replacing the needs that your weight used to fulfill, with a healthier and a lot more positive life style. You may need to try and repeat your weight loss affirmations quite frequently at very first. You will notice that, as time goes by, your subconscious thoughts will provide less resistance to the affirmations, and they are going to start turning into realities. Here are ten suggested weight loss affirmation which you could try out: - I'm thinner each and every day. - I make wholesome selections in my life. - I take pleasure in being wholesome. - I lose weight effortlessly. - I am losing weight now. - I adore wholesome foods. - I opt for physical exercise frequently. - I've the power to alter my life. - I consume only what I will need. - My body is becoming slimmer and healthier every day. Repeating your weight loss affirmations at instances where you happen to be tempted to overeat, will allow you to stay focused and on track. Bear in mind that your weight reduction affirmations are readily in the present tense. They are happening now!. You could attempt and develop your own weight reduction affirmations, which resonate along with your own certain needs. Give this strategy a shot!. Weight management affirmations will bring your weight reduction goals closer to you! African Mango Diet Pill - Does It Really Work? Even renowned news agency, Fox News also did a study based on the African Mango Diet Pill. But fact remains that after going through an endless list of scam medicines boasting of their virtually unbeatable capability of causing weight loss; public is all the more skeptic about the possible effects of its weight reduction capability. So here is the million dollar question: does the African Mango Diet Pill really work? The answer is... a Big YES. Obviously most of you are not going to believe me right now but stay with me and I am going to present to you a list of facts and study results pointing at the working success of the medicine. We start our research with the fox news item of research which I talked about in the beginning. Their study was based on 100 over weight individuals who participated unconditionally in this research. At the end of a specified time period they all reported an average weight loss of no less than 25 pounds. You've seen the diet pill advertisements, they crowd up your inbox and pop up all over the web and your television. You've probably seen various testimonials claiming that all kinds of people, like you, have lost weight using diet pill regimen. If you've never tried a diet pill to lose weight, you may be wondering if using diet pills will work for you. Many diet pills will help you to lose weight fast. Being that we li Not to mention the stability effect which the pill showed on the cholesterol levels as well as sugar levels of the participating individuals. This should be enough proof for you to go ahead. Since you are still continuing with reading my article I assume you are definitely not convinced yet. Let me take the help of Doctor Oz. show. The show which is an all time hit reviewed the mini miracle medicine as one of the largest breakthrough supplement and a miracle in your medicine closet. Dr Oz. also went on to call the ingredient fruit as a "super fiber". The reviews of shows and researches may have not made that much impact on your perception about this diet pill, but let me give you a user review that might help. A close friend of mine has been using this medicine for two months now. His experience is actually very interesting. He narrates that when he started the usage of this pill he was himself very skeptical but the first month of usage made him look forward to another month long program which also incorporated the workout routine. And to me as well as to his utmost shock he was 12.3 pounds lighter at the end of that month. The workout routine chosen by my friend had been not the hardest. It was a half an hour running or one hour walk. I hope that it has been an interactive and knowledge based and I am further hoping that may arguments have made the impact I was looking forward to get from them. Surely the pill is asking for some sort of leap of faith but I can guarantee you that it is worth it. Weight loss can be a challenge but it doesn't have to be as hard as you think. A Great Shampoo That Can Make Your Hair Grow Sooner We all like to obtain contemporary, cleanse hair and several will wash their hair with a each day basis to acquire the glimpse. It's not a smart thought even so to wash it every day as it strips your hair of its normal oils. The hair requirements these oils so as to develop balanced and retain it powerful. Whilst searching for the most effective shampoo to generate your hair develop swifter, consider the hibiscus-dependent shampoo from Mira Herbals. Hibiscus a bouquet of flowers actually will be the only flower known to boost anagen or even the progress phase in the hair by as much as 30%. The best time to use hibiscus is when it really is freshly extracted to have one of the most out of it. The very best shampoo to make use of to increase your hair quickly is Maraby's GRO shampoo, which is according to arjuvedic formulation. An all-all-natural compound acknowledged for marketing hair advancement, make sure your shampoo consists of it. Other valuable guidelines for promoting hair growth involve · Drink at least 6-8 glasses of drinking water daily. · Attempt to prevent eating any form of junk food, which include quick food stuff. · Will not pull or tug on your hair. You can pull the hair out by the roots, or at the quite least hurt the root. · Give your head a nice soothing restorative massage daily. Flip your mind upside down and restorative massage under your hair a minimum of twice each day. · Look at braiding your hair. This basically helps make it stronger and assists it to grow faster much too. · you are going to want to generate guaranteed to offer your self a great trim every single two to 3 months. This can enable retain your hair neat and easier to take care of. · Get started using vitamins every day, in particular biotin. Natural vitamins preserve you as well as your hair wholesome and helps your hair mature. · Wash your hair every single other evening in place of every single day. Preserve the pure oils on your own head in place of washing them aside. · Do not design your hair with heated tools like curling irons and blow dryers. The warmth will only succeed in damaging the fragile hair. · Sustain a healthy and balanced diet regime of fruits and vegetables daily. · Add almonds, peanuts and vitamin C to your weight loss plan. · Place your hair into a ponytail a few moments a week. This really does enable your hair increase more rapidly, too as protects it. · Get enough protein with your diet plan. Hair is largely produced up of protein so that is an critical word of advice. · Be sure you are receiving plenty of sleep each night, 8 several hours for the best benefits. · Get started an work out method over a each day basis. Not simply is getting the body going good on your well-being, it is really beneficial for hair progress. · Will not above diet. Avoid dramatic excess weight loss by eating lots of vegetables, fruits and also other nutrition-filled food items. · Strain could make your hair begin to fall out, so unwind and give by yourself a break additional frequently. · Finally, use Mira hair oil and shampoo for faster hair development. It's straightforward to locate to the net And there you've got it a handful of proven approaches to would make your hair develop swifter Air Climber Exercises For Getting You In Great Shape If you believe air climber exercises will help you lose weight and healthy you're right but with a big proviso, namely you must put as much hard work into what you eat and also their volumes as you do with your physical exercises. It's no tiny secret in which the air climber will give you a fantastic cardio workout as well as developing and sculpting your muscles, but if you're still providing on the lbs by eating foods that cause problems then you're functioning against your present objective rather than with it. If you've been performing aerobic routines and you're dissatisfied in the benefits, you will likely see that the air climber exercises will take you to the next level of accomplishment because of the added resistance provided by the optional use of the cords. In order to achieve success along with the air climber stepper you must have equally motivation along with commitment. You have to know why at length it is you're placing your body by means of this workout regime. Be very specific about this. Don't only say, "To free weight when you can point out, "To loose fat so I can buy the next dress size down. Next take that will to the next stage and declare, "So I can buy the next costume size down so I will appear more attractive in order to Mr Hot. I won't take the case in point any further due to the fact who knows wherever it would find yourself! The world is full of people with, would be', could be' and also should be' attitudes which simply lack the inspiration to succeed. If you have a fear stopping you moving forward then you need to take care of it in case you're going to accomplish your goal. As an example if the regarded joint pain is often a concern next get medical advice and suited equipment. Air climber exercises make the perfect help for those who have this problem because the design makes it quite simple on your joints. We all know that will to be suit you need to exercise routine and the final result is more energy for both work as well as leisure instances. What a whole lot overlook is that you can make the exercise a lot of fun. The air climber workouts are great to complete in organizations. Because the air climber stepper is small and lightweight it can be transportation to a friend's home or backyard and used as a exciting way to get friendly. Don't however fall under the snare of making your exercises conditional for a friends staying there. Choose to be devoted and just go for it. If you are set on achieving a target you can help yourself by setting yourself small rewards for time doing air climber exercises and also a bigger reward for attaining a certain fat goal as well as dress sizing. By using the workouts provided you'll think it is is easy to reduce all the bodyweight you want, and yet, you'll find it is exciting doing the actual exercise which can only cause you to spend more time carrying out more workouts, which needless to say results in higher weight loss. The air climber physical exercises provided by Brenda Dygraf are exciting to do but not as hard as many stepper devices because of the oxygen system in operation, which has a tendency to help as opposed to hinder your exercise routine. Alcohol And Lap Band Surgery- A Big No Lap band surgery is an option that gives you the liberty to enjoy your life to the fullest and now you don't have those extra pounds pounding around the body. Lap band is basically a silicone band that is placed around the abdominal area which limits the intake of food and leads to lesser cravings for food. Most of the people who think of going in for lap band surgery are apprehensive whether the intake of alcohol is allowed or not. There is lot many things that are to be taken into consideration if one wants to have alcohol after undergoing lap band surgery. One thing that all weight loss enthusiasts need to know is that they are undergoing lap band surgery to lose weight and alcohol is going to add unnecessary calories to the body. It is a well known fact that alcoholic beverages are rich in calories and this is the reason that they are not recommended for the patients who have undergone lap band surgery. Most of the dieticians advise their patients to completely cut down or alcohol if they want to enjoy some great results from lap band surgery. Another important reason why alcohol is not permitted after Lap band surgery is that it interferes with the vitamins present in the body and can even lead to severe complications. Vitamins like A, E, and D reacts badly with alcohol and can in severe situations lead to major health related complications. There are many people who consume alcohol empty stomach; this is one such habit that has to be given an end after lap band surgery. Most of the doctors advise their patients not to drink with meals because drinking with meals will wash food out of the stomach faster and due to this they will not feel full as long as they would if they did not drink with meals. Carbonation is another important reason why lap band surgery is not recommended for the daily drinkers. When alcohol is consumed by the lap band patients, this can lead to severe stomach pain and even gas. Carbonated alcoholic beverages that are to be avoided after lap band surgery are champagne and beer. One last reason why alcohol is a big no for the lap band patients is extremity. It has been found that heavy drinking causes trouble and this is the reason that habitual drinkers are advised to take in moderate dosage of alcohol. One important point, alcohol consumption can make all those good results of lap band surgery lose their meaning, so it is better to stay away from it if one wants to enjoy a healthy life. All About Effective Weight Loss There is an epidemic in recent times, a silent killer that is claiming millions of Americans every single year. It costs tax payers and insurance companies billions in pay-outs and affects the day to day quality of life of millions. This epidemic is obesity. The quality of most Americans lives is greatly diminished by this epidemic and if you find yourself in this group of effected people you are not alone. The food and weight loss industries are raking in billions of dollars every year, as it stands they profit from keeping you confused about effective weight loss. You can fight back from these industries propaganda and by making a few simple living changes, you can see your waist-line shrink and your quality of life dramatically improve. The easiest way to learn about weight loss is to get simple with it. If you ignore the fancy diets and the extreme work outs, you can learn one simple thing. If you take in more calories than you expend, you will gain weight; and the reverse is true, if you expend more calories than you consume, you will lose weight. So let's delve down a bit more, there are two sides to this coin: what you eat, and how you burn calories. However we can drive down a bit deeper still and say that there are various levels of each method that can help you figure out a plan of action that works for you to bring your weight down to a much more manageable level. For example, if you take on a super lean liquid diet, you will drop weight quick without doing much of anything in terms of exporting calories. On the flip side you can go to the gym for three hours a day and eat whatever you want. The idea is simple, balance the equation and you can control your weight, the better you eat, the less exercise you need to do and the more exercise you do the more leigh-way you have with food. Speaking of food, lets consider some options you have to help facilitate a new healthier life style. The biggest thought to remember is that you are trying to make changes in your life style to help you lose the weight and keep it off. Crash diets are highly ineffective for this reason, so rather than swearing off everything try to cut one thing at a time for your diet. One method that has worked for a lot of people is to impose a "spending limit" at fast food places. Often people that over-eat at fast food places find that by imposing a five dollar limit they can still be happy with the amount of food they get, but take in considerably fewer calories. Another popular method is to go "part-time vegan". By going vegan three to five days a week you can considerably cut down on your calorie intake, to the point where the days you are not eating vegan you can have just about anything you want. Adopting this lifestyle can also help you get all the nutrients you are likely missing out on with your current diet. However, a diet is not just about cutting away the junk. It is important to substitute in healthy food to keep you away from the junk. As a benefit, eating healthier will give you more energy and help you to feel better. This effect can be quite addicting on people, and just through this simple change in diet you may boost your life to a much higher level. It may be just the thing to kick start your new healthy life and put you on the path to healthy eating, and new hobbies that get you up off your couch and outside into some fresh air where you can burn away calories with no problem. Cardio is important to help metabolize the fat that is already there and help shred it away, by combing both methods you are able to shed weight and keep it away, contributing to highly effective weight loss. If you need any help starting these programs, meet with your gym and find a personal trainer who will help get you on a program to shed away those pounds. Once you have your diet squared away you can concentrate on a work out program that works for you. The two most effective plans will be high-intensity cardio and lifting weights. Both of these methods work great because they boost your metabolism and help you burn calories for hours after your work out has ended. Remember that muscle needs calories to grow and maintain, so by having more muscle mass you can increase your caloric intake without gaining any fat. Some people though have a lot of trouble keeping up with these types of plans because they find them boring. While there is no secret to making the process more entertaining you can try things that you find more entertaining instead. Things like team sports and classes can go a long way to holding your interest in a work out program which will go a long way towards keeping your weight down. While these may not be as effective methods of losing weight, if you can stick with it, they will be much more effective long term. After all, we are making long term commitments. So now that you know a little bit about the basics, sit down and plan out a simple one page plan with specifics. If you go past that you are likely over-thinking it. Write down the things you will cut out of your diet, things you will add in to help get nutrients you need and what style of a work out plan you will have. Post this plan up on your bathroom mirror and go over it everyday while you brush your teeth. Effective weight loss does not need to be difficult, with just a few simple steps you can go a long way to a much healthier life style and a considerably higher quality of life. All Diet Pills Should Be Banned To Keep or Not to Keep? All diet pills are not created equally and should be banned. In fact, when Hydroxycut was discovered to be the cause of stroke, aneurysm, and heart attacks in thousands of dieters who took the supplement, the FDA didn't ban it. In fact, they allowed the manufacturers of the diet supplement to re-package it and resell it. Diet pills are extremely expensive, they don't work, and they continue the cycle of denial for dieters. Most people believe all you have to do is pop a pill and magically the weight will disappear. It's understandable then that most of the world believes that all diet pills are the cure for obesity. Cost Outweighs Benefits The top selling diet pills on the market (and even the not so top selling ones) are expensive. What makes them costly is not only their initial price, but the monthly payments. Diet pills come in 30-day supplies. The top selling diet pills cost at least $80 bucks. It takes at least 3 months of working out at the gym consistently before seeing results. Eighty dollars a month multiplied by 3 months (minimum) totals $240. Remember, though, the average person doesn't get "ripped" or "buff" until at least 6 months. So if you multiply 6 times 80, you're looking to spend $480 over a six month period!There's a cheaper, healthier alternative. A Healthier Alternative What are dieters trying to achieve when they purchase these diet pills? They're looking for quick weight loss, convenience, and muscle. Wow. That's a lot of benefits to get from one tiny little pill. Unfortunately, the solution is not in the pill. But dieters can get those same results in a healthier way. For instance, if they want quick weight loss, they should restrict their carb intake. The key is they have to know which carbs to restrict. They'll have to restrict their intake of white flour products, rice, potatoes and sugar. Those are called refined carbohydrates. They will need to replace these carbs with complex carbohydrates - meaning fruit, vegetables and high fibrous cereals. Building Muscle The second thing dieters are looking for in these diet pills is the ability to build muscle. The only way you can build muscle is through resistance training. Convenience The last thing and probably one of the most important thing dieters are looking for is ease and convenience. Dieters can still find convenience in preparing everyday foods. If you cut carbs and still expect to lose weight eating 32 ounces of steak, you are in for a big surprise. Buy a measuring cup, measuring spoon, and a food scale. Practice weighing 4 ounces of protein so that you can learn how to eyeball the same amount in a restaurant. Practice putting 1 cup of cereal or brown rice in your measuring cup so that when you eat out, you will be able to accurately assess how much to eat. These suggestions will guarantee you fast and healthy weight loss. All You Need To Know About Afinitor According to the US National Institute of Health, new cases of renal cancer in 2010 in the US stood at 58,240, with 13,040 deaths cases. Although there are no significant symptoms of kidney or renal cancer, you should approach a doctor if you notice blood in your urine, lump in your abdomen, unexplained weight loss or appetite loss. Afinitor (everolimus), developed and manufactured by Novartis, is the first oral daily therapy for the treatment of advanced renal cell carcinoma. This drug was developed after the failure of treatment with Sunitinib or Sorferib in cancer cells. Applications and Dosage Related Information About Afinitor Afinitor, which received the FDA approval in 2009 is also used for the treatment of patients with subependymal giant cell astrocytoma (SEGA) who need therapeutic intervention instead of curative surgical treatments. The medicine stops cancer cells from expanding by cutting off the blood supply to them. Afinitor is an inhibitor of mTOR and prevents cell proliferation and angiogenesis. The medicine is available in 5mg and 10mg strengths for oral administration. The recommended initial dose for this drug is 10mg, to be taken once a day at the same time every day with or without food. One should swallow this medicine as a whole and avoid chewing or crushing it. Some commonly witnessed side effects by users of Afinitor are: mouth ulcers infections weakness cough diarrhea nausea fever loss of appetite anemia swelling of body parts headaches inflammation of the lining of the digestive system These side effects are temporary and will go away after the therapy is complete. However, some serious side effects may be felt by people taking Afinitor. These include: Breathing problems Severe infections, such as pneumonia, bacterial, fungal or viral Precautions While Taking Afinitor This medicine is not for patients who are already taking medication for fungal or bacterial infections, tuberclosis, seizures, HIV-AIDS, blood pressure or heart conditions. This medicine should also not be prescribed to a pregnant woman or a woman who is breast feeding. If your doctor has prescribed Afinitor for your treatment, you should follow certain precautions: Do not drink grape fruit juice or eat grape fruit, star fruit or Seville oranges during the whole treatment In case of allergic reactions, one should immediately get back to his/her doctor People using this medicine should not get a live vaccine or be around with people who have recently received a live vaccine Almased.......a Nutritional Weight Loss Product Almased - Loss Fat, Not Muscles Not all weight loss is the same. Take two people on low-calorie diets. Both lose the same number of pounds, but one regains the weight quickly, while the other keeps it off for years. Why the difference? Most likely the dieter whose weight came back lost a significant amount of muscle mass along with fat and the other person retained more muscle mass as the weight came off. “Maintaining muscle mass is important to sustainable weight control,” says Aloys Berg, M.D., department head for rehabilitative and preventive Sports Medicine at the University Clinic Freiburg in Freiburg, Germany. There is a direct correlation between muscle mass and basal metabolism, he said. “If 20 percent of your muscle mass is lost during a diet, your basal metabolism declines by 20 percent.” This means dieters who lose muscle mass burn calories at a lower rate than before starting the diet. So, when they return to normal eating they must permanently eat less or exercise more to compensate for the slower metabolism. The average person would have to eat 400 calories less or burn 400 calories more a day. Few people do this, said Berg, “So the additional calories are stored as fat." Unfortunately, nearly all weight loss diets result in the loss of muscle mass along with fat loss. In fact, some 25 percent of a person's weight loss is actually the loss of muscle mass, according to a meta-analysis published in the International Journal of Obesity. The meta-study shows that people who exercise while dieting lost significantly less muscle mass than dieters who did not exercise. Clinical evidence Berg, who has studied obesity for 20 years, has found another way to protect muscle mass during weight reduction programs. His discovery emerged in the first part a yearlong clinical study he is conducting with patients who are receiving Almased as a diet supplement. Almased is a natural soy-based multi-protein powder that is fermented using a patented manufacturing process. After six months, instead of losing muscle mass, Berg's patients lost fat. In fact, 100 percent of the total weight loss was fat. Berg concluded that to lose fat rather than muscle, the body must receive large, ingestible amounts of high quality amino acids to support the body's nutritional needs. Without this support, the body often consumes its own muscle to satisfy the protein requirements. Amino acids are the key Amino acids are critical to normal, healthy living. Besides being the building blocks of protein, they serve our hormones and facilitate the transmission of chemical messages from our nerves. If a person does not receive enough of the right kind of protein from the diet, the body turns to its own muscle mass for the protein. So it must have amino acids to function properly. Berg said that Almased contains a high concentration of branched amino acids, like soy protein peptides. These branched-connected amino acids and soy protein peptides build the bio chemical basis for the body's immune-competent cells and regular cells, creating plenty of energy for well-functioning cell exchange. Three branched amino acids - valine, leucine, and isoleucine - are metabolized in muscle tissue, which is essential for muscle synthesis. “With Almased, the muscle's cells are well supported,” said Berg, noting that by using two protein sources, soy and skim milk yogurt powder, Almased provides the correct quantity of amino acids to protect muscle cells during a calorie reduction program. The multi-protein formula supplies a rich assortment of all amino acids, including the ten that are notoriously difficult to retrieve through normal meals. Almased's patented fermentation process also protects the quality of the amino acids. Rudolf Keil, a licensed pharmacist and health and nutrition consultant for Offizinpharmacy in Grevenbroich, Germany, explains why Almased chose biological fermentation over more readily available techniques. "In its raw form, soy can be difficult for some people to digest and the company needed to address this possible side effect," said Keil, who consults with Almased. "One possibility was to ‘pre-digest,' or hydrolyze the soy.” This process, however, “is a kind of rape of natural protein compositions,” because the chemical procedure uses acid and solutions at a temperature of 110-degree Celsius, he said. Instead, Almased created a biological solution, which it patented, to avoid altering the protein's amino acids. And, with Almased's high quantity of essential amino acids, the cells can absorb them easily, providing better muscle protection. Why Almased has success With a weight-reduction program that incorporates Almased, people lose fat and retain muscle. Losing fat while maintaining muscle mass means a higher metabolism, a condition that burns fat more efficiently on an ongoing basis. Dieters on Almased are well nourished and are sustaining muscle - a vital component to every healthy body. In fact, dieters reported feeling so energetic and positive about their weight loss during Berg's study that they were able to stick with the diet at an uncommon rate. Ninety-five percent of the participants continued the program through out the six months. Amazing Weight Loss - Crazy, But It Works Want to try some things that cause some amazing weight loss. Kinda crazy stuff, but they're easy and fun. Look, weight loss isn't about all that stuff you do in the gym or eat in the kitchen. Other things play a role in losing weight. In this brief article, I'm going to share with you 2 powerful ways you and drop the weight. Amazing Weight Loss 1. Do the spin As in, you spin around with arms out. Do it. You can't picture it? Ok, think about how kids do it. That's exactly what you want to do. As crazy as this may seem, spinning does work indirectly for weight loss. It's not a direct weight loss exercise. Instead it goes 1-step beyond exercising. It goes directly into your CONTROL CENTER.... you're Endocrine System. That's the thing that controls hormones and how and when they're released and in what amounts. The thing is, your Endocrine System is not working properly due to all the unnatural chemicals that are in our food, water, air, packaging, etc. These chemicals mimic hormones and throw off your Endocrine System. Anyway, for weight loss to be quick and efficient, you need your hormones working like they should. That's where spinning comes in. They stimulate a normality to your normal hormonal production. Give spins a try. Just spin around 5-10 times or up until the point where you are just a little bit dizzy. Please... DON'T spin to the point where you're totally dizzy. 2. Rub your belly with your hand being warm How do you do this? Rub your hands together. This will create a heat on them. Then, while lying down, rub circles for 1 minute with your right hand all over your belly. After that, take your other hand and rub circles for a minute. This works for 2 reasons. The circular rubbing stimulates your digestive process into a more efficient parsing out of nutrients and foods... and it does this faster. Second, the heat from your hands can easily pass through your skin and smack-dab into your fat cells where it causes havoc. Crazy, but if you did it for 2 weeks, you'd see it works. These 2 amazing weight loss secrets work, regardless of how crazy they may seem. Anadrol – The Most Effective Steroid If you have been trying hard to achieve that perfect shape, you can use Anadrol, the most effective steroid. It is widely used for its muscle augmenting and body strengthening properties. Read on to learn more about the potential steroid, its features and effects. If you have been spending long hours at the gym and have not been able to notice any significant improvement in the size of your muscles, you can opt for Anadrol. It is an anabolic steroid that offers hypertrophy of the muscles by building up of the tissues. It is considered the most powerful steroid available as it increases the muscle size and body strength in a short span of time. Anadrol was primarily developed for the treatment of anemia and other such diseases in which weight loss and muscle damaging was the main concern. Over the years, it has been widely used for its therapeutic features like weight and strength gain, increment in appetite and increasing the red blood cell count. Such properties of Anadrol have made many athletes, body builders and weight lifters to abuse these. It is stacked by them in large amounts to gain weight and strength in order to improve their performance in their respective sports. Anadrol doesn't convert into estrogen when used alone or consumed with the non aromatic steroids, so there is no need for any of the anti-estrogen drugs. If stacked with aromatic compounds, it will definitely need some amount of anti-estrogen to balance out the level. Anadrol is famous for heightening of the estrogen effects when used with other aromatic substances. It can be stacked alone because of its rapid effects for muscle building. Anadrol has a low binding affinity with the androgen receptor. So, you can take these with steroids that exert anabolism through the androgen receptors. Low affinity with androgen receptors improve the protein synthesis of the Anadrol. Water retention is associated with this steroid that results in the rapid build up of muscle tissue. You will have to continue weight training through out the Anadrol cycle in order to avoid the puffiness caused by this drug. This is an ideal steroid for you, if you go through a rigorous training regime as water retention lubricates the joints and makes them less vulnerable to injuries. Those who are taking Anadrol for the first time should opt for a 50 mg tablet and increase the dosage as days go by. After a week the dosage can be increased to 100 mg per day. Remember to split the dosage during the day for maintaining the blood levels. Since Anadrol is a c-17 alpha alkylated, taking more than 100 mg per day can cause serious damages to the body. Using these for long cycles will pose greater health risks. Anadrol has many androgenic side effects associated with its use. Taking Anadrol for a long period of time inhibits the natural production of hormones in the body that has a negative impact on the blood lipid profile. Side effects in form of severe acne, bouts and oily skin emerge in the very beginning of the cycle. Prolonged users face high amount of toxicity in the liver that eventually poses a great threat to their lives. It also causes the left ventricle of the heart to expand that increases the possibility of a heart attack. Significant increment in the blood pressure, severe headaches, nausea and dizziness are some other side effects caused by Anadrol. If you are willing to augment your muscle size, you can search the Internet and find companies that offer you help to buy Anadrol Steroid Cycles for Anadrol should not exceed more than six weeks in order to avoid higher risks to the health. Arasys Inch-loss: Putting The Bowflex To Shame Arasys inch-loss is sort of like exercising. Kind of like how professional bowlers are sort of athletes. Simply put, if you want to shed some pounds but feel like exercise is too "sweaty", slap on some Arasys muscle stimulator pads, watch your favorite episode of Mama's Family, and get ripped! What is it? The Arasys Inch-Loss System (also known as Arasys III) is a spa treatment that aims at burning fat and decreasing inches from your waistline (hence the name, which is in fact not what I earlier perceived as a "hobbit machine"). Gerry Pollock (co-inventor of the pacemaker, though surprisingly not the lead singer of Gerry and the Pacemakers) founded the technology that makes the Arasys Inch-Loss System possible. Though the system appears to be very similar to those muscle stimulator belts they used to advertise on infomercials (you know the ones- "get a six pack while eating a cheeseburger") it's actually much more complex. Whereas those cheap electric muscle stimulators would send an electric impulse to muscle cells (resulting in a twitch of the muscle), the Arasys device sends signals to muscle neurons and therefore, simulates the signals that the brain sends to the muscles during exercise. This results in full contractions of the muscle being stimulated, which resembles natural, physical exercise much more closely than a simple twitch. Because the Arasys device uses some rather nifty technology, the only way to experience its magical fat-burning powers is to set up a session with a trained professional, most likely at a medical spa. Basically, a session involves moist, sponge-like pads which are applied to the weight-loss target and then carry the frequency waveform, which goes as high as 1000 Hz. The patient will feel subtle vibrations of the wave, which causes the muscles to contract. Also, the body reacts differently to varying frequencies. 200 Hz accelerates muscle building and boosts strength and performance; 400 Hz provides inch loss, tightens abs, contours buttocks, and promotes healthy lymphatic drainage; 600 Hz helps to tighten loose skin, revitalizes the body, and diminishes the appearance of cellulite; and 1000 Hz provides skin rejuvenation and skin toning (though let's hope this is not a sugar-coated way of saying "your skin will start smoking and then catch fire). Who needs it? The Arasys Inch-Loss System is ideal for those who have tight schedules and a little extra money to burn (the procedure fluctuates between $100 and $250 per session and it is recommended that a patient needs several sessions before any real improvement occurs). Otherwise, it's a great way to start getting back in shape after years of neglecting exercise (and it doesn't come with all that gratuitous "rage" that steroids bring). Other likely candidates that will benefit from Arasys are athletes (as it helps to build muscle and increase stamina), post-pregnant women who want to tighten stomach muscles, and those who have recently undergone liposuction and would like to tighten loose skin. Benefits There are some pretty sweet benefits to using Arasys. First of all, it (more or less) adequately substitutes for physical exercise, which is probably the only benefit people will need to hear in order to be intrigued. But it's also relatively quick (30 minutes is probably the longest a session would last) and painless (some people even consider the vibrations soothing). The Arasys Inch-Loss System can also be beneficial in ways that typical exercise cannot be. For instance, physical exercise requires glucose and therefore, glucose levels drop during the course of a work-out. Arasys successfully avoids such problems, as it doesn't require any physical activity. This also prevents lactic acid from building up in the muscles, which occurs when glucose is low in body. Lastly, Arasys is a good way to target specific muscles you want to tone, which can sometimes be difficult during routine exercise. Risks There are no serious risks involved with the Arasys Inch-Loss System, though it should be noted that treatments are not suitable replacements for cardiovascular activity. Therefore, it is recommended that you consider some sort of exercise and diet program for the absolute best results. Also, because of the system's cosmetic nature, Arasys will not be covered by insurance. THE BOTTOM LINE The Arasys Inch-Loss System sounds like a fantastic invention that is low-risk and will help you get in shape. The only way it could possibly get any better is if it also had the capacity to make soft-serve ice cream. Oh well, there's always Arasys IV. The information in the article is not intended to substitute for the medical expertise and advice of your health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any decisions about treatment or care an appropriate health care provider. Arbonne Weight Loss You may have heard of Arbonne, the Swiss-born skin care company whose mission and products are based on botanical principles. And if you follow them closely, you may have heard of the Arbonne weight loss product line, too. Still interested? You should be. A lot of women speak very highly of their products and how effective they seem to be. Here's another thing. I would tell you to visit their website if it were not for the fact that you can't buy anything directly from it without the proper login—which means the site is more of a branding tool than an ecommerce hub. Arbonne is much like other well-known direct sales vendors—Avon, Mary Kay, and Amway—that started pre-Internet. And just like those companies, Arbonne relies on a worldwide network of representatives to sell its products. The hole in their sales process may bother you. Because even though they've moved onto the Internet, technically, you still have to purchase their products using one of their local sales representatives. So in order to purchase online, you'd have to contact a salesperson, and then he or she would have to give you the access code—and hopefully some advice on the products are the consistent top sellers. It's a little annoying but the product is really why you're there in the first place so let's discuss that. The Arbonne weight loss system goes under the name, Figure 8, and the main thrust of the program is the Go Easy Protein Shake, which replaces one to two meals a day much like a Slim-Fast shake. But there are also other products in the Figure 8 line as well - a fiber booster, a dietary supplement, a daily detox tea, and chocolate-flavored snacks called “chews.” The bonus that most women go nuts for, though, is a “Vanish” line of cellulite creams that are included in the package. Arbonne also offers a menu schedule featuring its product line, a color foods guide to healthy eating, success stories from people who have lost weight with Figure 8, and an online community of Arbonne dieters to help you stay on target. One marketing gimmick of the Arbonne weight loss system is the 8-Week Weight Loss Challenge. You can sign up online, and you're given menus, product recommendations, calorie calculator and a food diary. It's a big deal in the Arbonne community, and it taken very seriously, gimmick or not. Their products do exist, and there have been success stories. Even people who are not into the Challenge love the chews. But, unfortunately, there is no scientific proof that suggests that the Arbonne weight loss program is as effective as they claim. I think the real story here is the fact that once you become a customer, you are also encouraged—early and often—to become a sales representative. And once you become one, you are actively encouraged to grow your business by getting other people to sell “under” you. Hey, it's legal. It's not a scam. But it is a multi level marketing organization, where the early adopters are the big moneymakers and everyone else seems to spend most of their time recruiting others. If you like MLM action, Arbonne might be the company you've been looking for, as it seems to have a pretty large and well-organized support system in place. But if you're honestly just looking for a weight loss program, Arbonne will probably just end up annoying you - whether it's your rep looking to sell you more products, or the company looking to recruit you. Are Body Mass Index (bmi) Charts Effective Enough? The most common method of measuring ideal weight is the height and weight chart. These charts, guide you how much you should weigh based on your height. Though these charts are still popular, they are very ambiguous, specially to sportsperson and bodybuilders who carry more muscle than most people do. “Ideal weights” from height-weight charts do not take body fat into account; therefore, they cannot accurately recommend how much you should weigh. Body Mass Index (BMI) is another common way to determine whether someone is at a “healthy weight”. Like the height and weight charts, BMI is a valueless measure of fitness because it takes only height and weight into account. In addition, it does not take into account fat versus muscle tissue. Body builders and other sportsperson carry more lean body mass than the average person and will therefore be classified as overweight if BMI is used as the criteria for determination. The primary objective to measure body fat percentage is so you can distinguish between fat and muscle, which the ideal weight and BMI calculator does not. Average percentage body fat vary among the sexes and among different age groups. The female hormone estrogen causes women to have about 5% more body fat than men. The average woman has about 23% body fat and the average man approximately 17%. In both sexes, body fat increases with age while lean body mass decreases. The following are the techniques widely used for determination of body fat percentage. Underwater Weighing (Hydrostatic) Underwater Weighing has consistently been considered the best for measuring the body fat percentage in comparison with other measurement techniques. The basis for hydrostatic weighing is the fact that fat floats and muscle sinks. To get your fat measured by underwater weighing, the person must remain dipped underwater in a chair that hangs from a scale. The fatter you are, the more buoyant you will be, and the more buoyant you are, the less you will weigh underwater. However, underweight weighing has its own disadvantages; the most important one is the inconvenience of being dipped in water. In addition, underwater weighing underestimates the fat percentage for persons with denser bones. Unless race, age, and sex are uprightly taken into account, the estimate of body fat could be having a serious error. To summarize, underwater weighing is not very practicable, although it is always interesting to go get it done once in a while just for pleasure. Bio- Electric Impedance Analysis Bioelectric Impedance Analysis (BIA) is a modern scientific instrument that measures body fat percentage by testing the electrical resistance of your body's cells to a flow a small harmless electrical signal. Fat has a low water content in comparison with muscle, so has an insulating effect, and is therefore less conductive. Research shows that BIA is a fairly accurate and valid measure of body fat percentage. The impedance measure is affected by body hydration status, body temperature, time of day, and therefore requires well controlled conditions to get accurate and reliable measurements. If a person is dehydrated, the amount of fat will likely be overestimated. Near Infrared Interactance Near Infrared Interactance (NIR) uses the principle of light absorption and reflection to determine body fat percentage. The measurement is taken on the person's dominant arm. The light wand sends a beam of infrared light into the muscle where variations in the reflections of the wavelengths are used to estimate total body fat percentage. The measurement is very safe, simple and easy to use with less practice. The disadvantages include the high cost of the instrument, and the questionable accuracy and reliability like it assumes fat in the arm is proportional to total body fat, which may not be true. Skinfold Measurement Skinfold testing is based on the fact that you store most of your body fat directly beneath your skin. The skinfold test is performed with a simple instrument called a skinfold caliper. The jaws of the caliper pinch a fold of skin and fat and measure the thickness of the fat fold in millimeters. Using the calipers, skinfolds measurements are taken at different sites around the body and then the measurements are added up. The sum of the skinfolds is then looked up on a body fat estimate chart that comes with the calipers. A skilled tester can produce a body fat measurement with accuracy very close to underwater weighing, which is considered to be standard of body composition testing. Most importantly, skinfold testing is extremely practicable and lot more simpler than many of the measurement techniques. However, the accuracy of the measurements may vary from tester to tester. Other Methods There are many other techniques used to determine body fat percentage, including Total Body Potassium, Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA), Total Body Electrical Conductivity (TOBEC), Whole-Body Air-Displacement Plethysmography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computed Tomography (CT scan). While some of these modern methods may be incredibly accurate and useful in the laboratory, none of these methods is practical at least for personal use for a weight loss program. Now you came to know the importance of body fat versus body weight and you understand that height and weight and Body Mass Index (BMI) charts are worthless. It is also clear that losing weight is not of prime importance, but losing fat is. Are Slimming Pills Always Unhealthy? Straight Answers to Your Biggest Weight Loss Question There is so much confusion regarding weight loss today. Should you choose your foods according to their glycemic index rating, their fat content, their Weight Watchers points, or their total calories? Are sugar substitutes really healthier than sugar? Are organic foods really worth their inflated prices? Most important of all, are slimming pills really harmful to your long term health? All of these weight loss questions reflect debates that have surfaced in the past few years. More people than ever are concerned with taking off excess pounds and living healthier lives. That is great news, except so many of these people have no idea how to go about losing weight in a healthy manner. If you are a bit confused yourself, you have come to the right place. Keep reading to learn the answers to the last question presented above: are slimming pills really harmful to your long term health? The Argument against Slimming Pills The reason many people have said that slimming pills are damaging to long term health is the history of harmful ingredients found in some weight loss pills. There have been quite a few diet pills pulled from the shelves after causing damage the health of many users, and death in some cases. This history has given slimming pills a bad reputation. Weight loss experts are also quick to point out that slimming pills can lead many users to take a lazy approach to weight loss. They believe they can just pop a pill and magically lose their excess fat, without exercising or watching what they eat. Most people now realize that this simply does not work, yet there are millions of people still looking for that magical pill that will forever free them from dieting and exercise. Using Weight Loss Pills Effectively While it is true that there are some unhealthy slimming pills on the market, there is a way to use weight loss supplements, including pills, in a healthy manner. There are a few things you have to acknowledge and embrace in order to make this work in a healthy manner: * No slimming pill will do all of the work for you. Your pill is a tool to enhance the results that you obtain through your own hard work. Without that hard work, you will not lose weight in a healthy manner, and you will not keep your lost weight off in the long term. * You have to research your chosen pill so you use a healthy supplement with natural ingredients. You cannot pick the cheapest slimming pill off the shelf. You have to do some research to make sure what you are putting in your body is healthy, and that the ingredients are proven to help with weight loss in some manner. If you are already following a healthy eating plan and exercising at least a little, you can use healthy weight loss pills with natural ingredients to enhance your weight loss results. This is something even professionals in the health and fitness industry are now acknowledging. Many even offer their own slimming pills because they know that a healthy supplement can be beneficial to those struggling to lose weight. The most important thing to recognize is that there are no shortcuts to weight loss. Slimming pills are not as damaging to your health as they were ten years ago, and many are incredibly healthy and can boost your energy levels and weight loss results significantly. With a little research, you will find the pills that assist your body, rather than holding it back. Are The Stacker Diet Pills The Perfect Diet Pills ? You need to opt for Stacker diet pills to shed pounds fast because they are the perfect in the weight loss market, these pills have been researched by scientists and tested in actual persons to make certain that they are utterly secure and that they show fast results. When you purchase diet pills you want to wager in respected makers like those that do Stacker diet pills otherwise you may be in for a loss. Being obese is pretty dangerous on your well being and it results in the event of significant health problems like diabetes, cardiac problems, self-conception problems and plenty of more. In addition to the health issues, folks that are overweight additionally face social issues as a result of in nowadays society most individuals don't enjoy others which are chubby, an example will be an obese individual applying for a job in a store, no employer will need an chubby person working in is shop as a result of it would move the incorrect image, like this example you will discover many others. It's good to guess in stackers diet pills to get rid of your problem, with stackers diet pills every part will change and also you'll get back in shape. I recommend stackers diet pills as a result of they are being extensively utilized by persons that present actual results. But if you want to ensure about stackers diet pills why don't you learn the net opinions, they are all optimistic and that implies that stackers diet pills are effective and work for everybody that's overweight. You can find many stackers diet pills but the preferred are the Stacker 2 and the Stacker 4. The Stacker 2 is a robust fats burner that will enable you lose weight as a result of it will increase your metabolism which in turn will burn more fat throughout your daily life. The Stacker 2 is essentially the most comfy method to drop a few pounds and is likely one of the favorite merchandise of people that want weight reduction pills. The Stacker 2 has been tested and has no unintended effects which mean that the only thing you'll feel or see is your stomach decreasing in size. The Stacker 2 works superb and you need to definitely attempt it. In order for you a more radical answer you'll be able to all the time try the Stacker 4 which is an excessive fats burner. The Stacker 4 will work even quicker than the Stacker 2 and provide quick results. Some folks is likely to be in a state of affairs where they need to shed weight really fast and the Stacker 4 is ideal for that situation. The Stacker 4 has also been tested and exhibits the fastest results of all diet pills, many people that don't want to lose lots of time waiting to drop extra pounds end up choosing Stacker 4. Are Weight Lifters Who Avoid Food Before Sleep Harming Muscle Growth? Many bodybuilding theories exist in regards to achieving maximum muscle building with the smallest possible body fat level, with bodybuilders experimenting with diet variables, including whether food is consumed prior to sleep, in order to enhance results. Some bodybuilders understand the importance of bedtime meals, but others fear consumption of food prior to sleep, especially bodybuilders who either quickly gain fat when aiming for muscle growth, or who are focusing specifically on fat loss, and wish to boost the speed of results. The theory is that eating prior to sleep increases the likelihood of fat gain, and although there is no inherent harm to body fat levels when consuming a late meal, because many diet routines are structured with an incorrect use of calories and carbohydrates, not to mention improper meal division, which can detract from building a more efficient metabolism, the bedtime meal encourages fat increase for many, and some in the bodybuilding world classify later eating as harmful towards body fat control. The common mistake made is to either use excessive carbohydrates for a bedtime meal, or consume a food intake that circumvents the body's core requirements for muscle building or maintenance, which then quickly will result in fat gain, as energy expenditure during evening fast is less than at any other time. Yet, unlike certain flawed bodybuilding trainers may suggest, a weight lifter is in great need of calories during sleep, as this is when muscle gains occur at their greatest proportion. In fact, since the body has a lengthy uninterrupted rest to grow and repair lean muscle tissue, sufficient calories and protein must be present in order to maximize such results, which is why a bedtime meal becomes critical. When nutrients are neglected prior to a lengthy sleep period, although muscles seek to grow during such hours, they are unable to do so, and if an individual is using a lower calorie diet for fat loss, many times muscle mass will even decline dramatically. During fat loss periods, one of the most challenging obstacles for many bodybuilders is muscle maintenance, and making dramatic alternations to a diet, whether it be reducing food intake below what is necessary for fat loss due to impatience, or dramatically restricting food later in the evening, will greatly increase the chance for lost muscle, which further suppresses metabolism, making future fat loss difficult. Unbeknownst to many, a properly structured bedtime meal can actually assist in the fat reduction process, as metabolism benefits from a frequent meal structure, and withholding food for extended periods can cause the body to restrict calorie burn. This can occur not only when reducing frequency of meals during daylight hours, but also by skipping a moderately sized feeding prior to sleep. This is contradictory to the notion that food before bed increases the risk of fat increase or slows fat loss, but far too many who integrate bedtime meals are using a larger quantity of food than is necessary to properly stimulate metabolism and sustain muscle mass, or are using excessive carbohydrates, as if the meal were preceding a weight lifting workout as opposed to a lengthy sleep session. A meal before sleep should be composed of mostly protein, as the body during rest is seeking primarily recovery and growth (by way of protein synthesis), but eradicating carbohydrates will cause the body to waste protein for energy, which robs nutrients for muscle recuperation, and places metabolism at risk. Certain bodybuilders understand the importance of bedtime meals, and try to integrate several during the evening, waking up once or twice for extra food, believing this will aid muscle building results, but such a technique is detrimental to overall progress, as consuming one properly designed bedtime meal is sufficient to allow for muscle gains and proper metabolic function, while waking up for another one or two meals will destroy proper sleep patterns, which are just as critical for muscle gains and proper metabolism as the meal itself. Waking up for extra food during time which should be devoted to rest prevents the body from utilizing calories properly, so for maximum muscle building and fat loss, aiming for a bedtime meal with limited carbohydrate levels and ample protein once before a lengthy sleep is the most productive method. Are You Making These 3 Weight Loss Mistakes? There must be a reason why some struggle to lose weight while for others it seems like the weight just falls right off. It seems like weight loss comes easy for some and harder for others. What is a dieter to do? Do you ever wonder why weight loss comes easy for some people and others it seems so hard? Why do the pounds just fall off for one person and another keeps getting a harsh reality check on the scale? What in the world are you supposed to do if you are struggling. For starters avoid these three mistakes. Mistake 1 – Making weight loss goals that are not realistic. If you have to lose over 100 pounds and want to lose it in 90 days you are shooting yourself in the foot to begin with. You must remember to make realistic goals that can be achieved. What to do instead: Make achievable realistic goals. Make small goals before you make big ones to help build up your confidence. Try to make a goal to lose a couple pounds a week before making a big goal like losing 100 pounds by (fill in the blank) date. Mistake 2 – Calling it quits too early. Different results will show up for different people. If you are having a weight loss competition at work and weight in once a week, the scale is not merciful for everyone. You have to remember that weight fluctuates. Don't be so hard on yourself if you didn't lose as much weight as your friends at work this week. Keep up the hard work and your time will come. What to do instead: Do your best and forget the rest. Some days will be harder than others. Just do your best and the weight loss will take care of itself over time. When a day comes that you struggle just remind yourself why you are doing what you are doing. You have a bunch of people love and depend on you. Do it for yourself but do it for them to. Mistake 3 – Not eating enough calories. Not eating enough is not what you would call healthy way to lose weight. Your body requires a certain amount of nutrients. You are not getting enough of the required nutrients when you don't eat the correct amount of calories. What to do instead: The answer should be obvious. Eat the correct amount of calories required for your weight, height, and age. When you don't take in enough calories you make your metabolism to slow down. A slow metabolism does not help you meet your goals. It will actually cause weight gain. Bottom Line? Working to lose weight can be a challenge for many. Getting to and maintaining a healthy weight is a very realistic and achievable goal. Don't allow food to be a stumbling block, allow food to help you. Arm Exercises For Women A loathsome thing women have to deal with is arm fat. Sadly, it is embarrasing to have and never looks good. Women have difficulty feeling at ease with arm fat and even moreso when wearing short sleeved shirts. There are many practical ways to remove arm fat from women's so called "jello-arms" and "bat-wings". The result of weight loss and losing weight creates arm flab which form around loose skin. If you want to wear sleeveless shirts, try to tone up your arms t o remove the fat under them. Here's a list of arm fat exercises to help women remove their jello-arms and bat-wings * Get down on your knees and place yourself in a pushup position. Place your thumbs apart from each other about 6 inches. When your are ready, do as many pushups as you can. Rest for 45 seconds once you've done as many pushup as you can and then repeat. Doing this 3 times a week will help. If you feel like increasing the difficulty, try doing diamond push-ups by setting your hands together in a diamond shape and doing pushup using that setup. Putting your index fingers and thumb together creates diamond push ups when you're ready to go forward. * Resistance curls are also good arm exercises for women as weight's are not necessary. First, move one arm towards your side and then move your other arm on top of it. Now slowly move your arm towards the sky while having your other arm act as weight. Resist the movement with the other arm on top. * Find a pool and begin to swim wherever you can. Swimming is great for your arms as the water provides resistance as you stroke through. * Try doing shoulder presses and other arm fat exercises using weights. Get started by pushing the weight upwards and then dropping them back slowly to your shoulders and repeat. * To work the fat off your triceps, use hand pushes. As hard as you can, push your palms together. Make sure you leave your hands at shoulder height and push against them as long as you can. * You'll also find arm circles are also effective because they use your upper arms to do small and large circles that are necessary to do the exercise. Complete the circles back and forth to get the most out of the exercise. Say goodbye to your jello-arms and bat-wings once you've completed these exercises. If you like, you can also use weights to work your arms-Using weight are also an effective way to lose arm fat. Numerous exercises written can help you get started. You can do all these exercises even if you're are at home. The gym is also a great place to lose arm fat if you prefer to do these outside of home. You can also create and design your own exercises that work. Fabricate new exercises and see how they work your arms upper and lower. To know if they are working, you should be able to feel it in your arms. That's how you know these arm exercises for women are working for you. Asian Diets Vs American Diets In America and many Western countries food has become entertainment. We look forward to a night out at our preferred eatery where we will eat and drink a great deal more than we need to sustain our bodies. (Wait - is that what food is supposed to be for?) We eat to celebrate with friends, and sometimes we eat just to have something to do. For the above-mentioned reasons, Westerners are not the healthiest citizens in the world. When compared to nations with different diets and lifestyles, we do not stack up when it comes to fitness and dietary health. The American diet generally consists of large amounts of bread and carbohydrates, high fat, high sugar and small amounts of healthy vegetables. Realistically, how many Americans do you know that prefer fresh vegetables to greasy french fries or steamed fish to a greasy cheeseburger? The indicated foods may be delicious but they are not ideal as everyday meals. In contrast to the American diet is the everyday Asian diet. Japanese and Chinese traditional foods are very different from the normal Western meal. Of course, availability of food, climate, and tradition are the reason that their diet is the way it is, but we may be able to pick up some good diet tips from these citizens. Natural weight loss is about more than just "dieting." A lifestyle change may be required. In most Asian diets there is a minimal amount of fat. The fat that is consumed is from cooking with vegetable oil. They averagely eat numbers of vegetables and fruits on a daily basis. Protein is mostly consumed in the form of nuts, seeds and legumes. The meat that is eaten is low fat like steamed fish rather than the high fat red mmunch that Americans usually consume. Within the Asian diet, dairy products are kept to a minimum as well. They get more vitamin D from green vegetables than from milk. This diet leads to considerably lower risks of heart disease, high cholesterol and diabetes which are huge problems associated with Western diets. So, even if you do not need to lose weight, you may want to consider some of these lifestyle changes for your health. It certainly would be great to see rates of the indicated preventable illnesses decline. Observing the eating habits of other cultures can be a way to teach ourselves some valuable lessons. Life is not all about food. Just ask the citizens that eat only when hungry and elect foods that in fact provide their bodies with the nutrients that it needs to perform properly. A Smaller Waist Size In Days Using Special Waist Reducing Exercises It's entirely realistic for you to get a smaller waist size in DAYS... not weeks... using SPECIAL waist reducing exercises that you probably never heard about. So if you want to lose your stomach fat, read on to find out how. Waist Reducing Exercises For a Smaller Waist Size 1. Vacuum Pose your way to 1 LESS inch on your waist in a week The vacuum pose is a special exercise that's far beyond mere crunches and sit-ups when it comes to losing inches from your waist. Crunches and sit-ups are more for strengthening your abs muscles. BUT... the problem is, nobody will see those muscles anyway if you have a layer or layers of fat covering them. So although crunches and sit-ups can't hurt you, they're pretty much a waist of your time if you aren't already lean. The vacuum pose however uses ISOMETRIC TENSION that helps to pull in and flatten belly fat. This exercise is quite similar to what is popularly known as "sucking in your belly". Actually, that's what you do with the vacuum pose as well, with the difference being the vacuum pose requires you to suck in the LOWER BELLY. If you've ever sucked in your belly, you probably sucked in your upper belly. This is a common mistake since it's a lot easier to suck in than the belly area surrounding your belly button. If you were to do the vacuum pose for 10 minutes a day using 30 seconds of sucking in your lower belly followed by a 15 second rest, you'll lose at least an inch in a week... FROM THAT ALONE! 2. Moving on... incline walking is the best "cardio-type" exercise to burn off fat from your belly Regardless of what you think about walking (Note: It's ok for long term weight loss, but sucks for short term fat loss), incline walking is considered a totally different exercise... even though it's still just walking. It puts a lot more "body-specific" stress on your muscles (this is a good thing). Really, I only need to tell you to try walking on a treadmill that you incline 15 degrees for 15-20 minutes and see for yourself what I mean. Your body will immediately feel the difference. Although incline walking doesn't directly target your stomach fat, it literally melts it away quickly because the fat is needed for energy and recovery from this exercise. If you do any type of walking in the hopes of losing weight, just make that 1 change... including the treadmill... and see what happens! Use these 2 waist reducing exercises to get a smaller waist size fast. Want more waist reducing exercises for a smaller waist size? Ok, then... Attaining Perfect Body Shape Under Supervised Medical Weight Loss Program Everybody is desirous of attaining good health in addition to perfect body shape. People who have gained excessive weight or have become out of shape are very much tensed over getting into right shape, but attaining perfect body shape under Supervised Medical Weight Loss Program is just 3 steps away, for those who take to California weight loss management program. California weight loss management program helps us to attain perfect body and health through its supervised medical weight loss program. As is clear from the name, the California weight loss program of every individual who seeks it is followed under a medical practitioner who decides the right steps to be followed. This medical practitioner first of all, makes an analysis of the body-mass index of the person who wants to undergo weight reduction at Calmwm. Depending upon the base metabolic rate and the percentage of excess fat in the body, the person is advised the right exercise and weight loss program. Moreover, the person is constantly guided under the supervised medical weight loss so as to have rapid weight loss, but without altering the body energy and efficiency. The person seeking Cal weight loss is not only advised for right type of exercise suiting their body, but also guided for the right equipment, tools and easy diets. This way, the chances of the person getting exhausted of all his energy post exercise is reduced to minimum. For that, the person needs to set his target as in how many days he desires to attain a perfect shape. For effective Quick weight loss, one should not aim at losing pounds in a very short time period. It is not that the weight loss has to be for a particular period, but long term weight loss should be aimed at. For this the person has to take to physician weight loss program which will keep them toned. Loss of energy and stamina and regaining the loss weight are the common issues being faced by the people who have acute weight loss in short interval of time in lack of appropriate medical weight loss management program. Therefore, proper guidance of a medical practitioner is very essential for effective weight loss. Bariatric Bypass Surgery - The Single Guaranteed Way Of Weight Loss Gastric bypass is a medical term that you have probably heard quite a bit about and actually describes many related kinds of weight loss surgical procedures. There are countless individuals who have benefited from this operation, including famous persons, are very pleased by this weight loss method. Nevertheless, before you resolve that it is the best system for you to lose the weight, you have to take into account the good and the harmful side of it. Even though gastric bypass is a successful way for losing weight, it should be above all employed to deal with people that are judged by doctors morbidly obese. Because there are sincere hazards of undergoing this sort of surgical procedure, gastric bypass is used sonly when the hazards of surgical procedure are lessened by the hazards of wellbeing that the individual is presently facing. Should you be considering this manner of surgical procedure for weight loss, you are going to generally be required to suffer from medical troubles that are instigated or worsened by being overweight. For example, it could be troubles when diabetes has advanced or blood pressure is greatly increased. By dropping the excess weight that you are carrying, owing to gastric bypass or any other serious weight loss system, you are more able of turning around or reduce the growth of medical troubles like these. One thing you must also realize is the fact that gastric bypass is more about preserving your wellbeing then improving your appearance. A lot of people know that dedicated weight loss with any system is especially difficult and provides a small amount of instant gratification. It is extremely difficult losing even a few pounds, not to mention the amount that most individuals thinking about gastric bypass should lose. Through this method of weight loss, the body really loses weight rapidly, only for the reason that you are not able to swallow as much as you used to be capable of. To provide you such positive health effects, gastric bypass in actual fact, breaks apart the stomach in two. By separating the stomach into two pieces, the smaller of which is at the top, the patient will feel his appetite satisfied sooner, and will swallow only small quantities of food. This is the end result of the stomach, after the operation being much smaller. Most of those that have used gastric bypass are going to consume more tiny meals as a substitute for a few big ones. By way of gastric bypass you are going to actually lose a significant amount of excess weight. So in the end, if you have struggled to drop a significant number of pounds with other means and was unable to succeed, gastric bypass could just be the answer to all your weight problems. Benefits Of Coconut Water – Don't Drink Until You Read This Drinking coconut water is amazingly healthy to our body and further reading this article gives you more information about the benefits of coconut water. Coconut water includes vitamins and minerals, potassium, sugar, sodium, protein, and fiber which you may gain when drinking pure coconut water. Young coconut water possesses many health benefits which is proven and tested by many generations around the world. Coconut water helps boost your immunity to get rid of diseases and infections and removes toxins that are harmful to our system. Coconut water serves as a great remedy for kidney problems such as kidney stones and Urinary Tract Infections (UTI). It keeps your kidney acidity balance and reduces the size of the stones in the kidney and eventually pushes them out of your urinary tract. Keeping yourself on a diet? Lose weight safely and naturally by drinking coconut water as part of your dailt diet.It is more advisable to drink it every morning when you wake up. And consuming one green coconut a day, weight loss will be observed. Coconut water is rich in potassium. In fact, it contains more potassium than a banana. After a strenuous workout, your body needs water to replace fluid that has been consumed by sweating. Drinking coconut water is a positive alternative to nourish and supplement the body. Better than any energy drink, this isotonic drink is low in calories, less fats and cholesterol-free. Drinking coconut water is beneficial for patients with diabetes. It maintains the balance of your blood sugar level. This is low in sugar, calories and sodium which most of soft drinks and commercial juices have. Regular drinking of coconut water will surely give you successful results. The best time to drink coconut water is every morning after you wake up. One coconut a day is good enough. Consume is after chopping the hull to make a hole. Exposing it to air will cause fermentation to take place. The taste will no longer be the same as fresh as before after two-three hours. Lucky for those people who have coconut trees in their backyard for they could easily have it – for free. You can buy green young coconuts on beach resorts, parks, highway stops and public market. So if you feel you want to drink then go out and take it. Best Exercises To Lose The Spare Tyre And Get Rid Of Your Love Handles If you want to lose the spare tyre, or get rid of your love handles you need a combination of a good diet and exercise. A good diet is important to reduce your calorie intake, but exercise is very important to get rid of your spare tyre and love handles as you need to burn calories to lose weight. The question is what sort of exercise is the best to lose your spare tyre? I will show you two types of exercises, aerobic and anaerobic exercise, that you can follow to get rid of your spare tyre, and I will explain why one type of exercise workout will help you lose your love handles quicker than the other type of exercise. To burn the highest percentage of fat you need aerobic exercise. Studies have shown that aerobic exercise will burn the highest percentage of fat. Aerobic exercise is low intensity training over extended periods of time. Your heart rate must be in the range of 60% to 70% of your maximum heart rate threshold. To calculate your maximum heart rate threshold, take your age away from 220. For example if you are 40 years of age, your maximum heart rate threshold is 180. This is an approximate figure for the average person. If you train within the low intensity heart rate zone, your body is able to efficiently draw on fat reserves and combine this fuel source with oxygen to fuel your workout. However, if you undertake prolonged low intensity cardio sessions, your body can start to use muscle to fuel your workout which is counter productive. So lets consider anaerobic exercise. To burn the greatest amount of fat you need anaerobic exercise. Anaerobic exercise is high intensity. High intensity exercise forces your body to use fuel faster than the low intensity exercise, so fast in fact that oxygen is no longer able to be used. Therefore, internal stores of glycogen are called on to provide the fuel source. Interval training is a form of high intensity exercise. The idea is to increase your heart rate quickly to 75% to 85% of your maximum heart rate threshold for short periods of time, with recovery periods to allow you to repeat the high intensity exercise a number of times. If you didn't include the recovery periods, your body would produce too much lactic acid, a by product of the intense exercise, causing pain in the muscles. The benefit of anaerobic exercise when it comes to losing your spare tyre is that it burns a greater amount of fat reserves. The percentage of fat being burned may be lower than aerobic exercise, but the total amount of fat being burned off your love handles is greater, so you ultimately burn more fat and lose more weight. Therefore the best exercise to lose your spare tyre and get rid of those love handles quickly is anaerobic interval training. Interval training is great if you don't have much time to workout as it is a lot quicker than low intensity cardio exercise. Bia Body Fat Monitors And Weight Loss - Are They Accurate? How many times a week do you listen to the nightly news update with information of how fat America has turn out to be ? Nearly 30% of Americans are fat, i.e., more than 30 pounds over their best body weight, and projections are that obesity could top 40% of the population in 10 years if the current trend continues. Unfortunately a great number of individuals don't worry about their weight or how much fat they have put on their bodies. On the flip side, there are a great deal of us who do care and this commentary is for you - how do you calculate and contain your weight and body fat? The first measurement is simple - step on a scale and violà you have your overall weight. It doesn't get any simpler than that. Taking a measurement of your whole body fat, clearly that's a little trickier. To begin with you have calipers (consider a pair of pliers) , which requires measuring skin folds from various parts of the body. You principally measure the thickness of the skin to establish how much fat is present in a bit of skin. This method is accurate, but clumsy, requiring somebody else to assist with the actual measurements. Let's face it, it's not something you just get out of bed and do each morning. Another process is hydrostatic testing requiring specialized high-priced apparatus to evaluate a person dry then another time while underwater - extraordinarily precise. Once more, it is not something a regular human being has at their fingertips. The gold standard for taking a measurement of body fat is a DEXA scan (low radiation full body scan) which is exceptionally precise but yet again the specialized apparatus and related expenses are incredibly high for the average individual who just wants to get a control on his day by day life. Don't forlorn for there is an instrument on the market today that, basically for the price of a bathroom scale, will give you an outcome that permits you to follow not just your weight, but also your body fat percentage. They are called Body Fat Monitors, also known as bioelectrical impedance analysis meters -BIA for short. The meters come in two styles; one looks like a normal bathroom scale, the other a hand held device about the size of a small plate with two handles. Both devices have two metal terminals. When a someone makes connection with both terminals, either by holding the handles with their hands or stepping barefooted onto a scale, a minuscule electrical pulse ( which certainly cannot be felt), runs from one side of the device through the body to the opposite terminal. The monitors need a very uncomplicated one time setup - an individual must record his gender, age, and height . With this information, the device calculates your weight (if you are using a bathroom scale apparatus) and body fat percentage. There are some complicated apparatus that will also evaluate proportion of water in the body, proportion of muscle mass, and percentage of visceral fat (fat around your internal organs). Some machines even have an athletic mode for those who have extremely low body fat. As technical as these machines are they can be purchased for as modest as $30.00 for a hand held (some say not as accurate) to about $60.00 for a bathroom scale type apparatus. Sounds great so far but now is the caveat. The accuracy of these BIA devices is absolutely reliant on the consumer. Some people who use them say, “I get a different estimate each time I step on the scale.” All right, that may be correct but that doesn't make them imprecise any more than saying my gas gage reads a different way each occasion I get into my vehicle. If you would like to get consistent results you have to be constant in using the device. Now here are a few ideas that will help out: * Each time take your measurement at the same instance every day -if at all possible 2-3 hours after eating. * Stay hydrated. * Do not get a measurement firstly in the morning when your body is short on water. * Make certain to clean your feet or hands. Bear in mind the machine is taking a measurement by an electrical signal and unclean feet or hands will produce added resistance consequently causing inaccuracies in the outcome. * Keep away from coffee or coke, anything with caffeine and alcohol prior to measurements. * Vacate your bladder. * In no way acquire a measurement following exercising (you will be too warm and your skin too moist). These steps will guarantee that you at all times get the most precise and exact measurement from your monitor - your correctness is absolutely dependent on your capacity to be constant. Now at this juncture I will give my advice as regards to these testers - take each individual measurement with a “ grain of salt. “Say what did you say? ?” “I believe a moment ago you said that BIA's were technologically correct?” Well, they are to the point that the machine is taking a measurement of your body conditions at that moment in time - a picture in your existence. Consider this - your body is not an inactive organism. The amount of water you hold in your system, the quantity of food and other things that affect precision is in no way ever precisely the same . The measurement will be truly accurate to what your body has for fat at that specific moment, especially if you adhere to the procedure above, but scarcely will it ever be identical from one analysis to another - even 3 or 4 hours away from each other. Here's your game plan. Build a record document of your readings and than average each week's results. Mathematically, an average of anything is always more exact than a one time reading. Now review those weekly averages and evaluate the results from week to week. You will now have an precise representation of your body fat percentage and where you're headed over time. I would greatly endorse a body fat monitor for anyone who wishes to lose weight (fat weight), who desires to become on top form, or merely desires to sustain an already healthy lifestyle. They are low-priced, they provide a starting point for your goals, and they furnish good encouragement to keep you on mark. But do not, I reiterate do not be preoccupied by the readings. Just keep in mind that what you see after taking a measurement is a instant in time. The accurateness comes from you and what you realize on top of several weeks and months. The body fat monitor is a clever computer, but like any computer, it can merely return to you what you place into it. Work out and dine nourishingly - the monitor is only a device to achieve your goals in life. Boosting Your Health Levels With Penis Enlargement Pills Penis enlargement pills, of the all-natural and herbal kind, are designed by medical doctors and naturopaths to naturally enhance the size of the penis, as well as help deal with many major male health issues, such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and low sperm count, to name but a few. But the natural ingredients found in the top penis enlargement pills also have beneficial effects over the whole body, which is why they are safe for anyone to take, at any age and irrespective of current health levels. Improving blood flow to the penis is what all non-surgical penis enlargement is based. Penis enlargement pills can count on Gingko Biloba, Copper Chelate as well as L-Arginine work together to help accomplish this. But that's not all these powerful ingredients are good for, far from it. Gingko Biloba is widely used to help deal with cognitive function, specifically to help improve memory. Copper Chelate, for itself, insures no copper deficiency, a common problem known to raise LDL cholesterol levels. Top penis enlargement pills will also contain Omega-3 fatty acids, which in this case are used to help increase sperm count up to 200%. Omega-3 fatty acids have been proven in recent year to contribute immensely to heart health, providing significant benefits to the cardio-vascular system in general. Having a healthy weight plays a great part in being in overall good health, and all-natural penis enlargement pills can also contain a Green Tea extract, which is a very powerful antioxidant, and used in the weight loss industry as a fat burner. This is not to say that herbal penis enlargement pills will make you lose weight, but they will contribute to your efforts to be a healthier, more balanced person. To conclude, it is worth mentioning that Vitamin E, in a water-soluble form is also a key ingredient of natural penis enlargement pills. In addition to being a powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells against free radicals, Vitamin E is known to prevent anomalous blood clotting, allowing for blood to flow freely in all veins and capillaries, increasing blood flow in the penis and allowing for enlargement. Breaking Down The Eca Stack: Ephedra, Caffeine, Aspirin Very few diet pills can match the results of an ECA stack can offer your system. By combining three very specific ingredients, an ECA stack enhances the overall weight loss productivity of your system. Each of these ingredients work synergistically with your body, creating a powerful outbound flow of spent calories. If you were to combine an ECA stack with a healthy mix of diet and exercise, your body would stand a higher chance of regaining some control over its own weight, and you could enjoy the effects of a thinner, trimmer, leaner body. * Ephedra Ephedra is the first main ingredient in the ECA stack. With the introduction of this ingredient into your system, you may experience a heightened sense of mental acuity and physical energy. For those workout enthusiasts out there, this is the ingredient that can help you maintain a steady energetic pace throughout the whole workout. Your chances of fighting off the sluggish sensation will be increased and you will not feel the effects of fatigue as quickly. In addition, ephedra has been known to enhance the weight loss and caloric burn processes within the body. * Caffeine The next ingredient in the ECA stack is caffeine, one of the best natural stimulants available. From coffee to soda, caffeine has become an integral part of our everyday life. Instead of looking at caffeine as simply an energetic enhancer, you should be looking at it as a weight loss supplement. With the introduction of caffeine in the ECA stack, you also gain an appetite suppressing stimulant. Caffeine has been known to decrease appetite, and the excess energy helps you push through exercises. Combined with the ephedra, your body will be teeming with energy. * Aspirin Lastly, aspirin is the final ingredient in the ECA stack, yet it is a vitally important one. Without the inclusion of aspirin in the ECA stack, your body would have a harder time digesting and absorbing the ephedra and caffeine. Aspirin has been known to increase absorption rates and it thins the blood, which allows more nutrients to flow throughout the body at a faster rate. This delivers the nutrients and chemicals you need, but it does it faster and more efficiently than if the ECA stack was without aspirin. An ECA Stack helps you to maintain and develop an overall healthy physique, both in well-being and looks. If you want to change your weight, let an ECA stack help you achieve the physical success you want. Buy Dnp To Lose Weight Effectively And Speedily You do not need to spend too much on weight loss supplements when you can buy Dinitrophenol for sale on the cyber market. Instead of searching for stores that sell DNP products in your area, simply go online. Stores that carry several DNP products are offering DNP for sale. Because of its efficacy, numerous stores offer the supplement at a lower rate or at a discounted rate to allow affordability. You can start using DNP and start losing those unwanted fats in your body without the hard work offered by gyms. Have a good appetite while in the process of dieting with the help of DNP for sale online. All types of Dinitrophenol for sale are offered at a better rates compared with the other stores. If it is speedy weight loss you need, the answer lies within DNP products. This is known world wide to be the most effective weight loss pill. Buy DNP online and you need never run out of stocks again. Simply place your orders, pay online, and wait for it to be delivered. You can continue losing weight until you achieved your desired body shape and weight. Most body builders accompany their sessions with a daily intake of DNP pills or depending on your daily need. You can have a desirable body without wasting your time on useless fat loss pills. Simply buy DNP recommended by experts and you get the weight without losing too much money. Check out for Dinitrophenol for sale and see, which of the products are good for your weight loss requirements. You can save as much as 26% without needing to leave the comfort of your home. Simply look for the stores that offer the lowest promotional rates and you can buy Dinitrophenol conveniently. Grab the opportunity of comparing prices to avoid overspending, as there are stores that offer DNP for sale but are not really priced fairly accordingly. Before you decide on buying make, sure you have visited the biggest DNP stores online. If you look closely, stores that carry several DNP products can afford to offer it at the lowest bargain possible. Buy DNP online for as low as $12 and enjoy the benefit it offers. Before you experiment on other weight loss pills, take your chance of losing weight with DNP. Dinitrophenol for sale lets you purchase introductory use at such low rates. You need never suffer from continuous intake of useless weight loss pills for when you buy Dinitrophenol; you can see the changes in as much as a few days. Loss weight, save money, and look healthy. Only DNP can do the enormous weight change any overweight individuals need. Consult other individuals who buy DNP and are now enjoying the effective outcome this supplement offers. Therefore, so as not to regret your purchase, visit as many sites as possible that sell the DNP products. Be alert for any promotional offers wherein you can buy Dinitrophenol for sale at high discounts. Grab the opportunity of losing weight at affordable rates when you buy DNP online. Buy Hcg Drops From A Reputable Company When you buy HCG drops, you can feel confident that your weight loss worries are at an end. HCG diet drops have been shown to help you lose an average of almost a pound each day. These results are within your grasp if you follow the diet protocol and buy your HCG weight loss drops from a reputable company. It will be incredibly helpful to you if you know how HCG functions before you buy HCG drops. HCG is a hormone that's only normally present in human beings during pregnancy. Its weight loss abilities were discovered by a doctor named A.T.W. Simeons, a physician who lived in Rome at the time. He found that this hormone unlocks a person's stored fat deposits, which allows him or her to drastically reduce his or her calorie intake while dodging the "starvation reflex." The extra fat is consumed for energy at a very rapid pace with less hunger. Now a new form has been created: HCG drops. Advances in how the hormone is administered now allows you to put liquid drops under your tongue, where it is speedily absorbed into the blood stream. The procedure is quite plain. Using the dropper that comes with your bottle of HCG weight loss drops, you put 12 to 15 drops under your tongue two to six times per day. Don't eat or drink anything for 15 minutes before or after you take your dose. Follow the HCG diet program, and you're on your way to becoming a skinnier you. HCG weight loss drops don't have obnoxious storage requirements like the injections do. Just leave them at room temperature out of heat and direct sunlight. So don't store them on your car dashboard, on a windowsill, or next to the stove, and you will be just great. One word of caution: make sure your HCG weight loss drops come from a authentic, quality company. There are three simple ways to tell. First, check that they follow the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States. Next, they must have an FDA-registered manufacturing facility. And last, they need to have a serious guarantee. Don't go with the first provider with the word "guarantee" on their website. Make sure the guarantee doesn't have any troublesome restrictions that will discourage you from making a claim. Once you've found a company that meets the three conditions above, you can often feel good about your decision to buy HCG drops from them. Buy Xenadrine Rfa X - Cheapest Xenadrine The places where you can buy xenadrine are healthbuy, Mothernature, bodybuilding, xenadine direct store etc. The best place to buy it for the cheapest price as well as get the original brand is at xenadrine direct store. I would want you to read this report of xenadrine before you rush to buy it. It will help you to decide if it will be right for you or not. There are 3 major benefits of this dietary supplement. They are: 1. It gives quick weight loss results. 2. It will help you to shed off unwanted body fat 3. It helps to boost energy There are 2 major ingredients in xenadrine which is responsible for extreme weight loss, calorie burning and boosting energy. They are Caffeine anhydrous, Yerba maté, Guarana, and Damiana. The weight loss results from the use of this fat loss supplement do not come in a blink of an eye. Steady exercising and taking healthy foods are necessary to get fast results. When you buy xenadrine and begin to take it, there is need for you to team it up with steady exercising and intake of healthy foods. These two things will help to quicken your result and help to keep you fit and healthy. An original bottle of xenadrine costs $50. It is the cheapest price for an original bottle. This is the price when you buy a bottle. Some stores offer a free bottle when you buy up to 2 bottles. Your best savings would be to buy 2 bottles and get one free. It is cheap when you make your purchase through this means. Xenadrine dietary supplement is sold in a capsule form. You will need to take it with water. A bottle of this dietary supplement contains up to 60 capsules. The amount of capsules you should take is revealed in the pamphlet that comes with it. This pamphlet is usually placed inside the packet of the xenadrine. Can High Rep Bodybuilding Workouts Enhance Muscle Definition? One of the most popular bodybuilding goals is maximum definition, where body fat is shed so that muscles seem far more impressive, yet how is such a goal achieved while preserving already built muscle mass? This question has left bodybuilders confused and angered as they note substantial muscle loss when seeking to improve muscle definition. While some may understand that improving definition is dependant upon tinkering with specific diet methods for dramatic fat loss, others feel as if particular weight lifting variables are the primary fuel for enhancing muscle definition. When adopting such a mindset, one of the most widely accepted bodybuilding techniques is to increase rep range, where lighter weight is utilized to allow for a greater than normal number of reps per set, and certain bodybuilders believe that this weight lifting method will propel muscle definition to new levels, therefore some adopt an exclusive lower weight and higher rep approach to weight training during a fat loss cycle. I cannot confirm exactly where this bodybuilding idea originated, but can guess that because lactic acid buildup in muscles occurs when engaging in high rep muscle building workout sessions, and therefore causes a muscle "burn" that is absent when using heavier weights, some have become convinced that this focuses on the muscle in a more complete way, and therefore must bring definition to a level that exceeds what is seen with a lower rep range. It's also possible that cardiovascular fatigue accompanying higher rep weight training workout sessions causes many bodybuilders to feel that they are shedding more fat, and they then begin to follow such workout routines when muscle definition is the primary goal. The problem with these theories is that the weight training component of a workout session is not meant to reduce fat or increase definition, but rather to boost muscle size and strength, and therefore must be utilized with this particular goal in mind. By modifying rep range to target muscle definition, the bodybuilder reduces the overload provided to muscle tissue, and will likely begin to burn away a portion of muscle mass that was built with lower reps and greater weight. Instead of boosting definition, this particular weight lifting method will work against this very goal by harming muscle, as a larger number of reps per set have no more of a positive impact on muscle definition than low rep workouts, but they do offer a lower level of fatigue and overload, adversely impacting muscle gains, and risking the loss of muscle mass when following a reduced calorie diet plan for fat burning. Therefore, a bodybuilder should continue to build each weight training workout with a proper hybrid of rep ranges in order to sustain muscle mass while working towards definition, and focus on modifying diet variables to promote fat reduction, which is the key behind greatly enhancing definition in every muscle group. But is there a workout change that will accelerate the fat reduction process? Yes, and the method does not involve any alterations to the weight training workout, but does stimulate the cardiovascular system to improve metabolism and overall fat burning capability; aerobic activity is the key to accelerating the rate of fat reduction, and is often neglected by bodybuilders to the detriment of muscle definition. Even when seeking muscle mass gains, aerobic activity will assist in controlling body fat percentage, so in addition to a disciplined weight training workout routine comprised of both low and high rep ranges, aerobics is a very important concept in fostering maximum muscle definition, and should become required practice in any weight training workout system. If you are pursuing muscle definition, and find fat loss to be disappointing, do not pursue a high rep range for your weight training workouts, but rather first restructure your diet plan, which is the primary factor behind body fat gain or loss, and then aim for consistent aerobic sessions, preferably five days per week if your schedule allows, and once these specific variables are intact, you will begin to experience body fat loss and definition improvements that will bring all of your muscle gains to the skin's surface. If you are currently engaged in consistent aerobic activity, make sure intensity level is adequate, as a walking pace is not sufficiently challenging to the cardiovascular system for any significant metabolism boost, and remember that no exercise variable, whether it be weight lifting or aerobic activity, can take the place of a properly designed fat reduction eating strategy, so focus on how you eat for the most noticeable improvements in muscle definition. Can You Lose 4 Pounds A Week Safely? You have probably heard the saying that you should not lose more than 1-2 pounds a week. But for most people who want to lose weight quicker, it may seem as slow progress. If you train real hard and count your calories than you should lose more than 2 pounds a week, without damaging your health or losing muscle? Every single day you hear rapid weight loss stories. So where does the 2 pounds a week rule even come from and can you lose more than 2 pounds a week safely? Well, losing 1-2 ponds a week is no rule, it is more a general recommendation. It is really based on average results and it is a good target to go for. And the bigger you are the more you can lose safely. If you weighed 300 lbs, that would be 3 lbs per week. Losing "weight" is not a very accurate and it can be even meaningless. What matters is your body composition; the fat to muscle ratio, as well as water weight. People can lose a lot of weight in a few weeks by using some extreme induction program or a lemon juice and water fast. But most of these people also but weight back on because a lot of that weight was water and lean tissue. If you want to lose 4 pounds a week and you are not 400 pounds, then it takes a lot of effort to reach this goal. The more you want to lose, than the bigger calorie deficit you need. For example if your maintenance level is 3000 calories and you want to lose 4 pounds a week, then you need a 2000 calorie deficit. Which would equate to eating 1000 calories per day. Eating so little is not very safe and people often end up binge eating because people can´t last with this little food. So losing 4 pounds a week with cutting calories only is not an option. The other option is to create a calorie deficit by burning more calories with exercise. But you need to train for hours and hours every single day to lose 4 pounds with exercise. People just do not have the time or the motivation to sweat in the gym for hours and hours because we have a life. Most people have a job and a family and spending that much time and effort to weight loss is not practical. Yes, it is possible to lose 4 pounds a week, but as you can see, it takes extraordinary effort to do it. And losing 2 pounds a week is not bad at all. You can lose at least 50 pounds in 6 months, if you lose 2 pounds a week. That is a lot of weight. Capsaicin Presents Outstandingweight Loss Results Based On Recent Studies Research now uncovers that chili peppers can be a dieter's completely new buddy in the war in opposition to excess fat. Chili peppers are usually recognized for their poignant, spicy flavoring that adds zest to cuisine. In the past, numerous health experts, dieticians along with losing weight specialists claimed that spicy dishes enable reduce fat. But now, new research is shown in order to light that will proves they may have been right as a possible active component in chili peppersgenerally known as capsaicin is discovered to aid in weight-loss in terms of curbing appetite, improving metabolic process , as well as boosting fat loss. It's the trifecta of weightloss. A study held in 2009 mentioned on the journal of Clinical Nutrition says that capsaicin cuts down food cravings, therefore, people ingested less calories and fat loss ensued. In which exact same year, a report published in the European Journal of Nutrition demonstrated that capsaicin decreases a endocrine named ghrelin, which can be identified for promoting food cravings. The research implies that capsaicin may be regarded as a valuable advantage in soothing craving for food and also appetite. Metabolic process has been long deemed an iconic step to long-term weight loss. In case you have a fast metabolic rate, you're a fortunate member of culture that could try to eat cheeseburgers, and other seductive pleasures and barely acquire fat. A quick metabolism will be the solution at the rear of the skinny figures of the younger years. Although as we age, our metabolism drops, and for a few, considerably. For you to combat that, capsaicin may play a huge role. That's mainly because various research laboratory and animal scientific studies record capsaicin hasten thermogenesis, the organic process involved in burning up calories. In the 2010 research noticed in the particular Journal of Proteome Study, capsaicin triggered different necessary protein in which broke down extra fat as well as avoided the production of excess fat. Which proposes capsaicin may bear guarantee to help you flatten your tummy. However is it harmless? Generally-speaking it truly is. Needless to say, foods with good capsaicin content, just like chili peppers may cause stomach complications, heartburn symptoms and possibly peptic issues for some. Additionally, if you're consuming prescription drugs including blood-thinners and also pain killers, it will be suggested to prevent foods as well as health supplements containing capsaicin. Capsaicin might not be suited to pregnant or perhaps nursing females. Prior to go out to the grocery store to put on extra chili peppers, it's important to note it will require a considerable everyday dose of capsaicin * 10 grams -- to benefit. The most effective option is to take a capsaicin supplement in pill or capsule form to obtain your daily does easily. We surveyed quite a few capsaicin dietary supplements on the market. Of these we examined, the most effective we found was a brand known as Capsiplex. This particular brand attained our requirements for the best capsaicin health supplement according to four factors. The scientific study was executed on Capsiplex, which clearly demonstrates its usefulness. With this analysis, Dr. Karen Viera analyzed Capsiplex and found it made it easier for participants burn up around 278 much more calories previous to, during and also after exercising over a treadmill machine for an hour. The reason why is it boosts sleeping metabolic rate and costs and also burns carbohydrate food and fat. What's more, it confirmed anti-oxidant results, reduced blood vessels cholesterol levels and also reduced fat build-up in the liver. Exercising performance also proved a marked improvement, which results in a lot more intense workout routines, which melts away much more calories. Another reason precisely why we liked Capsiplex was because it's a exclusive patented matrix of excipients as well as coatings that provides you the positive aspects with out irritability as well as acid reflux. That's because its unique covering was designed to endure the reduced Ph amount of the stomach in order that it keeps undamaged till the capsaicin extract is produced in the higher PH quantity of a intestinal tract; many capsaicin dietary supplements available on the market are not able to handle this problem, hence they produce lackluster outcomes. Capsiplex has been highlighted positively in several United kingdom media which includes theDaily Mail, the Daily Express, the Daily Star, and in Star Magazine. Stars are purported to be taking advantage of Capsiplex including Britney Spears, Kelly Osborne and J-Lo, as well as model Nicola McLean who been dependent on it in order to lose her excessive post-pregnancy weight. She reported falling 7 pounds in just one week. Due to impressive media subjection, 50,346 packs of Capsiplex soldout in 3 days. After that, the outcome coming from customers have shown promise too. Amy J. reports being lower two dress sizes in 6 weeks. Frank L., reports losing 8 pounds within 3 weeks. And Wendy B. boasts she's 11 lbs lighter right after just 23 days. The maker states when you have a lot more than 14lbs to shed, you can assume to decrease up to four lbs in your very first 7 days, and after that drop 1 or 2 lbs each week thereafter. That's fairly remarkable in our books. The company dependent their product upon 30 years of investigation and offers 24-hour help using their United kingdom office. They ship to all over the world and give a reasonable value with regard to Capsiplex, considering it makes it possible to get rid of to 278 calories per day. Capsiplex Reviews-Quickly Weightloss Recommendations Are you interested in losing weight? If you are, are you in a hurry to do so? While it is advised that you do not rely heavily on fast weight loss, also commonly referred to as rapid weight loss, there are many individuals who do. Capsiplex is a clinically proven weight loss pill containing pepper which can help burn 12 times more calories, in a placebo controlled study this resulted in people burning up to 278 more calories. You can learn more on Capsiplex slimming pills reading the Capsiplex reviews. If you are interested in losing weight, as quickly as possible, you will want to continue reading on. One of the many ways that you can go about achieving a fat weight loss or rapid weight loss is by reducing the foods that you eat. When reducing your food consumption, it is important that you only reduce your consumption a little bit. Unfortunately, many individuals who want to achieve fast weight loss think that they need to stop eating altogether, even if it is for two or three days. That is something that you do not want to do. Once you resume eating again, you will likely gain all of your weight back, almost automatically. It is also important to mention that starving yourself is dangerous to your health. If you are interested in learning about one of the most popular diet products around right now, you should take your time to read the Capsiplex reviews. In conjunction with reducing your food intake, it is advised that you reduce the amount of sweets or junk food that you eat. For fast weight loss, you will want to completely eliminate junk food from your diet, even if it is only for a short period of time. This means that if you want a snack, you should grab an apple or an orange instead of a chocolate bar or a bag of chips. With candy and other sweets being high in calories, you may see a significant decrease in your calorie consumption by eliminating them from your diet. Exercise is another way that you can go about achieving fast weight loss. The thing about using exercise to achieve fast weight loss is that it is a little bit tricky. With exercise, you may not notice a significant weight loss right away. For instance, it typically takes most individuals at least a week or two to notice an improvement in their appearance with the use of exercise. With that in mind, the more overweight you are, the sooner you may see a decrease in your weight, often quickly. In keeping with exercise to lose weight, exercise is important to losing weight, as it helps to limit your calorie intake. When you burn off calories, with the use of exercise, your body absorbs less calories. This is what makes it possible for you to lose weight. Although your first though may be to start exercising as much as possible, right away, you may want to refrain from doing so. If you aren't usually physically active, it is best to start out slow. This should significantly reduce your risk of injuries. Another one of the many ways that you may be able to achieve fasts weight loss or rapid weight loss is with the use of a cleanse. These cleanses are commonly referred to as colon cleanses or weight loss cleanses. Cleanses work by removing toxins and extra weight, actually waste, from your body. It has been said that most individuals have at least seven or eight pounds of waste stored in their bodies. A weight loss cleanse or a colon cleanse should help remove those toxins from your body. Should you decide to try a colon cleanse or a weight loss cleanse, to help you achieve a fast weight loss, it is important that you read all directions given to you. Some cleanses have a strict diet that you must follow. For the fastest weight loss, you may want to examine liquid cleanses, instead of those in pill formats, as they often produce the quickest results. The above mentioned fast weight loss tips may help you achieve fast weight loss, even if it is only a small weight loss. As a reminder, it is important to proceed with caution. While it is more that possible for you to achieve your fast weight loss goal, it can also be dangerous to you and your health. Cardio Training For Fat Loss - Should I Do It Before Or After My Weight Training For Best Results? When it comes to fat loss, one of THE most frequently-asked questions I get is "to maximize fat loss, should I do my cardio before or after my weight training?" I know there are times when I like to be kept in suspense… But I'm not going to do that to you here… Physiologically speaking, if maximum fat loss is your goal and you want to incorporate cardio into your training schedule, you're better off doing your cardio training immediately AFTER your weight training. Here's why: 1. When you do weight training first, you have more energy and strength for that weight training. I know cardio junkies won't want to hear this, but intense, QUALITY weight training is actually MORE effective for fat loss than cardio training. Why the emphasis on quality? Well, if you go to the gym and just flail around with light weights for 30 minutes, it's not really going to be very effective for fat loss. However, if you really put some effort into it and train hard, the metabolic boost you get from weight training (in terms of not only calories burned while doing it but the increase in metabolism after AND the increase in muscle mass you get from weight training) is greater than the boost you get from cardio training. And, when compared to slow, long-duration cardio training, that boost is MUCH greater. So by performing your weight training FIRST, while you're fresh, you're going to have more energy to put into it and you're going to be stronger. This will increase metabolic and muscle mass stimulation and therefore overall fat loss. It's a win-win situation! That's not to say you can't do a couple of minutes of cardio as a general warm-up before starting into the weights...just don't do an entire cardio session before weight training. Always keep in mind that the weight training is the REAL engine behind your fat loss efforts. And if THAT isn't enough to convince you to do cardio after weights, I've got another reason for you… 2. Performing weight training first decreases available blood sugar and puts the body in "fat burning" mode. When you train with weights, you're performing short, intense muscle contractions. Glucose (blood sugar) is the preferred fuel for driving these intense contractions. As you go through your workout, your body gradually uses up its readily-available supply of sugars and starts mobilizing fat for energy. Here's the key…mobilizing bodyfat for energy is a process that takes time. If you do your cardio first, your body will be initially working on that blood sugar before getting started on the bodyfat. By the time you're done with cardio and move to weights, THAT is when you're in the optimal fat-burning mode. But the problem is, fat is NOT an efficient fuel for weight training. By doing cardio first, you use up all the "good" stuff for weight training and force your body to make do with a less powerful fuel source. Your weight training workouts will decrease in quality and your cardio efforts won't be as effective for achieving fat-burning, which is your primary goal! So basically, you're shooting yourself in the foot TWICE! Think of your body as a hybrid gas-electric car. This car uses gas to provide more power for acceleration and electricity to provide long-term power for maintaining speed. Now think of blood sugar as gas and weight training as powerful acceleration. When you press the pedal (performing weight training), you're going to get much better acceleration when you're using the proper fuel (i.e. gas). If you try and power the acceleration with electricity, you'll go forward but not nearly as quickly as if you were using gas. The bottom line is this…perform your weight training first so you use up the "fast" energy first. Then, by the time you hit the cardio, you're ALREADY in fat-burning mode and every single second you're doing that cardio is going to be burning more fat than if you did it first. --- These two reasons apply no matter if you're doing slower, long-duration cardio or high-intensity interval training (which I recommend). The key thing to keep in mind is that WEIGHT TRAINING is what's going to help you change your body FAST…cardio is a useful tool for improving your results but it's NOT what drives your fat-loss results. And that being said, if you absolutely feel you MUST do your cardio first, I'm NOT going to tell you it's the worst thing in the world…the fact that you're doing SOMETHING trumps doing nothing ANY day of the week! But if you're looking for maximum impact for the time and effort you're putting your training, DEFINITELY hit the weights first and cardio after. Celebrity Weight Loss Patch If you have tried various means to lose weight and none is working for you or you need an effective method to lose weight, then celebrity weight loss patch may just be right for you. Weight loss patch is not like the use of dieting or exercises to lose weight; rather the patch is integrated into your existing day to day activities and style of life. This is so because you will not be restricted from enjoying your preferred foods which make up of your diet neither would you visit the gym center to spend hours lifting weights. Read on the review to discover if it does work or not. The use of celebrity weight loss patch may just be the easiest and less stressful means to shed excess body fat, and lose weight in a natural manner as well as in a short period. SlimWeight patch is one of the best celebrity weight loss patches you can currently find in the market. The way it works is this: you will have to put on the patch straight on your skin. Once this is done, it will discharge its potent mixture of natural substances which can easily be taken up by your blood stream. You will need to bind each of the patches onto a small region of your skin for a full day. When the day must have been exhausted you will need to peel it out and re-attach another one for a consecutive day. The weight loss patch does not hurt on the skin both during its application and removal. Further on the review, the length of days which you need to continue to use the weight loss is based on the quantity of weight you want to lose. Some weight loss merchants offer you a dosage recommendation chart. It is made to last throughout the day regardless of whether you are taking your bath, swimming, building up sweat or even engaging in a rigorous routine when you attach it to a small region of your skin which is dry and hairless. Till you decide to take it out, it will remain active all through giving your system the steady flow of ingredients it requires to attain your weight loss potential. A celebrity weight loss patch like SlimWeight patch is free from any side effects. You will get a faster result from the use of weight loss patch when you team it up with exercises. Simple exercises like walking, jogging, biking, or skipping can help you to get the most out of your weight loss target whilst also using weight loss patch. You need to see more about it at SlimWeight patch Review Cheating On The Hcg Diet Sticking to the HCG Diet protocol is imperative for your weight loss success. Only if you stay committed and follow the 500-calories-per-day diet will you achieve the desired weight loss. The average loss on the HCG Diet is 0.5 to 1 pound every day! However, we are all human and have the urge to cheat now and again. You must learn how to avoid cheating and minimize the impact if you do cheat. Consider the Cost When you have the desire to cheat on the HCG Diet you should first think about the cost. We are referring to the monetary cost as well as the emotional cost and the investment of time. Contemplate how much you have invested with regard to HCG sublingual drops. Include not only the cost of the drops but the time you have spent working hard thus far. Next, realize that cheating (no matter how minor it may seem) will leave its effects on your weight for three days! That means you will stall and/or gain for three days after you cheat! Consider how that will affect you emotionally. Imagine the guilt you will carry for quite some time after. Is it really worth it? Assess the Situation When you have the urge to cheat on the HCG Diet, stop and think about what's going on in your life. Are you really hungry? Are you depressed or stressed out? It's important to examine how you are feeling at that moment. Use your food journal to track your emotions as well as the foods you eat. You may see a pattern develop. This will help you identify what is causing the urges to cheat and help you to solve the problems causing it. Alternatives to Cheating on HCG If you cannot get past the cheating moment by drinking more water or green tea, then stop and consider making a healthier choice. Instead of picking up that candy bar or donut, we suggest trying a slice of watermelon. No, watermelon is not allowed on the HCG Diet protocol but it is certainly the lesser of two evils. So, if your cravings are for something sweet, go for fruit instead of a sugary snack. If you are not craving sweets, try a healthy veggie snack to get you through. Slice a tomato or cucumber with a little seasoning. It will keep you on target and have only a small impact on your weight loss (if any at all.) If boredom is your problem, once in a while substitute a scrambled or hard-boiled egg for your protein. In summary, keep the sweets out of the house and turn to fruits and veggies if you absolutely must cheat on the HCG Diet. Choosing A Hypnotherapist For Weight Loss If you have tried to lose weight and failed, it isn't lack of will power, it is the porgramming in your mind that has caused the failure. Many people have found success with weightloss through hypnosis. Hypnosis reprograms our desire to eat and helps us lose weight without a struggle. The reason is simple. There are underlying causes of excessive weight that have to be changed before a diet can possibly work. Some of these causes include, hating to exercise and not doing so, eating the wrong kind of foods, eating when bored, eating in crises, not eating reasonable portions and more. hypnosis give those who use it an important weight lossa advantage. Our minds have been programmed since childhood with our unique eating patterns. hypnosis changes the habits and thus stops the cycle that causes the problem. Once that is done, the loss of weight is easier. That's because it isn't a diet you are on, it's a new lifestyle that you mind tells you to want and makes sure you follow. Without your brain deciding to change the underlying cause, you are very unlikely to succeed. I began an exercise program through hypnosis. I have always hated to exercise but after a single session, everyday when I wake up, I seem to just want to exercise. Many times I did not want to exercise but I just seemed to automatically get started. If the mind is programmed correctly, the body will follow naturally. There are a few things you should consider in a weight-loss program by hypnosis. Free Initial Analysis & Custom Solution A good program begins with a free analysis to make sure you are a good candidate for hypnosis and to see what factors cause your weight challenges. This allows your hypnotherapist to custom design a program that will address your issues and give you the edge to be successful at weight loss. Habit Changing Time Frame Because eating patterns have been embedded in your psyche over years, it will take a series of visits to re-program your mind for heath and weight loss. Be sure to consider a program that has several visits spread over time. Support and Guarantee Choose a program that sticks with you for success. Chose a program with a guarantee to give support and follow up sessions as you need them. Your hypnotherapist will stay with you to support you until you reach your goal weight. Properly designed hypnosis programs are the answer for many people and may be right for you. It gives you the edge you need. You will never again beat yourself up about your lack of will. You will lose the weight you want and get your life back with less effort and less struggle. If you are serious about losing weight and keeping it off, call a local hypnotherapist today and get an evaluation. Clenbuterol In Performance Enhancement If there is something one well known trait of clenbuterol, it is that the pill is loved by people after losing weight, among the rich and famous, while in sports the drug is highly recognized. There are many reasons that make athletics and immaculate bodybuilders to be fond of the drug. Clen has become a crucial ingredient in fitness exercises due to a great body development that is devoid of layers of fat. It is essentially recognized as the miracle in weight loss and many people are trying the drug out. Rapid Weight Loss Most athletics and sports persons usually have an off and on season, as they realize they have gained a lot of weight once they decide to train to jumpstart their high season. This is where Clenbuterol comes in, since it gives a rapid and effective weight loss and a perfect ingredient to use in times like this. Forget about diet in the actual sense once you are using the drug, and rather be ready for the opposite. It is able to effectively give you a healthy dose of weight loss since it is able to significantly increase the body's metabolic rate. The body is made to quickly start the process of burning fat and protein, meaning that having additional proteins in your diet should be added. Beginning Performance Clenbuterol in athletics and other sports is the norm since it has been ascertained to give much needed overall strength. Each athlete as well as bodybuilder has the chance to benefit from Clen in terms of adding lots of muscle strength. If you have not known, it also affects endurance, thus giving an opportunity for one to continue with workouts intensely without being worn out that easily. Once you are using clenbuterol, you should stick to the prescription very carefully, so that you can avoid over indulgence. Taking it for about four to six weeks at most should be the norm and maximum prior to taking a very encouraged break. Nonetheless, the longer you use Clen will definitely be affected by the rate of your own metabolism as well as the major reason of intake. In case the goal is weight loss, about 4-6 weeks as afore mentioned is highly suitable. Nevertheless, if you are after building up and increasing your strength, shorter cycles should be what you try out. This is highly because clenbuterol affects ones strength for a shorter period, around 3-4 weeks. This is the reason you must make sure you have planned the cycle of your intake. At the beginning, it is important to start with a tablet that is 20mcg. You can continue adding a new pill after a couple of pills for your own dose until you have reached your own right dose, mostly between 80 and 120mcg every day. As the cycle end draws near, it is wise to gradually and systematically reduce your dose until you have finally been left without any Clenbuterol remaining. Coffee And Apple Diets Have you heard of the Coffee and Apple diet? It's almost as preferred as the Coffee and Marshmallow diet but every so a little more fit. The Coffee boosts your energy levels allowing you to get thru your daily task list at lightning speeds and the apples keep your gut lined and your body filled with natural energies. Fundamentally the Coffee and Apple diet works on the premise that you drink 7 cups of coffee and eat 7 apples a day. In addition to the Coffee and Apples, you are encouraged to drink 2litres of water and eat a tiny lunch and a small dinner usually composed from rice and protein such as fish or chicken. The Coffee and Apple Diet is becoming more popular, especially in the workplace and among young mothers who are forever active and may otherwise forget to eat, or just reach out for the closest bag of crisps or chocolate bar. The Coffee and Apple Diet permits you to eat regularly and maintain your sugar levels while still feeling satisfied. After a month on the Coffee and Apple diet you are expected to shed at least fifteen lbs. Depending on your starting weight some of us have lost barely more and some slightly less. Men can afford to eat a bit more than women but should not use that as an excuse to indulge and as with any diet, your body frame and height comes into factor as well . Lauren James is a homemaker with two toddlers who lives a hectic life. She seriously wanted to lose 10lbs for her sister's wedding but couldn't galvanize herself to attend weight-watchers classes and when a friend told her about the Coffee and Apple diet she made a decision to give it a go. "It was rather hard for the first couple of days as my body altered from the regular junk inputs of macdonalds burgers, crisps and biscuits but the regular cups of coffee, which I sweetened with splenda, certainly kept me going and my sugar longings at bay. By the end of the first week I'd shed 4lb and was feeling full of energy and chuffed in myself. After a month I'd lost 11 lb and was the ideal weight for my sister's wedding. I'd highly counsel the Coffee and apple diet as a fast fix weight loss plan, particularly for a big day such as a wedding or vacation." One of the largest advantages to the Coffee and Apple diet is the incontrovertible fact that it can be tailored to fit your tastes, it is highly customizable and even if you dislike coffee you can flavor it with mint, chocolate or strawberries to fit your taste. A particularly preferred product on the Coffee and Apple diet is the slimming aid Naturegift Diet Coffee, which is a brand of instant coffee which helps to burn off fat. Colon Cleansing Is A Very Good Way Of Cleaning Your Stomach And Fat Loss People adopt different methods to shed that stubborn extra fat they have amassed. Some join gym and other fitness centers while some appoint personal fitness instructors at home. Some start running and swimming regularly. However, very few people try and reach to the root cause of the problem of overweight. Colon cleansing is a very good way of cleaning your stomach and making the digestive system function in the most proper way. You might get a shock of your life when you hear the fact that there are cases where in about 30 pounds of waste has been excreted from a human body after a colon cleansing program. Facts about digestive cleansing weight loss system: We know that our bodies store fat when we consume too many calories, and it burns this stored fat for energy when we decrease our caloric intake. However, poisons in environment, chemical toxins (flavorings, artificial colors, preservatives, MSG and pesticides) in our food, lead and chlorine in water, and other, as well as parasites that can lodge themselves in our digestive systems, all contribute a significant role in our weight gain and in our difficulty to lose weight and keep it off. Cleansing of the colon means cleaning all the waste and the toxic that must have got accumulated on the walls of your intestine. This has been documented and scientifically proven by health & wellness experts all over the world. One of the ways the liver deals with impurities or toxins entering your body is to increase body fat to engulf these impurities and protect the vital organs and systems of your body from this destructive influence. The reason many diets are not successful for long-term weight loss is because they don't address the need to cleanse the body of toxins. When you lose, excess fat dissolves and the toxins that were trapped inside your fat cells are released into your bloodstream and circulated throughout your body-usually causing headaches, fatigue, aches, pain, dizziness, moodiness, and other symptoms. Some of these toxins are naturally excreted through the bowels, kidneys, and the pores of your skin. But without a cleansing regimen, the body is unable to remove all of these toxins, so it begins working diligently to once again, lock them away inside of "new fat tissue". This is why people tend to regain weight so easily after most diets and exercises. The body also attempts to defend itself from intruding toxins by wrapping the toxins in a wall of mucus within the digestive system in order to lessen the damaging effects, but over time this internal waste can reach a point of critical mass causing it to slowly rob you of your health, strength, and energy. The heavy mucus coating in the colon thickens and becomes a host for putrefaction. Parasites breed there, and the blood capillaries to the colon begin to pick up the toxins, poisons and noxious debris as it seeps through the bowel wall and into the bloodstream (this is often referred to as Leaky Gut Syndrome). At this point, all tissues and organs of your body are taking on toxins... and you've moved way past weight loss problems, to deteriorating health. These unhealthy parasites and mucoid plaque block the bodies natural ability to absorb vitamins, minerals and other nutrients properly. They also posion your body by letting of toxic chemicals directly in your blood stream on a daily basis. It would be wise to seriously consider incorporating an effective but gentle colon cleansing diet program into your overall weight loss plan. The reason is that if you're actually infested with internal worms and parasites, than there's little that you can do in order to lose weight which will actually work until you become clean. Colon cleansing can be done in a variety of different ways. As with any kind of health related practice, natural is not the only way to gobut the preferred way. One simple and natural way to start your colon cleansing program is to drink room temperature water; at this temperature, water will help to cleanse the bowel and even has some natural obesity-fighting properties. Include the fiber in your diet. Not only does fiber help to cleanse your colon, but fiber ties to fat molecules and carries them out of your body, leading to weight loss in several cases as the fat is naturally eliminated from your system without being digested. Fasting can help to cleanse the colon and when done in moderation can also aid in weight loss. There are a variety of herbs which also have colon cleansing properties. A couple of the more well-known herbs include Indian gooseberry and Hoodia Gordonii. Among the available methods in the Internet for colon cleanse, stands the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret by Suzanne Gudakunst. She is causing a great controversy due to her weight loss program: Many people from all over the world have used this program, but many people suspect that it's not going to work for them and that it's indeed a scam. But what is the true answer? Is Dr Suzanne Gudakunst a scam artist or can her program really help you to lose weight? I'm afraid, isn't a straight yes or no. It has to do with the reasons you gained fat in the first place. Dr Gudakunst's program is a detox type diet meant to flush out of your body useless waste which has accumulated all over you internal organs and unhealthy parasites which are infesting your colon and intestines, start multiplying there by the millions, and slowly make you sicker and fatter. While this can certainly cause someone to become sicker and fatter, it doesn't have to be the reason while you yourself got fat. Take a good hard look at the way you lead your life. If you got fat by overeating, than perhaps a different diet will also help you to lose fat. However, if you're one of the many men and women who struggle to lose weight, feel that they do everything the should, eat right and exercises, but still can't seem to get those pounds to budge, than Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst's program may indeed help you. If you struggle to lose weight, you should seriously consider a colon cleansing program before you plan to join a fitness center or a gym. Comparison Of Cycling And Walk You can lose weight on foot or by bicycle. Even if you think you have no time for any changes in lifestyle can open the door on foot or by bicycle. These two activities can function as utilitarian tasks. Consider walking or bicycling to work, shopping or visiting friends. Even a small amount of walking or cycling burns calories, which translates into a loss of weight in the short and long term. Weight Loss Several factors contribute to weight loss. In short, states need the Mayo Clinic to burn more calories than you consume to lose weight. You can lose a pound, you must pay 3,500 calories of exercise, diet, or a combination of both. Mayo Clinic experts say that physical activity helps maintain a healthy weight. Generally, the weight and intensity of activity increases, you burn more calories. Calories Burned Walking Walking half an hour was the pace of 3.5 mph to burn 120 calories on average £ 125 per person, according to the Harvard Medical School. The function returns the 149 and 178 calories, including, respectively, and the 155 - and 185 pounds per person. The intensity of 4.5 km / h and 155 pounds fell 186 calories. Make a run to burn, on average, less than 10 minutes per mile, per person, 155 pounds 223 calories. In comparison, reaching 155 mph 5 pounds of 298 calories more than half an hour. Calories Burned Biking Cycling generally provides more calories than walking. During the half hour leisurely 12 - bike 13.9 mph burns 298 calories for someone 155 pounds. 14. at 15.9 km / h, this number climbs to 372 calories. Cycling at a speed of 19 mph in a 16 serious loss of 446 calories. At race pace deserves more than 20 km / h to 155 pounds a person loses 614 calories per half-hour. Harvard noted that the results or style BMX 316 calories an average of 155 pounds. Ideas If you have time, walking and cycling are effective forms of exercise. As Jennifer Dill, professor of urban planning at Portland State University, said 60 percent of all personal trips are 5 miles or less, while nearly 40 percent are less than 2 km. Consider travel by bike to work. If it is not possible to assess the types are uniformly distributed. You may be able to leave the car at home and walk or bike to some of them. For example, a few minutes before leaving in the morning, so you can accompany children to school. Running a small grocery store, are also eligible. The Goal Maintaining a healthy weight, active life. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that adults receive 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise per week. This includes walking and cycling. The CDC also suggests two or more days a week muscle-strengthening activities. Walking and cycling to neglect certain muscle groups, but also the muscles of the legs, back and other areas. Constructive Weight Loss Tips For Your Diet Plan Constructive weight loss tips for your diet plan This piece of information could be benefiting anyone of you who have the strong determination for losing weight. Plan Your Meals One Week In Advance. It could help you to prevent eating something that you should not be eating if you plan for what you are going to eat in advance. Do remember to keep track on the calories intake daily, jot it down on your weight loss notepad, so that you able to trace back the record and exchange this valuable experiences with your friends. Example: Monday- Breakfast: Whole meal bread with low-fat yogurt Lunch: Grill chicken sandwich Tea break: Fiber biscuit Dinner: Salad and fruits Tuesday -Breakfast: High fiber cereal with low-fat milk Lunch: Brown rice with small portion of chicken breast and vegetable Tea break: Protein bar Dinner: Soup and fruit And so on... This tip is going to be helpful for your weight losing only if you eat according to what you planned, stay strictly and consistently. Having A Good Sleep Lacking of sleep will make you feel tired and become lazy to do anything. Not enough sleep as well will affect your emotion. We will tend to manage our emotion with food without us knowing it. Therefore, having enough sleep will be able to eliminate this problem. When you are feeling down, you can to talk to your friend, go out for a walk, or do something that you like (playing game, listening music....)Do not get yourself trapped on emotional eating, overcome the mental barriers so that you able to achieve your weight loss goal Lose One Pounds At A Time Everyone of us wants to lose weight and see result immediately. It is a known fact that weight loss does not happen over night, it is all about persistence. It does really help if you could set yourself a realistic weight loss plan with goal, example 1 pounds per week then increase to 8 pounds a month from 3rd month onwards. Measure your weight weekly, it helps to motivate you when you see the difference. Exercise Exercising helps on burning off calories. Therefore, we have to make exercise a regular part of your life, as a normal routine for us. Start it with a 15-30 minutes activity that you like. I have it all ready and waiting at all times. We are here to encourage and motivate each other, do share your experience during your weight loss. We shall start our weight loss plan today and looking forward to achieving our ideal weight. Controlling Hunger= Easy Weight Loss Shedding extra weight will get far less complicated for virtually all individuals when they have some degree of hunger control. A very simple strategy to deal with hunger and cravings is to learn to choose food items that will probably fill a person and stay away from meals which cause a person to end up being famished. Snacking and consuming foods with protein and soluble fiber, such as those suggested below, may assist you moderate food cravings. • Eat a lot of the "right" snack foods. Low-calorie, portion-controlled snack foods can eliminate being hungry by protecting against the sharp surges and falls in both endorphins and blood sugar levels, which produce desire for food. Eating snack foods tells our brain that we are not starving ourselves to death; this in turn lets the body burn up more energy. Not eating meals, especially during the day time, tells the body to maintain it's supply of energy and cease burning fat and calories. • Eat protein rich meals. Consuming foods rich in proteins stabilizes blood sugar for hours and creates sensations of bloatedness. This is particularly essential with breakfast, where staying away from protein is actually easy. Get into the routine of reading food product labels for the quantity of grams of healthy proteins and fiber in that foodstuff. Desirable food items have more than ten grams of protein per serving and very satisfying foodstuff possess more than twenty grams of protein per helping. • Target on fiber dense meals. Eating foodstuff with high dietary fiber content can produce feelings of bloatedness for hours. There are two kinds of dietary fiber in our diet, based upon how they dissolve in the abdomen. Insoluble fibers do not break down and move through the body undigested. These include rice and corn bran, whole grain cereal products, nuts and seeds, and the skins of some fresh fruits and vegetables. They are regularly used for the treatment of irregular bowel movements and colon disease. The other form of dietary fiber dissolves in the belly, such as fiber in fresh fruits, vegetables, oat bran, and barley. The more fiber the better. Seek twenty five grms or more of total fiber per day. Vegetables are limitless in this program, as are all fresh fruits except bananas, pineapple, mangos, and avocados, which should be definitely avoided. • Opt for reduced calorie, water packed foods. Foods with large water content are really filling. In her reports at Penn State, Dr. Barbara Rolls unquestionably proved the benefit of heavy ingredients rich in water content. Good examples of such foods are soups (not cream-based), many fresh fruits and vegetables with substantial water content, soups, and cooked grains. Dr. Rolls demonstrates that eating these varieties of meals, principally before the main meal, may lead to eating fewer unhealthy calories during the following dinner. She encourages a pot of soup and salads as "starters." • Sipping the "right" drinks may help stop sensations of craving for food. Normal water, diet carbonated drinks, low-fat milk, and vegetable juices can often be very helpful for dropping weight. These drinks create a feeling of fullness; some preserve blood sugar levels, and diet sodas sweetened with sucralose can also eliminate the cravings. Coping With Hunger While On A Weight Loss Plan One of the biggest problems for most people when trying to lose weight is getting hungry while on a diet. Most will do well for a few weeks then have a bad moment where they give into their cravings and give up. This is followed by a few days of being "off the wagon" where one may or may not get back on the plan. To have a successful outcome, what needs to happen from day one is to have something that is realistic. Go for a gradual weight loss plan. It's hard to accept this most of the time because of magazine and television ads showing someone lost 20 pounds in 3 days. Most of these are not actually real. Start by cutting a total of 200 or so calories whether you eat less or burn more and that will get you about 20 pounds of weight loss per year. It's difficult to feel hungry when it's just a few hundred calories less than normal. Exercise more and eat more. It's better to burn off more calories and continue to eat than it is to starve. If you exercise hard and eat well, the chance of giving into cravings is much less. Have lots of good food to snack on. Get some fresh foods like carrots, celery, apples, bananas, and others to snack on. These won't leave you quite as full and satisfied as most greasy foods but they do help with the addiction of eating for the sake of eating. Give yourself your cravings within reason. If you love pizza, go get some pizza. Just don't eat thousands of calories worth of it at one sitting. Thirty minutes before the meal have a big bowl full of fresh fruit or vegetables or even oatmeal. Let that settle then go ahead and have your favorite craving. At least this will help mitigate a few hundred calories that would otherwise be pizza. Did You Know These 7 Healthy Weight Loss Myths? It's very surprising but even in this information age that we live in, there are still many myths about losing weight. Healthy weight loss always involves eating a balanced diet and exercise but many people are still confused about how weight loss works. How much do you know about weight loss? Fat Burning Food It seems like wherever we go on the internet, we are inundated with weight loss advertisements. Some of these feature the so-called "fat burners" or "fat burning food." There are diets that claim cabbage soup or grapefruit burns fat. All of these claims are false. Food cannot burn fat. Food is the fuel for the body and the body is what burns fat. Spot reduction Actually, when people lose weight, they lose it all over their bodies. You cannot lose weight on one part of your body only. Exercises for weight loss should be done with your whole body and not just one part of it. Starches are fattening A lot of healthy food items such as whole grain bread, rice, pasta, fruits and even some vegetables are high in starch. These foods are an important part of a healthy diet. They are low in fat and calories and provide fiber that is needed for digestion. It is the toppings that are sometimes added to these foods such as mayonnaise, sour cream or butter that are fattening. Natural weight loss pills are safe Natural or herbal supplements are peddled as safe because they are natural. However, natural does not necessarily mean safe. Think about this, do you know there are many plants that are poisonous to humans? Yet these are entirely natural and grow in the wild. Just because something is natural does not mean it is safe. Be cautious before taking any supplements and consult your doctor about their ingredients before taking them. Red meat is bad Lean meat in small amounts is fine. A healthy weight loss diet includes food that provides us with protein such as red meat, poultry, fish, etc. The proper serving size for lean meat with the fat trimmed off is about the size of a regular deck of cards or three ounces. Eating at night causes weight gain Whatever time it is when you eat, you can gain weight. It is the total number of calories you eat that determines whether or not you gain weight, not when you eat. In fact, people who skip meals and eat only twice a day are proven to weight more than people who eat regular meals throughout the day. This is probably because people who skip meals become much hungrier later on and tend to binge during meals. Dairy products are unhealthy and full of fat Nowadays there are many low fat or nonfat dairy products that are healthy and non-fattening. Women in particular need calcium to stave off osteoporosis and dairy products are rich in calcium. The truth of the matter is to lose weight, a person simply needs to consume fewer calories than he burns. Put another way, a person needs to burn more calories than he consumes. Either way, the key idea is to eat fewer calories through a healthy, balanced diet and burn more calories through exercise. Healthy weight loss does not involve skipping meals, eating only fish or having a liquid diet. Long-term weight loss is a lifestyle change that means eating a healthy diet and exercising. Diet Doc Weight Loss Program In Anaheim Anaheim is one of the cities of America with the highest obesity rate and the highest demand for weight loss methods. Diet Doc Weight loss programs have perceived the anxiety of people of Anaheim and they have introduced an excellent way to reduce weight. Diet Doc hCG diet is a way to melt the stored fat in the body and reduce the weight. Diet Doc hCG Weight Loss Program is designed by specialists in the dietary field to help people lose weight in a safe and quick way. Anaheim is one of the most important cities for Diet Doc hCG weight loss programs as the obesity rate here is very high and people want to lose weight. Diet Doc reports, many online sites make unqualified and unsubstantiated claims on the effectiveness of the hCG weight loss program. They claim that patients are losing 2 pounds of fat per day. They claim that hCG is a permanent cure for obesity. Neither of these outrageous claims is true and in most states in this country making fraudulent medical claims is not only unethical, but illegal. hCG diet has been around for a long time but only recently because of the work of Diet Doc hCG weight loss programs it has been taken up as one of the best ways to lose weight quickly. People Anaheim have tried the Diet Doc hCG diet and they have found it to be extremely helpful in losing weight and to some Diet Doc hCG diet is a miracle. Will Diet Doc hCG diet really help in weight loss? I make no promises about Diet Doc hCG diet but as I already mentioned people have got excellent and long lasting result with their diet. With the success rate of Diet Doc hCG diet, you can be positive that Diet Doc hCG diet will help you. These weight reduction treatments include oral hCG or an injection of hCG–a drug, which has not been approved by the food and drug administration as safe and effective in the treatment of obesity or weight control. There is no substantial evidence that hCG increases weight loss beyond that resulting from caloric restriction, that it causes a more attractive or “normal” distribution of fat, or that it decreases the hunger and discomfort associated with calorie-restrictive diets. Results may vary and cannot be guaranteed. Medical supervision and compliance with our program is required. Where can I find Diet Doc hCG weight loss program in Anaheim? That's pretty easy, visit http://www.hcgtreatments.com or call 888-934-4451. Diet Doc's doctors also support video conferences to help people lose weight Diet Magic Review - Do Weight Loss Pills Work? This One Does!! Diet Magic is a new weight loss product that has caught a lot of attention lately. After researching Diet Magic, I haven't found any negative aspects to the product or the Symmetry company. It looks like the Diet Magic blend was designed to be a natural alternative to the many dangerous weight loss products out there. Diet Magic has all natural ingredients that enhance metabolism, boost your energy, and help control food cravings. Some of the unique ingredients in Diet Magic are Dark Chocolate Powder, Green Tea extract, and Trace mineral complex. Their proprietary blend along with natural caffeine and several other ingredients make up a synergistic formula that seems to help burn fat, curb your appetite, and give you a lot of energy. There are many weight loss products in the market including meal replacement shakes, ephedra metabolism enhancers, etc… The problems with products like those is you usually have to keep taking the meal replacement shakes instead of eating real food, or you could gain the weight back. And the ephedra products have caused a lot of people problems like having jitters, uncontrollable shaking, to more serious health problems. Now every body knows that healthy calorie restriction and moving our bodies everyday is a common sense option for most of us who would like to lose weight. If we could all go on “The Biggest Loser” and exercise four to six hours a day, get massages, not have to work, and eat healthy low calorie foods everyday, then that would be great. But in reality, that is not available to most of us even though we still need to do our best to take care of our body and be healthy. So, obviously I think it is best to eat healthy and exercise to lose weight, but it doesn't hurt to have a little help. If you've been looking for an all-natural safe weight loss product, Diet Magic may be an option for you. Of course, you should always read all labels, warnings, and check with your doctor before starting an exercise program or taking any type of supplements. Different Benefits Aside From Acai Berry Weight Loss You can find so a lot of usages of the acai berry which a lot of people do not truly find out. Aside from acai berry weight loss, there are many other uses that people have not had time to explore and come to terms with. It is critical to be aware that it is these numerous usages and importance that have enhanced its popularity in latest times. Let consequently get a look at some of the uses and benefits of the acai berry aside offering weight loss benefits. One of the numerous uses of the acai berry is its use to curb hunger for several years. This is because it is capable to offer some high amounts of energy, which will keep you going. This way you can go on whatever you are performing and thereby make use of your energy efficiently. Aside from this, this berry has a sense of richness that most likely may be designated to its healthy fat content. Aside from acai berry weight loss therefore, this is one of the best uses that the berry can be out to. There is a different use, which is the reduction in the aging results on the body. This is because the acai berry goes a long way to lessen plenty of toxins and waste from the body. This way, the body will be free from any dangers that negatively affect the immune system. How good, thus, it will be to go in for a free trial of the acai berry product on the many internet shops that have sprung up. Really your local grocery store could even give you this free trial. Certainly, acai berry weight loss has never been that simple. In acquiring the acai berry you will ought to be very mindful about the nature of the product you are going in for. This is because there are a quantity of shops out there who will present you a product with some kind of magic ingredient. Thus, make that it only contains the real acai berry ingredient so that you get value for money. Apart this you could crosscheck the website for consumer reviews to see how their services are seen by others. This will assist you get the best offer possible. There are other uses therefore apart from the acai berry weight loss like elimination of aging effect and the curbing of hunger. Discover That Hot Body Hiding Within You With Fast Weight Loss For Women Dieting for most people is a drudgery. Forfeiting the foods that you love and spending hours exercising are two options that make some people just give up dieting. Maybe in the past you have lost that extra weight with diet pills, crazy diets, tons of exercise or starvation and then when you quit the weight you lost piles right back on plus a few extra pounds. It can be so frustrating but it doesn't have to happen that way. Do It The Holistic Way! If you want a holistic way that will enable you to work with your metabolism instead of against it then you can lose that extra weight. Fast Weight Loss For Women is not like the rest of the diet plans that are available today,it's a simple guide that you can follow to easily burn off body fat metabolically hour by hour. There's No Need For Starvation or Deprivation! Fast Weight Loss For Women is not just another type of depriving yourself,starvation diet. It's a natural,healthy way to lose weight. Just like with anything else,if you are consistent with the techniques you will learn here and turn them into daily habits you will ultimately get the best results possible. A few minutes here and there throughout the day add up to a lot of time doing these techniques,but you won't really notice you spent any "real" time following this program. Doing so can help you achieve the weight loss goals that other plans have not been able to do. If you are looking for a realistic diet plan that will fit into your busy lifestyle and let you fit back into your favorite "skinny" jeans, then Fast Weight Loss For Women is worth checking out. Discover The Simple Techniques To Weight Loss! There are simple techniques not widely known that will make a dramatic difference in your body within a couple of weeks. You'll be learning things like a simple 15 second exercise that 7 year old kids do naturally which gets your body primed for rapid sustained weight loss. There's also a 20 second "shortcut" technique to a flatter stomach which is about the easiest thing you can do to be slimmer. Also learn the psychological secret to keeping your lost weight off for good and when you know how this works, you'll never have to worry about gaining any weight back.Learn how to use water to "jolt" your body into thermogenesis plus there are many more simple and easy techniques. Weight loss in moderation will lead to more long term results. As with any diet plan you should consult your physician. Your results will depend greatly on how closely you follow these methods,as well as other factors and thus cannot guarantee specific results. Losing weight too quickly can lead to even more weight gain later. Fast Weight Loss For Women helps you set and achieve your goals in a realistic time period. So to make a wise investment in yourself and to discover that hot body hiding within you, discover the amazing benefits in Fast Weight Loss For Women. Does Adenosine Metabolism Help You With Weight Loss? When we start to get older our metabolism starts to slow down naturally. In men that age is approximately 40 and in women that age is 30. Even if we eat what we always did, we will probably gain weight as we get older. If you want to keep in good health and look as slim as we always did, you will need to take some steps to do that. So What is Adenosine? Adenosine Triphosphate or ATP happens naturally in our body's and it controls different activities like the increase in metabolism. Adenosine metabolism can have a dramatic affect when you diet because it increases our metabolism naturally without eating. Adenosine metabolism pills help to speed up our metabolism. When we eat, the body produces glucose, which produces ATP, which increases our metabolism. Using the Adenosine metabolism pill your body will have an increase in metabolism naturally, also increased energy, which will result in weight loss. What Pills Have the Adenosine Metabolism Formula? The "Hoodia" diet pills have the Adenosine metabolism in them. These weight loss pill help increase metabolism. They have become extremely popular around the world. You should always take the Adenosine pills with food and not on an empty stomach. You can get ulcers from taking the Adenosine metabolism pills without food. This is due to the fact that the stomach thinks it received food when it has just received a metabolism pill. When Should You Follow the Adenosine Metabolism Diet? Pills to help metabolism should be used only under the supervision of a doctor. This is extremely true if you are already taking medications for something else. You should still eat a balanced diet even when you are taking the Adenosine metabolism pills. You don't want to starve your body as that will do no good. You will do more damage than good if you do this. The body still needs minerals and vitamins that food provides. And there are other supplements found only in balanced nutrition. You should exercise regularly because this will keep the muscles in the body toned and this will increase the metabolism naturally, without needing any pills that increase metabolism. When you start to follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly, you will find that you won't need any metabolism increasing pills. Until you reach your ideal weight, you should take the necessary steps to get to that point. Adenosine metabolism pills may be the answer. Ask your doctor if using Adenosine metabolism pills to increase your metabolism is right for you. For more information on this topic and other weight loss topics having to do with metabolism visit: Metabolism Pills Does Calorie Counting Work With Weight Loss? Why do we gain weight if we eat a lot of sweets? The reason behind it is that we are consuming too many calories. When you have ‘good carbs' in place ‘bad carbs' in your diet it will lead you to weight loss or control. It is scientifically proven that if a person consumes more calories than he or she can burn it leads to weight gain. You can only be successful at weight loss if you take in fewer calories and burn the extra calories you have consumed. The rest is just a new turn on an old concept. People who are looking forward to weight loss are recommended to take between 1,500-1,700 calories at an average daily. It can change based on your activities and weight. To start this process you will have to calculate the amount of calories you requires to function daily or your Basal Metabolic Rate. This involves your weight as well as the level of activity. When this is done begin to cut back on food which have more calories. Many people believe that calorie is a calorie and how much can it matter. But calorie counting is very powerful method of weight loss. You need to have the correct diet and educate yourself on the food you should eat and lead a healthy lifestyle. There are gadgets which help you in calorie counting and the aim is to help you in weight loss and a healthy life. We are individuals and want proper information to lead a healthy lifestyle and achieve weight loss. There are several calorie counting gadgets which have been designed to educate as well as encourage weight management lifelong. It is a fact that ‘control your weight or your weight will control you'. The CalorieSmart electronic calorie calculator is such a device which can easily fit in your purse or pocket. This calorie counter has nutrition information on more than 50,000 food products of various brands as well as around 250 restaurants and fast joints. It is not just a calorie counting machine but can also be used as a diet and exercise journal to keep track of your daily diet, exercise, as well as the calories you burn. It has some other benefits like you don't have to wonder how many calories you are consuming as it will help you calculate calories with the nutrition information stored in it. By keeping log of your regular diet and exercise program it has a lot of impact on the success of your weight loss goal. It can store almost 12 months of information. You can set and monitor goals as well as personalize your CalorieSmart calorie counter. It has the option to connect to your PC and download data to analyze reports extensively. There are a number of reasons why an overweight individual wants to lose weight. It could be to stay healthy, look better or be more energetic. Whatever the reasons, successful weight loss depends on good planning and sensible expectations. Calorie counting with a handheld calorie counter is no doubt a very effective method of weight loss and management. Do Not Neglect Weight Loss Tips For Your Benefit There are many people looking for to reduce their excess body weight by following several techniques. But ironically, only a few people succeed in achieving their goals of losing weight. Most of the people quit their attempts due to lack of desired results and they are fed up. Here are a few tips to be followed in the attempt to lose excess weight and fat. At the outset, you must realize that no exercise will help you in achieving your goal unless you back it with a balanced and good diet. An ideal weight reduction diet should be low in fat and calories or otherwise the diet with high calories and fat will spoil your attempt to lose weight. Your routine diet should be the foods that contain high protein. Is Starving Better People are under the wrong impression that starving is the solution to lose weight, but this method will give only a temporary solution and nobody can venture to starve for months together and starvation will lead to further complications. Once you start eating routine diet after starvation, your body tends to regain the weight loss automatically and perhaps you may gain more weight. There is no point in making this attempt. It is better to drink a glass of water before taking every meal and in this way your stomach will not be full to its capacity. This will avoid overfeeding by you. Further you can avoid taking large meals in two or three times, and the same quantity can be spread evenly in a day. Harmful Things to be Avoided Individuals can resort to supplementary methods in speeding up their fat loss programs. You are advised to take natural health proteins that are safe to human health. Instead, if you resort to taking steroids and other harmful supplements, they will do more harm than good. Weigh loss program require motivation and belief or otherwise people quit before they see the results. Do not be discouraged by others, who will always give ill advice, but stay with the people who motivate you to achieve your goal. Another important point is that the individuals who are on the mission of losing weight programs should necessarily maintain a fat loss journal and this suggestion you cannot really afford to ignore. Recent statistical surveys have highlighted the fact that those people who maintain a weight loss journal are more successful in achieving their goals in reducing their weight than those individuals, who do not care to maintain such weight loss journals. Do Online Weight-Loss Programs Work? By Jason Hagen It's true in nearly every household: Time is at a premium. Kids' activities, work, and social obligations keep everyone busy from early morning until well after dinner. All this turmoil causes you to put off things you know are important – like signing up at your local weight-loss center or going to the gym. Perhaps you live in a rural area and your choices are limited. Can you still benefit from a weight-loss program, even if you have to attend "virtually" via a computer? Yes, if you follow some basic guidelines. Know Yourself First Some people are self-starters and are comfortable in an online environment with little personal interaction, and some people simply are not. You know yourself best, so before choosing an online diet program, ask yourself if you'll be successful without the support and encouragement of face-to-face meetings. Will you continue with the program, or lose interest without the motivation of a weekly meeting? If you are concerned about staying motivated with an online program but don't have a good weight-loss clinic nearby, one alternative is to look for a program that offers a hybrid approach. With webcams now the norm, you should be able to find a program that offers online meetings with a counselor rather than in person, so no matter how little time you have or how far you live from a major metropolitan area, you can still participate. Choosing a Good Online Program If you do decide an online weight-loss program is for you, there are a few things you need to know before signing up. You'll want to be sure the program has adequate support, so you never feel as if you're on your own. Ideally, you should have a coach assigned to you – someone you can count on to keep you motivated and on track. Trying to lose weight, work out, and say no to those bad habits that have developed over the years is tough enough. The last thing you want is to have to do it without someone to support your efforts. In addition, seek out a program that is tailored to you and your needs, not just a generic "diet" program designed to fit the "average" person or lifestyle. You'll be much more successful in your weight-loss efforts if your plan incorporates your unique tastes in food and exercise, rather than simply telling you how many calories to consume each day. Finally, avoid plans that depend on prepackaged meals and unnecessarily restrictive food choices, or require you to purchase a lot of supplements. While they might work in the short term, these types of weight-loss programs almost always fail in the end. It doesn't matter if you join online or off, they're just not sustainable. Keep in mind, too, that getting healthy isn't just about what foods you eat. It involves making better food choices, learning to exercise properly and with the correct frequency, and staying motivated even when the scales don't show any improvement. Your weight-loss program – whether online or in person – should help you in all three areas. Any plan that ignores one or more is not likely to help you achieve the success you are seeking. Do Xenical Weight Loss Pills really work? Fats start getting stored due to excessive eating resulting in weight gain. There are many weight loss pills and herbal medicines are available, but Xenical weight loss pills are quite popular among the people. Xenical makes wonder if taken with meals. It attaches to the lipases and blocks them from breaking down some of the fat you eat. What is Xenical Weight Loss Pills? Xenical is an oral prescription medication that helps the body to eliminate unwanted fat. It is highly popular among the people who needed additional assistance beyond taking low-calorie diet and exercise. Study has shown that even low-calorie diet and exercise alone can not produce desired results. Since it is a prescription medication, it is advisable that you must show your medical history to the doctor to make sure Xenical weigh loss pills are suitable for you. Human body contains enzymes that break down the fats we eat. Xenical weight loss pills attaches itself to the enzymes, which prevents fats from being absorbed. In fact, it eliminated in your bowel movement. Xenical blocks up to 33% of the fat, which comes from the food you eat. This helps great in preventing from gaining access weight and encourages body to control weight naturally over long time. Xenical Weight Loss Pills Results In many medical tests, it was observed that patients who continued to take Xenical weight loss pills for one year had shown noticeable weight loss than those who did not use Xenical at all and remained on low-calorie diet or moderate exercise. Such patients could be able to shed weight approximately 6 lb whereas those who added Xenical weight loss pills to their low-calorie diets had significantly reduced weight approximately 13.5 lbs. How to take Xenical Weight Loss Pills? As said earlier, it is a prescription medication and you must share your medical history with your doctor. However, doctor generally prescribes Xenical to be taken three times daily during the meal. If not then maximum upto one hour after the meal. It is imperative to take with meals only because Xenical weight loss pills absorbs the fats produced by food and enzymes. If you wish to lose weight faster with Xencial weight loss pills then concentrate on eating low-calorie food only. Before taking Xenical, inform your doctor about all the medicines you use (prescription and nonprescription) especially if you take cyclosporine, pravastatin, and warfarin. Consult with your doctor if you have an under active thyroid, chronic malabsorbtion syndrome or cholestatisis, gall bladder problems, gallstones, pregnant or breast feeding. Do You Feel Out Of Breath Walking Up Stairs? Walking up stairs is a physical activity that you do against gravity. Your body really does some work and you need enough of oxygen to meet the requirements of the cells. Naturally your breathing rates increases. So you breathe rapidly and experience a little out of breath. This is admissible if you really climb up stairs more than 4 or 5 storeys. But what if you feel out of breathe walking up stairs of two or three storey building? There is something you need to pay attention to. So what could be the cause of out of breath walking up stairs? Suffering from deprivation of breathing while you do small amount of physical work is not a good symptom. You may be internally suffering from some problem which requires immediate attention. Sometimes some internal problems don't show any symptom till it becomes severe. For instance the growth of cholesterol on the inner lining of walls of arteries doesn't show any symptoms till it is in a state to rupture the arteries or blood vessels. But they show some symptoms which we hardly notice like out of breathing on doing little amount of physical work. The other causes of out of breathing walking up the stairs can be loss of stamina due to smoking, asthma, respiratory ailments, cardiovascular diseases and lung diseases. Besides these your weight can also be a reason of breathing problems. Watch out if you are overweight? If you are suffering from obesity, your weight could be the cause of out of breath walking up stairs. Too much fat in the body produce cholesterol which blocks the lining or arteries that reduce the oxygenated blood flow to body tissues. As a result the person tries to breathe too heavily to meet the oxygen deficiency. It is very important to keep your weight in control. If you are overweight you must start a diet plan for weight loss and do regular exercise. Your diet for weight loss should be planned and properly implemented. You must leave high carbohydrate foods, dairy products which include too much of fat, junk foods and taking of cold drinks or beverages responsible for weight gain. Instead of chewing chips or French fries you must chew fruit salads or vegetable salads as snack items. Drink fresh juices and exercise regularly to loss your weight naturally. Drinking Water Helps Slim Down You might find this article title laughable but you might be surprised about the truth of the matter. Drinking water can be one of the very best things that you can do in order to lose weight. Let's get down straight to the facts on why water is an essential factor in weight loss. Does water help to burn fat? Indeed it does. Funny as it might sound, but the solution to your weight loss is just in your midst. Occupying two thirds of the planet, at that! And if think you have done everything just to shed off the extra pounds by going to the gym and switching to a healthy diet, you must have missed one important thing and that is your fluid or water intake. It might be that you are not drinking enough fluids. Well most people do that is why these problems are hard to solve. Okay, here's a rundown on how water help in losing weight: Are you aware that water is vital in fat metabolism? To be able to lose weight fast, the body's metabolic rate should be a lot faster than normal. If say, during the metabolism process, your body is water-deprived, the liver, instead of taking care of converting stored fat to energy, has got to help the kidneys out in executing certain functions. This scenario can result in a lower productivity of the liver, that is, instead of converting more stored fat to energy, it was left to do other jobs too. And this is all because you do not drink an adequate amount of water. If only you have drunk a lot of water, your kidneys need not call for the liver's assistance. As a consequence, you wound up storing more fat than losing them. Does water help to shed pounds? Again, the answer is yes. Much more important to drink more water when you are working out so that your muscles will not become dehydrated. Elevated water intake can actually make your muscle tone look awesome. Muscles that have enough water in them tend to contract without difficulty, thus, making your every workout extremely worthwhile. You can definitely witness that your toned muscles are really displayed as opposed to that annoying flabby and sagging skin. That is all thanks to this wonderful mineral. For you whose purpose is to lose weight, it is advised that you can drink greater than the typical Joe . And that explicitly states that drinking the minimum water intake daily which is 8 glasses a full day, is not adequate. Apart from the minimum 8-glass requirement, you need to drink eight ounces of water for every 25 pounds of excess fat. Figure out your extra pounds and the water intake requirement and that should be your minimum water intake for a day. Be sure though that you distribute your water consumption during the day. It is not good to drink all your water requirement at one time. It is best that you schedule your water intake properly so that you will make it a habit. Sporadically distribute the time that you will be drinking water within the times that you are not sleeping. Fortunately, water is relatively free and abundant. So there is absolutely no reason for you not to drink as much as your body needs for it to be healthy and fat-free. Dr. Michael Allen If you're one of the many people who are struggling with their weight, you probably have your share of frustrations with diet fads that did not work, or did work but only for a short time. Therefore you must be a little apprehensive when you heard the Fat Loss Factor Program by Dr. Michael Allen and Lori Allen. You may well think that this is simply one of those speedy weight loss schemes, chock-full with vacant promises from individuals who are out to take advantage of you. So let's take a look of what Fat Loss Factor Program has to offer and see if it is actually worth your time and money. Dr. Allan's Take on Fat Loss The course revolves around the concept that that consuming junk foods don't make us fat, having a fatty liver does. The liver is accountable in burning fat and if it's jammed, your body finds it tough to take away those pounds. He talked about that we do not need to deprive ourselves with foods that we love to consume. We can still eat those so-called awful foods, and manage to get free of fat if our liver is functioning normally. The course is deeply rooted to a time-tested principle on the subject of cleansing one's liver to stay away from storing too much fat in the body. The Fat Loss Factor Program gives ways to go after the principle by mixing diet and exercise programs so you can get hearty and successful weight loss. Credibility of Dr. Michael Allan's Claims As the author of the Fat Loss Factor Program, we wish to know if he is qualified to make those claims, and more importantly, if he can truly create a program that allows individuals to remove fat in a healthy way. Investigations shows that Dr. Michael Allan is a Board Certified Chiropractic Physician, and a Certified Physician. He is as well a Certified Nutrition Practitioner, speaker and author. He owns and runs a fat loss clinic in Carmel, Indiana. The top method to know if a diet program works is to look into those people who have undergone the program. Dr. Allan's spouse, Lori Allen, lost eighty-five pounds. Matt from Monrovia, Indiana confirms that the program functions as he lost sixty-five pounds. Tim from Mooresville, Indiana shed seventy-four pounds a quantity of weeks after he enrolled in the program. Furthermore, Rachel from Monrovia thanked the Fat Loss Factor Program since it in fact aided her to realize her dream body Conclusion The Fat Loss Factor Program supplies a sound solution and answer for being overweight. Dr. Michael Allan's background and practice makes him the authority in offering excellent methods for fat loss. The online book supplies easy-to-follow steps and within reach aspirations. It provides simple yet very powerful instructions on how best to lose those unwanted fats for good. The program is unique and verified effective by many of Dr. Allan's clients. Instead of doing not anything to address your weight problems or spending dollars on diet fads that won't get you anywhere, follow the Fat Loss Factor Program and see a important change in your body and your general healthiness. Easy Diet Plan - Lose 6 Kilos And Drop Physique Fat So as to lose pounds and drop physique fat fast, there are or a couple of issues that should be at the high of your checklist of priorities for success. Those things are proper vitamin, boosting your metabolism, and staying 100% consistent. Take just 54 seconds out of your day to find the simplest and easiest food plan plan that is primarily based round those things. First things first. If you want to get fast weight reduction and fat loss, the most important factor you need to perceive is that you've got to do so naturally. Because of this I'm encouraging you to steer clear of fad weight-reduction plan, low calorie weight-reduction plan, weight loss supplements, and those closely marketed superstar diets. Usually those diets will cause a destructive response in your physique to store calories as fats and forestall that fats from being burned off! That's the reason with fad diets, you may actually end up with yo-yo weight loss, "skinny fats", loose pores and skin, and a lot more!If you want to lose 6 pounds and drop physique fats with a simple weight-reduction plan plan that's primarily based across the two most essential ideas to shed pounds fast...correct vitamin and boosting your metabolism, then I wish to introduce you to the calorie shifting weight loss program program from Fat Loss 4 Idiots. The calorie shifting program is incredibly efficient because of the fact that you will firstly eat what your body needs daily...which suggests you do not starve your self with this diet. Additionally, the program will show you a dieting trick called calorie shifting where you'll be alternating the energy from the foods that you eat every day so as to increase your metabolism. When you "shift" energy using the calorie shifting secret, this causes a major spike in your metabolism. The higher your metabolism...the more faster and more naturally you may drop kilos and burn away fats! What's even higher is the truth that with this dieting system, you will persistently see outcomes with losing weight and burning fats since your metabolic rate will remain excessive just by eating.So, if you are on the lookout for a straightforward eating regimen plan to lose 6 pounds and drop body fats in just one week, then I like to recommend so that you can try out the calorie shifting weight loss program system. Easy Slow Carb Diet - How To Lose 20 Pounds In 30 Days Importance of a Slow Carb Diet Protein hormones such as insulin, leptin, adiponectin, IGF-1, and ghrelin respond to what you eat, especially to carbs. Keeping all of these in balance regulates your metabolism - i.e., your ability to burn fat. If you eat fast' carbs that spike your blood sugar, the hormone response is too strong and lasts too long. The overall result is metabolic imbalance (e.g., overstorage of fat). Slow carbs, on the other hand, come from foods that do not cause a huge or long-lasting spike in blood sugar, especially when balanced with the right amount of protein and fat at each meal. The net result is that the hormone response is measured and balance, giving your body a chance to get rid of excess stored fat. Depending on your starting point, current metabolic status (e.g., degree of resistance to insulin or leptin), age, and fitness level, the right 30-day eating plan can, indeed, lead to a drop of 20 pounds. It often does. And it can work wonders even the absence of exercise. Credit the 4-Hour Body This plan is well-known by followers of Timothy Ferriss in his best-selling book, The 4-Hour Body'. Among many recommendations in this book about fitness and diet, all of which are accompanied by case histories (aka, testimonials), Tim advocates an initial 30-day eating plan that is easy to follow and that consistently gets the best results. One of the most important and appealing aspects of this plan is that it does not limit calories, and therefore does not lead to hunger at any time. This is not one of those idiotic eat anything you want' diets that promise the sun, the moon, and the stars in exchange for no effort. It does take specific, directed effort. The plan is just not very hard. Rules of the Slow Carb Diet I am going to repeat the 5 Rules According to Tim here for two reasons: 1) They are simple and sensible; and, 2) I have had good experience with them myself. Without further ado, they are: Rule #1: Avoid white' carbohydrates As one of my naturopathic colleagues is fond of saying, "If it is white, don't bite." This rule doesn't really take much explanation, except that it is to avoid fast carbs. These include such foods as: All breads (even whole grain) Rice (including brown) Cereals Potatoes Pasta Tortillas Fried food with breading Anything else that is starchy Rule #2: Eat the same few meals over and over again Keep it simple. Slow and steady (or, simple and easy) wins the race. Choose a protein source, a legume source, and a vegetable for each meal. Mix and match if you want to avoid complete boredom, although this isn't necessary. The best and easiest sources for protein, legumes, and vegetables are: Proteins: eggs (2-5 in a meal), chicken breast or thigh, beef, fish, pork Legumes: lentils, black beans, pinto beans, red beans, soybeans Vegetables: spinach, any mix of cole crops (e.g., broccoli, cauliflower), sauerkraut, kimchee, asparagus, peas (limited amt.), green beans Rule #3: Avoid drinking calories It is especially crucial to avoid milk, normal soft drinks (either with sugar, HFCS, or artificial sweeteners), fruit juices. Fruit juices cause a fast carb hit that is unbelievable! They are nearly toxic. Tim says that you can have up to 16 ounces of aspartame-sweetened soft drinks per day, although I would strongly advise that you NEVER consume aspartame, even in small amounts. It is a metabolic poison. The best beverages would be water, tea, or coffee. You may or may not get away with a couple of glasses of red wine. Just watch carefully whether and how much influence wine can have on your progress. What fun - experimenting with wine! Rule #4: Don't eat fruit This may make more sense that most people realize. Fruit contains sucrose, which consists of a molecule of glucose and a molecule of fructose. The riper it becomes, the more fructose (fruit sugar') it contains. Fructose will stop your weight loss dead in its track because it only metabolizes in the liver. That is where carbs are converted to fats, mostly triglycerides that circulate in your bloodstream and end up as storage fat. Just keep this equation in mind: fructose = fat. You can add fruits back into your diet, carefully, after the 30-day diet that I am describing here. Once you get great results on the 30-day phase, though, you will be able to almost instantly tell what fruits do to interrupt your progress. By the way, as a professional botanist, I am conflicted by the no fruit' advice. This is because, botanically speaking, fruits include such veggies' as tomatoes, avocadoes, squash, zucchini, green beans, egg plant, and cucumbers. Classifications by our own USDA confuse the issue for regulatory reasons. To be clear, we are talking about avoiding sweet fruits, not these so-called veggies'. Rule #5: Take one day off per week I call this the Blow Up Day'. Tim calls it the Dieters Gone Wild (DGW) day. It just means to pick one day per week (the same day) and eat whatever you want. Drink beer. Eat chocolate and ice cream. Have whatever your heart desires on this day. There are no limits on what or how much or when you eat. The importance, and seeming paradox, of a blow up day is that dramatically spiking your caloric intake once per week ensures that your metabolic rate will not decrease from the previous 6 days of potential caloric restriction. Your thyroid function keeps pace, and you keep losing fat. Yup, eating crap one day per week can help you lose fat. In my view, this is equally important mentally. It provides me with incentive to avoid crap 6 days per week because I can look forward to having it on my blow up day. One of Tim's friends even went so far as to write down what she was going to eat on her blow up day, every time she felt the urge to eat crap on a diet day. Just writing it down, and reading the list, staved off temptation. Pretty creative. Take Action Now Okay, that's it for the first 30 day of the slow carb diet. No book to buy. No supplements to take. No fitness club membership. No exercise equipment. How much simpler could be? What are you waiting for? Get it going today and enjoy your personal results within the next month. And have fun with it! Easy Weight Loss Plan If losing weight is one of your new year's resolutions, then in order for you to accomplish it, you need an easy weight loss plan that will ensure you do not get overwhelmed and give up. Contrary to what many people believe, obesity is not only a silent killer, but it is also one of the major killers in the world. More than 400,000 deaths are attributed to Obesity every year with a staggering 64% of the entire United States population believed to overweight. This means that more than half of the American population are exposing themselves to serious health like diabetes, heart failure and high blood pressure by remaining overweight. An even scarier fact is that a majority of these people are unaware of their health condition. The few who are, are too lazy to do anything about it. So is there an safe and quick way to lose weight naturally? I am sure that you must have already searched for a solution to this problem and just in case you have not been fruitful in your search, I would like to introduce you to Fat Burning Furnace. Fat burning Furnace is an easily obtainable weight loss plan that focuses on helping people slim down naturally. The programs core teachings centre on exercising and eating the right foods. Moreover, the program does not involve the use of pills, shakes or awful tasting concoctions to help you lose weight. Of course, this is not the only weight loss program in the market, however, I can confidently say that it is one of the few that is not built on hype and fluff as it has been proven to work. However, you have to be committed and persistent if you hope to achieve your goal of slimming down. There is no magic pill to losing weight; your effort will determine how successful you become. In closing, I would like to invite you to read my complete Fat Burning Furnace review, its pros and cons. As much as it ranks as a good program, it is not flawless. You can also find other alternatives to the program by visiting the links below. Do it now, its totally free and will only take a few minutes of your time. Eat Organic Ashitaba For Weight Loss People know about real life superheroes such as military personnel, firefighters and police officers. However, not many people have heard of super fruits and super foods. Similar to superheroes that have special powers and save individuals, these super foods and fruits will too. Individuals may notice healthy ways to lose weight consist of dining on these super foods and fruits. While individuals can discover not a single technical meaning of the terms super foods and super fruits, a lot of medical glossaries reveal super foods will be a natural food product considered as particularly advantageous because of its nutrient content or else health protecting traits. Super foods have many curative compounds or else a single curative compound in an enormous quantity which occurs naturally. The compounds these food products contain have been scientifically documented to enhance healthiness and stop health problems. As a result, consuming such food products assists with decreasing excessive weight. This term super fruit or super food cannot be utilized on just any food product. To qualify, foods must pass tough scientific examination. Such food item are extremely important for people's health to be categorized together with items which do not warrant the credit. Those foods are very beneficial since they help prevent cancer, Diabetes and heart disease. Plus, they better overall health. When those food items are ate people possess more strength. A person has better moods also. If people are more energetic and experience a better mood, these people typically workout more and eat healthier foods. Each of those items will be healthy ways to lose weight long-term. Super foods include greens, for instance wheat grass, organic Ashitaba and green tea. These items will be wonderful for healthiness. Wheat grass is intensely vitalizing. One portion of this green is equal to approximately eight or nine servings of vegetables. But, everybody does not prefer its taste. Another green is organic Ashitaba. Ashitaba possesses compounds called chalcones which contain anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor characteristics. As well as these beneficial compounds, Ashitaba has essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, fiber and protein. Among people's most preferred super foods is green tea. This super food is an extremely effective therapeutic substance. Studies have found this green can stop or else heal cancer growth and boost the effectiveness in conventional cancer cell treatments. Additionally, research has proven this green helps in decreasing excess body fat. These products are just some super foods. Super foods include certain berries, fruits and mushrooms. Eating super foods and super fruits are some of the many healthy ways to lose weight anybody is able to take part in. Effective And Proven Ways To Lose Armpit Fat Fast Armpit is also called the underarm. It is the part of the body which is below the joint where the shoulder and arm connect. When excess fat is collected in this part, weight must be reduced all over in order to lose armpit fat fast. Since spot reduction is not really possible, when you start exercising, the armpit may not be the first place where you lose weight, but it will come off from there eventually. Armpit fat may not be as stubborn as abdominal fat, but can look unattractive for women who want to wear sleeveless dresses. One needs to reduce the calorie intake and increase the expenditure of calories. To lose armpit fat fast, stick to a proper diet and exercise regularly. There are certain exercises that will help in toning the armpit area. It is essential to stick to a proper workout regime. Choose your form of exercise and follow it regularly. Do this at least five times a week with each session lasting for about 30 minutes, initially it can be 15 minutes also. Do cardio sessions for burning fat from all over the body, which will result in reduction of armpit fat. Some of the activities you can do are brisk walking, jogging, skipping rope, swimming, cycling or jumping jacks. All these activities will help the fat melt from all over the body if done regularly. Remember to swing your arms while you do brisk walking. Increase the distance covered in the same time for effective results. Weight training can help tone the muscles in the armpit area. Start with light weights initially and combine these with cardio. Increase the intensity of these exercises under some expert's supervision. Calories burned with exercising and working out will make you lose the flab on your body. Although exercising will help you lose weight, it will not be effective if you don't control your calorie intake. To lose armpit fat fast combine your workouts with a proper diet. This will show effective results and not only lose fat in a certain area but all over the body. Cut out all junk food and aerated drinks from your diet. This kind of food is just high in calorie and low in nutrients. Consume vegetables, salads and fruits everyday which will give your body the required vitamins, fiber and nutrients. Eliminate oily greasy fried food and switch to grilled food. Cleanse your body by drinking plenty of water every day. Choosing healthy options for eating and reducing the portion sizes will prove to be extremely beneficial. Increase the frequency of smaller portions of meals rather than two big meals. This will improve the body's metabolism immensely. Some people may opt to just go in for surgical procedures like liposuction to lose armpit fat fast. But it is advisable to lose the flab the natural way and tone up your whole body without spending much money. Don't lose patience or give up too fast. Continue with the workouts and a well balanced diet for rewarding results. Effective Weight Loss Programs Or Diet Scams? Did you know that on average, people in the U.S. spent over $250 each last year on "fad" or "Lose Weight Fast" diets, while the growing number of obese individuals spent $1000's hoping the next miracle diet would solve their problem. Do you also know that you can start a complete & balanced weight program for much less that will work? The last thing a weight loss program should be is a financial strain on you and your family. I feel that I need to clarify what I classify to be a Scam Diet so that we are all on the same page. A Scam Diet can be a diet/meal plan that promises large weight loss with little or no effort on your part or it can be a program that is designed to give you minimal weight loss while you continue to pay monthly membership fees. I will go into this in more detail as we continue in the article. Now for some shocking news. Not all of the Diet Companies are here to help you! I am sorry to have to say this but it is the truth. These diet companies are in it for the MONEY, not your better health. If they have stock holders, their first priority is keeping them happy by generating constant profitable returns. Now, a well balanced weight loss plan and guide does cost money and spending money to lose weight to better your overall health is always a good investment. Yet one should try to avoid added expenses and fees if possible. Let us look at some of the weight loss programs that I feel are "Diet Scams" and why. Pre-Package Food Diets: As is stated earlier, some companies are in the diet industry just to make money. The surprising thing for some is that these companies are known as the brand names in weight loss. Names like Jenny Craig, and Nutrisystem. These are all companies that sell food diets. I know what you are thinking "What? Are you crazy! These are scam diets?" I consider these to be scams as they require you eat meals bought from them at inflated prices. With program start-up fees plus $90-$130/week for their food you can pay over $600 in just the first month! That can reach totals over $6700 for a year! Now consider that most people will stay in these programs for years... I think you get the picture. These programs are created to make the most money with little effort for the company. They get you on the program and you keep on paying them even though you might not be following the plan. Hollywood diets: These diets are just plain scary. These are some of the worse scam diets out there as they are unhealthy and provide temporary results! You have seen the, 'Lose 10 lbs in a week', 'Lose 5 inches in 5 days', 'Look like your favourite star if you drink these shakes' or 'Lose That Weight FAST Without Any Effort'. Yes these are quick, unhealthy and unsustainable. They are bad for your body and can cause other serious health issues. Some of these are the 'Grapefruit or Banana Diet', 'Cookie Diet', 'Hot Dog Diet' and the latest are special berries. Ignore fad diets, save your money. Diet Pills: Wow... There are so many of these now it is hard to pick just one so I will hit on how these pills work as they are all basically the same. Some make you shed water making you feel thin but leaving fat behind. Others curb your hunger using caffeine as the main ingredient to naturally increases metabolism and energy. Why is caffeine in an expensive weight loss 'miracle' pill costing $60 to $100 per month. Drink black coffee, its cheaper in the long run. Fat Burning Ab Equipment: I place this equipment under 'fads' as most of these are quickly thrown away after a few weeks of use. Some will spend hundreds on ab machines that make claims like "You can lose 50lbs in 10 days". There are ab rollers, jumpers, twisters and others. They can build abdominal muscles, but will do nothing about the covering fat. It is important to exercise but in most cases you are going to get better results with a walking program them most of these ab equipment fads. Ignore the scams, only a well balanced weight loss plan & regular exercise will help you shed that fat! Effective Weight Loss Tips Are you trying to lose weight but unclear about how to get started? There's no need to stress out about it. This article will explain the basics of weight loss, give you with the tools needed to devise a plan that's right for you and provide useful tips to help you stay motivated, as you work towards your goal. Everyone gives in to temptation every now and then. One way to limit the amount of damage you can do to your diet when you give in to temptation is to limit the amount of fatty temptations around you. Filling your fridge and pantry with healthier alternatives such as crackers instead of chips, yogurt or fat free pudding instead of ice cream and flavored water instead of soda and you can easily pass on hundreds of calories. To help you lose weight you should increase your level of physical activity every day. It does not have to be a large increase since doing any more than you currently do will be burning extra calories as well as building up muscle. Muscle is more effective at burning calories so even a minimum weight loss is a good start. TIP! Try new foods when accomplishing weight loss goals. Borrow healthy eating cookbooks from the library or purchase some for your own use. Think about what you are going to eat for the whole day. If you know that you are going to have a heavy dinner later in the evening, make your breakfast and lunch choices on the lighter side. Then you will be fine eating your dinner, and you won't feel guilty about it. To help with weight loss you should eat a lot of healthy salads. Buy greens that are already washed and bagged. Have fresh vegetables, like carrots and radishes, ready to add to your salad. A salad using these ingredients, and topped with a low-fat dressing, is quick to make and very filling. TIP! It has been found that people who eat eggs in the morning, remain less hungry than those who eat meals with lots of carbs. If you are trying to lose weight, it is important that you feel full for as long as possible. If it feels like obstacles are getting in the way of your weight-loss dreams, there are ways to overcome them. Try creating a buddy system so you know you are not alone on your journey. Also, try getting your workouts done in the morning, so your mind can be free knowing you are done with that important part of your day. Don't be fooled that all chicken has less fat than other meat. It's not the animal that matters, it's where the meat comes from on that animal. Every animal has areas where it stores more fat - even chicken. Dark chicken meat contains more fat than beef rump roast or top round, and twice the fat of pork tenderloin. The best part of the chicken to eat is the breast meat with the skin removed. Even better, eat turkey breast, as it has fewer calories. TIP! Cut the fat from your meat before cooking and use a method that allows you to drain the grease during cooking. Fat and grease is the best diet for obesity, and if you are eating meat, you want to eat lean meats that aren't full of fat or cooked in grease that soaks into the food. So, now that you know how to begin, it's time to get started. Pick the plan that fits your goals and personality, the best. Start tracking your food and exercise and be willing to adapt as you encounter difficulties. For success in weight loss, be persistent, learn from your mistakes and keep your goal sharply in focus! Effects Of Herbal Slimming Tea Certain herbal ingredients are mixed in certain quantities to make herbal slimming teas. The ingredients used include; Equisetum Debile Roxb, Pericarpium Citri Reticulata, Fructus Hordei Gerimiatus, Poria, Rhizoma Alismatis, Herba Agastachis, Fructus Crataegi, Semen Raphaini and Oolong (sometimes called Wu Long). Potassium deficiency can cause muscle problems, paralysis, and fatal cardiac arrhythmia. Another serious outcome is that you can permanently damage your gastrointestinal tract (colon) so that it will not function without stimulant laxative. The first thing you need to understand is that herbal slim tea contains ingredients that will help boost your body's natural metabolism rate. When this happens, you basically process food in a slightly different way. It is is proven to help lower cholesterol level, quickens metabolism and improve your body's function to burn unwanted body fats that aid in weight loss and slimming down. There has been research of changes in weight within a week of beginning to drink the tea and must be drink twice in a day after meals. It is a unique blend of powerful green teas that are effective for losing weight. The effects of drinking tea as a supplement to having a full fruit diet or fibers can greatly reduce cholesterol by helping to expel toxins from the body, cleaning out the digestive system, and giving maximum benefits. The many fantastic results of drinking tea to supplement the diet regimen is that it increases the metabolism as well as enhancing immunity, giving the body that second chance at a healthier start. Tea is said to be beneficial for healthy brain development as well. Green tea has a substance in it called EGCG that is said to help repair damaged brain cells. Studies were made on many of the elderly in China, who drink slimming tea on a regular basis and they were found to have much lower rates of Alzheimer's disease. Herbal weight loss is safer and more gentle than harsh over the counter diet pills. There are also herbal diet pills that use green tea as the main ingredient. There are many natural alternatives to losing weight. Slimming teas not only help you loose weight but they can also help to improve your health. One weight loss supplement that has become increasingly popular with both us "normal" people and celebrities alike is the herbal slimming tea that is used in conjunction with exercise and a healthy and balanced diet and many of them seem to contain the same core ingredient - green tea extract.Green tea extract is a name that has become rather familiar with weight loss products and supplements and especially the herbal slimming tea. Cayenne is also used because of the capsaicin in it. Capsaicin can do wonders for the digestive tract and fat burning. Nettle helps in increasing the body's temperature, or thermogenesis, so that it can burn fats more effectively as a source of energy. Likewise, there's kelp, which can increase the metabolic rate by stimulating the thyroid to release hormones. Another herbal weight loss ingredient has been recently found out to have promising contribution to weight loss. This herb is known as hoodia gordonii, or just plain hoodia. Effects Of Reductil On Your Weight Loss Program Reductil is an ideal diet pill to use if a person wants to lose weight and keep it off permanently. This drug is even approved for longer periods of use, 12 months or more, and helps promote steady weight loss. This weight loss criterion sits well with most weight loss experts as this method of losing weight is considered to be healthier and more effective at producing long-term results. The best way to guarantee weight loss is to consume fewer calories and exercise more. For additional help, doctors can prescribe Reductil, which has been shown to facilitate weight loss. About Reductil Reductil is licensed for use as an adjunct therapy within a weight management programme to aid in effective weight loss. A prescription only medicine, Reductil is generally prescribed for obese patients with a BMI of greater than 30 kg/m 2 or overweight patients with a BMI of greater than 27 kg/m 2 with other risk factors like type II diabetes or dyslipidaemia. However, Reductil is only prescribed to patients who have made prior efforts to lose weight by diet and exercise and have been unsuccessful in losing at least 5% of their body weight. But, Reductil weight loss drug must only be used under the ongoing care of an experienced medical professional. Reductil operates by its active metabolites inhibiting the reuptake of noradrenalin serotonin and to a lesser extent dopamine. This Reductil mechanism of action enhances satiety and gives you the feeling of being full. Thus, it helps reduce food intake. In addition, Reductil also has a thermogenic effect on the body; as a result, it increases the level of calories burnt while at rest, when used during a weight loss programme. The weight loss drug Reductil comes as hard capsules which are taken orally with a glass of water. Different weight loss programs Adult obesity rates have almost quadrupled in the last 25 years. Now over 20% of Britons are obese and three-quarters of Britons are in the overweight category. Out of which a sizable number are into various weight loss programs that can help them get started as well as become committed to losing weight effectively and safely. Choosing the right weight loss program can be quite a challenge. It takes time, mental toughness and lots of support to change the habits that have been gained over a lifetime. However, all weight loss programmes requiring unlearning these acquired habits in order to succeed. Regardless of what you choose - diet pills or weight loss programs – you alone have the power to bring about the much sought after change. Diets and weight loss programs are more flexible today. However, the basic requirement for all weight loss programmes is the need to learn new, wiser eating skills. Your weight loss program should be able to give you some control, rather than impose a rigid system, in addition to a variety of different eating plans. Moreover, your weight loss program will most likely include some form of physical exercise. It will be easy for you to lose weight if you look at the exercising aspect of the program as fun and recreational, instead as a form of forced activity. In addition, you can also benefit from combining one of the prescription diet pills with you weight loss programme so that you see visible results. The various diets include: The Scarsdale Diet: Developed by Dr. Herman Tarnower, the Scarsdale diet is similar to other popular low carbohydrate diets. Moreover, it incorporates grapefruit and some other carbohydrate foods. The idea here is to lose up to one pound per day based on chemical reactions rather than portion control. Snacking is not allowed and meals primarily consist of limited amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables with unlimited amounts of protein. Herbal appetite suppressants are also encouraged. The Anne Collins Diet: An Irish nutritionist and a professional weight loss consultant with over 23 years of experience, Anne Collins offers one of the best weight loss plans at an affordable price. This programme focuses on healthy eating, changing old eating habits and the importance of exercise. Anne Collins offers several different diet plans with a large selection of menus with a focus on easy-to-cook healthy meals. Her recipes also work for insulin dependent diabetics, lactose intolerants and even people with thyroid problems. A healthy way to lose weight, it is recommended by qualified doctors. The Atkins Diet: This diet is high in fats and proteins and low in carbohydrates. It has been promoted intensively in the United States. There is an objection to this weight loss program because it is high in fat and composed of foods like animal products may increase the risk for various complications. Weight Watchers: This diet has helped millions of people all around the world lose weight. According to weight watchers, if you don't eat within 4 hours, your body tends to store the leftover food for emergencies. With weight watchers you find that, once you increase your protein intake, you start to sleep better, recover faster, and have much more energy. The Zone Diet: The Zone Diet is an effective eating plan that maximises fat loss, increases energy and improves health. Designed by biochemist Dr Barry Sears, his diet is based on the affect that food has on powerful hormones that affect both fat storage and health. This diet has been tested in clinical studies and has proven to be more effective than the conventional high carbohydrate, low fat diets. Benefits of Reductil over other weight loss program Reductil slimming pills are manufactured by Abbott Laboratories. Prior to Abbott Laboratories, this drug was manufactured by a company known as Knoll Pharmaceuticals. Reductil has received the European Union (EU) stamp of approval. Reductil, the most sought after weight loss drug, works by affecting chemicals in the brain. These chemical are responsible for regulating appetite in the human body. Reductil, when compared to other weight loss medicines, works faster and is more effective. Additionally, this weight loss drug has a proven track record as an effective slimming pill for weight loss. In fact, people in more than 70 countries now use Reductil and people who have tried this anti-obesity drug have reported that this drug helped them achieve quick weight loss. Eight Foods To Add To Your Weight Loss Diet It can be hard to know what you should and shouldn't eat for a weight loss diet for women when there are so many foods to choose from. But, there are some foods that are great for you and help you lose weight at the same time. It can be hard to know what you should and shouldn't eat for a weight loss diet for women when there are so many foods to choose from. But, there are some foods that are great for you and help you lose weight at the same time. What Makes a Food the 'Healthiest' The healthiest foods should meet 6 important criteria: - Dense Nutrients -- They should have a high percentage of essential nutrients compared to the amount of calories. - Good Taste -- If you have to hold your nose and gag it down, chances are you won't eat it no matter how good it is for you. - Whole -- Processed foods have been stripped of most of their nutrients and have had a ton of artificial ingredients added to them that just aren't good for you. - Affordable -- You need to be able to find them fresh, at a good price. - Available -- The best foods can be found from your local market. Many of them are locally grown. - Familiar -- The healthiest foods should be easily recognizable. You should know how to prepare them and what foods they work with, to make them easy to add to your meal plans. So what are the best foods for weight loss for women? Beef: The fat content in beef regulates your hormones. This is great for preventing that afternoon crash. Try adding it to your breakfast with some nuts to improve your mental accuracy and focus. The protein also helps rebuild muscle tissue after you exercise, aiding in your post work out recovery. What a great way to start your day! Fish Oil: Fish oils have a ton of benefits. They: - Give your body energy - Prevent fat storage - Increase your body's insulin sensitivity - Lower your cholesterol levels - Promote muscle growth - Reduce inflammation - Lower blood pressure. Some studies have even found fish oils reduce your risk of various cancers and other diseases. And because it improves so many different aspects of your health and athletic performance, it makes it one of the best supplements you can take in a weight loss diet for women. Grapefruit: Grapefruit contain a number of important nutrients and antioxidants including: - Vitamin C - Lycopene - Polyphenols - Phenolic compounds - Limonoids - Pectin - Naringenin Eggs: The leucine found in eggs makes them a great food to include in a weight loss diet for women. This amino acid helps reduce the amount of lean tissue loss, while increasing fat loss and stabilizing your glucose levels. In other words, it boosts your metabolism and turns you into a fat-burning machine. Broccoli: Low in carbs and high in fiber, broccoli helps you feel full and sustain your energy levels. It's low in calories and fat, and high in vitamin C, which helps you fight illnesses while and burn fat. In fact, one study performed by Dr. Carol Johnston found vitamin C could increase weight loss by up to 30%. Beans: If added to your diet in the right way, beans can help you lose lots of weight. They're an excellent source of lean protein and low in calories, so use them to substitute foods that are high in calories and saturated fats. And because they're high in fiber, they'll help you feel full, so you'll eat less without feeling hungry. Turkey: Turkey is an excellent source of protein and low in calories, but the best part about eating turkey is its high level of tryptophan. Tryptophan is one of the 10 essential amino acids the body uses in a number of processes, including producing nervous system messengers like those necessary for rest, relaxation, and sleep. Sweet Potatoes: Sweet potatoes are another food high in fiber, which is important in a weight loss diet for women. Fiber helps keeps us regular, fights diseases, and reduces our risk of colon cancer. It also slows digestion to help you feel fuller longer, while helping us flush fat from our bodies. Sweet potatoes are also an excellent source of beta-carotene, complex carbohydrates, manganese, vitamin B6, and vitamin C. Their antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties are great for helping you stay healthy and rebuild muscle tissue after exercising. Add these eight foods into a weight loss diet for women and you'll be losing inches and building muscle like crazy. You'll look fantastic and feel like you can take on the world, and that's how you should feel! Enhance Your Weight Loss Program Weight cannot be lost simply by lazying around and searching for an “easier” solution. It would take a lot of physical work and firm discipline. Obese or overweight individuals need to admit the challenging yet gratifying weight loss customs. These habits seems to be almost impossible in the beginning. Once you get the hang of these habits, you'll lead a healthier lifestyle for the long run. Obese individuals who do not change their attitude on their weight may end up getting diabetes, cancer, arthrosis, cardiovascular problems and even fertility problems. The person also run the risk of acquiring nocturnal apnoea, arterial hypertension, respiratory difficulties, as well as bilary calculosis. All of these possible illnesses obviously indicates that weight loss requires serious practices and good habits. It will not be an easy change but the outcome is very rewarding for your body's health. First the person needs to examine their current eating habits. Fatty foods and carbohydrate rich meals shouldn't be a part of the picture. A balanced diet is needed in order to lose fat and maintain your health. The option to not eat at all won't work either. Instead, it will slow down your metabolism which may lead to food cravings. A normal metabolism is better for the body. This lets your body to break down low fat foods without sacrificing the feeling of fullness. A proper diet ought to be made up of balanced and healthy meals. The meals you eat should be broken down in five to six small meals each day. The usual 3 large meals every day will actually increase your weight faster. The smaller rations keep the body's metabolism normal through the day and allow you to lose excess calories. Diet meals are not effective if you do not exercise. The main goal of eating proper meals is to sustain your body weight but the actual loss is because of exercising. Efficient exercises don't even need a gym membership. You may opt to run in the mornings or participate in sports during weekends. Working out will be easy for people who are fond of physical activities like street or jazz dancing, badminton, tennis, cycling etc. Those who are obese can quicken the weight loss plan by using diet medications. Though these drugs can contain unwanted effects like any other drug, these pills will suppress your hunger or improve the user's body's fat digestion. Diet pills improve your weight loss program. Visit your nutritionist to ensure you get the right diet medication for your body. Though losing weight is very important, you must ensure one's safety. Your physician can prescribe the best diet pill depending on your health conditions. Enjoy Multiple Health Benefits Of Reverse Hypers Strength training exercises are as considered one of the most effective tools to control weight, and build strong bones. In addition, they can protect one against various diseases and enhance mood. A simple way to experience strength training is to opt for fitness equipments such as reverse hypers. Louie Simmons, the legendary powerlifter, famous fitness trainer and strength training writer invented this fitness equipment after he injured his fifth lumbar vertebra. And the product was patented in 1993. There are several benefits of reverse hypers. One of the most important benefits of using reverse hyper is that it helps one to manage the weight effectively. Strength training helps one to gain muscle and this, in turn, conditions the body to burn fat more quickly and efficiently. Research studies have proved that strength training enhances the metabolic rate by 15 %, which can aid in long-term weight management and weight loss. With reverse hypers, one can experience decompression on the spine, but without any vertical compression. This strength training equipment gives rise to dynamic strength development in the concentric period. During the eccentric period, this fitness equipment acts as a rehabilitation mechanism. Reverse hypers have a unique pumping feature with which it depressurizes the spinal column with fluid and fills the back muscles with blood. The unique fact about Reverse hyper is that people with back injuries can safely use it. Any person who has an injured back must be aware of the fact that in order to rehabilitate, the pressure must be released and the injured area must have a normal circulation. This fitness equipment allows for proper rehabilitation and one can work out on it for 3-4 times per week. Since reverse hypers can also be used in homes, apart from commercial gyms, recovering from an injury won't be too difficult. Apart from weight loss and control, reverse hypers help a person to shape up. All those who are dreaming about a taut and fit back can opt for this strength training equipment that works on various areas of the lower body including gluts, hamstrings. To bring variety to the regular fitness training, one can combine reverse hypers and lightweights. This impressive fitness equipment comes with a useful instructional tape, so that one can take help of it, in case of any confusion. Reverse hyper is made of high Welded frame and is sturdy and strong strength training equipment. This is proved by the fact that this fitness equipment can be used for 24 hours a day and the abuse of heavy weights hardly affects it. Reverse hyper is one of those few strength-training equipments that can be used in multiple ways. For enjoying stretch and decompression, especially in the thoracic region, one can combine this fitness equipment with a table that has been moved in a forward direction. Tilt it slightly towards the back and it will work vigorously on the glutes. Excess Weight? Try Yoga For Weight Loss Do you have low self esteem because of excess weight? Have you tried yoga for weight loss? Today's sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits result in excess weight. Moreover, stress may cause metabolism related problem, adding some extra kilos to your body. Metabolic problems may result in the body's inability to convert food into energy. Poor eating habits include consuming junk food and eating at irregular timings. Moreover, the lack of exercise and conditions such as thyroid make you gain weight. A number of weight loss programs promise to help you reduce calories by a specific number in a preset timeframe. This makes you lose weight suddenly resulting in sagging skin, which is actually more worrisome. Yoga for Weight Loss: Dangerous Effects of Excess Weight Excess body fat is a sign of high cholesterol levels in most cases. This leads to arteriosclerosis, which occurs due to plaques deposited in the arteries. This makes your arteries narrow, restricting the supply of oxygen to the heart, kidneys and the brain. Narrow blood vessels aggravate the risk of high blood pressure because they force the heart to pump hard. Rising blood pressure is a major cause of kidney failure and heart attack. Excess body fat also acts as a store house of cancer causing chemicals, or carcinogens. Here are some dangerous diseases caused by excess weight: 1.Breast and uterine cancer in women 2.Blindness 3.Amputation 4.Death 5.Gall bladder disease 6.Gastro-intestinal disease 7.Sexual dysfunction 8.Osteoarthritis 9.Stroke Yoga for Weight Loss: How Yoga Helps in Losing Weight There are certain yoga postures that are particularly helpful for losing weight. These poses stimulate hormonal secretion in sluggish glands. Yoga poses, such as Matsyasna (fish pose) and Sarvangasna (shoulder stand), are very effective for people suffering from problems of the thyroid gland, which is responsible for excess body fat. These two poses give a fillip to fat metabolism and convert fat into energy. People who put on weight due to anxious eating can rely on Bikram yoga, as it calms the mind. The deep breathing poses in yoga help burn fat cells due to increased oxygen intake. Artistic yoga guru Bharat Thakur aims at spreading awareness of improved yoga techniques that are particularly helpful in losing weight. His book 'Yoga for Weight Loss' features pictorial representation of various yoga poses that are effective in curing obesity. Some of his celebrity clients, like Kareena Kapoor and Ratan Tata, have gained from his unique and revolutionary approach to yoga for weight loss. If you're seeking a more lasting solution to weight loss, log on to www.artisticyoga.com. Exercises To Get Rid Of Belly Fat Fast And Easy Here are a few exercises to get rid of belly fat fast. They're easy, kinda unusual, yet way more effective than crunches and jogging on a treadmill. Exercises to Get Rid of Belly Fat Fast and Easy 1. Hindu Squats This is the cardio exercise that slashes and slices off belly fat extremely fast when done consistently. A great benefit to this is that you can do this exercise at home. What you do is squat up and down as fast as possible while keeping your back relatively straight. Now, each rep only counts if your fingers are able to swipe or touch the floor. So your arms will be hanging down and participating. You can either leave them hanging down or swing in semi-circles to give your squats a momentum. Either way, aim for 100 total reps each day for 1 week. After that, increase the amount of reps by 100 each week until you can easily do 300-500 repetitions everyday for 5 days a week. You don't have to do all the repetitions at once. A great way to get in all the reps is to do this exercise during tv commercials. Since each 1 hour tv program has about 22 minutes of commercials, that should be plenty of time to get at least 200 repetitions. 2. Vacuum Pose This probably the best exercise for getting rid of belly fat. My clients average 1.75 inches lost in less than a month using just this exercise alone. Here's how you do it. Suck in your belly button as much as possible. The key to this is sucking in your belly button, not your upper belly area. Suck it into your lower back and hold that "pose" for 15-60 seconds. Keep repeating until you've done at least 5 minutes total for the day. If you can do 10-15 minutes, even better. But 5 minutes is more than enough. 3. Spinning in a circle like a 4-year old child I have a free 19 page report below that goes into greater details about how this works, but the gist of it is that you spin around clockwise 10-20 times to the point of getting slightly dizzy. I stress the "slightly" part. You don't want to get extremely dizzy. You just need to get slightly dizzy to stimulate your Endocrine System. By doing that, you balance out your hormones and other bodily functions that are controlled by the Endocrine System. Once that happens, weight loss naturally happens. So give those 3 exercise a try to get rid of your belly fat fast. Exercises To Reduce Tummy Fat Here are a few good exercises to reduce tummy fat. Forget that stupid stuff at the gym. It's simply NOT NEEDED! In fact, it's a big waste of time. Sure it can help you, but for the amount of time you spend doing such things as crunches, treadmill jogging, and situps... it's not time efficient for getting a great lean and sexy stomach. Exercises to Reduce Tummy 1. Mountain Climbers Basically, when you're doing these, you like you're in the same position mountain climbers are in. To do this properly, start in pushup position... on your hands and toes. Next, hold your upper body up and maintain the upper body pushup position while 1 of your legs shoots up towards your chest while the other leg stays back in the start position. Next, the 1 leg that shot forward goes back to the starting position while the other leg shoots forward. You keep doing that. It's like you're running in a pushup position. Remember this to help you... when your 1 leg shoots forward, that knee will be close to your chest. That's all you have to remember. Now do these as fast as you can. Do 4 sets of 15 for each leg and rest 45 seconds between the sets. 2. Weighted hula hooping Now, this will cost you about $15. Don't go for the cheap hula hoops. They're harder to keep twirling. The heavier ones twirl slower so they stay up on your hips longer since you don't have to gyrate as fast. The added weight makes them easier to handle. Twirl away. Get in a full 10 minutes each day. One recommendation... try doing them for 2 and a half minutes during tv commercials. 4 commercials and you're done for the day. Pretty simple, huh! These are 2 very good at-home exercises to reduce tummy fat fast. If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and Blah Blah Blah", then get Fastest Fat Burner For Men For Speedy Weight Loss Looking for the fastest fat burner for men? One of the best ways to lose weight is with the help of regular exercise. However, there are certain limitations that can make skip your regular workouts. Often it becomes difficult to frequent a gym 4-5 days a week. This happens largely due to tight work schedules etc., Not just this, it is also not possible to stick to a diet plan for weeks at stretch. Most people get back to their normal eating habits once the initial excitement wanes of. This results in making you gain even more weight. This is why it becomes important to use a weight loss supplement. Fat burners are the most well known of all sort of slimming pills. As the name suggests, fat burners make your body burn fat quick and fast so that you can get rid of accumulated fat and get a perfectly lean physique. Most men tend to gain belly fat as they get older. This is bad for your cardiac health as well. Not just this, excess belly fat is also associated with problems like diabetes etc., Good quality fat burners for men are made with enzyme boosters that not only your metabolic rate but also helps suppress appetite so as to cut down on your caloric intake. In addition to this, such fat burners also contain ingredients such as tongat ali extract. This is crucial since it helps boost the production of testosterone in your body. Testosterone is the hormone that has an amazing fat burning potential. Such fat burners can easily make you lose anywhere between 3-5 pounds a week. However, it is extremely important to combine such a fat burner with a proper diet and regular exercise. You should never believe all those advertisements that promote weight loss pills as miracle cures. Pills that make outrageous claims with regards to weight loss without any exercise are only trying to dupe you. However, combining light exercise with such fat pills can do wonders for your weight loss plans. Good quality fat burners are made in FDA approved labs and do not have any side effects. It is not surprising that such fat burners have a very high reorder rate. Fast Weight Loss Diets - Sticking Points And Solutions Anyone who has been seeking a quick way to lose weight knows that there are three major reasons for weight loss failure: total absence of incentive, constantly going hungry and not being able to overcome "bad days". If you manage to solve these 3 problems, you will succeed in finding your quickest way to lose weight pretty soon. Here are 3 keys to dramatically increasing the success of your fast weight loss diets: Being incentive We are sure to gain weight if we eat way too many calories or burn way too few. Certainly, you desire to see fast results, however you should not do your health harm. If we are really eager to achieve what we want, we must change our eating and exercising habits. Unfortunately, it is not easy. That is why there is only one way to make our struggle more effective and successful – being incentive. So you should ask yourself a question, how you are going to benefit from losing weight and how it can influence your lifestyle and transform you. Most people do not realize that they ask correct questions. And this means they will not get correct answers. As a consequence, their training programs and fast weight loss diets start failing inevitably, too. Even when people manage to answer this question, they usually say that they will feel better or be healthier. On the other hand, others might claim they are reducing weight because they want their partner or family members to be pleased. But all of these reasons are very often too weak to make us motivated. This means that this is not the best solution for you. If you want to lose weight because you want others to be proud of you, you are most likely to fail. This might lead to you quitting your workout program and fast weight loss diet for sure. And this is waste of time, money and effort. On the other hand, you will definitely seal the result of your program if your goals are personal, since personal benefit is the key to all of your goals, including fast weight loss diets, and it can be regarded to be the quickest way to lose weight. In addition to that, when we look at some advantage which we gain after losing weight, it must be specific and have a fixed date. For example, "I am going to lose 50 pounds and get into shape within the next 6 months, because I am to go on a vacation to the seaside." Only if you set goals this way, all of your intentions and effort will come true. Fighting hunger Today many of us still believe that the less you eat, the better it is for you weight loss progress. However it is not really true, because the fewer calories we eat, the hungrier we are and the harder it is to keep to diets. Learning how to avoid hunger Stop skipping meals. Period. This is not the quickest way to lose weight. When any of you is on a fast weight loss diet which prompts you to starve hard, you should nevertheless eat daily a minimum of 1200-1300 calories or even more if you exercise for more than 45 minutes. If you eat regularly, then your body burns calories much more efficiently and the steady blood sugar level is maintained, by preventing unexpected urges to overeat. Managing the amount of food you eat Sometimes we feel extremely hungry for no reason. Instead of fighting this, just eat more and do not be afraid of stopping the progress of your fast weight loss diets, because it is quite difficult to gain 1 pound of fat. That is why you should remember, that your main goal is to eat enough and not to feel depressed. Fighting bad days When we are on various, each of us has "bad days" quite often. On a bad day we go to our friend's place and eat a lot. Afterwards we simply disgust ourselves and quit our diet. That's wrong because if you have eaten some hamburgers or cookies it is fairly harmless, because you have got to eat a large amount of food (about 4000 calories) to gain one pound of body fat. I think, you see what I am driving at. The actual harm is done by you when you give up, be it a fast weight loss diet or a workout program. What is the solution? Stop your eternal pursuit of perfection. You can make some mistakes occasionally while dieting and looking for easy ways to lose weight fast. Fast Weight Loss Tips to Get a Slim Body If you eagerly want to lose your weight so fast, you do not have to follow the people around you. What program they are following may not be effective for you to lose your weight fast. We are going to describe some tips about fast and successful weight loses. Many people think that you can get a slim body by reducing your daily food. Sadly, for achieving a slim figure people individually stop eating, they do not even take their meal in a single day. How they call it diet, control? You are just starving yourself. Food is essential for your body though you know it well that you would not live without food why you need to starve then. It is silly and weird way for losing weight. After a certain time starving, you have to get back in your daily food habit. Therefore, it is not wise decision to starve only for deduct some extra weight from your body. You can add some balance diet foods in your daily food habit. This could be an effectual way to control you over weight. Along with eating balance diet food, you also need to stop eating junk food. Junk foods are mainly fatty for cheese, they will add some extra fatty tissues to your body so, just avoid junk food. Instead of eating chocolate or burger, you can eat natural fruits to meet your hunger. This means that if you want a snack, you should grab an apple or an orange instead of a chocolate bar or a bag of chips. With candy and other sweets being high in calories, you may see a significant decrease in your calorie consumption by eliminating them from your diet. Taking physical exercise is another helpful way to lose weight fast. Lazy people always face over-weight problem, because of avoiding physical exercise. There are many types of physical exercise. You can find the way of doing these physical exercises searching through internet. Even if you cannot spend enough time to do this just have some walk daily for one or two hours. It would also help you to eliminate some extra weight. Usually we have seven or eight pounds additional heaviness stored in our body. With the help of modern medical science and technology, we have discovered another helpful method to reduce the additional heaviness of body. It is like a medical method where you have to eat pills through the weight loss cleanse pills the extra weight and toxins will be removed from your body. Now it is your decision what will you choose for losing your extra weight. If you want to get quickest result you may want to examine liquid cleanses. There is another alternative for you taking pills. Frequently, pills take more time to show its result on the other hand liquids are quicker. There are few tips discussed above with a view to helping the over-weighted people. If they follow them carefully, they will get the desired result as they expect. Finally, a suggestion is here in favor of over-weighted people. They always have to remember that the fastest weight loss programs have side effect in your body. It is your life so risk is yours. Fast Weight Loss Tips Do you want reducing your weight? If you're, are you currently in a rush to do this? Even though it is advised you don't rely heavily on fast weight loss, also typically called rapid weight loss, there are numerous individuals who do. If you are interested in reducing your weight, as fast as possible, you will need to keep reading on. One of the numerous ways that you are able to begin achieving a fat weight loss or rapid weight loss is by reducing the foods that you simply eat. When lowering your food consumption, it's important that you simply only lessen your consumption slightly. Unfortunately, many people who would like to achieve fast weight loss think that they have to stop eating altogether, even though it really is for just two or three days. That is one thing that you don't wish to accomplish. Once you resume eating again, you'll likely gain your entire weight back, almost automatically. It can be crucial that you point out that starving yourself is dangerous in your health. In conjunction with cutting your diet, it is advised which you slow up the amount of sweets or processed foods which you eat. For fast weight loss, you will need to completely eliminate junk food out of your diet, even if it is just for a while of time. Which means if you want a snack, you should grab an apple or an orange rather than a chocolate bar or perhaps a bag of chips. With candy and other sweets being full of calories, you may view a significant decline in your calorie consumption through the elimination of them out of your diet. Exercise is one other way that you could start achieving fast weight loss. Finished . about using exercise to achieve fast weight loss is the fact that this is a tiny bit tricky. With exercise, may very well not notice a significant weight loss immediately. As an example, it typically takes most individuals no less than 2 weeks or so to note a marked improvement in their appearance if you use exercise. With that in mind, the greater overweight you might be, the sooner you might see a decline in your weight, often quickly. Consistent with exercise to lose weight, exercise is vital that you losing weight, as it really helps to limit the quantity you consume. When you lose calories, with the use of exercise, the body absorbs less calories. This is exactly what makes it possible for you to definitely lose weight. Although your first though might be to start out exercising as much as possible, immediately, you might want to keep from this. If you aren't usually physically active, it is advisable to start out slow. This should significantly reduce your risk of injuries. A different one of many methods you may well be in a position to achieve fasts weight loss or rapid weight loss is by using the use of a cleanse. These cleanses are generally known as colon cleanses or weight loss cleanses. Cleanses work by removing toxins and extra weight, actually waste, from your body. It is alleged that a lot of people have no less than 7 or 8 pounds of waste saved in their health. A weight loss cleanse or perhaps a colon cleanse should help remove those toxins from your body. In the event you decide to use cleansing the colon or even a weight loss cleanse, to assist you achieve a fast weight loss, it's important that you simply read all directions directed at you. Some cleanses use a strict diet that you need to follow. For the fastest weight loss, you may want to examine liquid cleanses, rather than those who work in pill formats, because they often produce the fastest results. All these fast weight loss tips might help you accomplish fast weight loss, even if it is simply a tiny weight loss. As a reminder, you should continue but be careful. While it is more that easy for you to definitely achieve your fast weight loss goal, it can also be dangerous to you as well as your health. Fat Loss Boot Camp: Overcoming Weight Loss Plateaus One of the most frustrating things many people encounter in their quest for fat loss is weight loss plateaus. These can seriously hinder the progress of your fat loss if you don't deal with the problem in the right way. A plateau signals that your body is trying to settle in at a new set point for your body weight. Fortunately, there are some boot camp techniques you can use to deal with this issue. When it comes to fat loss, the set point theory is important to your strategy. This theory holds that your body prefers to stay at a steady weight, and resists fluctuations to keep you there. Most of us have experienced this at some point in time. If you've ever lost or gained weight, but inevitably ended up back at your starting point in a matter of weeks or months, then you've experienced this concept. In order to break through these fat loss plateaus and break the set point, it's important to understand how this mechanism works. The concept that you need to understand is adaptive thermogenesis. In laymen's terms, adaptive thermogenesis is what happens when your body slows its energy expenditure when you are on a diet, resulting in a sluggish metabolism and slow weight loss. Many theorize that this is the basis for the body's weight set point. This concept is crucial, so let's explore it further to make sure we understand it properly: Say you currently take in 2000 calories daily, and your body also burns 2000 calories per day. Since your caloric intake and output are the same, your weight stays steady. Now, say you cut 500 calories per day from your diet to lose weight. In theory, you should have a 500 calorie deficit each day, leading to weight loss. Unfortunately, fat loss isn't this simple. Research shows that the body adjusts the amount of energy it expends, and what happens is that you'll now be able to perform the same activities, but using only 1500 calories per day, effectively erasing the deficit you tried to create. This is the crux of adaptive thermogenesis, and it happens with both moderate and extreme calorie cutting. So, what causes this to happen? There are several factors that may play a role, including body weight fluctuations and reductions in fat stores, as well as levels of certain substances in the body, including insulin, thyroid hormones, and leptin. So, what is the boot camp strategy that can help you overcome adaptive thermogenesis? It's quite simple: you must exercise in addition to dieting. Exercise is helpful, though not in every single case. Both research and experience show that not all exercise is created equal. But, intense metabolic resistance training can help you break through that plateau. In order to make this work, you'll need to take a boot camp approach to breaking your body's set point. This requires a rigorous change in your diet and exercise routine to shock your body into action. Warp Speed Fat Loss and other similar programs can help you make this break through. This approach to fat loss may seem simple enough, but don't underestimate the importance of maintenance. To solidify your set point, lose 5 to 15 pounds below your prior set point, and maintain it. Once you're in maintenance phase, stay there for about a month before trying to lose additional weight. If you absolutely can't wait, then you must wait at least two weeks. This tiered, step by step approach to fat loss will help you reset your body's set point. Remember that you'll need focus and drive to achieve this goal. Finding Employment And Jobs For Fat People Many employers still discriminate against certain people in the community although they will rigorously deny this if confronted. It has been proven through research that more often than not the attractive person will be chosen for the post, even if they do not have the sufficient qualifications. Jobs for fat people are few and far between though there are people that can be considered naturally fat or built bigger than others. There is a definitive difference between being unhealthily obese, and what is considered being naturally overweight. Many people are a little heavier, though in peak health, and no matter what weight loss pills, potions, or diets, they go on, nothing will change this fact. If you are one of these people you will find getting employment a lot more difficult because of subtle discrimination in the marketplace against fat people. Society has been brainwashed against fat people weight loss manufacturers, health and medical industries have labeled fat a dirty word and the social pressure put on people that are a little rounder than others are enormous and unfair. What is even worse is that jobs for fat people are not really advertised, so no matter how well qualified fat people are job hunting is ten times harder. Finding employment can be frustrating to say the least, and because of these pressures it is possible that you could start comfort eating binges and go from being naturally overweight to obese. Your current weight may be apt for your frame, and through eating normally you do not gain weight; and on diets do not lose any either. Consider that your body may have reached a natural balance and you are going to have to accept that you are a little rounder than others. The media and advertising weight loss products and dieting has brainwashed society into thinking that being even a little over weight is totally unacceptable. This has even filtered into business and employment sectors and finding jobs for fat people has become extremely difficult because of discrimination against the fat people community. Where to look for jobs for Fat people No doubt the best possible places to look for jobs for fat people would be within a fat people social community, because here there may be employment agencies and employers that do not discriminate on the way you are built, what color you are, whether you are short or tall or a little overweight. The internet has opened many social communities already, and no doubt there is a fat social community that you can join and feel at home plus there maybe jobs for fat people or you can offer employment if you have positions available. It will also be discovered on these fat social networks that employers and agencies that do not discriminate against fat people, have the option of advertising positions freely. The fat people community is a group of people that have the friendliest personalities around, and those business that offer jobs for fat people will end up employing the most dedicated and friendly staff which will certainly end up being valuable assets to any institution. Are you an employment agency with a lame Excuse? Many companies will insist that they do not discriminate against fat people for fear of reprisals, but of course they will too subtle to be detected. When you apply for the job advertised, you will probably be wasting your time and will get a notification that the job has been filled by someone better qualified than you. Naturally there is nothing you can do about this. This is what makes hunting for jobs for fat people more than frustrating. More than likely you will be better off not working for a company like this anyway……. When you are looking for employment, then you will definitely enjoy better results by seeking out jobs for fat people at employers that will accept your qualifications rather than the way you are built. The internet is the best place where you will find solutions regarding jobs for fat people, and with a little effort you will also find a social network community dedicated to fat people that you can also call home! Foods That Promote Weight Loss - Cereals One of the groups of foods that promote weight loss, cereals (or grains), have been a core food for thousands of years. Rice, millet, maize, wheat, barley, oats and rye have kept civilisation going from Asia and Africa, through Europe and into North & South America. It is not surprising that, today, they are often considered as nothing other than starchy fillers, when you think nearly all commercially available cereal products have been so refined there is not a lot left except for the starch. This is then loaded with sugar, salt, flavourings etc.etc. When eaten, refined cereals are easily absorbed into the blood stream which can cause an imbalance to sugar and fat levels. However, go back to the bare grain, previous to processing, and you have a nutritional gem just waiting to be exposed! Like all seeds, cereals contain all the ingredients a new plant needs to grow, so the complete nutritional significance is in its core composition. In this untreated state, they are a rich source of plant proteins, carbohydrates, some fat, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, B vitamins, vitamin E, iron, other minerals, antioxidants, phyto-nutrients and more. All of these nutrients go to work in concert to reduce the health risks associated with obesity, heart problems attributed to excessive cholesterol and elevated blood pressure, bowel disorders, diabetes, and a number of types of intestinal and lower body cancers. They are also a valuable source of fiber. Bran is just about one of the richest sources of fiber in the entire component of whole grain. Found on the hard-to-digest outer husk of rice, wheat, oats, cereal grains, and so on, studies reveal that bran has the capability to help prevent major health problems like cancer of the breast, uterus, prostate, and colon; intestinal problems like constipation, and prevent heart attacks. Whole Grains and Weight Loss Health experts believe that whole grains are much more beneficial to us than their refined counterpart. Since refined grains are basically just starch with add-ons, they are absorbed speedily by your body. The sugar and fat content are effortlessly broken down and absorbed, flooding into your bloodstream in massive quantities. This triggers over-production of insulin. This in turn causes your body to convert digested carbohydrates into fat and accumulate it. Whole grains, on the other hand, take much longer to be digested and are absorbed into your bloodstream much more gradually. This allows your body to keep insulin production under control at a more natural level. Also, as whole grains are more gradually digested they provide the feeling of fullness that reduces food intake - thus aiding weight loss. If you are planning to add whole grain to your diet, then you must be aware that there is a massive range to select from. In this article I have used a very broad brush to paint my picture. To go into detail about the benefits of every one would require a very big book! Suffice to say, exactly like pulses, grains are by and large readily available and inexpensive, and as foods that promote weight loss working in concert they will clearly make up for any lack of protein should you be thinking of eliminating meat from your diet. Foods To Avoid On The Slow Carb Diet Worst Foods on the Slow Carb Diet The concept of this diet is to reduce blood sugar spikes by eating foods that are not absorbed quickly through the digestive tract. Timothy Ferriss has popularized this diet in his book, The 4-Hour Body'. It has attracted a lot of attention because it is such an easy diet to follow and because it provides very exciting weight loss results within the first 30 days. Indeed, the most common results show a typical loss of 20 pounds in the first month if you follow these five rules for 30 days, according to Tim: 1) Avoid white' carbohydrates 2) Eat the same few meals over and over again 3) Don't drink calories 4) Don't eat fruit 5) Take one day off per week Notice that 3 out of the 5 rules entail what NOT to do. Rule 1, Avoid white' foods, is the simplest one to understand. It almost goes without saying that breads, pastas, sugary foods, potatoes, and other white' foods provide a huge carbohydrate hit. In fact, these foods are the ones that are best known to the public for spiking blood sugar. What some folks argue about is the inclusion or exclusion of whole grains. All grains are sources of fast carbs - i.e., those that spike blood sugar. All grains should therefore be avoided on the slow carb diet, especially during the initial 30-day incentive phase. I call it the incentive phase' because, when you do it right, your weight loss results are great incentive for continuing the diet. Rule 3, Don't drink calories, is perhaps a bit redundant. However, it is crucial to follow this rule. Sodas, sweetened beverages, fruit juices, sports drinks, energy drinks, and many other kinds of beverages are loaded with sugars. It is a toss-up as to whether sodas are worse than fruit juices. They are both to be avoided. Anything with sugar or some other synonym for it (glucose, dextrose, fructose, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, agave syrup) will stop your weight progress completely. Rule 4, Don't eat fruit, is a semi-temporary rule. It applies most rigorously to the first 30 days, what I call the incentive phase'. Fruits are loaded with sugar. Sweeter fruits are loaded with even more fructose. Fructose is particularly disastrous for stopping or reversing weight loss. Fruits can be added back into your diet after you get the slow carb diet going in the initial 30-day phase. However, you still must be careful with them. They simply provide too much sugar! Even the fiber and other nutrition that you can get from whole fruits is insufficient to counteract the fast carb hit that you get from them. You really have to be careful not to overdo your fruit intake on every day of the slow carb diet. Otherwise it wouldn't be slow carb, would it? Other Foods to Avoid This sensible answer came from a comment by 4HourBod' 4HourPeople.com). It expands on Tim's rules above, with additional foods that should be avoided on the slow carb diet. Milk Milk products including cheese (except cottage cheese) Refined soy products (soy milk, tofu, tempeh, soy protein shake) Fruit Potatoes (sweet potatoes, yams, yucca, any starchy vegetable) Bread, rice, grains, oatmeal, tortillas, quinoa Ketchup Creamy dressings and dressings with sugar Sugar, honey, corn syrup, maple syrup, fructose Deep-fried breaded food Corn, popcorn Kombucha The surprise in this list, for many people, is dairy. It turns out that dairy products cause a spike in insulin, which is a negative corollary to blood sugar spikes. Although dairy is not necessarily highly glycemic (except for milk and Lactaid milk, due to milk sugar [lactose] content), it is highly insulinemic. Foods Allowed in Moderation Certain foods provide a tolerable carb hit on blood sugar if you consume them in moderation. What moderation' means is different for different people. It depends on how much of each of the following you can consume without disrupting your weight management progress. It takes individual experimentation to determine what you can get away with'. Mayonnaise Peas Tomatoes Avocado (1 cup/day max) Peanut butter/ almond, and other nut butter (1 TB/day) Nuts (5-10 per meal) Hummus, chickpeas/garbanzo beans Coffee (w/up to 2 TB cream) Unsweetened almond milk Note that 4HourBod' also included beverages containing aspartame (Nutrasweet) on this list. However, there is NEVER a good consumable that contains this sweetener. It is a metabolic poison that should always be avoided, regardless of whether you are dieting. Forming Your Own Healthy Weight Loss Meal Strategy Creating Your Individual Healthy Weight Loss Meal Plan Not every person succeeds every time when following one weight loss meal plan, more frequently those formed by someone else. Only you recognize your likes and dislikes, and, to put it simply, not everyone will lose weight on all plans, especially when you are female. Women have more problem than men when it comes to following a diet, and hormones are a big part of that difficulty. The respond to a program that works may just be to form your own, based on the best advice available. The key to rising a weight loss meal plan program is to fix a reasonable aim. This will help you to form meal plans that you can follow easier than one out of a book. There is a lot of free material out there that you be able to use for guidelines, like graphs filled with medical suggestions for weight based on age, height, gender and physical condition. And, rather than set a long-range weight loss goal, set weekly ones instead. The little successes will keep you motivated, plus will be healthier for you than any quick fix plans that might tempt you along the way. For a nice and safe weight loss meal plan to follow on a weekly basis, especially if you have dieted before and failed, is to decide healthy meals from the whole list of balanced food groups that must be included in everyone's every day diet. Use foods that are low in fat and calories, but rich in nutrients and proteins, so that your health remains in balance throughout. Make the meals as delicious as possible, within reason, because when you eat food you enjoy, you are more likely to stick to the plan.You also have to look at your routine eating pattern. If you snack regularly throughout the day, there's no point creating a plan that means that you have to stick to three meals a day with nothing in between. The best weight loss meal plan for you is one which involves say, five small meals a day. Don't worry if you go out to work, you can just pre-pack the meals you need while you are working and put them in a cool box to keep fresh. If you like to have an alcoholic drink of an evening, create a weight loss meal plan which allows for that. You probably will not get doughnuts and wine in the same diet but unfortunately losing weight does have to involve some sacrifices. Manipulate a weight loss meal plan. This is a self-same crucial step with the intention of is time and again overlooked. The raw plan representing every single one meal is the register headed for anyone's triumph in the midst of a weight loss meal plan. Four Activities That Tighten Your Waistline Everyone wants perfect six pack abs; however, attaining this goal can be quite difficult. Midsection weight loss is only attainable with proper diet and exercise. We can't expect to tighten our abs simply by consuming a healthy diet. The abdominals, just like as any other muscle, require intensive physical activity. A lot of people undergo about 300 crunches daily in order to see some results; however, that is not usually necessary. Abs are the same like every other muscle on our body and since we wouldn't do 300 repetitions of hamstring curls, why should we do 300 reps on our abs? As a matter of fact, there are numerous activities other than crunches which can help us attain the abs we have always wanted. Going for a swim is a great way to tighten those abs and to lose weight. A vigorous crawl stroke works wonders on the abdominals as does the butterfly stroke. It is also important to remember that water offers 12 times the resistance of air, so you will be able to see results on your body much quicker. Yoga is yet another form of fitness which tightens your abs. This particular exercise is not only relaxing but it also tightens and strengthens your abdominals in a few months. Another fun form of exercise is hula hooping. Swinging your hips from side to side and all around was not only fun when you were a kid but it was also physically rewarding. This particular fitness routine is very effective and the more time you devote to it the better the results. And the fourth type of exercise which tightens the abs is kayaking. The reason why kayaking works so well is because when you paddle you twist your entire torso. This type of movement in numerous repetitions can work wonders on the abdominals. So if you are tired of the same old crunches, try a few of these fun activities which tighten your abs and help you lose weight. Free Fat Burning Foods List This free fat burning foods list will help you accelerate your weight loss. You're free to choose among these foods which ones you want to add to your diet. It's basically a personal preference as to which of these foods you'll naturally gravitate towards. It doesn't matter, just try to make foods on this list the basis of your diet. Free Fat Burning Foods List apples blueberries black beans blackberries broccoli brussel sprouts cabbage carrots cauliflower celery cherries cucumbers eggs garlic grapefruit grapes green beans kale lemons lentils lettuce mango mushrooms onions oranges papaya peaches pears peas pineapples pumpkin raspberries strawberries string beans tomatoes watermelon yogurt The best way to go about using these fat burning foods is to start adding a few each week to your diet so that you get use to them. Once you're familiar with them and have a routine with a few of these foods, add a few more. Keep adding these foods until they make up a majority of your diet. I personally eat a lot of black beans, lentils, eggs, yogurt, apples, broccoli, cauliflower, and grapes. I came up with a routine to eat these often and now they make up a big part of my diet day in and day out. I guess I chose them because they're easy to cook or are readily available without much time spent on them. Like everyone else, I like convenience. A lot of the foods on this list are either high in protein, high in fiber, high in water content, and or low in calories. So there you have it. Accelerate your weight loss progress by using foods on this free fat burning foods list. Functions And Limitations Of The Bmi Calculator BMI, which stands for "body-mass index", is a very popular measure for obesity. It is calculated by taking your weight in kilos and dividing it by the square of your height in metres. It is also known as the Quetelet Index, after its Belgian founder. It is used around the world by many governments in their official health standards. Find out a little bit more about the BMI and some objections against using this popular standard. What is Seen to be the Ideal Score? When you have a score of 20 to 25 you are seen to be of normal weight. Anything over 25 is overweight and over 30 is obese. Under 20 is considered to be unhealthy as well, because you are deemed to be scrawny--that is, unhealthy light-weight. You probably lack energy and are in need of muscle. Shortcomings of the BMI calculator If you are a runner who is going to use the BMI calculator to determine whether or not you are fit, healthy, or having success with your running or fitness program, you need to be aware of some shortcomings of the BMI calculation. First of all, Quetelet lived in the 1800s. People looked and lived differently back then. People were generally a lot shorter. The BMI calculator assumes an average lifestyle to begin with. This means it assumes that you are, for the most part, sedentary, with almost all of your physical exercise coming from walking, working etc. It also assumes that you eat a typical modern diet, which as we know by now is not all that good for keeping off the unwanted pounds. BMI Calculator: Problem with Runners If you are a runner, you are not the average person. You don't have a sedentary lifestyle and you will typically have made some conscious dietary choices as well. You will also drink more water than the average person today, and water consumption is well known for aiding weight loss. Now, this means that the BMI calculator could be problematic for you as a runner. It may show that you are "scrawny" when in fact it's obvious that you are all slender muscles and filled with vitality and energy. There are other potential problems that you may face if you use the BMI calculator as an indicator of health and wellness. BMI calculator: Problem with Older People Older people (people over 60) tend to lose an inch or two off of their height as they age, but they don't lose weight as readily as they did when they were younger. Therefore, if you're an older runner, the BMI calculator may show that you are "out of shape", probably "overweight" when in fact you are not. BMI calculator: Problem with an "ectomorph" body type Some people are naturally just not as apt to put on weight as other people, yet they are not unhealthy at all. Asian people tend to fall into this category more often than other races. So if you are Asian, or if you know that you are an "ectomorph" body type, the BMI calculator may say you are in the 20 to 25 range while you are truly overweight (you have too much fat tissue, not enough lean muscle). Likewise, it may tell you that you are "scrawny" when in fact, pound for pound, you are quite strong. BMI calculator: Problem with Tall People Tall people (basically those over 6 ft. tall) don't do well with the BMI calculator. The calculation just doesn't consider them realistically enough, because back in the days of Quetelet, he did not have those people around to test his calculation! BMI calculator: Problem with Muscular People People who are quite muscular don't do well with the BMI calculator, because muscle weighs more than fat. So, athletically muscular people very often turn out "overweight". Many of the elite 100-metre sprinters today are, based on BMI, overweight. Only Usain "Lightning" Bolt probably has a healthy BMI. He baffles scientists exactly because of that. He is considered to be not muscular enough for the speed he runs at! It is interesting to see that such a widely-adopted measure has got so many shortcomings for so many people. The body-mass index is simply out of date. Many governments however have not moved with the times yet and use this as a main measure for the health of their population. It is good to see that the New Zealand government has recently made some changes. It now uses a measure of the hip size and waist size as it has been proven that the ratio between those is very indicative of heart and cardiovascular problems later in life. And this makes sense: if you carry too much belly fat for your posture you are in trouble. Based on BMI all may still be fine if you are quite tall, but this new ratio explains better whether you are healthy or not. Going forward we will see officlal institutions and governments move away from using BMI and move to using other measures. Measuring your health or success as a runner can thus better be done by pure weight loss, by changes in your clothing sizes, your belly fat, the time spent running etc. rather than by BMI. You can still use it as a gauge, but by no means feel controlled by it as there are many, many people for whome this calculation is past its' due date! Furostan, Muscle Builder, Natural Bodybuilding, Muscle Building Supplements If you are aspiring to be an athlete or a bodybuilder and want to build your body in such a way, so that it could withstand the pressures of sports or other activities but not sure how to go about it? Then you don't have to look far, as the availability of anabolic mass builders in the market have become easy. Apart from the usual bodybuilding exercises, diets and weightlifting schedules these anabolic mass builders are side by side becoming popular amongst sports athletics. Anabolic mass builders are legal anabolics or legal steroids which help in building muscle mass growth. Along with helping you gain that muscle mass, it also helps you lose body weight and increase your body stamina. Anabolism or anabolic basically refers to our body's metabolic process of cells as opposed to catabolism. Anabolism helps in synthesizing complex molecules, enabling it to grow and build into larger ones. In order to build one's body, people need to understand and keep the following point in mind, that the body in question should have a correct anabolic balance to help in muscle growth. And the most safe and currently used supplements are these anabolic mass builders. They are easily available online as well as in certain drugstores that deal with such types of drugs. But with so many stores online and locally; the major questions every bodybuilder faces today is whether this drug is safe? The ingredients used are natural or not? And would it give my body the right stamina etc? To help in easing out these questions there are very few stores online today that offer legal anabolics or legal steroids. Like in the case of an online bodybuilding store called PharmaPro, they sell legal anabolic compounds to customers at reasonable prices. They use legal steroid precursors in the supplements which help in muscle growth. They not only offer the best legal anabolic but even help customers from becoming victims to ‘illegal steroid scams' by offering them to come and test the other companies ‘natural ingredients.' Sometimes legal anabolics or legal steroids are given to people suffering with certain ailments but only on medical advice, it helps the patient in tiding over his problems. Currently buying legal anabolics or legal steroids over the counter by many people is becoming the latest fad, as they want to lose weight. Anabolic steroids are well known for weight loss. And the latest in bodybuilding supplements are testosterone boosters. They help in boosting one's testosterone to a high level for better physical performance. With the help of test boosters, one can achieve their desired goals. But with increasing your physical stamina, test boosters also have negative and positive side effects. If taken in wrong amount of doses test boosters can result in serious negative effects especially if you are suffering from kidney diseases or any other medical problems. Therefore before purchasing any of the above bodybuilding supplements, please research about the product and consult with your doctor about using it. Anabolic Steroids Gift Ideas For Someone On A Weight Loss Mission If someone in your friends circle is trying to lose weight then support them in every way possible. Losing weight is not easy – So when we are on that journey, we need all the support we can get. Here are some gifts that you can give your friend (to someone who is on a weight loss mission): 1. Fruit Basket: Excellent gift – Fruits are good for you and the sugar in them will not lead to weight gain. They have a lot of natural fiber. When they are craving for something sweet, then if there is a fruit basket in front of them they will hopefully grab fruit rather than a chocolate. 2. One month membership to yoga or pilates: This will force them to do some exercise. 3. Steamer: Steamed vegetables are very good for you and do not have effects of the fried stuff. Having a steamer will encourage your friend to eat more of the healthy and fresh vegetables. 4. Motivational Book: Reading an inspirational story will keep your friend going. It is the motivation that is going to push your friend to go that extra mile to lose the desired weight. What better way to find the weight loss motivation books than from a book. 5. Exercise CD / DVD: They can watch and perform the exercises based on the instructions on the cd. They can do this in the comfort of their own homes. 6. Motivational Music: Buy an ipod and load it with some good inspiring music. If they already have an ipod may be an itunes gift card will be helpful. 7. Health Cookbook: The way we cook and what we eat makes all the difference. Though most of us are aware of this, we might not be aware of the fact that some of the foods that we eat often are not helping us in the weight loss department. Having a healthy handbook will give us ideas on what to eat and what not to eat. Great Body Results With Fast Weight Loss While you are looking for fast weight loss, keep in sight your goal of good health and well-being rather than a number on a weighing machine. You want a good looking body with fast weight loss, rather than a skinny, anorexic look. You want your body to develop strength and your fitness levels to be high. You want to avoid injury that will impact your ability to exercise and be mobile. You want your face to glow with good health and your body to throw out toxins effectively. Fitness and Strength Keep fitness and strength as your fast weight loss goals to find yourself on a path to long term gains. This will lead you to food choices that take care of your nutrition requirements and exercise that is good for muscle tone and your heart. A good mix of aerobic and cardiovascular exercise is recommended for keeping the basal metabolic rate of the physical system high. This makes it possible for the body to continue burning calories at rest at a higher rate. Let your session include a 10 minute warm up that focuses on flexibility, 20 minutes of aerobic activity followed by cardiovascular activity. This should be followed by a 10 minute warm up and 10 minute breathing session to rejuvenate your body. Flexibility This is an important aspect of your exercise routine. If you ignore flexibility, your body will be prone to injury and can lead to your being laid up for many days. The other side to stretching and flexibility based exercise is that it highlights any body parts that are feeling tender. If your thigh muscles feel tired when you stretch, it is a signal that you should avoid straining it and allows it to heal instead. Though you will not achieve fast weight loss with flexibility exercise alone, it will support you in achieving your goal. Make sure you do these exercises everyday before you start strenuous workouts. Concentration Focus on the activity as you are undergoing it. If you are carrying out an aerobic activity, feel your body as it moves. Be aware of the beauty of your surroundings, feel the breeze in your hair and be mentally alert. This focus on yourself and the area around you improves the time spent on in the exercise session. Fast weight loss involves the use of mind and body and increases your power of concentration. Make it a point to include time for deep breathing exercise to help your body's oxygen absorption and utilization to improve. Keep It Simple Your professional or education demands put a constraint on the amount of time you can put into your fitness goals. If you find that you are unable to manage exercise in the face of these constraints, it possibly means you are putting an extra burden on yourself that is difficult to cope with. Fast weight loss is also achievable by incorporating more warm water consumption and regular brisk activity breaks on a regular basis. Fast weight loss requires activity that keeps your metabolism high and food intake in moderation. Avoiding oily and sweet food can go a long way in helping you reach and maintain your fitness targets. Greatest Combination Clen+t3 For You To Lose Weight Clenbuterol + Cytomel T3 are mostly used by bodybuilders and athletes; they help them burn more fats in less time, while still gaining muscle mass. Clenbuterol increases the blood pressure within the organism and the temperature of the body, facts that will lead to more fats burning. Cytomel T3 increases the metabolism of an individual, also allowing the organism to burn more fats. Combined, these two drugs are the most powerful weight loss-fat burning stack. Neither of the two are steroids, but you might find opposite types of information from other sources – anyway, only non-professionals and amateurs would call them steroids as in fact they are taken with or after a steroid cycle. If it came to this, there are several useful pieces of information one should know about. First there are lots of bodybuilders that use this stack – Clenbuterol + Cytomel T3; some of them are professionals, others are just amateurs and practice bodybuilding as a hobby. A regular bodybuilder will not need more than a few grams of Clen and T3, in order to “help” a reasonable T3 dose. There is no use for 75 mcg to100 mcg to be used, and sometimes a bigger dose might cause more harm than good, as larger quantities will be necessary to stop muscular mass loss – this will only stress the body, with no significant additional winning part. Sometimes, T3 might give the muscles an aspect of flatness and softness when touching them – it is a side effect that might have a great impact on bodybuilders' psychic. It seems like a loss of muscular mass, but in fact it is about a lack of/in muscle mass “pumping”, because there is a low blood flood in a specific area. But the solution is not in taking carbohydrates, but in training your muscles – by tensing the muscles one gets more blood into that specific area. Yet, the best solution is taking Clenbuterol and Cytomel T3, because these drugs strengthen the bodies and muscles, by bringing more blood into the tissues. Source: http://www.clenbuterol24.com A question that users ask themselves or the specialists is if T3 can or should be taken with steroids. But the answer would be “in the eye of the beholder”, it depends on each individual; the diet must be impeccable, while only reasonable should be counted for (50mcg); another important condition is that the user must know his or her body very well before proceeding to any drug. So, Clenbuterol + Cytomel T3 are great drugs, are veterans that should not be taken by beginners, by bodybuilders that don't even know how their body acts and reacts to different training styles, different types of food or to different medications. No one that does not know basic, elementary information about his/her body and organism's interaction should take up Clen + T3. But when used correctly and under medical supervision and advice the stack Clenbuterol + Cytomel T3 is just bodybuilders' (and not only theirs) best friend. Healthy Diet Plan Everyone has tried or at least heard about a healthy diet plan for good health. There is a myth that healthy food is boring! A healthy diet plan does not have to be boring, nor does it have to be overrun with fat free, low calorie, bland and tasteless food. In fact, you can follow a healthy diet plan and still enjoy a menu filled with tasty snacks, flavorful food and enough variety to try a new recipe every day for weeks at a time. Where to start with a healthy diet plan… Start with the basic food pyramid then look for advice and ideas on building your healthy diet plan around it. The Internet is a great tool for this, as there is an almost endless supply of sites that are happy to suggest recipes and meals, plus they usually have links to other sources of information as well. Your very own family physician though is the best bet to take advice from! Healthy diet plan is about much more than eating well, avoiding weight gain or promoting weight loss. It is a pattern of living that includes exercise and paying attention to how you are when you are balanced and doing the things that support that. Remember maintaining health is not a part time activity; it is a 24/7 concept. It is about the choices you make over the day in your food, activities thought processes. A healthy diet plan makes it all the more easier for you to concentrate on those areas of your health which need to be addressed particularly. It can be challenging to establish and stick with a healthy diet plan, especially in a society that thrives on fads such as the low-carb diet and the promise of easy weight control by taking a pill or eating a pre-fabricated meal. The challenge can become even greater when it comes to teaching your child about healthy eating choices or counteracting the intense junk food cravings of a teen. Following a healthy diet plan is worth the effort, though, because the payoff comes in the form of better personal health and increased energy levels. Being healthy is addictive like all the good things in life! Beware of media messages that distort the facts associated with a healthy diet plan. The weight loss industry is constantly distorting the facts about healthy eating in order to promote whatever product or food plan they are trying to sell. And much more subtle messages abound, too, in the form of advertisements featuring extraordinarily thin models and the implication that starving yourself to get skinny is a healthy way to deal with your weight!!! You will have to learn to separate the wheat from the chaff! A healthy diet plan benefits other areas of your life as well. Good nutrition produces a healthy body, a more clearly functioning mind and a peaceful spirit - all indicators that your life is in balance- and this is a true sign of Good Health. The sooner you get that there is no difference between your mind and your body the sooner you will realize how taking actions like this that support your overall balance in life will affect you in all areas of your life. Rule No.: 1 for healthy diet plan Moderation in All Things Just because you are eating healthier foods does not mean you can't indulge yourself every so often. Got a craving for pizza? Go ahead and have some, but instead of eating three slices choose to have just one. Want one of those chocolate bars sitting next to the cashier? Indulge yourself but enjoy one section now and save the other two for a later date. A healthy diet plan is not a straightjacket and should not be used as such. Nothing in an extreme is healthy. The longer you eat right, the more sensitive your body will be to letting you know what is right for it. Healthy Soup Recipes For Weight Loss Preparing healthy soup recipes is an easy way to control calories and help to lose unwanted weight. Dieting isn't as simple as just eating less and losing weight as a result. Crash diets and starvation diets simply do not work in the long term, as has been proven by yo-yo dieters time and time again. The best way to lose weight and keep it off is to eat the right things, at the right time of day, at regular intervals. This keeps the body's metabolism burning at optimum efficiency, helping you to lose weight throughout the day. Healthy Soups are a great way to eat delicious, nutritious meals that are low in calories and easy to prepare. You can make them in bulk and store them in the fridge or freezer, and they can be truly cheap to make, using leftovers from the fridge or cupboard. Too keep your body in the fat burning zone, you should aim to eat a small healthy meal every 3 hours or so. Any number of these meals can be soup based; imagine if you had a fridge full of different kinds of healthy soups. Every meal could be a different soup, and every meal would be healthy and delicious. Your metabolism would be burning efficiently, and you would lose weight as a result. Healthy soup recipes can be prepared from almost anything, as long as you follow the basic weight loss guidelines. Avoid late night carbohydrates (it's best if you time most of your carbohydrate intake before 2pm). Avoid saturated fats, although healthy fats should be encouraged. Healthy fats are contained in ingredients like fish, olive oil, nuts, etc. Avoid eating too much (eat until you are full, but not uncomfortable full). Avoid junk food. As long as you base your soups on meat and vegetables, you really can't go too wrong. Nothing in the soup will be deep friend or particularly unhealthy. Providing you season it and use fresh ingredients, it will be delicious and nutritious. At first, try replacing one or two of your daily meals with a hearty bowl of homemade soup. Experiment with different flavors and ingredients, and don't forget to make a large batch so you can reheat it when you need it. Healthy Soup Recipes are a great tool for weight loss as they are cheap, delicious, and nutirious. Try anything from cabbage soup for a light lunch to low fat chicken chowder for a hearty dinner. The world is your oyster when it comes to preparing healthy soups! Healthy Weight Loss For Men Healthy weight loss can be challenging but the rewards are worth the time and effort. The following simple tips will help you lose excess weight and tone up. • Set a realistic goal weight Clearly establishing what weight you would like to be by a certain date is important as it helps focus your efforts. Make sure that you don't try to overachieve – healthy weight loss is about 2lbs a week. As you see the pounds melt away, week after week, you will have renewed motivated to continue towards your goal. • Keep a food diary If you think you are eating healthy but are still finding it difficult to lose the extra weight try keeping a food diary. Keeping a food diary will help you understand your relationship with food and will show you if you are overeating certain types. Be honest and you will see real benefit from this technique. • Eat healthy snacks Between meals don't reach for a chocolate bar or packet of crisps, try to snack on fruit or nuts instead. Almond nuts in particular are very nutritious, packed full of protein and help you to feel younger for longer. • Eat consciously Healthy weight loss can be made easier by ensuring that you are actually hungry before you eat - don't eat out of boredom or habit. Try to sit down and really enjoy what you are eating. • Regular exercise It's important to exercise regularly, find a sport or form of exercise that you love and it won't feel like a chore. Go for a walk, join tag rugby or cycle with a friend – the possibilities are endless. • Portion control This is a very simple tip that not many people undertake. Smaller portion sizes are key to a healthy weight loss. Using smaller plates (9 inches in diameter rather than 12 inches) can help with portion control. • Get support If you are struggling on your own why not ask a friend to start their own healthy weight loss initiative. Having an ally can help motivate you and keep you on track. Alternatively seek the help of a professional weight management clinic or club, their expert advice can help ensure that you continue to lose weight healthily. Remember: don't give up even if you have a bad day; try to keep positive and just start fresh. You will have weeks that seem tougher than others but just keep going, the reward will be worth all the effort. Herbaceutical Enriched Diet Pills And Weight Loss Supplements There are different ways to lose weight. Some people do regular exercises; many restrict themselves to healthy food, a portion follow the path of meditation but the majority rely upon the diet pills and weight loss supplements as they give quicker and effective results. In any weight losing process it is very essential to understand the function of the diet medications and supplements before consuming them. Numerous diet pills and weight loss supplements are emerging in the market everyday with attractive offers and promising claims to lure the customer towards them. Therefore a sensible customer should take the advice of the nutritionist or any health expert before taking a decision on the type of supplement he would like. People who believe that by starving themselves they can lose weight easily are mistaken; instead by doing this their body loses the immunity and gets prone to harmful rare diseases. Therefore various world wide health experts advice to consume the diet pills and weight loss supplements along with a balanced diet every time. And the good quality diet pills and weight loss supplements are always prepared with the combination of nature, science and research. Before purchasing any kind of diet pills or weight loss supplements, it is very essential to go through its ingredients once. An effective diet pill and weight loss supplement must contain some of the following natural ingredients described below. Chromium picolinate- a mineral that helps in increasing the lean muscle and regulates glycemic control. 5-HTP- a serotonin precursor that helps in controlling hunger. Chad de Bugre– an appetite suppressant and energy stimulant. Irvingia Gabonensis- effective in weight management and fat metabolism Green tea extract- an antioxidant that boosts the thermogenic capabilities. Gugglesterone– for optimal thyroid functioning. These are some of the few essential natural ingredients that should be included in the pills and supplements designed for the weight management program. All the above mentioned ingredients together work to burn fat, promote oxidation of fat, increase the metabolic rate, suppress the appetite, reduce the fatty deposit, decrease the carbohydrate cravings and finally reduce the circumference of the waist. The ordinary diet pills and weight loss supplements available in the market sometimes contain high concentration of caffeine, difficult to identify at times and therefore can cause side effects like increased blood pressure or heart rate. An effective diet pill and supplements created by the knowledgeable medical doctors and research scientists promote a healthy way of life. Such pills often come in the form of vegetable capsules. These diet pills and weight loss supplements wonderfully works on athletes, body builders and common man too. The use of diet pills and weight loss supplements are booming these days after the opening of the online stores that are promoting advanced herbaceuticals for quick and effective weight loss program. To be on the safer side it is better to consult a doctor before consuming such supplements. Herbalife - A Summary Herbalife Company history In February 1980, Mark Hughes began selling the original Herbalife weight loss product from the trunk of his car. By 1982, Herbalife had reached $2,000,000 in sales and opened a distributorship in Canada, its first outside of the United States. In 1986 Herbalife became a publicly traded company via NASDAQ. Independent distributors' personal vehicles could be seen on the street, decorated by decals bearing the mysterious slogan "lose weight now, ask me how!". In 1994 Mark Hughes started the Herbalife Family Foundation, a charity dedicated to helping children. The organization receives donations from Herbalife itself as well as individuals within and outside the company. The Herbalife Family Foundation has donated more than $6.5 million to children's causes worldwide. In 1996 Herbalife reached $1,000,000,000 in annual sales. In 2000, Hughes died at the age of 44 from an accidental overdose of alcohol and doxepin, a sleeping tablet. The company has continued to grow after his death. In 2003, Michael O. Johnson joined Herbalife as CEO following a 17-year career with The Walt Disney Company, most recently as president of Walt Disney International. On December 16 2004 the company had an initial public offering on the NYSE of 14,500,000 common shares at $14/share. 2004 net sales were reported as $1.3 billion. In April 2005, the company celebrated its 25th anniversary with a four-day event attended by 35,000 Herbalife Independent Distributors from around the world. In August 2005, Dr. Steve Henig joined the company as Chief Scientific Officer, responsible for product research and development. The company is headquartered in Los Angeles, California and employs 3500 worldwide. Products are distributed in 65 countries through a network that Herbalife claims contains 1.5 million independent distributors. Revenue has exceeded over 2 Billion US dollars world wide. Herbalife's Products Herbalife's product offering includes weight-management products such as Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix, a meal-replacement shake and one of the first products introduced by the company. Other nutritional products offered by Herbalife range from dietary supplements made from vitamins, minerals and herbs to personal care products emphasizing nutritional and herbal ingredients, such as aloe vera and vitamin C. The Herbalife strategy is aligned with health industry recommendations for safe weight control, eating a balanced diet, low-energy food with regular exercises, and that their nutritional and weight management line of products facilitate this through macronutrient and micronutrient food formulas. Herbalife provides testimonials from health professionals as part of their marketing campaign. Some of the products are vegetarian, some are even kosha or helal, being certified by independent assessors. The products neither conform the fairtrade guidelines, nor does the company guarantee that the products were manufactured without animal testing. Some of the original Herbalife weight loss products contained the active ingredient Ma Huang or Sida cordifolia, two herbs containing ephedrine alkaloids. Adverse reactions involving the company's Thermojetics original green tablets were recorded by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Herbalife subsequently stopped using ephedrine in its products in the face of rising insurance premiums. The U.S. FDA banned supplements containing ephedra in 2004. In its annual report Herbalife declares that all of its products are manufactured by outside companies, except for a small amount of products manufactured in its own manufacturing facility in China. The major suppliers include Nature's Bounty, Fine Foods (Italy), PharmaChem Labs and JB Labs which together account for more than 40 of distributors were still active after twelve months, up from 39.7 over the previous year; over 80% of these distributors were outside North America. The company reports the difference between the listed retail price and the actual amount distributors pay the company as "distributor allowances"; in the third calendar quarter of 2006, these allowances totaled $368 million. Assuming distributors always sold their product at listed prices, this amount spread over the qualified distributors would amount to an average "allowance" of about $500 per distributor per month. The company also paid out $109 million that quarter in "royalty overrides" – basically commissions and bonuses – to qualifying distributors. Herbalife's Scientific Advisory Board is chaired by David Heber, M.D. Ph.D, F.A.C.P., F.A.C.N., who is professor of medicine and public health and the founding director of the Center for Human Nutrition in the Department of Medicine at UCLA. Louis J. Ignarro, Ph.D., a Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Distinguished Professor of Pharmacology at the UCLA School of Medicine, is also a member of Herbalife's Scientific Advisory Board. Ignarro worked with Herbalife to develop Niteworks, a dietary supplement designed to boost the body's own production of nitric oxide, and later became a member of the company's Scientific Advisory Board. Hiit Training And How It Can Help With Weight Loss Do you find yourself not getting results from your current workouts? Do you feel like you are wasting your time with traditional cardio? Cardio if done right can help anyone with their weight loss efforts. There is a solution and it is called HIIT training also known as high intensity interval training. So what in the world is high intensity interval training? According to Wikipedia, “High-intensity interval training (HIIT), also called High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise (HIIE) or sprint interval training, is an enhanced form of interval training, an exercise strategy alternating periods of short intense anaerobic exercise with less-intense recovery periods. HIIT is a form of cardiovascular exercise. “ Usually HIIT workouts consist of a 2:1 ratio of work then rest periods. For example, you would do 30-40 seconds of running in place or hard sprinting, followed by 15-20 seconds of walking; Or more advanced 1 minute of hard sprinting followed by 30 seconds of walking. Sessions of HIIT help to improve breakdown of glucose, burning fat, and athletic condition. If you want to be a better athlete give it a try. A great thing about HIIT training is if you are short on time you can still get a quality workout in. You really only need about 10 to 20 minutes to fit an effective workout into your schedule. That gets rid of the excuse, “I don't have time to workout, I'm too busy.” HIIT is a great way to get maximum results in a shorter period of time. So now you know what HIIT is, what now? If you are a beginner take it slow at first to build up your cardio. If you are out of shape you don't want to just throw yourself into a 20 or 30 minute session of some very intense workouts. Try these sample workouts for starters. Warm up for a few minutes. Don't just jump into a workout without warming up unless you like getting injured. Get on a treadmill and start your first interval. If you don't have a treadmill or don't have a gym membership you can just run in place instead. Sprint for 30-40 seconds, then slow down to a walking or jogging pace. You want to do about 6 intervals during your workout. Get creative as you want. If you live by a football stadium or somewhere that has bleachers, try running up and down the bleachers instead of running in place or on a treadmill. It is always a good practice to keep fitness fun so it does not get boring. If you don't have a treadmill or access to a football field, get an old fashioned jump rope. Jump rope for a minute then rest for 30 seconds. Repeat this for about 10 to 20 minutes. This is a great option you can do at home and even get the family involved if possible. It is always helpful to make fitness a family affair to help the next generation start good habits at a young age. You can also incorporate weights into a workout to spice it up and get more results faster. So now that you know what HIIT training is and you have a couple sample workouts to give a try, go out there and burn some calories. HIIT cardio helps burn more fat than traditional cardio. Get moving and get rid of that stubborn belly fat. If you want to fit in those jeans you haven't worn in a while, do a HIIT workout. It will take your athletic ability to the next level. What are you waiting for, get moving! Holistic Nutrition In The Kitchen: The Truth About Cooking Oils Part I When it comes to holistic nutrition and all natural weight loss, choosing the healthiest cooking oil can be difficult. Rumors and opinions based on unsubstantiated facts circulate about which oil is best, which is toxic or which is most nutritious. Then there's the question of saturated fats vs. trans fats vs. polyunsaturated fats vs. essential omega fats and unless you majored in biochemistry in college it's easy to get confused. The truth is that various kinds of cooking oils have different natural health benefits and levels of nutritional value. Olive Oil: One of Nature's Oldest Natural Cures As a trained naturopathic physician I am not only an expert on natural medicine, but I also know the principles of holistic nutrition and all natural weight loss in order to assist patients with making the right decisions in the kitchen. In most cases each cooking oil has both pros and cons associated with it; olive oil is no exception. Olive oil is a foundation of the famous, health-promoting Mediterranean Diet and rich in health-promoting Omega-9 monounsaturated fatty acids. Olive oil has been shown to help improve: cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes, age-related dementia, blood clots, cancer, life expectancy and more. Don't Lose the Holistic Health Benefits of Olive Oil When Cooking, Be Aware of the “Smoke Point” Olive oil tastes great and can be used in cooking or as a substitute for butter on bread. It also serves as an excellent base for a healthy salad dressing or marinade. So, is this wonderful, healthy, tasty food also dangerous? The answer is: it can be. But it's not the fault of the oil; it's when we mistreat it, or use it for purposes it was never intended to fulfill, that it becomes more harmful than helpful. The key to solving this paradox is to understand the concept of Smoke Point. The Smoke Point is literally the point at which oil starts to smoke. Different oils smoke at different temperatures; olive oil is one that generally cooks best at low to medium heat, much hotter and it may smoke. Smoke when cooking is not a good thing. The olive oil decomposes under the extreme heat causing free radicals and other dangerous molecules to replace the natural antioxidants. The smoke itself is also toxic and should not be inhaled. Finally, when there's smoke, it means the oil is dangerously close to its flash point, the point at which it may catch fire. The general rule is to only cook with olive oil on low to medium heat or use it cold. If you need hardier oil for baking or high heat cooking, consider oil with a higher Smoke Point such as Canola, Safflower, Coconut, or Grapeseed. The True Holistic Health Benefits of Canola Oil Canola Oil has great amounts of health-promoting Omega-9 monounsaturated fatty acids, just like olive oil, as well as low saturated fat and relatively high Omega-3 levels. It, however, has a higher Smoke Point and can be used more reliably for higher-heat cooking. I have recently seen some emails about the dangers of canola oil that have been spread around the Internet. This oil has been accused of being genetically engineered, full of trans fat, an industrial chemical used as an insecticide or fuel, a toxic weed, a biopesticide, a form of mustard gas, a trigger for diseases like mad cow disease and lung cancer, and full of cyanide. In truth, expeller-pressed, organic canola oil is healthy cooking oil that is not to be feared. Just like any other food, it should not be consumed all day, every day. Everything in moderation is the best rule for a balanced and healthy diet. It is a great oil to consider for medium to high heat baking and sautéing. Some caution should be used with lesser quality or less expensive forms of Canola Oil. The only way to guarantee the holistic health benefits of canola oil is to purchase organic and expeller-pressed. Healthy Cooking and the Importance of Nutrition Naturopathic medicine considers holistic nutrition one of the keys to achieving optimal health. In addition to homeopathic remedies, herbal medicine and other alternative health treatments, healthy, balanced eating habits are essential to total body wellness. To learn more about cooking oils contact your local naturopathic medical doctor. Add this at the end of the paragraph when appropriate: You may also wish to read the rest of my “The Truth About Cooking Oils” article series available on Lewis Natural Health Hollywood Actors' Diet Secrets "Personal Trainer and Nutritionist to the Stars, Reveals all the Hollywood Secrets to Lose Fat Fast Without Spending Hours in the Gym!" 19 years of research and painstaking work outs has gone in to developing this revolutionary program which is designed to be followed by anybody, any age, male or female. Even if you have struggled losing weight in the past.... Even if you've had enough and given up.... Even if you can't find time for the gym everyday.... ...Learn how Craig Woods, trainer of millions of people both online and in the gym has helped to get people JUST LIKE YOU slimmer and toned in weeks not months! In this revolutionary step-by-step book you are going to discover the most powerful fat loss system ever developed to this day! It's the exact same diet program Hollywood actors, supermodels and bodybuilders use to achieve lean, shaped, toned bodies with rock-hard muscle definition. On TV you are always hearing about the so called 'secret' diet and workout plans of the rich and famous and this is exactly that, but no need to spends thousands of dollars and flying to California anymore as all the secrets are now revealed for the first time in this unique book. Years of research have gone into the world of weight loss solutions and we used all the data we could find to device this system. Very early in our studies we found that a special diet incorporated for a certain type of gym routine was the way forward. High carbohydrate, Isometric, food combining, food separating, high protein, Ketogenic are just a few types of diets we combined with work out routines. So years past with scientific monitoring of each program in action using advanced training and monitoring equipment, until we had the formula down to a tee. Hollywood stars didn't come knocking over night though. It took another few years of the word getting around that there was a new training program which is getting any body, any size or any shape, lean, and toned in weeks. Then once the first few celebrities enquired about following this secret program it just went crazy, everybody wanted to know about this new fad in weight loss. With demand so high and with most the information already in a tangible format, somebody suggested publishing the program as it could really help many people throughout the world lose their fat and get into shape. Homeopathic Hcg Detox Drops HCG is the most effective, permanent weight loss program to both men and women, in particular, those who have given up hope in their journey to permanently lose weight. We are so excited you have decided to take this weight loss journey on the HCG Weight Loss Cure Protocol with us. Our products are professional strength homeopathic HCG and our customers report the same great weight loss and body-reshaping results found while using the traditional "self-mixed" HCG (injections and sublingual). Even better, customers who have done both the injections and these homeopathic drops report feeling less hunger and more energy on the drops than on the injections. It truly is amazing. Please see our testimonials page for more insight from our past and current customers. However, neither the professional strength homeopathic HCG nor the self-mixed HCG will help you lose weight IF you do not follow Dr. Simeons' HCG Weight Loss Cure Protocol outlined in his manuscript, "Pounds and Inches: A New Approach to Obesity" perfectly. Because it is so important, we have it available as a FREE download for you to the right on this page and at other various places on the site. I'll be updating my blog on a daily basis showing my results. As of today I have lost 10lbs in 11 days. Visit my blog for more information and how to purchase your HCG drops: http://MyownHCGexperience.blogspot.com/ Homeopathic Hcg- The Best Weight Loss Supplement The body stores fat in three main ways: Structural fats - the packing fats present between organs and limbs, normal/subcutaneous fat - the noticeable fat under the skin that makes one look flabby (this fat is easily burnt when one is hungry or when exercising), and visceral/abnormal fat which is the dangerous fat that surrounds the organs (it is known to cause obesity, liver and cardiovascular conditions and diabetes). The body cannot access this abnormal fat as easily thus making it pretty hard to get rid of. The hypothalamus gland in the brain is responsible for regulating fat storage among other vital functions. As the best weight loss supplement homeopathic HCG stimulates this gland to mobilize these dangerous fats hence kick-starting weight loss. The best way to lose weight is to combine a proper diet with homeopathic HCG. Also known as the Dr. Simeon HCG diet, this mix was created in the 1950s. Other than losing weight this formulation helps in sculpting the body by trimming down fats in those areas unaffected by exercise. This product also curbs hunger pangs which are as a result of being on a diet. The calories obtained from the mobilized fats will keep the body energy requirements satisfied. Though exercises are encouraged, HCG supplements do not need exercise to be effective. This is among the qualities that make homeopathic HCG the best weight loss supplement available in the market. As much as homeopathic HCG is effective, the best weight loss supplement would be one that comes with extra nutrients such as Vitamin B12, four diverse amino acids, and Mag-Phos and Nat-Phos cell salts as available in the product called HCG Fusion. This product is manufactured using the highest grade USP (United States Pharmacopeia) raw materials. This is arguably the best way to lose weight as currently advised by many doctors around the US and internationally. HCG sublingual drops are just as effective as HCG injections yet they are cheaper and also great for the needle-phobic. How an online weight loss program works If you really want to lose your weight at first, you may think of going through a local weight loss program, or you may choose a local weight loss center to sign up there. It is thinking of a regular person who has enough time to spend for this stuff. For the persons who are in a job or business sector, they cannot spend that much time in a day for losing their weight. However, do not think it is impossible for them to lose their weight. Many people do not know about the online weight loss program that is why they spend their time at nearby weight loss center. However, if you know about an online weight loss program you may be interested in joining it because there you get a lot of advantages that you don't get in any other weight loss program. What is the main difference between an online weight loss program and a local weight loss program? What gets your time wasted before a local weight loss program? This question may rise in your mind. The answer is that if you join in a regular weight loss program you need to meet with the member and leader of that program in person. On the other hand, if you join in an online weight loss program it minimizes your time because you can do everything related with the program only sitting before a computer. There are many varieties in online weight loss program. You may find an online weight loss program that does not need any cost but the matter is you might not be satisfied with it. They can show you a wrong way to lose your heaviness since they are not getting any benefits from you. So you will need to search for a best weight loss program in online. It is possible if you become a member of an online weight loss program with spending money. The pay rate of this site is not that much you have to pay them a little amount in monthly basis. Furthermore, old people can be able to find options to reduce their weight in online. Many people have no idea about an online weight loss program. In online you will get many kinds of program related with weight loss. Some companies offer you something exclusive and some will provide you extraordinary service. It depends mainly on their operating method. You will get a brief account about online weight loss program here. Major benefit of joining an online weight loss program is getting some important directions for losing weight. Physical exercise is an exercise, which means proper movement of your body. This is the easiest way to eliminate extra weight of your body. In order to taking physical exercise, you have to know the rules and system of exercise. Only if you log in to your individual account that you bought from an online weight loss company you will be able to see their collection of pictures and videos. These tutorials are enough to teach you the systematic way of losing weight. As a member of an online weight loss program, you will have some extra features as if you can be able to access their recipe zone to collect delicious cooking tips and healthy recipe. More over you can easily discuss about your problem with other members only by sending them private message. How Can Obesity Be Controlled? Obesity is a worldwide problem, means it has no geographical favorites and is present everywhere in the world. Lifestyle changes has led to globalization of obesity Obesity is defined as the excessive body fat, but is difficult to measure directly. For this reason body mass index (BMI), which is a measure of weight, corrected for differences in height, is most commonly used to define obesity. BMI is computed as weight (in kg) divided by height squared (in meters). The WHO has defined BMI of 30 or greater as obesity. Overweight is defined as a BMI of 25 to 29.9. Although the health risks for being overweight, including diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers, are less than those for obesity, they are still substantial. Half of all Americans indeed are either overweight or are obese by WHO standards. Obesity rates in children are also raising fast. The health consequences and the costs incurred in treating the complications arising from obesity and excess weight are enormous. In America, excess body fat account for about 90% of adult onset of diabetes, about one-third of heart attacks, contributes to several major cancers, arthritis, cataracts and reduced quality of life in general. Although genetic factors influence the likelihood of obesity, they can't explain such massive increase in so short a period of time. Fundamentally, weight gain occurs when physical activity decreases or total calorie intake increases. How to Control Obesity? Although many dream of a weight loss pill to cure the problem, alone it can not help you to get rid of it. So instead of looking for a magic pill, you should recognize that obesity is a function of social change. Urbanization, sedentary lives, and the consumption of mass produced high calorie foods. In principle, if every individual exercised regularly and be careful about calorie intake, obesity would be uncommon. But because low levels of physical activity and over-consumption are deeply imbedded in our lifestyles, individuals acting in isolation face many obstacles. An effective strategy to fight the obesity epidemic will require both individual and institutional initiatives. • Nutritionists must provide improved dietary advice and make it accessible to all. • Health experts can do more to counsel patients about the importance of minimizing weight gain as adults. • You can limit television watching, computer related lazy activities like browsing, etc. and avoid buying soft drinks. Many individuals, having learned to exercise and avoid excessive calorie intake, are controlling their weight. Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program. Copyright © Nick Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active. How Does The Ardyss Body Magic Work| Can You Drop 2 To 3 Sizes With The Ardyss Body Magic? Ardyss International was started in 1989 in Mexico. It became a network marketing company in May 2007, and since then, Ardyss has seen tremendous growth through the sale of several of its products, one being the Ardyss Body Magic reshaping garment. The Ardyss Body Magic reshaping garment was designed by an orthopedic surgeon. It has many health benefits for women. It is an improved and transformed corset, which was used in earlier times to reduce the waist and shape the female figure. This product is very effective in reshaping the body by reducing it up to three dress sizes while accelerating the process of weight loss. The Ardyss Body Magic does what is called "Lipo Transportation," which means it takes a woman's fatty tissue and moves it from where it is to where it needs to be in her body. There are only two places a woman needs fat tissue and those are the breasts and buttocks. The Body Magic offers every woman the extraordinary opportunity to look and feel better about her body. This garment is ideal for the times women want to fit into that "special" dress that no longer looks special when they put it on due to the extra weight. It will help any woman have the perfect shape she has always desired. The Body Magic is the perfect complement for body reshaping. It is unique since it can instantly reduce a woman two to three dress sizes in a matter of minutes due to the fat redistribution process. This garment is also ideal for caring for the female skeletal system as it favors correct posture of the spinal column. Not only does it make a woman look slimmer, her body will acquire an esthetic and female shape. The Ardyss Body Magic was originally created to help overweight women to recover their figure, shaping their body while in the weight loss process. Size reduction, body reshaping and a correct posture will make anyone look and feel great. The reshaping garment also gives the appearance of a breast lift. It reduces the waist, lifts and rounds a woman's buttocks and positions them in their correct anatomical place for a proper function and prevents sagging. This dynamic body reshaper also gets rid of love handles, back and underarm fat, giving a smoother, more feminine figure. The Ardyss Body Magic is designed to exert pressure on the abdomen, generating a protection that prevents fat accumulation in the abdominal walls. It gives the appearance of an instant tummy tuck! When most think of "corsets," they think of something tight and uncomfortable. However, this body reshaper gives the incredible transforming results of a corset without the discomfort. Because it favors correct posture and improves blood circulation, it enhances the results of physical activity. Therefore, it is as safe and comfortable to work out in as a sports bra. The reshaping results obtained with the Body Magic can be likened to those of liposculpture but without the pain of surgery. Because of the exerted pressure your body undergoes with wear of the garment, the fat redistribution helps to firm up the fatty areas of the back, abdomen, buttocks and thighs. Wearing the garment, a woman will find that she is increasing the performance of the internal organs located in the abdominal cavity. This is because they are placed where they are supposed to go in the body and they recover lost pressure improving their function. With the body reshaper, women have testified of improved self-esteem, health, weight loss, and lifestyle. The Ardyss Body Magic gives an instant tummy tuck, breast lift, rounded, fuller-looking buttocks and great posture. All without diets, exercise, pills or surgery! How Fattache Forte May Help You Lose Weight Maybe you have found losing weight to be thought-provoking and you are looking for help through Fattache Forte to get you back on track to losing those gloomy pounds that you carry. Eating all those calories was fantastic at the time but tiny by petite the done with promise of satisfaction was dashed by the reality of the changing shape of your body. Doesn't really matter how you gained the weight because once it is there it poses quite thought-provoking times to your body due to the dangerous stress it creates. I learned in Physiology that for every pound of fat you have your body grows one mile of extra blood vessels. Consider that if you are 20 pounds overweight, that is 20 miles of extra work for your heart to pump blood through, no trouble-free task. Fattache Forte to the rescue. There is also trying affects upon your skeletal frame but I'll save that for another day. Are you hungry for a fatty diet? Fattache Forte is in a class of of pills called fat Trappers that clinical studies have proven to promote weight loss and lower cholesterol with the combination of Chitosan and Fibre. To maintain your health and support your way to weight loss, look for those safe ingredients in your weight loss pill supplement. Time to learn about Fattache Forte: The (fat trapper) is a natural fibre that when ingested with fat will absorb 40 to 60% of that fat, not allowing it to be absorbed into your body and then carrying it out of your body as waste. The ingredients in Fattache Forte are a combination of psyllium, higher Chitosan levels when compared to typical diet pills on the market (50 mg), Karaya gum, apple pectin plantago ovata seed, glucosamine, glucomannan, and vitamin C. This combination of fibers also helps regulate your intestinal system and lower cholesterol as proven in the published clinical trials. It is also stated that Fatteche Forte holds patents, helps you to lose weight, lowers cholesterol, balances triglicerides and controls towering blood pressure while cleaning out your intestines, with no side effects. Without changing your level of exercise or changing your dietary habits, you may lose up to three and one half pounds per week in the first 30 days. What's even more exciting is after 60 days on the product people have lost over 5 pounds per week. Fattache Forte is 100% Natural and comes with a Money Back Guarantee. How Garcinia Camborgia Helps In Reducing Your Body Fat The other name of Garcinia camborgia is Bridle berry. Garcinia camborgia contains hydroxycitric acid that contains an active compound which hinders the synthesis of fatty acids and lipids. In addition, it also lowers the formation of LDL and triglycerides in your body. Garcinia camborgia also contains large amount of vitamin C and hence people may use it as a heart tonic. Moreover, research shows that Garcinia camborgia have the ability to hinder the conversion of extra calories to body fat. You will easily able to control as well as to reduce your appetite by means of increasing the production of glycogen in your body. As you know that glycogen is a form in which glucose is store in your body and glucose is a primary source of energy in your body. By increasing the production of glycogen in your body, you will able to activate your brain's signaling system that you have eaten enough food. All the above said benefits provide to the people by Garcinia camborgia made this weight loss product a very powerful herbal medicine for controlling cholesterol and obesity. Garcinia camborgia is a well-known fat burning agent all over the world. Most of the medical experts recommend this weight loss supplement to their patients for reducing and controlling their weight. Garcinai camborgia is a small purple fruit that contains a chemical compound name hydroxycitric acid or HCA. You will easily obtain HCA because large number of citrus fruits such as orange and lemon contain the above said chemical compound. Number of studies shows that HCA helps in reducing your weight due to its ability to control the process of metabolism. As HCA is an inhibitor of adenosine-triphosphate citrate, so ATP citrate increases the conversion of citrate and coenzyme A to oxaloacetate. Oxaloacetate produces glucose and glycogen in your body by entering in the gluconeogenic pathway. Research shows that HCA helps in reducing your obesity by reducing the production of fatty acids and fat synthesis. Moreover, HCA also suppresses the intake of food by means of anorectic effect that also supports the belief that the HCA helps in reducing your weight. Studies shows that Garcinia camborgia help in weight loss due to following main reasons: • HCA blocks the conversion of sugar as well as starch into fat and hence HCA helps in inhibiting the process of fat production in your body. • HCA also suppress your appetite by raising the level of some chemicals in your brain such as serotonin. How Mma Fighters Lose The Most Weight Possible Fast Losing weight in a fast manner is possible, but it will be a tough road to travel. This is because you probably have certain longstanding habits that you have to change if you want to lose weight. Losing weight quickly, however, is possible if you are committed to it, and in this article we'll be looking at some ways to accomplish this. One thing to avoid when losing weight quickly is your goal is starving yourself. While it's true that fasting is the direct opposition to eating too much, starving will never help you lose weight quickly. What the low calorie diet advocates don't tell you is that any weight loss you do achieve is likely to come back in full force in a couple of months. The reason this always happens is because your body needs certain nutrients and if you keep it from what it needs, it will get those nutrients eventually. That's not to mention that if you continue a starvation diet for a long time, it's really bad for your health. So, while losing weight fast requires you to eat less, you have to make sure you aren't starving yourself or not meeting your nutritional requirements. One thing that you have to understand is that getting rid of weight quickly or even slowly will not be possible without exercising. The number one way to get rid of calories is with aerobic exercises like running, jogging, biking, swimming or a sport that you enjoy like tennis or a different racket sport. You can also go to dance or aerobic classes at the gym. The main point is that in order to lose weight fast, you have to decrease your calories and get more exercise so you can burn calories. Most people find that the hardest part about losing weight quickly is dealing with those times when you are emotional and you want to feed your face with comfort food. That's why, if you suffer from stress, anxiety or depression, or you have an eating disorder, you must confront those demons first, and then start eating and exercising properly if you ever hope to reach your weight loss goals. If you suffer from any of the above disorders, then you should try counseling, hypnotism, meditation or psychotherapy for maximum results. Quick weight loss is possible, but you must deal with the underlying problems if you hope for that weight loss to be permanent. Losing weight quickly is possible, but it's not something that will happen by itself. You have to pay attention to all that you consume and be certain that you get an adequate amount of exercise. Even if you want to see a quick outcome, the most important thing is to start new habits that you can always follow. If you don't forget the things that we have examined in this article, losing weight fast will be a breeze for you. How To Achieve A Healthy Bmi Your body mass index, or as it is known in short BMI is a representation of your health based on your height and weight. Health professionals around the world use your BMI to determine whether someone is overweight or clinically obese. It is used as a simple method of working out whether someone's weight is putting their health at risk. So just how do you calculate your BMI and how do you know what is considered ‘normal?' You can find out what your BMI is by entering your weight and height into a BMI calculator, of which there are numerous on the Internet. Alternatively, if you don't have access to the Internet you can simply visit your GP or local health centre where you're body mass index can be calculated for you. So if you weigh 137 pounds and your height is 5”6 your BMI will be 22.1, which is within the normal range, meaning your body mass is healthy. A healthy body mass index should fall between 18.5 and 24.9; if yours is over 24.9 then you are considered to be overweight and a person whose body mass is under 18.5 is considered underweight. Your body mass index is important to aspects of your health. For example if you are considered to be overweight then you are at a greater risk of developing serious illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, having a stroke and developing certain cancers. It is however important to keep in mind that the results of your BMI is only one representation of your measure of health. There are many other factors that play an important role in your health and having a healthy BMI doesn't mean your body is in perfect health. Sometimes it can underestimate body fat in older people and those who have lost muscle fat. In other cases it can sometimes overestimate body fat in athletes and those who have a muscular build. In most cases however you should take it as a good estimate of your weight, so what do you do if you fall into the under or overweight categories? It is important that if you are currently in these categories that you try and get your body mass index into what is classed as ‘normal.' Losing or gaining weight should be done in a healthy manner. You should start by manipulating the BMI calculator in order to find out how much weight you need to lose or gain. You need to work out where you are currently with your health and where you want to be. Once you are at this stage you can let in some outside help to change your diet, fitness regime and overall health. You need a good weight management program that creates a diet plan to suit your taste, an exercise plan that targets your trouble areas and a lifestyle plan that will help you with your weight problem. For example you may be advised that the best diet for you is the low GI diet, which helps you achieve faster weight loss and reduces the chance of re-gaining the weight; it does this by decreasing your body fat not muscle or water mass, it increases satiety and reduces hunger pangs. As well as being advised on the correct diet you will be advised on the right exercise plan. Some great examples of this are high-paced walking, moderate swimming and cycling. There is plenty of help available when it comes to reducing your body mass index through the right diet and exercise; all you have to do is make sure that you choose the right plan for your situation. So don't go it alone, take advantage of the help that is available to you and get a healthy BMI now! How To Avoid Recurring Ovarian Cysts Ovarian cysts are a very common problem among a lot of women and having to live with constant pain, bloating and feelings of nausea is no joke. The problem is that many women are not even aware that they have a cyst because there are not always symptoms, so whilst they may suffer some pain leading up to and during a period, they feel there is no cause for concern and so adopt a shut up and put up approach each month. For a large proportion of women, however, the symptoms can be very severe and may ultimately end in surgery, but even this does not guarantee the elimination of recurring ovarian cysts. Every woman has the possibility of suffering from ovarian cysts because the core root lies within the menstrual cycle and it is when this cycle is interrupted, and there is an imbalance of either hormones or insulin, that the problems occur. Each month the body prepares itself for ovulation, by growing an egg inside an ovary. This egg is contained in a fluid filled sac or follicle. On a normal cycle, once the egg is mature, the sac breaks open to release the egg for possible fertilisation and the sac naturally dissolves. The empty sac becomes corpeus luteum which makes hormones that help prepare for the next egg. It is when this cycle goes wrong and the sacs don't dissolve, that cysts are grown and can cause severe pain. Surgery can be used to remove the offending cysts, but apart from being a costly and inconvenient exercise, there is a good chance that the cysts will recur. But the great news is that recent studies have shown that ovarian cysts can be shrunk and even removed by natural treatments and that there is every chance that if the natural methods are maintained, most women will avoid recurring ovarian cysts. One of the most effective methods to help shrink the offending cysts, is a change of diet. Because high insulin levels can rock the boat and throw the menstrual cycle into chaos thus triggering the possibility of cysts growing, it is recommended that the daily intake of sugar be reduced. This can be done by simple methods such as taking less sugar in drinks, eating less sugary foods and in particular by avoiding all fizzy drinks as they contain an extremely high level of sugar. The diet should include lots of fresh fruit, vegetables and fish also garlic and grains. This healthier way of eating will help maintain the bodily functions and ensure that everything is operating to its best capacity. It also has the added bonus of weight loss, increased energy plus a feel good factor and better still, if maintained, will help shrink any cysts and prevent them from recurring. So many women are led to believe that medication or surgery are the only options, but believe me when I tell you that there are natural remedies for ovarian cysts that will help shrink them and prevent them from recurring. You no longer have to live with the pain, bloated stomach and feeling of nausea that are all symptoms of an ovarian cyst. How To Climb Hills Faster On Your Bike If you ask most people where their cycling weakness lies, they will more often than not say hill climbing. Nothing sucks the snap from your legs quicker than a steep uphill grade but nothing is more satisfying than conquering a tough hill. If your goal is better fitness you can't get a better workout than a ride that hits hill after hill. As a coach, the most common questions I get revolve around how to be stronger on the hills. Here are the four key areas that affect your ability to go uphill fast. Climbing Power Climbing well requires both cardiovasular and muscular endurance. Without getting too technical, the best way to get better at hill climbing is to climb. Hill repeats where you climb to the top, turn around, descend to the bottom and repeat are a great way to get a lot of hill work in a short workout. My favourite is to head out to local hill that is about 1 km long. It's challenging with a few steep pitches with good visibility at the top and bottom, making it safer for turning around when doing repeats. Early in the season I'll have athletes do 5-6 repeats, building to 15-20 further into the season. When training to climb better it is important to work on both seated and standing climbing. Standing up when you hit a steep section is a good way to get up quicker and spread the load over more muscles but it only works if you work at it. When doing hill repeats, alternate doing one time up seated and the next standing. Just remember to switch a gear or two harder before you stand up as your cadence drops when you stand. If you are a mountain biker, then heading up to your local ski hill is the best place to work on your climbing. You can do either long or steep and as it takes less time to go down than up you will spend more of your ride time climbing. Body weight This one is really simple. For the same fitness, the lighter you are the faster you will go up hill. Power to weight ratio is an exact science among pro roadies. For every 5lb you lose you will be 30 seconds faster over 5km of climbing at 7 percent grade. If like me, you can't see your abs then work at cutting weight and you will see a big improvement in your climbing ability. Don't lose weight too quickly though as it can negatively affect your power output. 1-2 lb per week is a safe level of weight lose without sacrificing energy you'll need to train. Core and upper body endurance The legs are the prime movers on the bike but the support muscles like your arms, abs and lower back work constantly while riding. Over time they get tired and your pedaling form suffers. When it comes to climbing they work even harder so the fitter you are in your support muscles the longer and faster you will be able to climb. While your core can be the weak link on the bike the best way to train it is off the bike cross training. See the workout below to improve your core fitness and climb better. Mental focus I won't lie to you, climbing is hard work. That is where both the challenge and reward come from. Part of climbing well is mental. Don't look upon that big hill with dread. See it as a challenge to overcome. Keep telling yourself in your head that you are a good climber. Attack the little climbs like you own them. Core Workout to improve your hillclimbing Do this workout 2-3 times per week and you will notice an improvement in your cycling within 4 weeks. Try to do the workout with as little rest as possible between exercises. Do a set of each exercise, moving to the next immediately for a total of three circuits. As you become fitter build up to a total of 5 rounds. 3 rounds 15 dumbbell swings 15 Spiderman pushups 15 Sumo deadlift high pulls 15 seconds each of front planks and side planks to each side (build to 30 seconds) This workout won't take much time but will do a lot to improve your hill climbing. Put in consistent work and you will see progress in a very short time. How To Create A Calorie Deficit And Lose The Fat As you must realize by now, diet, water intake, liver and kidney function play a huge role in your weight loss. You also need to understand that you to burn more calories than you consume or decrease your intake of calories below what you require to maintain your current weight. To lose fat, you need a calorie deficit. However, there's more than one way to create a calorie deficit, increasing your body temperature. One is to decrease the amount of calories you consume (eat less). The other is to increase the amount of calories you burn (exercise more) or raise your thermal burn (increase body temp). You probably have figured out that if you do both you will receive the results from both all at the same time. This can prove to be the best option for weight loss. It should be noted that if your diet it too drastic you may lose muscle tissue which is what really burns fat and keeps us toned and healthy. Here comes a strange but true fact. strange as it might seem, the most effective approach of all is to eat more times in a day. You should be eating 6 times per day. If you eat small amounts of the correct food and exercise more , you will increase your body's metabolic rate. In this diet plan you should use the correct amount of water consumption and a increase in physical activity. We want to help you get the best weight loss results possible. If you follow this system, the result is a high level of nutrition and a turbo-charged metabolism. top 10: Reasons to include exercise in your weight loss efforts. 1. Exercise increases your metabolism. You will burn more calories as you begin to exercise and have much more energy all wile feeling better. 2. Exercise creates a caloric deficit without triggering starvation mode. You need to also eat 6 times per day. We have a diet plan you should follow for best results. It limits your caloric intake without activating your starvation mode. 3. Exercise helps you sleep better and manage stress better. Creates blood flow which will help your body clean itself, your kidneys and liver need blood flow and water consumption to operate correctly. 4. Exercise tells your body to keep the muscle. Dieting causes muscle loss. This helps you to maintain and increase muscle. 5. Exercise increases your overall health and feeling of well being. 6. Exercise helps prevent diabetes, control blood sugar, and improve insulin sensitivity. By losing weight you will be healthier and more active. 7. Exercise improves cardiovascular health. As you become thinner your cardiovascular health will improve, blood pressure lower and general health will normally be experienced. 8. Exercise improves mood, helps relieve depression and increases self esteem. By following our plan you will pick up new eating habits and feel better about whom you are. 9. Exercise increases mobility and quality of life as you get older, losing weight just goes hand in hand with mobility and quality of life. You can be any age and improve your overall appearance, health and well being. 10. Exercise helps you keep the weight off long term. The diet plan will get you started on long term eating habits that are healthy and will allow you to keep your weigh off healthily and long term. How To Get A Bigger Butt With Soy In my 20 years of being a fitness instructor my clients always ask “How do I get a Bigger Buttocks?” I have found Soy Protein to be a solution for acquiring larger buttocks. This excellent source of complete protein is helping to reduce the over-weight epidemic and also increase muscle mass on the buttocks. By decreasing calories and managing protein intake it may be possible to understand the dietary factors associated with hunger control and weight management. Soy is a source of high-quality protein that helps you eat less often and decreases hunger. Thus this will overall make you weigh less but in fact the buttock becomes larger. Soy protein helps to maintain muscle mass during weight loss or body building programs. Here's what nutritionists are saying about soy protein. Soy is a fast-digesting, high-quality protein source with a superior amino acid profile (it's high in argentine and glutamine as well as the branched-chain amino acids leucine, isoleucine and valine), and isoflavones are powerful antioxidants with multiple health benefits. Soy adds womanly curves and is recommended for women who need to gain weight in the feminine areas. Such areas as the hips, thighs, legs and buttocks region. In addition, the rumor is that soy has estrogen-like effects is true. In fact, a recent study found that bodybuilders who consumed soy protein shakes twice a day for 12 weeks had a significant change in estrogen levels, and they gained much more muscle mass on the buttocks, legs and thighs than test subjects who supplemented with whey protein. For best results, look for a soy protein blend and take 20 grams before workouts and another 20-40 grams after. Soy protein-containing foods (and beverages) can help Americans design a daily diet that meets these goals", says Greg Paul, Ph.D., director of health and nutrition for The Solae Company. Soy protein, unlike other sources of protein, is not only low in fat, but is also cholesterol-free. Scientific research also indicates that protein provides greater satiety--the feeling of being full--than fat or carbohydrates, which can certainly aid in weight management issues." The US Food and Drug Administration approved the health claim that "25 g of soy protein a day, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease". Soybeans have over 40 different nutritional compounds. Various soy ingredients are made from the soybean. These ingredients have different nutritional and functional properties. Soy protein is a useful ingredient for high protein snacks such as energy bars and drink mixes. As research shows Soy also helps to increase the size of female and male buttocks. Soy isoflavones have also shown that they are good anti-oxidants and help protect the cardiovascular system from bad cholesterol or LDLs. Studies have shown that another element of soy isoflavones is genistein, which protect plaque growth in the arteries. Independent research has also proven that soy isoflavones build bone density and help keep bones from deterioration due to the compound daidzein along with genistein. New studies are researching the benefits of soy isoflavones in the prevention of cancer, particularly breast and prostate. Other research suggests that soy isoflavones may be effective for fighting cancer as well as pharmaceutical drugs. The best way to take advantage of soy isoflavones is by eating soy products, including tofu, textured soy protein, soymilk, and by eating the beans themselves. Soy foods are considered by many nutritionists as a 'perfect' food. Not only do they contain soy isoflavones in abundant supply, they are a good source of all major vitamins and protein. Soy foods can replace meat, especially red meat, in almost any recipe. No longer found only in health food stores, soy foods can be purchased in almost any grocery store and even in some convenience stores as well. Soy foods are a staple of the vegetarian and vegan diets; many who live without consuming meat claim fewer problems with blood pressure, cholesterol and obesity. There are many ways of increasing the buttocks size. The Brazilian butt lift has become a popular procedure in the US. Excess fat is taken from various parts of the body then is put into the buttocks. The surgery is very effective although there are major health risks including death. Certain self-help books on today's market can naturally increase the buttocks size with Soy Protein and exercise. A popular book called The System – Build a Better Body by Octavia Lopez has focused on this subject. The book has taken the effects of Soy Protein/Soy Milk and combined exercise. Dr. Renee Lombardi and her staff in conjunction with other medical doctors performed clinical trials of The System. Showing an average of 3-5 inches gained on the buttocks. How To Get A Free Walmart Gift Card In all honesty the Walmart 'free' gift card is not totally free however it is really close For a very long time now and especially before the Xmas holidays the free Walmart gift cards are really well-known offers on the internet. Though everyone knows that nothing in life is without charge, the price is often very cheap. Most free gift card programs necessitate program participation before you can obtain your free gift. What this usually means is that the sponsor wants you to check out several advertising products from sponsors who then pay them for these "trial" clients. Such promotions include a number of goods types and offer types. Mainly the campaigns involve free samples with a full money-back guarantee. The most cash you may drop oftentimes is what you have paid for shipping or handling which usually tends to be lower than $5. What do you need for you to obtain a free Walmart gift card? It relies upon generally on the specific deal and who the sponsors are. There are usually two sorts of Walmart coupons that you may acquire on the internet, a $500 and a $1000 one. Naturally, the latter will demand you to join more offers although they are still the same type of cost-free trial offers therefore there is no need to worry. The promotions in most instances range from Blockbuster to Video Professor to Acai Weight Loss supplements to Coffee trials to NetFlix consequently there is perhaps a possibility that people may even be really interested on one or maybe more of the offers. In all instances, irrespective of what the offers are you may subscribe for just about all, cancel and refund the offers you do not like plus still get your free Walmart gift card. Nearly all persons who shop on the web do terminate most of the trials they participate in and so you shouldn't feel bad for doing so yourself, if it part of the game. It's a piece of cake to cancel, all it itakes is a quick email to say you're cancelling and you are finished. So how do I acquire a free Wal-mart coupon? The least complicated and most proved technique to get a Walmart giftcard for yourself or your friends & family members is the following: visit one of the websites that offer a free Walmart gift card, enter your e-mail and take a look at what the prerequisites will be. Sign up for the required offers and ensure you take notes of their cancellation policy, some involve a phone call, some an e-mail message, for some you have one month to try out the product, for others 2 months. As soon as the offers are completed it typically calls for from seven to ten days for the Wal-mart gift card offer proprietor to confirm that you have accomplished all the requirements right after which he/she sends you the card. When the gift-card is along the way, cancel the offers you really don't like and retain the ones you do. In the end, you get a free Wal-mart giftcard and even a few good zero cost trials of products. If all of this is too much for you and you feel a little intimidated by the process, the one step you should definitely do is go put in your email address to see what the requirements are. When you have them in front of you it is a lot easier to make a judgement on whether you can do it or not. And take into account - it may take a bit of effort , but you DO eventually get a FREE $500 or even $1,000 Walmart coupon! How To Get A Nice Belly A couple of hints that can improve your results and help you get a flat belly faster. You may need to have a flat tummy because you have to hit the beach in the upcoming vacation, because you just want to be in good shape or any other reason. Food you eat and the way you do it is very essential if you need to have a flat belly. Whether you are a man and want a sculpted six pack abs or you are a woman and want a flat sexy belly, the way of achieving these two goals is the same. A lot of people think that getting a flat belly can be an hopeless task because of their slow metabolism, their genetics, or simply because they already tried to do it, but had no success. Many of us think that a flat belly is just not in our future. By working out regularly and following a healthy diet you can get a flat stomach quickly. Taking control of your diet is the greatest way to drop those unnecessary pounds. To develop a flat belly you need to start by making some changes in your eating habits. Identify emotional eating, try to observe when you are eating because you are unhappy, depressed or just simply bored, and try to deal with the problem without those undesirable calories. Do your best to stick to a organic, low-calorie diet. Products like white bread, pastas, potatoes, and white rice are heavy with refined carbs and should be taken out of your diet. Cut the amount of saturated fats in your diet by switching to lean meat, such as poultry, fish or any other seafood. The best diet is based around lean proteins, veggies, legumes, some whole grains, fruits, a little healthy fat and lots of water. The one thing helps people avoid weight, is to avoid eating a lot of processed foods. The main advantage of a healthy diet is to get a supply of appropriate nutrients into our bodies. Also get rid of soda and other sugary drinks from your diet. By changing some of the foods in your diet you can lower the quantity of calories in your diet while improving the amount of nutrients and eating more healthy. Starvation diets will actually make you to gain more weight and store belly fat. Eating frequent, smaller meals will make you burn more calories. Missing meals will slow down your metabolism, and thus hamper fat burning. If you are serious about getting a flat tummy, dont' eat at least 2 hours prior to bedtime. Not eating late can make a big difference. Don't starve yourself or limit yourself to one or two meals per day. Eating more frequently will boost your metabolic processes and accelerate fat loss. Exercise is the other aspect to weight loss which I want to discuss. Workout and specific nutrition are both very important. Exercise should not imply pain, you don't have to do long hard workouts to see results. You simply need to do what you're capable of and make it a habit. Take a long walk several times a week. Jog or lift weights. Find something you're comfortable with and enjoy. Do housekeeping. You'd be surprised at how many calories housekeeping burns. Just make sure to do some sort of exercise 3-5 times a week. Don't forget, nutrition and mindset are more important than just exercising. How To Get Rid Of Armpit Fat In 5 Easy Steps As soon as you want to learn how to get rid of armpit fat there are no constant set of laws to stay on but the following 5 easy steps will aid to get you going in the right direction. In fact if you make use of these five verified techniques, odds are you will find yourself more fit and healthy in all areas of your body. Step Number 1 Everyone knows that in order to lose weight you have to burn more calories than you eat and this is additionally true even if you merely want to find out how to get rid of armpit fat. One way of achieving this is to cut down on high fat foods and do some easy exercise routines for at least 20 minutes, 3-5 times every week. Walking is one of the easiest and unsurpassed ways to start when you are trying to lose any kind of body fat because you begin to burn fat calories in each part of your body as you increase your walk routine. You will also be able to burn body fat (including armpit fat) by jogging or swimming. Step Number 2 Joining a gym has become very popular these days as long as you actually use your membership this can be very beneficial to help you when trying to lose body fat in all areas of your body. Aerobic classes are usually offered quite a few times per day so you can plan these around your timetable and this will help build up your strength and muscle tone while helping raise your metabolism. You will also most likely notice a boost in your confidence as you begin to feel more energetic. Step Number 3 You may want to think about seeking out a professional dietician or nutritionist when you are first starting out to learn how to get rid of armpit fat or for any other weight loss issues you may have, You can also put some research in yourself, to learn about calories and fat intake to help you to get a better assortment of foods so that you will not become bored or unenthusiastic in your efforts to eat right and lose weight. Take into account, there are actually plenty of delicious low fat and low calorie healthy foods available these days so be sure to take pleasure in your meals. You don't need to suffer through foods that you really don't like if you take just a little time to find out what low cal healthy foods you really do enjoy. Step Number 4 One of the easiest ways I know of to stay on track when you start working out is to have a friend working out with you. If you can find someone who is available at the same time as your workout you will not only get to spend some time together but you will both be getting healtier and learning how to get rid of armpit fat as well as firming and toning other areas of your body. I find that having a friend to workout with keeps me looking forward to that time instead of merely trying to get through it. Not only that, but you will be able to motivate each other and keep each other honest and on track. This should almost certainly be number one if you want to make your workouts more fun and be more apt to stick with it. Step Number 5 A lot of dieticians and weight loss trainers have begun recommending that we eat less food more often, meaning that as an alternative of eating 3 meals a day, you would choose to eat 5-6 smaller portion meals per day. This will not only help you burn calories faster since your body knows it will be getting more to burn but will also help raise your metabolism which will assist to speed up your bodies ability to burn fat together with getting rid of armpit fat. You will find that you crave less food when you start eating 5-6 smaller meals per day so you won't feel so slugish as when you eat 3 large meals every day and when you have extra energy, you will be more likely to want to move and as a result you will continue to burn more calories. In closing, if you decide to learn how to get rid of armpit fat, belly fat, or any other fat from your body, take into account|keep in mind[/spin] it will start out slow but over a few weeks if you make a commitment and stick to it you are sure to see results which are sure to help keep you motivated. Imagine the beginning as climbing up a hill and realize that with just a little effort you can reach the top and it just gets easier when you start making your way down. How To Get Rid Of Puppy Fat How to get rid of puppy fat - A question many girls and boys in their late teens ask me. This problem is not just evident in teenagers, but for people in their twenties. Most people who suffer from puppy fat are told it will just fall off when they get a bit older, but this is not always the case. A recent study found that many girls and boys who had puppy fat went on in later life to become obese. So will it just fall off later in life? In some cases no. This just shows that the bad eating habits of children and young adults just continues into later life leading to weight problems and obesity. As a child, being slightly overweight with red rosy cheeks may look cute, but this could be the early signs of obesity and then lead on to future health issues. The sorts of health issues surround with being overweight are heart disease and diabetes. Whether you are a mother or father reading this article or young adult you must take action to ensure good health for the rest of your life. Start eating healthier and start exercising! This may be easy said than done, or maybe not. Start a weight loss and exercise program. A weight loss program will get you on the right road to losing weight and improving your life. A dieting program will keep you motivated and focused setting goals for you to follow. A step by step guide will be put in place to ensure weekly fat loss. So how to get rid of puppy fat? Get motivated, find a highly recommended weight loss program and get more exercise. The program will change your eating habits and control your calorie intake. Take action now, good luck. How To Know If Your Hcg Weight Loss Drops Are The Real Thing Every day, hundreds of thousands of people around the globe use HCG drops for weight loss. To date, the number of success stories associated with HCG drops is far greater than the few failures. Up to 10 pounds can be lost during the first week of the HCG diet, according to dieters on the regimen; after that, the weight loss is about 1-2 pounds a day. Moreover, a high percentage of these dieters have kept the pounds off up to a year after starting the program. People who aren't seeing this type of weight loss with HCG drops are failing for two reasons. Either they have been using fake HCG drops or they weren't able to follow the strict HCG diet regimen. Developed by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons, the HCG diet requires dieters to eat specific types of food and keep portions to minimum. This approach is combined with the HCG to cause fat to be released from abnormal fat in the body. There are other restrictions in the HCG diet, such as the elimination of personal care products such as creams or lotions, which contain oils that are easily absorbed by the skin. HCG weight loss drops can be bought online, but before you do any ordering, you should research the companies that you're thinking about dealing with. You should be wary if the price seems exceptionally low. Or, if the HCG drops are priced at more than $50 an ounce, look somewhere else. Another red flag should appear when companies want to sell their regimen in doses of 30 drops a day - the required dose is 60 drops. HCG that is made in the U.S. will be a regulated product, so it's best not to buy the drops outside of the country. In the U.S. all supplements and drugs are required to be made in pharmaceutical labs registered by the FDA. Manufacturers of homeopathic products need to be in compliance with the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States (HPUS). There are also HCG injections, but the weight drops are currently much more popular. The drops don't require a prescription and are equally as effective, and the cost is much less than prescription weight loss products. And of course, the majority of people don't want to bother with incomfortable daily injections, which makes the drops so much more practical. How To Lose 5 Pounds A Week How would you like to lose 5 pounds a week? ...each week? By following these tips every week, you can meet your desired weight goals. Below is an outline with two essential dieting advice along with two easy exercises to get you started today. Lose 5 Pounds a week FAST Step number 1, change your diet by increasing the amount of protein and fiber your body absorbs. This is also great advice if you want to lose weight fast. By increasing the amount of protein and fiber, you are doing two important things. The more you consume protein, the higher your metabolism. There after, taking in more fiber will help you cleanse your digestive tract. By getting rid of bodily waste, you can have better results in weight loss. Cleansing out your system can help you lose weight because waste buildup can turn into “weight buildup”. Also, make sure the sugars your body is absorbing is from natural sugar and not processed foods. Fruit is a natural source for sugar. Because of the pulp and fiber found in fruit, you can increase digestion and elimination. Your blood sugars won't increase as fast when you ingest natural sugars verses processed sugars. Consuming more processed sugars can rapidly increase your blood sugar and cause you to crash faster, which can lead to more problems other than weight loss. Focusing on these next steps can help you lose 5 pounds a week. Doing squats is the first exercise. A few years ago, I've read that squats is the most effective exercise you can do in staying in shape. Doing squats can help you burn fat fast.Don't brush these off as being too easy. If you're out of shape, start with 25 or 50, but work your way up to 100 to 200 per day. The difficulty of squats should not be overlooked. They really can't be beat if you want to lose weight faster. The next exercise may sound a little unorthodox but give it a try anyways! Just like a child playing, spin in a circle. Spin 15 to 20 times until you start to feel dizzy. Why do you think this should be done? How does this help lose weight? Spinning around in circles can help your endocrine system by balancing it out. To lose weight, balance you endocrine system and even out your hormone levels. Over the next few days, give this a shot and see if you notice any differences. So now you know the easy tips to lose 5 pounds in a week. You can notice the weight lost results by doing these simple tips. Increase the protein and fiber your body takes in, squatting and spinning in circles. By practicing these tips, you can start to lose weight. How To Lose Belly Fat Quickly The nutrition world is all abuzz about a type of carotenoid called fucoxanthin. Found in the pigment of brown seaweed, fucoxanthin is proving to be an important discovery. Brown seaweed, such as wakame and hijiki, has been a part of Asian diets for thousands of years. Perhaps the most common use of wakame seaweed in Asian cooking is miso soup where the seaweed is boiled to release the nutrients into the soup broth. Although brown seaweed is available in the United States in Japanese specialty food stores, research has determined that the fucoxanthin level is not high enough in brown seaweed to provide health benefits. Fucoxanthin is a popular nutritional supplement in Asia and Europe today. One of the first benefits discovered by scientists was the ability of fucoxanthin to get rid of belly fat. Studies document that mice and rats fed a supplement of fucoxanthin lost 5% to 10% of their body weight. The studies compared two groups of mice or rats. Both groups were fed the same diet and given the same amount of exercise. The group given the fucoxanthin supplement lost weight each time the study was conducted. The weight lost by the mice was fat in the abdominal area. This is an exciting discovery as belly fat in humans is the most difficult fat to lose when dieting. Clinical studies are now being conducted in the United States to determine if the results of mice and rats will be duplicated in humans. Preliminary results indicate that fucoxanthin may well be the “magic pill” for weight loss. Fucoxanthin causes a natural thermogenic effect which speeds up the metabolism to burn more stored fat. There are no stimulants like ephedra in fucoxanthin. No adverse side effects have occurred. Fucoxanthin works equally well for males and females. Traditional weight loss diets and exercise routines do not work well for reducing belly fat. Fucoxanthin is a natural supplement that actually targets your abdominal fat. Up until now invasive liposuction surgery was the only way to eliminate abdominal fat. Fucoxanthin is an alternative to having expensive cosmetic surgery to get rid of belly fat once and for all. How To Lose Big Hips Here's how to lose big hips in 2 simple ways. These are PROVEN ways and because there are only 2 things, it's easy and right to the point. You just need to do these 2 things and this problem will be solved. I don't know how quickly it will be solved because each person is different, but if you follow the advice, it WILL BE SOLVED once and for all... for you. Lose Big Hips 1. Hula hooping with a weighted hula hoop Maybe you're not familiar with a weighted hula hoop. These are special exercise hula hoops. The reason they're weighted is because they're easier to twirl around. Without the added weight, you'd need to rotate your hips really fast to keep it from falling to the ground. Most people can't go that fast. The weight slows down the rotations. Now, the movements you do during hula hooping are really targetted to your hips. Picture a curvy belly dancer... small waist that curves into nice lean hips. Now, maybe you don't know how belly dancers dance, but the movements are almost identical to hula hooping. My simple suggestion is to hula hoop for no less than 10 minutes a day. You can get a weighted hula hoop for $15-20. Yes, they're more expensive than a normal hula hoop, but well worth the price since it will help you big time when it comes to getting the waist and hips you desire. 2. Backwards walking on a treadmill Ok, this does work the hips, but it also works your butt and legs as well. The reason I put this down as an exercise to do for the hips is because it causes confusion to your body. When that happens, the body is forced to adjust and adapt. THAT'S A GOOD THING when it comes to getting "better body" results. Example... normal walking is a poor way to lose weight fast... why, because the body has adapted to walking and can do it half asleep. But backwards walking, try it and you'll see the body will be thinking "what the heck is going on here". You can do this backwards walking like this. Hop on the treadmill and walk normally (forwards) for a minute, then turn around and walk backwards for a minute. Keep alternating between them for a total of 20 minutes. This is how to lose big hips in 2 simple steps. How To Lose Body Fat With The "wubbabubba" Method! By Jennifer Jolan Here's how to lose body fat with what I call the "WUBBABUBBA" method. Fat will start to disappear in days if you do this correctly. I call it "wubbabubba" because that sounds like a term that describes something that is cheap. Basically, what I'm going to share with you is the cheap way to losing weight quickly. How to Lose Body Fat 1. Eat eggs whenever you can A dozen large eggs cost about $1.50. So they cost about 12-13 cents each. 3 eggs for breakfast cost you less than 40 cents. The highest grade protein out of any food is found in eggs. 2. Water-packed tuna Tuna is also high in protein and cheap. Eat it by itself or mix it in with other stuff. Personally, I don't really like the taste of tuna by itself, so I mix it in with other foods (especially other foods on this list). Cost of a can of tuna... 65 cents or less. 3. Black beans This may be my favorite food out of them all because it's so versatile and loaded with fiber. A can of black beans has about 25 grams of fiber (all the fiber you need in a day). The cost... 53 cents a can. For women, it's best to eat 1/2 can twice a day. For men, you can eat the whole can with 1 of your meals. Quick note... each can also has 25 grams of protein. 4. Long jumps You'll also need some exercise and why pay $40 or more per month for a gym membership when you can get more productive and quicker workouts done at your home. Long jumps are great for weight loss and firming your legs if you do them rapidly...1 after another. I recommend that you do a long jump (be sure to put maximum effort into these or don't even bother with them), rest 10-15 seconds, do another long jump, etc. Your goal should be to do 20-25 long jumps in 5 minutes or less... each one with full effort. 5. Jumping rope A jump rope costs less than $10. Women seem to avoid this exercise, but hopefully you won't. All you need to do is 5 minutes of jumping rope each day. Don't get intimidated by this exercise. You don't need to do anything fancy and you don't need to go non-stop for the 5 minutes. I recommend that you do 20-30 seconds and rest 10 seconds. Keep repeating until you've completed 5 minutes of jumping rope. Another thing... you don't need to do the 5 minutes all at once. Instead you can do a minute here and a minute there throughout the day. There you go. That's my WUBBABUBBA method on how to lose body fat the cheap and easy way at home. How To Lose Fat With Calisthenics, Cardio And Strength Training Calisthenics is a sort of physical exercise which is quite similar to, but not a part of gymnastics. Well, this discipline has a Greek origination where, 'kalos' means 'beautiful' and 'sthenos' means 'strength'. The exercise comprises of an assortment of simple dynamic and static physical movements. No external weights or equipment is used other than a towel or mat. The strength and flexibility of the individual's body is enhanced through the resistance weight of his own body. Calisthenics is also very effective for fat loss as well. With exercise patterns that include sit-ups, crunches, push-ups, pull-ups, squats, calf-raises and dips, all of which are intended to make the body more flexible and naturally enhance the metabolic rate. Weight loss follows as an obvious result. Calisthenics can be categorized as a part of strength training regimen. The principle in strength training exercise is that it strengthens the muscles through weight training and helps you to fight against those extra pounds effectively. Be it a regular exercise like using a stationary bike or running, the body utilizes the oxygen of the body thereby strengthening the heart and the lungs. Strength training can be further made effective and the fat burning process can be accelerated when it is concentrated within a particular fat burning zone or intensity. As you train your abdominal muscles, you stand to lose the layer of fat that is covering them. You therefore achieve what is known as the six-pack abs proper nutrition and training to help you in accelerating fat loss from all target areas. Thus it offers you a better shape accompanied by resounding confidence. Well as you work on the abs, you achieve a strong and toned core. Core is considered to be the crux of all your body movements. You get to build your base which leads to an enhanced power and strength in all you associated body movements. Cardio exercises when done in the morning are considered extremely effective since it uses up the stored body fat thereby aiding you in fat loss. In order to reach the fat burning zone, you need to go by the following formula: age-(220) multiplied by 0.65-085. For instance a 20 year old healthy adult requires a pulse rate around 130-170 beats/minute to be in low to moderately high intensity fat burning zones. Using a standard of burning 10-15 calories /minute a typical 30 minute workout would burn 300-450 calories. - You can select any group of whole body movements for at least 30-60 minutes each session. Select a type that is body and temperament suitable (i.e. non-impact vs. impact) - You can workout 4-6 days a week. (7 if you're impatient or an over achiever!). - You must get your heart rate into your "Training Heart Rate" range (65 %-85% age adjusted range) for the best training effect. This version will also show total calories burned and average heart rate per session. (M2 120-180 bpm) Great tool! - You can burn 5-10 "Starting", 10-15 "Moderate" or 15-20 "Extreme" calories per minute/per session from start to finish! After 5 minutes check to see if you have burned enough calories 25-50, 50-75 or 75-100. - You can strive to beat each session by 1 or more calories as your HR monitor. - You can do 1-2 workouts per day. One in the morning and one at night. How To Lose Inches Like Gwyneth Paltrow Following An Elimination Diet The quickest way to a healthy, slim figure like Gwyneth Paltrow is to eliminate certain foods from your diet. The clean diet approach helps you lose pounds and inches in less time with the added benefit of detoxifying the body and rejuvenating your complexion. To achieve the maximum results with dieting and fat loss it is essential to follow the eight guidelines below. 1. Drink plenty of mineral water. 2. Eat only natural fresh, non-processed foods. 3. Cut out all dairy products apart from natural- live yoghurt, organic butter & eggs. 4. Cut out all sugar. 5. Cut out all wheat. 6. Cut out all alcohol. 7. Cut out all caffeine. 8. Eat organic whenever possible. I'm not saying you have to stick to these guidelines forever and everyday for the rest of your life but if you did you would be guaranteed a higher level of health than someone who didn't. The point I want to get across is if you eliminate the foods above for at least 30 days and implement the above guidelines into your day-to-day lifestyle then you will achieve quick fat loss results. If you really want to see the fat and weight come off it may be the only way to get the ball rolling. When you are happy with your results you may gradually reintroduce the banned foods back into your diet. When you begin to reintroduce the banned foods back into your diet you will be able to monitor your response to see which foods have an adverse effect on your health and body fat. If a food from the banned list doesn't agree with your digestion, complexion or reverses your body shape then you know to say goodbye to it. Recording your response to each meal in a food diary will help you quickly establish which foods react differently to your body. Eliminating processed foods and most dairy products; sugar, wheat, alcohol and caffeine will speed up fat and weight loss without a shadow of a doubt. It will also help your skin, hair, nails look better, and your physical strength and mental clarity will improve along with your internal health. It can seem like a burden and great effort to put this in to motion but is worth every single ounce of trouble it may seem. It can go a little like this, if you follow anything blindly you trip up and give up. On the other hand if you plan and set out what you are going to do you have less chance of failing because your course is already set out for you to follow, it really is that simple. (c) Copyright - Anthony Chapman, All Rights Reserved Worldwide. How To Lose Inches Off Your Hips And Pounds From Your Waist Here's how to lose inches off your hips fast. I'll give you 1 simple exercise to do and a SNEAKY little diet manipulation trick so that you can still eat your favorite foods while losing weight. How to Lose Inches Off Your Hips 1. Do bodyweight squats for 4 sets of 25-30 Bodyweight squats... you know them I'm sure. NO weights involved. Just squat down so that your upper thighs are about parallel to the ground. Raise up to stand up straight. Continue doing that for 25-30 reps. These really work your legs and butt good. Do the first set and then rest 45 seconds. Keep doing sets and resting 45 seconds until you've done a total of 4 sets. If you can't do 25-30 to start with, that's fine. Just work your way up to that range. Since you are only using your bodyweight, I want you to do these every single day. Takes only 6 minutes or so. If you want to break them up into 2 sets in the morning and 2 sets at night... that's fine also. These things pull off fat from the hips and waist at a very rapid rate and you should start noticing a big difference around 14-17 days after you start these. 2. Diet trick Eat an apple 5 minutes BEFORE each meal. Here's the deal with apples. They have 5 grams of fiber and they're high in water content. This is good news because this helps to fill you up BEFORE you take a bite from your meal. So what will end up happening is you will eat less at your meals without feeling like you're starving. This is a simple trick to use to cut calories safely. If you don't at least try this, I don't know what to say. It's so simple and it's incredibly effective. It's PROVEN TO WORK. These are just 2 simple ways on how to lose inches off hips and pounds from your waist. How To Lose Inches Off Your Waist In 2 Weeks Here's how to lose inches off your waist in 2 weeks. Listen, if you truly want to lose inches from your waist, would you be willing to give me just 15 measly minutes of your time each day? I promise there's nothing hard to do. You don't have to go to the gym, diet, or take diet pills. Look, if you aren't truly ready to lose weight right now, don't read any further since you're just wasting your time... so go eat some ice cream or potato chips while you watch some Jerry Springer. Are you still with me? Well, congratulations. You passed test #1. You need the right mindset to lose weight. I don't want some wishy-washy people here that'll find any excuse possible to not do something so simple as what I'm about to talk about. Now listen, I'm about to share with you a secret exercise that is the best exercise for losing inches from your waist. You probably kinda know it, but you don't really know it. You'll see what I mean. Ok enough with this. The exercise is called the "vacuum pose". You probably know it as sucking in your stomach, but you'd sorta be wrong because it's a little different than how people normally suck in their stomach. Here's what you do... Suck in your belly button and lower belly, NOT your upper belly like what most people do. Now, suck it in as much as you can... it'll feel like your belly button is touching your spine. Got that? Ok, hold that "pose" for 15-60 seconds. The longer, the better. Done? Ok, rest and then repeat. Now, to lose a couple inches from your waist in 2 weeks, you'll need to do this a minimum of 15 minutes everyday for the 2 weeks. Even doing this, I can't guarantee you that you'll actually lose 2 inches from your waist in 2 weeks. However, I've had hundreds of clients lose 3 or more inches from their waists doing just this exercise without any changes to their diets or exercise programs. I know some of you will find an excuse not to do this. Whatever. Are you also going to come up with some lame excuse to not do this? Listen, this is probably the best waist-reducing exercise you can possibly do. It's not hard and you can do it at home. If you can't find 15 minutes in a row, that's not a problem. Do what I do... I do these during 2 minute tv commercials. The average 1 hour tv show has 22 minutes of commercials. So I give you permission to watch tv for 1 hour, but during the commercials, do this exercise. One hour later, you will have done 22 minutes of the vacuum pose. 2 weeks later, you'll have about 2 inches less around your waist. That's how to lose inches off your waist in 2 weeks without dieting, going to the gym, or taking weight loss pills. How To Lose Of 7kg Or 15lb Excess Weight One Week. The Diet Is As Simple As Abc The easy diet plans which can make you lose weight in a week fast that helps you to get rid of 5kg (11lb) of excess weight during a week. Is not it nice to strike your friends and acquaintances that after all holidays and winter season you did not add any excess weight? And this decision is the first step to succeed in weight loss. It will demand to make some efforts from you of course but they are worthy to do. Diet will help your stomach to get accustomed to smaller amount of food you need every day. It will decrease the whole quantity of consumed calories. Therefore after this diet it is easy to maintain balanced feeding. What you can eat for a day? A plan is always for you.Calorie shifting helps you work out the best weight reduction system for you to keep it off. What does this term mean, exactly? The way it works is by confusing your metabolism by changing your eating from day by day. It is true, eating different sorts of things will be beneficial in weight reduction. How To Lose Weight And Tone Up Fast Identifying and using the right way to lose weight is one step of attaining a healthy and beautiful body. Having a healthy body doesn't mean losing weight alone; it requires you to lose weight and tone up your body muscles. So many weight lose specialists have come up with ways to lose weight fast but just a fraction of these specialists give tips on how to lose weight and tone up fast. There are different ways on how to lose weight and tone up fast that have been known to be very effective. If you are looking for ways on how to lose weight and tone up, you are just at the right place where you will get these tips and know how to use them effectively to lose weight and tone up fast. Lifting weights is one effective tip that helps to lose weight. It also helps in increasing the bone's density and stimulating the anti-aging hormones. Enrolling in a gym is one way to help you get some ample time lifting weights. Enrolling in a gym is a good approach to give to these tips on how to lose weight and tone up. This is because you get the guidance of a specialist on how to appropriately carryout your weight lifting program. Taking whole-grain foods is another effective tip on how to lose weight and tone up fast. These foods give you energy required to be able to achieve great workouts. Whole-grain foods also stimulate your metabolism as you burn serious fat calories. It you lack the energy, you will not be able to carryout some workouts that are essential for fast weight lose and body tone up Unlike foods rich in simple sugars, whole-grain foods do not your metabolism to flare off, as you burn serious fat calories. Taking whole-grain foods thereby works as an effective way as well. Most people tend to think that slow paced cardio workouts burn tons of fat of which this is not true. Slow cardio workouts may strip your body off some muscles. This makes it difficult to burn fats and gets tight and toned body shapes. The best workout that works as a perfect tip on how to lose weight and tone up fast is the stadiums workouts that involves running up the stairs and down several times. This will help you burn more fats for a long period of time. Increase the amount of proteins you take in a day. Proteins help to stimulate the fat burning hormones and help you build the tone muscle that burns fat calories. So, ensure that you take plenty of proteins to have an effective procedure on how to lose weight and tone up fast. If these tips are followed well, you will lose weight and get a well toned up body. How To Lose Weight Fast-especially Your Belly Fat Most people who are overweight blame their job and stress of making a living for their inability to eat right and get enough exercise. Too much work, too tired after work, too many business dinners.The list is endless , so are men's sizes of belly --- upper and upper . How to remove belly fat such as men's Beer Gut ? This has become the top priority of the urban white-collar people . As it is known to all, we often follow these ways when we are building the weight loss plan:exercises,slimming pills, diet therapy, slimming machine ( eg. High-frequency vibration belly fat removing instrument), acupuncture treatment , healthy diet , reducing alcohol take-in, and herbal weight loss.Unfortunately,few of them are effective and no rebound . Here we put all the belly-fat-removing methods into 3 categories , according to their effects and rebound feedbacks : The 1st kind speedy category Adopting treatments of this category can be speedy in effectiveness and fat-reducing, however, is speedy in weight-rebounding as well. The typical treatments of this kind are slimming pills,diet and alcohol limitation. 1.Slimming pills There are a lot of unapproved slimming pills which are without legitimate GMP certificate in the market. Not only their effectiveness can not be confirmed, but also their side effects could be worrisome to consumers. 2.Diet This treatment inhibits the formation of obesity from the root by restrain one's appetite and control the volume of his or her calorie absorption. It works less effectively on reducing abdominal fat due to its weak target-orientation. 3.Alcohol limitation This treatment controls one's weight by decreasing his or her business meals to limit his or her alcohol intake volume. However, it is not feasible to adopt this measure because it is inevitably to start drinking again due to work and social activities and he or she will gain a big abdomen which may need two months' work to reduce in a shortly time of two weeks. The 2nd kind Effective category So called “effective category” was because the abdominal obesity treatment of this kind can effectively helps one to loose his or her stubborn abdominal fat.However,once the treatment stops,one will suffer a easily rebounded abdominal obesity.This category can be typically represented by sports, apparatus, and acupuncture which help to loose abdominal fat. 1. Sports Nowadays there are a lot of popular exercises targeting to loose abdominal fat such as rope skipping,jogging, aerobics, sit-ups, hula-hoop spinning, etc. Long-term insistence and sufficient strength volume should be paid in order to reduce abdominal fat,otherwise, not only won't they be effectively, but also a worse abdominal fat rebound and increase will occurs. 2.Apparatus The main measure to loose abdominal fat by using apparatus is with the help of high-frequency vibrating abdominal fat reducing machine. So far as we concerned, this machine can reverse the magnetic field of one's body to reduce the abdominal fat effectively in the earlier stage of application. However, in the later stage of application,as one's body magnetic field assimilated by that of the machine,the effectiveness will no longer exists. 3.Acupuncture This treatment is applied on abdomen to loose fat with the instruction of Traditional Chinese Medicine.It can reduce abdominal fat as effectively as sports and also needs long-term participation to prevent rebound.Furthermore, this treatment requires a high standard for practicing field and equipment and the high quality of practitioners due to its complexity. The 3rd kind: Loss weight fast and effectively. Due to extraction of active components from the traditional Chinese medicine,the basic structure and characteristics of human being and compatibility of science, the 3rd way is sure to loss abdominal extra fat fast and accurately. In terms of the principal of stepwise losing weight,it could help neutralizing abdominal verruca without rebounding. Representative products: Lida Nice Figure Slimming Tea, Botanical Slimming Capsule, Honeysuckle Slimming Capsule 1.Lida Nice Figure Slimming Tea:In the way of drinking-tea.Just enjoy the pleasure of reducing abdomen. 2.Botanical Slimming Capsule:With the components of traditional Chinese medicine,easy to take. How To Prevent And Reverse Muscle Loss As We Age Loss of muscle is an expected result of the aging process, but it is not inevitable. While nearly all adults start losing muscle mass as early as their thirties, the usual decline in strength and muscular size is largely preventable. Maintaining muscle mass as we age should be an important part of a healthy lifestyle as it contributes to skeletal strength and helps prevent injury. Why We Lose Muscle Sarcopenia, or muscle loss, is due to several contributing factors. Hormonal changes, lack of exercise, and lack of adequate protein intake are the usual causes. Some medical conditions may increase the rate at which muscle is lost, such as diabetes, heart disease, and kidney disease. Additionally, some medical treatments for illnesses may result in muscle loss due to dietary restrictions, medications, or both. Loss of muscle can cause serious health issues in some adults. People with weak muscles are less able to maintain good posture, keep their balance, or live independently. As a result, diminished muscle mass makes you more prone to falls, breathing problems, and psychological problems such as depression. Your are also less likely to get adequate exercise, which may lead to obesity, heart disease, and adult-onset diabetes. Hormone Treatments Thankfully, there are several effective treatments for muscle loss in aging adults. Hormone replacement therapy may be used to boost testosterone levels in both men and women, and exercise routines may be used to increase both muscle mass and strength. Dietary changes may be needed to address muscle loss due to malnutrition or medication. Dietary Solutions In healthy older adults, simple lifestyle changes can prevent or reverse most cases of age related muscle loss. Adding more protein to the diet is essential to gaining muscle. To avoid gaining extra fat, lean protein sources should be used. *Chicken breasts, fish, egg whites, and turkey are all excellent protein sources for older adults, as well as nut butters and protein shakes made with sugar free sweeteners. *Avoid the use of heavy sauces, fried foods, and excess sugar while adding protein to the diet. Aim for a minimum of seven grams of protein per twenty pounds of body weight every day to meet protein requirements. *Avoid the use of professional weight-gaining formulas when rebuilding muscle. Although many body builders swear by gainer's formulas, they often contain chemicals that may be harmful in large amounts. * Creating shakes in particular may cause excess fluid retention, which can raise blood pressure and increase the risk of stroke in susceptible people. *Regular exercise is also essential. While most doctors recommend walking as the ideal exercise for older adults, walking alone will not reverse muscle loss. *Weight bearing exercises must be included in any exercise routine for increasing muscular strength. *Weightlifting routines specifically designed for seniors may be found online, or an individual plan can be created by a doctor, physical therapist, or fitness instructor. The amount of weight used for each exercise should be determined by each individual's overall condition, current level of strength, and health. Most people who are rebuilding lost muscle start with very light weights, and gradually increase the amount lifted as they gain muscle mass. In older adults with health issues, reversing muscle decline can often improve your overall health. Health Complications That Can Impact Exercise However, those with health issues should discuss changes in their diet and activity levels with their doctor before they begin. If you have kidney disease, for example, you may be unable to safely add extra protein to their diet, and if you have decreased bone density may be unable to lift heavier weights. That said, even if you are bedridden you can benefit from rebuilding muscle, even if you never progress beyond lifting five pounds of weight. Some medical conditions need to be more carefully monitored when starting a new diet and exercise routine. *Diabetes Diabetics in particular should change their routine slowly, due to the risk of exercise induced hypoglycemia. Insulin levels may need to be adjusted due to diet and activity level changes. Because of the increased risk of hypoglycemia, diabetics should never exercise alone, and should always carry a glucose meter and emergency sugar while exercising. Easy to carry glucose gel packs are great for diabetics just starting a new exercise routine. Since muscle mass increases insulin sensitivity, insulin dosages may need to be reduced as muscle is gained. *Heart Disease If you have heart disease you should also start very slowly, and gradually increase youractivity level as their condition improves. Many doctors recommend building strength before attempting to add aerobic work to an exercise routine for heart disease patients. Over time, medications may need to be reduced or even eliminated, so regular checkups should be scheduled when working out. As with diabetics, heart disease patients should work out with a partner, and carry emergency identification and medication when exercising. *Arthritis Arthritis sufferers may at first be discouraged by increased pain and joint stiffness after exercising, but with regular exercise, most find their condition improves within weeks. Arthritis patients often suffer from reduced mobility in weight bearing joints, so exercises may need to be modified to strengthen muscles around affected joints. A consultation with a physical therapist is a helpful starting point for people with arthritis who wish to reverse muscle loss. *COPD Lung Disease Other conditions may also be affected by increased activity. COPD and other lung diseases may initially feel worse with exercise, but like arthritis, these conditions may improve with continued exercise. Studies have shown that COPD patients who engage in moderate physical activity increase their endurance levels, even without increased lung function. Those with asthma and related conditions often experience increased lung capacity and fewer symptoms as their activity levels rise. Psychological Benefits of Improving Muscle Strength *Preventing and reversing muscle loss as we age has psychological benefits, as well. Physically active seniors report feeling less depressed and anxious than their couch potato peers. *Cognitive function is also increased as muscle mass rises, probably due to higher blood oxygen levels and better circulation. *If you stay active as they age you are less likely to need long term nursing care, and are more likely to take an active role in managing your own health. For just those reasons alone, combating age related muscle loss is a worthwhile endeavor for all adults. Understanding how to prevent muscle loss and even reverse it, will ensure that you have a strong and healthy future ahead. If you're serious about learning how to reduce muscle loss problems naturally and easily...If you want to find out the best tips to improve muscle mass and strength... then you found the right person. I'll make improving your muscle strength easy and enjoyable for you... AND NOT BORING! First, click the link below to get the powerful help you need to deal with your problem now. This will get you the immediate proactive help you need now. Second, look around my website as there are a number of other resources to help, including newly discovered treatments, natural solutions and advice as well as do-it-yourself action plans if you prefer just to know how. Third, with my advice you can prevent muscle loss problems , returning you to vibrant health, and get yourself back to the confidence in knowing you are functioning at 100%, while gaining access to the energy filled vibrant life you deserve. You've heard it all before... I get it. But we've helped save MILLIONS already, and know all the 'tricks' in the book to help you feel better naturally. Fourth, there is no fourth. Simply enjoy the resources we compiled for your benefit, take action, and use your renewed energy for whatever you wish! If you don't find a solution to your right now problem... I'd be amazingly surprised! How To Purchase Hcg Injections Online How to purchase hcg injections or drops "I used the hCG diet twice to lose a total of 60 pounds. During these diets I discovered how to purchase hCG online and also how not to purchase hCG online." --Christian Walker So you are ready to do the "Git 'er Done" diet. Yes the hCG is the no nonsense get-done-with-it weight loss protocol. All of this is wonderful and fine but where do you purchase the supplies to follow this diet? How much should it cost? The answers to these questions are amazingly easy and it is much cheaper than you might expect, costing you hundreds of dollars less than the popular main stream diets out there and supersonically faster. How to purchase hcg injections or drops: step 1 "...HCG is truly a miracle. I'm 61 years old and next to God and my family, this is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I started HCG on my birthday, August 8th and have lost 18 pounds in 9 days. If anyone has doubts about ordering, let me tell you you won't be sorry. It really works, and several people that have seen my during the week ... " --Fran C. Decide whether you want to purchase hCG online by picking out your specific supply needs from a catolog or whether you want to purchase hCG online as a complete package with every thing included. Next decide whether you really want injections or whether you might prefer drops to place under your tongue. Either one of these methods will work well. Once you have made these decisions on how to purchase hGC, you are ready to start your rapid weight loss journey. How to purchase hcg injections or drops: step 2 "I lost 18.5 lbs in 12 days!! I've never lost like this, EVER! ...HCG ROCKs!" --Theresa S. The next step in purchasing hCG online is important. Make sure you are dealing with a reputable company! Then go to their website and read through it viewing all of the products they have to offer. Some of these sites can be hard to navigate, but that doesn't mean that what they have to offer isn't the best deal. If you are pretty confident in mixing and administering your hCG then you might want to choose a site that lets you choose and pick each specific item such as hCG Supplies.com. If you are unsure of how to mix hCG then you might want to purchase hGC online from a company that provides a turnkey solution such as hCG Your Way.com. How to purchase hcg injections or drops: step 3 "I lost 73 pounds! I am taking a break before i lose my last 15 pounds!" --Laurie S. Purchasing hCG online is not illegal. hCG is not a controlled substance so you have no worries there. Once you have selected the site you trust all you have to do is follow the instructions on that site and in a few days your supplies should arrive via mail. Believe me when I tell you that you are about to embark on the strictest, fastest, way to lose weight and lose it healthfully. Best of luck to you. P.S. All of the quotes in this article are real, unsolicited emails from hCG dieters. How To Shapeshift Your Body With Your Mind We have often heard the saying that “a mind is a terrible thing to waste.” But how many of us are really aware of the reality of this statement. Your mind literally charts your course in life. It even has the power to change the structure of your body through self-directed thoughts that propel your behaviour towards hitting our targeted weight. Yes, your mind even determines how thin or how big you will be. Using your mind wrong may be the reason you are overweight. If you're overweight one question you need to ask yourself is what do you find yourself thinking about. Do you worry about eating too much, or just plain eating the wrong things? These thoughts will literally shapeshift your body by enforcing bad habits or good habits. Why is this? There are 3 things that your mind controls: your focus, your physiology, and your language. Life has already thought us that our language controls our thoughts and our thoughts have a tremendous effect on our language, which further impacts our attitude. So if your mindset is wrong, for example, being afraid of overeating or under eating, you will eventually say negative things, such as “I will never be able to lose these last 10 pounds. Once you say that your body literally stops trying to intuitively come up with brilliant strategies to lose that weight. It's like the gentleman that says to himself “I will never remember that telephone number.” At that instant his brain literally stops searching within the archives of his mind to dig up that forgotten number. Similarly, when you tell yourself that you can't lose that weight, or that it will be very hard for you to do so, you are actually programming your mind and body to experience excruciating difficultly to lose weight. In a sense, you are fighting yourself. Physiology speaking, your mind also controls your emotions. Research in this area attests that emotions control eating habits. This often reminds me of my college lady friend who went out and got a bucket of ice cream because her boyfriend had walked out of the relationship. The feeling of rejection led her to pig out in the hopes of drowning out her worries and hurt. To turn this around and use your physiology to your advantage you have to use this to force your mind to think positive happy thoughts. So rather than thinking thoughts of worry and depression, consciously program your mind to think on good things like what ifs. What if I lost that weight, what if I was healthier? These what if statements will actually give your mind a target and the desire created in your heart from the dream of scoring that target will actually be the motivation you need to lose that weight. Your mind also controls your focus. When it comes to losing weight the reason 97% of people struggle and fail is because they lack focus. They are not able to push themselves to exercise or to eat right so they become emphatic about not being able to lose weight. Consequently, this creates the illusion of running up a slippery mountain. It's similar to the world's notion of being in a rat race, forever working and getting nowhere. The focus you give your mind towards your weight loss goal will be the determining factor of whether or not you can change your body's shape. To intensify your focus you have to direct more of your thoughts towards your goal and envision yourself already hitting the target. So to cap it all you can actually think and grow thin. Once you set a goal and make up your mind to attain it, guide your mind by directing your thoughts in the direction of that goal. Say things like “I see myself 10 pounds lighter already.” Psychologists call this tactic self-motivational speech. Once you initiate these positive self-statements, begin to envision yourself 10 pounds lighter. Heck, take it a step further. Begin to talk with the confidence you imagine yourself having with being 10 pounds lighter. To become it you must learn to see it. This is the way to naturally shape shift your body. Once you create that mind set, your mind will give you the strategies to hit it, and the rest is history. How To Stop Hunger Pains A lot of people who start a new diet program and fail to keep with it is because of intense hunger pains. It mainly happens in those people who are on a diet that requires them to reduce the portion size of their meals and reduce their daily calories. The obvious answer is because your body has become accustomed to the level of energy and nutritional intake that you've kept previously, and now when you decrease those values, the result is hunger pains as the body's way of trying to communicate that it needs it's original level back to maintain internal stability. If you're accustom to 2200 calories a day then your body is adapted to this level and any drastic and immediate change will cause pain. Your body is also use to the amount of nutrients in those calories - the vitamins and minerals - so if you go to one of the fad diets that limits certain food groups that provide those nutrients, your body will also be affected and try to communicate to you to let you know. Reducing the amount of food and calories that you consume daily leaves you with less energy and nutrition. The body will want to reestablish what it was accustom to and triggers the intense hunger pains. This makes it hard to stick with your new diet plan. Not to say that your diet plan is necessary wrong, but any time you make any changes to your body or daily life, you should do so in moderation and slowly so not to upset the balance that life has innately. Making drastic and sudden changes to your diet can increase your change of health risks and do more harm then good in your goals to reduce body fat. If you experience hunger pains while on your diet, consult a doctor or nutritionist and make sure your program has you on an exercise program as well. Any diet that says it can make you lose body fat without exercising and merely decreases your daily calories is setting you up for failure and padding their pockets with more money. How To Treat And Reverse Crohn's Disease Many people have various conditions that flare up from time to time without warning causing embarrassing moments and thus pushing sufferers into isolation and reclusion. Crohn's disease is an illness that does just that. It's an autoimmune disorder that strikes many persons of various age groups affecting the gastrointestinal tract. This illness can contribute to various symptoms such as weight loss, severe diarrhea and abdominal pain. Individuals often experience severe cramping and pain in their midsection sometimes in the middle of the night. These episodes are followed up with irregular bowel movements and bloody stools. The periods of stomach pain followed by rectal bleeding may warrant a change in the person's diet and loss of appetite contributing to unnecessary weight loss. Other symptoms of Crohn's disease affect the lining of the intestines. The most extreme cases involve narrowing and blockage of the intestinal wall which may require medication to relieve the symptoms with short term results. Surgery is also used in these matters to eliminate blockage that hasn't responded to medication. Blockages are not the only concern for patients with Crohn's disease, ulcers and fistulas can cause abscesses leading to serious infections that can become gangrenous. Skin rashes have also been known to occur in patients who undergo daily bouts with this disease. These rashes have progressed to conditions such as abscesses and skin ulcers leading sufferers to the prescription of antibiotics with devastating side effects. Medications are used as a means to treat the symptoms of Crohn's disease with limited results. During the medication sequence, many patients suffer abnormal reactions to the different drugs and their required intake. Many people are then put on more medication to counter the reactions from the first drugs administered to them and are therefore taking an endless cycle of pharmaceuticals with potential dangerous side effects. These drugs and their reactions are not the only concern for the sufferer. The lack of appetite and malnourishment of the person poses a severe health risk. The weight loss is caused by the body's inability to properly absorb the essential nutrients from the food taken in by the individual that leads to vitamin and mineral deficiency causing further complications such as fatigue, arthritis and fever. These persons suffering the pain may experience bouts of depression and withdrawal. Some patients who experience withdrawal symptoms may even contemplate suicide as a means of escape trying to end their agony all at once. Patients are not told the truth about the root cause of this illness which is the combination of processed junk food loaded with chemical toxins and poisons and addition to the combination of the other food groups. Most people don't realize some foods digest faster than others such as fruits and vegetables while meats take the longest to process. By combining all of these unnatural foods together, one can expect to receive some stomach indigestion, heartburn and possible diarrhea. These conditions are just minor setbacks compared to some inflammatory bowel disease which is what Crohn's disease is. To counteract the negative effects of Crohn's disease, malnutrition, and the dependency on pharmaceutical drugs, one must incorporate an alkaline diet rich in high fiber foods that consist of whole grains, fruits, vegetables and lean meats that contain no additives such as artificial sweeteners, preservatives and chemical enhancers. This meal plan must have at least 50 to 80 percent of foods that are alkaline. The alkaline foods enable the body to create an oxygen environment that will destroy any pathogen, virus, parasite, fungus, and harmful bacteria at the cellular level allowing the body to heal itself naturally. These foods must be eaten in the proper combination so as not to cause indigestion or any Crohn's like symptoms. In addition to the food combining, one may use intestinal flora such as probiotics that support the growth of beneficial bacteria that aids in the digestion process, elimination of pathogens and a balanced immune system. By following a natural meal plan of alkaline foods and drinks, one can easily eliminate symptoms of Crohn's disease and restore their full health and normal lifestyle. How To Use Black Ant King, German Black Ant For centuries, men have used products like Black Ant King, German Black Ant to increase their libido. These are natural products that have stood over the test of time to work. They can increase the libido to a point where a man has a more satisfying sex life. There are also natural products for women to use as well when it comes to enhancing libido. These are natural and have helped maintain a balance between the sexes when it comes to physical intimacy. Balance is what it is all about in nature so it makes sense to incorporate this into your daily life. When people fall out of balance, such as when they may indulge in too much food and drink, they tend to gain weight. Not getting enough physical activity combined with not eating properly is usually going to result in weight gain. Excessive weight can be controlled, the weight can be lost and the person can feel better both physically as well as mentally when they use a product like African Mango RASPBERRY KETONES. This is used for weight loss and works in a natural way. When you combine the elements of nature along with a healthy lifestyle, you tend to get more balance in your life that has good results. A person can achieve what they want through natural products, but they have to know what they want to achieve. This is the first step towards getting what you want out of life. One of the ways to do this is to use all natural products that go in that direction. You can use African Mango RASPBERRY KETONES if you are seeking a way to improve your physical being when it come to weight loss. This is a good thing for you to do because being overweight does not make you feel good about yourself and also leads to various physical health problems. There are also mental health issues that can be found in those who are overweight as well. When it comes to libido, then be sure to check out Black Ant King, German Black Ant as this can help in this department. Again, when seeking to have a balance in your sex life, these products work with nature to give you what you desire. These products should be used to enhance your sex life and work well in doing so when combined with nature. Finding balance in nature is what it is all about. People who do this tend to feel better about themselves as well as behave in a fashion that is more positive to those around them. If you want to find the best that nature has to offer when it comes to these products, the ideal place to go is through an online outlet that sells them as well as explains why they are used, how to use them as well as the effects you can expect to achieve. Put yourself in a positive frame of mind and then seek out those things that can help you get your goal. How To Win The Mental Rapid Weight Loss Battle When it comes to losing belly fat , far too many people set themselves up for failure before they even start their rapid weight loss. They literally dread going on their rapid weight loss plan and before they start losing belly fat, they are planning their mishaps along the way. unfortunate/sad to say but true, far too many rapid weight loss participants are planning their first Rocky Road mishap while eating poorly before they even begin their rapid weight loss plan. I don't profess to have the answers, why do humans self sabotage ourselves before we even begin a rapid weight loss plan or any multitude of habit lifestyle changes.? A faulty perspective is to binge on all your favourite foods before you commence your rapid weight loss plan. Many people think it will help to binge or get so much of these foods that you 'll get sick of them and ultimately be able to follow your new nutrition plan for losing belly fat. If you are truthful with yourself, nothing could be further from thetruth. Although practically you may not want to eat your favourite Ice Cream again for a day or two that usually is all this practice is effective for. Another problem is ultimately your palette gets used to your favourite junk food making normal nutritional foods seem so bland when really you have just fooled your mind into thinking they are when they are not. Cheating is the worst thing for the success of losing belly fat or sticking to your rapid weight loss plan foods as it just prevents your taste buds from adjusting that much sooner to enjoying the tastes of healthier but different types of tastes. Its really all in your mind, healthy foods can be made to taste great as well. You can get many excellent healthy recipe books. You must modify your way of thinking about food and your personal enjoyment of eating for any diet you embrace to be successful. you need to mentally accept food is not your enemy. Even the 'tasty' foods aren't your enemy. Theproblem is your personal inability to properly portion the foods you eat. Thedilemma is eating for rapid weight loss and losing belly fat the majority of your meals as opposed to sabotaging your efforts by poor food choices . One bloody 'meal deal' can ruin your whole day of good eating and a decent workout...This is where the problems lie. Our bodies require the nutrients we are Missing by not eating the five servings of vegetables and three servings of fruit each day (or what your optimum nutritional profile is for your goals ), Our bodies are eating themselves, attempting to replace the missing vital nutrients. This is very common not only with the average obese Americans fast foods low nutrient high calorie diets but common with many rapid weight loss plans. Both systems regardless of the positive reasoning of putting ourselves through starvation hell for losing belly fat leaves our minds telling our bodies we are deprived and create a negative hunger. Consuming the proper balance of nutrients each day we would realize far less hunger and desire for craving foods that are counter productive to a healthy rapid weight loss plan or losing belly fat permanently. You can enjoy your favourite 'junk' foods and actually manipulate your body into a fat burning furnace systematically by eating and training aimed to increase your metabolism like that of a teenager. At this point you can have the best of both worlds ...a slim muscular ripped body that can enjoy your occasional martini or piece of cake. For rapid weight loss and losing your belly fat portion control is an art you must master. We live in a society of "up selling". Super sized fries and empty calories by the gallon of your favorite cola are offered with almost every fast food meal. No means NO! You must learn to say no to these traps and avoid situations the temptation to partake may be too intense. True success with rapid weight loss and losing belly fat is a matter of perspective. You must embrace the process as building a healthier you rather than depriving yourself. Do not think of your rapid weight loss plan as something negative but rather a positive force in your life revealing and moulding the real you. Observe your thoughts carefully especially negative ones. It's critical for your success that you do not dwell on negativity.When you feel deprived, work on not just lying to yourself and saying some goofy affirmation 'that your losing weight "remind yourself of your belly fat loss and imagine in your mind how you will feel and look like, how others will treat you , what your new wardrobe will be like on you ...close your eyes and feel your SUccess as if its already happened! And dont be a loner pacing the kitchen and thinking of food all day...keep yourself occupied with whatever your passion is. For me I love playing guitar and listening to music so I involve myself in that. For you it could be listening to me play Johnny B Good on the ukelele! An intelligently designed rapid weight loss plan for losing belly fat isn't a form of personal torture. Your goal is to find balance. Can you learn to portion your foods, indulge scientifically, and integrate enjoyable calorie burning activities into your daily routine you may be impressed at your success. Rapid weight loss focusing on belly fat loss and health is a state of mind that can be euphoric and rewarding as opposed to depriving and depressing. The feeling of empowerment you will experience from every step towards success you feel is greater than my words can express . A last brief but potent tip is to play on your strengths. If you find it easier to portion control than to quit eating fries then focus on emphasizing your portion control gift. Take your rapid weight loss plan day to day and don't get frustrated on the occasional cheat...just be on track most of the time and you'll lose your belly fat ...and gain so much more in the process! Hypnosis For Weight Loss Millions of people across the country find that it is very difficult to lose weight.There are hundreds of different diet or exercise plans which promise results but if you can't stick to them they are never going to be effective.For any weight loss plan to work you have to first find the motivation and dedication to follow through and one of the best ways to do that is to use hypnosis for weight loss. Hypnosis has been used for hundreds of years for a wide range of purposes. The science behind it shows that by using subliminal messages which go straight to your brain's sub-conscious levels and gives suggestions. This can be done by a professional or by using self-hypnosis. When done properly the hypnosis can help the brain come up with the idea that it wants to complete the diet and perform the exercise each day. This effectively creates the motivation and desire to lose weight. When using hypnosis for weight loss the first thing to decide is whether going to a professional hypno-therapist is the best choice or using self-hypnosis options. Both methods have been proven successful in studies so it will primarily come down to a choice of preference. Many people prefer the self-hypnosis options because they are much less expensive than going to see a professional. They are also much easier to use since it can be done from the comfort of your own home any time you want. When using hypnosis for weight loss the goal is to put thoughts and ideas into the brain which will help keep you going after the initial motivation would have normally worn off. When using this method of weight loss it makes it far easier to stick to the diet and exercise programs not only to help you lose the weight but also to help keep it off once you've reached your goals. This is perhaps the most important and impressive part of using hypnosis for weight loss since the majority of people find they can successfully diet but then the weight comes right back on. Unlike many diet pills or other weight loss methods, using hypnosis for weight loss is completely natural and does not have any negative side effects. The subliminal messages used to help with the weight loss are entered into the brain without the use of any drugs. Some people may be concerned that if they are getting the subliminal messages through hypnosis that other suggestions could be entered as well. Fortunately, hypnosis is not the mind control which many movies or television shows portray it as and it cannot be used to force you to do anything you wouldn't do normally. It simply helps plant the ideas you want to make it easier to act on them. When using hypnosis for weight loss most people find they are able to stick to their plans much easier and even enjoy the process of losing weight much more. Since the ideas have been put in your mind it is not so much of a chore to lose the weight but something some people may even look forward to. Hypnosis Ignites Fast Weight Loss Often people fail to notice what they are doing to their bodies and overall health due to being so involved in their repetitious daily routine. Making matters worse, many people cannot differentiate between good foods and improper food; this results in weight gain and takes away any chance for fast weight loss. Most people who are over weight are eager to get it off so they are willing to count calories and following tough diet plans. On the quest for fast weight loss some people resort to unsafe weight loss supplements and surgery. While some of theses people may experience success, they are still in need of a major lifestyle change and need to alter the way they eat. While it might seem like a brilliant master plan to take a pill or have a little surgery to end a lifetime of weight problems, it is not that simple. If you want to experience fast weight loss, then try hypnosis. Not only has hypnosis been in existence for thousands of years, it is also a very effectual tool. Hypnosis aids people to use their minds and gain control of their bodies. Just like any major problem, the first step is acknowledging that you have a weight problem. This is necessary step in losing weight. Living in denial about your weight issue is common but until you face it, your weight will not magically lose itself. Programming the subconscious mind using hypnosis and start the life that you have been dreaming of can attain fast weight loss. If you want to achieve fast weight loss then hypnosis is the most effective way to achieve your goal. Many people underestimate the power that hypnosis has in losing weight and controlling cravings. Hypnosis helps change the way you think about food and your body reacts to your mind. While in hypnosis, you can be given suggestions to lose your desire for bad foods such as sugar and any other inappropriate food. A suggestion can be given to make water your beverage of choice. You can also be programmed to think fast weight loss is easy, fun and something that your body really enjoys. There is no limit to what can be achieved through ongoing programming. When a person is hypnotized the suggestion can last permanently, however if a suggestion was to wear off it would start to weaken after four days. The real secret to fast weight loss is to reinforce the new behavior on a daily basis. This is accomplished by listening to a hypnosis CD daily. When you are in the state of hypnosis, you will experience a deep relaxation. Thirty minutes of hypnosis is equivalent to natural sleep. This makes it easy for your mind to be programmed for fast weight loss even when you are asleep, therefore allowing your mind and body to work together and create the exact body that you dream of. The success with hypnosis is achieved by listening to a hypnosis CD daily. Ongoing reinforcement can strengthen weak habits and completely illuminate the desire for inappropriate foods. This process will give you the will power, discipline, and self control you will need to achieve fast weight loss. Hypnotherapy For Weight Loss: Why I Don't Offer "virtual Gastric Band" Treatments. Someone drew my attention to an article published in the Daily Mail last year. It was all about an overweight woman who lost 8 stone by having a “virtual gastric band” fitted under hypnosis. If you're interested you can read the article on the Daily Mail website. Just put this into your browser: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2031766/Overweight-teacher-loses-8-STONE-hypnotised-believing-gastric-band.html What a success story for hypnotherapy! Or is it? People are becoming increasingly aware of the “virtual gastric band”. Clients increasingly enquire about virtual gastric band treatment rather than hypnotherapy for weight loss. They do this in the belief that their problem can be solved by one session of hypnotherapy and that no subsequent effort on their part is required. They believe, or hope, that the virtual gastric band is a magic wand which will simply make their weight problem disappear. If only it were that simple. They say, don't they, that there is no such thing as bad publicity. I've never believed that to be true. Stories which proclaim the success of hypnotherapy are always welcome – but only if they're credible. Let me begin by saying that I'm quite prepared to believe that the woman in the article did indeed lose a lot of weight. But the article makes it pretty clear that this was not achieved by virtual gastric band suggestions alone but by adopting the sort of radical liquid-through-to-solids diet which would be adopted by a person who had had a real gastric band fitted. The article also says that she had ten sessions of hypnotherapy and that the cost of treatment was £270. However I had a look at the website of the practitioner in question. He charges £270 for three sessions, not ten. In other words, his fees are £90 per session. If the lady had ten sessions then that would cost her £900. If you look at some of the readers' comments on the article you will see that the most recent comment hits the nail on the head. The lady lost weight because she adopted a radical diet, not because of some magic-wand virtual gastric band. And when she returns to a “normal” diet, how long will the weight stay off for? Probably not very long. How is the “virtual gastric band” supposed to work? Hypnosis can make the body do some amazing things. Operations can be carried out using only hypnosis as anaesthetic. It is quite conceivable that under hypnosis a person might be made to feel as if an operation had been performed and a gastric band had been fitted. But when the hypnosis is terminated the client is not left with a stomach which has somehow been shrunk by hypnosis. They may be told that they will feel as if a gastric band has been fitted. But how do they know what that actually feels like if they have never actually had the operation? In essence, then, the client is told that their stomach is not as big as it used to be. It is possible that a highly suggestible client might accept that suggestion and lose weight. But how? By suddenly feeling sick when “too much” food has been eaten? By being faced with a choice between feeling sickness and discomfort on the one hand and hunger on the other? But people who are suggestible enough to accept a suggestion like that are also ideal subjects of conventional hypnotherapy weight loss treatments. For such people the elaborate hoax of a non-existent surgical operation is simply not required. When I first heard about virtual gastric band treatments I knew that I would never offer such treatments because nothing that is based upon a total lie can ever be effective in the long term. Reality will always win out. As far as I'm aware, virtual gastric band treatments have not been scientifically scrutinized or tested. I have found no mention of virtual gastric band treatments in scientific publications such as Contemporary Hypnosis or the European Journal of Clinical Hypnosis. There may, therefore, be dangers in the treatment which have not yet come to light. Yet I suspect that the main problem is sheer ineffectiveness. Several of my own clients have had virtual gastric band treatments and have found them to be both highly expensive and totally ineffective. At the end of the day, there are no magic wands. There is one way, and one way only, to achieve permanent and lasting weight loss – by making lasting changes to diet and / or exercise regime. Shortcuts and magical solutions like the virtual gastric band are just gimmicks. The only thing which the virtual gastric band is guaranteed to make lighter is your purse or your wallet! If You Are Trying To Lose Weight The Lucky 7 Fat Loss Program May Be Able To Help It seems like almost half of the population today is trying to lose weight, and this could be because so many people are overweight to begin with. Of course I'm also fairly certain that you have most likely seen all of the miracle products that are out there today which claim to provide men and women with weight loss, needless to say these products hardly ever work. Of course, if you have ever tried any of the other diet programs that are out there today you may possibly have very well abandoned them before you saw any results simply because they can take so long. In this article we will be checking out the Lucky 7 Fat Loss program as a way for you to speed up your fat loss. Irrespective of how many programs or products you have tried in the past in order to lose weight you will find that becoming successful with this program is something which can be achieved. One of the reasons many weight loss programs don't work is because they do not actually wind up improving your metabolism. Of course you will figure out how to speed up your metabolism in this program and you'll find the you'll be able to burn calories for up to 48 hours. You will also be learning about so called healthy foods which are not is healthy for you as you may think simply because they cause your body to keep fat. And by avoiding these different sorts of foods your body is going to have the capability of burning off even more fat. Something I most likely don't need to mention is that when you can burn more fat you are going to wind up losing more weight. Getting into your cravings is something which can ruin virtually any type of weight loss program you are trying to follow, and thankfully this program can show you how to contend with any kind of food cravings you might have. Shedding weight also means that you are going to need to get some type of exercise and every single day for the best results. You're going to find that this program does present you with a workout routine, and the routine you will be learning will show you how to burn off calories three times faster than a traditional cardiovascular routine. The exercises you will be learning in this program are only going to take about half an hour a day, so you will not be wasting hours each day exercising. Many diet programs these days tell you that you have to eliminate all carbohydrates from your diet to be successful. Successful losing weight can be accomplished by eliminating carbohydrates but it isn't the very best way to go about it, simply because eating carbohydrates is important for losing weight. You are going to find that this program educate you on the sort of carbohydrates you should be eating and precisely how you should be eating them in order to acquire the best results with your losing weight. Something I'm sure you're going to like relating to this program is the fact that it only costs $7.00 to get all this information. I'm fairly certain that I do not need to mention the value of a program like this, specially when you think about how much other weight loss diet plans are selling for. One final thing worth mentioning is that this program is additionally going to come with a 60 day money back guarantee for anybody who would like to try this program without risk. Improve Your Metabolism With Chinese Herbs For Weight Loss For many centuries Chinese herbs have been used to treat illnesses, increase health and reduce weight. A benefit that is resulting from using Chinese herbs is that they will modify the method that the body's metabolism works. This is a significant consideration for any person that is looking to reduce their weight since optimum metabolism plays a significant role in lowering weight. A Chinese herb for weight loss is an alternative worth trying out and there are in fact many different types of herbs that you can choose from. Do Away With Fat The majority of Chinese herbs for weight loss work by enabling the body to process fat content in a more resourceful method and at the same time they help in preventing unnecessary fat buildup in the body. Among Chinese herbs for weight loss that have been confirmed as being capable of weight loss are names such as citrus aurantium and immature citrus peels plus magnolia bark. Citrus Aurantium is a particular kind of Chinese herbs for weight loss that is known to contain synephrine that is well recognized in assisting the body burn up fat, as has been exposed by McGill University in Montreal study findings. Another plus as far as Citrus Aurantium is concerned is that it does not negatively impact a person's nervous system, as is the case with using ephedra. There are a number of additional Chinese herbs for weight loss and these herbs also assist by escalating the quantity of yang and qi power in the person's body. Among these herbs are ginseng, atractylodes and astragalus, while herbs such as cinnamon, ginger and eucommia bark as well as epimedium are recognized to be helpful Chinese herbs for weight loss. Chinese herbs for weight loss are also identified to provide a person with an increase in energy levels, this in turn helps in maintaining a regular exercise regime. In addition, these Chinese herbs for weight loss also help the individual absorb their food better and the metabolism also quickens and is more proficient. If you have a weight dilemma then these Chinese herbs for weight loss will do the trick for you. Chinese herb tea has also been recognized to offer you with abundant benefits such as better digestion and less stress, improved weight loss and even better memory. The bottom line with regard to using Chinese herbs for weight loss is that such herbs have been confirmed to have helped in improving a person's metabolism and increase the energy levels to a healthier level as well as keeps the mental attitude more balanced. Interesting Facts About Chinese Weight Loss Tea Recently, another study concerning the weight loss benefits of the Chinese organic weight loss tea was conducted and the results of the research showed that people who drink certain type of tea have a better propensity for weight loss generally. Drinking Chinese weight loss green tea daily allows the organism to burn an additional 90 calories a day, something that weight loss fighters and enthusiasts would simply enjoy reaching. Nowadays, Chinese weight loss tea or just green tea is widely available on the western market and it can easily be purchased in any weight loss products store, or even online. Buying these kinds of products on the internet is even easier and sometimes cheaper. It is well known that Chinese green tea can also prevent various forms of cancer. There is a form of cancer that starts in the blood-forming cells of the bone marrow. Afterwards, it invades the blood and can then spread to the lymph nodes, the spleen, liver, and other parts of the body. On the other hand, other forms of cancer can appear in these organs and then spread to the bone marrow, but these are not known as leukemia. Chronic myeloid leukemia can also modify into a fast-growing acute leukemia that destroys almost any organ in the human body. Chinese experts in traditional medicine claim that those who drink green tea can prevent such types of cancer. This is not all the available information about Chinese weight loss green tea. However, if you've picked something useful from this article, then by all means, don't just stand there, act! You won't really be able to gain any benefits just from your knowledge if you don't practice and use it properly. We do hope that reading the above article was both enjoyable and educational for most of you. The learning curve in life should be ongoing. The more you know, the more you will be able to share with others and help them. With that being said, please don't waste your precious time and find out more about Chinese weight loss tea on our blog. We update it often and you can easily find a lot of rare tips and tricks there so don't miss this opportunity. There is nothing better then affording yourself to be able to treat others and your family using natural ways and excluding all possible medications. God bless you! Is a Weight Loss Plateau Stopping Your Diet Every person sooner or latter is faced with a problem with plateaus or set points. Usually they occur after 20 lbs. of weight loss but in some people they occur early or even later. Here are the two big issues to face when it happens to you. Managing Portion Sizes. This is a dilemma in each and every weight loss plan. Neglectfulness, monotony, and tiredness usually lead to the consumption of larger portions. Make certain you stick to the foods that offer simple portion control. Many containers or packages of foods, even low-calorie foods, hold more than a single portion. To determine the number of calories in the container when it is not a individual portion (and this should scare you), multiply the amount of calories per helping by the actual number of servings in the container. Forget about trying to determine calories per portion using grams or ounces; which may get too difficult. The majority of people acknowledge that a family-size bag of chips or snacks contains more than a single portion and then they assume that a smaller bag consists of only a single portion. Nevertheless, this might not invariably be the circumstance! The medium-size packages are frequently deceptive. If the package contains a solitary portion, eat just that amount. Better yet, look for foodstuff that offer "natural" portion control. Moreover, frequently snacking prevents very low blood glucose and guarantees simpler portion control. Seeking for Concealed Calories. Another typical issue that has contributed to stalled weight loss is "hidden calories." These are the calories in high-calorie foodstuff that men and women eat without even realizing they are doing it. A number of well-liked food items have disguised . calories. Sometimes, the little things-not the large slices of cake-stall weight loss. Understand that eating 100 excess calories per day can lead to a 10-pound weight gain in a calendar year. In addition, burning off those additional a hundred calories necessitates up to thirty minutes of nonstop walking, Twenty minutes of nonstop riding a bicycle, 15 minutes on a treadmill machine, or 10 minutes on an elliptical trainer every day. The following table lists several of the high-calorie everyday foods that may contribute extra calories to your diet: Condiments :Butter, margarine, mayonnaise, tartar sauce, olive oil, oil, cream cheese Salad Dressings Caesar, bleu mozzarella dairy product, ranch, olive oil vinaigrette, croutons Mixed Alcohol Drinks: Margaritas, martinis, bourbon and cokes, vodka and tonics, screwdrivers, Piña Coladas Is A Weight Loss Programme For You? Have you been struggling to control your weight for as long as you can remember? Are you constantly trying new fad diets but never with any success? Then a weight loss programme could be the solution for you. For many people, trying to lose weight on their own is impossible. Family and friends may be very supportive and offer a listening ear but they don't have the expertise needed to ensure that you go all the way to achieving your target goal. There are many advantages to using a weight loss programme: • Discover Why You Are Gaining Weight The first thing that happens when you sign up to a good weight loss programme is an assessment of why you eat. One of the main reasons you couldn't lose weight before is because you didn't know the details of why you eat, for many people the main reason for weight gain is comfort eating. Eating when stressed or as a reward is one of the reasons obesity is becoming so prevalent in our society today. With the help of a professional you can tackle this issue by learning how to recognise when you should eat. • Extended Support By having a dedicated support team you are more likely to stay focused on your goal. Meeting regularly with the weight management professional and conversing with others who are going through the same process as you via group meetings or the programme's social media channels, will help you to stay positive. When you are undertaking weight loss on your own it is easy to give up when you have a bad day. By having a support network you won't be able to give up so easily. • Tailored Eating Plans Ever wanted to lose weight but don't know what food you should be eating/how much? Another benefit of a weight loss programme is the tailored eating plans that they often provide. These plans are designed to meet individual preferences such as vegetarian diets. These plans also ensure that you are getting the right amount of vitamins and minerals in your diet on a daily basis. • Medical Supervision If you have any medical conditions or if you are obese, it is best to seek the help of a professional. Supervision is one of the biggest advantages to undertaking a programme is you are almost guaranteed safe, quicker weight loss. So if you want to lose weight quickly and safely with the help of an expert start looking at programmes today – you won't be disappointed! Is Fasting A Worthwhile Weight Loss Resource? There is a weight loss resource that most of us overlook, most likely because…we can't see ourselves doing it. The weight loss resource to which I refer is fasting to lose weight. Since I have had this strange involvement with the diet world for so long it stands to reason that I have done my share of fasting. After all, I have tried just about everything else. Before taking a look at the more common methods of fasting it's important to look at some potential benefits of fasting…and also some of the dangers of fasting. The Benefits of Fasting - Fast weight loss (You will lose weight fast but not as fast as you may think. And you will gain your weight back rapidly after going off the fast.) - Cleanses the body of fecal debris - Removes toxins - Eliminates unwanted body fluids The Dangers of Fasting - Can cause muscle loss - Slows your metabolism which makes it harder to lose weight - Joint and muscle aches - Body odor - Headaches - Dizziness - Nausea - Weakness - Lack of concentration Just like any other diet there are numerous approaches to fasting. Here are some of the more common methods. 1. The water fast- Some fasting advocates actually fast for up to 40 days at a time. But such a fast is ill-advised. Most experts say that you should never fast on water only for more than 3 days. Even that can be risky if you don't drink LOTS of water. 2. The one day a week fast- Some people have had weight loss success by taking one day per week off from eating. 3. The every other day fast- I was a little surprised that people who have adopted this means of dieting eat whatever they want on non-fast days. By not changing their eating habits they are setting themselves up for failure. 4. The half day fast- This kind of fast just does not produce weight loss. This kind of trickery to the system can actually result in gaining weight. 5. The spiritual fast- I have no argument with such a fast. If you feel that fasting is necessary for a closer walk with God then do it. Just be careful to drink plenty of water and keep it within the 3 day window as previously mentioned. 6. The lemonade fast- I have tried this diet and actually stayed on it for about 2 weeks. The purpose of the diet is primarily that of cleansing the body of toxins and removing fecal debris. As far as weight lost during the fast it will come back quickly. The lemonade potion that I used consisted of organic maple syrup, lemon juice, water, and cayenne pepper. You sip on the concoction throughout the day. It was OK for a couple of days but I ultimately grew very tired of lemonade. 7. The juice fast- The best juicer that I have tried is the Jack LaLanne Juicer. This is a great way consuming raw fruit and vegetables without losing vital nutrients and still getting the benefits of some of the fiber. Just be careful not to consume too many sugary fruit juices. This is actually a partial fast and the juicing serves as a once or twice per day meal substitute. 8. The detox fast- Detox advocates suggest implementing this fast 3 times per year for 7 days at a time. It requires more than a gallon of water per day, anti-oxidant supplements, multi-vitamins, and a several glasses of fruit and vegetable juice per day. If this sounds like something that your body needs then conduct and online search for a reputable site on the subject. Some friends of swear by this fasting technique. But note that they don't do it for weight loss although it will probably produce some short term weight loss benefit. 9. The flush fast- Requires a gallon and a half of water per day plus green tea. You can still eat several meals per day. Advocates maintain that this diet will flush fat from the body and boost metabolism if you do it once per month. That's an overview of fasting as a weight loss resource. As I said I have tried some of these fasting techniques over the years but in every instance the weight I lost came back quickly. And so it is for every quick weight loss method. The weight just comes back…plus some. The only thing that ultimately worked for me was to change to a healthy lifestyle that involved eating healthy and getting consistent exercise. Of all the hundreds (or thousands) of diet possibilities a healthy lifestyle is the only thing that gets the weight off and keeps it off. More importantly there are no health risks but there are numerous wellness benefits. If you still want to dive into fasting then I highly recommend that you consult a physician first. Is Green Tea Good For Diabetes? Green tea assists to prevent type 1 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes splits blood glucose, and does not produce the insulin. Green tea in the diabetic diet perhaps is a good option. Research with animal explains it really prevents the type 1 diabetes. The result of a study appeared in Biomed Central website; it is not only helpful for prevention of type 1 diabetes, helping prevent the development of type 2 diabetes. It helps in increasing the metabolic rate of the human beings and this is turn leads to an increased rate of calorie burn. The thermogenic properties of the tea help in the promotion of oxidation of fat. This tea is especially beneficial in burning a particular type of fat that is called as visceral fat. This type of fat is related with diabetes. The well known weight loss capabilities of green tea, which are the product of metabolic acceleration, improve health conditions by themselves, but a direct control of diabetes or at least the prevention of this dangerous disease, should give green tea a prominent place in our diet. The pathetic condition of type 1 diabetics is the inability of the pancreas to produce insulin secretion to break down glucose in the blood and promote bodily energy. The essence of this tea burns the food intake and the muscular energy is generated to keep the body active and vibrant. That way, there is high chance to maintain normal blood sugar levels without allowing elevated sugar levels. The benefits attributed to them are nothing short of amazing. Now before listing and discussing them, it has to be said that even though they have been consumed in tea form by the Chinese for over 4000 years, and a little later by the Japanese, and they attribute their longevity to this tea which they drink approximately 6-7 times per day. The extract from camellia sinensis in dry form has 25% of catechin. While catechin is available in almost all the plants including many of the foods we take, the catechin from this tea is very special. Do you know the reason? Not because it is potent than any other catechin but because of its abundance in green tea. But one can also spoil while making a drink. Because, its preparation is a bit tricky to ensure its full benefits can be derived. Green tea diet pills are a good way in which you can educe your weight. It is also widely recognized as a substance that can protect against many different cancers such as stomach cancer, ovarian cancer, cancer of the colon, oral cancer, prostate cancer, and breast and cervical cancers. Not only is green tea good for your overall health but it is also good for the mind. It provides stimulation to your brain. But, don't even look at it that closely. Green tea helps with weight loss which can also help you to improve your self esteem and your outlook on life. It can help to jumpstart your life and give you the energy to get through the bumps in the road. The good news is that this natural beverage has a variety of other health promoting properties as well. Replacing daily sodas with unsweetened tea can help you lose weight. Not only will your replace empty calories with something healthier but this tasty beverage can also help increase your metabolism a bit. It Is Safe To Use Weight Loss Medicines It is completely safe and sound to does drugs for the weight loss. However, make it certain that you take them only after looking up with the doctor. Weight loss is very easy to attain with the help of the medicines in equivalence to the other weight loss therapy. The consumption of medicines is guessed to be the best therapy for the weight loss as per the newest research. It is for the reason that you get the result faster and that also with no any major side effects. Weight loss medicines must be taken firmly as per the doctor references if you wish for to get the desired result in a predetermined time. The dosage of the weight loss medicines should not be missed or else it may escort to holdup in the weight loss result. One thing you must observe here is to never take these weight loss medicines in excess they will damage your health unfavorably. Weight loss medicines are effortless to be used as you only have to take the tablet either in the morning or after every meal. The dose may vary for diverse medications drugs. Weight loss medicines works with the easy phenomenon that is moreover by inhibiting the appetite or by keeping the transition of fats and carbohydrates in the form through which body can use them. Weight loss medicines works very successfully as they unswervingly have an effect on your digestion system and makes it clear that inside few months you would be capable to lose substantial amount of weight. If you want to reach the weight loss in the less time then you need to connect in usual exercise custom and diet control along with the weight loss drugs. The trouble of the excessive weight is on rise universal. It is largely connected with the moreover much of the fat ingestion and lack of bodily activity. Whatever may be the reason of the weight loss, you can use the drugs to conquer it. There are a variety of normal ways to lose the weight, other than none has been observed to be as efficient as weight loss medicines. The effectualness of the weight loss drugs is the chief reason at the rear their ever mounting demand international. Many of the people have used them and have accomplished the best weight loss results. The one thing I like about these weight loss medicines is that you can purchase them anywhere through the online pharmacy or from your local vendor. Weight loss medicines like generic Acomplia and generic Xenical are in priority all over the world. Generic Acomplia is the medicines containing Rimonabant that works by inhibiting the appetite of the person who wants to reach the weight loss. It blanks out the signals send by the brain to the Endocannabiniod system when the person feels hungry. Consequently, person doesn't feel hungry. Owing to this, less quantity of the food is eaten and extreme weight gain is forbidden. The dynamic component of this drug is approved by the Food and Drug Administration so you don't have to be concerned about the security and efficacy of the drug. You can also make use of the medicine generic Xenical for the weight loss. You can mislay the considerable amount of the weight during this weight loss pill. I promise you that if you use this medicine as per the suggested dose and for the limited time then you would be capable to realize the desired weight loss within the predetermined time. The problem of the excessive weight gain can be determined enduringly with the help of these pills. The only thing I would like to recommend here is to purchase only those medicines for the weight loss which are sanctioned by the Food and Drug Administration and World Health Organization. This is the credential that they are totally safe for your use. Judging The Weight Loss Product Maxwlx There are enough weight loss products on the market today to make a persons head spin. This is understandable, due to the alarming increase of obesity and its very dangerous by-product, diabetes, that is affecting millions of people every day. The approaches to losing unwanted weight are as numerous and varied as the products themselves. The selling point of the product depends also to a great extent on the reason why a person would be in the market for a weight loss aid. While it could be stated that the majority are actually seeking medical solutions to the problem, many others have more superficial reasons for losing weight. The research into the problem of unhealthy weight gain has created an entire industry of purported experts in the field, not only in the medical profession but in the ranks of non-medical professionals as well. The number of exercise programs and devices are undoubtedly proportionate to the number of actual supplements and solutions that are available on the market today. One such supplement is called MaxWLX. This weight loss product is advertised as a nutritional supplement, which is a default claim due to the liability imposed by the FDA and the medical establishment itself on any supplement or solution that addresses health issues. Considering the ongoing debate over the viability of these types of products as having actual medicinal benefits, this mandatory claim is understandable. MaxWLX makes its claim to aid in weight loss due to its formula of viscous polysaccharides and cetylated fatty acids which supposedly control the level of leptin. Leptin is a hormone naturally found in the body that regulates the bodys food intake and use of energy. When the body produces too much leptin, which is considered to be one of the main symptoms of obesity, the bodys ability to know how much energy it needs is affected, causing it to demand more food intake to supply the energy. The inclusion of a leptin inhibitor in a nutritional supplement formula has not yet been proven to be an effective fat burner, which is the goal of any weight loss product. While there are several independent testimonials to be found on various websites to the ability of MaxWLX to burn fat and loss weight, this product has not yet received FDA approval. This does not necessarily mean that people will not use the product anyway, as several unapproved products have found to be effective in health care regimens, including vitamin supplements. Another criticism of MaxWLX seems to be in the cost of the product itself. Comparatively speaking, this particular product does fall in a higher cost per bottle category than do many other weight loss products, especially considering the suggested minimum of eight weeks of use before obtaining desired weight loss and keeping weight off. As with any health care product, including weight loss supplements, thorough research along with a doctors consultation is always recommended before beginning its regular use as part of a healthy regimen, which should also include some form of regular exercise or other physical activity. Juicer Recipes For Weight Loss - Drink Your Way To A Slimmer You Do you want a few great juicer recipes for weight loss? Using juice or creating your own juice concoctions is a great means to lose weight. Not simply does juice taste yummy, but you can be sure that you are filling your body with the micro-nutrients and vitamins that are necessary to keep it healthy and in bang-up shape. often, in an effort to lose weight, we skimp on having in those minerals and nutrients that are vital to our health. Here are some primary ideas for juicer recipes for weight loss that not only taste very good, but too give your body with the healthy supplemental nutrition it needs. earlier you begin any diet plan, it is necessary to make a goal for yourself. If your goal is to lose a lot of weight than you could want to look at juicer recipes for weight loss that have a bearing on metabolism and cleanse the colon. Sometimes these juicer recipes for weight loss can be used as part of a juice fast. Rather than get starting your diet with a water fast, replace it with a juicer recipe for weight loss, and there will be less risk of depriving your body of fundamental nutrients in the early days of your diet. Always recall, moderation is key. Do not stop eating cold turkey and dive into a liquid diet. You will still need to eat healthy meals. If you are choosing to juice fast, ease into it, monitor your caloric intake closely. You will also need to have a regular exercise regimen in order for any diet plan to work successfully. If you are want to lose just a little weight, replace one of your healthy, balanced meals per day with a vegetable juice. Vegetable juice recipes for weight loss are among the most effective, and they taste cracking. Since vegetables provide a wide range of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, you can be sure that your body is acquiring what it needs to keep at its best. looking on what vegetables you combine in your juice, you can address anything from digestion, to water retention, to energy level. Juicer recipes for weight loss in the vegetable category can include celery, cucumber, and fennel. Once you feel comfy with those ingredients, start to experiment by adding heartier vegetables such as broccoli, lettuce, and even out parsley. If you need to sweeten your vegetable juice a little, supply green apples or lemon. The greener the vegetable juice, the healthier it is, since you are essentially drinking a large vitamin rich salad! These juicing recipes will help you look and feel great. Juicer recipes for weight loss will help you burn fat and look great. If you truly want to supercharge your weight loss efforts, check out this simple trick that helped me drop 35 pounds in just weeks. Juicing For Weight Loss Recipes You Can Try When drinking fruit and vegetable juices whether to lose weight, correct a condition, or detoxify the system, you should be in good health before you start such a program. If you have medical related problems, clear this program with your physician first. If you decide to try a juicing diet to lose weight, remember that only drinking juices to lose weight or fasting and drinking juices is not an adequate diet to follow, you will be lacking inportant nutrients for your body and putting your health at risk at the same time. The worst part of the whole thing is that if you survive through the ordeal and actually lose the weight, you will quickly put it all back on with interest. To begin a juicing for weight loss program first try just having a juice drink about a half hour before the meal, either lunch or the evening meal. The fresh juice will act as an appetite suppressant and hopefully help you to eat less at the meal. You may want to start will fruit juices as they are tastier and easier to consume, then start adding one vegetable at a time to the fruit juice. As you become accustomed to the taste start removing fruits from the juices until you have the right combination that you enjoy or even go for all vegetables one day and a mix the next. A basic fruit juice mix to start with uses equal parts of strawberries, kiwis, mangoes and oranges. About a cup of each is a good measure or just use 6 strawberries, 2 kiwis, 1 mango and 1 orange. Adjust it for your taste. Next substitute 2 or 3 carrots for one of the vegetables, then a stalk of celery for another one, move onto a handful of spinach and even a small sweet potato. Try adding what you enjoy. Try to keep a carrot in the mix and even a add a few sprigs of parsley to the mix as these have been shown to be good appetite suppressants. As you proceed with the weight loss program, you can begin to replace one meal with the juice drink. Some feel that breakfast is the easiest to replace as many people either skip it entirely or just grab a slice of toast or a glass of orange juice as they rush out the door, which of course is the wrong thing to do as it leads to a mid morning sump in energy and hungry , which causes you to head to the nearest vending machine or snack shop for a quick pick me up and lots of empty calories, which cause you to put on more weight. A morning juice for weight loss recipe can include 2 oranges, 1 cup of cantaloupe melon, 1/2 cup of strawberries, 1/2 cup of blueberries and a banana. This will help get you through the morning and hopefully avoid the mid morning sump and hungry. If you feel you need more energy, a low calorie powdered protein mix can be added to the juice after it comes out of the juicer. For more fiber in your diet you can add some of the pulp from the juicer back into your drink or just use it in other recipes like soups or even breads. Kefir Grains To Lose Weight And Stay Healthy Have you heard of kefir? Or kefir grains? Kefir grains are composed of a complex structure of bacteria and yeasts with proteins, lipids and sugars. At first glance, kefir grains look a lot like cauliflower. Inside kefir grains are countless beneficial bacteria that are good for the body. This means that inside kefir there are literally trillions and trillions of good beneficial bacteria. Once consumed and are inside the body, these good probiotic bacteria will literally clean you up. It cleans up the most crucial and critical parts of the body like the stomach. The stomach is where diseases from bad bacteria, viruses and other ill effecting organisms often spread. By effectively cleaning and restoring your stomach and digestive system to its healthy and vibrant state, you will quickly notice your entire body feeling much better. Kefir is a symbiosis of many beneficial bacteria and yeasts, which form grains that look like cauliflower-like structures. During the fermentation process the kefir grains changes normal milk into healthy 'living' pro-biotic food. It could take between 5 and 24 hours to produce a finished product, depending on temperature and the amount of milk used. You may use cow, goat, or coconut milk to make fresh kefir everyday. A wonderful pro-biotic drink with many times the amount of fresh beneficial cultures over store bought yogurt, kefir or pro-biotic in capsule form. But what if you could do the whole process in just 90 minutes and still have perfect quality Kefir? . . Kefir grains have also been found to reduce serum cholesterol levels in rats but tests are yet to be made on humans. Kefir yogurt is also known to have elements that reduce blood pressure. Kefir and Kampuchea tea drinks are also known to help in breaking down milk in people with lactose intolerance. There is much research to suggest that they improve the good/bad cholesterol ratio in the body and help prevent a number of future illnesses (such as colon cancer, and even respiratory tract infections. The kefir grains are believed to be a gift from god. Research proved that kefir has more than 20 different bacteria and yeasts. Kefir tastes slightly sour, but also has a tingly quality because its yeasts naturally carbonate it. Kefir grains are the best kefir acne solution. Have you heard of biotin? It's a b vitamin, which helps absorb other b vitamins. Let's say you eat something with vitamin b12, and then biotin makes it easier for your body to absorb it. By getting enough b vitamins, your body will regulate your kidneys and then reduce your chance of skin ailments and acne How to make water, rice, milk, and coconut kefir grains. Kefir grains are a form of bacteria composite made by fermenting water sugar solution, cow milk, rice milk or coconut milk. These are collected from sieving the fermented milk ferment on a piece of clean cloth or a sieve. The particles and goblets remaining in the sieves are then washed with clean water and dried. Kefir grains range in size from white to yellow cauliflower-like clusters to as small as rice grains. Kefir grains are commonly used as seed material for making traditional yogurt or fermenting drinks. The most popular type of kefir is the Caucasus kefir and some that are imported from Germany. The grains are a supercharged probiotic food. The only reason kefir grains exist today is because they have been nurtured and passed down for generations by those who understand the benefit to the digestive system. Kefir grains have only recently become available in the USA. Now that you are somewhat familiar with Kefir, and the many benefits of its use, why are you not consuming this most wonderful product? If you are like the large percentage of people in our world today you could stand to lose a few extra unhealthy pounds. And just as importantly we all could use the benefits of a healthier internal organ system. If you want to learn more about Kefir, and it's benefits, you can go to the website provided to watch some free videos. Thank You. And Good Health to All. Kevin Trudeau Weight Loss Secret Review Lose 30 pounds in 30 days! That seems a little extreme, and maybe a tad far fetched. But if you're a fan of Kevin Trudeau you know he likes to make “shocking” claims. In the case of the Kevin Trudeau weight loss secret, he again holds back nothing. Will you lose 30 pounds in 30 days? Better yet, is it possible to lose 30 pounds in 30 days? Kevin's new book says you can. The laws of physical mathematics are certainly against it. Though, if you were more than a little overweight and willing to go through excruciating barriers of human torture over the course of 30 days, then yes it is “possible,” using that word very loosely. A weight drop of about 15 pounds from your current weight would seem more of a normal thing to expect over a 30 day period of intense diet focus and weight loss desire, no matter how good your diet plan and supplement source, no matter what the Kevin Trudeau weight loss secret claims. You might better judge his weight loss claims by comparing a sleek ocean liner traveling in a straight line. Let's pretend your life is that very ocean liner. And your current path is the direction that ship is traveling. You've been on that path for some time. Suddenly you decide to change directions. Do you think that you'd be able to do a 180-degree turn in a just a few minutes? Kevin Trudeau would argue, “Yes!” But it would be very tough. There's so much involved. Taking a few natural supplements can definitely put you on the right track for weight loss, but to lose 30 pounds in 30 days? Can an ocean liner traveling at remarkable speeds, turn on a dime? You answer that one on your own. And always remember, remarkable weight loss progress can occur “if” you dial in a “no excuse” weight reduction program, and then discipline yourself to stay on that plan. Staying on the program? Now that's the secret nobody wants you to figure out. That's the tough part, and ironically enough: Even the Kevin Trudeau weight loss secret doesn't reveal the answer to that critical question. But the answer is out there. Know All About Anadrol It is always better to know the product well before opting to use it. When the product in question is a powerful steroid such as Anadrol, it becomes even more necessary to go that extra mile. The drug is popular among bodybuilders as it delivers instant results. Anadrol is the strongest as well as the most effective of all steroids consumed orally, helping people to gain strength and muscle mass in a short time. Muscle diameter increases quickly during water retention and the user gets a massive appearance. It is this attribute of the drug which makes it quite popular among the bodybuilders. Anadrol is actually a popular brand name for oxymetholone, a potent oral androgen. The drug has an extremely high androgenic outcome which goes with an intense anabolic component. The drug was formulated as a compound to aid people with anemia and has since been used very widely to help people suffering from other diseases where weight loss is a primary concern. It is an effective drug for boosting weight gain, augmenting appetite, acquiring strength and increasing the production of red blood cells. It is considered to be one of the most effective procurable steroids, as it delivers instant results. A beginner experimenting with oxymetholone is expected to obtain 20 to 30 pounds of bulk and it can be achieved within a cycle of 6 weeks. Popping one or two tablets per day can do wonders. Bodybuilders consume anadrol for achieving two objectives. One is to burn excess fat of the body and secondly to increase body mass. Anadrol is mechanized to rupture body fats into fat acids, which increases the pace of metabolism in your body. Generally, Anadrol is consumed in the form of tablets. However the drug is also available in injectable form as well. It ensures dynamic results, if taken prior to a workout. Athletes consuming Anadrol begin noticing the results within a week or so. The dosage of Anadrol varies from person to person. A dosage of 0.5 - 0.8 mg per pound of body weight/day would be adequate for any athlete. Anyone trying Anadrol for the first time should proceed with one 50 mg tablet. A few days later or after a week, the dosage can be increased to two tablets, one tablet each in the morning and evening, taken with meals. This is equivalent to 1- 4 tablets; that is 50 - 200 mg per day. Athletes who are more advanced or weigh more than 220 pounds can increase the dosage to 150 mg/day in the third week. Under no circumstances should an athlete take more than four tablets in any given day. The regular use of Anadrol causes some side effects. This includes signs of feminization and water retention, which could result in high blood pressure. In extreme cases, one could be forced to undertake an anti-hypertensive drug. Some users could experience severe steroid acne which can be nullified by using the prescription drug Accutane. Other possible side effects of Anadrol are vomiting, stomach aches, headaches, nausea and lack of appetite, insomnia and diarrhea. The consumption of Anadrol can result in the reduction in the body's own production of testosterone. To maintain the hormone production, you have to intake testosterone-stimulating compounds such as HCG and Clomid. Anadrol must always be stored at room temperature, away from excess heat and moisture. You must keep Anadrol tablets in a tightly closed container, out of the reach of children and the most important aspect; you must consume Anadrol under the supervision of a medical practitioner. Laser Lipo South Africa For all those individuals who have been struggling to lose weight, here is the laser lipo system. Its the wonder cure for all those who are struggling to lose those extra pounds. And it can all be done without any surgery, cutting or dieting. Just lie down on a bed and get the lasers applied to your body. No medical obligations to pay off. No bills for surgery, hospital stay or medical doctors. You don't need expensive physicians to operate the lipo lasers. It can be done by a qualified person. So why lay in agony for weeks after lipo surgery, with the lipo laser there is no discomfort, just comfortable weight loss. Non-invasive Laser Lipo technology works with a patented cold laser conductor. Initially designed to speed up physical recovery, medical doctors noticed that the cold laser technology would also liquefy fat cells painlessly. In contrast to Liposuction, the Laser Lipo does not remove the fat cell, it drains it. The fat can be drained by a healthy individual lymphatic system reducing by a couple of inches each couple of days. The Laser Lipo works by focusing the laser which penetrates to the fat cells and sets off the cell membrane to break and relinquish the fat from the cells. It is safe, painless and completely non-invasive. Laser Lipo treatments end up with the dissolving of fats, the melted fat is then ran out through lymph drainage system. The effectiveness of fat drainage during and after treatment is dependent on correct functioning of the lymphatic system, which is responsible for getting rid of wastes from the body. You can take up normal activities directly after as the Laser Lipo is totally non-invasive with no down-time . After the treatment it is suggested that you do some sort of cardio exercise to move things along. i.e.: use a jumping on a mini trampoline,whole body vibration machine, treadmill, Stairmaster or a brisk walk. Male and female clients have found that those hard to reduce trouble spots, such as love handles, saddlebags, and tummy bulge can be treated quite significantly within a couple of treatments. The Lapex 2000 BCS is a Class 2, 3B hazard cold red laser machine. This type of machine has been used for over a decade by physiotherapists on sport injuries and to assist the body to heal itself. So the technology is thoroughly tested and is safe with no negative side-effects. The Lapex 2000 BCS was specifically created to break down unwanted fat cells and is not classified as a medical machine by the Government, Due to being a laser, however, it must be used in healthcare-accredited premises. The Lapex 2000 BCS (LaserLipo) is a 100% Non-invasive, laser-based, spot fat reduction and body contouring system. Offering the relaxation of a 40 min. massage with the benefits of inch loss! Laser Lipo remains a more affordable alternative to lipo surgery. Last Minute Weight Loss For Special Occasions It could be your marriage lined up or some other special occasion as important as a wedding – where in you need to look your best. But what would happen in case you have stored a lot of fat which is making you look absolutely out of shape. You look awful in the prettiest dress that you have. And the worse is that you have to struggle to even fit into it. In situation like this the obvious thing is to loose weight. But what if there is no enough time for that. Then, the most prudent thing to do is to resort to the last minute weight loss measures. You should resort to the fat free breakfasts and cut your dinner absolutely. If you feel hungry by the evening or night have a lot of water and if the carving still persists you could have fruits. But while consuming fruits as well watch how much you are eating. Hogging of fruits would not help your reduce weight. Now, for the fat you have already accumulated needs to go. For that there is no other way but to exercise. Join a gym and exercise as much as possible. The best way to reduce weight is to resort to those exercises that would target particular places where you just can't afford to have fat. The rest could be worked upon later. Have a personal trainer appointed who could direct you about the specific exercises that could get you the desired results. And in no time you would see the result of your last minute weight loss efforts. Leopard Gecko Illness And Diseases It doesn't happen too often, but there are some diseases which your pet leopard gecko may be stricken with at some point. However, you can prevent most of these diseases simply by taking good care of your pet. This article will cover some of the more common diseases which can affect your leopard gecko and how to treat these diseases or better yet, prevent them. Minor injuries and infections: Your gecko may get the occasional scrape or cricket bite. You can treat these minor injuries and skin infections by using a solution of Betadine or Chlorhexidene. If your pet has a severe wound or skin infection which seems to be spreading or getting worse, then you'll need to give your gecko oral antibiotics and possibly see your vet to have them remove dead skin or tissue surgically. Osteodystrophy: This is a calcium deficiency which causes a loss of bone density. This can cause a young gecko's growth to be crooked or stunted as well as making them more disposed to fractures. While fractures can be treated relatively easily, it's best to make sure that your leopard gecko has plenty of calcium in his or her diet to prevent this condition in the first place. You can identify this disease by tremors, weakness and crooked or swollen limbs. Digestive tract blockages: A gecko can sometimes swallow sand and gravel while eating, which can cause bowel obstructions or other blockages. Make sure that your gecko's feeding area is free of gravel or sand - you should also use a shallow bowl to feed your gecko to prevent this. Intestinal parasites: If your gecko appears to have constipation, diarrhea or suddenly loses weight, parasites may be the cause. This can be treated by changing and thoroughly cleaning their habitat and using medication - you'll likely need to get this from your vet. Mouth and respiratory infections: These infections are generally due to cool temperatures or a poor diet which weakens the animal's immune system. In most cases, these infections can be treated by feeding your gecko a healthier diet and changing their habitat. Obesity: Leopard geckos are healthy eaters, so this can be a problem in these pets. A diet which is too high in fat (usually from too many wax worms and meal worms) can cause serious health problems and even kill geckos! It's best to keep the fat content of your pet's diet low - but if you need to remedy this problem, a diet which is high in protein and vitamins can usually correct the issue. Symptoms include weight gain followed by sudden loss of appetite and weight loss. Egg binding: This happens when a pregnant female leopard gecko refuses to lay her eggs. You can encourage her to do this by providing her with a laying box which is lined with moist sand and is dark and warm. Sometimes, the eggs will be reabsorbed by the gecko's body if not laid, but it may be necessary to have them surgically removed in some cases. You can tell that egg binding is happening because a female gecko will suddenly gain weight while simultaneously having less appetite. Molting problems: If your gecko's habitat is too dry, they may fail to molt completely and this can lead to circulation problems, possibly resulting in loss of toes and damage to their eyes. If you see bits of old skin stuck to your gecko following molting, you'll need to help the process along - you can do this by misting your gecko and gently rubbing off the old skin to help them finish molting. It's pretty easy to prevent this problem, however. You can keep a bowl of water in your leopard gecko's habitat to increase the humidity level or mist your pet daily to help them molt properly. Tail Loss: Even though leopard geckos can grow a new tail if they lose theirs, it can become infected while it regrows. Make sure to use antibiotic ointment on your pet's stump during the regrowth process to keep infection from setting in. You can prevent this problem by always handling your leopard gecko with care and remembering NEVER to pick it up by the tail. Lipostabil And Seeking To Melt Fat Away Here is some good news for people who shy away from operations, but are keen to shed the surplus fat accumulated in different parts of their body. Conventionally, people were compelled to undergo liposuction, a process where the extra flab was sucked out through cosmetic or plastic surgery. But a relatively new fat loss treatment called Lipo dissolve eliminates the additional fat deposits by using fat dissolving injections. The Lipo dissolve procedure, also known as Lipostabil, is a non-invasive method for melting body fat without plastic surgery. Instead, patients are required to take a number of weight loss injections at the sites where unwanted fat has accumulated in the body. Fat Loss without Surgery The Lipo dissolve procedure has been gaining in popularity with each day with even Hollywood celebrities like Nicole Kidman and Britney Spears opting for the fat dissolving injections to keep in shape. In fact, many have hailed Lipostabil as a miracle drug that helps the weight loss community to melt away unwanted fat without going under the scalpel. Despite the growing craze for Lipostabil or the fat injections among physicians and patients alike, the Lipo dissolve procedure is neither tested nor licensed for cosmetic use. Known by different names such as Lipostabil, Lipolysis, Lipotherapy, Flab Jab and even ThinJection, the Lipo dissolve is still considered to be controversial fat injections treatment where a combination of drugs are introduced into patients to destroy fat cells that are eventually eliminated from the body through urine and feces. Much like the mesotherapy, Lipo dissolve also claims to get rid of surplus fat in localized areas of the body by administering fat loss injections. In fact, order Lipostabil or the fat injections are said to best suit people who have tried all fat loss methods, including diets and exercise, but still failed to shed the extra flab in the face, abdomen, back, hips and thighs. The Lipo dissolve procedure, which is yet to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), involves introducing a drug amalgam by means of numerous fat dissolving injections into subcutaneous fat using the 30G needle. The major elements present in the fat dissolving medical injection administered into the fat cell comprise Phosphatidylcholine (PPC) and L-Carnitine. PPC present in Lipostabil is a soy lecithin substance that is said to be effective in reducing the fatty pads in the treated areas. It appears that PPC is able to enhance cholesterol solubility, change the arrangement of fat deposits, and slow down plaque accumulation in the body. It is believed that the fat injections infiltrate the fat cells, acting as a softening agent making the stored lipids water soluble and disposal through excrement. Benefits The results of the Lipo dissolve procedure also vary depending on the dimension of the area being treated. In most cases, people taking the fat dissolving injections experience fat loss of at least 1-5 cm per treatment. Normally, the utmost fat loss owing to the fat injections takes place in the waist or belly region, while the smallest amount of fat loss is noticed in the legs. These weight loss injections are administered over one to three healing sessions each of which are spread over four to six weeks. The results of using the fat dissolving injections are gradually noticeable taking one to three weeks to experience the benefits. In addition, the L-Carnitine contained in Lipostabil is made in the body from the amino acids lysine and methionine. It enhances the use of fat as an energy source by transporting fatty acids into the mitochondria, where they are ‘burned' to release energy for body functions. L-Carnitine, a major element in the fat dissolving injections, has also been found to avert ischemia-induced heart malfunctioning and delays the progression of Alzheimer's disease owing to its capability to enhance metabolism. According to the findings of some recent studies, phosphatidylcholine, present in Lipostabil may be used to treat AIDS cases, particularly in the reduction of lipodystrophy – buffalo hump – without the need for surgery. Side Effects The Lipo dissolve treatment is accompanied by some risks and potential complications such as headaches, nausea, diarrhea as well as blisters, necrosis and scarring at the injection site. The other aftereffects of using the fat dissolving injections include redness, bruising, moderate to severe edema, localized heat, slight to moderate itching. The side effects of using Lipostabil usually occur two to five after administering the fat injections and gradually disappear after three to seven. Edema or swellings caused by taking the fat injections can be reduced by compression of treated area by modeling belt or compressive clothing. Wrapping Up It needs to be mentioned here that there is no guarantee that the Lipo dissolve treatment will work in 100 per cent of cases. The chances of success are always more when the fat dissolving injections are administered by an experienced physician and the patient follows the doctor's advice precisely after the treatment. Lipo dissolve treatment may cost anything between $1,000 and $1,500 per treatment with three to six treatments required. This can prove costly for patients who may not receive the desired results from the fat injections. Thus, before taking the Lipo dissolve treatment, an individual should have an examination and discussion with the physician as the results are various. Loneliness And Depression Depression and loneliness are often strongly linked to each other. You can feel depressed because you are lonely, or you can feel lonely because you feel depressed. If you can get a grip on depression, you are likely to feel less lonely too. Although depression is an umbrella term for a host of problems, it is important to diagnose it correctly and quickly. With proper medication, therapy, nutrition and exercise, people can return to their daily lives without any long-term effects. Depression is a very common condition. Approximately, 15 percent of doctor's office visits are depression related. This is also the most prevalent serious illness primary care physicians treat. One out of 10 American adults is afflicted with major depression and more than 15 million Americans are diagnosed every year as clinically depressed. the World Health Organization predicts that by the year 2020, depression will be the second leading cause of disability throughout the world, and its researchers estimate that 121 million people currently suffer from it. Some of the symptoms of depression are the following: 1. Feeling hopeless 2. Difficulty making decisions 3. Sometimes numb (no emotion at all ) 4. Easily agitated, irritable or angry 5. Easily tired 6. Feeling guilty and terrible 7. Unable to sleep at night or excessive sleeping 8. Disturbing thoughts 9. Crying 10. Excessive weight gain or excessive weight loss 11. Abuse of children or violent towards loved ones 12. Inflicting self-injury 13. Negative self esteem 14. And the list goes on… Many of the illustrated symptoms of depression can actually be symptoms of loneliness as well. Depression is a condition which many people are too embarrased to talk about. Due to the historical stigmatism associated with the disorder, it remains a silent topic. Depression can be caused by a number of things. It can be caused by a sudden, life-changing event such as loss of a beloved one or an illness. The condition can also gradually develop over a long period of time due to a number of factors, such as poor living conditions, poverty, environment, relationship problems or unemployment. Depression is also linked with personality traits, genetics or abnormal levels of certain hormones such as low thyroid hormone levels. Whether it be physical, environmental or genetic, there are many ways depression can be defeated. Depending on the person and the condition, one or more of the below treatment methods are more or less preferred. 1. Suitable and recommended medication 2. Proper nutrition 3. Appropriate herbal treatment or other natural treatments 4. Hormone treatments 5. Exercise 6. Cognitive behavior therapy (thought-behaviour connection) 7. Change of situation wherever possible (e.g. bad relationship, job, etc) 8. Counseling or forms of psychological treatment 9. Relaxation therapies 10. Mindset and thinking patterns The key is a holistic approach and the use of more than one of the above listed methods to beat depression Depression and Loneliness Depressed people tend to suffer in silence and isolate themselves from the outside world. When you are depressed, you feel less motivated to go out, make contact, socialize or participate in activities, or doing anything at all. Days, even weeks can go by without wanting to see anyone or talk to anyone and this aggrevates feelings of isolation. Often depressed people do not want to talk about their problem or simply feel misunderstood. Similarly, prolonged and intense feelings of loneliness can lead to depression. Treating the symptoms of depression is likely to resolve the problem of loneliness. If the reasons of loneliness are well understood (this requires some soul-searching and questioning oneself) and if methods of overcoming loneliness are applied, it is very likely that symptoms of depression will become less or disappear. Beating depression or loneliness does not start with having more friends, or a relationship, although it can help. It really starts from within and is a process that takes time and care. Asking the right questions and doing the right things as part of this process is one of the keys to healing. Humans go through life in patterns by doing the same thing over and over again. Even in different situations, these patterns will be repeated and simply generate the same results. A pattern is a repeated response to a situation in life or a series of activities that are repeated over and over again. They are formed by what we have learned from the past, what we know now, what we feel comfortable with and what our beliefs and values are. If any of these remain unchanged we become “fixed” in our ways. That's why many of us have a hard time making lasting changes. The challenge is to break a pattern and gain new, life-changing insights. So begin with yourself, ask yourself the questions to help you understand where your depression and loneliness is coming from and start interrupting your patterns that have been limiting you now and in the past. Long Term Benefits Of Physical Fitness Regular physical activity offers numerous benefits to your overall health. Physical fitness plays a major role in the proper function of your body and your mind. When you exercise on a regular basis, you feel energized, alert, and fit. Here are a few of the benefits you will be reaping by incorporating fitness into your daily schedule. The first benefit of physical fitness is warding off disease. Physical activity has been known to slow down or prevent numerous diseases, such as: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, and heart disease. On top of its disease fighting abilities, a regular fitness regimen can help you slow down the aging process. When you exercise, your joints and your muscles become stronger and more flexible, which reduces your chances of developing numerous age related ailments. The second benefit of physical activity is stress reduction. Fitness is a great distraction from our every day troubles and it gives us a chance to rid our bodies of excess energy which might otherwise increase stress levels. The third benefit of regular physical activity is weight maintenance. Exercise has always been a major factor for those who wish to lose weight. Even a person who is taking the best diet pills and consuming the healthiest diet can benefit from physical fitness. Some people swear by the results they get from regular physical activity along with the all natural appetite suppressant known as hoodia. Aside from aiding with weight loss, regular exercise also boosts your brain power. By increasing your energy levels you increase the serotonin in your brain, this in return leads to improved mental clarity. So the next time you find yourself doubting what physical fitness can do for you, read over this article and imagine all of the health benefits you could be gaining right now. Long Term Sauna Benefits And Sauna Weight Loss Treatment Sauna weight loss treatment is one of the reasons far infrared saunas have become such a huge success. In traditional saunas, the heating process takes time and many products are involved in the process of heating up. However, in the modern far infrared sauna, the heating process is over within 20 minutes. The Importance of Fluids During Treatment Fast heating is one of the major advantages in the far infrared sauna benefits. The sauna weight loss treatment through the infrared sauna will help you sweat and perspire faster than you can usually do in a traditional sauna. You will be able to lose a minimum of four or five pounds every sitting. Since, you lose a lot of liquids during treatment, you need to drink lots of water in order to regain the water content in the body. This is an ongoing procedure where the more you drink water, the more fluid there is available to assist in the removal of toxins from your body. These wastes are the result of: ñ Improper food ñ Unhealthy lifestyle ñ Less intake of water ñ Acidity ñ Indigestion Steaming will help you perspire and melt away those wastes in your body. How Sweating Helps You Lose Weight LuxSauna Reviews determines with available medical proof that if you sweat more, you lose more. Studies reveal that a moderate person can sweat off close to 500 grams during sauna weight loss treatment. This means that you don't have to run for two or three miles to lose those calories or grams. This happens with the usage of the far infrared sauna on a regular basis. This is one of the major sauna benefits and why every spa has steaming as a sauna weight loss treatment. Many people do workouts and other cardio exercises to lose weight and maintain a fit body. LuxSauna reviews observe after these workouts, if the body gets a steaming, the same people can lose out on extra calories. This steaming also helps as a relaxation technique after a great workout. LuxSauna Reviews Other Benefits of Sauna Weight Loss Treatment Sauna benefits don't just revolve around weight loss, but also different benefits that improve other physical conditions. Apart from weight control, the far infrared sauna also conditions cardiovascular activity. For most people, exercising is not their cup of tea. And for some, exercise is impossible due to body structure or physical ailments. Saunas help each one of these exceptions in losing the extra calories through steaming. There are many activities that help person lose up to 500 calories a day, such as: ñ Swimming ñ Rowing ñ Walking ñ Jogging ñ Cycling ñ Golfing ñ Bowling ñ Playing tennis or badminton ñ Chopping wood ñ Running These activities help a person lose a minimum of 150 and a maximum of 500 calories in a day. However, these exercises, if done excessively, will lead to body pains, sprains and strains. To overcome these pains, you can take the help of the LuxSauna sauna and see the difference for yourself. Even without these exercises, you can lose the same amount of calories with the far infrared sauna. Lose 20 Pounds In 22 Days Alright, at this time on this article right here I wish to talk with you on how you can shortly lose 20 pounds in as little as three weeks! Take simply seventy five seconds out of your day to learn this article and discover one of the best weight loss program plan of 2009 to lose lots of kilos extremely fast! My good friend, firstly I want to talk with you about easy methods to lose rather a lot pounds NATURALLY. Merely put, if you wish to drop pounds quick, you have to take action 100% naturally. Fad diets and those "low carb", "low fat", "low calorie", etc., food regimen packages severely break the proven rules of a healthy life-style and can preserve your body from reaching a superb well being condition on the inside and out. Now, just because some well-known individual has their title on a weight-reduction plan plan....doesn't imply that it is effective! In actual fact, with the bulk of these applications you see in the present day, you'll wind up with up-and-down weight reduction as a consequence of their unsafe strategies to drop some weight fast (severely lowering energy, avoiding nutrients corresponding to carbs and fats, etc.). Now, the very best weight-reduction plan plan that's highly effective to lose 20 pounds in just three weeks is a weight-reduction plan program called calorie shifting from Fat Loss 4 Idiots. This program works extremely nicely as a result of you will firstly be consuming as you normally would...that is right, no ravenous yourself with this program! Secondly, you will be taught how one can manipulate the calories of the foods you eat day by day (four meals a day). By alternating the calories round, your metabolic price shall be elevated and you'll in flip burn off stubborn fat, and lose pounds fast...and 100% pure! Pay attention, I understand how you feel. I once acquired suckered into those ineffective fad diets! You know what...I ended up having extra problems with my body than after I first started! I then experimented with calorie shifting, and trust me on this....this program is unbelievably effective. I weighed slightly over 300 kilos and had a bulky 44 inch waist, and in just round 2 months, I ended up losing a tad over 50 pounds and four inches off my waist. Now get this...I used to be solely experimenting! Imagine if I would have adopted the program to it is fullest! Lose 2 Inches Off Waist Here's how to lose 2 inches off your waist. There are 2 easy to follow tips in this article. 1 is a simple diet tactic and the other is a simply thing you do for 5 minutes a day. Do both and inches come off with very little effort. How to Lose 2 Inches Off Waist 1. Use the vacuum pose to suck in your stomach The vacuum pose uses isometric tension to get the flat belly results. For beginners, I recommend that you stand up and suck in your belly as much as you can for 3 seconds. Stop, rest 3 seconds, and keep repeating. Do this for a total of 5 minutes a day. You can do it 3 seconds here and there throughout the day, or do all 5 minutes at once. Either way is acceptable. It may take you a few tries to feel the right tension. Basically, picture you pulling your belly button into your spine. Common results... losing 2 inches in less than a month from your belly (when done for 5 minutes EVERYDAY). 2. Eat 1.5 cups of broccoli with 1-2 meals a day If you're like me, you probably don't like broccoli by itself. That's no problem. First, to make this easy, buy bags of frozen broccoli. Then take a cup and half out and boil it. 1.5 cups of broccoli will fill you up and only contains 30 calories. Now, for the taste. I personally use 1 tablespoon of sour cream and another tablespoon of honey mustard bbq sauce. These add minimal calories, but totally make the broccoli taste good. I also mix in the broccoli with other foods. Get creative. Use spices, herbs, whatever. Do what it takes to eat this broccoli. You'll be glad you did. Just to let you know, I go through a 5 pounds bag of frozen broccoli (costs about $4.50 at Wal-Mart) in 10 days... so a half of pound each day for me. These are just 2 simple tips to lose 2 inches off your waist within a month. Lose Belly Fat Get Ripped And Buffed Like Arnie Lots of men and women have found they've put on a few pounds and so they need to know what workouts reduce stomach fat. The scale begins to reveal a creeping weight gain early in the game but of course the majority of people choose to disregard the warning signals. Somewhat like being an ostrich and steering clear of dealing with a distressing circumstance. We simply stick our heads into the sand and pretend that things are marvelous. In the mean time that belly continues getting larger, the waistline gets larger and the weight is constantly getting packed on, one pound after another. You can lose belly fat quickly when you follow the proper dieting and exercise plan. You'll want to find out which foods to consume to assist you to burn off the unwanted belly fat. Healthy and balanced eating is a superb plan but without weight training and cardio workouts you still won't be able to target those stores of body fat around your abdomen and hips. In order to get rid of belly fat fast you owe it to yourself to understand what really works and which products, foods and exercises are totally inadequate. This'll provide you with the information to find the appropriate fat reduction plan to assist you shed those unsightly pounds in the least time frame. Working out daily will help you burn up more of those abdominal fat calories and you will be enhancing your health and fitness and also physical conditioning. Incorporate a 30-45 minute walk in your everyday schedule in order to make that waistline shrink. The brisker and longer the walk the more fat you'll burn up. Using weights can help you get rid of belly fat and these exercise routines can put that lean, healthy muscle on your body. Strength training in addition tightens and tones the muscles that are already present, in particular those abdominal muscles. Once the stomach fat is gone you ought to display sexy, tight abs. Having a problem such as stubborn belly fat loss of weight is going to be a necessary part of your get fit regimen. It doesn't matter what many people might say that body fat isn't going to magically disappear whilst you sleep or watch television. It requires work along with persistence to burn off those fat calories that are stored on your hips and also around your oversized mid-section. This is the marathon contest and there are not any short cuts that you could decide to try to lose that ugly belly fat. Although the races are generally won in a faster amount of time if you decide to incorporate a proper diet program and proper exercise an everyday routine. Anyone with excess belly fat really wants to discover a genuine weight-loss method to use that will help them get rid of love handles. Regardless of this pretty label no one finds love handles as disirable must have plus there is nothing about an expanded stomach that one could possibly love. Did you know that by eating certain carbs and fats you could help increase your internal metabolic process from slow to super- fast? It really is conceivable to perform some early carb-loading and lose even more weight. Which means that you may eat amazing foods which include dark delicious chocolate, chicken, tasty nuts, grapes, raisins and even walnut, apple and cranberry muffins for breakfast and lunch to power off those stubborn inches of belly fat? Eating a couple of free-range eggs for breakfast or lunch gives your body sufficient amino acids and healthy antioxidants to help keep your blood sugar levels and appetite in check for as long as 8-12 hrs. It's an easy diet tip that will help you to reduce daily calorie intake by as much as 1/3. Including an apple into each meal allows you to burn up to 5% more fat calories in just one week. Rye breads is known as a answer to stomach fat reduction, and just eating one slice of this wholesome bread at lunch makes it possible to keep your blood sugar levels steady for 6-8 hrs. The natural fiber found in rye breads also can prevent your system from absorbing some of the carbohydrates that creates belly fat. Those pills and products claiming to help you lose weight in 1-2 days are just draining your bank balance as well as doing nothing to aid you burn fat. If you desire to eliminate 50-60% more belly fat you should include 1/2 -1 cup of low fat yogurt together with your early morning meal. These fat burning results are actually verified in scientific research conducted at a number of the world's top hospitals and universities. Once you finally decide to reduce belly fat your new and improved body is going to astound your friends and family. The truth is the end results are going to amaze you as well. It is actually possible to reshape your body at all ages and there is no better time to start than right now. Lose Inches Off Hips And Thighs Fast- Get Mind Blowing Results With This Proven Fat Loss Method! If I told you there was a natural way to lose inches off hips and thighs lightning fast, you probably would think I was crazy right? Well, take just 2 quick minutes out of your day to read this article here and you'll discover the absolute most effective way to melt away inches of fat faster, easier, & permanently! You see, the problem with why it is so difficult for most to lose fat has to do with how the body responds to weight loss and fat loss. Our bodies become accustomed to what we eat, how we eat, when we eat, how much we exercise, etc. Once this happens, the metabolism stalls. Coincidentally, having a faster metabolism is what will ensure you'll burn off fat much more faster, easier, and consistently. So, we obviously now have a dilemma. BUT, I have good news... I'm going to give you the secret to being able to lose inches off hips and even drop up to 25 pounds or more in 1 month... naturally. This secret is you have to provide your body with ALL types of nutrients in different patterns each day (which is called shifting). This "shifting" method will SKYROCKET your metabolism to the maximum peak because you are not allowing your body to become accustomed to your eating patterns which causes your fat burning hormones to elevate. Besides calorie shifting, there are a couple of other things I recommend in order to get phenomenal results.... Firstly, I highly recommend for you to eat more frequently through out the day (4-5 small healthy meals instead of 2 or 3), and this is something that you'll find with the calorie shifting diet. This is another way that you will cause your metabolism to elevate as high as possible. Secondly, there's one thing that I recommend for you to avoid by all means necessary. That would be... fad dieting! Fad diets such as those low calorie diets, low carb diets, low fat diets, starvation diet programs, etc. are extremely ineffective and will end up causing your metabolism to slow down. Want to Lose Inches Off Hips plus drop 9 lbs. of fat EVERY 11 DAYS?! Well, I highly recommend the "calorie shifting diet" from Fat Loss 4 Idiots. I lost an amazing 67 lbs. of fat in 4 months using this popular online diet plan... and it all stayed off FOR GOOD! This diet works so well because it is based on skyrocketing your metabolism by eating REAL foods. NO starvation, NO cravings, NO diet pills... just 100% natural and very EASY dieting! Lose Inches Overnight With New Shaping Underwear Are you in a hurry to lose pounds for an upcoming event – a high school reunion or hot date? Would you like something easy and effortless? By changing your underwear to the right shapewear, you can look like you shed pounds overnight. Donning amazing shapewear to slim and streamline your body can make such a major difference in the way your body looks. People will think you dropped 10 pounds and your little secret will be that all it took was a change of undergarments. You can work hard for some weight loss or you can put on some shapewear and get the same result with no effort. How can you look 10 pounds thinner? What is the shapewear that will make it happen? Here it is: the underpinnings you want are Flexees. Flexees are a fantastic and super affordable choice when you want to look slimmer, make love handles disappear, hide your belly, and get rid of your muffin top You might have heard of Spanxs shapewear but if you could get something that works better and cheaper – wouldn't you be interested in checking it out? Flexees are super affordable and many ladies report that they work better. Besides being cheaper, they are easy to find and offer the maximum control for all of your slimming needs. This firming shapewear is also approved and lauded as post surgery supportive undergarments for support during your healing. When you want to lose 10 pounds, or want appear to have lost inches – you must check out Flexees. Flexees has many collections each offering different levels of control. From light control offering freedom and comfort while still smoothing, to medium support – there is something for everyone. Flexees specializes in firm control undergarments to really pull everything in, conceal your tummy, smooth love handles, whittle a waist and make you look thinner overall. We all have problem areas. If yours are a belly or love handles, flexees has underpinnings designed to target those problem areas. There are slips, high waist briefs, Flexees leggings, high waisted briefs and high waisted thigh slimmers. You could also consider a waist cincher that offers a smooth hour glass shape. One of the best collections to really look like you shed pounds is the Flexees Take Inches Off collection: 360 degree allover slimming. These slips, body briefers and other undergarments will make you look like you lost pounds with no effort. These undergarments also improve your posture making you appear taller and thinner. If you want to lose 10 pounds quickly for a reunion, a hot date, a special event or if you want everyday slimming and control of your problem areas, Flexees shapewear is the answer. Lose Weight By Sunbathing?! Sunbathing is a very relaxing thing to do. You could sunbathe on the beach, in your garden, or at the roof top. However, don't you know that sunbathing may also help you lose weight effectively? Well, what are the usual ways of losing weight? dieting is one of them. However, the sad truth is that according to weight loss experts, diets do not usually work, and most people gain their weight back despite not eating too much and following a specific diet plan. So would sunbathing help? What Does A Healthy Eating Plan Include? A recent study conducted by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Kidney Disorders noted that a weight loss diet which only limits a person's portions to very small sizes, or which excludes certain foods may be quite hard to stick to, much less religiously follow. This type of diet plan may not even work in the long term, because you'll continue to crave for the stuff you want to eat, and whenever no one's looking around, you'll continue munching on the foods you like. The Institute stresses that a healthy eating plan must take into account a person's likes and dislikes, as well as include a wide array of foods, which should be able to provide you with enough calories and essential nutrients for good health. So What's The Connection Between Sunbathing And A Good Health? A new study published by the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology and Metabolism in March 2010 noted that vitamin-D deficiency is at an alarming trend, and more and more people are having less of this essential vitamin. The vitamin D deficiency is fast reaching epidemic proportions., with the study noting that 59 percent of the population is vitamin D deficient. The study further adds that an abnormal level of vitamin D in the body is associated with a wide array of diseases, which include osteoporosis, diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases. There is also a clear link between vitamin D deficiency and stored body fat. The study adds that if a person gets enough sunshine, through sunbathing and other methods, the individual may be able to get adequate amounts of Vitamin D from it. This means that sunshine may actually help to promote effective body fat loss, as well as help in adding healthy doses of vitamin D to the body. The Other Perks of Sunbathing Another study has also concluded that exposure to sunlight, especially during the early morning and mid-afternoon, helps add more levels of vitamin D to your body, which may in turn help to keep your brain healthy, as well as ward off dementia and depression. The findings also stress that retirement to warmer climates, and taking dietary supplements daily helps boost the brain's ability to stay active and in good shape even through the retirement years. Both studies agree that vitamin D deficiencies can be alleviated or corrected through regular sun exposure and taking of vitamin supplements. This should make for a perfect pitch for sunbathing, although health experts stress that your sunbathing activity should be regulated, and you only need to expose yourself to the sun only during the early morning or late afternoon, and steer clear of the hours where the sun is at its hottest, so that you'll avoid getting sunburn, or worse suffer from heat stroke. Lose Weight Fast - The Busy Man Diet Plan Most people think of losing weight fast. They want to look good. They want to be healthy of course. There is no one way or diet program that works for all. This is a fact we have to face. We are different and we look different too. So how is it that one diet works well for one person and another it simply fail. However there is one diet that works well for the majority of people notwithstanding we are so different biologically and genetically. It works for me for the past 20 years even before I am aware of the plan. Yes we have to keep ourselves busy with our time though I am not referring to eating. Not yet because you are not hungry. Busy means you are engaged in some beneficial projects for instance, an assignment or doing a household chore. Your mind and body is in motion working together towards achieving an objective. You want to finish your job assignment to get paid. You have to finish your household chore. You have to finish an interesting book that you put off reading for several weeks or months or even years. I have a job which needs to be done. That's it. You're probably thinking that this is over simplistic and leads to nowhere. The busy man diet plan is indeed simple. There is nothing complicated about it. Most of the time we found ourselves thinking about food – what to eat, where to go for lunch, who to go with, how to get there, what's in for dinner and so on. Our mind is constantly focused on food and that is actually what I am trying to get at. You have a big weight loss goal staring at you. You are thinking nothing except food! The objective is to get into a habit of keeping yourself busy and involved so that you do not think about what's next to eat. Keeping busy in the normal course of work and social activities will naturally allow your body to continue burning calories and you will lose weight fast. No, I am not talking about starving your body or going on a diet. The only thing you have to be conscious about is to be constantly occupied both mentally and physically and along with a simple diet plan, weight loss will follow suit automatically. When you feel hungry, you eat but you choose only healthy meals. Eat at least 5 times a day and take a good mix of lean meat, fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, deep sea fish and some whole grains. Choose natural organic food that nourishes your body, that revitalize and give you more energy, and naturally you lose weight. There is no real need to watch out for the calories if you are consuming the right balance of protein, good carbs, fats and fiber. By making simple changes to these choices of food, we can start an amazing process that can help you to lose weight naturally and you will feel good too. In your busy diet plan, there is one condition though. Watch out your food portion and do not overeat more than necessary. There are no calories to count in the diet. When you had enough, just stop and do not go further thinking that you can burn off the extra calories by exercising. Of course you can expend more calories but you are creating a habit that tantamount to cheating. You may cheat once and you will do it again. This becomes a routine and later a bad habit that is hard to shake off. Some people talks about manipulating the body fat burning process to lose weight. If you are on a busy diet plan, you are already on the right track into tricking your body to burn more calories because most of the time you are too preoccupied with things to do. Basically you eat when your body needs it and you choose the best nutritious food for the body. You may think eating should be fun and pleasurable and this busy diet thing is too boring a plan to go through. You are not exactly wrong but think of the weight loss goals you have set in the first place. Seriously losing some weight for the sake of getting your health back is not something to be bored about. It all depends on your reason to drop those pounds. Since we are not concerned with the calories count, you may at times eat more of certain food, for example fish or carrot for a meal but as long as you do not eat the same fish variety or carrot everyday, you are alright. You go on a weekly basis, for a variety mix of wholesome natural foods combination consisting of unrefined carbs, quality protein and good fats. It does not matter if you are born fat or acquired the extra pounds during your lifetime. Don't blame it on others either. The busy diet plan is suitable for everyone, young and old. Simply put, start your thinking process right and do it right. Lose Weight In A Week Before You Beach Wedding Do you have an important social gathering coming up that you need to lose fat for?Here are some essential methods to get you to lose fat in a week if you need to look good for that special occassion. Since you are in serious need to lose nasty belly fat in such a short amount of time what you need to do is to be proactive with all the essential points listed here. The very first tip you should implement to help you lose weight in a week is to start consuming plenty of water. Make sure you start drinking water for its thermogenic effects on rapid fat loss. By taking advantage of drinking plenty of cold water you will be able to burn a lot of calories easily without having to use supplements. The next key tip that will help you lose stubborn fat in a week or less is to start performing some demanding circuit training exercises. Circuit training is performed by working on your main body parts such as your arms, back, legs and chest. And since you are in such a rush to lose stomach fat so quickly you should perform circuit training at least four times a week. Each workout should last approximately an hour or so. While working out you should focus on some back exercises, abdominal exercises, chest and even you arms. At the end of the session you might find yourself very exhausted and at this point you should stay hydrated by consuming plenty of fluids so you can recover quickly. Lose Weight With Rhododendron Caucasicum And Rhodiola Rosea People throughout the world are struggling to lose weight and to maintain their weight. They are trying and using all types of weight loss products and are joining one program after the other. There is now one such supplement that produces slow and consistent weight loss and it contains two natural ingredients Rhododendron Caucasicum and Rhodiola rosea. People eat all kinds of processed fatty food and have very little activity or exercise. This is the formula for gaining pounds and becoming fatter. Your body is designed to collect and store fat so it can protect your organs from nutritional depletion. The bigger your organs become, the more your body tries to store fat. As you gain weight, you body is trying to protect your organs even more by increasing your appetite. When you don't have an exercise program you decrease your body's ability to loss weight. This causes you to gaining more weight and you begin to lose the motivation to exercise. Then, when you start a diet program, your body will try to protect itself by slowing down your metabolism, causing you to become fatigue and tired quickly and making it real difficult for you to lose weight. Digestive Enzymes Fats are digested by pancreatic triglyceride lipase, which are enzymes excreted by the pancreas. These enzymes work in the intestinal wall of the duodenum. This lipase breaks down fat into small molecules - free fatty acids and monoacylglycerols - that can pass through the intestinal wall. When these pancreatic lipase enzymes are not present, fats are not digested and move into the colon where they combined with fecal matter and are excreted in bowel movements. Scientists and clinical researchers have been studying how to block fat adsorption in the intestines. They have come out with a few drugs that are not recommended - Orlistat and Meridia. Orlistat, known as Xenical, is a drug that partially inhibits lipase action and thereby is considered a fat blocker. It has two known side effects - intestinal gas and poor bowel movement control. Since your body needs fat to maintain good health, fat blockers should only partial block your adsorption of fat to be considered an effective drug or natural product. Another fat blocking drug is Meridia. It too has side effects - high blood pressure - and is not recommended. Rhododendron Caucasicum Clinical research has shown that a natural product called Rhododendron Caucasicum extract, which comes from young spring leaves, is an effective partial fat blocker or lipase inhibitor. Studies at the Moscow State Hospital Center of Modern Medicine were performed on 132 volunteers that were given 150 mg of Rhododendron Caucasicum extract three times a day prior to eating. Feces examination showed that volunteers given Rhododendron had 15-20% more fat excretion than those who had a placebo. The amount of weight loss using Rhododendron Caucasicum was 5 -10 lbs during the three month trail. Even though some may consider this a small amount of loss, it is important to lose weight slowly so that it is not regained and so that health can be maintained. losing weight too fast can create high blood pressure and other health problems in the following years. And, one other thing about Rhododendron Caucasicum, Japanese researchers found that a major ingredient in Rhododendron, taxifolins, stimulates fat release from adipose tissue. Rhodiola rosea Clinical trails with Rhodiola rosea show similar properties of Rhododendron Caucasicum. Tests show that together they provide a powerful combination to give you a safe weight loss supplement. This combination has been found to: · Boost metabolism · Promote weight loss · Promote natural body fat burning · Increase energy levels In Russia, Rhodiola rosea and Rhododendron Caucasicum have been used to treat depression and anxiety for many years. Rhodiola rosea has been found to increase your serotonin levels giving you a feeling of well being. This could be an addition benefit for those of you that lack motivation or are depressed about your weight. By using Rhododendron Caucasicum and Rhodiola rosea with a reduced fat diet, increase fiber, and exercise, your weight loss program should be safe and consistent. Make "health" Your Number One Priority I'll tell you why. We are focusing on the wrong goal. For whatever reason, we must not perceive our weight loss as being "important enough" to achieve. So what would be "important enough" to stick to our new healthy eating habits? Your HEALTH! Nothing in this world is more important than the state of your health. Think about it, your health affects everything else in your life. Once our health is compromised we automatically change our lifestyle habits. Just look at President Clinton. Not until he had the ultimate health scare did he really change his eating and exercise habits. Let's not wait until our bodies completely have a break down before we decide to take care of ourselves. If you feel lousy, everything you do that day is lousy. Likewise, if you feel great, everything you do that day is great. So this year, let's not focus on just losing a few pounds, let's focus on Health, the #1 thing in our lives. So ask yourself, "How important is my health to me? How do I want to live the rest of my life? Sick and feeling horrible or healthy and feeling vibrant? Do I want to play golf and tennis in my retirement or do I want to spend it in the hospital?" The answer to these questions will ultimately dictate your weight and your health for the future. Any lifestyle habit that affects your health in a positive way will automatically cause you to lose weight or maintain a good healthy weight. Follow this checklist towards health and you will see weight come off automatically. 1.Make the time to focus on health. The number one reason people do not eat healthy or exercise is because they "don't have the time". But why is it that once we get sick, have a heart attack, are diagnosed with heart disease, diabetes or cancer, we all of a sudden have the time? This doesn't make any sense. We wait until our bodies have become so ill to finally take measures towards taking care of it. This is the equivalent to never getting an oil change or servicing your car and letting it completely break down before doing anything about it. Prioritize your day. What could possibly be more important than your health? Your children, yes, I agree. But guess what? If something happens to you, who will be there for your children? I know that sounds terrible but it's true. How many times have we heard stories of young children losing parents to heart attacks and strokes? Choose health not only for yourself but for your children as well. Prioritize your day so that making healthy meal choices and exercising are right at the top. 2.Take a long hard look at what you are putting into your body. For one week, read every ingredient of every food you eat. This could potentially be a scary experience. Some ingredient labels on packaged foods sound more like a college chemistry class than anything we should be eating. As a golden rule, if you can't pronounce it, chances are you shouldn't be eating it. The majority of the foods you should be eating shouldn't even have an ingredients label. They should be vegetables, fruits, raw nuts, chicken, fish, eggs, meat. If you make 90% of your diet, fresh food, I guarantee you will significantly change your weight and your health. No time to make fresh food? (please refer back to #1). Cook more than one portion at a time when you do cook so that there are always healthy leftovers in the fridge. You can always have for lunch leftovers from the night before. Cook several portions of one meal and freeze some. A good example of this is healthy soup or turkey chili. Put a portion of chili in a small Tupperware and freeze. You can grab this when in a hurry for lunch or dinner. 3. How much are you eating? In the United States, our perception of one portion is extremely distorted. Restaurant portions are about 3 times more than what we should be eating in one sitting. If we become accustomed to seeing this much food on our plate at a restaurant we tend to do the same when we are at home and serve ourselves. According to a study by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, women are eating 300 more calories a day and men 168 more calories than 20 years ago. All it takes is 100 extra calories a day to gain 10 pounds a year. For one week, reduce your portions at lunch and dinner by half. There is no need to "clean your plate". Most times what's on your plate is double what you should be eating anyway. If you feel some hunger in the afternoon, add one small apple with a handful of raw nuts as a snack. Your body will quickly become accustomed to the smaller portions and you will eventually not be able to eat as much in one sitting as you did before. Remember, you have access to an abundance of food every day. You don't need to eat it all at once. 3.Drink WATER! Dehydration has directly been linked to several forms of diseases including colon cancer, high blood pressure, and elevated cholesterol levels. Many people also mistake thirst for hunger. So it may not be that you're hungry all day, you may just be thirsty and dehydrated. In due time, dehydration will cause a gradual gain in weight from overeating as a direct result of confusion of thirst and hunger sensations. Take a look at what you are drinking each day. Coffee or Soda (Diet Coke included)? The caffeine in both will dehydrate you even more and will cause you to feel hungrier during the day. Diet drinks and sodas? The artificial sweetener actually enhances your appetite and increases food intake. Orange Juice and other Fruit Juices? The sugar and calories can add up to 10 teaspoons of sugar per drink, which can be anywhere from 150-200 calories. Not to mention the fact that sugar eventually makes you crave more sugar. Every person should be drinking half of their body weight in ounces of water each day. So if you weigh 150 lbs, you should be drinking 75 ounces of water each day. If you drink coffee or any other caffeinated beverage during the day, the ounces of water needed increases. 4.How much do you move each day? Your body was designed to move! Your heart is a muscle and must be worked just like every other muscle in your body. You don't have to join a gym to move, you just have to challenge your body and your muscles each and every day. The two best time saving exercise options I always suggest to clients are: 1.Go for a walk. You can go for a walk anywhere and anytime. No time you say? Please refer back to rule #1. 2. Set up your home with some free weights and an exercise ball. You will be amazed at the number of exercises you can do with just your body, some free weights and a stability ball. If you don't know how, hire a trainer to show you or get a good book. Get into the routine of scheduling your exercise time each and every day. No ifs, ands or buts. Make your exercise time more important than phone calls, laundry, errands or lunch dates. Make a promise to yourself that this time will be about health, not about short term weight loss. Really evaluate how you are treating your body on an everyday basis. Is that the same way you would treat a highly valuable, expensive piece of equipment? Because that's what your body is. There is no amount of money in the world that will buy you another one, so you might as well take really good care of the one you got! Making Weight Loss Schemes a Happier Pursuit In the United States alone, more than one-third of the adult population is obese. As numerous health professionals can confirm, this is a worrying number. As a result, participating in a weight loss plan is significant, even if you're not technically overweight yet. Many Americans should get rid of a few pounds. When you've lost extra weight, you may then concentrate on keeping yourself healthy. Moreover, weight loss plans don't have to be lonely. You may gather up a couple of your pals who're also starting to get concerned about how much they weigh and join a gym or a medical weight loss regimen. You may all obtain a lot of perks from this, a few of which are the following: Reduce Weight The most apparent advantage that you'd obtain from carrying out weight loss activities like joining a gym or teaming up with your doctor is that you'd reduce unwanted weight. This is also why it is preferable to shed weight with others than to create a weight loss plan all on your own-this way, you'd have access to leading experts like doctors, fitness experts, nutritionists, and personal trainers who can develop the most suitable weight loss program for you. Feel Better It has always been recognized that exercising and slimming down makes people feel happier about themselves. The mere thought that you're performing something to look greater and become healthier ought to be sufficient to make you smile. However, experts report that burning fat releases endorphins, or the "happy juices" into your brain, thus causing you to feel great from the inside. Strengthen Health Among the most typical factors behind death in Sacramento these days are cancers, strokes, and heart attacks. High blood pressure and soaring cholesterol levels are also common health problems experienced by Sacramento citizens. Participating in weight loss programs Sacramento fitness gurus help you create will reduce the risk of your getting any of those aforementioned health problems. Make New Friends Joining fitness centers and other programs in weight loss Sacramento health centers have may make you work together with other individuals that you'd have to interact with. These individuals can understand the condition you're in; and can be instrumental in achieving your goals together. If you know someone who is trying to shed pounds as well, you could function as each other's challenger and encourager-which, according to experts, is particularly valuable. Specialists in programs for weight loss Sacramento CA offers suggest that you shed enough weight to attain a body mass index of 25 or less. A BMI of 25 is considered normal, which is where your BMI needs to stay. So get your pals and start your weight loss regimen now. For more information, you can go to faqs.org/docs/consumer/weight-loss.html. Medicine Benefits From Xenical Orlistat Popular weight loss pill Xenical (generic name: orlistat) functions by stopping the digestive system's fat absorption. Around thirty % of the fat from your meals is stopped and taken out through bowel excretions. You lose greater weight in a short period of time. Orlistat was approved by the US FDA in 1999 as a weight reduction medicine. Individuals with a BMI (body mass index) of thirty or higher and have a challenging time losing pounds are usually prescribed Xenical. For the weight reduction to be greater, the physician also advises a healthy workout routine and a low calorie meal plan. Proper Intake of Orlistat Medication Xenical medicines should only be consumed when advised after a doctor's visit. Only take the dosage noted by your physician. The typical recommended amount is 120 milligrams, consumed at least 1 hour after every main meal. The medicine will only be successful if you take less than 30 percent of your daily calorie intake. If you choose to skip a meal or take meals with zero fat, you can lessen your Xenical consumption. Physicians also combine Xenical intake with multivitamins with fat-soluble parts. Since orlistat decreases the digestion's absorption of fat-soluble nutrients, the nutrients will replenish the reduced supply. Advantages of Xenical Apart from orlistat's established weight reduction effects, the medication also gives the body other health gains. Compared to other weight loss pills, Xenical's side effects will compel you to have healthy food. If you choose to eat oily and fatty meals, you'll suffer uncontrollable bowel movements, fatty or oily stools, fecal incontinence, flatulence with discharge, and oily spotting. Taking more healthy meals will prevent such disgusting side effects. People with a clinical history of diabetes can benefit from orlistat. Xenical is capable of reducing the probability of type 2 diabetes. For diabetic patients who are also recommended Xenical, the diet medications can reduce the amount consumed for your diabetes therapy. The weight loss medicine is also useful in managing high blood pressure. Since your weight is properly decreased, increased blood pressure is lessened and balanced. Against Other Weight Loss Medicines Other promoted and well-known diet medications can lead to detrimental side effects. These side effects influence your brain, with certain medications said to drive people crazy. Orlistat acts accordingly by shaping your digestion action. Fat is reduced by added excretion as opposed to of shifting body chemicals in charge of hunger and meal cravings. The side effects only happen if you turn away from the doctor's advised low calorie meal plan. As previously mentioned, Xenical will only work effectively when combined with proper meal plan and a regular workout. Megadrine Rfa-1 A Complete Review If you are a sensitive person, Megadrine is an excellent choice for you since it only contains 10 mg of Ephedra. But yet it is still a very effective fat burner. One of the strength with Megadrine is that it spares your muscles during heavy weight loss, which is good if you want to gain some muscles at the same time you lose weight. Megadrine is a so called ECA Stack, which is the preferred choice of weight loss pills. E for Ephedra, C for Caffeine and A for Aspirin these 3 components together are well known for taking your weight loss even further. And it is scientifically proven. Besides the ECA Stack Megadrine is added L-Carnitine as well. Carnitine is gaining very much popularity these days for its abilities of transporting the fat cells out of the body together with the waste products from the food we are eating. Straight from Africa we have Yohimbine, another good ingredient, that goes after the fat you have target on the midsection hips and butt. Yohimbine is also known as natural Viagra, because it increases the Lipido. Megadrine is an excellent choice for those who have never tried Ephedra before.It is very mild on your system but still very effective. Megadrine is the preffered choice amongst many former Xenadrine users because they now exactly what to expect from the product, a rapid weight loss with minimum impact on a muscle build up. A preffered choice for especially female fitness and bodybuilding athletes. Midlife Crisis Symptoms The age at which midlife crisis symptoms ensue varies from one individual to the next, although the average age was discovered to be 46 in men and women. However, the length of time when midlife crisis lasts will vary in men (3 to 10 years) and women (2 to 5 years). First introduced into mainstream consciousness by Elliot Jacques in 1965, the term midlife crisis (we at Happiness After Midlife prefer to use the term “midlife transition”) refers to a period of dramatic self-doubt experienced during the middle age of life. The many aspects of midlife crisis symptoms can be caused by aging itself; also normal difficulties and regrets we may have complicate life. Thus, changes in work, spousal relationships, maturation of children, death of parents and physical changes can all play a role in the onset of midlife crisis. Interestingly, men appear to have work issues as their primary trigger. The symptoms of midlife crisis itself show up in many ways so much so that no two individuals will experience the same set of symptoms in the same degrees of intensity, frequency and severity. There are three categories of symptoms relating to emotional feelings, actual behaviours, and physical signs. Often, the emotional feelings border on depression such that it is necessary to consult a psychiatrist to rule out the mental disorder. The individual will feel extreme boredom, obsess about mortality, question purpose in life and simply be stuck in a rut of routines. As for actual behaviour, midlife crisis symptoms in men and women often take on similar signs. These include unexplainable fatigue, irritability, sadness and mood swings coupled with bouts of excessive consumption of whatever is being fancied at the moment. Although many will experience the loss of libido, others will swing the opposite way by engaging in sexual adventures that may have been unthinkable had midlife crisis not ensued. We can attribute physical signs of a midlife crisis to aging itself although these symptoms appear to be greater in intensity because of the above mentioned emotional aspects. These signs include sudden weight gain or weight loss, sudden obsession with physical appearance including fears of hair loss and wrinkles, as well as stiffness of the body, to name a few. All of these midlife crisis symptoms require time, effort and energy to cope with successfully. There is no magic bullet; each of us experience midlife transition differently. Many sufferers have to undergo trial and error to arrive at an effective program to combat the symptoms. Many coping mechanisms, nonetheless, can be effective. These include rediscovering yourself, accepting and sharing of feelings; rediscovering the excitement in the spousal relationship; spending quality time with the children and grandchildren as well as with friends; meeting new people; setting new goals in life; trying new things in hobbies or sports; volunteering in causes close to the heart; adopting healthier lifestyle habits; and even seeking therapy. Experiencing so-called midlife crisis symptoms may be inevitable for most, if not all, individuals. The good news is that there are ways to successfully overcome this turning point so that a fuller, healthier and longer life can be enjoyed in midlife and beyond. More Information On Starting A Quick Diet For Weight Loss Finding the right quick diet for weight loss has never been easier. With the easy access of information available on the world wide web you can easily find a number of actionable diet plans. The biggest problem is usually making sure you find a plan that fits your personality and doesn't call for major habit changes. The first thing to think about when you are looking for a quick diet for weight loss is what your weaknesses are. Many of us have weaknesses for certain foods, drinks or just don't want to exercise. Here's how to get around some of those weaknesses. Don't Try To Avoid ALL Of Your Favorite Foods You don't have to avoid foods you love just because you are trying to be on a quick weight loss diet. As a matter of fact, if you try to avoid everything you love, you will likely fail more quickly. Instead, you need to learn how to moderate. While telling yourself to eat smaller portions is one thing, an easier way is to make sure you really are not hungry enough to eat larger portions. This can be done by eating what we call filler food about 5-10 minutes before eating one of your favorite foods. Of course this should be something like an apple or raw vegetables that will fill your stomach up somewhat making it easier to stay on track. Have Beverages After Eating This tip may sound counter-intuitive but we want you to start drinking beverages AFTER you have finished eating your food rather then during the meal. This is because drinking during a meal makes the enzymes that your body creates while eating to break the food down a lot less effective. This would be at cross purposes to your dieting plan which is why we suggest you wait and drink afterwards. You will see that by adding these simple routines to any weight loss plan will just make it more effective. This means more positive results for you. The tips mentioned in this article are meant to be used in conjunction with a weight loss program. Keep in mind that in addition to the changes you make as far as nutrition and exercise are concerned that a detoxification program should be included as well. This just makes sense if you want to get the results you are seeking. More Weight Loss Tips To Share With You If you have been trying hard to lose weight but still cannot achieve the result, here are more weight loss tips I like to share with you. Hopefully doing so, you can achieve your goal successfully. 1. Eating Healthy Your first priority should be eating healthy. For your info, eating healthy means eating what is healthy for you and not what you like to eat or how much you like to eat. I know this is not an easy task especially when the thought of restricting the quantity and what you want to eat shock you. Though you can consult with your doctor, ask your family and friends, their advice may not always to be your liking. In this case you may want to plan out on a piece of paper. Instead of potato chips and flies, you may consider cereals and fruits. Instead of meat, you may consider vegetables and potatoes. Instead of ice cream and sweet desserts, you may consider yogurt and herbal soup. You might also want to reduce your intake of rice, noodles and bread since they contained a lot of carbohydrates. All in one, you should reduce every portion of your meal to the size of your fist. Do this everyday and you will certainly be on the right track to eating healthy. 2. Exercising Regularly Besides eating, exercising regularly is just as important. Although eating healthy is great, it only helps you in achieving a quarter of your weight loss goal as in reducing your carbohydrate intake. The rest lies in how you keep yourself healthy. Traditionally, gym workouts, jogging, swimming and being active in team sports like basketball, volleyball and soccer can help to make a major difference in your health. Though they still are now, how are you able to do that everyday or a few times a week when you have a busy working schedule? For this case, you might consider simple workouts like sit ups. Make it a point to do them everyday when you wake up. Since sits up beginning with lying and getting your upper body up, that should not be too much of a chore for you as compared to those exercises I mentioned above. Or you might consider investing in exercise bicycle that you can put by your bedside and make it your daily routine of exercising with it everyday when you wake up. But if you do not have the discipline to keep yourself committed everyday, sign up for your nearest weight loss centre. There you can either workout by yourself or have an instructor training you one-to-one until you lose weight successfully. My Husband Doesn't Want To Have Sex Because I'm Fat Answer the following questions below to help determine whether your marriage can be saved or if your husband is cheating on you. Remember, you clicked on this article and in order for this to work you need to please get a pen and paper, and answer this questionnaire. This will lead you in the right direction. Make two columns, 1A and the second as 2B Section 1A 1.) My husband says I'm fat. (usually, this will mean that you husband is constantly making comments your weight and usually starts out as little jokes that progress into something more serious.) A.) Yes B.) No 2.) My husband doesn't have sex with me because I'm fat. (Your husband may not come out and say it, but he will come up with excuses other than your weight being an issue to not have sex with you.) A.) Yes B.) No 3.) My husband is embarrassed because I'm fat. (This will mean something like how you have noticed that your husband does not want to go out into the public with you or will find an excuse to not be around you in public places.) A.) Yes B.) No 4.) My husband gets angry easily. (You've noticed that your husband gets angry with you easily or simple or for dumb reasons) A.) Yes B.) No 5.) My husband is always yelling at me. (Usually what happens here is when your husband has lost interest in speaking to you and does not want to be around you so he will try and pick fights with you to have a reason to leave the house. Careful* sometimes, this may be an early warning sign that your husband is cheating on you. He will yell or start a fight to have a reason to leave the house to go see his mistress.) A.) Yes B.) No 6.) My husband makes comments about my weight. (Many times you may find your husband making subtle comments about your weight or suggest joining a weight loss organization. Sometimes, if he really cares, he will be supportive and may mention that the two of you join a fitness program rather than criticize you.) A.) Yes B.) No 7.) My husband makes comments about what I eat. (Your husband will make comments about what you eat by saying, "you're still eating" or "you're going to eat that?". A.) Yes B.) No 8.) My husband doesn't show affection to me anymore. (Your husband doesn't show affection to you anymore because he's turned off by you. He's not truly in love with you anymore and something to highly consider is that he may seem or interested in someone else.) A.) Yes B.) No 9.) My husband keeps his distance from you at grocery stores. (Your husband keeps his distance from you in public because he feels embarrassed by you. Many times he is looking wanting the attention of other women.) A.) Yes B.) No Second Column Section 2B 1.) My husband has a new e-mail address and didn't tell me about it. (Sometimes, when something like this happens when things are going bad in your relationship, this is the beginning part of a tell-tale sign of a cheating spouse.) A.) Yes B.) No 2.) My husband has condoms and we don't have sex. (Your husband has no reason to be carrying condoms if the two of you aren't having sex period.) A.) Yes B.) No 3.) He deletes all of his incoming calls and e-mails. (It takes no rocket scientist to figure out that your husband is hiding or keeping something deep from you.) A.) Yes B.) No 4.) When the two of you get into big fights or arguments, does your husband mention divorce? (Your husband may bring up divorce in your arguments because he is seeing or has found another woman.) A.) Yes B.) No 5.) My husband has become violent with me. (He starts becoming violent with you because he just does not care about you or he hates you now. If there is another woman in his life, then all he is thinking about is her and you are the bad guy in his way.) A.) Yes B.) No 6.) My husband comes home late from work now. (Your husband is either seeing another woman after work or is at the Japanese Steak House eating sushi.) A.) Yes B.) No 7.) My husband doesn't answer his phone when I call. (Your husband is with another woman or is talking about how big the transmission I his car is) A.) Yes B.) No 8.) You found porn on your husband computer. (Your husband is obvious not in love with you anymore and not interested in your body.) A.) Yes B.) No 9.) Your husband keeps his cell phone on his nightstand when he goes to sleep. (He is worried that he will receive an unwelcome late night phone call from some woman or he is a doctor waiting for a call to perform a late night surgery you figure it out.) A.) Yes B.) No 10) My husband asked if it was ok to love two people in a relationship. (He is fishing for answers and wants to see your reactions.) A.) Yes B.) No 11.) My gut feeling tells me my husband is cheating on me. (Usually, if your gut feeling tells you something, go with it. Many times, your gut feeling is right though your husband's gut feeling may mean something else.) A.) Yes B.) No If you answered yes to more than 4 questions in Section 1A and 5 questions in Section 2B of the questions listed above, you MUST refer below. Whether you are able to save your marriage or find out if your husband is cheating on you, please share this information with a friend or family member that may benefit from this. Natural (and Unnatural) Weight Loss Just what is "natural" weight loss? Is it losing fat without chemicals or supplements? Does it go so far as to ban processed foods? Is it just diet and exercise without the benefit of quick but costly surgery? Most importantly, is natural weight loss the way to go? How about taking natural weight loss as being weight loss the way nature intended? Just how do you lose weight the natural way? To some extent, natural weight loss is pure mathematics. You have to consume or store less than your body needs so that you can burn fat deposits. You can do this by starving yourself and having the natural look of a gaunt and hungry beggar from the middle ages with no energy or muscle tone. Perhaps not the look you were after. It's better that you plan and execute a measured and balanced diet and exercise program. That way you can eat a bit more and make sure you get all necessary nutrients and exercise to lose fat and tone up those neglected muscles lurking sullenly under your fat deposits. Then you'll look like a younger, fitter, more attractive version of yourself - much more your style. Your natural diet should be simple. You have to rethink you concept of food quite a bit in order to have the best chance of success. It is a big mistake to replace fatty treats with low fat treats that look just like the stuff you need to give up. It's a bit like a love affair that is never going to work out. If your last lover was just no good for you and you've reluctantly given that undeserving person the flick, you are never going to move on if you keep their picture and their trinkets and sleep with people who remind you of them. If it is your practice to eat creamy deserts and sugary or fatty snacks every day, then when you get serious about a weight control diet, you have to say to yourself "It's all over. It was fun while it lasted, but it was really no good for me as a person. I must now move on with my life. I shall never speak of that desert treat again." Now retrain your brain, eyes and taste buds with fruit, nuts, yogurt and protein bars. Protein bars? Now they don't look too natural. But they are none-the-less very good for weight loss and that brings me conveniently around to talking about unnatural weight loss. Unnatural weight loss can be taken to extreme levels. You have to be really really desperate to consider getting liposucked or stomach stapled. These procedures are surgical and all the risks of operations and hospital environments go along with them. People have even died from having these elective surgeries. Don't go for diet pills or mixtures or potions that promise to make your fat loss dreams reality without any effort on your part. If you are going to lose weight, you must not keep eating what you currently eat, you have to cut down portions of food in general, you have to change your patterns of when you eat and yes, you will have some food cravings and hunger pangs - especially in the first weeks of weight loss. Any product that promises something for nothing means that yes, you will be paying something and too right, you will be getting nothing for your money. Something for nothing indeed. Good "unnatural" weight loss products include protein bars and protein shakes. They are blended to give you long term energy with a lot of protein and some carbs. They increase your metabolism and inhibit the conversion of carbs to fat. If you are worried about the "unnatural" nature of protein supplements, then first take a look at some of the unsaturated fats and sugary treats you currently consume and have a little think about their chemical composition by way of comparison. Protein bars and shakes cannot harm you the way a diet rich in unsaturated fats does. If you take the best of natural concepts with a couple of quality dietary supplements and combine them with the right balance of regular exercise, then your weight loss efforts will definitely be rewarded. Natural Fat Loss Supplements: Supplementing Without The Use Of Stimulants! There's like 108 MILLION Americans currently that are either slightly overweight, or being affected by obesity. That's 61% of adults! Sadly, around 95% of those who have the ability to shed extra pounds will gain it back within few years. The thought of that truly frustrates me to a point that I'd rather not discus. A big element in that reason is eating unhealthy is thrown in our faces every three minutes on Tv and in allot of the printed ads. Also in today's economy it is cheaper. One other reason why people fail in maintaining the weight they have quite literally worked their butts off to lose, may be the not enough education and guidance. Whether it's lacking furthering their knowledge in nutrition, or perhaps the lack of education in supplements that help in weight-loss and maintenance. Currently, $30 Billion every year is now being spent annually in the weight-loss industry! Allot of that money is wasted looking for the right supplements, the right mixture of supplements, or simply wasted on supplements that honestly just don't do what's necessary! I figured I would help you save a little of that money that you would have spent looking for that “Magic Diet Pill” and just give you three excellent All-natural Supplements that do a great job in aiding in dieting and maintenance. The first supplement is 7-Keto (7-ketohydroepiandrosterone). 7-keto is a safe DHEA metabolite and has been the subject of many research and clinical tests. 7-keto, like DHEA, plays a role in a wide range of the bodies functions, for example immune response, memory, skin integrity, and more importantly for the topic of this article, weight reduction! 7-keto is shown to raise the activity of enzymes affiliated with metabolism, and has recently been proven to help rest your set-point, that's HUGE Basically, the set point theory states that an individual's metabolism will adapt to maintain a weight wherein it's comfortable. Whenever you restrict our calories to try to lose weight, our rate of metabolism falls in an attempt to preserve our fat stores. This is just the bodies/nature's technique for preventing starvation, and that will never change. When we have lost the weight and we are no longer cutting our calories, the metabolism will rise back to a higher rate of function. The body incorporates a genetically determined set-point weight that's controlled by metabolic hormones and fat cell enzymes. 7-keto has been shown to increase the activity of those enzymes associated with the metabolism. It's also been shown that DHEA as well as its derivatives ( 7-keto) help with weight regulation. In certain studies of DHEA, it has caused laboratory animals to eat more, yet suppressed their weight gain. In one study without DHEA, a 50% loss of the quantity of food which was took in inside of a 24 hour period to get the same degree of body weight changes seen when taking DHEA. But, the people taking DHEA didn't change their food consumption to reach the required weight-loss effects. 7-keto has also been shown to aid in increasing the activity within the T-3 thyroid hormone. 7-keto offers a lot of DHEA's benefits without converting into your sex hormones estrogen and testosterone, this means it's safe for both males and females! There is no long-term negative effects shown as a result in taking 7-Keto. In everything I have read, and individuals that I have spoke with, both males and females, the suggested daily dosage is 1,000mg 2x daily. The next supplement is CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid). CLA is a naturally sourced found in animal and dairy fats such as beef, dairy products, poultry, eggs and corn oil. The human intestine produces CLA naturally from linoleic acid. It doesn't make a big fat cell little, what it does is prevent a little fat cell from getting big. There have already been studies that have shown that to truly obtain the desired effect of CLA on the body fat you need to take around 4,000mg, or 4g of CLA daily. Since CLA is a fatty acid, you should take it regularly for about 2-3 weeks and let for it to accumulate within your body before you start to see results. It's been suggested to take some kind of fiber supplement or raise the amount of fiber in your daily diet to help you aid in the “Extraction” of the metabolized fat from your body. Honestly though, that is something that should be done regardless of form of weight loss supplement. It truly plays a key role in the losing unwanted weight. CLA has been proven to increase metabolism, decrease tummy fat, enhance muscle growth, reduce cholesterol levels and triglycerides, lowers insulin resistance, helps reduce food-induced allergic reactions, and improves the body's defense mechanisms as well. If you're thinking about taking CLA to help you with fat reduction, keep in mind that it isn't a fast solution, and you should need to start a program of exercise and dieting in order to successfully slim down and maintain it. The third and final supplement that I'm going to mention in this article is L-Carnitine. The leading and most important role Carnitine plays in the body is the oxidation, or better known as Burning, Melting off, or even in some circle dissolving of fat Naturally! After the fat is oxidized it's used for a natural source of energy. I'm a huge fan of L-Carnitine, I've been taking it regularly for many years. Basically what L-Carnitine does is it takes unwanted fat in our bodies to the “Fat Furnace” (mitochondria) in our cells. After the fat is thrown into the “furnace” it's burned and converted into an organic source of “coal” or energy, therefore also giving us more energy during workouts and many other aspects in everyday living. No matter what amount exercising or how “on-point” you have what you eat, if the fat doesn't get to the mitochondria it can't be oxidized (Burned)! Supplementing your diet with L-Carnitine can release the stored energy the body needs to build new muscle tissue, increase your energy and accelerate natural weight loss. There's no unwanted effects of prolonged supplementation of L-Carnitine because it's natural and readily found in our bodies. Starting off with at the very least 1,500mg of L-Carnitine daily is a good place to start. For those who have metabolic resistance anywhere from 3,000-7,000mg daily is necessary. I personally like to take 2,000-3,500mg daily, I've got fantastic results doing this. These three All Natural Diet supplements are good on their own or taken with other products. I chose to post about these three today because I'm currently taking them. I have stacked them together previously and love the outcome which I've got from doing so. What I personally do is take 4g of AST CLA daily, breaking that up into two doses, one with breakfast and also other with my afternoon meal. For the L-Carnitine, I use Dymatize Nutrition's Acetyl L-Carnitine. I take three caps (1,500mg) with breakfast and another 3 caps with lunch. For the 7-Keto (DHEA) I use Twinlab's 7-Keto. I take that one cap with breakfast, so six pills with breakfast in whole, and another approximately one hour before I go to bed. I take one before I go to bed because I've discovered that I sleep better. I'm uncertain if there are studies showing that it supports proper R.E.M. sleep, but I definitely sleep good doing it like that. Like I have said several times throughout this article, in case you are considering taking any of these supplements to assist with weight reducing, remember that it isn't a fast solution, and you will definitely really need to begin a program of dieting and exercise to be able to successfully lose weight and maintain it. With that said ,, Don't hesitate to comment or ask any questions you could have in relation to whatever was stated in this content. Thanks for spending time to read this and I hope it helps you make a knowledgeable decision that method to use in terms of supplementing for losing weight. Natural Weight Loss for Good Health and Well Being Weight loss is becoming an unhealthy obsession dealing with body images, but in some cases can improve health and fitness. When weight loss is a result of eating healthy, exercising and/or taking natural weight loss supplements in contrast to synthetic prescription drugs with the risk of harmful side effects, weight loss can be effective, rewarding, and greatly improve overall health. Extra weight, especially extra fat on a person's body, applies significantly increased stresses on the heart, joints and back. These stresses can be extremely detrimental to one's health. Healthy weight loss can reduce the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, arthritis and other health problems, as well as generally extending an otherwise average life span. Recently, the scientific root cause or explanation of obesity has been revealed as being part of one's physiology. The internal functions of an obese person are different than those of a healthy person, and cause intense hunger pains and food cravings. Natural weight loss supplements can help counteract this constant hunger and lead to healthy weight loss. Unbalanced hormones are a common cause of weight gain, therefore taking natural hormone balancers and herbal supplements would help to create a healthy weight loss regimen. Restoring your health allows you to lose weight naturally, without excess frustration and effort. It's all about losing weight from the inside out. Emotional issues always accompany change, especially changes in our bodies e.g. natural weight loss. Weight loss affects our perception body image, our sense of identity i.e. who am I?, and how we feel about ourselves in general. Weight loss also effects our social relationships in that there may be people in our family or social contacts that are emotionally invested in our remaining the same i.e. overweight with all that it symbolizes e.g. friendliness, non-threatening, protective, jovial, helpful, etc. Beyond our physical health, it can be said that "size matters" cognitively and emotionally to ourselves and others. Eating and food have come to symbolize being accepted, being cared for and comfort. Having the support of others in our efforts to naturally lose weight and regain our health is a huge advantage. We have been "conditioned" to fear any kind of loss, including weight loss. Especially if what we may lose is something with which we identify i.e. use to tell us who we are. The emotions of fear, anger, anxiety and depression effect our weight. We often tend to "stuff our feelings" or numb these emotional feelings or stress by overeating. We may even overeat, thinking that will ease the physical discomfort caused by excess weight e.g. physical pain, lack of sleep, and lack of energy caused by moderate depression. To improve our overall health and support us through the process of natural weight loss and the emotional dynamics around it, we can take advantage of natural sleep aids, natural depression relief and natural pain relief health care products. Natural Weight Loss Pills: Strengths And Weaknesses If you are reading this article, then you are probably one of the millions of people around the world trying to lose those excess pounds. As the overweight population increases within each year, so does the number of weight loss methods. “Fad diets” are included in these methods, along with the decreasing popularity of weight loss programs that are very effective but demand dedication, rigid obedience and different weight loss pills. The majority of people cannot let themselves abide to strict dieting regimes or rules of certain weight loss programs, though it would be reasonable since it gives positive results. Lack of willpower or time certainly hinders us in the battle against being overweight. Natural weight loss pills are irreplaceable when it comes to helping us lose the weight, making us feel that weight loss is indeed possible. Basically, if one starts to lose weight using weight loss pills, they can easily fit in a new lifestyle that leads them to that body figure they've always dreamed of. Before choosing natural weight loss pills, let me explain their strong and weak points to help you make the right decision. STRENGHTS – Natural weight loss pills grow more and more popular with its great advantages against prescription weight loss drugs: • Natural weight loss pills don't need prescriptions. They are the best choice if you want to shed those unwanted pounds easier and you want to take weight loss into your own hands. If your health conditions are not restricted and excess weight is not complicating your health, the best option for you is to choose the most effective slimming pill and combine them with healthy nutrition and exercising. • Natural weight loss pills don't lead to tolerance, unlike prescription drugs. You can take natural pill a lot longer and its effectiveness won't go down. • Compared to chemical ingredients of prescription drugs, natural weight loss pills don't have any side effects. You can take natural weight loss pills without any worry of health complications resulting from the same pills. • Some natural weight loss solutions contain mixes of components that not only make you lose weight, but also support your organs in its weight loss efforts. Proponents of natural weight loss pills will tell you that they will report such effects such as energy boost, and an even better mood due to the combination of natural ingredients. WEAKNESSES: • There is a vast number of weight loss pills available, making it difficult to find the most effective and credible pills available. The huge number of pills also means there are ineffective and fraudulent pills available. • Most of the natural weight loss products are not approved by official organizations such as the MHRA or FDA, meaning their effectiveness as well as possible side effects will only come to light after they have reached the market. • There are hardly any pills that have been CLINICALLY studied to confirm their claims. • There are many natural weight loss pills that have natural ingredients but are dangerous to our health. One perfect example is EPHEDRA, which intensify fat burning, has its mix of side effects that could damage your health. NEW WEIGHT LOSS SOLUTIONS: 2007 has seen the release of brand new natural weight loss pills that passed numerous clinical studies, along with approvals from the respective official medical organizations, compared to the majority of the existing natural pills. With more and more natural weight loss products coming into the market, the decision to choose the best product becomes harder and harder. But regardless of brand or ingredients, natural weight loss products won't be so effective if it's not balanced with a proper diet and exercise regime. Natural Weight Loss Using Acai Berry you can find numerous those who wrestle tough all through your graduate life with the intention to spend a number of fat. lots of them go for surgical procedure that not really proves costly still endanger your teen lives at the same time. blogger will go with weight burning methods love regular exercising and proper drinking habits. then again all these necessity perseverance and patience over the perhaps the individual concerned. notwithstanding, if you ever don't need sufficient determination, feel free to use Acai Berry into your promote. Acai Berry has become standard for being essentially the most marvelous examples available to degrade pounds. It is utilized together with many diet route as a way to uphold flawless degrees about minerals and nutritional vitamins. Acai Berry is really any fruit as in Acai Palm, the tree that grows primarily in Amazon rainforests. my fruit has gained colossal popularity and has therefore been called as the "super food". Because of this, any Acai Berry weight-reduction plan tactics are so popular and admired by blogger looking forward to shed few further kilos. the most efficient detail about berry are that it is featured having elevated quantity of antioxidants. those antioxidants help in removing a undesirable free radicals which cause a large number of ailments love sarcoma. Acai Berry perhaps has huge amounts of character and glucose which are regarded to be the required snow in weight burning policy. the favorable quantity about strand present in Acai Berry contributes tons in eliminating our hunger pangs thus decreasing the full body fat absorbed from the meals we take. in addition, glucose serves the purpose as in weight shedding by giving a boost into the metabolism about one's body in order to utilize immoderate body fat. my then makes acai berry a extremely practical item in an overweight person's food regimen course. what exactly added interesting to notice to know Acaio Berry becomes that it is featured considering the part to boost one's immune approach, eradicate broke ldl cholesterol and improves our body's blood bulldoze. The process of measuring antioxidant ability of different items things is thru a ORAC or even what exactly is known as when oxygen radical absorbance faculty. additionally, a force as in cai Berry is 4:1 extracting ratio that could be actually the highest quality vacant. the in turn reduces the overall influence about group corrosion to the excellent size knowning that too in a very brief span as in time.   What basically makes this Acai Berry fat reduction capsules so marvelous would likely open content during these berries are able to burn huge amounts of calories thus contributing in untreated weight-loss. expand, you could even relish the other vigor benefits like huge dose of supplements like minerals and vitamins which are from time to time enough to satisfy the daily wishes of some vitamins and minerals. After you are aware of the assorted weight shedding and health payback associated with Acai Berry, it is vital to choose Acai weight loss program products free on the net. A large number of sites afford berry objects desire juices, powders and tablets with a view to accommodate the shoppers shed pounds with ease. yet earlier than applying every Acai Berry weight loss plan, more suitable only right process initial.   Need To Lose Weight Quickly? Consider New Diet Pill Qsymia What has prompted Americans to consider using medicines for fat loss? It is the tremendous failure of all types of diets and the fact that the professional medical community is not able to see weight problems as a disorder. Often doctors think that their obese people simply don't have any will power and self-discipline and thus they withhold prescription drugs that might assist them with fat loss. Other medical doctors believe, frequently without vocalizing it, that losing weight and sustaining weight loss is a impossible scenario anyway, so why try, while others equate all diet prescription drugs with phen/fen. Over the previous few years, there has been a adjustment in approach on the part of doctors and their treatment of excessive weight. They have found such horrible complications: epidemics of type 2 diabetes and its issues, strokes and coronary heart disease that they are ready to try out other modes of treatment. Just consider the growing number of gastric bypass procedures seen in the previous few years. The Food and drug administration has okayed two brand new drugs in 2012-Qsymia and Belviq. The first, Qsymia is available now with a physicians prescription. Below are a few guidelines fo its use. You will see if it could possibly be suitable for you. Qsymia is a prescription medication that is made up of phentermine and Topamax (topiramate extended-release) that may help some obese adults or some obese people who also have weight-related medical conditions lose weight and keep the weight off. The phentermine is the appetite reducer and is equivalent to the phentermine in adipex and fastin which has been on the market place since the middle of the 1970's. The Topamax has been available on the market for 20 decades and is commonly used for seizures and headaches. So Qsymia is certainly not really new, its 2 older medicines put together in a special delivery method with 4 different dosing concentrations. Qsymia should be utilized with a reduced calorie diet regime and increased physical activity. It is not known if Qsymia changes your risk of heart difficulties or stroke or of death due to heart problems or stroke. It is not known if Qsymia is risk-free and productive when taken with other prescription, over-the-counter, or natural weight reduction items, so be watchful. SIDE EFFECTS 0F QSYMIA: The unintended effects are related to the two different drugs. Due to the fact these medications have already been on the marketplace for a lengthy time, we are familiar with what to anticipate. Anybody who has used Phentermine or phendimetrazine has experience some of these types of side effects. You ought to have a negative pregnancy examination before using Qsymia, Topamax Side Effects Numbness in hands, feet, sleepiness, feelings of suicide, depressive disorders, anxiousness, concentration & memory issues, mood changes, attention deficit, Metabolic acidosis-tired, no hunger, low blood glucose, convulsions if you cease Qsymia too fast, Kidney stones-drink water on Qsymia, Increased perspiring and high temperature Phentermine Side Effects: Insomnia, anxiousness, irritations, mania, mood alterations, dry mouth, increase heart rate, heart palpitations, panic episodes, aggressive, blurry eyesight, increase in eye pressure The FDA amd manufacturer are very concerned with possible birth defects such as cleft palate. Any women of child bearing age has to have an initial negative pregnancy test and a monthly pregnancy test. In addition, unless she is in menopause, has had surgical removal of uterus or ovaries or has a partner with a vasectomy, she must use effective birth control. If the women does not have an IUF or progesterin implant she will need to use TWO different forms of birth control. Women cannot get pregnant taking Qsymia. HOW TO TAKE QSYMIA: 1. To qualify you must have a BMI of 27 with medical probems or 30 without. 2. You must have negative pregnancy test to start with and one each month. 3. You can purchase Qsymia only from CVS or Walgren's by sending a doctors prescription with a order form using the doctors fax machine The on- line pharmacy will then call you for your credit information and send you the medications in 3-5 days. 4. You take 1 tablet a day in mid morning. You need to follow the dosing guidelines carefully. There are 4 different dose levels. Osymia offers the individual who has difficulty losing weight an opportunity to control his hunger, feel full all of the time and reduce his cravings with FDA approved medication. The individual ingredients of Qsymia have been on the market for very long time. Most physicians have a tremendous amount of experience with them and the FDA has mandated extensive re-testing. It seems like Qysmia should be a winner in the fat reduction medication field. New Tea Complements Weight-loss Efforts As the diet wars rage on, it is clear that Americans are still puzzled about which plan of attack to take against the ever-expanding waistline. In the 1980s and 1990s, a low-fat diet seemed to be the way to go. In the past few years, Dr. Atkins and his low-carbohydrate solutions enjoyed notoriety. While interest in the low-carb lifestyle seems to be waning as dieters grow wary of the food restrictions of a low-carb diet, Americans are continuing to watch what they eat and monitor their calories. To this end, Innovative Technologies Corporation of America has made it quick and easy to embrace a low-carb lifestyle by creating Carb Crusher, a tea that contains an extract of the patent-pending ingredient GCA. GCA is made from unroasted green coffee beans and has been shown to reduce the amount of carbohydrates that get absorbed in the digestive and hepatic (liver) systems by inhibiting the active transport of sugar into the body. GCA also works to inhibit sugar being released from the body's glycogen stores (which are found in the liver and muscle). This forces the body to initiate the burning of fat sooner as an energy source - whether you are eating or not. "Whether people are counting calories, eliminating carbs or watching glucose levels, they are reporting that Carb Crusher is a powerful ally that helped them take the weight off," said Steven Smith, chief executive officer and president of ITC. "People who used this product feel that, finally, someone has created a product that helps take the stress out of most any diet when used as part of an overall plan that includes a sensible diet and exercise." In addition to GCA, ingredients include pure filtered water, natural tea concentrate and natural lemon flavors. Carb Crusher has no calories and contains no artificial colors or flavors. New Wonder Weight Loss Drug – The Size Zero Pill Ever felt insecure because of your weight? Clenbuterol (nicknamed The Size Zero Pill) can help. There are people who might want to gain weight, but no matter how much they eat, they just won't. There are also people who would want to lose weight and no matter how small their diets are, they still gain weight. People are just really unique. Clenbuterol can help you break past those “barriers” to weight loss. losing weight today is easier, because of diet pills that are out in the market and some weight loss program that is common to all. But have you ever realized that somehow, these programs and pills just don't work? Clenbuterol Hydrochloride will change the way you think about weight loss pills and programs. Clenbuterol has an amazing ability at helping people lose weight, which is well known to bodybuilders. People want to lose weight without having to change their exercise routine or diet. Clenbuterol is often thought of as being a fast weight loss fix, that gives you fast and effective weight loss, without sacrificing lifestyle.. The fact is true, but Clenbuterol's weight loss program will work much more efficiently if coupled with diet and lots exercise. It does not mean that you have to completely change your lifestyle; you just simply have to be disciplined. For sure, if Clenbuterol is coupled with exercise, weight loss will definitely be fast. Clenbuterol is not a steroid, but a Beta 2 sympathomitetic and central nervous system stimulant. It is used in certain countries in a medical sense as a bronchodilator in the treatment of asthma. It is also becoming very popular in Hollywood due to its effective weight loss properties. The biggest barrier that most dieters encounter is passing that lower threshold. Many people who do some dieting find that they lose weight until they get to a certain point and then find it hard to get past that point. Clenbuterol is effective at breaking that barrier and achieving those weight loss goals. Clenbuterol is most commonly available in tablet form measured in micrograms, though it is available as injections and liquid (mainly for use in treating Asthma in horses). Tablets are the suggested method of administration. Proper dosage in taking Clenbuterol mainly depends on how your body takes to it. At first when taking a lower dosage you will feel your body will react to it. After some time, your body will require a higher dosage to work. Users should gradually increase their dosage so that they are always getting the correct and full effects of Clenbuterol. It is important to feel at your best, for you to perform all tasks with all your best. Nutrex Lipo 6 - What Is Nutrex Lipo 6 And How Can It Assist You Lose Weight? What's The Historical past Of Lipo 6? Lipo 6, from Nutrex, is a vitamin tablet which was once launched in 2005. While it came out it was once the sector's first liquid fat burning capsule. This was once important as liquid drugs are absorbed into the system sooner than conventional pills, meaning that Nutrex Lipo 6 used to be the fastest appearing nutrition tablet at the market. This importance was once quickly noted, and it became highly regarded, especially amongst probably the most such a lot challenging shoppers: athletes and bodybuilders. Bodybuilders need to drop some pounds in a rush prior to a competition, to reach that 'ripped' look and win the prizes. Even the smallest quantity of frame fats can mean the adaptation between first prize and going home disappointed. They are continuously on the lookout for the rest which may give them an edge over their opponents. No marvel, then, that they quickly jumped on this new fast-appearing diet pill. It was so in style amongst bodybuilders that a well-liked consumer and industry bodybuilding site voted Lipo 6 'Fat-Loss Product of the Yr' for 4 years operating! So, It is Is Just For Bodybuilders? No. Although bodybuilders and athletes are one of the vital main folks benefiting from Lipo 6's fast-absorption liquid system, abnormal people searching for to shed pounds in a rush - to narrow down for a unique adventure akin to a wedding, in all probability - have been making the most of it too. And because Lipo 6 isn't widely recognized out of doors of the bodybuilding and athletic international, they are stealing an advantage over their buddies through doing so! How Does Nutrex Lipo 6 Paintings? It comprises a unique mix of ingredients. These come with: Synephrine HCL: An adrenergic amine. This works on the beta-three receptors for your frame, inflicting them to liberate noradrenaline and adrenaline. Those work to suppress your urge for food, boost your power ranges, and also spice up your metabolic charge, which means you burn more calories. Guggulsterones: Those strangely named substances are derived from the plant Gum Guggul. They paintings on the thyroid gland, which is among the so much necessary portions of your frame affecting your metabolic rate. As well as boosting metabolism, a few studies have proven that Guggulsterones help to lower LDL cholesterol (often referred to as 'bad cholesterol') thereby improving your health in more than one ways. Yohimbine: In Africa yohimbe has been used as an aphrodisiac for hundreds of years, and it has won a few popularity in the rest of the arena for the same purpose. Yohimbe has way more to suggest it than as a boost to libido, however. Yohimbe stimulates the whole physically system, expanding alertness and boosting metabolism. A great deal of fat loss were proven in several studies. Bioperine: This can be a compound of Piper Nigrum L - extra recurrently known as black pepper - patented by Nutrex. Black pepper, along with many other spicy meals, is known to spice up your metabolism and thereby building up the quantity of fats your frame burns. Bioperine additionally assists in keeping your insulin ranges moderated, and as insulin spikes are one of the crucial number one reasons of weight gain, this may occasionally seriously help your weight reduction attempts. Nutrex Lipo 6 comprises other meals proven to stir up your device and build up the velocity at which your body burns fat. It is this distinctive blend of foods which give it its fats burning properties. So, Must I Use Lipo 6? The solution to that is: it depends. Nutrex Lipo 6 is a very powerful product, and not one who you can use for long term weight loss. In case you are in the hunt for something to use as a long-term aid to diet and exercise, then Lipo 6 is not for you. You must imagine something like Proactol, a fat burner suitable for lengthy uses, as an alternative If, on the other hand, you wish to have to lose a certain quantity of weight in a brief period of time - to suit into your wedding ceremony get dressed, glance excellent for an interview, etc. - then Lipo 6 might be simply the sort of factor you are looking for. Additionally, you may also need to consider the usage of it to 'kick get started' a brand new vitamin, eliminate the ones first few kilos earlier than switching to long term weight reduction techniques. As everyone knows, the first few kilos are the hardest to lose, so why now not allow your self a serving to hand? Nutrition Plans For Weight Loss One of the most successful nutrition plans for weight loss to be introduced in recent years is the Jillian Michaels weight-loss plan. The plan accounts for three major factors which influence weight loss success in the long term: self, sweat and science. The plan recognizes that the process of losing weight is both a physical and a mental one, and aims to provide a gimmick-free plan for lifelong health and fitness. The plan recognizes that all of the conflicting information about nutrition can leave many dieters feeling lost and frustrated, and breaks down exactly what you should eat to lose weight in a steady and sustainable way. The nutrition plan helps people to discover which foods are optimal for their body type and metabolic rate, the number of calories they should eat each day to ensure successful weight loss, recipes fully customized to body type that are delicious and easy to prepare, and tips and strategies for eating out without straying from your plan. Today Show nutrition expert Joy Bauer has formulated one of the simplest nutrition plans for weight loss available. Her highly popular diet is now an easy step-by-step online diet program which is fully customized for you to get the best possible result. The plan emphasizes plenty of healthy carbohydrates such as whole grains, lean protein, fresh fruit and vegetables – plus a range of delicious and satisfying treats that you can enjoy guilt-free. There are plenty of online tools to help you along the way, including a calorie calculator which will provide you with the nutritional information of thousands of foods to help you make diet-friendly choices; a meal planner and hundreds of healthy recipes to help you get started in the kitchen; and a food log for recording what you eat during the day, so that you can track your weight loss properly. The program offers a free diet profile – participants take a quick and easy quiz and receive a personalized eating plan which is based on the principles of Joy's Food Cures. The South Beach diet has been enormously popular in recent years, thanks to the endorsement of the diet plan by a number of high-profile celebrities, with more than 5 million copies of the book sold in the US alone. This is considered to be one of the best diets that work. Originally formulated by Dr Agatson, one of America's leading cardiologists, as a diet plan for his heart patients to improve cardiac health, it soon demonstrated its effectiveness as a weight loss plan. Like many recent nutrition plans for weight loss, the South Beach Diet is based on the principles of the GI diet. After an initial period of restricted carbohydrates, the diet slowly reintroduces foods which score low on the glycaemic index, helping to break the cycle of carb binges and emotional eating which many dieters falls into. During this first phase, simple carbs such as cereal, white bread, sweets, cake, alcohol, potatoes and bagels are banned. The diet instead emphasizes low-GI vegetables, lean meat and fish, nuts and olive oil. It is claimed that you can lose between 8 and 13 pounds within the first two weeks, and then a respectable 1-2 pounds every week after that. Oatmeal For Weight Loss there are many foods that may make a contribution to weight loss rather then add to it. Of these; oatmeal would need to be one of the most effective bulge busters. Incorporating it into your regular diet could make a world of difference to your overall weight and fitness levels. Oatmeal is loaded in fiber which helps nourish your body while simultaneously making you are feeling full for a substantial This prevents you from feeling the urge to eat more often or in greater quantities. Afterwards you finish up eating much less and shedding weight. Being a superb source of fiber, oatmeal keeps you feeling full for a long time. As a result, you eat less and consecutively lose weight too. Besides, oatmeal contains negligible calories. A single bowl of oats contains only 2 grams of fat. Though oats do not provide significant calories, it's a storehouse of various nutrients. It contains iron, magnesium, manganese, thiamin and several other phytonutrients. So, while it provides you with all the nutrition, it does not add to your calorie intake. This makes oatmeal good for weight loss. However, If you are using oatmeal as weight loss solution, it is critical to ensure that you make use of only that oatmeal that do not come in any flavour or one which is not sweetened. This is so because the sweetened form is found to contain sugar which can make you gain weight. It is a good decision to go in for steel cut oats or the rolled oats. This is as they make use of more calories while getting digested in the body. It's also for that reason that they are preferable over the oatmeal that comes in the ready to eat variety. You want to cook oatmeal in an entirely healthy fashion to make the most of its weight reduction benefits. Always cook oats in skimmed milk. If you're bored of the same taste then sprinkling cinnamon powder will enhance the flavor considerably. If you do not want to eat oatmeal as a hot cereal, you may even cook it along with vegetables to make a reduced fat recipe. There are no uncertainties about the job oatmeal can play in helping you shed the pounds. However this does not mean that you can depend on oatmeal alone to battle obesity. You would like something more along with eating oatmeal to achieve weight loss. Weight loss pills can give you the 'extra' push you need to lose additional weight. But, you need to be mindful of the diet tablet you select. Dietrine Carb Blocker comes across as one of the best options in weight reduction tablets. It helps you lose weight and that too without causing any complications. Besides, it's also easy to use. You can refer to the Dietrine product report to know more about this product. If you use the combination of eating oats and consuming an effective weight loss supplement like dietrine carb blocker, you are bound to get the dream figure you have always hankered after. This mix is a sure shot and a fast way to knock off the pounds. Increase your consumption of oatmeal to lift your weight reduction rate. Ensure that you do not fully depend on oatmeal alone to reach your weight reduction targets. Obesity And Its Preventive Measures Obesity poses a great risk not only to men but also to women all over the world. Even though men are seen as being physically more active, they also tend to ignore their health at times. Family pressures and hectic work schedules are the main reasons why most men fail to take care of their health. The above, along with an incorrect lifestyle, is enough to trigger obesity. Heaviness in men is the main reason why they are more prone to heart diseases than women. Not only heart disease, men who are chubby are also more likely to suffer from diabetes, prostate cancer, and even impotence at times. So if you too are obese, then do start actively looking for methods and means to tackle your problem. Here are some ways through which you can reduce weight and enjoy a healthier life. Some Simple Steps Try and follow these simple steps and see the results bringing a smile to your faces: · Remove junk food entirely from your diet. Junk food is high in its fat content and gives too many empty calories to the body, something that it does not require. · Try and also reduce the amount that you eat, gradually. Do not do so all at once as you might suffer bouts of tiredness or dizziness. · Take in only the amount of food that is required by your body to perform its daily activities. All extra food taken in just keeps collecting around your abdomen and poses several threats to your heart. · Regular exercising is essential while fighting obesity. Other than aiding in weight loss, exercising would also help in the overall functioning of the body. · Set small weight loss goals that are easy to achieve. Realistic goals, when achieved, would help you gain the incentive to lose even more. Reward yourself with something that you had wanted for a long time once you achieve a milestone. · Maintain the healthy diet plan even after you lose all that extra flab. Obesity has to be fought with on a regular term as all the weight that you lose is bound to come back if you do not maintain it. You could talk to a diet counselor to form a diet plan for you. You could also form a support system to fight against obesity. By a support system we mean that you could ask your family members or your friends to join in your struggle to lose weight. Ask all your support system members to check you whenever you slacken and stop following your diet and exercise plan. If you are morbidly obese, then you might even have to take some prescribed medications to fight your condition. Needn't worry here though as all the medications, whether they are medicines for obese people, cheap Viagra online or generic Viagra, are conveniently found in an online pharmacy. One Last Word Remember that good health is not a struggle, it is a requirement. Fight obesity today to have a healthier tomorrow. Paying For A Weight Loss Program Versus Developing Your Own Are you interested in losing weight? Whether you would like to improve your health, improve you appearance, or do both, you may be interested in finding a weight loss plan to use. When it comes to weight loss plans, you will find that you have a number of different options. Two of your most common options include paying for a weight loss plan or developing your own. If this is your first time attempting to “seriously,” lose weight, you may be wondering whether you should develop your own weight loss plan, also commonly referred to as a weight loss program, or pay for one. One of the best ways to determine which weight loss plan you should use is to examine the pros and cons of each. A few of the most influential advantages and disadvantages to developing your own weight loss plan, as well as paying for one are outlined below. When it comes to paying for a weight loss plan or a weight loss program, you will find that you can do so locally or online. If you choose to participate in a local weight loss program or plan, you will likely meet in a centralized location. Many times, you just get together every week or two. There are some weight loss programs where you can exercise onsite though. Should you choose to join an online weight loss program, you will likely have online meetings or discussions with trainers or other weight loss program members, either on a message board or through emails. You should also have access to healthy recipes and easy to do exercises. One of the many advantages to paying for a weight loss program or a weight loss plan is that you are often given a professional plan. Many times, the individuals or trainers in charge of running these programs have training or firsthand experience with losing weight. This often eliminates trial and error, as many have already learned what works and what does not work with weight loss. In all honestly, the only downside to paying to join a weight loss program or a weight loss plan is that you have to pay to do so. With that in mind, however, you should be able to find affordable weight loss programs and plans, both locally and online. Although it is not guaranteed, many people find the most affordable help in the form of online weight loss programs or online weight loss plans. As for developing your own weight loss plan, there are a number of advantages to doing so. One of those advantages is that you can customize your weight loss plan and program to you. For example, if you were allergic to milk, you could work your allergy into your weight loss program, where as a paid weight loss plan or program may not do so. You can also customize your workouts to yourself. This is great if you are obese and unable to follow many workout videos, which seem like they are designed for those who already in “perfect,” shape. Another one of the many advantages to developing your own weight loss plan to follow is that it is fun to do. You also have a number of tools at your fingertips. There are a number of websites and magazines that you can get weight loss information from; information that you can use to create your own weight loss plan to follow. Some individuals have said that creating their own weight loss plan to follow makes them more excited about the process and more likely to see the plan all the way through. The above mentioned factors are just a few of the many that you may want to take into consideration, when trying to determine whether you should develop your own weight loss program or join a paid weight loss program. Many individuals have reported starting their own weight loss program and then later joining a paid one if they didn't get the results that they were hoping for. Perfect W8 - Weight Management Pills Achieving the perfect weight and maintaining it, makes a person feel happier about themselves and allows them to be more confident in their day to day life. Dieting and losing weight is now common practice amongst most young adults as well as children, especially as the government now sees the importance of tackling obesity in children. Perfect W8 helps you to get to your desired weight naturally. The weight management pill is 100% natural and because it does not contain the ingredients that many other chemical based weight lose pills contain, it has no side effects either. The Perfect W8 pill also is low in caffeine and so there is no buzzed up feeling – that you often get from weight loss pills that use the caffeine to speed up metabolic rates. Perfect W8 works using a thermogenic process, whereby it increases your body's metabolism and breaks down stored fat, whilst releasing fats and carbohydrates. It allows you to create huge amounts of energy without the use of chemicals. Perfect W8 also recommends using a balancing supplement that helps to maintain the natural balance of your body while dieting and losing that weight that you want to. Although weight loss tablets are not the solution, they can help you to get back on the right track and start to lose weight and take more thought over what foods and drinks you are putting into your body. Perfect W8 weight management pills combined with a balanced diet and exercise can really help you to shift the weight quickly and then maintain your weight loss. Losing the weight will inevitably get you on the right track and help you to promote a healthier lifestyle. Phe375 The Weight Loss Solution There is a product devised for weight loss called Phe375 and comes in the form of diet pills. It is also known as Phentermine. Most people report great results with it. In terms of side effects, the Phe375 is reported to have just a few minor effects. As any other diet, there is a need of a healthy mixture of exercise and junk food diminishing or elimination if possible. No matter what your main motivation to lose weight is, this option is helping many people with overweight problems. You might want to look healthier and more attractive to the opposite gender, or prevent a heart attack due to many illnesses provoked by obesity. Of course, no medication should be used without the supervision of a physician of trust, and diet and exercise should be top of the list on any attempt toward weight loss. Reducing calories is always a need when trying to lose weight. As every project, if you want to be successful at getting rid of your body fat, you need to be proactive and accomplish every step replacing bad habits with new and better habits. The Phe375 is a product designed for specific functions like: Synthesizing Hormones, decrease the body's ability to store fat at the same time of increasing the ability to burn fat reserves, it suppresses the appetite and stimulate the metabolism and energy levels. As the goal is to lose weight fast, the Phe375 is the perfect choice in most cases because by working on the functions mentioned above, would reduce the time of getting results without sacrifice hours and hours towards that goal. As any drug, you should be careful with the right prescription and accompanying diet recommended. In some cases, you might want to replace body fat with muscular growth. Exercise would be in charge of that area. This product is not some placebo product, incorporating exercise and diet in the package, and having no effect but the psychological advantage of working as a trigger for motivation. It really increases your energy levels and metabolism and you really would feel the difference on your day by day. If you want to lose just a few pounds for aesthetic reasons, hit product may not be for you. If all you need is some exercise and a light diet, you might be putting yourself at risk. Phentermine Phe375 is meant for people with serious over weight problems. The drug is designed for people who are about 30 percent over a healthy body weight. There is a reason that it is one of the most popular and advertised diet pills. If you find a product that reduces the desire to eat all the time, you will naturally lose weight. People with overweight problems share a list of bad habits and a very unhealthy menu every day. The quantity of weight lost for each case is different. You could find many reviews of the product and real life case studies where you could find a similar condition as the one you experiment currently. Normally, you might expect results on the first weeks of active therapy. As the time goes by, and the treatment makes your body used to the drug, the effect tends to wear off. That is the reason why you need to follow the prescription from your physician as exact as possible. This would prevent you from getting unexpected side effects, inherent to any drug consumption. Finally, the level of real desire to change your life and health would determine the success or failure of your goals. Above all, you need to do this for yourself mainly. The other people around you should be on a very second place in relation with your decision to lose weight. You come first, then the world. combination of enzyme boosters the 1, 3 Dimethypentylamine Hydrochloride, Sympathomimec Amine, 1, 3, 7 - trimethylxanthine, I- Carnitine, and Dehydroepiandrosterone. These powerful compounds are essentials to help burn every excess fat that is stored in your body. In addition, you have nothing to worry about as this is manufactured by FDA registered labs. Therefore, quality and standard is observed to make you safe and worry-free. Since losing weights is not the only thing that is important to Phen375 but with your overall safety and effectiveness of the product. Now that we have established what is Phentamine and how important is this to your ultimate goal and that is to lose weight. Let us give you the reasons why you need to decide now, as every day that you forego your plan to lose weight is a day that you are letting yourself at risk. Overweight entails a lot of health conditions that you do not want to suffer from and experience. Diabetes, heart disease, stroke, inability to sleep and others are just some of the problems you will likely go through if you do not act now. So if you are obese and dreaming of getting in shape and healthy - do not hesitate to try the best and fastest solution to rid of your fat Planning a weight loss? Here is a plan! Pizza, Burger, chocolates, ice creams and all such junk stuff will lure you for sure but have you imagined to what extent it can affect your body? It will increase your weight, increase obesity and one fine day you will be on bed holding lot of tablets for many dangerous diseases due to your weight. So do you want some options for weight loss? Here we give you some ideas to do away with the unnecessary amount of weight of your body. Considering the awareness about weight loss, many gymnasiums have come up with a variety of diet programs and exercise trainings. Some people also prefer outdoor exercises like running, jogging, trekking, swimming and the list goes on. Nowadays power yoga has also become a strong preference to get lean. Apart from these options, many people go the herbal way. They choose some diet powders, tablets or herbal drinks. When selecting a weight loss plan, you should be sure that you are consuming a balanced and complete diet. Your assignment is to set realistic and attainable weight loss and diet goals. Fastest way to lose weight emphasizes on proper diet and exercise which brings you to correct shape and required weight. The craze of losing weight is so much that sometimes people stop eating. They switch to natural diet like fruits and boiled vegetables but extreme dieting and fasting are not options to reduce weight. Selecting your food as per diet, and exercise is a real balancing act. Here are some fastest weight loss tips recommended by experts : * Exercising is very essential for weight loss. Running, jogging, brisk walking for 30 to 40 minutes daily is a great option to lose weight. Stop excusing, start it seriously. Once you observe the benefits, you will love to exercise for lifetime. * Keep a daily record of your weight loss. It helps a lot to maintain a consistency in your exercise and make necessary changes, in case of weight fluctuations. * Focus more on being fit and healthy besides being thin. * Avoid overeating. Stress, over exertion, boredom, loneliness anger and other emotions are major causes of overeating. Dealing with emotions without food is an important skill that will greatly serve long term weight control. * Eat at home and avoid dining out. Many dieters have no idea of the excess calories they eat while dining out. Hotel meals include double the number of calories as compared to home cooked meal. If you want to get good weight loss results, you must control the healthy ingredients and quantity. * Don't overdose yourself with exercise and diet to get thin faster. It's not a good idea. A steady progress is expected in weight loss. * Eating slowly also leads to weight reduction. This happens because our brain requires at least 20 minutes getting the fullness of eating. The calories you consumed before you begin to feel full can vary significantly depending on how quickly you eat. So slow down and keep away from eating fast. * Drink ample amount of water, increase natural diet intake whenever you feel hungry. It doesn't increase your weight at all. Drinking Water to Lose Weight is true and effective also. So take advantage of these tips of a healthy lifestyle change and make yourself fit and healthy. Poses And Exercises In Yoga For Weight Loss Yoga has originated from India many years ago. The word 'Yoga' is derived from Sanskrit which means union. It is the union of the mind and body to achieve a well balanced life. Practicing yoga not only helps in toning your body, improving the physical and mental well being, but also helps in fat loss. Yoga for weight loss is very commonly used by most of the people as the awareness is spreading. Many celebrities are using yoga for weight loss nowadays. Yoga is an effective way to maintain healthy body without any negative side effects. It helps in reducing the fat and increasing the metabolism of the body. There are various school and styles of yoga which depict different ways of practicing yoga. Some of the styles are: Bikram, Kundalini, Astanga and Iyengar. They all aim towards the same goal but in slightly different ways. There are many poses or asanas in yoga for weight loss. Deep breathing in yoga increases the intake of oxygen in the body. Some of the poses and exercises in yoga for weight loss are as below: 1. Pranayam: Pranayam is a set of breathing exercises that have an effective impact on weight loss. Deep breathing done in the proper way helps in reducing the abdominal fat. There are different breathing techniques which can be practiced like kapalbhati, bhastrika, anulom vilom, bharamari and ujjayi pranayam. Kapalbhati is said to be very effective since it involves forceful exhalation of air. Care should be taken that this should be done on an empty stomach only. This is not only good for obesity but also for indigestion and acidity. In Anulom Vilom, one has to close one nostril with the thumb and breathe deeply from the other. This has to be repeated alternating the nostrils. These deep breathing exercises are very helpful and should be done under guidance. 2. Sun Salutations: Sun Salutations or Surya Namaskar is a series of 12 poses which help in weight loss and tone up the whole body. These poses along with sequenced breathing provide a lot of benefits to the body and mind. One should start with 1 or 2 rounds and slowly increase to at least 10 to 12 rounds. People with high blood pressure and pregnant women are advised not to perform this. 3. Bhujanga Asana: This is also called the Cobra Pose. It works on the shoulders, back, arms and other internal organs. 4. Yoga Spinal Twists: This works on your abdominal region and your entire digestive system. Spinal Twists help in burning calories and toning the abs. This is a good yoga for weight loss. Likewise there are many other poses which help in weight loss. One has to learn under guidance and perform slowly. Yoga for weight loss will be effective only if combined with a proper diet. Eliminate the junk food and carbonated drinks from your diet. Include lot of greens, pulses, sprout, salads and fruits in your food intake to provide the body with the necessary proteins and vitamins. Do not break your yoga routine; do it regularly with dedication. The results may not be very quick but be patient and keep practicing yoga for weight loss. It is important to do yoga under an expert's guidance. Yoga for weight loss will also result in a toned body, flexible body, less stress and anxiety, increase in concentration, strengthening of physical and mental health. Postpartum Complications: They Aren't Always About Depression As a first time mom-to-be, the biggest question in your head is which crib will look prettier in the nursery? The wooden one or the white one? I'm sure you're also having trouble picking out only seven of the ten baby outfits to buy! But, if you're a single mom, sadly your situation probably goes a little more like this: "Will I have the money to buy a stroller and car seat before the baby is born?" "If I was having a boy, I wouldn't mind so much that I am unable to buy cute baby outfits." All the information online for pregnant women seems to be about taking care of yourself during pregnancy. Eating healthy, exercising, writing a birth plan, hiring a doula; but does anyone ever prepare you for the physical complications you may face after? A good gynecologist may do this, but don't even depend on that. Family members and friends are so proud of you because you made it through the delivery; they leave you on your own and say everything is back to normal now. But, pay special attention to the small signs telling you it isn't. If you are a single mom, the best thing you can do for you and your baby is set up a support team before the baby arrives. Not every woman's body naturally falls back into its pre-pregnancy state. As I found out too late, Postpartum thyroid problems, hormone imbalances, and postpartum depression are way too common. Unfortunately, your gynecologist may never make you aware of these possibilities. If you develop one of these postpartum complications, you may not even recognize it; a strong support person will notice the things you miss. Choosing a support person is like a game of "Red Rover": deciding who you want on your team. The person you pick will ultimately make you stronger or weaker. The only difference is your choice in "Red Rover" results in merely a win or loss; your choice for a support person effects much more. For instance, it may not be wise to choose the person who sits through an entire television show and the next day cannot remember anything they watched! You may also want to pass on the family member who suggested the possibility of a miscarriage after learning of your pregnancy. Someone who is hardheaded and makes quick assumptions based on their own knowledge or lack thereof (ignorance) will only want to fight during a crisis. Characteristics of a strong support person are someone who is smart, insightful, researches things, assertive, wants you to succeed, listens, encourages you to face your fears, and takes charge. A strong support person also seeks to understand and will hear what you are saying without making their own assumptions. A great support person would be someone who thinks for himself and tends to question those in authority rather than blindly accepting something at face value. I know you have wanted to be a mother all your life; you had that beautiful baby for a reason. So you could raise her, of course! I want to insure you can do just that! Here are some of the symptoms both you and your support person should watch for which may indicate a postpartum hormone imbalance or thyroid problem: • INSOMNIA (Waking up many times during the night, trouble falling asleep initially, trouble getting back to sleep, or waking early, suddenly inability to take naps anymore. Before you were pregnant, it was normal to sleep the whole night through without waking. As long as your baby isn't the one waking you up in the night, that is still considered normal! Something else besides your baby must be causing you to wake up- and that means something isn't right.) • Frequent urination (don't write this off thinking it is just a bladder infection) • Night sweating (Waking up drenched in sweat) • Inability to tolerate the cold (Inability to get warm with many blankets, need more winter jackets than those around you in cold weather and still cold, freezing feet at night, always seem to be colder than those around you. Pay extra attention to this if you used to feel fine without a jacket in 45 degree weather) • Allergies (morning sneezing, runny nose, etc.) • Pressure in neck (may feel like swollen glands) • Neck is tender when someone touches it • Lose postpartum weight extremely fast or just rapid weight loss without dieting • Night sweating (Waking up drenched in sweat) Dry hair (you wonder if you need a new Chi since it isn't making your hair smooth anymore. Here is a clue: IT'S NOT THE CHI!) • Skin suddenly becomes very dry and starts peeling • Hair loss (Women generally lose hair postpartum. If you are aware of that fact and have a gut feeling you are losing way too much, don't ignore it.) Especially if you are losing so much you're getting bald spots! Don't be reassured by your naive family member who tells you its normal; she and your 75 year old aunt have those bald spots, too. • Diarrhea • FATIGUE • Bruises • Memory loss (Continually talking about your baby while calling her another family member's name throughout the course of a day is a big clue! Although this may also be a sign of sleep deprivation.) • Frequent sore throats • Anxiety • Depression • Constant worry about the baby • Unusually long or short menstrual cycles • Overly emotional • Pain behind the eyes • Swollen cheeks • Gaining weight while exercising and eating right • Trouble swallowing • Brain fog • Trouble making decisions • Hoarse voice If you are experiencing any of those symptoms and have a gut feeling something isn't quite right, don't question what you ate for dinner! Make an immediate appointment with a gynecologist you trust. (Please don't try to treat the imbalance yourself; you don't know what hormone your body is definitely lacking or in oversupply. This could very easily make things worse.) What should you tell the gynecologist during your visit? Ask if they are skilled in treating thyroid disorders: even slight ones! Insist on full thyroid blood tests, an uptake scan, and hormone testing. The scan is important because your blood tests won't always show an abnormality. What is the next step? If your gynecologist tells you everything is normal, ask for a referral to an endocrinologist. Your blood tests can show your thyroid is within normal levels but the standard levels may not be your norm. A good endocrinologist will acknowledge your symptoms along with your test results. I would also advise asking for an antidepressant medication to rule out postpartum depression. Don't listen to anyone who tells you just wait to see a doctor until you have insurance coverage; would you wait to take your baby to the doctor if she was sick? Hormone imbalances and thyroid problems are not to be taken lightly; the symptoms they cause are many and can quickly escalate. Get together with your support person and find a way for you to see the doctor now; the more sleep deprived you become, the less clearer your thinking will be. Every difficult situation has a creative solution. Sleep loss should not be brushed off; sometimes the remedy isn't as easy as counting sheep! Sleep is necessary for your mental and physical health. It is also true a postpartum hormone imbalance or thyroid problem can make it impossible for you to sleep nights at a time! Leave the support people behind who don't believe something is possible just because they have never heard of it happening to anyone they know. Especially if they don't take the time or make the effort to do the research to find out if it is possible! Ignorance is egotistical and can easily hinder your health and future! Pregnancy Diet: Are You Getting Enough Calories? The first thing you must understand is that pregnancy is not the time to be counting calories. If you are on a diet that involves severely restricting your caloric intake get off it. Right now. For the next nine months you have permission to not suffer for beauty. Not only is restricting calories not going to result in weight loss (you're going to gain some as the baby grows whether you like it or not) it could potentially harm your baby. Not getting enough calories during pregnancy can lead to the baby not having what it needs to develop properly. Low birth weight is a common complication, as is poor fetal development. The baby may have any number of deficiency-associated birth defects. In short, it is vitally important that when you are pregnant you get enough to eat. You can burn it all off after the baby is born, although to be honest if you have time to worry about your weight you will be handling new motherhood much better than most! The first thing you want to do is calculate your pre-pregnancy Recommended Daily Caloric Intake. If you are a health buff or have been living on a terminal diet you may already know this number. If you do not you can visit one of the following sites to figure it out, or consult with your physician. www.globalrph.com/dieting_calc.htm www.yeraze.com/scripts/calories.php pregnancychildbirth.suite101.com/article.cfm/eating_for_two (this site will also provide practical advice about estimating caloric intake for the rest of your pregnancy, although it doesn't take into account weight gain or loss.) For the first three months of your pregnancy you actually do not need to consume any extra calories. Your pre-pregnancy calorie consumption will be perfectly adequate for your baby's growth and development as long as you are not dieting. If you are dieting, stop! This is the number of calories (roughly) that you want to eat in a day. As you go into your second and third trimester you should increase your daily caloric intake by 300 calories. This will help to compensate for the increasing rate of your baby's growth. If your pre-pregnancy caloric intake was 1800 calories you should consume 2100 calories a day. If it was 1400 calories you should consume 1700 calories, and so on and so forth. Again, this is not the time to try and lose weight. Do not omit these extra calories in favor of allowing your body to burn them instead. This is not healthy for you or your baby, and if you are breastfeeding you will quickly work these calories back off. The number of calories you need during pregnancy is going to vary if you were not a healthy weight when you became pregnant. Women who were obese may be told to consume fewer calories to prevent excessive weight gain, which would place extra strain on the heart and lungs and increase the likelihood of blood pressure related problems during pregnancy. In this case this is a fine time to diet, as long as you are following your doctor's advice. The healthier you are, the healthier your baby is going to be. On the flip side of that coin, if you were underweight at the beginning of your pregnancy or have not gained what the doctor considers to be an adequate amount of weight since becoming pregnant you may be told to increase your caloric intake by more than 300. The baby needs to be able to take enough calories away from your body to grow, and if you don't have any to spare either because you aren't eating enough or your body is burning everything that you eat they are going to suffer. Printable Weight Loss Chart A printable weight loss chart in many cases is simply a means of printing off a chart so you can record you weight. This allows you to track how much weight you are losing and see your progress. A good printable weight loss tracker however will give you a bit more. After all, losing weight is only one way to measure your progress. When trying to lose weight a person goes through many ups and downs. During these times you may see no progress (or very little progress) in terms of pounds lost. However, what you may not know is that you may be losing inches or body fat. Often times when this happens a person does not know that even though the scale is not budging, they are in fact making progress towards their goal. Therefore, to stay motivated and to see the full progress you are making, you want a printable weight loss chart that tracks it all – weight loss, inches lost and body fat lost. Although tracking every measurement is not needed, you will want to track more than just how much you lose in terms of weight. You should also track inches in a few areas of the body like the waist, arms and thighs. You can also track the hips and chest areas. Additionally, using a weight loss chart to track your body fat percent is a great way to see the progress you are making. Losing excess body fat is important not only for weight loss but for your overall health. Excess body fat, especially belly fat, can lead to several medical risks such as heart disease, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes just to name a few. So your goal should not only be in terms of weight loss but also in a reduction of body fat percent. When tracking your progress, you should weigh and measure at least once a week. More than this is not necessary as you can fluctuate by 2 to 4 pounds in a given day due to water weight. You will get a more accurate reading if you weight and measure yourself on the same day of each week at the same time of day. So pick a time when you can easily measure and record your progress. Measuring body fat percentage is a bit more difficult than simply weighing yourself. You can purchase specialized equipment to measure skin folds in order to calculate your body fat percent. If you belong to a gym, have an instructor help you measure for body fat or ask your doctor. Another method is to use an online body fat calculator. Although these are not as exact as a skin fold measurement, it will give you a good basis to help measure your progress. Of course tracking your progress is only one step towards reaching your goals. A printable weight loss chart is simply a tool to measure progress – it is up to you to do the work to reach your goal. Eating healthy and exercising are the two best methods to losing weight, reducing body fat and losing inches. So set up a meal plan and workout routine so that you can start to track and measure your progress and reach your goal. Printable Weight Loss Tracker Using a printable weight loss tracker is a great tool for measuring your progress. When trying to lose weight, you want a method to measure and record how you are doing. This way you can make adjustments as needed when you are at a plateau. Measuring how much weight you have lost is just one method of tracking your progress. A good printable weight loss tracker will allow for more than just measuring and recording pounds lost. You want to also track inches and body fat percent. During any weight loss program you will experience times when you are not losing pounds. This can be discouraging if this was the only method of tracking your progress. You see, often times when a person is not losing weight they may in fact be losing inches or body fat. This is why your printable weight loss tracker should measure more than just pounds. One of the hardest things to achieve while trying to lose weight is staying motivated. However, if you measure more than just pounds lost, you have alternate methods to help you track progress and stay motivated to lose weight. Therefore, to stay motivated and to see the full progress you are making, you want a printable weight loss chart that tracks it all – weight loss, inches lost and body fat lost. It is not necessary to track every inch but you will want to select a few areas of the body like the waist, arms and legs. You can also add the hips and chest. Just make sure that you measure more than just one area of the body to get a true measure of how you are doing. Tracking body fat is probably even more important than tracking weight loss or inches. Excess body fat can lead to many medical risks such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome and more. Tracking body fat however is not as easy as hopping on a scale and reading a number. There are various methods for measuring body fat. The most accurate and common method is to take skin fold measurements. This requires special equipment that you can purchase. You can also you're your doctor or a staff member at your local gym perform these skin fold measurements. Another method, although not as accurate, is to use an online body fat calculator. Even though these calculators are not as accurate, it will allow you to measure and see your progress when losing body fat. The best way to track your progress is to weigh and measure yourself once a week. More than this can give you misleading results as a person can fluctuate in weight by 2 to 4 pounds daily. This is primarily due to water weight. Additionally, you want to weight yourself on the same day of the week and at the same time of day. This will give you the most accurate reading for recording in your printable weight loss tracker or chart. So pick a time when you can easily measure and record your progress. A weight loss tracker is just a tool for you to use. The real work of losing weight has to start with you. First and foremost learning to eat healthy is the best method for losing weight. Additionally and probably just as important is to add exercise to your weekly routine. These two steps will get you started on your way to losing weight, inches and excess body fat. So get active, eat healthy and use your weight loss tracker to see how great you are doing to reaching your goal. Pros And Cons Of Teen Bariatric Surgery Sadly, obesity not only affects adults but also many adolescents. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, 18 percent of adolescents between the ages of 12 and 19 are obese. The excess weight creates a host of physical and psychological problems, including diabetes, high blood pressure and low self-esteem. After many failed weight loss attempts, adolescents and their parents sometimes turn to weight loss surgery as their last hope for a healthy, happy life. However, in the long term teen bariatric surgery might pose more risks than benefits. Teen Weight Loss Surgery: Lack of Studies The main problem with adolescent bariatric surgery is a lack of clinical studies about the long-term effect of various weight loss procedures. While the results of bariatric treatments in adults have been documented fairly well, the effects of weight loss surgery on teenagers have not been studied systematically. Some of the potential problems include the effect of the procedure on skeletal development, the consequences of reduced nutrient absorption over many decades, and the psychological effects of having to follow a very restricted diet for life. Bariatric Surgery Procedures for Teenagers: Minimally Invasive Due to the lack of studies and the potential negative impact of weight loss surgery on the developing body, some bariatric surgeons recommend that teenagers pursue less invasive weight loss procedures. Less drastic bariatric treatments include Lap Band and gastric balloon. During Lap Band surgery, a surgical band is placed around the upper part of the stomach. The band can be tightened or loosened by adding or removing saline solution. It can also be completely removed. The purpose of the Lap Band is to reduce the amount of food that enters the stomach at any time and to make the patient feel fuller faster. The gastric balloon is a relatively new incision-free procedure. During this treatment, a surgeon inserts a silicone balloon in the stomach. The balloon is then filled with liquid solution or air. Like Lap Band, the goal of the gastric balloon is to reduce the amount of food that enters the stomach and to reduce the patient's appetite. Bariatric Surgery Procedures for Teenagers: Invasive If the Lap Band or the gastric balloon fail to produce the desired results, a more invasive bariatric surgery procedure might be needed. Gastric bypass and gastric sleeve surgery are complex procedures that permanently alter the way the body processes nutrients. During gastric bypass surgery, a small stomach pouch is stapled off from the rest of the stomach, and the small intestine is attached to the pouch to avoid absorption of certain nutrients. Due to the extent of surgical manipulations needed, gastric bypass cost is typically higher than that of a Lap Band. During gastric sleeve surgery, more than 80 percent of the stomach is removed. The result is a much smaller stomach that holds very small quantities of food. As a result, the patient can lose weight very rapidly. While both gastric bypass and gastric sleeve surgery can help teenagers slim down quickly, these are complex procedures that require life-long dietary changes and ongoing medical monitoring. Therefore, teenagers and their parents should consider these treatments very carefully and pursue them only if all other options have been exhausted. Pros And Disadvantages Of Weight Loss Pills When it comes to weight reduction, you've got more than just one system to dump those extra pounds. From extreme diets to the sophisticated weight reduction surgeries, there are ample options. Amid diverse other options, weight reduction supplements are one of the most preferred choices as a weight reduction strategy. Let us take a look at the pros and cons of these weight reduction pills and find out whether or not they are really worth trying. Capacities of weight reduction supplements They are a simple and effortless way to lose weight. Most weight loss plans often ask you to change to heavy exercising schedules or stern diet plans making it difficult for you to lose weight. Diet pills, on the other hand, offer you a far easier route to weight loss. Just pop a pill and you are done. Weight loss pills also consume much less time as compared to other fat reduction methods. A few seconds is all that is required to take the pill and gulp it down. These tablets also come with a selection of specs built to suit individual necessities including appetite suppressant, Carb blockers etc . The ample options available makes it much more likely for you to find one that suits your explicit weight reduction wishes. Getting these slimming pills is fully easy. You do not have to take the hassle of going all out to get these weight reduction supplements. The majority of these pills can be ordered online right from the comfort of your own house. So, you get the product at the doorstep without putting in any efforts for the same. But, make sure that you go in just for weight reduction pills that offer you secure ordering like the Dietrine Carb pill. Cons Weight loss supplements might have side effects. Nausea, the runs, puking dizziness, etc are all associated with the slimming pills as possible side effects. Thus, it becomes vital to select weight loss supplements which are natural and safe without any possibility of negative symptoms. The Dietrine Carb Blocker is one such natural and safe weight reduction pill available in the market and does not come with any side effects. also they are a bit more pricey, particularly if compared to the various home remedies. Obviously this is often overwhelmed by buying rebates and special, packed deal offers. Actually, web stores internet stores are a great bet here as they offer frequent rebates. Like every other weight loss mechanism, these pills have both strengths and weaknesses. In this case however, the weaknesses can be simply overcome if you are ready to perform some research. Purchasing Clenbuterol Online For Weight Loss You might be going through unhealthy times in your life, with weight loss issues being very high in your mind. The fact is, your lifestyle hardly allows you to be anywhere near working fine as you might want, going across your neighborhood or Gym to work out and shed more calories and fat that should not be there in the fast place. For most people, the fact that they are going through dangerous times in terms of gaining so much is never high in their mind, while there exist a better way of shedding weight and remaining as healthy and without scares that are associated with weight. Clenbuterol is the substance that you can use to make sure you are living a healthy life and you are well in terms of weight. There are proportions of weight that are not just right. You might have increased so much weight to a point of knowing clearly that you are walking on a time bomb. You will know when your weight is seriously beyond what is required and you can count yourself on the brink of contracting those disorders associated with gaining lots of weight. It is something you need to arrest, such as with the use of Clenbuterol. You might then be asking where you can get the pill towards a skinny body, something that is now the love of Hollywood where models, actors, athletes and actresses are using it with a lot of bravado. It is a substance you can get easily and start living healthy today. The best place to lay hands on the wonder weight-loss drug is going online for the substance. With shipments to where you are, getting the substance is so easy that many are now controlling the weight they have. They are also making sure they are using clenbuterol in the right way. When it comes to online transactions, many people hardly know what happens when a person has purchased the drug from the wrong sources, something that might be so dangerous in the long haul. You must find a trustworthy online provider, with a track of successful ventures in the same. Using Clen, you give your body the chance to cut down on excesses fat without the use of a diet that is not only cumbersome but something not many really want. It increases the core of your body's temperature thus forcing your body to begin the fat burning process. The clenbuterol induced fat loss is eye popping, the reason even most of the world's most famous entertainers trust it. On the other hand, you will notice that while using it your sleep is not interfered with like other substances do. This does not mean it does not stay in your system a while longer. It does, and you can count on it as most bodybuilding enthusiasts, athletes and celebrities have. They have turned on it with avid success in losing weight and curtailing fat loss. If you have seen well toned models and actresses across the world, think clenbuterol that is helping them to relive their glamour. You have a great chance too. "quickie Fad" Weight Loss Diets All you hear about today is “Fit into those skinny jeans in a few days" advertisements. I have tried seems like every diet on this planet and a few others. I hear the same thing from every diet plan that promises to help me get thin. Then I read what authorities on weight have to say and it sounds something like this; obesity is a physical state that refers to excessive body fat. And to reduce body fat takes time and exercise. The first thing that comes off is water not fat. Fat is burned off and to burn fat you must exercise. So what is diet and dieting I asked myself? You may have asked the same questions and chances are you have experienced the frustrations of dieting at least once in your life, if you have problems with your weight. Statistics say that close to a hundred million people go on a weight loss diet in any given year; up to ninety-five percent of them regain the weight they lose within five years, I was in the 95% category. Worse, a third will gain back more weight than they lost, in danger of "yo-yoing" from one popular diet to another. First you try one quick diet and maybe that diet helps you lose some body fluid, and you think that you have lost weight. In reality you only lost temporary body water, a quick 5 to 10 pounds or so. Then in a few days after the quick diet you find the 5 - 10 pounds and maybe a few more have returned. The conventional approach to weight problems is that we focus on quick fad weight loss diets or weight loss drugs, and these may leave you with just as much weight and the additional burden of ill health and low self esteem. Low self esteem because you start to think you can't lose weight, when you really want to be thin or just thinner. Today, an estimated sixty-five percent of all adults are obese or overweight. Our culture obsesses about staying thin even as we grow fatter, but this isn't about appearances. Obesity is known to be a precursor to many debilitating health conditions such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, osteoarthritis, and gallbladder disease. I find my health conditions concern me more than just losing the weight. In my search for more information on my health concerns, I found out that obesity contributes to as many as 375,000 deaths every year. In addition, the public health costs for obesity are staggering. According to researchers at Harvard University, obesity is a factor in 19% of all cases of heart disease with annual health costs estimated at 30 billion dollars; it's also a factor in 57% of diabetes cases, with health costs of $9 billion per year. Now that I am a little wiser on weight loss I tend to Set More Realistic Goals for myself. No doubt you have fallen for one or more of the weight loss diet schemes over the years and I truly have purchased all of them. They all promised quick and painless weight loss. Many of these quick weight loss diet programs undermine your health, cause physical discomfort, flatulence, and ultimately lead to disappointment when you start regaining weight, shortly after losing it. Fad or quick weight loss diet programs generally overstress one type of food. They contravene the fundamental principle of good nutrition - to remain healthy one must consume a balanced diet, which includes a variety of foods. Safe, healthy, and permanent weight reduction is what's truly lost among the thousands of popular diet schemes. I am in this for the long haul not the short quick without a failsafe method. Some of the weight loss diet schemes reign supreme briefly, only to fade out later. While some wane from popularity due to being unproductive or unsafe, some simply lose the public's curiosity we tend to move onto better, faster, and newer products. Examples of such fad diets include the Grapefruit diet, Cabbage Soup diet, Beverly Hills diet, Apple cider vinegar, green tea diet, there are many popular name diets that I dare not mention here, but I do on my blog - the list goes on and on. These fad diets advocate a specific technique (such as eliminating a certain food, or eating only certain combinations of foods) in conjunction with the basic idea that the body makes up the difference in energy by breaking down and utilizing some part of itself, essentially converting matter into energy. Quick Simple Weight Loss Need a little extra advice trying to shed weight? What are some good slimming hints to help you to take off those unwanted pounds. Practical, sensible tips that's easy to do, and you are able to give them a try starting right now for successful weight loss. Avoid skipping meals. Yeah I know, you're supposed to be dieting, but reducing the quantity of food you consume doesn't mean cutting back on them drastically or eliminating meals completely. By fasting consistently you're slowing your body's ability to burn fat. By not having food for fuel your body will automatically unwind it's metabolism and fat burning mechanism to compensate for the lack of food. Thus skipping breakfast or missing meals to scrimp on calories to try and slim down is counter productive. Instead eat smaller meals and snacks through out the day to keep blood sugar levels consistent. That way the extra calories you consume are rarer to be converted to fat. Exercise. Well least ways do some exercise throughout the day. Not only is it good for your cardiovascular health, but it helps to jump start your metabolism and burn calories which otherwise might turn to fat. It also assists suppress the appetite. Drink plenty of water, it promotes slimming. Water has no longer this calories and it helps your body to burn fat effectively. Plus it has a filling effect that suppresses the appetite. Eat more fiber. Most people don't get enough dietary fiber in their diets. It helps you to fill fuller which suppresses the appetite and the group doesn't absorb it. So it just passes right through the group, but excess food and cholesterol attaches itself to it and is passed through the body as well and is rarer to be turned to fat and losing weight easier. Eat complex carbs (low glycemic), full grains, fresh fruit and vegetables. Low glycemic carbs won't spike the blood sugar as much and the body are rarer to turn food into fat. The same is true for wholegrain foods that haven't been refined or processed. The body works harder to digest it (burning more calories) and the healthy nutrients haven't been removed. One last simple to follow tip for weight loss that anyone can follow is to prepare a shopping list, and don't ever go shopping if you're hungry, you'll be tempted to pay for junk food with "empty" (no nutritional value) calories. If you're wondering what are some good weight loss points, then these simple to follow hints will assistance in taking off those unwanted pounds. Quick Slimming Techniques Besides physical appearance, extra weight will affect you in many ways. This could be the overall quality of living, self-confidence, mood, health, and physical incapabilities. There are a lot of good changes once a person experience weight loss. These are the reasons why a lot of souls are searching for a weight loss technique that will surely lose fat and get a uber skinny head snapping body. The first thing that an overweight person should do is search for a doctor to recommend the best diet regimen. This will be executed after a full physical exam, which leads to the conclusion of correct weight loss formula. And to lose fat fast and in effect four aspects of living should be switched: what to eat, how to eat, behavior and activity level. Here are fast tips that can re-arrange an fat person's life: First: rapid dieting is composed of a multi-faceted formula that consists of mind set, exercise, and in other cases, diet supplements. You can begin by picking up a diet food plan that can easily be accustomed with. Include an work out plan that allows for simply at least 15 minutes a day like brisk walking, running, swimming, and dancing. Second: Write practical approaches. The will to focus and have great mind state enables a person on a diet to quickly skim those extra pounds. With training and great mind set, a person will never be discouraged and lose centering. Third: Listen as the body speaks. Everybody's body metabolism responds differently to different fast lose weight programs and plans. Try substituting one program for another to correct the body's response. Work out plan must be right to one's body, as other people are not able to exercise as dedicated as other people can. If strolling is all that can be done at the time, then walk for this is shown to be the greatest exercise. Muscles burns more calories than fats so it's also better to build on a tiny amount of muscle and look good too. Fourth: Eat a lot of fibers for it gets a person full fast and lasts in the tummy longer, slacking the pace of digesting. An exclusive serving of whole grain bread moves fat through the digestive system faster. Grains switch into blood sugar that spikes the body's insulin level. Thus, making the body more excited and set to alert the body when it should lay off using fats or start storing. Fifth: Hold back from greasy snacks especially deep-fried as this bears a big deal of fat. Although fish and chicken appear leaner than beef, this white meat can carry more fat than when a beef is fried. It is thought for those on rigorous diet to opt for grilled food as this does not have or contains less fat after the food is good. Sixth: Takes a large amount of fluid. Chugging at least six to eight glasses of water per day keeps the body invigorated. Because getting thin depends on how the body disposes of body wastes, the body must stay hydrated. On the whole, discipline and consistency is comprised of the best practice and the key to a quick fat loss success. Quick dieting, exercising, and the correct amount of supplementation provided in a normal way everyday will result in accelerated weight loss than having a massive action only to be followed a return to old habits as this would only lead to gaining more weight than when the weight loss plan has started. Quick Slim Tips - Slimming Home Exercise Workouts If you're searching for quick slim tips and ways to lose weight, read on. In this brief article, I'll be discussing several home workout routines that I have personally used over the past year to lose more than 50 pounds. Hopefully by the time you're finished reading this, you'll have some ideas that will be helpful in developing your own home exercise routine. One of the best exercises for getting slim quick is cardio. Cardio workouts elevate your heart rate and literally melt unwanted fat. Running, brisk walks, and jumping jacks are all excellent for this. Another great slimming exercise that you can do from home is weight resistance training. Now I know what you're thinking... weights and home gym equipment is expensive, not to mention the amount of space they take up. That's why I'm a firm believer in using your own body weight to train. Exercises such as push ups, pull ups, and sit ups all make use of your body's weight to build muscle and improve strength. Last but not least, yoga is an amazing way to get slim quick from home. Yoga doesn't require any fancy equipment other than a yoga mat and yoga blocks, and it provides a tremendous workout as well as improving your overall mental state. Yoga is also a great way to improve flexibility. Hopefully this short article has given you some quick slim tips that you'll find useful. As I mentioned, all of these exercises are part of a home fitness program that I've used to lose a substantial amount of weight over the past few years. Have a clear plan of what you want to accomplish, set your goals, and then maintain your focus as you work towards them. Rapid Weight Loss vs. Slow, Sustained Weight Reduction Most weight loss products and services currently on the market promise quick, easy weight reduction. They emphasize loss of a specific number of pounds over a short period of time. This can be a really appealing possibility, especially if you're hoping to drop some weight in order to fit into a wedding dress, look good in a bikini, or wear that old suit. Unfortunately, these kinds of products don't always work the way you'd like them to. Problems with Rapid Weight Loss Losing weight fast sounds like a great idea until you learn about all the possible side effects it could cause. Your body is designed to hold onto fat in times when there's not much food available. Unfortunately, that means that a lot of programs designed to help you lose fat quickly actually end up taking off muscle mass and causing you to lose water weight. That means that you'll weight less, but you might not actually end up with the body you wanted. That weight tends to come right back when you resume normal eating, too. After all, your body has an idea of what it's "normally" supposed to be like, and it wants to return to that size and shape. Studies have shown that people who've lost weight actually feel hungrier than people of the same weight who did not go through a loss program. This extra hunger lasts for up to two or three years, and it can be hard to deal with. The problems are bigger for people who lose most of their weight quickly because it takes longer for the body to adjust. Losing weight too fast can lead to feeling tired and sluggish. It can also decrease your metabolism in the long run, making it easier to gain weight and harder to lose it. In extreme cases, too-rapid weight loss can even damage your heart and cause other long term health problems. A More Sustainable Alternative With all these disadvantages, it's clear that programs that promise losses of 30 pounds in 30 days aren't a viable option if you want to stay healthy. Doctors tend to recommend losing only one to two pounds per week if you want to stay healthy and reduce the risk of putting weight back on. Ideally, this process should be relatively slow and gentle, allowing your body to get used to being smaller and needing less or different food. It takes a lot of patience and can be very frustrating at times, but slow weight loss is really the most sustainable option. Finding a Happy Medium Unfortunately, the slow speed of many truly sustainable weight loss programs can actually reduce your chances of losing weight. That's because so many people become frustrated with their progress, especially when they reach a plateau. They may decide that the difficulty of eating a healthier diet isn't worthwhile. They might even end up quitting their weight loss plan entirely. That's why some people end up seeking a happy medium between unsustainable, dangerous loss at a rapid rate, and the slower, safer and often frustrating methods that work best in the long run. One option is to choose a plan that results in some relatively rapid loss at the beginning, then slows down and produces more sustainable results. It's still important to pay attention to these plans' effects on your system, since not all of them are healthy. However, the initial rapid loss may help you feel better about the slower pace later on. Popular options include low-carbohydrate plans such as the Atkins Diet, which feature large amounts of loss at the beginning, as well as weight loss techniques that start with fasting or other calorie-restrictive methods and reintroduce other foods later. You can also work to reduce the damage done by planned or unexpected rapid loss. For instance, you may be able to decrease the risk of severe muscle loss by maintaining regular activity, especially if your exercise program includes a resistance training component. By making sure you use your muscles, you decrease the risk of serious loss. Maintaining good hydration, eating a balanced diet that's rich in all necessary vitamins and minerals, and taking care to consume foods that will provide you with plenty of energy can also help cut down some of the problems associated with rapid loss. When in doubt, talk to a doctor or nutritionist about your weight loss plans. When Quick Weight Loss Isn't a Worry Sometimes, losing weight fast isn't something you need to spend too much time worrying about. This doesn't refer to loss caused by unsustainable fasts or fad diet plans, but it can apply when you've recently made a healthy lifestyle change. If you used to live on fast food but you've recently changed to a vegetarian lifestyle, there's a good chance you may experience sudden, surprising loss. This sort of effect can also happen if you've suddenly taken up a strenuous new sport or hobby, such as running, cycling or dancing. The change in your diet and your activity level could be enough to prompt rapid loss, but if your healthy new habit is going to be a long term one, there's probably nothing to worry about. Concentrate on taking care of your body, avoiding injury, and getting a balanced diet. If you stay active and provide your body with plenty of energy, the weight loss will slow down eventually and you should be able to maintain good health. Dealing with the Side Effects of Rapid Weight Loss Even quick weight loss that doesn't negatively affect your health can have some unpleasant side effects, however. Many people who lose weight fast find that they suffer from loose skin, changes in appetite and energy level, or unusual moods. These can be disruptive to your daily life and may also negatively affect your self-image, but there are some ways to reduce or eliminate them. The first is to ensure that you're getting enough food. If you've recently lost a lot of weight due to a sudden increase in exercise level or a major change in your diet, there's a chance you're actually getting too few calories. This can affect the way you feel, the things you eat, and even how much you want to eat. Focus on getting plenty of lean protein, but don't cut out the fat entirely. Look for "good" fats such as nuts and olive oil. These will help you feel sated, so they'll reduce the risk of that ravenous feeling. They'll also provide the specific types of energy that your nervous system needs to work properly, cutting down on mental and emotional side effects. Weight loss can also cause cosmetic issues such as loose skin. This is especially common in older people who experience rapid loss, since their skin isn't as elastic as that of younger dieters. While some amount of loose skin may be unavoidable after a quick loss, you have a few options to decrease it. First, make sure you're engaging in at least some resistance training like weight lifting. This will help build muscle under the skin, filling it out and helping reduce sagginess. This plan is appropriate for women as well as men, since there's no need to fear bulking up unless you have an unusually large amount of testosterone in your system or are using performance enhancers. You can also help your skin stay firm and attractive by making sure you stay hydrated and consuming plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. If you have the option to pursue slow, steady weight loss, that's always the best choice. However, a short period of quick loss or a fast loss due to healthy lifestyle changes doesn't have to be the end of the world. In the end, just make sure you stick with healthy, balanced choices and focus on fitness, not just appearance. Raspberry Ketone Plus Claims A new fat burning supplement in the market comes with a name of Raspberry Ketone Plus. The claims of this weight loss supplement are supported by research. According to the promoters of the product, it can help you lose up to 5 pounds in every week of taking the supplement. This is a painless and safe way to lose weight, according to proponents. Moreover, it is promoted as a clinically proven weight loss product that does not produce any negative side effects. The Raspberry Ketone supplement works in a different fashion than other weight loss products. In the body, it stimulates the release of adiponection, which is a hormone that controls the body's metabolism through breakdown of fat and regulation of glucose levels. A good supply of adiponection in the body lowers the amount of fat deposits, thus leading to weight loss. The weight loss supplement contains Raspberry Ketones, African Mango, Acai Berry, Resveratrol, Apple Cider Vinegar, Caffeine BP, and so on. These are all natural ingredients that will not give side effects like synthetic medications. Good health effects are expected since these components are all natural. Users have not yet reported any adverse reactions caused by the supplement so far. While Raspberry Ketone is not like the regular OTC medications, as it has gone through years of clinical research that measured its effectiveness. Aside from scientific research to back up the claims of the weight loss supplement, Raspberry Ketone has also received good reviews from users. If the product does not work for you, it can be returned to the company and you can get your money in return. But some people do not wish to go through this kind of hassle. They want to make sure that the slimming product they purchase really works. The trick with Raspberry Ketone Plus is that you have to go through an exercise regimen and low-fat diet plan as well, to get the desired results. Some people have asked whether their weight loss is actually due to the pill or due to exercise and a low-fat diet. A reliable study should show a weight loss product working alone. Then again, so many positive feedbacks mean that the product is promising. There are guidelines to be followed, as you cannot just take the pills anytime you want. During the first day, a single pill or capsule before breakfast and one before lunch are all you need. Two pills a day should give you 200 milligrams of raspberry ketone, a natural substance found in red raspberries responsible for metabolism of lipids. Still, you need to exercise to get optimum results. At the same time, monitoring your diet is also important. Note that the product contains caffeine, which is a stimulant that activates your central nervous system and prompts the release of energy boosting chemicals in the body. Caffeine is addictive and has negative effects on various organs, but there is too little caffeine in the raspberry ketone supplement to cause the classic caffeine jitters. Should you try the raspberry ketone weight loss supplement? It seems like the product is worth trying. But, if your exercise and diet regimen have been working so far, then, there seems to be no need for you to invest in anything that will only make you spend more. Raspberry Ketones Review - Is Raspberry Ketone the Complete Solution to Your Weight Loss Challenge? To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you take in. Using Raspberry Ketones is one way that can help you to burn more calories. More physical activity, both more frequent and more intense, also helps and so does reducing the number of calories you take in in the form of foods and beverages. An honest Raspberry Ketones review must mention that when you're losing weight it's best to set specific goals for how much weight you want to lose and by when you want to do it. It's also a good idea to plan out what changes you're going to make to lose weight both in the short term and in the long term, and this Raspberry Ketones review recommends that you do so. How to Sustainably Lose Weight You also want to maintain a healthy weight after losing the weight you want to lose, preferably without gaining much weight back that you have to lose again. Raspberry Ketones can also help with this, and a Raspberry Ketones review would also be remiss to not mention that you should plan for the occasional setback and relapse, since your willpower is not perfect. It's important to accept that these setbacks will happen, to learn from them and to move on from them. Losing weight is also not something that you have to do all on your own, as family, friends and your doctor can help you through this process. This Raspberry Ketones review recommends trying several methods to lose weight as well as giving Raspberry Ketones a try. Questions Concerning Weight Loss and Raspberry Ketones Questions to ask concerning dietary changes you make for losing weight are: does it fit your budget and your lifestyle? It should. Can you still eat your favorite foods on this plan? You ought to be able to in moderation, since this can help a lot with motivation to stick with the diet plan, and a Raspberry Ketones review must mention that maintaining motivation is useful for keeping weight off in the long run. An alternate method is to eat strictly for 6 days a week and to leave 1 day a week when you can eat whatever you want. Keeping Weight Off The changes you make should also include enjoyable foods or foods that are cooked or seasoned in enjoyable ways: many healthy foods are still tasty and a lot of fun to eat. You'll also want to be eating food that you can easily access, say at your local grocery stores. You also need to make sure you eat a certain number of calories as well as macronutrients like protein and healthy fats and micronutrients like vitamins and minerals in order to maintain your health while you're losing weight, and this Raspberry Ketones review advises you to do so. Are Raspberry Ketones the Only Solution to Weight Loss? No. Regular exercise should be part of any weight loss plan as well, and Raspberry Ketones can also be helpful. Don't be afraid to start off slow and gradually transition into a healthier diet, too. Exercise is also something that can definitely be eased into over time, starting simply with more physical activity like walking more or using the stairs or doing housework like cleaning, mowing the lawn and gardening. Losing weight is something that you can definitely do. This Raspberry Ketones review concludes that supplements like Raspberry Ketones combined with techniques such as diet and exercise combined can help you reduce weight. Read My Individual Phenternin Hoodia Weight Loss Success Story (see Before/after Photos) I hope that my narrative serves to enthuse others like me who are challenged to shed weight and keep it off for good. I am thirty-three years old, divorced dad in a new solid and happy relationship with a newborn, and a sweet and beautiful 8 year old dauther. I became interested by the Hoodia plant's weight loss capabilities and tried many different diet aides. After much trials and tribulations I finally found real Hoodia products that made a actual difference. I lost 32 pounds! I was thrilled and amazed at my success. I knew if I did it, others could too!. It was Phenternin that made the change for me. Like me, have you dieted time and again with little or no real success? Do you feel like giving up on real weight loss success? Do you feel hungry or crave something sweet and can't help cheating when dieting? If so, then you're not alone. That's why I was thrilled when Hoodia weight loss products became more accessible right here in U.S.A. Just like me, I'm sure many of you saw Hoodia in the newscasts, on TV and in major magazines; with various headlines purporting Hoodia's phenomenon weight-loss accomplishment. Of course, I rushed out to buy my first Hoodia weight loss aide, which did little to nothing for me. The next dozen plus products I purchased didn't make much dent in my weight loss efforts. But, here's where persistence pays off; because eventually I did stumble on Hoodia diet aides that in truth worked great! For years I have been seeking weight loss solutions with limited success. I wrote this article to connect with dieters just like me who wanted information from the user's perspective for a change. I was so excited about my triumph that I was excited to share my experience and perchance aid others make a more educated decision about which of the hundreds of Hoodia weight-loss aides to consider for potent weight loss. I've been a yo yo dieter for as long as I can recollect. That's why I wrote this account - to share my experience and cut through all the excitement that is constantly adjoining the Hoodia diet of the day. For months I researched and even contacted a number of Hoodia suppliers, and learned to undo Hoodia Facts from Fiction. And if I can lose weight with Phenternin so can you! It is indubitable that Hoodia will obstruct your appetite cold, and give you the opportunity to shed weight without starving yourself. That's probably why Hoodia is top selling diet supplement in the weight loss market today. Hoodia Phenternin diet aides stopped my hunger cold. Real Hoodia diet aides do work! Hoodia is for REAL! And even has introductory animal and a human study reports signifying it's fierce potential as an hunger-suppressor and weight loss pill. Reportedly hoodia works by diminishing your wish to eat. And when you feel less hungry you are able to decrease your calorie eating resulting in potent weight loss. However, because of its unbelievable popularity the bitter Hoodia botanical that makes up Hoodia weight loss products has been getting very pricey and incredibly harder to get. It can take up to seven years for the Hoodia plant to mature and be all set for harvesting. And not only that, raw Hoodia ingredient dealers are reportedly selling fake Hoodia to unsuspecting manufacturers. Get the Real Deal - Real Hoodia Buying Tips: 1) Does the Hoodia diet product contain 100% true South African Hoodia Gordonii, with a C.I.T.E.S. certificate and USDA protected plant import permit? 2) Does this Hoodia weight loss pill contain at least 2250mg daily dose and 750mg of certified Hoodia per pill? 3) Avoid other pointless blended ingredients with side effects (stimulants like caffeine, green tea, Advantra Z [which is a form of caffine], etc.)? 4) Avoid unproven bogus Hoodia weight-loss patches, Hoodia coffee, Hoodia tea, Hoodia sprays, Hoodia liquids, Hoodia pops are nothing more than untested gimmicks that look too good to be true. Hoodia weight-loss aides' results is clearly based on factors that include: A) From my personal experience and investigation I've seen, point toward that a sufficient Hoodia dose is vital coupled with 100% pure Hoodia. I achieved my personal best performance with a 2,250mg daily dose. B) I've observed that blended Hoodia diet supplements tended to lower the overall amount of Hoodia in a product reducing its potential for weight loss. In the end, that's why more Hoodia with phenternin diet did more for me. Read My Special Phenternin Hoodia Weightloss Success Story (see Before/after Photos) I hope that my account serves to inspire others like me who are challenged to lose weight and keep it off for good. I am thirty-three years old, divorced dad in a new solid and happy relationship with a newborn, and a sweet and gorgeous 8 year old dauther. I became interested by the Hoodia plant's diet capabilities and tried many different weight-loss aides. After much trials and tribulations I finally found real Hoodia aides that made a sincere difference. I lost 32 pounds! I was pleased and stunned at my success. I knew if I did it, others could too!. It was Phenternin that made the change for me. Like me, have you dieted time and again with little or no real success? Do you feel like giving up on real weight loss success? Do you feel hungry or crave something sweet and can't help cheating when dieting? If so, then you're not without help. That's why I was thrilled when Hoodia weightloss products became more accessible right here in U.S.A. Just like me, I'm sure many of you saw Hoodia in the news updates, on TV and in major magazines; with various headlines purporting Hoodia's phenomenon diet achievement. Of course, I rushed out to buy my first Hoodia weight-loss supplement, which did little to nothing for me. The next dozen plus products I purchased didn't make much dent in my weight loss efforts. But, here's where persistence pays off; because in the end I did unearth Hoodia diet products that in truth worked great! For years I have been seeking weight loss solutions with limited success. I wrote this article to get a message to dieters just like me who wanted information from the user's perspective for a change. I was so excited about my achievement that I was thrilled to share my experience and conceivably assist others make a more educated decision about which of the hundreds of Hoodia diet aides to consider for real weight loss. I've been a yo yo dieter for as long as I can recall. That's why I wrote this story - to share my know-how and cut through all the hype that is constantly surrounding the Hoodia diet of the day. For months I researched and even contacted assorted Hoodia suppliers, and learned to separate Hoodia Facts from Fiction. And if I can lose weight with Phenternin so can you! It is irrefutable that Hoodia will cease your hunger cold, and give you the chance to lose weight without starving yourself. That's probably why Hoodia is top selling diet product in the weight loss marketplace today. Hoodia Phenternin diet supplements stopped my appetite cold. Real Hoodia diet products do work! Hoodia is for REAL! And even has preliminary animal and a human study reports demonstrating it's overpowering potential as an hunger-suppressor and diet aide. Reportedly hoodia works by diminishing your longing to eat. And when you feel less ravenous you are able to diminish your calorie ingestion resulting in powerful weight loss. However, because of its staggering popularity the raw Hoodia botanical that makes up Hoodia diet aides has been getting very exclusive and exceptionally harder to attain. It can take up to seven years for the Hoodia plant to develop and be prepared for harvesting. And not only that, raw Hoodia ingredient dealers are allegedly selling bogus Hoodia to unsuspecting manufacturers. Get the Real Deal - Real Hoodia Buying Tips: 1) Does the Hoodia weight-loss product contain 100% authentic South African Hoodia Gordonii, with a C.I.T.E.S. certificate and USDA protected plant import permit? 2) Does this Hoodia weight loss aide have at least 2250mg daily dose and 750mg of certified Hoodia per pill? 3) Avoid other unnecessary blended ingredients with side effects (stimulants like caffeine, green tea, Advantra Z [which is a form of caffine], etc.)? 4) Avoid unproven bogus Hoodia weight loss patches, Hoodia coffee, Hoodia tea, Hoodia sprays, Hoodia liquids, Hoodia pops are nothing more than untested gimmicks that seem too good to be true. Hoodia weight loss aides' results is clearly based on factors that include: A) From my personal experience and research I've seen, point out that a sufficient Hoodia prescribed amount is vital coupled with 100% pure Hoodia. I achieved my personal best performance with a 2,250mg daily dose. B) I've observed that blended Hoodia diet aides tended to condense the overall amount of Hoodia in a product reducing its potential for weight loss. In the end, that's why more Hoodia with phenternin diet did more for me. Realistic Effective Weight Loss Programs A large percentage of world population is facing the problem of obesity these days. A sedentary and hectic life style, more dependence on high calorie fast food is resulting in a number of overweight people around us. There are several weight loss programs which are made popular through various methods of publicity but before adopting one, you should thoughtfully consider its suitability for you. Weight loss programs which make unrealistic claims of reducing your weight overnight in an effortless manner may ultimately cause harm to your general health status. These programs may initially appear to be useful as the body weight is reduced in a speedy manner through reduction of water content in the body. Over a period of time, the side effects of these programs have a telling effect on your body. To overcome the problem of obesity and to have a superior health and fitness level, you need effective weight loss programs which aim at reducing your body weight in a phased manner with proven scientific techniques coupled with regular exercise schedule and correct eating habits. These programs are designed to reduce your excess weight gradually over a period of time and keeping you fit and full of stamina. Effective weight loss programs are carefully formulated by the experienced and trained health and fitness experts for better results in reducing excess fat from your body. A nutritious and healthy diet coupled with regular pattern of cardio vascular exercise and stretching sessions helps a lot to achieve desired results through weight loss programs. The people who as individuals want to lose weight should employ a balanced approach that consists of daily exercise, education and nutrition along with safe, effective weight loss supplements. Effective weight loss programs should be a balanced combination of exercises and nutrition. By doing regular exercise sends your body messages to increase its metabolism, strength along with your aerobic capacity. Education on over eating is very important so as to explain people the importance of a healthy and a balanced body. The best way to lose weight is to take a balanced diet along with a slight decrease in the intake of calories and enhanced physical activity. Weight loss supplements affect only when combined with good nutrition and exercise. It is not always easy to choose an effective weight loss programs for oneself as one may not know exactly which body part to work upon or the exact amount of vitamins, proteins, fats or carbohydrates to intake. There are various websites where you can get useful information about weight loss programs. Apart from this, Weight loss Information Network (WIN) also helps you to find suitable methods and detailed information on effective weight loss programs. Realize Natural Weight Loss with These 5 Essential Diet Tips When starting a natural weight loss routine, these 5 diet tips are necessary for achieving your desires. 1. Eat breakfast every day. The Weight Control Registry, which tracks 5000 people who have shed thirty pounds and were able to keep them off for at least 12 months, shows that most who experience natural weight loss eat breakfast to fuel the body up every morning. Diet tips that suggest eating breakfast are abundant because this works. Studies support the fact that people who start with a healthy breakfast are less likely to eat excess calories later in the day. Natural weight loss occurs as the body adjusts to more calories in the morning and fewer calories at lunch and dinner. So, eating a solid breakfast is one of those diet tips vital for achieving results. 2. Start meals with soup or salad. These foods are crucial to natural weight loss because they are filled with water and fiber. Diet tips like this may be intimidating, but worthwhile. One study from Penn State University found that people who used two 10 ½ ounce servings of broth based soup each day for a year, shed 50% more weight than those who consumed the same number of calories from healthy snacks. There is no end to the number of diet tips regarding the value of fiber for natural weight loss. Rachel Brandeis, R.D., of Atlanta, tells us that eating 3 cups of green salad with fat-free dressing cuts the number of calories people consume at a meal by 12%. 3. Pass on soft drinks. This is one of those diet tips not to overlook when striving to achieve natural weight loss. Soft drinks elevate the danger of becoming overweight and contain empty calories with zero nutrition. To properly digest the chemicals in one soft drink, a person needs to drink 8-12 glasses of water. Plus, one soft drink can have nearly the same number of calories as a Snickers bar. Many nutritionists also point out that diet soft drinks are not a smart option for natural weight loss, either. According to a study from the University of Texas, Health Science Center in San Antonio, diet soft drinks increase the threat of being overweight by as much as 37%. 4. Eliminate distractions at mealtimes. Some diet tips are important for the mind and body when it comes to natural weight loss. By putting yourself in a quite environment without televisions or telephones while eating, the focus is only on the food, and the way it feels and tastes in the mouth. By taking serious note of the flavors and textures of the food, it is easier to adjust how much is really being consumed, providing healthy portion control. When distracted, mindless consumption takes place, but when individuals seriously focus on these diet tips then their thoughts about food begin to change. When they change the way they eat, they change how much they eat. 5. Throw away any unhealthy foods This is one of those vital diet tips for natural weight loss. When unhealthy foods are not around they are not in your thoughts. "Cravings are often fleeting, and if you have to leave the house to go get ice cream, you'll be less likely to do it," says Roberta Anding, R.D., of Texas Children's Hospital in Houston. By taking these diet tips seriously and eliminating unhealthy foods from the pantry, the refrigerator, and the freezer, the foundation for natural weight loss remains solid. Reduce Waist Size In Days Want to reduce waist size in days... not months? Yeah? Ok, I'm going to share with you how 100's of my clients are able to lose 2-3 inches in less than a month without wasting their time in the gym. Read this now if you want to get a smaller waist. Reduce Waist Size Fast 1. Tops on the list is the vacuum pose using isometric tension to flatten abs There is absolutely NOTHING BETTER than this simple exercise that you do at home while standing up. You suck in your stomach as much as you can, then you hold it for 2-5 seconds, then you release it for a brief rest. Then you do it all over again. Or, you can do this every once in awhile during your free times throughout the day. Done for a grand total of anywhere from 5-15 minutes a day, you can lose 2-3 inches doing this and making NO OTHER CHANGES from your diet and exercise routines. To make this as easy as possible so you don't skip out on doing these daily, I recommend that you do these during tv commercial breaks that last on average about 3 minutes. 2. Do bodyweight squats... and do them FAST This is a great exercise for weight loss. People get caught up in going to the gym. The gym is overrated. You also waste your time going there and back... while also having to sometimes wait for other people to get off the equipment you want. Instead, just do bodyweight squats at home during tv commercials. During the commercial break of about 3 minutes, do as many squats as you can. You should easily get over 50. Once you get to 50 you can stop. Do this during a few commercial breaks and you'll have given yourself an incredible workout that you easily fit into your schedule. Do these 2 things daily, because this is how to reduce waist size in days. Reductil For Weight Loss Reductil is a well established medical solution to obesity problems in people who have trouble losing weight using normal forms of dieting and exercise. Weight Loss Drugs The healthiest way to lose weight is by having a healthy diet and doing regular exercise, however, there is a percentage of people who find that these means still do not decrease there overall BMI. If this is the case, weight-loss drugs such as Reductil can help you. Taking drugs on there own will not assist you in losing weight. If you, however, combine the use of Reductil with regular exercise and a healthy eating plan then you should be able to lose 5-10% of your body weight in a year. Lots of people won't see this as a great amount, but losing this percentage of weight can significantly boost your health. Dropping this percentage of your weight can decrease: • Blood glucose levels • Blood triglyceride levels • Blood pressure • Insulin levels Weight-loss medication doesn't get rid of the need for a healthy diet and exercise, but in combination with these activities it can produce real results. The most successful drug on the market today for weight loss is Reductil. This medicine is on prescription alone and has been clinically revealed to effectively treat people with obesity problems. Reductil's main active ingredient is sibutramine. Sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate, its full title, is a neurotransmitter reuptake inhibitor that makes sure that the body has strong levels of serotonin and norepinephrine. The drug Reductil produces a satisfied sensation making sure that the user does not need to eat a lot to feel full. Where to buy Reductil? Only a few suppliers have the correct authority from the Government to distribute Reductil, but BuyReductil.co.uk and MyReductil.co.uk are two such companies. It is important before you consider buying Reductil that you consult your GP as treatment is only available on a prescription basis. Once you have the appropriate permission from the necessary medical authorities you can purchase Reductil online at BuyReductil.co.uk or MyReductil.co.uk. How to take Reductil It is recommended that Reductil be only taken by adults aged 18 to 65. The procedure is to take one tablet every morning and swallow it whole with a full glass of water. This dose is the correct dose and you should keep taking this Reductil dosage unless told differently by your GP. You can however take Reductil with or without food, but Reductil is not to be given to children. Reductil should only be taken as part of your weight loss program and you will be seen regularly by your GP to have checkups about how you are doing. If you find you or someone else has taken too many tablets then you should consult your GP immediately with the box that Reductil came in. If you forget to take a particular dose on one day, just carry on with the next does as usual, don't double up a dose to make up for a missed one. When you think it's time to stop taking Reductil you should have no problems with withdrawal symptoms. Occasionally people may get headaches when coming of Reductil, but apart from that no other withdrawal symptoms have been noted. Clinical trials on Reductil In two 12-month studies, the maximum level of weight loss was achieved after 6 months and significant weight loss was sustained across the 12 month studies. 11 double-blind, placebo-controlled obesity tests were carried out on weight loss using Reductil. Study length went from 12 to 52 weeks and the doses varied from 1 to 30 mg once daily. Weight was significantly lessened when doses varied from 5-20mg in Reductil patients as opposed to those treated with a placebo. Assessment of the content presented in three 6 month long obesity trials indicates that Reductil users who drop a bare minimum of 4 pounds in the first 4 weeks of Reductil use are doubtless to accomplish significant long-term weight loss on that dose of Reductil. Approximately 60% of these consumers went on to realize a weight loss of 5% of their original body weight by the end of month 6. Retain Beauty For Rapid Weight Loss Rapid weight loss techniques that call for reduced food intake can increase your urge to binge eat just after you have managed to lose weight and reach your target. This leads to the formation of cellulite, stretch marks, sagging skin and hair loss and can make you look older than you actually are. Foods that have healthy fat content are essential for retaining the suppleness of your skin and maintaining overall health. Fruit If you are looking to rapid weight loss techniques that will allow you to get into swimwear for the summer holidays or a short dress for the New Year party, ensure that you keep your body hydrated and your glucose requirements met with sufficient intake of food. Opt for fleshy fruit that provide you the carbohydrate that is essential to maintain high activity and keep you mentally alert. Discard biscuits, chocolates and pastries and choose this option. This will help you eliminate toxins and keep your system clean and your skin clear. Dry Fruit Dry fruit are an easily portable option to fruits that can be messy if you are on the go. Dry fruits aid your digestive system and provide you with a burst of energy while helping your internal organs. Walnut and almond are heart and intestine friendly and provide essential nutrients. Peanuts are high on protein and fat content and necessary for your mental alertness. Raisins, apricots, dates and small quantities of pistachio and cashew nut are good supplements to keep you fit. Do not avoid these food options as a part of your rapid weight loss plan since they provide you the necessary nutrition to maintain your exercise regimen. Juice and milk You can have a fresh fruit juice early in the morning in place of tea or coffee. Milk is an essential source of protein and calcium and is preferably had twice a day. A rapid weight loss plan must include these vital fluids to counter any nutrient loss on account of your reduced food intake. If you find that you develop a stomach upset because of milk, opt for soy milk or sprouted seeds. Some fruits have very high fibre content and should be avoided if they do not suit you. You will have to identify fruits that soothe your intestines and leave you feeling energised. Salad Almost all rapid weight loss plans incorporate a high amount of raw food eating. Our digestive system can, in fact, accept only small quantities of salad. Raw food salads must be washed in hygienic conditions and eaten fresh. A purely raw vegetable diet can lead to constipation and reduced nourishment for the body. Eat salads that provide protein content and have boiled vegetables as well. Boiled vegetables should be taken in higher quantity so that there is reduced pressure on the intestine to process the food and there is higher nutrient absorption. Some boiled vegetables like beans and peas provide high protein form excess gas in the system and lead to excessive discomfort for the person. Revealing The Weight Lifters Advantage Of Bumper Plates While many individuals are still focusing on the struggle of weight loss, some are benefiting from the opportunity to develop muscle. Weight lifting is usually one of the premier means utilised by thousands to build muscle and develop that toned body that many long for. When you are seeking to enhance your weight lifting experience there are often several strategies you could use. Few individuals enjoy the use of stationary equipment to increase their weight lifting opportunity though the rigid movements that are related to these machines often restrict muscle development. The truth is no muscle building techniques are as efficient as the workout of free-weights. Gym memberships are costly and are usually overcrowded, which is why many make investments in their own free weight sets. When you find yourself looking into the opportunities of free weight investment some products offer you all of the possibilities of bumper plates. Bumper plates are the weight lifting product that is used by professional athletes and Olympic competitors. While bumper plates offer you with an equal performance to any hard metal free weight equipment, their benefits are revealed in presentation and durability. Traditional metal free weights are hard and would damage any surface they come in contact with regardless of how careful you're. In the gym environment this might not be a issue but when you are making investments in a set of free-weights for your home, you probably don't want a product which would harm your home. Bumper plates are made of a material that is intended to be smooth on contact and won't damage the surface it comes in contact with. In addition bumper plates are so durable that they can be dropped by any individual and cause no damage to the ground surface or the surface of the bumper plate. When you watch the Olympics you regularly see athletes drop weights when the weight exceeds their capacity. Rather than the weight smashing through the floor, its dropped upon the bumper plates that are used to bounce safely till rested. This is a result of bumper plates being designed to take in impacts in an attempt to reduce any damage that may result from a drop. Remember dropping a large amount of weight on any surface will cause damage but bumper plates help to lessen the danger to your home. As an additional benefit, bumper plates have the chance to be personalized to the buyer. If you're a home owner seeking to personalize your bumper plates with a personal motto or brand name you can do it with bumper plates. If you are a small gym owner trying to spread your brand name through weight lifting equipment branding, you could do it with bumper plates. Review Of The Ab Rocker So many of you have either heard of the Ab Rocker through commercials, through advertisements, or even just by talking with other fitness gurus. And some of you have never even heard of this product, which is why I am here to give you an honest review. So let's get started. But, before we get into the review of the Ab Rocker, we have to answer one major question. First of all, what is an Ab Rocker? Well, the Ab Rocker is a product that is designed to promote maximum muscle tone in your midsection abdominals. Basically its a product or "exercising aid" for those people that don't want to put the time and effort in themselves to get the most ripped abdominals. Better put, its a product for those people who want to try and get the easy way out of "six pack" work outs and for those who think they can just use an exercising aid to get the maximum results for their abdominals. Now after scrolling through the positive and negative feedback, you may realize that this product isn't for you. I can see how this kind of mechanism can draw in the attention of countless people, and that reason is because the creators of this exercising aid product, aim to enhance the abdominal toning benefits of a normal sit-up. The creators of the Ab Rocker have good intentions, because their aim is to simplify the performance of a basic sit-up, while emphasizing the phenomenal results you get from the fact that this machine enhances the toning benefits of your "six pack" abdominals. The main method implemented in the Ab Rocker is the method called Spot Reduction. They use this method to emphasize the power of the Ab Rocker to promote their idea of weight loss in the abdominal area. Now, what is Spot Reduction? Spot Reduction is the idea that the harder you hit a certain area with powerful exercises, the more fat will be lost in that area. Basically, constantly targeting one specific are with intense work outs will result in major fat loss. Positive Things: One cool thing about this product, is that you don't just target your abdominal muscles, but you also can target your lower back and whole core by reversing the direction you sit on the Ab Rocker. So you come off this mechanism with toned "six pack" abdominals, lower abdominals, obliques, and even a more toned back. The product is said to deliver a complete abdominal work out, because the creators claim that it targets your obliques, "six pack" area abdominals, and lower abdominals. Supposedly your whole abdominal muscle group will be more toned and chiseled, along with your lower back. Another positive quality that all consumers will love is that it is not at all time consuming. So combined with the fact that you gain increased muscle tone in both your abdominal muscles and lower back and do this in the least consumption of time as possible, you are also promised to lose weight. So honestly, with all these cool, promising qualities, the Ab Rocker can possibly deliver the phenomenal results that the creators claim you'll have. If you were to combine this Ab Rocker with consistent, daily, aerobic workouts and a healthy diet, maximized results could be endless. Negative Things: Although there are are a great amount of qualities to consider the Ab Rocker as praiseworthy, there are a few negative things to it. The first negative feedback is that many reviewers claim that this mechanism doesn't live up to the standards that the creators claim it will have. Second, many reviewers consider this product to be expensive because the "cost-Free" normal sit-up will give you the same kind of results. Though the creators of the Ab Rocker promise some kind of weight loss, that is almost impossible due to the fact that no abdominal exercises can cause you to lose weight. Apparently, according to reviewers, any kind of diet will produce better results than the results you get from the Ab Rocker. Another fact is that the method of Spot Reduction is one of the main "myths about abdominals" that you can find on my "Best Ab Exercise Myths To Watch Out For" page. Another failure on the part of the Ab Rocker creators, is that they forgot to implement exercising the thousands of tiny stabilizer muscles that support your "six pack" abdominals. The reason these stabilizer muscles are important is because they create imbalances and can result in injuries if they aren't exercised at all. The last negative thing about the Ab Rocker is that it needs to be assembled which can take a while, and the machine itself is pretty fragile. Conclusion, Good Or Bad Product: The Ab Rocker has both amazing qualities and bad qualities, but for the price range of $25.99-$199, this exercise aid machine is not worth as much as the creators claim it to be. Because the Ab Rocker has many bad reviews, it proves that this machine doesn't live up to the potential that it claims to have. It doesn't efficiently burn any of the fat surrounding your stomach or develop muscle around your abdominals, and to see the "phenomenal" results, you'll have to add in some aerobics, weight loss supplements, and a healthy diet to the equation. In my opinion, sticking to the basic abdominal workouts found on this site will really get you the ripped, chiseled, abs you've been aiming for. Reviews And Information On Vemma Bod-e Holidays as everybody sees it as the most joyous time of the year. However, during holidays, stroke and heart attacks are also at its peak. Experts believe that this is caused by the kind of foods people usually prepare. Having said that, people should not deceive themselves and set aside their health. Weight gain has 3 factors – increased body fluid, fat build-up and large portions of muscle mass. Certain medications can cause an increase body fluid so is fluid and salt retention and IV therapy. Further more, muscle mass gain is brought about by muscle conditioning and exercising. Gaining in body fat is evidently seen on people who seldomly go to the gym. Indeed, one of America's biggest problems today is obesity. Figures showed that about two-thirds of Americans at the age of 20. Out of this, sixty-two percent are women and seventy one percent are men. It is just horrible to imagine that about thirty-one percent of American adults are now considered obese. People who are diagnosed as obese have Body Mass Index of greater than 30. So, how should people deal obesity? Dealing with obesity is growing and there must be done something about it. How? People should be given awareness on it and they must be informed that they are various ways to deal obesity. There are lots of programs for weight loss. Some of them are effective while others are not. Lifestyle modification is very important in any weight loss programs. Vemma, a company that encourages people in all ages to have a proper nutrition. This health and wellness company is enthusiastic in making America not only a powerful country but a healthy country as well. What Is Vemma? Vemma is founded by was BK Boreyko. He is the owner of New Vision as well. It spearheaded the Liquid Nutraceuticals. It paved way for other large companies to enjoy their own success in Network Marketing. It has been in operation for the past 15 years. Vemma was built with the principle to help people's lives, the life that they deserve. Since health is very crutial to everyone, Vemma's aim is to improve people's health by providing quality and nutritious drinks. One of their best products is Vemma Bod-E. What Is Vemma Bod-E? Vemma Bode is one of the best healthy weight solutions that allow weight watchers and dieters to eat the foods they love. People who use Vemma Bod-E are eating in small proportions. The product works by stopping food cravings. People who Vemma Bod-E will not only experience a healthy way of loosing weight but they would be able to receive moral support through mobile applications, online weight loss tools and daily text reminders. Vemma Bod-E Line Of Products Vemma Bod-E consists of five amazing products. Here are they: Bod-E Burn – From the word itself, this drink aids to burn fats while keeping your body active. In addition, it suppresses your appetite and yet supplies the essential nutrients in order to keep you active and on top shape. Bod-E Burn Concentrate – It is non-carbonated beverage, which is very convenient to carry to help you stay on track with your weight loss plan. Bod-E Burn Zero Caffeine Concentrate – This drink is best for individuals who are sensitive to caffeine. It is similar to Bod-E burn but with zero caffeine. Bod-E Cleanse Concentrate – This drink will help cleanse the body with toxins and impurities. Bod-E Rest Concentrate – It helps you lose weight even while at sleep. Certainly, several weight loss programs are now available. Vemma came up with a product line of weight loss programs that will help you stay fit and healthy. Above are important facts about Vemma Bod-E. Read them up and see if the product suits you. Running For Weight Loss If you are considering running for weight loss, then you are on the right track (no pun intended)! Running is a great way to tone up and lose weight fast. It also helps to increase your metabolism. It is important to note that you should eat the proper foods while taking on a regular running schedule. It takes approximately 3600 calories to burn one pound of fat. Depending on how fast you run, you can easily lose 10-12 pounds in one week. This is based on running three to six miles every day. For some, that's a cinch. But, for others that can be tough. So let's look at how to do this effectively. Mindset Running requires a commitment. This is not something you can do for two days and then stop if you want to lose weight and keep it off. Some people love to run because it clears their mind and makes them feel good. Others can't stand to run - not even if their live depended on it! Knowing which type of person you are will help you determine whether running for weight loss is the right choice for you. Proper Nutrition and Hydration Running requires that you get the proper hydration and eat the right foods before and after a run. A runner's diet is a little different than a non-runner's diet. A runner's diet includes more carbohydrates (of course, the good carbs) than that of a regular weight loss diet, proteins, and fat. Also, it is important to make sure you take a vitamins and mineral supplement. Consistency You build endurance through consistency. Running every day should be your goal if you want to lose weight quickly. You are building up your stamina every time you run. This means you will be able to run faster and longer over time. Continuance Running is also great for weight management. Once you get down to the size and weight you want to be, you can switch up your running routine. The important part is to continue running. Here is a basic running for weight loss daily plan. Feel free to change it around to suit you. Day 1: 3 Mile Easy Run Day 2: 4-6 Mile Run (do intense for 5 minutes with 3 minute recovery) Day 3: 3 Mile Ease Run Day 4: 4-6 Mile Run Day 5: 3 Mile Tempo Run (intense then heart rate down and then up again) Day 6: 6 Mile Run Day 7: 3 Mile Easy Run You can really lose weight and keep it off by running and maintaining a proper diet. Make a commitment and you will succeed! Make sure to visit our recommended healthy weight loss programs and diet pills. Secrets To Getting The Sexiest Butt And Flattest Female Abs Here are a few secrets to getting the sexiest butt and flattest female abs. Jogging and crunches are banned from this discussion, so relax and find out superior ways to create beautiful feminine curves. To get the sexiest butt, you need to do 2 exercises... 1. Isometric butt squeezes -- What you do is squeeze your butt together as hard as possible. Do this for as long as possible... anywhere from 30 seconds to 5 minutes (yes 5 minutes is possible) all at once. Do this for a total of 5-10 minutes a day and you'll see rapid improvements in the shape of your butt within 10 days. 2. Squat -- You can squat with weights at the gym or do squats without weight at home. Two squats you can do at home are the wall squats and hindu squats. Wall squats are done with your back against a wall and squat down until your upper legs are parallel to the ground. Do 4 sets of 10-15, 4 days a week. Hindu squats are fast paced squats where you go as fast as possible. To do these correctly, have a relatively straight back and swipe or touch your finger tips against the ground to make sure you are going down far enough. Do 100 repetitions of this everyday. To get the flattest female abs, you need to do an exercise called the "vacuum pose". You basically suck in your belly button as far as possible and hold for 15-60 seconds. If you did just this exercise alone, you can expect to lose about 1.75 inches off of your waist within the next 30 days. You need to do this for a minimum of at least 5 minutes each day. If you do those exercises consistently, you can expect to get sexiest butt and flattest abs your genetics will allow. Select Your Weight Loss Pill Carefully Increasing fatness is one of the major setbacks of today's generation. Not only the grown-ups or teenagers but this hitch of increasing weight is flowing amongst the infants & small children also. So the finest way to counter the increasing fatness or obesity of the body is regular exercise, proper & balanced diet, proper & adequate amount of rest. But theses methods are very slow & provide the result very late. So to manage the difficulty of growing fatness, weight losses pills have initiated growing the market & started making their power. But the major question is whether these weight loss capsules are safe to consume or take or not? Some of the preferred solutions to these troubles are:- 1.) These weight loss capsules must be the product of well recognized, settled & reputed company which generates the weight loss tablets according to the necessary guidelines & norms. 2.) The company which is producing & manufacturing these finest weight loss pills must be standardized & inspected by the testing & the pharmaceutical examination companies. 3.) Good quality & dependable ingredients must be used in the production & manufacturing of these tablets weight loss pills. The chief class ingredients make the tablets of best quality like the Lida Dua weight loss pills. 4.) Proper feedbacks & responses must be provided & given to the users by the manufacturers so that there is no fear, misunderstanding & confusion in mind of the customer. Many online websites like lida are providing these facilities. Everybody should check there before purchasing any of the mentioned pills, as feedbacks are very useful. 5.) The component & ingredients should be mixed in a proper & balanced way. Quantity of herbs & shrubs & other versatile components must be cautiously taken. Mainly the weight loss tablets are divided in to two key parts:- 1.) Prescribe diet pills. 2.) The counter diet pills. Prescribed weight loss & diet pills are tested, inspected & clinically proven. These tablets are used when there are high cases of fatness which has the risk of making the body crumble & hence leading to death. On the other hand usual weight loss pills aren't considered to be safe to use. Ephedrine which is considered to be the most excellent weight loss & diet pills causing numerous death cases because it straightly effects on the nervous system of the body. (selfit Capsules) Xiao Zhi Jian Fei Wan Is Very Good For Weightloss Obesity is a common problem in the modern world and people are looking for remedies for weight loss. Being fit and losing weight at the same time is not possible with contemporary medicines. Ancient Chinese medicine has cure for all problems and there are various herbs that help with weight loss. Xiao Zhi Jian Fei Wan is a combination of various rare Chinese herbs that can keep you fit reducing weight at the same time. The herbs that are used in the Selfit capsule are 100% natural and they have no side effects. You can lose weight in a natural way by taking two Selfit capsules everyday. However, this is not suitable for pregnant women and people who have kidney problems. Rhubarb Root is used in the ancient medicine to cure all problems related to digestive system. Improper digestion results in fat deposits which in turn lead to obesity. The Xiao Zhi Jian Fei Wan contains extracts of this root to stimulate digestive system and regulate fat absorption by the intestines. Chinese Angelica Root is responsible for improving blood circulation and moistening the bowels. This is also included in the capsule to aid weight loss. Bowels play a major role in digestive system and strengthening the intestines will greatly help in losing weight. Another important ingredient used in the selfit capsule is Water-plantain Tuber. Obese people suffer from dampness and heat that make them sluggish. Water-plantain Tuber resolves dampness and expels heat to regulate Qi flow inside the body. Plantain seed is used in alternative medicine to cure various ailments like constipation and indigestion. This is used as a laxative and triggers contractions of intestinal muscles. The selfit capsule includes this ingredient to achieve weight loss. Cyperus Tuber when combined with other Chinese herbs provides various benefits. This herb is generally used to relieve pain in the abdomen. Using this herb in selfit capsule ensures that the muscles in the abdominal area are not affected. Astragalue Root is also included in selfit capsule to boost the human immune system. This herb has been used in ancient Chinese medicine for many centuries to treat various ailments. Qi flow is replenished in the entire body by this ancient herb. Harthorn Berry speeds up metabolism process which is very essential to reduce weight. Extra fat can be easily broken up by a body which has higher metabolic rates. Xiao Zhi Jian Fei Wan contains this essential herb to promote weight loss. Various allergies and ailments are treated by pollen which is also included in Selfit capsules. Red Sage Root improves blood circulation and it also nourishes the blood. With all the above ingredients, Xiao Zhi Jian Fei Wan is an excellent solution to lose weight in the natural way. Many people suffer from obesity and they are not able to lose weight irrespective of their effort. Apart from regular diet and exercises, you have to provide energy to the body to achieve faster weight loss. If you want to lose weight naturally, then you have to take four capsules of Xiao Zhi Jian Fei Wan everyday. Setting Realistic Goals For Your Weight Loss Goal Worksheet pretty, weight loss is a long designate route of down weight through wholesome means and care the weight off with a wholesome lifestyle. To kick onset your weight loss journey, it is best to have a weight loss goal worksheet at hand so you can authenticistically set your goals and devices. What it is A weight loss goal worksheet can help keep course of your weight loss journey so you can screen how greatly you have achieved in a precise total of time. Ideally, your weight loss goal worksheet should be checkered and consulted evenly by a physician, so he can director you on your journey, just in holder you've vanished your way. If you liked the first section of this article, stay tuned because we have more to follow in the next section! What is contains Your weight loss goal worksheet contains the central information counting your height and weight at the onset of your weight loss agenda, your body gathering file (BMI), and your weight loss goals. There are many weight loss worksheets free on the internet. You can also make your own weight loss goal worksheet or you can consult with an skilled to come up with a personalized and authenticistic worksheet. The course to weight loss In your weight loss journey, you might be tempted to find a shortcut so you can certainly achieve your weight loss goal. But do not cheat your way to weight loss! It is important to undergo a wholesome diet and apply regime that will help promote wholesome weight loss. The gain of having a weight loss worksheet is you can set authentic goals and once you have achieved that goal, you can now onset maintaining the weight you have vanished. One basic - yet grim - part of weight loss is weight loss management. A weight loss worksheet can help you in weight loss management with slip. When we begin to bring this information together, it starts to form the main idea of what this subject is about. Shedding Fat Through Weight Loss Pills Weight loss with diet pills is the most recent trend in style nowadays. these days. These tablets crush your hunger and compel you eat less. As a consequence, you end up losing weight. You just need to consume a tablet and you can carry on with your daily chores. There is nothing else you need to do to dump that luggage of that baggage of extra weight. These diet tablets work on the formula of making a signal in your body that makes you feel gorged even when you have not eaten. This signal or chemical reaction finally curbs down the food that automatically reduces your calorie intake. This creates a shortfall of calories in the body, owing to that the body is made to burn the fat reserves in the body. This mechanically leads to weight reduction. Is losing weight thru tablets a safe option?This method is reasonably safe. The control of appetite isn't dangerous to your body as you can survive even if calorie consumption is reduced. The energy needed is then acquired from the additional fats deposited in the body. However, the actual concern is that for how long the body will be able to maintain the reduced weight achieved by this form of dieting. Weight Loss Through PillsSeveral weight-loss-through-pills drugs are available commercially. Caralluma Burn is one of them. This tablet has a natural ingredient, Caralluma Fimbriata extract, as its main constituent. It is mixed with chemicals so that it can be consumed orally. What All to have a look for while purchasing a weight reduction pill?You should confirm certain aspects when you select a weight loss pill. The most important point is that the tablet should have been approved for public use by the US Food and Drug Administration. If the pill has not been cleared then it could be hazardous for you. The possible side consequences of a particular tablet are yet another thing you need o take care of. You have to make sure that the weight reduction tablet of your choice does not make any health condition that you are suffering from worse. If there are no precautions and contraindications are stated on the label, the in it's important that you carry some research. You can brose the web and check for shopper reviews to look for possible side effects of the product you are considering. The Right Approach of weight reduction Thru PillsYou can't go on consuming weight loss pills to dump weight without any plan to stop using them after a little time. This option is safe and workable only in the near term. However, it may not be a good option in the long run. You must continuously reduce the intake of tablets and curb your craving for over the top food through your will power. This is the only way in which you can maintain the effects of diet tablets for a longer time of time. Shedding Pounds By Colon Cleansing Are you trying to lose weight? If the answer's yes, you'll probably have used the Web to evaluate weight loss products. When we speculate about products for losing weight, diet pills are typically the primary thing that comes to mind. While diet drugs might be able to help you achieve your weight loss desires, diet drugs don't seem to be the sole product for weight loss that you will need to look into. A considerable number of individuals have successfully used colon cleanses, additionally commonly referred to as weight loss cleanses, to weigh less and you may want to consider doing the same. When it comes to using colon cleanses to lose weight, there are various people, presumably simply such as you, who wonder how the full process works. Before understanding how colon cleanses may aid you to lose weight, it's important to not forget that there might be a variety of approaches. There are some colon cleanses that advertise that they're designed to assist you lose extra pounds. These varieties of colon cleanses are commonly called weight loss cleanses. With that in mind, there are colon cleanses that advertise that they are not guaranteed to assist you lose extra pounds, even though some of them may. When using a colon cleanse, it is necessary that you just follow all of the directions given to you. For instance, there are some colon cleanses that need that you are doing not eat something for one or two days. These types of colon cleanses are usually ones that are in liquid format. The colon cleanses in pill format may request that you only eat and drink foods like fruits and vegetables. If you buy a colon cleanse that asks to you restrict your diet, you are suggested to try to to so. This diet restriction is what makes it possible for you to lose extra pounds, also allowing the colon cleanse to properly work. When you use a colon cleanse, you're basically detoxifying your body. The colon cleanse will work to push toxins out from your colon and sometimes even your intestines. This is often not solely ideal to market a healthy wellbeing, however it will also aid you lose extra pounds. It's been said that the average person has anywhere from four to eight pounds of stored waste in their body. When employing a colon cleanse, that additional waste can be expelled from your body. This can be why many people will be able to weigh less with a colon cleanse. If you're ready to use a speedy colon cleanse, like one that works in three to seven days, you will notice a rapid weight loss. There are some individuals who use colon cleanses to quickly shed pounds before a special event sort of a wedding or a vacation. Whereas you will be able to attain fast weight loss with a colon cleanse, it is necessary that you proceed with caution. If you are doing not amendment the approach that you just eat or add exercise to your daily activities, you will see your weight add back on it as little as some weeks or a few days. This typically happens if you were asked to limit your diet when employing a colon cleanse. While you are doing not have to keep up together with your restricted diet, you're suggested to scale back your junk food intake and start a daily or a minimum of a weekly exercise program. Since it is a lot of than possible for you to lose weight with a colon cleanse, you'll be fascinated by giving one a try. When trying to shop for a colon cleanse, you will be in a position to search out them on the market for sale in traditional malls, fitness stores, and health stores, each on and offline. Before buying a colon cleanse, you may wish to go looking for product reviews online or speak with a healthcare professional. This will facilitate to make sure that you simply if you are doing obtain a colon cleanse that your cash is intelligently spent. Should I Sign Up For Weight Loss Programs Or Come Up With My Own? How far will you go to lose weight? Though we like to enjoy good food while we live, the time when we get overweight is inevitable. Especially when families, friends and relatives at parties pointed out our tummies and asked why we are fat. So should you sign up for a weight loss program or come up with your own? If you are trying to lose weight for the first time, you might be pondering whether you should come up with your own or invest in one if you have no idea of how to lose weight effectively. Whichever your choice is, it is important to look into the pros and cons of each first. Which I highlighted below: Upon signing up for a program or course, you will discover that you can do so in your nearest fitness centre or through internet. Should you decide to take part in a local program or course, you will have to meet at a specific time within the schedule options they laid out. Based on my personal experience, you will mostly be meeting your instructor 2 or 3 times a week. If you prefer to join an online program whereby you can learn at your own time and pace rather than working out your busy schedule, that is fine too provided you are disciplined enough to set your goals and apply what it takes to achieve them daily. You also have access to training guides and workbooks online that you normally get from fitness centres. However my only advice is not to follow free videos on sites like Youtube as the methods recommended may not be suitable and work for you as they had for others. One of the main benefits to paying for a program is that you will always be given a professional plan. Most of the time, the individuals or trainers in charge of implementing these programs have firsthand training and experience with regards to losing weight. This will likely eradicate trial and error, as most already knew what works and what does not work. Like all programs, it requires your investment first before it can accept your participation. Having taken note of it, you should have no problems finding affordable weight loss programs and plans, both locally and online. Even though it is not guaranteed, most people still discovered most affordable help in the form of online programs. In regards to coming up with your own plan, there are plenty of advantages to doing so. Such as customizing your weight loss plan and course. For instance, if you are sensitive to milk, you could work out with something else of your own choice where as in programs, you might not have the luxury to make that option as your instructor may think otherwise. Also coming up with your own is also quite fun. You are free to mix and match the resources and tools you have at your disposal. There are many sites and magazines for you to obtain vital information before developing your own. There have been testimonials from those developing their own plan. According to them, they said they found it much easier to follow through and implement although their success results vary. Having explained these clearly, you will be in a better frame of mind as to whether you should sign up or come up with your own program. Simple Yoga Poses For Weight Loss There is a type of exercise that boosts your body's flexibility, requires minimum amount of extra hard work, and helps you lose weight. Yes, that exercise technique is called yoga. Doing yoga makes you stretch your body that promotes the flexibility and all that stretching results in reduction of weight. These yoga poses for weight loss exercises may seem very easy, but getting your body in one of these poses is difficult, and to make things a little harder – you have to remain in the poses. Gains of yoga This is the kind of exercise that focuses on your respiratory system's health. The breathing and idea of holding a position enables you to have more oxygen in the body, which makes you develop stronger lungs. But be careful, most poses of yoga last for around 15 seconds and the tough ones give the people a hard time to even maintain that. Of course, yoga doesn't make you run around or keep jumping, but even if it seems quite easy, you can see the effects of it on your body soon enough. Different yoga poses Half Moon Pose To do this, you need to put your hands together and extend them up high above your head, as far as you can make them go. After that, you have to start turning from one side to another slowly. But one thing you need to make sure in order to get a good pay out of it is that the hips must not move. Make sure they remain in the same place. This yoga poses for weight loss exercise mainly focuses on the stomach region and once you start off, you will find yourself losing a few inches in that area, along with it helping in making your hips and butt firm. Warrior and Star Pose Stretch your legs out to the sides, like a star. Do the same with your hands. Then you should start lowering down towards the front knee and reach out the closer arm towards the floor. When you're getting lower, look upwards and try to keep yourself that way. Although these two poses are very helpful with weight loss and flexing the muscles, there are many more that can be used, that have different benefits and can help you in different ways. Even if these yoga poses for weight loss exercises help you with losing weight, you cannot be guaranteed that. The most important thing you have to do is give it your best shot and don't stop working for it. At the end of the day, your consistency will make sure that you are shedding the extra weight! Slimaluma – A New Weight Loss Supplement Did you know that diet has the greatest impact on your weight loss efforts, as compared to maintaining the same unhealthy diet and increasing exercise? As a matter of fact, the celebrity Janet Jackson, who lost 60 pounds in 2006, attributes a whopping 80 percent of her success to changes in diet. Also, it's interesting to note that she refuses to use the word “diet.” She says, “It's a way of life--good portions, nice, balanced meals.” Portion control is one of the most important elements of weight loss. The human stomach is designed to hold only about one quart of food or beverage - an amount that would fit in your cupped hands. The portions at fast-food joints and restaurants are often grossly beyond this. An effective weight loss supplement can help you with hunger control and can be especially helpful in the primary stages of your weight loss program. This is often the most difficult stage because your stomach is still stretched from eating portions that are too big for the body to efficiently process. This brings us to the role of Slimaluma, a completely natural appetite suppressant that gives you the power you need for optimum hunger control. Slimaluma is a perfectly safe and wholly natural appetite suppressant, based on the extract of Caralluma Fimbriata, which is an edible plant found in India. Caralluma Fimbriata has been used for centuries in India as a food source during times of famine and as a natural appetite suppressant to counter the physical maladies caused by overeating. As a matter of fact, Caralluma Fimbriata is still enjoyed as a dietary staple in tribal India – tribal men chew the plant to suppress hunger when they go on long expeditions! The hypothalamus in the brain controls appetite. When you're hungry, the hypothalamus tells the brain that food is needed. And when the stomach is full, the hypothalamus tells the brain to stop eating. Scientists have discovered that Slimaluma suppresses the hunger sensory mechanism of the hypothalamus. Instead, Slimaluma's natural Pregnane Glycosides send their own signal to the brain that the stomach is full. This is exceptionally helpful for people who have difficulty sensing when the stomach is full, which leads to overeating. Slimaluma is particularly helpful for hunger control in such instances, and is especially effective if you're prone to binge eating. Slimaluma goes beyond hunger control - it's a healthy weight loss supplement with proven reviews. A clinical trial of Slimuluma was conducted at Division of Nutrition at the St. John's National Academy of Health Sciences in Bangalore, India, from January to August of 2003. The trial was a double blind, placebo-controlled study of 62 subjects. One group took 500 milligrams of Slimaluma one hour before each meal. They showed significant decreased appetites in relation to the placebo, or control group. The same held true for body weight, body mass index, body fat, waist circumference, hip circumference, and even blood pressure! In another clinical trial of Slimuluma conducted by the Western Geriatric Research Institute in Los Angeles, 26 patients participated in a double-blind study conducted over four weeks. Patients were instructed not to change their regular eating habits. Out of the 18 patients taking Slimaluma, 15 lost weight -11 of whom lost six pounds, and 1 who lost nine pounds! It's very interesting to note that patients with a higher body mass index lost more weight. Thirteen of the Slimaluma patients, or 72 percent, reduced their waist size by one-half to three inches. In addition, five of the Slimaluma patients reported an increase in energy level. Slimaluma also helps you feel energetic, which is very important during a weight loss program. When losing weight, you may naturally experience a sense of lethargy, and it's all too easy to overcompensate for this sensation by overeating. Many other weight loss supplements fail in this regard. Besides stimulating impressive fat loss, Slimaluma even helps you gain lean muscle mass. Slimaluma naturally inhibits fat synthesis by blocking the formation of Co-Enzyme A. Fat loss and building lean muscle is important because muscle burns calories faster than does fat. Also, muscle is more compact than fat, helping you look more lean and trim! In comparison to the popular appetite suppressant Hoodia Gordonii, Slimaluma is perfectly safe. The FDA has not approved Hoodia Gordonii. That's because it can be detrimental to the liver and the elements that cause this cannot be removed during processing. Such compromised liver function can also inhibit the absorption and effectiveness of prescription drugs. Further, Hoodia Gordonii can be dangerous for diabetics, as it tricks the brain into thinking that the body has ample blood sugar levels. If that is not enough, up to 80 percent of Hoodia Gordonii products are contaminated or counterfeit. It's near impossible to ascertain whether Hoodia is pure unless you have it tested by an independent laboratory. Comparatively, Slimaluma is a 100 percent natural appetite suppressant. The only mild adverse effects, which were reported by both the control and the placebo group in the India study, included moderate acidity, mild constipation and mild flatulence - all of which subsided one week after beginning the trial. No other adverse effects were reported. Slimaluma is even certified organic by the USDA. Not only is that better for your health, but it guarantees ecologically sustainable farming practices. Although Slimaluma is an effective weight loss supplement, managing portions and daily exercise are vital to your overall weight loss program, and should become a permanent way of life. Daily exercise reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke and cancer. It is the number one way to alleviate stress, lowers blood pressure, improves mood, jump-starts your sex life, and of course, makes you look terrific in your bathing suit. Act now, and make the changes in your diet and exercise habits to drop the pounds. Also, give Slimaluma a try and jump-start your healthy weight loss program. Snooki Nicole Polizzi Weight Loss Secrets. Snooki, aka Nicole Polizzi, wants to share her healthy eating and diet secrets. Snooki, a petit 4 feet 9 inches, has to constantly watch her diet to maintain her beautiful guidette figure at an optimum. Snooki confessed she was once a dieting junkie who starved herself to become skinny. Snooki would only eat one salad per day and little else. Her other variations of dieting involved eating only a cucumber a day or a cracker a day. The cucumber diet has been widely used by many celebrities and non-celebrities too. When she experienced tremendous weight loss and whittled down into a skinny frame, her parents became worried. Snooki was reprimanded by her mother, who admonished her for developing an eating disorder. Faced with heath problems, Snooki said she began to eat and gain weight. Snooki regained her former voluptuous figure and stopped drastic dieting experiments. Snooki advocates healthy eating and exercise to maintain a constant body weight. Adults who drink should choose light drinks and in moderation. Snooki used to be so active that she could perform cartwheels. Not just a single cartwheel but a series of handstands and back flips. Snooki used to demonstrate her skill on the beaches of Jersey Shore. Snooki has a bingeing habit. She loves pickles. Snooki loves to suck the pickle juice. She may not know it but vinegar and acidic juices are allegedly good for crunching fats. Social Anxiety And Urban Legends We've all likely heard one or two of them before. There's the story about the gang that offers girl the choice of being raped or having a facial scar in the form of a sick smile. In Japan, there is a mythical bus or train car where girls get raped and molested by the male passengers. In some areas of the US, there are stories of an psychotic killer that lurks in the backseats of cars and cuts the driver's head off with an ax. Some of us have heard stories about the Islamic woman who killed her husband's second wife with a scorpion hidden in the wedding dress. A few of us might even have heard of the highly secretive Global Conspiracy of the Bald. Or some of us might have heard one of thousands upon thousands of other stories, each with just enough truth to be believable. Regardless, the one thing that is certain is that, at some point in our lives, we've heard an urban legend. Urban legends can sometimes be pinned down to fear and anxiety in society, particularly in the light of certain technological or social developments. For example, the "pervert bus" myth was made prevalent in Japan when trains and buses started emerging, before they became prevalent means of public transportation. Fear and anxiety, as well as ignorance, regarding the polygamous marriages allowed by Islam prompted the "scorpion in the wedding dress" myth, which shows a lack of understanding of the underlying social mores behind the multiple wives. Of course, like any good urban legend, myths of this sort persist long after the initial fear and anxiety have faded into obscurity. Another common source of urban legends would be the products we use on a daily basis. One prevalent myth comes from the recent obsession with losing weight and staying thin. There are stories that, at one point in either the late 70s or early 80s, there was a mail-order weight loss pill that promised people who took them that they would never gain a pound. According to the stories, the weight loss pill worked because they contained parasitic worms that would inhabit the stomach. According to various records, there was never such a weight loss pill on the market. One more popular story involved a couple purchasing a car that was unbelievable in terms of fuel efficiency, having barely used a full tank after days of driving. The car was, according to the story, promptly stolen by oil companies after the couple commended the manufacturer on the engine design. Of course, performance anxiety and social anxiety have also produced a number of urban legends, particularly of the "conspiracy theory" form. For example, there are hundreds of people that believe they are unable to get ahead in their professional lives because of pressure applied by one secret society or another. In some ways, this is a subtle form of performance anxiety, with the people unable to accept their psychological inability to perform better and placing the blame on an unseen "hand." A touch of social anxiety also pervades in a number of conspiracy theories when taken to excess, as people become afraid of social interaction for fear of coming into contact with agents of some socio-political super-cabal. Typically, the performance anxiety that inspires a person to hold these legends as reality come with other psychological disorders. Social anxiety can also take root in some older societies, particularly in Europe, when urban legends about secret organizations generally have more credence with the masses. The European continent is traditionally home to a variety of secret societies, which have goals ranging from world domination to controlling the global marketplace. In some respects, social anxiety sets in when people who are mentally and socially unstable in the first place hear the stories and begin to construct elaborate and implausible stories to back up the legends. The end result is that one ends up with a person that, essentially, believes that group is "out to get them." The only real variation tends to be what the group is, though the Illuminati, the Camarilla, the Knights Templar, the Vatican, the New World Order, and Satanic cults are among the more typical. Some Advantages Of Playing Badminton Badminton is maybe one of the oldest and the most popular sports ever. There are many individuals who favor the sport because it is simple to learn and very enjoyable. Apart from being an entertaining sport, badminton offers several health benefits as well. Speaking of health benefits, the first advantage worth a mention is that it helps lower the cholesterol level. It goes a long way in decreasing LDL in the body which is better known as the bad cholesterol. As the overall cholesterol levels start to decrease, you get freedom from the issue of usual cholesterol build up in your body which subsequently is the primary cause of health problems such as cardiac arrest. If you wish to maintain a healthy heart, then you have got one more excuse to play this sport. It's been noted that people who play this sport quite frequently, are more likely to develop stronger muscles in the heart. This helps in smooth flow of blood towards the heart. And, what's more? It keeps a tab on the functioning of the heart by maintaining the appropriate heart rate. Did you know that playing badminton on a frequent level can enhance your immunity levels? There are several studies that suggest that playing the game for thirty mins every day can enhance your immunity. This is simply because of the fact that the sport helps strengthen all your bodily functions, which means enhanced immunity. As the immunity of the body increases, the body becomes powerful enough to fight out many diseases and infections like yeast infection and many more. However, in case you are already suffering from severe yeast infection, the finest way out is to use effective products such as Yeastrol Yeast Infection Treatment. This product doesn't pose any risk of side effects and shows 100% results. Weight loss is an obvious health benefit of playing badminton. The sport is fairly strenuous and involves rigorous physical activity, which subsequently helps you lose weight. Furthermore, the sport is also said to enhance the metabolic function, which additionally contributes to weight loss. But, you can't solely depend on this sport to knock away all the unwanted pounds. After all, it would take too long to shed weight by playing badminton alone. If you are looking for quicker way to lose weight, switch to effective alternates such as Caralluma Burn Appetite Suppressant. Odds of developing osteoporosis are significantly reduced if you are a regular at the sport. Badminton is well-known to boost bone density as well as improve bone strength. This lowers the odds of breaking of bones significantly. This makes the sport all the more effective for ladies. So, in case you want to avail all the given fitness advantages, it makes sense to practice the sport dedicatedly everyday. Teas For Weight Loss There are many different ways to embark on a weight loss program, perhaps you yourself have tried various different ways before, some of you will have been successful and others perhaps not so lucky. You may be surprised to learn that one of the ways towards weight loss is in fact drinking tea – yes you heard or rather read right. Tea drinking, more specifically green tea. Researchers have actually concluded that drinking green tea can reduce body weight and has health benefits. The Chinese have been drinking green tea for hundreds of years to aid slimming. They use blends of traditional herbs and plants that are known have health giving properties in their green teas. These will usually include, tea leaves, usually oolong that are sun dried to prevent oxidation, Lotus leaf to clean the spleen and aid digestion and metabolism, Hawthorn for assisting digestion, Alisma Rhizome and Cassia seeds, both of which are used to support the body's organs, and Poria which assists the immune system. You can even learn to make your own!! Let me tell you a bit about how it works. Green tea is enriched with antioxidants, which are compounds that protect other substances from oxidation. Antioxidants help to protect cells from chemicals that have destructive actions called ‘free radicals' which include aging and irregular metabolism. ‘Free radicals' damage has been implicated in diseases such as heart disease, stroke and cancers. By regularly consuming food and drinks that are rich in antioxidants, we can help to soak up these ‘free radicals'. Fruit and vegetables are a good source of antioxidants but we can increase our intake by drinking tea, which is known to be rich in a particular group of antioxidants called flavonoids. Three cups of tea have about 8 times the amount of antioxidant power as there is in one apple. In fact in general when you start drinking green tea you'll be in good company. Famous people such as Jennifer Lopez, Gwyneth Paltrow and Eva Longoria are reported to regularly drink green tea. Best put the kettle on then before you settle back and read the rest!! One of the more commonly known weight loss teas is Cho Yung Tea. This contains green tea and has an antioxidant function. As with all green teas, Cho Yung is a safe and natural way to improve your health and well being. The way it works is by oxidising fat rather than blocking its absorption. Rather than just take my word for it however, Chinas own Ministry of Health have given Cho Yung Tea a certificate of approval for health food, stating that it has a slimming effect. As a stand-alone tea, Oolong has qualities of black and green tea. It has a distinctive fruity taste and a lovely golden colour. Again, the Chinese have always used it to aid weight loss and is present in the Cho Yung tea above. Oolong is widely used in many slimming remedies. Yogi Tea produce an organic womens fitness tea, which again has been formulated using herbs that are said to support good metabolism, it uses Pu-erh tea which is known worldwide for weight loss properties, and is balanced with Mate from South America which is a natural energiser, and combined with Rosemary and Nettle, both of which are rich in nutrients. Tea producers Birt & Tang have used the same method of combining the Pu-erh or Oolong tea with various different herbs and nutrients to have a range of weight loss teas to suit all palates. These include Detox green tea, designed to help cleanse the major organs. Figuro, made with a blend of cassia tora and hawthorn believed to eliminate stagnant qi (natural body energy). Osmanthus and Pu-erh for weight loss and Slim Art, which claims to be the most beneficial tea on the market, a blend of Pu-erh tea, rosehip and water lily. Overall tea, whether it be green or black, is a naturally refreshing drink, and taken on it's own has no calories. It is a drink that is enjoyed all over the world. Black tea is more popular, but green tea more recently seems to be creeping up behind. Both come from the same plant but under go a different process to make the final tea different. The health benefits gained from drinking green and black tea is comparable in that both help to promote health and well-being. It is the way in which the teas are processed which determines the different health giving effect. So for weight loss or not, who'd have thought anything that was this popular could be so good for you!! Ten Amazing Facts About Weight Loss On the surface, weight-loss sounds like a simple idea: eat less calories than you get through, and you will lose fat. But our world's increasing fat dilemma has totally altered how you look at weight loss, leading to some truly desperate actions and startling details. Listed here are ten of the extremely startling facts about weight-loss: The whole planet needs to shed pounds. In accordance with the World Health Organization, 1 billion of the world's populace are obese & need to be locating methods for doing away with their less than endearing love-handles. (That's almost equal to the quantity of those who are malnourished on the globe.) Globally, over 22 million children below the age of five are thought overweight. This upsurge is largely as a result of increased usage of unhealthy food full of calories & fats, & a decrease in physical exercise. Nearly 2/3 of Americans are overweight or obese. The WHO estimates that just about 2/3 of most American adults are obese. The National Center for Health Statistics recently discovered that 34% of Americans are clinically obese. 50% of American women and 25% of American males are currently dieting. With numbers just like the ones above, it is no surprise most Americans want to count calories. However, society's obsession with being thin comes at a cost: Chronic dieting & surfacing eating disorders are becoming more common among primary young children. America's top 3 killers are linked to obesity. National Geographic made known some eye-opening info about mortality in the US. They found that the most notable most statistically likely reasons for death were heart disease (having a 1 in 5 chance), cancer (which has a one in 7 chance), and stroke (with a one in 24 chance). All of these happen to be associated with extra weight. Surprisingly, America is not the world's fattest country. The World Health Organization gives that dubious honour to Samoa, where over 93% in the population is overweight or obese. The Pacific isle of Kiribati comes next, with an 82% obesity rate. America rounds out the top three, but is closely accompanied by Germany (66.5%), Egypt (66%), and Bosnia-Herzegovina (63%). The weight loss industry is fat and happy. The obesity torrent might mean grief for a few, but it is certainly padded the wallets in the weight-loss industry. In 2007, the American Diatetic Association discovered that Americans spent $58 billion on reducing weight products. Since obesity has gone world-wide, you can imagine how worth-while the weight loss industry must be. Over 1 / 2 of this diet industry's assertions are not true. Just like any booming trade, there are numerous underhanded sellers trying to prey on people's fat loss aspirations. The Federal Trade Commission published a study in 2002 which found out that 55% of all weight loss claims "strained credibility". The American Diatetic Association concurs, mentioning the fact most fat loss products give attention to unusual successes as an alternative to real probability of success. Bariatric surgery doesn't always work. Disheartened by multiple unsuccessful attempts at fat loss, more and more people than ever are embracing bariatric surgery. However, there is no evidence that gastric bypass or banding result in indefinite weight-loss. The University of Virginia coordinated a study that divulged slow weight regain after six years post-surgery. Diets do not work either. The National Institute of Health has estimated that dieters can expect to regain 2/3 of the lost weight in a 12 months of finishing their diet program. These dieters should expect to regain all of their weight, and perchance more, within 5 years. Fortunately, you will find there's a unrivalled recipe for long-lasting fat loss. The NWCR tracks 3,000 people who have lost greater than 30 pounds and kept it off for more than a year. They have discovered that most of the successful dieters have 4 actions in common: they have a food journal & observe their weight; they never skip breakfast; they do an hour of exercise virtually every day; and they eat meals consisting of 24% fat, 56% carbs, and 19% lean protein. You'll be able to follow that perfect weight loss recipe yourself and get better health for a long time. Ten Tips For Body Fat Reduction And Ideal Figure-building Dreaming of a nice figure, obese women never stop trying all kinds of purported ways claimed to help lose weight, which turned out to harm their health or even put on weight due to rebound. We now recommend 10 “magic” tips recongnized as the best ways to lose weight by experts. You definitely will win the battle with obesity if you persist. Let's take an average daily intake of 2000 kcal as a starting point. 1.Trim Intake of Calories Nutritionists believed that whatever you tried to control, protein, carbohydrates or fat, you ultimately decreased the intake of calories. If you cut 800 kcal daily, you'll drop 10 pounds in 6 weeks. By trimming 500 kcal off a day, you'll drop 10 pounds at the end of 2.5months. Don't risk to lose weight too fast. You know, the daily required calorie intake is at least 1200kcal. If the supply of calorie is insufficient, you will lose muscle, which is essential to calories consumption and metabolism promotion 2.Eat less meat, lose 10 pounds in 2 months Experts pointed out that 1 gram of fat provides 9 kcal of energy. Compared with fat, each gram of carbohydrates or protein provides much less calories, about 4 kcal. Therefore, without dieting, you can lose weight by replacing fat-rich food, e.g. cream with fresh vegetable, fruit and cereals. Experts believed that you can drop 10 pounds in 2 months by intaking 20- 40g fat each day. But not everyone can lose weight by trimming fat. You will get on weight with excessive consumption of carbohydrates. 3.Decrease Food Intake You don't need to give up your favourite food if you are trying to lose weight. diet control is crucial. If you have a preference for a certain food and often eat too much of it, you should decrease the amount consuming at one time. For example, if you eat meat 4 times a week with only 100g intead of 200g each time, 1200 kcal can be cut and you can drop a lot of extra weight in about 7.5 months. You are suggested to have a scale in the kitchen with a note warning you about the weight of the food you are eating. 4.Take fluid food every day, lose 10 pounds in 5 weeks Normally,it's convenient to make fluid food. If one of your meals is fluid food or beverage a day, you can lose 10 pounds in 8 months. You should take various fluid food to avoid denutrition. Under the guidance of a doctor, you can even take two fluids a day, then you can lose 10 pounds in 5 weeks. But you should make sure that the fluid food you are taking can supply all the needed nutrient and protein and do eat 3 meals a day. 5.Walking 45 minutes, lose 10 pounds half a year Try to walk 5km within 45 minutes once a day, 5 days a week, you can cut 10 pounds in 6 months. If you can walk 6.5km within 45 minutes, then more weight can be reduced. You would complain that you are too busy to go walking. However, as the saying goes “Time is like the water in sponge: if you squeze,you can always get some.” Since cardiovascular doctors pointed out that losing weight by walking may increase appetite, you can eat low-fat food or fresh fruit and drink water before or after walking to replenish water supply to the body. 6.Take regular exercise Taking regular exercise 3 to 5 times a week is a good way to reduce fat,lose weight, grow muscle and refresh yourself. Running 45 minutes a time at the speed of 170m/minute, 5 times a week can help lose 10 pounds in 3 months. Dancing 1 hour a time, 6 times a week and swimming 4 hours a week both can help lose 10 pounds in 4 months. Cycling 1 hour a time at the speed of 15km/hour, 4 times a week can help lose 10 pounds in 5 months. If you haven't taken regular exercise before, you can shorten the duration to avoid injuries. You should also notice that excessive exercise would increase appetite, which is negative for weight loss. 7.Strength Training You can grow muscle through strength training. Metabolism will be faster with more muscle. With 45 minutes weightlifting a time, 3 times a week, you can lose 10 pounds in 10 months. To avoid injuries, you should choose proper weight and make a feasible plan with the assist of a coach. Don't forget to do stretching exercises before weightlifting, which can help remain flexible. You can increase the lifting weight and frequency step by step. 8.Trim calorie intake and walk You will save 150 kcal of energy by drinking SODA instead of Coca Cola. If meanwhile you walk 5km within 45 minutes a time, 5 times a week, you can have 10 pounds dropped in 3 months. You can even drop10 pounds in 7 weeks by trimming more calorie intake with the same exercise. 9.Trim fat intake and practice weightlifting Trimming fat intake and practicing weightlifting at the same time can help consume excessive fat, keep nice figure, grow muscle, speed up metabolism and promote cardiovascular health. If you trim 20g fat a day and practice 20 minute weightlifting a time, 3 times a week, you will find yourself pounds lighter after just 3.5 months. 10.Best Choice Natural herbal slimming products will be your best choice if you want to lose weight but have no time to do exercise. The most effective herbal slimming products available on market are Lida Daidaihua Capsule, Zisu Slimming Capsule and Basha Nuts Slimming Capsule, which will help you lose weight quickly and build an ideal figure with no harm to the health. Testoviron Depot For Rapid Buildup Of Muscles If you want to gain muscle mass, you can take Testoviron Depot that is widely used for the hypertrophy of the muscles and gaining body strength in a short period of time. Read ahead to learn more about its use, dosage and effects. Steroids with both the androgenic and the anabolic effects highly promote protein synthesis in the body. Consumption of various steroids retain water in tissues that leads to solid gains in the muscles, improvement in body strength and significant increase in body weight. Testoviron Depot is one of the most effective steroids for achieving rapid muscle mass. It is known as the 'mass building steroid' among body builders and power lifters. This steroid has strong androgenic effects coupled with an anabolic component that builds up muscle mass within a short period of time. The therapeutic use of Testoviron Depot is for mineral retention in the body in order to cure osteoporosis, weight loss and anemia. It is used to treat the patients with the deficiency of testosterone that occurs due to the testicular failure. It is administered to people with muscle wasting diseases because of its muscle growth stimulating properties. Since it enables a rapid mass gain along with water retention, weight lifters appreciate this feature of Testoviron Depot. The best effect of water retention is tremendous gain in body strength. It is the ideal steroid to be used during the bulking phase. Some people prefer to stack these during the cutting phase of the training, but it is a wrong choice because of the high amount of water retention associated with it. Testoviron Depot is not aromatic, if taken 200 to 600 mg per week which is sufficient for mass gains. Its weekly dosage is effective for 1-2 weeks, that's why athletes split up the dosage twice a week to achieve better results. The required cycle for this steroid is 6 to 12 weeks which should not be exceeded. Higher dosage of Testoviron Depot becomes strongly aromatic, so you should take anti-estrogen to maintain the muscle growth. Women should take only 100 mg per week, for more than that will start to show virility symptoms such as deepening of voice, enlargement of clitoris and excessive facial hair growth. Even taking the small dosage for more than six weeks will show masculine effects on women. Testoviron Depot has both estrogen and androgenic side effects associated with it. During the cycle, estrogen level is highly increased that leads to gynecomastia and negatively effects the blood lipids. To overcome these side effects, you may take an anti-estrogen like Arimidex that controls the estrogen level by blocking its synthesis. Testoviron Depot elevates the level of testosterone that is responsible for androgenic side effects. These include unusual growth of body and facial hair, severe acne, oily skin and bouts. Those who have a genetic susceptibility for hair loss may face male pattern baldness. This steroid has detrimental effects on the health of the user as it reduces the level of good cholesterol that results in a greater risk of arteriosclerosis. It increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases by augmenting the size of the left ventricle of the heart. Other side effects associated with this steroid are dizziness, headaches, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. Since it is an injectable steroid, it does not cause any amount of toxicity in the liver. Due to their exceptional features, steroids are banned in many parts of the world resulting in their unavailability at the counters. However, some online stores offer these at reasonable prices. You can find information about various steroids and online stores that assist you to buy Testoviron Depot to achieve muscle mass in a short time. The 3-Step Weight Loss Plan It is never easy to achieve weight loss within a short amount of period especially when you have spent years packing on the excess weight with an unhealthy diet. When you neglect your body and not do anything to keep fit, you are setting yourself up for layers and layers of accumulated fat. These then make you predisposed to developing various ailments and diseases to include hypertension, renal impairment, diabetes, and many others. There are no complicated steps to lose weight, but many simply choose to look for more complex solutions to their weight problems. Take a look at these 3 steps that can get you on your way to successful weight loss. Do not expect any miracles. Believe that if you work hard at it, your efforts are going to pay off. As you get into the hang of being fit with these 3 steps, all other healthy practices that come with efforts to keep fit will also fall into place. Step 1: Diet. Watching what you eat does not mean starving yourself. Watching what you eat means eating more of the foods that are good for you and less of the foods that are bad for you. In some of the fad diets, there is some wisdom to the food restrictions that they preach. Regulating sugar intake to control the glycemic factor, for example, really does the body well. The trouble with these fad diets is that they take the restrictions too far to totally bar particular food groups out of the nutritional plan. What you want to do is to work on a reasonable diet plan that consists of a healthy balance of carbohydrates, protein, and fats that your body can efficiently metabolize. Step 2: Exercise. If you sit around on the couch all day giving your fingers some exercise on the remote control, a thick pad of fat is likely to settle in your midsection. There is no age limit to exercising to keep fit. Even babies and seniors are taught to exercise properly. There is no reason why a strong and able adult cannot perform the right exercises on a regular basis. You do not even shave to enrol in a gym or sports club to get some exercise. Find a sport that you enjoy playing, not on the gaming console but in real life. Running is an inexpensive form of exercise you can take up. You only have to invest in a good pair of running shoes to prevent injuries. Work on squeezing in at least a 30-minute run into your daily routine and see those excess pounds slowly vanishing. Step 3: Supplement -- the stress and fatigue that people go through today batter the body too much. These cause damage to your body enough to make your internal processes, including your digestive system, go haywire. You need to load up on your vitamins to make sure that your body has a complete arsenal of vitamins and nutrients necessary to fight cellular damage caused by stress and fatigue. There are natural supplements that you can take to boost your body's defences and bring its processes back to optimum working condition. When your body's organs and systems are working properly, metabolizing food and flushing out toxins from the body results in successful weight loss. The Advantages Of Eca Stack All ECA Stacks are a multifaceted combination of different drugs which are used for enhancing the intensity of our energy. These drugs are used many times by people to reduce weight too. So this has made ECA Stack very popular, as its advantages are not limited to something particular. More popular and commonly, ECA is the name given to aspirin, caffeine and ephedrine. Among all these in a stack, ephedrine is considered to be the main drug as it is responsible for boosting the energy levels of the human body and it also helps in reduction of the weight. People who have used this stack regularly, they have given positive reviews about this product. It has been found out that any person using such a stack would lose weight a lot quicker than any other person who is using other weight loss supplements. ECA stack reviews are mostly supportive of the use of such supplements. Even if a person uses the most trusted supplements, it is almost certain that he would take longer to lose weight as compared to these supplements. If a person is using the ECA stack with proper guidance and in the right amount, he will lose weight very quickly and all the excess fat that is present in his body will also be reduced. But no person should close his eyes and buy ECA stack blindly. There are a few things that always need to be kept in mind and with every drug there are some precautionary measures which need to be taken. If a person has little knowledge about losing weight and using these supplements, he would be unaware of the fact that though these supplements help people in losing weight, they also reduce the amount of lean muscle mass. People have to work out really hard and have to be much disciplined in order to maintain the amount of muscle they have. So a good way to keep healthy while taking ECA stack is to have a diet rich with proteins. A meal that is filled with protein should at least be eaten once a day in order to maintain the muscle strength. But if a person can afford it, then he should try having it two times in a day. This way the muscles of the body do not shrink and the body loses all the extra fat which is present besides the muscles. The Benefits Of Joining A Local Slimming Club Joining a local slimming club is a great way to find like minded people who will help you to push forward with your weight loss when you hit a road block. Local diet clubs often offer meetings and classes for it's members who are looking to either lose or maintain their weight loss. When people are trying to lose weight, it can be difficult for them when their friends and family are not on diets and don't understand how hard it can be at times. Having a support group in the form of a local slimming club can provide the motivation that dieters are not getting from their immediate circle. Diet clubs are a great place to meet exercise buddies. An exercise buddy is someone who you can go for runs with in the morning, take classes with at the gym or even just someone you can call when your motivation to eat healthy and exercise starts to slip. Slimming clubs are also very helpful for gathering tips and tricks that making losing weight easier and less painful. Members may share their favorite restaurants that offer healthy options or their favorite easy, healthy and low calorie recipes that even their children like. Members also come to the group with fun exercise ideas such as exercise videos they may have tried or exercises that can be done at home. Attending a diet club meeting on a weekly, bi weekly or monthly basis can help to hold you accountable for your weight loss. At some meetings, members weight in every week while at others, members just discuss what was hard about their weight loss over the week and how they overcame it. The friends you will meet in your weight loss club will always be available to you when you are having trouble sticking to a healthy lifestyle. Some people do not feel comfortable talking to their friends and family about their weight loss so having a support group is invaluable. A weight loss club is a place to be honest about your struggles and achievements and is a very helpful tool for losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The Best Hcg Weight Loss Clinics In Texas Improve Lives Countless men and women from all walks of life now depend on life changing HCG weight loss clinics in Texas to improve their daily lives. After all, the best HCG Injections on the market are known to work wonders for a user's physical and mental health. You see, important hormones, such as HCG, are produced naturally in the human brain. However, by the time a man or woman reaches his or her middle ages, the amount of hormones released into the body is drastically reduced. As a direct result, folks begin to look and feel old. Belly fat forms, as well as unattractive wrinkles. At the same time, memory skills are known to go down the tubes. Fortunately, you can now find HCG weight loss clinics in Texas to preserve your youth with the alternative injections. To discover more about the multiple benefits of HCG weight loss clinics, all you have to do is look online. In no time, you should be able to locate numerous reviews of HCG diet programs. Some blogs are written by doctors, while other customers simply want to share their personal experiences on many weight loss websites. For instance, there is a doctor from El Paso Texas who writes life changing prescriptions for HCG Injections on a daily basis. On a regular basis, she sees just how effective real HCG shots have been for lowering her patients' high blood pressure, as well as bad cholesterol levels. Lots of them also escape obesity with HCG weight loss injections for sale, as the shots effectively speed up a user's metabolism. More and more fat cells are burned off in a shorter amount of time. Meanwhile, lean muscle mass becomes more visible. Also, thinning hair will begin to grow in darker and thicker. Fading eyesight will get better, and even wrinkled skin will gain back much of its elasticity. Numerous health blogs are also written by people who have been using HCG shots to improve the mind frames. Many folks turn to HCG clinics after going through ugly divorces, as the injections can actually help to fight off severe depression. Stress and anxiety are lowered as well. Even a person's mental skills improve. Both long and short term memories get much better, along with an individual's ability to multitask for hours at a time. Of course, the improved quality of sleep caused by an HCG prescription plays a part in a person's ability to stay focused, as well as his or her energy level throughout the day, as well as in the night. You must remember that not all of the different HCG weight loss clinics in Texas are the same. The clinics that deal with HCG shots have great reputations. However, several blogs found on the web state that all of the different HCG diet clinics that rely on pills, sprays and creams are no more than useless scams. At the same time, both medical professionals and customers warn folks not to buy HCG shots from outside of the US, as foreign nations do not have our country's dependable Food and Drug Administration to watch out for your overall safety. It is a good thing that you will have no trouble finding top notch HCG weight loss clinics in Texas. Improving your physical and mental health has never been so easy. The Big Difference Between Unhealthy Diet And Healthy Diet Okay so I know that you want to lose weight that why you are reading this article and you want to know that the difference between healthy diet and unhealthy diet. Let's check these two different methods together. Starting from the explanation of these terms: Healthy diet as you knows it is a diet that has long term effect and usually increases your lifestyle habit as you know it. The healthy diet would make you lose weight longer than unhealthy diet but more controllable. Unhealthy diet is a diet that usually short term effect and in long term would make your health worse, this unhealthy diet is certainly more faster to make you lose weight than healthy diet and also unhealthy diet is the common method that people use either they realize it or not. Have you done unhealthy diet? To answer this please answers the question below. 1. You eat only twice a day? 2. Eat only low calorie food? 3. Eat certain food only such as vegetables or fruit? 4. Use diet pill or slimming pill to help you lose weight? 5. Over restrain yourself over food? If you answer at least 4 yes from the question above then you are in unhealthy diet. You see healthy diet is a term where you eat in balance between the calorie you need for daily activity and calorie intake. Most people would think that if they eat less and less calorie they would lose weight, this is the wrong concept. You see our body has it own limit and if you over do it then it would make it more demanding, you have to do it the natural way. Eat only a certain food is wrong, as you know that your body needs many different nutrition and vitamin to help you lose weight. Do you know food pyramid? Where the carbohydrate is in the most lower pyramid which mean you need it the most and vegetables are in the middle which mean you only need medium size of vegetable and also meat and fish or should we say is fat come in the top of the food pyramid which mean you need only a certain amount of fat but it doesn't mean you don't need fat. Fat is also important thing for our body it control our body temperature and as backup energy. Use of diet pill or slimming pill which come from two common effects such as fat binder or appetite suppressant is also affecting your diet. Fat binder which binds not only your fat but also your vitamin and nutrition could lead you to a more unhealthy diet. Appetite suppressant, well as you know if we don't eat less food a day it would mean or body is disintegrating which mean unhealthy diet. If you serious want to use slimming pill then you need supplement to help it, I would recommend Aloeride which is aloe vera powder that has vitamin and mineral that you might loss when using diet pill or slimming pill or excessive diet. So have you done thing to make your diet healthier? Remember that healthy diet is a concept of balance between in and out of calorie. Unhealthy diet mean you make the calorie out of your body extremely fast where in some point your body just couldn't hold it anymore which lead to sickness or excessive eating. The Cabbage Soup Recipe And Rapid Weight Lost The 7 days soup diet plan promises speedy weight loss. Is this a genuine plan or nothing but a trick? There are a few tricks, but you can find out more here including a little about the cabbage soup recipe... Soup making after all is an art. That's because it's usually based somewhat on what you have on hand and how it gets put together. The recipe is really just a place to get going anyway. Substitution is what makes soup unique and the soup used here is not an exception. A basic recipe for the diet soup is certainly easy to find. We include it free on our website along with the plan for free too. The thing is you can spice the soup up just about any way and it still works fine even if you get a little carried away on the fats and such... Seriously, most of what you need for the cabbage soup diet plan is likely already in your pantry. There's little to buy and no special, exotic materials at all. The soup is key to the diet working but the recipe is not really so critical though. It can be varied in many ways and still function as a filler which is it's main function anyway. There really is no reason for the soup to be less than delicious either. Bland is out. Interesting is in. It's for fast results... I lost 10 pounds in a week using this plan and so did many others. Here's how. You see you can eat all the soup you want. This isn't the magic soup that guarantees weight loss. You can use many different recipes. The soup works because it's low in calories and it fills you up. So you don't get so hungry. Plus there are many other foods you get to eat and you can eat as much as you want of most of them. The foods include most any fruits, vegetables, skim milk, beef or chicken, brown rice and even unsweetened fruit juice. The trick is you only eat certain foods on certain days. You end up with a calorie restricted diet with a lot of food to eat so you don't stay hungry. Dropping 10 pounds or so in a week is the idea. Often losing that much weight that fast means starvation. That's not the case here at all. You get to eat the cabbage soup to keep that from happening. That means at any time you get to eat something, just maybe not exactly what you would choose if you had a perfect choice. This is after all only a way to eat for seven days and that's all. This would not be a good way to eat long-term and nobody should try it for sure. It works best as just a part of a more sensible eating plan and that means the more sensible part should be tacked right on to the end of the 7 day diet. A cabbage soup diet works by restricting fats and calories but just for a week. By restricting food choices it is possible for you to lose weight quickly without suffering starvation and discomfort. The cabbage soup recipe is part of the plan but not the magic ingredient after all. The Digest Diet - Quick Weight Loss Folly Digest Diet Grabbers My first notice of this new book by Liz Vaccariello at Reader's Digest was on the cover of my April 2012 issue of Reader's Digest. Here is what got my attention: ...Revolutionary Diet Plan! ...Eat To Release Fat ...Drop Up to 21 Pounds in 21 Days ...Foods with Surprising Slim-Down Powers Of course I had to read the excerpt inside and then order the book! By the way, there isn't any such thing as a Revolutionary Diet Plan inside. There are no such things in general. Even the Atkins diet books (Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution, 1981; Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution, 2002) were by no means revolutionary. The last truly revolutionary diet plan was probably the HCG Diet by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons in 1954. How about eating to release fat? Let's say that this should refer to metabolism that drives the mobilization of stored fat. This can be done with an ultra low-carb diet, such as the ketogenic phase of the Atkins Induction Phase. It requires a diet of 20 grams or fewer per day for 2 weeks. Fat metabolism is indicated by ketolysis, which is measured by Ketostix (reagent strips for urine analysis). When examining the 'Fast Release' Phase of the Digest Diet, I discovered that it is scheduled for the first 4 days of the plan. During this phase, a typical day's consumption looks like this: Breakfast: Fast Release Shake (fruits, etc., with about 50 g carb) Snack: Ricotta Boat (bell pepper and ricotta cheese) Lunch: Fast Release Shake or Soup Dinner: Fast Release Shake or Soup I really don't even have to dig into the soup recipes to see that this diet is overloaded with carbs and could not possibly drive ketolysis - meaning selective fat metabolism. Days 2-4 of the Fast Release Phase are much the same, with the main differences being in the snacks. Day 2 offers a Cheesy Rollup on lettuce; Day 3, a Tomato Cream Spread; Day 4, a Tangy Yogurt Dip. From what I can tell this is a highly calorie-restricted phase with a lot of liquid intake. Reports of fast weight loss from testimonials are no doubt driven by water loss. Fast weight loss is generally water loss, no matter the diet, including the Atkins Induction Phase. Quick weight loss, of course, is a nice dream. However, it is accompanied by lots of drawbacks and basically does not work for long term weight management. How Well Does the Digets Diet Work? Weight loss can be very fast on this diet. The hype about 'up to 21 pounds in 21 days' and 'drop 26 pounds in 3 weeks' is, of course, ridiculous. There are extreme examples like this from a small set of people ... just one in the study group ... so those are outliers. Whether you lose weight at all is the question, and it is an open one. Whether you lose FAT ... now that is to be determined. I seriously doubt it. Even though fat is the supposed target of this diet, there are no results reported for changes in body fat composition. Just quick weight loss. If you have just one of the typical recipes as an example of what the Digest Diet advocates for long-term weight management, you will not be successful. Why not? Take a look at the following recipe for 'Pizza with Wilted Greens, Ricotta, and Almonds' and you can see where the main flaw is in this dish. 1/4 cup plus tsp. water 2 cloves garlic 1/2 tsp. chopped rosemary 12 oz. excarole, cut into 1/2 in. wide ribbons 2 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil 1 thin-crust whole wheat pizza shell (12-inch) 1 cup part-skim ricotta cheese 1/4 tsp.fine sea salt 1/4 tsp. black pepper 1/4 no-salt-added tomato paste See the flaw? This might appear to be a nice, healthful recipe. It isn't. Recommendation The Digest Diet is not a sustainable program for weight loss that selectively drives the metabolism of fat. One more thing. The science behind this diet is nearly absent, even though it is purported to be a comparison of the best science from multiple weight loss diets. Oh, and the exercise component of the book is even weaker than the diet itself. No science behind the workouts whatsoever! The Eod Diet System As far as most diets go, maintaining a low calorie meal plan and sticking to it is probably the number one reason why so many people fail at getting back into shape. For the longest time it was believed that in order to lose weight, you had to cut down what you ate everyday and maintained a vigorous workout routine. For some this has worked, but most people find it hard to stay committed to eating so little especially with so many outings, holidays, and get-togethers throughout the year. Not to mention that most people don't have time to commit to hours at a gym. Although the EOD Diet system has been around for quite some time, it has gotten a lot of popularity lately because it has been proven to work for thousands of people. So what makes it so different than any other weight loss program out there today? The first big difference worth covering is the diet itself. Instead of cutting down your calorie intake daily, the concept behind the EOD Diet system is to change your calorie intake from day to day. This results in confusing your metabolism and forces it to work harder in order to keep up with the amount of calories. So on one day, you eat lightly. Eat foods that are rich in protein and on every other day—eat whatever you want! That's right; shoot to get a high calorie amount and what you are really doing is when you eat protein, you help your body burn fat with moderate exercise. So on days where you eat lighter, your body is burning calories at a rate that it would when you are eating your favorite foods! This is why the EOD Diet system has been so successful. Although you do need to keep to a moderate workout routine, which isn't any more difficult than things you've tried before, as long as you stick to the program as outlined, you will shed off that unwanted weight in record time. The program also offers a SNAPP feature that ensures that you never overindulge on the foods you love. By telling you how much of what types of food you can eat, you will be on track to getting in shape quicker than you ever imagined! The Flex Belt Weight loss problems are the mostly faced by everyone. Someone has to face it more serious effects of over weight or some are concerned on the fitness arenas. But in some or the other way everyone is concerned about their weight. To solve all these problems people uses various products, pills and therapies. Some people take on serious dieting regime and some also take up exercising routine. But some people act smart and utilize the technology available. The flex belt is one of such products. The flex belt is basically an abs toner belt. It basically works on the stomach area where most of the fat gets accumulated. It is recommended for everyone wiling to have a healthy lean body. For senior people, mothers, and obese people this flex belt really works well in reducing their waist size. This is a widely use product. There is no specific gender this belt is targeted to. It is meant for both men and women. The flex belt is to wear around the abdominal. Its mechanism aims at toning the body, abs and makes a slim structure of the body. It does not deal with weight loss arenas. What it is concerned about is to tone the abs. It also includes three positioned gel pads. The mechanism of these pads is to make the muscles stress free and to contract them. It also enhances the strength of the abs and thus tones them perfectly. The capacity of these gel pads usually stretches to around thirty sessions. The outcome of the use of flex belt generally starts showing within some weeks. It has no side effects if all the instructions are followed properly. One should read all the instructions given with its pack. It helps in using the flex belt properly. It does serve its purpose very efficiently. In the instructions manual it is not mentioned to follow any specific die pattern. Since no chemical or organic appetite inhibiting substances it does not help in reducing weight. The cost of this product is also quite high therefore many people may not be able to buy the flex belt. This belt has undergone various researches and the outcome described that it is quite effective in toning your abs. The flex belt can also be named as a abdominal belt because it is the abdominal where it is kept. There are many abs toning machines which works specifically for abs. The flex belt is one of them. It basically generates electronic muscle stimulation which helps in contacting the muscles. The Four Phases Of The Dukan Diet Explained The Dukan diet can change your life for the better. It certainly changed mine. After five days on the Dukan diet I had lost 4lbs, the easiet 4lbs I had ever lost in my life. During those five short days on the Dukan diet, I never felt hungry, never had food cravings and I ate as much as I wanted. Anyone who tries the Dukan diet for five days will see why it is so popular. Dr. Pierre Dukan, developed his revolutionary diet in Paris (ever wondered how the Parisian women manage to stay so slim?) and his diet sometimes goes by the nick-name 'The Paris diet'. In the ten years French men and women have been using the Dukan diet over 1.5 million people have seen dramatic weight loss success. These men and women changed not only their diet but their lives. Now it is time for you to learn the secrets of the Dukan diet and discover the life-changing impact of fast and easy weight loss. During the Dukan diet you pass through four phases The Dukan diet is a high protein and low carb diet. This is nothing new, there have been many such diets touted as revolutionary in the past. Dr. Dukan's diet is different in that the dieter passes through four separate phases in which vegetables, then bread, cheese and potatoes are introduced. In the third phase of the diet you can even have two meals a week of whatever you want. Have a meal in restaurant with a couple of glasses of wine if you like, you'll deserve it after all that weight you've lost! In the final phase of the diet the only thing you have to commit to is one protein only day a week. Dr. Dukan suggests Thursday in his book and apparently, if you enter a restaurant in Paris on a Thursday you'll see many slim women (and men) eating protein only meals. The attack phase. The first phase of the Dukan diet is a protein only phase. Dieters eat only high protein foods, such as grilled steak, chicken, fish, low fat yogurt, etc. Depending on the weight loss goals, the attack phase lasts from 2-7 days. As a rule of thumb, someone who wanted to lose between 20-40lbs would have an attack phase of 5 days and would lose 4-6lbs. I wanted to lose 21lbs and I lost 4lbs during my attack phase. During the attack, the dieter can eat as much as they want of any of the allowed foods. I enjoyed grilled streaks and ate bowls of smoked salmon and cottage cheese. The Cruise phase. The next phase allows the dieter to reintroduce vegetables (except starchy vegetables like potatoes, beans, corn, etc). During the cruise phase the dieter alternates cycles of days that are protein only (like the attack days) and protein and vegetables. I choose three days of protein and vegetables followed three days of protein only. It is possible to alternate daily if you prefer. You can expect to lose around 2-3lb a week, eating as much as you want and due to the high protein content never feel hungry. The lack of hunger and food-cravings is remarkable! The Consolidation phase. Most people know by now that the problem with a rapid weight loss diet is the rapid putting back on of weight when they are over. As a nutritionist, Dr. Dukan knows this well and understands the causes. This is while he built into his diet a consolidation phase. This crucial phase allows the dieter's body to get used to the steadily increasing variety of foods eaten after the diet. During this phase the dieter can reintroduce foods like potatoes, cheese, bread, and fruit as well as have two guilt free meals a week without restriction! The Stabilization phase. This final phase lasts for the rest of your life. Or for as long as you want to remain your ideal weight! Before you panic at this level of commitment - the only thing you have to do is eat one protein only day a week. The rest of the time you can eat whatever you like. The Dukan diet allows dieters to lose weight fast and keep the weight off without ever feeling hungry or craving food. The diet also teaches the dieter to enjoy foods they previously avoided. On the Dukan diet you will learn to delight in the taste of fresh fruit and vegetables and enjoy the taste of herbs and spices rather than fatty and sugary sauces. The Dukan diet truly is life changing in that not only do you get to lose weight but you get a fresh start with food. You should always consult a doctor before embarking on a radical diet. The Good And Bad Sides Of Lap Band Surgery The Pros and Cons of Lap Band Surgery If you are between the ages of 18 and 60 and around 100 pounds overweight, you may be the ideal candidate for LapBand surgery. The LapBand is a successful weight loss surgery that has been used in the United States since 2001. Most patients who undergo the procedure see results. With that said, all surgical procedures have their pros and cons. So, what are the pros and cons of undergoing LapBand surgery? Weight loss. Weight loss is the most significant advantage to undergoing the procedure. For many patients, the LapBand system is not only used to improve their physical appearance, but their health. In many instances, the LapBand surgery is considered a lifesaving procedure. Weight loss will depend on surgeon preference, band size, healthy eating choices, and exercise. Improvement in health. As previously stated, many patients who undergo the Lap Band Surgery are doing so to save their lives. With severe cases of obesity, the early onset of death is likely. When properly inserted, the LapBand should lead to a longer and healthier life. If that wasn’t enough, the weight loss associated with LapBand surgery can lead to the disappearance of diabetes and other weight related health problems. Freedom. In a way, most LapBand patients are provided with a certain level of freedom; freedom they never had before. By following all doctor recommendations, weight loss is all but guaranteed. Whether you lose 50 pounds or 100 pounds over the course of time, you will have more freedom to live your life. It will likely be the simplest things, such as walking up a flight of stairs without losing your breath, that will leave you with the most joy. Short recovery. The LapBand system involves the insertion of an adjustable gastric band. There is no cutting or stapling of the stomach pouch. This means a shorter recovery time. In fact, most patients spend less than 24 hours in the hospital. Not only is the recovery shorter, but there are less risks of complications. Basically Lapband Surgery is safer than gastric bypass surgery. Adjustable. The greatest benefit of the LapBand system is that the band is adjustable. Not all bodies react to surgery or the LapBand the same way. For that reason, adjustments are common. Even better is the fact that adjustments can be made without surgery. Adjustments are made with band slippage, regurgitation, acid reflux, and no weight loss. Reversible. Since stomach pouch cutting and stapling is not involved with the LapBand system, the procedure is 100% reversible. Unlike adjustments, surgery is required for band removal. When removed, your stomach will return to its normal size. Reasons for removal include time where the band is no longer needed to assist in weight loss or complications in which adjustments do not assist. Eligibility requirements. Unfortunately, the LapBand system tends to come with many eligibility requirements. Qualified surgeons will not operate on just anyone. Even if you are overweight, you may not qualify for the LapBand surgery. In most cases, patients need to have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of around 40, be between the ages of 16 and 60, be in good health, and have a clear understanding of the commitment required to lose weight. Costs. Very few medical procedures are affordable, but you may be shocked with the cost of LapBand surgery. On average, the procedure costs $15,000 to $20,000 in the United States. If you are covered by medical insurance, contact your provider. Some insurance providers cover the cost of bariatric surgery. If not, save money by cutting expenses, look for an affordable surgeon, and inquire about payment plans. As you can see, the LapBand system has many pros and cons. In most cases, the pros easily outweigh the cons. So, if you are suffering from severe or morbid obesity, schedule a consultation appointment with a LapBand surgeon. If you are deemed an eligible candidate, a healthier lifestyle is just a few months away. The Health Benefits Of Clenbuterol Clenbuterol is well-known among the health and nutrition circles for its widespread use by athletes and body builders. These people can testify to the wonderful effects that they enjoy from clen, the street name for this supplement. According to them, clenbuterol enhances the results of their rigorous weight and body training, and helps them achieve that firm and lean body that they have always wanted to have. What Exactly Does Clenbuterol Do? Clenbuterol is a food and dietary supplement. Its primary effect is to stimulate beta-2 adrenergic receptors. As a drug, it is used as a prescription for bronchial asthma, because its stimulation of the beta-2 receptors causes the obstruction or constriction of the bronchial tubes to lessen. Thus, you are able to ease the trouble that is related to your condition. Clenbuterol is ideal for the treatment of asthma because it has a long half-life: it can stay in the body for more than one day. However, that is not the only positive effect that one can enjoy from clenbuterol. Yes, the athletes and the body builders are right. Clenbuterol does enhance the positive effects of exercise and proper diet on the body, by a process that people call repartition. What Is Repartition? Repartition is a natural body process in which the biological system of a person works to strengthen the body by separating the body fat from the body. Along the way, clenbuterol is also increasing the amount of muscle that the body has. That is why it is popular among athletes and body builders: exercise builds up muscle and burns excess fat away from the body. Clenbuterol merely adds up to that effect by optimizing the amount of muscle built by the body during the exercise, as well as maximizing the amount of fat burned by the body's metabolism. What happens then is that the entire process of building up muscle and losing weight is accelerated and sustained through the use of clenbuterol. In other words, it is perfect as a dietary supplement for those that want to burn off those excess fats through exercise and a proper diet. By the way, repartition is an effect of the supplement's ability to stimulate the beta-2 adrenergic receptors in the muscles. That is how it adds more muscle to the body, much to the delight of those that want to have a ripped and muscular physique to boast and wow people with. Where Can Clenbuterol Be Bought? Fortunately, everyone can easily access supplies of clenbuterol. The supplement can be quickly bought using the wonders of the Internet. There are a number of websites which sell these food supplements readily to anyone that want to experience how helpful it is to everyone's weight loss efforts. Truly, clenbuterol is the ideal food supplement for everyone. With the adverse effects of obesity and being overweight on a person's health, it is high time that they lose weight not only through exercise and eating the right foods, but also to have the supplement that can help them achieve just that end. The Houdini Act With Hoodia Pills Many health investigations disclose that Hoodia Gordonii is not only an imaginary miracle weight loss plant; it has a scientific basis to it also. If you have heard about Hoodia, you will be rather convinced that you can lose weight by not feeling hungry. It doesn't sound easy… but it is happening. Hoodia Chaser is becoming a very popular diet pill for people who want to lose weight fast. It is important to know all the facts about the Hoodia Diet Pill before you rush to the store and buy it. - Hoodia Weightloss Pills are made from the extract of the amazing Hoodia Gordonii plant which studies have shown will help you lose weight. - Hoodia Weightloss Pills suppress your hunger which makes you eat less. - Hoodia Weightloss Pills have no known side effects and is a very safe way of losing weight. Hoodia Gordonii plant has been used by the San Tribe of the Kalahari Desert in South Africa for hundreds of years to keep their hunger under control. That is right; the extract of Hoodia Gordonii plant gives you this miraculous weight loss remedy! One of the components of the plant is P57 molecule, which is a natural appetite suppressant. Clinical trials revealed that it is possible to decrease your calorie consumption up to 2000 a day. You will lose weight in a natural way by taking Hoodia Weightloss Pills. It is good to know how it works. When you eat two capsules an hour before every meal, then the natural active hunger suppressing ingredient in Hoodia will give you a feeling of being full. This will keep you away from having fats and carbohydrates. But it is important to eat a good diet and take regular exercise. You will be able to see the effects of the Hoodia Diet Pill and on your weighing machine. Just any part of the plant extract is not used to manufacture the pills. It contains the valuable part of the Hoodia plant. The branded Hoodia Gordonii pills do not have any Caffeine or Ephedrine, but are hundred percent organic with no records of any side effect. Some of us will like to know how many Hoodia pills are to be eaten for effective results. You can have 1 to 3 pills, three times a day, about an hour before you have meal. You have to remember it is not advised for individuals below the age of 18, people who suffer from high blood pressure and pregnant or nursing women. Do not eat more than the recommended number of Hoodia pills. The Importance Of Complex Carbs In Your Diet The importance of carbohydrates and diet is a very essential part of every person's life. Regardless of how much you exercise, if you do not follow a healthy diet plan, your total fitness will not be as effective. To get fit and remain healthy, diet and exercise go hand in hand. But, whenever you mention the word “diet”, confusion settles in. With so many diet plans and fad diets becoming popular, people are often confused about what to consume and what not to consume for the diet to remain healthy and provide the necessary nutrition. While some diets advise the reduction of fats and carbohydrates, others recommend only the reduction of fats. These different kinds of recommendations often lead to undue confusion and people are generally clueless about what to eat and what not to eat. While some diet plans recommend lower carbohydrate intake, the question is raised whether or not this will have any effect on weight reduction and the regulation of weight. Carbohydrates are very essential for meeting the body's energy requirements. This becomes even more vital if the person is conducting regular exercise. With regular exercise, the body's energy requirements go up. If the carbohydrate intake is reduced, there is no doubt that some people might see some initial reduction in weight loss, but this is not sustained in the long term. Having a low carbohydrate diet will gradually lead to an increase in lethargy and will lead to a gradual increase in weight after the initial weight loss. Often the initial weight loss is actually just the decrease of fluids from the cells, or water weight. This loss of fluids is not always healthy. So, what role should Carbohydrates take in each person's diet plan? Although the actual amount of recommended carbohydrate is different from person to person, the total daily calories from carbohydrate intake should be in the range of 45% to 60% in a given day. But, before we rush to the store and stock up on foods containing Carbohydrates, we should first learn a few things about carbohydrates, as not all carbs are beneficial and healthy. Carbohydrates are different forms of sugar that are converted into glucose within the body, which provides energy to individual cells. Each cell needs the required amount of carbohydrates to provide it the energy it needs to function. If the intake of carbohydrates exceeds the required limits, then the extra glucose is then converted into glycogen for future use or it gets stored up as fat. What are the different forms of Carbohydrates and which of these forms should be consumed for promoting health and improving weight loss? There are two types of Carbohydrates: complex carbohydrates and simple carbohydrates. Another classification of carbohydrates is refined and unrefined. Complex carbohydrates are carbs that are made up of strings of simple sugars in a chain. The action of digestive enzymes is much slower on this kind of carbohydrates as they need to be broken down into simple carbohydrates for absorption in the body. This slow digestion provides for a slow and steady energy supply to meet the requirements of the individual cells without getting stored up as glycogen or fat. Simple carbohydrates are made up of simpler units of sugar and they get digested much more quickly. This increases the possibilities that those “simple carbs” will get stored as fat. However, some fruits contain simple sugars, but the presence of fiber in fruit reduces the rate of digestion, thus preventing the conversion to fat. As a general rule, consume your fruits in the morning and early afternoon as an extra way to prevent fat storage, as you are more likely to burn off the simple sugars throughout the day. So which kind of carbohydrates needs to be taken on a regular basis and which kind needs to be avoided? It is essential to increase the amount of natural complex carbohydrates and limit the intake of simple carbohydrates in the diet. Complex carbohydrates get digested slowly, they provide needed energy, and are an excellent source of nutrition. Simple carbs, on the other hand, have no nutritional value whatsoever and have a high risk of being converted to fat. Simple carbs should be avoided at all costs. The only kind of simple sugars that can be included in the diet is natural simple sugars contained in fruits. It is also best to avoid any form of highly processed foods or refined foods in the diet and to opt for natural foods instead. For example, you should avoid drinking fruit juice and eat the fresh fruit instead; avoid canned foods and opt for freshly prepared foods instead, etc. Most people hate researching healthy food choices. For those people, examining a food label is another way to check for healthy food, versus the not so healthy. An easy and effective way is to look directly at the amount of fat and the amount of calories on the food label. For example, if the item provides more than 15g of fat per 100 calories, it is best to avoid that food item or at least restrict the amount of that food in your diet. Additionally, if the food label shows the presence of ingredients like sucrose, sugar, corn syrup, or fructose, it means that it has simple carbohydrates in the food item. If these items are listed first on the list of ingredients, than that ingredient is considered a “primary” ingredient and is best avoided completely. Some examples of good sources of complex carbohydrates include sweet potatoes, root vegetables, whole breads, bran, whole grain cereals, corn, muesli, peas, beans, oats, etc. Examples of foods containing simple carbohydrates include sugar, honey, soft drinks, chocolate, white bread, jam, canned fruits, pickles, etc. As we have seen, carbohydrates are very vital in each person's diet. Although the amount of carbohydrates still needs to be regulated. Too much healthy food can still lead to weight gain. It is essential to be able to determine the difference in the good sources of carbohydrates, opposed to the bad sources of carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates provide fuel for the body, and the energy needed to workout hard and to lose weight. Simple carbs will result in stored fat, and will have a negative impact on your weight loss goals. The Kardashian Sisters Recent Weight Loss Recently both Kim and Khloe Kardashian have showed some recent weight loss. Khloe has dropped an amazing 20 pounds in four short weeks. (So she could fit in her wedding dressJ) Kim also revealed her brand new tight bikini body. (WOW she is looking good) Both of the sisters have different types for workout plans. Khloe does a mandatory 30 minutes of cardio per day. Weather it being boxing, hiking, stairs or weights. She also says that she will eat anything and everything she pleases before noon. After 12 o'clock that's when Khloe will watch what she eats. Kim on the other hand will start her workout by running 2 miles on the treadmill the jumping right into weight lifting for another 30 min. Kim will rotate working her upper body and lower body followed by a ton of crunches then stretching. When Kardashian gets home she always will do some lungs and squats to keep that big booty firm. Kim's diet has changed also. She has cut back on her sweets (cut back not given up….come on no one can give the sweets up) hardly eats junk food and has increase her protein intake. Kim and Khloe have similarities in their diet and exercise plans. They both use Kim Kardashian's workout DVD “Fit in Your Jeans by Friday”. The sisters both endorse the new weight loss products Quick Trim. There are currently four Quick Trim products Celliuslim, Burn and Cleanse, Fast Cleanse and Extreme Burn. (You will be able to purchase these products at your local GNC) Quick Trim seems like some pretty powerful weight loss products considering Khloe lost 20 pounds in four weeks and Kim has dialed in her amazing curvy bikini body using Quick Trim. All in all both of the Kardashian sister are looking great.. The Key Benefits Of Including Essential Fatty Acids, Mct And Cla In Your Diet Stress, we all have it in our lives, no matter where we live. Let's face it life is stressful. Work, trying to make end's meet, money, political uncertainty, and recession, whatever it may be. Stress plays a large part in many of our lives. You may ask what does all this have to do with essential fats, MCT (medium chain triglycerides) and CLA (conjugated Linoleic acid)? It really does. In today's times some people are way too stressed. Stress directly affects the way we eat and our general health and wellbeing. What's the first thing one does when they are stressed? The answer is “eat”. I am not saying that this is true for everyone, but may be for many. What do we eat when we stressed? The answer is “junk food” and lots of it! Junk food has become the norm for many people around the world, people on the rush - grab a burger and chips or a pizza and a coke. Whatever it may be, trans fats are bad! We are ingesting trans fatty acids and are consuming them on a large scale. Yes, those chips drenched in oil are a great example of trans fatty acids. Tastes good, but are a definite no no for healthy eating. Apart from trans fats causing weight problems and obesity, a problem shared by many of us around the world. Trans fatty acids are the body's worst enemy. The trans fats we eat cause our body cell's to become coated with a layer and for this reason are not able to absorb the nutrients from the food or supplements we ingest. So then what is the solution to this problem? The answer is oil supplementation. Essential nutrients are more readily absorbed into the body in the form of oil, than when in capsule form. Omega 3, 6 & 9 are essential fatty acids. Omega provides the cell nourishment that we lack. Omegas are great for general health, counteracting the cell destruction caused by trans fatty acids. Omegas are vital for maintaining optimal body functioning; including mental vitality, lowering cholesterol levels and also decreases high blood pressure levels. Ok, so now you know Omega's are the first vital component to include in your daily diet. Now that your cells are functioning again, it's time to include MCT and CLA. MCT and CLA supplementation is great for general health, weight loss and toning. MCT and CLA are vital for everyone, no matter what your goal. Perhaps it's weight loss, endurance sports or bodybuilding, as you see MCT and CLA supplementation fits into your specific goal. What are MCT's? MCT's are medium chain fatty acids or are smaller chain fatty acids, which require less energy and fewer enzymes to break them down for digestion, thus making absorption possible with little effort. MCT's are found in coconut oil. MCT's burns like a carbohydrate giving you the high energy levels you require to maintain your busy lifestyle, exercise or anything else that requires extra energy. Best of all - MCT's are not a carbohydrate; as a result they never store fat. MCT's maintain high energy levels and do not store fat. MCT's also speed up the metabolism. They are a healthier, natural alternative to foods high in saturated fatty acids. MCT's also stabilise blood sugar levels. MCT supplementation is great for dieting, where carbohydrate intake is reduced. Lowering your carbs reduces energy levels and in some cases makes you feel ill. MCT will help prevent this ill feeling. MCT's also help reduce food cravings. Perhaps you are interested in high energy levels for endurance sports, or just general health. MCT is the answer. You see; MCT is beneficial for everyone. What is CLA? Conjugated Linoleic acid is a healthy fat. CLA is ideal for those who want to improve the lean mass to body fat ratio, as well as enhancing muscle growth. CLA increases muscle tissue by assisting in protein synthesis. For those interested in fat loss and weight loss, CLA decreases fat deposition. It increases the metabolism; it practically cut's fat, especially around the stomach area. CLA is said to be a great tumour inhibitor, an anti-carcinogenic and great for the immune system. So there you have it in a nutshell! You now know the benefits of supplementing your diet with essential fatty acid's, MCT's and CLA and how you can benefit from including them into your daily diet. I hope that this article has helped you get started and that you are now eager to include Omega's, MCT and CLA into your healthy daily diet. The Laparoscopic Adjustable Banding Weight Loss Choice One weight loss surgery using recent technology is laparoscopic adjustable banding, which can be shortened to "lap band." In laparoscopic surgery, a type of camera is utilized and the surgeon performs the internal surgery while watching the video feed from inside the abdomen. Since laparoscopy requires smaller and fewer incisions, this surgical procedure usually reduces the pain, hemorrhaging, and surgery recovery time. This article discusses the lap band option for bariatric surgery San Antonio. Stomach Banding: As a weight loss surgery, laparoscopic adjustable banding tightens a band around a part of the stomach so the stomach holds less food. The band is a fluid-filled tube or ring, fitting over the patient's stomach. After this procedure, not only does the patient's stomach fill with food faster, it also stays full longer after eating. Thus, it is easier to eat less and take in fewer calories. When combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle, most people who have their stomach banded must burn body fat to satisfy their daily energy needs. Adjustable Banding: The band initially placed around the stomach during laparoscopic adjustable banding weight loss surgery is adjustable. Adjustments are made by changing the amount of fluid in the band - the band is tightened by adding fluid to the tube, and it is loosened by removing fluid from the tube. These adjustments are quite easily made during an office visit. Monthly adjustments are made to the initial setting to achieve a steady rate of weight loss or for possibly for the comfort of the patient. With the ability to adjust stomach bands, a patient who has been losing weight successfully could adapt slowly to a healthy lifestyle with a normal stomach by gradually loosening the adjustable banding. Economic Considerations: Because the cost of obesity is very high, lap band San Antonio surgery costs may quickly be recovered. Some of the obesity costs are prescription drugs, emergency room visits, extra visits to the doctor, or even long-term health care problems. On a practical level, some common purchases like furniture may be more costly in a larger size. Additional costs are incurred in San Antonio area businesses if overweight workers are less productive or have higher absenteeism. With lap band surgery San Antonio, people could better enjoy their lives and businesses could benefit as well. Other Bariatric Surgery San Antonio Offers: In addition to lap band surgery San Antonio, procedures for bariatric surgery San Antonio include the gastric bypass and the sleeve. * The gastric bypass, which has been a successful weight loss surgery for 25 years, severs most of the stomach, leaving a very small pouch that fills very quickly. The food is routed from this small pouch directly into the intestines. Weight loss with the gastric bypass is generally quicker than for lap band San Antonio, but the bypass surgery is more invasive. * The sleeve bariatric surgery cuts away most of the elastic portion of the stomach leaving a much smaller "sleeve" of a stomach connecting the esophagus to the intestines. Again, the patient feels full more quickly and again loses weight by eating less. Although sleeve surgery is a recent option, it appears to have results between the bypass and the lap band surgery for both the speed of weight loss and the invasive impact of the surgery. The Master Cleanse Diet Advantages And Disadvantages People try many different diet and exercise routines in order to lose weight. Some of these are more effective than others and this effectiveness can be easily determined by observing the weight change of the dieter. The Lemonade Diet is one weight reduction technique that has stood the test of time while the fad products have come and gone. Additionally, the lemonade diet combines weight reduction with detoxification of your body, something that is very rare to find in health and diet products. Advantages This regimen does not involve total fasting, which can be very unhealthy for the body. It is a liquid method of detoxification and cleansing geared toward removing the mental craving for any food. The body will not feel hungry and any toxins will be passed quickly from the body. This is a very safe, natural, and healthy way for an individual to lose weight and cleanse the body. The lemonade weight loss method is also called the Master Cleanse Diet and it has been around for over 70 years, thus it is a full proof method that has stood the test of time. Developed by Stanley Burroughs, a naturopath, Master Cleanse provides the digestive system with a much-needed rest and helps to eliminate the toxins in the body. Lack of exercise, negative mental state, and an improper diet all cause unhealthy toxins to build up within our systems. Some of the reported benefits of this detox diet are: • More energy and less lethargy • Total cleansing of the blood, kidneys and colon from years upon years of built-up waste • A strengthened immune system • Burning Fat • Fast weight loss • Make you look and feel much younger • An almost euphoric or spiritual journey Individuals using the Master Cleanse technique often lose up to two pounds each day. The amount of weight loss will vary with the quantity of the maple syrup used in the diet, but detoxification will occur within the body of anyone who takes any amount of the substance. Mr. Burroughs felt that toxicity was the cause of every illness within the body. Therefore, those with chronic illnesses may find this detox technique especially beneficial. Disadvantages Approximately 60 ounces of a concoction made from lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and water should be ingested each day, for a period of at least 10 days. No solid food is allowed. The individual may also drink water during the period that he or she is on Master Cleanse. In addition, a salt water flush should be taken each morning and a laxative tea taken each afternoon. As you can imagine, the lemon diet requirements are quite tough and some individuals often quit the diet after a couple of days. Learning to get along without solid food for 10-14 days can be a tremendous challenge. Also, since this is a cleansing diet as we said, there are "detox" symptoms that may occur, including headaches, nausea and vomiting, cravings, fatigue and irritability. My recommendation for the lemonade diet The best option in my opinion is to get the lemonade diet as a supplement product (in pill form), so that you don't have to go through the tough liquid fasting as described above. For example, the Lemonade Diet Weight Loss pill will help you to lose up to 17 pounds in just 14 days and comes with a professional meal and exercise program. With this supplement you will be eating the recommended meal plan together with the lemon diet supplement to help you detoxify and lose weight at the same time. Conclusion It is recommended that any person interested in exploring the lemonade diet (master cleanse) consult with a physician prior to beginning. The doctor will advise whether this course of action is recommended based on the health history and medical conditions of the individual. When looking for a safe and natural way to lose weight, look no further than the Lemonade Diet. This weight loss technique involves ingesting a drink made from a few ingredients (lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water), in addition to taking a salt water flush and laxative tea. Therefore it can be easily prepared at home. The individual should soon begin to see the pounds come off and feel healthier as the body detoxifies. The Negative Impact Of The Weight Loss Obsession The media has pushed upon the general public that the thinner you are, the more attractive you are. All manner of media outlets have given people the impression that being larger than a size 0 is a bad thing because it makes you fat, even though realistically, your appearance is a little too similar to that of malnourished African children. We have become trained to see the waif-like figures of fashion models to be the ideal in feminine physical beauty, even though such a form may not really have any benefits in a strictly biological sense. This has had the effect of creating the weight loss pill industry, as well as giving it the backbone it needs to be a feasible avenue of business for pharmaceutical companies eager to make a quick buck or two. However, is being thin really all that the media makes it out to be? Perhaps the primary concern would be the impact what effect taking a weight loss pill might have on the system. By their very nature, the pills are designed to help a person lose excess weight, typically by burning stored fat or increasing the metabolic rate. However, as testing has shown, a number of the more effective forms of weight loss pill formulas can have terrible side effects on the body. Reports can vary, though some of the more common ones are nausea and occasional cases of vomiting. In some countries, where the standards are a little lax, these pills find a massive market despite the lack of testing on just what potential side effects it might have. Aside from that, a weight loss pill can easily be overdosed by people who are overzealous about losing weight, leading to potentially life-threatening situations. However, aside from the weight loss pill boom, the media's effort to push people to become thinner has resulted in psychological damage. Even without the media at work, there will always be a segment of the population that would experience social anxiety because of their weight. Due to the emphasis on physical achievement and perfection among students, high school students typically, those who have more weight than the average student often end up being socially scorned. Large-built students who cannot find ways to compensate for their weight through activities such as sports often find themselves socially ostracized by their peers. After all, the media pushes the message “nobody wants to hang out with fat kids” rather strongly. Now, combine that with exposure to mass media, which pushes people to subconsciously dislike being “fat,” and the social anxiety simply gets worse. There are several studies behind the effects and the treatments for bulimia and anorexia, but very few have tackled the psychological issues and the social anxiety behind these eating disorders. Finally, perhaps the worst effect the media “push” has had is the prevalent obsession with losing weight, even for those who don't need to lose weight. The media has made people consciously relate extremely thin, waif-like figures to beauty. This has had the effect of women adopting all manner of fad diets, weight loss programs, and extreme treatments to attain that “perfect” size 0. This is a far cry from the pre-Raphaelite standard, where a full figure was considered the ideal and a little meat on the bones was not necessarily a bad thing. While the public obsession with health stems from this need to get thinner, the fact that some people are stretching the limits on how thin the human body can get while still remaining healthy is not a good sign. It is interesting to note that men seem less affected by this than women. There are several possible explanations for this, though there is a distinct lack of overly-idealized male figures in the media, as compared to the female ones. According to some studies, it is generally harder to determine an “ideal” for the male figure, apart from one that appears capable of performing the tasks subconsciously associated with the male gender, than it is for females. There are several likely sociological and evolutionary reasons for this sort of discrimination, but the number of men experiencing the same social pressures as women is increasing. There Are Lots Of Reasons To Wear A Sauna Suit Why wear a sauna suit? Many people do so because it's great for helping you to lose water weight quickly. It also flushes out toxins from your body. You can wear it during a light workout or in more competitive activities such as boxing and wrestling. You can even reap some of the benefits of a sauna suit by wearing it outside in cold weather. A sauna suit will prevent your body heat from escaping. Wearing a sauna suit during a workout will cause you to perspire much more heavily than usual. You'll experience short term weight loss due to the fact that you've been sweating profusely and have depleted your body's water supplies. There are those who think a sauna suit will help them lose weight with no effort. It's important to be aware that you won't lose fat, only water weight. Dehydration is a common problem when wearing a sauna suit, so make sure you drink lots of water. A sauna suit can also be used as part of a body wrap treatment. Its heat trapping properties maximize the effects of this treatment. It also helps to contain the mess associated with the components of a body wrap, like clay and mud. Keeping warm is another good reason to use a sauna suit. A sauna suit is also good for outdoor activities in cold weather since it holds in your body heat. Their ability to trap heat helps to stimulate your blood flow and loosen up your muscles. Vinyl is a popular material for sauna suits because it's tough and can handle abuse. When you're taking part in contact sports like wrestling or boxing, you don't have to worry about your suit ripping. Nylon sauna suits are less expensive. You won't sweat as much with this style, which is good for more demanding workouts. A good nylon suit will feature a rubber coating on the interior. You might be surprised at how inexpensive sauna suits can be. They start at around $10, although some can be as expensive as $100. Standard sauna suits are usually only available in size ranges that aren't too exact. If you're a petite female, be cautious of unisex sizes because they might be way too big. The reason for a sauna suit is to make you perspire more heavily by trapping heat near to your body. Therefore you need to look for features that will keep heat in effectively. Jackets should have a drawstring that you can tie at the waist. Pants should have elastic at the waist and ankles. There should be elastic on the cuffs of the jacket. As well, the zippers should be sturdy and impervious to rust. Each time you wear it, you need to do some basic maintenance on your sauna suit. Bacteria will thrive in the environment you've created by working up a sweat. Use warm water and a mild cleanser to clean your suit, then hang it up to dry. The Right Diet for Weight Loss According to the recent statistics, it has been found that more than one third of the population of US falls in the category of obesity. And the obesity is not limited to one particular age or ethnic of the society rather it has increased tremendously over the decades and now almost all the ages, gender, ethnic and racial groups falls in this category. Only in United States there are about 30,000 deaths of adults each year just because of unhealthy eating habits, physical inactivity and in other words obesity. According the statistics calculated, almost the obesity rate has doubled from 1970. According to the surveys and statistics, the people of United States spend almost $34 billion on various weight loss methods, programs and products on yearly basis. Changing the Life Style If you are looking for some quick weight losing methods, then the first thing you need to make your mind of is that you will be required to change your life style. Changing life style means that you will have to give up on the lazy life and some shot cuts to lose weight fast. A healthy controlled diet along with the regular exercise is enough when you talk about changing life styles. Cut off the Junk Food Junk food is one of the main hurdles when it comes to weight loss programs. If you cannot quit eating the ham burger or fries and carbonated water then it will become quite difficult for you to lose weight. If you simply start consuming plain water instead of carbonated and soda drinks, you will notice that within weeks you will find a huge difference in your weight. Don't quit Altogether! If you are on diet, it does not mean that you will quit eating altogether, what you need to do is to balance your diet. If you quite eating anything whole day, you will start getting weak instead of losing weight and even you will not be able to do this for a longer duration. There are always some options available in diet plans like if you are a chocoholic, then instead of taking milk chocolate, revert to dark chocolates as it has been found that there are plenty of benefits of dark chocolates and it will not support weight gain. Similarly if you get the craving for drinking juices or carbonated drinks, try drinking the fresh fruits juices. Also remove all kinds of artificial drinks from your fridges so that the children cannot also have it. Make some fresh juices each morning and enjoy some natural blessings. Healthy Breakfast and Light Dinner! The last and the most important tip is that you should take a healthy breakfast and have a light dinner. According to the statistics, 43% of the US people consumes the highest calories at night when the body requires the lightest calories. This usually happens because most of the people avoid having the breakfast, takes a light lunch and usually have a family dinner where they consume a lot of food. Changing lifestyles also mean that you should start taking right calories at the right time. So if you follow this routine, you will surely find it helpful and within weeks you will find a noticeable change in yourself and in your weight! The Risks Of Swift Weight Loss Are you thinking about losing weight? Should you be, are you trying to find a rapid weight reduction? Rapid weight loss, also commonly referred to as quick weight reduction or fast weight loss, entails losing weight in a short period of time, usually anywhere from two to seven days. Each year, within the United States, hundreds of thousands of Americans are thinking about rapidly losing weight. Lots of people wish to lose weight prior to an crucial event, like an upcoming vacation or a wedding. Even though it can be defiantly possible to realize how you can want to lose weight quickly, namely as quick as feasible, you have to proceed with caution. Although it is feasible to lose weight, a minimum of just a little bit of it, in a relatively quick time period, you should know that you will find dangers associated with doing so. One of the several dangers of rapid weight reduction is a number of the a lot of measures that some men and women take. As an example, it really is widespread to hear of individuals who have decided not to eat, although attempting to obtain a rapid weight reduction. Going without having food, for even a short time period, may be hazardous to your wellness. A better option would be to cut back on the food that you do eat or to just make sure that it can be healthy foods in which you might be eating. By limiting your calories, you should be able to attain a minimum of a tiny weight loss inside the time that you were looking to. It can be just really critical that you do eat. Additionally to eating healthy, yet another component of weight loss is physical exercise. Regrettably, a lot of individuals do not understand that it can take up to 1 week to notice the signs of exercise. With that in mind, the much more weight you need to lose, the sooner it's that you might start seeing results. While exercise is often a significant component of losing weight, it's essential that you don't overdo it, particularly in the event you haven't had a standard exercise plan. Running on the treadmill for three hours, instead of thirty minutes, may assist lessen your calorie intake, but, at the identical time, it may also land you within the hospital. One more difficulty that is often associated with rapid weight loss is the taking of medications or other weight reduction goods. The excellent news is that numerous of these products do work and some are even safe, but you might not be able to tell what you are obtaining. If you're interested in utilizing a weight reduction item, like a diet pill or a cleanse, to help you lose weight, it really is important that you do the correct amount of analysis first. This analysis may involve checking product reviews, to see if the product is efficient, or speaking with a healthcare expert. As you are able to see, it's crucial that you proceed with caution when attempting to obtain rapid weight loss. Even though unexpected events or appearances do popup, most people have a minimum of a months worth of notice just before attending a large event, like a wedding or even a vacation. As soon as you know about your upcoming event, you are advised to begin attempting to lose weight then, if you're interested in performing so. Rapid weight reduction might be hazardous; consequently, you shouldn't rely on it if feasible. The Safest And Most Potent Weight Loss Solution Herbal teas have been around for many years now. It has become very popular and extremely lucrative for companies to market weight loss teas to the general public. As the number of overweight and obese individuals in the US rise each year, the weight loss market will continue to be a very lucrative and profitable market for companies. So what is the real skinny behind weight loss teas. Well you might be surprised at some of the things that were found when doing research on the internet as to what was in some of the expensive exotically named teas that dieters can purchase. The first herbal tea that has been proven time and again to increase metabolism and aid in weight loss is green tea extract. It can be purchased in tea bags or in ready to drink form. Green tea has a lot of healthy benefits and it may be an acquired taste but you could get green tea extract as well. Even some yogurts have green tea extract in it. Green tea works pretty well because it can increase your energy level by about 5-7% in a healthy way. It is suggested that you implement green tea into your diet and have a few cups of it a day. There is caffeine in it so you may want to use it as a coffee replacement but you have to remember that the decaffeinated green tea loses potency because of the decaffeination process. Green tea has other health qualities that are beneficial to our body which include being an powerful antioxidant (just like acai berry). Green tea has also been shown to help to boost the immune system as well. So this is a good product to have and drink whether trying to lose weight or not. For weight loss it is recommended to drink one cup of green tea prior to each meal. When it comes to losing weight, the key factor is cutting calories. Unfortunately, this is where most people have the most trouble. Lowering your calorie intake often leads to feelings of hunger, which causes mood swings and lower energy levels. According to many weight loss gurus, feelings of hunger can be suppressed by drinking weight loss tea - What is weight loss tea? Weight loss tea is sold in many different varieties. These teas include green teas, herbal teas, Chinese teas and even the Oolong tea that is sponsored by Oprah. None of these teas have proven to be more effective than the others for weight loss. Green tea can help you with your weight loss attempt because it is thought that green tea is capable of speeding up the thermo genesis process and this will of course give your body that little bit of extra energy and also result in oxidization (of your body fat) to go through an increase as well. There are a lot of natural ingredients (plants usually) that are found to have similar characteristics and being able to do the same thing. These teas are not designed to use for weight loss alone. They can however help a weight loss program which includes a sensible diet and an exercise program. They can boost your results and help you to achieve your goals much faster without any nasty side effects. Keep in mind that weight loss tea is not your one answer to a healthy diet and you can't base a whole diet off of herbal tea but it is definitely a healthy addition if you wanted it in your diet. The Smoked Salmon Diet Is A Great Way To Lose Weight It can be difficult when you're dieting, to find healthy foods that you actually want to eat. Sure there are tons of diet foods on the market, but they're expensive, and often don't taste very good. And you know that because they're packaged, there isn't anything fresh about them. You don't want to just eat salads and vegetables for the rest of your life, but you also want to eat a healthy and balanced diet, so where should you turn. To add protein and flavor, why not try a smoked salmon diet? If you've been dieting for years with little or nothing to show for it, it's time to take a step back and reevaluate your plan. Many diets do nothing for you, because they're based on fads that have little scientific proof to back them. Others even cause you to gain more weight! The smoked salmon diet is different because it isn't a plan, or a regime. It's simply a healthy way to focus your eating based on a protein that is both delicious and great for you, and a nice change from plain old chicken or tofu. Instead of proscribing everything that you eat, you're instead given a healthy jumping off point. Smoked salmon is a great food for many reasons, the first of which is, of course, taste. The rich and decadent flavors or smoked salmon are sure to knock your socks off, especially after years of dry and artificial tasting diet food. It tastes like it should be bad for you, but it's not! In fact, a three ounce portion of smoked salmon has less calories than the same portion of chicken! Smoked salmon is also packed with omega three fatty acids, important for heart health. This all adds up to a great tasting smoked salmon diet. There are many great recipes that you can enjoy with the smoked salmon diet. Why not use a rice cake instead of a bagel for a new and exciting twist on the old classic combination of a bagel and smoked salmon. Simply take a plain rice cake, and cover it with a thin layer of fat free cream cheese. On top of this layer, place a thick slice of beefsteak tomato, and a thinner slice of onion. You may also want to add a few capers for some added salt. To top it all off, add a thin layer of smoked salmon, and you're done. It's a great and easy snack that's sure to please! There are many great dinner options as well, when you're following the smoked salmon diet. Need something in a flash? Why not wrap heated smoked salmon around steamed asparagus spears. Got a little more time? Make some whole wheat pasta of your choice, dress it lightly with oil, and liberally sprinkle in the smoked salmon chunks. The smoked salmon diet is a great way to lose weight without having to give up on the foods that you love. By using smoked salmon as your focus, you'll be able to stay on your diet! You won't even remember you're dieting with all the delicious food you'll be enjoying! The Truth About Breakfast Knocking over the alarm clock, scurrying through a bath, rushing out of the house and flying into work… seem familiar? Deplorably, for numerous employed adults, it is. The fundamental element that is lacking from the above picture of early morning bedlam is breakfast. With respectable reason, many people feel as if they do not possess time to eat a substantial breakfast. Some people just aren't hungry in the morning and some who desire to lose weight conceive that it's better to skip the first meal of the day. Though it may appear to make sense, skipping breakfast can be damaging for your health and delay your weight loss efforts. Eating breakfast has a number of benefits, especially for dieters. Eating breakfast can assist in accelerating the velocity of your metabolism, which when it comes to weight loss. Likewise, just the fact that when you wake up in the morning, you haven't eaten for anywhere from 10 to 12 hours makes the meal importantcauses the meal to be important. If you hold until noon to eat, you will have gone upwards 18 hours without eating. Skipping breakfast has also contributed to people overeating during lunch. Consuming food to lose weight may appear to be an oxymoronic construct, but research has exhibited that most prospering dieters eat breakfast each morning. Studies also present that eating breakfast can help to advance concentration levels. Reinforced focus is functional for adults and children alike. What you eat for breakfast totally depends on whatsoever your personalized diet is as well as your preferences. Many may perfer a meal rich in fiber, such as oatmeal, or one more concentrated on protein like steak and eggs. Irrespective of what you prefer, be sure that the meal is high in vitamins and nutrients in order for you to sustain a sense of health during your day. Along with boosting the metabolic rate, eating breakfast has also been shown to be a mood lifter as well.. Staying positive while working to lose weight is essential, thus, this is a vital benefit. Anything that can keep you in a positive frame of mind, assuming that it does not deter you from your goal, should be employed to the fullest. Also, by consuming a nutritious breakfast, you can set the pace for healthy consumption decisions throughout the rest of the day. Be sure to keep away from meals rich in sugar, such as sweetened cereal. Although sugar gives you an increase in energy, after a few hours, your energy level will decrease drastically. With that said, if the only thing that you have access to is sugary cereal, go ahead and eat it because it is far more beneficial than not eating at all. Breakfast makes the body more efficient, causing it to burn more fat. This holds for adults as well as kids, so make sure that your kids are eating breakfast right along with you. A body that operates efficiently is one that is healthy, and better apt to turn lean as time goes by. On the surface, consuming breakfast has no damaging consequences. However, the message to eat breakfast must be taken with caution. A few people gorge during breakfast, thinking that this them license to skip the rest of their meals. This philosophy is flawed, because for the body to function correctly, it demands for you to eat regular meals. Some eating plans demand that you consume five to 6 small meals throughout the day whereas others only require you eat 3. With this in mind, breakfast is the most essential meal but it shouldn't be your only meal. Like anything, eating breakfast is habitual, and with any habit it may be tough to begin if you have not done it in a while. You must continue to be persistent when starting a health habit. Regardless of how small, make sure that you consume a meal every morning. Try to set time aside to actually sit down and eat rather than eating on the run. Making breakfast a priority will raise the chance of you sticking with it. Adopting this advice should place you in a position to to capitalize on your weight loss efforts over the long run. The Truth About Natural Weight Loss Pills Natural weight loss pills are in the media and splashed all over the web. Are they the extra bit of help that dieters need to successfully shift the flab? Or are they a waste of money and of little to no use? Is Natural Better? One of the major selling points of these supplements and something that dieters are looking for is their "natural" classification. People think that "natural" is better than going with "drugs". Often this is indeed the case but when it comes to weight loss pills, this argument is fundamentally flawed. The most powerful drugs available generally work better than unregulated non-pharmaceutical versions. What many people do not realize is that they are derived from natural ingredients. For example, ephedrine is an effective stimulant that can help assist weight loss by increasing the metabolism. It is available as a potent drug and is derived from Ephedra distachya and other similar plants. Remember, just because something is marketed as "natural" does not necessarily make it a "better" alternative to drugs and other methods. Thermogenic Pills The vast majority of weight loss pills are marketed as having "thermogenic" properties. This simply means that they raise the metabolism and therefore help you to burn off more calories than you otherwise normally would. In theory, this appears to be the best way of losing weight with pills. In practice, the strongest thermogenic pills are regulated as drugs and only the weaker ones are available over the counter and sold as "natural supplements". Some pills claim to help lose weight via other methods but these are few and far between and a distinct minority of the market. Do They Work? Most pills are marketed as thermogenic and a few of them do work. However, those available without a prescription are fairly mild in effect. Used on their own, you are not likely to lose any significant weight. If combined with a change in diet and regular exercise then they could help to maximize your weight loss gains. The vast majority of over the counter pills will simply disappoint most people who are looking for a "magic bullet" type cure: the ability to pop a pill and lose weight. Unfortunately for them, this vision remains a fantasy. The World Of Weight Loss Programs Obesity is a serious health problem that affects millions of people. Researchers have found that people who are over their ideal body weight are more likely to suffer from heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and numerous other health conditions. Fortunately, there are a number of weight loss programs available to help people safely reach their goal weight. Below are three of the different types of weight loss programs: Do it yourself program Do it yourself weight loss programs are very popular because they are relatively inexpensive. A DIY program is where a person comes up with his own diet program based on the information that he finds on the internet, magazine, books and other resources. People who follow DIY programs often form support groups, which can help motivate others to lose weight. These type of weight loss programs can be effective. However, most people will get better results if they work with a professional who is knowledgeable in the areas of nutrition and exercise. Non-clinical programs Non clinical weight loss programs are where counselors work together to help a person lose weight. It is important to note that these counselors may or may not have training in the areas of diet and exercise. These type of programs may also use pamphlets and books that are prepared by health care professionals. Non-clinical programs may also require that people take supplements along with their diet and exercise regime. Jenny Craig is an example of a non-clinical program. Clinical programs Patients are supervised by a licensed health care provider during a clinical weight loss program. Three examples of clinical weight loss programs include: very low -calorie diets, weight loss drugs and surgery. Very low-calorie diets have to be followed under the supervision of a health care provider because they can cause serious side effects. A person who is on a low-calorie diet usually consumes less than 800 calories per day. A health care provider may also recommend that a person take weight loss drugs. There are a number of drugs on the market that can help burn fat and speed up the metabolism. These type of drugs can only be prescribed by a licensed health care provider and are not approved for long-term use. Surgery is a last resort. A physician will usually not elect to perform surgery unless all other attempts to lose weight have failed. Liposuction and gastric bypass are two examples of weight loss surgery. Gaining weight is easy, but losing it is a lot more difficult. Starting a weight loss program can help a person shed those extra pounds. A do it yourself weight loss program may be the right choice for a person who only has a couple of pounds to lose. Those who need additional help losing weight may chose to join a non-clinical program. People who are severely overweight and have health problems will usually have to join a clinical program. A health care provider can help a person choose the program that is right for him. Things That Stall Hcg Weight Loss When On The Hcg Diet While it is true that certain foods cannot be consumed on the HCG diet, you could be following the HCG protocol to the letter and still have issues with losing weight. While weight loss is often very quick on the HCG diet, certain foods will cause the weight loss to stop for a period of time. Even if you try approved alternative measures for boosting your weight, like having a steak or apple day, you might still have to deal with moments when weight loss has seemingly stalled. Before you become thoroughly frustrated, try some of the following tips to get your HCG weight loss back on track once more. Before you begin examining the kinds of foods you are consuming and when, make sure you are documenting your weight loss accurately. This means you not only have to do a regular weigh in on the scale, but you also have to take regular body measurements. You might notice weight reduction via bodily measurements that do not necessarily reflect on the scale with immediacy. So, always remember just because you think the scale is telling you that you are not dropping some pounds, it does not necessarily mean the scale is giving you a truthful reflection of your situation. While eggs are on the approved HCG dieting food list, it does not mean that they will not cause an issue for you at some point during your diet. You can do away with the egg yolk and simply stick with the egg whites; this will minimize your protein intake, and it will reduce your intake of fatty acid. In fact, some dieters have illustrated a reaction to the fatty acid found in egg yolks and the reaction can result in unwanted inflammation and stalled weight loss. The HCG diet allows for you to sample different spices as you come up with your own recipes using approved foods. Nevertheless, you need to carefully consider the spices you will be using; things like salt and garlic salt can halt your dieting efforts. Too much salt can result in unwanted water retention. If you happen to be using mixed spices, check out the label to carefully assess what is included in the spice mixture you have chosen. If you can cut out all salt from your diet, you may actually avoid an unwanted dieting plateau. All dieters using the HCG dieting plan should only use Stevia as a sweetener for foods and beverages. While other sugar substitutes possess no calories, such products are not “all natural,” and man-made foods loaded with preservatives tend to cause issues for dieters. The simple act of replacing sugar substitutes with Stevia can help you get your weight loss started once more. In addition, when you are consuming foods, you have to check out the food labels thoroughly; foods might contain “hidden sweeteners” that you might not otherwise be aware of when you buy them. Read the label and look for things like Dextrin, Corn Syrup, Fructose, Glucose, Molasses, and other forms of sugar. Take a look at the beverages you have been consuming. The only beverages that are HCG diet approved are water and herbal teas. Do not trick yourself into believing that a diet cola will not hurt your HCG Weight Loss because it does not have any calories. Diet cokes are frequently sweetened with things like aspartame or Splenda, sweeteners you will definitely want to refrain from consuming. Think Yourself Thin By Autosuggestion So you want to lose weight? The issue is not can you, for you can. The issue is how, and how effectively and easily. I agree there are probably countless quick fix programmes around that may work for a few, but how many can you trust? Bear in mind that amongst these quick fixes there are genuine weight loss programmes that with the right attitude will keep you fit, trim and healthy. My aim is a series of articles explaining reasons for weight gain and ways to lose it, and keep it lost, naturally. You may try, lose some, then, it comes back with a rage. There are reasons why weight loss programs fail. Knowing a bit about the nature of our body and our mind can help understand these reasons. Since the dawn of civilisation, even probably before, the powerful, the successful, the leaders, knew how to use their mind for advantage, even though they may not have understood why. They used it and it worked. Now we understand more about the subconscious, the part of our mind that kind of works in the background. It controls our bodily functions without us consciously realising. In a sense it's the habit part of us. The often given example is driving. When you first learned to drive you had to think about everything to keep the vehicle going in the way you wanted to, safely. Mirror, indicator, manoeuvre, were consciously thought, as well as observation for other traffic and guidance along the road. Eventually these become a habit, repeated so many times that your conscious mind no longer has to think about them. Your sub conscious runs you on auto pilot to carry out the manoeuvres. You must have, at times, driven a distance without realising the ground covered. What does this have to do with weight loss? How can you think yourself thin? Make it a habit. Use the subconscious. Use auto suggestion to help your sub conscious mind reprogram yourself into the habit of eating healthier foods, and even enjoying exercise. Program yourself for success with weight loss, not failure. Program yourself to stop the negative thinking that will enter your subconscious which in turn will discourage you from your weight loss aim. The following technique I have learned about uses autosuggestion to change those negative feelings of always being overweight to feelings of encouragement to keep to your goal. It may seem crazy, but it is based on valid science. You may not believe, but try it. Remember it's a way of changing your habit. Step One. Think about what makes you feel you'll always be overweight. An image will come into your mind. Maybe you see yourself eating that unneeded snack or sitting cosily instead of going for that walk. Step Two. Pay attention to this image. This is your subconscious telling you what thought holds you back in your quest for weight loss. This is the image that you habitually put into your sub conscious. You have programmed yourself to think this way and that's why it is so easy to give up on diets when things get a little tough. Step Three. Fade the image away by draining out all of the colour and let it move into the distance and disappear. At first the image will probably reappear. Just repeat the process. Fade it, drain it, distance it. Step Four. Create a new image of what you really want to be like. Fit, healthy and slim. Get emotionally involved with the image. Think of how great it would feel to have lost all the weight you want to. Make it full colour and bring it closer to you. Step Five. When you get this great feeling, that rush of excitement, hold your thumb and middle fingers together. This creates a mind anchor in your subconscious. The anchor will eventually be established such that whenever a negative weight loss thought enters your mind pressing thumb and middle fingers together will stimulate the exciting feeling of being your perfect weight. Try it. You have nothing to lose but a bit of time. You will think yourself thin. Three Day Detox Diet - A Gentle Introduction To Detox If you are new to detox then the three day detox diet is a great way to begin. It's a gentle introduction to a more intensive detox once you get into the swing of it. There are many 3 day detox diets to choose from so pick one that you like the look of. Three days is very manageable if you prepare well and choose wisely. Three day detox diets generally consist of a 3 day fresh juice or green smoothie fast, a diet of only raw fruit and vegetables and their juices, a vegetarian diet with both raw and cooked food or a brown rice diet. Why detox? The purpose of the 3 day detox is to purge the toxins from your body. Everyone is exposed to chemical toxins these days that come from food, water and the air. You even create toxins within your body every day from normal metabolic processes. Toxins damage cells and tissues if they are allowed to build up. Your body has a very complex detox system that works as best it can but modern research has discovered that it simply cannot keep up with the chemical toxins you are bombarded with every day. Some of these chemicals are quite foreign to the detox system so they end up accumulating in your cells, tissues and organs. If you have been feeling off,slow, sluggish or just congested then a short detox can make a lot of difference. Is it good for weight loss? The three day detox is a good way to start the cleansing process. People often think that it is a good way to lose weight but that is not its prime purpose. You will lose some weight but you will not be able to lose 9 lbs of fat as some claim. Some weight loss can come about from clearing out your bowels or from loss of water that your tissues were holding onto but it is physically impossible to lose 9 pounds of fat in just 3 days. Over time with regular cleansing and adhering to a very healthy diet in between you can lose weight but the main purpose is to help the body eliminate toxins that interfere with weight control. In fact, you could feel very energized and light after the detox. Preparation is the key It will be much easier to do and you will get more benefit from it if you prepare for the 3 day detox for a week or so before hand. Start by gradually cutting down on caffeine and alcohol. If you drink a lot of coffee or caffeinated drinks then you could get a bad headache if you suddenly stop them for the detox. Be sure to drink at least 6 - 8 x 8 oz glasses of pure water a day too. Reduce your intake of refined, processed foods, junk foods, sugar and foods containing it, and red or fatty meat. Increase your intake of fresh fruit and vegetables. You can replace the coffee and regular tea with a coffee substitute and herbal or fruit teas. Some green tea is good if you like it. Gradually reduce your intake of meat or poultry and try some vegetarian sources of protein. Also try to reduce the amount you eat at each meal. Choose a time when you can rest and take some time out for yourself but include a 20 - 30 minute brisk walk every day. Detox symptoms? Detox symptoms such as headache, nausea, fatigue, mood swings, cravings, muscle aches are signs that your body is releasing toxins faster that your liver can clear them. You are far less likely to get these symptoms if you prepare well and take a supplement that is designed to support liver detoxification. Always make sure your bowels are working well 2 - 3 times a day so the toxins are eliminated quickly. A three day detox diet plan: On rising: Start the day with a glass of lemon water. Just add a tablespoonful of fresh squeezed lemon juice to filtered water. Breakfast: Feast on fresh fruit or have a large green smoothie. Mid-morning: Fresh vegetable juice - Beet (beetroot), celery and carrot is good or try apple, carrot and ginger. Lunch: A large mixed vegetable salad. Add some sprouted beans or seeds and dress with a little cold pressed oil and lemon juice. Mid- afternoon Eat some more fruit or have another green smoothie or fresh vegetable juice. Dinner: Have another large salad or a plate of steamed vegetables with brown rice, quinoa,or millet. Add plenty of chopped fresh herbs for flavor. After the three days you can gradually introduce more foods but make sure they are healthy. Going back to junk food and sugar and fat will just undo all you've done. Repeat the 3 day detox next month and experiment a bit. Try one day of juice fasting on the second day or extend the 3 day detox diet for a few more days. It will improve your health. Tips in Achieving Quick Weight Quick weight loss can be achieved through fad diets but it can also be achieved via a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle means eating the right food with the right amount of calories for weight loss. A good equation to remember is burning more calories than you eat to lose weight. Your daily diet should have a deficit of five hundred calories by taking in only a few and burning them through increased physical activity. In a week's time, you would then be able to lose around 2 lbs of fat. Losing weight speedily means eating less and exercising more. This would mean consuming not more than 1200 calories and then working out for an hour every day. During the first week of this kind of weight loss plan, you will lose around three to five pounds. To lose more weight, you should cut down on sugar, salt and starches. Taking off both sodium and starches will minimize fluid retention in your body which causes excess pounds. During the initial stage of this kind of diet, you will lose around five pounds of water. You should control eating whole grains, eliminate added sugar and lessen intake of animal fat through dairy foods and meat. Your diet should consist of fruits, vegetables, and skinless poultry such as the breast part, soy products, nondairy food, lean meat, shellfish and fish for quick weight loss. Protein should be evenly distributed in your meals so as to lessen muscle loss and increase fat loss. Eat vegetables instead of carbohydrates so as to keep you full. Always weigh yourself so as to keep track of your achievement. Make sure you also check what you take in every day. This will keep you focused on your weight loss plan. When you record your progress, you are holding yourself accountable which is effective in weight loss. If you want rapid weight loss, make sure you exercise more. According to a study, you have to exercise an hour daily to lose more weight. You can have cardiovascular exercises so burn calories. Follow this up with strength training several hours weekly. After your warm-up exercises, you need to sweat profusely for the next hour. Start slowly with your exercise and increase this gradually to prevent injury. Other tips you should bear include drinking water instead of sodas so as to keep you full. Make sure your house does not have food that will tempt you to overeat. If you become hungry due to boredom, do activities to keep you busy. Fill your plate with food that you should only eat and do not place other food in front of you to prevent you from eating more. Never skip meals. Have snacks in between such as yogurt, fruits, fennel seeds, parsley, ginger and peppermint. These will help you be full and will make you de-bloat. A weight loss management plan should be seen as a way to achieve a healthy body and not as a strenuous activity you need to undertake. When you view it as a means to have a healthy body, you are ensured of quick weight loss because you are determined to do things the right way without causing harm to yourself. Top 10 Weight Loss Tips Weight loss can be a difficult task to manage at the best of times. There are so many weight loss tips and options available it is difficult to know which is going to be the best solution. Things to consider of course are your height, weight and current health condition. It is a matter of choosing the right weight loss tips to help you reach your goals. Below you'll find a range of weight loss tips that will boost your motivation, health and overall well being. 1) Drink 1 glass of water per 5kg of body weight you have. 2) Start an exercise regime that has variety and involves fun, that way you won't get bored. Remember weight loss regimes need motivation on a daily basis. 3) Before joining a Gym or spending money on expensive exercise equipment, consider all the less costly options such as walking or swimming at the beach etc. This way if you run into any financial difficulty your exercise or weight loss activity won't suffer. 4) Try not to eat at least 2 hours before going to bed. If you do feel like a snack, try whole nuts or seeds. They are great in natural oils and protein. If you need a little flavor try sea salt. This will really help you reach your weight loss goals. 5) Choose a friend to start a weight loss regime with. This way you can motivate each other 6) Choose a pair or pants or a skirt as to determine the amount of weight you have lost. Using scales can sometimes cause the downfall in motivation. 7) Weight loss supplements can give you the added energy to help boost your weight loss needs. 8) Give yourself a treat each week, fort-week or month. 9) Share these weight loss tips with people you know! 10) Consult your doctor before you start any weight loss program. If you have found these weight loss tips useful please visit Ezy Weight Loss.com for free advice, supplement samples, recipes are much more. Top 5 Most Common Weight Loss Errors People trying to lose weight often make certain weight loss errors, which actually lead to weight gain. Here are 5 top most common weight loss errors that MUST be avoided at any cost. 1. Greed This is perhaps the most common weight loss error that people make. Considered as one of the most deadly sins, greed often leads to excessive weight gain. So if you think that you can regularly enjoy a portion of your favorite food that contains high calories when on dieting, you are perhaps making a grave mistake. Ask Jane Kirby, who has authored the book Dieting for Dummies. “People on a low-carb diet might think, ‘I can eat all the ham and Swiss cheese rollups dipped in mayonnaise that I want. No, you can't. It's portion, portion, portion.” Therefore, avoid eating too much too frequently even when it means consuming food items that contain less carbohydrates, or fat-free ingredients. 2. Not caring enough to count calories Always remember when you want to lose weight, you should take in fewer calories than you can use. Therefore, always count the calories if you want to keep losing weight. Consider this. You have just come out from gym and straightway head to café. Do you know a frothy milk shake or a sugared sports drink is likely to supply you more calories than you burnt at the gym? 3. Eating less food Having too less calories is also as bad as eating too much. This may put you at a greater health risk by causing retardation of your metabolism. Metabolism is a process in which cells burn food that you eat to produce energy. 4. Avoiding exercise Remember, exercise helps you burn calories. So, a regular exercise is bound to help you improve metabolism rate and help you burn calories faster. Many studies done in this field indicate that physically active people are more likely to reduce weight and maintain the weight that they have lost. 5. Setting high expectations Most of us want to lose weight, and do it fast. Some set target of losing a considerable amount of weight within a week or two, which may be overly ambitious for them, say dieticians. Always aim at losing up to 10 percent of your body weight, and not more than that if you want to lose weight and also look healthy Top 7 Mistakes On The Slow Carb Diet Worst Slow Carb Diet Mistakes According to Tim Ferriss, who describes this diet in his book, 'The 4-Hour Body', about 90 percent of weight loss stalling is due to just 3 mistakes. Four additional mistakes cover most of the other 10 percent. The 'Big 3', as it were, are: Mistake 1: Not eating breakfast Specifically, this means not having a high protein meal within an hour of waking in the morning. Ideally, in fact, the most effective timing would be to eat within a half hour of rising. Tim cites two cases that illustrate this mistake. In the first case, when his father followed the diet closely for the first month, he dropped 17 pounds. In the second month he started postponing breakfast and dropped only 5.5 pounds. Going back to having a timely, high-protein breakfast in the third month, he accelerated back to a loss of 18.75 pounds. This is a great example of self-experimentation that points to one likely cause of his slowdown in month two: delaying breakfast. In the second case, JayC had reached a plateau at 220 pounds and could not budge any lower. All he did to break the plateau was to enlarge his breakfast to be sure that he consumed at least 30 grams of protein at the start of each day. Once he did so, he dropped below 215 pounds for the first time since he was a freshman in college. Mistake 2: Not eating enough protein It is most critical, of course, to get started with sufficient protein at breakfast. This has the added effect of curbing carb impulses while promoting fat metabolism. The goal is to consume at least 40 percent of your calories as protein, meaning a minimum of 20-30 grams of protein at every meal. The best sources are no surprise: meats, eggs, cottage cheese, and protein shakes. The surprise to folks who make this mistake is that they often overdo the veggies. Look, we all hear the admonition to 'eat your veggies' all our lives. However, if you consume too large a salad or too big a helping of other green veggies, you will undermine your progress in at least two ways: 1) you will consume insufficient protein; and, 2) you will consume insufficient calories. Remember, the slow carb diet is NOT based on restricting calories. You have to take in enough food to keep your metabolism from slowing down. Green veggies just won't help you much on that count. Mistake 3: Not drinking enough water Hydration keeps the machinery running more smoothly, especially for liver function. If you drink too little water, your food intake will overload your digestive tract and pull water into it. Oddly enough, you will even retain water in odd places, showing up as swollen ankles and lower legs, when you don't keep your water intake up. If you reach a weight loss plateau, see how quickly you get back on track by just drinking a few more glasses of water each day. Other Mistakes As I said before, the mistakes below are responsible for no more than about 10 percent of the stalling cases that Tim has seen. Nevertheless, they may offer solutions to your plateau if none of the 'Big 3' above does so. Mistake 4: Believing that you will cook, especially if you are a bachelor Imagine cooking three meals a day. Isn't that a retro thought? Here is how to get around almost all the trouble you might encounter if you decide to cook all of your meals and discover that there is no way to keep up the pace. First, get good frozen foods. They are already cooked, and the good ones have no added ingredients (carbs, sugars, salt, butter or oil, etc.). Frozen spinach should contain only spinach. Second, get good canned foods. If you use canned legumes, just be sure to get only brands that contain just the legumes you want. Far too many brands contain undesirable added ingredients, such as sugar (really!). Mistake 5: Mistiming weighings with your menstrual cycle This is probably obvious to those who experience a menstrual cycle. However, Tim being a bachelor himself, he thought it important to point this out. When you retain water during your cycle, your weight is not an accurate representation of your progress on the slow carb diet. Mistake 6: Overeating 'domino' foods These foods are simply those recommended sources of slow carbs that are easy to eat too much. Nuts, chickpeas, hummus, peanuts, peanuts, macademias. They are wonderful snack foods if consumed in moderation. Just 5-10 almonds would be a moderate amount. Isn't it sooooo easy to double that! My downfall is cashews. I can eat 5 handfuls of them in a single day. Tim notes that he has plateaued 3 times by just eating too many almonds. Yes, 'domino' foods like this are nutritious. Just don't eat too many. Mistake 7: Overconsuming artificial or all-natural sweeteners Syrup is sugar, no matter what the 'all-natural' source is. It doesn't matter if it is called agave, maple, cane, beet, or any other kind of syrup. It is a fast carb source of sugar. In fact, the increasingly popular raw agave nectar may be the worst, since it contains upwards of 90 percent fructose, the deadliest sugar of all for weight loss. Regarding artificial sweeteners, none are good for your health. As it pertains to the slow carb diet, though, Tim has noted in himself and others that no more than 16 ounces of artificially sweetened beverage is the limit. After that, weight loss is likely to stall. One More Thing The above are the 7 most common dietary mistakes. In Tim's book, he includes an eighth mistake, that of exercising too much. This is a topic unto itself, which many people suffer from unknowingly. Yes, you can exercise too much or exercise the wrong way and completely undermine your weight loss program. I will write about this topic later, by itself, so I can spend more time explaining what you should and should not do for exercise. Top Weight Loss Plans - What You Need to Know Getting all the pounds is easy. Keeping it off is hard. That's why so many go into crash diets, purchase all the latest fitness gadgets and buy prepackaged meal plans in an effort to shed all the excess pounds. However, they hardly ever work for the long-term. Sure, the bathroom scale registers some loss but most of it is water weight. A few days or weeks into program and dieters are back into their old habits. These weight loss plans never get sustained for long because the focus is on numbers and not on health and wellness. Diet and exercise programs concentrate too much on losing a certain number of pounds in a week that it seems that there is no other motivation to lose weight except to see the figures drop on our weighing scales. Diet experts advocate counting calories from every piece of food we eat at every meal so we only give our bodies the number of calories it needs-- no more, no less. In the gym, trainers tell students to do a set number of sets and repetitions to achieve toned and lean muscles. Numbers, numbers, numbers! We've always had an aversion for Math (well, most of us at least), and it is no wonder that this obsession about numbers have transferred itself to any fat loss regimen that we get into. This leads most people to inevitably abandon their weight loss plans. So what is a sustainable weight loss program? It is one that hinges on the motivation to stay fit for health. When your doctor tells you that you've only got six months to live if you don't shape up, there's a number you're concerned with. If the sphygmomanometer (the device that measures your blood pressure) registers 140/90 and you're only twenty years old and nearing the 300 pound mark, then those numbers matter. And they urge you to take action. With the right motivation, any fitness program becomes sustainable for the long term. You then begin to understand that crash diets aren't the solution, but consuming nutrient-rich, natural foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, healthy grains, seafood, lean meat and poultry. Even if you don't count calories, common sense will tell you to limit your fat and carbohydrate intake. You'll naturally wean yourself away from soda, too. Whether you're enrolled in a gym or not, you'll know that the key to losing the excess pounds is simply to exercise, to engage in a physical activity. If lifting dumbbells is your thing then the sets and reps become a normal part of the activity. Even if you don't weigh yourself in the bathroom scale everyday, you know you're succeeding in the battle of the bulge based solely on how light and wonderful you're feeling. Weight loss plans that force you to look at the possibility of death right in the face ultimately become the most sustainable ones. They are the ones that individuals practice for the long-term. They are the ones that produce results. They are the ones that are ultimately sustainable. Top Weight Loss Products Reviewed To remember the names of the weight reduction products when you need, we're going to sum up the best weight reduction products on the market. For the moment, Alli appear to possess the supremacy in this area, so we're going to chat a little about Alli products and their effects. The most vital reason to pick Alli products is the proven fact that it works only in the abdominal tract and it does not have an affect on your central nervous system or your heart. You can take them even if you have blood pressure issues or diabetes. The Alli weight reduction product has been shown to help folks lose 2 times more weight than by just following a diet alone. Alli diet tablets come along with their own diet plan. These two will be your largest support in your battle with your additional pounds. These weight reduction products don't have the purpose of giving you more energy like lots of other diet pills. You simply take them thirty mins before eating a greasy meal and the important ingredients will absorb a major percentage of the fat inside that food. The famous drug from Alli is named Xenical, which is a drug in particular for obesity. It does not work to cut back your appetite but rather is a robust inhibitor of the lipase enzymes that metabolize fat in the body. It is advised to take one capsule before the 3 main meals of the day. Xenical must always be mixed with a healthful diet that is loaded in grains, fruits and veg. Starlight's weight reduction products are also really appreciated. One of the finest known products from Starlight is known as Natural Trim. Natural Trim has been medically tested and by trying it, you can lose as much as three times more fat tissue than with dieting and exercise alone. With its "fat burning complex" of ingredients, you can lose pounds simpler and healthier. As it's natural, you will not have any complications while it helps you to keep your energy levels high during the whole day. Psychological focus is also vital when you have to follow any diet plan, and Natural Trim not only gives you the required energy, but it helps you to be more alert and to concentrate on your diet and on your daily activities. Zenatrol is another popular weight reduction product that has ephedrine as it's main ingredient. It accelerates metabolic functions in the body and supplies the body with the right level of energy to keep you active through the day as it helps to use more calories. It is strongly recommended for sport-oriented folk and a dose should be taken thirty mins before exercise or workouts. Zenatrol has more active components including: Ma Huang (equivalent to ephedrine), Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5), Guarana Extract and Sour Orange. Do not be scared to try any of these weight reduction products. Despite the fact that they're available over the counter, we endorse you to see a doctor before taking any of these powerful ingredients. Every individual is different and if you do not desire to cope with side-effects, you have to take these weight loss products correctly. Total Body Cleanse: Fresh Start For A Healthier You Obesity is a widespread problem in the United States and throughout the world. If you are looking for a way to do a natural body cleanse, it is far better than purchasing body cleansing methods that are nothing more than an overpriced laxative and a diet. You can get the same result by using the concepts of the natural diet and avoiding the harsh laxatives. Laxatives can actually be hard on your intestines. Use the natural method instead. When you are able to work with your body to provide natural body cleanse, it may only require a small change in your eating habits to clean out your digestive system and to bring about a real change in your weight. Using natural means is easier on your body and can be maintained as needed to reach your goals of better health and weight management. Laxatives will help the toxins in your body to be released, but laxatives should not be taken indefinitely. The first step in a natural body cleanse is to up your water intake. Water that you drink should be pure. Don't use flavored or vitamin waters. Colas and preservatives are forbidden too. You can't count anything but pure water toward the daily water quota. Six to eight bottles of water each day is the minimum intake that you should strive for with no extra ingredients in foods you eat or drink. The natural cleanse breakfast is fresh raw fruit. Nothing else should be eaten. Fruit contains critical nutritional elements plus water. It also contains fiber so that toxins are pushed on through the digestive tract. Fruit must be fresh and raw and without any sweeteners or preservatives included. Neither natural nor artificial sweeteners should be used. If you select dense fruit rather than soft fruits the effectiveness of the cleansing will be stronger. Throughout the balance of the day, both vegetables and fruits can be eaten. The vegetables should be raw and the fruit must be fresh. Neither fruits nor vegetables should contain artificial preservatives. The intake of toxins or preservatives will defeat the purpose of the body cleanse. Besides eliminating preservatives and toxins from your diet, you also avoid oils, dressing and salt during the cleansing period. Choose plenty of raw vegetables in your diet. Keep adding fresh fruit to maintain the cleansing for an entire week. During the time that you are using natural cleansing, the weight loss is likely to be significant. Initial weight loss is water weight. When you drink extra water, you keep dehydration at bay. The fiber in the fruits and vegetables also help to keep the digestive processes moving. Water weight loss is usually significant and may be sudden. Track Cal And Carb With Weight Loss Clicker As more and more people are into a weight loss program, more and more machines, devices, and gadgets were invented to facilitate the weight loss program more effectively. These gadgets were never before seen gadgets such that you might just wonder how weight loss programs were carried out then. You can basically say that the weight loss program is something that you cannot just enter into without the necessary weight loss gadgets and devices that would effectively help you monitor your progress and make everything more convenient for you. One of the recent inventions is that weight loss clicker. If you really want to be in a weight loss program, weight loss clicker is an excellent device that you should get to make your diet more efficient. If you work hard on your diet and you also train hard to trim down some of those fats, at least you should be able to monitor your calories and your carbohydrates intake without undergoing stressful counting. The problem through is that an effective weight loss also depends on the accuracy of your counting method for your calories and your carbohydrates. This is important because if you want to lose weight and attain an ideal weight, you need to be sure with how much weight you really need to lose and how much you take in. Traditionally, some weigh the foods and count the calories in estimate and record it in their personal journal of their weight decrease. weight loss clicker has provided for a technological innovation to this method and made it easier to keep track of your weight changes. There are many clickers now that are available in the market but generally they function the same way which is to count calories, carbohydrates, fat grams, water intake and many more. Clickers became more and more advanced in its features and one of the most sophisticated ones is the cal-carb clicker which has display windows for calories, for carbohydrates and even water. All that you need to do is to set allowable carbohydrates for your diet and just click for every carbohydrates intake. The same way with water, though the count goes upward for every intake of water each day. This device has many features that make it one of the best selling products in the market today. The counting device can display the figures even while in the dark for it has a night mode feature in it. It is also handy since you can just clip it in your belts, place it inside your purse or attach it to your key chain. The device contains a cal-carb food index which would tell you exactly how much calories and carbohydrates you take. Traditional Chinese Medicine And Bnew For Weight Loss Bnew Beauty and Body capsules are an herbal weight loss supplement formulated from herbs and all natural ingredients used in traditional chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM can be traced back as far as 500 BC. As its name implies, it is based on medical practices originating in China and is much accepted throughout most of the East Asian medical communities. The philosophical concept that the universe is made of an energy called qi, forms the basis of this eastern medicine. Qi can amount to any state of energy present, however, in TCM it represents the "life-force". It is believed that the body represents a small universe in itself. Within this universe lies intricate subsystems and levels of energy that work together to maintain a healthy state of being in mind, body, and spirit. TCM is based on various schools of thought including Ying/Yang theory, influences from Taoism and Buddhism, and described in terms of the five elements - metal, water, wood, fire, and earth. Herbal medicine is one of the various treatments used in traditional chinese medicine. It is often used as an alternative to traditional western medicine where drugs are prescribe to help with illness, acne, and even weight loss. The all natural herbal approach is said to help you lose weight naturally, clear your skin, boost your energy levels, and help to restore the natural balance between body and mind. bnew Beauty and Body capsules contain some of the ingredients used in TCM to help you lose weight and feel better naturally. Among bnew's main ingredients are bee pollen, seaweed, dietary fiber, chinese yam, and lotus seed. Bee pollen has been called "the perfect food" because it contains every nutrient that your body needs to survive. It also increases your metabolism and is effective at dissolving and flushing fat from your body. Lotus seeds, another ingredient used in TCM, supports your spleen and kidneys and helps to keep them functioning properly. While seaweed, dietary fiber, and chinese yams work together to cleanse the body of toxic pollutants. The combination of these ingredients provide essential nutrients and vitamins, like zinc and Vitamin E that help you lose weight and clear your skin. Because bnew uses all natural ingredients, it doesn't pose the harsh side effects of other weight loss supplements. It helps to heal your body naturally with added benefits of clearer skin and more energy. As with most supplements, the best results occur when used in conjunction with proper diet and exercise. Whether you use bnew or any other herbal weight loss supplement you should consult your physician. Traditional Weight Loss Methods Vs Slimming Products This argument probably is one of the most popular between conservative nutrition specialists and slimming product manufacturers. Ones insist on slow but healthy and long term weight loss but others promise fast, easy and instant loss of the weight. To find the truth and to decide which method is better we need to overview each of them. Which one is better; good old exercising, healthy eating and dieting or progressive and modern pill taking? Let's see… Let's start with the traditional methods and they are: exercising (physical activity), healthy eating and dieting (diet programs). These are well known methods, usually highly recommended by industry specialists. Exercising (physical activity) Exercising has a very important part of the weight loss program. To be honest everyone should be physically active and do some exercising. It tone your muscles, make your heart stronger, provide you with the energy and in obesity case, exercising burn calories and seriously help with losing excess weight. Healthy eating Choosing right products and exercising are the most important things you must do when you lose weight. Actually if you have normal body weight, still you have to lead a healthy lifestyle. Stay away from fat foods, choose lean meats and stay away from the red meat especially. Eat lot of fruits, vegetables, fish and drink lots of water. Dieting (diet programs) This still is a popular weight loss method and if it is done with common sense it's still very effective and harmless. Problem of many diets is that they are designed to cut down caloric intake to minimum what can be dangerous. Person who isn't responsible enough may have serious health problems after incorrect diet. Slimming products Over the last years huge amount of slimming products have appeared on the market. The main benefits are faster and easier weight loss. If you have chosen a really good, high quality weight loss product then it can be really beneficial for you. Anyway, the best weight loss method is a mix of both - traditional and modern weight loss methods. Slimming products and tablets can give an amazing boost to your traditional program and save you lots of nerves, time and money. Tricks To Get Off A Weight Loss Plateau Each and every dieter sooner or latter encounters a problem with plateaus or set points. Usually they occur after 20 lbs. of weight loss but in some people they occur early or even later. Here are the two big issues to face when it happens to you. Managing Portion Sizes. This is a issue in every weight loss plan. Negligence, boredom, and exhaustion inevitably lead to the consumption of larger portions. Make certain you adhere to the meals that provide easy portion control. Numerous containers or packages of foods, even low-calorie foods, hold more than a individual portion. To determine the amount of calories in the container when it is not a individual portion (and this should scare you), multiply the quantity of calories per helping by the actual number of servings in the container. Forget about trying to determine calories per portion using grams or oz .; that can easily become too intricate. The majority of people acknowledge that a family-size bag of potato chips or cookies contains more than a single portion and then they presume that a scaled-down bag consists of only a single portion. Nevertheless, this may not invariably be the circumstance! The medium-size packages are often deceiving. If the package contains a single portion, eat just that amount. Far better yet, look for foods that offer "natural" portion control. Moreover, frequently snack helps prevent low blood sugar and makes sure easier portion management. Researching for Secret Calories. One more frequent issue that has contributed to stalled weight loss is "hidden calories." These are the calories in high-calorie foods that men and women eat with out actually recognizing they are doing it. A number of well-known foodstuff have secret calories. Sometimes, the little things-not the large slices of cake-stall weight loss. Understand that eating one hundred excess calories per day can cause a 10-pound weight gain in a year. In addition, burning off those additional one hundred calories necessitates up to 30 minutes of nonstop walking, Twenty minutes of nonstop bicycling, 15 minutes on a treadmill, or 10 minutes on an elliptical trainer each and every day. T Two Weight Loss Foods Each Person Should Consume Many individuals think when following a healthy weight loss plan they have to cut out foods. Yes, unhealthy food products ought to be taken out or else swapped with a more healthy product. Chicken eggs are a wonderful sample. Chickens grown on enormous farms in restrictive cages produce inadequate quality, unhealthy eggs which will be then available in grocery stores. A person should not buy those chicken eggs! Although, people should not end ingesting eggs, merely switch to healthier eggs. An effective losing weight program consisting of pastured chicken eggs would be a healthy alternative. Pastured hens produce higher quality eggs in comparison to confined hens. Studies have found pastured hen eggs contain five times more vitamin D, one-third less cholesterol, two times more omega-3 fatty acids, one-quarter less saturated fat and seven times more beta carotene when compared with confined hens. Pastured chickens are free to graze the grassland, consume bugs and soak up the sun. A grocery store may mark its chicken eggs free-range, certified organic or uncaged. Such labels will not be the same as eggs from pastured hens nor the nutritious advantages are not provided by those chicken eggs. People will discover even more weight reducing benefits to eggs from pastured hens. Those egg yolks are loaded with lutein and zeaxanthin which will be only acquired in high quality multivitamin supplements. Thus, the majority of folks will not acquire the quantity needed of lutein and zeaxanthin. More deep yellowish orange a yolk then higher quantities of zeaxanthin and lutein happens to be within that egg yolk. Latest studies have related these antioxidants together with people having lower probabilities concerning colon cancer. Lutein helps to save the epidermis from ultraviolet sun light. Having all these benefits, without doubt an excellent weight loss plan ought to include eggs from pastured chickens. Overweight folks in America have grown to unbelievable numbers. One out of two adults carry additional body weight. An appropriate healthy weight loss plan ought to include pastured grass fed cow meat. Most food stores supply grain raised cow meat and that meat happens to be very harmful for eating. An additional fantastic case in point concerning a nutritious weight loss program is purchasing meats obtained from pastured grass fed cattle. It has been found pastured open range cattle meat has more vitamin e, more calcium, more beta carotene, more omega-3 fatty acid, more conjugated linoleic acid and less fat. Eating a more well balanced proportion of essential fatty acids is associated with decreased chances in regards to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity and mental disorders. Providing all these healthy positives, everyone whether or not on an effective healthy weight loss plan may want to include meat from pastured ruminant cattle and never consume cattle meat from grain fed confined cattle. Useful Weight Loss Tips People that eat mostly unprocessed foods including fruits, vegetables and whole grains often find that they can eat as much as they want without gaining weight. They don't have to worry about the weight . But this is not the case with majority of us. We hardly miss to eat in the pizza or burger store.Our eating habits are tied very closely with our behavior and using a behavioral approach to dieting can be beneficial to certain types of people who have bad eating habits that can be overcome with a little behavioral intervention. When a person eats without thinking, this means that the person's habitual behavior has overrun his cognitive functioning. In a nutshell, we basically shove food into our mouths just because it is there. Among the many weight loss tips offered, they say thinking before snacking is the most important thin one should do if concerned about the weight loss. When we act on impulse, we rarely make good choices. There are a number of ways to look upon this kind of situation. The best approach would be to get into the habit of slowing down a little bit. Some good weight loss tips include waiting ten minutes before grabbing that snack that is calling you from the pantry. You may discover that you are not really hungry. If you wait ten minutes the craving will most likely go away on its own. You can also opt to go for a brisk walk when the urge to cheat on your diet arises. This is a great way to get much needed exercise along with self-control. You will be less likely to run to the pantry upon entering the home after a jaunt around the neighborhood. You will be more likely to go for a big glass of cold water instead. There might be some people who may laugh on the weight loss tip , but if taken seriously it can do wonders. You have to focus on your actions. The best way to look at it is making priorities. Do you want the chocolate cake or do you want to fit into those jeans tucked away in your closet? There are times that the chocolate cake will win but not often if you focus on your behavior. Self control is another important aspect of Weight loss. We often need to train ourselves to understand how much is enough. Getting into the habit of buying single-sized servings or taking the time to measure will increase your chances of success. You also may find that there are certain “triggers” that cause you to eat. Eating sensible snacks between smaller meals will stave off hunger and keep your blood sugar at a good level and prevent this type of situation. In fact, studies in recent years have shown that eating several small meals a day instead of three large ones is better for your health and helps your weight loss by keeping your metabolism revved up . Using Acupuncture For Weight Loss Acupuncture weight loss became popular in 2003 when CNN reported success stories from weight loss clinics in China. China has experienced an increase in obesity with the introduction and popularity of Western diet choices. Acupuncture for weight loss works by inserting thin sterile needles in specific points on the body which release hormones know as endorphins that have a calm and relaxing, effect. It is believed this makes it easier for you to deal with stress, frustration and anxiety which trigger bingeing and overeating at meal times. In addition, the endorphin release aids in boosting our metabolism since stress slows the metabolism process down. Acupuncture for weight loss has also been shown to strengthen the digestive system, control the appetite and may also improve metabolism causing you to burn calories more quickly. weight loss has always been a balance between burning more calories than you eat. In studies patients who received acupuncture lost twice as much weight as patients on diets. Additionally, patients who received real acupuncture treatments experienced decreases in serum total cholesterol, triglyceride and LDL cholesterol levels. Staple Acupuncture For weight loss Staple acupuncture weight loss may sound new to you but it is weight loss method chosen by a number of women who are desperate enough to lose weight as fast as they can. The staple acupuncture weight loss regimen is done by piercing a small surgical staple wire onto your ear cartilage with a special staple gun. “Staplepuncture”, a variation of “auriculotherapy”, puts staples (which are special acupuncture needles) at key points on the ear which helps people stop smoking, lose weight and controls appetite. Does Acupuncture Have Any Side Effects? Acupuncture weight loss treatment does have a few negative side effects. You may feel a slightly sedated feeling, and some experience a wooziness or fainting as a result of the very calming effect on the bodies energy while having an acupuncture weight loss treatment. Also needle shock is just one of the side effects that you can possibly experience when you first undergo an acupuncture weight loss regimen. You might feel a sudden drop in your blood pressure when a needle is inserted into your skin. How Many Sessions Do I Need? The usual regimen of acupuncture weight loss is ten sessions, usually at a rate of three per week (to SAFELY regulate your metabolism and hunger-satisfaction) and then one to two weeks off before resuming treatment again. Finally Stress has been identified as a key factor in certain people's weight gain. Some people feel the need or urge to eat a lot when they are stressed and they find comfort in doing so. But by using acupuncture for weight loss you can work on your stress problems plus any other contributory factors that could be the cause of your weight gain for example water retention, thyroid problems, sugar and hormonal imbalances. A word of caution, if you are looking to use acupuncture to lose weight always make sure that the acupuncture practitioner must have certification. In fact, look for one who is a doctor and is given license by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine to practice acupuncture. Also as well as receiving acupuncture your acupuncturist may also give you herbs that will balance your digestion and cravings - and based on your Chinese pattern diagnosis, they can also give you personalized diet advice. Using A Schwinn Airdyne Exercise Bike For Best Results If there's a classic exercise bike the Schwinn Airdyne bike is probably it. These things have been made since the 70's. Schwinn makes many other stationary bikes, but the Airdyne has been a long-term favorite. Read the Internet buyer sites and you quickly find the fans of these bikes and the owner observations. Why not choose a more modern recumbent exercise bike? Here's why... Dual action bikes are hard to top for exercise and fitness. See, if you wish to really lose weight and burn fat, there's more than just burning calories. A common question is: "How much calories does an exercise bike burn?" Burning calories isn't the whole story. What most people need is increased metabolism. That's quite the challenge but the only way to long-term weight management success. Dual action bikes excel at metabolism improvements. See, the pumping arms and pedaling legs help you build muscle. It's not that muscle building is noticeable from using a dual action bike. It's that building muscle is the fastest and surest way to increase metabolism and burn fat. Increased resting metabolism is referred to as increased basal metabolism. The fastest results come with use of the major muscles too. That's why bikes which really work the legs accomplish so much. Working the upper body also just adds to the workout for more balanced results and quicker improvements. Build muscle and burn more fat even as you sleep or relax. That's a big plus of the dual action machines... more muscles used and more fat burned which translates to increased basal metabolism and better long term results. All this advantage from pedaling away. Here's another Schwinn Airdyne feature. The bikes are simple to use and simple to maintain. Sure the newer bikes with high powered electronics are fun to use and interesting to ride. Remember though that electronics can fail. That's a hassle for sure but also a potential repair bill that's larger than might seem reasonable. Dead electronics means a dead machine. However the electronics does help to fight the number one reason why stationary bikes might remain unused. Boredom stops many a bike pedal program. With the Airdyne you get a simple machine that's almost impossible to wear out or damage. Mine has been ridden hard for almost twenty years and has required virtually no maintenance. It's a one time buy machine. Then the very fact that you pump with arms and shoulders as well as legs makes for a more engaged process and less chance for boredom. Certainly Schwinn gets few repeat sales on these. They never wear out. The Schwinn Airdyne is a balanced workout machine. Work most of your muscles and you burn more fat over time. That's the key to long-term weight loss. It's a long lasting machine. This might be the last exercise machine you buy. Variations In Weight Loss Programs -The Atkins Diet The Atkins Diet The Atkins diet books have sold more than 45 million copies over 40 years, and in the obesity epidemic this diet and accompanying Atkins food products are popular. The diet claims to be effective at producing weight loss despite ad libitum consumption of fatty meat, butter, and other high-fat dairy products, restricting only the intake of carbohydrates to under 30 g a day. Low-carbohydrate diets have been regarded as fad diets, but recent research questions this view. A systematic review of low-carbohydrate diets found that the weight loss achieved is associated with the duration of the diet and restriction of energy intake, but not with restriction of carbohydrates. Two groups have reported longer-term randomized studies that compared instruction in the low-carbohydrate diet with a low-fat calorie-reduced diet in obese patients. Both trials showed better weight loss on the low-carbohydrate diet after 6 months, but no difference after 12 months. This is a low-carb diet which can possibly generate health benefits like preventing high blood pressure and heart disease. The Atkins diet was devised 4 decades ago, and it relies heavily on protein, healthy fat, and vegetables. An Atkins Food Guide Pyramid accompanies this diet plan, which shows the choice of food you can consume as you successfully lose weight. Furthermore, the Atkins diet is divided into some phases, as follows: Phase 1 In the "induction" phase, you have to practice total abstinence from the following items: Dairy with the exception of butter and cheese Fruit Bread Vegetables with high starch concentration Grains Alcoholic drinks You are allowed to eat 20 grams of Net Carbs (the total grams of carbohydrates minus grams of fiber) daily. In this phase, you will lose the most weight. Not only will you get the necessary motivation to continue dieting, but your body's function of burning fat will also be augmented. This is the Ongoing weight loss, or OWL, phase, where you will gradually incorporate a small quantity of carbohydrates into your diet. These can include items like nuts, yogurt, and berries. This phase will continue until you are 10 pounds from your target weight. Meanwhile, you can consume 24-45 Net Carbs daily. Phase 3 This is the pre-maintenance stage where you continue to add a little more carbs to your diet in the form of whole grains, starchy vegetables, and fruits. This phase will continue minimum for a month after you have reached your target weight, and you can consume 50-70 Net Carbs in this time. Phase 4 This is the lifetime maintenance stage. After reaching the weight of your desire, you will continue to consume more than 75 Net Carbs daily for life. At this stage, your calculation of Net Carbs will become more accurate. How Weight Loss is Achieved The Atkins diet stimulates ketosis. This is a process where the body's metabolism starts to burn fat for energy instead of glucose. When you consume carb-rich foods, the body converts it into glucose. Vic Magary scam With numerous fat loss plans on the internet in the present day, fat watchers possibly will find it tough to decide which one is for them. Which ones truly work and which ones are just, excuse the pun, a ton of huge fat theories. With the hundreds and even thousands of weight loss myths and hearsays, losing weight has become more than simply a manually tiring task, but also a intellectually and emotionally draining journey for those who are still lost and puzzled. As a soldier, before you go to war, you need to have ammunition; and for you to defeat the enemy (fat!), here is the ammunition that you require: education, commitment, determination and patience. Educate yourself regarding the tough cold facts of losing weight; know and accept that there is no magic trick, dieting alone does not work, you need exercise, you require the right sort of work out. Commit yourself to your purpose, you are required to make this a part of your life and not merely do it for 31 days and go back to damaging habits once you have attained your object weight; you have to have preservation. Set in your intelligence your objectives and state yourself not to give up; understand that it can be tiring, it can be difficult initially, and you may possibly not see the outcomes after the initial few days. Losing fat is a process that can diverge from individual to individual. Be patient. You will get there. To assist you win your battle, you may possibly wish to mull over Vic Magary's e-book, 31 Day Fat Loss Cure. In the book, he will discuss all previously mentioned standards. A little heads up, what he will say may possibly shatter your rose colored glasses and jolt you into reality, which might leave you shocked and even skeptical. The book will even test weight loss traditions, but, you'll know that what he says in fact makes sense when you read on. He will put emphasis on an all-natural diet and exercise. two issues that most, if not all of them, weight professionals will concur on. The diet plan is incredibly primary, no complex meal planning or calorie counting. Each and Every time you consume food, you simply have to ask yourself “could a caveman have consumed this back in the day?”, if the solution is “yes”, then go ahead. The author pin points processed foods to be one of the major culprits of being overweight. As for the exercise training, the author, who happens to be an ex-Military man and a better Taekwondo and Karate martial artist, capitalizes on circuit training and you might find military inspired exercises. Don't be turned off however, thinking you wouldn't be able to do it. The program contains two levels of fitness work outs: for beginners and for those who have experience, plus there are videos that provide a period to period tutorial. If you're motivated to change your life around and make peace with your bathroom scale once and for all, this is the course for you. There's no quick path to fat loss; this isn't a walk in the park. Just like all programs, you need to break a sweat and commit whole-heartedly. If you are dead put in getting in shape, Vic Magary's 31 Day Fat Loss Cure will help you remove weight and stay in excellent form in a quite short period of time. Weight Lifting Supplements - Most Effective Weight Gainers - Online Weight Loss Supplements Overweight is a main concern among many individuals in today's world. Almost two-thirds of US population is overweight. Overweight is caused mainly due to unhealthy life style like smoking, drinking, keeping late hours, and eating junk, unhealthy food. It is important to reduce weight as excess body weight leads to heart disease, diabetes, uterine fibroids, and cancers of the colon, kidney, prostrate, female infertility and gallstones. Though most of us know that losing weight is important but it is extremely difficult for most people to actually lose weight. There are several over the counter weight loss supplements that contain ephedrine or caffeine and help in assisting weight loss. Some of the prescribed medicines include phentermine, sibutramine and methamphetamine. There are various natural weight loss supplements which include cayenne, yohimbine, guarana, green tea, bitter orange and guggul. It is believed that natural weight loss supplements work best and produce very good results. The black seeds of guarana contain caffeine can be used as stimulant. They help in increasing energy and mental awareness of individuals and are included in energy drinks. Hoodia is a natural weight loss supplement and helps in suppressing appetite. It is a miracle treatment for obese people. It is one of the better known weight loss supplements, however not much experiments have been carried out on humans and one has to be extra careful while purchasing hoodia, as fake hoodia is rampant. Another natural weight loss supplement is green tea which has antioxidant properties and help in reducing weight. It also helps in the metabolic rate of your body thereby helping in consuming more calories rather than being stored as fat cells. Apple cider vinegar is a natural and effective weight loss supplement which is a fat burner and natural appetite suppressant. However, there have been examples of adverse effects of apple cider vinegar tablets. Studies have also shown that including cayenne in your diet helps in losing weight. Guarana contains caffeine and its compounds like theobromine and theophylline help in curbing appetite and aiding weight loss. However, guarana also stimulates the central nervous system and may result in anxiety and rapid heart rate. Combined with caffeine and herbs, ephedra is said to aid weight loss among individuals. However, it has been banned by the US FDA in April because of safety issues. Garcinia Cambogia is another weight loss supplement which contains an enzyme that interferes with the body's capability to store fat. Though exercise and diet is still the doctor's choice for weight loss, these natural supplements have been hugely popular among individuals. Natural weight loss supplements are made from natural ingredients and produce very little side effects. They are readily available and easy to purchase. Some even do not require a medical prescription, though, it is recommended to take medical advice before using these weight loss supplements. Weight loss supplements help in reducing cholesterol and also craving for food to a certain extent. Apart from using weight loss supplements, dietary changes and life style changes also help you in reducing weight. Weight Loss Advice To Get You Slim And Trim! Losing weight can seem daunting and overwhelming. These tips should make the process a little less intimidating. Use ice water as a weight loss tool. When the cold water gets inside your body, your metabolism will cool down and slow down as well. In order to get back up to temperature, the body will begin rapid fat burning. Drink water with ice in it instead of soda. If you do not like to exercise, there are some fun ways to burn calories. Throw a dance party, chase your kids around the yard, or take your dog for a walk around your neighborhood. Lots of activities help you burn calories and lose weight without having to suffer through repetitive exercise. Figure out what activities you enjoy doing that will help you get rid of unwanted pounds, and step up your activity rate while doing them. It isn't that hard to lose weight. Start by eliminating unhealthy foods from your diet. Make sure that any sodas you are drinking are replaced with water. Sometimes, low sugar juice is appropriate, but sodas and energy drinks should be avoided as much as possible. Even though your goal should be an improvement in your overall health, improving your appearance is a great benefit so indulge your personal vanity a bit. By looking at yourself and taking the time to appreciate the progress you are making, you'll be able to keep motivated and continue your pursuit to a healthy weight. When going to the mall, try on some clothes that you want, regardless of whether you can afford to get them right now. This exercise can burn up to 60 calories alone, in an effort to lose as much weight as possible. When you are trying to lose weight, stick to a balanced diet. Eating the correct kind of fat in limited quantities is necessary for proper health maintenance. When you eat fat, you feel fuller for a longer time, but it serves to slow your digestion. Therefore, try to curb the amount of fats you eat throughout the day. Always get enough sleep each night. A full eight hours of sleep is the ideal recommendation for adults. If you are under the impression that being awake will make you shed pounds, you are wrong. Also, keeping a regular sleep cycle will help you learn how to build healthy habits. That's one key to successful weight loss. Make the effort to keep a journal that you record everything you eat or drink in. In it, it's not necessary for you to be a calorie counter. Write down what you are eating and how much so you can see where you are going wrong. You might be surprised at how much you really eat! Keeping track also keeps you aware of what you eat. If you need to write it in your diary, you are less likely to eat it. There are few that will say they do not enjoy eating french fries. You may be surprised by how many of your favorite unhealthy meals and snacks have delicious, healthy alternatives. If you must consume French fries, bake them instead of frying. Steamed vegetables are higher in nutrients and usually much tastier than vegetables cooked any other way. Use a spatula to loosen them, turn them over and let them bake for approximately 10 minutes. They are good eaten with ketchup and are lower in fat, you will not even think about them being not being fried. This recipe was taken from Laurel's Kitchen Cookbook. You tend to eat less by using smaller plate. Studies show that we will eat food on a plate no matter how much is on it. Using a smaller plate is an old, yet effective trick for making your meals look large and feel satisfying, even though you are reducing your quantity of food. Use these suggestions to find a daily weight loss plan for yourself. Adapt them to your life, and stick with them. Dedicate yourself completely, and in time, you will find weight loss to be simpler than you ever dreamed. Weight Loss - A Self Improvement Project Weight loss is a billion dollar industry that has the same elements as any self improvement or self help program. The thought process between losing weight and self improvement are very similar and follow the same path. The only difference is the subject matter. A person decides that something needs to be changed, identifies the reason for the change and finds a way to make the change. The reason for self improvement or losing weight is the driving force that determines the level of commitment to achieving the goal. It doesn't matter whether the change is weight loss or another type of self improvement. If a person is not committed to the project and does not follow a dedicated program to achieve his or her goals, any gain will be short lived. So, what do you need if you are thinking about a program to lose weight? 1. Think about the reason you want to lose weight. There are as many reasons as there are people in weight loss programs. your reason could be to get into a new pair of jeans or look better on the beach. Many people try to lose weight for health reasons (to control your blood pressure or reduce your chloestorol). There has to be a compelling reason that makes you willing to make the changes needed for a long-lasting improvement. If you don't have a good reason, the results will be short-lived. 2. As with permanent self improvement changes, You have to realize that permanent weight loss requires some king of lifestyle change. At a minimum, you may have to change your diet and/or eating habits. You can't expect to achieve a permanent loss if you use a program to lose weight and then go back to your old habits. Your old habits are what got you here in the first place. Keep the new habits that helped you get the benefits you wanted. 3. It is essential to establish a plan of some kind. Your weight loss goals may be reached with a change in your diet or eating habits. Many times, it is not what you eat, but how much you eat that makes a difference in your weight. The old saying "You are what you eat" has some bearing on your weight. If your weight loss is more significant, you may have to include some kind of exercise in your program. The metabolism must be changed to achieve real and permanent weight loss. If you want to make significant changes in your appearance, you should consult with your doctor and find out if there are any underlying medical conditions that would change the plan. Weight loss is a billion dollar business. There are many, many commercial plans available and many websites that are devoted to helping people lose weight. You can't watch television without seeing some celebrity pushing this plan or that plan. They all have several things incommon. They all encourage a lifestyle change in habits and they all work and they all include diet although sometimes you have to buy their food. Most of them include some form of exercise to strengthen and tone the muscles. You can't get six-pack abs just by dieting. It takes hard and consistent work. If you can afford a commercial program, this might be the way to go. 4. Set some goals. Having an end result goal is great, but you should set some weekly or monthly goals that show progress toward your ultimate goal. Without visible progress, you will get discouraged and it will be hard to stay focused on your weight loss program. The goals don't always have to be a number of pounds lost. You might try using something more visible, such as loosing a dress size, getting into a pair of jeans as your short term or long term goal. You might try to stay on the stationary bike ten minutes longer or climb two flights of stairs without getting winded as a goal. The point is you have to have something that shows that you are making progress. 5. Set the plan in motion and figure out how you are going to achieve your goals. You may need to find a place to get some guidance and help in your weight loss program. Local YMCA/YWCA's usually have equipment available and may offer instruction for a small nominal fee. There are lots of commercial gyms available that have equipment and instructors that can help you set up a plan. My greatest success came through a weight training class at a community college. In fact, it was so successful that I took it three quarters in a row. Where you get the help is not as important as consistency 6. Get some support from your family and friends. Self improvement and weight loss results are sometimes easier to get if other people are helping and encouraging you along the way. Most people start and try to stay on a diet alone. Sometimes it works, but usually the diet goes quietly by the wayside. All the commercial programs have a system in place that provides support and encouragement that is needed to achieve permanent changes. Your support group should include your family, friends and co-workers. These groups have more daily contact with you and will have a direct or indirect influence on your success. Losing weight loss is a self-improvement goal. To lose weight permanently, you have to make changes in your diet and lifestyle. Old habits have to be dropped and new habits formed. There is no other way. Don't give up, go at it carefully, avoid crash diets and find a way to lose weight permanently. If you've read this far down this article, you must have some interest in the subject. Visit weightlossdiettips101 to get more information about permanent weight loss. What you think about this subject and what type of information you like to see on such a website is important. Please, leave a comment and help me out. Weight Loss Camp Hits Spain As gyms and weight loss programmes become more and more popular, it is no wonder that weight loss camps are becoming popular. Although just now becoming prominent in terms of popularity, weight loss camps have been around since the 1980s. Weight loss camps were developed to help people wanting to lose weight do so away from home. It is easier to shed unhealthy eating habits if you are not in familiar surroundings. For this reason many weight loss camps are not located within easy reach of city centers. They are found mostly on large tracts of land away from it all. This serves to make it difficult to order junk food. This is one of the reasons for the success of weight loss camps. In addition, the location helps provide a calm and relaxing atmosphere in which to achieve the weight loss objective. Another advantage to going to a weight loss camp is the routine that must be adhered to once there. Not only is it necessary to eat healthy, but exercise is a must as well. Plus, with everyone else doing the same thing there is no feeling of alienation. Each person serves as the other's cheerleader by encouraging them through difficult patches. Many vacation spots around the globe now offer some form of weight loss camp for those looking to shed excess weight. Although more popular in the U.S., they are springing up in other areas as well, such as Europe and Asia. There are different kinds of weight loss camps. The most common ones are teen weight loss camps, summer weight loss camps and those that cater only to females or males. There are also "fat" camps that cater exclusively to the morbidly obese. These types of specialty weight loss camps have residential programs that last for months. China has also gotten in on the action. The country's Amin Fat Reduction Hospital located in Tianjin works with really obese people. Other weight loss camps are more like spas, offering a complete package of spa treatments. A British husband and wife team has created a top-class weight loss and fitness camp in beautiful Majorca, Spain. Mereo Boot Camp is based on a military style fitness routine, which is not surprising since Ian and Liz Robinson are ex-army personnel. This is the first such facility in Majorca and in the Balearic Islands. The British public know Majorca well as many take a holiday to Majorca in the summer holidays. The Mereo experience is a week-long adventure in losing weight while having fun. The program involves physical activities like hiking, mountain biking, kayaking and runs along the sandy beaches of the Majorca coast. Mereo offers gender-specific and mixed gender camps depending on what makes people comfortable. In the U.S. the development of weight loss camps is a thriving business. The number of them in existence indicates that they must be offering something that people are buying into. One drawback to weight loss camps for the average person looking to lose weight is the cost. For example, the average rate at the Moreo Boot camp is 1500 Euros or so. However, the cost is a small price for improving your health and overall feelings about yourself. The NBC weight loss show, "The Biggest Loser," is evidence of the popularity of weight loss camps in the USA. Currently in its seventh season, the show has spawned similar shows in a number of countries: Australia, the UK and Mexico. Contestants on the show have become celebrities in their own right. The trainers and chefs have also built up a following of their own as well. The reality show has led to the release of "The Biggest Loser" workout videos and gym equipment among other items. In short, it has spawned its own weight loss industry. Another problem with weight loss camps is the difficulty to get a week or more off to attend them. However for those persons who can afford the fees and have the time, weight loss camps do seem to work. They provide the guidance and discipline needed to eliminate unhealthy habits. Finally, weight loss camps help members develop healthy habits for life. This is especially important to maintaining their weight in a healthy manner and to keep the extra weight from coming back. In fact, good weight loss camps develop a holistic approach to weight loss and health. They not only use diet and exercise to achieve results, but also provide useful information and tips on nutrition. These camps work best for those who need help to develop healthy eating habits for the rest of their lives and not just for now. Weight Loss Center In Bangalore Finding a weight loss center in Bangalore is a terrific option, as many have already found. In fact, there are more and more services available to individuals suffering from obesity and weight-related health issues. Seeking help and guidance from a weight-management professional is not an admission that you have not tried. Like many, you have probably tried eating healthy for years and even ventured out to the gym or for regular activity. Yet, you still cannot lose weight permanently. Rather than succumb to the advertisements of diet pills and other weight loss gimmicks, you are simply choosing to manage your weight issues under the guidance of a professional—a very positive first step. There are professionals and trained doctors waiting to help you. A reputable and proven weight loss center in Bangalore is definitely something to look into. Leading Weight Loss Centers in Bangalore have helped patients with the following: Weight loss Weight management Body slimming, shaping and toning Fat reduction Knee, back and neck pain related to weight Emotional issues related to weight Weight-related health issues …among many others! Benefits of Choosing a Good Centre: Help patients lose weight permanently under the guidance of a professional doctor. Professionals teach patients healthy, non-stressful techniques for weight loss. Lose weight without diet pills, strenuous workouts and the side effects of unhealthy diet gimmicks. Effective and simple weight management with ongoing professional guidance. Treatment and prevention of health issues related to weight. Weight Loss India Center in Bangalore is Leading the Way for Healthy Weight Loss A leading, reputable weight loss and slimming centre can be found at Bangalore Genesis Hospital, home to The Weight Loss Center India. WeightLossCenterIndia.com was founded by Dr. A. Patil, a practicing physician since 1980 and an expert in obesity and weight reduction since 1998. Dr. Patil has helped thousands of individuals achieve their ideal weight and keep it off permanently through his innovative weight loss techniques. Dr. Patil and his team advise both men and women on how to permanently lose weight in a step-by-step manner, naturally and without the use of diet pills, supplements or artificial drugs. Even better, they work with individuals from their own home without the need to go travel to an outside center or exercise facility. The goal of this top-rated Bengaluru weight loss center is to spread the news of healthy weight loss, wellness and optimal living. Choosing a top weight loss center in Bangalore doesn't have to be difficult—Dr. Patil and his team have been helping thousands of people successfully for the past 15 years. For more information, please visit http://www.weightlosscenterindia.com. Weight Loss Clinic In Bangalore Weight loss is and should be more than just losing a few pounds, though. It is about shedding the extra weight causing low energy and preventing people from living life to the fullest—a healthy life. Think about it like any other medical issue. For example, people suffering from digestive problems seek a GI specialist to help because they cannot manage it on their own. This is no different and just as important, which is why weight loss clinics were established. Weight Loss Clinics in Bangalore have helped patients with the following: § Weight loss § Weight management & maintenance § Weight gain § Tummy tucks § Fat reduction in specific body parts § Binge and emotional eating § Sugar addictions § Weight-related health concerns …among so much more based upon the individual needs of their patients. Benefits of Using Weight Loss Clinics: § Lose weight with one-on-one help by a professional specializing in weight reduction. § Customized plan to meet your needs, medical concerns and goals. § A healthier, slimmer body without the side effects of diet pills, synthetic drugs or fad diets. § Help with meal planning and food choices. § Optimal health without the need for strenuous exercise. Weight Loss Clinic at Bangalore Genesis Hospital helps patients achieve permanent weight loss WeightLossCenterIndia.com was created by Dr. Ashok Patil as part of The Weight Loss Center India at Bangalore Genesis Hospital in Bengaluru. Practicing medicine since 1980, Dr. Patil is a leader in the field and has helped thousands of people enjoy optimum health through his unique weight-loss program. Dr. Patil has been an expert and practitioner in obesity and weight reduction since 1998 and prides himself in the many successful lives he and his inner circle of professionals have helped at his successful weight loss clinic. Diet pills and synthetic drugs are temporary fixes to a larger problem, which Dr. Patil and his team in Bengaluru understand. The professionals at Dr. Patil's weight loss clinic in Bangalore specifically treat to rid the body of the abnormal fat is does not need. Unlike some weight loss clinics in Bangalore, this is where assistance by the right professional can make a significant difference, perhaps the difference between temporary and permanent. Although this weight loss clinic in Bangalore may already be convenient for locals, Dr. Patil's program is accessible online as well. Besides 100% natural, it is also 100% convenient and able to be completed in your own home. No need to wait for an appointment or travel anywhere. You can begin immediately! Weight Loss Diet: 10 Ways To Restrain Your Hunger To make sure to choose the proper weight loss diet, the following question should be asked: have you excess weight because you are hungry or are you hungry because you have excess weight? In all probabilities you are hungry by reason of you're overweight. Because you have larger body area, that implies greater area to diffuse heat and more calories required. Therefore, aliments which fulfill your craving for food fastest will assist you to cut down easily on your aliments ingestion. More particularly, while on a weight loss diet, satisfactory aliments are aliments that stay longest in the digestive system, demanding the most vigorous attention from the digestive machinery. Beside the satisfying results of aliments, there are some other means of restraining your appetite. If you desire to start a healthful weight loss diet, below are 10 methods to restrict your hunger: 1. It is advised to stop eating, even if you're still a little hungry. For reasons that are not entirely understood, persons who have a tendency to gain weight don't get the "full up" signal as quick as they should. So, if you're on a weight loss diet, stop eating only a bit sooner than you commonly do and you will be surprised to find that appetite has indeed been appeased. 2. Revise your psychological routines. Many people put on weight because, having too few things that interest them, they turn to biting as a socially entertaining manner of killing time. Try to get occupied at , it will assist you in your weight loss endeavours. 3. Use aliments that demand vigorous chewing. Meat, raw aliments involve vigorous chewing that satiete your hunger and will thus ease your weight loss diet. 4. Don't drink water just after eating a bite. The unique valid reason to taking water when you eat is that you can wash down lumpy masses of half-chewed aliments and thus augment your consumption; which will have a negative consequence on your weight loss diet. 5. Don't be trick by fancy aliments. A piece of chocolate cake topped off by whipped cream can attract a person who's on a weight loss diet. If you exclude such aliments, nevertheless, you will discover that your appetite is simply as happy as a baby who doesn't know anything about lollipops. 6. Make use of a calorie counter. When on a weight loss diet, having a rough knowledge of calorie measures is all you want to moderate a rambunctious hunger substantially. It's a lot simpler to take an orange when you know the number of calories in a part of chocolate pie. 7. Scuttle your alibis. If you charge your fat on heredity or glands, go to see your doctor! If you think that you can't say "no" to the hostess who insists on an additional serving, remember that she ignores that you began a weight loss diet and most likely is persistent by reason of a high sense of hospitality. 8. Put a fruit bowl on the table preferably to a box of chocolates. When on a reducing diet, eating between meals isn't recommended. If you are really hungry, instead take a fruit or veggies. 9. Don't did your appetite with alcohol. When on a diet, alcoholic beverage is proscribed. But if you still want to drink, put yourself your limits; for example drink a glass of wine just during the weekends. 10. Never skip breakfast. Whether on a weight loss diet or not, appetite is controlled better over the day when we take a healthy breakfast. Follow the moto "A royal breakfast, a prince's lunch and a poor man's dinner". Weight Loss Diet Food To Be Fit Weight loss program is a demanding task to do because it does not only involve tiring workouts but also restrictions and discipline when it comes to food dieting. Perhaps the major issue of going through these programs is that weight loss diet food are oftentimes perceived as boring and unappetizing. To conquer this view, you have to make an effort for this food to become appealing not only for your sight but also for your taste buds. Usually when you are under diet, the only allowable types of foods are fruits and vegetables, seafoods, some dairy products which do not contain too many fats or calories, and most of all, you have to avoid eating sweet foods. This situation is really frustrating especially if you are the type of person who adores eating. But then again, there are countless of alternatives available for you so you can trim your size while still enjoying the food that you eat. Perhaps you do not want to feel guilty about the foods that you eat so it is better to stick with those recommended by your nutritionist or dieticians, only add some twists to it. It could be in a manner of presentation or putting in herbal seasoning or spices to suit your preferences. For example, apples are very rich in soluble and it is highly recommended to include in your daily diet. However, you may not want to eat apples all throughout your diet program. To transform your bland taste buds, apples may be converted into smoothies with added nonfat milk or cream. You can also add other fruits to make it more seasonal and refreshing. By doing so, you are actually taking over 180 calories per day or per meal if you will eat apples or fruit shakes just before the meal time. This is just one of its so many benefits because it also helps in getting rid of toxins from the body. In the morning, it is better if you will just eat eggs instead of cereals or bread. Studies show that eating eggs before your day starts is a good technique if you are serious about your weight loss program. This is because 20 to 30 grams of protein each day will make you feel full until past afternoon. As a result, this diet will prevent you from overeating but it will still make you feel energized throughout the day. If you do not have the gusto for eating beans or legumes; then, it is time you start doing so. Beans are full of fiber and it is proven by scientific studies that those who eat boiled beans three to four times a week have less tendency to have bigger bellies. Eating beans also prevent people from developing systolic blood pressures and hypertensions. This is good news for all the coffee lovers out there. The Journal of Physiology and Behavior discovered that people who are drinking caffeinated drinks have 16 percent higher metabolic rate than the normal. Thus, if you have just had a huge amount of meal, you may drink coffee to help you digest it all in little time. The weight loss diet food given above are few of the countless dietary recipes available for people who are into a weight reduction program. It is just important to take note of the raw ingredients contained in the food that you eat so you will be guided. Weight Loss Diet People find helpless on the right ways to get proper weight loss diet. A lot of people find the most difficult problem to overcome is their strong appetite. They treat weight lost the hardest thing in their life. They wish to lose weight & keep fit fast. However, practically they eat whatever they see; non-stop eating and even knowing that the food is not conducive to weight loss or even make people fat. Unhealthily, they choose to control their appetite next time. Any good weight loss diet always to be considered later. They normally regret after eating and blame themselves not be able to control their appetites. How do you lose weight if you are not able to control your appetites? In fact we have to coexist peacefully with appetite. Appetite is not a bad thing and it show us we are healthy, normal, and love to enjoy delicious food rather than view the appetite and body weight as our natural enemies. Some people tend to fight with appetite in order to lose weight fast, making their life difficult and embarrass themselves at the end. Let us share these few ways of weight loss diet / eating method:- Firstly, do not go on a strict diet as well as let your appetite going wild (strong appetite) Do not fight hardly with your appetite as you will only lose as the result. Normally, strong appetite occurs when you over control your appetite for a long period especially eating very little food without main course. So your appetite and your hunger would go hand-in-hand at this time and issue a protest to you and warn you. Your body begins to experience different problems such as leading to some forms of “strike”. For example menstrual disorders, amenorrhea, etc. Therefore, what you have to do is never hurting yourself with your weight loss diet. Do not starve and overly suppressing your appetite. Starving does not work. If you are not in a state of hungry, then your appetite is not going strong. In fact, when you want to eat only when you are hungry especially over hungry, your mind is fully occupied with all kind of food and when you are stomach full, no food will be able to attract / seduce you. When choosing food, of course, your smart choices are selecting food with nutrition, low heat and facilitate digestion. Always eat regularly and naturally. Secondly, always eat 70% full, eat 3 meals a day with 2 snakes Another way to control appetite is not to eat too much full but only 70%. This will make it conducive to health and does not over stretch the appetite and enlarging your appetite. You will have to satisfy with 70% full for every meal you take. In addition, try to eat some low calorie snack in between the meals to ensure you are not hungry which may drive to more eating and hence jeopardize your weight loss diet plan. Many people especially men always have habit of over eating in order to get comfortable feeling of taking food. This bad habit does not conducive to digestive, and making food stacked. It will also result in enlarged appetite and strong feeling of hungry when the foods have been fully digested. In addition, people may also suffer hypertensive gastric illness, when they do not eat regularly. This is the most common problem encountered whereby people overeating after few days of strict diet. You need to eat regularly. Prepare some emergency food such as cereal, nuts, fruit or yogurts which are all very convenient if you have short of time to eat. Most of the people do not know how to master the practice of eating 70% stomach full. When you eat until you do not feel hungry, it is the best time for you to leave the table. Thirdly, changed the habit of having large tableware into small tableware Your diet and amount of food taken is directly related to the size of your tableware. Experiment has shown that two people with different sizes of tableware give the results of different amount of food intake. You should control your appetite by not eating too much if you want to put down weight. Never seek for large food quantity to purchase when shopping and never feel inconvenient to go more shopping with little purchase each time. This is a little secret for helping you to lose weight or minimally not to put your weight up. Fourthly, reduce the amount of food intake by slowing the speed of food intake Fast eating people always unknowingly eat a lot of food and normally only realize they have over eating after half way eating. Those people who eat slowly will tend to feel that they have eaten a lot as they take longer time to eat. Scientist has found that the feeling of stomach full always occur 5 minutes after food intake. In addition, it is beneficial to eat those foods that require more chewing effort, which bring stronger feeling of stomach full. This is a right way to eat food. The process of chewing can help your digestion, reduce the burden on gastrointestinal, detoxify many toxic and to increase your feeling of stomach full. By slow chewing, not only giving a sufficient response time to the brain but also contributes to the gastrointestinal reactions whereby the gastrointestinal hormones are related to appetite. If you take long enough to eat, the foods from the stomach go into the small intestine and after intestinal absorption the blood sugar arises. Thus it will give the brain a stomach full signal. If you eat too fast, you give insufficient time to fully absorb food taken and will not send stomach full signals to your brain at the right time. It will be too late and suffer over eating by the time you feel stomach full. Slow eating will definitely compliment your right weight loss diet. Fifthly, select less calories food with nutrient, rather than high calories food with fewer nutrients If you eat the same amount but different type of foods, the stomach full feeling is not the same. For example, if you eat a cake of 3000 Joules of calories, you may just eat two or three small pieces easily and very quickly without much chewing effort. In addition you may still have desire to eat other food like desert which is not healthy. But if you're going to eat 3000 Joules of vegetables, grains mixed with beans or potatoes and then you will probably feel stomach full before you finish it up! You get high nutrient and help you to lose weight fast. Maintain your fitness with sufficient nutrients and right weight loss diet. Stop asking help for losing weight fast. Action is louder than voice. You should choose to control your appetite and make smart choices of weight loss diet. Focus on the habit of eating with careful chewing. You will naturally control your appetite. Hence you will be able to put down weight and gain health. How do you keep fit if you do not have perseverance and endure until you succeed? Weight Loss Elite Program Most of us have Struggled to lose Weight in the past. Alot of us have gotten to the point where we have had enough and given up. Plus most of us do not have time to go to the gym. ...Learn how Craig Woods, A trainer of Millions of people both on the gym and online,help to get people just like you slimmer and toned in weeks! not months! A new revolutionary step-by-step book you are going to discover the most powerful fat loss program ever created to this very day! It is the very same program that Hollywood actors, supermodels, use to achieve lean, shaped, toned bodies. Also covered in this Step-by-step book! • How to keep from sabotaging your efforts and your metabolism • How to break old habits and start new ones that will lead to healthy weight loss • The reasons why 95% of all diets fail and people who have lost weight regain their lost weight within 1 year of losing it • The top 12 foods that make you gain weight • The top 12 foods that help you lose weight • The foods and habits that make you fatter • How not all fat is created equal and "good fats" can actually help speed up fat loss • How to turn your body into a fat burning furnace and speed up your metabolism • How eating 50% more calories per day can actually aid weight loss • How to increase fat burning effects during your workout Whether you have 10 pounds or 100 pounds to lose, I will show you, step-by-step, what you need to do to achieve your weight loss goal and keep that weight off! So now a program that was offered to only the rich and the famous, and no need to spend thousands of dollars, or fly to California anymore as all the secrets are now revealed for the first time in this unique book. This program developed as a 100% guaranteed fat loss system and results have been proven through out California before it was to be published. Many scientists and nutritionists compared notes and passed on information and results which were trialed, tested and proven over the past 6 years. It is the nutritional guide of the stars. So if you would like to learn how to lose weight without pills... without starving yourself... and without messing up your metabolism forever... Then this is the program for you! Kev James results don't lie! Weight Loss – For Jessica Alba's Hot Body! Dying to have a sexy, toned body in top form like Jessica Alba? Wondering how Anna Nicole Smith lost weight and slimmed down so quickly? Desperate to lose weight quickly? Fear not for here are some weight loss tips that you may want to follow. If you're determined enough, they may guide you towards quick and natural weight loss! Firstly, follow a strict diet plan. Jessica Alba's South Beach style diet consists of lean meats, whole grains, low-fat cheeses and plenty of food and vegetables. To lose weight whilst staying healthy, you could choose to eat foods lower in fat, such as chicken breast, oats and lots of greens which are readily available at your nearby supermarket. It won't be instant weight loss for most people, and neither will it be extremely easy weight loss, but do not worry as you will lose weight gradually. Also, you do NOT need to stick to a 100% vegetable diet to lose weight. Instead, you can eat a variety of foods, and maintain a healthy diet and weight. Secondly, exercise is extremely important if you want to lose weight. Jessica Alba does lots of cardio for 30 minutes, at least 4 times per week. You could do the same to lose weight quickly! Pop down to your nearby gym and lose weight by running on the treadmill or working out on the stationary bike for 30 minutes every day. To lose weight, and get her toned abs, you may want to try resistant training including weights and yoga to tone up too. As long as you're committed, exercise is an easy way to lose weight. And soon, you will find how easy it is to lose weight, get rid of belly fat and attain that ideal body you've always dreamed of. Finally, be sure to steer clear of weight loss scams and dubious weight loss products. Natural weight loss is always the safest route to go. Consult your personal doctor if you want to take weight loss pills, to ensure that the ingredients and chemicals in the slimming pills are safe for your consumption. It is absolutely crucial that you find out what the best weight loss supplement is for yourself, as results will differ among individuals. Only then will you be able to lose weight fast, and without any serious side effects. Remember to stick to your diet and exercise plan to get optimal results for your weight loss, but do not fret or be too hard on yourself if you do not lose weight quickly or as fast as you had hoped. Instead, persevere and soon you will have a hot and sexy body, comparable to Jessica Alba's! Following which, you can share your weight loss success story with your friends and admirers! Weight Loss For Women 2009 After years of looking for a magical solution to weight loss or the perfect diet pill to help you finally lose those extra pounds, the weight loss industry proudly announces Napsil. A new diet pill that combines only three ingredients to ensure healthy weight loss. Napsil has slowly climbed its way into diet pill reviews across the web. Tony Womack, of Napsil.com, says that as of now none of their customers have reported any side effects after using the diet pill. "Napsil is an affordable dieting pill that combines only three ingredients to help you lose weight and at the same time maintain your energy levels. "It is priced at 26.95 so that anyone who is serious about losing weight can afford to do so" says Tony Womack. With so many diet pills on the market that contain harmful substances, Napsil contains three naturally occurring ingredients. The main ingredient being Cha de bugre, which suppresses the appetite, reduces cellulite, and stimulates circulation. It also helps with problems such as kidney stones, arthritis, fever, cough, rheumatism, and low energy. Other than aiding in helping you lose weight, cha de bugre is also known to reduced the herpes virus penetration. Napsil can solve many health issues. The second ingredient is Green Tea, which can reduce acne, stimulate the immune system, and is recognized by the Cancer Society as a high preventer of cancer. It increases your metabolic rate safely, and helps you burn fat more easily resulting in increased vitality and energy. It is also an anti-oxidant and many researchers suggest that it may be 200 more times powerful than pure Vitamin E The last ingredient that make Napsil an effective diet pill is Guarana. It is known to reduce the size of fat cells and speed up the fat burning process. As any weight loss diet pill, Napsil is only for the ages of 18 to 60. Many customers report losing weight within their first weeks of taking Napsil. There are many good diet pills, but which ones do you know of that can reduce fat and maintain your energy levels. Customer service frequently checks their email and answers all phone calls in a timely manner. By taking Napsil you are on your way to losing weight and regaining lost energy. Try out the new weight loss diet pill now. Weight Loss Goal - How To Stop Nibbling Are you a snacker? A nibble here and a nibble there? Next thing you know you have blown your calorie count for the day and more? Here is a tip to keep those snack attacks under control: If you are the meal creator in your family, then this is a area that can be difficult if you are trying to lose weight and watching your diet. Even if you are creating a healthy dinner for you and your family, a nibble here and a nibble there can add up big time for calories. If you are anything like me, I will chop away at something and then mindlessly pop whatever it is I am chopping into my mouth. By the time I have dinner cooking, I have probably eaten a meal with all my picking and nibbling and taste testing. I didn't think I ate that much, but it is amazing how many calories you can ingest without really knowing it. If I was cutting up cheese, or slicing cheese, I would pop a slice in my mouth. This went on just from force of habit. Plus I would “taste test” everything I was cooking! The rest of the day, I was pretty good with my diet and exercise, but come any meal preparation, especially making lunches at night, then it all went out the window. So, I devised a simple trick that has helped, and once I got in the habit of doing this, it has worked well. Brush your teeth, before you prepare dinner, or lunches or whatever meal you are working on, that can cool off your cravings. If that is not enough to put you off taste testing, then chew some sugarless gum. You are less likely to be doing any taste testing with gum in your mouth! That fresh minty taste will usually stop you nibbling on ingredients. If you are truly hungry while making a meal, then pop a 100 calorie popcorn package in the microwave, and put it in a bowl just for you. Keep snacking on that while you are creating your meal. For me, the worst time was when I was preparing lunches at night for the next day. I would make a sandwich and want to nibble the ingredients! By either chewing gum, brushing my teeth, or snacking on my special snack, it stopped me from sabotaging my weight loss goals. Weight Loss Goal Worksheet Weight lowering is not guessed to be a blind man's journey. It is not throughout waking up one day and wanting to waste weight. Rather, weight decrease is a extended run method of costing weight within superior indicates and keeping the weight off amidst a top notch lifestyle. To kick start on your weight diminishing journey, it is finest to hold a weight deduction ambition worksheet at hand so you can realistically set your goals and plans. What it is A weight deduction assignment worksheet can make it easier for still be track of your weight cost journey so you can monitor how that much you own acquired in a exact total quantity of time. Ideally, your weight reduction assignment worksheet provided that be checked and consulted largely by a doctor, so he can guide you on your journey, just recently in circumstances you have lost your way. What is contains Your weight detriment destination worksheet contains the uncomplicated hints along with your rank and weight at the commence of your weight detriment program, your person mass index (BMI), and your weight detriment goals. There are multiple weight decrease worksheets out there on the internet. You can moreover attain your own weight expense objective worksheet or you can consult through an specialized to arrive up through a individualized and levelheaded worksheet. The channel to weight loss In your weight reduction journey, you can be tempted to provide a shortcut so you can only accomplish your weight reduction goal. But do not cheat your way to weight loss! It is critical to have a ok diet and exercise regime this will be able to assistance promote top notch weight loss. The advantage of owning a weight decrease worksheet is you can set true goals and in the wake of you own reached overly goal, you can now craft maintaining the weight you suffer lost. One monumental - yet difficult - side of weight decrease is weight diminishing management. A weight expense worksheet can improve the ability of you in weight cost management surrounded by ease. Weight Loss Guide Many people using various diets and weight loss programs find they just cannot lose weight. In many instances it's not because of lack of effort on their part that they have failed to get the desired results, but more likely that the diets were not targeting the cause of their being overweight. You feel hungry during the day with many diets and this is not the way your body is meant to function. If your food is giving you sufficient nutrients to meet your energy requirements, then you shouldn't feel hungry. Any diet, then, that keeps you in a state of hunger is destined to fail as you will find it too difficult to maintain. In an effort to lose weight, don't just assume, for example, that you can control your weight simply by eating natural products only. Some of these products act only as diuretics, causing a temporary loss of water and give you a false impression that you are losing weight quickly. The best natural products to eat each day are fresh fruit and vegetables. You can feel assured while eating these that you will have an abundance of the necessary vitamins and minerals to enable your body to function properly. Maintaining muscle mass while on a weight loss program is one of the essential aspects you will need to concentrate on as this will assist in keeping your fat percentage down. Ultra low diets, for example, need to be avoided as the body will react by eating into its own muscle tissue as a defense mechanism. You only need look at some of the slim fashion models who exhibit high body fat levels in proportion to their stature. This is because they have done little exercise or resistance training to maintain muscle mass levels, coupled with the likelihood of them being on a low quality diet. It would be very beneficial to these models if they added exercise and resistance training to their daily routine. They would still be able to retain their slim figures, but their percentage of body fat would be lower and they would look better toned. Conventional dieting, though, just doesn't work as far as permanent weight loss is concerned. Irregular dieting can affect your body detrimentally, causing its metabolism to change. A greater calorie reduction will be needed to maintain your new weight. The most effective way to lose weight safely and permanently is to adopt a natural eating style, a style that is readily available. There is no starving involved, you eat 4 meals each day, you have an unlimited number of foods to choose from at any single meal, you never feel hungry. So, how is weight loss achieved with this program? The principle of "shifting calories" is involved with the foods you eat at each meal, like proteins and carbs, in accordance with a particular schedule. The four meals you eat each day are evenly spaced as possible so that you eat fewer calories at each meal. This eating style enables you to burn fat efficiently and you lose weight. It's possible to lose 9 pounds in 11 days with the shifting calories method of eating. Weight Loss: How to Set Attainable Objectives and Achieve Them Whenever you hear the advice "set your weight loss goals", you might think that it only has to do with the number of pounds that you want to lose. Indeed, it is in part, but long term weight loss for anyone requires a change in mind-set and takes more than just keeping score of the amount of weight you are losing each week. The real question is not "How much weight do I have to lose?" but "Why do I want to lose the weight?" Motivation plays a big role in losing weight. You need to understand why you are dieting and what it will mean to you once you have achieved your ideal weight. Otherwise, it may allow for some possible weight loss, but it will certainly be very much harder and you will have difficulty keeping to any new regime. Any results that you achieve will not become the permanent new you, and most probably it will short-lived. Here is the reason why. Imagine yourself as your ideal weight and desired body figure. If you do reach your ideal weight but you haven't decided why you had allowed yourself to become overweight originally, the underlying psychological reason will still be there, and will eventually cause you to slip back to old ways once you lose focus or find something else to concentrate on. Losing excess weight is never easy. Even if you give in to those "lose weight fast" programs, it will only serve you for a short period of time. Remember that you have probably gained those extra pounds as a result of poor lifestyle, bad eating habits and little regular physical exercise. If however you are determined to lose weight, you need to take control of your health and set about keeping to a discipline that you never had before. Changing your lifestyle and diet will not come easy, but it will have long term benefits not only for your body's health, but more importantly your happiness and self-esteem. To set attainable weight loss goals, here are some tips that you can take note of. 1. Establish the reasons why you want to lose weight. Is it because you are suffering from an ailment that was caused by being overweight? Maybe you started to feel conscious about how you look. It may also be because you want to play with your kids or grandkids. The list can go on and on, but what matters most is that you have to think clearly why you want to change your lifestyle. You have to set a purpose with why you want to do this and the reasons must be strong enough to motivate you, especially during moments when you might want to give up. 2. Write down your thoughts. Do not underestimate the power of writing. Once you are convinced of the reasons why you want to lose weight, jot them down on a paper and keep it with you at all times. This will serve as your reminder every time you feel like giving up. Set yourself an objective of losing a certain amount of weight in a certain time. Also, make it a habit to read it every morning. This will have an effect on your attitude, and by continually impressing these thoughts on your subconscious you will start behaving as though this were true. 3. Set goals that are specific and attainable. Avoid setting goals that are too vague. Know what you want, how you are getting there and how long it will take. Specific goals will maintain your motivation and it will keep you on the right track. 4. Be honest with yourself. The success of your weight-loss goals will not happen without it. Blaming your situation on somebody or something else will only confuse your subconscious. Be honest with yourself and what you say to others regarding your objectives. From the outset decide on the real reason for your weight gain, and think and say how you will change the old beliefs which are holding you back. Too often people try to convince themselves that their predicament has been imposed on them by outside sources beyond their control. They can't see a personal solution because they convince themselves that it is something outside their control. We are all what we think we are, and with some honest soul searching we can decide to make that change in thought that brings the control back to ourselves. When this is done the body and the mind can again function correctly and in harmony, and will allow you to make the changes necessary along the way to reach your goal. We are blessed with our amazing bodies. We should not abuse them, but help them be the wonderful extension of our thoughts that they are meant to be. Concentrate on having a clear picture of your intentions for your body and you will see them manifest into the new you. Weight Loss In Mysore It is good to consider your choicesif you are considering weight loss in Mysore India. You will want to lose weight safely, quickly and permanently. Permanently will mean thatyou have developed good eating habits to support and maintain your weight loss. It is best to find a medical solution Being at your correct weight is a good health factor. Therefore, an expert nutritionist, medical doctor should support any weight loss program you select.Do not take chances with pills or diets; your health is too important. There are also commercial facilities that will help you lose weight. However, in working with a program, that has medical studies and experience behind it, is a much safer option. You will look better, but you want to feel better as well. Treatments for weight loss in Mysore India When you focus on your health in selecting a weight loss facility, you begin to understand how important it is to find the right one. You do want to lose weight. You would like to lose it quickly, so these two things are important to you. It is also to remember that weight loss is a treatment, not a temporary fix. It involves a medical approach that reaches far more than a body appearance. Consultation with a doctor will show how you need to lose weight effectively. How to find an effective weight loss program When you search for the right program of weight loss in Mysore Indialook for these indicators: Oversight by a qualified medical doctor (your health matters) A medical appraisal of your current physical condition for weight loss (professional analysis) Separate programs for men and women (a difference in metabolism requires this distinction) Separate programs depending on amount of weight loss (time dependent) Step by step guidance with your program Cost effective for you (consideration of your budget) Considering these facts will help to guide you toward a facility that will have your best interests as they help you, as well as producing the results you have in mind. Weight Loss Inspirational And Motivational Stories As with any topic, any product or service, testimonials and recommendations are important.  With weight loss, there are many different reasons why success stories are useful to learn about.  One of the main reasons is because if you read about weight loss success stories then you are more apt to feel motivated and dedicated to see through your own program. Weight loss success stories tell us of stories of people, just like us, who also had to lose weight at one time. I will share my success story in another article, which you may want to track down at HealthWiseJournal.  For others, let us review... The Best Places You Can Go To Find Weight Loss Success Stories If you are looking to for weight loss success stories, then one of the best places that you can do is a search on the Internet, without a doubt. This is because the speed and efficiency of the Internet allows you to be able to quickly and easily find exactly what it is that you are looking for. You can read a ton of stories from people from all over the world in just a matter of minutes. Specifically, you may want to check into sites such as RunnersWorld, RunToFinish and several others.  In addition to quickness, with the power of the Internet, you do not even have to leave the comfort of your own home and so this is incredibly beneficial as well. Take time to read each story, and listen to how happy all of the writers are. When you lose weight you feel better overall, and that means not only in regards to your physical health but in regards to your self-esteem and confidence as well, if not even more. If you are presently going through a diet program yourself, you may even want to write your own success story while you are doing it.  This can do two things... Reading the success of others that have had is an incredibly big motivational factor.  Especially so if you find yourself struggling while you are trying to lose weight, then you are definitely going to want to read some of these stories for yourself. There are even books available in most bookstores, on-line or retail, that only contain success stories such as these.  If you are really interested in finding some great success stories, then you are going to want to go out to your local bookstore and buy a copy for yourself.  Just remember how inspiring and truly motivational these stories can be. Weight Loss - Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers....You Decide! The two most popular ways to lose weight amidst regular people who can't afford personal trainers and chefs is either Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig. Both are advertised on TV and newspapers and celebrity endorsements like Sarah, the Duchess of York for Weight Watchers and Kirstie Alley for Jenny Craig. Here are more or less some of the deviations and similarities between both these weight loss platforms and hinging on your lifestyle and budget, you can pick out which one would better accommodate you. This weight loss curriculum is focused on weekly meetings where people who desire to lose weight gather and talk about challenges, celebrate victories and get tips and tricks from trained weight loss leaders. They get the benefits of ‘we are all in this together' because they see other people who have more or less weight to lose than them and feel the ethical support intoxicating and motivating This program is founded on the Points system (although in 2006 they rolled out a no-counting plan too). Every food is allotted a points value and elaborate lists and points calculators are offered to you once you join. Based on your height, weight and age, you're allotted a number of points that you've to use up in a day - and you're held accountable for it. ‘Bite it and Write it' is one of their catchwords where they encourage you to write down everything you eat so you know where you stand as far as the points are concerned. Jenny Craig This weight loss platform is more about the person-to-person approach with a educated advocate talking about issues with you personally. Some people choose to do it this way because they're embarrassed about their weight issues or do not need to sit around listening to accounts from a room full of unknowns. The Jenny Craig weight loss platform can only be successful if you purchase their food exclusively and consume that for the entire time you're on the program. An occasional restaurant or fast food meal may be allowed; but for the greatest part, you need to purchase and consume their food. They have a lot of selections and you can pick three meals and two snacks a day. Nonetheless, it gives you less flexibility but fewer alternatives to get off course. While promotions run all the time, every week dues for Weight Watchers are about $10 and those for Jenny Craig are $6 plus all the food that could be around $80 a week at time of writing this article. Depending upon whether you are a people person who desires to join Weight Watchers with a gal pal or someone more private who'd rather concentrate on personal challenges, choose the platform that appeals to you and get moving today. Weight Loss Made Easier With 2 4 Dnp Losing weight is no easy feat. If you are one of those people with weight loss problems, you probably agree to this. Although the best way to shed off those excess pounds have always been some good old exercise and a well-balanced diet, sometimes, the whole process could very tiring and tedious. So if you are looking for an easier alternative to this problem, then read on and discover the newest secret to losing those unwanted fats! One of the most popular solutions to weight loss today is the diet pills. Yes, you may have heard some negative feedbacks about this type of drug, but there are many brands that have been tested and proven safe by health professionals to effectively help people lose weight. One of the most popular drugs to hit the market today is the 2 4 DNP or 2 4 Dinitrophenol. This diet pill works by speeding up the metabolism speed of the body resulting to faster burn up of excess fats. Today, this is one of the most widely used weight loss pills and is known to be very effective among those who have given it a try. When it comes to buying diet pills, the most important thing that you need to keep in mind is the quality of the drug. This is because if you happen to use sub standard products, you could end up endangering your health. Sub standard products could result to adverse and even life threatening side effects and allergies. That is why finding a reputable source for these drugs is very important. There are numerous drug stores and online pharmacies that sell 2 4 DNP but finding a good source that sells the genuine stuff is quite tricky. So when it comes to looking for a dependable distributor of these weight loss pills, you can turn to BuyDinitrophenol Online. This online pharmacy offers nothing but the finest and the highest quality Dinitrophenol pills and other anabolic steroids in the market. Their products are available at discounted prices and at deals that you will never find anywhere else! Plus, they also offer special prices for bulk purchases of 2 4 DNP pills, allowing their customers to save even more on their buys! On their website, customers can also follow a great weight loss program with their DNP cycle. This regimen features detailed instructions on the proper drug dosage that should be taken per day in a certain time period. Apart from that, they also provide you with the preferred intake of carbohydrates and proteins in your daily meals. This dieting program specially complements the dosage of 2 4 DNP pills to maximize the weight loss process. Now, shopping for good quality drugs just got a lot easier with BuyDinitrophenol Online. All you need to do is visit their website online, select your product to purchase, make the payment in the website and in just a matter of days, you can now start your weight loss regimen with 2 4 DNP weight loss pills! Weight Loss Meal Replacement Shakes - Why Protein Shakes Are A Healthy Approach To Losing Weight Weight Loss Meal Replacement Shake diets are all the rage, but is it really safe to lose weight rapidly? 2/3 of the adult population are considered overweight, with 1/3 being considered obese. Being overweight can put your health at risk, and leave your body vulnerable to diseases like diabetes, and heart related disorders. Healthy Quick Weight Loss Diets - Protein Weight Loss Meal Replacement Shakes Protein weight loss meal replacement shakes can be a great quick weight loss diet tool, but only if you choose the right protein shake for weight loss. Protein weight loss meal replacement shakes can be used when an individual is looking for a diet that will produce quick weight loss. Some key benefits of protein weight loss shakes for quick weight loss is that the nutrients and vitamins one would lose with a restricted calorie diet are included within the shake. What Should I Look For In A Healthy Protein Weight Loss Meal Replacement Shake? A high quality protein shake for weight loss addresses the 3 key common challenges people face when trying to lose or maintain weight: 1. Getting good nutrition while cutting calories. 2. Boosting a tired metabolism and keeping energy levels going on fewer calories 3. Controlling the hunger and stress of dieting. Will I gain the weight back as quickly as I lose it using a quick weight loss diet? According to Audrey Sommerfeld, SVP of Marketing for ViSalus Sciences; "There are many programs out there that can have you lose weight fast, only to regain it back quickly. For example, if you cleanse, or drink those cayenne pepper type of drinks you will lose weight quickly. The challenge is you may be losing water weight, and eliminating waste to feel lighter, fast. BUT... When you go back to eating normally again, you will gain back the water weight because our diets are so high in sodium. The average American consumes as much as 8x more sodium per day than needed. These fast weight products can also cause you to lose life enhancing muscle, slowing your metabolism and weakening your long term health." Final Thoughts On Quick Weight Loss Diets - Protein Weight Loss Meal Replacement Shakes Protein Powder weight loss shakes are a great diet program to achieve quick weight loss. To keep the weight off, studies show that those who chose to use weight loss support groups in addition to their quick weight loss diet program experience more long term success in losing the unwanted weight, and in keeping the weight that they have lost off. Weight Loss Medication For Obesity Treatment Obesity gambles health Obesity is metric medic. It is a state in which there is a mass of body fat to the limit which hinders physical and mental well – being obesity bring a shorter life span and increased ailment. Intake of food or calories is more than the use, obese individual have a dull metabolism. Obesity adversely results into diverse diseases specially heart ailments and disorder category -2 diabetes, breathing and respiratory pulmonary ailments, difficulties to relax and sleep particular types of cancer and osteoarthritis. As obesity fatal various fallible treatments have emerged from medical research. Obesity though stellar and prevalent reason for death globally, loss of weight by treatment aid medical pills can be a lawsuit against obesity. Buy Weight Loss Pills and Products to Manage Your Weight. Weight loss pill throttles the obesity stigma. Weight loss is the most logical and practical cure for obesity. Weight loss schedules usually motivate life style, routine alliteration and food and diet modification for the better. Weight loss targets are also achieved by anti obesity drugs. Exclusively only a couple of drugs are approved for obesity and weight loss cure. Rehabilitate with reductil. Reductil has main component sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate. Reductil is considered as are the most affluent Anti-Obesity Drug and weight loss pill. Buy Reductil Online U.K. aids over – weight and obese people to lose the excessive amount of fat. Reductil functions on the neuro transmitters in the brain. Reductil inhibits transmitters from being taken in by the brain, higher quantity of free nordrenalises and seroterin alters brain cells. Reductil gives a contented even with less intake of food. Buy Reductil Online and decrease your food intake. Reductil is licensed anti obesity drug for BMI of 30 or more. Reductil doesn't alter your daily balanced diet or fitness schedule. Reductil is safe assured appreciated drug with least side effects. Reductil maintains the weight loss even after the medicine is stopped. Buy reductil online in 10 mg, 15 mg, for weight loss and longevity. Benficial XENICAL: Buy Xenical weight loss pills for Obesity Treatment. Xenical seems to be the most influenced potent anti-obesity cure the best bet rather than dieting, rigorous exercise and motivational groups which usually help in side streams. Taking Xenical prescription won't be regretted by you even for a minute. Xenical doesn't require any odd diet you can stabilize and maintain your weight even after stopping the medication. You have an easy and simple way out with anti – obesity drug. Reductil in addition 30 % calorie content diet can be on easy going assured way to attain your weight loss target. Xenical is most appropriate for BMI of 27 or more. The Xenical mission – Xenical functions over your digestive system to obstruct one – third of the fat in the meal you eat from getting digested and is extracted by bowels. Xenical endeavors as a potent Anti Obesity Pill by restoring one third of the fat in the food from being devoured by your body. Buy Xenical Online U.K. in 120 mg. capsules to reward your existence with a healthy, fit body – built. Xenical is the commercial name for orlistat, which lessens intestinal fat absorption by restricting pancreatic lipase. Xenical is F.D.A. approved prolonged anti- obesity and weight loss drug with global appreciation. Weight Loss Plr To Build An Email List If you have spent any time at all reading about internet marketing, you've heard the saying, “the money is in the list” and it's true, especially in weight loss. PLR can help you build up your list before you even have anything to offer them as a product. In fact, you can even use health PLR articles to create a product! Getting Started First, you will need to find some high quality weight loss PLR articles. These should be well enough written that you won't have to worry about editing, just changing a few words here and there to make it your own. You'll need at least 5 articles and you will also need an autoresponder, such as Aweber or Constant Contact so you can build your list. Now you will need to look through the articles, change them to suit your business, if necessary and insert your own affiliate links. Add an introduction and a closing with signature and you have a five part email series. Load the articles into your autoresponder and set them to be sent off on a daily basis. This is a great way to get people to sign up for your email list and you can eventually promote your own product this way if you are still working on developing it. Tips for Making Weight Loss PLR Emails More Effective Targeted weight loss PLR is going to be far more effective than general articles. So if you have five or 10 articles on specific diets, you could promote it as a diet explanation series, giving the low down on several diets. Then follow it up with what you feel is best. Be sure to use affiliate links where possible. There are plenty of affiliate programs in the weight loss industry, so you should be able to find something that fits the articles. Use PLR articles to set up your site, as well! You can easily edit the content to be unique and put it up on a simple WordPress site. It's fast and easy and you'll be able to get into promotion that much faster. While there are many uses for weight loss PLR, turning them into autoresponder series is a great way to get people to sign up. They want to know more about weight loss and are hungry for the information, so by offering them an ongoing email option, you not only get their email address, but their interest. All you have to do is keep it and they'll be happy to buy from you. Weight Loss Pointers Dieting fast evidence and stats Slimming down is tough, however the best weight loss system can help be there for your weight-loss hard work. alli is known as a weight loss aid designed for overweight adults with a BMI of twenty eight or more, designed to be used with a full support method. It's clinically proven that adding a weight loss capsule with a reduced calorie, low fat food plan will help people lose 50 per cent more weight than by means of dieting alone. Hence for every two pounds lost due to wholesome eating the diet supplement could assist you to drop one more Dieting - the vicious cycle In a up to date report in excess of 3/4 (77 per cent) of individuals state they would like to get rid of weight. What's more, 86 per cent of them are on a diet plan, but of those one 3rd had dieted more than ten times in the past (see chart 1) . The bulk (87 per cent) of people who would like to slim down say that if they don't succeed in dieting they're going to still make an effort again and again Why aren't people succeeding in losing weight? Numerous(23 per cent) people think diet programs are out of the question to keep and forty eight per cent of people who would like to reduce weight would be thinking about adding a fat loss aid with a healthy diet Determination, motivation, impetus Almost half (47 per cent) of dieters just want to lose weight to improve their general appearance however only one-fifth (20 per cent) just want to drop the weight for medical reasons Shift your body Less than one-fifth (19 per cent) of people confess to never working out and lower than a 3rd (28 per cent) only train on one occasion weekly Weight Loss Practical Objectives Weight loss is not an overnight change through metamorphoses.  You will not wake one morning and say...I'm fit!  Weight loss is an on-going, life changing event in your life.  This means you will need to continue your effort in fitness and continued focus on a better standard of living, with regards to your eating habits, etc.  It would be best to create a spreadsheet to track your progress.  Certain weight loss plans will have similar available. The Weight Loss Spreadsheet A weight loss diet spreadsheet will assist you in preparing your diet plan and maintaining a record of your weight loss program.  With this, you are now capable of observing your progress and where you need to make changes.  Pending on your present health status, weight loss may need to be your absolute personal focus and without a journal or spreadsheet of your progress, you will not meet your goals.  You may, as well, consult your physician on a regular basis to discuss your progress for further direction and recommendations. What Your Spreadsheet Should Contain Your spreadsheet will contain all the essential elements of your diet plan, including your basic height, beginning weight, your body mass indicator (BMI, which you can get through most fitness centers or your physician during your initial visit.  Last but not least, your weight loss goals should be the focus of your spreadsheet.  For assistance in creating your spreadsheet, you may review programs such as YourSkinnyGuide or a specialist. Your Weight Loss Path During your weight loss journey, you will be tempted to take a shortcut or stray from your goal, unless you consistently journal your progress.  Temptations can occur during lean periods, as well as during good stretches of weight loss.  The only way you can stay on course is by watching what you are doing.  If your program plateaus, you will be able to make adjustments to your diet, exercise, etc. Weight Loss Remedy In Kitchen Cupboard What is in your kitchen cupboard? Why am I asking you that? The reason you want to lose weight is in the cupboard. Are you thinking of going on a diet and are looking for pills, joining a gym to get on an exercise program. The answer to your weight problem is already in your kitchen cupboard. It is apple cider vinegar. Yes, you heard right. Cider vinegar weight loss is an age-old technique: you do not need to pump your body full of chemicals or go on some crazy crash diet. So how can apple cider vinegar help with your weight loss? The truth is, no one quite knows. Scientific tests have not been able to prove anything for sure about cider vinegar in regards to weight loss. The reason to try cider vinegar is mainly the stories of people who have already used it, and already lost weight thanks to it. There are a few ideas as to why cider vinegar aids in weight loss. Some people believe that it increases a person's natural metabolism, which makes out body digest and change food into energy faster. Other people have stated that cider vinegar actively burns the calories in your body to help you lose weight. Some reports say that cider vinegar helps cleanse the liver, which is an organ that can have a big effect on weight loss. One recent experiment showed that taking cider vinegar with or right before a meal can help you feel more full, and thus prevent overeating. The test was a very small one, but the results looked good. Cider vinegar weight loss still needs to be tested more with people before we can be sure just how much it helps. There is evidence that ancient Egyptians used cider vinegar for weight loss, so it must be doing something right! There are a couple of different ways to use cider vinegar in your weight loss program. The easiest way is just to add a little bit of cider vinegar to a glass of water or juice, and drink it with a meal. Another option is to buy tablets or capsules that contain cider vinegar in them. Some of these tablets contain other things, like vitamin B6 and something called lecithin, which may have more effect than cider vinegar alone. Aside from weight loss benefits, cider vinegar is very healthy for you. It is naturally rich in vitamins and minerals, and can help with a number of medical problems and improve your general health. For instance, cider vinegar contains potassium, which helps lower blood pressure. It also has fiber, which can absorb the cholesterol that causes heart problems. Those are just a few things it helps with – cider vinegar can also help with digestion, sore throats, arthritis pain and even diabetes. Despite all the bonuses of using cider vinegar weight loss, it has some risks as well. The biggest thing to watch out for is that cider vinegar is very acidic, which means it can burn and damage your teeth, mouth or throat. It is important to dilute cider vinegar in water or juice before drinking it. Be sure to contact your doctor before trying cider vinegar if you have any serious medical conditions. Weight Loss Secrets For Truck Drivers What is the secret to losing weight? Weight loss for truck drivers can be hard work because of the nature of the profession. With a little work most people can lose weight, but the biggest challenge is keeping it off. What current experts are saying does not differ from what previous experts have said for many years; make sure that the calories you eat match the calories you use. This model of burning what you eat will allow your body to keep weight off (fine print: that is unless you have a medical condition or medical prescription that alters your ability to lose weight). It is common sense that if you are consuming too many calories per day and do not exercise or your activity level is slim to none; then your chances of becoming slim is slim to none. The best way to understand how many calories you are consuming versus how many calories you are burning is to keep a daily log – Yes, you read that correctly, "keep a food journal." You can do this on your own or you can join a program via internet that will calculate and track your daily activity and intake. This is two fold; you will track your caloric intake compared to your calories burned and you will also visually be reminded of the good vs. not-so-good food that you have consumed on a daily basis. This we call an “eye opener.” In today's world, we are surrounded by advertisements and marketing schemes. Diet programs are in abundance. We have been nurtured to believe that we must “diet” in order to lose weight. The biggest downside to most diet programs is that they set individuals up to fail. Most programs are not designed around lifestyle modification; and definitely not designed with the truck driver in mind. They are designed for an individual to diet and then quit, diet and quit, diet and quit. So, as long as you understand that the highway to success in weight loss is a lifestyle modification, then I recommend you attempt the following: 1-Keep a food journal Understand that true and effective weight loss takes time. Do not get frustrated. 2-Use Portion control If your dinner or lunch takes more than one plate, maybe you should reconsider. Don't allow your dinner table to look like a buffet table. Pre-plate your food 3-Read the packaging and compare fats, calories, fiber, etc. Understand that increasing your activity does not require you to pay for a gym or lift heavy weights. 4-Walk more. You can increase your activity level in ways that are fun and do not require you to open your wallet. Truck driving jobs may make it hard to be active on the job, but try getting active when your off the job. 5-Park further out in the parking lot. 6-Take the stairs instead of an elevator or escalator Just remember, you can lose weight and enjoy doing it and the end result will be a new you! Oh, the secret to losing weight is.......it is not a secret........it takes determination and self control........and you have to burn more than you consume. Weight Loss Secrets: One Man's Journey My name is Kent Livingstone, and my story is a familiar one. In college, I was a star athlete---co-captain of my lacrosse team, and a competitive swimmer. I didn't have to worry about my weight for the first 22 years of my life, since I was burning off so many calories that I could eat whatever I wanted. THE CREATURE IN THE MIRROR After graduation, I took a job with a major tech firm. Suddenly I was spending my days sitting on my rear end, eating fast food and high-calorie takeout. My weight skyrocketed from 175 up to 220. One morning I happened to glance at myself in the mirror on the way to the shower, and I was horrified. I was looking at someone with a large gut, who was seriously out of shape. At that moment I resolved to lose the weight, but it took me several years and many false starts to achieve my goal. Obesity is becoming the #1 health problem in America. Virtually one-third of us are at least 30 pounds overweight, and that number is expected to hit 50% within a decade. Dieting is a multi-billion dollar industry, and the market is flooded with plans, supplements, miracle drugs and methods. Do any of them work? Amazingly, they all work. If you want to lose weight, there are only two things you need to do---eat differently and exercise. Virtually any diet plan will be effective if you actually follow it. Yet millions of people are constantly failing, because they can't take control of their lives. AN UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTH If you're 30 pounds or more overweight, the weight is not your problem. It is a symptom of your real problem, which is unhappiness with some area of your life---your job, your family, your love relationships. You are compensating for that unhappiness by stuffing your face with food. In order to lose the weight, you need to identify your problem and then take your life back. Some people won't like the above statement, and a few will even be angry. If so, you're free to stop reading and find an article extolling the virtues of hot fudge sundaes. If you think I'm out to rob you of one of life's pleasures---eating---you're absolutely correct. Eating is a necessity of life. Anyone who has travelled in France or Italy knows how pleasurable it can be, but it's not a substitute for basic sources of happiness. I'm grateful that I was able to lose the weight and get my life under control, and one of my missions is to help others. In the months to come, I'll write a series of articles about the major ways you can grab hold of your weight problem---keeping a journal, getting the right form of exercise, consuming the correct amount of protein, understanding your metabolism, set points and settling points. All of these will take some self-examination and effort (that hot fudge sundae is looking better and better, isn't it?), but they are more than worth it in the end. Weight Loss Secrets.Tips To Drop 9 Lbs Of Fat Every 11 Days Have you been looking at on how to lose weight fast. A Lot Of people these days frequently ask " how can I lose weight fast " I know how you feel because so was I until I discovered the real key to losing weight fast, and believe me, it's not all about exercising. I tried everything, exercising, Gym memberships, got Gym equipment, diet plans, and how many different gizmos for losing weight. Sure they worked for the short period, but the weight would just heap on all over again as soon as I stopped exercising. Weight loss and dieting plans these days is for many people a real state of affairs as the words weight loss,as well as diet can cover so many different facts about losing weight and keeping it off. There are some ways to lose fast and safe, but it is a well guarded secret. If you really want to lose weight for good and keep it off, then keep reading what it is the weight loss titans don't wish you to know about, and how you can beat them at their own game. Believe it or not, they know that the possibilities of people losing weight with their weight loss and diet goods and keeping it off are next to none. But they don't need you to know that there is a diet to lose weight fast. Really, why don't you think about it - when was the last time you saw a weight loss commercial that confirmed the advertiser 10 years after they started the diet? Or even 5 years after There is no variation between that and all the "make money overnight schemes" adverts you find late at night on your TV. There is evermore fine print that really discloses the product: "Results are not typical". Please don't embrace this the wrong way - you can really actually lose weight fast with diet products/plans that really do work, but that's not what this is just about. The trouble is, how do you keep the weight off ? What are the fast ways to lose weight. Everyone is looking for easy diets to lose weight fast That's the twist or cloak-and-dagger you need to know, because beleive it or not there really is an belowground secret to keeping of that fat that most folk aren't alert of. These are the mystics that multi billion dollar weight loss brutes will keep under wraps at any expenditure, because should it become ordinary knowledge or if the real " KEEP OFF THE WEIGHT " secrets, these weght loss brutes would close their doors tomorrow. Sit Up And Focus!!! You really need to pay close attention to what you are about to read, because after you have read this, you will never diet the same way ever once again. First thing's first, Tips on how to lose weight Here's a Tip We genuinely need to wipe out a myth here: People don't get fat as they lack exercise.That is plainly not the case, and it's a straight-out lie. The reason people get fat is because they consume the wrong food at different intervals of the day. And that is a lot less complex than it sounds. In actuality, most people, even health fanatics brush off this fact, If you do this wrong, your body will end up storing most of the calories you eat up as pure fat - no matter how much you exercise and famish yourself in between will not make one ounce of variation. Some people even do fasting to lose weight. Weight Loss Starts With Your Brain How to Lose Weight Hundreds of weight loss diets and exercise programs have been successful for someone, somewhere. Almost all of them have major flaws that lead to rebound weight gain in the long run. In my opinion, those with the fewest flaws, and therefore the greatest chance for success, are the Slow Carb Diet and the Paleo (Caveman) Diet. It strikes me, however, that focusing on weight or fat is of secondary importance to the role of the brain. Ignoring brain health is like considering the body as a mindless blob that responds to chemical stimuli from food all by itself. Nothing could be further from the truth. The brain is the Great Wizard behind the curtain, in control of everything from the get-go. A Not So Radical Suggestion Our brains shrink and lose function as we age, probably faster than they should. Indeed, the growing incidence of Alzheimer's Disease, dementia, and similar brain failures is a good indicator of sped-up brain degeneration in modern times. This is NOT normal. Indeed, these disorders are completely unknown in some societies, even in the face of aging beyond 90 or even 100 years old. It is abundantly clear that brain health has to do with diet. Our local PBS station made a big deal of that point during a membership drive recently, by hosting the brain expert, Dr. Daniel G. Amen, not too long ago. Although his purpose for appearing was mainly promotional, what he had to say about brain health was spot on. The not so radical suggestion, based on all the information that I could gather about brain health, is that diet is the key. Gee, where have you heard that before? The question is, which diet? The Doctor Who Would Not Die As dramatic as that sounds, it reflects the experience of Dr. Terry Wahls. She suffered from multiple sclerosis that was accelerating to total debilitation and an early death. She not only stopped the progress of her MS, she reversed it -- by eating right for her brain. The reason that Dr. Wahls' story caught my attention, and why I thought it appropriate to talk about it regarding weight loss, is that it provides the clearest evidence that I have ever seen for what we should all be eating (and not eating) every day of our lives. Eating for brain health is the key to everything. Dr. Wahls' story is summarized in a video that is nothing short of phenomenal. It is longer than the usual public video (almost 18 minutes), although it is worth watching in its entirety -- for inspiration and for crucial advice about diet. Take a look for yourself on her website (TerryWahls.com) and see what I mean. It's All Paleo Eating right for your brain IS eating right for your body. And what Dr. Wahls discovered is essentially the power of a Paleo Diet, starting with the brain. There is really not much else that I can add to her experience and advice. Oh, I might quibble with some of her explanations about mitochondria and her focus on them. That's what we scientists do. The bottom line, however, is results. Specifically, health results. Real health results - not trumped up biochemical results like cholesterol levels, hormone balance, or blood glucose spikes. These have limited applications. The only results of any importance are good health, and Dr. Wahls makes a clear case for what it takes to achieve it. Weight Loss Success Is Within Your Reach Losing weight isn't always easy. People start out with incredible zeal, which quickly peters out and turns into inactivity. Although it started as a fun adventure, it can quickly become tedious and difficult to see the progress you have made. Think about whether you want strengthen your core or lose a lot of weight. Is your primary goal to fit into a specific clothing size? Before you begin your weight loss journey, you need to set out some clear goals. Begin by keeping track of the amount of weight lost each week. You should only weigh yourself once a week and keep track of your weigh-ins. Contemplate keeping a journal that tracks your weight loss. Maintaining records can really benefit your weight loss regimen. Having to get out your diary, find a pen, and write it down may make you less likely to want to eat a certain food items. Review your journal entries before you go to sleep to make sure you are staying on track with your caloric goals. If you want to stay away from this danger, plan out your meals in advance and have healthy snacks handy. Keep healthy snacks with you in case you get hungry during the day to prevent yourself from slipping up. Plan your meals and snacks for each day, and keep healthy food handy for sudden attacks of hunger. You need to keep up your healthy eating plan and exercise regularly in order to keep losing weight, so don't hesitate to combine working out and having fun. Dance, walk, play a game, or go for a bike ride with the kids. If you do not like to exercise a lot, look for physical activities that you do like, and do them regularly. Use a variety of trails and explore new terrain if you enjoy hiking. Sticking to activities that interest you will make it much easier for you to keep exercising. By keeping junk food out of the house, you remove its availability and accessibility to your life. Even though most people know they should do this, they avoid it. Do not buy any junk food to ensure that you will not be tempted to eat it. Fruit makes a great snack for both children and adults. Is there a specific weight you are trying to obtain? Is there a specific function that you need to lose weight for? When your motivation is low, then reach out for support to help you get back on track. Weight Loss Success Made Easy! Weight loss is a game, similar to solitaire. It's a game that you play by yourself. The sooner you realize that it's you and only you that's going to make the weight loss happen, the closer you've just gotten to your own weight loss success. This doesn't exclude personal trainers and perhaps your very own diet guru. You can, and should, acquire all the positive support you need, but in the end one truth will hold: only you can lose the weight. No diet pills. No magic weight loss spells. No Hollywood 48-hour pineapple juice voodoo. Now once you've come to terms with this, you can get onto the activities you will need to begin—and stick with—to accomplish your weight loss goals. Below I've included 3 absolute beginner must-dos, if you “really” want to lose weight. WL Must #1: Exercise. It doesn't matter how much at first, just do it. Do it, and do it often. Begin and be consistent. Do something today. The faster you begin something, the better your chance of keeping with it. Don't delay. WL Must #2: Adjust your eating “slightly.” Do not… I repeat, do not attempt to completely alter your dieting habits. Too much of a change almost guarantees you will not stick with it. You see this all the time with New Year's resolutions. People start out hardcore motivated for weight loss success, and then two weeks later (maybe sooner than that) they succumb to the gravity of their old weight “gaining” lifestyle. They fall flat because they tried to do too much too soon. WL Must #3: Treat weight loss as a priority. This is the opposite of “Must” number too. Don't pity-pat or half step your beginnings. There is a fine line you must walk at the very beginning of every weight loss program. You've been out of the game for a while (maybe forever). You must step out of the weight loss gate with purpose, but also control. You must be able to measure your limitations and gradually increase your diet and exercise abilities over time. Patience and balance will guarantee your weight loss success. Begin where you are, feel good about that, and then progress slowly over time. Do this and your weight loss success is only a few miles down the road. Weight Loss Success Stories: How To Lose Weight Without Surgery Optimization "Any weight loss story is truly a weight loss success story, particularly if someone can lose the weight without surgery. Regardless of the amount of weight someone feels they need to lose, it presents certain challenges and burdens they must face in order to meet their weightloss goals. When someone is overweight, the burden can be overwhelming. The need to lose 200 pounds, lose 300 pounds, or even loose 400 pounds or more presents an unimaginable challenge for many. It presents a mountain to climb, a goal that is nearly impossible to even fathom. Having to lose so much weight is a situation the average person could never understand. But when someone overcomes their physical challenges and succeeds at losing more than 400 pounds, it is time to celebrate and honor that person. It is a time to realize our own ability to achieve massive weight loss success. Today, I am introducing a remarkable woman who achieved her huge weight loss challenge and took simple action to lose more than 400 pounds Today, I want you to meet Genevieve. At about 570 lbs, Geneveive had known for a very long time that she was in trouble. She was embarrassed by her weight. She knew she had to lose over 400 pounds and began the journey to find a healthy weight loss program that would work for her. Genevieve asked herself the same questions we all do when we embark on our weight loss journey. How do I lose my weight? How do I get rid of all this weight? What is the best plan to lose 400 lbs? How can I lose a lot of weight without surgery? Genevieve found the answers to all of her questions. She found my Slim & Beautiful Diet, but the desire, the overwhelming determination to take her life back was within her. The strength to achieve her goal and lose 421 lbs is her story. For the first time in many years, the real Genevieve is a strong, beautiful, healthy and vibrant woman who set a goal, took simple action, and achieved a remarkable feat. I know you will be inspired and motivated by Genevieve's story. Her story is a true transformation. To your own unstoppable success... *Typical results were 26-29 lbs. lost in 16 wks. in a study funded by Dr. Tabor. Result published in major medical journal. Individual results vary. Consult your doctor before dieting. Testimonials compensated. Any weight loss story is truly a Success Story. Regardless of the amount of weight someone feels they need to lose, it presents certain challenges and burdens they must face in order to meet their weightloss goals. When someone is severely overweight, or also known as Morbidly Obese, the burden can be overwhelming. The need to lose 200, 300 or even 400 lbs or more presents an unimaginable challenge for the rest of us. It presents a mountain to climb, a goal that is nearly impossible to even imagine. Being morbidly obese is a situation the average person could never understand. But when someone overcomes their physical challenges and succeeds at losing more than 400 lbs, it is time to celebrate and honor that person. It is a time to realize our own ability to achieve massive weight loss success. Today, I am introducing a remarkable woman who recognized her huge weight loss challenge and took drastic action to lose more than 400 lbs. Today, I want you to meet Genevieve. At 570 lbs, Geneveive had known for a very long time that she was in trouble. She was embarrassed by her weight and knew she was morbidly obese. She knew she had to lose over 400 pounds and began the journey to find a healthy weight loss program that would work for her. Genevieve asked herself the same questions we all do when we embark on our weight loss journey. How do I lose my weight? How do I get rid of all this weight? What is the best plan to lose 400 lbs? How can I lose a lot of weight without weightloss surgery? Genevieve found the answers to all of her questions. She found Dr. Tabor's Slim and Beautiful Diet, but the desire, the overwhelming determination to take her life back was within her. The strength to achieve her goal and lose 421 lbs is her story. For the first time in many years, the real Genevieve is a strong, beautiful, healthy and vibrant woman who set a goal, took right action and achieved a remarkable feat. I know you will be inspired and motivated by Genevieve's story. Her story is a true transformation. To your own unstoppable success... *Typical results were 26-29 lbs. lost in 16 wks. in a study funded by Dr. Tabor. Result published in major medical journal. Individual results vary. Consult your doctor before dieting. Testimonials compensated. " Weight Loss Supplements Review And Summary From the position of the pharmaceutical business, the problem of obesity is actually seen as being the "trillion dollar money producing disease". That is the estimated degree of profit an excellent weight reduction drug can get for being produced and marketed to the public. But are drug companies getting nearer to delivering or inventing any diet pill or weight loss supplement tablet that really works ? Is there actually a pill that is definitely both effective and safe at solving obesity ? The right formula, it looks, is Zero. Get a free ebook "7 Secrets to Weight Loss" at www(.)GetFreeStuffOnlineBlog(.)weebly(.)com Supplements To Relieve Obesity It is quite true how the Food and Drug Admin. (FDA) features approved a tiny number of fat loss pills for instance Xenical as well as Meridia for long-term use in the relief obesity (BMI > 30). But facts accumulated throughout clinical tests suggests how the effectiveness of those obesity medications is below impressive. Total yearly weight reduction generally in the oven 8-20 lbs. Furthermore, the highest fat loss generally achieved by simply patients who play supervised tests involving a mix of drug remedy, diet, workout and counseling. Which causes it to be difficult to ensure the correct effect on the medication itself. By comparison, less nicely supervised weight problems drug trials usually have a better drop-out rate and reduced fat loss. And your longer your trial, the reduce the compliance along with the lower the fat loss. In small, while helpful for some patients, fat loss drugs are not yet what you need to weight problems, especially when factors for instance cost are taken into account. Should most of us be pleasantly surprised? Not definitely. After most, even bariatric surgery is simply no guarantee of long-term weight impairment unless patients comply with the necessary post-operative eating regimen. Really, some weight problems experts claim that health-related interventions for instance drugs as well as surgery are almost by simply definition hopeless to inability, for your simple reason make take control and responsibility faraway from patients. As outlined by this perspective, it is merely when sufferers accept 100 % responsibility thus to their eating habits and chosen lifestyle, that they have got a real possibility of achieving a normal weight ultimately. Unfortunately, this perspective satisfies nobody! It won't satisfy your pharmaceutical organizations, who intent to make money. It doesn't satisfy medical doctors, who should give hope recommended to their overweight sufferers, and it doesn't satisfy consumers who want instant fat loss and never having to change their healthy eating plan. In small, there is surely an overwhelming demand for a good obesity product, but any viable solution has yet to come up. Supplements Regarding Efficient Weight Loss Demand with regard to diet pills just isn't limited to people suffering from clinical weight problems. Millions regarding consumers with below 40 pounds to lose take non-prescription pills to reduce body fats or enhance their rate of fat loss. According to some study conducted by University regarding Michigan, almost TWENTY-FIVE percent regarding girl students utilize anorectic eating habits pills when they're seeking to lose excess fat, including laxatives as well as diuretics. These non-prescription pills are definitely difficult to guage, as they aren't subject to the same high amount of regulation seeing that prescription-only medications. Thus not all ingredients have to be tested, dosages along with labeling requirements are a reduced amount of stringent, and canceling of "adverse events" or medical problems is not mandatory. Furthermore, few long-term clinical tests are performed on non-prescription pills, so tough evidence spend money on their safe practices and effectiveness is scarce. Meantime, the big profits being made from these fat loss products means they can be supported by simply expensive promoting campaigns to generate consumer acclaim, making regulation and control more of a good uphill wrestle. Indeed, the FDA features found it impossible to ban over-the-counter eating habits pills, despite if reports regarding illness as well as injury. Herbal Diet plan Pills Regarding "Healthy Eating" Way back when five several years has seen a tremendous rise throughout sales regarding herbal eating habits pills, which are marketed as a sort of "healthy eating". These delay pills typically include things like a variable combination of vitamins along with active materials which supposedly give you a healthier form of weight impairment. Such claims are not generally recognized by specialized medical evidence, as well as some suppliers are under analysis by both the FDA as well as FTC. However, rising demand for these herbal fat loss pills is just another confirmation regarding our big appetite for what is essentially any non-dietary procedure for weight control. How Do Weight loss Pills Operate? In simple terms, weight impairment pills were created either in order to alter body to be able to reduce hunger, or to hinder digestion to be able to reduce calorie assimilation. Appetite suppressants include things like amphetamine-like stimulants such as ephedra, or pills to generate serotonin and also norepinephrine levels inside brain. Pills that hinder the digestive tract include fat-blockers (lipase inhibitors) for instance Xenical as well as chitosan, carb-blockers, and very good fiber bulking agents such as glucomannan. Are Weight loss Pills Risk-free? Obesity drugs are generally safe when used accurately and within medical guidance. The issues starts when users never follow your manufacturer's guidelines. Adverse health and fitness events with regard to these medication include coronary heart or blood pressure problems and strokes, as well numerous less severe complaints. Identical applies in order to non-prescription eating habits pills, whose adverse health and fitness effects include things like high blood pressure, coronary heart palpitations, unpredictable heartbeats, dizziness, confused vision, complications, insomnia, intestinal blockages, anxiety and melancholy. In great cases, both prescription-only as well as non-prescription pills could cause life-threatening circumstances. Even and so, safety remains a comparable concept. Smokes, alcohol, cars as well as stress kill many of us every yr. By comparison with considerations, diet pills cause significantly fewer "casualties", of course , if you consult your physician before taking them, it is possible to reduce the health risk to some minimum. The Genuine Problem With Weight loss Pills The main problem about banking on drugs as well as supplements to lose weight just isn't health, it is really reliability. In my 20-odd many years of dealing with overweight individuals and their own families, I include yet in order to hear regarding anyone which achieved as well as maintained every significant fat loss by making use of pills. But We've met a tremendous number regarding people whose weight as well as emotional way of thinking had recently been significantly worsened through having pills. They were afraid regarding food, they had absolutely no confidence inside their ability to produce sensible food choices, and given help to trust in purging, laxatives as well as similar products to overpower their healthy eating plan. One clientele - any former annual fat loss winner with one of the major diets companies - ended up fed deliberately with pills to be able to achieve your weight reduction how the organization necessary. When she came in my opinion for support, she got regained 75 pounds regarding her original fat loss. In small, relying with pills with regard to weight control can screw up your body and your mind. The Fine print Says That All Ads and infomercials with regard to diet pills are dominated by statements like: "Effortless Weight Loss" and also "Lose Weight Because you Sleep! " etc. But the little print generally tells a new story -- either which users ought to follow any calorie-controlled eating habits, or merely eat at peak times of in a given period, or prevent eating specific high-calorie foods, or some combination of all some. There will also work a reference to the need with regard to exercise. Basically, if you want the certainty concerning a fat loss pill, check the little print. Due to the fact, as most obesity specialists and dietitians will inform you, no long-term reduction throughout weight is achievable without curbing energy intake and outlay. If You will need to Take Weight Loss Supplements Whether that you're a eating habits pill addict, or just an occasional user, allow me to share two ways to make fat loss easier. Get a healthy, gimmick-free eating habits, and abide by it seeing that carefully and often. In the procedure, focus with healthy eating as opposed to calorie decline. Aiming in order to eat healthily is considerably more positive compared to calorie control. Secondly, join an internet dieting forum to get encouragement as well as advice from others. Because most surveys present that losing weight can be easier in case you have others in order to lean with. My very own forum in particular includes quite a few former eating habits pill users who're now taking advantage of their food and losing quite a lot of weight in the way. Which attests that on the subject of weight control, people will power and personal self discipline is considerably more effective compared to consuming weight loss supplements. Weight Loss he Number 1 Honest and All Natural Diet & Nutrition Program On The Internet The Diet Solution Program promises a complete and comprehensive weight loss program that will not only help you lose body fat, but guarantees you increased energy, health and vitality all at the same time. With so many weight loss programs out on the market and on the internet today, what makes this program any different than all the rest? Before we get to the program, let's take a look at the expert behind this program. Isabel De Los Rios is a nutrition and exercise specialist with 10 years of experience helping clients reach their ideal weight and tackle conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and high cholesterol. Isabel has a very extensive educational background in nutrition and exercise physiology. Her personal experience with her own weight struggles and her mother's severe diabetes led her search for the BEST nutrition information available today. The Diet Solution Program is a result of her 15 year study and research. I've also talked to Isabel about her training and education background, and I'll be honest, it was impressive, unlike other so-called “health experts”, who are just following main stream nutrition programs. Isabel provides her readers with the truth: the facts most people have never taken the time to research, read and decipher. Plus, Isabel has been a nutrition and exercise specialist for the past 10 years and has personally worked with hundreds of clients in her own private facility, overseeing successful weight loss programs. This hands on experience with real people solidified the facts and principles she had learned in books, journals and from other health professionals. The proof was really in the results of real people. In fact, Isabel's articles are pretty radical when it comes to her nutrition principles which is why her approach works when main-stream nutrition fails. So if you are looking for the same old nutrition theories taught in every other book and program on the market today, this is not the program for you. Now one of the biggest questions about the program is simply, “What is The Diet Solution Program?” Well according to Isabel, it is the most comprehensive and detailed nutrition manual available on the market today. Not only does it teach you exactly what principles you need to follow to finally reach your ideal weight, it gives you the meal plans, shopping lists and recipes to do so. It does not push some extreme, unreasonable way to lose weight. It actually teaches you how you can make this healthy way of eating into a lifestyle. And if you have ever attempted to lose weight in the past, you know that the only way to maintain it is to make it a way of life. The best part about Isabel's program is that this new way of life is not some torturous eating regimen. She really shows you that you can eat delicious food, combined the right way, to lose weight and maintain it. One of the best side effects of the whole program is the increased health and vitality that every participant experiences. Decreases in blood sugar levels, lowered cholesterol, increased energy, elimination of digestive discomfort and cleared skin conditions are just some of the few benefits other people have already experienced. Frankly, I've used the program myself and recommended to many others. Why? Because I was sick and tired of following nutrition plans that either did not work or made me lose weight but feel terrible. Yes, I want to be at my ideal weight but I also want to maintain a healthy body at the same time and not have to resort to extreme, radical methods. The Diet Solution Program helped me lose weight and feel healthy and energized at the same time. Now realize that some effort from you will be required, but Isabel has really done all the hard work for you. Included in her program is: Step by step action steps telling you exactly how to put the principles in place Detailed daily meal plans that make everyday eating easy Shopping Lists to make food shopping a snap Delicious Recipes to make everyday meals tasty The manual is comprehensive. Jam packed with incredible and valuable information. But you don't need to wait to get through the whole thing before you can start. You can use Isabel's Quick Start Guide to start the program ASAP. Some people have even just used the quick start guide and lost 10-15lbs in a little as 6 weeks. The Diet Solution Program is not just another weight loss scheme or extreme diet. It is truly the only way to lose weight and enjoy a lifetime of health. The Diet Solution Program is perfect for people who have struggled with their weight their whole life and are sick and tired of programs that just don't work long term. The DSP is also perfect for people who want to take control of their health and reverse health conditions like diabetes, high cholesterol and heart disease. If you're in the slightest bit curious, I recommend you look closely at Isabel's program. I was very impressed with all of The Diet Solution Program meal plans, the bonuses, the guarantee, and Isabel's expertise. For the money, it's the best deal in the weight loss industry – so much better than diet pills! And remember… Isabel De Los Rios's The Diet Solution Program is backed by a 60 day money back guarantee. And this is a real guarantee… if you are not completely satisfied, you will receive your money back, no “ifs,” “ands,” or “buts.” So you really have nothing to lose. Weight Loss Via Diet And Dieting Are you looking for a means to shed some pounds you have gained during the fun season? Are you searching for ways to burn up those additional fats and get the body you have always desired? All this is possible, but it needs effort and patience from you. To accomplish this, you will need to stick to a rigid work out program, eat proper food, and exercise a proper diet plan. Exercising an appropriate diet not just gives you the perfect weight you have always desired; it offers you a more healthy, leaner body that can help in preventing lots of life threatening diseases including cardiovascular diseases. Through a proper diet, you may make certain that you will live a longer, healthy life. Ways of Dieting There are a number of alternatives one can opt for should they choose to go on a diet program and lose weight. Here is a little list of how they may do so: Regular Diet Plan - This is the most common diet system. In this sort of diet program, the person decreases his or her part of food to a little percentage of what she or he normally haves. For example, if the consumer consumes two cups of rice, they'll now just consume one cup of rice in order that they'll be able to cut down on their weight gain. Doing this devotedly will lead to a huge loss in their total weight. While this may be the easiest type of diet program to do, it requires self-discipline because the person should be able to do this continuously in order to see the outcomes of said diet. Diet Plans - This type of diet program is much like normal diet plans. The only distinction between the two is that this one focuses on one area that causes the weight gain. One of the most well-known examples of this diet is the no carb (carbohydrate) diet plan, no fat / low-fat diet, Atkins diet, and plenty of others. By not eating or restricting foods which contain these, you'll be able to reduce your weight gain, attaining weight-loss and allowing you to achieve your preferred weight. Just like standard diets, these diet plans can continue for some weeks and even months before the results show. Weight and Supplements - Among the hottest ways of dieting, this diet involves the intake of supplements which control excess weight. Different supplements have various effects towards the body - there are supplements that make you feel full instantly, hence lowering your consumption, while there are supplements that increases your body's metabolic process, burning down fat and calories faster and turning it into energy so that you may shed weight. Certain examples of notably known weight supplements are Hydroxycut, Alli, Xenical, and lots of others. The outcomes of using these supplements are generally immediate, when compared to the first 2 diets. But, before using supplements, it's advised that one should check with a health professional first as they can suffer from unwanted effects while using these supplements. Which Diet Program Do You Have To Follow? The diet program you should follow depends completely on your body's metabolic process and condition. Hence, it's important that you check with a health professional first before you undergo any diet program. This is needed because you might be allergic to supplements or your body may require more nourishment than the normal to sustain your body's standard condition. Weight Loss Vision Board It is important to have weight loss goals. Also important are dreams of wearing a certain size or seeing a specific number on the scale. Do you have these goals and dreams where you can see them? Do you have a visual reminder of where you want to be and what you're moving toward? If not, create your own weight loss vision board. See it to be it! A weight loss vision board is a great tool to consider a work in progress as you lose weight, get closer to your goal, change habits, experience successes along the way, or even photographs. You can put photos of you, pictures from magazines of a body that you'd like to achieve, meaningful words or pictures from magazines that inspire or motivate you. Anything that means something to you that will keep you focused and serve as a reminder of your weight loss goals can be placed on the board. Have a photo taken of you once a month. As you lose weight, place the photos reflecting your progress of a smaller body size. Another tip is to wear the same clothes each month for the photo. Again, as you lose weight, you'll see the clothes becoming loose and then baggy. This is another great way to keep motivated by seeing how far you've come. Include a photograph of you at a smaller body size. If you see a photo with a body size you'd like as your goal, cut it out. Place your face on that body for a very motivating visual. If you want to exercise more aerobically or resistance training, cut out photographs that motivate you. They can be of someone with a toned body, someone exercising, hiking, walking or running, or any other photographs inspiring to you. Make a graph of your starting weight and keep track of your progress. Show your goal weight as well so you see yourself moving closer and closer to it on your graph. I have a client that has created her weight loss vision board. She hung it in her kitchen which has been a very effective way to stay on track. At times that she's been tempted or even headed to the kitchen, she sees her weight loss vision board front and center. It has saved her from many extra calories and pounds, and kept her motivation and confidence high that she will achieve her weight loss goal. Make a visual reminder of motivation and inspiration by creating your own weight loss vision board. Create a visual center that updates and changes often as you lose weight. Have fun with it as you create it and update it to reflect your personal change and weight loss. Be creative; think big, think out of the box in whatever you place on your weight loss vision board. When it comes to any goals and success, see it to believe it. When you see it - you can be it! Weight Training For Scuba Diving If you can walk around the block without stumbling over a crack in the sidewalk, then you can exercise with free weights. Many people think it's dangerous, but you have to be careful too not drop a weight plate on your foot, but "Wear shoes" anyway. If you don't have a set of weights and a workout bench, get one. You can pick up a used set of standard weights,"I would recommend Standard weights for beginners", at your local exercise equipment outlet store for around a hundred bucks. That's not bad of an investment for the end results. There Are Several Questions On Lifting Free Weights. (a) How much time should I spend on warm up and stretching? The average person should take at least 20 minutes. Warm-up, and then stretch. (b) How much weight should I use? If you are average build, and say, 30 pounds over weight, start with 15 to 20 pounds on all exercises. (c) How many sets should I do? At least (2) two for each exercise. A set is a given number of repetitions per exercise. (d) How many repetitions should I perform? At least 8 to 10 to start out. Repetitions are how many times you lift the weight. (e) How much time should I spend between sets? Take at least 20 seconds. (f) How much time should I take between exercises? At least (1) one minute. Sit on the bench and breath normal. (g)How much time should I spend on a full body workout? Anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes. A full body workout is the best routine to use for weight loss and getting into shape. (h) How do I breath when performing an exercise? Take a breath in when lifting the weight, and breath out when lowering the weight. (I) What should I think about when I'm exercising? Think about how good your going to look and feel. Take a few minutes before starting your routine, and meditate on this. "Look good, Feel good". When your doing, say a dumbbell curl, think about the forearm muscle and bicep muscle, tightening these muscles on the raising and lowering the weight. (J) How do I know if I'm in the correct posture when exercising? Actually if you are not in a strained position, and are comfortable, you are probably using the correct form. (K) How many time a week should I workout? At least 3 times a week. (L) What should I wear? Anything that is comfortable. (M) How long should I wait after I eat to workout? At least an hour. There are dozens of books and videos on exercises for all the muscle groups. You can find information on websites and in book stores. In most of the body building books you find on the market, they are mostly aimed at advanced body builders. Stay away from those routines, they will do you more harm than good. Look for beginner routines until your ready to advance. Most of the huge muscles you see on top body builders are not standard. You have to have the right body type to progress to that height, and have the desire to accumulate large muscles. The normal person cannot develop large muscles, no matter how hard they try. Get yourself in good physical shape, and it will pay off when you get into your scuba gear. What Everyone Should Know about How to Lose Weight Losing weight can be incredibly challenging, but nothing is impossible when you put your mind to it and believe in your success. One of the reasons why people often fail at weight loss is that they don't set realistic goals. The only solution to the eternal dilemma of how to lose weight is diet and exercise. The key to succeeding at weight loss in the long term is changing your entire lifestyle, but it's not as hard as it sounds. Making gradual changes and setting realistic goals can help you finally lose weight, get healthy and feel great about your body. The best way to start your weight loss program is to incorporate a few easy weight loss ideas into your daily schedule until they become a permanent part of your healthier and slimmer life. Write Down Your Weight Loss Goals and Accomplishments Keeping track of your weight loss objectives and accomplishments can motivate you to push forward even when you are feeling tired or discouraged. It's a good idea to come up with a list of both long-term and short-term goals, but keep the latter realistic. Cutting down on sugar is a good example of a realistic short-term goal while losing twenty pounds is a better example of a long-term goal. Short-term goals are there to give you a confidence boost and remind you that you are making progress. Long-term goals are more like milestones, so you need to have other objectives in between for encouragement and to make your weight loss program a little easier. Avoid Starvation Diets Fad diets that are extremely low in calories work in the first few days, but they always fail in the long run. Your body needs nutrition to stay healthy and lose weight. Because people are conditioned to believe that weight loss is directly related to the number of calories they eat, they have a hard time accepting that less calories isn't always better. You do need to go on a somewhat low-calorie diet, but you don't need to starve. If your body doesn't get the amount of calories it needs to function well, it will go into starvation mode. As a result, your metabolism can drastically slow down to conserve energy and fat. That makes long-term weight loss very hard to achieve. The key to dieting is not starving but rather eating the right foods. If you want to lose pounds and maintain your new weight, you need to create a well-balanced diet that you can follow for the rest of your life. Start Small If you want to know how to lose weight for good, it's important to understand that it won't happen overnight. Healthy weight loss is a gradual and sometimes frustrating process, but the payoff is well worth the price. By the time you complete your weight loss program, you'll feel and look amazing. Most people find that once they start eating healthy foods and working out they don't want to go back to a sedentary lifestyle or eating junk food. The best way to succeed is to make one small change at a time. Begin by avoiding some junk food and exercising a few minutes daily. Even taking a short walk around the block is a step in the good direction. Sustainable weight loss is more about making smart choices than strict dieting. If you make one small change a week, it'll be easier to get used to your new lifestyle. What Is A Good Diet Solution To Lose Weight Dieting is the practice of eating food in a regulated fashion to achieve or maintain a controlled weight. In this article I will elaborate on that little description. A good General Weight Loss Program works towards broad goals of health and well-being, rather than the narrow ones of sport and muscles. If you want to burn off fat and keep it off it is much better to boost your weight loss and general fitness with a proven diet/routine that actually works. If you truly want to burn off fat and keep it off, do not go in for those long and frequent aerobic workouts from quick weight loss programs because they are among the WORST WAYS to lose weight and keep it off. Weight loss typically involves the loss of fat, water and muscle. Overweight people typically aim to reduce the percentage of body fat. Additionally, as muscle tissue is denser than fat, fat loss results in increased loss of body volume compared with muscle loss. Reducing even 10% body fat can therefore have a dramatic effect on a person's body shape. To determine the proportion of weight loss that is due to decreased fat tissue, various methods of measuring body fat percentages have been developed. To begin with, in most cases dieting is used in combination with physical exercise to lose weight in those who are overweight or even obese. On the other hand, some athletes follow a diet to gain weight (usually in the form of muscle). Diets to promote weight loss whether for sporting competitions or just to lose those few extra pounds are generally divided into four categories: low-fat, low-carbohydrate, low-calorie, and very low calorie. An analysis of six randomized controlled trials found no difference between the main diet types (low calorie, low carbohydrate, and low fat), with a 2–4 kilogram weight loss in all studies. At two years, all calorie-reduced diet types caused equal weight loss irrespective of the macro-nutrients emphasized. Therefore if you just want to lose weight. What is a good diet solution program that enables you to burn off fat, lose weight and achieve a stable body weight? This question has been asked by many professional dieticians and keep-fit gurus over the years but mostly by ordinary people who know, or believe they are overweight. There is more than one answer of course because not everyone is the same. What would work for one person will not necessarily work for another. The other side of the coin is that one particular diet Will work for large sections of the population and that is why there are so many weight loss and fitness clubs today, and business is booming folks. The first popular diet was "Banting", named after William Banting the first person to popularize a weight loss diet based on limiting the intake of refined and easily digestible carbohydrates. In his 1863 pamphlet, Letter on Corpulence, he outlined the details of a particular low-carbohydrate, low-calorie diet that had led to his own dramatic weight loss. Banting wrote down all his unsuccessful fasts, diets, and exercise regimes in his past in a pamphlet, then described the dietary change which had finally worked for him after following the advice of a physician friend. His own diet was four meals per day, consisting of meat, greens, fruits, and dry wine. The emphasis was on avoiding sugar, saccharine matter, starch, beer, milk and butter. Banting's diet was popular for years to come after that, and would be used as a model for modern diets. His self-published edition was so popular that he determined to sell it to the general public, and second, third and later editions were published. Banting's booklet remains in print today. Not bad going after 150 years. Just like Banting's diet, a healthy diet is one that helps maintain or improve general health. It is important for lowering many chronic health risks, such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and cancer. A healthy diet involves consuming appropriate amounts of all essential nutrients and an adequate amount of water. These nutrients can be obtained from many different foods, so there are numerous diets that may be considered healthy. A healthy diet needs to have a balance of macro-nutrients (fats, proteins, and carbohydrates), calories to support energy needs, and micro-nutrients to meet the needs for human nutrition without inducing toxicity or excessive weight gain from consuming excessive amounts. Therefore my original question in the title still stands, and what is a good diet solution to losing weight and keeping it off? There are countless websites for weight loss programs so you have to choose the right one for you. There is more information on my web pages where you can learn more about a diet solution program to suit your needs and get completely FREE videos and ebooks that delivers real health, diet and nutrition information that you can implement right away. What Is The Strongest Hoodia Gordonii Pill? While there are certainly cheap Hoodia products on the market, all dieters should be wary of “too good to be true” offers. To gain a profit while reducing production costs, many Hoodia manufacturers are tricking consumers into buying low quality “Hoodia” products with ineffective and potentially harmful ingredients. To avoid these scams, consumers should look for the validations and testimonials that reveal the real efficacy of their Hoodia product. Strong Pure Hoodia When choosing a supplier you want to look for a hoodia product that only contains pure, strong, and potent Hoodia Gordonii ingredients. Choose only high quality Hoodia based on its many studies, certifications, and validations: Look for the amount of ACTUAL Hoodia in the product – If it's a 460mg tablet, is ALL of that 460mg's Hoodia Gordonii? It should be! Do they offer a money back satisfaction guarantee to assure consumers of the effective and positive weight loss benefits. Can you view their certifications online before you purchase. These provide consumers with proof of the Hoodia's growth history and ingredient potency: Organics Annex Institute Certificate – This certificate affirms that the Hoodia Gordonii ingredients are imported from organic farms that meet USDA growth regulations. Certificate of Analysis – This Certificate of Analysis confirms that the Hoodia only contains 100 percent pure and natural Hoodia Gordonii. This is validated by High Performance Liquid Chromatography tests, as well as assessments that confirm the Hoodia product is free of harmful bacteria, additives, or other unsafe agents. Cites Certificate – The Cites Certificate informs consumers that the products only contains genuine Hoodia Gordonii. The Cites Certificate is only issued to products and companies who purchase their Hoodia Gordonii ingredients from reputable, well known, and high quality farms in South Africa. After years of over harvesting, the plant has been brought to the brink of extinction, and as a result the FDA has had to step in and control its exportation. Whilst other parts of the world such as Texas and China claim to grow the real hoodia gordonii plant – which to an extent they do – the quality and effectiveness of their Hoodia plant is reduced due simply to the soil it is grown in. It's all about location, and the only real place Hoodia Gordonii does naturally grow is in South Africa. If you add all these facts together, it is easy to see why there is such a difference. Those sold at minuscule prices are not the real deal. So if you are looking for the strongest Hoodia Gordonii pill to help you with your weight loss journey, make sure your supplier has all of these things and you can be confident that you are receiving real Hoodia Gordonii. What Results You May Expect With Oxyelite Pro Oxyelite pro is a super thermogenic unhealthy fat reduction supplement created by usplabs. It's known as thermogenic since the formula components can help heat you up and kindle your metabolism. It is made up of a custom-built balance of herbs and other ingredients together with caffeine and it is found in capsules. Favorable results from oxyelite pro are likely to differ between each gender, nonetheless, based upon customer response and reviews there are numerous frequent comparisons which an individual are likely to anticipate. For instance, while in the first 7 days of consuming the capsules, it seems most people drop unwanted fat in a short time and eliminate almost four to eight lbs. This might be mainly because of burning off principally water weight due to the fact that oxyelite pro ensures that you sweat much more in the course of work outs. Subsequent to this introductory part, the supplement works on fat and over the course of the 8 weeks that you take the product, the majority shed from around 15-21 lbs. Obviously your individual weight loss depends upon your current beginning excess weight, your eating habits and exercise plan. Some guidance of caution however, you should definitely respect the label guidelines very directly to be able to have the preferred results and keep off any possible unwanted effects. A typical statement in many different product reviews is the fact that customers using oxyelite pro at firsthave what is known as the jitters as a side effect. Most claim that this passes soon after using the product after a week or so. Other unintended effects may include an accelerated heart rate and difficulty sleeping. Be sure to ingest the product way prior to night time to help circumvent this. It is also crucial that you drink an abundance of water as instructed during the time of using the supplement. Oxyelite pro is most used by individuals who have already been doing exercise on a more or less regular basis with better eating routines. Consuming the capsule alone without the regards to your food regimen or a exercise program will not create a phenomenon for weight-loss. What's Your Summer Weight Loss Goals? Are you ready for summer? How about that beach body? The warm weather is here and that means hitting the beach with family and friends! Of course, it also means wanting to look great in your brand new swimsuit! Try some of these quick tips and before you know it, your body will be bikini ready! Cut on Calories Be diligent about finding ways to cut just 100 calories from what you eat every day. Some super easy ways to cut 100 calories daily are to swap regular soda for water or diet soda, trade your morning latte for coffee with low fat milk, eat steamed fresh broccoli instead of frozen broccoli in cheese sauce, eat two poached eggs instead of two fried eggs, or replace 1/2 cup of granola with 2 cups of Cheerios. These subtle changes can have a big impact on your weight loss efforts. Fruits and Watermelons This refreshing summer treat is not only delicious and practically fat free, it's loaded with vitamins A, B, and C. The high water content, combined with a healthy amount of fiber and protein, makes watermelon a great fat burner and really aids in your weight loss efforts. Some other fruits that are great fat burners are apples, pomegranates, and grapefruit. Eating Outside Warm weather and more sunshine don't just make for more opportunities to be active; you can also take advantage of summer days to eat less by eating outdoors. For starters, you eat less when the light is brighter. By the way, this works in the kitchen, too, so turn up that dimmer switch! You also eat more slowly when you eat outside. You look around more; you watch the birds flying by or the lizards scampering in the bushes. Simple things in the outdoor environment can slow down your eating so you actually eat less. More Exercise! Take advantage of the long summer days to fit in more exercise time. A nice long walk on the beach is a great form of exercise, and you get to work on your tan, too! Schedule a family barbeque and spend some time swimming, playing horseshoes or frisbee, or even running around playing tag with the kids. Maybe you could even hit the gym more often, and our weight loss Columbus services can help with that. Remember to have fun while you exercise! Grab some Snacks Momma always said that snacking before dinner will ruin your appetite, and she was right! Having a small snack about twenty minutes before your meal helps with weight loss because it will control your ghrelin hormones (the ones that control your appetite) so that by the time you sit down to eat, you won't feel like eating so much. Just don't overdo it... a good choice is a handful of walnuts or a small piece of fruit. What To Eat To Get A Cut 6 Pack A Lose Fat Everybody out there is curious and wants to know "how do I get a cut ripped 6 pack" ? Well the truth actually is, that everyone already has a good looking stomach, its just covered by that evil thing we know AS FAT. The six pack comes from the Linea Alba and the three dendinous inscriptions crossing the rectrus abdominus. Basically all that was, is big meaning less words if you ask me. So now your wondering ,how do I get rid of the fat to uncover those great 6 pack of abs I have hiding under that layer of fat? The #1 MOST important thing is your DIET !!!! You simply must follow a good nutrional diet that fits your excersise level and your daily activity. You could simply do thousands and thousands of crunches everyday and not see a bit of difference if you are not eating the right amount of foods to supply your body with what it needs to get rid of the fat. What you considerably need to be eating is nutritious foods such as, meat like chicken,beef,steak and of course tuna. Not only this but veggies and fruits as well in addition to the meat. Anything that does not encourage more body fat is good. You need to create a deficit of about 500 calories per day and you will lose 1 pound per week. Now depending on your excersise level that could significantly increase. Eat less and excersise more is the goal you will want to set. Now your probably asking how do I begin this task, well you need to sit down and write out a plan. This helps alot being organized and knowing exactly what to follow and how to begin until the end. Sit down and write out a list of the things you currently like and eat that are bad for you, you will want to obviously cut those out of your diet.(all junk food must go) Replace it all with nuts,seeds,vegetables and fruits and of course meat. Stay away from fried foods as well, those are the devil when it comes to fat loss. The next thing you will want to figure out is exactly how much you are gonna need to eat. This can be done quite easily, there are many different websites online where you can put in your information for you body type and it will tell you exactly how much you need to eat.You can also get a calorie counter to help you easily know how many calories are in each food you wanting to eat or you have arranged for your diet. After you put in your information and figure out your calorie count for weight loss and getting a great 6 pack you will need to put it all together and hit the store ( unless of course you already have all this stuff) . One last thing to acheive a great looking 6 pack that alot of people tend to forget. You must track your progress. If you do not do this, you will not know what is working and what isn't. You need to know whether or not you need to eat more calories or eat less calories or if you stomach is staying the same. Trust me it makes all the difference and makes your progress go alot faster once you track it. So that is pretty much it. Its not all that hard to acheive a great looking 6 pack, it just takes a little patient and the right diet. So tough it up for a bit and waive good bye to that junk food and say hello to a great looking stomach. What To Expect After Having Gastric Bypass Surgery Knowing what will happen in the weeks after your gastric bypass surgery is one of the most important ways to insure your success. Many people think they'll have the surgery and the weight will magically disappear with no effort on their part; this attitude is a sure way to be disappointed! After your Surgery After your surgery and release from the recovery room you will get out of bed and walk a bit. Every day of your hospital stay, you'll walk a little further and more often. This is standard procedure with any surgical patient and prevents a number of complications that can come from staying in bed. You may find some weakness in your knees when you climb stairs but don't be alarmed. Your body at this point isn't getting as much protein as it used to and your muscles are acting accordingly. As your food intake improves, this will go away. Getting Used to Food Again In about three days you'll be able to go home, but will be reminded not to lift anything over 20 pounds for the first six weeks if you've had an open procedure. You'll have to be sure to follow your nutritionist's instructions because you won't be eating like you used to. In fact, you'll be on a liquid diet for the first week consisting of diluted juice, broth and sugar-free gelatin. This is to allow your "new" stomach to adjust itself to digestion. Be sure to take your acid reducer, probably Tagamet, every day to protect your stomach from acids. After a month you'll be able to quit taking it. After the first week, you'll be able to eat pureed foods and after that, soft foods. Finally, when your stomach has adjusted to its new size and gotten the hang of digesting, you'll be eating normal foods. By now you'll have noticed significant weight loss! Be sure to keep choosing low fat and low sugar foods. It's particularly important to learn how to chew carefully and completely, not only for the sake of your digestion but to take the time to enjoy your food. You'll be eating five small meals a day and eventually exercising up to an hour each day. Follow-up Care You'll see your doctor about ten days after discharge to have your skin staples removed and to get a prescription for an iron and B12 supplement, which you'll need the rest of your life. In another four weeks you'll return for a check up and get a prescription for Actigall. This medication prevents gallstones from forming due to the rapid weight loss you'll be experiencing. You'll have another appointment four weeks later, then four months later and finally your one year checkup arrives! Your checkups will be yearly from then on, for routine blood work and to refill the prescription for your supplements. And now you're on your way to a new, comfortable and active life! It's not an easy out; you'll have to work hard to break bad habits and replace them with good ones but it's a change that's well worth it. Make an Informed Decision! Bariatric surgery is not to be taken lightly, however. Do some research and talk to people who have had the procedure done to be sure that it's right for you. Find out about all four different types of surgery and talk to your primary care physician before you make your decision. If you do decide to have the surgery your physician can probably refer you to several good surgeons that you can interview before choosing who you want to do your surgery. Why Green Tea Shouldn't Be a Weight Loss Product Green tea has recently been introduced to the weight loss community as a great way to lose weight. However, I don't think it should be thought of as a weight loss product. Let me tell you why. Green tea has been around for centuries because of its amazing health benefits, but only recently has it been marketed as a weight loss product. When tea first became popular in the world, was it because it held remarkable weight loss properties? No. It became popular because it contained many amazing health benefits and was thought of as an exclusive drink, held only for the rich and relatives of the king. Then it became much cheaper and people started to market it in different ways. Up until recently it was all great, but now there are people trying to say that you can lose hundreds of pounds just by drinking tea. It's simply not true! Because of this, people are now drinking green tea because they are on a search to lose weight. These same people are probably the ones who "can't lose weight" even though they aren't following a strict diet and most likely know nothing about nutrition. I understand that there are some people for whom it's virtually impossible for them to lose weight. However, in reality those people are few and far in between. Most people think they can't lose weight because they have bad genes. Well guess what, they've recently proven that you can actually change the DNA in your genes by modifying what you eat. So you can push that theory right out the window. Unfortunately, most people today don't think they have enough time to take care of their bodies and therefore try to find the easy fix. Liposuction, diet pills, gastric bypass surgery, and starvation; these are all the easy fixes that people try to do to get skinner. What they should realize is that by proceeding with some of these things they make themselves even unhealthier than in the first place. Green tea is quickly becoming another “quick fix” diet that some marketers are trying to seduce people with. They say that by drinking the tea or by taking green tea extract you can lose all the extra fat you have on your body. These are the same people who make their riches off lying to people when the newest scam comes along. They change the website, find a new marketing approach, and deceive people until the fad is over. How these people live their lives without any major guilt on their consciousness is beyond me. Let me say this. It's not that I don't think green tea won't help you lose any fat at all. After all, it's been proven in studies to do just that. However, you need to realize that green tea should be drunk more for its overall health benefits, part of which include losing weight. Green tea can help you lose a few pounds at first possibly, but after awhile your body will adapt to it and its thermogenic affects won't have as much of an impact on you. There are studies which show that it can help you lose a few pounds in the first month or two, but no long term studies have been done thus far. Why Junk Food Is Bad For You For millions of adults and children junk food and increased inactivity has led to obesity. For some people junk food has become a way of life, they are addicted to it and if everyone in your family for example eats junk food then it is very hard to eat healthy. But it is not impossible at all. So why junk food is bad for you? There is so much talk about junk food. People know that it is unhealthy and makes people fat but what is the exact definition of junk food. Well Junk food is an informal term applied to some foods with little or no nutritional value, or to products with nutritional value but which also have ingredients considered unhealthy when regularly eaten, or to those considered unhealthy to consume at all. The term was coined by Michael Jacobson, director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, in 1972. Factors contributing to labeling as junk food are high levels of refined sugar, white flour, trans fat and saturated fat, salt, and additives such as preservatives and coloring agents. Others include lack of proteins, vitamins, fiber and other nutrients for a healthy diet. Junk food is associated with health problems including obesity, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and dental cavities. Problems with fast food may not be apparent to children, hence advertising aimed at children has come under criticism. Most kids and also adults who eat junk food are also inactive. If you combine these two, then you will get a very serious and unhealthy combination. Our modern lifestyle has caused all of the problems we have and once you have fallen into the trap of junk food and inactivity, then it is almost impossible to get out of it. How many people do you know how have tried to eat healthy, lose weight and train, but have failed? Maybe you are one of them? The reason why so many people fail is that there is information overload. There are thousands of diets, magic pills, supplements, miracle weight loss exercise programs and what not. To be honest 95% of the information is junk and is made to rip you off with empty promises. There is no magic pill that makes you lose weight and makes you look like a supreme athlete. You have to do it the hard way. It is very hard for people to change their lifestyle. But to be healthy and lose weight you have to change your lifestyle. It is the only way. It is not impossible to change your habits and start living a healthier life. The most important factor about it all is knowledge. If you have the knowledge and you know what you have to do to be successful, then you have done most of the work already. It is never to late to change your lifestyle. If you have the desire and motivation then nothing will stop you. People just have to stop finding silly excuses. You know junk food is bad for you and if you don´t exercise you will have serious problems. Today could be the first day of the rest of your life. Make changes today not tomorrow. You will be surprised what you can actually accomplish. Why Should You Buy Dnp Online? Today most people own computers and are connected to the internet. This puts all of us in an advantageous position in terms of getting the information that we need in the shortest time possible and buying our favorite products through convenient online shopping. The same applies to buying DNP or 2 4 Dinitrophenol. It has been noticed that over the past 10 years the number people who visit the regular brick and mortar store is constantly reducing. People prefer to shop online rather than visit their regular store. There are number of reasons why people prefer to use online shopping over the traditional shopping. One of the major advantages of choosing to buy Dinitrophenol online is the ability to buy them from the comfort of our home. We do not have to go to a drug store in search of Dinitrophenol weight loss pills. We can do this in a matter of few easy clicks. This saves us a lot of time. Since we can buy DNP weight loss pills from our home, we need not have to drive to our drug store in heavy traffic or face problems with finding the parking closer to the drug store. There is yet another advantage that adds on to the list of advantages of buying DNP online, we save on our fuel as we save the trip to the drug store. Every time we order a new pack of DNP fat loss pills online we save a lot of money. On the whole, when we buy DNP online we save money, time and energy. The list of advantages extends further. When we buy DNP online, we can choose to order the product any time of the day or night. The online system will be able to process our orders 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. This is not the case with buying our weight loss pills at our regular store. We need to find time to buy our pills and refills only when the store is open and not when we are free. This ensures that we always have a full supply of our weight loss pills. Besides that when we buy DNP online, we can compare costs between stores. The cost of weight loss pills online is relatively cheaper because the online stores do not have to shoulder the overhead costs that are normally incurred by a regular store. There are number of stores that sell weight loss drugs at discounted prices. This will help you make additional savings on your weight loss pills. Buydinitrophenol.com is one of the best stores online for 2 4 Dinitrophenol. They are highly professional in their approach and they sell original products at discounted prices. You can choose to get it shipped using express delivery and you can get volume discounts on large purchases. You can also get free shipping with large purchases. All these make Buydinitrophenol.com the best store to buy DNP online. Will Using A Trampoline Help Me To Lose Weight? You may be considering the use of a trampoline for exercise, but are curious as to how a trampoline exactly works. Using a childhood form of fun to burn fat and tone up seems too good to be true. How long will it take to lose weight using a trampoline? Is the process one of quick results or long-term commitment? Perhaps this article will help in answering these questions. First, what you need to understand is that most exercise programs on a trampoline use more complex movements than you did when you were little. Many have alternate forms of jumping jacks, paired with doing sprints, along with many other techniques. These techniques usually require a different, smaller, trampoline, so you may unfortunately have to get a new trampoline or adapt a workout to your setting. Be sure to get a trampoline that is right for you, and one that will help you get in shape, and not injure a joint. Trampolines can sometimes be expensive, but there are cheaper and still high-quality trampolines available. At the same time, however, be sure to not invest in a trampoline just because the cost may be low. Consider the material and quality of the product as well so that you do not end up injured. Some people like to refer to a workout trampoline as a rebounder. While a rebounder sounds more official, it is a trampoline. Some high quality trampolines, designed for workout, are called specifically a rebounder, so remember to search for them when you are shopping for the right trampoline. Every time you jump on a trampoline the body must cushion itself and then immediately push off to jump again. This action requires that leg muscles continually flex and un-flex, which causes your heart to pump harder. Such exercise is known as cardiovascular, which helps to burn fat and improve your heart and circulatory system. But then, how long will it take to lose weight jumping? Well at its core, losing weight is really based on the amount of calories your body ingests and burns. Now, of course, here comes the part most people donat want to hear, and thatas weight loss and a healthy lifestyle occur with a good amount of diet AND exercise. Donat expect working out a trampoline one hour a day to help you lose weight if you continue to have a bad diet. However, if you have a healthy diet, and one that you can continue, then a daily workout with a trampoline might be a good idea. This comes from a trampoline being a more interesting workout than other devices. While others, such as an ab wheel, might tone a specific part of your body, or devices such as a bicycle might give you a good cardiovascular workout, using a trampoline gives a fantastic mix of all of them. It provides an excellent cardiovascular workout, while toning your legs, thighs, and buttocks. Ultimately, trampolines provide fun, while at the same time remaining accessible and effective. Keep up your exercise and you will see results. Should you become discouraged, remember this dream I had as a child. In it, my trampoline bounced onto the roof of my parents' home and I awoke crying because I thought it was gone. Hopefully you find inspiration and humor in this tale. Keep up your exercise and good health, and always be happy! Yp10 – A Real Weight Loss Program There are many weight loss programs available today. You can find all sorts of products and programs all over the internet. All these programs aim at helping you drop those excess pounds. Not all of these programs and products are right for everyone and the choice is up to you to go with the best weight loss program that is available. It is very important to choose right weight loss program that suits you. One great way to make sure you go with a program you like is to go online and check the reviews of the product and make a decision in regards to the weight loss program. Before starting any weight loss program, you should analyze how much weight you have to lose, how quickly you want to lose it, and the method you use to lose weight. YP10 is one program that is suitable for adults both male and female above the age of 18. With this revolutionary formula you can drop pounds rapidly, safely and permanently. YP10 program teaches you how to shred 30+ pounds over a 5-6 week period. This program also assists you in reducing cholesterol and blood sugar levels. This program does not force you to cut way back on eating or constantly workout at the gym. Some of the other benefits of adopting YP10 weight loss program are: •Lowers food cravings •Increases energy level •Reduces blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels •Lessen the appearance of cellulite •Safe and healthy to use •Improves skin elasticity •Heavy work out not needed YP10 weight loss program helps you to burn fat faster. Just 3 capsules of Calorad MG before bed is suggested to reshape your body and lose weight while sleeping. Calorad MG is claimed to be a natural collagen protein product that supports lean muscle tissues to burn fat and sugar. The ideal time to take Calorad MG is before you go to sleep as the absorption rate during the first phase of sleep will be faster. It is recommended to follow a specific diet while on YP10 weight loss program for a minimum period of 26 days to get good result. Drinking plenty of water can add up the result better. The most attractive part of choosing YP10 weight loss program is that you don't have to stop eating your favorite foods any more. However, a healthy diet and moderate exercise will always help you to attain maximum results on any weight loss program. Zetacap Review I decided to post this Zetacap review after I had a unique opportunity to check out this popular weight loss program. Hopefully, after reading this short review, you'll have a better understanding of how Zetacap works and whether it will be right for you. Also, I'll detail how it works so you can figure out for yourself if it lives up to the hype, and will really help you lose weight. It seems like everywhere you turn, somebody is coming up with a program to sell you to help you lose weight. Remember Tai-Bo? How much money did you shell out on those MTV The Grind workout videos? Is Eric Neis's shirtless torso collecting dust, along with the rest of your old VHS tapes? I know that's the case with me, and I'm still as fat as I ever was. That's why I had to look into Zetacap. Basically, a half hour before every meal you take two Zetacap capsules with an eight ounce glass of water. The “Nano-Fiber” in the capsules work to absorb the water from the glass, creating a gel that fills the inside of your stomach. The result is that you'll feel full and eat far less than you otherwise would have. Just like if you had eaten a large meal, you will be satisfied for hours. If you're curious to see what is going on inside of your body after you take these Zetacap capsules, you can go to www.zetacap.com and watch their video. No hours on the elliptical or mystery pills that make you feel jittery all day. Plus, the before and after success stories and pictures speak for themselves. Clearly, Zetacap will help you lose weight. Really, there's no question about it. I highly recommend trying it out, at the very least. Plus, Zetacap offers a 100% money back guarantee. Highly recommended. Zth Fitness – Are You Really Committed To Lose Fat? If you're someone who has struggled to lose weight, but are active in the weight loss industry as a customer, then you've probably heard about zth fitness. The truth is, as you already know, losing weight isn't an overnight process. It takes some time, effort, and it also takes being able to control your emotional eating habits. This is a lot harder than it sounds, so you will need to understand something that very few people ever will - losing weight and keeping it off is not so much of a chore as it is a choice. Once you decide that this is something you want to do, then it becomes significantly easier to handle. To know more about to lose unwanted fat fast, visit Rob Poulos. Part of the challenge that many people face is the fact that they simply don't have a real desire to lose weight and keep it off. Be honest with yourself for a moment. Do you think zth fitness or anything else will really work unless you're 100% committed to the process of losing fat and keeping it off? No, of course not! So here's what you need to really think about in the days ahead. First imagine what you'll look and feel like if you were around 10 to 15 pounds slimmer. Can you imagine what that would be like? Okay. Now, you need to establish a daily goal that will help you reach that milestone in the shortest amount of time possible. Thanks to zth fitness, that part of the process is a lot easier than you might otherwise think. The really big challenge is going to arise when you start the process and discover a few weeks into it that you're not making the kind of progress you'd like to be making. This is when you need to have a lot of discipline and courage and stick with it. Here's the bottom line: if you want to lose weight and keep it off, you need to make the commitment to doing exactly that. Picking up zth fitness and following the instructions can help make the process go even faster for you. 10 Causes of Obesity Not Related to Food As Americans grow larger each year, the topic of obesity and its causes are still being debated. The weight loss industry tends to focus on the idea that obesity is from over consumption and lack of exercise.four donuts While over consumption and a sedentary lifestyle are factors in becoming obese, there are other factors worth considering, according to the director of the University of Alabama at Birmingham clinical nutrition research center, Dr. David Allison. Allison and his colleagues suggest there are a total of ten factors in addition to lifestyle and diet that are making Americans fatter. 1. Because American's are more stretched for time than ever before, they get less sleep. Too little sleep actually causes weight gain. 2. There are many pollutants in our environment, which affect hormones, which regulate body weight. 3. When you are too cold or too hot, your body uses more calories to create a level of comfort. Most everyone today works and lives in temperature controlled environments, and our bodies don't need to work as hard. 4. As bad as smoking is for you, it aids in weight loss. Less and less people are smoking today than ever before. 5. The use of drugs, including contraceptives, anti-depressants, blood pressure, and diabetes medications are on the rise. Many of these contribute to weight gain. 6. Other factors for obesity include age and ethnicity. For whatever reason, European Americans are more svelte than Hispanic Americans and middle aged people. The population of the United States is aging and becoming more Hispanic. 7. The older a woman is when she gives birth, the more likely her child is to become obese. Today more women are waiting until middle age to give birth. 8. Not only do our ancestors play a role in our body type and weight, so do the environments of our ancestors. Believe it or not, environmental conditions that make a grandparent obese may create obesity in their grandchild. 9. Fertility and obesity have been linked together. Studies suggest that people who are obese are more fertile than their slim counterparts. Following that thinking, if obesity can be genetic, and more obese people are having children, the population of obese people will increase. 10. Like attracts like. Obese people tend to marry obese partners. Again, if there is a genetic component to obesity, and more obese people are marrying off and reproducing, there will be a spike in the percentage of the population that are obese. If you are considered obese, be certain to consult your personal physician before beginning an exercise plan or weight loss program. With any weight loss program it is important to drop weight at a pace that is healthy for your body. Your doctor may be able to suggest a nutritionist as well as a personal trainer who has experience with clients that are considered obese. Remember that even though some factors are beyond your control, like genetics and environment, you do have the power to make lifestyle choices that can enhance your well being and create better health. 10 Ways To Get Skinny Fast Without Starving Yourself When you're over 10 pounds overweight and eager to get rid of the fat, it's hard to ignore all the siren calls from various fad diet marketers promising that if you'll just try Quickie Fast 2000 you're sure to lose 10 pounds or more overnight. Hot dang! You think that your problem of how to get skinny fast is now solved because a 30-day supply of Quickie Fast 2000 is going to melt those pounds away in no time. Quickie Fast has the power to do this because it contains a powerful appetite suppressant that will stop you from stuffing your face with food – both good and bad food. Listen, starving yourself to lose weight isn't a good idea. But all those calories in food is what's making you fat, so you're tempted to try quick solutions like drastically reducing the amount of food you eat. I'm telling you, your body will rebel if you do this. Anyway, the makers of Quickie Fast 2000 make you think that eating a lot less food means losing more weight. So, you decide to try their product and the first thing you notice is that these diet pills make you feel real jittery. Yeah, you drop a bunch of water weight, but you really feel like crap so you end up throwing away those miracle pills. Okay, now what are your other options? Unfortunately, some people resort to sticking their finger down their throat and making themselves throw their food up after eating. This kind of behavior leads to a serious eating disorder called bulimia. Once you go down this road, it's hard to get back to eating and enjoying food like a normal, healthy person. So, how to get skinny without starving or throwing up? I want you to know right now that it IS possible for you to lose the weight you want and stay perfectly healthy. You don't need any tricks or gimmicks that could risk your safety and well being. Here are some great tips on how to get skinny at home or work while continuing to enjoy food: Set a Goal for Yourself – Setting goals may not be your thing, but it will sure help you when it comes to losing weight. Get a 3x5 note card and write down how much weight you are going to lose and how much time it will take you to do that. Put this note card where you can read it often. Every time you look at that card, it will plant a seed of success in your mind. Example: I am going to lose 20 pounds in 90 days. Eat a Bowl of Soup – There are several kinds of delicious soups you can eat every day for lunch or dinner. Vegetable, tomato, chicken noodle, lentil, black bean, turkey and rice, fish and many more. For lunch you can have soup and a side salad. Or at dinner time, start with a hot bowl of soup. Soup is low in calories and good for you. Substitute Fruits for Sweets - Instead of munching on cookies and candy between meals, munch on apples, oranges, tangerines, grapes, cherries, pears, peaches, plums, mangoes or pineapple. These fruits contain sugar and will give you that sugar boost you enjoy. Eat Breakfast – If you are a chronic breakfast skipper – cut it out! I know you think you're cutting down on calories by easily skipping this meal, but you're mistaken if you think this is helping you to lose weight. What you are really doing is slowing down your energy level and metabolism for the day. Plus, you're more likely to eat junk food before lunch because you're so hungry. Eat a bowl of oatmeal, a breakfast bar, a bowl of fresh fruit or cereal in the morning. Your body will thank you for this by giving you more energy and boosting your body's ability to burn fat. Drink More Water – Maybe you've heard this before, but it's worth repeating: drink several glasses of water a day. Water helps to flush your body of toxins and also fills you up so you eat less calories. Eat a Pint of Ice Cream – What's this doing on the list? It's here because I don't believe in extreme food depravity while on a diet. If you love ice cream (like a lot of people do) then keep eating ice cream. The only thing is – you have to put limits on your indulgence. Instead of a gallon or half gallon, limit yourself to one pint of your favorite ice cream per month. If you run out before the month is over – too bad! Ration this sweet treat like you're on a deserted island and you have no choice but to make it last longer. Soon you'll realize you don't even desire to eat more than this small amount. Use Smaller Plates and Glasses – Get a set of small plates and glasses to eat meals from. Smaller servings means you'll automatically eat less, since we all tend to eat everything on our plates. When using this method, resist the urge to have seconds. That would defeat the purpose of smaller serving sizes. Cut Down on Soda – Soda is filled with empty calories and sugar. There is also no nutritional value in drinking soda. If you must have fizz, then drink seltzer water. Other good soda substitutes are: tea, water and smoothies. Eliminate One Fatty Food Each Week – Fatty foods can be highly addictive just like any drug. Trying to stop eating all of them cold turkey is why many people fail on their quest to lose weight. They crave their favorite fatty foods too much. Instead of the cold turkey method, eliminate one fatty food item from your diet each week. This means it should not be anywhere in your home. Example: week one you stop eating potato chips, week two you stop eating fried chicken, week three it's donuts, and so on . . . Make a Date with Yourself to Exercise – You've got to exercise in order to lose weight. This is a fact and there's no getting around it. Does that mean that exercising has to be unpleasant? No. Walking is the best low-impact exercise you can do. You walk all the time to get from the couch to the kitchen so you can add a little more walking into your routine and walk for your health. Like to dance? Great. Put on your favorite music and dance around the living room for 30 minutes. Lots of fun and you burn calories too. Some other mild activities are: biking, swimming, playing ball outside, jumping jacks, jumping on a trampoline and walking up and down stairs. Schedule a time to do your exercise activities three times a week – keep the appointment. Take some action on these tips and start getting skinny today! 2 Simple Losing Weight Diets Losing weight tricks are what lots of people are searching for, but many of these tricks are readily available - at very affordable prices. I mean even free. But we are always hindered by our weak determination to carry on with our weight-shedding schedules using these simple rules. You see, we seem to even skip simple solutions and then head for higher or more expensive ones without really considering what is at stake. It is good practice to try what is available before reaching for what is scarce. And now lets talk about only two diets: Water: Many may hate calling it diet but it can play far better roles in the body than most foods they would love to call diet; and without it all other diets are ineffective . Water does wonders for fat reduction and weight loss in the body, but since it is common , some prefer to have something more expensive than it. Water detoxicates, purifies, flushes and help in burning down of excess fat in the system. Drinking lots of water is one of the most important weight loss prescription? Yet it is readily available. Drink it to help in fat burning. Fishes: Well, if you don't like eating fish like others, you may opt for other related foods. Mean while, fishes are also great for fast weight loss. Fish like tuna which contains Omega-3 fatty acids, and oh, Salmon also contains Omega-3 fatty acids which are classified under unsaturated fats. What omega 3 does is to cut down leptin production; a hormone responsible fat storage in the body. On achieving this, you lose weight without the daunting exercise and stress. Eat these fishes to lose more weight and stay healthier and happier. You see, you can eat to lose weight instead of staying hungry. Many have believed starving and expensive diets to be the best solution simply because they have tried the cheaper means, but it is not true. Sure, you can start shedding weight using simple available food around you, and you will spend less while you stay healthy and less weighty. Also bear in mind that there are lots of cheap weight loss foods that are available. Sometimes you need a dietician who will check to find the best diet for you; but this option should be applied only when the simple solutions you tried did not work on for you . You may even get help from experts like Isabel De Los Rios on her ‘The Diet Solution Program' or even Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst on her ‘Top Secret Fat Loss Secret' if you want more professional solution. Click hereto learn more about their great programs. 3 Essential Tips on How to Prevent Loose Sagging Skin Loose sagging skin is fairly common among people who are advanced in age since as people age there is a visible reduction in the elasticity of skin. Age however is not the only factor in all cases of sagging skin even young people can suffer from one. This may be caused by sudden weight loss. This is because when a person gains a significant amount of weight, the skin stretches to give way to the increased weight or fat tissues. After drastic weight loss, what happens is that the skin fails to tighten back. Thus, it hangs or sags. There are varied reasons for this condition or problem but more often than not, methods of prevention are fairly the same. But admittedly young people can regain their skin's elasticity faster or easier than older people. One way to prevent loose sagging skin or that which looses its elasticity is through regular exercise and healthy balanced diet. There are food types with nutrients and vitamins or minerals that aid in tightening the skin. These include foods rich in vitamins A, C, and E. To hasten the effects of these vitamins in your skin, you can directly take vitamin supplements. Foods rich in zinc are said to be good for the skin as well. Vitamins A, C, E as well as zinc help form collagen, which along with keratin, bring about skin strength and elasticity. Essential fatty acids, also known as EFAs, which are present in most vegetables as well as fish oil firms up skin since they build skin cell walls. Drinking lots of water, needless to say, is great for hydrating the skin and flushes away toxins also. There are hundreds of creams or topical lotion available over the counter of most pharmacies and beauty stores or in derma clinics. These are usually advertised as skin firming or tightening cream or lotion. Most of which have the same formulation and ingredients found in masks and wraps used by spa treatment clinics, thus are very effective in reducing not only cellulites or the sight of loose sagging skin, but tightens or firms up the skin as well. These products usually target sag-prone areas such as the neck, arms, belly, thighs, and hips. Laser surgery or surgical treatments are of course the last resort of people who have problematic sagging skin. Liposuction is the most common where excess fat from the body is removed then the loose skin would be tucked and tightened. There are various types of tightening cosmetic surgeries such as abdominoplasty or the so-called 'tummy tuck', which immediately results into a flat and tightened stomach as it removes loose skin from the lower abdomen and tightens the skin of the upper abdomen in the process. There is also what is called as brachioplasty or arm tightening or contouring. Brachioplasty removes the excess skin tissue along the inner arm and thus reduces the circumference of the upper arm. Whatever method or treatment used in preventing sagging skin, the result or how well the skin will tighten or firm up depend on the amount of extra or loose skin, how loose the supporting skin tissues have become, length of time the skin was stretched, how much it was stretched, the amount of elastin in a person's skin and, of course the age since as cited earlier the younger one is, the more elastic the skin is. 3 Tips To Help Your Cat Lose Weight Naturally We are all pet owners who love our cats very much. I am sure you only want the best for your cat. Of course we also know our cats think they already know what is best for them. They also can be very loud and quite demanding when they want something from us. When it comes to their food, they want it now and they want as much as they can eat. Unfortunately that is when you find yourself with a overweight cat. I know how hard it can be to limit your cats food intake. You must also be very careful not to limit it too much. Cats must lose their weight very slowly for health reasons. Never put your cat on a crash diet. If your cat seems to be more docile and not playing as much that could be a sign a change of diet may be in order. For cats weight and too much of it, can be the cause of many diseases. Cats have a higher risk of getting diseases such as kidney stones, or crystals and a very high risk of diabetes. Also their quality of life changes. They cannot jump up to look out the window, which we all know as cat owners they love to be able to sit on a windowsill. The worst side effect of being overweight is their life expectancy becomes much shorter. Here are some tips to help you with your cat's weight problem. Tip #1. The first step in helping your cat lose weight is their diet. Is the current food they are eating high in fat and calories? Try slowly changing over their food to a healthy weight loss food. You can select from a variety of very good quality foods that are available. Tip #2. If your cat is eating people food that has to be cut out. Also if you are giving him/her snacks of any kind, that also should be stopped. Many times, it is better to feed your cat small meals during the day instead of one large meal twice a day. Most important with cats you must do any change gradually. Cats should never lose weight quickly. It is recommended that you allow no more then a couple of pounds a year. Tip #3. Finally, with a healthier diet your cat should want to be more active. We know our cats can be stubborn, but if possible try to get them to play a couple of times a day. My cat likes to run after rolled up napkins. Roll them in a ball and through it. They are soft so your cat can pick them up. Now do not expect your cat to bring the napkins back. Remember they are not dogs. Hopefully your cat will live a long and healthy life. They deserve whatever we can do to make that life a very happy one. As cat lovers we know they love us, even if sometimes they do not feel like showing it. Use natural home remedies whenever possible for your cats health. 4 Detox Drinks That Help You Flush Fat When people gain fat, they don't get more fat cells, but the existing fat cells get bigger. This can happen because of hormonal imbalances, lack of exercise and foods that can make your body store fat instead of flushing it. Fat cells store waste like unused amino acids. They can even store toxic compounds, like organochlorines, from pesticides along with other chemicals, which are not easily broken down by your body. If you want to lose fat, or the fatty look, you must do two things. First you must shrink the fat cells. The second is to keep your lymphatic system in good working order. Your lymphatic system is a type of circulatory system. It transports white blood cells through your body while transporting waste to organs of detoxification or elimination. Your lymphatic system must work efficiently so that toxins leave your body, not just change locations. These are some of the beverages that can help. Grapefruit Juice - Fresh squeezed grapefruit juice is one of the best cleanser's for your lymphatic system. Grapefruits contain high amounts of Vitamin C, which helps your body naturally detoxify. In addition, grapefruits are high in phytonutrients called limonoids - in particular limonin. Limonin is a compound that helps promote the formation of glutathione-S-transferase, a detoxifying enzyme. This enzyme causes the liver to render toxins to be easily excreted from the body. These compounds are also work as powerful antioxidants. Grapefruit juice can increase the activity of liver enzymes. In fact, it helps with Phase I and Phase II detoxification. This is important since some foods only help the body with Phase I detoxification. If unbalanced and left incomplete, these half-neutralized toxins can be more hazardous to your body. Grapefruit juice will help your liver detoxify and clear harmful carcinogens from your body. Not only is this a healthy preventive measure, but when your liver is working the way it should, it is more efficient at burning fat - a job it may put on hold if it is over burdened. Cranberry Juice - Pure cranberry juice is a natural fat flushing drink. It must be 100% pure cranberry juice without anything added. (Check the label, you might be surprised.) Cranberry juice contains high levels of organic acids. When taken on a regular basis, these help the body dissolve fatty deposits. Cranberry juice has been found in research to inhibit certain strains of bacteria from sticking to red blood cells or mouth cells which can cause them to linger in the body. In addition, it helps block a certain bacteria from sticking to cells causing urinary tract infections. This helps your body's ability to flush bacteria and other waste more easily. Green tea - Green tea is one of the most famous fat flushing drinks. Like cranberry juice, green tea is extremely high in antioxidants. It has been known to help many dieters lose belly fat more quickly when taken 2-3 times a day. In 1997, researchers found that a component of green tea, an antioxidant called EGCG, is very powerful at limiting the negative side effects of a fatty diet and even smoking. The Lemon Flush - Make this drink with spring water, juice from ¼ lemon, 1 Table spoon of grade B maple syrup and a dash of cayenne pepper. Make the water as hot as you can drink it and add the ingredients. Sip this drink 1-6 times per day to help flush fat and other toxins from your body. Grade B Maple Syrup is loaded with vitamins and minerals to help maintain blood sugar during a fast or diet. Lemon juice helps break up hardened material in the joints and muscles, helps clear the kidneys and dissolves toxins and congestion all throughout your body and lymphatic system. Some herbalists claim that cayenne pepper is the most powerful herb in the world. It helps your intestines move out waste, speeds up metabolism, helps build heart tissue, and has been used to treat diseases of the circulatory system. Consuming certain beverages can help your body perform the two jobs of fat loss more efficiently. These drinks can help your body remove waste from the fat cells and keep your lymphatic system clear and ready to transport toxins out of your system. They can help turn any weight loss program into a fat flush program. 4life Research, a Frank Review from Somebody Who Didn't Join You can read loads over the Internet about 4life Research, but if you would like to know a frank review from a person who is not with the company, but knows it inside out, you will want to read on. The problem with reviews written by members is that they are all searching for prospects, and will never be fully honest. We are going to review the 4life Research opportunity; based on the compensation plan structure, the joining fees and the support you can receive upon sign up. What does 4life Research Do? 4life Research is a company specializing in cleansing and detox supplements, energy and weight loss products and uses a network marketing model to promote them. The company is over 10 years old and very comparable to other nutrition companies. One of their most infamous products is 4Life Transfer Factor RioVida, full of vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants. If you are looking at the company profile, there is not much differentiating them from other MLM nutrition companies. How Can You Earn money with 4life Research? Unmistakably, there is still money in the health and wellness market, and there is a demand for natural products to keep people healthy and energetic. Weight loss is also a challenge of today, and there are millions of individuals looking for easier, more natural methods of losing weight. 4life Research offers a wide range of products; from sleeping aids to vitamins and food supplements and the market is massive. The Compensation Plan of 4life Research You can get hold of a starter pack with 4life Research valued $50 to $150, and begin promoting the chosen products. As most of the sales are made over the Internet, you would also need a website. As the market is hard to enter, you can also count a couple of hundred dollars for advertising and promotion. You are required to maintain an auto ship order, and that is something you should also think about. The compensation plan is great though, it currently pays a monthly residual income situated on order volumes down to 10 levels and there is a minimum requirement to qualify. You will furthermore get additional benefits after you achieve a monthly sales figure. Final Thoughts About 4life Research 4life Research has been around for a long enough time that I would consider it to be a pretty solid company and for the fitting person, you can be very profitable. The health industry is continually going to around and trillions of dollars is spent every single year. The natural products that 4life Research offers are very sought after since a more natural concept to health has been in the media for the past several years. Now with that said, the health and wellness industry is awfully competitive. Even though 4life Research has exceptional products in detox, energy and weight loss, right now as you're reading this article, there are thousands of other network marketing companies in the health and wellness arena as well. All these companies are all saying the same things... "Our company, mission, products and comp plan are the absolute best, you will loose weight fast, feel better every day, make millions", and on and on. At the end of the day, your fortune in 4life Research will be based on your ability to separate yourself from the competition and sponsor new people into your organization. To do this, it is critical you appreciate how to market and have a working knowledge of personal branding and lead generation. 4-Minute Rapid Fat Loss Cardio Interval Workouts at Home! Everybody's Got At Least 4 Minutes To Workout! In the real world, there will be days when we simply do not have enough time to perform the ideal full-length 20-minute interval cardio workouts (not including a highly recommended 5-minute warm-up and cool-down). In most instances, the typical approach we take is to just skip the workout altogether. The flawed assumption here is that no significant results can occur in less than 30 minutes anyways. However, this could not be further from the truth! Both our clients and we have discovered just how much can happen in 4 minutes with the right approach to training. So basically, there is no room for excuses as we all have at least 4 minutes on any given day to workout ;) It's not about time... IT'S ALL ABOUT INTENSITY! The key to these cardio interval workouts is INTENSITY. In both scientific research and real world studies, time and time again one thing is clear: Intensity is truly the only thing that makes your body change! Intensity is the key to ripping off ugly, unwanted body fat and gaining lean, sexy muscle. As much as we'd love to claim we've reinvented the wheel here, this intensity principle is nothing new in the fitness world. Even as far back as 1994 in the Metabolism Journal researchers discovered the following: each calorie you expend during high-intensity exercise burns 9 times more fat than the same calorie expended during steady state aerobic exercise! Don't believe this? Well, trust us when we say that you definitely will become a believer in intensity after performing your first interval workout. It's really the coolest thing in the world. It's like you just flip the switch to building the body of your dreams. See below to learn more about why this happens: The Role of HIGH-Intensity Exercise - Embraces the Carb-Burning Zone: High-Intensity exercise rapidly reducing muscle glycogen (stored sugar) during training which promotes enhanced total body fat-burning at all other times of day. - Burns a TON of Calories Both During AND After Exercise: This phenomenon is due to the post-workout "AFTERBURN" know as EPOC which describes the number of calories your body expends in the recovery of your metabolism back to pre-exercise levels from high-intensity training. The best part about EPOC is that you control it, meaning that the harder you work during training the more calories your body will burn BOTH during your workout AND for up to 24-48 hours after completing your workout! - Creates the Optimal Hormonal Environment for Fat Loss: High-Intensity exercise puts your body in a "fight or flight" mode that forces your body to CHANGE as a means of survival. More specifically, your body releases catecholamines (primarily adrenaline) in response to interval training that directly mobilizes stored body fat so that it can be burnt off as energy during activity. The 4-Minute Rapid Fat Loss Cardio Program How to Get 4-Minute Equipment-Free Fat Loss in Your Living Room! This Workout Muse Cardio EXPRESS features the breakthrough Tabata Protocol that Japanese scientists used to compare the effects of only 4 minutes of high-intensity interval training to a slow, long 60-minute steady-state aerobic alternative. They found GREATER FAT LOSS and GREATER IMPROVEMENTS IN FITNESS with the following 4-minute interval routine versus the full hour of aerobics! Each workout takes only 4 minutes, not including the highly recommended warm-up. In all, you will be in the shower 10 short minutes after breaking your first bead of sweat ;) Cardio EXPRESS Are You Ready For TABATAS? - 5-minute warm-up (optional, but highly recommended) - Select the appropriate Tabatas Variation for your current fitness level: Level I- Beginners- Modified Tabatas: 10 s on, 20 s off - 10 s on (sprint), 20 s off (recover)- 1:2 work to rest ratio - Repeat this 30 s round 8x for 4 total minutes Level II- Intermediate- Modified Tabatas: 15 s on, 15 s off - 15 s on (sprint), 15 s off (recover)- 1:1 work to rest ratio - Repeat this 30 s round 8x for 4 total minutes Level III- Advanced- Original Tabatas: 20 s on, 10 s off - 20 s on (sprint), 10 s off (recover)- 2:1 work to rest ratio - Repeat this 30 s round 8x for 4 total minutes The Top 6 Body Weight Cardio Exercises Choose either one exercise below and perform it for the full duration of your workout OR feel free to switch to different exercises from round to round to mix things up and get a little more variety: 1.) Stationary Running 2.) Jumping Claps (Modified Jumping Jack) 3.) Cross-Country Skier 4.) Mountain Climber 5.) Burpee Variation 6.) Shadow Boxing or Kickboxing Perform These Cardio Workouts Only On Days: - When you truly have NO TIME for the prescribed full-length 20-minute interval workouts (e.g. travel days) - For an extra metabolic boost during the day to accelerate fat loss (immediately in the morning or 4-6 hours before/after your main workout of the day) - Before a "free meal" to serve as a bit of damage control so that your body is primed to use the extra carbs and calories from this meal for muscle growth and recovery while minimizing fat-storage (don't push this too far - this is not an excuse to go hog-wild!) IMPORTANT NOTE- Feel free to perform this protocol with any mode of cardio exercise (e.g. outdoor/treadmill running, cycling, etc.). We have simply provided the best equipment-free cardio exercises for the utmost simplicity and convenience. You can even employ body weight resistance training exercises (squats, push-ups, lunges, etc.) or other resistance training exercises using dumbbells, bands, sandbags, etc. to perform these express workouts. Use your imagination to explore the infinite possibilities for endless variety and to keep your workouts exciting, fun, and fresh! 4 Super Juices for Anti Aging All people age differently. Some people look and act much younger than their years while others look way beyond their years. Our first thoughts might be that it is due to genetics, but this is only a small part of the anti aging puzzle. We all have genes that work for us and genes that work against us. Many genes lie dormant, not affecting us one way or the other, while others are active and fully affect our lives. Which genes are activated and which ones are not is greatly determined by the food and nutrition (or lack of it) that you consume. Therefore, nutrition plays a big role in the process of aging, or anti aging. Some super-foods can help stall the aging process. The juices of these foods are even more powerful. Your body can easily assimilate the nutrients from the juices without having to break through the fiber. For example, you can easily drink 10 carrots and get the benefits of all the nutrients, but your body would have a hard time trying to digest as many in one meal. Here are some of the top super foods which can be made into anti aging juice. It is best to make and drink these fresh while the enzymes are still active, as this is part of its power. It also tastes much better fresh. Carrots have always been known to be high in beta carotene, which is converted into Vitamin A in your body. This natural nutrient helps your body make new cells to replace the old ones, especially cells of your skin, eyes and bones. This is why carrots have long been associated with keeping your eyesight strong, your hair and skin beautiful and your teeth and bones strong. In addition, carrots keep your body tissues healthy, help to balance your hormonal system and strengthen your immune system. Drinking carrot juice is safer than taking a Vitamin A supplement. Vitamin A can cause a toxic effect. However, carrot juice does not contain Vitamin A, but beta carotene, which your body converts to Vitamin A. Your body is very smart and will not convert so much as to make you toxic. It will only covert what you need and eliminate the rest. Beet juice is our next anti aging super juice. It detoxifies your blood and renews it with minerals. It also stimulates the cells and function of your liver. This is important since your liver can get a toxic build up and become sluggish as you get older. In addition, beet juice increases the activity of liver enzymes that protect you from free radicals. Beets have been shown to protect not only the liver, but increase the function of the kidneys and intestines. It also lowers internal inflammation, which aids in the prevention of coronary disease and cerebral artery disease. It is important to not drink too much beet juice. When made into a juice, the vitamins and minerals are removed from the fiber making it easier for your body to absorb all of them. This can create a very different effect than eating beets. In fact, drinking too much fresh beet juice may cause symptoms similar to irritable bowel syndrome. On the other hand, drinking the right amount can be more beneficial than any vitamin or supplement out there. If you have never drank beet juice before, start with only ¼ to ½ of a beet mixed into other juice. Slowly build from there, but no more than one beet per day. This should be plenty to get the anti aging benefits you are looking for. Celery juice is another excellent anti aging juice. Its natural balance of sodium and potassium aids the heart and regulates heartbeat. It helps clear the lymphatic system by working as a diuretic. This helps eliminate excess body fluids and waste that can cause puffiness and weight gain, which seems to come too easy as we progress in years. In addition, celery juice contains a compound called pthalides which helps reduce stress hormones and relaxes the muscles around your arteries. This effect along with a good balance of calcium and magnesium can help to naturally reduce blood pressure. Celery juice contains mostly pure, natural mineral water. It can be made into juice by itself or added to other juices to make them less sweet. It is excellent to help your body regulate itself and keep your heart safe when working in extreme temperatures. Our last juice is made from parsley. It is full of antioxidants, flavenoids and luteolins that help prevent oxidative damage to cells. Oxidative damage is believed to be one of the reasons our bodies begin to break down in the aging process, causing wrinkles, hair loss and even disease in some cases. Along with these benefits, parsley is high in Vitamins C and A which is good for your hair, skin, and healthy immune function and is anti-inflammatory. It also contains folic acid which helps prevent certain cancers and protects again rheumatoid arthritis. Start your anti aging regimen by drinking fresh vegetable juices on a daily basis. Many notice results in as little as one week. And obviously the longer you drink them, the more noticeable the effects. Save money by purchasing your own juicer and buying your veggies at a local farmers market when possible. In the long run, the anti aging super juices will give more benefits for less money than expensive supplements! 4 Tips To Lose Arm Fat Fast Are you searching for the best way to lose that extra arm fat? To achieve this you will have to use some weights . No doubt there are many various other ways too, I think you really ought to know.. I am going to reveal just four top secrets how to shed that fat from your arms!! 1 Lifting weights I mentioned you must lift weights if you wish to get rid of arm fat . I would advise you to buy a pair of dumbbells so you can perform these easy workouts at home . Even watching television at home you can perform this! the great thing about this is you can easily stay in a good routine of weight lifting doing this in the comfort of your home. 2 Aerobic workouts Doing the aerobic exercises will help you to shed some weight off from your entire body as well as your arm. . In case you are fat, you might not wish to go out for workout like jogging. Another alternative is you to go walking in the comfort of your home on the treadmill exercise while enjoy watching television or listening to some music at the same time! 3 Eat chicken without skin Chicken will provide you with protein, bear in mind it should be skinless, there is much less fat in skinless chicken. when your body gets that protein, it will help to build up muscles and boost up your metabolism rate. This will no doubt help you lose arm fat much faster. 4 Calorie shifting diet plan To boost up your metabolism you need to use the calorie shifting diet. For this you have to be aware of what kind of diet will help you to lose the extra fat. . You need to be determined to stay on this type of diet, if you want the real results. I do not recommend that you take any weight loss pills or supplements unless prescribed by your doctor. Instead I would encourage you to find a healthy and balanced diet program by an experienced nutrition specialist that is combined with workout routines to help you losing weight. Finding a good diet and workout program is essential to help you to lose weight from all over the body as well as the arms. There are many programs out there that are available online. However, only few provide valuable and useful comprehensive information that can help you lose weight easily and effectively. Visit our website to find more information about these programs and read our review of the top ones that are available online. Also will find a lot of helpful resources – including articles and videos- if you are slim and searching only to lose fat from your arms. 5 Fantastic Fat Cleanse Secrets Losing fat is not as easy as losing weight. Losing weight with the wrong diet program can make things worse and cause your body to lose muscle while accumulating fat. This can cause a mushy look, which makes you look fatter while weighing less. A fat cleanse may be the solution. You can help your body flush fat during a weight loss program. Fat cells store waste. If you want those fat cells to shrink you have to help it get rid of this stored waste. Here are five fat cleansing secrets that can help. Secret 1 - Drink warm lemon water throughout the day. Lemon juice is a natural cleanser for our bodies. Since fat cells get bigger as toxins are stored in them, a good fat cleanse will help flush these toxins from the fat cells into your lymphatic system for removal. This is your opportunity to be sure that your body removes them instead of storing them again. Secret 2 - Avoid bread and bread products for at least a week. Even whole grains can cause bloating and many wheat flour products contain high amounts of pesticides and other toxins. In addition, labeling can be confusing and cause you to believe a food is whole grain while still being a "junk food." Add to this the fact that wheat products are a high glycemic-index food which triggers a strong insulin response. This strong response can lead to problems including food cravings, surges and falls in blood sugar, and diabetes. This can cause fat storage. Avoiding bread and bread products for even just a few days will increase your sensitivity to these effects. This will help you to instinctively want to avoid these foods. Remember, the first few days are the hardest so hang in there. Secret 3 - Your thyroid regulates cell activity. Decreased activity means a sluggish metabolism and weight gain along with fat storage. But why are so many people afflicted with low thyroid activity these days? There are many environmental toxins around us in modern, industrial society. Our drinking water contains chlorine. If you drink bottled water, you get the toxins from the plastic. Any foods that you eat that are processed, including breads, cereals, and most boxed and canned foods, are processed with tap water. This adds up over the years. Unfortunately, chlorine is a toxin that can get stored in the thyroid. Another environmental toxin is perchlorate. The CDC has completed a study proving that levels common to American people have negative effects on the thyroid. Unfortunately, this toxin has been infiltrating our water that we drink and that feeds our vegetables and fruits for many years. Some cities are just now starting to clear this accidental chemical out of the systems. Help your body clear these waste products so your thyroid can work the way it is supposed to, by keeping cells active, metabolism strong and to clear waste instead of storing it. Eating a healthy, clean diet of mainly organic fruits, vegetables and proteins will be a good start. Dark green superfoods are an excellent supplement to use during a fat cleanse and can help clear these toxins. They are known to absorb toxins and bind with them to aid removal from your body. This will take the burden off your thyroid while ensuring that stored toxins leave your body. The common green superfoods that work like this are spirulina, chlorella, cilantro, kelp, barley grass and wheat grass. You can find these supplements in powder or pill form at your local health food store. Look for the organic versions. Secret 4 - Help your body cleanse by clearing waste that may be stored in the intestinal tract. Calcium plaque can build up in arteries even though blood flows 24 hours a day. A plaque buildup of protein has been found in patients with alzheimers. Plaque can also build up in other areas of the body, including your intestines. This can add pounds and cause your metabolism to be sluggish. Fiber can help your body clear any buildup and prevent intestinal plaque from forming. Good fiber supplements to use include psyllium husk, crushed flax seeds and apple pectin. Be sure to drink at least eight glasses of water per day to help the fiber and any waste to leave. Secret 5 - Walk for exercise. Walking is one of the best exercises to help your body clear fat and waste. It stimulates movement of the lymphatic system, raises your metabolism, aids digestion, and stretches and tones your muscles all at the same time. And it doesn't cost very much. Start with a daily walk for twenty to thirty minutes per day. Consistency is the key to seeing benefits. Wear comfortable shoes and stretch a little before and after your walk - you may find that you have used muscles which have been inactive for a while. Help your body lose weight and fat. Most body cleansing programs can be turned into a fat cleanse when tweaked the right way. These tips can get you started. 5 Tips To Achieve Your Diet Goals For most people shedding pounds is definitely a daunting, disheartening, and fear-provoking experience. There are many eating plans each ensuring the most beyond belief results and due to the personal and emotional effects of being obese have on our personalities and personal value, most of us often believe and try yet once again. Several practical suggestions that will help you to arrive at your fat loss goals more effectively. 1. Just How Much The first step in any successful weight reduction method is to ascertain simply how much bodyweight you need to shed and not necessarily the number of pounds you would like to lose. The real key here is to be sensible. The best way forward is to determine your recommended weight according to calculators just like the BMI. Set small yet obtainable slimming objectives that encourage success as well as motivate you for the next stage. 2. Feasible Time Frame More often than not, having a feasible time frame for losing weight is not even a thing to consider. We all want to get rid of all those extra kilos overnight and expect results in a flash. Take into account your work routine, the amount of hours you can spend on physical exercise, when it's possible to do food shopping not to mention when you are likely to have time to spend on preparing nutritious meals. When you've got an structured approach, planning your activities properly in accordance with your existing home and work life, it's likely you'll keep away from mayhem, hurried days, in addition to unexpected occurrences. Using this method you will be able to support your dieting efforts a lot easier. 3. Stock the Good Food Make certain you have plenty of nutritious good foods in your kitchen such as healthy animal meat, spices, plenty of organic fruits, fresh vegetables, and cereals. Try and prepare your meals beforehand for the week and ensure to use healthy cooking methods. This will help you to stop resorting to take away meals after a day at work with little energy left to prepare a home cooked meal. 4. Home Cooking is Best It can't be contested that wholesome home made meals are a large element and are among the best weight loss tips. There is really no need to change the way you live if you are accustomed to home made meals. The key here is to cook meals with little oil, minimizing salt, and use healthy cooking methods where doable like using fresh meat and vegetables as much as possible and cook or grill food as an alternative to frying it in deep oil. 5. Re-think the Snack food items It is impractical to expect never to snack between meals particularly if you are into the habitual pattern of enjoying a treat while watching TV. Reconsider the types of snacks you enjoy. Instead of having a packet of crisps or fries with a carbonated drink, reconsider, and turn to lightly salted micro popcorn together with flavored water. Treat yourself with portions of your favorite fresh fruit. Making them as fresh fruit kebabs is a fantastic treat. As with any kind of diet regime, a good cardiovascular exercise routine creates a good foundation for any diet program and is most probably one of the best fat loss suggestions. Just remember as soon as dieting begins to turn into a punishment it's unlikely that you're going to achieve success with your efforts. 5 Ways To Improve Bone Health Through Pilates Pilates Reformer is a machine used in Pilates classes that creates resistance via its pulley and spring system to produce a more challenging strength and endurance workout as compared to mat classes. Pilates Reformer classes are very useful in improving bone health particularly for the seniors and obese since it has zero impact on the joints. Pilates Increases Bone Density Bone density is the amount of mineral matter in your bones and is often used as an indicator of osteoporosis (a common aliment amongst the elderly) and the probability of fractures. As the amount of bone density increases, the risk of osteoporosis and fractures decreases. Pilates Reformer, a form of resistance exercise, helps to increase bone density as it strengthens your back and stomach muscles which in turn reduces the risk of osteoporosis and aids in the slowdown of erosion in certain bone joints especially the pelvis and shoulders. It also helps in the loss of belly fat and tone up the whole body. Pilates Promotes Mobility Pilate movements often involve stretching and strengthening the muscles which improves coordination and flexibility of joints; this in turn promotes mobility that is crucial for the elderly. With enhanced coordination and flexibility of joints, seniors can look forward to the ease of daily movements such as walking and bending as well as the reduction of injury risk as a result of falls. Pilates Has Zero Impact On Joints Pilates is known to have zero impact on the joints as there is a lack of repeated weight pounding on the joints as seen in aerobic exercises. In addition, the fact that a majority of Pilates movements is done on your belly or back relieves the tension created on joints during exercises. As such, Pilates can be practiced daily without worry about injuries to the joints. Such is its benefits, that even an 80 year old elderly and a 12 year old child can practice Pilates on a regular basis. Pilates Strengthens Inner Core Muscles Core muscles are made up of the abdominal wall, spinal muscles, pelvic muscles and the diaphragm. All these muscles form the foundation for movement and work together to keep the trunk of your body stable. Strong core muscles is essential for keeping your back healthy, body upright, improving your balance and allowing free movement of your arms and legs. If your inner core muscles are weak, it will cause other muscles to have to pick up the slack and the results will be hunching of shoulders and an aching back amongst other ailments. Pilates help to strengthen the inner core muscles that hug the bones and organs to provide better support of the skeleton structure via various sets of Pilate movements. These movements will help to build up the core muscles so that the skeleton structure will be able to better brace the body frame to ensure that the body remains upright and healthy. Pilates Promotes Proper Alignment Of The Skeleton Structure Pilates promote the proper alignment of the skeleton structure which can be seen via a marked improvement to your posture. Good posture via the proper alignment of the skeleton structure ensures that there is a healthy alignment of bones and curves of the spine which will allow muscles to maintain their normal length resulting in the decrease in unnecessary back strains that may occur due to daily chores. In essence, Pilates is able to improve your bone health via the above mentioned five methods. Since Pilates have little impact on your joints, this makes it a safe exercise for all including the elderly and obese. Start reaping the benefits of Pilates in a Pilates studio today! 5 Ways To Lose Facial Fat Fast Our faces are quite literally a reflection of ourselves and when we begin to accumulate excess fat within the face it can be hard to eliminate and even harder to know where and how to start. To slim the face, you'll need to either perform facial exercises or modify your diet to decrease your overall body weight. Let's look at some ways to lose cheek fat with proper diet and exercise. 1. Do simple facial exercises to help tone the muscles of the face. Facial exercises also help stimulate blood flow and improve circulation. See Additional Resources for information on specific exercises to help reduce cheek fat and tone the muscles of the face. 2. There are simple exercise to get the cheek fat burned. Simple activities can burn calories and make your metabolism strong. Why don't you smile? Yes smiling can help you get you want. Yes smiling helps to burn fat accumulated in cheek area. So start practicing smiling with or without reason. 3. Address your diet first. A well-balanced and nutritional diet filled with healthy foods such as whole grains, lean proteins like fish and chicken and plenty of healthy fruits and vegetables will help you lose weight. Starving yourself isn't the answer to losing cheek fat. 4. Ultrasound is increasingly being used for cosmetic purposes. A special ultrasound machine can be employed to send energy deep beneath the skin, where it liquifies underlying fat cells without harming tissue or nerve cells. The liquified fat is then expelled naturally by the body--or at least that's what proponents and practitioners of ultrasound therapy claim. 5. Drinking eight big glasses of water a day has been proven to aid in natural weight loss. Sometimes when we think we're hungry, our body is actually just thirsty. Drinking lots of water can take the edge off our "hunger" and keep us from overeating, thus helping us to lose fat. Losing weight can be a very daunting task but it is possible and the harder you work at the better the results you will see. If you can stick to a consistent workout plan and manage a healthy diet for the long term than you can say goodbye for good to that unwanted cheek fat. 6 Pack Abs Exercise Program, Diet Regime Routine Plan & Exercises During the last couple months, my fitness regimen has included most of my favorite methods to get 6 pack abs. Combining a clean diet plan with ample strength training and cardio has allowed me to significantly reduce my body fat to some level Irrrve never been before. As a result, I'd prefer to share my six pack abs workout regimen and eating plan program. Additionally, I'd like to review several of my preferred 6 pack abs exercises. While I can't guarantee you'll understand the same results as me, Hopefully several tips will assist you to learn to get six pack abs. Getting Six Pack Abs The essential answer to getting 6 pack abs that the unwanted fat must be very low. Everyone differs, but generally for males, you'll will visit your abs around 10% extra fat. You'll look completely ripped if you get under 6% extra fat. For females, you'll will go to a nice 6 pack once your excess fat is about 16%. Anything under 12% and you'll have a flat stomach. What's the best way to reduce your unwanted fat? I take a multi-pronged approach that mixes a proper diet program, cardio, and circuit training for fat loss plus a resistance training regimen for muscle maintenance. On top of that, I incorporate a modest amount of 6 pack abs exercises to obtain more defined abs. Unfortunately, many people often focus excessive on abs exercises in lieu of on his or her eating habits and exercise schedule what are the biggest components in getting 6 pack abs. I think, the key to fat loss is often a strong diet plan plan. What works best for me is eliminating just as much refined sugar as you possibly can from my diet program routine and maintaining a healthy diet foods like lean meats, fruits, and vegetables. I combine this strategy with intermittent fasting, cheat days, and calorie cycling. For my six pack abs diet plan system, I made a decision to spread my meals out too. Contrary to popular opinion, I don't do this due to some belief that more frequent meals lead to a heightened metabolism. The major reason is that I like to eat fruit without treatment (avoiding other foods for around 30 minutes before) to optimize absorption of nutrients. For intermittent fasting, I generally prefer the Eat Stop Eat approach of fasting all day and night for 1-2 days per week. However, in the past couple months I've used an "eating window" approach where I fast for 15 hours and eat for 9 hours. This is regarded as more effective in eliminating stubborn body fat (lower stomach fat for males; waist, hips, and thighs for girls). Cheat days are a nice psychological break from your standard calorie restrictive 6 pack abs eating plan routine but in addition serve a job in accelerating weight loss. Levels from the hormone lepin, which controls appetite, fall by 50% following a week of your calorie restrictive diet regime. This produces a decreased metabolism. By creating a cheat day, leptin levels are replenished as well as your metabolism is preserved. Joel Marion covers this in great detail in Cheat The right path Thin. During maintenance mode, I allow myself to look all the way one day weekly and enjoy whatever I want. However, for my 6 pack abs schedule, Used to much more of a "clean cheat" where I ate plenty of calories but attempted to focus on high quality food and much less unhealthy foods. Finally, for me personally, calorie cycling involves eating higher calories and much more carbs on workout days reducing calories and fewer carbs on non-workout days. I discuss this method in depth inside my article about calorie cycling. Which has a weight loss diet plan available, it's time for it to shift focus with a 6 pack abs exercise program. The absolute goal of strength training during this type of time would be to preserve muscle while maximizing fat reducing. I performed body building and body weight exercises to preserve muscle and utilized circuit training and cardio for fat reducing. In total, I exercised 5 hours each week, a lot more than 3-4 hours Which i do but definitely worth it for your results I got. For resistance training, I did so a hybrid approach utilizing principles of Visual Impact Body building for body building and Convict Conditioning for bodyweight training. For my 6 pack abs figure out, weight lifting ended with 3-5 reps with big names. In the interest of time, I only rested One minute between sets. I followed that up by performing bodyweight exercises, a few of which involved EXF rings. For fat burning, I ended workouts with circuit training and steady state cardio, time permitting. Circuit training is merely doing multiple exercises one after another with hardly any rest as a way to improve your pulse rate. After upping your pulse rate and releasing efas into the system, it's advisable to use steady state cardio of burning those fatty acids. I added Half an hour of the components for fun on saturday while i had more time to exercise. I separately performed morning cardio involving Fifteen minutes of HIIT and Fifteen minutes of steady state cardio 48 hours a week. Most people enjoy to teach their abs. However, this is the least critical component of getting six pack abs. Too many individuals spend time on crunches after they could easily get an even more effective exercise by doing planks. Start through getting your system fat low enough with eating habits and use then start incorporating 6 pack abs exercises to boost definition. I combined abs exercises with back exercises and forearm/grip resistance training. Back exercises often balance the effects of ab exercises that cause your spine to flex forward. I perform a lots of hanging ab exercises which is why I truly do forearm/grip weight training simultaneously. I superset ab, back, and grip exercises together to get a faster workout. That is it. Those work best tips I'm able to offer on the way to get 6 pack abs. The six pack abs workout routine and healthy eating plan program I shared above taught me to be reduce myself fat from 11-12% to 8-9% during the last couple months. Combined with all the 6 pack abs exercises I listed, my abs are as thought as they have have you ever been. It's not really easy, but some time to determination, you can find 6 pack abs. 7 Day Cabbage Soup Diet Plan - Lose Weight Fast And Easy You may have come across the popular Cabbage Soup Diet. This quick weight loss program has been around since 1980's. The program claims that the more cabbage soup you take, the more weight you will lose. In fact, some followers had seen drastic weight loss of about 10 pounds in just 7 days. The cabbage soup diet is a short term diet plan. It should not be used as a long term weight loss solutions. The diet, although is a low in calorie and high in fiber, is not nutritionally balanced. The lacks important vitamins and minerals suggested that you must be prepared for supplements when you're on the diet. The cabbage soup diet plan runs for 7 days. You can eat as much cabbage soup as you like during this period. For each of the seven days of the diet you eat specific foods such as fruits, vegetables, meat, rice, and other foods. No pastries and sweets are allowed during the week. Following is an example of the 7 day menu: Day 1 - Homemade cabbage soup and any fruit (no bananas). Day 2 - Homemade cabbage soup, vegetable and baked potato with butter for dinner. Day 3 - Homemade cabbage soup, fruits and vegetables. Day 4 - Homemade cabbage soup, fat-free milk and up to 6 bananas. Day 5 - Homemade cabbage soup, 450 grams of meat or fish and up to 6 tomatoes. Day 6 - Homemade cabbage soup, vegetables and meat(beef). Day 7 - Homemade cabbage soup, brown rice, pure fruit juice, and vegetables. Here's a classic example of the homemade cabbage soup recipes. - 1/2 of a cabbage head - 6 softball size green onions - 1 celery bunch - 1 pack “Lipton soup mix” - 1 to 2 tomatoes - 3 standard size of carrots - 10 ounce can of mushrooms - 2 large green bell peppers - 2 bouillon cubes (optional) - Herbs, salt and pepper, parsley and garlic powder for added flavor Points To Remember: 1. Choose organically grown vegetables in your recipe. 2. Organically grown vegetables may have some signs of worms or insects, soak them in vinegar water or salt water for 15-20 minutes. 3. Use stainless steel knife for cutting the cabbage since the phytonutrients that cabbage contains react with carbon steel, turning the leaves black. 4.It is recommended that cabbage is sliced or chopped and letting it sit for 5-10 minutes before cooking to facilitate the production of the most glucosinolates. Cabbage Soup Preparation: 1. Chop the green onions. Place the sliced onions in a saucepan and sauté the onions adding a little bit of cooking oil spray. 2. Take out the seeds and membrane of the green peppers. Chop the green peppers into small bite sized cube, throw them in to the saucepan together with the sautéed onions. 3. Peel and cut the cabbage leaves into pieces roughly the same size as the peppers, add them to continue sautéing. 4. Wash and clean the carrots. Chop them before adding to the saucepan. 5. Cut the mushrooms in halves or thirds before throwing them in to the saucepan. 6. Add cayenne pepper or a little bit of curry powder to the brew to give it a little kick. That is, if you want you soup to be a little spicy. 7. The bullion cubes can be used to add flavor to the dish. If you do choose to add this to your cooking, it eliminates the need for additional salt. 8. Add about 12 cups of water into the pot. Lower the heat and let the soup simmer. A two hour period is recommended to make the soup most effective. Add additional salt and pepper for taste. 7 Lose Belly Fat Tips And Tricks My friend, I know that you are probably annoyed beyond comprehension right now with all the confusion out here on what truly does work for losing belly fat, losing weight, and getting in the best shape ever. Combining a healthy diet with regular exercise can aid in shedding those last few pounds. Rotating the kind of exercise you do and keeping up the intensity of your workouts results in faster weight loss. 1. Whole grain breakfast cereal is a rich source of complex carbohydrates that targets the belly fat, and is the best option for breakfast. Ensure they are unsweetened, and contain at least 2.5 grams of fat per serving. Another option is oatmeal, eaten unsweetened. Oatmeal has the capacity to lower blood cholesterol and target the fat cells, because it is extremely rich in fiber. 2. Change your eating habits. Many people eat larger portions and sugary, fatty foods when they are stressed or going through emotional situations. Learning how to curb your emotional eating is key to losing belly fat. Eat smaller portions and focus your diet on healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. Avoid eating late at night. 3. Consume A lot more - Rather than a few big foods, I would recommend that you simply consume many smaller sized wholesome foods during the day. Like, fresh fruit, nuts raw veggies. It will reduce food cravings, quit desires, and definitely will enhance ones metabolic process. 4. These methods apply to both men and women and people of all ages. Throw away your junk food, don't have the temptation around your house and you won't think about snacking on them. You will break the habit of reaching for cookies or chips when you want a snack. Junk food is high in sugar and refined carbs, this raises blood sugar levels and reduces the ability for the body to burn fat. 5. Many of you may be concerned about the fat contained in eggs, mainly in the egg yolk. In such a case you can discard the yolk and eat just the egg white. Egg whites are full of protein. Protein keeps the stomach full for longer, helps in building muscle, which in turn, keeps the fat away. 6. Find an exercise routine that works well for you. Rotate the type of workouts you do, and take at least two days off from exercise. These two factors will allow your muscles to rest and heal. Exercise alone may not remove your belly fat, but in combination with a healthy diet it helps to speed things along. Certain workout routines are aimed specifically at eliminating belly fat, which can be helpful. 7. Get up and exercise, don't be a couch potato. Hire a personal trainer, go to the gym, walk around your neighborhood and park the car a distance from the store to get a few more steps in. Building muscle speeds metabolism. Interval training and circuit training burns fat fast. Vary your workout routine and you will shed pound more easily. Combining different types of exercise will keep your body from a routine and will ensure that the pounds drop not only faster, but with fun involved. Exercising with a friend or colleague always makes it that much more interesting. 7 Next Level Exercises to Incinerate Fat and Add Lean Muscle! As a former fat kid and a current fat loss expert who has helped hundreds of people lose thousands of pounds of fat, I know a thing or two about exercise selection. I am constantly asked what are the best exercises for fat loss and muscle gain. I'll keep this as basic as I can for you. The best exercises for fat loss are also the best exercises for muscle gain. These exercises all have one thing in common: they provide a UNIQUE challenge to your body AND recruit as many muscles in your body as possible. Both the scientific research and the real world case studies have shown that total body workouts are superior for maximal fat loss and muscle gain. But let's take this one step further... Let's dramatically accelerate results by preferentially selecting TOTAL BODY EXERCISES within each TOTAL BODY WORKOUT! For example, squats are well known for being one of the best muscle-builders with a serious a fat incinerating effect. However, the squat goes from good to amazing for changing your body for the better when you make it a combination movement by adding a row or press to each squat rep. It's obvious that you can reap more benefits this way since you have now involved your upper body into the king of lower body exercises. It's as simple as the NEXT LEVEL BEACH BODY Equation below: Performing Total Body Exercises Within Each Total Body Workout à More Muscles Involved = More Calories Burnt + Greater Muscle-Building Stimulus = Greater Fat Lost + Greater Muscle Gain I must be honest in that I have a true love-hate relationship with the following movements I am about to share with you. Love because of the unparalleled fat-incinerating, muscle-building results they provide to help maximize my Beach Body. Hate because they kill me every single workout by leaving me in tears while in a pool of my own sweat. In other words, these are not for the weak of mind, body, or soul! Without further adieu, here is the official top 7 list of my favorite exercises in the world for NEXT LEVEL fat loss and lean muscle gain: Exercise#1- SL Squat Thrust Exercise#2- The Swing- Kettlebell Exercise#3- Lunge-Curl-Press Exercise#4- The Chop- Med Ball Exercise#5- Kettlebell Snatch Exercise#6- DB Thruster Exercise#7- Squat 2 Rotational Press Well I hope you take my expert advice and jack up your training with these 10 deadly total body combination exercises. I guarantee you better results in less time by regularly employing these movements into your workouts. Of course it's now up to you to take your workouts, and your body, to the next level. I'll be sharing some more great exercises for those specific trouble spot areas (e.g. legs, butt, abs, chest, arms, etc.) that are holding your Beach Body back in the days to come! Yours In Fitness, Steve Krebs Copyright (c) 2008 Steven Krebs 8 Weight Loss Procedures For People On The Move Going towards the gym is usually a fantastic habit to choose up when attempting to lose weight, but every person does not have time to fit it into their schedules. Here are eight suggestions that will help you shed the pounds, and they'll not take a lot time at all. Try one particular or all of them, and you ought to see outcomes in no time. While there are several low calorie and diet program beverages available, certainly one of the top factors you can do when trying to shed weight will be to drink only water. In the event you really feel like you will need some flavor in it, you could add some citrus slices or perhaps a few sliced berries. Water is refreshing and healthful, which is precisely what you'll need. Numerous individuals have jobs that demand them to sit down for extended periods of time. Just because that you are sitting down doesn't imply that you simply must stay nonetheless. Moving your legs about at typical intervals might help you burn some added calories. Though you will be sitting there, you are able to move the legs as if you were running in spot, and it'll be just as successful. After you are at function, and you possess a lunch break, you must use it to walk several laps around the making you perform in. Instead of sitting within the provider cafeteria and consuming when sitting, you can consume a wholesome lunch and burn some extra calories and fat when that you are doing it. Quite a few men and women believe that you just must eat just 3 meals each day. Whilst this has always been shown as getting the norm, it could allow you to shed weight for those who consume many smaller meals instead of 3 substantial ones. Considering that you will be eating more typically, you will be much less probably to feel hungry and do some unnecessary snacking. Consuming out has develop into so normal that a lot of folks view it as a pastime. It's exciting to become able to possess a multitude of food selections at your comfort, but most of these meals have considerably additional fat and calories than you'll need. You need to try and consume at property as much as you possibly can. In case you ought to consume out then you should choose a healthy meal like a salad or perhaps a half sandwich. You need to carry sugarless gum with you all of the time so you may pop some inside your mouth whenever you really feel like snacking. You'll be shocked at how quickly your hunger pangs go away any time you start chewing gum. Be sure it truly is sugarless mainly because chewing gum filled with sugar will defeat the goal. Condiments like mayonnaise, ketchup and barbecue sauce add calories, fat and/or sugar for your food that you simply do not require. Eating less of them will make it easier to toward your weight reduction targets. When you are relaxing, do not do factors that generally revolve about food. As an example, you can read an excellent book or watch a movie without having possessing a snack. It truly is tricky to make significant adjustments for your way of life if you are stressed for time. The hints above will aid you in fitting fitness into your crowded schedule. Abdominoplasty Can Surgically Remove Excess Skin Cause By Mulitple Pregnancies Abdominoplasty, known more commonly as a "tummy tuck surgery," is a surgical procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the middle and lower abdomen and to tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall. Abdominoplasty can dramatically reduce the appearance of a protruding abdomen. Often after pregnancy or weight loss, excess skin and stretch marks deform the once flat and tight abdomen. But, despite diet and exercise, loose skin will still remain. Abdominoplasty is particularly helpful to women who, through multiple pregnancies, have stretched their abdominal muscles and skin beyond the point where they can return to normal, original shape. Loss of skin elasticity in older patients, which frequently occurs with slight obesity, can also be improved. The best candidates for a tummy tuck are men or women who are in relatively good shape, and are maintaining a proper diet, but are bothered by a large fat deposit or loose abdominal skin. Abdominoplasty is the surgical excision of excess skin to the abdomen. An ellipse of skin is removed between the umbilicus (navel) and the hairline of the mons area. This also means that C-section scars are removed as well. This skin above the umbilicus is then lifted off the abdominal wall muscles up to the level of the rib cage and then pulled down to the level of the mons and closed. Before this is done, however, the loose abdominal wall muscles are tightened - which, also narrows the waistline. It does produce a permanent scar. In some selected patients, a limited skin excision can be performed, which can then be combined with direct liposuction of the abdomen (this is usually not advised in a traditional abdominoplasty as it can significantly compromise the blood supply and increase risks of wound development). The umbilicus is not cut out but only relocated and the abdominal wall is tightened before completing the procedure. Although the scar length is shorter, the final result is usually not as tight and so most candidates for a tummy tuck elect to undergo the traditional abdominoplasty. Patients often have multiple procedures at the same time. The most common include breast augmentation, breast lifts and/or liposuction. This saves both time and money since costs are often reduced when multiple procedures are combined. If you're looking to inform yourself about abdominoplasty, this will give you a basic understanding of the procedure - when it can help, how it's performed, what to consider, and what results you can expect. Abnormal Weight Loss - Discovering the Cause If you're losing abnormal amounts of weight it would be wise to be worried. Because there are many potential causes for it, you really should go to your doctor to get to the bottom of it. Since weight loss can bring about a state of malnutrition in the body if it continues for too long, you want to find out what's going on as soon as possible. The causes of abnormal weight loss are listed below, and they may be just a couple of factors related to it. Cancers can cause you to lose abnormal amounts of weight, so this is a very good reason to get checked out at the doctors if you have this symptom. It might be something else, however because cancer can cause people to lose weight, being concerned about it is wise. The cancers that can make you lose weight are those of the lung, colon, pancreas and stomach, as well as a few others. Apart from the disease itself, many people with cancer experience weight loss because of their medication. This is why it is very important for those with cancer to work along side their doctor to produce a diet and some supplements that can assist them in gaining back some of the lost weight. Even though aging is not a cause of weight loss, many elderly people experience this symptom. Doctors will naturally do tests on elderly patients to check for cancer if the symptoms are showing, but there are also other causes of weight loss. The loss of weight can sometimes be a premature indication of dementia. Different stomach maladies can also be a cause, and elderly people are a lot more affected by them. Because older people lose bone density naturally, they must be very cautious when they are losing weight unnaturally. This is why they should go to their doctors to find out what kinds of foods and which supplements can assist them in getting their daily nutrients so that they don't lose any more precious weight. Lots of people totally forget about one of the most obvious causes of weight loss: malnutrition. Poor people are usually malnourished because they don't eat enough nutritious food. However, there are various physical and psychological conditions that can cause malnutrition in anyone. Apart from the fact that you'll be losing weight if you're not taking in a proper amount of calories, the absence of the right nutrients, Vitamin C especially, can cause scurvy which can be a cause of malnutrition. Some people become malnourished because they simply eat the wrong types of foods, or don't eat enough foods, not because they can't get any good foods from the shops. Anyone experiencing abnormal weight loss should find out why as soon as possible. If there happens to be some medical issue, treating it will in most cases sort out the unwanted weight loss. Depending on the problem, your doctor may recommend a change in diet, or certain medications to help you gain weight again. The information given in this article only covers a few of the potential reasons for abnormal weight loss. Acai Berry and Weight Loss Losing weight isn't always easy. Many people who are overweight and would like to lose a few pounds—whether for better health, more energy, or to look trim and lean—know firsthand that weight loss can be a slow and difficult process that requires a lot of work. Many people become frustrated after trying diet after diet with no real success. If you want to kick your weight loss into high gear and lose weight in a way that's natural and easy, then it's time for you to consider the Acai Berry. The Acai Berry is a revolutionary, fairly new weight loss supplement that can help you lose weight naturally and quickly. The Acai berry, harvested from trees in the Amazon, is one of the most nutritious foods you can possibly find. It is packed with antioxidants and amino acids that help you lose weight, gain energy, and become healthier overall. The Acai Berry works to rev up your metabolism, which means you lose more weight with minimal effort, even in day to day activities. The Acai Berry also contains minerals and antioxidants that work to flush out the toxins that accumulate within the system, providing you with a natural cleanse. Best of all, the Acai Berry is a safe, natural alternative to harmful and ineffective weight loss supplements. Because it is derived from one of the healthiest fruits in the world, you don't have to worry about the harmful or irritating side effects that frequently accompany other weight loss supplements. So what can you expect from incorporating the Acai Berry into your weight loss program? • Higher energy—no more feeling sluggish and drained each day, even if you got a full night's sleep • Faster metabolism, enabling you to lose weight at a more efficient pace • Healthier digestion as a result of flushing out harmful toxins that accumulate in the colon and intestinal tract • Better health overall—the Acai Berry has essential fatty acids, fiber, and the vitamins and minerals that will improve your overall health • Weight loss with minimal effort—no more spending hours in the gym or feeling hungry after dieting When combined with a colon cleansing supplement, such as Nature Cleanse, you have a powerful weight loss program that will melt away stubborn fat while flushing out unhealthy toxins and leave you feeling healthy and invigorated. Acai Berry is often found in juices and is very expensive to purchase, typically only found in pricey health food stores. But incorporating Acai Berry into your daily routine is as easy as taking a supplement or two each day and doesn't have to be expensive or inconvenient—you don't need to bother with getting a prescription filled and refilled. You can even sample the Acai Berry supplement for free to see if you like it before purchasing it. If you're sick of dead-end weight loss programs and want to feel healthier and more energized while losing weight, consider the Acai Berry for weight loss. Acai Force Max Herbal Nutrition Health Products Acai berries have been studied for many years and have been described by many doctors as the all round super food. Studies show that it is one of the most nutritious and powerful foods in the world. Acai Force Max is a unique complex that has extracted the nutritional benefits from the Brazilian acai berries that grow on the palm trees. Their rich deep purple skin as well as the acai pulp contains various vitamins and minerals such as B vitamins, vitamin C, fiber, protein and potassium. The real gem within Acai Force Max is the amazing power of the antioxidant vitamins. Antioxidants are vital for our bodies to fight the harmful free radicals that enter our body through the environment that we live in – for example from car fumes and plastic. Free radicals mutate and damage our healthy body cells which could lead to the development of cancerous cells. Antioxidants within the Acai Force Max complex, neutralizes the free radicals before they can harm our healthy cells. A recent scientific study revealed that 80% of people do not get the amount of antioxidants their body needs to stay healthy and fight the harmful free radicals. The external benefits with Acai Force Max are healthier skin and fast natural weight loss. A recent 8 week clinical study showed that subjects taking the natural active ingredients in Acai Force Max experienced 450% more weight loss than those dieting and exercising alone. The natural active ingredient within the Acai Force Max naturally increases your metabolism so you lose weight fast as well as having increased energy levels. Acai Force Max has been specifically designed to work effectively on the demands of men physiology. Naturally men's' physiology and metabolism does not work the same as women, so Acai Force Max has a tailored and concentrated the ingredients to guarantee that men can also achieve the same effects as women. Acai Force Max can help you shift those excess pounds to reveal your natural muscle definition. The natural herbal ingredients in Acai Force Max work kindly on your body to make sure there are no side effects. Acai berry supplements such as Acai Force Max makes it easy to get the antioxidant vitamins you need on a daily basis as there is no need to go out purchasing expensive fruits and making acai juice. It is simply a vitamin supplement that you take daily that fits perfectly into your lifestyle. You can lose weight and become healthy on the inside without any hassle. A Comparison Of Fastin Vs. 37.5mg Phentermine In considering a Fastin vs. Phentermine comparison, its important to first establish the differences between these two products. The original Fastin drug, initially a prescription medication, contained phentermine. Phentermine stands for phenyl-tertiary-butylamine. The primary mechanism here is an appetite suppressant. It was proven to be effective and fast treatment to obese patients, especially when combined with exercise, dieting and lifestyle modification. The drug is believed to alter brain function, specifically the portion that controls appetite. Phentermine is of the amphetamine and phenethylamine class, as is phenylethylamine HCL. This is where the confusion comes in. Just because phenylethylamine HCL is from the same family as phentermine, this does not mean they are the same thing, nor does it mean they have the same effect on the human body. Phentermine was known to affect a persons appetite and increase a persons blood pressure. Though originally approved by the FDA in the late 1950s, this medication was eventually removed from the market. The first company to produce Fastin with phentermine was King Pharmaceuticals. In the year 1998, the medication was taken off the market. This was the result of 24 cases of heart valve disease in the related medication Fen-Phen. The FDA requested that these specific medications be taken off the market due to these impending lawsuits. It was later proven that only 30% of people taking said substances suffered from abnormal heart valve problems. Therefore, the FDA never actually banned the drug phentermine from the market. Meanwhile, a new company decided to buy the name Fastin and cash in on its famous name. Now we enter the new and improved Fastin, natural weight loss pills that are often advertised as prescription-level strength drugs without the added risks of Phentermine. While natural weight loss pills may carry some risks, because they are largely seen as herbal or food materials, they are not closely regulated. The potential for risk is limited to the interaction of the supplement with a preexisting condition or other medication in the body. Therefore one could say that these pills are safe to buy and experiment with, as opposed to potentially life-threatening prescription drugs. What does the new and improved Fastin do? These slimming pills are not appetite suppressants. Rather, they are fat burner supplements produced by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals who bought rights to the name Fastin. Before anything, understand that there is no such thing as a prescription drug for sale without a prescription. The only reason that you can buy Fastin without a prescription is because it contains phenylethylamine HCL instead of Phentermine. Phenylethylamine HCL operates similarly, as it is from the amphetamines family, but is not considered anywhere near the level of regular Phentermine. All phenylethylamine HCL does is increase extracellular levels of dopamine to the brain. This enhances a persons mood, but stops short of altering the brain function as regards appetite. The proprietary blend of the new Fastin also helps with calorie burning, as it is known to increase metabolism. There are 245 milligrams of proprietary blend and 100 milligrams of caffeine in each serving of Fastin. When compared to the chemically based Phentermine, a slimming pill that suppresses appetite, Fastin is all energy but with limitations when it comes to aggressively altering physical makeup for weight loss. Adderall Side Effects – What You Should Know Adderall is a drug that is commonly prescribed by doctors for the treatment of ADHD. ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a psychiatric disorder that affects children and adults. The disorder manifests as a persistent inability to pay attention along with extreme hyperactivity. While there is no cure for ADHD, doctors often prescribe drugs such as Ritalin and Adderall to manage the symptoms of ADHD. While Adderall has become a popular ADHD medication, there are side effects that you should know about before you or your child takes it. Recent research has shown that some side effects can actually be quite harmful. While not everyone will suffer from all the side effects, some are more common than others. Addiction Because Adderall is considered an amphetamine, its prolonged use can possibly lead to addiction. Prescription drug abuse can be deadly. Both children and adults should not use Adderall for extended periods of time. They should be carefully monitored by their doctor to ensure that the proper dosage is being taken. Those who have a history of drug abuse should not take this ADHD medication. Always take the lowest possible dosage that produces results. Cardiovascular Problems The misuse of Adderall can lead to cardiovascular problems and may even cause sudden death. People with underlying heart abnormalities should not take Adderall. If you are unsure about your cardiac health have your doctor test you before starting to take Adderall. You should not take Adderall if you have heart defects, high blood pressure, overactive thyroid, or Glaucoma. In a small number of cases, cardiac problems have occurred in those without previous conditions. Gastrointestinal Problems Some people develop a stomach ache after taking Adderall. If you experience this problem let your doctor know so he or she can change the dosage or recommend when to take it. More serious side effects are loss of appetite and weight loss. These can lead to stunted growth in children. Sometimes the symptoms will lessen with time but if they persist, consult with your doctor. Mental Illness Some people taking Adderall have reported worsening symptoms of mental illness such as psychosis. Do not take Adderall if you are currently taking MAOI medications (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor). These are marketed under many names and are used to treat depression. Possible interactions can occur including high body temperature, coma and seizures. Other Side Effects Less serious side effects include difficulty in sleeping, headaches, mood changes, dry mouth and loss of appetite. Additionally, alert your doctor to any other medications or supplements you are taking including antacids, herbal remedies, diuretics, pain relief medication and vitamins. Discuss with your doctor about the available ADHD treatment options and their side effects. He or she should carry out a thorough review of your medical history and emotional stability before prescribing any ADHD medication. Be sure to watch children carefully when they are taking Adderall to check for any possible side effects. ADHD Treatment: Adderall Side Effects Adderall is commonly used to treat ADHD symptoms. In the beginning, Adderall was sold under another name as ‘Obetrol'. It was prescribed to help people in weight and dietary control. So whilst it may have some benefits for people suffering from ADHD, it was originally used for other purposes. Adderall is an amphetamine that stimulates the central nervous system. It has been approved by the FDA since 1996 for treating ADHD in adults and in children over the age of 6 years old. Adderall tends to have longer lasting results and its side effects are actually not as harsh as the side effects of Ritalin, another drug medication for ADHD. The most common side effects of Adderall include insomnia, headache, weight loss and appetite loss. It is only fair to expect weight loss and appetite loss when you realize what the drug was originally used for. Children's weight and growth may be affected if Adderall is taken for long periods of time. Other side effects include stomach pain, nausea, dizziness, addiction and restlessness. These side effects are not as common as the ones mentioned earlier, but they can affect some people and can be really frustrating. Adderall addiction is a main concern as it can cause serious behaviour and medical problems. However, the most serious side effects of Adderall are Tourettes Syndrome, hallucinations and increased heart rate. Before you consider taking Adderall as treatment for ADHD, it is vital to discuss with your doctor about the risks involved and whether this medication could really help you. Adderall should not be taken if you have glaucoma, overactive thyroid, heart problems and a history of drug abuse. Never take Adderall with anti-depressant drugs called MAOI as it can cause serious reactions that can be potentially fatal. Adderall is a drug with high risk of abuse. This is evident in the widespread use of Adderall among high school and college students during their final examinations. As Adderall is a stimulant that contains Amphetamine, students take it to help them focus longer and recall more effectively (in the short term). Some could end up relying on this drug as they develop a state of dependent learning due to their inability to perform without it. The prolonged and unsupervised use of Adderall may lead to drug addiction, sudden death and serious cardiac defects. Amphetamines have appetite-suppressing properties, so some people take Adderall to lose weight. It is used in combination with other off label prescriptions drugs to treat obesity. This a risky way of losing weight as there have not been any research carried out to test the effectiveness of such treatment. Adipex Prescription Guide What Is Adipex Utilized For? Adipex is a prescription medicine which decreases your hunger and controls your impulses to eat. For greatest benefits, you must take Adipex as portion of a dieting and physical exercise system. Don't just acquire Adipex and shed excess weight. Make your daily life far better by executing at minimum modest amounts of exercising. For illustration, park your auto far away from the retailer. How Must I Use Adipex? Consider your Adipex prescription once daily in the morning ahead of your initially meal. In situation you have trouble swallowing the entire tablet, you could lower or break it in half. Nevertheless, don't crush the tablet or chew it, as this will make Adipex a lot less efficient for excess weight reduction. Steer clear of taking Adipex in the afternoon, night or night because it can stop you from sleeping. Make certain that you only get Adipex subsequent the recommendations from your medical doctor or pharmacist. Are There Any Facet Results? Side effects which occur most frequently (and typically only in the 1st two weeks, approx) consist of problems sleeping, becoming irritable, abdomen upsets, dizziness, and constipation. In most scenarios, the above side effects are veteran only in the initial number of days even though your body adjusts to Adipex. These signs and symptoms normally do not persist. However, if they proceed to bother you, please inform your health practitioner. Is Adipex Protected For Me? It's certainly necessary that you let us know of your whole medical historical past. Don't forget to tell us if you have any situations this sort of as diabetes, about lively thyroid, higher blood stress, emotional troubles, glaucoma or any previous and current complications with stimulant medicines. Make positive to tell us if there is a opportunity you could be pregnant, or if you are at this time breastfeeding. You really should also attempt not to drink Alcohol since it will probably increase the chance and intensity of dizzy spells that could occur. Adipex is a prescription medication which is meant for use in grown ups, and its use is not suggested for children and young adolescents. To learn much more, please check with your doctor. How Does Adipex Interact With Other prescription Medications? Make sure you let your doctor know of each medication you use, (prescription and over-the-counter) if you consider MAO inhibitors (e.g., furazolidone, phenelzine, selegiline, tranylcypromine), medicines for higher blood-pressure, or any other medicines for pounds reduction. Stay away from "stimulant" medications which could probably increase your blood strain and heart price. These involve medicines this sort of as decongestants or caffeine. Decongestants are generally discovered in over-the-counter cold and cough medicines. What If I Miss My Dose? If you miss a dose of Adipex, don't have twice as significantly at the up coming scheduled time. Only skip the dose you missed, and start off around with your subsequent dose at the prescribed time. How Ought to Adipex Be Saved? Keep it at place temperature preserve Adipex away from vivid light and moisture/humidity. Hold all of your medicines, prescription and non-prescription, absent from the reach of children. What Else Do I Will need To Know About Adipex Medication? As opposed to vitamins and other health supplements, Adipex is a drug which is meant for use above quick periods of time. This medication is intended to both equally assist you lose bodyweight and aid to develop much better consuming patterns and a better diet program total. For greatest benefits, get Adipex as a portion of a nutritious consuming and workout program. By no means offerto share Adipex with anyone else. If your buddies or family want to know how to get the outcomes you've acheived, just inform them to visit Shoppe.MD: Only a doctor can figure out whether or not or not they must get Adipex. Affordable Price Radio Frequency Ablation Surgery in India at Mumbai and Chennai Radio frequency ablation surgery in India is done to treat people who have severe conditions. Indian surgery hospitals are equipped with advanced technical gadgets and the surgery is performed under expert surgeons and technicians. Results of Radio frequency ablation surgery in India do show the success story of Indian treatment. Now world has also recognized India as the pioneer in medical treatment and research. Medical tourism in India aim to care for individuals in a holistic manner - nurturing mental, spiritual and physical wholeness, promoting healthy living, providing healing treatments and touching people's lives through compassionate and expert care. What is Radio Frequency Ablation Surgery? Radio frequency ablation (RF ablation) is a non-surgical treatment for people with an abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia) in which a long, flexible wire is passed into the heart to ablate (eliminate) the precise area of the heart causing the arrhythmia. Radio frequency ablation may be recommended for : - 1. Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, and the associated AV reentrant tachycardia 2. AV nodal reentrant tachycardia 3. Atrial tachycardia 4. Atrial flutter 5. Ventricular tachycardia 6. Atrial fibrillation How Do I Prepare for Radiofrequency Ablation? To prepare for Radio frequency ablation treatment, you should take a few precautions, including: - • Do not eat within six hours of your appointment. You may have clear liquids until two hours before the procedure. • If you have diabetes and use insulin, you must adjust the dosage of insulin the day of the procedure. Your primary care doctor will help you with this adjustment. Bring your diabetes medication with you so you can take it after the procedure. • Continue to take all other medications with a small sip of water. Bring all medication with you so you can take it after the procedure. Please note: Do not discontinue any medication without first consulting with your primary or referring doctor. • You will need to bring someone with you to drive you home after the procedure. You should not drive or operate machinery for at least 24 hours after the procedure. What Happens During Radiofrequency Ablation? You will meet with a doctor for an evaluation. If a Radiofrequency ablation is recommended, a doctor will explain the procedure in detail, including possible complications and side effects. The doctor will also answer any questions you may have. An intravenous (IV) line may be placed in a vein in your arm before the procedure and a local anesthetic and mild sedative may be used to reduce any discomfort during RFA. You will be awake during the process to aid in properly assessing the procedure. After the local anesthesia (you will be awake but will not feel any pain) has been administered, your doctor will insert a small needle into the general area where you are experiencing pain. Using X-ray, your doctor will guide the needle to the exact target area. A microelectrode is then inserted through the needle to begin the stimulation process. During the procedure, your doctor will ask you if you are able to feel a tingling sensation. The object of the stimulation process is to help your doctor determine if the electrode is in the optimal area for treatment. Once the needle and electrode placement are verified, a small radiofrequency current is sent through the electrode into the surrounding tissue, causing the tissue to heat. You should not feel discomfort during the heating portion of the procedure What Happens After Radiofrequency Ablation? Following the procedure: - • You will stay in a recovery room for observation, where a nurse will check your blood pressure and pulse. • A bandage will be placed over the injection site. • The nurse will give you a beverage and review your discharge instructions with you. • Someone must drive you home. Why India? Radio frequency ablation surgery in India is provided at hospitals with comprehensive surgical, medical and emergency services supported by state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment facilities and innovative surgery techniques. India is famous for its best holiday locations so the patient can visit these location post treatment for better recovery and can turn medical tour into a holiday tour. For more details on Radio frequency ablation surgery in India, visit us at www.forerunnershealthcare.com or mail your queries at or call us at: +91-9371136499, +91- 9860755000 (International) / + 1-415-599-2537 (USA) / +44-20-8133-2571 (UK) All About Xango Juice and Its Health Benefits For those who are thinking that Xango is just another weight loss product in the market, then here are some information that might make you think otherwise. Xango was introduced by company based in Utah back in 2002. It has become one of the leading weight loss supplements since. The primary ingredient of Xango juice is the mangosteen or Garcina mangostana. The mangosteen is actually not related to the mango fruit despite of its name. It is an entirely different species that is found in Southeast Asian countries like the Philippines, Thailand and Malaysia. It is a tropical fruit which is about the size of a regular apple. It has hard seeds and a thick rind. The mangosteen has a lot of vitamins including B1 and B2 as well as minerals such as iron and potassium, however, the reason this fruit has been so controversial is because of its high concentration of xanthones and antioxidants. For many years, the mangosteen has been used by practitioners of Ayurvedic medicine and traditional Chinese medicine in the Southeastern regions of Asia to treat skin and gum diseases, wounds, burns. parasites, fever, fatigues and even depression. Today, there have been a lot of studies and research conducted which have suggested a myriad of benefits for consuming mangosteen juice. Here are some of these benefits. 1. First off, because of its high level of xanthones and antioxidants, mangosteen juice is believed to be an excellent detoxifying agent. With regular consumption, it can flush away harmful toxins and some free radicals that build up in the body from the food we eat and from the pollution in our environment. As a matter of fact, the ORAC or Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity have shown that mangosteen juice is about 20 to 30 times more effective compared to other vegetables and fruits in free radical absorption. 2. It can aid in cell renewal and cell regeneration, which helps in making the systems of the body more efficient. It assures the proper functioning of the organs, which provides a feeling and appearance of youth. Because of this, many people who are hoping to fight the signs of aging are looking for health products and supplements which have mangosteen as their main ingredient. 3. The nutrients in mangosteen juice can also help an individual to effectively fight off allergens that could irritate his body. It also controls the normal actions of histamines, or the agents which cause allergies. 4. Mangosteen juice also has antibiotic properties and it has been used in alternative medicine to treat bacterial infections. 5. Mangosteen juice has also been studied to help in the regulation of cholesterol levels in the body. It can also help people suffering from hypertension as it can also lower blood pressure. 6. It can also help an individual ward off common illnesses such as colds, coughs, fever and flu as it effectively boosts a person's immunity. 7. Regular intake of mangosteen juice can also prevent cancer as the fruit has anti-carcinogenic properties. Some of the cancers that mangosteen juice can prevent would include lung, liver and stomach cancer. 8. Mangosteen juice has also been said to treat a variety of other medical conditions such as fibromyalgia, asthma, arthritis, gastro-intestinal problems, mouth ulcers and many more. These are just some of the many wonderful benefits of mangosteen juice. Fortunately, there are many products available today which has the mangosteen as their primary and one of the best in the market would be Xango juice. Xango juice is packed with all the goodness of xanthones, along with vitamins from other fruit juices such as apple, pear, grape and cranberry juice, which are usually mixed in to counter the slight bitterness of the mangosteen's pericarp. All Diet Pills Are a Big, Fat Lie Every year more than 70 million people resolve to lose weight by going on a diet, which feeds the big, fat $58 billion diet and weight-loss industry. After all the money is wasted, the cold, harsh reality is that fewer than 5 percent of dieters will realize long-term results. The other 95 percent will regain all the weight they lost, and then some. How can an industry survive with such a low success rate? How can it be legal to market and sell something that has a proven track record for failure? Now consumers have a brand new diet deception being marketed to them backed with over $150 million in marketing to spin the weight-loss lie. Buyers searching for the right solution to their struggles with weight loss now have access to the new FDA-approved over-the-counter weight-loss drug Orlistat, also known as Alli. Lest you think this is a brand new drug that will deliver the much sought after solution to the obesity epidemic, think again. This is not a new drug. Orlistat is simply a lower-dose version of the prescription weight-loss drug Xenical, which has had zero impact on moving the fat meter in our society. Making Orlistat available to consumers over-the-counter only means that tens of millions of people will now have false hopes of sustained weight-loss while being exposed to toxic, synthetic chemical compounds. Prior to the Orlistat approval, manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) was reeling from the negative reports that their blockbuster diabetes drug Avandia (rosliglitazone) was linked to death from heart attacks and other cardiovascular events. Enter the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) to the rescue with the much needed approval of Orlistat that will surely pick up the slack from the Avandia fallout. But at what cost? In just one year between 1996 and 1997, over 18 million people learned the hard way that weight-loss cannot be safely achieved with a pill when it was revealed that the weight-loss drug Fen Phen caused heart valve problems and led to many deaths. The approval of Orlistat is yet another example of how the FDA and Big Pharma fuel the quick-fix, pill-popping mentality of consumers who hope to loose weight without making the necessary lifestyle changes to produce lasting results. Not convinced? Orlistat is marketed under the name Alli, supported by the Web site MyAlli.com. GSK entices visitors to join the MyAlli community with language that confirms the simple fact that weight-loss cannot be achieved with Orlistat alone. The company stresses the importance of a good balanced diet and regular exercise, which is the same disclaimer you will find on any weight-loss product that advertises unrealistic results. The best Alli can muster is to offer users to lose 15 pounds versus 10 pounds that one might loose with diet and exercise alone—with a few problems and side affects. The drug is designed to block the absorption of 25 percent of the fat in the food you eat by preventing the enzymes in the intestines from digesting food properly. This also interferes with the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K and beta carotene. Users are told to take a multivitamin daily to make up for the lost nutrients. Other disturbing side effects indicated by the manufacturer include digestive and elimination issues including gas with oily spotting, loose stools, stools that may be hard to control and abdominal pain. Even though this should be enough to prevent people from using the drug, there are many more reasons. Any weight-loss that you might experience by risking your health with this drug is not sustained over time. The information presented on MyAlli Web site states that most weight-loss occurs in the first six months of use followed by a decrease in the amount of weight loss. Additionally, no longitudinal studies have been done on the drug to determine its long-term effectiveness on weight loss or implications for other health risks or mortality. If that isn't enough to deter you, the greatest alarm about Orlistat is its carcinogenic potential. Beginning with the list of inactive ingredients there are two known toxins—FD&C blue and the solvent Sodium Laruel Sulfate (SLS). FD&C blue is a coal tar dye, which contains heavy metals and is a possible endocrine disruptor. The greatest risk of Orlistat is that studies of the prescription version Xenical revealed that it clearly causes pre-cancerous lesions of the colon (aberrant crypt foci or ACF). On April 10, 2006 Public Citizen (the public advocacy organization that helped inform the public about the risks of Vioxx and Ephedra) petitioned the FDA, urging them to remove Xenical from the market. The FDA kept Xenical available and on the market, despite the known hazards. The same with the over-the-counter version of Orlistat, aka Alli. It is shocking that despite the clinical evidence of the carcinogenic properties of the drug that the FDA has not taken a stand to protect consumers. Buyer beware. Between the lack of evidence for the benefits of taking Orlistat, coupled with the documented risks associated with the drug, people looking for the solution to weight-loss should avoid this product at all cost. GlaxoSmithKline will need every penny of their $150 million marketing budget to spin this big, fat lie. But the one thing that marketing can't spin is your common sense. Copyright (c) 2008 Craig Pepin Donat Alli Diet Pill Opens New Doors to Obese People Fit and well shaped body is everyone's desire, being healthy and maintaining a fit body is very important for each one of us. Excess weight is definitely can rise to health problems like diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and hypertension and other related disease. The easiest way to maintain a healthy weight is to take a balanced diet, eat foods low in fat, and take regular physical exercise. But because of modern lifestyle busy schedule, most of the times we are unable to do this. We live on junk food and do not bother to take exercise till the time we are in a problem. All this leads to obesity and brings along other problems. In such condition people start thinking of reliable weight loss drugs. People who have a high Body Mass Index are considered to be at the greatest risk of have such problems. If BMI more than 27, weight control needs to be taken seriously. This may even call the use of effective weight loss drugs. You will find a lot more drugs through online pharmacy, but choosing the right drug for proper weight loss is a tough task. Always buy reliable, approved weight loss drugs form trusted pharmacy. Recently approved weight loss pill Alli claims to be able to individuals lose 50 percent more weight than with healthy diet and exercise alone. Alli diet pill is a new version of orlistat - similar to the prescription drug, Xenical, which is already on the market. Alli is a 60-milligram capsule which is about half the strength of the prescription version. Alli diet drug, recommends taking a dose three times a day before each meal, and keeping the fats low especially in the beginning of your regimen. Alli prescribe a diet that is has about one-third protein, carbohydrate, and fat. Alli works by preventing pancreatic lipase, an enzyme in your intestines, from breaking down fats for use by the body. The result? Fats remain in large-molecule form, which cannot be absorbed by the intestines and therefore will just pass through the system. With Alli you lose fifty percent more weight on the prescribed weight loss program than you would on the same program with no drug supplement. It is not a magic bullet. You still have to use your brain and push the plate away. Like all other drugs Alli also have some side effects, so consult to your doctor before taking the drug. Those prone to diabetes may benefit enormously. The incidence of type 2 diabetes went down 37% in those taking Alli, while only half the strength of Xenical, will undoubtedly have an impact on diabetes in the same way. If you're worried about diabetes but just can't seem to cut the sweets, Alli or Xenical – Which one to switch to after sibutramine ban? After undergoing a 6 year trial period with over 10,000 patients participating in testing, Reductil (sibutramine) has been banned by the European Medicines Agency. This drug was one of the most commonly prescribed weight loss medications, although it is now thought to increase the risk of strokes and heart attacks. In the UK, Reductil, consisting of the active ingredient sibutramine, has been reported to have caused 17 deaths and more than 1100 cases of side effects in people who were prescribed this medication by their doctors. The UK Medicines Regulatory Agency has now stated that "the increased risk of heart attacks and strokes far outweigh any other benefits experienced while taking this drug". Anyone who has currently been prescribed Reductil should consult their doctor for more information Xenical as a substitute for Reductil Xenical (orlistat) is a popular oral prescription medication used for treating clinical obesity. Xenical is generally recommended to be taken in conjunction with a holistic weight loss program that also includes conventional anti-obesity methods such as exercise and dieting and behavioural modification therapy. Xenical is unique because unlike other diet drugs it does not produce its effects within the brain or in the central nervous system. This lipase inhibitor blocks the absorption of 1/3 of dietary fats in the digestive system to prevent weight gain. Xenical is clinically proven to be safe and effective for weight loss. Alli as a substitute for Reductil Alli is one of the first over the counter weight loss pills to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2007. Alli is available in the form of 60 mg tablets in 60 or 90 tablets starter packs and a 120 tablets refill pack. Like Xenical, Alli too consists of the active ingredient orlistat. However, Alli is a half the strength of Xenical and so that it can be purchased without a doctor's prescription. Alli is currently considered to be safe for long term use. Both Xenical and Alli can be easily substituted for Reductil. However, as Xenical is a prescription medication, your doctor will determine whether it will work for you and if it may cause any reactions when taken with your current medications. Xenical is twice the strength of Alli and safe too, making it an ideal choice for weight loss. Alli – The New “super Drug” Every day just about, you hear of a new “miracle cure” or “super drug” that is set to advance science and make medical history. Well, while many of these turn out to be fashionable distractions, there are actually breakthrough's being made in the field of weight loss. Tons of supplements and diet pills are on the market, but only one boasts the title of “FDA approved diet pill”. The name of this “super drug” is Alli and it is taking the world by storm, even though it is expensive and there are other drugs that work the same, if not better. There are hundreds and thousands of diet pills on the market today all claiming to have the effect of reducing cravings and fat absorption. Whilst many of these do work, they are often difficult to get hold of and expensive. Most of the time you will need to get a doctor's prescription to get diet pills which is a hassle and incurs extra costs. The new “super drug”, Alli is available over the counter to anyone and everyone that needs them. The decision to make Alli FDA approved has come in the wake of the market crisis in the United States and the concern over obesity in the country. If you want to lose weight the easy way, then all you have to do is read the Alli reviews, and decide for yourself that these FDA approved diet pills are going to help you to lose weight. All you have to do then is make some minor lifestyle adjustments and see the results almost right away. It is not only an easy way to get thin and combat obesity, but it does so in a partly natural way and without harmful side effects, just a bit of discomfiture. They are helping people to get thin and cure a nation of obesity, but also teaching people to eat properly and exercise. This will cure people in the long run and prevent obesity in the future. Any Alli review will point out the uncomfortable side effects, but will also praise this “wonder drug” for the brilliant way that it works. Most people claim that the side effects are really worth it and with so many people getting thin and fit using Alli, it is no wonder the FDA have approved Alli. So what are these side effects? Headaches? Well, not exactly. While your body is trying to rid itself of toxins and fatty acids it will also be preventing any new fatty deposits from entering the body. This will mean they are expelled from your body causing some diarrhea and stomach discomfort. There are no painful side effects and nothing beside your body's natural tendency to eliminate fats. This will however encourage you to eat healthier food and reduce your fat intake. You will also have to exercise while using these FDA approved diet pills. Alli is making sure that you get thin and then also stay thin. These are not only creating a stir because of their effectiveness, but also because you can now buy these diet pills over the counter without a prescription. All That You Should Learn About Hoodia Side Effects There are several health benefits to sipping tea made from rosella. It is said that drinking rosella tea can help lower blood pressure if taken continually. In case you have diabetes, rosella tea can also give you some health rewards. Research also show that tea made of rosella flowers can help balance cholesterol levels in the body. The rosella plant is often called Hibiscus sabdariffa and it has several uses. There is a chemical substance in the rosella plant that fights hypertension. The stem of hibiscus can be used for making bast fiber that can be used for making burlap. Several illnesses including nerve diseases, cancer and cardiac diseases are said to be treated by rosella. You may use rosella as a mild laxative and as a diuretic. Tea made out of rosella flowers is quite common in various places in the world. It's not uncommon to find vendors in Africa selling hibiscus herbal tea. It is also very common in Italy to prepare tea out of hibiscus flowers. Shandy Sorrel - a well-liked drink in Trinidad and Tobago - is made of beer combined with rosella tea. The Thai's drink rosella tea to reduce cholesterol. Studies have been done to test the efficacy of Hibiscus tea in dealing with hypertension. Captopril - a hypertension treatment drug - was studied side by side with hibiscus tea. The results reveal that the impact was quite similar in the two groups. In a different research, hypertension drug lisnopril was tested parallel with hibiscus tea. The research study exposed that in lowering blood pressure, hibiscus tea was more potent than lisnopril. The sodium levels of participants who consumed hibiscus also fell as an added bonus. Yet one more analysis tried to compare hibiscus tea with colored hot water. This third analysis revealed if the effect of hibiscus tea on hypertension patients is only psychological. Hibiscus outperformed the placebo tea hands down demonstrating that hibiscus tea really is effective in treating hypertension. You'll find sites regarding natural health that have additional information regarding the mentioned research studies. The particulars are very persuasive that indeed hibiscus tea helps lower blood pressure. You will also find out why rosella is a safer choice for relieving hypertension compared to prescription drugs. China and Thailand are the sovereign nations that control the world supply of rosella. Together, these two countries are really the greatest makers of rosella. Thailand has tighter quality measures in place and thus it enjoys a reputation of supplying better quality rosella. The highest quality rosella can actually be found in Sudan but their lack of processing technology and their limited production is a problem. Don't you find it incredible how one can enjoy something and also make yourself healthier? Don't think twice about sipping this healthy and enjoyable flower tea. It is possible to cultivate your very own rosella especially if you are living in a tropical place. You'll know firsthand that the rosella beverage you are sipping does not have pesticides or hazardous harsh chemicals. The rosella is a superb ornamental plant too that you will enjoy cultivating. The blossoms really are wonderful and in addition, good for your wellbeing. All You Need To Know About Afinitor According to the US National Institute of Health, new cases of renal cancer in 2010 in the US stood at 58,240, with 13,040 deaths cases. Although there are no significant symptoms of kidney or renal cancer, you should approach a doctor if you notice blood in your urine, lump in your abdomen, unexplained weight loss or appetite loss. Afinitor (everolimus), developed and manufactured by Novartis, is the first oral daily therapy for the treatment of advanced renal cell carcinoma. This drug was developed after the failure of treatment with Sunitinib or Sorferib in cancer cells. Applications and Dosage Related Information About Afinitor Afinitor, which received the FDA approval in 2009 is also used for the treatment of patients with subependymal giant cell astrocytoma (SEGA) who need therapeutic intervention instead of curative surgical treatments. The medicine stops cancer cells from expanding by cutting off the blood supply to them. Afinitor is an inhibitor of mTOR and prevents cell proliferation and angiogenesis. The medicine is available in 5mg and 10mg strengths for oral administration. The recommended initial dose for this drug is 10mg, to be taken once a day at the same time every day with or without food. One should swallow this medicine as a whole and avoid chewing or crushing it. Some commonly witnessed side effects by users of Afinitor are: mouth ulcers infections weakness cough diarrhea nausea fever loss of appetite anemia swelling of body parts headaches inflammation of the lining of the digestive system These side effects are temporary and will go away after the therapy is complete. However, some serious side effects may be felt by people taking Afinitor. These include: Breathing problems Severe infections, such as pneumonia, bacterial, fungal or viral Precautions While Taking Afinitor This medicine is not for patients who are already taking medication for fungal or bacterial infections, tuberclosis, seizures, HIV-AIDS, blood pressure or heart conditions. This medicine should also not be prescribed to a pregnant woman or a woman who is breast feeding. If your doctor has prescribed Afinitor for your treatment, you should follow certain precautions: Do not drink grape fruit juice or eat grape fruit, star fruit or Seville oranges during the whole treatment In case of allergic reactions, one should immediately get back to his/her doctor People using this medicine should not get a live vaccine or be around with people who have recently received a live vaccine Aloe Vera: Review of Benefits While Aloe looks like a cactus with its thorny-edged leaves, it is actually a succulent member of the lily family. There are several hundred species, but Aloe Babadensis Miller is the most nutritional. It's common name is Aloe Vera. Throughout History, Aloe has been used by people from almoste every culture. The aloe plant originally came from Africa. References to its cleansing and healing properties are found in artifacts of the Sumerians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and the revered plant is mentioned in both the Old and Testaments. It has been used in both Eastern and Western civilizations and hailed by such adventurers as Marco Polo and Christopher Columbus. Aloe is a natural product, intrinsically rich in many nutrients including vitamins, minerals, amino acids and phytonutrients. The internal gel of the leaves has been used for a wide and varied array of healing and revitalizing purposes. Aloe's many healthful characteristics can make you look and feel more energetic and healthful. The benefits of using aloe have been repeatedly substantiated by modern science. The cosmetic and therapeutic effects of Aloe Vera have been reviewed in more than 400 scientific studies. An impressive range of internal and external therapeutic and beneficial results have been acknowledged. Studies have shown aloe to be of use in relieving heartburn and irritable bowel syndrome; improving blood glucose; decreasing blood lipids; treating ulcers; wound treatment; healing of first and second degree burns; treating herpes and psoriasis. Aloe Vera plays an important part in nourishing you both inside and out. Most people know of it's medicinal value when it comes to minor cuts, burns and skin irritations. But there are many more benefits. Aloe can effectively nourish and revitalize the skin, heal wounds, relieve muscle pain, facilitate good oral care, support the immune system, encourage good digestion, increase energy, and promote weight loss. Include aloe products in your daily routine to enjoy these benefits. Use Aloe Lotions & Potions for Beautiful Skin Aloe Vera penetrates the skin and nourishes it for cell growth and reproduction. Aloe stimulatescollagen and elastin repair, so drinking the juice and using skin care products will give your skin a rich buffet of restorative building blocks for renewal and healing. You will feel and look healthier! Use Aloe Gel and Creams to Soothe Aches and Pains Aloe contains antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that soothe minor skin irritations and relieve muscle pain and discomfort. Use Aloe Toothpaste to Maintain Good Oral Health Poor oral hygiene and overgrowth of bacteria play a significant part in causing periodontal disease, cavaties and oral infection. Aloe contains phytonutrients called saponins and glycosides, which have both cleansing and antiseptic characteristics. The anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and analgesic properties of aloe are effective for oral hygiene. In a 2007 study which compared the antimicrobial effectiveness of Forever Bright aloe tooth gel with 2 popular commercial brands found that the aloe toothpaste was just as effective or better at controlling growth of a number of organisms typically found growing in our oral cavity, such as Candida Albicans. The aloe toothpaste was particularly effective against Streptococcus Mutans, which has been implicated in the introduction of dental cavities. Most of the anti-microbial effects of commercially prepared toothpaste are due to fluoride content. An added benefit of aloe toothgel is that it was at least as effective or better – without flouride. Everyone wants a bright smile and fresh breath. Aloe tooth gel is a great way to have a sparkling fresh mouth and good dental health, without harsh additives. And it tastes great, too! Drink Aloe to: Support Your Immune System Aloe juice contains Vitamins A, B complex, C and E, as well as minerals calcium, iron, potassium, zinc copper and magnesium. It also contains 19 different amino acids, including 7 of the 8 essential amino acids (essential – meaning your body cannot make them and must get them from food.) All these nutrients give your body what it needs to function well and fight against oxidative stress. In addition, galactomannans from stabilized aloe gel promote cell to cell communication and help balance immune response. Support Good Digestion Aloe Vera encourages efficient bowel function. It promotes beneficial flora and discourages colonizationof harmful bacteria and yeasts. In this way, drinking Aloe juice or gel encourages optimal digestive function. Phytonutrients called glycoproteins and polymannans help to reduce GI inflammation, ease digestion and promote healthy gut tissues, allowing you to absorb nutrients better. Increase Your Energy Drinking aloe juice regularly helps your body clean and detoxify the digestive tract. A clean system promotes increased absorption of nutrients. This means your body is not bogged down with undigested food that leads to sluggishness and exhaustion. Your energy levels increase with just a few weeks of regular use! Promote Weight Loss Byabsorbing more nutrients, you will be more satisfied at meals, with reduced cravings. The combination of better absorption, detoxification and increased energy will support you in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight! Because aloe gel oxidizesand loses it's potency with exposure to sunlight for more than 2 hours, it must be pharmaceutically stabilized. Alternative Medicine Is A Thing That More Men And Women Want To Know About Alternative medicine is a thing that more and more folks are beginning to look into, but you will find loads of information on the topic and it can be rather puzzling. Another thing you will find that even though more folks are looking into alternative medicine there are other individuals who have not ever worried about just what they put in their bodies. Over the last few years I have been studying alternative medicines and the positive results that they can have your all around health, and this is something that I believed that more people should know about. Just so you know, alternative medicines are one thing that can help you deal with different health conditions that you may suffer from with out having to take drugs. Individuals have begun to be more worried lately with the things that they are placing into their bodies, and so alternative medicine has become considerably popular among health-conscious individuals these days. Recently I have been carrying out a lot of research for articles that deal with alternative medicine and I considered that more people should be mindful of what this is. It is also something that I have been personally interested in, as I never liked taking any types of drugs. A primary reason for this is simply because of all of the negative side effects you find out about with all sorts of prescription drugs. This is also something that more men and women should be aware of as I am confident you have seen drug commercials on TV and all the side effects at the end of the particular commercials. What you need to ask yourself is why would you take a drug which is going to result in additional problems and wind up causing you to take more drugs? And this simply will go on and on. This of course, is one of the principal reasons that more and more folks are looking into alternative medicine as an option. They are people who are in search of new and healthier ways to treat their symptoms and who are convinced that the more natural something is, the better it is for their body and their over all health. So let me ask you a question, just what makes more sense, taking harmful chemical substances such as prescription drugs or using all natural remedies that have no negative side effects. There is much too much to say about alternative medicine here, but I merely wanted to point out that there are alternatives to taking all those prescription drugs that cause all sorts of side effects. As with other things in your life you will notice that you get to make the choice on how best you feel you can take care of your body. After you look at the benefits of alternative medicine to prescription drugs, you just have to assess if it is a good choice for you. The information that we supplied here may not be enough for you to select alternative medicine, but you can get loads more information online if you are interested. Anadrol 50 Steroids Profiles Anadrol detailed information: Anadrol is the strongest and at the same time also the most effective of all oral steroids. It has an extremely strong androgenic effect, which goes hand in hand with an extremely intense anabolic component. For this reason, dramatic gains in strength and muscle mass can be achieved in a very short time. An increase in body weight of 10-15 pounds or more in only 14 days is not unusual. Water retention is considerable, so that the muscle diameter quickly increases and the user gets a massive appearance within record time. It is one of the favorite steroids for bodybuilders in the off season. Because of this, huge gains in strength and muscle mass can be obtained in a very short time. Anadrol is the U.S. brand name for oxymetholone, a very potent oral androgen. This compound was first made available in 1960, by the international drug firm Syntex. Anadrol is considered by many to be the most powerful steroid available, with results of this compound being extremely dramatic. A steroid novice experimenting with oxymetholone is likely to gain 20 to 30 pounds of massive bulk, and it can often be accomplished in less than 6 weeks, with only one or two tablets per day. This steroid produces a lot of trouble with water retention, so let there be little doubt that much of this gain is simply bloat. Anadrol 50 does not cause a qualitative muscle gain but rather a quantitative one which in the off-season is quite welcome. Anadrol 50 "lubricates" the joints since water is stored there as well. On the one hand this is a factor in the enormous increase of strength and on the other hand, it allows athletes with joint problems a painless workout. Powerlifters in the higher weight classes are sold on Anadrol 50. How it works Anadrol 50 increases the number of red blood cells, allowing the muscle to absorb more oxygen. The muscle thus has a higher endurance and performance level. Consequently, the athlete can rely on great power and high strength even after several sets. Some bodybuilders report such an enormous and in part painful "pump" that they end their workout after only a few sets or work on another muscle. The often-mentioned "steroid pump" manifests itself to an extreme by the intake of Anadrol 50 and during workout it gives the athlete a fantastic and satisfying sensation. The highly androgenic effect of Anadrol 50 stimulates the regeneration of the body so that the often-feared "over training" is unlikely. The athlete often feels that only hours after a strenuous workout he is ready for more. Even if he works out six days a week he makes continued progress. Although Anadrol 50 is not a steroid used in preparation for a competition, it does help more than any other steroid during dieting to maintain the muscle mass and to allow an intense workout. Many bodybuilders therefore use it up to about one week before... competition, solving the problem of water retention by taking anti estrogens and diuretics so that they will appear bulky and hard when in the limelight. Anadrol Dosages As for the dosage, opinions differ. A dosage sufficient for any athlete would be 0,5 - 2,5 mg per pound of body weight/day. This corresponds to 1-4 tablets; i.e. 50-200 mg/day. Under no circumstances should an athlete take more than four tablets in any given day. We are of the opinion that a daily intake of three tablets should not be exceeded. Those of you who would like to try Anadrol for the first time should begin with an intake of only one 50 mg tablet. After a few days or even better, after one week, the daily dosage can be increased to two tablets, one tablet each in the morning and evening, taken with meals. Athletes who are more advanced or weigh more than 200 pounds can increase the dosage to 500 mg/day which corresponds to 10 tablets..Athletes continue their treatment with injectable testosterone such as Sustanon or Testosterone enanthate for several weeks. Bodybuilders often combine Anadrol with Deca-Durabolin or Testosterone to build up strength and mass. Anadrol is to be taken seriously and the prevailing bodybuilder mentality "more is better" is out of place. A strict diet together with the simultaneous intake of Nolvadex and Proviron, can significantly reduce water retention so that a distinct increase in the solid muscles is possible. By taking Anadrol 50 the athlete experiences an enormous "pump effect" during the workout in the exercised muscles. The blood volume in the body is significantly elevated causing a higher blood supply to the muscles during workout. Athletes who are more advanced or weigh more than 220 pounds can increase the dosage to 150 mg/day in the third week. This dosage, however, should not be taken for periods longer than two to three weeks. Those who take Anadrol 50 for more than 5-6 weeks should be able to gain 20 - 25 pounds. These should be satisfying results and thus encourage the athlete to discontinue using the compound. After discontinuing Anadrol 50, it is important to continue steroid treatment with another compound since, otherwise, a drastic reduction takes place and the user, as is often observed, within a short period looks the same as before the treatment. No other anabolic/androgenic steroid causes such a fast and drastic loss in strength and mass as does Anadrol 50. Athletes should continue their treatment with injectable testosterone such as Sustanon 250 or Testosterone Enanthate for several weeks. Bodybuilders often combine Anadrol 50 with Deca-Durabolin or Testosterone to build up strength and mass. A very effective stack which is also favored by professionals consists of Anadrol 50 100 mg+/day, Parabolon 228 mg+/week, and Sustanon 500 mg+/week. This stack quickly improves strength and mass but it is not suitable for and steroid novices. Anadrol Side Effects by TerePharmacy Anadrol is unfortunately also the most harmful oral steroid. Its intake can cause many considerable side effects. Since it is I 7-alpha alkylated it is very liver toxic. The compound oxymetholone easily converts into estrogen. Most users can expect certain pathological changes in their liver values after approximately one week. An increase in liver values of both the enzymes GOT and GPT also called transaminases, often cannot be avoided. Bodybuilders who experience a severe steroid acne caused by Anadrol 50 can get this problem under control by using the prescription drug Accutane. Other possible side effects may include headaches, nausea, vomiting, stomach aches, lack of appetite, insomnia, and diarrhea. The athlete can expect a feeling of "general indisposition" with the intake of Anadrol which is completely in contrast to Dianabol which conveys a "sense of wellbeing". The increased aggressiveness is caused by the resulting high level of androgen and occurs mostly when large quantities of testosterone are "shot" simultaneously with the Anadrol. The body's own production of testosterone is considerably reduced since Anadrol has an inhibiting effect on the hypothalamus, which in turn completely reduces or stops the release of GnRH (gonadotropin releasing hormone). For this reason the intake of testosterone stimulating compounds such as HCG and Clomid is absolutely necessary to maintain the hormone production in the testes. Women and Anadrol 50 Anadrol 50 is not recommended for women since it causes many and, in part, irreversible virilizing symptoms such as acne, clitorial hypertrophy, deep voice, increased hair growth on the legs, beard growth, missed periods, increased -libido, and hair loss. Anadrol 50 is simply too strong for the female organism and accordingly, it is poorly tolerated. Women who do not want to give up the distinct performance-enhancing effect of Anadrol 50 but, at the same time, would like to reduce possible side effects caused by androgen, could consider taking half a tablet (25 mg) every two days, combined with a "mild" injectable anabolic steroid such as Primobolan Depot or deca durabolin. Ultimately, the use of Anadrol 50 and its dosage are an expression of the female athlete's personal willingness to take risks. An Audiologist Can Prescribe Hearing Aids That Fit Inside The Ear Most people go through life without thinking much about their senses. Relying on their sight and hearing to always be there a few people that are in need of hearing devices do not know that that they may be slowing losing their ability to hear as clearly as they did when they were younger. Although the loss of eyesight and blurred vision may be easier to spot the loss of hearing over the passing years is not noticed in someone who one day finds that conversations are not as clear as they used to be. By setting up an appointment with an audiologist Las Vegas residents can have their hearing tested and determine what if any loss has transpired. Because the ear picks up different frequencies and pitches of sound a person that is able to hear some tone may be able to pick up on every sound that they listen to. Even with a partial hearing loss there a devices that can restore the sound quality and clarity to both ears for someone that is missing out on the conversation. The Las Vegas hearing aids that are available today are small and lightweight and many models are almost invisible to detect. Resting inside the ear cannel the delicate audio devices make it possible for someone to restore their hearing and participate more fully in life. Although there are still some models of hearing aids that rest on the back of the outer ear the devices are highly sensitive and small enough to be concealed by the wearer's hair. After some years of use it may become necessary to replace the listening equipment or have a technician make a hearing aid repair that can deliver the tones and pitches that are diminished by age, exposure to loud noises and other things that can damage the ear. Where an optical appointment is recommended every couple of years for a person that is in need of vision correction there is also a need for someone to have their ears checked every two to three years to ensure that as they age they can still enjoy all of the sounds that bring their senses to life. By making an appointment to meet with an audiologist Las Vegas residents can learn about the sensitivity of their hearing and if needed the options available to them for restoring every sound that they might not even know they have been missing. Whether looking for a small comfortable device to sit invisibly inside their ear or preferring something a little less invasive the types of hearing aids that are restoring hearing are making possible for individuals of all ages to enjoy life to the fullest. An Increased Risk Of Dementia With Obesity The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences published a study that suggested a gene linked to obesity may be associated to dementia also. Obese people in their late 40s have a 74% increased risk of developing dementia as compared to those with healthy weight. A link between middle-age obesity and development of Alzheimer's disease has already been established by scientific studies. But a pattern of diminished brain volume has been noticed in a 3-D brain mapping of a number of elderly people. These people were also carriers of a specific type of gene known as fat mass and obesity-associated (FTO) gene. Also, people with normal body mass index (BMI) can have decreased risk of dementia as compared to people with an elevated BMI. Studies have shown that FTO gene can alter the function of leptin, a hormone that plays a significant role in appetite and metabolism. This gene can also increase the risk of diabetes and affect BMI. Collectively, these factors can be linked with the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's. In overweight people, a significant loss of 4% of tissues in the frontal lobes of the brain is noticed. But in case of obese people, the brain tissue loss was found to be 8%, which is twice as compared to overweight people. As a result, it makes the brains of obese people look 16 years older than those of normal weight people. Type II diabetes, one of the closely linked condition to obesity, can contribute to brain tissue loss due to increased level of insulin in the bloodstream, which affects neurons and blood vessels. A top-down approach to weight loss A top-down approach to weight loss is based on studying and understanding the root cause of obesity and the underlying issues that are contributing to it. A multifaceted approach can help you reach the goal of having a healthy mind and body along with an effective weight management. To get positive outcomes, it is necessary that we make healthy choices and take responsibility for our lives. When we talk of weight loss, some people are at advantage. This is because each individual is biochemically unique and requires a proportionate amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fat. For some people certain dietary changes can help them achieve weight loss, while for others dieting alone may not help much. Processed foods, high-sugar foods, caffeinated drinks, saturated fats, and red meat must be avoided to sustain an effective weight management program. Xenical is more than just weight loss Obesity treatment with prescription weight loss pills can give you an effective weight loss when used in conjunction with regular exercise and balanced diet. Xenical is one of the slimming pills available on the market today that can help lose 5-10% of total body weight in 6-10 months' time. Scientific studies suggest that even 5% weight loss is significant for an individual who is overweight as it not only prevents a number of obesity-related health conditions, but also improves overall health. Orlistat, the active ingredient in Xenical, belongs to a class of drugs known as fat blockers. It can prevent absorption of up to 30% of dietary fats in the body. The unwanted fat is then excreted out of the body through bowel movements. In particular, Xenical works by inhibiting the action of lipase, an enzyme that breaks fats into smaller molecules in the stomach for absorption. This slimming pill is suitable for adults with a BMI of 30 and above. Also, people with a BMI of 27 or above, who are at a risk of serious health problems due to fat accumulation in their body, can take Xenical for weight loss. Another new surgical procedure for weight loss Well, let's start with the gossip and then get serious. It seems Gabourey Sidibe who was recently nominated for an Oscar for her role in Precious, has been approached by a weight loss company. It wants to help her lose weight and, of course, by doing so enhance its own reputation. What makes the story so interesting is the aggressiveness of the approach. Here is a young woman who is obviously not unhappy with the way she looks and is successful as she is. Yet a weight loss company thinks she should want to lose weight. Now we could assume this company is altruistic. It knows being obese significantly increases the risk of diabetes, arthritis, some cancers, a stoke or heart disease. If anyone overweight can lose between 5 and 10% of their body weight, these risks are reduced or completely disappear. So why look for celebrity endorsement? The answer lies in the national statistics. In 2009, the National Institutes of Health reported obese people in the US represented 34% of the population while the number who were merely overweight represented only 32.7%. For the record, this classifies 72 million people as obese, i.e. their BMI is 30 or higher. In fact, the rate of obesity has doubled over the last thirty years and, being dispassionate about it, this represents a major market for weight loss products and services. Billions of dollars are at stake. Against this background, the San Diego Medical Center has been running a clinical trial on POSE (Primary Obesity Surgery Endolumenal). This is a new approach to bariatric surgery. The increasingly common lap band procedure requires the surgeon to enter the body through the abdomen and this inevitably leaves a scar. POSE is surgery performed using an endoscope. This is a device pushed down the throat and into the stomach without any need for an incision. Once inside the stomach, there are tools operated remotely by the surgeon. This allows the stomach walls to be sutured, reducing available space by about one-third. Thus, the effect is the same as in conventional surgery. Patients begin to feel full minutes after starting to eat. Thus, for those who have vanity issues and want to achieve a "body beautiful", this form of surgery promotes weight loss without scars. For the purposes of the trial, only people who have a long history of weight problems are being considered. But, if the trial proves a long-term success, you will probably see this type of procedure heavily advertized for people of all weights. It's not our policy to argue people should not have surgery. There may come a time when people prove themselves so lacking in will power to diet and exercise that physically preventing them from overeating is the only way of saving their lives. But what does concern us is the notion that surgery should become the normal response to weight problems. As a nation, do we really want to spend millions of dollars every year on surgery when the solution to the problem is a diet, physical exercise and phentermine? Just think for a moment. Phentermine is an effective appetite suppressant. Why do people using it not lose weight in the long term? Because they continue to eat massive portions of unhealthy food. People are unable to prevent themselves from overeating. What does that say about the character of Americans? We have become a nation of food junkies, so addicted to eating, we cannot stop even when we know it's killing us. Appetite Control and Weight Loss Feeling hungry…craving sweets…just a bite…ate it all…HOW DO I LOSE WEIGHT? Do you ever feel it is an uphill battle to simply control your appetite? Unfortunately, many of us face that battle every day, all day. While portion control, eating sensibly and making healthy choices sound like an easy assignment, an uncontrollable appetite can sabotage even the strongest person! A healthy diet and exercise are the ideal lifestyle changes needed to achieve and maintain weight loss. Some of us have a determination, combined with self-control AND willpower, to make those necessary adjustments; some of us do not. It is easy to become discouraged if we do not see immediate rewards when attempting to lose weight; leading to frustration and often giving up. For those of us who struggle with food cravings and the feeling of always being hungry, an appetite suppressant may be the tool needed to "jumpstart" a weight loss program. The "fast" results frequently achieved with an appetite suppressant can boost our outlook and motivate us to reach our weight loss goals. With so many appetite suppressants on the market today, it is important to know which is the most effective for you with your weight loss goals and health issues in mind. Supplements to assist with controlling or suppressing your appetite, such as Garcinia Cambogia, Chromium Picolinate and Hoodia are a few choices to consider. Other diet supplements, along with an appetite suppressant, can include fiber, such as Glucomannan, to help a person feel full and Green Tea for an energy boost. Making the decision and the commitment to be healthier is the first step to getting healthier! Choose your weight loss program wisely; be realistic about your lifestyle, your goals and your health. Because many diet supplements contain ingredients that may interfere with various medical conditions, it is crucial to make an "educated" decision when choosing an appetite suppressant. Whether it is all-natural, safe, herbal, prescription or over the counter, it is each person's responsibility to research product risks and side effects. If you have medical issues, discussing your weight loss goals and options with your doctor can help you make the best decision for your needs. As you begin your "health" journey, be patient and forgiving with yourself. Set small and realistic daily goals and before you know it, you will be your own success story! Remember…it's your life…your health…live well! Appetite Suppressants and Weight Loss The rise in obesity and its complications has generated enormous interest in the regulation of feeding and body weight. Obesity is a major contributor to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, stroke, and some cancers. Solutions that address the many factors contributing to obesity are needed. Appetite suppressants, or anorectics, are substances that reduce a person's appetite. Some appetite suppressants are available over the counter, although most require a prescription. This medication is used in combination with a diet plan to help you reduce weight. This medication is best taken on an empty stomach one hour before a meal. Sustained-release or long acting products must be swallowed whole. Crushing or chewing them will destroy the long action and may cause increased side effects. Because this medication may cause sleeplessness, avoid taking a dose late in the day. Take this medication as prescribed. Do not take it more often or longer than directed. It is usually taken for 8 to 12 weeks When looking for the right appetite suppressant, there several things a person will want to consider. The first thing you may want to consider is safety. Some of the appetite suppressant medications that have been on the market in the past have been problematic and dangerous, and they have been removed from sales. However, there is always the chance the new appetite suppressant will come out without being thoroughly tested first, and could be potentially dangerous as well. Knowing what is available and doing research to get an appetite suppressant, which has been tested thoroughly and have been on the market for some time is an important, step in staying safe. Another issue with the purchase of an appetite suppressant is the cost. There are some which are very expensive and others that are very cheap and they all are designed to do basically the same thing. An appetite suppressant has only one purpose, to stop people from feeling hungry so he or she does not eat as much. This is a very important purpose, but there different chemicals, that appetite suppressant can use to accomplish this. Some chemicals work better for some people than others do, so it is important to find the best priced appetite suppressant that will work for a person the way it is indented to. Appetite suppressants are not a substitute for proper diet. For maximum effects, this must be used in conjunction with a diet and exercise program. Do not share this medication with others. A person who is aiming for a low percentage of body fat learns to manage their hunger so that it becomes something they can live with. Water and apples are other natural appetite suppressants worth mentioning here. The curb of the appetite can be influenced into your favor by drinking A Raspberry Vinaigrette Dressing Recipe for Keeps! They say it's hard to find good vinaigrette for keeps. At my office Christmas party a couple of weeks ago, I found the vinaigrette too oily thereby killing my appetite for the salad greens they were serving as appetizers. Then I heard about raspberry vinaigrettes and how it's one of the most popular salad dressings for weight loss because it's comparatively low in fat and calories. I've never tried one before since I was mostly familiar with balsamic or Italian vinaigrettes only. So out of curiosity, I decided to check the internet for recipes and try making one for myself. Lo and behold, I recently came across this raspberry vinaigrette dressing recipe from Food.com (http://www.food.com/recipe/best-raspberry-salad-dressing-vinaigrette-215827) and this went perfectly with the salad I had prepared for dinner that day. I'm slowly compiling a list of simple healthy dinner recipes and this fit right into the bill. According to sources, classical French cuisine typically uses vinaigrette not only as a salad dressing but as a cold sauce for artichokes, asparagus and leeks. It can also be used to baste meat, poultry, seafood or vegetables before cooking as well as a marinade to tenderize and flavor ingredients. In my case, I keep my own stash of vinaigrette in case I'll have some out of the blue salad cravings during certain days. The recipe is so easy to follow. To start with, here are the ingredients: 1/2 cup canola oil 6 frozen raspberries, thawed 3 tablespoons raspberry vinegar (Star brand is best) 2 tablespoons seedless raspberry jam (or mixed berry jelly) 1 tablespoon granulated sugar (or to taste) 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard (country-style preferred) 1 teaspoon poppy seed 1/4 teaspoon onion powder Procedure: 1. Measure the dressing ingredients in a wide-mouth pint jar. 2. Process with an immersion blender, which will emulsify (incorporate and thicken) the dressing all at once. This is what I love about vinaigrettes. Preparing it is a no-brainer as long as you have all the ingredients ready and there's an immersion blender or food processor on hand. I'm also thinking of using it as an easy pork marinade for barbecue Sundays with the family. A little culinary experiment wouldn't hurt, right? They say good vinaigrette makes dull lettuce spring to life, veggies go from bland to bold and meat finds a tangy marinade. It is, for me, a thing of beauty. So back to my salad habit. It is said that eating a salad almost everyday is one healthy eating habit we can adopt --- and one of the simplest, experts say. A salad is a super-convenient way to work in servings of vegetable or fruit into your diet. They are cool, crunchy and fun to eat. As I researched more about its health benefits, I discovered the following facts: 1. Salads are rich in fiber, and eating a high-fiber diet can help lower cholesterol levels and prevent constipation. 2. Diets that are rich in fruits and vegetables are at a lower risk of developing diseases like cancer. This is thanks to antioxidants that help protect the body from damage caused by harmful molecules. 3. It cuts calorie consumption yet increases satisfaction making it ideal for people who are trying to lose weight. 4. Eating a little good fat with your vegetables appears to help your body absorb protective phytochemicals, like lycopene from tomatoes and lutein from dark green vegetables. There was an Italian research on people aged 60 and older that suggested a diet that includes plenty of olive oil and raw vegetables is linked to reduced mortality. The real challenge lies in sticking to this diet plan for the long term. I shouldn't be that hard since my new year's resolution is to start eating healthy from now on. No more sodas and junk food! Ardyss Nutritional Product Review The immune system is one of the body's most important and vital systems, recognizing viruses, bacteria, and any foreign bodies and informing the brain of the toxins and then eliminating the threats. The system consists of lymph nodes, blood proteins, and organs that that transport vital nutrients to the body's core systems. For any one suffering from an auto-immune disease it is vital to understand how to boost the immune system, and ultimately achieve improved better levels for better health. There are a number of auto-immune disorders from AIDS/HIV, arthritis, hepatitis, lupus, fibromyalgia, and this list continues. They can be caused by viruses, parasites, gene disorders, environmental toxins, and hereditary regardless there are alternatives for treatment to typical drug regimens. By eating immune boosting foods such as raw fruits and vegetables, ginger, fish oils, wheat grass, fresh seafood, and nuts and seeds many of the triggers can be lessened and even stabilized. Many auto-immune disorders require that you make a complete dietary change including avoiding tobacco, smoking, and alcohol. They recommend you get plenty of minerals, vitamins in the purest form possible and sometimes that may be difficult to maintain long term. Ensuring you follow those recommendations can be expensive and exhaustive but Ardyss International has a range of products that can help tackle some of the illnesses listed above while keeping cost relatively low. Ardyss International flagship nutritional products Le' Vive, Le'Vive Green, and Le' Vive Red receive rave reviews from the medical community. Le' Vive's origins span the globe featuring the power of the world's top five antioxidant fruits- Pomegranate, Goji, Acai Berry, Noni, and Mangosteen in one product. With these super fruits at the helm in an organic compound these products can help with, energy complaints, aches and pains, and maintain healthy levels of blood sugar, protects the liver, preventative care, and sustain health. The juices are fortified with botanical extracts that help maintain healthy cellular and physical functions. The New England Journal of Medicine reports that 9 out 10 people die from dietary deficiencies. When the body is completely clean, the result is the protective organs functioning properly helping to eliminate toxins that aren't healthy. Regardless of the ailment Ardyss International has over 24 nutritional products for all sorts of conditions. From Memory Charge (memory supplement), to Ardyss Plus (liquid multivitamin), to Nocol (menopause), to Thermogen Plus (weight loss supplement), Coral Calcium (bone and skeletal system),Triplel Lifeline (Omega 3-6-9), Cran Aloe (urinary tract, gastric problems), Power Boost (sexual potency), Top Fiber (digestive system), Pure Noni (immune system), Nutri Shake (weight loss), Enerlife (energy/mental stability), Super Digestive Support (digestion/inflammation of intestines), Ultra Body Cleanse (maintain healthy bowel function), Ardyss Mangostana Plus (heart function), Collaffee Llife (skin and complexion),Sweet Control (blood sugar regulator), Green 29 (vegetables supplement), AM/PM (weight loss/appetite suppressant), Often people with auto-immune disorders suffer from fatigue below is a recipe: Try it just for your own benefit. 1 capful of Ardyss Plus ½ tsp of Enerlife ¾ grams of apple 1 Lemon juiced 9 oz of Orange Juice 1 oz LeVive Preparation: Juice them in a blender and drink To Your Health! Are You Wondering Where To Buy Fastin Diet Pills? Are you wondering where to find safe weight loss pills or perhaps weight loss pills for women? Lets first determine the difference between prescription strength medication and natural supplementswhich incidentally is a major issue when considering Fastin. Prescription strength medication involves powerful chemically-made drugs. These drugs are too potent to be considered OTC (Over The Counter) medications and so require a doctors prescription in order to legally buy. Natural supplements are extracts of food, plant or animal sources, and are considered a natural alternative to traditional medication. These products are not regulated by the FDA because they are considered a type of food. Fastin was originally a drug produced by King Pharmaceuticals. It contained a substance called phentermine which acted as an appetite suppressant. Eventually, the drug was pulled from the market. However, Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals later bought the rights to the name, hoping to capitalize on Fastins fame. Their intention was to use the same name but alter the formula so that it could be sold as a health product and not as a drug. At least&that was the implication. Consumers did find numerous websites which claimed that the new Fastin was a prescription strength appetite suppressant, somehow available over the counter. This was misleading information. Because of the controlled substances law, consumers cannot legally buy prescription-strength slimming diet pills without a doctors written prescription. Consumers cannot even buy phentermine, the generic version of the old Fastin without a prescription. However, consumers can buy the new supplemental version of Fastin, which is actually just a glorified fat-burner. This supplement helps to increase metabolism and enhance a persons mood. Ingredients that make up the new Fastin include Phenylethylamine HCL, methylphenylethylamine tartrate, R-Beta-Methylphenylethylamine, N-Methyl-phenylethylamine HCL, Theobromine Anhydrous, Synephrine HCL, methylsynephrine HCL and Yohimbine. There is also 100 milligrams of caffeine in every serving of Fastin. The Phenylethylamine HCL and the caffeine will go a long way in stimulating a persons body and brain. (In fact, the former of these works to increase dopamine, the feel good chemical usually identified with sex and chocolate) Unlike prescription medications, there are no official warnings as to the new Fastins health risks. (Ironically, some websites still try and post old warnings from Phentermine for their Fastin information) However, its always a good idea to consult with a doctor before attempting to buy weight loss pills from any source. The primary reason here is because supplemental products can still interact with certain medications in the body or with preexisting conditions. For example, dieters that have problems with heart conditions or thyroid might be advised not to take fat-burner supplements. Pregnant women are also advised to avoid it. General side effects of such supplemental products tend to be minor, and may include anxiety, trouble sleeping or jitteriness. Where can you buy inexpensive weight loss pills like Fastin? You can look for it at a trusted health store, a verified online store or even from the official Fastin website. Currently, a free trial of Fastin is available from the product website. Atkins and The Basics of Ketosis Atkins and Ketosis The basic principle of the Atkins diet is that a state of ketosis will help you burn your fat stores as energy. Many people, even those who are on low carbohydrate diets, don't quite understand ketosis and why it works. Most diets are calorie-reduction diets. They help you lose weight, but some of the weight is from fat and some of it is from lean muscle tissue. While you may look smaller on the scale, your metabolism is actually slowing down. The more muscle you lose the slower your metabolism will be. This makes losing weight more difficult and gaining weight back even simpler. The Atkins diet, on the other hand, is carbohydrate restrictive. It creates a state of ketosis in your body that burns only fat, and not muscle. The primary source of your energy for your body will be fat in the form of ketones. Your liver will convert fat into ketones and it cannot be converted back. It will be excreted naturally. Ketones are actual a normally and efficient source of fuel for the human body. They are created in the liver from the fatty acids that result from the breakdown of body fat. These only appear when there is an absence of glucose and sugar. In the Atkins diet, you reduce the amount of glucose and sugar that is in the bloodstream. As a result, your body produces ketones for fuel. When your body is creating ketones it is called ketosis. There is a common misconception that following a ketogenic diet like Atkins is dangerous. The truth is that being in ketosis is a completely naturally state. The human body creates ketones to use as fuel in the absence of glucose. In the Atkins diet book, Dr. Atkins suggests using ketone-testing strips to determine your state of ketosis during dieting. These small plastic strips are held in the urine stream and contain a special chemically treated absorptive pad. This pad will change color if ketones are present in the urine. With the presence of ketones, the strip will change varying shades of pink to purple. There is a color scale on the label of the bottle that will help you determine your ketone levels. Ketone strips are available in any pharmacy and can be found among the diabetic supplies. In some stores, they are kept behind the counter so you may have to ask for them. You won't need a prescription to buy them though. Once you open a package of ketosis strips they have a shelf life of 6 months. It may be helpful to mark the opening date on the box. Ketone strips will let you know if you are progressing correctly on the Atkins diet. If you are following the Induction plan to the letter and aren't seeing purple, don't worry. Some people never show trace amounts of ketones or they may show just above the minimum line. As long as you are losing weight and inches then you are successfully using ketones. Also, if you've just exercised a few hours before using the strips, you may not see purple. Some dieters may mistakenly believe that a dark purple result on the testing strips means that they are losing weight faster. Actually, the darkest purple color is a sign of dehydration. It means that your urine is too concentrated and you need to drink water. Ketones come from fat in the bloodstream, whether it is fat that you eat or fat that you burn. So if you eat a meal heavy in fat and then immediately use a testing strip, then you'll see a dark purple result. Use the strips as a guide, but don't get hung up on the color. Reaching a state of ketosis is key to success on the Atkins diet and it as simple as eliminating carbohydrates from the diet. Make sure to follow the eating plan correctly and use the ketone testing strips as needed. Avoid Diet Plateau and Rebound Effect with Calorie Shifting Most people associate the word calorie with something “awful”, as it is common knowledge that eating excess calories leads to excess fat. Hence, the conclusion is that cutting way back on calories each day is the fastest way to lose weight. This means, when a person who usually eats 2,500 calories per day decides to cut back to 1,500 calories per day, the saved 1,000 calories are consumed by the body fat reserves resulting in a weight loss. This calculation is quite easy to understand but unfortunately it doesn't really work like this. Experience shows that cutting calories too drastically, for instance by skipping meals or starving yourself, the body gets used to the calorie reduction and you quickly experience what is called a “diet plateau”. After an initial steady weight loss, suddenly the scale refuses to drop any lower - no matter how little you are eating. During the first weeks of the diet, the body's response to the reduced calorie intake is very encouraging. Calorie intake is low, whereas the body metabolism is high. During this time, the body is subject to new changes in terms of food intake. The result is an instant, steady weight reduction, even though most of this reduction is due to the loss of water. Then suddenly, the body is switching to the “survival mode”, slowing down the metabolism for getting used to the calorie reduction. This is the point when Diet Plateau sets in. The body is “tuned” to the new conditions and has settled down to adjust by burning fewer calories. The diet program and the exercise regime don't produce the expected results any more and it is getting harder and harder to lose more weight. This is a very dangerous point as most of the people give up and slipping back to where they started. How to avoid a Diet Plateau? Many of the popular diets and dietary supplements on the market help people lose a lot of weight quickly but what they are losing is basically water and almost no fat. Apart from the explained metabolic change, this is one of the reasons for running into a Diet Plateau. Another problem of these diets is the “rebound” effect. Most of the weight that was lost initially-—and sometimes even more-—is gained back as rapidly as it disappeared. But there is good news. You can avoid and overcome a diet plateau. A proven way is to trick your body into thinking that you need more energy to stay alive while eating less. The result is that you body will burn more calories than you consume. But as your body is designed as a smart “survival machine” and easily can get used to new environmental conditions, it will automatically adjust itself to burn less calories for your daily activities. The trick is to use a unique eating system called Calorie Shifting Diet to confuse your body in a healthy way. As the Calorie Shifting idea is unusual and goes against many dieting rules and standards, it has been dismissed by many people being a scam. But the most important behind all this: it works and anyone who tries this diet quickly finds out how shocking the weight loss effect is. It's just something you have to try to believe. Here are the basic rules of the Calorie Shifting Diet: 1. Stop eating once you are satisfied – do not eat until you are too full 2. Eat exactly 4 meals a day, leaving a gap of 2.5 to 3 hours between each meal 3. You have a choice to eat any of the 4 meals in any order throughout the day. 4. Eat only the foods prescribed to you according the calorie shifting meal plan 5. Eat each day different food, from meats to fruits and vegetables. 6. Change the calorie uptake each day randomly in order to avoid that the metabolism gets used to the diet. 7. Take a 3-day break from the diet on days 12 through 14 of your diet, before you may resume the diet again. This is important to give your body a chance to rest from the rapid weight loss that you will be experiencing. 8. Stick to the calorie shifting plan – be honest to yourself Your body will receive different calories each day. One day you will consume 1500 calories and the next could be 1100 calories, derived from different types of food. This way your body does not establish any eating habit, it keeps burning calories and maintains high rate of metabolism even when you are eating less. The result is a faster weight loss, avoiding the feared Diet Plateau and the Rebound effects. Balance Hormones to Lose Flabby Arms Balance Hormones to Lose Flabby Arms If you have been trying to lose flabby arms then chances are you have gotten a lot of different advice on how to do it. You have probably been told that it is impossible to target fat loss to one part of the body or that you have to do serious arm exercises with weights to get toned arms. While these things are not completely false, they certainly are the way to lose flabby arms fast. There is a way to target fat loss to certain parts of the body. There is also a way to get thin arms without having to do push ups or lift weights. The way to lose flabby arms easily is to balance certain hormones in your body. By balancing certain hormones you can quickly burn fat in the areas of your body where you tend to store the most fat, such as your arms. Arm Fat and Hormones Hormones play an important role in how your body functions. Hormones regulate emotions, body functions and are directly related to weight. When your hormones are not balanced you open your body up to a host of problems. In terms of weight, unbalanced hormone levels can cause you to store excess fat in certain areas of your body and can slow down your metabolism so burning any fat is difficult. Burning fat those stubborn areas is even more difficult. In order to stop these effects and start to lose flabby arms you need to balance those hormones that are causing the problems. Estrogen - The Female Hormone Linked to Stubborn Fat Fat under the arms, in the belly and on your hips, thighs and rear end are all considered stubborn fat ares for women. Estrogen is the major female hormone and it is directly linked to the fat storage in these areas of the body. If your body's estrogen levels are not in balance then you will start to store more fat in these areas and losing fat in these areas becomes very difficult, if not almost impossible. The reason that estrogen causes this fat storage is that it is a fat storing hormone. A woman's body was designed to for child bearing. A pregnant woman needs those excess fat stores to help nourish the baby and keep her and the baby healthy throughout the pregnancy. Balanced estrogen levels will tell the body that you are not pregnant and therefore those fat stores can be used or burned for energy. An estrogen level that is not balanced could make your body think those fat stores are needed and therefore the body won't burn fat from those areas and you can't lose flabby arms. Both men and women can end up fighting estrogen hormone problems. High estrogen levels cause more fat storage in certain areas of the body. Once the estrogen levels reach a level that is too high, the body reacts and you start to gain weight or you stop losing weight in those stubborn fat storage areas. Fat loss will not begin again until the estrogen levels are brought back to normal. How to Control your Hormones Estrogen is a pretty responsive hormone. This means that by making certain changes in your life style and habits you can control your estrogen levels and keep them from going too high. This will help you lose flabby arms and flab from those other stubborn areas of your body. Stress can cause your hormones to do weird things. Just by calming down, taking time to relax and keeping stress under control, you can really help keep your estrogen levels even and balanced. Sleep is also linked to hormone balance issues. Make sure that you are getting enough sleep. Just by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day of the week, you can ensure your body is well rested. This will help keep your estrogen levels from creeping up. Diet is important here, too. Certain foods can really mess with estrogen levels. This is something many women do not know. Women need to be eating fiber rich foods, health whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Low fat is key also in a diet that will keep your estrogen levels on track. As much we hate to hear it, exercise is a must. Exercise helps your body maintain normal functions, builds muscles and will keep your estrogen levels balanced. Moderate exercise, 30 to 45 minutes five days a week, is one of the best ways to keep your body healthy and lose flabby arms. Moving your body burns up those fat stores so you can not lose flabby arms without exercise. There are many other ways that you can balance your estrogen levels, but these will give you a good start. Remember that to lose flabby arms you need to fight your own body. You have to stop the rising estrogen levels so your body isn't confused. If your body wants to store that fat in your arms or other areas of the body then there won't be much you can do to stop it. That is why you have to shut off the hormones that tell your body not to burn that fat. The real secret to lose flabby arms is in balancing your hormones. http://www.targetedfatloss.com.au Banana Milkshakes No Weight Gain It is the additives like sugar, cream and the extra flavoring in your milkshake that aids weight gain Many people believe having banana and milk together helps in gaining weight. Lets find out how true it is. For a basic banana milkshake, you need one banana and a glass of low fat milk. A banana by itself has negligible fat. Milk is a dairy product, and a recent study linked dairy consumption with reduced storage of belly fat. So, we know fat is not linked here. Similarly, both banana and milk have a low-medium Glycolic Index (healthy carbohydrates). So, it's not the carbohydrate content too that makes you put on weight. Instead, it provides you with protein, fiber, calcium, vitamins, and minerals. So, there is actually nothing in this combination that aids weight gain. Are you worried about calories now? You should know that one banana has about 100 calories, while a glass of low fat milk has about 60-80 calories. That implies, total calories in this concoction are much lower than a bag of chips (about 600 calories). Then what makes you gain those extra pounds on regular consumption of the beverage? It is all those additives you add in the banana milkshake to make it taste better- sugar, ice cream, sweet syrup (basically, sugar and water), and all the extra flavoring that are loaded with calories. Many people gain weight on consuming banana milkshake because they add it to their existing diets and do not make necessary replacements. So, instead of replacing what they were consuming earlier, they simply start having banana milkshakes along with it. Bariatric Surgery San Antonio Doctors Offer Texas Options Texas obesity is reaching epidemic proportions in the U. S., and San Antonio regularly ranks as one of the fattest cities in the nation. Results published in a recent Center for Disease Control (CDC) report demonstrate that 34 percent of Americans over the age of 20 are considered obese. Bariatric surgery San Antonio options are one effort to fight this epidemic. With obesity comes the staggering cost of providing healthcare goods and services to treat the co-morbidities that are often associated or exacerbated by obesity/morbid obes-ity. Texas bariatric solutions are intended to counter these co-morbidities: * Type II Diabetes * Coronary Heart Disease * Cancer * Hypertension * Dyslipidemia * Liver and Gallbladder diseases * Obstructive Sleep Apnea * Respiratory diseases * Osteoarthritis * Gynecologic problems (CDC, 2009). The co-morbidities associated with obesity, more significantly morbid obesity, are already having an economic impact on the strained U.S. healthcare budget. Texas bariatric solutions could positively impact this strain. According to a study conducted by Finkelstein, Fiebelken, and Wang in 2004, medical expenditures to treat co-morbidities associated with morbid obesity "account for 9.1 percent of total U.S. medical expenditures." The good news is that there are proven ways to reduce this number. There are numerous, highly publicized approaches to managing obesity. In addition to off-the-shelf diet programs, over-the-counter medications, and organized programs such as LA Weight Loss, NutriSystem, Weight Watchers, bariatric surgery San Antonio options are also becoming more and more common. Additionally, there are prescription medications, such as phentermine, available to patients attempting to lose weight. The issue with these programs and medications is that while they may produce short-term weight loss, most patients are not successful in keeping the weight off long-term, with some re-gaining more weight than they lost while dieting. In Texas bariatric surgery is a tool that has proven successful in assisting patients with not only losing weight, but keeping the weight off on a long-term basis. It is imperative that referring physicians and patients recognize that bariatric surgery is not a "magic bullet", but rather a "tool" that, when combined with healthy lifestyle changes, allows patients to enjoy long-term weight loss success. The three most commonly performed weight loss surgery procedures are the Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass, the Sleeve Gastrectomy and the Adjustable Gastric Band. Patients should learn about and discuss the various procedures thoroughly with their bariatric San Antonio surgeon to determine the most appropriate procedure to fit the patient's lifestyle needs and medical conditions. Procedures The Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RNY) is currently considered the gold standard for all weight loss surgery procedures. The RNY procedure is considered restrictive and malabsorbtive in nature, creating an environment that is conducive to rapid and sustained weight loss. The procedure is performed laparoscopically using six tiny incisions. A portion of the stomach is used to create a pouch and the intestines are re-routed, which creates the malabsorbtive feature of the surgery. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease, RNY patients can expect to lose 65-70 percent of their excess body weight. The Sleeve Gastrectomy, a fairly new procedure in the U.S., is also considered to be a restrictive procedure and can be performed laparoscopically. Using the upper portion of the stomach, the surgeon creates a pouch shaped much like a banana to create a new stomach for patients. Currently, there is minimal long-term data available on this procedure, but early results are promising for successful long-term weight loss that is similar to a gastric bypass. The Adjustable Gastric Band (also known as the Lap-Band™ or Realize™ Band) procedure has been performed in the U.S. for approximately seven years. Like the gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy procedures, the adjustable gastric band proce-dure is performed laparoscopically and is considered a restrictive procedure. Surgeons perform the procedure by placing a band around the uppermost portion of the stomach -and it is generally performed on an outpatient basis. Patients begin to receive fills in the band approximately 2-4 weeks following the placement of the band. Band patients gen-erally lose 20 percent less weight than sleeve or bypass patients. In addition, the rate of weight loss is at a slower pace than their gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy counterparts. Complications Risks and the potential for complications are associated with any surgical procedure. The media has done a tremendous job highlighting and magnifying the complications associated with weight loss surgery. The reality is that the complication rate for surgeries performed by a well-trained, ASMBS Center of Excellence surgeon is minimal. Complications associated with weight loss surgery include anastomosis leaks, pulmonary embolisms, injury to the spleen or liver, infection, abdominal hematoma, and pneumonia. Selecting A Bariatric San Antonio Program Making the decision to have weight loss surgery is a life-changing event. Patients are encouraged to attend an orientation seminar (conducted by a bariatric surgeon) that reviews in detail each of the procedures and the steps necessary to undergo surgery. Patients should carefully select their bariatric surgeon as he/she will be their provider for life. They need to feel comfortable talking with their surgeon, including sharing informa-tion if they are struggling on their journey. It is imperative that patients select a surgeon designated as an American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) Center of Excellence surgeon who is utilizing surgical centers that have obtained the ASMBS Center of Excellence designation. The designation recognizes surgical programs with a demonstrated track record of favorable outcomes in bariatric surgery. Important Questions for Prospective Patients to Ask: 1. Is the surgeon and surgical center a designated ASMBS Center of Excellence? 2. Does the surgeon offer multiple kinds of bariatric surgery procedures or do they do more of one procedure over others? 3. Does the surgeon operate by himself or with another surgeon? 4. Does the program offer a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary team? Does the program offer a dietician, support groups, exercise physiologists, insurance and financing specialists, and a psychologist? 5. Ask around-talk to your primary care physician and friends/family who have had surgery. Ask them about surgeons you may be considering for your surgery. 6. Keep it local. Patients may talk to you about going to Mexico for bariatric surgery. This is not a good idea-band patients need to have their bands filled/adjusted regularly, which is a challenge if their surgeon is in Mexico. Additionally, if com-plications arise it is harder for U.S. physicians to handle if they are unfamiliar with the hardware that's been placed in the patient. Finally, if something were to go wrong in another country, you would have no recourse. Insurance Coverage The Center for Medicare and Medicaid opened the door for opportunity when the decision was made to allow patients receiving Medicare and Medicaid benefits to have weight loss surgery to cure morbid obesity. Many other insurance companies and em-ployers have added this benefit as the long-term cost of providing care for the co-morbidities associated with morbid obesity far outweighs the cost of the surgery and subsequent follow-up care. Today, nearly 70 percent of insurance companies in Texas cover weight loss surgery, however if insurance does not cover the procedure, financing solutions are often available to cover the cost. In most cases, Medicare and other insur-ance companies require a medically supervised diet ranging from 1-12 months, with the average being six months. Additionally, patients are required to meet with behavior health specialists to determine if there are any underlying issues that should be resolved prior to surgery. The intent of this behavioral health evaluation is not to deter patients, it is to prepare patients and provide tools for long-term success. What's Ahead for Weight Loss Surgery? The benefits of surgically reversing the effects of obesity are well-documented. Most patients are able to reduce or eliminate obesity-related diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. While weight loss surgery is safe-and effective, between 15 and 20 percent of gastric bypass patients do not lose the weight they desired, or they might experience weight gain. When this happens, the first thing to do is to return to the basic fundamentals of discussing behavioral modification and 'following the rules' such as separating liquids from solids, exercise, going to a support group, and working with the dietician. Oftentimes, when patients experience weight gain after weight loss surgery, it is com-mon for patients to inquire about having a 'revision' of their original surgery. In short, revision surgery is almost always complicated and occasionally quite risky. Many surgeons are hesitant to perform them because of the heightened risk involved. For example, to laparoscopically revise previous gastric bypass surgery is approximately ten times riskier than the original bypass procedure. There are some new advances with less risk that can even be done on an outpatient basis. These new advances are endoscopic procedures. Endoscopy is a safe, non-surgical technique where the surgeon inserts a scope through the patient's mouth, down the esophagus, and into the stomach pouch. The following is an overview of several emerging endoscopic techniques. Stomaphyx: In the U.S., the Stomaphyx device is an endoscopic device whereby a gastroscope is inserted into the patient's mouth down into an existing gastric pouch and 'sutures' are used to make the original gastric pouch smaller. Weight loss is about 20 additional pounds at 12 months follow up ( Mikami, Needlemen, Narula, Durant, & Melvin, 2009). What is appealing about this is that this is an outpatient procedure with the biggest complaint by patients being a sore throat for 24-48 hours. The procedure is generally performed as an outpatient procedure and takes approximately one hour to perform. Patients typically require no downtime for recovery. ROSE: Revision Obesity Surgery Endoscopic-ROSE-is an emerging technique that is not yet available in the U.S. Like the Stomaphyx, ROSE reduces the size of the original existing gastric pouch for patients who have already had gastric bypass surgery. Additionally, this procedure narrows the connection between the pouch and small intestine, which slows the movement of food, giving a longer lasting sensation of fullness after eating. The idea is that if the outlet from the stomach to the small intestine is smaller, the transit of food is slower, and satiety or fullness is greater. Currently, the results are modest but encouraging. Excess weight loss of about 17-20 pounds is demonstrated at 6 months ( Mullady, Lautz, & Thompson, 2009). Similar to Stomaphyx, the procedure is done as outpatient with minimal risk of complication. Recovery time is minimal. 'Banding' of the bypass: Another potentially safer option for patients who have already had gastric bypass surgery is to add an adjustable gastric band around the patient's existing pouch. The concept-placing a restrictive device around an existing restrictive element to increase weight loss-is sound in theory, but technically challenging from a surgical standpoint because of the amount of scar tissue usually created at the original operation. Complexity aside, this option is gaining respect as a viable technique with decent results. One of the key reasons this procedure is so appealing is that it does not com-promise the existing pouch. In other words, there is no significant alteration of the gastro-jejunal anastomosis [top connection] and it is also a strong option for patients that have undergone 'open' gastric bypass where no other laparoscopic alternatives are present. This operation can be done as an outpatient or as an inpatient, depending on how difficult the operation is. The operation is done laparoscopically [even if the original operation was open], patients are back to work within a week and there are no physical restrictions after surgery. A recent article from a group in New York demonstrated that this surgery is not only a viable, but safe, alternative with good weight loss results. Patients that had this procedure demonstrated that that they could achieve greater than 40 percent excess weight loss at three, four, and five years (Bessler et al., 2009). Intra-gastric balloon: Currently there are several intra-gastric balloons available, but only outside the U.S. As its name implies, this procedure uses a balloon inserted through the endoscope and the balloon is inflated once inside the patient's stomach. There is no stapling or banding required like other surgeries; the space occupied by the balloon creates the sensation of being "full" and thus patients theoretically eat less-thus lose weight. Although these balloon sound like a perfect option, the results have been surprisingly modest. For example, when the balloons were removed after six months of being inside the stomach, the weight loss averaged only 11kg +/- 9 kg [25 pounds +/- 20 pounds] (Trande, et al., 2008). As stated earlier, these balloons are currently only available outside the U.S. and the results are somewhat disappointing. This outpatient procedure can be performed on patients who have not previously undergone weight loss surgery and the balloon can be removed at any time. Conclusion Research has shown that people who are more than 100 pounds overweight have very little chance of losing the weight and keeping it off long-term. Many of our bariatric patients have told us that they lost and re-gained the same 100 pounds repeatedly before making the decision to have weight loss surgery. Weight loss surgery has been available for many years and is considered very safe. If one of your patients is considering weight loss surgery-or is experiencing any of the co-morbidities mentioned in this article as a result of their obesity-encourage them to attend a free, educational seminar to learn more about the various kinds of bariatric procedures available today-so that they can enjoy a healthier tomorrow…..today! About the author Terive Duperier, MD is a bariatric surgeon in San Antonio, Texas. Dr. Duperier and his partner, Michael V. Seger, are co-founders of the Bariatric Medical Institute of Texas (www.bmioftexas.com). Dr. Duperier can be reached at References: Bessler, M., Daud, A., Digiorgi, M. Inabnet, W., Shrope, B., Olivero-Rivera, L., & Davis, D., (2009). Adjustable gastric banding as revisional bariatric procedure after failed gastric bypass - intermediate results. Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2009 Oct 9. [Epub ahead of print]PMID: 19914147 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]. Finkelstein E., Fiebelken, I., & Wang, G. (2004). State-level estimates of annual medical expenditures attributable to obesity. Obesity Research, 12(1). 18-24. Mikami, D., Needleman, B., Naurla, V., Durant, J., & Melvin, W.S, (2009). Natural orifice surgery: Initial US experience utilizing the StomaphyX™ device to reduce gastric pouches after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. Surg Endo. DOI 10.1007/s00464-0640-y. Mullady, D.K., Lautz, D.B., & Thompson, C.C., (2009). Treatment of weight regain after gastric bypass surgery when using new endoscopic platform initial experience and early outcomes (with video). 2009 Sep;70(3):440-4. Epub 2009 Jun 24. 1999-2000. Trande, P., Mussetto A, Mirante VG, De Martinis E, Olivetti G, Conigliaro RL, & De Micheli EA. (2008). Efficacy, tolerance and safety of new intragastric air-filled balloon (hekiosphere bag) for obesity: The experience of 17 cases., [Epub ahead of print]PMID: 19082675 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher].. Beauty and Body Image in the Media The pictures of female bodies are seen being displayed all over the place. These women along with parts of their bodies are used for selling everything from cars, clothes to food and more. In the present times famous film and TV actresses are seen becoming slimmer and trimmer, taller and younger in age. Women's magazines are seen to be full of these overwhelming articles that promise losing the last twenty pounds will turn out to be the perfect solution for situations in life - from marriage, sex, children and career. The question that arises is that why are women being made to live up to such stringent standard of beauty? Certain analysts suggest that this approach is more economical where a steady and overwhelming growth is seen and maintained in the diet and cosmetic industry. Youth is definitely clubbed along with this concept and standard of beauty where "thinness" is the mantra of today of being beautiful. Women are being constantly bombarded with this idea of thinness and beauty concept. If one does not require losing weight, surely she will be aging and will need to maintain a false and superficial appearance. In the world of the beautiful "age" or "aging" is a disaster that must be managed. The stakes are high. It has been observed that women are insecure about their body statistics and facial appearances tend to purchase more of these beauty and weight loss products. In view of today the diet industry is itself worth 40 to 100 billion US dollars. Research and study suggests that this image of young, thin and ultra-model women has its links to depression, unhealthy eating habits and lack of self esteem. The Research group of the American Nervosa and related eating disorders, Inc. reports that one out of every four college-going woman tends to have eating disorders and use unhealthy weight reduction methods such as skipping meals, over dieting, excessive fasting, rigorous exercise, use of laxatives and puking. The Canadian women's heath network has also reported that girls as young as 5 to 6 years of age are implanting unhealthy weight reduction and diet programs on themselves. In the year 2003, the Teen magazine reported that 35% girls aged between 6 and 12 was on at least one diet program and 50-70% or them considered themselves to be overweight when actually their weight was normal. This falsified concept of beauty and remaining young is taking its toll on the younger generation and research substantiates that almost 90% of the women are experiencing some sort of dissatisfaction regarding their image, appearance and self esteem. Unattainable Beauty The media tends to portray an image of beauty that is unattainable and perfect beauty figures and appearances can be achieved and attained only by a small section of women who are professionals and perfectionists. The rest will never reach this standard, but should strive to achieve it. Researcher trying to develop a computerized model of a woman according to the proportions of a Barbie doll found out that women would actually die from malnutrition and weakness. It is estimated that almost 99% girls in the age limit of 3-10 years own a Barbie doll. Seeking to achieve unhealthy standards of weight is an epidemic that can have devastating consequences on health. In 2006 a statistical survey revealed that nearly 4, 50,000 Canadian women were suffering from some kind of eating disorder. The Culture of Thinness Researchers have also highlighted the fact the women's magazines have more articles and advertisements on thinness and weight loss as compared to that of men. Films and television portray the thin body of a standard and measure of the worth of a woman. It has also been reported that healthy women experienced some sort of negative comments from their male counter parts because of their bodies. There has been an effort to change the trend where in Madrid in the year 2006, ultra-thin models were banned from walking the ramp. The Quebec magazine Coup de Pounce is continuously adding images of healthy and normal sized women. Furthermore, Spain has undertaken a project where clothes would be standardized according to normal body statistics of woman. Despite these efforts the advertisements "Thinness is the ultimate standard and pillar to success" and "become thin to attain a perfect body" still prevails. Today models weigh 23% less than an average woman. Advertisers believe thin models sell products better than an average sized women, so the hype is all the more. They continue to believe and remain convinced that only thin models can spur the sales figures of beauty products in the market. Belviq-lorcaserin Diet Pills Not Recommended Belviq-Lorcaserin Approval Details The nitty gritty on Belviq, which is the new trade name for Lorcaserin (ADP-356), is that it was first rejected by the FDA on September 16, 2010, based on concerns over safety and efficacy. Then, after further studies by the manufacturer (Arena Pharmaceuticals), the FDA reversed its position and on June 27, 2012, approved its use, with certain restrictions. Those restrictions are that it be used only for the treatment of obesity in adults with a BMI (Body Mass Index) of at least 30, or in adults with a BMI of at least 27 and who, "&have at least one weight-related health condition, such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, or high cholesterol." Hmm. I suppose this means that doubts about the safety and efficacy of this drug are moot if you are big enough or in bad enough health. How Does It Work? Biochemists call lorcaserin a "selective 5-HT2C receptor agonist." Translated, this means that it activates those parts of the brain (receptors) where a serotonin precursor (5-HT) works. Yup, it is another attempt by our friendly drug manufacturers to fool you into feeling full so you will stop eating sooner. The jargon is to "promote weight loss through satiety." It is too bad that this approach to designing a weight loss drug is doomed to fail, because it relies on the flawed Calories In/Calories Out' strategy. This is a simple-minded strategy that is clearly ineffective. The human body is not a furnace for burning calories. It is a complex set of metabolic processes that have to be taken into account for optimizing metabolism. Clinical Results The FDA accepts remarkably low standards for any new weight loss drug: at least 5 percent loss of body weight within 12 months. Overall results for lorcaserin show an average of 3 to 3.7 percent weight loss over a year. If you start out at 250 pounds, on average you can expect to lose 7.5 to 9.25 pounds. However, the saving grace for this drug in the eyes of the FDA is that 47 percent of patients without diabetes lost at least 5 percent of their body weight. It just squeaked in at the minimum standard & whoopee! For comparison, modifying your diet by choosing the right foods and eating at the right times can provide weight loss of 2 pounds per week with very little effort. And if you add a little of the right kinds of exercise, you can accelerate it even more. Just think, eating right and exercising right outdo the only new weight loss drug that the FDA has approved in the past 13 years. Isn't that interesting? Oh, one other little observation to note about clinical results with lorcaserin: when patients stopped taking the drug, they gained their weight back. Gee, it looks like another drug for life' from Big Pharma. Once you get your first prescription, which should be available by early 2013, you have to keep taking it as long as you live. Side Effects So far the side effects have been minimized to include only a slight chance of depression, migraine, and memory lapses. Stay tuned. Benefits and Properties of Avocado Who would think that this result is not so well-weighted such as apples, oranges and many others, have so many benefits? These virtues that the avocados give our bodies are food, cosmetic and healthy. It was for all these virtues, that when medical science discovered the wonderful properties of avocado, this fruit began to take a big swing in the world of both health and aesthetics. Avocado - or avocado, as it is known in some countries is a result of Mexican origin very rich in oil similar to olive and canola, which also used a lot as well as previously stated in the field of health and aesthetics, is also widely used at present in pharmaceutical trade. This fruit is usually used as a vegetable in a large quantity of prepared gastronomic salads, especially due to its delicate and smooth taste. It is worth mentioning that the avocado is not only rich in oil but also on other natural elements such as monounsaturated fats, minerals, fiber, pro-vitamin A, vitamin C, folic acid, pyridoxine and antioxidants useful for the agency to continue its functions properly. The main function of the avocado in food is its great contribution of monounsaturated fats and antioxidants useful for the treatment of cholesterol, because this type of fat contributes directly to reduce the presence of malignant cholesterol in the blood and in turn generate the production of cholesterol Clement, which will directly help reduce the rates of cardiovascular disease in a person. Another important point to play when we talk about the avocado is their great help to treat some illnesses that can disrupt the normal course of our lives, some of these disorders as: * Hypertension and disorders in blood vessels: avocado, thanks to its high content of magnesium and potassium and low concentrations of sodium are recommended for people with such bad, because these elements are of great help to treat it. * Bulimia: This common condition is well supported by the consumption of avocado as this to possess small amounts of sodium, which is very wrong with this condition, it is of vital aid in the treatment of the aforementioned evil. * Problems of obesity: this is another area favored by the avocado well as the concentration of monounsaturated fats as previously stated, avoid and prevent the rise of cholesterol, thus helping obese people to reduce the possibility of suffering from various ills cardiovascular and circulatory nature. * Cancer: avocado but is not useful for the treatment of cancer, some studies say that this has qualities that help to reduce the possibility of developing cancer in any part of the body. Although too many virtues found in the avocado for the treatment of other ailments, the above are the most important at present. As the above shows that the avocado is not only a very good complement to our meals for flavor, but it is also an excellent and delicious very useful option to avoid the appearance of some annoying problems that can affect the normal development of our lives. Benefits Of Homeopathic Hcg Diet Plan Are you someone looking to lose weight fast on the hCG diet plan, but who is simply terrified of injections? No problem! The new development of homeopathic hCG diet drops does away with painful injections or unnecessary drugs. The hCG hormone has been found effective in losing weight by Dr. Simeons and is one of the most popular diet regimes followed nowadays. The hormone can be ingested into our body system either via injections or by using drops. The homeopathic hCG drops can be taken in safely without the concern of any side effects. Provided you use it on a daily basis you will be able to kick off those extra pounds in no time! Although the 500 calorie a day diet plan that dieters must follow as part of the hCG diet plan may seem very restrictive, it is in fact quite simple to be creative about preparing satisfying meals if you just get one of the many hCG diet recipe books you can now buy online. This hCG diet plan has been popular for a couple of years now so there are plenty of support groups, forums and top quality books published to help make sure that you also succeed on this program. This is a case where you can learn from the trials and errors of the dieters who have been on the plan before you, and get advice on how to avoid all the pitfalls that others have fallen into. It is recommended to consult an expert before you decide to start a type of hCG diet regime to see if it fits your body type or not. There are many quality guides and recipe books to help you, so make sure you make the most of all these resources, some of them are even free online. The advantages of using the homeopathic hCG drops in your hCG diet plan include - * The hCG homeopathic diet regime is completely safe and efficient. Go according to the prescription label on how many drops you need to take per day. Usually positive results are shown when you take around 15 drops of hCG three times a day. * The use of the drops in your homeopathic hCG diet plan is more convenient for you since it involves intake of drops instead of injections, and you can order the hCG drops online and get them home delivered as well. *It cuts down on your craving for food without making you feel fragile or weak. Body weakness is the main problem faced by people while going through diet plans or regimes. *Daily use of homeopathic hCG drops triggers the metabolic system in our body to dramatically speed up your weight loss. *You will experience increased energy after intake of hCG hormonal drops. Research has shown that people showed more focus and self-confidence after going through the homeopathic diet regime. *Drops are safer and work more effectively as compared to diet pills. *The hCG hormone is spread more efficiently in the body system when taken in the form of drops. *It is just as effective (and not as painful) as injections! If you are looking out for an effective method to lose weight, then you might as well try the homeopathic hCG diet plan out yourself and see if it works the same wonders for you that it did for others. Benefits of Xenical Slimming Pills – More Than Just Weight Loss Xenical Orlistat is one of the most popular prescription slimming pills available on the market today. Approved by the US FDA in 1999, Xenical is clinically proven to be a highly effective and safe slimming pill. Studies have shown that these slimming pills can help you lose 5 to 10% of your body weight in 6 to 10 months time. Experts believe that even a 5% weight loss is significant for an overweight person as it not only results in improved health but also protects you from a number of life-threatening conditions associated with obesity. However, Xenical does not claim to be a miracle cure for obesity. The drug will show significant results only if you use it in conjunction with a reduced calorie diet that has been approved by your doctor, and with regular physical exercise. Various clinical studies have shown that this slimming supplement can help you lose more weight than what you could have managed through dieting or exercise alone. As this is a prescription only slimming pill, you should always take the drug as recommended by your doctor. Xenical capsules come in the dosage strength of 120mg. Doctors usually prescribe that Xenical 120mg capsules be taken three times a day with every main meal. Xenical Orlistat works as a fat absorption inhibitor obesity treatment drug. It works by blocking the absorption of up to 30% fat in your diet. This undigested fat is eliminated from your body through the bowels. Your calorie intake is reduced and you therefore lose weight faster. Apart from weight loss, Xenical offers you numerous other benefits. Some of the key benefits of the slimming pills are discussed below: * Xenical improves your eating habits – This prominent benefit of Xenical is linked with its side effects. If you ingest high calorie meals along with Xenical capsules, you'll face embarrassing gastrointestinal side effects such as frequent uncontrolled bowel movement, oily spotting, flatulence with discharge, fatty or oily stool and faecal incontinence. To avoid such side effects, you'll be compelled to take Xenical along with a reduced calorie diet. This in turn will help you achieve your weight loss goal. * Reduces your risk of developing diabetes – These slimming pills reduce your risk, or delay the progression to type 2 diabetes. In case you are already diabetic, Xenical weight loss treatment will help to reduce the dosage of medicine that you may have been taking before starting your Xenical treatment. * Reduces insulin levels – Xenical treatment reduces the levels of insulin in your body. Insulin is a hormone that allows glucose or sugar to enter your body's cells. High levels of insulin increase your risk of developing coronary heart disease. * Reduces blood pressure - Xenical Orlistat also helps to reduce high blood pressure. * Safer than other diet pills – Xenical Orlistat is rated as one of the safest weight loss drugs available. This is because it works only in your digestive system to reduce the absorption of fat in your diet, while many other weight loss drugs work in your brain to suppress your appetite. Benzedrine™ Weight Loss Pills By Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals are available on-line Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals, Inc. has launched Benzedrine™ which is possibly one of the best weight lass pills in the nutritional industry. Benzedrine was the trade mark of the racemic mixture of amphetamine (dl-amphetamine). It was marketed under this brand name in 1928 in the USA by Smith, Kline and French(currently GlaxoSmithKline) in the form of inhalers,initially. For creating the new and improved Benzedrine™ Weight Loss Pills, Hi-Tech has been doing some exhaustive research and development on a new formula with pharmaceutical fat mobilization and apoptosis agents. Hi-Tech’s new Benzedrine™ Weight Loss Pills is as effective as the original formula even when it has changed in significant ways. The old Benzedrine formula was formulated around dl-amphetamine, while the new Benzedrine is formulated around the acacia rigidula alkaloid. Hi-Tech has spent a big amount of time and resources to find a formula of new Benzedrine™. Benefits of Benzedrine™ Weight Loss Pills : * Benzedrine includes most powerful phenylethylamine alkaloids found by Hi-Tech's proprietary Acacia rigidula. The result is maximum stimulation of appetite, energy and good feeling. * Benzedrine is the best weight loss pill fat burner and which is available without prescription and can be purchased online from websites like www.best-weight-loss-pills-shop.com * Beznedrine is new and improved version of Fastin 37.5mg HCL. * Its formulated in a way to enhance the levels of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. * It kills fat cells of your body. While taking this diet pill, fat cells actually die and melt away from your body Precautions while using Benzedrine™ Weight Loss Pills : * Anyone who are sensitive to the effects of caffeine should consult a licensed health care professional before consuming this drug. * Do not use if you are pregnant or nursing. * Not for use by individuals under the age of 18 years. * Keep out of reach of children. * Discontinue use and call a licensed qualified health care professional immediately if you experience rapid heartbeat, dizziness, severe headache, shortness of breath, or other similar symptoms. * Improper use of this product may be dangerous to a person's health. People from all walks of life used Benzedrine. This drug proved popular with bored teens, housewives, and many other even movie stars, flight crews, and truckers consumed large amounts of Benzedrine in the course of their work. Benzedrine also helped those who had difficulty waking up in the morning. Benzedrine was especially popular with pilots and it was extensively used by soldiers from all of the nations involved in the war. “Benzedrine would make people more alert”. Best Fat Burners - And The 2 Vital Factors You Need To Know Fat burners are all the rage today, new companies spring up monthly clamoring to get their product noticed in this billion dollar industry. But the fact is that supplements have a very specific application and there are some vital factors that you must understand when it comes to cutting through the hype and recognizing the best fat burners. Fat burners have become very popular in today's society, especially in America. It seems that everyone is looking for a quick fix to their weight problems. However it needs to be said that Fat burners can be a successful complement or addition to your nutrition and training program with some rules for use which we will discuss in a bit. Selecting the best fat burners to help help you to accomplish your physique goals can be a little daunting. However there are good products available to give you boost but please understand that nothing is a substitute for hard work and good nutrition. Fat burner supplements are growing in popularity especially as people often find it difficult to stick to hardcore diets and exercise regimens as well as those who find they have reached a plateau in their weight loss and need a kick start. There are two ways you can go with fat burners the natural rout and the prescription route. For the purposes of this article we will only cover natural fat burners. 2 Vital Factors You Must Know About Fat Burners The truth is that fat burners can help but there are some factors you need to consider. First off you should understand that these products do have potential bad side effects. This means that they are not a "permanent solution" instead they should only be used in short periods to help with plateaus or for momentary fat loss for a special event. And it should be noted that they can become addictive. Both because of the substances they use and the results they product. The substances often cut appetite and give super abundant energy boosts that are enjoyable, but the effects of this is a wearing down of the endocrine system which is trying to keep up with adrenaline production. This means that to get the best results from these products you need to keep it short and sweet and also make sure to be eating healthy and getting exercise so that the fat doesn't jump back on when the supplements are stopped. Best Fat Burners Fat Burning Supplement #1 - Green Tea Green tea has long been considered a potent aid to fat burning. Studies published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that people drinking five cups of green tea a day burned an average of five percent more fat than people who did not drink any green tea at all. This is a boost but it is only around 100 calories per day for most people. Which means that almost the same results could be had with drinking a gallon of ice water per day, as that is the cost to heat up the water inside your gut. It is a quality ingredient to be sure, and standard fare in most ephedra free fat burner compilations these days, but simply put don't expect miracles from it. Fat Burning Supplement #2 - Ephedra Simply put this is the mother of all fat burning supplements. Ephedra refers to the plant Ephedra sinica, known in Chinese as ma huang. Ephedra was taken off the market by the FDA a while back when it proved to be a little too good at revving up the metabolism - so much so that some complained of heart issues, and a few people even died. When the controversy peaked in 2004, ephedrine was taken off the shelves for further testing. The supplement is still available through the internet and is the most effective natural fat burner that we have seen. It was used in traditional Chinese medicine for 5,000 years for the treatment of asthma and hay fever, as well as for the common cold. So now the search is on for a new and legal product that can deliver the same results as the coveted Ephedra based supplements did. Enter our last supplement Hoodia. Fat Burning Supplement #3 - Hoodia Hoodia is a succulent plant that closely resembles a cactus and grows exclusively in the South African deserts. Recently this purple-flowered plant has been getting a considerable amount of attention for its potential benefits as a fat burning supplement. Hoodia works by fooling the brain into thinking you are full regardless of whether you have eaten or not. The active compound in Hoodia works much like glucose when you have eaten a meal but, the ingredient in Hoodia is 10,000 times stronger than glucose. It travels to the brain and tricking your nerve cells to signal that you are full. Hoodia is showing great promise as an appetite suppressant however you want to make sure that you only use certified Hoodia products as other less than authentic Hoodia products are floating around to meet the surge in demand. The Bottom Line On The Best Fat Burners The bottom line is that even the best pills and potions can only be used safely for a short time frame. True long lasting weight loss only comes with lifestyle changes. So, go ahead and get a little help from a fat burner to get the ball rolling but make sure to back it up with a program of solid nutrition and simple exercise. Best Fat Burners on the market revealed A simply search online for the best fat burner on the market and you will soon be exposed to thousands of products all claiming to reduce your excess fat. So how do you pick the one for you amongst the hype and guarantees? We offer some simple suggestions of which the main one is to check out the ingredients in your chosen fat burner. Does it simply contain caffeine and/or diuretics? If so, then it is likely that you will only feel on edge and loss water weight, if any weight at all! The truth is that caffeine based fat burners often do not work at all, if they do only temporary. So why waste your money on such fat burners? The best fat burners often contain strong pharmacy based ingredients that are scientifically proven to work. You may be concerned whether these pharmacy grade ingredients are safe, and so you should be. Always check that the fat burner has no reported side-effects or at least very mild. Your health is priority! We recommend Phen375 as the preferred fat burner of choice for guaranteed weight loss, so much so that you will keep going back for more - like the 40% of customers who re-order! So what is Phen375? Well it is a pharmacy grade fat burner made from synthetic compounds in FDA approved labs in California. They take this business seriously and want to give you the best ingredients that work. Phen375 are totally behind their product, offering a full 45-day money-back guarantee to total piece of mind. So your health is safe as there are no reported side-effects and so is you wallet with the 45-day guarantee. So how much can you expect to lose? Consumers of Phen375 have seen 10lbs lost in the first 2 weeks, followed by most around 20lbs in 6 weeks. This fat burner has clinically proven to work and is the real deal. For guaranteed weight loss pick the strongest and safe fat burner on the market that is going to work. Get slim and trim for the summer and feel great again with your best fat burner as your slim buddy. Best Metabolizer Green Tea There are throngs of people all over the world that are trying to shed unwanted pounds whether it be ten pounds or 100 pounds there are a lot of people that think the best metabolizer green tea products are pills while there are others that prefer drinking the tea. Green tea is an exceptionally safe and healthy way in which a person can increase their current metabolism and begin to get rid of those unwanted pounds. So whether you think the best metabolizer products are pills, the actual tea itself or some other type of green tea supplement studies have shown what green tea does to help in increasing metabolism is helping the body to stay active for longer periods of time which will allow for more calories to be burnt. There are many health care professionals that believe that green teas metabolic increasing properties can be attributed to caffeine. Other studies have shown the green tea's ability to increase metabolism go way beyond the effects of caffeine. When studies were done to determine the best metabolizer green tea products ands supplements and the effects of the caffeine contain in them it showed the caffeine really did not do anything to promoting being able to extend energy expenditures for longer periods of time. This discovery concerning caffeine then lead researchers to believe that there is an interaction going with the ingredients that are contained in green tea ands green tea supplements that does great things to help produce higher metabolism and more effective fat oxidation. While these studies when being performed there were indications that green teas ability to raise metabolic rates it has proved to have a substantial effect on loosing weight safely. Before beginning any type of weight loss program or taking any kind of supplement that could interact with any type prescription medication you may be taking you need to consult with your health care provider. You doctor will be able to set you on the right course of action so that you are using green tea correctly and safely. Best Place To Buy Phen 375 Cheaper In Australia - Best Herbal Phentermine Supplement Reviews If you really want to look perfect in your sting bikini or even swimming trunks this summer months, you absolutely might want to eliminate those excess bodyweight you developed during all individuals holiday lunches, dinners, etc. This specific is not the first time this particular happened. Actually, it has been your desire to drop all individuals unwanted fat for years, yet you have not been quite successful. So you end up not going to the beach and just becoming content on hanging out on the sidelines. Just when you believe there's simply no hope, Phen 375 weight management pill comes. Thinking where to purchase Phen375 medications? You're fortunate! You realize why? You are able to now get Phen375 diet plan pills online and in very few health product stores in Australia, United kingdom, Ireland, US, Canada and European nations around the world. Phen 375 fat reduction pills promotion a risk-free weight losing answer, not to mention yielding constructive results. Though phentermine is 1 of Phen 375 primary ingredients, it has no unsafe side effects like the majority of alternative phentermine diet capsules. Phen375 targets to improve your disease fighting capability, enhance your metabolism, and get rid of extra body fats, instead of muscles. But unlike other prescription diet medicines, Phen375 seriously does not have real phentermine. Instead, it contains a substance that's not 100 percent phentermine, which stimulates your body's own weight loss agents. Phen375 will operate greatest if you drink lots of water, around 8 glasses daily. This particular diet plan pill combined with a well-healthy and balanced diet, and having a systematic physical fitness regimen, will result to much more fat becoming burned while preserving physique mass. Genuinely does Phen 375 effectiveness look too great to be true? Well, it's true. Diet supplements, if taken correctly will yield positive results. But that is not usually the case, especially for some over-the-counter diet plan drugs. With Phen375, you are sure to get constructive outcomes if you follow instructions correctly. Phen375 can be regarded as as the best method to lose weight and burn fat. Phen 375 Side effects Overview Does Phen 375 have side effects? Well, the answer is yes indeed. Negative effects are not necessarily bad. Positive results can be considered good side effects of a product. 1 from the side effects of Phen 375 weight losing supplement is you turn out to be healthier and you feel better. Your overall state of health is great simply because you were able to shed off excess unwanted weight and have much more energy to perform physical activities. You'll also notice that you're eating much less and less yet you still have a high level of power; all simply because of taking Phen 375.Great side effects indeed! So are you ready to make this specific year different from all the previous years? Are you ready to hit the beach looking sexier than ever prior to...? It is so simple to buy Phen375 Phentermainealternative fat burner. Besides from few over-the-counter pharmacy, you can also purchase Phen375 less expensive online in UK, Ireland (UK), Australia, Canada, USA and Europe or elsewhere you may be reading this specific reviews from. That's even much more handy. Don't just sit there; begin clicking your method to a new you. With a lot of hard work and discipline, plus of course Phen 375 slimming supplement, you'll never ever go wrong. Best Slimming Drugs Weight problems has developed into a life-style illness among the many urbanites in particular. A combination of many elements play a role to the growing concern of obesity. What is taken into account because the “best weight loss supplement” or weight loss pill is highly relied upon but might fail to show the specified results. Eating at the fast meals facilities and meals joints adds to the total energy count leading to obesity. The marketplace as of late appear to be overwhelmed with the diet tablets which are believed to be top-of-the-line weight loss capsules. However, make sure that these weight loss tablets are acceptable for you. Weight reduction plan involves a selection of tolerance and dedication. The purportedly finest weight loss complement may present unintended effects. It's thus advisable that you just stick to natural methods reminiscent of working out and healthy nutritious eating regimen. These are greatest weight reduction dietary supplements when compared to the bogus weight reduction pills. In line with the medication consultants, a number of the weight reduction pills are answerable for increasing the extent of serotonin contained in human mind. This creates a chemical reaction and makes you feel full. Extended intake of these form of weight reduction dietary supplements tends to intervene with the BMR or basal metabolic pace. The manufacturing industries of well repute, provide weight reduction medicine ensuring that you are not going through any uneasiness. The refined medicine don't have any direct results on the body. Nevertheless, it is advised that don't just blindly depend on “best weight loss complement” or weight reduction pills for staying in shape. There has been reported increase in the consumption of some of these medicine among the many urbanites, for these are problem free and straightforward diet solutions. Even the best weight reduction dietary supplements come with numerous negative effects, folks have to be conscious in regards to the threat associated with consumption of those weight reduction pills. Make it doable for the tablets are permitted by agencies like FDA. The generally noticed detrimental sides of the theoretically finest weight loss supplement embrace emotions of nausea, vomiting tendencies, stiffness in chest and in urinary tract, diarrhea. In line with health stories, the situations of strokes and cardiac arrest are also not very uncommon when people depend on weight loss tablets. The burden reducing drugs on which you rely should be protected on your wellbeing. To be sure that that your money isn't going into the drain, it is essential that you are conducting detailed research before purchasing one of the best weight loss supplement or weight loss pills. The nutritionists have been continually stressing on the fact that if you wish to stay wholesome, there will be no alternative to excellent food and regular workout routines. Toning up the muscles with regular bodily workouts preserve the normal fat content within the body. The speed of metabolism additionally will increase as you comply with the each day exercising pattern. The pure treatments for weight loss can maintain the very best weight reduction complement at bay. On this age of technological advancement, the Internet offers voluminous informative articles on weight loss pills. It's also possible to get in touch with the net health pros who will help you to maintain healthy life. But in the occasion you can't carry out exercise because of some limitations you may talk to physicians who would suggest you the best weight loss aid. Big Butt, Love Handles, Fat Belly - What Can Be Done? Wish you can get a handle on your love handles? Or wish you could drop that fat off your belly? You've seen the diets, you've seen the programs, from nutritional systems to curvy places to work out, and you've tried everything, right? Well most likely, since you're reading this, those diets didn't work. So, what went wrong? The problem might stem from a perspective. You have thought and are looking in the mirror at your problem areas from a totally old way of thinking: these problem areas are separate parts of our bodies. So the best approach will be to focus on each area separately and to incorporate different techniques for each area. Here's the skinny on problem areas: Our genetics play huge a role in our body and weight - size, shape, and predisposition to being overweight. After all, we are born with a particular number of fat cells, whether those fat cells are loaded with fat or not is entirely up to you. The "fat" we burn is actually the contents of those fat cells. That being said, each of us has particular areas of storage for these fat cells. Men usually have them in the middle abdominal area. Women have them on their thighs, mid-section, and breasts. These fat deposits are the last reserves in a battle to keep your body free from starvation. Nature's way of protecting your food source. The only way to truly burn away our fat is to increase our lean muscle mass. The lean muscle is what will essentially eat away at our existing fat reserves. That's why a diet that reduces your protein along with fat will usually lead to muscle deterioration. That loss of muscle will make your body unable to burn enough fat to make any difference in how you look or in the fat you retain. While you are working on your problem areas with exercises like abdominal crunches or aerobic exercises for your thighs, you may want to think of your problem area connected with your overall percentage of body fat. Along Consider your muscle to fat ratio - with increasing the level of lean muscle you decrease your fat. The most powerful way to eliminate fat is to stick to a strict diet that reduces our ability to get a constant supply of quick sugar - such as pasta, processes breads, and sweets. We also need to be careful and not starve our body of needed foods. If our body believes that we are starving, it's going to try its best to hold on to its fat reserves, making it that more difficult to lose the desired weight. The next thing to do is make sure you are getting your fill of water every day. Water moves toxins and fat out of your body as well as deliver nutrients to all of your vital organs - and they're all vital right? When dealing with problem areas, don't simply focus on the spot that concerns you. But rather, take a step back and look at the whole picture. Doing so, will deliver greater success and greater results you can see. The big picture is water intake and diet. The focused picture is on specific areas that you are going to exercise to eliminate the fatty content of those cells! Get a head start on your weight loss program with a few ideas that you should do first. Bio Oil Looked at Autonomously My central goal is to test out the effectiveness of bio oil as a scar treatment. Bio oil has acquired a respectable press coverage and the manufacturer of the product asserts that it minimizes the appearance of scarring if used correctly for the agreed amount of time. If you experience complexion issues that might be able to be addressed with this produce then with a bit of luck you will find this review valuable. Please take into account that with any study it's imperative to realize that the outcomes can only be based on the data supplied by the end user. There were consumers who said that the oil did not succeed but there was no supporting confirmation to say how habitually they used it or if they followed the directives. In all probability the most essential point about that is they also said that it didn't eradicate their scars and to be impartial to the manufacturer, they only claim it will aid reduce the appearance of scarring. It is worth remembering this when reading the remainder of this editorial. About five case studies have been done and in general the results were very encouraging. Nonetheless the only case studies I could find were directly from the maker. You would expect excellent results but again to attach fairness to this, I took this piece of work and compared it to my own studies. I executed my own studies at the Amazon product web sites where there were in excess of five hundred actual customer opinions. I also checked many skin skin treatment style forums and then gathered all of that information as one. My preference for any investigation is to bring an element of complete and unmitigated impartiality and independence. The results from my evaluations hold up in the main the results of the case studies from those of the maker. The opinion is when bio oil is put on in accordance to the instructions, and with the regularity they mention, then there will be improvements to the general look of all sorts of scars. Many customers, particularly those who had fresh stretch marks claimed that they vanished totally. A few product customers did confirm that even though it only reduced the appearance of scars there had been a sizeable enough change for the better to persuade them to carry on with its treatment and use. The superlative bio oil evaluations were for pregnancy stretch marks, weight loss stretch marks and uneven skin tones. Acne scars, as you would anticipate proved harder to recover as they are liable to be older and rutted. However the most users did report sizeable enhancements in their appearance. The amount of time taken to rub on the oil and give it time it to dry was an issue for some buyers. You did have to set aside a period during the day and that was not always possible. Folks who did this did so by getting into a practice of morning and evening applications. To summarise the research that I have conducted is that in my own bio oil assessment if the instructions set out by the producer are followed then there is a strong likelihood that most people will see an improvement in scarring appearance. Blow Torch Your Belly Fat: Start Today! How can I actually reduce my bodyfat percentage, make my abs visible and begin to look lean and healthy?. And is it genuinely possible?. The short answer is yes, anyone can gain washboard abs and it is not as hard as you might suspect. If it really isn't hard then why aren't more people satisfied with the way they look. Well, unfortunately a lot of people are misinformed as regards how to drop weight. Some people for example believe that not eating any food will make them skinny, when this will do more harm than good for weight loss. Here we will very concisely point out what to do to lose body fat yet maintain your muscle mass: 1. Take part in aeroboic workouts.Try and workout so that your heart beats at around 65-75 5 of its maximum. This is best to burn belly fat. 2. Make sure that you eat regulalrly but that your meals are of a smaller size. Eating like this raises the speed at which your bodys metabolism works. 3. Make sure your protein intake is high. This will ensure that you keep hold of the valuable muscle mass that you have already built. This aids weight loss as muscle tissue requires more calories to keep it functioning adequately. 4. Keep drinking water. Over 70% of the body is made of water. It is used in many chemical reactions around the body, if there isn't enough water then these don't happy as efficiently as they otherwise would. 5. Avoid eating carbs before bed. Carbs will not be burnt off whilst the body is at rest so they just get changed into fat tissue. 6. Sleep as a minimum of 7 hours. High insulin levels can be caused due to lack of sleep which disrupts the bodies carb metabolising system. No more excuses, just do it! Bodybuilding Supplements, Male Enhancement And Weight Loss Diet Pills Tainted In recent years, the United States Food and Drug Administration (hereafter “FDA”), have mobilized their efforts to address what has become a serious public health problem. The dietary supplement industry is a multi billion dollar a year consumer driven industry growing with each passing year. In addition to consistent expansion of supplement brands, competition for higher profit margins, and minimal capacity to regulate all genres of dietary supplements, the FDA is confronted with a monumental task. The cancer of greed has slowly metastasized to terminal levels. Manufacturers and distributors of dietary supplements now actively lace their formulas with prescription drugs or analogs fully aware of the dangers posed to consumers. People who run these operations knowingly adulterating their supplements are true criminals motivated by greed and a lack of conscience for the risks to the consumer. These tainted products have led to tragic medical consequences including liver and kidney damage, stroke, pulmonary failure and death. Tainted products are problematic, but people and organizations that intentionally taint their supplements and products are far worse than the neighborhood drug dealer. The local drug dealer thriving in every town in America illegally sells and distributes his/her drugs to a consumer base privy to what they are purchasing and the potential dangers from ingesting those chemicals. Dietary supplement manufacturers and distributors aware of selling tainted supplements are far worse because their consumers are ignorant to the dangerous chemicals being added. The three categories of supplements consistently adulterated with potential toxic substances are weight loss, sexual enhancement, and body building products. The FDA, national trade associations representing the dietary supplement industry and various regulatory commissions are all struggling to halt these deceptive practices. At the FDA website, they clearly point out to site visitors their enforcement procedures and consumer advisories for tainted products merely cover a small fraction of the tainted over-the-counter products on the market. The magnitude of the problem is gigantic. Clearly, manufacturers who knowingly lace their formulas and distributors who are aware they are selling tainted supplements to consumers are engaged in criminal activities and deemed as participating in deviant behaviors. A forensic psychologist is trained to identify aspects of the human condition related to criminal behavior, deviance, and the motivation of criminal behavior. Following is a forensic psychologist's rationale for people and organizations engaged in such corrupt actions. Research of the dietary supplement industry related to tainted products is a daunting task. The three categories of supplements the FDA has identified first needs to be investigated. Weight loss, sexual enhancement, and body building supplements have the highest rate of tainted substances. These three categories share a common theme. All three categories are involving populations of individuals seeking performance enhancement or image enhancement. Two of these three categories, are formulas designed to help people with perceived negative aspects they are trying to improve. Consumers purchasing weight loss supplements are hoping to shed pounds. The vast majority of consumers purchasing sexual enhancement products are men looking to enhancement their genital organ. Body building supplements are for bodybuilders, weightlifters, athletes, and people looking to improve their physiques. Although the three populations are different, they all share one common theme. This theme is based on the theory of “exhausting all options.” All three populations are investigating and purchasing supplements in hopes of achieving goals they perceive as necessary to attain their goals. The bodybuilder seeks greater definition of muscle mass, the over weight person hopes to shed pounds, and men purchase sexual enhancement products to help them obtain and sustain an erection. These segments of the population are willing to consume supplements if the results of consumption benefit their goals for improvement. There is a high probability that all three of these groups resort to supplements because other methods have either not been beneficial or does not meet their expectations. Hence, they practice the concept of “exhausting all options” and research these products. Unfortunately, the dietary supplement industry relies on the consumer's dire need to find an effective product. An unknown percentage of these companies develop formulas which are illegal and potentially dangerous for the monetary gains. The FDA fully admits they do not have the capacity to investigate every supplement company due to the industries sheer size. Minimal regulations, low rates of enforcement, and a consumer base willing to spend billions of dollars each year have created an environment perfect for the criminal mind to engage in. At present, the consequences for intentionally tainting dietary supplements and offering to consumers for retail tainted supplements grows exponentially each year. The opportunity for succeeding with a criminal mind is “ripe for the picking.” The manufacturing and distribution of dietary supplements is both legal and accepted by society. Legal, accepted, and financially booming sets the stage for criminal intent. The cocktail for the criminal mind is clearly obvious. An industry generating billions of dollars a year, minimal consequences for deceptive practices and a high demand by consumers combine for the criminal mind to flourish. The environment for opportunity and greed becomes a viable option. Intentionally tainting supplements for consumer consumption without fear of consequences motivates the criminal mind to become creative in design. Even the drug dealer selling his/her illicit chemicals must practice marketing their products with a low profile. Although the neighborhood drug dealer survives with a criminal mind, the manufacturer and distributor intentionally marketing tainted products thrives with his/her criminal mind, markets products attempting to be as high profile as possible, and feeds their greed at the expense of the consumer. Within the dietary supplement industry, the difficulty for the FDA, OCI, DEA, law enforcement, and the legal system capacity to identify and prosecute those intentionally tainting products is multifaceted and complex. Given the size of the industry alone makes complete coverage impossible allowing those with criminal minds flourish unfettered by fear of prosecution. Despite the commitment of these federal and state agencies, the criminal mind intentionally tainting supplements continues to reap the rewards of their actions. The unfortunate reality is the spoiling of the entire supplement industry due to these charlatans. Although no statistics seem to exist to prove this writers hypothesis, it is suggested that the majority of supplement companies that seek to produce and market products adhering to The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 become entangled with the FDA for unknowingly having products which test positive for illegal substances. Although the FDA holds distributors of dietary supplements accountable when their products they market test positive for tainted substances, the reality is many of these organizations do so unintentionally without knowledge of the contaminants. Unfortunately, the FDA has no mechanisms to evaluate if these companies are intentionally tainting their products to maximize profit. The only methodology confirming intentional sale of tainted supplements occurs when evidence can be compiled the distributor is aware of the illicit substances in their products, but continues to market them anyway. For organizations that are confirmed selling tainted products via advanced chemical testing procedures, the consequences can range from seizure of products, cessation of sales, and on some occasions, prosecution. Once these companies have been selected as problematic by the FDA, the financial losses and attorney fees involved often force closure or bankruptcy. Given the priority to protect consumers is the mission of the FDA, honest organizations who inadvertently purchase tainted ingredients without intent or knowledge at times must close their business from financial losses. This harsh reality is not the fault of the FDA, but at fault are the national and international manufacturers tainting their formulas without the retailer's knowledge and endeavoring to expand their market base of retailers worldwide by manufacturing tainted formulas. The question comes down to intent. Intent to manufacture and distribute tainted supplements void of concern for the risks to consumers are a group of criminals requiring serious prosecution. The concept of intent has many definitions and complicated to succinctly define to the lay person. The legal definition available online as it relates to intentionally selling tainted supplements is defined as criminal intent. Criminal intent is called mens rea, which refers to a criminal or wrongful purpose. Mens rea is Latin for "guilty mind.” In criminal law, it is viewed as one of the necessary elements of a crime. If a person innocently causes harm, then he/she lacks mens rea. Under this concept, an accused defendant should not be criminally prosecuted if intent can not be established. Criminal law has attempted to clarify the intent requirement by establishing two concepts, specific intent and general intent. Specific Intent refers to a particular state of mind that seeks to accomplish the precise act that the law prohibits. In some circumstances, the category of specific intent means an intent to do something beyond that which is done, such as assault with intent to commit rape. The prosecution must show that the defendant purposely or knowingly committed the crime at issue. In relation to a distributor or manufacturer being prosecuted using the legal definition of specific intent, evidence must establish the person and/or organization tainted their supplement formulas or purposely marketed and sold tainted supplements fully aware the risk to a targeted consumer or group of consumers. Even more complicated is the second legal concept of intent called General Intent. General intent refers to the intent to do that which the law prohibits. Under this concept, it is not necessary for a prosecuting attorney to prove the defendant intended the precise harm or the precise result that occurred. The law will infer that the defendant had a general intent. Under the concept of general intent, the manufacturer or distributor who knowingly and intentionally produces and/or offers for retail tainted products can be prosecuted. The unfortunate consumers who suffer physiological damage from consuming tainted supplements were not the target of these unscrupulous supplement manufacturers and distributors, but victims nonetheless. Although specific intent is more heinous because the intent is targeted, general intent is equally as dangerous. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (hereafter “DSM”), is published by the American Psychiatric Association and outlines a language and standard set of criteria for the classification of mental disorders. It is used in the United States and in varying degrees around the world, by clinicians, researchers, and policy makers. The DSM is considered an important manual for most professionals working in the mental health and behavioral healthcare field. The DSM maintains a set of disorders called personality disorders. Personality disorders outlined in the DSM defines a personality disorder as an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that differs markedly from the expectations of the individual's culture, is pervasive and inflexible, has an onset in adolescence or early adulthood, is stable over time, and leads to distress or impairment. Personality disorders are a long-standing and maladaptive pattern of perceiving and responding to other people and to stressful circumstances. Within the category of personality disorders, ten disorders have been identified which are distinct in their manifestations. In relationship to these ten personality disorders, there is one called antisocial personality disorder and may define the group of manufacturers and distributors which intentionally taint their formulas with potentially dangerous substances or market these supplements knowing their supplements are tainted. Antisocial personality disorder is a type of chronic mental illness in which a person's ways of thinking, perceiving situations and relating to others are abnormal and destructive. People with antisocial personality disorder typically have no regard for right and wrong. They may often violate the law and the rights of others. They may lie, practice deception, attempt to manipulate, and often engage in illegal activities because they are unable to fulfill responsibilities to family, work or school in an adaptive manner. Hence, people who suffer from antisocial personality disorder may seek to victimize others for personal gain and lack empathy for those they harm in their pursuit for personal benefit. Some suggest the majority of felons serving prison sentences would fit the criteria for antisocial personality disorder if this population of criminals were evaluated by psychologists or psychiatrists. The population of people intentionally tainting their dietary supplements void of concern for the risks to consumers would likely meet criteria for this dangerous disorder. In conclusion, the FDA has mobilized their efforts to address a contemporary serious public health problem. Manufacturers and distributors of dietary supplements actively lace their supplement formulas with prescription drugs and/or analogs fully aware of the medical dangers posed to consumers. People who run these operations intentionally adulterating their supplements are true criminals motivated by greed and a lack of conscience for the risks to the consumer. Reports of injury and even death from the use of these illegal supplements have been reported to the FDA. These reason(s) for injury and death are caused by supplements deceptively labeled or containing undeclared ingredients. These supplements often include the same active ingredients as drugs already approved by the FDA. Analogs are defined as close copies of FDA approved drugs and novel synthetic steroids that do not qualify as dietary ingredients are two substances becoming prominent adulterants. The enforcement arm of the FDA, Office of Criminal Investigations, is fully committed to investigating and supporting the prosecution of those who may endanger the public's health and safety by manufacturing and selling unsafe products. Given the size of the dietary supplement industry, the FDA and supporting agencies admit they can only target and test a fraction of the companies presently involved marketing and selling dietary supplements. Although presumed by this writer the majority of companies who have products which test positive for illegal chemicals are not intentionally doing so, the FDA has no way to ferret out if these companies are engaged in deceptive practices. It is the smaller population of companies and professionals which intentionally taint and/or market their products which need to be apprehended. It is these individuals who walk through life motivated by their criminal mind and at a high probability for experiencing antisocial personality disorder. At present, there is no valid methodology to pinpoint these criminals and their actions negatively taint the entire supplement industry, just as their tainted products are sold to consumers negatively impacting their medical health. Bodybuilding supplements, male enhancement pills, and weight loss diet supplements are the three categories of dietary supplements the FDA has alerted the nation about. Companies who sell these are encouraged to implement the following recommendations to reduce their chances of creating risk to consumers purchasing their products. The FDA mentions five trade associations they interface with and dietary supplements companies should investigate joining them. They are the Council for Responsible Nutrition, Natural Products Association, United Natural Products Alliance (UNPA), Consumer Healthcare Products Association, and American Herbal Products Association. It is also recommended to bookmark and visit often the websites hosted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. Website developers working for dietary supplements companies are recommended to attach links encouraging site visitors to the FDA, dietary trade associations, and any other organizations designed to protect consumers. The FDA also has MedWatch, which can be added to websites so consumers can be alerted to recent products which have tested positive for adulterants. It is the responsibility of dietary supplement companies to institute whatever measures necessary to protect consumers from consuming tainted supplements. It is also highly recommended to allocate a portion of the organizations advertising budget to educating the consumer on the use of dietary supplements and topics involving health, fitness, nutrition, and overall healthy living. Building Muscle With Feast And Famine Feeding Most diet plans are based around losing weight, but what should you do if you want to build muscle? Building muscle is probably the second most common request I get as a Glasgow personal trainer after weight loss. Conventional wisdom is to over eat for many weeks while weight training to bulk up before strictly dieting to strip away fat. Unfortunately long term over eating adds lots of fat and under eating costs you lots of muscle so you end up taking 2 steps forward and 2 steps back. A better plan is to follow the feast and famine feeding cycle that shaped our evolution. It is only recently that ample food supplies have been consistently available. For most of human history this was not the case and the body evolved to react to times of feast and famine in ways that you can manipulate to build muscle. During the initial days of a famine you burn body fat before hormonal changes occur to protect our fat stores to help see us through the famine. Famine also primes the body to respond aggressively to sudden abundance of food to aid survival by prioritising the strength to defend against immediate threats (predators) over the fat stores intended to see you through future famines. So excess calories are initially used to replenish muscle fuel stores before being used to quickly build muscle. After a few days the body stops building new muscle and stores surplus calories as fat. To mimic this Swedish scientist Torbjorn Akerfeldt promotes 14 days on very low calories then 14 days on high calories. He found that cycling between famine and feast sees a fat/muscle loss ratio of 2:1 during famine but a fat/muscle gain ratio of 2:1 during feast, far better the traditional bulk then cut plan. While this worked for me, and may be the best option from a scientific perspective, the 14 day diet was very hard. It is much easier to sustain 7 days famine followed by 7 days feast long term. A 7 day cycle also eliminates the period at the end of the feast when your body transitions to mostly storing the surplus calories as fat. As the driving force behind feast and famine feeding is the sudden changes in calorie intake achieving this should be your main concern. The balance of protein, carbohydrates and fats is not too important as long as the famine week intake is low enough to prime the muscle building response to the significantly higher intake during the feast week. Buy Antibiotics Online and Get Antibiotics Overnight An antibiotic is a substance that kills or inhibits the growth of bacteria. Antibiotics, also known as antibacterial, are drugs used to treat infections caused by bacteria. Nowadays, there are over a hundred different antibiotics available and antibiotics are amongst the most frequently prescribed medication. However, it is important to note that antibiotics only treat bacterial infections and it does not treat viral or fungal infections. Antibiotics will not work for colds, flu, or other viral infections. Just like any other drug, precaution should be taken when under medication. Antibiotics should only be taken as prescribed. Also, overuse or incorrect use of antibiotics may cause resistance of bacteria to it, making the antibiotics less effective in treating the infection. BuyAntibioticsOnline.net is an online solution to antibiotic needs. It offers a wide range of Antibiotics available online, 24x7. The site offers three of the most prescribed antibiotics such as Amoxicillin, Tetracycline and Zithromax. Amoxil is an antibiotic classified as penicillin known to fight bacteria. It is usually prescribed by experts as a first line of treatment for common infections. Tetracycline is used to treat or prevent infections caused by susceptible bacteria. Tetracycline prevents the growth and spread of bacteria. Zithromax is one of the known brand names for Azithromycin which is one the world's best-selling antibiotics. Azithromycin prevents the production of proteins essential to the growth of bacteria; thus stopping the spread of infection. BuyAntibioticsOnline.net also offers varied medicines for most prescription needs such as remedies for allergies, anti-depressants, anxiety, antibiotics, arthritis, anti-parasitic, anti-viral, birth control, blood pressure, headache, heartburn, motion sickness, muscle relaxant, pain relief, sexual health, skin care, and weight loss. Process is simple at BuyAntibioticsOnline.net. Just select the medicines needed, fill out the medical questionnaire, and submit orders. Orders are reviewed by highly trained U.S. Licensed Physicians and U.S. Licensed Pharmacies will dispense approved orders. Online payment is ensured safe and secured when ordering and paying at BuyAntibioticsOnline.net. It makes use of latest Security technology to ensure that credit card information is secured and protected. For assistance, visit BuyAntibioticsOnline.net and click the Live Help button or call toll-free on 866-441-3579. Calcific Bursitis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Calcific Bursitis is a medical condition in which the bursa suffers inflammation because of which the patient may suffer severe pain in their shoulders, legs, hands, or joints. Bursa is a sack which remains filled with bodily fluid. Its purpose is to act as a cushion for joint movements. In certain situations, the bursa suffers inflammation which causes extreme pains in the joints of the hands, shoulders, or legs. The plural term for bursa is bursae. Bursae are present in all parts of the human body which undergo friction during movement. It offers a cushion- like service to our body joints to make it possible for us to move our hands or legs. The fluid filled in bursae is known as synovial fluid which is a transparent bodily fluid and is lubricating in nature. Known Causes of Calcific Bursitis: Calcific Bursitis may be caused because of a number of reasons. Some of the common ones are as follows: 1) Rheumatic or arthritic problems like gouty arthritis or pseudogout. 2) Extremely strenuous and regular physical activity. 3) Severe injuries and joint infections. It should be noted that infection rarely becomes the cause of bursitis because there is very little chance of any kind of it in or near the bursae. However, the latter may get infected because of certain injuries which may cause a fault or break or puncture in the skin that lies over the bursae. Similarly, those bacteria which continue to float in our blood may also become the reason of infections in such bursae which are already inflamed because of injury or strenuous exercises or physical labor. Calcific bursitis may become severe in advanced stages if it is left unnoticed or untreated for a long duration. Because of this, calcium starts depositing over the joints and that causes impediment in movement. Common Symptoms of Calcific Bursitis Acknowledging the common symptoms of calcific bursitis may help a patient in attaining early treatment for this painful problem. Patients may suffer extreme pains and difficulty in movement, especially during morning hours. Some common symptoms of calcific bursitis are: -Pain in joints and difficulty in movement. -Heat and redness in joints. -Swelling and stiffness in joints causing restrictions in movement. Treatment for Calcific Bursitis Patients suffering from this severe painful health issue may attain proper medical help and solution. Some of the common treatments are: 1. Proper rest and ice compression treatment for the affected area. 2. Using a support for the joint or joints which have suffered injury and bursitis. 3. Pain relieving anti-inflammatory medicines and Cortisone steroid injection in the affected joints. 4. Removal of infected fluid from bursae and weight loss programs. Bursitis can be acute (a sudden, sharp pain following an injury) or chronic (a recurrent inflammation in the same area).As one can understand, this problem can be prevented by reducing weight and taking proper care of health. With adherence to treatment, bursitis usually subside in five to 20 days. See your doctor if it does not subside. Calcium Pyruvate The Lose Weight Fast Supplement It seems that there is a new weight loss product on the market every few months. Recently, scientists have discovered the effects of calcium pyruvate on the body. Pyruvate is naturally produced by your body and has many benefits for dieters when taken as a supplement. It is believed that what this supplement does is accomplish fat loss by increasing "cellular respiration." What this means in layman's terms is that amount of energy your cells use (Metabolism). There are claims this supplement will work, even without exercise, although an execise routine would be beneficial to all round health. It is also possible that it could increase endurance by up to 20% which is great for athletes This added endurance allows more intense workouts which can mean that you could achieve an anabolic effect even while dieting which would be very hard to accomplish without the use of steroids. Some studies have shown that women taking calcium pyruvate lost almost twice as much weight as women on the same diet who have not taken it. This supplement is also reported to help maintain energy levels, antioxidant activity, and even help reduce hypertension. A clinical study was carried out on obese women who weighed between 225 - 245 lbs. In this study, they were put on a 1000 calorie/day diet and either given pyruvate or a placebo as their only supplement. The women that were not using the pyruvate lost on average 3.15 lbs. of body fat per week. The women that were using the pyruvate lost on average 4.3 lbs. of body fat per week. In effect the product reduces excess storage of fat. Thus, the supplement can reduce the amount of excess fat that is stored around the abdomen and other parts of the body. The additional energy that is generated helps the body to function more efficiently and assists with exercise as part of an overall health improvement regime. In an indirect manner, this also means that calcium pyruvate aids in mental as well as physical health, since emotional issues often have a physical origin. Combining pyruvate with calcium creates a supplement that will not interfere with any body function, nor will using calcium pyruvate cause the body to produce less natural pyruvate in the system. Calcium pyruvate should not be viewed as an excuse to eat and drink to excess and still hope to lose weight. The product works best when combined with a healthy diet and excercise. However, calcium pyruvate should not be viewed as a way to eat and drink anything and still hope to lose weight. The product works best when used along with eating lean meats, plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit, choosing complex carbohydrates, and getting at least thirty minutes of exercise each day. Calcium Pyruvate can be obtained from VitaDigest.com Calorie Burning Counter And Train For Weight Loss A calorie burning counter is a tool or pc program that permits you to see how your exercise program is working for you. Understanding what number of calories you might be burning is a key factor in designing an exercise program that can permit you to get the lean, fit body that you're working for. There are kinds of calorie burning counter obtainable for you to use, and whereas bo0th are helpful, chances are you'll discover that one type or the opposite is going to be more conductive to your goals. They each let you observe how a lot exercise you're getting and what number of calories you're burning. There are basic types of calorie burning counter available to you; one that monitors your energy instantly, and those that you use to calculate the energy burned. Both of these use calculations based on your dimension, age and gender. What differs is how you utilize the calorie burning counter. The direct type is a small device that is often strapped to your higher arm. You program this device together with your vital statistics, and it makes use of quite a lot of sensors to keep monitor of how many calories you're burning. This contains monitoring your temperature, your coronary heart rate, and your perspiration to get a picture of how hard you might be working. This type generally works very well, and you may see it in use on the tv show The Biggest Loser, however it's not for every person and each situation. For one factor, these devices tend to be expense, and also you will not be prepared or capable of purchase one. Another problem with any such calorie burning counter is that sporting a tool like this may increasingly simply be uncomfortable. Not each one likes to have a small device strapped to their arm, and many individuals could not just like the type of appears to be like and questions they will get whereas carrying them. The other sort of calorie burning counter is actually sorts, but since they work roughly the identical, there's no cause to separate them out. The essential idea of this type is you can manually lookup how many calories you've burned for each exercise you. The 2 forms of this type are either digital or a very good quaint book. Either one could have lists and charts that can permit you to determine precisely how many energy you might be burning if you end up doing no matter you're doing. The downside to utilizing this type of calorie burning counter is that it requires more work in your part. It's important to actually look up or enter the actions that you simply do, and this makes it surprisingly straightforward to just not bother. Then again, you can do it at your personal convenience, which is a plus. Regardless of which kind of calorie burning counter you choose, the secret's to truly use it, and use it effectively. You could use it to be sure you're burning enough calories, and you should make certain to regulate your eating. Do each of these and a calorie burning counter could also be your secret to weight loss. Can A Weight Lifter Burn Muscle Mass With Aerobics? Many bodybuilders are confused regarding aerobic exercise, with some feeling that such effort is necessary to control body fat, while others preferring the concept that cardiovascular exercise will either burn away muscle mass, or prevent future muscle building. The latter group's concern has forced many bodybuilders to abandon aerobic activity during muscle building periods, and even prohibit cardiovascular exercise when fat loss is the main goal, but for many, the question remains as to whether the aerobic activity hysteria is well founded, or if this idea is instead a part of weight lifting mythology. Most bodybuilders do realize the positive impact of aerobic activity in fat loss, but the worry mounts when contemplating the effect on muscle mass, and this idea has forced certain bodybuilders to replace their moderately intense aerobic routines with power walking, feeling that this behavior is properly intense for fat burn, but below the threshold for muscle loss. I sometimes try to determine precisely where these notions originate, and a group may have possibly felt so motivated by the concept of putting forth less effort (which is the case when comparing power walking to jogging), that they began promoting this rather foolish proposition, or, alternatively, a group of advertisers may have decided to design a physical fitness program filled with attractive information, namely an easy to follow routine that will encourage readers to sign up due to the magnificent effortless promises. Of course, such ideas have repeatedly proven themselves to be abysmal failures, offering terrible results. Yet, what weight lifter does not relish in the thought of suppressing effort and achieving improved progress? Taking this idea further, do you know of any bodybuilder who would reject an excuse to eliminate aerobic exercise completely if he or she were convinced that doing so was helpful to muscle gains? Yes, evil aerobics sounds like a very attractive proposition to a weight lifter who is seeking less effort, and marketing is an industry where the senses are attacked to the point of emotional investment, but the wisdom taught decades ago are never replaced by modern marketing slogans, despite the attempt of many exercise entrepreneurs to do so. Making aerobics seem harmful is an excellent method at encouraging a weight lifter to invest financially in a specific muscle building and fat loss program, because each one of us feels a sense of curiosity towards the idea of more down time producing enhanced progress, but this particular gimmick does not translate into results. Wherever the concept surfaced, advertisers have used the "aerobics burns muscle mass" idea to promote their own products, despite the fact that aerobic activity is not only effective in eliminating body fat when performed consistently and correctly, but is not a hindrance to muscle gain. All bodybuilders realize that a physique will deteriorate in overall impressiveness as body fat percentage begins to climb, and conversely, will improve extraordinarily as body fat declines. Therefore, prudence suggests that any body fat control technique should be employed consistently in order for the most dramatic weight lifting results, and if aerobic activity is in fact an effective fat control method, then it behooves all who wish to pursue the best possible bodybuilding results to implement aerobic activity into their daily workout plan. The only exception to this rule is if a bodybuilder is primarily seeking muscle gain, and due to a hectic schedule or an emotional inability to accept sufficient workout time, he or she feels simply incapable of maintaining maximum intensity during weight lifting workouts when aerobic activity is an additional burden; in such a situation, aerobic activity can be reserved for fat loss phases only, when weight lifting workout volume declines. But for those who have the time and wherewithal to perform regular aerobic activity, implementing aerobics several days per week is prudent, even during muscle building phases, as the less fat that is produced during muscle gain, the more focus can be maintained on achieving new muscle growth, and the more definition a bodybuilder will display throughout the year. Therefore, despite the skeptics and marketing mavins who claim otherwise, aerobic activity is helpful in burning fat, will not harm muscle mass when following an effective diet plan and weight training workout system, and will improve metabolic rate so that body fat percentage can remain acceptable at all times. If you are pursuing maximum bodybuilding progress, then consider cardiovascular exercise to be your trusted fat reducing companion. Can Migraines Make You Fat? As a migraine headache doctor and as a hormone doctor, I have noticed a strong correlation between women with migraine headache symptoms and body fat. I have also noticed the same thing in women with PMS, mood disorder or depressive disorder and clinical depression. So is a hormone to blame for those extra pounds? Yes - well maybe? Yes, hormones are definitely involved in fat cell metabolism. Sex hormones are lipophillic, meaning that they can enter into fat cells quite easily and stay there. Estrogen, in particular, accumulates in fat cells. This is why heavier women tend to have very strong estrogen dominant features. Estrogen promotes water retention, enlarged breasts, breast fullness, irratibility, anxiety, decreased mental functioning, edema, loss of libido and all of the gynecologic cancers. Estrogen antagonists like progesterone do exactly the opposite. Another hormone that has bad press, called cortisol, was targeted in a highly effective marketing campaign several years for a weight loss product that was heavily promoted on TV and radio. Cortisol was unfairly blamed for weight gain when it only is implicated in obesity in certain rare conditiions called Cushing's Syndrome. Nevertheless, the marketers made a ton of money, but few people actually lost weight from their product. High doses of cortisol can cause water retention. Certain cortisol-like prescription drugs like prednisone, dexamethosone and steroids used for injection procedures can definitely cause water retention and hunger pangs. But these are not bio-identical to cortisol and they have a mountain of side effects beyond those already mentioned. An interesting new hormone, that is not a sex hormone, has been implicated in abdominal fat creation. This hormone, called neuropeptide Y (NPY), has been studied in mice. When researchers blocked NPY in obese mice, the mice fat buildup promptly melted away. “It's incredible”, according to Dr. Zofia Zukowska of Georgetown University. The opposite worked as well. When normal mice were injected with NPY, they developed abdominal obesity. When they were given the NPY blockers, the belly fat disappeared. Look for more interest in NPY and especially, the NPY blockers. Can't Lose That Belly Fat? Here's Why... Most people know that exercise is an important factor in natural weight loss, but the wrong kind of exercise for certain people may actually be preventing them from losing fat! People who carry most of their excess weight in the lower abdomen in the form of the pendulous sagging fat deposit below the waistline can exercise too much and/or too hard and actually interfere with their ability to lose weight. The adrenals are small glands that sit on top of the kidneys ("adrenal" translates to "on top of the kidney"). Alhough they are small, the adrenal glands are powerful organs and produce hormones involved in many functions. The most familiar of the adrenal horomones is probably adrenaline (also called epinephrine). You may already be familar with the function of adrenaline, which mobilizes the body for action by increasing heart rate, elevating blood pressure and respiration, and by increasing circulation to the body's muscles. Adrenaline also promotes the burning of fat for energy, so adrenal function can promote weight loss during short periods of physical or even emotional stress. The adrenal glands produce another hormone that can promote weight gain though. This hormone is called cortisol, and it tends to cause the storage of fat in the lower abdomen. Unlike adrenaline which is produced for only short periods of time, the adrenal glands can produce cortisol long-term. This means that any fat-burning effects from adrenaline will be overcome in the long-run by the fat-storing effects of cortisol. From a survival standpoint, cortisol serves the purpose of providing emergency storage of fat for energy when the body is under stress for a long period of time. This storage of fat in the lower abdomen will provide energy and keep a person alive if he or she must endure long periods living under harsh and physically demanding conditions. The problem is, mental/emotional stress will elevate cortisol levels too, and for individuals who lead particularly stressful lives, the continued high cortisol levels will likely stimulate lower belly fat deposition. So what does this have to do with exercise? Well, for someone who is under chronic emotional stress and whose adrenal glands are constantly overworked, their cortisol production is already high and their ability to produce adrenaline has been largely exhausted. If you add a lot of strenuous exercise into the mix, the result is more cortisol production. As the cortisol levels increase, there is a greater and greater tendency to store fat in the lower abdomen. Many people in this situation who are determined to lose weight will see their inability to lose weight as an indication that they need to exercise harder and more often. These people may be able to continue to lose weight in general, because if you are burning more calories than you take in, you will lose weight, but they never are able to eliminate that lower belly fat. So they work out even harder, but the belly fat remains - and they become more and more fatigued and actually begin to lose strength in the muscles of the arms and legs. Why would somone lose strength in the muscles in the arms and legs? Exercise is used to strenghten and develop muscle, isn't it? Well, cortisol not only stores fat in the lower abdomen, it also stimulates the breakdown of muscle and other tissue to use for immediate energy needs. So the more determined a person is to exercise away the belly fat, the more cortisol is produced, and as we said a moment ago, if you burn more calories than you take in, you will lose weight, only in this case the weight being lost is muscle and not fat! The result is a downward spiral of fatigue, loss of muscle mass and strength, and sometimes the development of joint problems as the body eats it's own tissues for energy - but there's no reduction in that lower abdomen fat deposit that the body holds in reserve. So what should a person with this problem do to lose that lower stomach "pooch"? Well, first of all it is important to figure out if you actually fall into this category, because with the exception of someone who has high cortisol production and overworked adrenals, vigorous exercise is still one of the most effective weight loss measures one can take. Someone with a high cortisol problem will have a certain collection of signs and symptoms. First, as we've mentioned several times already, the excess weight is deposited almost exclusively in the lower abdomen. The weight would create a sagging area just below the waistline. As we've already stated, there may be loss of muscle in the arms and legs, and this might be visibly noticable, or it may manifest simply as an inability to build strength in these muscles. In addition, people with adrenal fatigue and high cortisol may have a collection of symptoms that could include chronic fatigue, cravings for salty foods, a need for caffeine or other stimulants just to stay awake during the day, swelling in the lower legs, dizziness when arising quickly from a seated position, numerous arthritic problems, cramps in the calves at night, and waking up frequently in the middle of the night. If you do fall into this category of adrenal fatigue / high cortisol, exercise is still important, but you want the kind of exercise that helps you to handle stress, not exercise that creates additional stress. For someone with overworked adrenals, the best type of exercise is relatively low-intensity aerobic exercise for 30 to 60 minutes about 3 times per week. This is exercise you can do without getting out of breath and without feeling fatigued afterwards. Among the options for this type of exercise are walking, bicycling, swimming, yoga, tai chi, and low-intensity aerobics. Exercising outdoors seems to be particularly beneficial for stress reduction, and subsequently cortisol reduction, at least when there are no extremes of temperature to deal with. In addition to going to a lower-intensity type of exercise, it is important to make sure to eat enough protein to maintain muscle mass. This is easily accomplished by most people, but if you've been drastically cutting calories to lose weight, you are probably actually working against yourself. Just 3 to 4 ounces of meat, fish, eggs, or dairy three times per day is sufficient to spare your muscle. If you are a vegan, just make sure to eat plenty of beans, nuts, seeds, and other high-protein foods. If you've been working out like crazy to try to get rid of that belly fat, but all you've managed to accomplish was feeling tired, weak, and sore, by reducing the intensity of your workouts and controlling stress better, you'll likely find that the belly fat gradually shrinks away and you'll look and feel great! Can Visalus Products Really Help You Lose Wieght? In this Exert Visalus Review, I am going to tell you the truth about a new health and wellness company called Visalus Sciences. Do their products really work or just a Total Waste of Time? Visalus: The Company Visalus is a Nutrition company based out of Troy, Michigan under the supervisionof CEO Ryan Blair, and CMO Blake Mallen. The company has been around for over five years marketing a nutrition line called the Vi Pack, and recently began experiencing rapid growth, with the launch of the Body By Vi 90 Day Challenge. They are a multi-million dollar company, backed by Blyth Industries, which is a Billion Dollar publicly traded company under the management of Bob Goergen. The Visalus Product Line At the core of Visalus Sciences Body By Vi 90 Day Challenge, is their Vi-Shape nutritional shake mix. Their shake revolves around the concept of meal replacement, thus helping people on the Body By Vi Challenge, lose weight effectively. In addition, to their Vi-Shape mix, the company also has other wonderful supplements that can be takenin additon to their shakes. These products help peoplespeed up their weight loss, and also maintain healthy weight. What's different about their shakes is the fact that they are yummy tasting, are packed with vitamins and other nutrients, and can be consumed for under $2.00per shake. This provides customersthe added value of being able to save money they're already spending on unhealthy meals, and get the vitamins, minerals, and nutrition that their bodies are deficient in. The Body Body By Vi 90 Day Challenge The goal of the 90 Day Challenge is designed to help people who are serious about losing weight, chose a target weight goal they would like to achieve, and pick akit that will help them in reaching their goal. Two kits revolve around weight loss, and the other two around weight maintenance. What I find interesting is their refer 3 and your next month is free concept. Meaning that if a person who joins the challenge shares the challenge with 3 other people, once those people join, they could basically get their next month's product absolutely FREE! This is a powerful way to help people get in shape,and help others they care about save money! The thing that I like most about Visalus is how they are building a community of like people who share the common goal of getting in shape. They have their own social media community called Vi - Net, where someone participating in the challenge, can get information on nutrition, post before and after pictures, get recipes, and track their weight loss. Winners of the Body By Vi 90 Day Challengequalify for trips, shopping spree's, and are rewarded for choosing to adopt a healthier lifestyle. The Visalus Sciences Business Opportunity For people interested in starting a business with low cost entry, Visalus Sciences gives people the opportunity to partner with them, and share the Body By Vi 90 Day Challenge around the nation. Some perks of the Visalus business are the ability to earn weekly income, monthly residual income, a BMW Bonus for the black BMW or your choice, Disappearing Auto Orders,rank advancements, and most importantly Financial Freedom in a time where the economy has most peopleout of work. Visalus Sciences Final Thoughts I believe that Visalus Sciences and the 90 Day Challenge is a win win situation, for anyone who is serious about changing their lives. In a time when the economy is in the dum and prices continue to go up on just about everything, Body By Vi is a creating a new way of doing business that is helping people in all aspects of life... Plus the people in this company are so Cool!!! Can You Afford the Health Costs Of Fad Diets? One of the issues we face dieting is learning how to manage hunger. Whether its that mid afternoon slump, or mid morning cravings, being hungry for too long is a fast way to derail all our good intentions to turn over a new lettuce leaf. Different strategies have in the past been proposed to deal with hunger. Some people find drinking a glass of water every time they are hungry helps. The model Gisele Bundchen is a real advocate of this approach. And judging by her stunning figure, she's a good poster girl for increasing your fluid intake. Water has many benefits for the body, and people often simply don't drink enough. There's even a book on the subject that presents the view that many diseases in old age are related to a kind of entrenched state of dehydration ("Your Body's Many Cries for Water" by F.Batmanghelid,MD). Whilst diets composed mainly of soups are fairly common (think the Cabbage Soup diet and Liz Hurley's favorite, the Watercress Soup Diet), this is not the healthiest way to approach soup. Nor is it likely to lead to long tern success. Diets that focus on just one vegetable or type of food are not only very boring to go on, they do not provide the range of nutrients that the body needs to function well. Could hunger actually be the body's way of saying, 'I need some nutrients'. Sustainable weight loss is not achieved by setting up an unrealistic eating plan that is painful to follow for more than a week and leaves you fantasizing about food all the time. Unless of course you don't mind going to bed hungry for two years like Liz did after her son was born. Starvation and nutrient restriction lead to loss of muscle mass and bone density. Not to mention fatigue and other possible health problems if followed long term. The irony is that soups, including cabbage soup and watercress soup, are really good for you. They are easy to digest, and can be prepared ahead and frozen. That way you have a low kilojoule snack that is often high in fiber ready at the helm as a quick pick-me-up when hunger strikes between meals. And some soups have surprising health benefits. For example, the Japanese Miso soup has been linked with preventing liver cancer, breast cancer and skin cancer, with theories also proposed about a benefit to skin due to linoleic acid. Whether this is found to be true, it is a delicious base for your favorite vegetables, and very easy to prepare from scratch. It takes only about ten minutes to prepare, and when garnished with grated ginger is a fantastic energizing soup when you are tired. Neither soup nor water alone will lead to weight loss, and neither should these strategies be used to extremes and become a substitute for following a healthy, balanced diet. But they provide a way to minimize excursions into old habits we are trying to change as we address the lifestyle choices that led to gaining excess weight in the first place. And by providing the nutrients your body actually needs, you'll be creating a change in the quality of life experienced day to day. Capsaicin Presents Outstandingweight Loss Results Based On Recent Studies Research now uncovers that chili peppers can be a dieter's completely new buddy in the war in opposition to excess fat. Chili peppers are usually recognized for their poignant, spicy flavoring that adds zest to cuisine. In the past, numerous health experts, dieticians along with losing weight specialists claimed that spicy dishes enable reduce fat. But now, new research is shown in order to light that will proves they may have been right as a possible active component in chili peppersgenerally known as capsaicin is discovered to aid in weight-loss in terms of curbing appetite, improving metabolic process , as well as boosting fat loss. It's the trifecta of weightloss. A study held in 2009 mentioned on the journal of Clinical Nutrition says that capsaicin cuts down food cravings, therefore, people ingested less calories and fat loss ensued. In which exact same year, a report published in the European Journal of Nutrition demonstrated that capsaicin decreases a endocrine named ghrelin, which can be identified for promoting food cravings. The research implies that capsaicin may be regarded as a valuable advantage in soothing craving for food and also appetite. Metabolic process has been long deemed an iconic step to long-term weight loss. In case you have a fast metabolic rate, you're a fortunate member of culture that could try to eat cheeseburgers, and other seductive pleasures and barely acquire fat. A quick metabolism will be the solution at the rear of the skinny figures of the younger years. Although as we age, our metabolism drops, and for a few, considerably. For you to combat that, capsaicin may play a huge role. That's mainly because various research laboratory and animal scientific studies record capsaicin hasten thermogenesis, the organic process involved in burning up calories. In the 2010 research noticed in the particular Journal of Proteome Study, capsaicin triggered different necessary protein in which broke down extra fat as well as avoided the production of excess fat. Which proposes capsaicin may bear guarantee to help you flatten your tummy. However is it harmless? Generally-speaking it truly is. Needless to say, foods with good capsaicin content, just like chili peppers may cause stomach complications, heartburn symptoms and possibly peptic issues for some. Additionally, if you're consuming prescription drugs including blood-thinners and also pain killers, it will be suggested to prevent foods as well as health supplements containing capsaicin. Capsaicin might not be suited to pregnant or perhaps nursing females. Prior to go out to the grocery store to put on extra chili peppers, it's important to note it will require a considerable everyday dose of capsaicin * 10 grams -- to benefit. The most effective option is to take a capsaicin supplement in pill or capsule form to obtain your daily does easily. We surveyed quite a few capsaicin dietary supplements on the market. Of these we examined, the most effective we found was a brand known as Capsiplex. This particular brand attained our requirements for the best capsaicin health supplement according to four factors. The scientific study was executed on Capsiplex, which clearly demonstrates its usefulness. With this analysis, Dr. Karen Viera analyzed Capsiplex and found it made it easier for participants burn up around 278 much more calories previous to, during and also after exercising over a treadmill machine for an hour. The reason why is it boosts sleeping metabolic rate and costs and also burns carbohydrate food and fat. What's more, it confirmed anti-oxidant results, reduced blood vessels cholesterol levels and also reduced fat build-up in the liver. Exercising performance also proved a marked improvement, which results in a lot more intense workout routines, which melts away much more calories. Another reason precisely why we liked Capsiplex was because it's a exclusive patented matrix of excipients as well as coatings that provides you the positive aspects with out irritability as well as acid reflux. That's because its unique covering was designed to endure the reduced Ph amount of the stomach in order that it keeps undamaged till the capsaicin extract is produced in the higher PH quantity of a intestinal tract; many capsaicin dietary supplements available on the market are not able to handle this problem, hence they produce lackluster outcomes. Capsiplex has been highlighted positively in several United kingdom media which includes theDaily Mail, the Daily Express, the Daily Star, and in Star Magazine. Stars are purported to be taking advantage of Capsiplex including Britney Spears, Kelly Osborne and J-Lo, as well as model Nicola McLean who been dependent on it in order to lose her excessive post-pregnancy weight. She reported falling 7 pounds in just one week. Due to impressive media subjection, 50,346 packs of Capsiplex soldout in 3 days. After that, the outcome coming from customers have shown promise too. Amy J. reports being lower two dress sizes in 6 weeks. Frank L., reports losing 8 pounds within 3 weeks. And Wendy B. boasts she's 11 lbs lighter right after just 23 days. The maker states when you have a lot more than 14lbs to shed, you can assume to decrease up to four lbs in your very first 7 days, and after that drop 1 or 2 lbs each week thereafter. That's fairly remarkable in our books. The company dependent their product upon 30 years of investigation and offers 24-hour help using their United kingdom office. They ship to all over the world and give a reasonable value with regard to Capsiplex, considering it makes it possible to get rid of to 278 calories per day. Capsiplex Review And Capsipure - The Best Slimming Aids Lot many people are afraid of taking different types of supplements due to its poor name. There are lots of dangerous effects that have been recorded concerning different diet additions in the market. Folks are afraid about these deadly products in the market. You've got to be aware that there are still products in the market that you can trust such as Capsiplex and Capsipure. These products will help you in losing tons of pounds in just one year without influencing your general fitness condition. In actual fact these additions are proved effective both scientifically as well as clinically. Many health professional and doctors concluded that these supplement is extremely favorable for the health. The ingredient that may be found within these supplements which is named Capsicum extract can help in many health related problems such as heart attack, diabetes, high blood pressure, common colds, improve blood flow, stop bleeding and forestall motion sickness. Lot of these benefits are simply to begin and inspire you about all of the favourable effect of capsicum for dieters like you. There are many researches all over the internet that link this component to weight loss. The manufacturer of these supplement have written paperwork to prove its affectivity and to give information to people. People who want to shed weight wants product that won't harm their vitality. Aside from the affectivity, folk are far more concern about its long term side effects. It is nicer to find diet supplements can truly and really help folks who want a healthier lifestyle. It appears that Capsiplex and Capsipure have tons of benefits that is deserving of taking even if you do not intend to lose pounds. It is good to lose 2 pounds of weight without doing anything. There is another product that contains this superb fat burning part and this is hot chilli peppers which contain Capaicinoids. This is the active ingredient that's responsible for making peppers really hot. There are several different variations of this compound that has been used for a number of years due to its slimming ability. It is also been employed by many standard families as a tonic to cure colds and influenza. Except for upping your metabolism, it has also got appetite suppressor capability. If you may mix high rate of metabolism and hunger suppressant, you may certainly experience great weight loss. The amount of Capsicum extract in a single tablet is very strong that would amount to ridiculous amount of chilli peppers to get the similar amount of this superb compound. The capsule is made from a special coating that will permit you to soak up the compound within your system without any adverse effect to your bowel. These capsules are the next revolution diet supplement that won't only promote weight loss, but will also help people in having more healthy body. It's miles better to do your own research if you are not happy with this Capsiplex Review and Capsipure Review. There is a lot of information over the Net that can help you asses these 2 diet supplements. Caralluma Fimbriata Is The Latest Greatest Thing In Pure Weight Loss One of the good points of Caralluma Fimbriata is that it does not work on the central nervous system unlike different weight loss products that trick your body into feeling full which do. Much less complicated chemically than Hoodia, caralluma fimbriata is cheaper to produce and offers an a lot safer product as it is not at the moment being mixed with other varient elements equivalent to Hoodia is. Natural Weight Loss Anyone who has struggled to drop a few pounds can tell you that diets alone do not always work. That is as a result of the difference between thin and chubby people has extra to do with their metabolic fee than with what they eat. Increasingly customers are asking for pure products and these two plants deliver in relation to pure weight loss. Caralluna fimbriata and hoodia gordonii are two highly regarded pure weight loss aids. Caralluma Fimbriata already has some studies behind it that makes it look very promising in the world of weight reduction dietary supplements. It is a new arrival within the family of cactii and succulent crops which might be changing into increasingly fashionable for his or her urge for food suppressant, and weight loss properties, in addition to their capability to lower blood sugar. As such it's superb for sustaining weight already lost however hoodia gordonii succulent and caralluma fimbriata succulent taken by it's self has confirmed fairly restricted in its skill to provide vital weight loss. Most weight reduction products are not stand-alone products since exercising along with weight-reduction plan can work faster and is undoubtedly healthier. Weight-reduction plan Eating a more healthy weight loss program is definitely much easier than most people make it; you need to eat if you end up hungry "not by the clock" and cease if you end up full. A healthful diet is also low in saturated fat from meat and whole dairy products, trans fatty acids from fried meals and snack meals, salty foods, refined grains, and concentrated sweets. Consider your present weight loss program, then set goals based on the pattern that will hold you healthy. And you may additionally have the ability to eat the less healthful foods that matter to you most, so long as your portion sizes are reasonable and your overall dietary sample is sound. When it comes right down to dieting, there are several easy habits that may enable you to obtain a more healthy weight. Often when folks eat larger parts they end up including unnecessary calories and fat to their diet. Step one you'll be able to take towards a healthier weight loss plan is to cut back your meals consumption slightly. The second step you can take toward a more healthy weight is to remove carbonated drinks out of your diet. So if you are looking to shed a number of kilos and you are not up for a drastic weight-reduction plan, strive applying a few of these ideas into your lifestyle. Many native populations of India eat several regionally growing medicinal plants as part of their diets. Edible succulents grow wild throughout India and are part of the daily diets of a number of native populations. The tribal people who eat Caralluma as a regular a part of their food plan prize not solely its skill to scale back hunger but in addition its capacity to improve stamina and psychological focus for rigorous duties like hunting. Imagine combining the consequences of Caralluma with an exercise program and a good diet. When used along with a diminished calorie diet and common exercise, it might be just the thing it's essential start shedding unwanted pounds. Exercise Through the years, analysis has shown us that weight loss plan and train play an important function in the prevention of heart disease. Earlier than growing an train plan, discuss together with your health care workforce what exercises, if any, could be good for you. Train could be fun and the best way to verify it is ordinary is to include an exercise you take pleasure in into your way of life, comparable to a favorite sport or a pleasant walk. Regular train that makes you sweat is necessary for detoxing and enhancing general health. Bodily aerobic train is critically vital, as a result of it will get oxygen, sugar (as glucose), and vitamins to the brain. Eat quite a lot of wholesome foods from all meals groups. Drink loads of water. Train 30 minutes or extra most days of the week. Whatever type of train and vitamin plans you go for, do not turn into discouraged if the kilos refuse to drop off proper away. Work On Your Health When you've got come to the choice that living a wholesome life-style is what you want, then you will want to work on your fitness. Health offers your body the conditioning it needs and works hand in hand with a healthy diet. Health retains your weight in verify, helps you sleep better at night time, prevents coronary heart attacks and strokes and customarily prolongs your life. In case you can work up an excellent sweat for 30 minutes, and hold a conversation during that time with out being out of breath, you might be giving your physique a correct exercise for cardiovascular health and weight loss. Those who have experienced the good health results of being match, nonetheless, seldom permit themselves to loose too much fitness. Dietary supplements Why do so many people use caralluma fimbriata for weight loss at the moment when there are so many other diet aids and dietary supplements to help folks to drop weight. Caralluma is exclusive among pure supplements available. As weight problems becomes a rising concern in our society, weight loss supplements are booming in popularity. Learn how to Suppress your Appetite and Lose Weight with Caralluma Burn! Is your appetite in the way in which of your weight-loss goals? Now there is a new, all-pure means to assist reduce your appetite known as Caralluma Burn. Caralluma Burn accommodates a revolutionary new ingredient that scientific research suggests helps suppress the appetite. Our guaranteed-efficiency extract of the Indian herb Caralluma fimbriata works naturally within the body to assist cut back your urge for food so it will not undermine your weight-loss efforts. When used together with a decreased calorie weight-reduction plan and regular train, it may be just the thing it's worthwhile to start shedding unwanted pounds! Conclusion Taking the whole lot into consideration I might say that Caralluma Fimbriata is something it's best to definitely try for weight loss. Surprisingly, Caralluma Fimbriata is a very natural appetite suppressant and doesn't include any artificial ingredient, chemical substances or any sort of preservative which more recent research indicate can possibly intrude within the body's pure weight-reduction plan process. Cardio Kickboxing Fundamentals Are you looking for a total body conditioning that absolutely gratifies you? How about a means to increase your stamina, strength and flexibility while enjoying popular dance songs? Does this sound appealing to you? Then keep on reading to determine what you have to know before taking the kickboxing excitement. What Is Kickboxing? Contemporary recreational kickboxing was created in the 1970s, when American karate professionals established athletic events that permitted full-contact boxing and kicks that had been banned by the karate masters. Because of health and safety fears, protective apparel, padding and security rules were introduced into the sport throughout the years. This led to the various forms of recreational kickboxing carried out in the United States today. The forms differ in the techniques used and the volume of physical contact which is allowed amongst the rivals. These days, one well known variety of kickboxing is referred to as cardio or aerobic kickboxing. This type of kickboxing puts together components of martial arts, boxing, and aerobic exercise to provide overall physical conditioning and power. Separate from other styles of kickboxing, cardio kickboxing does not involve physical hitting between the contenders. It is a cardiovascular training instead of a martial art. Cardio kickboxing fitness classes ordinarily start with 10-15 minutes of warm-ups, which may include extending and traditional works out such as push-ups and body squats, followed by a 30-minute kickboxing session. This involves movements such as kicks, punches and knee strikes. Some aerobics trainers could use equipment like jump ropes or punching bags. This is followed by at least 5 minutes of cooling down and 10 minutes of stretching out and muscle conditioning. Stretching is really important because novices almost surely strain their muscles. Therefore, slow and correct stretches help loosen the muscles and stops harm. Educational videos are likewise available if you are curious about checking out a cardio kickboxing regime in the privacy of your home. The Basic Principles of Kickboxing Before you determine to jump in and enroll at a class, you ought to keep a number of basic guidelines in mind: * Know your current level of fitness. Kickboxing is a high-intensity, high-impact variety of work out, so it is probably not a great concept to jump in after a long stint as a lounger. You could try getting prepared by taking a low-impact aerobics course or a less physical variety of physical exercise. You can then work up to a higher level of endurance. When you do start kickboxing, oblige yourself to be a novice by working at your own personal speed. Do not overexert yourself to the point of exhaustion. * Test it out before you sign up. If it is possible, observe or try a class ahead of time to determine whether it is appropriate for you. Make sure that the instructor is prepared to adjust the regime a little to accommodate people's different skill levels. Avoid classes that appear to move too fast, are too involved, or do not provide the chance for any 1-on-1 instruction during or following the class. * Find a class act. Search for a fitness coach who is certified by an association such as the American Council on Exercise (ACE). Try to commence at a point that suits you and slowly advance to an increasingly intense, high-speed kickboxing class. Several courses need intermediate fitness levels and meet two to three times each week. * Comfort is essential. Wear loose, appropriate clothing that allow your legs and arms to move without difficulty in all places. The best shoes are cross-trainers because they provide side-to-side cushioning. Gloves or hand wraps are sometimes used during classes. You might be able to buy these at the gym where your class is held. Call your instructor ahead of time so that you could be fully prepared for class. * Start slowly and refrain from overdoing it. The key element to a skillful kickboxing drill is controlled movement. Crippling yourself by kicking too high or locking your legs and arms during movements can lead to pulled tendons and muscles and sprained ankle joints or knees. Start-off with low lying kicks as you slowly learn correct kickboxing methods. This is extremely important for a novice, who is highly vulnerable to get injuries while undertaking quick and intricate kickboxing moves. * Drink up. Drink plenty of liquids before, during, and after your class to quench your thirst and keep yourself hydrated. * Talk to your doctor It is definitely a novel idea to talk to your doctor and have a physical test before you set about any kind of exercise program notably one with heaps of aerobic activity such as kickboxing. This is extremely crucial if you have any chronic medical conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes or if you are obese. Why Pick Kickboxing? Apart from keeping your body fit, kickboxing has quite a few more advantages. In keeping with an analysis by the ACE, you can torch approximately 350 to 450 calories in one hour with kickboxing! It also decreases and alleviates tension. The strenuous, disciplined boxing and kicking movements performed with the skills necessary for martial arts, are able to do wonders for feelings of anger and anxiety. Rehearsing kickboxing moves can likewise aid you to increase flexibility, coordination, strength and cardiovascular fitness. Additionally, kickboxing is a wonderful way to get a full body workout while understanding clear self-defense moves. Kickboxing buffs say that the art of kickboxing assist them in feeling more in control and certain. Come on and kick, punch, crunch, jab, box, and swing your way to fitness. Causes of rapid weight loss 1. Weight loss due to gastrointestinal or digestive diseases and disorders If you have a condition such as irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease, Crohn's disease or colitis, you may have persistent diarrhea or other GI complications. These are likely symptoms of malabsorption and may lead to weight loss. A gastroenterologist can confirm or rule out the presence of these diseases. Viral and bacterial infections, hormonal changes and various digestive disorders can all make you nauseated. 2. Hyperthyroidism causing weight loss When the thyroid gland overproduces certain hormones, unexplained weight loss may occur. The thyroid hormones regulate every aspect of your metabolism, from your heart rate to how quickly you burn calories. When your thyroid gland produces too much of the hormone thyroxin, you develop hyperthyroidism. This condition causes sudden weight loss, even when your appetite is bigger than normal. 3. Medication and a resulting weight loss Certain types of medication, including some antidepressants, have been known to cause unexpected weight loss. Read the accompanying packaging on your prescription medications and talk to your pharmacist or doctor if you suspect this might be the cause of your weight loss. 4. Weight loss as a result of diabetes or cancer In some cases, undiagnosed diabetes is often preceded by unexplainable weight loss. Diabetes affects the way your body uses blood sugar. Even when you eat as much as usual, you may lose weight if your muscle tissues don't get enough glucose to generate growth and energy. This is especially true with type 1 diabetes, in which very little sugar gets into your cells. With uncontrolled diabetes, sugar lost in the urine may also contribute to weight loss. With certain types of cancer, both the disease and the treatments may contribute to weight loss. With either diabetes or cancer, you might not "feel sick," but losing weight could be an indication that you are sick. . Many types of cancer cause unintentional weight loss, including cancers of the pancreas, gallbladder and stomach. Cancer treatment may have the same effect. 5. Changes in diet or activity level. Skipping meals, eating on the run, eating less fat or preparing food in new ways may contribute to unexpected weight loss. A particularly hectic schedule may cause you to drop a few pounds as well. What should you do if you are losing weight unintentionally? Losing more than 10% of your weight over a period of six months is cause for concern. If this happens, you should talk to your doctor, regardless of how old you are. You can also loose weight due to stress, anxiety and Poor diet Chamomile: A Reliable Herbal Muscle Relaxant Herbal medicine is a traditional practice of treating ailments with the use of plants and its extracts. We all know that long before the advent of medical science and technology, people in ancient times would rely on the efficacy of certain plants and its extracts in curing various ailments such as stomach pain, head ache, skin infections as well as in the treatment of wounds. The use of herbs as remedy to treat many types of diseases remains to be popular even in this new millenium where significant advances in medicine have been made alongside increased sophistication in medical technology and pharmacology. Nowadays, herbal medicines are no longer limited to the traditional fresh or dried plants. They come in the form of tablets, capsules, powders or teas. The scent and flavors of these herbs have therapeutic benefits such as the chamomile plant which can be an effective natural muscle relaxant. Medicinal Chamomile Chamomile is very popular in Europe and has been widely used as for thousands of years as treatment for a number of ailments, such as sleep disorders, stress, anxiety, depression, digestion problems, intestinal conditions, skin infections or inflammation (including eczema), wound healing, infantile colic, teething pains, and diaper rash. There are several varieties of the chamomile herbs. Chamomile varieties with medicinal properties include the German Chamomile (Matricaria Recutita) and Roman Chamomile (Chamaemelum Nobile)). Both varieties are known to have the same medicinal properties but the German Chamomile has a less bitter taste quality while the Roman Chamomile is known for its sweet and unique scent especially when warmed up by the sun. A special blue oil component, called azulenes, is responsible for its sweet, distinctive aroma. Other active compositions include bisabol, flavonoids, apiginine, luteoline, chamazulene, matricine and flavonoids. But regardless of variety or type, the chamomile's main characteristic is its sedative properties or effects. Sedative Properties Though there are a number of over-the-counter muscle relaxants and sleeping pills that are readily available, some people still prefer the soothing and relaxing effects that a chamomile treatment brings. In the United States, chamomile is popularly known as an ingredient in herbal tea preparations usually advertised for its mild sedating effects. The sedative properties of chamomile are used in sleep disorders and as a muscle relaxant in the treatment of such illnesses as menstrual pain, neuralgia, tooth ache and tension headaches. Taking Chamomile Tea before going to bed has long been used to induce sleep in children as well as in adults and promotes a very deep, relaxed, and restful sleep. Aside from aiding in the treatment of insomia, the flower essence of Chamomile is known to relieve stress, tension, anxiety, and depression among others. Aside from its sedative properties, chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties that is useful in reducing the inflammation caused by gout and arthritis when taken internally. Moreover, it can also have external application such as adding chamomile essence in your bath to relieve hemorrhoid problems; as a chamomile wash for inflamed eyes; or as an anti-inflammatory agent for inflamed gums, inflamed skin conditions, and sore throat. The third effect of chamomile is its carminative properties which brings about a calming action on the stomach and eases digestive problems, minimizing heartburn cases, reducing hyper acidity conditions and inhibits the formation of ulcers. Aside from being used as a healing remedy for hysteria and other nervous afflictions, Chamomile has been known for other benefits such as reviving a withered plant in a vase or when planted in a garden, it can heal the ailing plants and prevent disease in other plants that is why it is aptly called a “plant's physician.” However, although chamomile has a reputation as a gentle medicinal plant and has been widely use especially in Europe, there is not enough reliable research in humans and there are many reports of allergic reactions in people after eating or coming into contact with chamomile preparations. It is best to still seek medical to avoid possible drug interaction which may lead to life-threatening situations. Cheek, Chin and Jaw: About Facial Implants When people think of cosmetic surgery, facial implants are not typically the first procedure that comes to mind. However, there is a place for facial implants. Enhancing the cheeks, chin and jaw line; correcting previous facial surgeries; or performing a reconstructive procedure following trauma can all be done using the right facial implant. Before deciding if this cosmetic operation is for you, schedule a comprehensive consultation with your surgeon. Discuss your needs, expectations, types of implants, costs, risks/benefits, as well as the healing process. This will be your main source of information, but to get you started, here are some basics about facial implants. Who is a good candidate for facial implants? The main requirement is your overall good health. Go into your operation with reasonable expectations. Implants will not make you look like an entirely different person, but they can enhance the contour of your face and correct certain features damaged by accident. What are cheek, chin and jaw implants made of? Actually, there are several materials used to compose facial implants. 1. Some are made of malleable, flexible materials, such as silicone. 2. Other facial implants are made of stronger, bone-like materials. These often require a larger incision than malleable implants. 3. Autogenous implants are also an option, and these are grafted from donor sites directly from the patient. These are more limited by size and shape than artificially generated implants. Which facial implant is right for me? Only you and your doctor can determine this for sure. If you only require a small implant and want to guarantee that it is 100% compatible with your body, an autogenous graft may be best. Malleable implants are often used to correct slight imperfections, while more rigid implants - such as those made from Medpore, a firm but porous product that many facial surgeons use - can create more distinctive changes in the shape of the face. Are there risks involved with facial implants? As with any operation, there are inherent risks. However, facial implants are considered very safe. They are smaller, requiring smaller incisions, and as long as you select an experienced surgeon, risks are minimal. One of the short-term risks is infection that can set in during the healing process. Temporary numbness is also an occasional side effect. One of the largest risks lies in the improper placement or inappropriate size of the implant. As aforementioned, if you select a reputable and skilled surgeon, you can nearly eliminate the chances of this happening. Are facial implants prone to mobility? No. The body will heal itself around the implant creating barriers inhibiting movement. Facial implants remain in place after positioning and recovery. What advice can I follow to heal after facial implant surgery? You will have to modify your diet for a while following surgery. Chewing will be painful and inefficient, so stick to liquids and foods that require little jaw motion. Plan to have your home set up prior to surgery. Have plenty of cold compresses, freezer bags and ice on hand. You will need to continuously apply cold to keep swelling at bay. You may also have dressings or gauze that needs to be kept clean and dry. Also, to fight infection, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics and topical creams for the incision sites. Have these prescriptions filled before you go in for your operation. Be sure to ask your doctor about brushing your teeth. Depending on the type of implant you receive, you may be restricted to mouthwash for a certain period of time. If you have concerns about which type of implant is right for you; the procedure and healing process; or potential adverse side effects, be sure to voice them prior to your surgery. Entering into the operation fully informed and worry-free will help guarantee your succ Chinese Man Beheaded for Taking Bribe From Big Pharma On Tuesday China executed former head of their Food and Drug Administration for taking bribes to OK substandard drugs. Zheng Xiaoyu had become a symbol for all that was going with product safety. Zheng Xiaoyu's execution was confirmed by spokeswoman Yan Jianyang during a recent news conference held by the FDA to highlight efforts to improve China's recent dismal track record on food and drug safety. Yan went on to say, “such cases have brought shame to our administration and revealed serious problems. We need to seriously reflect on what lessons we can draw from such cases.” Zheng was sentenced to death last May after administration had found that he had been taking bribes to approve an antibiotic blamed for at least 10 deaths and other substandard medicines. According to MSNBC, “Yan said the food and drug administration was working to tighten its safety procedures and create a more transparent operating environment. But the administration acknowledged that its supervision of food and drug safety is unsatisfactory and that it has been slow to tackle the problem, but vowed to improve.” Although some may believe that China's punishment was far beyond necessary, Americans could learn from China and set a precedent for those who are caught cheating and manipulating the system for their own well being. If America had this kind of system, their would be more than one head rolling. Visit this Consumer Advocacy website for information on ordering medication from an online no prescription pharmacy. Chiropractor in Norton OH | Natural Weight Loss Myths and Tips. It seems everybody these days have some fantastic new weight loss diet. Many of them claim to be all-natural. What they really mean, is the pill, shot, or what have you is found in nature. That really doesn't mean anything. There is a big difference between a natural weight loss plan and a healthy weight loss plan! The Truth about "Natural" Products - "Made from all natural ingredients" sounds pretty good. We hear that and think it must be healthy. After all, how could we be harmed from an all-natural product? However, if we went by this line of thinking then several things would be okay. Below is a list of products that are "made from natural ingredients." You can see how safe they are for you: " Marijuana - This product is made from an easily grown plant. The leaves are dried out and can be put in many foods. While smoking is the most common use, you can use this plant to make butter for many different recipes. " Cocaine - This product is derived from the Erythroxylon coca plant. It grows mainly in Colombia, Bolivia and Peru. However, any tropical setting will do. Chewing on the leaves will give you energy and suppress your appetite. " Testosterone - This product is made right in the human body. Adding this hormone to your body will build muscles faster and more easily. As you can tell, just because something comes from nature does not necessarily make it safe. In addition, just because the body produces the hormone does not make that safe either. When it comes to weight loss, there is only one safe solution: consume fewer calories than you expend. Safe and Natural Weight Loss Tips - " Minimize or avoid Junk Food - While this seems like a no brainer, it is harder than most people think. You should not try to quit all junk food at once. You need to slowly cut it out and replace it with a better alternative. Otherwise, your diet will fail because you will miss everything you used to eat. " Add More Water - This is the simplest and easiest way to cut calories. First, water has no calories and your body desperately needs it. Second, many people mistake dehydration for hunger. Since food contains so much water, many people crave food instead of water. " Cut back on Sugary Drinks - Watch how many sugary drinks you have during the day. Orange juice in the morning, sodas with lunch, sweet tea at dinner and that is just a few. What you need to do is treat this the same way you treat junk food. Do not quit them all at once. Slowly replace one drink at a time with a healthy alternative. Finding Professional Help - If you find yourself in a position where you need more help, then consult a chiropractor who can work with you. Why see a chiropractor? Some chiropractors work with a team to support you in your weight loss. This can include a nutritionist, massage therapist and a physical therapist. Check one out to see what they can do for you. HealthSource would like to present you with a limited time complimentary consultation, a $179.00 value. To Find the closest chiropractic office near you, go to http://healthsourceofNorton.com or call 1-888-977-6734 today. Choosing a Diet That's Right For You So you have heard of Myofusion Protein from Gaspari and how it promises to deliver the highest (and most legitimate) number of bio-available proteins possible in a drink supplement. You hear about Myofusion being the most amazing whey protein for athletes and bodybuilders alike. But what is the truth about Myofusion and why is it considered by many as the amazing whey protein? Choosing a Diet That's Right for You Even though word diet strictly means "what a person eats or drinks in a day," this word is refers to any weight loss regimen. We know various types of weight reduction diets - Atkins Diet, South Beach Diet, the Zone Diet, and many others. Because of the growing number of these so-called diet plans, it has been increasingly hard for ordinary people like us to choose one that will best fulfill our weight loss goals. So you find yourself asking: how can you choose the best diet right for you? Here is a guide that can help you make the right decision in choosing the right diet plan: 1. Get to know all those diet plans and find the ones that can fit into your everyday lifestyle. Yes, there are a lot of weight loss diets today, and you can start by getting to know each of them. You will realize that many diets might not work with your lifestyle. If you stay in the office for long hours, you might find it difficult to find time to exercise. If you do not have time to cook healthy foods, you might find it most convenient to pursue a diet based on meal-replacement protein shakes and others based on easy and quick-to-prepare dishes. If your time is in your hands, it will be best for you to go for a diet that allows a balanced diet with fixed proportions coupled with exercise. 2. Evaluate your needs. If you need to lose a lot of weight in a relatively short time, prepare yourself for a type of diet that will require some restrictive habits. If you want to lose weight yet you suffer from poor digestion and you feel unhealthy overall, a detox diet may give you a good jumpstart back to health. 3. Be realistic with weight loss. Remember that healthy weight loss only allows a reduction of a pound or two per week. Anything that is faster than that can be unhealthy. Crash diets can offer a weight loss of up to 5 pounds per week, but be wary of certain health concerns that might result when you try to lose weight too fast. 4. Prepare yourself for a rough road ahead. Whatever diet program you choose, if it requires eating habits that are different from what you are used to, you will be bound to encounter difficulties. Make sure that you prepare yourself - remember that you have to establish a good relationship with your diet plan. It will take devotion, responsibility, and a lot of sacrifice to make it work out. Choosing a diet that's right for you is just the first step. When you have chosen one that best fits your lifestyle and needs, what follows will be a whirlwind of little diet choices - whether to go for a soda or fresh orange juice, to visit that burger shop right around the corner or to prepare a healthy home-cooked meal. When you encounter these difficult choices, remember that your end goal is health and that beautiful, slim body is very well worth working hard for. Clenbuterol, A Dangerous Hollywood Fat Loss Trend? There seems to have been a rash of unexplained, dramatic weight losses in Hollywoodland as of late, and some are suspecting that there is more than just a strict diet and punishing exercise routines at work. We all know that "normal" women are under a lot of pressure to be thin and look a certain way to fit a barbie doll image of sexiness and desirability, but women in Hollywood experience this same pressure tenfold, and they may be succumbing to the use of dangerous drugs to achieve this effect. A drug called Clenbuterol is suspected to be behind some of the Hollywood dramatic size reductions these days, and it seems it is being used with no regard to the fact that the drug is not even approved for human consumption, and may have potentially life threatening effects. Not only that, long time users may soon find that Clenbuterol can actually have the opposite effect desired, it may actually make them gain more weight in the long run, even if they eat very little. What is Clenbuterol, and Why is This "Fat Loss" Pill Potentially Dangerous? Clenbuterol, or "Clen" as it is referred to sometimes, is actually a veterinary drug, approved mostly for use on horses with breathing problems. It is known as a bronchodilator ths is essentially steroidal, but it's side effects are as a long time thermogen, or fat burner, because it elevates resting heart rate and increases internal body temperature. This is why it is known to quickly make people drop weight and burn off fat, because it increases the heart rate and the rate at which calories are burned, even when a person is not being physically active. This is also why it is potentially life threatening. Lab tests is rats had actually shown that the drug has a hardening effect on the walls of the heart, which can lead to any number of heart problems and potentially even heart failure or irregular heart beats. Clenbuterol is only legal for veterinary use in horses to treat breathing problems, and is not approved for human consumption (for a reason), yet people are buying this stuff over the internet with relative ease. Logic would tell us that a drug powerful enough to treat a horse cannot be healthy for a much smaller human to consume, and yet it seems thin-obsessed women are still putting their lives at risk in the name of being unnaturally thin. It gained notoriety within "inner circles" when bodybuilders began using it to help them up their muscle mass while simultaneously reducing their body fat. In an unnatural amount of time, body builders were gaining significant amounts of muscle while reducing their body fat. To put muscle on this quickly while also reducing body fat cannot be good for the heart, as it may put undue strain on it to keep up with the unnaturally high muscle content. Muscles notoriously burn more calories than fat, and this puts the body into overdrive, forcing it to constantly burn it's energy reserves (hence, the fast fat loss and size reduction). The Long Term Effects of Clenbuterol : Not So Appealing to the Body Conscious As with anything else that seems like it's a "magic fix" in one area, Clenbuterol can has some extremely negative consequences to overall health and well being, and the side effects have not been studied on humans yet, so there is almost definitely more that we don't even know about. One side of this drug that may not be so appealing to the people who are taking it expressly to look rail thin is that those effects the drug was initially taken for may actually come back to bite you in the skinny rear end. Apparently long term "Clen" users have experienced an unexplained ballooning of weight, presumably because the drug's effect has worn off and the user's body has become immune to it, and is trying to gain back the much needed fat that we are all genetically programmed to have (especially women). Even if these long term users eat virtually nothing, or what would be considered a fairly restrictive diet, they have reported experiencing an uncontrollable surge in their weight. So, clenbuterol is no magic bullet by any means it seems, and it can even be the snake that comes back to bite you in the end. Clenbuterol In Performance Enhancement If there is something one well known trait of clenbuterol, it is that the pill is loved by people after losing weight, among the rich and famous, while in sports the drug is highly recognized. There are many reasons that make athletics and immaculate bodybuilders to be fond of the drug. Clen has become a crucial ingredient in fitness exercises due to a great body development that is devoid of layers of fat. It is essentially recognized as the miracle in weight loss and many people are trying the drug out. Rapid Weight Loss Most athletics and sports persons usually have an off and on season, as they realize they have gained a lot of weight once they decide to train to jumpstart their high season. This is where Clenbuterol comes in, since it gives a rapid and effective weight loss and a perfect ingredient to use in times like this. Forget about diet in the actual sense once you are using the drug, and rather be ready for the opposite. It is able to effectively give you a healthy dose of weight loss since it is able to significantly increase the body's metabolic rate. The body is made to quickly start the process of burning fat and protein, meaning that having additional proteins in your diet should be added. Beginning Performance Clenbuterol in athletics and other sports is the norm since it has been ascertained to give much needed overall strength. Each athlete as well as bodybuilder has the chance to benefit from Clen in terms of adding lots of muscle strength. If you have not known, it also affects endurance, thus giving an opportunity for one to continue with workouts intensely without being worn out that easily. Once you are using clenbuterol, you should stick to the prescription very carefully, so that you can avoid over indulgence. Taking it for about four to six weeks at most should be the norm and maximum prior to taking a very encouraged break. Nonetheless, the longer you use Clen will definitely be affected by the rate of your own metabolism as well as the major reason of intake. In case the goal is weight loss, about 4-6 weeks as afore mentioned is highly suitable. Nevertheless, if you are after building up and increasing your strength, shorter cycles should be what you try out. This is highly because clenbuterol affects ones strength for a shorter period, around 3-4 weeks. This is the reason you must make sure you have planned the cycle of your intake. At the beginning, it is important to start with a tablet that is 20mcg. You can continue adding a new pill after a couple of pills for your own dose until you have reached your own right dose, mostly between 80 and 120mcg every day. As the cycle end draws near, it is wise to gradually and systematically reduce your dose until you have finally been left without any Clenbuterol remaining. Clenbuterol – Is It Safe? You often hear/read about Hollywood stars and celebrities losing weight, taking clenbuterol, a new weight-loss drug that literally melts away fat, and often you people follow your favorite stars and celebrities. However, take a moment to learn about the drug that you are going to put into your body. Often mistaken for a steroid because of its illicit use in athletics, clenbuterol is actually the drug that is meant more for veterinary than human use. It is the drug for horses. In human use, clenbuterol is often prescribed to the people suffering from breathing disorders as, such as decongestant and bronchodilator. Often used as a bronchodilator, clenbuterol helps to make breathing easier for the people suffering from chronic breathing disorders like asthma. Clenbuterol is most commonly available in salt form as Clenbuterol hydrochloride. Clenbuterol is often promoted for its lean-muscle-mass benefits among bodybuilders. It is often used as weight loss drug and often advertised as safe drug in various countries, but the United States Food and Drug Administration documents don't support clenbuterol as weight loss drug. The agency also does not endorse the use of clenbuterol among bodybuilders, and other jocks. Clenbuterol was banned by the US FDA in 1991, as it was found to help add extra weight and muscle in show animals, and many cases of adverse reactions were reported in people who had consumed the clenbuterol-tainted meat; the people showed impaired heart and lung function. The US FDA however approved clenbuterol for the treatment of horses suffering with lung in 1998. But, the horse that received the drug could not later be slaughtered for food. Yet, the Centers for Disease Control, in 2005, reported some 26 cases of people, who were hospitalized for cardiovascular side effects, such as a racing heart beat and palpitations, nausea and chest pain, reportedly taking heroin. However, these reactions were untypical, as heroin depresses the nervous system. So, when patients were tested, clenbuterol was found in their urine. The findings suggested that the heroin might have been laced with the stuff. In September 2006, over 330 people in Shanghai were reported to have been poisoned by eating pork contaminated by clenbuterol that had been fed to the animals to keep their meat lean. In fact, the FDA considers clenbuterol as a poison, and has banned clenbuterol for all off-label use. As of fall, 2006, clenbuterol is not an ingredient of any therapeutic drug approved by the U.S. FDA. The product labeling for clenbuterol very clearly states: “For use in horses not intended for food.” The U.S. Department of Agriculture and the FDA monitor the illegal use of the substances in animals. Clenbuterol has also been banned by the International Olympic Committee. Thus, unless you're a horse with bum lungs, clenbuterol is illegal. Former Major League baseball pitcher, Jason Grimsley admitted that he was using clenbuterol. The tennis player Mariano Puerta was once penalized for use of clenbuterol. Australian wrestler Mitchil Mann was also suspended for testing positive for the clenbuterol. Clenbuterol Usage There are various countries that have approved the use of Clenbuterol, and this is because asthma patients use it as bronchodilator and it is only allowed to be taken via prescriptions. In the recent times, Clenbuterol has been made popular by people who are using it "off-label" as a drug for weight loss; also these people are also using sympathomimetic amines like ephedrine. Clen which is mostly used to aid slimming has not been clinically tested. Official Authorization The U.S. Food and Drug Administration have not approved Clenbuterol to be an ingredient of the therapeutic drugs and the IOC athletes tested for this drug are banned. FDA has also banned people from giving of Clenbuterol to animals that will be consumed as food in U.S. It used as a drug for enhancing performance Clenbuterol is mainly used by the β2 sympathomimetic as a drug to enhance their performance. In 2010 at the Tour de France a cyclist from Spain called Alberto Contador was banned for a period of two years because he was tested for Clenbuterol and the results were positive. The title which he won after beating his opponent Andy Schelk by thirty nine seconds was stripped of from him and again in Gi d'Italia, the 2011 title was stripped of from him. In the U.S trials which were held in July 2008, a swimmer named Jessica Hardy from America was tested for Clenbuterol and she tested positive. She was suspended for one year after she claimed that she took this drug without knowing it and that it was from taking supplements that were contaminated. In his plea deal, Kirk Radomski who was an employee of New York Clubhouse admitted that he distributed Clenbuterol to Major League Baseball players and these players included several former and current players. In 2008 Summer Olympics which was held in Beijing, Adam Seroczynski from Poland who was a sprint canoer was disqualified after he took this drug and he finished in the fourth position in K-2 1000 meters event. In the Dwasrs door Vlaanderen race which was held in 2010, March 24 in Belgium, a cyclist named Li Fuyu from China was tested and he was positive of this drug. Lainer Bueno was suspended for 50 games in the 2011 season after he tested positive for the Clenbuterol, this was in September 2010 and the league was the St. Louis Cardinal minor league. Clenbuterol was found in the bloodstream of football players of the national team of Mexico in June 2001 and WADA acquitted them after claiming that Clenbuterol entered their bloodstream after they took food that were contaminated. In the Under 17 World Cup which was held in Mexico, FIFA claimed that one hundred and nine players tested positive for the drug, they claimed that the meat from Mexico is contaminated. The use of Clenbuterol in the animals that produces food is prohibited by the European Union and in US. Clenbuterol is also referred as Clen and it used in different parts of the world for treating horses with the allergic respiratory disease because it is a bronchodilator. The most popular trade name of this drug is Ventipulmin. Clenbuterol can be used both intravenously and orally. In cattle, Clen is used in relaxing cow's uterus and it is usually used at the parturition's time. It is also an accelerator of metabolism and a nonsteroidal anobolic, although this mechanism is not clearly understandable. It is prohibited to be used on livestock reared to produce leaner meat because it increases the ratio of muscle-to-fat. Clinically Proven Weight Loss Supplements There are presently a very great variety of dietary dietary supplements available for sale. Typically, the seller makes claims of aiding weight loss with no side effects. Most often, the marketers of these products claim amazing results with no untoward effects. Few of these dietary supplements have been verified effective in clinical trials. Many do work, but have the untoward effect of wreaking havoc with your body metabolism. This usually results in loss of weight, followed by a rebound weight gain. The weight gain is frequently in excess of what was initially lost. We are introducing several health supplements that have stood the test of time and do not compromise your metabolism. We hope to show you how to lose weight with weight loss supplements. To assist with weight reduction there are selected health supplements that often prove helpful. The initial thing to consider is the type of dietary regiment you are going to utilize. The next order of business is choosing the type of dietary supplements you are going to use in addition to your diet to achieve your goals. While it is not absolutely necessary to use any dietary supplements at all, there are some that can be helpful. These health supplements can increase your chance of success and make it easier to reach your goals. None of these supplements have an adverse effect on body metabolism and all have been proven safe and helpful. Our recommended supplements include alpha-lipoic acid, green tea extract, CLA, fiber, and white kidney bean extract. None of these supplements are new, and all have been tested over a long period of time. They are proven to be safe and helpful. Careful use of dietary dietary supplements is of import, since many can have an adverse effect of your metabolic rate. A lot of these health supplements will certainly help you achieve your rapid weight loss goals, however, they often cause your to regain the weight after the initial weight loss cycle of your diet is completed. You might also want to consider pros and cons of special k diet. We recommend the following supplements that have proven themselves helpful and safe for the purposes of weight reduction. These dietary supplements are helpful for weight reduction and have additional overall health benefits as well. We shall review green tea extract first. Green tea has been employed for its overall health benefits for literally thousands of years, its initial use was in the far east. It has numerous medicinal benefits and possesses many anti-oxidants which are great for your health. An additional simple but efficacious supplement is dietary fiber. There are numerous types of fiber, however the concept of how all forms work is the same. Fiber is useful for maintaining the health of the whole intestinal system. It promotes regular bowel movements and can avoid the onset of many problems of the intestinal tract. It assists you in weight loss by slowing down the absorption of food, particular simple carbohydrates. Quick absorption of carbohydrates results in a rapid increase in insulin secretion which results in storage of fat in body cells. Fiber has the added benefit of expanding in the stomach after it is ingested. This minimizes hunger pangs because the person feels full. This almost always results in the ingestion of less food and hence lowers the calorie consumption of the user. Fiber has no calories in and of itself, because it passes through the entire intestinal tract unabsorbed. A further supplement that you may want to consider that has long been used in Asian countries for hundreds of years is gymnema sylvestre. Gymnema sylvestre, which has been used in India has a wide variety of benefits. The primary benefit in weight loss has to do with the manner in which it slows down absorption of sugars. This suppresses the discharge of fat storing hormones into the blood stream and thus reduces the amount of body fat that is stored on your torso. Alpha-lipoic acid and tonalin CLA are two additional health supplements which have been proven in several studies to control blood sugar levels in assist in weight reduction. In Europe, alpha-lipoic acid has been used for blood sugar management for many years, and it is also a great anti-oxidant. It is unique as an anti-oxidant because it is soluble in water and fats making it an helpful in all body spaces. Regular use of CLA helps in the creation of lean muscle mass and assists in fat metabolism, which results in weight loss. The final safe and efficacious supplement we will point out that has been verified to work well is white kidney bean extract. Some marketers of this item refer to it as "carbohydrate blocker" or "carb blocker". This supplement is an organic extract from white kidney beans. It works by inhibiting or blocking the absorption of carbohydrates from your intestinal tract. The implications are obvious. Inhibition of absorption of a part of our carbohydrate intake, results in less caloric intake and weight reduction. Although this product can be beneficial in blocking some of our carbohydrate intake, do not be deceived. It is not a license to eat a large amount of pasta and breads and expect to shed weight. It is an useful product, but it is not a panacea and is not a substitute for curbing your dietary consumption of carbohydrates. Coconut Water- The Newest Natural Health Drink Coconut water is the newest natural sports drink on today's market, however it has been around a long time. It is a popular drink in the tropics where coconuts are readily available and sold fresh on the streets cut right in front of your eyes. Like its predecessors the acai berry, smart water and green drinks, coconut water exploded onto the health food market as if out of thin air. Touting its many health benefits coconut water has become available in many brands and flavors. For those in the health industry its just the newest, natural health drink, however for the public it's the latest in a long line of highly marketed sports drinks that we have gone crazy over. However, with its newfound popularity, comes some skeptism. For up to $3 a bottle not everyone believes in all of coconut waters hype. So what is this so-called coconut water? Coconut water is the clear liquid inside of young, green coconuts. As coconuts mature the water is replaced by coconut meat. Coconut water is lightly cloudy with a slightly sweet and nutty taste. Before opening a coconut to remove the water, coconut water is sterile. Once removed it is packaged in cans, tetrapaks, or plastic bottles to keep it from fermenting. In its natural habitat of the tropics, Southeast Asia, Pacific Islands, and the Caribbean, coconut water is sold fresh by street vendors who cut open the coconut right in front of your eyes. Coconut water is a naturally isotonic beverage, a solution that has the same salt concentration as normal cells of the body and blood. That's why coconut water has been called a life-enhancing beverage. It hydrates the body's cells because it's rich in minerals such as potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Coconut water has antiviral, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties. Coconut water is fat free, cholesterol free, rich in electrolytes, low calorie, low in carbohydrates, and low in sugars. The antioxidants and cytokinins in coconut water help to rid the body of damaging free radicals and promote proper cellular function such as cell division. Coconut water was originally marketed as a natural sports drink for people who lose electrolytes due to vigorous exercise. Coconut water has two times the amount of potassium than a banana and three times the amount of potassium than most sports drinks such as Gatorade. Potassium regulates blood pressure by counteracting the effects of sodium and lowering blood pressure. It helps to reduce muscle cramping due to its electrolyte content. It prevents dehydration by rehydrating cells with electrolytes and potassium. Because of its rich mineral content coconut water helps to prevent stroke, heart attack, and hangovers. There are additional health claims associated with coconut water that have not been substantiated yet. For example there are claims that coconut water helps with anti aging and hydrates the skin. This is due to its antioxidants and because its an isotonic beverage. Other claims include constipation relief, relief of vision problems, and bladder and kidney disorders, raise metabolism to promote weight loss, boost the immune system, aid in digestion and control diabetes. Until some of these claims can be justified, coconut water will remain the newest natural health sports drink available on the market today. Its best used as a sports drink for hydration. Coconut water has become available at many grocery stores in several brands and flavors. CocoPure Chocolate Tea For Weight Loss Cocopure chocolate tea is a new, revolutionary product that combines Resveratrol and green tea extracts with cocoa to form an antioxidant-rich beverage that can be served either hot or cold. Forget about the stereotype that comes to mind when you think of cocoa - the chocolate bars, chocolate cake, and the like. Cocopure is a healthy drink that contains a very low amount of calories (ten per 7.4 grams) while serving up a super-sized amount of energy, while providing other benefits such as cardiovascular and arterial health, healthy cholesterol levels, and a boost to your immune system. Never thought you would associate those benefits with cocoa, did you? If you're someone constantly on the run, but you've grown out of the carbonated drinks phase, and aren't a coffee lover, Cocopure chocolate tea is a great answer. Or, even if you still like your coffee, why not throw some Cocopure chocolate tea in to spruce up the taste without adding all the sugars and carbs that come from other sweeteners? This is the perfect combination of health and energy, both of which are at the forefront of American's minds when it comes to consumer products. And unlike the unhealthy energy drinks, when Cocopure delivers a burst of energy, you won't have to worry about falling right to sleep, or crashing. Since Cocopure is comprised of pure cocoa, this makes it a drink that anyone (yes, even diabetics) can enjoy! The problem with the processed chocolate found in candies and treats is that corn syrup, oils, and other elements were used in making them. This brings a negative connotation to the word cocoa or anything associated with it, even though it has been proven that cocoa in its pure state provides several health benefits. The only thing that's hard to believe about Cocopure is how long it has taken for it to be developed! It's hard to imagine anyone would turn down trying a great tasting and healthy drink for some of the "Americanized" food that we know all too well these days. Lastly, Cocopure developers offer free trials of the product, so as clich? as it sounds, there is nothing to lose. Whether you're looking for a good meal replacement, an energy supplement, or would just like a healthier alternative to the foods we are surrounded by day in and day out, Cocopure chocolate tea is the solution. Drink it cold with some yogurt for an early morning meal, toss a spoon in your coffee to give you a boost, or just warm up a cup on a chilly night. The concentrated green tea in Cocopure provides the body with loads of antioxidants (several times the amount per serving over regular green tea), which helps ward off free radicals in the system, and boosts the immune system. The difference in Cocopure is all about the non-processing and the natural state in which it's served. You may get some benefits of cocoa from drinking a cup of chocolate milk, but is it worth all the extra fat and calories that come along with it? Cocopure is well known for its great taste as well, so you really don't have anything to lose by trying it. Cold Water Diet One of the best things you can do to assist your weight loss efforts is to drink cold water. There are a number of benefits to doing this. First, your body needs water. Although drinks such as coffee, tea, and soft drinks are based on water, you need to drink some plain water as well. Water is critical to many processes in your body, such as flushing out waste and impurities. Second, when you drink cold water, your body has to heat it to match your body temperature. This process burns some calories. Some people will tell you this is not a big deal, but these weight loss tips are cumulative. The more of them you follow, the better the results will be. I'm certainly not saying that just drinking cold water is all you need to do. Third, cold water is more refreshing, especially on a warm day. When something is more satisfying, it is easier to include it in your weight loss plan. Fourth, water helps fill you up and reduces the chance of overeating. Next time you feel hungry, try drinking a nice, large glass or bottle of cold water. Sometimes thirst feels like hunger. There are several ways that water can be an aid to weight loss, as well as your general health: 1. Water has zero calories. If you drink water, it is likely you will be doing so instead of drinking a positive or even high calorie drink. 2. Drinking a couple of glasses of water an hour before a meal is said to help you to lose weight, as it helps you feel more full before you start your meal. 3. Water is thought to cleanse the body, helping you flush out harmful toxins. Drinking water may sound rather boring, but I find that is more in the anticipation than in the drinking. Water can be quite satisfying once you have had the first mouthful. Your brain then knows it is not getting a shot of sugar or caffeine. Drinking water with lemon can speed up weight loss. When you mix lemon with water that makes the water become more alkalizing. This brings up the pH of the water and makes it more natural. When you put lemon and water it makes it much easier to achieve an alkaline diet. It's highly rumored in certain circles that an alkaline diet can help you achieve weight loss greatly. It turns out that it's not as complicated to maintain an alkaline diet as it used to be thought. So add a little lemon to your water and see if it helps. The recommended amount of glasses of water that you should drink a day is 8 to 10. For the sake of keeping the math simple, let's say you drink 10 ice cold glasses of water. That would mean you would burn about 83 calories for that day by just drinking water alone. Better, but still not that impressive. Also, these 10 glasses of water come out to be 0.625 gallon or 2.37 liters. If you are physically active, you are almost guaranteed to drink more than that. So for instance if you drank a gallon a day for an entire year, that would mean you could burn off almost 14 pounds of fat! So the potential of losing weight by drinking cold water is there, just don't go overboard. Drinking too much water messes with your electrolyte balance. And drinking several gallons a day is dangerous and could lead to death. Colon Cleanse For Weight Loss After years of eating out at fast food restaurants and frying meats in tons of oil, eating a healthy diet may seem like the ultimate choice for weight loss. Foods leave residue in the body and when weight loss is the goal, this residue can slow down the process. After making it through the stomach and small intestine, food must travel through the colon and out of the body. This is where many people lose weight-loss momentum. If the colon is laden with old food and fats, a colon cleanse should be the first step before you try to lose weight. Colon cleanse for weight-loss is similar to priming a canvas for painting. If the canvas is not primed, it will absorb far more paint and the result will be less desirable. The body is a perfect unit and it knows well what it needs to survive. When trying to lose weight, if the colon is not primed, the body will think it needs more food for its basic needs and hunger can result. Priming the colon is as simply as completing a trusted colon cleanse. Not all colon cleanse products work the same to boost weight-loss. Trusted products offer natural ingredients that help to clean the colon over a period of time. Simply taking an herbal cleanse for a day or two is not enough to reverse years of bad eating habits. Weight-loss is about change and that change cannot be started until the colon is clean and ready to process food. The colon is the last place food hits before leaving the body. Water and nutrients are removed from food and what is left is all waste. If the colon is blocked or reacting sluggishly to food, nutrients cannot be pulled from even the healthiest diets. Colon cleanse to lose weight is all about giving the colon back the power to work efficiently and need of less food for optimal health. When searching for a colon cleanse to help you lose weight, make sure the product reveals all ingredients up front. Some products will ask the dieter to trust them with their weight-loss efforts, but trust is earned in the market. Free trials, guaranteed results and easy communication with customer service are also very important when adding a colon cleanse to your weight-loss efforts. Once you have found the perfect weight-loss plan to lose weight, adding a colon cleanse to that plan is easy. Simply cleanse the colon for the designated period of time before starting any new reduced calorie diet. While dong the colon cleanse, eat whole foods that include rich sources of probiotics as part of the preparation weight-loss diet. Probiotics are one type of healthy bacteria that aid in digestion making it easier for the colon to pull vitamins and nutrients from food and helping you to lose weight. In order to lose weight, you need to make sure everything is in perfect working order. A colon cleanse can mean fewer hunger cravings and the need for less food. The body can work more efficiently with the limited caloric intake and that will result in more weight-loss and an easier attempt to lose weight. You deserve to make the first step toward weight-loss with everything in place. Colon cleanse is the perfect first step to lose weight faster. Colon Detoxification vs. Colonics: Understanding Intestinal Health Lately, many of you have been asking me the difference between a traditional colonic and a colon detox program. Which is better and why? The best way to understand the significant differences between these two approaches is to look at the big picture -- Intestinal Health -- and in doing so, the answers to many related questions such as " which I prefer and why " and " what makes a formula effective " become clear. There is an old saying that " death begins in the colon. " This is an oversimplification to be sure but more accurate than not. In fact, the road to health begins with intestinal cleansing and detoxification -- no matter what the disease or problem. Healthy Intestines Unfortunately, most people confine their understanding of intestinal cleansing to its effect on fecal matter. And even though it is true that cleansing programs do draw old fecal matter out of the colon, limiting the discussion to fecal matter misses the big picture and obscures the differences between colonics and colon detox programs. Understand, the intestinal tract is essentially a continuous tube from the mouth to the anus, and each part of the tube has a specific function to perform. Among these are: * Digestion -- transferring the nutritional value of that food into the body. * Processing the waste from that food and eliminating it from the body. * Serving as a drainpipe for waste produced as a result of metabolic functions within the body itself. * Serving as a drain for toxic substances absorbed through our lungs and skin, etc. * Functioning as a first line of defense in the body's immune system by serving as a home to beneficial bacteria that identify and eliminate viruses and unhealthy bacteria ingested with our food. What can go wrong if the system is backed-up? Physically, the colon is simply not designed to store large amounts of old fecal matter. Stores of old fecal matter are not only breeding grounds for harmful bacteria and dangerous parasites, but the extra garbage causes the colon to distend and expand. This causes the walls of the colon to thin out (like blowing up a balloon more and more). As the walls extend out, they press on and compress other organs in the abdominal cavity. Consider that a sluggish bowel can retain pounds of old toxic and poisonous fecal matter (10-20 pounds is not unusual, and up to 65 pounds has actually been reported). It should be noted that doctors rarely see this accumulated matter during colonoscopies because patients are given purgatives to clean out their intestinal tracts before the colonoscopies, thus removing the evidence -- but they do see the effects, the herniations of the colon aka duvertuculi. In fact, a clean colon is essential in our detox pipeline. The liver is the main detoxifying organ of the body; it works by filtering out and/or neutralizing dangerous drug residues and poisons from the blood and then passing them out of the body through the colon via the bile duct. But if the colon is plugged, it's like flushing a toilet clogged with toilet paper; everything backs up. The net result is sickness and disease. In fact, you can't even begin to cleanse and repair other body systems until you clean out the colon so that the toxic material will have a clean pathway out of the body. Again, the net result of a backed-up system is sickness and disease including: * Constipation and the attendant symptoms of self-toxification. * Diverticular disease (herniations of the colon). * Hemorroids. * Irritable Bowel Syndrome. * Ulcerative Colitis. * Crohn's Disease. * Colon/Rectal Cancer. * Other Related Diseases including: diabetes, Gall Stones, Kidney Stones, Gout, Hypertension, Varicose Veins, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis, and Obesity. * Other cleansing treatments (i.e. liver cleanse) are not as effective if the colon isn't clean. How can I tell if the system is backed up enough to require a treatment? A normal bowel movement is soft and unformed. It should break apart when it hits the water -- or at least when flushed. This is not to be confused with diarrhea, which is characterized by water. There has been a great misconception among the public and most medical professionals about how often a normal healthy person should move their bowels. For years, doctors have thought that anywhere between one bowel movement a day and one a week was normal. What we have learned is that it is normal, and necessary, to have one bowel movement a day for each major meal (as opposed to a snack) you ate the day before. If you eat three major meals, you should have three bowel movements the next day. If you don't, you're not alone. In fact: * In the United States, the average frequency of stool passage is just over 3 bowel movements per week. * Individuals with colonic inertia (a condition of the colon when muscles do not work properly, causing constipation) often do not pass a stool for 7-10 days at a time. The key issue, of course, (aside from organic disease) is lack of fiber in your diet -- the more fiber, the faster the transit time of waste through the intestinal tract . Even with all the attention fiber gets in relation to healthy evacuation, it is still MIA in many daily meals. So let's look what you're eating in terms of transit time: * A beef patty, white flour roll, and french fries have virtually zero fiber -- thus slow transit time. * What's pizza made of? White flour and cheese. White flour and water is used to make wallpaper paste. And cheese (casein), at one time, was the primary ingredient in Elmer's Glue (thus Elmer's picture on the front). Ergo, when you eat pizza, you're eating wallpaper paste and Elmer's Glue -- a real stick to your " ribs " kind of meal. If your diet consists of a lot of slow transit time food, then you are essentially clogging your pipes. Once nutrients are absorbed from food, there is no reason to keep the waste in your body. In fact, the longer food stays in your intestines, the more it rots, causing long-term disruptions and toxicity. Dead men tell no tales Consider that disruption in the pH of intestinal fluids causes ulcers and disturbs the balance of mucus. In his book Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management, Doctor Bernard Jensen, DC, ND, Ph.D., shared: * One autopsy revealed a colon to be 9 inches in diameter with a passage through it no larger than a pencil. The rest was caked up layer upon layer of encrusted fecal material. This accumulation can have the consistency of truck tire rubber. It's that hard and black. * Another autopsy revealed a stagnant colon to weigh in at an incredible 40 pounds. Dr. Jensen describes the problem associated with mucoid plaque (thickened intestinal mucus) as: " The heavy mucus coating in the colon thickens and becomes a host of putrefaction. The blood capillaries to the colon begin to pick up the toxins, poisons and noxious debris as it seeps through the bowel wall. All tissues and organs of the body are now taking on toxic substances. Here is the beginning of true autointoxication on a physiological level. " Thankfully, the story does not end there. Modern awareness of the impact intestinal health has on overall health has created a choice in treatment options. This leads me to the question of the day: What Is the Difference Between a Colonic and a Colon Detox Program? The Enema During an enema, water is inserted into the rectum through a tube causing the emptying of the lower bowel. Enemas are useful for a quick fix -- particularly when " temporarily " backed up. However, they only flush loose fecal matter in the lower part of the colon. The Colonic A colonic is a type of enema that injects large amounts of water under controlled pressure through the rectum high into the colon for cleansing purposes. Some treatments add things to the water such as peroxide or even herbs. Think of the colonic as a powered enema. It still only captures loose fecal matter, but goes higher into the colon and is more thorough. The bottom line is that colonics do work to flush loose waste and sediment from rectum and lower intestine but they: * can actually weaken muscles over time. * don't draw from bowel pockets. * don't draw from tissue. * flush all bacteria -- the good as well as the bad. * can disrupt natural pH balance. * run the risk that some water retained in the equipment from another patient's previous use may be injected back into your colon. If you are so inclined, periodic colonics are not a bad thing. They can definitely improve your health and sense of well being. Regular colonics, on the other hand, may be too much of a good thing. The Colon Detoxification Program An effective colon detoxification program necessitates a two-pronged approach. * A colon correction formula * A colon detoxifier Colon Correction A good herbal intestinal corrective provides both cleansing and healing to the entire gastro-intestinal system. It stimulates peristalsis (the muscular movement of the colon). It halts putrefaction and disinfects, soothes, and heals the mucous membrane lining of your entire digestive tract. Entirely herbal, with no harsh, habit-forming chemicals, an effective activating formula will also help improve digestion, relieve gas and cramps, increase the flow of bile (which in turn cleans the gall bladder, bile ducts, and liver), destroy Candida albicans overgrowth and promote a healthy intestinal flora, destroy and expel intestinal parasites, and increase gastro-intestinal circulation. The herbs used in this type of formula are also antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal. Colon Detoxification In contrast with the colon corrective formula, a good detoxifier is cleansing and soothing. It is used periodically in conjunction with the corrective. The detoxifier formula is a strong purifier and intestinal vacuum. It draws old fecal matter off the walls of your colon and out of any bowel pockets. It also works to draw out poisons, toxins, heavy metals such as mercury and lead, and even remove radioactive material such as strontium 90. A good detoxifier will also remove over 2,000 known drug residues. Its natural mucilaginous properties will soften old hardened fecal matter for easy removal and also provide an excellent remedy for any inflammation or irritation in the stomach and intestines. This formula is helpful in irritable bowel syndrome, diverticular disease, and hemorrhoids. And on top of everything else, a good detoxifier will usually eliminate the effects of food poisoning or stomach flu in 20-40 minutes. The list goes on… The colon detoxifier program's two-pronged approach also: * Helps bring the colon back to life by stimulating the muscle movement of the colon. * Encourages matter to move forward through the system. * Halts putrefaction. * Disinfects. * Soothes and promotes the healing of the mucous membrane lining of the entire digestive tract. * Helps stimulate the body to begin the healing and repair of herniated areas. * Increases the flow of bile to help clean the gall bladder, bile ducts, and liver. * Promotes healthy intestinal flora. * Destroys and expels parasites. * Destroys Candida albicans overgrowth. * Maintains regularity. * Decreases straining. * Speeds up the transit time of feces through the large intestine. Yeah, but! Okay, the colon detox program is not all roses and sunshine; you may experience some gas and bloating. But think about it for a moment. If you were to start a car that had been sitting idle in the garage for years, you wouldn't expect it to start right up. You might have to crank it over several times. It might blow some smoke and backfire several times, maybe even shoot some flames out the tail pipe -- but then settle down and begin to purr. Your bowel is no different. Gas and bloating are the smoking and backfiring of the bowel. Work through it. Once you have rebuilt your bowel function, your intestinal tract will begin to purr like a well-tuned engine. You may also experience muscular movement, along with occasional cramping and aching, but these effects are minimal if you use a properly designed formula. What to Look for in an Intestinal Health Program In a colon corrective, I recommend you look for a formula that contains all organic herbs such as: Cape Aloe, Senna, Cascara Sagrada, Barberry Rootbark, Ginger Root, African Bird Pepper, Fennel, and Terminalia chebula. (The Cape Aloe gives it strength, while the fennel makes it gentle.) In a colon detoxifier, I recommend you look for a formula that contains all organic herbs such as: Psyllium seeds and husks, Apple Pectin, Montmorillonite Clay, Activated Willow Charcoal, Pau d'arco, Slippery Elm Inner Bark, Marshmallow Root, and Fennel Seed. Each offers a unique benefit to the colon detox program as well as an overall effectiveness not available in a colonic. Since detoxification is the primary focus of this week's newsletter, let's look at the ingredients in this formula in a little more detail. Psyllium seeds and husks are rich in soluble fiber and have long been used to ease constipation and digestive system upset. Studies show that in addition to increasing stool weight, supplements of psyllium seed husk produce stools that are slick and gelatinous. * Psyllium is unique in contrast with other viscous fibers that are fermented completely in the colon in that it is resistant to fermentation. Researchers observed that this gel provided lubrication that facilitated propulsion of colon contents and produced a stool that was bulkier and more moist than were stools resulting with use of comparable amounts of other bowel-regulating fiber sources. An unfermented gel component of psyllium seed husk promotes laxation as a lubricant in humans. Am J Clin Nutr. 2000 Sep;72(3):784-9. Marlett JA, Kajs TM, Fischer MH. A number of studies suggest that psyllium may also be effective in lowering cholesterol, promoting weight loss (it makes you feel full), and aiding in the relief of numerous other conditions. * Psyllium decreased serum glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin significantly in diabetic outpatients. Ziai SA, Larijani B, Akhoondzadeh S, Fakhrzadeh H, Dastpak A, Bandarian F, Rezai A, Badi HN, Emami T. J Ethnopharmacol. 2005 Nov 14;102(2):202-7. Epub 2005 Sep 8. (Note: Psyllium can make tetracycline antibiotics less effective, so consult your doctor for guidance before using psyllium while on a regimen of antibiotics.) Apple pectin may be used to remove unwanted metals and toxins, lower cholesterol and to help reduce the side effects of radiation therapy. In fact, it was used after Chernobyl to pull radioactive waste from victims. Apple pectin also helps to break down the build up of mucus and binds to various toxic metals -- mercury, lead etc. And Apple pectin is also another good source of fiber. It has the ability to form a gel that can bind water and toxins together, thus also bulking the stool and carrying the toxins out of the body. Montmorillonite clay is medicinal powdered clay derived from deposits of weathered volcanic ash. It is one of the most effective natural intestinal detoxifying agents known, capable of absorbing up to 40 times its weight in fecal matter. It is also capable of absorbing a wide variety of toxins in the intestinal tract. Technically, the clay first adsorbs toxins (heavy metals, free radicals, pesticides), attracting them to its extensive surface area where they adhere like flies to sticky paper. Then it absorbs the toxins, taking them in the way a sponge mops up a kitchen counter mess. According to the Canadian Journal of Microbiology (31 [1985], 50-53), montmorillonite can absorb pathogenic viruses, aflatoxin (a mold), and pesticides and herbicides including Paraquat and Roundup. The clay is eventually eliminated from the body with the toxins bound to its multiple surfaces. Montmorillonite clay is so far the only mineral found to catalyze the synthesis of RNA polymers (with at least 10 nucleotides) from their individual units. In other words, montmorillonite clay may have played a fundamental role in the creation of life on earth. This just might be a point both creationists and evolutionists can agree on. Activated willow charcoal does essentially the same thing in your intestinal tract that a charcoal block does in your water filter. It attracts and traps thousands of times its own weight in gases, toxins, food additives and other chemicals. As a side note, it can absorb over 3,000 known drug residues. Willow charcoal is preferred over charcoal from coconut shells. Pau d'arco (Tabebuia heptophylla) comes from the rain forests of Brazil and other areas of South America. Pau d'arco works well in the formula because of its proven ability to help control Candida. This amazing herb also nourishes the body's defense system and helps protect against pathogenic organisms. It has been used for centuries to improve immune function, detoxify, and reduce pain throughout the body -- especially in the joints. Research has shown that it contains a natural antibacterial agent, has a healing effect on the entire body, cleanses the blood, and kills viruses. Pau d'arco has been used as a treatment for AIDS, allergies, all infections and inflammations, anemia, asthma, arthritis, arteriosclerosis, as a blood builder, bronchitis, all types of cancer, colitis, cystitis, smoker's cough, diabetes, eczema, fistulas, gastritis, gonorrhea, hemorrhages, hernias, Hodgkin's disease, liver disease, leukemia, lupus, multiple sclerosis, osteomyelitis, Parkinson's disease, polyps, prostatitis, psoriasis, rheumatism, skin cancer, skin sores, spleen infections, snake bites, ulcers, varicose veins, warts, and plain old wounds. The great demulcent and emollient properties of Marshmallow (root) make it useful in treating inflammation and irritation of the alimentary canal, and of the urinary and respiratory organs. Marshmallow's mucilage content helps soothe inflamed tissues -- not only in the intestinal tract, but also in the lungs making it beneficial in cases of bronchitis and asthma. The active biochemicals in Marshmallow are large carbohydrate (sugar) molecules, which make up the mucilage. This smooth, slippery substance can soothe and protect irritated mucous membranes. Marshmallow has been known to relieve indigestion, kidney problems, urinary tract infections, and even external skin wounds such as boils and abscesses. Slippery elm bark works with the body to draw out impurities and toxins, assisting with the healing of all body parts. And slippery elm's coating action soothes the irritated tissues of the intestines, colon, urinary tract, and stomach ulcers. The primary chemical constituents of slippery elm are mucilage (galactose), starch, tannins, calcium, vanadium, and zinc. Licorice root stimulates the production of digestive fluids and bile, soothes ulcers, helps reduce intestinal inflammation, and supports the healthy function of the kidneys, liver and bladder. Its action in soothing ulcers is unique. Rather than inhibit the release of acid, licorice stimulates the normal defense mechanisms that prevent ulcer formation. Specifically, licorice improves both the quality and quantity of the protective substances that line the intestinal tract; increases the life span of the intestinal cell; and improves blood supply to the intestinal lining. Fennel is a carminative herb that helps reduce colic, gas, indigestion, intestinal disorders, assimilation, nausea, and flatulence. It also can help break up kidney stones and uric acid in the tissues and is therefore used in treating gout. Fennel (seed) will help clear mucus and phlegm from the lungs and it will also help rid the intestinal tract of mucus. Its tissue cleansing properties also have a cleansing effect on the gall bladder and liver. Fennel is very effective for cancer patients after radiation and chemotherapy. Fennel will help improve digestion and quiet hiccups. This herb will effectively reduce or eliminate intestinal and stomach gas. And yes -- fiber is an important factor in our diet, yet the average person in America has a fiber intake of less than 10 grams a day. For optimum health and to prevent certain forms of cancer (colon or breast) and aid in the prevention of heart disease, you need between 25-30 grams of fiber a day! Flax (stabilized, ground) is one of the highest sources of fiber known. It is also extremely high in beneficial omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3's lower high blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels by as much as 25% and 65%. Omega-3's decrease the probability of a blood clot blocking an artery. They also lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation, and lower insulin requirements in diabetics. Unfortunately, omega-3 fatty acids go rancid very quickly after grinding. That's why it's vital to use stabilized ground flax if you are not grinding it fresh yourself on a daily basis. And flax is high in lignans, some of nature's most powerful anti-tumor bio-chemicals. The fiber in flax (along with the flax lignans) works as a perfect complement to the fiber found in psyllium seed husks. Regular Maintenance In the end, colonics offer a quick cleanse and promote a sense of well being, but I still prefer a long-term multi-faceted approach that addresses the big picture. I recommend a summer and winter liver and blood cleaning and a fall and spring intestinal cleansing combined with a heavy metal detox. Alternating these treatment programs promotes optimal wellness and vitality, plus offsets disease and signs of aging. If it helps get you in the mood, think of the Intestinal Cleansing program (including the colon cleanse and heavy metal detox) as just another natural part of Spring Cleaning. You wouldn't live in a house with backed-up pipes so don't live in a body with backed-up pipes. JON BARRON'S BIOGRAPHY Founder and Director of the Baseline of Health Foundation, Jon Barron has lead much of the pioneering work in the study of nutrition and anti-aging for the last 40 years.   He is editor and publisher of the Baseline of Health Newsletter and the Barron Report, which are both read by thousands of doctors, health experts, and nutrition consumers in over 100 countries.  He is the author of Lessons from the Miracle Doctors, an acclaimed health book found in public and medical libraries across the US.  He is also a leading product designer for nutritional beverages and supplements sold globally; however, his high-end formulas that are designed “without compromise” are sold exclusively online at Baseline Nutritionals   which has experienced rapid growth in forty countries largely due to word of mouth.  Mr. Barron currently serves on the Medical Advisory Board of the Health Sciences Institute.  For more information or to download his book for free, visit The Baseline of Health Foundation. Cooking Healthy With Quinoa - This Super Food Belongs in Your Diet One thing that most of us have in common is the desire to feed our kids, and ourselves, nutritious food. But, when faced with the array of choices, it gets confusing. What's good, what's bad... it's not easy to distinguish the difference sometimes. Even though quinoa has been around for thousands of years, it hasn't hit America's grocery shelves until recently. Over the last few years, quinoa has exploded in cookbooks, cooking shows, and the internet. This 'super-food' is becoming quite popular in many circles; including vegetarian, vegan, weight loss, gluten-free, and fitness diets. Quinoa is a seed, a relative of beets, spinach, and Swiss chard. Because it is not a grass or grain, quinoa is considered the perfect food for those with grain, like wheat, sensitivities. The awareness of gluten-free diets may have likely brought quinoa into the limelight. However, quinoa is proving to fit into many diets for a wide range of reasons. Let's take a look at a few benefits that quinoa offers us all: Protein: Not all foods considered high in protein contain all the essential amino acids in proper proportions for maximum effectiveness in the body, but quinoa does. Quinoa is a complete protein, meaning it contains all essential amino acids in perfect proportions. In fact, quinoa has the same protein quality as milk. For a vegan, or a vegetarian who doesn't drink milk, quinoa is the perfect replacement food. Mix in some black beans in a simple soup or casserole, and you have the ultimate protein-rich super-food. Minerals: The most concentrated amounts of minerals in quinoa are manganese, magnesium, and phosphorus. With just one serving of quinoa, you will have more than half the RDA of manganese alone, neutralizing those damaging free radicals that are constantly attacking our organs. Along with manganese, quinoa contains high concentrates of magnesium and phosphorous which are both essential minerals aiding in bone health, heart and cardiovascular health, as well as nerve and brain health. Quinoa completes the mineral wheel with ample supplies of calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, copper, and selenium, all vital to our health and well-being. Vitamins: The highest concentrated vitamin in quinoa is folate. Folate is a B vitamin that is essential for healthy red blood cell development as well as healthy tissue and organ development, most notably during a child's early years. Folate is also believed to fight the destructive cell developments of cancer. Other vitamins that can be found in a good supply in quinoa are vitamin E, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin B6, all essential in the growth, repair, and functioning of vital organs, blood, and tissue. Dietary Fiber: You probably hear a lot about dietary fiber in advertisements aimed at curing constipation. But, the fact is, dietary fiber is crucial for all of our body functions. With a whopping 21% RDA in one serving of quinoa, eating a regular diet including this super-food makes sense. Why? Not only does fiber aid the digestive system, it also is known to lower blood cholesterol levels. Studies also show that increasing fiber in your diet will help reduce blood pressure which promotes heart health. A good diet rich in fiber helps control blood sugar levels by slowing the absorption of sugars. Along with these benefits, high-fiber diets also may help with weight loss, due to the fact that foods that are high in fiber and low in calories, like quinoa, fill you up without added calories. It appears that if you had to choose one food to survive on, quinoa may be your best bet. This super-food contains just about everything a body needs - fiber, vitamins, minerals, healthy fat, carbohydrates, and protein. Add to that the fact that quinoa is low in calories, has zero cholesterol, zero sugars, and is low in sodium, and you've got the perfect food to add to your family's healthy diet. How do you get more quinoa into your diet? You can do much more than substituting quinoa in dishes that call for rice or pasta. Rather, start by remembering that quinoa is a protein. With that in mind, think about quinoa like you do black beans, another vegetarian source of protein. Replace meat meals with quinoa meals on a regular basis to enjoy all the benefits of this super food. Go ahead and clear a spot in your pantry, because once you cook with quinoa, you'll be stocking up. Cool Carp Boilie Bait Flavours – The Age Of Confidence In A Bottle This is rapidly becoming the age of the ‘bait sponsored angler.' Commercial pressures and marketing demand that many more ordinary anglers are having to compete with those ‘sponsored' individuals. These fortunate are able to 'free-feed' huge quantities of top quality boilies, pellets and ground baits, supplied to them either for free, or at 'knock-down' discount prices. Everyone knows that using bait supplied in large enough, regular quantities, will directly affect the movement, feeding behaviour and location of carp, in a water. Generally, carp fishing has become more competitive than ever before, with many more anglers lining the bank each week-end. Sponsored anglers often catch many times the number of big fish than their peers. This is not necessarily only a result of good angling ability, but simply more bait and perhaps time to leverage it. In this situation most anglers simply do not have the resources and time to compete and many even struggle to catch at all, which is a tragedy! Making your own homemade boilie baits at cheaper prices is one way to get around this phenomenon. Trying to keep up with these guys use of bait is a severe challenge for many anglers. Often they will try and catch using the same baits as the sponsored angler ‘to keep up.' Are using particles and cheaper pellets, a better option? As in the case of any new boilie bait or rig, the first original pioneers or field testers achieve maximum results. The whole point of a new bait is to achieve a competitive ‘edge' by being ‘different' enough to confuse the ‘danger reference points' of carp that have been previously caught by angler's baits and rigs. So you are aiming to keep ahead of anglers as much as the fish. This means you ideally need to be using a slightly ‘alternative' approach at all times in order to keep maximising your catch rates. This is not difficult, in fact very easy as long as you think ‘fish' not ‘angler.' It is surprising what a big carp will eat when it is not scared of it! Yes all baits are used in cycles, as one catches and fades another gets ‘picked-up on' by the majority. (Especially with different types of boilies and pellets.) I do not mean to ‘rock your boat' but...What is your ‘favourite' bait flavour? This opinion is normally based on personal past successful catch experiences or recommendations. But can you improve on simply this, to multiply your catches hugely, in an increasingly competitive environment? Perhaps so: Many fishermen get ‘fixated' on flavours, mistakenly thinking that if they can smell them and they smell ‘good' to them, then carp will love them too. But there are many variables (some unknowns) involved here and no-one actually knows what flavours really ‘smell' and ‘taste' like to a carp. The scientists can trigger carp ‘food' receptors in tests and tell us numerous substances that will stimulate a carp to feed, or alter its behaviour in some way that makes it easier to catch them, (change brain chemistry and ‘turn them on' etc,) but this data does not translate evenly into making and exploiting carp baits. What does a carp think?! Well now perhaps it's time to get further into a carp's brain and body, by exploiting particular ingredients, in order for you to compete and catch them more effectively but benefit them too – you will see what I mean in a moment.... Would most carp anglers use ‘algae flavour' or a flavour that would make you feel sick like something ‘well fermented' would? I doubt it! When fishing, most anglers fish the same flavour in all their boilie baits in a swim and do not vary their bait flavour levels for different hook baits, on different rods, in different areas of a water. Flavours work better in different levels at different temperatures and in different waters; and even in different parts of different waters. How and why these flavours actually achieve carp ‘takes' is so irrelevant to most fishermen that they miss a huge area of ‘know-how' that would net them loads more fish at different times of the year. So let's look more into what some flavours are! ‘Flavours' may be actual flavours and not ‘nature identical' or ‘synthetically chemically produced.' Many anglers prefer ‘natural or nature identical flavours these days rather than one based on a ‘solvent.' Some flavours very water soluble. Flavours are based on so many substances, from ethyl alcohol to glycerol, to propylene glycol and oils. Many modern carp flavours are mixtures of oils, taste enhancers, amino acids, sweeteners and different ‘secret' extracts and compounds etc. ‘N-butyric acid' is a very commonly used ‘attractor' at the moment in the UK along with ‘pineapple' and the ‘associated ‘blue cheese' flavour and blue cheese powder is getting more used and well known and these work very well in winter temperatures. Amyl acetate, the ‘pear drops' smell is another example that held favour in the past – fashions just keep changing! (Some flavours only require just one or two drops to be very effective while others take much more!) One noticeable thing with many flavours is that when carp have been caught on them, they can very quickly lose effectiveness by ‘danger association' and actually become a carp ‘repellant!' (E.g. Propylene glycol and glycerol based flavours, but many others too!) Many common flavours are formed when an alcohol and an acid form an ‘ester' as in ‘esterification.' There seems to be a definite link between the carp attraction of the following when used in carp baits: Plant ‘phenols,' ‘alkaloids' like betaine, alcohols, esters, essential oils, fatty acids, sugars, (saccharides like sucrose, lactose, maltose etc,) protein amino acids and non-protein amino acids and many many other natural substances.... Certain flavours have been found more effective in bait with an added sweetener like saccharin and Talin. (Talin is used in synthetic ‘maple' flavour.)Another very significant taste enhancer and ‘enzyme active' sweet plant protein is ‘Thaumatin B.' (Both naturally occurring plant extracts.) Kiwi fruit contains a ‘Thaumatin-like' protein, and Nutrabait's “Kiwi flavour” is said to uniquely produce the biggest fish in a lake. Water temperature and ‘pH' affect your baits potential to be ‘detected' by fish and this is possibly affected by water density changes in differing temperatures and other factors in the water environment. So fishing with different flavour levels in different baits and using different baits with different flavour ph levels and ‘tones' is very much an over-looked ‘edge' for most carp anglers. On ‘hard-fished' carp waters where certain flavours have done very well perhaps add one or more flavours to the successful one and experiment. Do not bother making new baits, just create individual ‘dips' to soak your hook baits into and trial 4 or 10 different versions until your catch rate doubles or trebles or more! (I've experienced this for myself...) Betaine seems to have a range of uses in carp in regard to osmosis, amino acids synthesis for example. There is no doubt in my mind that when making carp baits, the addition of betaine hydrochloride, (e.g. at 1 gram per 1 pound mix of dry powder ‘base mix,') makes all the difference, as opposed to adding a simple flavour or ‘label.' The addition of a ‘sweetening' substance is significant to catch rates in carp: You definitely see a difference in ‘takes' with baits that have been sweetened rather than unsweetened; even if the bait itself is a ‘savoury' one like ‘fish or meat.' You only have to put a very generous quantity of honey, or maple syrup, or brown sugar, icing sugar, fructose or molasses or sweetened condensed milk, coconut milk etc into any carp ground bait and compare it to one without to see the difference in results. ‘Talin' is the name for one of the sweetest substances known and comes from a bark residue. It is in fact used in many synthetic carp flavours and with very good reason – it really works! It is also used in production of synthetic maple syrup and many commercial bait companies use it in their flavours! (Perhaps try ‘Hinders' for this.) Synthetic ‘maple' flavour also contains the very carp stimulatory ‘alkaloids' from the herbs; fenugreek and lovage. It is one of the greatest carp flavours ever discovered but does not seem in ‘fashion' much these days. (Try combining it with ‘Scopex' flavour!) In fact in the 1940's American scientists a most effective flavour to eradicate carp using poisoned laced maize; it was synthetic ‘maple syrup' flavour! Come cold water conditions certain flavours will out catch others. This may well be because of their acidic pH and how this affects the pH of your bait. Now I do not know much of the chemistry involve with flavours, but years of carp winter fishing results have provided many very reliable flavours. Some substances in flavours and carp attractors help carp balance their body functions and equalise cells ‘osmotic stress.' Salicylic acid may help in this way. It is interesting that it is produced by the ‘esterification' of the natural ‘phenol' acetylsalicylic acid. ‘Eugenol' from cloves is another famous carp ‘attractor.' It is a ‘volatile' phenol – phenyl propenoid.' Many world famous fruit, herb and spice ‘winter flavours' may contain salicylates in very very small amounts... But the interesting fact about cold water flavours is that many of the best are even more exceptional when water temperatures rise. This is great news when you are making your own baits and really provides confidence and trust in your baits, in all conditions and times of year. Natural substances in natural flavours contain some very powerful carp attractors or triggers. For example, there are significant levels of ‘phenol alkaloids' found in fruits such as strawberry, cranberry, guava, blueberry and mulberry, plum, tomato, blackberry and kiwi fruit. You may already recognise that each of these flavours work exceptionally well to catch carp! Some are kept ‘quiet,' others are now ‘fashionable' and more well known now and therefore used by more carp fishermen in their baits etc. (Of course, like most things in fishing, it is the baits, additives and flavours that are used by the ‘highest numbers of anglers,' that catch most of the fish. But that does not equal that these products are always the ‘ultimate' ones or the very best most suitable to use consistently in ‘hard-pressured' waters...) Phenol ‘alkaloids' can affect brain activity and carp (and human) behaviour. Water chestnuts, peanuts and almonds contain significant amounts of salicylic acid also. This acid relieves stress and defends against animal eating attack and plant alkaloids play defensive roles too. I have ‘accidentally' discovered the success of using very finely crushed almonds and peanuts in ‘PVA' bags with some exceptional catches... Try soaking these in your ‘flavour mix' with an added essential oil and pure salmon oil for example in your PVA bags. Tiger nuts (chufas) and tiger nut extract, oil or juice are only one currently ‘fashionable' option. Tiger nuts (high in soluble glucose and oleic acid) were even grown in the UK during the war years, when sugar was in short supply!) Some of you might like to investigate the potential uses of mushrooms and fungi too! (Yeasts are only one option – remember for instance, yeast extract contains significant salicylic acid levels...) Caffeine in cocoa and coffee contains substances that are detected by carp (like ‘dopermine') and are proven ‘alternative' carp attractors. (It has been proven carp have ‘dopermine receptors.') Most of the biggest carp in a small water in Sussex UK ‘felt the effects' of this ‘bait approach!' Many were caught over forty pounds using truly ‘addictive baits' based on this principle of ‘affecting brain activity and behaviour.' In carp this acid possibly has an ‘anti-inflammatory' role like the carp essential omega 3 fatty acids like those in fish oils. It is used in the production of ‘Aspirin' used to thin blood and prevent incidence of heart attacks. Citrus lime, orange and lemon all contain significant anti-inflammatory ‘bioflavonoid' with beneficial cardiovascular effects. These fruits are familiar and successful carp bait flavours. Perhaps try mixing lemon and ginger essential oils with your flavours and add some liquorice extract to sweeten and ‘Robin Red' extract to increase the alkaloid levels and as a long range ‘protein feeding trigger.' Citrus fruits like lemon, orange and tomatoes are acidic. But they form alkaline blood when digested, which is interesting considering the alkaline ph of a carp's gut. (Each of these fruits contain salicylic acid...) [Here are clues to great bait characteristics and most can be made simply from ‘kitchen larder' ingredients with a couple of commercial carp fishing products added!] I must add here that so many of the successful carp bait ingredients have ‘acid-forming' characteristics, including: milk, butter, cheese, casein, whey, malted dairy products, all pectin preserved or sugared fruits, dried sulphured glazed fruits, white beans, soy beans, mushrooms, all meat, gelatin, fowl and fish, shellfish. Also: All alcoholic drinks, coffee, curry, pepper, salt, spices, fish sauces, aspirin. Eggs, especially whites, preserved ginger, flavourings. Preservatives like benzoate, sulphur, vinegar, salt and brine. Tobacco juice! Starches as in wheat, semolina, rice, (and soya to a lesser degree,) all flour products; e.g. maize, grits, barley, groats, cornflakes and oats.) Rice to a lesser degree.) Desiccated coconut (one of my favourites) many nuts; peanuts and many seeds. For winter baits, the ‘acid spicy flavours' really can work. Exploiting for example the cinnamic acid in cinnamon and coumarin (coumarate - an enzyme in turmeric.) (‘Megaspice' and ‘Bunspice B' are good.) Significant levels of salicylic acid is also in yeast extract; a great carp attractor! Other notable herbs and spices containing this acid and which you might like to try, either as extracts, or in essential oils, or flavour form, or as powders, are the following: Cummin, cannella, curry powder, dill powder, garam masala, paprika and hot red peppers powders and extracts, black pepper, bergamot, mustard, rosemary, thyme, fennel and coriander. Mustard (isotheocynates) and chilli powders (capsaicin) boost metabolism, dilate blood vessels and increase levels of the fat burning hormone ephedrine. (Ephedrine is the ‘James Bond' pill that keeps you active and energetic all night long!) Sprayed dried fruit juices such as that of the famous ‘strawberry' contain large doses of ‘bioflavonoids,' antioxidants that have excellent cardiovascular benefits. They keep blood vessels healthy and keep blood triglycerides levels lowered (needed with diabetes.) In carp this means more health and energy! Many grains too, contain these healthy substances. Bait success seems much to do with energy release or energy gain. Some carp baits with sweeteners even fool carp into eating them by making their in – built mechanisms think they are eating something highly essential and beneficial to their diet, (when in fact this may not be the case at all!) As in consumption of very large quantities of peanuts, tiger nuts or very low nutritional value boilies. Some carp baits when used by anglers can cause carp to even lose weight and become unhealthy. These baits may not kill the fish but certainly drop their weights! I have observed so many similarities between naturally derived substances that maintain human health and carp health for use in very attractive and ‘healthy' carp baits. Examples of effects of these ‘flavours,' ingredients and attractors are for example: To reduce blood cholesterol, detoxify the blood, strengthen the immune system, balance liver and kidney functions and reduce high fluctuations in blood sugar (as in diabetes,) that these effects should all be looked at further in carp baits! Cod liver oil is a prime example, containing essential fatty acids and carp attractive alkaloids too! I highly recommend essential oils in conjunction with flavours. They do not ‘attract' carp from range perhaps like many flavours and additives, but do seem to give that extra ‘edge' and taste dimension. Many times I have used these when all else fails, in large dosed bait soaks on the surface of baits, whether homemade boilies, pastes, particles, meat or fish pieces or ready-mades, to produce a big ‘surprise' in unfavourable fishing conditions and temperatures. These oils are less easily distributed in water compared many components of flavours. Ideally your flavour will pull carp from range, home them into your hook bait and induce it to eat it by its attractive taste and palatability. This is where taste enhancers are really great and there are many proprietary ones to choose from for carp baits. Of course, sea or rock salt is very good and a carp dietary essential. ‘Aromas' found in peppermint, ginger, geranium and black pepper ‘citronellals' make baits ‘different' to the usual ‘flavours.' The combination of 5 or so essential oils in combination found in ‘Olbas oil' have always helped me catch more fish. (But in far higher drop doses than you might expect – e.g. at 25 or more drops per pound of bait. An added tip – I have done very well for big fish actually dipping, soaking or ‘glugging' my pastes and boilie baits in neat essential oils, either in individual ones or mixtures, like eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil, black pepper oil, and garlic oil. In fact, I once used fresh rigs made using dental floss with added peppermint oil impregnated in the floss material. My catch rate always improved the first cast each rig was used and I soon put the two together and added additional peppermint oil soaks to all my lines, leads and rigs! You might now have figured the significance of phenols mentioned above – and maybe would like to try out these two ideas in your winter or summer baits (in very high levels!): Peppermint oil (phenol; phenyl salicylate) and winter green oil (phenol; methyl salicylate...) Here's a ‘different' essential oil to try: mustard oil. (Its ‘volatile component' is allyl isothiocyanate.) (The antioxidant ‘free radical' scavenging effects of allyls etc, in garlic oil may have much to do with its success. Better still, when used with a ‘sweetener,' fructose from the supermarket, saccharin or a proprietary sweetener this is a great all season attractor and ‘trigger.') Winter green oil and ginger oil and salicylic acid all work as ‘anti-inflammatories' and one use for all three is to reduce headache inflammation! I hope this gives you ‘more clues' to what effects carp really like in their baits and what ‘volatile' oils and flavours can do! Like many other fruit ester, fruit oils spices and herbs, these especially work well used as ‘triggers' and attractors in winter and cold water conditions. Generally in carp baits, ‘flavours' work better without heat being involved. Boiling flavours as with many bait ingredients will actually destroy the ‘active' components that catch you more carp. Therefore you need to add flavours after boiling! You can make a useful very creative mixture from a liquid amino protein product like ‘Minamino' or any proprietary fishing ones and add flavours and extracts to it. (You could try mixing up various carp liquid amino products to produce an exceptionally different flavour and attractor base.) One very simple one I remember making that hooked a huge carp within half an hour, on a massive water of thousands of acres was: A mixture of ethyl alcohol flavours like Tutti Fruiti and other different based flavours, ‘Scopex', n-butyric acid, ‘Robin Red' extract (from Haith's,) Minamino, sea salt, liquorice extract powder, ‘Olbas oil,' peppermint oil and eucalyptus oil. This mixture was re-frozen into pop-up boilies around 6 times until the bait was just buoyant, then frozen and stored until use. This easy and simple ‘mega-enhancement' method works exceptionally well for pastes, dough baits, ‘particles,' pellets, ground baits, method mixes, and ‘PVA' bag mixes too – so try them all! If you are lazy – just try adding Nash bait's ‘peach oil palatant' or any ‘taste enhancer, citrus oil and flavour' combination to your pellets, or boilies and compare results to those baits used without! Using ‘conventional' proprietary boilie ‘dips' and ‘glugs' are not always the best option where they have already been ‘hammered.' Simply soaking your baits in dissolved sea salt or even liquidized tinned sweetcorn can make all the difference to your catch rate. Making changes, being creative and doing things different to the majority of your peers will make your catches consistently outstanding... I had another memorable occasion where I had fished in cold temperatures for three days and nights without a ‘take' and decided to soak the hook baits directly in eucalyptus oil. The baits already contained this but I felt the levels were not high enough. With 5 minutes before ‘packing-up' one of the biggest carp in the lake took one of the baits. There are so many options ‘out there' for you to genuinely exploit for massively improved catches. There are for example a host of other attractors and flavours to give you a new ‘edge'. Peppers with ‘citrus tones' not in general use, from Japan and Korea etc, or how about ‘spicy' seaweed from Hawaii etc... Here's a few oils to mix with your flavours you might wish to trial: Coriander oil, passion flower oil, apricot kernel oil, linseed oil, pistachio oil, hazel nut oil, macadamia oil, fruit pip oil, rose musk oil, safflower oil, coconut oil. Other interesting areas of flavours are where the attractors form a ‘cloud' of attractive particles in suspension immediately around the hook bait. Use of special solutions, emulsions and colloids can create very effective areas of immediate attraction and modern emulsifiers also have great beneficial and carp attraction benefits. With mass use of pellets not designed for carp fishing, some commercial pellets are designed more for their oil holding capacity. This may not be ideal for fast and effective carp food digestion and may inhibit uptake of many valuable nutrients and cause certain angler induced nutrient deficiencies. Laxatives might well be another significant edge in baits, linked to use of some flavours. (Perhaps in the case of certain propylenes and related compounds.) The benefit to carp is that they will naturally excrete food faster by ‘colonic peristalsis.' Insoluble ‘roughage' like water weed cellulose, mollusc and shrimp shells help this effect and a percentage of insoluble ingredients in your bait I think are a good thing for the carp. Crushed mollusc shells and prawn shell is great for this and a source of essential chitin containing nitrogen and is very important in the natural carp diet. (Anyway, when carp are able to eat more bait; this produces more ‘takes' and fish caught!) Coarse bird food, shellfish and fish meal ingredients used in conjunction with lots of predigested ingredients might be more effective and preferable to mainly wheat semolina and soya based baits with a low percentage of fish meal to ‘boost nutrition for example. One of the most beneficial ways to create baits that carp can eat more of without getting ‘filled-up,' because it passes through their gut quicker is to really raise the level of soluble ingredients in your baits; focussing especially on the proteins and reducing whole carbohydrates. The range of amazing new predigested proteins and other ingredients and additives is vastly under-exploited at present, by the average angler. Innovative products can really work wonders too to give you an edge as in the case of all new ingredients! I wonder about the properties of ‘aloe vera.' It is a ‘gold-mine' of water soluble amino acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, saccharides, plant sterols (these lower blood cholesterol levels,) and glycoproteins (cell membrane glucose containing carbohydrates attached to proteins and lipids.) Aloe vera is a great ‘healing agent' with many as yet not understood benefits, while being a gentle laxative at low doses... The old argument about how can a carp possibly eat one boilie in preference to a different one is mute. Most experienced carp anglers know this occurs on ‘hard-fished' much pressured waters for many varied reasons in certain situations. But the unique feed bait quantity and quality applied to a water by individual anglers compared to the majority, is a major factor in this. My guess is that you'd better ensure your hook baits are ‘different' enough to draw the attentions of fish in feeding positive ways! Well, bait making and enhancing is an ‘art' and not an ‘absolute' science, that's for sure! It is evolving as I speak and future ‘fashions' in this very commercial led ‘passion,' recreation and sport, will always by its very nature, keep changing. This is the age of ‘confidence in a bottle and in a bag.' The instant angler and the ‘instant bait' are here to stay. I hope now you are now more prepared than ever, to experiment with your baits! The well-used methods of ‘over-flavouring,' soaking and glugging your baits is just a preliminary step. Let's hope all my ‘miss-spent' youth, applying what I learnt in plant physiology classes, making homemade carp baits, (while becoming a professional horticultural grower) benefits you too. The author has many more fishing and bait ‘edges' up his sleeve. Every single one can have a huge impact on catches. (Warning: This article is protected by copyright, but reprints with a link are OK.) By Tim Richardson. ‘The thinking angler's fishing author and expert bait making guru.' For the unique and acclaimed new massive expert bait making ‘bible' ebook / book: “BIG CARP BAIT SECRETS!” SEE: http://www.baitbigfish.com Correcting High Uric Acid Levels to Beat Gout To beat gout you really need to have ways of correcting high uric acid levels. In this short article you're going to encounter 4 natural things you can do to help reduce your uric acid and so help to prevent gout. If you suffer from gout then you need to correct your high uric acid levels. 'Correct' in this case means 'lower.' So gout sufferers need to lower their high uric acid and maintain it at healthier levels for the rest of their lives. And the foregoing is important because recurring gout can lead to serious health problems of which permanent joint damage and kidney stones are just two. So correcting and maintaining healthy levels is very important. And to be successful in correcting high uric acid levels you need to try to identify what is causing them in the first place. There are several issues that can cause high uric acid in the body. Being overweight is one. Having an unhealthy diet is another, as is irregular eating habits and abrupt dietary changes. And drinking more than the recommended units of alcohol per day is a key trigger for gout. From this you can see that there are some clear indications of the type of things you need to consider in correcting your own high uric acid levels... 1 - If you're overweight then change to a well-balanced healthy diet and exercise each day. But ensure that the diet and the exercise plans are ones that you have a good chance of maintaining. This is not about fad dieting and weight-loss. This is about your long-term health. So you must stay motivated. Consider enlisting the help of your family and friends to aid you in this. 2 - The next thing links nicely into a healthy diet plan, and that is to make sure that your new diet plan takes into account the need to eat less of the foods that can cause increased uric acid levels. These are foods that are rich in 'purines,' generally speaking those that are high in protein. 3 - And remember that sudden changes to your diet and irregular eating can raise acid levels. So change to your new diet in a measured way and ensure that you eat your meals at regular intervals. 4 - Too much alcohol is a well-known cause of gout, so reduce your daily alcohol intake to the levels recommended by your primary healthcare provider. This is especially true of beer. Now this could be problematical during weekends and holidays where the tendency is to 'overdo' things a tad. Nevertheless try to stick to the recommended daily levels. Note: Before attempting any new diet and / or strenuous exercise you should always talk to your doctor and be guided by them. Correcting high uric acid levels is at the very heart of preventing frequent gout attacks from causing permanently damaged joints and kidney problems. But there are even more natural ways to correct your levels. For example, there are home remedies, herbs, supplements, etc., that can help too, and there are also some that can help reduce the pain and inflammation of an actual gout attack... Countering Obesity With Traditional and New Weight Loss Treatments Obesity is a medical condition in which excess fat is accumulated in your body to the extent that it has an adverse effect on your health. You not only grow in size which makes you look less attractive, but obesity also increases your risk of developing life-threatening conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure, as well as reduces your life expectancy. Health experts are therefore concerned over the rising number of obese people in society. Scientifically, obesity is measured in terms of Body Mass Index (BMI). If you have a BMI of above 30, you are termed as obese. People with a BMI of above 40 are called morbidly obese. Health experts are concerned over the rising rate of obesity; they therefore call for wholesale lifestyle changes as well as the importance of taking help of modern methods of weight loss to prevent adverse health conditions. Traditional methods of weight loss The fundamental cause of obesity is increased consumption of calories and its reduced utilization by the body. Today, people are hooked on to a junk food diet which typically makes use of foods that are processed and have higher fat and sugar content. At the same time, more people are engaged in sedentary jobs; even in their personal lives people participate in little or no exercise. In such a scenario, excess calories are deposited in your body, making you obese eventually. Traditional methods of weight loss aim at attacking both calorie consumption and calorie burn out by your body. It is therefore recommended that you take a balanced nutritious meal and regular physical exercise. Experts believe that anybody who takes traditional methods of weight loss seriously can reduce a considerable amount of weight. You can also take the help of a dietician to work out a calorie-controlled diet as well as a fitness expert who can help you with regular and appropriate physical exercise; this will help you achieve your weight loss goal. New methods of weight loss For the benefit of those who are unable to lose a significant amount of weight through dieting and exercise alone, health experts recommend the use of the new methods of weight loss such as slimming pills and bariatric surgery. While weight loss surgery is recommended as the last resort, when everything else fails, many doctors are increasingly recommending the use of prescription slimming pills such as Xenical orlistat. Xenical works as a fat absorption inhibitor weight loss pill. Orlistat, the active compound in Xenical, works in your digestive system to inhibit the breakdown of fat in your diet by as much as 30%. The undigested fat cannot be absorbed by your body and is eliminated out of your system through normal bowel movement. Your effective calorie intake is therefore reduced, which helps you to lose weight faster. Studies have shown that Xenical can help you lose as much as 5-10% of your body weight in about 6-10 months. However, Xenical does not work as a magic pill. To get effective results from Xenical, you'll still need to adopt the traditional methods of weight loss such as dieting and exercise. As Xenical is a prescription only weight loss drug, you'll need to consult your doctor before taking this medicine. Cryptosporidiosis: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment What is the Illness? The disease Cryptosporidiosis is caused by a parasite that lives in the human or animal body and is transferred through contaminated feces. If a person comes into contact with excreta (whether from man or beast) it can manifest in both the small and large intestine for a long time. The reason for the name is because the parasite is called 'crypto' and can stay put in the stomach for a long period of time. Waterborne diseases are one of the factors that contribute to this illness spreading across countries. Cause The cause as such is, as mentioned above, through contaminated stools and it seeps into the system if a person or animal ingests it accidently. It has been said that the hands carry illnesses that we would never even guess! This bug has an exoskeleton- like shell that gives it the ability to survive and spread over long periods of time. The saddest part is that it also resists chlorine and therefore swimmers or Jacuzzi enthusiasts can carry the bug without realizingit, for a long time. Drinking water is not eliminated in this, especially if it is not treated. The disease spreads like wildfire not only through non vegetarian foods but also from vegetarian products. Sexual contact can also cause this to break out if the person is infected with the bug. Symptoms The symptoms on a healthy person last for a couple of weeks, but in a person with a low immune system, it can take a while to disappear altogether. The common indicators are acute stomach pain or cramping, fever, weight loss, constant vomiting, nausea, lethargy, listlessness, etc. The main part of the body that gets infected is the small intestine and even the respiratory tract. The patient notices an improvement for a short period and later it starts again. People who are at risk are usually children, travelers, swimmers, cattle handlers andindividuals who drink water anywhere that is not treated. Prostitutes face the highest risk not only for STDs but also with this illness. Prevention and Treatment Treatment usually starts with drinking large amounts of water to flush out the toxins and hopefully the parasite(s). Diagnosis is through a stool sample to be submitted for a couple of days. Prescription medication through a reliable doctor is the next step to stop the menace from spreading in the body and to eliminate the parasite completely. There are preventive measures as well that people should adopt on a daily basis. Never leave a toilet without washing hands (this is applicable for both sexes), always wash your hands well before eating a meal even if you are using a spoon, fork or knife! Swimming in public spaces is not a good idea. Children who have an upset tummy should stay put at home until the problem has been sorted. Sexual contact should be reduced to a minimum if one displays symptoms of the illness and it is advisable to avoid contact with anyone who has a low immune drive as the illness can spread faster than the speed of light! Describing Exactly How Coconut Oil Benefits Weight Loss And Overall Health For many folks, losing weight is needed to obtain better health and fitness. With the worsening cases of obesity, among the younger generation especially, countless programs and products are now being designed to make the process of losing weight less complicated and, on top of that, more healthy. From small vibrating pads that you stick to a bothersome area of your own body, to weight reduction drinks and fibre or caffeine-infused bars, folks wanting to shed weight do not shy in integrating them all to obtain the results that they want for their bodies. Health professionals, however, suggest going about the weight loss process in the healthiest way possible, by selecting naturally healthy products and working out. One of the all-natural nutritious products is coconut oil. The coconut is often called as the "fruit of life" though officially it's not really a fruit. It's loaded with nutrients that people need to become healthy. This post will explain how coconut oil benefits weight loss and general health. First off, coconut oil is extracted from the meat of aged coconuts. It's an edible kind of oil that undergoes 2 types of processes; the dry as well as the wet. People usually make use of it as cooking oil, and take it in jellified supplements, in its pure condition or in flavoured variants. Taken on a regular basis (most health consultants prescribe three gel capsules every day or 3-6 tablespoonfuls), coconut oil can actually aid in metabolic process. Slow metabolic rate is usually the issue of folks that don't have a physically active way of life or individuals with thyroid problems. If one's metabolism is slower, it's difficult to reduce weight, especially when compounded by unhealthy diet. But with the help of coconut oil, preferably extra virgin coconut oil, metabolism can improve naturally. EVCO is rich in triglycerides that can improve metabolism, mainly because they are easily broken down and transformed into energy. One other way coconut oil benefits weight loss is when its medium-chain fatty acids that eliminate a problem of yeast overgrowth called Candida. This issue is mainly responsible for symptoms of an increase in weight, fatigue and cravings. By getting rid of candida, weight reduction initiatives are more successful and produce longer lasting benefits. Coconut oil is also known to manage bowel movement. A healthy bowel movement is usually an indication of a healthy gastrointestinal system, and a healthy digestive system is important in shedding pounds and maintaining good skin. Many people often lose skin moisture when they shed weight, however with coconut oil, they are able to keep smooth, healthier complexion. Detox Diets – Weight Loss Lemon + Cayenne + Maple Syrup Diet Drink Have you ever tried or even heard of detox diets? Weight loss lemon detox diet has been quite popular these days and even celebrities are known to use it. What is a Lemon Detox Diet? The lemon detox diet, also known as lemonade detox or 'Master Cleanse' diet is a weight loss and detoxification method that has been used most especially in Asia since the ages. It is actually a type of detoxifying drink (a hot lemonade or tea) that you drink every morning from the moment you wake up, without eating any food with it. What is in a Lemonade Detox Drink? The main ingredient of a lemonade detox drink (as the name suggest) – is lemon, or more specifically, lemon juice. Its Vitamin C component is believed to help wash out toxins from the body as well as prevent fat absorption. It is also high in antioxidants that help the body attain quick recovery from the toxin cleansing. The Two Other Ingredients The two other most important ingredients in a detox lemonade are cayenne pepper and maple syrup. Weight loss is also among the most favorite additional features of detox diets. Weight loss lemon detox drinks with cayenne pepper don't just cleanse the body from toxins; it also aids in losing weight, specifically by perking up the body's metabolism and burning excess fats and calories. The maple syrup ingredient is an indispensable component of this detox diet drink, particulary because it is almost impossible to drink a warm concoction of sour lemon and hot pepper. Maple syrup provides that natural sweetness to make the detox lemonade drinkable, at the same time helps increase ones energy levels most especially because detox diets are somewhat straining to the body. What Does This Do to the Body? This type of detox diet isn't called 'Master Cleanse' for no reason. It improves the over-health of an individual once done with the two-week long program. The main thing it does is flush out all the toxins that have built up in the kidney and liver, at the same time treat constipation and indigestion. It also does wonders in ones cardiovascular health as it also rids the system of excess salts and fat congestions in the arteries. Side Effects As much as this type of detox diet is effective, it absolutely has no harmful side effects. The ingredients are all natural and safe for the body, except for the fact that this detox drink may cause certain discomforts for people who are just new to it. The first few days you are drinking a lemon cleanse, expect a little headache and dizziness as well as gas and stomach upsets. Some people also experience minor diarrhea. These are no cause for alarm though and in fact should be seen positively as these are signs that the detox diet is actually working. A piece of advice is to drink the detoxifier in small amounts first until your body has gotten quite accustomed to it. (Drink probably just ¼ or ½ cup in your first day then gradually increase it.) Lemonade 'Master Cleanse' is one of the best forms of detox diets. Weight loss lemon detox drinks don't just help you lose weight; it also helps improve your overall health. If you are looking for information on detox diets weight loss lemon, click on the link. Or visit http://lifestylesecretreview.com/ If you are looking for information on detox diets weight loss lemon, click on the link. Or visit http://lifestylesecretreview.com/ Diabetes Supplements Guess What's In Them? Be successful with the natural herbal supplements. Don't just take a" blend" of Stuff, understand these Herbal Supplements With the Food and Drug Black Labeling some prescription drugs for Blood Sugar one of the alternatives are the Supplements. The Internet offers up a selection of companies that make all natural herbal supplements focused on curing Diabetics. While the American Diabetes Association has its own program, these companies each make various claims for their products and ingredients. They all claim to work normalizing blood sugar levels. With Diabetes the "Prevention" or management of this disease is clearly in the hands of those diabetics who believe that their own involvement can make a difference. Remember; Pick a company who has tons of Published Clinical studies on the success of their ingredients. Whose ingredients are Pure and FULL STRENGTH? We chose to leave the product names off, skip the sales pitches and do exactly what a new diabetic might do. Sort through the claims to see what works. This is a simple review of the products I see as the 10 most common "diabetic supplements" found on the Internet. The Next Step is simple, just read the labels, list the ingredients, and take a look at what the chef is offering to you. This is a very interesting exercise. Remember the goal of the program is to look at the best thinking of the diabetic supplement community, the world of natural supplements and common sense. No surprise, these top ten products produced a basket of 41different natural ingredients. Sounds like Hungarian Stew from the old neighborhood. So read the label for what ingredients and how much is in each dosage. Do they have any Published Clinical Studies to show you? Did they search out the cheapest ingredients? Also carefully note the actual dosage used in any clinical research, are they at the same levels? Where were the tablets made? Was it a USP plant? Was it in Food and Drug Monitored Facilities? We make no claims here for the validity of any products. From The Top Ten; here is the scorecard: (There are multiple selection combinations) 8 selected: Chromium Number ONE. It is widely thought that Chromium enhances the effect of insulin, and is believed to help reduce blood glucose levels which is thought to be useful to people suffering from Type 2. Be aware that even here some "chromium packages" are as much as 600% better absorbed than others. There is research. 8 selected: Gymnema sylvestre The "Sugar Buster." Stimulates the release of the body's insulin and may reduce blood glucose, mutes the taste of sugar and makes food taste bland. 7 selected: Melon has been observed normalize elevated blood sugar levels. 5 selected: Cinnamon Research indicates that Cinnamon reduces the amount of insulin necessary for glucose metabolism. Ground but not McCormick Spice, Not flavorings. 5 selected: Vanadyl Sulfate Effective in normalizing blood sugar levels and controlling conditions such as insulin resistance. 4 selected: Fenugreek seeds To improve blood sugar control in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. 3 selected: Garcinia Cambogia Enhances the effectiveness of the body's natural insulin and is a significant weight loss supplement. 3 selected: Zinc Zinc plays multiple roles in proper insulin function. Zinc is involved in virtually all aspects of insulin metabolism. 3 selected: Garcinia Cambogia Is a significant in working to lower blood sugar levels and weight lost, while enhancing the effectiveness of the body's natural insulin, many published studies. 3 selected: Pterocarpus marsupiun Helped control blood sugar levels. 3 selected: Banaba N/A. 3 selected: Bioyon USP N/A The parade of Other ingredients: Gulvel; Jambolan; Huckleberry; Manganese; Calcium; Turmeric; Zingiber officinalis; Piper longum; Piper nigrum; Zinc; Alpha-Lipoic acid; Antioxidants; BCAAs: L-Leucine; Bilberry Extract; Bioperine®; Biovin®; Cayenne; Constitutional hydotheraphy; Evening Primrose Oil Powder; Ginseng; Guggle; Juniper Berries; L-Alanine; Licorice extract; Prickly Pear; Radix Trichosanthis; Reishi Mushroom; Vitamin A; Vitamin C; Yarrow; Vitamin B-1; Vanadium And now you have the easy part. What does the Medical community say about managing this disease? Lose weight; Lose weight; Lose weight; Eat a healthy diabetic diet (what ever that means); and exercise. So if you choose a supplement, pick a company that helps you get at these three universal principals. Beware of the label that says "A Blend Of….." A taste of this and a dash of that. Pick a company who has tons of Published Clinical studies on the success of their ingredients. Make sure that the ingredients are Pure and the same full dosage as was used in any studies. It is fair to might ask what country it was made in. Control your own health, and consult with your medical advisor. Diet For FLD - What Are Good Snacks For People With Fatty Liver Disease? If you suffer from fatty liver disease there's a few things you should know about using a fatty liver diet plan as a way to remove excess fat from your liver. No particular fatty liver diet plan can stop or cure all instances of fatty liver. Figuring out precisely what kind of liver diet you should use to combat a fatty liver isn't always something that is easily accomplished. For example, you may need to ask: 1.) Do you have alcoholic (AFL) or non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)? 2.) Is obesity a contributing factor to your condition? 3.) Are other related illnesses contributing to the signs of liver damage you're experiencing? These might include things like type 2 diabetes, hypertension, or metabolic disorders. 4.) Do you take any prescription drugs or have allergies caused by certain foods that could come into play when deciding on the right fatty liver diet plan for you? In order for a fatty liver diet plan to work, you must answer these types of questions prior to determining which foods to eat and which to avoid. With that being said, most fatty liver disease diet plans have a few things in common. Diet and exercise aimed at gradual weight loss have been proven time and time again as the best treatment for fatty liver disease. Both kinds of fatty liver disease (alcoholic and non alcoholic) are improved when weight loss is achieved. Of course, one difference is alcoholic fatty liver patients need to completely remove alcohol from their diet. Non alcoholic fatty liver disease patients should not drink large amounts of alcohol, but do not need to completely eliminate it in most cases. A main cause of a fatty liver is eating a diet rich in fat. Thus, it's critical for fatty liver disease patients to regulate the amount of fat they consume on a daily basis. Most fatty liver disease diet guides recommend that fats make up no more than 30% of the daily caloric intake. Less is often better. Guidelines for fatty liver disease patients often recommend a diet plan consisting of between 1200 and 1500 calories. However, you'll need to experiment with your own diet as some people are capable of consuming a larger number of calories without experiencing undesirable weight gain. On a positive note, most foods can still be a part of a fatty liver diet plan as long as you monitor them closely and consume them in moderation. You'll just need to become more conscious of exactly what you're eating and how much of it. Nothing should be consumed in excess. Balance and moderation are the key to maintaining an enlarged liver. Now is a good time to start looking for some new fatty liver meal plans. Along with removing fatty foods, increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables. Just don't smother them with extra servings of fatty toppings. Go easy on the salad dressing and other condiments. Watch for low-fat and non-fat alternatives. The best liver friendly fruits and vegetables are greens, leaves, legumes, and fruits high in vitamin C. In general, fruits and vegetables are great for fatty liver patients. One exception are fruits high in fructose which can easily be converted into fat which gets stored in the liver. Diet for Your Body Type THE FOUR BODY TYPES Each of these shapes is labeled for the weakened gland causing it: Adrenal, ovary, thyroid and liver. Each also has particular cravings, pains, sensations, or occurrences associated with each. Adrenal Body Type Stages 1.) Adrenal. The adrenal type has fat that sags from the abdomen. This type craves salt or chocolate, has anxiety, feels the need for coffee or stimulants, suffers from chronic inflammation and tends to wake up in the middle of the night. This person needs foods high in potassium, calcium and vitamin C, like leafy greens, mushrooms, oranges, grapefruit and apples. He should also consume adequate amounts of protein (50-75 grams) to replace loss of body protein (muscles). Light and slow exercise is ideal for this body type. An adrenal body type is already in a state of "burnout," and adding more stress through intense exercise will stress the adrenal glands even more. Ovary Body Type Stages 2.) Ovary. Obviously, this type is exclusively found in women. Someone with an ovary type carries excess fat accumulated around hips and thighs ("saddlebags"),with a lower stomach bulge just beneath the navel. This type craves ice cream, cream cheese, sour cream or milk, often has pain in the lower back/hip area, suffers from hot flashes and lowered sex drive, and has problems surrounding menstruation. Ovary types need to consume lots of cruciferous vegetables, since they are antiestrogenic. They should also consume adequate amounts of protein (50-75 grams) to help trigger fat-burning hormones. Meats and fats consumed should be hormone-free, since environmental hormones can affect ovaries. Ideally, this type should combine light and intense exercise for maximum benefit. 3.) Thyroid. Those in this category will show weight gain all over the body rather than just in one particular place. This person craves sweets, breads and pasta, can suffer from depression, often has brittle nails, dry hair and hair loss, becomes tired in the early evening and has dry skin especially on the hands and elbows. Thyroid Body Type Stages The thyroid body type needs iodine and should consume lots of non-cruciferous vegetables. In addition, the metabolic rate is slow and cannot tolerate excessive protein. Going light on fats is advised. High-intensity, short-duration exercise is recommended for this bodytype. 4.) Liver. Someone with a malfunctioning liver has fluid that leaks into the sac around the abdomen, giving a "potbelly" appearance. This type craves deep-friend foods or potato chips, has pain or tightness in the right shoulder area, often suffers from flaky skin or dandruff in eyebrows and scalp, has hot or swollen feet, shows a yellow tint in the whites of the yes, is irritable in the morning, and often has a tight feeling over the right lower stomach area or ribcage. Liver types need foods high in potassium such as cruciferous vegetables, and should also consume easily digestible protein sources (i.e., fish and eggs). High-intensity, short-duration exercise is recommended. Berg's plan teaches readers how to attack the true cause of their weight problems: Unbalanced hormones. As he so aptly explains, you can achieve weight loss and better health after you help your glandular system operate in a balanced way. Liver Body Type Stages Interested in finding your body type? Take the quiz (http://www.findyourbodytype.com/body_type_quiz.php) and find out more. Diet Pill - A boon to weight loss Weight loss supplements are genuine methods to the difficulties of obese and being overweight. These are the very best diet tablets that control appetite as well as inhibit the actual absorption associated with fats in your body. Diet helps and tablets are Medicines specifically intended for reducing weight quickly are called weight loss supplements. There after that followed an extended line associated with diet-pill medicines, which arrived and went since the continual breakthrough of unwanted effects would force a brand new pill from the market within a couple of years. The majority of infamous case of the, were the actual "fen-phen" weight loss supplements. The FDA authorized this mixture of fenfluramine as well as phentermine, assuring everything it had been completely secure. Mere SEVERAL WEEKS later, the FDA needed to issue the humiliating change of its decision -- the "fen-phen" mixture produced a few of the worst unwanted effects ever observed in any diet plan pill provided! If your physician prescribes dieting pill, does this mean it's the best diet plan pill for ladies? The response to this question will be it depends. Yes, that may be considered since the best diet plan pill for ladies because your physician recommends this. Your physician knows your health background and understands how the body reacts to different types of medications. He'll of program recommend the very best diet pill for you personally, something that is wonderful for you. Reen teas diet pill is among the best weight loss supplements over-the-counter. This kind of diet pill functions increasing calorie as well as fat metabolic process and simultaneously suppresses the actual appetite. This is actually good for this while you work away. Green teas diet pill is generally taken like a capsule instead of as a real tea consume. When a person consumes a lot more than the needed dosage, you are able to experience sleeplessness, irritability as well as heart palpitations. These unwanted effects will cause you to feel much more restless as well as tired. Other unwanted effects which you may experience tend to be constipation or even diarrhea, throwing up and nausea or vomiting. You could also feel bloated for more green tea extract diet tablet than is needed. It can also be essential that you buy weight loss supplements with trustworthy brands. Choose weight loss supplements that tend to be well investigated and recommended through the experts. These weight loss supplements have already been tested and shown to be safe as well as effective. Don't purchase pill with an impulse. Don't very easily get excited through the new products which are coming away that claim to work. It is actually sad to notice that there are plenty of travel by evening diet tablet makers on the market today. The marketers of those pills are simply benefiting from people who would like to lose pounds immediately. Never use weight loss supplements that aren't recommended for weight reduction. There are lots of cases at this time wherein individuals take pills intended for other health issues. If you need to lose pounds through tablets, take the best diet pills and never medications that are rumored to work. Don't depend on hearsays. Prescription intended for other health issues may assist you to lose weight however the underlying unwanted effects can end up being crucial. Once again, get just the examined and confirmed brands. Diet Pills: A Lot Of Risk For A Little Loss There are a number of products on the market - both prescription and non-prescription - which claim to be effective weight loss aids. Many of these have been associated with serious medical risks, including heart attack, heart abnormalities, tachycardia, stroke, seizures and death. The side effects can be daunting, but how realistic are they? Diet pills fall into several different classes. Most are appetite suppressants of one kind or another, generally stimulants with effects similar to those of amphetamine. They are approved for treatment of obesity, where it's considered that the health risks associated with gross overweight outweigh the risks associated with the medication. For someone who has less than 30 pounds to lose, the risks are far less cut-and-dry. While the FDA and manufacturers closely monitor the effects of prescription weight loss medications, over the counter medications and their risks are far less documented. Herbal supplements are even less documented still, especially those whose makers don't officially make weight loss claims for them. While makers of pharmaceuticals must meet stringent labeling requirements and tests for safety and effectiveness, those who make weight loss 'supplements' are not regulated in the same way. As long as they don't contain a 'new' ingredient, or one that has never been marketed for weight loss purposes, they are not subject to FDA review. Instead, the manufacturer is held responsible for the safety and effectiveness of their products. Often, that means unregulated dosages, unhealthy additives and ineffective ingredients. In an effort to encourage improvement in the reporting standards and the pharmaceutical standards for weight loss medications, the United States Pharmacopoeia has introduced the Comprehensive Dietary Supplement Verification Program. Currently voluntary, it involves certification by the USP of certain labeling and practice standards, including that the product contains the ingredients stated on the label in the strength declared, that they are within limits for impurities like metals, pesticides and bacteria, that the medication will be absorbed by the body according to USP criteria, and that it has been created with all safe precautions. Until the day that all over the counter medications and herbal preparations marketed as weight loss supplements and aids are labeled and tested by impartial researchers, there are some things that you can do to lessen the risks associated with using diet pills. Research is your best friend. There's a lot of information out there about drugs and herbs like ephedra, ephinedrine, phentermine and sibutramine. Know what you're taking and what the risks are so that you can watch for side effects. Always talk to your doctor before you start taking any drug or herbal supplement. Many of them interact poorly with other medications, or have an adverse effect on chronic conditions. Follow dosage instructions. Overdoses of stimulant medications, which are a component of most weight loss preparations, can be serious and severe. Don't take any weight loss pill or supplement for more than a few weeks without it being prescribed by a doctor. Check with your pharmacist when purchasing over the counter weight loss preparations to be sure that the ingredients don't interact with other medications you may be taking. Include both prescription and nonprescription medications in your questions. Ideally, don't take weight loss pills. The effectiveness of most have not been proven at all. It's an awful lot of risk for such a little loss. Diet Plans for free weight loss - discover a self managed weight loss program You need to take off the belly fat due to your overweight. Losing off those excessive pounds is necessary for a fitter look and your wish is to have a self managed D-I-Y program for yourself. What has to be done by you from here? Consumption of a balanced and complete diet is a must along with the selection of a weight loss plan for yourself as your first line of action Since you wish to run a self managed weight loss program, your personal objective is to set a realistic and attainable weight loss and diet goal and for that you will need to do research, online research is recommended. Available choices for you Popular newsletters and free fitness magazines are published, based around the individual personality and eating habits, that provide a wealth of information on weight loss programs, by weight loss groups and forums. Information on comprehensive diets can be discovered if you dig into the archives of these magazines. Programs that have reportedly lead to a weight loss of up to 20 pounds in a month and are self managed are there along with even emotional eating free courses. Weight loss and fitness magazines by some groups are allowed for up to one year of free subscription. Second step is to get a free outline and sample meal plans by researching online. Free online sample meal plans from famous fitness and weight loss trainers have been found by me in my personal research for not only men that aim to maximize muscle while losing fat, but also for women. A certain fee to upgrade to full meal plans is required for some free outline meal plans; need to watch out for that. Free customization of provided sample online meal plans after considering your eating habits and goals is also claimed by some sites as an addition. Special diet's use is the revolving point for some free meal plans. For instance, promotion of a free Mediterranean diet with a healthy dose of olive oil by a popular site was discovered by me as a part of my personal research. On this free award winning site are available plans even for people who don't have a goal for weight loss. To achieve a weight loss, however, is next to impossible without any target of how many pounds you wish to shed or a personal goal, to me. Thus, adopting free meal plans from this site and actually reaping the benefits of getting slimmer figure as you eat overtime without even thinking of losing weight is surprisingly doubtful ! If you wish to use these free sites and resources for a self managed D-I-Y weight loss program I must emphasize two main things. Knowing what proportions of food you will be eating and not eating when you begin your diet and the amount of food you are currently eating before you actually subscribe to any self managed weight loss plan is imperative. Before beginning any weight loss or fitness program, particularly if you have a health problem, please also get your doctor's thumps up. This must not be neglected as there might be hidden health issues that you are not aware of if you are excessively overweight. If professional advice on your weight loss and personal care and attention is preferred by you, then to help you get a weight loss and fitness consultant or a professional trainer by all means. By people wishing a safe and speedy loss of weight, professional trainers and weight loss consultants having a solid background of helping countless others get back into shape and fitness are referred. Professional help goes a long way for most who wish to get back into shape quickly as it cannot be denied that weight loss is not a simple issue that most can grapple themselves with. Diet Products That Actually Work The past century has witnessed many advancements in diet products and weight loss solutions. Ranging from amphetamines to the Atkins Diet, humans have gone a long way in coming up with solutions to stay thin. The Anderson Method is one of the recent developments in the diet industry. This method applies psychotherapy to accomplish long–term weight reduction. Authorized psychotherapist William Anderson, MA, LMHC has applied the methods to himself, allowing him to lose 140 lbs. after 25 years of being overweight. Based on the Anderson Method, there are no unhealthy or fit food groups. Instead of limiting your meals and depriving yourself of certain food types, a person can discipline himself or herself to consume foods at moderate amounts. The diet you choose can be founded on your tastes without compromising health and fitness. Unlike fad diet plans, Anderson makes sure that this diet is one you can follow for the long-term. The energy you absorb from your weight loss plan must be based on the quantity your body uses up. Trend diet plans demand individuals to have a calorie amount too small to equal their body's energy needs. Calories are needed for you to go about and think. Consuming an inadequate amount will make you weal and incapable of thinking. Though eating too little will cause a faster weight reduction rate, you'll eventually eat a large amount as soon as a large meal is presented in front of you. Eating enough entails the right mindset, eating trustworthy weight loss products, and consuming healthy options. The Anderson solution influences a person's behavior and motivates the individual to adjust his or her routine by consuming a sufficient amount of calories and keeping a fit Body Mass Index. Proper weight loss is not only accomplished by planning a balanced diet. Certain people choose to consume medicines that can speed up or aid the weight loss method. Anderson reports that some of these diet items are unsafe for the body. Among these are Amphetamines or “speed,” which individuals consume to keep them up all night, without knowing that it can lead to unexpected death. Today, Amphetamine is acknowledged as the illegal crystal meth drug. The present market provides various diet medicine options but Anderson states that these are rip offs after quick profit. The only healthy products are those recommended to obese individuals. Anderson thus recommends some weight loss medications that can aid in regulated and healthy weight reduction. First on the list is butter spray. Unlike normal butter being used to cook vegetables and meats, butter spray only includes around 10 calories to your food. The outcome is enhanced taste minus the additional fats and calories. Another low-fat choice is diet soda. Unlike regular soda drinks, weight loss beverages contain sugars that give your body a smaller amount of calories. As soon as you start engaging in physical activity, these carbohydrates are immediately used up and gone from the body. Consuming a large amount of protein will also leave you full for prolonged periods. The most suitable period to have a lot of protein is during breakfast. Consuming a heavy, high-protein breakfast assures that your metabolism proceeds quicker for the rest of the day. This prevents you from overeating in the next meal. Eggs are an appropriate source of fulfilling protein as it has about 75 calories. The calories in eggs have no cholesterol, giving your body with a fit source of fuel. For parents, one more option is to have a low-calorie frozen dinner. Unlike fast food servings, low calorie frozen meals provide a sufficient and balanced amount of energy. These meals are perfect for individuals with zero time to cook but require meals to fuel them through the day. Diet Product Tips: Chew Hoodia Gum to Fight those Powerful Food Cravings You realize it's time for a change in your diet efforts. You've tried diet pills and other diet products to no avail. So how do you overcome those powerful food cravings you often experience at certain times of the day? If you're looking for a simple and painless solution, try chewing hoodia gum. Hoodia gum provides a natural alternative to diet pills without all the unwanted side effects that come with many diet medications. What is Hoodia Gum? Hoodia gum is a type of diet chewing gum that contains the herb hoodia gordonii, which grows in the southern part of Africa. Hoodia gordonii is a powerful natural diet supplement. The cactus-like hoodia plant has supplied nourishment to African Bushmen for centuries, particularly during difficult and lengthy hunting expeditions. Studies show that there are several compounds in hoodia that cause a sense of fullness in the stomach. Though hoodia creates a sense of being totally satiated, its chemicals that cause such an effect are completely natural. The process works similar to the way your body reacts to glucose, but much stronger. Benefits of Hoodia Gum Most diet plans call for eating less food or switching to healthier foods as well as keeping up with a daily exercise regime. This all seems easy to do until those seemingly uncontrollable food cravings hit. When you have a craving, it can be very difficult to ignore it...much less overcome it! And with many weight loss programs, you're advised to eat healthy snacks in between meals or break your meals into five smaller meals per day to help prevent strong cravings. But with diet gum, you can use the gum to ward off these cravings without eating a single bite between meals. Your body will feel as though you have eaten when you really haven't eaten at all. Hoodia chewing gum helps to curb your appetite immediately. You've probably noticed with most diet pills, you must take the pill within 30 minutes to an hour before each meal so the pill will take affect. But with hoodia gum, there's no waiting period...no schedule to remember. When you feel a craving coming on, you can pop some hoodia diet gum into your mouth and just start chewing, and the craving will cease in just a few minutes. Hoodia gum puts the control of your appetite back into your hands. You can control when you're hungry and when you're not hungry, and can schedule your daily meals accordingly. You'll be able to stop overeating and wait between meals without snacking. Hoodia also has natural mood-enhancing properties to help you feel more energetic throughout the day. What hoodia gum won't do is cause nervousness or shakes, heart palpitations, give a "wired" feeling, or raise your body temperature. Hoodia gum is very gentle on your system, and ensures you won't have harsh side effects as you would with some diet products. If cravings normally hit you in the afternoon while on the job, you can chew hoodia gum instead of grabbing that candy bar or bag of chips. If you usually have strong cravings during the late night hours, you can use hoodia gum to stave off those cravings before bedtime. Though hoodia gum isn't meant to replace meals, it does help you control your appetite while losing weight. You'll need no diet pills, and diet chewing gum is usually less expensive than many diet products. You can buy diet gum online to save time and money while losing weight. Hoodia gum promotes fast weight loss in a natural, safe way, and it is one of the best diet products on the market when it comes to simplicity and effectiveness. Start reaping the benefits of this unique diet product today! Diet Regime Can Cause Hair Loss In reality in addition to tension, thinning hair is usually attributable to hormone changes, a weak blood flow towards the crown and scalp. Weight loss can also be a smaller substantial element in many hair damage instances. Unhealthy dieting can also trigger hair damage. In particular, a person could be staying on a diet that will not have a high metal content, which can cause a blockage in new hair growth inside the top of the scalp. Nonetheless a dieting plan can perform a substantial function for reducing thinning hair in individuals. When compared to most cases an ongoing unhealthy lifestyle may result in a nutritious shortage to the hair follicles. Changing your diet to a healthier, more balanced one can help with thinning hair. As an example it's possible to boost your body's defence mechanism with specific foods. There are also many food products which if introduced for a daily diet may well significantly change your wellbeing. Moreover, you can find food items which you can include in your diet program to help with thinning hair. This will offer an enormous nutritional boost and help with the growth regarding new hair. Vitamin B is surely an essential nutrient to your body. Often if you have the unhealthy diet, are over-stressed or maybe after you exercise the body will deplete Vitamin B and many other different nutrients which could also cause thinning hair. Thus even though eating inadequate or maybe the wrong meals are not necessarily the most significant reason behind thinning hair. Although it may not be a key point, your dieting needs still should always be resolved to help with hair loss. You can also discover help with thinning hair taking the correct natural health supplements. The issue however with natural supplements is it's extremely difficult to understand what is the best natural supplement to aid with hair loss and whether the supplement is of an excellent standard of quality. The reason for this is if you don't possess a good background and comprehension of wholesome mixtures that complement different diet functions, it in fact is smarter to go with a recommended natural health supplement that can help with hair damage. But loss of hair isn't the only reason you should have a healthy diet plan that includes some natural health supplements, because having the proper diet plan gives you a healthier body and mind and helps you feel better about yourself. Diet That Helps You Lose Weight Really Fast Wanting to lose weight really fast is no more an unachievable dream. There is no magic diet that will make you lose weight with no efforts on your part. However, by carefully choosing your food it's possible to achieve quick and long lasting results. In order to lose weight really fast without having any harmful effects on your health, it might become necessary to entirely avoid some food that you have been used to for years. In addition, you might have to add some new food items in your diet that will aid the weight loss process. Here are some expert recommended tips that you can follow to help you lose some pounds very quickly. Fresh Vegetables and Fruits Increasing the intake of fresh vegetables and fruits can bring about dramatic results when it comes to weight loss. This method has been recommended by nutritionists and weight loss experts all over the world and has been proved effective too. Instead of munching a packet of cookies or chips when hunger pangs strike, you could make yourself a bowl of vegetable or fruit salad. Among vegetables beetroot, carrot, capsicum, cucumber, tomato, lettuce and broccoli are highly recommended as they are low in calories. You could add lemon or curd salad dressing to liven up your salad. You could also add these vegetables in your diet through sandwiches. However, be careful about not using butter or cheese. Instead you could go for mint and coriander paste. Among fruits grapes, orange, berries, sweet lime, apple, pineapple, melons and pears are highly recommended for those looking forward to lose weight really fast. You might argue that fruits and fruit juices are direct sources of sugar, but, in reality, they are healthier than fried and over cooked food. For instance, consuming hundred grams of grapes for midday snacking would only add 70 calories. After peeling and sectioning, an orange only has 48 calories and if you drink 200 ml of orange juice for breakfast or evening snacks, you would only gain 115 calories. Sprouted Pulses and Fiber Rich Cereals Intake of fiber rich cereals will help in keeping you full for a longer time and curb cravings. Corns, oats and whole grain cereals are few among the wide variety of options available. However, make sure your water intake also increases along with intake of fiber. Otherwise, it may lead to complications like constipation. Sprouted pulses when eaten raw taste good and also help to lose weight really fast. A 50 gram serving of sprouted green gram has only about 140 calories. You could also explore more options when it comes to sprouted pulses. Dairy Products The importance of a balanced diet need not be stressed when you are trying to lose weight really fast. Hence, it's important you also add some amount of dairy products like curd and skimmed milk in your diet regularly. However, do not over do it. Apart from the above mentioned, avoid junk food, caffeine, aerated drinks and oily food. Good sleep and regular physical activities also form an essential part of a good weight loss regime. Dinitrophenol: An Effective, Safe And Fast Way To Losing Weight Dinitrophenol is one of the latest and most effective weight loss pills today. Because of its great effects on fat loss, this pill is gaining more and more popularity for those who would like to shed off their excess pounds in a faster way. So what does substance exactly do? This substance actually speeds up your body's metabolism, burning up fat faster than the usual rate that your body is burning. Just like any drug, using Dinitrophenol has its pros and cons. This substance has been known to increase the body's temperature way above normal. Other side effects could also include insomnia, dehydration, muscle soreness and adverse allergic reactions. But the fact is, one can still use this drug and avail of its benefits without having to go through these life threatening side effects. All you need is to do is to take it in moderation. It is highly recommended by health experts that this substance should be taken with a prescription from a physician. This way, you will be guided on the proper dosage to take and the length of time to take it. Following this simple and easy advice will surely steer you away from possible negative side effects. Now you know the pill, the next most important thing you need to know is where to get them. Mind you, there are hundreds of sources where you can get this drug. Dinitrophenol are available in most drug stores in your location and in online pharmacy sites. And since we would want nothing less than the best quality drugs to take, you must be very discriminating in picking the source of your drugs. Here at BuyDinitrophenol Online, they provide you with the highest quality drugs and nothing less. They are a licensed distributor since 2007 and have been providing their satisfied customers with nothing but the finest drugs available in the market. Aside from Dinitrophenol, they also offer a wide variety of anabolic steroids, from Winstrol, Anadrol, Anava, Sustanon and so many more! They sell their products at great deals and at rock bottom prices. Their website also features a four phase DNP cycle which is also followed by many professional athletes and bodybuilders. This cycle allows you to enter a regime where your drug intake is regulated to safe levels. Apart from, you also get helpful tips on the amount of carbohydrates or protein you should take per day to maximize the effects of the weight loss pill in your body. This phase was created to follow the normal metabolism process of your body. This way, you are assured that the amounts of Dinitrophenol that you are taking are always at safe levels and not beyond what your body can handle. So if you are ready for a change and want to try this new weight loss pill, then BuyDinitrophenol Online is the perfect place for you to turn to. With BuyDinitrophenol Online, you are assured of the best quality drugs at prices that you won't find anywhere else in the market! Discover The 3 Foot Types to Pick the Perfect Fitting Zumba Shoes Possible Since the popularity of zumba, most people just don't want to look good but would prefer to prevent injuries too. Although zumba is a fun way to burn belly fat, keep tone and drop a few extra pounds or more, you don't want to run a risk by wearing the wrong kind of shoe. However, since zumba is a high-stepping, high intensity cardio workout with sleek multi-directional moves, a newly designed type of sneaker was desperately needed. Zumba shoes or dance-fitness sneakers as others may call them is the new sheriff in town. These shoes were designed to give you the comfort and support that's needed to thoroughly enjoy your zumba class. I would dare to say that the most vital part of your Zumba outfit is your shoes. If you've ever taken a Zumba class then you know that it requires an intensive leg-workout, so your shoe option is critical. The last thing you want are arching feet, while you're trying to salsa. This is the one place that you don't want to focus on hurting feet but instead on chiseling your body back to the way it used to be... whether it's to lose 5, 55 or 105 pounds. Now before we go any further and give you an incomplete impression about zumba; let's go over some important factors. There are a few serious issues that need to be discussed so that your zumba experience will be a long-lasting positive one. For the moment, we will put aside the fun and games of zumba and talk specifically about your feet to help you better understand your foot type to know which sneaker is best for your foot type. Listed below are 3 foot types and your foot type should fit in one of the three categories: (1) Pronators, you've probably never heard the term but if you have pronators, 'You'll know it'. Pronators are those that have flat feet. This usually means that you have a hard time finding comfortable shoes that fit your feet well. If you have flat feet you should look for a sneaker that has a reinforced heel, lots of control and sturdy straps to prevent your feet from inward rolling. (2) Supinators, this is the foot type that is opposite from the pronators. These people also know that they have special needs feet. Supinators are those with a higher arch then what we consider normal. People that fit into this category should look for athletic shoes that offer extra cushion under the ball of the feet and added ankle and heel support. (3) Lastly, are those with normal feet. Some of you may have a few bunions or corns, but you don't have the added issues that are associated with flat feet or high arches. Those with neutral feet can wear any style of shoe that's comfortable to their feet; however, it's still a good idea to have some degree of arch or curve in your shoes. Now since we've explored the different kind of foot types and gave a little advice on what type of shoes would be the best fit for your feet, you can rest assure that choosing the best shoes for zumba will be a little easier. Since the most beneficial concern is taken care of, let's talk about styles and colors. Discover Why Fad Diets Are Misleading Staying Fit in Today's World In this competitive world, to stay on top, it is really important to be healthy. It is not easy to stay healthy with such wide variety of foods available to Americans. It requires a continuous effort and undying determination to stay healthy and remain healthy in the long run. Eating right is the beginning stage in losing weight. However, there is a lot more to it than just watching what you eat. In the United States, there is a great problem of obesity, and being obese is not to your advantage. Huge portion and greasy food that are sold in the market is partly responsible. So, in the past couple years, fad diets have appeared and promise you that you will lose weight in an unbelievably short amount of time. If you don't know what fad diets are, then let me explain. I am sure you all have heard these names on the TV, magazines, or elsewhere. Fad diets are diets that are supposedly scientifically proven and also include specific type of food groups exclusively so in essence you are missing many nutrients that are necessary for the body. To name a few fad diets that have been around in the market there is the Atkins Diet, Cabbage Soup Diet, South Beach Diet, and Nutrisystem Diet. Whatever these diets promise, people need to know that fad diets can be ineffective and even dangerous. Some fad diets have become very popular in the past few years. The reason why fad diets work is they result in the intake of fewer calories. Eating cabbage soup and eliminating carbohydrate would help loose weight, but this is not healthy in the long run because you are also missing other essential nutrition. No one would like to live on cabbage soup forever and once you stop the diet, you gain back the weight you lost and there is possibility that you gain even more weight than before. In today's world, everybody seem to have ‘carb' phobia and that is what fad diets are all about, it eliminates the amount of calorie intake by avoiding carbohydrates in their diet. Believe it or not, carbohydrate are also compulsory for our regular diet, it is a great source of energy however if too many carbohydrate are consumed, it is stored as fat. After all carbohydrate kept our pre-historic, long bearded, hairy ancestors alive during long winters when food was scarce. Carbohydrate (Fat) consumed from the last meal provided the necessary energy to hunt and survive long winter months. Dissecting the Product, The Way to Prove that HCG Weight Loss is Best We have read many articles about weight loss plans. Each one is promising fast result. But not all have proven themselves right, not all has great number of acknowledgment from previous users. There's a product that stands out from the rest; HCG Weight loss. Where you can find legitimate people who was then rejected due to flabbiness but now praised for having a body figure every man and woman envies. Due to the fact that obesity is raising its number, many dietary plans are also puffing out like a mushroom. New weight loss programs are introduced here and another diet plans are advertised there. Each one is claiming that they are the best, that they produce great result. Every kind of marketing strategy is applied to get the consumer's attention and convince them to buy and try the product. For all we know, there's only one realistic basis of one's product effectiveness; people's testimony. As they say the best promotion one product can get is the word of mouth. It is where HCG Weight loss program different from others. Previous users, people who were then obese, but now, possessing an ideal figure every individual wanted, are coming out from all over the place. Each wanted to share what their experiences were and how their life changed. These people have one common denominator; they used the HCG Diet plan. Their testimonies can be summed up to one; they were once rejected and insulted, but now they are gaining the respect and admiration they have been longing for. All companies will do everything just to promote their products. They will make their merchandise visible to everyone in all mediums possible. Endorsers however will make themselves as convincing as they could, so to succeed in the task given to them and what they're paid for. Second hand information may not be all that dependable. The most reliable information you could ever get is from those who experienced the product personally. That is firsthand information. Even in courts, firsthand information is the most acceptable evidence. Besides, this weight loss is the kind taken orally or through injection, you don't want to inject garbage inside you don't you? HCG Diet became popular and was used as a way of promotion from the people who testified how it worked in their body. It gathered enough strength to be able to establish itself in the group of weight loss plans scattered around the world. Rivals are but natural, it is for us to find out and realize what product will work best for our body. Trying everything may not be the intelligent way in determining the excellent. People's testimonies could be the best basis in purchasing a product, experience is not only a best teacher, it is also the best advertiser. Do Chair Exercises On Ab Lounge Sport Work? Exercises are often hard work. Clever inventors develop equipment to make it easier. Some products are mayflies on the market. Others work well. The ab lounge sport exercise chair is one of the well working abdominal exercise equipment tools. It is successfully on the market for about 5 years. Ab lounge reviews shows: Many people love it. Abloungers look like patio chairs with feet rests. A specific mechanism supports a wide stretching as well as crunching. Stretch back and curl up in a controlled manner, that works the abs. Compared with crunches on the floor, it is safe for back and neck. Many users with back and hip problems praise the exercises. Safe and well supported crunches and leg raises are relatively easy to perform on the ab lounge sport. Furthermore, this exercise chair allows an exceptionally wide and relaxing stretch. Good for people who are stiff from hours of computer work or other daily impacts; good for people with back problems. Of course, there is some criticism in ab lounge reviews. A few owners complain that they do not feel a burn or did not lose weight with their chair ab exercises. However, the vast majority report positive results. Even seniors are happy about the flexibility which they got with their ablounger exercises. Especially beginners and untrained persons report considerable success, such as additional strength or even weight loss. Some people seem to lose weight by doing lots of crunches on the ablounger. Of course, every activity helps to burn calories, but mostly we need a mix of a healthy diet, cardio workout and muscle training for healthy weight loss. Ab lounge exercises are first and foremost muscle training. They strengthen and build up muscles of the big core muscle group. A great benefit of such regular workout is a higher BMR. The body burns more calories than before. If one does not increase the intake of food, it is positive for healthy weight loss in a long-term period. Beyond that, stronger muscles cause better posture, better digestion and a better bone structure. All these body reactions improve the general health and fitness even in older age. It makes sense having such a piece of abdominal exercise equipment at home. Ab lounge sport can be folded for storage. Some reviews tell us about difficulties with the folding. The best is, to let it unfolded in front of a TV. That motivates to use it more often. Space is one aspect of criticism. The ab lounge sport measures 40 x 30 inches. This small footprint lets people forget that there is space needed for the full-body stretch. There is no piece of abdominal exercise equipment able to bring miracles in weight loss. The ablounger exercise chair might not be right for everybody. Nevertheless it is perfect for remarkably many people; especially beginners, seniors, busy moms who cannot leave their child alone, or other busy people who would not exercise unless they can do it during their daily TV time. If such persons have the space, an ablounger is a sound investment in health and fitness. Besides, the ab lounger sport is inexpensive, and the whole family can use it. Do Diet Pills Really Kill People? Diet pills marketers will promise you anything and everything if you just buy one bottle. You can lose 3 pounds a day or maybe 20 or even 30 pounds a week. But can they deliver what they promise? And is it safe? Most prescription diet pills suppress the appetite, which causes you to consume fewer calories. On the surface, this seems like the ultimate solution for losing weight. However, as you reduce your caloric intake, your metabolism also slows down. As your metabolism slows down, you lose less and less weight. This is why it is common for people to lose only a certain amount of weight while taking diet pills alone. As fat blockers like Orlistat (Xenical) remove excess fats via the intestines, they may cause a wide range of unwanted symptoms. One of the dangers of diet pills that inhibit the absorption of fats is the problem of gastrointestinal side effects, such as oily spotting, flatus with discharge, fecal urgency, fatty/oily stool, oily evacuation, increased defecation, and fecal incontinence. Other gastrointestinal diet pill side effects may include: abdominal pain, nausea, infectious diarrhea, and rectal pain. Diet pills that inhibit the absorption of fats can also cause a deficiency in vitamins A, D, E, K, and Beta-carotenes. Also, rare side effects have been hypersensitivity with symptoms of pruritus, rash, urticaria, angioedema, and anaphylaxis. Sounds bad? You bet it does. Sibutramine (Meridia) and other similar appetite suppressants stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, which can raise blood pressure and heart rate. This increases the risk of heart attack and cardiac arrest, especially among people who already suffered from high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat or heart disease. In fact, between February 1998 and March 2003, the FDA received reports of 49 deaths related to Sibutramine. Additional minor side effects include constipation, headache, dry mouth and insomnia (because the chemicals in these drugs also influence sleep patterns). Another popular diet pill ingredient in the '90s was a powerful amphetamine-like stimulant called ephedra (or the Chinese herb ma huang), which, in combination with caffeine, triggered measurable weight loss. The problem was that ephedra also increased the heart rate, and, consequently, the risk of heart attack and stroke. Ephedra is related to epinephrine (adrenaline), which, during times of stress, constricts blood vessels, elevates heart rate and gets the body ready to fight or flee. At least 155 people died from taking medications containing ephedra. Some diet pills, especially the stimulant-based ones, are habit-forming and as such can be abused. Abuse of these drugs may lead to addiction. None of this would ever help you achieve a healthy life and that's the sad truth about miracle pills. So are there any quick fixes, anything that can do to lose weight without too much trouble? There are a couple of quick fixes you can try and which may change your life for the better: - Get a habit of eating breakfast every morning! Breakfast eaters are champions of good health. Research shows people who have a morning meal tend to take in more vitamins and minerals, and less fat and cholesterol. The result is often a leaner body, lower cholesterol count, and less chance of overeating. - Plan your sessions of exercise. Incidental exercise is good, but in all honesty - it's not enough. People who maintain their weight have learned to schedule dedicated times of exercise. Those times are not torture sessions, but times when they look forward to release stress and positive feelings of well-being after the session. - Take up a hobby. Since they are relaxing activities, hobbies are usually enjoyable. The joy may help people live healthier and recover better from illness. For one thing, taking part in hobbies can burn calories, more so than just sitting in front of the TV. Relaxed happy people are a lot less likely to eat emotionally than the rest of dieters. Does A Sauna Really Help You Burn Calories Or Is It A Myth? There seems to be a lot of controversy going around lately about whether or not a sauna will help you to burn calories and lose weight. Some people think that the whole thing is just a myth, and some people swear by it. A lot of the sauna manufacturing companies will tell you that saunas definitely help you lose weight and calories, but this information is not as believable coming from someone who wants to sell you their sauna! Some of these companies' websites even have so called "doctors" who will answer any questions you may have about their saunas, but these people are employed by the company, and are still just trying to sell you their sauna. Sitting inside of a hot sauna for any period of time will make you sweat. Sweating releases fluid from your body. The longer you sweat, the more fluid you will lose, and this fluid loss is really the only weight loss that you see from sauna use. Once you are done with the sauna for the day, it is highly recommended that you drink lots of water after you've cooled off. This basically puts the lost fluid right back inside of your body. Many sauna companies boldly state that just twenty or thirty minutes inside of their sauna will burn anywhere from three hundred to one thousand calories. This is simply not possible. People are always looking for an easier way to burn calories than exercise, but exercise is the only efficient way to really get rid of calories. Sitting in a sauna for thirty minutes may burn up to three hundred calories, but this type of calorie burn will not have the same effect on your body as the calories burned during exercise. Calories burnt off while sitting in a sauna are just calories burnt. There is no muscle building, no fat shedding, no after burn (VERY important!) and no muscle strengthening or toning. When you choose to burn calories through exercise, you not only burn more calories, but you also build and tone your muscle, and you get rid of the excess fat on your body. If you choose the right kinds of aerobics exercises, you will also get the added benefit of after burn. After burn is what the body does after you have finished exercising. After burn can burn calories up to fourteen hours after you have stopped exercising. If the only reason you are using a sauna is to lose weight, there are much better things you can be doing to achieve your goal. Saunas are great for all kinds of other things though, and they can even help you to feel better about yourself. They will improve your skin, your health and your body. If they are used properly and safely, saunas will do a lot for you. I suggest using one at least two or three times a week, and I also recommend a good, weekly exercise routine for those who want to lose weight. Does Capsiplex Plus Work? The original Capsiplex slimming pills were well received by UK consumers during the end of 2010 and beginning of 2011. In fact Capsiplex still remains one of the most popular slimming pills in the UK and is gaining ground in the US too. Capsiplex fever took off when several features appeared in the daily papers claiming it was the new NHS wonder pill that helps weight loss. Soon after over 50,000 units of Capsiplex slimming pills were sold leaving Advanced Health the manufacturers with little stock. Thankfully stock is back to normal now and you can order Capsiplex without problems. The reason for Capsiplex's success is the potent capsicum extract ingredient from red hot chili peppers. This potent ingredient has been shown to boost metabolism through thermogenosis, meaning your metabolic rate is increased. Studies have found an extra 278 more calories are burnt whilst even at rest. What is Capsiplex Plus? Now there is a new and improved version of Capsiplex, named Capsiplex Plus. This remains faithful to the original formula and adds 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) an amino acid that critical in producing serotonin, the so called "happy hormone". So why add 5-HTP? Well obesity along with other health conditions, such as depression and sugar cravings, have been associated with low serotonin levels. The 5-HTP in Capsiplex Plus can boost your serotonin levels naturally which has the added benefit of improving your mood too. This is important as dieting is most often associated with low mood and feelings of lethargy. By taking Capsiplex Plus your mood could be dramatically improved meaning you feel great and more motivated to lose weight. Another ingredient Bioperine has also been added to increase the rate of absorption of the ingredients. This means you can get faster results! Where to buy Capsiplex Plus Capsiplex Plus is not a Capsiplex replacement so both are available to buy from the official website. You do not need a prescription to buy Capsiplex Plus as its available over the counter. More information is available about why Capsiplex Plus looks set to be the slimming pill to watch out for this year! Does Caralluma Actives Really Work? - Weight Loss Product Review If you are looking for a weight loss product that is not only safe and effective but also natural, Caralluma Actives is best for you. Weight loss has been one of the major concerns of peopleespecially for twenty something individuals. Countless diet supplements have been introduced and made available in the market today but still nothing seemed to offer satisfactory results and the worst part is that serious side effects start to develop after using those supplements. Primary ingredient of Caralluma Actives is the Caralluma Fimbriata, a rare herbal native to some parts in India. It has been used by tribes in India to suppress hunger and enhance endurance of Indian laborers when off for long hours of manual labor. It has an appetite controlling power so even if you don't take much food or nothing at all you won't feel any hunger.But it's not that you should starve yourself the entire day and just take Caralluma Actives. You must still eat healthy food such as fruits, vegetables, protein and healthy fats. Another thing is CarallumaFimbriata contains phytochemicals such as Pregnane Glycosides, Flavone Glycosides, Megastigmane Glycosides, Bitter Principles, Saponins which make you reduce your cravings and want to eat less food. As a result you will experience lesser appetite and eventually lose weight from reduced calorie intake. CarallumaActives has been proven effective by those who have tried it and works as fast as 30 days. But bear in mind that in order to achieve the body you desire,CarallumaActives must be coupled with balanced diet and healthy exercise for best result. Regular exercise will help burn fat and lose weight faster and healthier. Moreover, Caralluma Actives also boosts your energy level and increase your metabolism. Caralluma Actives is made from all natural ingredients and is 100% safe, so you need not to worry about acquiring side effects after as a result of taking the product. No chemical content can be found in this product hence it's free from toxins and other undesirable effects. Popularity of Caralluma Actives has reached the Hollywood with high profile celebrities' starting to recognize the amazing results of this all natural weight loss supplement to aid their weight loss plan. It has never been easy to lose weight especially nowadays where people are living a busy life and tend to eat at fast food chains having high in calorie and fat content food such as French fries, hamburgers and coke. In addition, due to busy lifestyle regularexercise is ignored just when you need to lose all that unnecessary calories. So if you are planning to jumpstart you weight loss plan consider Caralluma Actives and witness the result and difference of an all natural supplement for superior weight loss effect. Does Evercleanse Ever Cleanse? Does Evercleanse ever cleanse? Evercleanse seems to be a mystery weight loss product that promises to help you reduce your weight by cleaning your digestive system and thereby improving digestion and absorption of the food that you consume. As long as there are people who are ready to take anything that promises weight loss, there will be products that are bold enough to market themselves without even the list of ingredients. Some of us are so desperate to shed the excess weight and to attain a shapely body; for those who hop from one product to the other trying to find out the best product, Evercleanse is yet another product. The million dollar question however, is “Does Evercleanse ever cleanse?” Does it really do what it promises to do or does it just create some placebo effect on people? Since it does not declare what it contains, then how are consumers to find out whether it will work for them or whether this product will have any side effects on them and whether it will be compatible with other medication that they are taking etc. Evercleanse offers blanket statements like ‘100% natural', ‘totally safe' etc., but these do not provide the consumer with any useful information regarding the product. Furthermore, Evercleanse goes one step further and markets itself also a product that ensures general health and wellness. It also claims to improve the immune system. So, as per their marketing proposition you can really never stop using this product if you want to enjoy continued wellness. Another important claim by Evercleanse is that they use only high quality American ingredients unlike the other weight loss products or cleansing medicines that price themselves low but use cheap ingredients from countries like China and India. Would this be just a proposition to support their high priced product? It certainly requires further probing. Evercleanse is an over the counter medicine that can either be bought from local stores or from their website. It is interesting to note that this over the counter medicine is trying to over rule the other over the counter medicines and even prescribed medicines, by warning its users that they should consult their physicians if they are already taking any other over the counter medicine or prescribed medicines. The physician too will not be able to advise you about anything except by telling you to refrain from using Evercleanse as he will not know what it contains. Evercleanse does seem to work for some people or at least that is what the testimonials seem to tell. I am yet to find some real person who can confirm that this product delivers what it promises. I have been fighting a tough battle, rather a losing battle, to shed some of my excess weight and in my efforts I have tried everything possible and this time I want to be a little more cautious about this product so that I don't throw my money away without any guarantee. Other products at least offered me a money back guarantee but Evercleanse does not offer any such assurances. Does Green Coffee Bean Extract Work? A Short Guide to Healthy Weight Loss For the past years, there has been a lot of hype on how pure green coffee bean extract 800mg can help you lose a large amount of weight in just a short amount of time. Since the extract has shown great potential in boosting the body's metabolism, more and more people are starting to see the practicality of using all natural health supplements. Compared to using synthetic weight loss supplements, the green coffee bean extract contains natural compounds that stimulate weight loss without any known side effects. Are you looking for a way to healthily lose those extra pounds? Then here's a short guide on how the green coffee bean extract can help you achieve your weight loss goals. One the great things about the pure green coffee bean extract 800mg is that it has a long list of benefits that you can enjoy. Aside from it being an all natural alternative to more dangerous drugs that aid weight loss, it's also considered as an effective metabolism booster. It increases the speed of fat digestion so your body doesn't have to store it. This means you get more energy without having to consume a lot of food. The process of metabolizing calories is more efficient so you lose more weight even during rest. Another benefit that you can enjoy from green coffee bean extract is lower blood sugar levels. Having high insulin can cause all sorts of complications in the body like slow metabolism and fatigue. If you're not careful, it can lead to bigger problems like diabetes. For those who have problems keeping their blood sugar within healthy levels, this supplement can help get the body back on track. Whether you're showing early signs of diabetes, or you're already well into the diseases, it's never too late to correct the problem with the pure green coffee bean extract 800mg. Since the green coffee bean extract is made from organic ingredients, you don't have to worry about experiencing any side effects as long as you take the recommended dosage. There have been no reported harmful side effects among users so you can be sure that it's safe for general use. Although in rare cases, some patients have reported feeling nervous and jittery after taking a dose. These signs are confined among people who can't tolerate caffeine overall so if you can't take any amount of caffeine, it would be best to look for another weight loss product. If you're thinking of just using pure green coffee bean extract 800mg to shed the extra weight, it's important that you keep your expectations realistic at this point. Think of the extract as a health supplement that will aid your fitness routine, and not some miracle drug that will allow you to lose weight overnight. Proper diet and regular exercise should be included in your fitness routine to get the results that you want. Manage your expectations and track your progress so that you don't feel jaded in your weight loss journey. With a positive mindset and the right lifestyle changes, you'll be able to make the green coffee bean extract supplement work for you. Does Snacking Lead To Weight Gain? Snacking has got a bad rap, that's for sure. Why's that? Well hopefully that's reasonably obvious. Too much snacking or snacking on unhealthy foods can easily result in overconsumption of calories, leading to the accumulation of body fat throughout your body. Pretty straight forward right? A review completed by McCrory, Suen & Roberts back in 2002 looked at specific eating behaviors that might be contributing to weight gain. They were trying to make light of the fact that over 60% of US adults were classified as overweight or obese in 1999, compared with only 47% back in the late 70s and early 80s. Data from the United States food supply gave them some insight as it demonstrated a gradual increase in energy intake since 1970 and it appeared that the adult weight gain was mainly caused by an overconsumption of food energy. McCrory, Suen & Roberts attributed changes in snacking patterns as one of a number of key influences facilitating this overeating behavior. They reported that American adults were snacking more often and on more energy dense foods. The review detailed that the average number of daily snacks consumed had increased from 1.1 in 1977-78 through to 1.6 in 1995. Their research also reported that food intake was 25% higher in snackers when compared with those that don't chow down between meals. So... we've just outlined that individuals are snacking more resulting in an overconsumption of daily calories and a positive energy balance (therefore storing excess food energy as fat). OK, so I know what you are thinking. How is this helping my argument that snacking leading to weight gain is a big fat LIE? Good question. One of the main reasons snacking has got a bad reputation is because of WHAT we are snacking on. The problem is in the food choices we are making not the snacking itself. Think cookies, chips or crisps, candy, chocolate bars. Yes, they can taste great. I'll admit it. But they are doing nothing for your waistline. They are energy dense, highly processed and can result in rapid weight gain. However, snacking in between meals does not need to lead to weight gain. In fact there is a school of thought that says snacking or grazing will actually help you burn more calories. Now you're interested I bet! How does this work then? Many nutritionists recommend you should consume 5-6 smaller meals a day, instead of 3 larger meals. I agree with this approach and in fact we go into much more detail on how and why you should adopt this strategy at www.bellyfatformula.com. But while we are talking about it here, there are a couple of key reasons we (and many other nutritionists and fitness experts) advocate a mini meal eating plan. The first key reason is that eating more frequently will increase your metabolic rate. Each time food is consumed your body is required to go to work breaking it down. This stimulates your body's metabolic processes and actually means an increase in the volume of calories you burn. So the theory goes that by eating smaller meals, more regularly, you'll maintain your metabolism in an elevated state - and burn more calories overall than if you consumed fewer, larger meals. The phenomenon of stimulating your metabolic processes through eating is known as the Thermic Effect of Feeding (TEF). There have been various studies into meal frequency, TEF and the effect on weight loss. Several observational and interventional studies going as far back as 1964 support the notion that frequent eating patterns are linked to weight loss or lower body fat levels. Hejda & Fabry (1964) observed 89 males between 30 and 50 years of age. They reviewed 2 week diet records alongside body weight and skinfold measurements. The group of subjects that ate less than 4 meals per day had significantly greater body mass and skinfold averages than those with a higher meal frequency (greater than 5 meals per day). A 2003 study on 251 males and 248 females ranging between 20 and 70 years demonstrated similar findings. Ma et al collected dietary and physical activity recalls over a 12 month period. After adjusting for age, sex, physical activity and total energy intake - the researchers concluded that those with meal frequencies of four or more per day had a significantly lower obesity risk than subjects adopting a less frequent eating pattern. Further, Le Blanc, Mercier & Nadeau completed an experiment on dogs that proved four small meals demonstrated a higher thermogenic response than a larger meal with the same total calories as the 4 meals. Now I assume those reading this book are not actually dogs... so the more relevant part here is that they repeated a similar study on human subjects in 1993 where participants were fed either one large meal of 653 calories versus 4 smaller meals of 163 calories 40 minutes apart. Their conclusion? Increasing the number of meals increased thermogenesis and fat utilization. Good news. There are a bunch of other research studies we could go into that report similar findings but I am sure you get the picture. Now before we go into the second key reason for increasing your meal frequency, I want to touch on a point I made earlier. While meal frequency is important - calorie control is more important. Don't use increased meal sittings as an opportunity to increase your calories... as the increased thermogenesis won't save you if you are over eating on calories or eating the wrong types of foods. OK, the second key reason I (and many others) advocate a higher meal frequency is that it wards off hunger. Increasing meal frequency appears to help decrease hunger and improve appetite control. That is so long as you are avoiding the common pitfall of excessive or unhealthy snacking and the associated overconsumption of calories. A study by Smith, Gall, McNaughton, Blizzard, Dwyer & Venn looked at the effects of skipping breakfast on cardio metabolic health. Their findings, whilst not specifically relating to increasing meal frequency, certainly support the notion that eating more frequently can ward off hunger and ensure that you make healthier food choices. The study started way back in 1985 when a sample of Australian kids reported whether they ate breakfast before school. Fast forward about 20 years to 2004-6 and 2184 participants completed a meal frequency chart. Diet quality and a variety of other nutrition and health measures were analyzed. The result? The research group found that skipping brekkie was associated with generally unhealthy behaviors, poorer diet, higher BMI (body mass index) and cardio metabolic risk factors. At a basic level - when breakfast was not eaten - breakfast skippers report higher daily intakes of fat, cholesterol and overall food energy. Does the Lap Band Cause Shortness of Breath? It is estimated that there are approximately 300,000 premature deaths associated with obesity annually (CDC) in the United States as a result of obesity and its accompanying health conditions. The health risks associated with obesity can include: high blood pressure, diabetes, higher risk of a heart attack or stroke, formation of blood clots, breathing problems, and much more. One method of treating obesity that has been growing in popularity is Laparoscopic Gastric Banding, also called Lap Band Surgery. The lap band procedure has been shown to resolve or improve many health related conditions associated with obesity. One condition that many people are concerned about when having the weight loss procedure is whether the lap band will cause shortness of breath. The lap band procedure involves inserting a gastric band into the patient's upper part of the stomach. Saline is injected into the lap band which forms a gastric pouch. The result is a reduced stomach size. The patient consumes less food and loses a large amount of weight. This minimally invasive weight loss surgery has helped people suffering from obesity lose the weight and keep it off. As well, the procedure has been show to improve lung function. The actual lap band does not interfere with lung function. When a person is obese, their lungs are unable to expand and contract properly. The result can be shortness of breath and shallow breathing, especially when engaged in an activity such as walking or climbing the stairs. There is also a reduced oxygen exchange in the lungs which can result in a condition called pulmonary hypertension. After lap band surgery, the weight starts to drop off and there is less pressure on the lungs. This allows the lungs to start functioning at normal levels. Not only is shortness of breath improved, but obstructive sleep apnea and hyperventilation is also greatly improved. Losing weight with a lap band is an excellent way to improve one's breathing. Those suffering from obesity can also suffer from asthma attacks. Having lap band surgery has been show to reduce asthma as the loss of fat will allow breathing to improve. Inflammation is alleviated and the air passages open up. People with asthma breathe much easier and more freely after having lap band surgery. Lap band surgery is chosen by millions of people around the globe as an effective weight loss procedure. When you have lap band surgery, you have to be committed to a healthy change in lifestyle which includes eating the right portions of food containing the proper amount of nutrition. You will also need to develop a healthy exercise program. It will ensure that the weight you lose never returns. Lap band surgery is the only reversible weight loss option and the surgery itself is only about 40 minutes long and patients normally go home that day. If you think lap band surgery may be the right solution for your obesity, it is important to discuss the surgery with a medical professional who can you advise on the risks and benefits of the procedure and help determine if you are a potential candidate for the weight loss procedure. DO NOT USE Xenadrine - Lose Weight Naturally Many people like yourself are too lazy to lose weight the correct way so they turn to diet pills such as Xenadrine with Ephedra. OR... have you tried everything else and NOTHING seems to work? Food and Drug Administration has banned the use of Ephedra because of the side effects. So after this ban, the use of bitter orange extract in diet pills became common to serve as an ephedra alternative. And people simply began assuming that any ephedra free diet pill is safe. But is it really the case? What do researches from major Universities say?` ... A study was conducted at CA University on two pills - Advantra and Xenadrine EFX. These diet pills caused up to an eighteen percent increase in heartbeats. This is an increase of about 11-16 heart beats per minute. That is not all. In addition to that, Xenadrine pills also caused increase in blood pressure of people who consumed them. The blood pressure increased in the range of seven to twelve percent. So the general public perception about non-ephedra diet pills can be wrong. Even these, specially the newly touted Xenadrine containing pills can also cause some health concerns. There hasn't been enough research to validate the safety of these ephedra free pills. So right now the xenadrine reviews are not very encouraging. The problem is that most people who are overweight have heart problems or bigh blood pressure and these are EXACTLY the people who should stay away from Xenadrine. Everyone would be better off without diet pills. Diet pills in general are something to be avoided as much as possible. After all, it is your health which is at stake. In short, the current xenadrine review, specially after the California research is that we are better off by staying away from it. Healthy and permanent weight loss should be the goal in all of us. Remember long term safe weight loss is achieved with a permanent change in your eating habits and lifestyle. A little bit of physical exercise in our life is also essential. There are many weight loss programs and many different diet pills in the market, still more and more people are getting obese day by day. Obesity is becoming a major problem the world over. What is the reason for all of this. A combination of factors attribute to this such as. Incorrect eating habits, bad portion control, lack of exercise, and eating of junk food. Do you think that there is an easy solution to the obesity problem without improving these important aspects of our lifestyle? Do you think crash dieting, or dangerous medicine are the answer to our weight problems? Do you think you can lose those pounds easily without any fuss and hard work and without giving up your bad habits which you cultivated over so many years? If that's the way you think then prepare to be disappointed. Stick to methods that work long term and arent a band aid fix. Don't be fooled by fads and gimmicks. As you most likely took time to gain weight, it would also likely take time to lose it. You need some guidance and with some persistence you will achieve your weight loss. For that, there are great programs which aim for healthy weight loss that is sustainable long term. Do You Have A Wheat Intollerance? Among the most prevalent food allergies are wheat and gluten. But what exactly is a food allergy? Is it the same as food intolerance? Allergies happen when the body marks an element in food as harmful, and so it begins to defend itself against the opponent (the food). Allergy symptoms arise when the body's immune functions releases antibodies to battle the "harmful" material. Food intolerance is the reaction of your digestive functions to an irritant, not a function of the immune system. When your digestive tract can't adequately digest the food, it may create an aversion. Often times continued exposure to foods can develop into an allergy. Wheat allergy symptoms may include rashes on the skin or hives, nausea, stomach pain, loose stools, itchy skin, eczema, achy joins and muscles and in serious reactions might cause trouble breathing, chest pain, swelling of the airways, and anaphylaxis. Symptoms of wheat intolerance can consist of stomach cramps, nausea, cramping, retaining water, gas, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea, headaches, irritability, and an unexplained runny nose or itchy eyes. Signs of gluten allergy consist of upper repository tract troubles, tiredness and CFS, sores in the mouth, low iron in the blood, osteoporosis, loss of weight, smal stature in children, diarrhea, constipation, bloating and other digestive tract issues, unexplained sadness, Autism and attention disorders, skin issues, and irritability. Symptoms of gluten intolerance may consist of weight loss or weight gain, mineral insufficiencies, retaining water, pain, gas, constipation, diarrhea, painful joints, depression, eczema, headaches, tiredness, moodiness and changes in behavior, cramps, tingling and numbness, and slow growth in babies and youth. Beyond the severity of symptoms, the differences between allergies and intolerances are that an allergy can be triggered even when a minute measure of the offending item is eaten. On the other hand, food intolerance is generally related to the measure of food eaten. A minute amount may not cause any issue, but consuming a large portion, or consuming the food regularly can produce symptoms. What about Celiac Disease? Celiac disease is like gluten intolerance, but the result is more severe. With celiac disease, the inner lining of the small intestine has an allergic reaction to the gluten that occurs in wheat and other grains such as rye. This response causes the small intestine to become inflamed and decreases absorption of the minerals that pass through the small intestine from food. One of the main symptoms of Celiac Disease is gastrointestinal discomfort that may consist of bloating, gas, cramps, diarrhea and fatty stools. Eventual signs of malnourishment that can appear because of minerals not being properly absorbed into the small intestine. Many those with Celiac Disease can handle minute amounts of gluten, but others may have serious reactions within several minutes of eating an offending food. Remedies for wheat and gluten allergy or intolerance and Celiac Disease all involve eliminating wheat and gluten from the foods. Elimination of wheat, rye, barley and oats is key. Foods that include these foods should also be restricted. Remove processed foods and beer, and be careful with vitamins and supplements that may contain gluten too. Drop 10 Pounds In 7 Days - 3 Easy Tips If you desire to lose 10 pounds in 7 days, then you will want to follow the three tips in this article. You'll notice that these 3 tips will assist you to quicken your weight loss without taking harmful diet pills or spending hours in the gym. In 7 days or less, you'll lose at least 10 pounds and an inch off your waistline. Many famous weight loss 'specialists' constantly say that you cannot lose weight quickly without sacrificing lots of lean muscle mass. They are mistaken. You are able to lose fat without losing a great deal of muscle mass. In reality, you will find circumstances which you could in fact increase muscular mass while losing fat. By using the three tips listed below, you will lose weight fast while maintaining your lean muscle loss to a minimum. Let us take a look at the three tips to drop ten pounds in seven days. Eradicate all sugars and non-vegetables carbohydrate sources It's widely recognized that many bodybuilders and leading models reduce their carbs intake to practically zero prior to an event where they require to look their best. So, to shed fat quickly you need to emulate these professional dieters and go on a very low-carb diet. This means you need to get rid of all carbs except leafy veggies from your diet. Eat 1 meal each day To further accelerate your fat reduction, you should only eat once daily. It does not matter when you consume your meal, but the important thing is to make sure that you eat just once per day for the more rapid fat loss to take effect. This kind of fasting is called intermittent fasting and is well known to help many people shed stubborn fat quickly without altering what they eat. To those naysayers who say that intermittent fasting is harmful you need to simply look at the millions of Muslim who fast intermittently during the month of Ramadan and suffer no harmful effect. Perform HIIT After you have your diet plan in place, the next thing you need to do to ramp up your fat loss to another level is to perform HIIT, or High Intensity Interval Training. An important feature about HIIT is that you just need to do it a few minutes per day to achieve maximum fat loss effect. As you have seen, losing 10 pounds in seven days is difficult but not unachievable. By simply following these 3 tips, you will improve your effort to get rid of fat rapidly while lessening muscle tissue loss. Drug Users In NASCAR Compared to other major sports, NASCAR has not dealt with the problem of drugs quite as often. It was in 1988 that Tim Richmond, a 13-time race winner, who made the news for his suspension due to his failure to pass a sanctioned drug test. Richmond started driving for Hendrick Motorsports and built an impressive record on the circuit, and he was regularly listed on the nascar schedule. Afterwards, Richmond denied any drug use and it was later discovered that medications taken for cold symptoms were the cause of the positive testing. NASCAR did not want Richmond in the sport at that time. He was losing weight due to an illness, but unbeknownst to NASCAR, Richmond was dying of AIDS. From NASCAR's perspective, the weight loss and subsequent symptoms must be the result of drugs; rumors in the Cup garage supported this assumption. By 1989, he had died because of medical complications from AIDS. In fact, in the two decades since Tim Richmond was banned from NASCAR, few drivers have been taken to task for illicit drug use. Drivers Shane Hmiel, Tyler Walker, Kevin Grubb, and Aaron Fike have been suspended by NASCAR in the recent past. Two of them, Grubb and Hmiel, were no longer allowed on the track for their failures to pass tests after being reinstated for earlier suspensions. Hmiel is the son of auto racing mechanic Steve Hmiel, who has been involved with popular racing companies like Chip Ganassi Racing, Rousch Racing, and Dale Earnhardt Inc. in the last several years. Hmiel was a racer with serious talent and many described him as one of the more talented rookie drivers of the last decade, but his substance abuse issues were the undoing of his promising driving career. Grubb was also a young driver in the late 1990's. Grubb enjoyed moderate success in the Busch, now Nationwide Series before failing a drug test in 2003. Despite the fact that Grubb was reinstated after a three-year absence from the track, he lasted just a year before final suspension in 2007. Just recently, in May 2009, Grubb shot himself in the head and was killed instantly. Driver Tyler Walker, a good friend to the Sprint Cup Series racer, Kasey Kahne, was suspended in 2006 for failing a drug screening. Tyler has yet to file for NASCAR reinstatement. Driver Aaron Fike's made the list of trouble drivers when he was arrested for heroin possession at a theme park and subsequently suspended by NASCAR officials. Later, in an interview with ESPN's 'The Magazine,' Fike said that he was using heroin on race day. The interview was a wake-up call for NASCAR. Prior to the 2009 season, NASCAR required tests only for those drivers under reasonable suspicion for abuse. NASCAR's new drug policy includes random testing for all drivers and crewmembers during the driving season using third-party service Aegis Science Corp Labs, which is managed by Dr. David Black. A small number of crewmembers have been suspended following positive drug test results. As recently as May 9, 2009, driver Jeremy Mayfield, another popular driver like Tim Richmond, was place on indefinite suspension for failing his drug screening. Mayfield has made a claim that the positive test is a result of combination of Claritin-D allergy medicine and an unnamed but legal prescription drug. However, NASCAR and Dr. Black have publicly ruled out Mayfield's claim. Mayfield refuses to withdraw his claim and has hired a lawyer named Bill Diehl to represent him. There appears to be a legal suit in NASCAR's immediate future. NASCAR has not publicly disclosed the substance that is in question, and even Mayfield has expressed ignorance regarding the drug. He and his lawyer received reports earlier in the week. The bottom line is that this is a he-said they-said situation that will likely be resolved outside of court. It has triggered plenty of attention on the sport of NASCAR, and not in a good way. Still, there isn't necessarily any reason for concern for the nascar schedule. The coverage of Mayfield's legal protests have sidetracked many notable stories coming out of NASCAR that could mean some good press for a change. Much of this is about the fact that drug issues are still a rarer thing in NASCAR than they are in the NBA, NFL, MLB, or the NHL. The random drug screening process is an improvement from the testing only on reasonable suspicion approach. The real flaw in this new approach is that NASCAR hasn't given out a list of substances it has banned to the public. It seems that NASCAR wants to be the one to decide if a substance should be banned. A list of banned substances would allow the drivers and crewmembers more understanding on what they can or cannot do. As with other professional sports, drug use is forbidden in NASCAR. Dukan Diet: Dr. Dukan's Must Have Ingredient The Dukan Diet created by a French doctor has been gaining popularity in the UK and the United States. If you haven't heard about the Dukan Diet and want to learn all about it, make sure to check out the link to my site below. In short, the Dukan Diet is a four step approach to losing weight fast and maintaining weight loss for life. The creator, Pierre Dukan researched and practiced for 30 years and fine-tuned his method before releasing the Dukan Diet. The diet is broken down into four phases called attack, cruise, consolidation and stabilization. Dukan noted that most dieters had problems in the period after they had dropped weight when they went into a maintenance period. His approach combats that. In addition to losing weight quickly, dieters have a structured program to maintain the weight loss. Dr. Dukan also recognizes the importance and excellent benefits of an old standby food – oat bran. Often overlooked, the benefits of oat bran are terrific. It helps lower cholesterol naturally, it lowers the glycemic levels helping to prevent diabetes, has been shown to help with digestion, aid in prevention of some cancers and most relevant for dieters: it promotes weight loss in two ways. Most people know that oat bran is very high in fiber. It makes you feel full and satisfied quickly so that you eat less, which is a great benefit to dieters. In addition to that, Dukan points to a second great weight loss benefit of oat bran. It has a more intestinal loss action. When it breaks down in the intestine to a form that is attacked by stomach acids and in its highly calorie dense form of elementary chains is taken out through excretion. This, though in small amounts, is an important passive calorie loss action made possible by oat bran. Besides all of these great health and weight loss benefits, oat bran is delicious and hearty tasting. If you incorporate just a small amount into your diet each day, you will get these benefits to your health and figure. Eating Strawberries will help you Lose Weight Many people love the taste of strawberries and cream and sometimes feel guilty after eating them but did you know that dieticians now recommend strawberries as part of a diet to lose weight. This is supported by the well known fact, that strawberries are naturally sweet, low in calories, and an excellent source of vitamin C. Also, strawberries are free of saturated fats, cholesterol, and sodium. Now how good is that! You'll get no arguments from me to go on a diet this good. It's also easy to see why strawberries are recommended as one of as one of the fruits to eat as part of your daily diet, apart from the fact that strawberries are a great treat, they are also very good for you, because it's a fact that they are high in antioxidants that help the body fight off disease. So, if you've decided to eat healthy food and lose some weight on the way, choose the easy path and make sure you grow a good crop of strawberries. It goes without saying that we often eat this delicious fruit in all manner of ways, in salads, desserts, with ice-cream, etc; but to really enjoy the healthy benefits strawberries have to offer, eat them raw within 4 days of harvesting. Seven or eight medium strawberries will add up to about 45 calories, this is offset by the fact that they give you a host of other benefits not mentioned yet, like potassium ,this helps regulate electrolytes in your body, also B2, B5, B6 Magnesium, copper, Oh! Did I mention omega fatty acids? I'm hooked. Strawberries are already one of the most delicious and popular fruits eaten today and are a very easy fruit to grow, they can often be found growing in the wild. These are usually smaller than the ones cultivated, and the taste is a lot more intense. Naturally the best strawberries are the ones you pick yourself from your own backyard and eat while they are fresh. An alternative is to visit a strawberry farm if you live near one. Obviously you will be limited as to what variety they grow, but hey! they all taste good to me, with few exceptions. Strawberries are one of the most popular fruits and can be found in thousands of backyards throughout the country. You have no garden? Not a problem; strawberries can be successfully grown on a balcony, or find a sunny spot on a patio. They thrive in containers and hanging baskets with a minimum of fuss. With lots of varieties to choose from you will find a flavor size and texture to suit the most demanding of taste buds. April through to July is when they are flourishing with abundant fruit. They are so good for you that maybe you want to eat them throughout the year? Thanks to the efforts of modern day technology, that is now a reality. Look into hydroponic gardening where great results can be achieved or alternatively a heated greenhouse would supply you all year round with strawberries, along with other out of season treats. If you have an abundance of fruit you might want to think about freezing them for later use. First you need to select strawberries that have fully ripened; once you have picked them they will not ripen any further. Look through them and discard any that are bruised or damaged and choose only the firm bright red ones with a green cap. Do not wash them but place a layer of fruit on a paper towel for two to three days before placing them on a biscuit tray, one layer at a time. Freeze before moving them into an airtight container, should be good for a couple of months though they will be much softer after thawing. Imports can be seen on the supermarket shelves throughout the year, but strawberries are a poor traveler, so be wary. So what are you waiting for, this is a super diet, get stuck in. Effective diet plan for quick weight loss Fruits and vegetables are healthy alternatives for junk food. However, most people, especially children wouldn't like them much, so they should be given small servings of fruits in a day like a piece of apple, or banana, or pear and slowly increase it to a bowl of fruit salad. For milk and diary food, you should consider semi-skimmed milk, reduced-fat cheese, and fat-free yoghurt. You can take them in small servings. Taking a balanced and well regulated diet can help you maintain a healthy weight. However, in some cases, where people are too obese or overweight, a medical treatment may prove necessary. You can go to any medical doctor for a thorough check up. There are many slimming pills that aids weight loss and easily available on the market. Some of these slimming pills are specifically designed for the treatment of obesity and are available only on a prescription from a doctor. You should take prescription slimming under proper medical care. Some of these popular slimming pills are Reductil and Xenical. For better results of weight loss, these slimming pills should be combined with regular physical exercise and healthy diet. Effective Weight Loss Programs Or Diet Scams? Did you know that on average, people in the U.S. spent over $250 each last year on "fad" or "Lose Weight Fast" diets, while the growing number of obese individuals spent $1000's hoping the next miracle diet would solve their problem. Do you also know that you can start a complete & balanced weight program for much less that will work? The last thing a weight loss program should be is a financial strain on you and your family. I feel that I need to clarify what I classify to be a Scam Diet so that we are all on the same page. A Scam Diet can be a diet/meal plan that promises large weight loss with little or no effort on your part or it can be a program that is designed to give you minimal weight loss while you continue to pay monthly membership fees. I will go into this in more detail as we continue in the article. Now for some shocking news. Not all of the Diet Companies are here to help you! I am sorry to have to say this but it is the truth. These diet companies are in it for the MONEY, not your better health. If they have stock holders, their first priority is keeping them happy by generating constant profitable returns. Now, a well balanced weight loss plan and guide does cost money and spending money to lose weight to better your overall health is always a good investment. Yet one should try to avoid added expenses and fees if possible. Let us look at some of the weight loss programs that I feel are "Diet Scams" and why. Pre-Package Food Diets: As is stated earlier, some companies are in the diet industry just to make money. The surprising thing for some is that these companies are known as the brand names in weight loss. Names like Jenny Craig, and Nutrisystem. These are all companies that sell food diets. I know what you are thinking "What? Are you crazy! These are scam diets?" I consider these to be scams as they require you eat meals bought from them at inflated prices. With program start-up fees plus $90-$130/week for their food you can pay over $600 in just the first month! That can reach totals over $6700 for a year! Now consider that most people will stay in these programs for years... I think you get the picture. These programs are created to make the most money with little effort for the company. They get you on the program and you keep on paying them even though you might not be following the plan. Hollywood diets: These diets are just plain scary. These are some of the worse scam diets out there as they are unhealthy and provide temporary results! You have seen the, 'Lose 10 lbs in a week', 'Lose 5 inches in 5 days', 'Look like your favourite star if you drink these shakes' or 'Lose That Weight FAST Without Any Effort'. Yes these are quick, unhealthy and unsustainable. They are bad for your body and can cause other serious health issues. Some of these are the 'Grapefruit or Banana Diet', 'Cookie Diet', 'Hot Dog Diet' and the latest are special berries. Ignore fad diets, save your money. Diet Pills: Wow... There are so many of these now it is hard to pick just one so I will hit on how these pills work as they are all basically the same. Some make you shed water making you feel thin but leaving fat behind. Others curb your hunger using caffeine as the main ingredient to naturally increases metabolism and energy. Why is caffeine in an expensive weight loss 'miracle' pill costing $60 to $100 per month. Drink black coffee, its cheaper in the long run. Fat Burning Ab Equipment: I place this equipment under 'fads' as most of these are quickly thrown away after a few weeks of use. Some will spend hundreds on ab machines that make claims like "You can lose 50lbs in 10 days". There are ab rollers, jumpers, twisters and others. They can build abdominal muscles, but will do nothing about the covering fat. It is important to exercise but in most cases you are going to get better results with a walking program them most of these ab equipment fads. Ignore the scams, only a well balanced weight loss plan & regular exercise will help you shed that fat! Effects Of Herbal Slimming Tea Certain herbal ingredients are mixed in certain quantities to make herbal slimming teas. The ingredients used include; Equisetum Debile Roxb, Pericarpium Citri Reticulata, Fructus Hordei Gerimiatus, Poria, Rhizoma Alismatis, Herba Agastachis, Fructus Crataegi, Semen Raphaini and Oolong (sometimes called Wu Long). Potassium deficiency can cause muscle problems, paralysis, and fatal cardiac arrhythmia. Another serious outcome is that you can permanently damage your gastrointestinal tract (colon) so that it will not function without stimulant laxative. The first thing you need to understand is that herbal slim tea contains ingredients that will help boost your body's natural metabolism rate. When this happens, you basically process food in a slightly different way. It is is proven to help lower cholesterol level, quickens metabolism and improve your body's function to burn unwanted body fats that aid in weight loss and slimming down. There has been research of changes in weight within a week of beginning to drink the tea and must be drink twice in a day after meals. It is a unique blend of powerful green teas that are effective for losing weight. The effects of drinking tea as a supplement to having a full fruit diet or fibers can greatly reduce cholesterol by helping to expel toxins from the body, cleaning out the digestive system, and giving maximum benefits. The many fantastic results of drinking tea to supplement the diet regimen is that it increases the metabolism as well as enhancing immunity, giving the body that second chance at a healthier start. Tea is said to be beneficial for healthy brain development as well. Green tea has a substance in it called EGCG that is said to help repair damaged brain cells. Studies were made on many of the elderly in China, who drink slimming tea on a regular basis and they were found to have much lower rates of Alzheimer's disease. Herbal weight loss is safer and more gentle than harsh over the counter diet pills. There are also herbal diet pills that use green tea as the main ingredient. There are many natural alternatives to losing weight. Slimming teas not only help you loose weight but they can also help to improve your health. One weight loss supplement that has become increasingly popular with both us "normal" people and celebrities alike is the herbal slimming tea that is used in conjunction with exercise and a healthy and balanced diet and many of them seem to contain the same core ingredient - green tea extract.Green tea extract is a name that has become rather familiar with weight loss products and supplements and especially the herbal slimming tea. Cayenne is also used because of the capsaicin in it. Capsaicin can do wonders for the digestive tract and fat burning. Nettle helps in increasing the body's temperature, or thermogenesis, so that it can burn fats more effectively as a source of energy. Likewise, there's kelp, which can increase the metabolic rate by stimulating the thyroid to release hormones. Another herbal weight loss ingredient has been recently found out to have promising contribution to weight loss. This herb is known as hoodia gordonii, or just plain hoodia. Effects Of Reductil On Your Weight Loss Program Reductil is an ideal diet pill to use if a person wants to lose weight and keep it off permanently. This drug is even approved for longer periods of use, 12 months or more, and helps promote steady weight loss. This weight loss criterion sits well with most weight loss experts as this method of losing weight is considered to be healthier and more effective at producing long-term results. The best way to guarantee weight loss is to consume fewer calories and exercise more. For additional help, doctors can prescribe Reductil, which has been shown to facilitate weight loss. About Reductil Reductil is licensed for use as an adjunct therapy within a weight management programme to aid in effective weight loss. A prescription only medicine, Reductil is generally prescribed for obese patients with a BMI of greater than 30 kg/m 2 or overweight patients with a BMI of greater than 27 kg/m 2 with other risk factors like type II diabetes or dyslipidaemia. However, Reductil is only prescribed to patients who have made prior efforts to lose weight by diet and exercise and have been unsuccessful in losing at least 5% of their body weight. But, Reductil weight loss drug must only be used under the ongoing care of an experienced medical professional. Reductil operates by its active metabolites inhibiting the reuptake of noradrenalin serotonin and to a lesser extent dopamine. This Reductil mechanism of action enhances satiety and gives you the feeling of being full. Thus, it helps reduce food intake. In addition, Reductil also has a thermogenic effect on the body; as a result, it increases the level of calories burnt while at rest, when used during a weight loss programme. The weight loss drug Reductil comes as hard capsules which are taken orally with a glass of water. Different weight loss programs Adult obesity rates have almost quadrupled in the last 25 years. Now over 20% of Britons are obese and three-quarters of Britons are in the overweight category. Out of which a sizable number are into various weight loss programs that can help them get started as well as become committed to losing weight effectively and safely. Choosing the right weight loss program can be quite a challenge. It takes time, mental toughness and lots of support to change the habits that have been gained over a lifetime. However, all weight loss programmes requiring unlearning these acquired habits in order to succeed. Regardless of what you choose - diet pills or weight loss programs – you alone have the power to bring about the much sought after change. Diets and weight loss programs are more flexible today. However, the basic requirement for all weight loss programmes is the need to learn new, wiser eating skills. Your weight loss program should be able to give you some control, rather than impose a rigid system, in addition to a variety of different eating plans. Moreover, your weight loss program will most likely include some form of physical exercise. It will be easy for you to lose weight if you look at the exercising aspect of the program as fun and recreational, instead as a form of forced activity. In addition, you can also benefit from combining one of the prescription diet pills with you weight loss programme so that you see visible results. The various diets include: The Scarsdale Diet: Developed by Dr. Herman Tarnower, the Scarsdale diet is similar to other popular low carbohydrate diets. Moreover, it incorporates grapefruit and some other carbohydrate foods. The idea here is to lose up to one pound per day based on chemical reactions rather than portion control. Snacking is not allowed and meals primarily consist of limited amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables with unlimited amounts of protein. Herbal appetite suppressants are also encouraged. The Anne Collins Diet: An Irish nutritionist and a professional weight loss consultant with over 23 years of experience, Anne Collins offers one of the best weight loss plans at an affordable price. This programme focuses on healthy eating, changing old eating habits and the importance of exercise. Anne Collins offers several different diet plans with a large selection of menus with a focus on easy-to-cook healthy meals. Her recipes also work for insulin dependent diabetics, lactose intolerants and even people with thyroid problems. A healthy way to lose weight, it is recommended by qualified doctors. The Atkins Diet: This diet is high in fats and proteins and low in carbohydrates. It has been promoted intensively in the United States. There is an objection to this weight loss program because it is high in fat and composed of foods like animal products may increase the risk for various complications. Weight Watchers: This diet has helped millions of people all around the world lose weight. According to weight watchers, if you don't eat within 4 hours, your body tends to store the leftover food for emergencies. With weight watchers you find that, once you increase your protein intake, you start to sleep better, recover faster, and have much more energy. The Zone Diet: The Zone Diet is an effective eating plan that maximises fat loss, increases energy and improves health. Designed by biochemist Dr Barry Sears, his diet is based on the affect that food has on powerful hormones that affect both fat storage and health. This diet has been tested in clinical studies and has proven to be more effective than the conventional high carbohydrate, low fat diets. Benefits of Reductil over other weight loss program Reductil slimming pills are manufactured by Abbott Laboratories. Prior to Abbott Laboratories, this drug was manufactured by a company known as Knoll Pharmaceuticals. Reductil has received the European Union (EU) stamp of approval. Reductil, the most sought after weight loss drug, works by affecting chemicals in the brain. These chemical are responsible for regulating appetite in the human body. Reductil, when compared to other weight loss medicines, works faster and is more effective. Additionally, this weight loss drug has a proven track record as an effective slimming pill for weight loss. In fact, people in more than 70 countries now use Reductil and people who have tried this anti-obesity drug have reported that this drug helped them achieve quick weight loss. Electric or Hydraulic Wheelchair Lifts When looking at wheelchair lifts, it's important to realize that when it comes to home wheelchair lifts, also called porch lifts, there are two main styles. It's easy to divide them between those that are operated by an electric motor and those operated by a hydraulic lift. Both are quite effective and they each have their own particular advantages and disadvantages. Hydraulic lift wheelchair lifts are designed around a more classic elevator style. Underneath the platform, there is a hydraulically operated cylinder that raises and lowers the vertical platform, depending on if the person is entering or leaving the home. The hydraulic cylinder is not unlike those used in automotive garages to raise and lower vehicles, except they are on a smaller scale. The benefits of these hydraulic wheelchair lifts are that they can lift extremely large amounts of weight without a problem and they have years of successful service behind them. The drawbacks of a hydraulic vertical platform lift is that they do require maintenance from time to time and a loss of hydraulic fluid can cause them to fail and no longer function without repair. Fortunately, these type of events are few and far between because of the long service life of a quality wheelchair lift. Electric wheelchair lifts are more complicated, but they are sometimes considered to be more simple than hydraulic wheelchair lifts. Why? They use electric motors to raise and lower the platform. While not as mechanically simple as hydraulic lifts, the use of electric motors means they are easily understood. Underneath the platform on an electric porch lift is a series of electric motors that raises and lowers the platform as needed. The main benefits of electric vertical platform lifts are their relative ease of installation and their exemplary service record. They are known to give years of easy, quality service. The biggest drawback is that electric motors can and do wear out if they are stressed too much. For example, too much weight on a lift can cause motor damage where a hydraulic wheelchair lift will merely fail to raise or lower. While these types are often compared, they both have their strengths and are particularly useful in different types of situations. This is important to remember when evaluating the different types of wheelchair lifts available. Whichever type of wheelchair lift that you go with, you will get a quality elevator lift that will give you years of quality service. You'll have a lift that fits the needs of your home or business while simultaneously making your home more accessible and safer. You'll be able to partake in all of the benefits that wheelchair lifts provide. Elite Personal Trainer Blasts New Over the Counter Weight Loss Pill Consumers may soon be able to purchase a brand new over the counter weight loss pill. Federal health advisors have already given their go ahead, but it still needs FDA approval before it goes on sale nationwide. GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare is in position to offer this fat blocking pill to the public. They are shooting for a release date by the end of this year. Consumers want to know if this is ground breaking news or if this is another attempt to rob them of their hard earned cash. The difference between this new diet pill, called orlistat and currently being sold with a doctor's prescription as Xenical, and several others from the past are that orlistat is garnering nationwide media and public interest. "Everyone is getting excited about taking a magic pill," states Lynn VanDyke, elite personal fitness professional and fitness nutritionist. "It all sounds brilliantly simple until we read about its side effects and cost." In 6 month clinical trials, obese people taking orlistat lost 5.3 - 6.2 pounds more than those given a placebo. Representatives from GlaxoSmithKline also announced that at $12-$25 per week for the pill over 5 million people in America would buy the drug if it sold over the counter. VanDyke explains, "The corporations are planning on making over $1 billion per year in sales if orlistat is sold over the counter. As consumers we must educate ourselves and hold ourselves personally responsible. This drug has shown unpleasant side effects in half of the trial participants. That's just outrageous." GlaxoSmithKline lists orlistat's possible side effects as loose and oily stools, gas, incontinence and oily spotting. Even the FDA panel members are concerned with how this diet pill will interact with diabetics, bulimics, organ transplant patients and those taking other prescription pills. Watchdog groups such as Public Citizen urged the panel to reject the company's application, calling it a "desperate attempt to revive this barely effective drug by an OTC switch." "All in all, the magic pill leaves you bloated and oily. It stops working once you stop taking it. That adds up to between $288 and $600 per 6 months. That is how long the GlaxoSmithKline recommends taking this pill before stopping for a break. I would much rather learn a few simple tools on how to eat well and live a healthy life than take this so-called miracle pill," says VanDyke. Consumers who are in dire straits to lose fat but are concerned with the side effects and cost of orlistat are being referred to the Melt the Fat Interactive Guide (more info at http://melt-the-fat.com). It provides detailed step-by-step processes that develop a healthy lifestyle filled with fitness, eating to live and life goal setting. Elite Weight Loss Package Version 2 - The Right Way To Lose Weight Countless people struggle with weight loss and wonder what they're doing wrong. They try FAD diets they read about on the Internet that promise rapid weight loss. But they never deliver. My name is Craig Woods and I'm a personal weight loss and fitness trainer. In my years working in Hollywood with many of the A-list celebrities you see on TV every week, I've seen all these FAD diets. They don't work and I tell my clients honestly why they don't work. The bottom line is this. If you're going to lose weight and stay fit, you have to think long term lifestyle changes. You can't eat a banana or a bowl of cabbage soup for three days and think you've succeeded in your weight loss goal. You haven't. You've only developed a nasty habit of Yo-Yo dieting. I know that's probably not what you wanted to hear. Most people want instant gratification when they make that all important decision to get fit and lose weight. And while I will show you that you can actually jump start your metabolism so you can lose weight faster, it's not instantaneous and it doesn't come without hard work and dedication. I've literally worked with millions of people in person and on the Internet and helped them reach their goal of losing weight and getting fit because I'm honest about what it takes to reach that milestone. I bring all that I taught them to you in this eBook Elite Weight Loss. Let's get one thing clear before I go any further. I'm not going to coddle you. But I'm also not going to make promises I can't keep. In this eBook I'm going to give you straight talk about what it takes to rapidly lose weight and get fit in a healthy way. I'm going to show you exactly what you need to do, step-by-step, so you can reach your weight loss goal and keep that weight off for the long term. There are no quick fixes to long term weight loss. Here's a little of what I'm going to cover: • How to keep from sabotaging your efforts and your metabolism • How to break old habits and start new ones that will lead to healthy weight loss • The reasons why 95% of all diets fail and people who've lost weight regain their lost weight within 1 year of losing it • The top 12 foods that make you gain weight • The top 12 foods that help you lose weight • The foods and habits that make you fatter • How not all fat is created equal and “good fats” can actually help speed up fat loss • How to turn your body into a fat burning furnace and speed up your metabolism • How eating 50% more calories per day can actually aid weight loss • How to increase fat burning effects during your workout Whether you have 10 pounds or 100 pounds to lose, I will show you, step-by-step, what you need to do to achieve your weight loss goal and keep that weight off! Excess Fat Around Neck If you ask a section of the general public then excess fat around the neck comes near the top of the list of undesirable places to have fat. How can it be permanently shifted? Are there any workouts that you can do to specifically target this fat? How Fat Gets Put On If you have excess fat around neck then I will hazard a guess that you also have excess fat in other places. The body puts on weight when you take in more calories than you need. Animals do this when they prepare for hibernation or for the winter. Everyone has a unique body. This includes the order in which fat accumulates. Some people get it on the stomach first while others get it there last. Most people have some excess fat around the neck but clearly some will fare better than others. Only you know the order in which fat accumulated on your own body and this is the key to removing it. Reverse Motion To lose fat from anywhere on the body you need to have a calorific deficit i.e. you need to eat less calories than you burn up. For example, a daily deficit of 500 calories will help you to lose about a pound a week. Because of this calorific deficit, your body turns to the fat that it previously stored and starts to consume it. Generally speaking, fat comes off in the reverse order that it went on. Even if your neck fat was the last to get put on and will be the first to go, you usually have to lose nearly all of your fat before you start to get the definition back. What About Exercise? Exercise only helps you when it comes to the calorie equation. Exercise increases the amount of calories that you burn up. Assuming no change to your diet then exercise will increase the rate of your fat loss. If you change your diet too then you will lose weight even more quickly. What exercise will not achieve is targeted weight loss. You cannot laser target your neck region. For example, you may have heard of "face exercises"? These simply do not work. When your muscles work, they do not turn to neighboring fat cells for energy - the body simply does not work like that. Exercise For Weight Loss Exercise is one of the most commonly spoken of methods for losing weight. So much so, that most people regard the concept of exercise for weight loss as being 100% correct and never questioning the mantra whatsoever. In this article, I'll give you the lowdown on this subject and explain the most effective type of exercise for losing the most amount of weight in the shortest amount of time. Why Exercise Works To lose weight, you need a calorific deficit i.e. you need to expend more energy than you take in as food. Take, for example, an overweight man who expends around 3,000 calories per day but eats around 4,000. He is continuing to put on weight every week because he is eating 1,000 to many calories. He may reach a point where he also expends 4,000 calories a day simply because he is carrying so much more extra weight. At this point, his weight will become stable, assuming that he is still eating 4,000 calories worth of food daily. Or he may eat even more food and his weight will continue to go up. To lose weight, you need to be eating fewer calories. Often, a 500 calorie deficit is recommended as it generally allows people to lose about a pound of weight per week. In the above case, the man should eat around 2,500 calories per day to lose weight. All that matters is the difference between calories in and calories out. If you eat the same amount of food as before but do exercise, then the balance is shifted. You will lose weight as long as you can burn more than you eat. Why You Don't Need Exercise The mantra that is chanted by so-called "weight loss experts" is "diet and exercise". There is no doubt that both of these can help you to lose weight. But many people fail to understand the reasons and so they actually end up gaining weight. A friend of mine started to eat better quality food and to exercise more often. But his efforts were nullified because after doing a huge workout, he would come home and eat three plates of food! He was burning more calories but he was also eating more of them too and gained weight as a result. The only thing you need to lose weight is a calorific deficit. You can achieve this through diet alone. You don't need to do exercise but it does help. The danger of exercise that you need to be aware of is that it makes many people abort their weight loss attempts. It seems like too much effort to lose weight. If you fear this, then just rely on diet alone. The Best Exercise For Weight Loss Not all exercises are equal. All raise the metabolism and keep it raised for a period (when you continue to sweat even when you are no longer exercising) but some are better at this than others. The best exercise for losing weight is high intensity interval training. It involves running and sprinting alternately. The reason it works so well is because the body adapts to most forms of exercise by going into "energy saving" mode. HIIT and team sports work well because the body is constantly reacting to changes in your activity. It can react but it does so very inefficiently. As a result, you burn more energy and you continue to burn it for much longer with HIIT and other highly variable forms of exercise such as team sports. Fact Sheet on Diabetes Diabetes is a metabolic condition where the body is ineffective to regulate the blood glucose levels. It results in extra levels of sugar in blood which is not good for wellness. It does not involve only the senior people and the number of youths affected is on the rise. It is a life threatening problem and is the number one cause for acquired blindness. It is of 3 types. They are Type1, Type2, and Gestational diabetes. The most commonly occurred is the Type2 diabetes. Obesity, family histories are the 2 factors which lead to this problem in all the people. Type 1 diabetes occurs mostly in childhood or adolescence and leads to total lacking of insulin. Gestational diabetes occurs in pregnant ladies during the 24th and 28th week. Pre-diabetes is the earliest stage where glucose levels are higher but not high enough for diagnosis. A fasting blood sugar will mark the position correctly and it should be handled accordingly. There is no permanent cure for diabetes but it can be very well managed. Avoiding junk foods and practicing regular exercise will help in preventing Type 2 diabetes. Obesity must be controlled and if not, it leads to this problem. The earlier symptoms are the rise in glucose levels but it cannot be discovered unless tested. Most individuals appear to ignore such symptoms without having proper awareness. The usual symptoms are thirst, excessive urination, tiredness, weight loss and weariness. The outcomes of these symptoms will depend on the severity and the individual's wellness. The only way to eradicate this problem is by having proper awareness about diabetes and using healthy diet and exercises. Regular check ups are essential and physician's guidelines must be followed religiously to avoid further complications. MYTHS ABOUT DIABETES Diabetes is undoubtedly a deadliest problem and will have multiple effects in the body. The routine life of a healthy individual can very much be troubled when affected with diabetes. Still, people have myths connected with this disease and almost all of them are shown to be wrong. Here are some of them. Diabetes is not contagious. It cannot be received from others by having contacts. Lifestyle components will influence the exposure of diabetes to a healthy person. Diabetes is not caused by eating sugar only. It occurs due to the combined effects of inheritance and lifestyle components. The over-the-top intake of sugar and fat will turn to obesity and this might be a concerning element. This might develop Type 2 diabetes. Any type of diabetes cannot be called mild. All types are equally dangerous and treatment will be on par. It is not always true that people lose their vision when sick with diabetes. Seldom individuals go blind when they are not properly diagnosed. It is a normal myth that people suffering from diabetes are not fit for driving tasks. However, a controlled and well cared for patient can be as good as his compatriots. People with diabetes can take part actively in sports activities and can be extremely productive. The best case is Pakistan's renowned all-rounder Wasim Akram. Regular exercises will aid in keeping a sound body. Physicians should be conferred with ahead actively engaging in any kinds of sports activities. Diabetes patients do not give in to all kinds of illnesses. They do have enough immunity in the body to fight germs and other infections. However, people are advised to receive flu vaccinations. Sweets and chocolates can be consumed as a part of healthy diet. The quantity of intake must be less else they may add onto the fat contents existing in the body. These are some of the myths about diabetes and it is good to know all the details about the problem to experience a healthy life. Fastest Fat Burner For Men For Speedy Weight Loss Looking for the fastest fat burner for men? One of the best ways to lose weight is with the help of regular exercise. However, there are certain limitations that can make skip your regular workouts. Often it becomes difficult to frequent a gym 4-5 days a week. This happens largely due to tight work schedules etc., Not just this, it is also not possible to stick to a diet plan for weeks at stretch. Most people get back to their normal eating habits once the initial excitement wanes of. This results in making you gain even more weight. This is why it becomes important to use a weight loss supplement. Fat burners are the most well known of all sort of slimming pills. As the name suggests, fat burners make your body burn fat quick and fast so that you can get rid of accumulated fat and get a perfectly lean physique. Most men tend to gain belly fat as they get older. This is bad for your cardiac health as well. Not just this, excess belly fat is also associated with problems like diabetes etc., Good quality fat burners for men are made with enzyme boosters that not only your metabolic rate but also helps suppress appetite so as to cut down on your caloric intake. In addition to this, such fat burners also contain ingredients such as tongat ali extract. This is crucial since it helps boost the production of testosterone in your body. Testosterone is the hormone that has an amazing fat burning potential. Such fat burners can easily make you lose anywhere between 3-5 pounds a week. However, it is extremely important to combine such a fat burner with a proper diet and regular exercise. You should never believe all those advertisements that promote weight loss pills as miracle cures. Pills that make outrageous claims with regards to weight loss without any exercise are only trying to dupe you. However, combining light exercise with such fat pills can do wonders for your weight loss plans. Good quality fat burners are made in FDA approved labs and do not have any side effects. It is not surprising that such fat burners have a very high reorder rate. Fast Ways To Lose Weight Without Killing Your Metabolism The United States is the fattest nation in the world. No wonder so many people are looking for fast ways to lose weight! Our problem as a nation is two-fold: Lack of exercise and high carbohydrate and sugar intake. There are fast ways to lose weight, but you have to do it in a healthy way. You also need to do it in a way that doesn't throw your metabolism out of kilter. That means combining supplements with the right food plan. Do Low Fat Diets Work? Low fat diets don't work over the long haul. Why? Because it's not fat that makes you fat. Large intake of sugar, refined carbohydrates, and lack of exercise make you fat. A low-fat diet is inevitably high in carbohydrate. If you're someone who is metabolically challenged, you need to get your insulin in check. Too much carbohydrate releases too much insulin. Your body can't sweep out the sugar fast enough and you crash. Your body then craves more sugar - and the roller coaster continues. High Protein Diets High protein diets are an excellent way to lose weight. However, there needs to be balance. I don't mean you should gorge yourself on slabs of butter, cream, bacon and pork rinds. A high protein diet consists of between 4-8 oz of protein per meal, with at least 4 cups of salad and veggies total for the day. Add in your fruit at one or two of the meals and you have a recipe for a fat burning diet. In fact, this kind of diet is one of the fastest ways to lose weight. Start With a Multi-Vitamin Whatever diet you plan on following, hopefully you'll have invested in supplements that aid your weight loss and health. Start with a multi-vitamin. No food plan provides you with all the necessary nutrients necessary for good health. Invest In Metabolism Boosting Supplements In addition to purchasing a great multi-vitamin, do a search online for natural metabolic boosters to aid you in your weight loss process. Ingredients like hoodia, green tea extract, chitosan, and chromium are ingredients to look for in a fat burning pill. Exercise is a Must There's no getting around it, but one of the fast ways to lose weight includes exercise. When I say exercise, I don't mean simply walking around the block. You need to combine cardio with weight bearing exercises. For instance, at a minimum, 5 days out of the week you need to do 30 minutes of cardio. Then do circuit training. Circuit training is the weight machines you see lined up at the gym. When starting out, do 3 sets of 12 reps with low weights. Within 2 weeks, you should increase the weights by 5 pounds. You're goal is to build muscle and tone while losing weight. If you try to lose weight without exercising, you'll end up with lots of loose skin and flab. These are just some of the best and fast ways to lose weight. As always, check with your doctor before starting an exercise and diet plan. Fast Weight Loss Tips for Those Last Five Pounds Are you stuck at that last five pounds? It happens to us all. A half a size away from those jeans you've tried on a dozen times at the mall and still, they don't quite zip. Be patient. You'll get there!! But if your weight loss efforts need a little kick in the pants to help you over that hump, these fast weight loss tips will help! If you've been following a healthful plan to lose weight which includes a slow steady weight loss, you'll understand when I say that these weight loss tips aren't going to get you in those jeans by this weekend. That's okay! You won't waste the 70 bucks either because once you get into them, you'll be able to wear them for a long time. Start by ramping up your work out. In the beginning of your weight loss plan, you probably found you lost the first pounds more quickly. That's completely normal, but it can be frustrating when your body adjusts to your new regime. The good news is that because you've been working out, your body is quite ready for a push. If you were doing two miles in thirty minutes, push yourself a bit more to get another quarter mile in. If speed isn't your game, extend the time. What's ten minutes more a day? Raise the incline for five of those thirty minutes. These weight loss tips will not only help you lose those last five pounds, but they will put your body into peak condition. Got fiber? Adding fiber to your diet could be one of the best weight loss tips out there. Fiber has been shown to aid in weight loss. Not only that, but research shows that it is beneficial in lowering cholesterol and the incidence of cancers such as colon cancer. The recommended daily allowance for fiber is 25 grams. Most Americans do not reach this goal. If you're eating a diet that utilizes whole grains instead of refined carbohydrates, your chances of getting that full 25 grams are better. Also, fiber works best when it's a good mix of insoluble and soluble fiber. Insoluble fiber is the stuff you'll find in whole grains and roughage such as lettuce and celery. Soluble fiber is found in fruits such as apples and pears. A bowl of oatmeal contains both soluble and insoluble fiber. Kill two birds with one stone, so to speak! Fiber supplements that you can mix in with your coffee or tea in the morning are a great way to sneak in another 3 grams or so. Just don't rely on those for all of your fiber or you'll be missing out on some other important nutrients. And go slowly! Work your way up to 25 grams per day gradually. Too much fiber too fast will leave you feeling a bit bloated and gassy. We all have a weak spot for something. Sweet, salty, greasy or whatever your poison may be, there are certain times that you are more susceptible to temptation. A little treat now and then is not what I'm talking about here. It's okay to have a piece of chocolate, maybe even beneficial. What's not okay is to have a box of chocolate in one evening. Nor a bag of potato chips. Think about the last time you blew it. What was going on in your life that day? Were you tired? Sad? Angry? Frustrated? Stressed out? If you're a woman, was it PMS? Recognize this and redirect your emotion from food into something better. Now's not the time to allow yourself the piece of chocolate. Your willpower is down and you're likely to binge. Go for a walk. Call a friend. Meditate for five minutes. Turn on the music and dance... anything that will elevate your mood and help you through this rough spot without binging. Weight loss tips like this will not only help you achieve your goals, but they'll help you deal with your emotions in a much better way than using instant gratification. If you think you've already followed all the weight loss tips out there and are still having a tough time, re-examine your food intake throughout the week. You might be surprised at what you forget to calculate into your daily calories. A common mistake is the big lunchtime salad. You may think you're eating far fewer calories than you actually are. Creamy dressings such as honey mustard can add a whopping 300 calories to that healthful salad. Add into that choosing breaded chicken over grilled and you may as well have had the cheeseburger. Taco salads can have tons of calories. Just because you sprinkled a handful of corn over the sour cream, seasoned beef and tortilla chips (that cover the iceberg lettuce on the bottom) doesn't mean you've eaten a low-calorie lunch. Oh! If only it were that easy! Instead, go for the loaded veggie salad with a bit of grilled chicken, maybe a sprinkling of grated cheese and use a flavorful vinaigrette. Some vinaigrettes have as few as 40 calories per two tablespoons. Following these weight loss tips will get you into those jeans before you know it! Just remember to follow weight loss tips that continue to promote healthy weight loss and not just fast weight loss. Keep up the good work! Fast weight loss tips Rapid weight loss is much speculated about in the media and numerous advertising campaigns. The weight loss industry constantly comes up with new products that are claimed to be really effective but never live up to the expectations of people paying their money for it. As a result the weight loss product industry accounts billions of dollars each year while the number of clinically obese people has reached a status of an epidemic in the US. Does this mean that rapid weight loss is just a spoof? In fact, no. But it's not a matter of miraculous pills, expensive private programs or exotic diets. And here's what you need for really rapid and effective weight loss: Low calorie diet First of all, you should eliminate the actual cause of weight gain - excessive food intake. You have to limit your daily calorie intake in order to get any results from any other weight loss measures. This is most effectively done by eating foods with low calorie density. To make it sound a bit simpler you should forget about any kinds of fast and processed foods, sweets, soft drinks and snacks. Fruits, vegetables, poultry, red meat, and fish should become literally meat and potatoes of your diet. And you should also keep your portions moderate in order to keep the calorie intake adequate to your daily needs, rather feeling your stomach when you feel like it. Intense exercise program While keeping your calorie intake on a healthy level with a diet you will have to do something about the excessive weight you already have. The most effective way of shedding it off is exercising, as any physical activity requires energy, and energy is exactly what's stored in the form of fat in our bodies. It doesn't really matter what type of physical activity you choose - working out, running, swimming, cycling or yoga - as long as your heart rate gets fast enough during the exercise in order to burn fat. The more you do any kind of exercise the better will be your results and the easier it will be to lose weight effectively. However, don't too much pressure on your body right from the start. You should gradually increase the intensity of your exercises in order to prevent over-exhaustion and stress. Appetite control Appetite control is the third important element of rapid weight loss and probably the hardest to maintain. Every person that has tried any weight loss programs in the past will agree that the hardest thing about diets and exercises is the overwhelming feeling of hunger that makes it really hard to keep your hands far from the fridge. That's where you also have different options. One option is to consume a lot of fiber-rich foods (fruits, vegetables, etc.) that will keep your feeling full for much longer than any other kinds of food. Another option is using diet suppressants like Acomplia. Drugs like Acomplia mostly work by suppressing the appetite and inducing the feeling of satiety, which helps get rid of the constant food cravings during the weight loss period. However, you should first contact your doctor if you want to start using drugs like Acomplia in order to get a prescription. Fat Binder Pills - Eat What You Want and Yet Stay Slim What would be your reaction if someone told you that you can eat the French fries and the sinfully delicious chocolate pastries and not have to worry for a second about piling on the calories? Well, you will be ecstatic, right? Have you heard about fat binder? Fat binders are products that allow you to eat your favorite food stuffs but disallow the fat from depositing in your body. There are several fat binder pills available in the market and these pills not only stop weight gain they also aid in weight loss. Isn't that just wonderful? Eat all that you want and yet lose weight. How Do They Work? One question that might be bothering you is how the fat binder pills work? Well, this pills work in a way their name suggests. They bind the fat before the fat can be absorbed by your body. Most of the fat binders available in the market work in a similar way. The pills work only within your digestive system and interact with the fats that are eliminated from your body before your body absorbs it. A binder usually contains a natural fiber that combines with the dietary fiber to form a fat fiber complex. The fiber complex is too large for the body to absorb. And therefore the complex is eliminated from your body via the stool. The pills usually come with both soluble and non soluble fibers and both are equally important. The non soluble fiber present in the binder comes in contact with the fat present in your body and they bind together. After binding, a liquid gel is formed. The fat fiber complex cannot be absorbed by the body and therefore it passes out of your body. The soluble fibers in a fat binder form a sticky solution. The solution binds with the bile acids and slower down the process of absorption of glucose. This solution is a bit difficult to digest. And this means you feel fuller for a longer period of time. Your hunger pangs are reduced and you eat less. Thus a binder reduces your food intake and also hinders the fat absorption by your body. Purchasing It There are several pills available in the market and you will need to do a thorough research before you decide to purchase any of them. Read up all that you can about the pills and understand how they work. It is always better to opt for a binder that has been clinically tested and proven and has the backing of the medical fraternity. While some pills work on their own other pills need to be combined with an exercise regime and a low calorie diet. Check out the price and the money back policy. Fat Binders Side Effects You need to understand that most of the pills have minor side effects. However the best pill in the market comes without any adverse effects. The most common side effects are cramps, loose stools, greasy stools and diarrhea. The pills can also cause anal leakage at times. Fat Burning Cardio Workouts with Heart Rate Monitors When it comes to weight loss the first thing many people think about is that they have to do tons of cardio. Many people spend hour after hours counting the calories burned on their treadmill. Others are using a heart rate monitor to stay in their fat burning zone for hours hoping the fat will burn away. One of the number one questions I get is "I do 6 hours of cardio a week and can't lose a pound." With proper hear rate monitor training, a person can optimize their workout to raise their metabolism and burn more fat not just during your workout, but all day long. To understand heart rate training, we first have to understand how our bodies produce energy. We have two major processes that produce energy within our bodies. First, our aerobic metabolism utilizes oxygen combined with carbs and fat to produce our long lasting energy and the energy you are using to read this article. Your second way you produce energy is anaerobically. Your anaerobic metabolism creates energy for short durations of intense activity. Your only source of energy for your anaerobic metabolism is carbohydrates in your blood stream or carbs stored in your muscle cells. So aerobic burns fat and carbs, and anaerobic burns carbs only. Proper heart rate training has three distinct training zones each designed to challenge your metabolism to become faster and more efficient which leads to burning more fat. Most people only exercise in one of them. When we train in the same zone everyday our body adapts to that workout and we stop getting the weight loss and fat loss we are after. To optimize your fat burning results we want to do each zone's workout once a week. To create your optimal fat burning heart rate zones we have to find your anaerobic threshold. Your anaerobic threshold is the point at which your physical activity becomes so intense that your body is unable to produce enough energy aerobically. Your anaerobic metabolism kicks in to produce more energy to continue the activity. During intense cardio workouts both your aerobic and anaerobic metabolisms are producing energy to keep you moving. Online personal training website Liveleantoday.com utilizes a customized online profile to find your anaerobic threshold and create your fat burning heart rate zones. If you have the ability, the best test for your anaerobic threshold is a treadmill test where you are hooked up to an oxygen mask connected to a metabolic cart. The most common place to get this test done is at certain universities around the country. Fat Burning Zone The first zone (zone 1) for optimal fat burning cardio consists of working out at a moderate intensity level. You want to workout at an intensity that you can sustain for long periods of time, greater than 30 min. consistently. With training, it is good to work up to consistent cardiovascular exercise for 60 min. The goal in zone 1 is to train your body to burn fat efficiently. Don't be so concerned about how many calories you burn during the workout. A proper fat burning zone workout trains your metabolism to burn more fat by efficiently training your body to release more fat out of your fat cells all day long while you are not exercising. Anaerobic Threshold Zone For the second zone (zone 2), we want to train as close as we can to our anaerobic threshold. A measure to find this point is the highest constant heart rate you can sustain for 15-20 min. The goal of zone 2 is to train your aerobic metabolism to burn energy as fast as it can. Your metabolism then adapts and you burn more energy 24 hours a day. Zone two is the workout that I see that every exerciser skips. Most people either spend all their time in the easy zone 1 or do high intensity training all the time which we are going to talk about next. Working out at the moderately high intensity in zone 2 is essential to training our aerobic metabolism which is our major source of energy all day. High Intensity Zone The third zone for optimal fat burning cardio is training at high intensities (zone 3). Another name for this zone is interval training. Interval training is where we workout for short burst of time, 1-3 min., and then walk or rest for short bursts of time, and then repeat the high to low sequence again. Zone 3 workouts train your body to produce energy greater than it has ever done before for short durations of time. It is more important about the rate of burning energy than total calories. Which means the faster you go the more calories you burn in a short period of time the better. One key to interval training is you have to be able to repeat the same speed and heart rate for each interval. Often people train to hard for the first interval and though their heart rate goes up they slow their speed down with each interval. Zone 3 workouts are considered the most efficient way to raise your metabolism and burn more fat. You actually burn 100% carbs during the workout as a source of energy. People that do consistent interval training on a weekly basis burn more fat 24 hours a day, even on days they don't exercise. Each zone has key aspects to your total fat burning program. An optimal program consists of workouts in all three zones each week. Every person's heart rate is going to be different for each zone. Liveleantoday.com uses it customized profile to create the individualized heart rate zones to optimize your fat burning workouts. Heart rate zones between people can vary by over 20 beats, so training at your friend's zone doesn't work. Start training at all three zones each week and start burning more fat 24 hours a day. Copyright (c) 2007 Charles Carter Fat Loss Or Perhaps Weight Loss - Critical Distinctions To Shed Weight Along With Extra Fat Sensibly Many people applied the term "weight loss" while others call it "fat reducing" even though a lot of utilize the terminology fat loss and fat loss interchangeably. Do they mean the same thing? To numerous men and women, they actually do mean the same thing. But the terms might be entirely different within that means. You must realise the difference if you need to shed weight or even reduce weight efficiently and wholesomely. When you phase on to your restroom range every morning, what you will end up being reading through through the scale will be weight-loss and never fat reduction. Bath room weighing scales should never be correct inside determining fat loss. Exactly why? As it steps your current bodyweight instead of your system body fat per se. Should you consider oneself in the morning before breakfast every day soon after your bowel motion, you will likely get the cheapest looking at of the day because your person is not properly hydrated via a long time associated with no water replenishment once you had been slumbering and after draining the bowels, far more h2o along with waste products are generally flushed absent so much in fact that you will be you're brighter. Following an evening of slumber instead of having everything, your carb retailer can be jogging minimal and for that reason you're perhaps brighter minus the kept carbohydrate known as glycogen. What happened next? You merely damage pounds not necessarily reduction body fat! Your system extra fat remains as the pounds regarding some other ingredients for instance glycogen, waste products, water etc are usually exhausted. Currently move consider oneself yet again right after meal when you're completely refilled through foods along with consumption of normal water also it may possibly astonished an individual that you could most likely think about 2kg or maybe more heavier that is certainly at least 4.4 lbs! You merely obtained weight and may even acquired extra fat! You can now notice that it's a real misnomer when people believe weight-loss as well as fat reduction are similar point. How is it that you understand the main difference? Simply because for many people, in particular those that are on the excess fat facet desire to reduce weight instead of automatically want to lose fat. Having the move? Mobile phone . the harder crucial element. Mere weight-loss could lead you to shed muscle also, make you acquire extra fat later on. Sure, it's ironical. This is because greater muscles you've got, the harder anyone burn up fat effectively due to the fact muscle is definitely an active cells also it calls for calories to function. Excess fat merely sit there doing nothing and therefore usually do not burn calories by itself. Therefore the less muscular mass you might have, your significantly less calories your system will certainly burn off. The actual much less energy one's body melt away, greater calorie consumption became kept because body fat! So it will be imperative that you lose fat and not basically lose weight which might are the loss of muscle tissue. How's it that the individual may well drop muscles over a fat burning plan? Well first off, many of us typically hear about people taking place this diet which diet plan. The majority of diet programs call for a severe constraint associated with meals as well as calories. The body will signal for your brain that you will be inside a starvation setting and the body is designed to shop extra fat to the impending starvation and may deplete your muscle for power in your activities. A number of eating plans recommend a severe cut inside carbohydrate. Carbohydrate is the system's first supply of electricity. Once your is exhausted regarding carb, that becomes in your protein (muscle tissues) and body body fat indiscriminately for vitality. Now in addition, due to the constrained carbs ingested, there'll be fewer carb energy to use while energy calories which once again will signal the particular start malnourishment mode again. The vicious cycle of your body cannibalizing an unique muscles is set in motion yet again. A similar pertains to people on diet tablets as well as hair salon fat reduction programs. Consequently many people say ok, Bob, I see your point, i really can simply do a lot of cardio exercise workouts to shed weight. An additional burial plot mistake. Ever wondered why marathon sportsmen, people who operate several kms usually and so are carrying out cardio exercise exercises almost each day are really lanky without any muscle mass? As your body's an excellent equipment. It can be designed to conform. Advertising media are or even by pass or even go swimming long enough, it will say, search, We greater obtain lighter in weight to ensure that I'm able to make tension greater and also increase the stamina. Do you know what? Muscle tissue are heavier as compared to body fat as well as what's going to your body lose much more if it wants to obtain lighter? Muscle mass or fat? Your system may get rid of each yet a lot more muscles compared to body fat. Anyway, precisely why would you wish to shed weight just to turned into a smaller a person with similar shape without any tone of muscle? Precisely why would you want to be with a weightloss program in which takes muscle tissue reducing your fat burning price a case in point that when you are from the plan, the particular fat occur piling rear about once again? Consequently, if you are on the slim down system, you should be also over a develop muscle program. Which will imply a combination of proper eating routine, aerobic exercises and also strength training workout routines to maintain muscles upkeep and also a weight loss result. From now on inform folks you're on the fat loss program rather than a diet program. That you are with a correct eating habit rather than merely diet. With the distinction clearly in mind, you may then learn how to lose weight quick successfully, sustain and also improve your muscles and at one time slimming down on your own rest room size. That you will find an affordable way to attain weight decline goal because you will suffer body fat as opposed to muscle tissue and simple physique wastes. Fat Loss Tablets - Which Ones Are The Best The potential answer of fat loss tabs addresses the familiar problem of lowering your body mass safely. Of course, when you start investigating all the different diet pills and products on the market, you can easily get overwhelmed with all the claims and contradictory information. In what way can you be sure which goods are safe as well as the ones that would be most functional? We will be looking at these inquiries to aid you in deciding whether or not weight loss pills are the answer. Phenphedrine is a popular fat loss tablet that can be purchased without a prescription. Put to the test, it's differing ingredients have proved to work on making your metabolism greater as well as aiding in fat burning. A lot of Phenphedrine partakers have said they not only lost weight but felt better for the most part and had more energy. This supplement incorporates a lot of caffeine, although no serious contraindications have been published, therefore you still want to use caution if you are sensitive to stimulants. Assuming you make the determination that you like it, one flaw to Phenphedrine is how expensive it is, it will cost you between $70-$100 on a monthly basis. Still, provided it works without a doubt for someone and they can afford it, it is possibly worth the expense. Commercials for acai berries abound as you will find out when you review the weight loss options available now. Deriving from the blue berry on acai palm trees acquired in South and Central America, it can be had in juices, tablets, pills and powders. So much hype has surrounded the acai that finding the true worth of it can be hard. High in antioxidants, acai is great for reinforcing your metabolism as well. Nevertheless, as you research all products that are made with acai, don't forget that you have to watch what you eat and how you live because there isn't any food that can perform miracles. One well known fat loss tablet you may have heard of it Proactol. This is a product made from all natural ingredients, and that acts as a fat binder and appetite suppressant. Proactol contains NeoPuntia, which is the component that holds onto the fat, or what keeps them back from absorbing into your body. Compared to many other diet pills that you can buy over the counter or online, Proactol has quite a bit of research behind it. As with any type of fat loss tablet, you should look into it and ask your doctor before trying it, but Proactol is something worth considering if you haven't had success with other weight loss products. An overall program for losing weight should include several things, and one of them could be natural fat loss tablets. This article only looked at a couple of diet pill products, and there are way more to pick from, so you should continue your research until you have enough information to choose wisely. If you want to try one of these products, it's best to stick with one for a while and not keep switching until you've given it a fair test. FDA Approved Alli Weight Loss The newest "superdrug" Alli has received a lot of interest from the media before it has come out there and now that it's Alli has grown in popularity and the trend will probably continue as time passes. One from the greatest characteristics about Alli diet pill is that's obtainable since the very first above the counter item authorized by the FDA. Inside the previous in case you required a fat reduction medicine you had to consult your physician for any treatment plan for taking the medicine, but Alli have been FDA authorized to trade with out requiring a treatment plan from a physician. The reason Alli have been FDA authorized in this manner is since is made up of only a half dose from the drug called Xenical. Xenical can be a effective bodyweight loss drug in full-dose form and needs a doctor's prescription to be able to take it. However , since Alli only has fifty percent the amount that Xenical does, the side effects are generally much less and yes it the FDA considered it to become secure for extended term utilize at the foresight of the person. Alli weight loss pills arrive in the form of 60 milligram capsules. These types of capsules may either arrive inside starter packages that contain 60 to 90 pills. A refill pack is additionally obtainable that usually contains 120 tablets. It is possible to locate it in several areas since it has become widely accessible for mass market place merchants. Several drug stores will also be selling the, in addition to a very few on the web shops. It needs to become understood that alli won't act as a suppressant for your desire for food. The real goal of the alli bodyweight reduction drug is to prevent you entire body absorb some from the weight it will take in via your diet. You ought to not necessarily reduce all of the body fat out of the eating habits when getting Alli since you entire body still wants to digest several fat, nevertheless, you must keep the weight consumption into a smallest and also have as healthful of the diet as feasible. After your system has digested the fat it requirements to perform, it stores the rest to when needed, this might cause unhealthy weight. The Orlistat within the Alli pill will probably attach itself to the natural enzymes within the digestive system within your body. This can help to prevent the fat from becoming stored and also reduced. So rather than becoming made available to your entire body the weight is taken off via your bowels. Alli will simply work appropriately and efficiently any time it accompanied by a low calorie diet plan, your eating habits should not really receive any a lot more than 30% of one's calories coming from fats. In case you do take a lot more fats that pointed out, you'll most likely encounter uncomfortable unwanted side effects for instance gas and diarrhea among other things. Since the FDA has approved Alli to be sold more than the counter it is simply available as lengthy as you could be above 18. An individual must not nonetheless take Alli unless you are really over weight. It might be advised to check with a physician first just before using it. Fight Acne With Nopalea Juice Every day researchers are discovering more and more aches and pains and even serious conditions that can be linked to inflammation. There is also a connection between an outbreak of acne – really inflammation as the body's defense to protect the skin from bacteria – and a remedy by drinking Nopalea Juice. While acne is no longer just for adolescents, it seems like younger people are more damaged emotionally and psychologically by an outbreak of this painful condition. Teens tend to worry more about what others think and have not yet established a firm confident self-identity. Part of this is because their hormones are going crazy, which in turn, can also spark a breakout. While an adult can brush off an acne outbreak and realize it is a temporary condition, teenagers are living moment to moment and feel that everything is a make or break situation. A young man or woman's parents can spend a fortune trying out different products that might stomp out the acne, and even turn to prescription drugs, but too many products end up being ineffective and some prescription medications have super scary side effects that no parent wants to expose a child to. Instead, parents should consider trying an all-natural remedy by having their teenager drink Nopalea Juice. This juice is made from the prickly pear cactus and is all natural. It is sweetened with Agave nectar and contains a plethora of fruit extracts and concentrates. The main ingredient (outside of water) however, is the prickly pear cactus. This plant, a native of the Sonoran desert, is a natural inflammation fighter. In fact, researchers have been praising the plants ability to not only fight inflammation, but to act as a natural anti-oxidant. With that knowledge, it is perfectly logical that drinking Nopalea could help with acne outbreaks. This is because inflammation is the body's first response to bacterial invaders. When bacteria invade the skin, the body rushes to fight the invaders with white blood cells and inflammation. While inflammation is one of the body's most powerful tools, it can sometimes go haywire and not go away or turn off when the job is done. When that happens, the inflammation is considered a chronic condition. This is the point where scientists worry that the inflammation could lead to conditions that are more serious. About a decade ago, a cover story in Time made a connection between chronic inflammation and diseases and ailments such as arthritis and even colon cancer. Drinking Nopalea Juice might be one way to stop inflammation in its tracks. At least one teenager has written to Nopalea's parent company, Trivita, to praise the juice and share his experience of finally ridding his body of acne. He attributes his success with drinking Nopalea Juice. The boy said that he began breaking out as a 13-year-old and within two years had tried just about every recommended acne-fighting regimen out there. He did everything he was supposed to and even tried prescription remedies, to no avail. On a whim, he tried drinking the juice and within a week, his face began to lose some redness. Within a month, he saw a dramatic difference. He claims that the juice has changed his life for the better. Find Out Whether The Alli Weight Loss Supplement Is Suitable For You Although there's no shortage of weight loss pills out there, Alli managed to capture a significant market share by constantly adapting to the needs of those seeking to trim down. Results are simply self-evident! It is widely recognized that shedding pounds on one's own can be very challenging. Typically, whichever method you use, the weight can sometimes simply refuse to shed! Then our patience wears thin and most of us return to old eating habits, thinking all slimming aids are ineffective. Fortunately, you can count on Alli to change that. It in fact claims to help you shed up to 50% more weight than what you can do by yourself. To find out all the details you might want to know about the Alli weight loss pill, be sure to check out: Your Guide to the Alli Weight Loss Pill Regime. An Orlistat product, Alli is a non-prescription drug. Because its base has proved its competency, you can be totally confident that this product can't go wrong. It is notable that Alli is the only licensed over the counter slimming tablet in Europe. What are the ingredients to Alli's success formula? A complex mechanism of enzyme manufacturing and release is set into motion whenever you have food, in order to disintegrate its components for digestion. Each category of enzymes have a different task, some break down proteins, others carbohydrates and lastly fats. Alli's role is to stick to the fat-breaking enzymes, thus preventing fat from breaking down for the digestion process. Once that is done, fat is expelled from the body immediately, thus leaving no time for the body to deposit it. As a result, every time you eat, you won't be keeping all the fat that came with the food. In conclusion, it helps you reach your slimming goals by enabling you to double the amount of weight you would normally shed. As you would surely expect, Alli can't work on its own, it supplements a healthy nutrition program. So ensure that you have a good calorie controlled diet and don't forget to include some of the ‘good fats' such as oily fish, olive oil and nuts as these are essential to your health and vitality. If you can keep a tab on your diet on a normal basis, it won't be a big issue when you indulge a bit on occasion! Alli's most important feature is that it allows you to experience more than just a supplement. After purchasing Alli, you will have access to an online program that gives you plenty of tips and advice to keep you motivated as well as providing diet recipes and exercises to make the best chance of success. Another wonderful feature is the online forum where you can connect with people having the same goals and challenges as you do. It is highly beneficial to be a part of a community that will provide assistance for you, since you get exposure to a multitude of solutions others found to problems similar to the ones you face, as well as inspiration from the many success stories people post. This increases your odds of success dramatically, compared to an attempt at dieting by yourself. For your information, if you want more great tips and advice about Alli, be sure to check out this free site: The Alli Weight Loss Pill Reviewed. There are no major side effects reported by people using the Alli Diet Pill. Being present only in the digestive system, without ever reaching the blood, it has nothing to do with the heart or the brain! To be on the safer side, though, you should intimate your doctor of your decision to embark on the Alli weight loss program, just like you would for any other diet. Because of its impressive features, Alli quickly gained popularity as an effective aid in the quest for losing weight. Sourced originally in the US, its popularity has seen its availability to nearly anyway across the globe. Before you rush out to buy some Alli, it is recommended that this weight loss pill only be used for people with a body mass index greater than 28. In short, it is designed for overweight people rather than just fitness enthusiasts who just want to lose few extra pounds. It is not considered as a quick fix solution but should be used in conjunction with a proper diet and exercise scheme. It can be purchased from registered pharmacies. So if you need to lose a considerable amount of weight and you're sold on the combination of a pill and an online community for encouragement and inspiration, you should seriously consider Alli. Surely, it will only be effective if you invest discipline, commitment and perseverance in it, but the results it brings makes it all worth it, right? I sincerely hope that you got some benefit out of this article. I do have a great product review that you may be interested in checking out too at: Fat Loss 4 Idiots Programme Reviewed. Fish Oil For Triglycerides: 2 Things You Really Must Know Fish oil for triglycerides is usually given to people who have hypertriglyceridemia, or high levels of triglycerides in their system. These high levels can be measured by triglyceride count through blood tests. Normal levels are below the 150 mg/dL marker; borderline status is between 150 to 199 mg/dL; while people who have excessive triglycerides have 200 to 500 mg/dL and above. So why is fish oil - trigylcerides associated with one another? And why is fish oil for triglycerides necessary to maintain one's health? We first need to define what triglycerides are. When we consume food and drinks, our body breaks these down into calories so that cells and tissues can extract the necessary nutrients to sustain life. However, not all these calories can be assimilated immediately into the system, especially when there seems to be too much calories taken per meal. These excess calories are converted into a chemical form called triglycerides. In turn, triglycerides are transported into the blood stream. Its main destination is the adipose tissues or the fat cells of the body. Triglycerides are actually necessary to one's survival. Hormones regulate the release of these chemicals from the adipose tissues so that the person's energy level does not wane in between meals, or when a person has not eaten for a relatively long period of time. Nonetheless, anything in excess is usually very harmful to the body. In this case, excess triglycerides or hypertriglyceridemia can trigger other medical conditions like diabetes mellitus, hypertension, obesity and all manner of coronary heart diseases. Fish oil for triglycerides is usually given to help control the chemical's escalating count. Fish oil supplements can help increase the volume of good cholesterol in the system, which is an effective tool for flushing out bad cholesterol and eventually bringing down the person's triglyceride count. But there are still many skeptics who say that giving fish oil for triglycerides as remedy is not as effective as many people suppose. The truth is: fish oil is not a wonder drug for curing hypertriglyceridemia. This supplement does have its benefits, but there are some things that you should also know, like: 1. Triglyceride count is usually in direct proportion to the amount of calories that you take. In other words, the more food you consume or the more calorific food (or drink) you ingest, the higher your triglyceride count will be. So even if you take concentrated forms or higher dosages of your fish oil supplements, your excess calories will still prevail over the supplements. In order to effectively lower your triglyceride count, it is also necessary that you consume fewer calories as well. After all, fish oil supplements are only dietary aids to help you gain better health. It is still up to you to make sure that you do not exceed the recommended calorie count per meal. 2. Many people take too much stock in fish oil for triglycerides, and are sometimes disappointed when their triglyceride count are not lowered immediately. In some cases, people discontinue taking the supplements altogether. You do have to remember that any remedy, (it can be supplemental or otherwise,) does take time before results can be seen or felt; this means that an observation period of 3 months or so is needed to gauge the effectivity of the product. Make no mistake about it; fish based oil is considered good for treating triglycerides but remember to be consistent with your medication, administer the supplements within accepted limits, give adequate time to see results and, last but not the least, use the right fish based oil supplement. Fitness Equipment: Vibratec VB500 Vibration Plate Summary Vibration Plates are not the same as your customary fitness equipment but now they are becoming more commonplace and are found in virtually every gym and fitness centre Is this some kind of sensational piece of equipment? It could be, but this machine is not a joke and is backed firmly by exploration and science. NASA is known as the first to introduce the notion of vibration plates as a counteraction for bone loss of astronauts in outer space. The study was conducted in 2001 at the State University of New York. Recent research at University of Antwerp and the Artesis University College in Belgium concluded that using vibration plates lead to losing weight especially in the belly region. They have been so successfully proven that even well-known celebrities such as Madonna were said to be using it. So if you are interested to purchasing this type of fitness equipment let me present you with some vital information with Vibratec VB500 Vibration Plate. Fitness Equipment – Overall Score: 9 of 10 stars Major Components • 3 pre-set programs with 16 speed settings and 20 user positions available • Classy and smooth • Built for home usage • Price Tag: About £224.99 to £399 Product Report: Are you pondering about how this machine operates? Well, all that is necessary is to just stand on it for approximately 20 minutes daily in order to obtain the muscle toning and fat burning routine you desire. This vibrating fitness equipment sends a vibration out making them stretch, flex, or relax which results in elevated muscle strength, optimal muscle toning, as well as enhanced fitness. As an added effect, this vibrating|In addition, this|Furthermore, this|Additionally, this} fitness equipment also develops bone density, aids in tissue repair and stimulates circulation. This machine would be advantageous if you are healing from an accident or even if you are just wanting a faster and simpler workout. But note that this vibrating plate will provide a more strenuous workout than just your normal cardio or strength exercises. To upgrade the challenge of employing this machine rather than just positioning yourself on it, you could also use the 3 pre-set programs or raise the speed settings to get the maximum benefit from it. You may also try doing different positions such as squatting, stretching and twisting. This machine doesn't take up much space and because of its weight may be store easily. Fitness Equipment – Product Characteristics and Particulars: • Is built with upper and lower control panels • Has 16 time settings (1 to 16 min) • Comes with 16 frequency range levels (36 to 61.7 Hz) • {Maximum user weight of 100 kg|Optimum user capacity is 100kg|Maximal user weight-100kg|Optimal user capacity of 100kg) • Vibration amplitude of 2.6mm • Size: L 140.5 cm/ W 55cm/ H 72cm • Product weight: 17.5 kg • Motor: AC220V-50Hz, 190W • Warranty Information: 1 year parts and labour Fitness Equipment – Closing: It's true! Vibratec VB Vibration actually works! But to get the best results from this innovative fitness equipment it is crucial that you seek the advice of your doctor, the producer of the product, or a conditioning trainer about employing this sort of device specially when you are a novice. Becoming an expert on this machine can get you to that beautifully toned body that you have wanted for so long. So why are you hesitating? Go out and purchase one! Five Diet Regime Nutritious Smoothies Are you searching for additional of a smoothie recipe? Or you can't just do it due to the fact you are on a diet plan? Well, if you do, you far better seem above in this corner 1st. So, you don't have to give up your smoothie just for your eating habits. These diet plan smoothies are for everyone who loves the taste of a delicious smoothie recipe and desires to loose individuals stubborn lbs or lose a tiny weight. Grab and check out individuals and enjoy residing your existence with no worries on your weight! Do you desire additional of a smoothie recipe? Or you can't just do it simply because you are on an eating plan? Very well, if you do, you far better seem over in this corner initial. smoothies are a wonderful way to fill by yourself up with a rapid, juicy, refreshing meal. For the duration of the summer months months, a cold fruit smoothie is specifically delightful, but be warned: consuming too significantly can aid you pack on the lbs, and soon after doing work so challenging to get in shape for the summer season, that's the final thing you want to do. Nevertheless, though healthy smoothies are typically large in calories, they also commonly have a fair volume of nutritional vitamins and other healthful advantages. So you do appreciate a balanced smoothie without getting to get worried about putting on fat. But, if you do care for your bodyweight, that is what diet regime smoothies are for. To drop pounds, right here are some diet nutritious smoothies that will help you reduce your weight, but still that will precisely capture and satisfy you: one.) Berry Berry Blast balanced smoothie- in this glorious smoothie, it contains a truckload of berries and really feel no cost to shove some boysenberries in right here as nicely as generating it a substitution. You can't go incorrect combining raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, low excess fat yogurt (some sort of berry yogurt would be greatest, but plain is very good, also), minimal body fat milk or body fat- no cost milk and ice. Even though this balanced smoothie is heavy on berries, it doesn't lack of wonderful taste variety. Delight in this soothing and wholesome smoothie as you desire! 2.) One more Strawberry wholesome smoothie- can you have numerous strawberry balanced smoothie recipes? Almost certainly not. So, in order to get the eating plan variety, you need a bunch of strawberries, light fat- cost-free strawberry frozen yogurt, Crystal light or other sugar- cost-free lemonade and an equal sweetener or sugar. This recipe is swift and straightforward for you to do. 3.) Tofu smoothie recipe Recipe- to get this great smoothie, 1st you need to have Tropicana Orange-Pineapple, an amount of frozen strawberries, honey, vanilla extract, Nasoya silken tofu, vanilla soymilk, banana, and a spike with coconut rum. With these, grab your blender and taste this pretty smoothie. four.) Tomato smoothie- tomatoes are a wonderful ingredient for a healthy smoothie recipe recipe due to the fact of their antioxidant properties. Men in specific need to add tomatoes to their eating habits to support reduce prostate cancer. In this recipe, you just need to have to have tomatoes, tomato sauce, apple juice, carrots, celery, Tabasco, and ice. Take pleasure in your refreshing smoothie recipe! five.) Tropical Tofu Berry healthy smoothie- in this diet regime smoothie, you just want light - totally free vanilla yogurt, skim milk, banana, soft tofu, a lot of strawberries and blueberries. Combine it all in a blender and you've received the most best wholesome smoothie, ever! So, you don't have to give up your healthy smoothie just for your diet. These diet plan balanced smoothies are for any individual who loves the taste of a tasty healthful smoothie and wants to loose individuals stubborn pounds or lose a little weight. Grab and consider those and get pleasure from residing your life with no worries on your weight! Flying on Weight Loss Pills Visit any health food store or look online, you'll find hundreds of 'herbal' weight loss supplements, many of them claiming to have incredible benefits. Although it's tempting to try new pills, the possible side effects and safety concerns are not usually listed. And while some of them may be promising, others can do more harm than good. Natural food store herbal diet pills are big business. Many claims about the supposed weight loss benefits of herbal weight loss supplements are very misleading. First, the scientific evidence is slim that these herbal diet pills help you to reduce your weight. Second, many of these herbal diet pills are amphetamine-type stimulants that can over-stimulate the nervous system, causing ill-health and nasty side-effects. Also, some diet supplements containing ephedra have been linked to serious side effects such as heart attacks, seizures, and death. While the pills I took were supposedly 'ephedra free' and were supposedly totally natural and safe, I don't think I ever felt so befouled and afflicted in my life. A year later I discovered that the FDA had banned these herbal diet pills I had taken, and now I wonder what it was I had put in my body. Herbal diet pills are very popular these days as an alternative to more traditional methods of weight loss like diet and exercise. Herbal treatments in general are very trendy today, which I find a little worrisome for several reasons. First of all, just about anything can be in an herbal diet pill. 'Herbs' are a kind of loophole in the FDA system, as they are not classified as drugs and therefore do not have the rigorous standards for testing and safety that drugs normally get. Make no mistake about it though, herbs can be every bit as potent and harmful as illegal narcotics. The difference between medicinal herbs and medicinal drugs is really quite vague anyway, as most prescription drugs themselves come from a kind of plant or herb. Most of the time the 'herbal' classification does not last very long; the FDA eventually calls it a drug and brings in the scientists. When that happens herbal diet pills often either become available only by prescription or are banned completely. When researching herbal diet pills, it is clear that the herbal pill manufactures are very familiar with the FDA. Unscrupulous sites even use it to their advantage saying things to the effect of 'buy it now before the FDA bans it!'. You need to ask yourself, if the FDA will eventually ban the herbal diet pill you are interested in, should you be using it at all? Do not be fooled by the word 'herbal' in an herbal diet pill. It is better to trust a regular diet pill that is FDA approved a lot more than some herbal diet pill concoction with it's unregulated and monitored contents. The words herbal and natural are marketing ploys and should never be confused with the word safe unless there has been FDA testing to prove it. Foods That Turn Fat Into Muscle While You Sleep Diet is an essential component of your bodybuilding routine. Certain foods help greatly to build muscle. An erroneous idea some people have is that if they are not trying to drop a few pounds, they need not be concerned with their diet. Your diet will be very high calorie and loaded with nutrition so that your muscles grow in the proper way. The first thing that you should know about bodybuilding nutrition is that fatty foods are not that bad after all.  Not only are they good for your diet if you are trying to lose weight, but they offer much goodness for someone who is trying to bulk up with muscle. Yes, you've heard me right. Focus on eating enough protein and fat - good fat, that is - and your body will thank you for doing that by turning all accumulated fat within into good solid muscles. And this is the key to turning your body into a lean mean muscle machine that not a whole lot of weight loss nuts know about. The staples required for a good healthy diet are lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables. The most important item that gives your body the energy you require for a hard workout is carbohydrates. The protein required for supporting your muscle building workout is provided by lean meats. Be careful with food preparation too. Heart-healthy foods are not prepared with too many fats. Although fats do provide a lot of calories, it is also important to consider the nutrients that accompany those calories. Remember that food is simply fuel that helps to maintain your body in optimum health, so choose wisely. Foods that are lower in nutrients will not provide you with the energy and health that you need for bodybuilding.  As you work through your training, you are making your body into a well oiled, finely tuned machine and you don't want to load your machine up with bad fuel.  It just will not give you the best performance. Consider consulting with a nutritionist to create a diet that incorporates muscle building foods. Your diet should be both high in calories and nutrition. Your nutritionist will help you get the most nutritional bang for the calories. To get the results that you are aiming for means having to learn the correct ways to build muscle. You'll wish to preserve good health and be in the finest physical condition you can. This can all be achieved via a healthy diet and the proper amount of rest and exercise. Design a diet plan before starting a workout routine. The foods that build muscles will be those that keep you going while you push your body to the limit. Free Ways To Natural Weight Loss For those who have already crossed the stage of averting obesity, there is still a ray of hope to lose weight and that too naturally without any side effects. Weight loss primarily involves two things - healthy food habits and physical activity. Eating healthy food doesn't necessarily mean restrictive dieting, i.e. sudden and drastic change in eating habits of people that often leads to more craving and is thereby unsustainable for majority, which demoralizes them and they eventually give up their pursuit for weight loss. The changes that are made in the diet should therefore be small and the ones that can be continued for a long term. For instance, one may try taking fruits instead of biscuits and simply cut down the deserts that one consumes after the meal. It would also be helpful to replace junk food with some healthy snacks such as sprouted pulses. These are small sacrifices that will gradually become a part of your daily life. Once you start losing, you will definitely be encouraged and that will make you even more determined. Positive thinking and noticing your achievements will help you stay focused. The same concept of making small changes applies to physical activity as well. People often join fitness centers to lose weight and somehow leave it as they are not able to adjust it to their tight schedules. The result is that they gain weight again. So, it is better to make exercises as a part of your schedule. That is to say, climbing stairs at the workplace instead of using escalators, playing with your kid or take a brisk walk at night with your family instead of simply chatting at home are some of the physical activities which must be adopted in our daily life. These small changes can thereby help you in achieving a lot and again make you fit in the same jeans that you might have stacked in your wardrobe with the hope of wearing it one day once you are slim. Depending on others for your diet and exercise schedules are a mere waste of time, you are your best judge in working out your slimming plan that fits best in your schedule and thereby can be worked upon easily without any problems. So, make a schedule for yourself today and get started to discover a new "you", who is more beautiful, confident, healthy and all ready to chase the world with pride. Just adhere to these small changes and see the difference in yourself. So, no need to be distressed anymore if you are overweight. Be firm and follow the natural healthy diet plan and shed off those extra pounds hampering your personality. Gas and Acid Reflux Talking about having gas may be politically incorrect, but in extreme cases of gas and acid reflux you may want to visit your physician to rule out some more serious ailment like gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). What Is Flatulence (gas)? Let's talk about gas and acid reflux a bit or to be more politically correct, flatulation and acid reflux. First of all, if you have a human body, you are blessed with a digestive tract and you will have gas (flatulation). You are born with it and you will die with it. It may be politically incorrect to talk about it and it is certainly the butt of a host of jokes. Everyone has it and everyone does it, even kings and queens. On the average we pass gas fifteen to twenty times a day depending on our diet, sometimes in our sleep. The gas is a combination of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen, most of the time it is odorless. When it isn't, it smells like rotten eggs. As embarrassing as it is, it is natural. The large intestine creates hydrogen sulfide (the rotten egg smell) when bacteria in the colon break down carbohydrates left over and passed from the small intestine. The smell is the result of fermenting carbohydrates. A small amount of methane, hydrogen and another sulfide gas are also created. Surprisingly, the unmistakably foul smelling odor produced is a very small amount, about one percent of the total gas our digestive system produces. When it becomes excessive, such as with gas and acid reflux, and is accompanied by constipation, vomiting or weight loss you should consult your physician. As for the sound the gas produces, it depends on the force with which it is expelled. The pressure with which the gas is expelled causes the anal sphincter to vibrate which creates that unmistakable sound. Not being a socially acceptable bodily function you can hold it, remove yourself from the scene or suffer the consequences. Gas and Acid Reflux I realize this may all seem a little on the comical side, but that is only because of our conditioning. Flatulence is a symptom of acid reflux and GERD. Excessive flatulence may be cause for concern and you should consult with your physician. Gas and acid reflux go hand-in-hand. Most all foods contribute to the making of gas in the intestines. Just chewing your food, drinking soda water, or smoking can create gas in the digestive tract. Wearing tight clothing hinders food digestion and contributes to gas and acid reflux. If the gas is not released through belching or flatulence, it can cause bloating. The bloating can be more than uncomfortable and can cause mild or severe pain. The Mayo Clinic suggests that you eat less fatty foods, identify those foods that cause the gas and limit or eliminate them from your diet, eat slowly, and maybe take a walk after you eat. If you experience bloody stool, diarrhea or constipation, weight loss, nausea or vomiting with excessive flatulence seek out a physician. It could well be symptoms of severe acid reflux or GERD. As the Mayo Clinic notes, "Intestinal symptoms can be embarrassing - but don't let embarrassment keep you from seeking help." These symptoms can be treated holistically without over the counter drugs or expensive prescriptions. If you are a victim of excessive flatulence, consider the fact that your body has the capacity to heal itself and you have a lot to say about how that is accomplished. Sometimes it takes small changes in our daily routines and habits to rid ourselves of annoying and sometimes painful symptoms. Discover natural and holistic ways to treat gas and acid reflux, heartburn and GERD. Learn natural and holistic ways to cure gastrointestinal diseases visit http://GerdNaturalTreatment.com. Read this article, http://gerdnaturaltreatment.com/acid-reflux-foods-to-avoid/ and discover natural and holistic ways to treat gas and acid reflux, heartburn and GERD. Learn natural and holistic ways to cure gastrointestinal diseases visit http://GerdNaturalTreatment.com. Get a new body to be happy with Weight gain is never easy. No, we don't mean it is difficult to gain weight – it is very simple. But what people have to go through after they gain weight is unpleasant. If you gained a couple of pounds, don't worry – you can drop them easily within a couple of weeks. But what about those that gain dozens of pounds and can't seem to stop? They need help. We don't want to say that if you got some flab on you need to panic. It is not so. As long as you are comfortable with yourself everything is normal. But what about those who suffer from the way they look? What if you can't walk the streets without somebody giving you a weird smiling stare? It is not tough to lose confidence and get a bunch of complexes you don't want to have. Being different can sometimes mean – being embarrassed. You might have heard it on the radio, in the news, seen on the talk shows and read in magazines - diet pills have definitely captured everyone's attention. They aren't pricey. You can get them almost everywhere – from the nearest drug-store to internet sites that sell medication. Most people that are diagnosed with obesity prefer to purchase diet pills online. You don't have to walk out of your house – now the pill you crave for can be shipped within 24 hours. Plus online pharmacies are famous for providing the patient with a discount that is hard to resist. Diet pills have a certain effect on one's body. They affect specific neuro-transmitters that are responsible for food consumption. These neuro-transmitters decrease the desire to eat bringing the normal appetite back. But diet pills should not be viewed as miracle-makers. They HELP one to fight the hunger but they can't promise to sustain it if you are famous for not having a will. Everything works together in a program. Diet pills should always be accompanied by exercises and a healthy diet. Let's talk about one of the most effective diet pills in the world. The name of the pill is Phentermine. Phentermine controls the food intake of the body stimulating the hypothalamus gland. It has a particular dosage that you would want to consider as an overdose could definitely bring your body to the worst possible state. This diet pill comes in strength of 15mg and 30mg. You have to be careful not to chew it. It can only be swallowed on an empty stomach. Phentermine comes with a prescription and you must inform your doctor about any progress or reactions your body gives you. As we previously mentioned there are few side-effects that you don't want to experience. There are: insomnia, headaches, dry mouth, upset stomach and others. If you happen to have any of these after the consumption of the drug, please contact your doctor immediately. It is important to know that pregnant women and breastfeeding mother should avoid this medication without doctor's prescription. Alcohol should never be permitted while you are on the diet pill program. If you have any questions at all about Phentermine or you want to take an advice regarding weight loss or obesity treatment please contact us for further instructions. Remember that weight gain should never stop you from living a normal life. If it is bother, you have to eliminate it to go on normally. We can assure you that it can be gotten rid of for good. Get A Slim Body With Calotrim It is difficult to make thin and shapely people realize the agony of being overweight. You always dream of getting that wonderful magic potion which would drive the fat out of your body in a perfectly natural way. Calotrim, which is a commonly used term for Calotren, is a weight loss supplement which promises to do that. It is a perfect example of a product which causes you to lose weight without your feeling tormented or aggrieved. It allows you to eat your natural diet, although the emphasis is always to go for a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. Water is also another primary necessity. Exercising will also support your aim of getting a fit body. What is Calotrim? Generally known to be a protein supplement, Calotrim helps to lose unnecessary fat without disturbing the natural rhythm of the body. Unlike most weight loss supplements, Calotrim is not associated with any stimulants like caffeine and ephedrine which impede the functions of a body. The focus is on producing more lean muscles which in turn burn a lot of calories. This energy is expended at the cost of the extra fat in the body which leads to weight loss. In fact, delicately built people can also take advantage of this product as it gives them the stamina to do more work. The Advantage of Collagen The main protein which accounts for about one-third of the total protein content in our body is collagen. Calotrim is based on this protein which is extremely useful for our body. This protein is responsible for the well being of the joints and connective tissues of our body. This has also been used as a method to combat aging as it keeps the wrinkles away from your skin. This protein is useful to build our muscles and to keep the arteries in good shape. As a result, blood is able to flow without any hitches. Seeing the importance of this protein, it is vital to keep the level of protein high in the body. Why Calotrim is Required There is no dearth of overweight people in this world. And hence the rate of diseases due to the problem of obesity is also on the higher side. Blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, heart problems, arthritis, depression and other high-risk diseases are rampant among the people because of increase of fat in the body. It has been found that cancer is also caused due to obesity. Therefore, it becomes imperative to find a solution for this weight gain problem. Calotrim is very useful in this context. It helps to lower the weight by burning the fat and making you free from deadly diseases. Eat Healthy Diet As is obvious, obesity is not a condition which can be useful in any way. In fact, it lowers our self esteem and is responsible for bringing about depression. But Calotrim is a great way to get rid of the excess weight. And what's more: there is no need to observe a fast or eat very less to help this product to work. You can eat a healthy diet with less stress on junk food and with plenty of good exercise to get good results. Get Genuine Dinitrophenol Pills At Buydinitrophenol Online Diet pills such as Dinitrophenol are one of the newest ways to lose weight. They are preferred by more people simply because unlike the traditional exercise or dieting regimens, diet pills are a great, fast and easy alternative to shed off those excess pounds. But if you are still hesitant about the safety of using these drugs, then not to worry; there are several brands in the market that has been tested and proven by health professionals to be safe for use. So if want to take this alternative, the key to effectively lose weight is to pick the right pill from a reputable company that can give you genuine and high quality products. As mentioned earlier, it is very important that you buy diet pills only from reputable and trusted companied whether they are an actual drug store or an online pharmacy. This is because using fake or even just sub standard products could lead to dangerous side effects. Aside from a waste of money, it could put your life in great danger. So if you are on the hunt for a reputable company that can give you genuine DNP products, then you can stop looking far because genuine diet pills are found here at BuyDinitrophenol Online. BuyDinitrophenol Online is a licensed online pharmacy and is one of the top places where people can buy Dinitrophenol online. This is because for over 2 years, since acquiring their license, they have provided satisfied customers with the highest quality diet pills in the market, from DNP to a wide variation of anabolic steroids. And aside from that, they offer their products at unbelievable discounted products that are affordable for anyone who wants to avail of their products! And with their online site, ordering is just a click away. After payment, you can now have your product shipped straight to your location in just a couple of days! And if you are worried about harmful side effects, then there is no need to be anxious at all. BuyDinitrophenol Online offers their customers with a great weight loss regime that involves DNP pills and a specialized dieting regime that will help maximize the amount of weight you will lose in a period of time. This program is called the DNP cycle. They feature four phases that includes a strict dosage guide for the drugs you will take per day. Apart from that, it also gives you a detailed amount of carbohydrate and protein intake that you should incorporate into your diet. So if you are planning to buy Dinitrophenol online, this online pharmacy is the best place to go. Their company assures you of nothing but genuine and high quality pills that is safe and effective for use. So if you want to learn more about their products and their DNP cycle, then go online and browse through their website today. BuyDinitrophenol Online also offers great deals for bulk orders, so take hold of this opportunity while it is still here and log on to their website now! Get Rid of 5 Pounds of Fat Fast Looking to lose weight quickly without making a lot of changes in your lifestyle? Here are a few easy changes to help you lose 5 pounds fast. Switch one fat loaded item in your menu for a nonfat item. For example instead of whole milk use skim milk. Instead of regular salad dressing use nonfat, instead of full fat ice cream use nonfat ice milk. This one change can knock 200 calories off your diet each day. That could mean a weight loss of 5 pounds in a week. If you do the exchange in foods that have lots of flavor you probably won't even notice the switch. For example make dips with nonfat yogurt instead of full fat sour cream. a Quick and easy dip is one cup of nonfat yogurt with your choice of dried herbs. Try dill, garlic powder, pepper with a squeeze of lemon juice. For a south of the border treat, add cilantro, cumin, lime juice, chopped tomatoes, and hot peppers, hot pepper sauce, or cayenne pepper. Instead of butter on your bagel use plain jelly or jam. If you prefer cream cheese on your bagel use the whipped version. Nonfat cream cheese doesn't have the same flavor, or texture, as full fat. Add flavor with a few raisins, dried cranberries, or banana slices. If you prefer savory flavors, add sliced almonds, a sprinkling of cayenne pepper, or sliced scallions (green onions), add a splash of lemon juice and you won't miss the fat. When rushed for time make up a batch of flavored nonfat cream cheese ahead of time. Most salad dressings are made with a two to one ratio of oil to vinegar. Dilute bottled salad dressing with 1/3 extra vinegar, or try orange or grapefruit juice. If you make salad dressings at home, change the ratio to 1/3 oil, 1/3 fruit juice, and 1/3 vinegar. Extend mayonnaise and add flavor perks by mixing in lemon juice, tarragon vinegar, or balsamic vinegar. For salad dressings use a ration of 1/2 mayonnaise to one half juice of vinegar. This works as sandwich spread as well. Instead of sour cream on your baked potato use nonfat cottage cheese. Mix one teaspoon dried onions, black pepper, a few shakes of garlic salt or powder, with 1 cup of nonfat cottage cheese. Let set for 30 minutes in the fridge to soften the dried onions. Whip in the blender. Another version that takes a bit more time is to whip the cottage in the blender first, then add 2 tablespoons chopped scallions, a tablespoon of fresh chopped parsley, and freshly ground pepper. Practice the fat switch method and you'll lose weight fast. Get Six-Pack Abs With Human Growth Hormone When you want to build your muscle mass and get that six-pack abdomen, you may want a little help in getting there faster. If you are just starting out getting into shape, you may also have some excess fat to exercise away. You are in luck because HGH is the perfect hormone to help you achieve that goal. This hormone is produced naturally by your body. It is secreted by the anterior part of your hypophysis, also known as your pituitary gland. It has been active since your body was developing, before you were born. As you age, secretion of HGH slows down along with the rest of your cell function. The Internet Has The Information You Need Taking HGH while you are still young and have plenty of natural energy will concentrate the effects of the HGH on increasing your muscle mass as well as weight loss. It will reduce the extra body fat you have been carrying around. Your weight training or whatever exercise program you are entertaining will do the rest with the help of the growth hormone. Finding and buying the HGH is incredibly easy. Turn to the internet and type in HGH releasers or HGH precursors You will be directed to the best muscle mass enhancers available. All the information you will want to know is there explaining the pertinent points of HGH pills and spray. These are the HGH supplements that may help you with your goal of having that ripped body. Supplements Of HGH Are Without Side Effects Many before you have taken HGH supplements with great results. Taking the supplement form of the HGH does not give you any side effects which could turn taking the hormone into a negative experience. The supplement does what it is purported to do and no harmful effects have ever been noted. This is quite in contrast to the HGH that is introduced into your body through injection. Injecting the HGH directly into your muscle brings the hormone into your blood much quicker than through absorption from pills or even spray. HGH will immediately become effective in influencing cells to build your muscle mass. Risks Are Quite Real With Injections You may reap the benefit of speed with HGH injections but you will also place yourself at considerable risk of HGH side effects that can be quite insufferable. These side effects are not limited to just neurological manifestations, but affect also your skin, your metabolism, your GI tract as well as your respiratory system. These side effects do not take the possible risk of infections at the injection site into account. Possible miscalculation when the injecting dose is being calculated are not considered either. Any Mistake Can Have Dreadful Consequences An infection at the injection site could have horrible consequences if the wrong kind of bacteria enters your body. If you are infected with bacteria resistant to most antibiotics, you can expect a serious hospital stay with extensive antibiotic treatment. If the antibiotic cocktails are ineffective, there could be amputations of body parts, although this is rare. Mistakes in calculating dosages can make your bones grow bigger and thicker. This can be seen especially in the face, head, feet and your hands. You May Get A Prescription, Or Maybe Not Another point to make here is the steps you have to take to get the HGH injections. They are not simply available but need to be prescribed by a physician. You have to make an appointment with your doctor and discuss with him that you want a prescription for HGH injections. There is no guarantee that he will agree with your request. If he does agree to write the prescription, then you will need to come back every time you need to be injected. You will be charged for an office visit every time you get the shot. If you learn to inject yourself you will save on the office visit costs but you still have to pay for the injections, which are quite expensive. Pills Are Cheaper Yet Just As Effective In comparison, the pills or the Sytropin spray are quite economical. It is also much easier to administer the needed doses of HGH through pills or spray. The ease of swallowing a pill is much preferable to injecting yourself with needles. If you decide on taking San HGH supplement, the speed of getting the effects from the hormone is remarkable. You will feel the effects soon after you begin taking the HGH supplement. The six-pack abs may be yours sooner than you think. Copyright (c) 2012 Jim Terroirier Give Mom A Day At The Spa Are you looking for a great gift for your mother this Mother's Day ? Why not give her a day at the local spa ? Spas offer a variety of services that any busy, stressed out, or overworked mom would enjoy. Massage - Massage is one of the oldest forms of therapy, it's a system of kneading, pressing, and rubbing parts of the body to achieve pain relief or relaxation. It's also a great way to stimulate blood circulation. Any spa worth a grain of salt has a good massage therapist on staff. You can usually get a variety of massages, from deep tissue massage to hot or cold stone massage. Each one is guaranteed to be a relaxing experience for Mom. Manicure and/or Pedicure - Make mom feel really special with a manicure or pedicure. If your Mom is a really busy Mom, she may not always have the time to keep her nails runway model gorgeous, so treat her to some professional nail help. New nail color, a set of acrylics, or just a trim and clear polish. She'll enjoy the pampering. Body Wraps - Has your Mom been dieting lately ? Show her you've noticed her efforts and give her a nice body wrap for Mother's Day. Body wraps are great for toning skin, especially after recent weight loss or childbirth. They also help relieve joint and muscle aches and pains. Facials - Facials are skin treatments that refresh, re-hydrate and rejuvenate dry, tired, and stressful faces. Specialized facials exist for a variety of purposes including facials treat acne or blackheads, facials that energize or relax the skin, and deep cleaning or moisturizing facials. Permanent Cosmetics - Ideal for the busy mom who is always on the go. She'll love the fact that her lipliner, eyeliner, or eyebrows are done before she even starts applying her makeup in the morning. Body Peels - Body Peels combine glycolic and TCA acids to safely and effectively treat non-facial skin, such as that found on the neck, chest, back, arms and other areas with stretch marks, discolorations of the skin, or wrinkles. Waxing - Organic Waxing is totally derived from plant extracts. It is gentle, comfortable, prevents ingrown hair, minimizes redness and irritation of skin. Waxing slows down re-growth of hair, leaves the skin silky smooth, and gives weeks of freedom from unwanted hair. Microderm Abrasion - This is a fantastic skin-freshening technique that helps repair facial skin that takes a beating from the sun and the effects of aging. The technician uses a device like a fine sandblaster to spray tiny crystals across the face, mixing gentle abrasion with suction to remove the dead, outer layer of skin. All the services I've mentioned should be provided by any local spa. So if you were trying to think of something different for Mom this year, try the local Day Spa. Glandular Fever What is glandular fever? Glandular fever is a viral infection. Although it is not a particularly serious condition, glandular fever can be difficult to accurately diagnose due its symptoms being extremely similar to several other fever-like health conditions. If you become infected with glandular fever it is rare that you will suffer a second bout of the illness in your lifetime. This is because your body's immune system will have developed antibodies which will protect you from becoming re-infected. The virus that causes glandular fever is called the Epstein-Barr virus. Although the symptoms of glandular fever can make you feel rather unwell, it is a self-limiting illness. This means that the symptoms ease and clear up altogether after about a week. Symptoms Symptoms of glandular fever include: Swollen lymph nodes in the neck Sore throat Headache Muscular and skeletal aches and pains Fever Tiredness (this can sometimes be overwhelming fatigue) Weight-loss (due to a lack of appetite) Puffy eyes Other associated symptoms which sometimes occur include a widespread rash over the body, jaundice and depressive illness (please see contact details for the Depression Alliance in the Advice & Support section at the foot of this article). Causes Glandular fever is usually passed on from one person to another through close contact, such as kissing (the virus is passed on through saliva), or through the sharing of things such as cups, glasses and/or food containers that have been used first by an infected person, then by others. The Epstein-Barr virus is highly contagious and it is not uncommon for an entire family to develop glandular fever after a family gathering, such as a birthday party, wedding or christening where relatives greet each other and part by kissing. It only takes one person infected with the Epstein-Barr virus to be in amongst the group for the virus to spread. This is why, if you do have glandular fever, it is best to avoid all close contact with others unless your symptoms have completely cleared up. Diagnosis If you are suffering from the aforementioned symptoms and think that you may be suffering from glandular fever, arrange an appointment with your GP. After taking your medical history, asking you some questions about your symptoms, and then carrying out a short examination of your neck to feel for swollen glands, you will then be asked to have a blood test. The purpose of the test is to check for the presence of EBV antibodies. If a confirmed diagnosis of glandular fever is then made (i.e. based upon the results of the test), an appropriate treatment will be recommended to you. Treatment There is no specific treatment for glandular fever. Your symptoms should clear up within a week. Drink plenty of water and, as we have already seen, it is essential to avoid close contact with others during this time. Also, do not share towels, flannels, cups, glasses, cutlery, toothbrushes or bathroom gargle cups with others during your period of infection. How Chemist Online Can Help Through this website we have a range of treatments available to buy which can help ease the symptoms and associated symptoms of glandular fever, such as headaches, sore throat and feverish symptoms. www.chemistonline.co.uk Advice & Support Health Protection Agency Tel. 020 7759 2700 Website: www.hpa.org.uk Depression Alliance Tel: 0845 123 23 20 Website: www.depressionalliance.org This information and advice is not intended to replace the advice of your GP or chemist. Chemist Online is also not responsible or liable for any diagnosis made by a user based upon the content of the Chemist Online website. Chemist Online is also not liable for the contents of any external internet sites listed, nor does it endorse any commercial product or service mentioned or advised on any of the sites. God Will Help You Lose Weight Are you are frustrated about those extra pounds? Have you tried several diet programs that work for a while, but you gain the weight back? Do you know and believe that God is really interested in helping you lose weight permanently? 100 years ago obesity was not much of a problem in this country. People ate whole food and got plenty of exercise. Life moved at a much slower pace with a lot less stress. A lot has changed in those hundred years. We no longer grow most of our own food. We have a much more sedentary lifestyle. 100 years ago there was no TV to glue us to a couch. There were no Walmarts or big department stores. Community and family were much more relevant than they are today. Most families actually sat around the table for supper. There was very little processed food other than home canning. When we went to school we started the day by singing America and saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. In many Christian homes family worship was an important part of the day. I mention these things so that we can see how much our beliefs have changed in the last 100 years. The secular world we live in today places science above God. It rejects God as our Creator. The medical complex offers a pill or a drug for all of our problems. Mass media advertising delivers deceptive ads and faulty promises. Primetime media for the most part mocks God. Scoffers even ask where is God? As I read the word of God I find that none of this surprises God. He had predicted all of these things would happen in great detail. It is his greatest desire to help those who are in bondage to the world. He wants to help you cut through the false beliefs that the world puts forward. Not only will He help you lose weight, but he will help you enjoy a better quality of life. There is a power to transform your life in the Word of God that exists in no other source. In the hectic pace of life today many have drifted away from a close personal relationship with Christ. Even many who attend church regularly question that God can really solve their personal problems. Christian values are under attack everywhere you look. Much of this is because of unconverted Christians who misrepresent God. A fundamental principle of Christianity is that God is love. It is his desire that everyone would accept His love. He respects every individuals freedom of choice and never forces anyone. Those extra pounds are the result of bad choices. The bad choices many times are the result of false beliefs. In many cases it is not what we eat, but rather why we eat it. God has never ask you to solve your problems on your own. He asked us rather to bring our problems to Him and let him direct our steps. It is God's plan to use those who have given their lives to him to assist and help those who are struggling with life's challenges. As you bear one another's burdens through intercessory prayer and offering a helping hand the spirit of God will work through you. As I've been involved in lifestyle coaching over the last several years, I have been privileged to see the hand of God at work in many lives. Weight loss is no problem for God. Green Tea Diet regime Tablets For Dieting Assist Green tea diet capsules are manufactured from green tea extract which has the significant gain of boosting your metabolism, all with no you even lifting a finger! You do will need to recall having said that that green tea eating habits capsules are meant as a supplement to an present weight loss system, to enable you obtain your weight loss objectives. It is no great eating a quarter pounder with cheese, swallowing some green tea diet supplements and expecting them to counteract the effects of consuming the burger, it just does not do the job that way! Other gains gained from taking green tea diet plan tablets Naturally, the prime gain is boosting your metabolic price. Scientific reports have demonstrated that green tea diet plan capsules have a immediate impact on a digestive enzyme regarded as amylase which is crucial in the digestion procedure to break down starches into sugars. The regulation of this enzyme as a result of usage of green tea minimizes the sum of sugar ingested by the human body. In summary, I hope you are now encouraged to look at green tea diet regime drugs and I wish they support you do well in your weight loss efforts. Green Tea Diet regime Supplements - An additional Option to Remain Match and Healthy and balanced Do you genuinely want to look at a green-tea diet plan but can't stand the taste of consuming the herbal tea or don't want to bother oneself brewing it every day? You don't have to feel concerned any longer due to the fact there are other strategies of receiving the wellness added benefits of green tea other than drinking a cup of it. Don't get lured by phony advertisements stating that drinking only their product or service will assistance you promptly shed lbs. This is not true because consuming pills demands the firm of healthy and balanced diet and workout to successfully give you the human body you've often wished. Diabetes and extra pounds are incredibly closely associated the danger will increase with fat gain. Dietary supplementation with EGCG could possibly contribute to nutritional strategies for the prevention and treatment of variety two diabetes mellitus. New herbal supplement products uses green tea and cinnamon for managing diabetes. Consult health care provider before use if you have, or have had, diabetes, hypoglycemia, superior blood stress, ulcer, iron-deficiency, osteoporosis, stress and anxiety, depression, kidney, liver, or heart difficulties gastrointestinal problem, heartburn, gallstones, fever, a bleeding condition, if you are delicate to caffeine, if you smoke or take in alcohol daily or if you are taking any drugs or treatments this sort of as blood thinners, day-to-day aspirin, asthma, cold or flu remedies antidepressants, ulcer, antipsychotic or migraine medications, birth command tablets or stimulants. Creating a green tea eating habits is not about going on a liquid diet regime where all you consume is green tea. If you want to leap-start off your fat-burning potential, then this is the product or service for you. The truth is that the astounding fat reduction currently being reached on the Green Tea diet plan is just one of the numerous miracle-like gains of merely drinking it. A blend of this with the green tea diet is a profitable and powerful strategy for preserving well-being and physique or also losing fat. Gymnema Sylvestre And Its Particular Benefits The majority of us need to slim down. If only there was an easy way to go about it. Maintaining a healthy weight requires that you also eat well and exercise on a consistent basis. Eating right is not that easy particularly when the temptation of delicious food is ever present. Fortunately, there are supplements that help curb our desire for sweets. Read on to find out more about these natural supplements. One of the most well-known of these health supplements is Gymnema sylvestre. This herb is confirmed to be effective in treating diabetes and it may be found in the tropical areas in India. One of many benefits of this herb is in lowering the desire for sweet treats. But the benefit in weight reduction doesn't stop there; it may also prevent the absorption of sugar in the digestive tract. There's a couple different ways through which it may help in weight reduction. You can find scientific studies that support these assertions. This excellent herb has gymnemic acid that's responsible for suppressing the sweetness in foods. Your craving will definitely be lessened when the cupcake you're eating is not sweet. The chemical makeup of gymnemic acid is very a lot like sugar. As soon as you ingest it, it blocks the sweetness receptors in the taste buds in the tongue. There is not a lot of incentive in eating desserts which happen to be plain. The blood sugar receptors in the intestines are clogged by gymnemic acid due to its similarity to glucose. This is the way glucose absorption is stopped by this amazing herb. Your blood sugar levels will continue to be kept balanced even though you eat sugary foods thanks to this mechanism. It is not hard to figure out how natural herb may help in treating diabetes. The potency of amazing herb in treating diabetes has been proven in a number of scientific tests. People who took the herb didn't have to use prescription drugs at all. You will have to frequently keep an eye on your blood sugar levels when taking this Indian herb for fighting diabetes. You need to be cautious because this wonder herb can lower your blood sugar to dangerous levels. Furthermore, it is not appropriate for people who are scheduled to undertake surgery. There aren't any documented side effects of gymnema on expectant and nursing women but they are warned against it regardless just to stay safe. As mentioned previously, it can help in weight reduction but you need to combine it with exercising and the right diet plan. The Diet Solution Program is among the most well-liked training courses in weight reduction. Step one in the method is to determine your metabolic type. The next thing is to tailor-make your diet program and you will also get to select the food items that you want to incorporate. If you aren't delighted by the outcome of the exercise and dieting programs that you've tried using thus far, don't lose hope. Do not forget that Rome wasn't built in a day. We all want fast effects but a little bit of persistence can go a long way. Don't quit the method. Go on eating healthy food and continue exercising frequently and you will ultimately see success. Above looking good, it's about keeping healthy as well as enjoying life to the max. Hair: Every Woman's Crowning Glory Hair is often referred to as a woman's crowning glory. Aside from a woman's face, her hair is the most visible part of her body. No wonder, most women make such a big fuss over their hair. While going completely bald is already socially accepted even among women, there was once a time when women had to grow long hair. Almost like their very own “pet,” women take care of their hair with great care. They spend enormous amounts of money and time just to retain the smoothness and shine of their hair, which can be straight, wavy, long, or short. As part of the hair care regimen, most women place considerable attention to choosing their shampoo and conditioner. There are now different shampoo formulas and conditioners for all hair types. There are products that were specifically prepared for oily hair, dry hair, damaged hair, and normal hair. There are also anti-dandruff shampoos, baby shampoos, and a host of other hair products that are used to moisturize, smoothen, and strengthen hair. Surely, there is more to hair that just the shiny images that we see in t.v. commercials. Hair is defined as a filamentous outgrowth of protein. The hair follicles grow out from the epidermis but the roots are planted deep in the dermis. Hair comes in different colors, contour, and diameter. In society, hair is very important because it somehow denotes a person's health, age, virility, and social status. Throughout the ages, it has played an important role in the lives of people --- from the lowly peasant, to the middle class, to the men and women of royalty. During the pre-modern era, each social class had its own particular hairstyle. One's hairstyle can lead to rejection or acceptance in certain groups or social classes. It can enhance a person's appearance, self-confidence, and even contribute to career advancement. Given the weight of importance on hair, many people have developed a fear of losing hair. Unfortunately, losing hair is but a natural human process much like the falling of tree leaves. Hair loss that involves the shedding of at least 100 strands a day may be considered a serious hair problem. Losing about 50 hair strands a day, however, is quite normal. Thinning of hair may lead a patch or bald spot on the scalp. Normal hair grows in cycles and consists of three stages: growing, resting, and falling. Hair loss, as a physical problem, has three general types, as indicated below, l Alopecia Areata – This refers to a loss of hair that results in a patch or bald spot. l Androgenetic Alopecia – It is the most common cause of hair loss in both men and women. It is caused by a combination of four factors: age, testosterone, hormone levels, and heredity. l Chronic Illness – Iron deficiencies, thyroid diseases, connective tissue disease, and syphilis may cause hair loss. l Telogen Effluvium – This type of hair loss is caused by high fever, crash dieting, acute illness including physical and emotional stress. l Scalp Diseases – Fungal and bacterial infections also cause hair loss. l Drugs – Certain anti-cancer and anti-coagulant drugs can also cause hair loss. l Excessive hairstyling – Hairstyling like the pony tail or braiding can stretch the hair and pull them out from the follicles. Loss of hair should not be seen as simply an aesthetic issue. It could be the sign of a more serious illness. It is wise to consult a doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms: l You are already losing hair rapidly even if you are only in your early twenties or in your teenage years. l You are experiencing pain or intense itching. l The skin on your scalp appears to be red or scaly. l You are experiencing weight gain, fatigue, and intolerance for cold temperature. The good news is that there are several hair loss treatments available in the market. The key is to try to control your stress and anxiety over your hair loss. With the variety of hair loss treatments and hair care products, no one should feel down about losing the “crowning glory.” Hair Loss in Women - Seven Reasons You Could Lose Your Hair For many women there are few things more distressing than the thought of going bald. Hair loss or thinning hair is expected in men over a certain age. For a woman – it can be a terrible blow to self esteem striking at the root of her femininity. Hair loss in women is not an uncommon condition. Some experts suggest that as many as one in four women – maybe around 25 million Americans alone - experience hair loss at some time in their lives. So why do women suffer hair loss? 1. Hormones – We all know that men have hormones too but women are subject to greater hormonal flux with higher frequency and over a much longer period than men. Pregnancy, childbirth and menopause are all conditions unique to women that can result in thinning hair and even total air loss. 2. Medication – Just as for men, many modern medications, like anti-depressants, blood thinners and anti-cholesterol drugs can contribute directly to hair loss. For certain women the birth control pill can be a contributory factor. 3. Genes – Genetic causes of hair loss are more associated with men but women too can suffer from female pattern baldness, or androgenetic alopecia. Around 15% of American women are affected. Just as for men, dehydrotestosterone (DHT) causes hair follicles to shut down. The result for women is a general thinning of hair rather than the bald spots or receding hairline which is common in men. 4. Stress - The effect of severe trauma can cause a major reaction in the body resulting in sudden hair loss. Traumatic hair loss can be physical or mental and can make your hair fall out prematurely months after the stress is experienced at an alarming rate - up to three to four thousand hairs per day. Though very upsetting sudden traumatic hair loss is reversible. Provided there is no ongoing stress as a result of the initial trigger - the body should be able to recover and the normal hair growth cycle resumed within about 6 months to a year. 5. Illness – many common conditions, like diabetes or thyroid disturbance, put the body under stress and contribute directly to hair loss. 6. Hair damage – women do more to their hair than men and some of the daily treatment we dish out to our hair can have terrible effects. Harsh shampoos, hair colorants, bleaching, blow driers, straighteners – we seem to do everything possible to cause hair stress. The net effect of all this can be dry damaged hair which is weak and more brittle. Weakened hair is more prone to break and ultimately to fall out. 7. Dieting – Women generally diet more than men and are more likely to go on extreme diets to shed weight. Extreme or nutritionally unbalanced weight loss diets can cause hair loss. Although iron deficiency is often associated with diet-related hair loss, a range of nutrient deficiencies can result in thinning hair. So – like many things in life – the causes of hair loss in women are not straightforward. You could suffer this condition at any stage of your life – the important thing is to try to identify the main causes and take action to deal with them as soon as possible. Have You Ever Tried Ephedra Hoodia Fusion For Weight-loss? Have you tried several supplements to overcome your over-weight but got no result? Then, you must undergo with Ephedra Hoodia Fusion that would offer you overwhelming consequences in weight-loss that too without any side-effect. Before using this fusion formulation, people must know about its ingredients and its procedure. It is absolutely right that the journey of weight-loss sets up firstly in your mind. It is quite natural product, which makes your dream of gaining a slim-trim body come true to you within few days of its usage. Ephedra Hoodia Fusion is indeed an enhanced craving suppressant, metabolism booster, fat burner and energy improver. It is all in one and results better to reduce over weight in a natural way with no more bad effect to your health. Moreover, it is completely a natural product that features 100% Pure Hoodia including Ephedra that improves the weight loss endeavor. It supports many more natural components, which include Vitamin B6, B12, Ephedra, Hoodia Gordonii, bitter orange, green tea, ginger root, citrus and a lot more, which all contribute to supply power to cadaver, as well as for weight-loss. Ephedra Hoodia Fusion may offer amazing and unexpected results to you, but it definitely should not be taken without serious consideration. Known as one of the most effective natural supplements flowing today, the Ephedra Hoodia synthesis has been proved a completely natural and power-packed supplement to aid users to lose weight safely and within a few days of usage it in daily diet. The well-known formula found in the Ephedra Hoodia fusion promises users to boost their metabolism, improve energy level, as well as burn fat quickly. In addition to this, it is a high-quality supplement that supports natural ingredients, which are second-to-none. There are plenty of medicines available in the market, which claim of better and quicker results but some of them can escort you to the path of weight loss, while some of them may leave harmful side-effects, such as dehydration, increased blood-pressure and a lot more. Ephedra Hoodia Fusion is one of the most sought after supplements available in the market due to its effectiveness. Some of people would know that Ephedra Hoodia Fusion has been utilized for decades and has helped uncounted people gaining the weight-loss goals. It not only helps controlling over weight, but also upholds any vitamin or mineral deficiency in order to empower body. Ephedra Hoodia Fusion can also prove a boon for such people who take regular exercise, as well as proper diet in order to manage over-weight. Hence, it is a good idea to go with Ephedra pills until you get the desired results in weight-loss. Ephedra Hoodia Fusion can be availed from health food stores, grocery stores, drug stores or even through internet, since there are many websites, which help people availing it along with required information about its usage. Before beginning with Ephedra Hoodia Fusion, always remember that weight loss add-on can result better when you also manage a healthy diet including maintaining your exercise program. HCG for Weight Loss? The use of hCG for weight loss is once again gaining momentum with the help of 7 millions sales of Kevin Trudeau's latest book, “The Weight Loss Cure.” Dozens of new websites including hCG Diet Info (www.hcgdietinfo.com) and numerous sub-sites to weight clinics and weight loss practitioners are springing up almost overnight. According to the editor of the hCG Diet Info website, their traffic levels have gone from a few dozen hits a week to several thousand a day almost immediately following Kevin Trudeau's nightly infomercials. Fact or Fad? Well, the jury is still out. hCG manufacturers declare that the hCG fertility drugs such as Pregnyl which are described in Trudeau's book, have no effect regarding weight loss. On the other hand, long-term weight loss professionals and physicians offer thousands of hcg diet success stories. Research and reviews are posted on Dr. Belluscio's website, hCG Obesity (www.hcgobesity.org) who also happened to have developed the highly demanded oral hCG pills. The hCG weight loss protocol is declared to not only help an individual lose weight regardless if the dieter uses hCG injections or pills, but to perform a metabolic recovery, where the hypothyroid is said to be reset, boosting the metabolism and increasing the person's ability to burn fat at a much higher rate. hCG is also said to break down body fat, causing rapid weight loss by mass even before registering on a scale. Simultaneously, it is said to protect the endogenous fat and muscle which the body needs to stay healthy, but also avoiding sagging and loose skin known of excessive of weight loss. The debate amongst practitioners of these protocols argues that the original hCG diet protocol developed by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons should not be modified, as suggested by many, including Kevin Trudeau. However, thousands of dieters are following Trudeau's advice, finding little wrong with adding large amounts of tea and organic foods to their menu as opposed to the extremely strict 500 calorie diet described in Dr. Simeons manuscript, “Pounds and Inches” (can be found at www.hcgdietinfo.com for free.) Dr. Belluscio, a devoted follower of the Dr. Simeons hcg diet protocol, reminds dieters of the extensive research that went into Dr. ATW Simeons work. Claims of the diet being unhealthy are plenty, with questions on the use of natural hCG and the fact that it's produced from the urine of pregnant women- however, most hCG on the market such as Pregnyl is actually synthetic. In addition, concerns that a 500 calorie diet is stressful to the body and specifically on the muscle tissue of the heart, are met with the explanation that the fat being burnt releases thousands of calories into the system before being expelled. Regardless of these issues, hCG sales are spiking- not only for the substance itself but for related information and supplies. Unfortunately, along with this comes fraud- particularly from faux websites claiming to sell hCG and other prescription drugs. A warning from hCG Diet Info was released recently, after the editor was contacted by a woman who had wired $500 US Dollars through Western Union to a website claiming to be an overseas pharmacy offering hCG but never heard from them again. To avoid this, hCG Diet Info strongly advises hCG dieters to seek their hCG treatment through a nearby provider but if purchasing hCG on the internet, they warn individuals not to wire money via Western Union and to request reviews of sites before making a purchase. Healing Pcos With Supplements There are quite a few vitamins and minerals that are shown to be profoundly helpful to PCOS sufferers. Don't be intimidated by this list! Most of these things can be found in a really good multi-vitamin. Also, I would like to point out that there is a strong link between gluten intolerance and mineral deficiencies. When your body cannot process gluten correctly it destroys the villi in your small intestines, deeming it unable to absorb vitamins and minerals completely. It is also common for PCOS sufferers to be gluten intolerant and also have deficiencies of the following vitamins. I honestly believe that a gluten free diet and a supplementation of the following vitamins, minerals and herbs will heal your PCOS! It worked for me! (There goes my secret.) B vitamins - B2, B3, B5 and B6 vitamins are incredibly useful for those dealing with PCOS. B vitamins help your body process glucose, turn fat into energy and maintain a healthy hormone balance. B vitamins have successfully been used to aid healthy weight loss and have been found to be extremely beneficial in cases of PCOS weight gain, since it is directly related to the way your body deals with sugars. Chromium- Chromium encourages the formation of glucose tolerance factor (GTF) which is a substance released by the liver and required to make insulin more efficient. A deficiency of chromium can lead to insulin resistance, which is a key problem in the case of PCOS; too much insulin can be circulating but it is unable to control your blood sugar (glucose) levels. Chromium is one of the key supplements for PCOS sufferers. Zinc - Zinc is a key mineral that is unfortunately very hard to get from our food. It controls appetite and auto-correct hormonal imbalances and is extremely important in balancing blood sugar levels. Zinc also promotes proper thyroid function. Magnesium - There is a very strong link between magnesium deficiencies and insulin resistance, which is the main culprit of PCOS. A lack of magnesium is also related to migraines which many PCOS sufferers also are plagued with. Multivitamin - You can save yourself the time, energy and money and just buy a really good multivitamin to cover everything listed above. Some people will suggest a pre-natal vitamin, but I personally recommend Rainbow Light brand. It covers everything you need and more.. and is super affordable. Essential Fatty Acids - EFAs like omega-3, 6 and 9 and DHA are incredibly important to achieving and maintaining a balanced hormone system. They also help your body maintain a healthy weight. I suggest getting your EFA's from whole food sources like nuts and avocado (my health totally changed once I started eating an avocado a day.) Evening Primrose Oil - Evening Primrose Oil can help with irregular or no period. It is rich in G.L.A and linolenic acid; essential fatty acids which the body requires to regulate hormones. Evening Primrose oil also helps with heart disease, cholesterol and blood pressu Vitex (chaste berry or agnus castus) - Vitex is another "must have" supplement for PCOS sufferers.It is said to regulate hormones depending on your body's specific needs. For most PCOS sufferers it would lower testosterone and prolactin and higher progesterone and estrogen. Be patient, this supplements takes up to 6 months to work! Saw Palmetto - Research has shown that saw palmetto works as an anti-androgen, which can be very helpful given the high levels of testosterone in PCOS. Health Benefits and Weight Loss Benefits Of Eating Miso Soup When trying to drop extra pounds over the Beer Belly, one of the main principles of losing weight is a change in your daily diet.Miso soup is becoming a higher regarded source for healthy eating and ultimately losing weight. Miso soup is popular dietary staple in Japan, contains miso paste, onions, carrots, seaweed and water. The paste is typically made from soybeans, yeast and a starch, for instance rice or barley, and is aged for approximately a year. Fortunately, you should purchase aged and fermented miso, which provides several health benefits, in many specialty stores and some supermarkets. Below are the leading benefits which often be attributed to Miso soup. It is essential to explain that weightloss through Miso soup is when this is substituted for an original meal with a higher calorie level. Miso soup cannot be added as an ‘extra'. Why not try it for your lunch? * Miso contains many trace minerals, including zinc, manganese, and copper, that may all contribute to the strengthening of the bodies immune system. * The high quantity of nutrients present in miso helps boost energy and perhaps protects bones and blood vessels. * Miso soup has increased degree of zinc present which is efficacious to immune function and wound healing. * A bunch of organic compounds are found in miso, which can help reduce the danger of breast cancer. * Miso is usually recommended to vegans, since it is naturally high in protein, vitamin K, and vitamin B12. * Miso is great for the digestive tract, since it is high in fibre and probiotics. * Miso is a weightloss dream food as it only contains around 56 calories per one ounce serving and only two grams of fat. A cup of miso soup is both satisfying and filling, since it has a high moisture content that curbs appetite and overeating. Adding Miso soup to your everyday diet as a replacement for one of your high in fat/calorie food can significantly decrease the amount of calories you intake into your body. * The combination of wakame seaweed and miso is said to be an effective fighter against nicotine-related disorders. * Many believe that consuming miso soup several times a week will help you avoid illness during cold and flu season. The remedy soothes those who are already sick much like chicken soup. Antioxidants in the soup strengthen the immune system and, because miso soothes acid inside system, it helps combat viral infections. The advantages of adding Miso soup to your everyday diet astounding. Not just is your body presented with numerous health benefits but it's also an excellent food to have when trying to lose those excess pounds. Those doing lose the Beer Belly need to make drastic changes to their diet. This is not just cutting down on the Beer but also the food which accompanies it. Typically a healthy body is a body which is consuming all the right foods at a recommended level. The Miso soup can further aid your weight loss significantly. Having Miso soup as a snack before the gym or as your lunch can reduce the calorie intake significantly as the calorie attributed to the soup is typically around 50-60 calories. This aligned with a 30 minute workout approximately 3 times a week should set you up nicely for losing weight around the Beer Belly. Recollect it's not almost the alcohol. A balanced lifestyle of exercise, work, diet and sleep can take you a long way on your quest to lose weight. Health Benefits Of Muskmelon Muskmelon is one of the most popular fruits in tropical countries and it is available in numerous varieties. The two main types of the fruit are those with smooth skin and those with netted skin. The health benefits of muskmelon are many, as it has high nutritional values. The fruit contains Vitamin A, B, C and minerals like magnesium, sodium and potassium. It has zero cholesterol and is safe for blood cholesterol patients. Muskmelon tastes well and can satisfy your dessert needs. It can be a great substitute for high calorie snacks and can aid in losing weight healthily. Since it is rich in potassium, it can help control blood pressure and can prevent the risk of strokes. Potassium in the fruit can also reduce the problem of developing kidney stones. Muskmelon has great amount of dietary fiber (1.3gram in 1 cup of muskmelon) and thus it can provide great relief for those who suffer from constipation problem. The health benefits of muskmelon are recognized by many physicians all over the world. They believe the fruit can prevent age-related bone loss. Muskmelon is a good source of vitamin C, which is an anti-oxidant. This helps to prevent heart diseases and even cancer. It has beta-carotene too. Researches reveal the fact that the combination of beta-carotene and vitamin c can prevent many chronic conditions. There are yet some other health benefits offered by muskmelon. Regular consumption of muskmelon juice can help to treat lack of appetite, acidity, ulcer and urinary tract infections. It can reduce the heat in the body largely and therefore can prevent heat related disorders. It can relieve tiredness. It has effective laxative properties and so can help curing insomnia. If you are a dieter, then muskmelon is an excellent fruit for you. It has significant amount of fiber and provides you the feeling of fullness quickly. It can taste good and can make good combination for fruit salads and custards. Hence, a quick weight loss program ought to include muskmelon. In addition to health benefits, muskmelon takes care of your skin too. It contains Vitamin A, which is useful in maintaining healthy skin. The fruit provides pretty fair amount of folic acid, which is especially important for pregnant women. It helps to create healthy fetuses and can even prevent cervical cancer and osteoporosis. Though it offers special benefits to women, men can also get great many benefits. Folic acid in the fruit acts as a mild antidepressant. Health Benefits Of Using Procleanse Gold When you are looking for colon cleansing solutions, one of them that you can try is procleanse gold. This is not just an ordinary colon cleansing but a way to get you the nutrients that you need as well as cleans your body of the impurities that are often part of every day living. You can use a product like procleanse for many different purposes, including getting a detoxification as well as losing weight. You will feel lighter and healthier when you use a colon cleansing product like procleanse for your system. It is easy to use procleanse gold when you are looking for colon cleansing. You just have to drink down the solution and let it go to work. When you use procleanse, you have to realize that you are cleansing out your digestive system. This is a very important part of your healthy way of life as your digestive system is one of the most important parts of your body. In fact, when your digestive system is unhealthy, you will be unhealthy. One way to make sure that your digestive system is healthy is to use a product like procleanse gold in order to make sure it is healthy. Just using the product of procleanse on a regular basis can help you stay healthier and in better shape for longer. You should take a look at the different colon cleansings solutions and make sure that you get the best one. The best are those that will add nutrients to your system that you may be lacking, enable you to eliminate waste that your body does not need, aid in weight loss as well as rid your body from any toxins that you take in on a daily basis. You can do this by using a solution by procleanse gold. This is not just an ordinary colon cleansing system but the solution that you need if you want to feel healthier about yourself. The best way to get procleanse is through a distributor. Many of the procleanse gold solutions are found at online distributors which is the best way to purchase them. You can get a top quality product that will not only get rid of the poisons in your body and make your digestive system feel healthier, but will also enable you to take off some weight. When you want to feel healthier about yourself, you need to eliminate the waste that accumulates in your digestive tract and replace it with the necessary nutrients that most people today are lacking. You can do this by using a product that is made for this purpose, is easy to use as well as pleasant to use as well. When you use procleanse, you will get all of the benefits that you can expect from a top quality colon cleansing product including the ability to lose weight as well as be healthier when it comes to cleansing out your digestive tract. You will also be supplying your body with what it does need in order to stay healthy, such as necessary nutrients. Health - Tips, Tricks And Ideas For Bipolar Sufferers People with this depressive condition often suffer from reactive hypoglycemia (this generally occurs about three hours after a meal, and it is a drop in ones blood sugar). Symptoms can range from depression, fatigue, and irritability, going right up to panic attacks or even the odd outburst of rage. A good trick to improve these symptoms is to learn how to eat properly, by eating the correct foods you can stabilize the balance of insulin and blood sugar in your system. Not only will your moods improve but you will see a steady drop in your weight. Sadly enough the people with this disorder are prone to diabetes, heart diseases and stroke. This leads to a early demise (bipolar people are twice as likely to pass on from these diseases than people without this disorder), so it would be a good idea if you suffer from bipolar to take your health into your own hands and change not only your eating habits but your lifestyle as well. A good tip is to always be aware of the fact that there is a connection between what you eat or drink and manic depression. So one would have to minimize what they drink and start thinking about a healthier diet, one aimed at the control of mood swings, depression and weight loss - some medication for this condition can cause a fair amount of weight gain. (I am pretty sure if you surf the web you will find a menu that will suit your needs.) Here's an idea, why not learn to master the simple guidelines of the basic weight loss diet and incorporate the foods you need for bipolar control into the diet. You will need to control the food portions, learn the healthy food combination and find a cheap, quick and easy way to ensure that there are plenty of omega 3 fatty acids and folic acid nutrients within the diet. (to name but a few as there are plenty out there that assist in controlling this disorder, all it would take is a little more investigating on your part for you to find them) By doing this you will be able to avoid buying all those expensive supplements and cut down on the amount of prescription pills you need. Another good tip for the bipolar sufferer - as your energy is going to be through the roof (you are going to find that once you are well entrenched into your new way of eating and your change of lifestyle that this will happen) - use it don't lose it, go running or swimming, go to the gym, do anything physical as not only will this improve your mood and help with your self esteem, it will also tighten those muscles and help with the weight loss. While I don't claim to understand this disorder, I have watched a very good friend go through these mood swings and the highs and lows that come with depression. After a bit of research I found that there are ways of controlling this problem and wanted to share a few with you. Healthy Balanced Nutrition For You Whether you are already enjoying your dreamed body weight or are still scrambling to meet it, do you think that this situation is just simply a question of burning much more calories than your daily calorie intake? The answer, I believe, is no! In fact the prevention of the overall health as well as any weight loss or gain should be factored into the equation of a balanced lifestyle, or you could be heading to a lot of health problems. Healthy nutrition helps scale down the development of degenerative chronic diseases, the most frightening being cardiovascular disorders, diabetes and cancer as well. Balanced nutrition entails in fact eating a variety of food products, overseeing your usage of some foods and beverage stuffs, and counting your daily calorie intake. Healthy nutrition lowers blood pressure and helps in weight loss. For our body to run properly, we must provide it with all the essential nutrients. Carbohydrates In our normal nutrition these substances are the main providers of body energy. Human body makes use of carbohydrates to form glucose which is used directly for energy or saved in the body as fats that we can use later . Excess of glucose though is kept as fat. For that reason any weight loss regimen should regulate very carefully the carbohydrate intake. There exist 2 kinds of carbohydrates: the simple and the complex ones. Sugars are categorized as 'simple carbohydrates' . Starches and fibers are considered complex carbohydrates. Proteins They help human body to develop and repair muscles and other soft tissues. Proteins do also participate in the formation of hormones. Like for carbohydrates, protein excess is stocked as fat. Animals and vegetables are indeed the main kinds of proteins. Excessive 'animal proteins' can eventually trigger high cholesterol, as they are normally high in saturated fats. Fats As abnormal as it may seem fats constitute also another family of nutrients our body demands. They exist in two forms, saturated and unsaturated ones. Saturated fats may put you at risks of chronic diseases. Unsaturated fats are healthy, but if they undergo some kinds of refinement, they may actually turn into saturated fats. Vitamins They count also among the required nutrients. We all know that vitamins help perform multiple tasks into our body. They support human metabolism and also help gather the energy needed to run any individual task we can think of and that we may need our body to execute. For instance, vitamins A, C, and E, which are anti-oxidants, support the prevention of coronary artery disease by keeping the build-up of solid wastes from materializing on artery walls. Vitamin B-1 is needed for digestion and promotes a right nervous system performance. Vitamin B-2 is necessary as aid for body cells growth. Vitamin B-3 helps detoxify our body and folic acid assists in the synthesis of blood red cells. Vitamin D supports the absorption of calcium, while vitamin K allows blood clotting. Minerals and micro-nutrients They are additional sorts of nutrients the body needs and are used in many different bodily processes. Chlorine minerals, such as chloric acid, help the stomach to make the digestive juices. Phosphorus element will assist in the growth of strong bones. Both phosphorus and chlorine are found within the foods we use. Micro-nutrients, also called trace nutrients, are needed in tiny quantities. Salt is another food nutrient human body demands. Guidelines for a Balanced Healthy Diet You need to comply to several guidelines to create a healthy diet plan. To begin with try to regularly take two and one half cups of fresh vegetable plus two cups of seasonal fruits every day. When composing your daily meal menus don't forget to choose a large variety of food products. Doing so you will be providing to your body almost all the essential nutrients. You need to eat at least 3 ounces of whole grain products each day. At least a half of your grain intake should be 'whole grain based'. Milk should also be considered as an important component of a balanced food diet. You should take a minimum of 48 oz of low -fat milk or of milk products every day. Your daily fat intake should be only between 10 and 30 percent of your calories intake. The largest quantity of the fat food you consume need to be unsaturated fats. Saturated fats are indeed blamed to cause many serious chronic diseases. Meat, poultry, dry beans, and milk or milk products all have to be fat-free, low-fat or lean. Not more than 10% of your intake in calories should be from saturated fats and trans-fatty acids need always to be avoided. Fiber-rich foods (fruits, vegetables and whole grains) as well as potassium-rich food items should be normal components of your everyday diet plan. Beverages with alcohol may be taken only in strict moderation. Balanced nutrition definitely is a basic element of a happy healthy life, given the fact that it allows not only to prevent but also to better fight chronic diseases, such as cancer, arthritis, diabetes and osteoporosis. Dan Altic - PhD Science: 30+ years experience in "Nutrition and Lifestyle as Prevention, Cause and Treatment of Chronic Diseases". To learn more on acidosis, chronic diseases and alkaline diet visit us at http://www.altichealthprevention.com Dan Altic - PhD Science: 30+ years experience in "Nutrition and Lifestyle as Prevention, Cause and Treatment of Chronic Diseases". To learn more on acidosis, chronic diseases and alkaline diet visit us at http://www.altichealthprevention.com Healthy Fasting: Is Intermittent Fasting Safe? What About Dry Fasting? Fasting is a great way to lose fat and improve your health. Sadly, education about the benefits of fasting is still in it's infancy so most people think that fasting is dangerous On the other side of the issue, some people say that fasting is safe but only truly beneficial if it's dry, meaning that no food OR fluid is ingested during the fast. First, let's address the safety issue. There's an unfortunate misconception that long-term fasting and short-term fasting have the same effect on the body. For some mysterious reason, critics don't read the many well-conducted (and NOT funded by industry and therefore less biased) research on short-term fasts. Short-term fasting is often referred to as 'intermittent fasting'. Study after study has shown that intermittent fasting is safe and effective for fat loss and other biomarkers of health. The critics quote data from studies on *long-term* fasting. Long-term fasting is indeed dangerous and unwise, leading to many serious health consequences such as malnourishment, muscle wasting and eventually death. Short-term fasting usually means going 16-36 hours without food or drinks that contain calories. Studies show that it's safe AND has health benefits that are similar to exercise, including boosting human growth hormone levels. As long as weight-bearing exercise is done weekly, there is no loss of muscle tissue during a short-term fast. There doesn't seem to be a risk of hypoglycaemia. Blood sugar levels remain in the normal range unless the individual has been medically diagnosed as hypoglycaemic *before* attempting fasting. This surprises people who experience light- headedness when they don't eat for a few hours. What they're actually experiencing is a drop in blood sugar levels, but not a dangerous one. They may also be feeling the physical shift the body goes through when it begins to use body fat for fuel instead of food. Sometimes discomfort may be due to withdrawal from caffeine or other foods that they are actually sensitive to. On the other side of the fasting debate are people who claim that 'dry fasting' is the superior way to do an intermittent fast. Dry fasting means that you avoid food AND fluid during a fast. This means no water. Advocates believe that avoiding fluid, including water, helps the body cleanse itself of toxins and therefore it's the only way that a person can get the full 'healing' effect of fasting. So far there isn't credible evidence that dry fasting is superior or even wise. People's hydration levels differ so one person might do fine going a day without water, another might suffer from headaches and other ailments related to dehydration. Exercise levels, humidity, and many other factors will influence hydration, not just fluid intake. Often dry fasting advocates suggest going more than a day without fluid which can, at the very least, be uncomfortable, and at the very most, will be dangerous and even life threatening. People who feel bad during a dry fast are said to be 'detoxifying' more than those who don't feel as poorly. Outside of anecdotal reports, there isn't enough data to support this claim. Until more research is done on dry fasting, it's best to stick with methods that have been properly studied, as intermittent fasting has. If you'd like a fast and safe way to lose fat and improve other aspects of your health, a short-term fast done once or twice a week is worth a try, but until proper studies are conducted with dry fasting, it's best to avoid food, not water, on your fasting days. Healthy Snacks for Pregnant Women In order to gain the ideal amount of weight, doctors recommend that pregnant women consume about 300 extra calories a day—and those calories shouldn't ALWAYS be from cake and ice cream! While indulging on craved delicacies during pregnancy is certainly okay every once in a while, pregnant women should try and get in the habit of eating healthy snacks every day, both the reduce the amount of weight gained over the nine month period, and to send that fetus the message that it's momma cares about health! Here are some 300 calorie snacks to consider: 1. 1 medium apple and one cup of low fat or fat free non-flavored yogurt with a tablespoon of 100% fruit jam for flavor. 2. 1 cup of vanilla ice cream or fruit sorbet, topped with a teaspoon of chocolate sprinkles.. 3. 1 hard boiled egg sliced on a piece of whole wheat toast. You can add a thin layer of low fat mayo. 4. Raw vegetables (celery, tomatoes, carrots, kohlrabi) dipped in ½ cup of homemade humus. 5. 1 banana and 1 tbsp of natural peanut butter and a small handful of raisins. 6. A small whole wheat tortilla with 1/3 cup of melted low fat cheese. 7. 6 cups of air popped popcorn sprinkled with ¼ cup parmesan cheese. 8. ½ cup of shredded or cubed chicken breast on top of a bed of salad greens (1 cup). 9. ½ cup of low fat cottage cheese with a ½ cup of fruit (apples, pears, melon, grapes). 10. Three 100-calorie pack snacks spread out throughout the day. 11. ¼ cup of almonds, ¼ cup of raisins, and a sprinkle of chocolate chips. Remember, this is a time for slight weight gain, not weight loss. You can order your diet pills from your online pharmacy only AFTER you've given birth and after you're done breastfeeding. Here are some tips on how to curb anxiety and relax during your pregnancy: • Take a warm bath, instead of a shower. Don't listen to your mother who says that pregnant women can't take baths—it's an old wives tale! Taking a warm (not too hot bath) is a fantastic way to get some alone time and let your mind wander. • Go for a relaxing stroll. Getting fresh air can relieve headaches and sore muscles and can reduce anxiety and stress. It'll also get your blood flowing and rev you up with a bit more energy. • Take a nap. It's okay to take advantage of your first trimester exhaustion by catching a few daytime zzzz's. If your schedule allows it go snuggle up in bed for an hour, but try not to get too much daytime sleep if you have trouble sleeping at night. • Get a body pillow. It's hard to get comfortable when you're carrying around all this extra weight. A body pillow can help you distribute your weight comfortably. • Check out prescription drugs online that are safe for pregnant women. Consult your doctor or online pharmacist to ensure your safety and the safety of your fetus. • Breathe! You're doing great! Healthy Weight Loss Supplements - Quick Facts for Losing Weight Naturally Weight loss can be one of the most challenging things in our super size kind of world. There are so many diet pills, diets, lose weight quick schemes out there that people have forgotten some of the basics. Weight Loss is the fad today and this is a good fad of the new century and not a bad one, since everybody ought to be fit and active in today's modern world. When it comes to losing weight, you'll likely face many decisions. Because there are so many options for losing weight, such as weight loss supplements, organic components, exercise, and healthier eating habits, you can easily get confused or discouraged in the journey. But losing weight naturally with all of the above factors working together seems to be the best way to get rid of those unwanted pounds. Weight loss is also one of the common phenomenons among men and women all over the world so as to improve the entire physical appearance and the person's personality. One can opt for a weight loss product according to his/her body type and the weight loss needs. If you plan to take a healthy weight loss supplement, probably the best healthy weight loss supplements to look for is one that will help you regulate blood sugar levels. Some supplements also supply ATP (adenosine triphosphate), a phosphate molecule that is a source of high energy for the body. Most weight loss supplements are needed for obese people as their life is often at risk. On the contrary, cosmetic weight loss does not benefit from weight loss supplements or pills; they can actually end up doing more harm than good. Although, weight loss pills are commonly used by obese people, but many of them fail to get the desired result. They do not lose the weight as they do not follow some other aspects of weight loss techniques while taking the diet pills. How to Lose Weight Safely with a Healthy Weight Loss Supplement: Some weight loss pills are unhealthy and can even be dangerous. Be aware of the chemicals and ingredients they contain. Thankfully, there are natural weight loss supplements that provide healthy ingredients for your weight loss efforts such as caraluma fimbriata (cactus plant to suppress appetite), Chinese green tea, LeVive Juice and other organic components. You might also find a supplement that helps with other needs such as DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol), a chemical linked to memory that is found in fish. Weight loss is not as simple as it sounds; it is not simply doing away that extra weight on the body. It is actually a complete change in your lifestyle and eating habits. But on a positive note, weight loss is not as hard as you think either; you don't need to use diet pills, fad diets, weight loss supplements, or go for a surgery. There are much better ways to get rid of the extra fat! As with any supplement, consult a doctor before trying something new, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions or take prescription medication. Losing weight naturally is the safest way. Use the guide above to determine why you're not losing weight and how you can make lasting changes for better health. Heart Palpitations: Causes & Preventions Sometimes your heart skips a beat or adds an extra beat. This is called Heart Palpitation which is medically known as Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs). You'll be more aware of your heartbeat than the usual and it might seem that your heart is racing or pounding or fluttering and this is sometimes felt in the neck, chest and in the throat. Your heartbeat during palpitation will be quite abnormal. Causes for Heart Palpitation: There are various factors which cause heart palpitations. They are as follows: -Stress, anxiety, fear, shock. -Excessive intake of caffeine. -Strenuous exercises. -Nicotine (from cigarettes & cigars). -Low blood sugar. -Anemia. -Abnormalities in electrolytes and hormonal changes (including pregnancy). -Dehydration. -Hyperthyroidism. -Less oxygen or more carbon dioxide in the blood. -Blood loss or fever. -Over the counter medications, herbal and nutritional suppléments. -Prescription medications like asthma inhalers, decongestants and beta blockers Illegal drugs like cocaine and amphétamines. Mostly, palpitations are considered benign and become all right on their own but when they are combined with symptoms like irregular heartbeat or arrhythmia, existing heart disease, risk factors relating to heart disease or having a defective heart valve, they are considered as an illness. Further, when they are accompanied by dizziness, fainting, loss of consciousness, confusion, difficulty in breathing, pain, pressure or tightening of the chest, profound perspiration, resting pulse rate of more than 100 beats per minute or pain in arms, neck, chest, jaw or upper back, they are considered serious symptoms and need immediate medical attention. How do you prevent heart palpitations? " Prevention is always better than cure". So, try the following to avoid heart palpitations: 1. Keep a log of your activities and find out what triggers heart palpitations. 2. Avoid alcohol as well as tobacco products (smoking or chewing tobacco). 3. Avoid caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea and soft drinks like Coca-Cola and Pepsi. 4. Control anxiety by drinking water as it has a natural calming effect. 5. Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily, thereby avoiding dehydration. 6. Some strenuous exercises might cause heart palpitations both before and after the exercise. Avoid these. 7. During palpitations, if you can move around, take a brief walk in your local area. Walking calms down a fast beat naturally. 8. During palpitations, distract your attention so that you concentrate less on them and it will have a positive effect on reducing the intensity. 9. Commit to anxiety- reduction strategies as focusing too much on your heart will also lead to palpitations. 10. Doing regular exercises like walking, cycling, playing games, Yoga, Tai Chi etc. helps tremendously. 11. If you take any medication, check if it is the cause of the palpitations. Consult your doctor who will suggest safer alternatives. 12. Always stick to a healthy diet which will keep a check on your cholesterol and blood pressure and make sure they are under control. 13. Yet another way of controlling or stopping palpitations is by stimulating the vagus nerve which controls the heart rate by doing "Valsalva Maneuver." This can be done by holding the nose, closing the mouth and attempting to breathe out forcefully which pressurizes your chest and causes a reaction from the vagus nerve. If carried out correctly, you can see immediate results. If you want to know whether you have done it properly, you can check for your ears to pop out. If they do, then you have done a good job. Follow the above steps to prevent palpitations. If they occur once in a way, then there is nothing to worry about. However, if they are frequent or accompanied by the illness or symptoms above, consult a doctor immediately. Remember, a healthy diet combined with exercise is a key to avoid any medical problems. Herbal Detox - Learn About The Benefits Of An Herbal Cleanse The idea behind herbal detoxification is to use all natural approaches to cleanse your interior systems. There are many potential benefits to this process including an increase in energy, vitality and a greater sense of well being. We are surrounded by toxins in the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink. It becomes important for good health to ensure that these toxins do not build up excessively and start causing all kinds of health problems. A good herbal detoxification program will help to reduce the amounts of toxins in your system while replenishing nutrients into your body. There are various forms of detoxification that target different areas of the body. The process generally involves taking pills or liquids that contain various herbs like milk thistle, red clover and licorice roots. Some other herbs involved include dandelion root which is great for cleaning the liver. A colon cleanse is a great detoxification process that helps to eliminate toxins from the interior walls of the intestine. Many people have excessive food particles lodged in the walls of the colon and if these particles are not removed they can become rotten and as you can imagine cause a few complications. Thus getting rid of these particles and keeping the colon clear and moving well is very important to help to optimize your health. Getting a colonic from a doctor is also a good way to clear up the colon. Other types of herbal detoxification programs can include a liver cleanse, kidney cleanse and there are even systems that can help to clean your blood. As with any program make sure you consult with a qualified medical professional before undertaking any of these programs. A great way to cleanse your entire system is by going on a juice fast. This kind of liquid diet can help greatly to clear up the colon as well as introduce good quantities of nutrients back into your system. Also since juices are easily absorbed into our body there is very little stress being put on the digestive system. You could try to eat all the fruits and vegetables however often there is just too much pulp so you would end up getting full very quickly thus juicing is ideal. Also keep in mind that no detoxification process is perfect and if you are living a lifestyle that is always introducing heavy amounts of toxins into your body then you may need to seriously evaluate your diet and exercise habits in order to remain healthy. Consuming greater quantities of fruits and vegetables is usually a great idea for most people. Focus on consuming more water rich foods, these are foods that are primarily composed of water such as fruits. Do not deny yourself of your favorite foods such as fast food or anything else, simply consider minimizing your intake of these kinds of foods. Another alternative to juice fasting is to purchase a cleansing kit from your local health food store. Just ask for a 'full body cleanse' and you should be able to find a few that are of good quality. You can also find liver cleansing kits, lung cleansing kits and other more specialized kits however a full body cleanse is usually the ideal way to start. It is also a good idea to take some sort of whole food supplement such as a green drink or the capsules as these will introduce more vital nutrients into your system. You can get sufficient nutrients from a whole food supplement whereas diet alone may not give your body enough. Consuming enough enzymes is important during an herbal cleansing program. Again consuming enough raw fruits and vegetables is the ideal way to get these enzymes as they are contained in the right proportions for our bodies to use effectively. Taking part in a cleansing program is definitely a great idea for many people to consider and more importantly learning what is causing the toxins in the first place and trying to minimize them is the real solution to long term health and well being. Perform a cleansing program every three to six months but ultimately look at your lifestyle and look to live in a healthy manner each day. Herbal Remedy for Loss of Appetite, Herbal Appetite Enhancer Nowadays, a lot of people suffer from appetite problems. Moreover, a decreased appetite can be addressed as a reduced desire to eat. Furthermore, it is a problem that can lead to various physical ailments, for example renal disorders. In addition, it can give rise to weight issues by making an individual alarmingly underweight. Also, this problem can cause nutrition deficiency, which can affect the proper functioning of vital organs. Nevertheless, a large number of companies have launched many products that can stimulate the appetite but, the chemical-based products can cause side effects, which may lead to chronic physical ailments, for example heart diseases. However, herbal appetite enhancer supplements are gaining popularity because of their impeccable effectiveness that too without causing any side effects. Nevertheless, in order to gain weight, an underweight individual could follow some tips that may help to increase desire to eat food. So, some of the effective tips that may help to treat loss of appetite are mentioned below. 1. It is important to eat foods that are rich in calories as well as nutrients. But, it is beneficial to avoid junk foods, since they are calories-rich but with zero nutritional value. 2. Eating food several times a day can help to gain weight effectively. 3. Avoid staying hungry for longer time periods, because it can negatively affect the appetite. 4. Develop habit of exercising on regular basis, because exercise would increase the body's need of calories. In addition, exercising will be beneficial for digestive system, due to which organs of digestive system would be able to absorb nutrients effectually. 5. Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water in a day. Moreover, the body is able to work efficiently when it is properly hydrated. 6. Increase your diet in a gradual manner on everyday basis. However, above mentioned tips would prove to be useful for people who are suffering for lack of appetite. But, an herbal appetite enhancer is essential for complete treatment. Moreover, herbal products are not only extremely effective but also beneficial for the body. And, unlike chemically composed products, an herbal supplement nourishes the body. In addition, the herbal products positively affect the vital organs to make them more efficient, which is beneficial for overall health and well being of an individual. Also, they are made with potent herbs that are used since ancient times for the treatment of lack of appetite and loss of weight. Moreover, FitOFat capsule is very popular in the treatment for lack of appetite. Furthermore, it is also effective in the treatment for anorexia in which an individual completely looses the desire to eat. However, FitOFat capsule is an effective herbal appetite enhancer that contains a unique blend of potent herbs that aids the functioning of digestive system to improve the appetite. In addition, it helps in the process of digestion to ensure appropriate absorption of precious nutrients present in the food. And, FitOFat capsule is considered as an effective herbal appetite enhancer, because it improves the functioning of digestive enzymes to make digestive system healthier. Herbal Weight Gain Capsules Muscle Building, Bodybuilding Pills Supplements Manufacturer, Exporter Weight loss, if left untreated can induce both physical as well as psychological health disorders on person. Decrease in muscle mass, reduced amount of body fluid and low amount of fat in body are some main causes of weight loss problem. Persisting condition of weight loss trouble is recommended to be evaluated by a healthcare professional. Today you can find lots of herbal supplements from market boasting weight gain feature. Best supplements works by treating the underlying cause of problem. Some among the common illness leading way to weight loss includes Addison's disease, anorexia, diabetes and connective tissue disease. In order to avoid drawbacks due to weight loss, people suffering from this health disorder are advised to follow a healthy lifestyle by consuming nutritive diet and doing regular exercises. At present, there are lots of herbal supplements available for improving body weight naturally and safely. Ayurved Research Foundation, one among the leading manufacturers and exporters of herbal product is a top supplier of weight gain supplements. This company delivers quality herbal products to their consumers by exploring every aspect of Ayurveda. Almost all the ingredients used for the preparation of herbal medicines are certified by GMP and ISO 9001-2008. High quality services offered by this bulk wholesale supplier of weight gain supplement is well known for their consistency, commitment and value added services. Lack of ingredients like fillers, binders and allergens is one among the highlighting advantages of using herbal product manufactured by Ayurved Research Foundation. Ayurved Research Foundation is a perfect choice for those people who wish to obtain maximum advantage with minimum investment. Products are manufactured in such a way that it meets all the needs of consumers without inducing any adverse action. Today, Ayurved Research Foundation is a worldwide reputed company producing versatile products like herbal supplements, herbal massaging oils, herbal facemasks and herbal skin care products. Fit O Fat capsule manufactured by Ayurved Research Foundation is a top recommended herbal weight gain capsule by health practitioners. It is found to be as a perfect choice of health supplement for those people suffering from weight loss due to malnutrition. Active composition in this health supplement boosts energy production in cells and increases weight safely. As per research, loss of appetite is found to be as a common cause of weight loss problems. Fit O Fat capsule acts internally and promotes appetite level of user naturally. Ayurved Research Foundation is a perfect choice for those people who wish to buy herbal weight gain capsule in bulk amount. All the ingredients used for the preparation of herbal weight gain capsule have been used for centuries for treating various health disorders. Apart from improving physical health, intake of Fit O Fat capsule manufactured by Ayurved Research Foundation also promotes psychological health of person. It calms down nerve cells and prevents the risk of nervous disorders like stress, anxiety and depression. Almost all the ingredients used for the preparation of Fit O Fat capsule are free from artificial color, yeast, gluten and other common allergens. It acts internally and improves the overall health and wellbeing of person. Herbs That Can Reduce Stress, Anxiety, & Tension Herbs have used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine and in Herbalism. Herbs have been known to treat a variety of symptoms and diseases. Stress is the number one most serious health problem in America today. Due to the change in the majority of jobs from physical to mental aptitude its no wonder why Americans are so stressed out. In addition, the society is on the go 24/7 leaving no time for people to relax, rest or shut off their brains. Not to mention that the pressure and mounting economic problems that we are facing in this day in age is one for the record books. With all this stress we become physically, emotionally and mentally unbalanced. To maintain, restore and prevent further chronic stressful influence on our mind and body, herbs are the perfect remedy to balance the body's nervous system. Herbs can be categorized in three types adaptogen, tonic, and nervine herbs. Adaptogenic herbs help the body adapt to stress through balancing the nervous system. Tonic herbs strengthen the organs and bodies system to prepare for stress. Tonic nerves are able to increase or decrease the activity of the bodily processes in a specific system. Nervine herbs heal the damage caused by stress and combat further stressful influence. Nervine herbs can be distinguished as a sedative to relax and calm the nerves or as a stimulant to perk up energy. Most herbs fit into more than one category or type of herb giving it increased ability to relieve, reduce and alleviate symptoms, illnesses and disease. Due to the fact that herbs generally correlate to specific areas or systems of the body, there are a large number of herbs that can relieve stress and anxiety. Here you can find a few of these herbs and how they affect the body. ADAPTOGEN: Ginseng- There are several kinds of ginseng however three can be helpful at reducing stress, Siberian, Korean or Panax and Indian or Ashwagandha ginseng are all good at normalizing the body in times of stress. Ginseng is an adaptogen and a tonic, which protects the body against stress. Ginseng regulates the circulatory and immune systems, which help to support the body in times of stress. Ginseng is a popular herbal supplement for athletes because it improves performance, increases stamina, improves recovery time and boosts ones immunity. Maitake- Maitake is a mushroom that grows in clusters at the base of trees. It has been used in Chinese medicine as an adaptogen to enhance the immune system. Research has also indicated that it can be used to regulate blood pressure, glucose, insulin, and both serum and liver lipids, such as cholesterol, triglycerides, and phospholipids, and may also be useful for weight loss. Gotu Kola- Gotu Kola has a triple effect as an adaptogen, tonic and nervine herb. Gotu Kola rejuvenates the skin by stimulating repair, growth and strengthening. It also helps with stress coping and reducing anxiety. Gotu Kola improves concentration and memory. Wild Yam- The Wild Yam is an adaptogen and nervine, which targets the muscles and skeletal system. It acts as a muscle relaxer to reduce inflammation. It also is toted as an antispasmodic, antiheumatic, hepatic, diaphoretic, and reduces nausea during pregnancy. Licorice Root- Licorice root is an adaptogen and tonic for the respiratory and immune systems. Licorice root helps regulate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. It helps the body to handle stress by normalizing blood sugar levels as well as adrenal glands, and stimulates cranial and cerebrospinal fluid. Licorice root boosts energy, calms the mind and is soothing to the body. TONIC: Red Clover- Red clover is a digestive tonic and a skin nervine herb. Red clover contains a natural plant estrogen called phytoestrogen. Phytoestrogens maintain proper skin and bone health. If ingested it cleanses the blood and detoxifies the tissues. Additional estrogen in the body can alleviate high stress symptoms and reduce cholesterol. Chamomile- Chamomile is a digestive tonic and sedative nervine herb. It was originally used to reduce fevers. Now it has been proven to be one of the safest herbs on the market for relaxation and calming effects. Chamomile has a restorative effect on the body by enhancing the metabolism, treating a nervous stomach and depressing the central nervous system. As a tranquilizer, chamomile enhances sleep and feelings of relaxation. Its properties include anti-inflammatory, anti anxiety, antihistamine, antioxidant and antispasmodic. St. John's Wort- St. John's wort is a stimulating tonic herb. It also is a functional nervine with respect to the integumentary system. St. John's wort specifically helps the pituitary gland, which regulates the secretion of six hormones that regulate homeostasis. St. John's wort helps to break down excess quantities of the stress hormone norepinephrine that get excreted into the bloodstream during stressful situations. In this way it helps to treat stress, anxiety, depressive disorders and mental disorders. Skullcap- Skullcap is a tonic and nervine herb that can be used for relaxation without a sedative effect. Skullcap is the best nourishing tonic for the nervous system. It strengthens and supports the nervous system. It slows down the nerves to calm and sooth the body and brain. Skullcap is great for muscles spasms, headaches, agitation, anxiety, insomnia, hysteria, exhaustion, depression and nervous tension. As an anti-inflammatory, and antispasmodic it decreases fevers, enhances digestion, and stimulates liver function. Motherwort- Motherwort works on the circulatory, respiratory, reproductive, and nervous systems as a tonic and nervine herb. Motherwort stimulates circulation to strengthen the heart. It quiets the nerves, promotes relaxation, and relieves stress. Lemon Balm- Lemon balm is a sedative nervine and tonic herb that calms and regulates the nervous system. By inhaling the aroma of lemon balm you will reduce your blood pressure, calm palpitations, reduce rapid breathing, decrease digestive spasms, eliminate nausea and indigestion, relieve migraines and combat fever. It relieves anxiety, dispels sadness, and uplifts the spirit. Lemon balm also has antibacterial, antiviral and antihistamine characteristics. NERVINE: Kava Kava- Kava Kava is a nervine herb from Melanesia. Kava Kava treats anxiety and depression, relieves stress and insomnia. It also doubles as a powerful muscle relaxer, tranquilizer and analgesic, although it is not addictive. Kava Kava works subtly to relax the entire body. Hops- Hops is a nervine herb that acts as a sedative. Its has a calming and relaxing effect on the Central nervous system to ease restless tension, irritability, nervous system disorders, indigestion, and insomnia. Passion Flower- Passion flower has a mild tranquilized effect as a sedative nervine herb. It relaxes blood vessel spasms, decreases migraines, promotes sleep, treats anxiety, insomnia, depression, and nervousness. Passion flower has a calming effect without feeling like one is sedated. This herb calms the body and also is effective as a painkiller. Lavender- Lavender is known to be the most calming herb today. Just smelling this herb can relax the mind and body by reducing irritability, anxiety, stress and tension. Lavender is a nervine herb with powerful sedative capabilities to promote relaxation, enhance sleep, balance hormones, relax muscles, and stimulate the immune system. It also has healing benefits as a digestive aid. Lavender decreases the stress hormone cortisol levels to slow the brain waves, which reduces stress, nervousness, agitation and promotes a sense of calm. Valerian- Valerian is a sedative nervine used to relax the nervous system. Its ingredients are comparable to prescription grade sedatives given out by physicians. Valerian decreases stress levels, alleviates anxiety, improves sleep, calms nerves, and decreases tension and irritability. Valerian is ideal for those who also suffer from nervous muscle spasm. Oats (Avena Sativa)- Oats or wild oats are a functional nervine that nourishes the nervous system. This herb can alleviate mild depression, balance sugar levels, help nervous exhaustion and weakness and relieves stress. As an anti-inflammatory and high in mineral content, oats sooth inflamed skin and strengthen the nervous system. HGH injections – Boost libido; build up stamina Aging is inevitable; however, aging gracefully is in your hands. Spare yourself the anxiety of worrying about aging. Do not spend sleepless nights worrying about wrinkles and laugh lines. Buy HGH injections to reverse the aging process. For the uninitiated, HGH is the acronym for Human Growth Hormone. The pituitary gland of the human brain is responsible for producing it. Subsequently, it is absorbed by the liver and it comes into contact with the body cells. HGH offers a host of benefits including anti-aging, improving energy levels, improving skin tone, controlling metabolism and even building muscle mass. However, HGH levels drop dramatically once you cross 30. A dip in HGH levels is likely to make you feel listless and fatigued. It can also interfere with your sex drive and even cause depression. Thankfully, HGH injections can be used to restore the overall quality of your life. Use HGH to boost your libido and witness a dramatic increase in your sex drive. What's more, it can even be used to treat sexual dysfunction in both men and women. Poor levels of HGH tend to diminish sex drive. Couples tend to lose interest in sex. As a matter of fact, loss of interest in sex can be detrimental to your relationship. Put the zing back into your relationship. Rekindle the spark in your relationship. Use HGH injections to significantly boost your sexual performance. HGH can also boost testosterone levels in men. Incidentally, testosterone levels tend to diminish when men reach full maturity. Their bodies stop creating these hormones, thereby impacting muscle mass, fat distribution, sperm production, energy and vitality and their overall sex drive in general. Using HGH injections can help restore depleted testosterone levels. Men are likely to witness fast muscle growth, increased stamina and enhanced sexual performance. Abnormal hair loss, weight gain, erectile dysfunction, energy reduction, memory loss, depression, etc. are some of the indicators of low testosterone levels. HGH offers a host of health benefits to both men and women. Anti-aging is one of the biggest benefits provided by human growth hormone. Women are particularly sensitive to the physical signs of aging. They run in a panic at the slightest appearance of cellulite. Thinning hair is yet another serious concern for women. Adequate HGH levels can help deal with all this and more. It can help men and women accomplish daily tasks with a renewed sense of vigor and vitality. It boosts stamina and also enhances memory and mental alertness. HGH for sale is available online. Browse through unbiased reviews and medical publications to make a well-informed decision. Get in touch with experienced physicians to know about the best human growth hormone injections. Some of the trusted names include Omnitrope, Norditropin, Genotropin, Saizen, etc. Refrain from using lesser-known brands – they can do more harm than good to your body. A physician's prescription is required in order to legally obtain HGH and to be assured of receiving the proper dosage for optimum results. High Sugar Diet To Lose Weight Diets often exclude goodies such as cookies and cake. Now, in a bit of a earth shaking discovery, Tel Aviv University researchers found that dessert, when taken as part of a 600 calorie breakfast that includes both proteins and carbohydrates, can actually help individuals struggling with weight lose pounds and keep the lost weight away in the long run. According to Prof. Daniela Jakubowicz, Dr Julio Wainstein and Dr Mona Boaz of the Sackler Faculty of Medicine of the Tel Aviv University and the Diabetes Unit of the Wolfson Medical Center, the best time to indulge in sweets would be in the morning as this is the time the metabolism of the body is most active. The body is also able work off the excess calories during the activities through the day, as added by Prof Oren Froy of the Hebrew University Jerusalem. As further explained by Prof Jakubowicz, "Attempting to avoid sweets entirely can create a psychological addiction to these same foods in the long-term and by adding dessert items to breakfast can control cravings throughout the rest of the day." The conclusions were reached after a thirty two (32) week long study and would be published in the journal Steroids. The participants who included dessert to their breakfast menu, such as cookies, cake or chocolate, lost on an average forty (40) pounds more compared to the control group. She added, "What's more, they kept off the pounds longer." It is well known that the morning meal provides much of the energy for the tasks done during most of the day. The meal also aids in brain functioning as well as kick-starting the metabolism of the body. This is what is crucial for the weight loss and maintenance regimens so very important for overweight individuals. Breakfast is also the meal that regulates ghrelin, the hormone that increases hunger pangs. The study found that the ghrelin levels increase before every meal and becomes suppressed the most after a hearty breakfast. The participants were one hundred ninety three clinically obese non-diabetic adults. The individuals were assigned to one of two diet groups with identical calorie intake, as men consumed 1600 calories a day while women consumed 1400. The first group though was fed a low carbohydrate diet with a low calorie breakfast, counting up to 300 calories. The second group had a 600 calorie breakfast that was high in protein and carbohydrates that included a dessert item either chocolate or some other pastry. At sixteen weeks, participants in both groups had lost about thirty three pounds each but the dramatic changes occurred after the sixteenth week. At this point, the participants in the low carbohydrate group regained weight on the average of twenty two pounds per individual while the other group still kept on losing weight, at an average of fifteen pounds each. By the thirty second week, the high calorie breakfast group had averaged a weight loss of forty pounds per person compared to the other group. The study authors noted that one of the major challenges would be keeping the lost weight away permanently. One of the key elements is satisfying cravings as observed that the low calorie group often left unsatisfied and upon registry of weight loss, they lose their controls eventually ending up regaining the lost weight. Prof Jakubowicz added, "But the group that consumed a bigger breakfast, including dessert, experienced few if any cravings for these foods later in the day." She concludes that a diet must be realistic to become part of the lifestyle that includes curbing cravings that is one key for success compared to deprivation for ultimate victory over weight. High Weight Lower Reps Superset Exercise Routine Have you ever wondered about how to make your strength training workout far more time efficient and effective? Then it is time to consider a high weight, low reps superset workout routine. The most effective approach to develop strength is by employing a heavy weight which you can only lift for a few reps. Ideally you need to give your muscles lots of time to rest among sets to ensure that you prevent training to failure. Nonetheless, this is terribly inefficient. This really is exactly where superset workout routines might be beneficial. Rather than just resting in between sets, you perform a various exercise. If you're focused on gaining strength, then I'd very recommend combining high weight coaching with low reps. Muscle fibers knowledge essentially the most growth when utilizing heavy weights. Very clearly, you'll be capable of lift heavier weights in case you carry out lower reps. As a result, I recommend performing 1-3 reps per set. The other key to gaining strength is avoiding failure. You do not want to perform a max lift each time you train. Rather, you need to condition your muscles to complete a set number of reps with out struggling. For example, I'd advocate performing 3 reps using a weight you can lift 4-5 times. This promotes myofibrillar hypertrophy instead of sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. The concept is an essential distinction when it comes to focusing on muscle size vs. strength. As discussed in Visual Impact Muscle Building, the most effective way to gain muscle size is through sarcoplasmic hypertrophy (high rep coaching to failure). Nonetheless, considering that sarcoplasm is really a fluid, the top approach to boost muscle density and strength is by way of myofibrillar hypertrophy (low rep training avoiding failure). One final point about high weight, low rep coaching. I prefer to carry out a warm up set to prime my muscles. As opposed to jumping in and utilizing a heavy weight for 3 reps, I'll use a weight 20-30% lighter and carry out five reps. Nevertheless, I mentally pretend that I'm lifting far more and do slower reps to condition my muscles not to fail. Basically you're teaching your nervous technique that you simply can lift heavy weights. Note that I like to carry out five reps although I train with three reps. I've found that if I get utilized to performing 3 reps that my body occasionally wants to quit at two reps. By teaching it to carry out five reps, 3 reps seems easier together with the heavy weight. A fast refresher on supersets. A superset entails pairing two workouts together and performing one right after one more. A competing superset utilizes the very same muscle group whilst a non-competing superset makes use of different muscles. For example, a competing superset may well involve performing bench press with chest flies, each of which work the pectorals. A non-competing superset may well involve bench press with squats. Competing supersets really fatigue your muscles. The value in non-competing supersets is that you simply avoid fatigue whilst letting a diverse muscle group rest. So supersets may be actually useful if you are performing low rep coaching because you need to give your muscles sufficient rest time between sets. As opposed to talking to friends, listening to music, watching Television, or just spacing out among sets, it is possible to in fact make use of that rest time to perform a distinct physical exercise. While you would ideally pair an upper physique physical exercise with a lower body exercise, all my lower physique perform is completed on a separate day inside the type of HIIT and plyometrics. I instead pick to pair a pushing physical exercise with a pulling physical exercise. I also pair a dumbbell physical exercise using a barbell physical exercise to create it less difficult to switch weights. Rather than performing a lot more sets of these exercises, I prefer to perform bodyweight circuits, kettlebell workouts, and/or boxing to promote elevated HGH levels. If you just program on performing supersets alone with no additional conditioning, then I'd advocate substituting pull-ups or one more compound pulling physical exercise for curls. In summary, if you would like to get stronger, start training with high weight, low reps and guarantee that your muscles don't fail on any set. Use this method as component of a superset workout routine as a way to decrease your total workout time by permitting 1 group of muscles to rest although the other group works. This can be an powerful method to get stronger and build dense, defined muscles in a more time efficient manner. Hiring A Personal Trainer In Jacksonville Florida Imagine stepping into the gym for the first time in your life. There are so many machines and gadgets. What do you do first? Is this one safe? Are you using it right? There are so many questions to ask about trying to get physically fit as well. How much should you push yourself? How much is too much? A personal trainer is someone who steps in and will coach you through your weight loss regime. What is it that a personal trainer does exactly? Finding Out What A Personal Trainer Does Is Step Number One Whenever I want to find out what it is that a personal trainer does, I simply visit the website or look at an advertisement of another personal trainer. From one location that is located in California, I have found the following list to be exactly what a personal trainer does. Coaching workouts that intensify gradually at different stages Working to increase improvement function of the body from walking and running, etc. Keeping a client up to date on nutrition Practices safe stretching and exercise techniques Helps to increase muscle tone and metabolism in the body Minimize the possibility of injury Increase the client's self-confidence and put good 'stress' to encourage Eliminate laziness and excuses from stopping the client from getting what they want What is it that Clients Ask When Looking for a Personal Trainer? One that I have found says that finding the best personal trainer is to simply ask a lot of questions. If you ask questions of your personal trainer and he or she does not know the answer or doesn't give an answer you are particularly happy with, a client should simply walk away. If you are looking to become a personal trainer, expect to hear questions. What is your background? How long have you been doing this? How are you involved in the industry? Do you stay competitive in the industry? What is the education level that you have? Did you get certified in a weekend or are you university educated? Are you continuing to educate yourself on the latest health techniques? Insurance? CPR? First Aid? If you are able to answer these questions to a client, you'll be much more likely to sign a client. Above all, personal trainer will make a customer state his or her reasonable goals and set a plan to reach those goal in a healthy and constructive learning environment that will let the client keep the regime for years to come, even if they stop using the personal trainer. What is it That Separates a Good Personal Trainer from a Bad One? Like when you shop for anything else, there are good trainers and there are bad personal trainers, but what is the difference? A good personal trainer would tell you that you should shop around and find the right trainer for you. A lot of corporate gym trainers have sales quotas, do you really think they're primary interest is your health? Most of them have minimal training and are more of a sales person than a trainer. If you are looking to become a personal trainer, what is it you should do first? Try to take course on exercise, fitness and health. If you also stay involved personally in the body building industry, you're also staying on top of the competition. Commitment is the key, you have to be committed, as your clients certainly will not be. They will want to quit and give excuses. You can't let them. Above all, a personal trainer really cares about the client. You can't simply treat them like another paycheck. A customer has personal goals and needs and is asking you to help them along a path they can't walk on their own. What a personal trainer is, is not a salesman or a drill sergeant, a personal trainer is a coach, a mentor and a partner on a road to a goal. Holistic Detox We're all involved about our weight and maintaining a wholesome way of life these days. All over the place you flip or look, somebody is speaking about this weight-reduction plan or that one, this new approach or that. People don?t typically affiliate holistic detox as an aid to not only losing weight but maintaining a healthy weight, however that's exactly what it does. Holistic detox has the same resultant aim of reaching a healthier way of life, weight loss and an increase in the vitality of life. Holistic detox focuses on the whole being of the person, notably on a lifestyle change, diet, emotional needs, house and work surroundings, exercise levels and stresses. Briefly, the wholeness of the particular person is considered and not simply the bodily change the eating regimen can provide. Holistic detox is used to enhance what might be improved. The emphasis is on breaking unhealthy habits and proscribing/avoiding foods that accommodates toxins. Detox Program This is often a self-awareness program in listening to the wants of the physique, understanding these wants, and learning what are good and dangerous foods. Other than self-consciousness, holistic detox additionally tries to change behavior on what meals is wholesome and what's not. Certainly one of its aim is to have the physique regain a pure slightly alkali state, hastening the elimination of poisons and breaking down fats more easily. The highest 7 Holistic Detox Colon Hydrotherapy- This is the therapeutic utility of water to the colon to cleanse of undesirable substances within the body and assist the bowel in resuming regular function. Change in weight loss plan- When starting holistic detox, keep away from enriched wheat, sugar, sweets, fruits, artificial processed flavorings resembling vinegars and ketchup, purple meat, night shade vegetables corresponding to mushrooms, fruit juices, alcohol, caffeine, carbonated drinks and cigarettes. The one exceptions to this checklist are the plain yogurt, goat?s milk, soy products and banana. The foods which are allowed embody: Recent leafy green vegetables and salads, white meats and fish, eggs, soy merchandise, vegetable juices, olive oil, brown rice and lentils. Through the first 48 hours of Holistic detox, you could experience signs such as nausea and headaches. This is the proof that the body is adjusting to the released toxins trapped within the body. Use natural cleaning enhancers- These are complementary things that assist the physique?s elimination of toxins from the body. Take fiber flax seeds for example, they are half soluble which take in the toxins whereas insoluble which sweeps the colon clean. EFA-wealthy fish, flax or borage oil is among the cleaning kits that present one of the best result. Cleanse the liver- A mix of diet, water, multivitamins use, and avoidance of environmental exposure to toxins and chelation might help cleanse the liver. Dietary supplements- The use of nutritional vitamins, minerals and antioxidants , Vitamin A, C, E and the minerals Selenium and zinc., can help the body as it cleanses itself of toxins. Sweat them out- The pores and skin has the ability to get rid of waste through perspiration. Saunas and steam baths work nicely in inducing the physique to sweat, detoxifying in this manner. Train- stimulates the movement of lymphatic fluid in the body as well as eliminating toxins from deep breathing. Aside from the improvements of health sought after in this weight loss plan, holistic detox may give an individual a sense of control and self-discipline over food cravings. On the finish of this system, sugar may not taste as candy as a result of conduct change has already been accomplished. This kind of food regimen can go a long way and not just for non permanent a period of time. Change can produce improvements and a greater way of living healthy. Home Remedies For Glaucoma, Prevent Loss Of Vision And Blindness A condition which is caused as a result of damage to the optic nerve due to abnormal high pressure inside the eyes is known as glaucoma. Glaucoma is of two types; primary angle glaucoma and closed angle glaucoma. It can be caused due to certain factors such as poor nutrition, stress, collagen deficiency and high blood pressure. Glaucoma causes loss of vision and blindness. Glaucoma Home Remedies There are several home remedies for glaucoma which are simple to follow and easy to use. Some of the common home remedies for glaucoma are: 1. One of the most effective home remedies for glaucoma is vitamin C. It is an antioxidant which is water soluble and helps in improving vision and relieving the eye pressure. But remember to consult your physician before taking any supplements. 2. Consume lots of fruits and vegetables in order to get essential amines. Drink water or other healthy fluids in small amounts after fixed interval of time. 3. Rutin is also one of the effective home remedies for glaucoma. It is rich in vitamin C and is also a bioflavonoid. It is known to increase the metabolism of collagen in the eye. All you need to do is consume 40 to 60 mg of rutin three times in a day. This will reduce the pain and will be very beneficial in treating glaucoma. 4. Marijuana is very helpful in lowering intraocular pressure and gives immediate effect. But remember not to use this method regularly due to certain obvious reasons. 5. Jabarandi is an ayurvedic herb which is found in Indian subcontinent. This herb has been used since a very long time for treating glaucoma. It contains pilocarpine which is very helpful in treating glaucoma. 6. Vitamin A and vitamin B are very effective in treating glaucoma. Vitamin B improves the eye sight whereas vitamin A improves the night vision. Just consume 1000 mg each of these vitamins on regular basis in form of multi vitamin supplement tablets or you can consume food rich in these vitamins. Consult your physician before trying any supplements. 7. Ginkgo bilboa is also very beneficial for glaucoma ailment. It increases blood supply to the optic nerves which results in detoxification. In order to slow down the deterioration of optic nerves you should try adding sulfate of zinc in ginkgo bilboa. 8. Consume food rich in vitamin E which will help in clearing the retina and cornea. This will make your eyes healthy and improve the vision. You can even try vitamin E supplements but consult your doctor before taking such supplements. 9. Berries are very effective in curing glaucoma. Bilberry helps in giving strength to retina and optic nerves. 10. Fennel can also prove to be very effective in treating glaucoma. You can eat it raw or use in salad. Those who do not like to eat it can try making a tea out of fennel and then drink it. 11. Spinach is a good source of carotenoid. This carotenoid is very helpful for the eye tissues and retina. Therefore try to eat spinach on regular basis. These were some of the most effective home remedies for glaucoma which are simple, safe and easy to use. Hoodia Cactus Plant: Natural Appetite Suppressant Are you simply tired of using all those supplements and pills that promise a permanent ticket out from obesity and too much desire for food? An answer might just exist to end that never ending want for food and it comes from distant Africa. The new weight loss product that is touted to have made wonders for people who have been on a diet for so long but never seem to have found the right diet pills or formula is sourced from the Hoodia cactus. Involvement in the next weight loss treasure is believed to eventually make a heap of money for the Africans that lasts forever, considering that companies are expected to shell out even more continued dollars to buy more Hoodia cactus. The South African government will also be expected to continue benefiting from this treasure supplement as companies will continue to give royalties to them into the future. Way far inside the Kalahari desert within Africa, lives a not too pretty cactus called the Hoodia. Hoodia, actually not a cactus but a plant, grows very well in really high temperatures, and takes a long time to ripe. The Kalahari desert South African bushmen are said to have used the Hoodia cactus to keep away hunger when hunting. Professionals say the drug sourced from the Hoodia cactus suppresses the appetite of a person who ingests it. A recently completed research shows that those who ingested the drug experienced lessened their food binge by thirty to forty percent The human body's glucose level is increased after using this food. The increased glucose level communicates to the person's brain that his appetite is satisfied. The P57 is said to be a substance that is considered more energetic than glucose. If a simple substance like glucose can tell the brain to stop eating because it is full, imagine what a substance like P 57, which is more active than glucose, can do. The claims made on the anti-obesity effects of the Hoodia cactus have also been investigated by correspondents of TV network BBC who traveled all the way to Africa to sample the plant. Not like many of the other weight loss prescription drugs already on the market, the Hoodia cactus is organic and does not show any side effect to the consumer. It functions by getting the brain of a person to believe that he is not hungry. The finding of the anti-obesity powers of the Hoodia cactus came after a routine testing by scientists. The latter found out that Hoodia contains an unknown molecule which they called P 57. A British organization carried out a survey that revealed even more people are becoming overweight and obese. This finding has definitely increased the continued selling potential of the P 57. Tribesmen will no doubt make more money and become millionaires many times over as the Hoodia products become more popular and new Hoodia products evolve. Success such as this should not be taken lightly. Hoodia 'cactus' plant products are the real deal for continued natural weight loss. If you yourself want to use this effective diet supplement, you must be on guard to see that the product you receive contains pure Hoodia Extracts from South Africa as there have been many counterfeit Hoodia products available at this time. Hoodia Fat Loss Prescriptions - A True Miracle Diet Or Not? Ever since CBS News purchased, tested, and featured Hoodia fat loss tabs on its weekly "60 Minutes" News program, Hoodia has gained the respect and trust of thousands of successful dieters around the world! Even, Lesley Stahl, 60 Minutes investigative reporter stated, "Imagine not being hungry all day without feeling side effects typical of most fat loss capsules, like a racing heart or queasy stomach." Clearly, Hoodia is not only an incredible news story, but an amazing diet plant, now available as a fat loss appetite depressor. What is Hoodia, exactly? ...Where is it from? If you hadn't heard of Hoodia, it was sure to happen. Once featured on "60 Minutes", "The Today Show", and in Oprah's "O Magazine" where it was dubbed as the new miracle diet supplement for safe, working weight loss, it was only a matter of time before the word got around — even to far-flung places. Hoodia gordonii is a stoneage wonder plant found in the dry arid regions of Southwestern Africa. Not long ago, Scientists isolated its active components to identify what exactly causes it to suppress the appetite and produce dramatic weight loss in some individuals. How Does Hoodia Work? Scientists discovered Hoodia essentially stunts the appetite by tricking the brain into thinking that you're full when you're not. The scientists explain it this way. The chemical constituents in Hoodia work within the satiety center of the brain by releasing a chemical compound similar to glucose, only much stronger. The satiety center which they identify as the hypothalamus receives this signal as an indication that enough food has been consumed which in turn stunts the appetite acting as a natural appetite depressor. Hoodia weightloss pills - Not All Are Created Equal. Be Careful of "FREE" — Be Careful of "CHEAP" immitations. According to Dr. David MacLean, the highly regarded Brown University researcher, “Unless a Hoodia gordonii diet pill delivers enough critical P57 molecules to sustain long-term weight-loss success, it simply will not work!" While there are other Hoodia diet aides that claim similar or higher amounts of Hoodia in their products. PURE Hoodia diet drugs contain only the highest grade of independent lab-certified Hoodia. There are lower grades of Hoodia containing much lower and much less costly amounts of Hoodia, and Hoodia P57 actives. Moreover, note that the FDA does not certify non-prescription slimming supplement, as others may claim. Learn more about the best rated hoodia at: www.BestRatedHoodia.com Everyday new websites pop-up offering hoodia weight loss medicines. Clearly, it costs a lot of money to do this. What's this frenzy all about? What's in it for them? Also, how can you gurantee your purchase is real authentic hoodia? The answer is these ever new weight loss aide are about the purity of their Hoodia and about their marketing hype used to create buzz to sell their weight loss aides. Hoodia Research — First Clinical Trial After successfully isolating the ingredients in Hoodia and identifying the P57AS3 "magic molecule" as being responsible for its appetite-suppressant capability, scientists at the South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) had their finding confirmed by the first human clinical trial. This was conducted in Leicester England involving a group of morbidly obese men and women. Half the group were given P57 Hoodia and half were given a placebo. At the end of 15 days, the P57 Hoodia group reduced their daily food intake by nearly 1000 calories. Given the average daily diet is around 2200 calories, this was seen as a stunning success. Hoodia Gordonii The Truth vs. Hype First things first, hoodia gordonii is known in different names such as xhooba, Ghaap, khoba and hoodia cactus. Basically, hoodia godonii is a kind of cactus that is able to control and suppress one's appetite and therefore promote immediate weight loss. Believe it or not, television programs such as ABC, 60 Minutes and BBC have focused on hoodia in their news stories. The hoodia gordonii is usually sold as capsules, tea or in liquid form in those food health stores as well as thru the internet. The hoodia gordonii plant is found in the deserts of Botswana, South Africa, Namibia as well as Angola. Contrary to popular belief, hoodia is not a cactus but a kind of succulent. Hoodia is composed of a flower that is colored purple and could be harvested after five years. Although the hoodia plant consists of twenty types, the variety of hoodia gordonii is the one that possess the ability to suppress appetite. The history of hoodia as a weight loss product Hoodia was just discovered only recently as an effective product to aid in one's weight loss. However, the Kalahari bushmen have been eating it for centuries as a way to avoid hunger as well as thirst to enable them to go on prolonged hunting adventures. Hoodia was also used by them to alleviate any pain caused by tuberculosis, cramps, indigestion, hemorrhoids, diabetes and hypertension. It was in the year 1937 when an anthropologist in Denmark studied the bushmen and noted the effectiveness of hoodia. However, it was only in the year 1963 when the scientists at CSIR or the Council for Industrial and Scientific Research actually began to study hoodia. The initial results were promising as animals were shown to have lost significant weight just after ingesting hoodia. It was only in the mid nineties when the scientists at South Africa worked with a company in Britain called Phytopharm and was able to isolate the ingredient active in the hoodia plant called steroidal glycoside. This ingredient was renamed p57 and in the year 1995, it was officially licensed to the Phytopharm Company. So far, Phytopharm has been able to spend twenty million on research. Another pharmaceutical company, specifically Pfizer, became interested in hoodia and decided to develop it as a drug. It was in the year 1998 that Phytopharm licensed Pfizer the developing rights on the p57 ingredient for a whooping twenty one million dollars. Currently however, the rights have long been returned to Phytopharm and are now collaborating with Unilever. Basically, hoodia gordonii is effective and has been proven to clinically reduce one's intake of calories as well as fat. Hoodia's inner workings Based on a research done at Rhode Island in Brown University, it was discovered that the glycosides steroidal found in hoodia is able to affect the brain's nerve cells, specifically the hypothalamus, the area that is able to monitor one's blood glucose. What hoodia does is that it is able to trick the brain to think that the body has energy enough to not have to eat, eventually shutting down the mechanism of hunger in the body. This effect was proven by a correspondent of 60 Minutes wherein she traveled all the way to the country of Africa in order to try to ingest hoodia. When the correspondent ate hoodia, she found the taste similar to cucumber and lost the craving to drink and eat the whole day. She also felt no side effects like palpitations or indigestion. In studies conducted on animals, hoodia was able to actually reduce one's intake of calories anywhere between thirty to fifty percent. Hoodia info online Unfortunately, there is much hype when is comes to reading about hoodia online. False claims, inferior products and over priced knock offs are rampant. When you visit a hoodia site look for one whose product is 100% pure hoodia gordonii, has certification on its purity well documented and posted, and always contains a money back guarantee. This way you know that what you purchase is actually exactly what you will get. All in all, hoodia is difficult to plant and grow as it takes almost five years for the plant to actually mature in required temperatures of 122F. This makes the plant supply scarce and since there is high demand, the hoodia cost is also high. Don't purchase your hoodia by just comparing prices, you must compare ingredients. If the site that you are looking at shows proof of purity and authenticity, discloses it's full ingredient listing and offers a full money back guarantee you can be more confidant in your purchase and that the information on the site is factual. Hoodia Patch: Weight Loss Wonder or Total Fraud? Today unfortunately many vendors are claiming that the so-called "hoodia patch" will kill your appetite and even work better and faster than the ordinary hoodia in a capsule, tablet, or liquid. This claim would be extremely good-that is-if it were really true. Please be very cautious about any claims being made, especially online. As an idea, the "hoodia patch" is intended to work by putting it on your skin; next, the "hoodia patch" is supposed to begin to work its appetite suppressing power in a time-release fashion, going through your skin and passing into your bloodstream. The ultimate result? The "hoodia patch" is supposed to make you feel a lot less hungry during the day, and you'll start to lose unwanted body fat when you eat less food. Indeed, this is a fine idea-on paper. But so far there exists absolutely no proof that the "hoodia patch" actually works. There is no clinical case study on the "hoodia patch." Be very cautious: If any vendor claims to have a scientific study or clinical trial that supports the validity of their "hoodia patch," such "proof" may turn out to be FAKE-produced in order to endorse, promote, and sell the so-called "hoodia patch" to the unsuspecting public. Bear in mind that most patches such as the birth control patch first began as a prescription-driven product; this basic fact indicates that such a patch must endure very critical and demanding scientific trials before it is finally approved and given the "greenlight" to become available to the general public. To your surprise, no existing "hoodia patch" online or offline is prescription-driven; what this means is that such diet patches have not undergone scientific clinical trials or testing. This clearly shows that no vendor can truly claim that their "hoodia patch" works more effectively than hoodia capsules, tablets, or in liquid. I don't know about you, but I do know that personally I wouldn't spend one cent on any new patch product that has no scientific backing or documentation from a third party that supports the "hoodia patch" as an authentic product worthy of being purchased. Why would you want to risk buying something that might not work at all? Save yourself needless frustrations. My sincere advice: Do not fall prey to high flying claims of questionable "hoodia patches". Instead, consider real hoodia in a capsule, tablet, or liquid. Hormone Pellet Implants In Chandler - Are They Right For You? As we age, both men and women produce less hormones such as testosterone and estrogen. While men's bodies have more testosterone and women have more estrogen, both sexes require a balance of these hormones for a healthy life. As these hormones decline in the body, this may cause health problems like bone and muscle loss, depression, migraine headaches and an overall lack of well-being. A decrease in hormones affects men and women in similar ways, with women suffering from menopause and men from andropause. While hormone imbalance affects men and women in different ways, both men and women will experience: * Decreased sexual function * Loss of bone density * Loss of muscle mass * Weight gain * Reduced muscle strength * Memory loss * Fatigue * Mood changes and depression Women who are having difficult menopause transitions due to problems with absorption, marked fluctuations in hormone levels or who have lost their ovaries surgically at a young age, may look into hormone pellet implants to restore a quality of life and function which has been lost. Men and women can both receive hormone pellet implants, which are more efficient than multiple medical visits. Hormone pellet implants effectively treat symptoms in both men and women. Pellets, or implants, are made up of hormones that are pressed or fused into very small solid cylinders. These pellets are larger than a grain of rice and smaller than a "tic-tac." Why Hormone Pellets? The use if pellets delivers consistent, health levels of hormones for three to four months in women and four to five months in men. With hormone pellets, the fluctuations, or ups and downs, of hormone levels are avoided as opposed to every other method of delivery for hormone replacement, which is important for optimal health and disease prevention. Pellets, on the other hand, do not increase the risk of blood clots like conventional synthetic hormone replacement therapy. When compared to conventional hormone replacement therapy, pellets have been shown to be superior for relief of menopausal symptoms, maintenance of bone density, restoration of sleep patterns, and improvement in sex drive, libido, sexual response and performance. Testosterone delivered by a pellet implant, has been used to treat migraine and menstrual headaches. It also helps with vaginal dryness, incontinence, urinary urgency and frequency. In both men and women, testosterone has been shown to increase energy, relieve depression, increase sense of well being, relieve anxiety and improve memory and concentration. Testosterone delivered through hormone pellet implants increases lean body mass and decreases fat mass. Men and women both need adequate levels of testosterone for optimal mental and physical health and for the prevention of chronic illnesses like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, which are associated with low testosterone levels. If you are suffering from the effects of menopause or andropause, talk to your medical doctor today for more information on hormone pellet implants in Chandler and how they can help with your hormone imbalancement. How Biotin Side Effects Affect Unwanted Hair Loss A lot of people battle issues when it comes to hair loss daily. This condition has proven to be a major factor in one's self confidence and overall appearance. People who have to suffer from this condition commonly look for different possible solutions to cure their hair problems. Although tons of solutions are present nowadays, only a few will work well for you. Biotin as a Solution One of the best solutions you can try is through the use of biotin, which is a form of Vitamin B. This vitamin helps the body produce glucose and fatty acids. This in turn helps the body to naturally lower its sugar level, metabolize carbohydrates, and aid the body in naturally losing weight. Researches have also uncovered additional potentials of biotin. Findings have discovered that the vitamin also aids the body in maintaining healthy hair, its natural color, and it has also been discovered that it helps prevent unwanted hair problems. Although further studies are needed to determine the full potential of biotin as a great solution for unwanted hair problems, various studies have already proven that the lack of this particular vitamin causes various problems. This includes loss of energy, early aging, and unwanted hair loss. Biotin is actually a naturally occurring vitamin inside the human body. Good bacteria found inside the small intestines produce biotin, which benefits the body. This vitamin is also present in different kinds of food like brewer's yeast, legumes, and a variety of meat. The Efficiency of Biotin However, the studies made when it comes to the efficiency of biotin to solve your hair problems are still inadequate and further proof is still needed. Nevertheless, health experts suggest that when using this vitamin for your hair problems, it is essential that you do not exceed the RDA or the recommended daily allowance of 30 mcg for adults. It is advised that you first consult your doctor when using biotin as a solution for your hair problems. Biotin overdose might cause harmful, although rare, side effects that can potentially risk your overall health. Biotin in Products A lot of hair care products now incorporate biotin as part of their ingredients to provide you with a more effective hair care solution to use. Moreover, the efficiency of this product is not guaranteed by its use of biotin. Other important factors must be considered as well like the other products used, their overall efficiency, and their compatibility to your overall hair care needs. Most people choose natural hair care products nowadays as they do their best to avoid chemical-ridden products that can produce certain harm in the long run. When looking for hair products with biotin for your hair, make sure that the product only makes use of natural ingredients to ensure overall safety and efficiency. To avoid unwanted biotin side effects, make sure that you conduct your very own research if this particular vitamin is an essential solution for your hair loss problems. As much as possible, only use biotin when you are fully sure that it is indeed a great solution for your hair problems and that no harm can be acquired through its use. How Does Weight Loss Pills Works The people who are looking so much fatty or want to reduce their stomach fat and want to remove back fat to have toned & sexy back always go for quick weight loss plans. Generally they do tiring workouts, take low calorie diet and finally take diet pills which help them in maintaining required diet. A few of such people are not concern about the type of medicine they are taking, side effects of those pills and not even knowing the dieting pills they are taking are FDA approved or not. So what should they do? Before going for weight loss plans you must know: What type of medicine you are taking? How your medicine does work? What are side effects of those medicines? Do those medicines suit to your lifestyle? What type of medicine you are taking? Only two anti-obesity medications are currently approved by the FDA for long term use. One is Sibutramine and the other is Orlistat. Sibutramine (Reductil) and Orlistat (Xenical) are prescription only medications. There are a number of less commonly used medicines available in market. Some are approved for only short term use but they are all not recommended due to potential side effects. Your anti-obesity pill can be one of two types. One is Fat Inhibitor and the other is Appetite Suppressant. Doctors prescribes you these medication only when your body mass index is 30 or above. Those who have gained so much fat they are always advised to take both type of medications appetite suppressant as well as fat inhibitor. How does a Fat Inhibitor and Appetite Suppressant medication work? Appetite Suppressants works by acting on the satiety center of the brain, known as hypothalamus. They increase the amount of serotonin, noradrenaline, norepinephrine or dopamine chemicals in the brain which affects on hypothalamus and gives you feeling of fulfillment that you get from eating and makes you feel satisfied with less food, therefore decreasing appetite. Fat Inhibitors works by reducing intestinal fat absorption by inhibiting pancreatic lipase. When you take food lipases attach them selves to the fat within the digestive system and helps to digest the fat but when fat inhibitor is taken many of these lipases are blocked by its active ingredient which prevents the breakdown of fat and digest into your body. What are Side Effects of weigh loss pills? Side effects of appetite suppressants are: Constipation, dry mouth and problems sleeping, but these side effects disappear after a few days of using appetite suppressants. Side effects of fat inhibitors are: Oily stools, flatulence and more frequent bowel movements. Which medication suits to your life style? Generally those people who are eating so much, taking high calorie meal and can not stop themselves from eating are always suffer from obesity and such people are advised to take appetite suppressants like Reductil which contains Sibutramine as it's main ingredient. Reductil (Sibutramine) works faster and it is more effective then other medications available for weight loss. Fat inhibiting pills gives you good result but for successful weight loss you need to take appetite suppressants also. Here we recommend consulting your health care provider before taking any prescription drug by yourself. Because your doctor better suggest you the proper medication out of these two drugs. How Much Does LASIK Eye Surgery Cost? Most people believe LASIK eye surgery costs an arm and a leg. The truth is, when LASIK was first invented it was extremely expensive as most new procedures are. However, several years later the costs have dropped dramatically. The price you pay varies depending on many factors, such as the type of correction you need, the mapping and laser you choose, and the surgeons that perform the procedure. Because the complexity of the surgery you will need is related to the severity of your correction, it is important you do not wait to make your decision. As the longer you live with eye problems the more complex your surgery becomes which in turn increases costs. In doing your research as far as different mapping systems available you will learn that one of the best is considered to be wavefront. However, this is a more costly procedure. The actual surgical procedure will usually involve a mechanical blade like scalpel and a laser scalpel. Using only the mechanical scalpel is the least expensive method and can be estimated to cost somewhere around $1500. Use only the laser scalpel without the wavefront technology and you can expect to see the cost go up to $2000. Going for both the laser scalpel and wavefront mapping technology will cost you somewhere around $2500. The surgeon you choose also plays a factor in your overall cost. As an experienced surgeon with a long-standing history in the community will generally charge more than others. Overall the average price of LASIK eye surgery should fall somewhere near the ranges above. If you find a lower than average price, look deeper into what they are actually offering you because most likely they have omitted something. LASIK eye surgery is not a recommended area for price shopping, after all we are talking about your vision. It is our recommendation to pay for the best surgeon you can afford. San Diego LASIK eye surgeons tend to be some of the better surgeons in the nation. Between 2006 and 2009 the average cost of LASIK eye surgery seemed to stabilize. In 2006, industry sources reported that the average cost of LASIK was around $2000. In 2007, the price was charted to have a small increase to around $2100, and in 2008 it was reported that the average cost rose by only $5, to $2105. The most recent 2009 report shows the average San Diego LASIK cost to be $2140. As you can see, over the last three years there has been no significant movement in the price. It is important to understand that these costs can vary. All factors included, you can expect the price of LASIK eye surgery to fall between $1400 and $3600 per eye based on several different factors. These factors can include your particular prescription, your location, the surgeon you select, and the technology they use. Be aware, most surgeons don't charge separate fees for different technologies, instead their prices will be included and quoted as one single fee. You should always do a significant amount of research before choosing a clinic to perform your surgery. Many people travel across the country to have their LASIK surgery performed only by a doctor they trust. If you are unsure where to begin looking, you may consider beginning with San Diego. As San Diego LASIK eye surgery surgeons have demonstrated exceptional LASIK skills that have resulted in amazing results. How Safe is the Flab Jab? : Lipostabil A relatively new fat loss treatment nicknamed ‘flab jab' is being endorsed by physicians as an effective and non-invasive alternative to liposuction operation. This non-surgical cosmetic treatment, also called Lipo dissolve, engages a series of simple fat loss shots of Lipostabil injections in the body region having surplus fat diminishing the requirement for the extremely insidious fat vacuum procedure or liposuction. Dissimilar to liposuction that removes fat through suction, a substance called phosphatidycholine (PPT) present in the fat loss shots is said to slacken and melt the fatty cells and later removed from the body through urine and feces. Importance of Flab Jab Incidentally, PPT has been in use as a cure for several conditions, including high cholesterol, and has only recently been used for fat loss. The substance was first used by Dr. Patricia Rittes of Brazil to get rid of surplus fat causing eye bags and eventually adopted as a fat loss remedy in other body parts. Presently, physicians all over the world are endorsing the Lipo dissolve procedure of weight loss injections for fat loss among patients who are reluctant to undergo liposuction, but keen on shedding extra flab. Interestingly enough, though flab jab or the Lipo dissolve procedure is a perfect treatment for fat loss in the parts of the body where liposuction is difficult, it is definitely not a solution for losing weight. In fact, the fat loss shots have been especially planned for people who have undertaken every step, including diet and work-outs for fat loss, but are still enduring surplus flab in some areas of the body. The flab jab treatment is also said to be very popular with the Hollywood team as actresses like Nicole Kidman and Demi Moore were recently pictured with plasters on their knees after undergoing what is rumored to have been a course of the fat loss shots. The Controversy The cosmetic industry worldwide is sharply divided over the use of flab jab and order Lipostabil. While a section has hailed Lipostabil as the new Botox, others have accused the clinics administering the fat loss shots of jeopardizing people's health by using anti-heart attack injections for fat loss. They point out that Lipostabil was developed to remove fat blockages in arteries to treat heart problems and it is licensed only for this use, and then by prescription only. However, there is no law against administering the fat loss shots and it can be ordered over the Internet by anybody. In fact, the cosmetic use of Lipostabil is not licensed, but not illegal too. Side Effects Despite the fact that the flab jab is a comparatively new treatment, thousands of people across the globe have taken the fat loss shots, there has been no report of serious aftereffects following the administration of the weight loss injections. Even recent clinical trials and safety reports from Austria have specified that the Lipo dissolve procedure has a 92 per cent success rate. At the same time, the reports have mentioned that the presence of phosphatidycholine in the fat loss shots may result in allergic reactions in a section of the patients. However, the fat loss shots are frequently accompanied by brief aftereffects, such as swelling, reddishness, burning sensation, pain, and itching and / or muscular aches at the sites where the fat loss shots are administered. Normally, these side effects persist for approximately 72 hours after the treatment, but some patients may complain of severe bruising and need to be given anti-inflammatory medicines. Wrapping Up All said and done, the flab jab or the Lipo dissolve procedure is yet to receive a license for cosmetic use. In fact, any physician or clinic administering the fat loss shots are actually disregarding the medical authorities. Many medical specialists are apprehensive regarding the long-term consequences of taking the weight loss medical injection and say that since the Lipo dissolve procedure involves administering dosages of phosphatidycholine (PPT) that are soya-based and an enzyme, they may lead to skin disorder or damage the nerve cells. Frankly speaking, so far no one has bothered to undertake long-term trials to ascertain the safety of the fat loss shots, and even the pharmaceutical firm Sanofi-Aventis that manufactures these weight loss injections asserts that the Lipo dissolve procedure was never planned for cosmetic usage. How Skinny Water Can Help You Lose Weight In today's day and age, it is important to find food and drinks which can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Skinny Water is a product that can help you lose weight while providing the health benefits that you want. Skinny Water is distributed by Skinny Nutritional Corporation and because the product is bottled, it is easy to carry with you. There are two main ingredients in Skinny Water. These are Super CitriMax, and ChromeMate. These two ingredients have been proven to help one lose weight. Skinny Water helps people lose three times the amount of weight than with diet and exercise alone. Super CitriMax is a fruit extract that is extracted from the South Asian fruit known as the garcinia cambogia. Super CitriMax is an appetite suppressant, which helps reduce fat production without stimulating the nervous system. This supplement is all natural and safe. Super CitriMax is also the only calcium potassium HCA that is generally recognized as safe (GRAS). ChromeMate is also an important ingredient because it helps greatly with the production of proper insulin in the body along with maintaining healthy amounts of blood sugar and cholesterol levels. This product is available in 16.9-ounce bottles without calories, sugar, or carbohydrates. Skinny Water provides you with 15% of the daily-recommended amount of calcium, and 9% of the daily-recommended amount of potassium. Skinny Water does not add anything to your diet that should not already be there. The two main ingredients in Skinny Water help you to lose weight by curbing your hunger. In addition, the two ingredients work together with your body to maintain a natural blood sugar level. This helps you eat less, while keeping you healthy. Both Super CitriMax and ChromeMate work with your body naturally to help it create and maintain a natural metabolism, which means that you will be burning calories the way that you are supposed to, and they may not end up as excess fat. In order to lose weight while drinking Skinny Water, you should consume the drink about a half hour to an hour before you eat. This allows the ingredients in the water to work properly with your body to control your hunger and this helps you to avoid overeating. Skinny Water works in several ways. First, it helps you to control your hunger. Because many people gain weight from overeating, the hunger control is important in losing weight. Once your hunger is under control, you should only have to eat exactly what your body needs. You should not feel the need to eat more, and therefore you should not be adding additional calories to your diet. Skinny Water also helps you burn calories, by adding to your body's ability to do so, and by making sure that there are not excess calories that may need to be burned. Lastly, Skinny Water helps your metabolism function better. This ultimately leads to weight loss because your metabolism should be allowing you to burn the calories that you are actually taking in. Once you have achieved your weight loss goals, you can burn calories without worrying about gaining that excess weight. There are many flavors of Skinny Water that available, and this is great because you may get tired of drinking the same flavor and this allows you to add some variety to your diet. Some available flavors include Raspberry, Lemon, and Peach. There are also new flavors currently being created. Skinny Water is created by the company Skinny Nutritional Corporation. The company is based in Pennsylvania, and they are currently working with several ideas for new products in the near future. One of them is Skinny Tea, which is bottled green tea with similar ingredients as Skinny Water. Another is Skinny Java, which is a Java drink without any sugar or calories that are commonly found in coffee drinks. They are also coming out with a Skinny Smoothie, which is a meal replacement drink. The main purpose of Skinny Nutritional Corporation's products is to create beverages that are low in calories and sugar, and high in ingredients that are naturally good for you. Skinny Water can help you lose that extra weight by providing you with ingredients that aid the natural processes of your body. Skinny Water can help curb your appetite by drinking it prior to a meal and you can be on your way to losing weight. Your body has what it takes to lose weight and be healthy, but it is up to you to make sure that the products you choose to eat or drink work with your body naturally and this is exactly what Skinny Water does. Skinny Water provides great benefits to your health, you should combine this water with proper diet, and exercise and you can be on your way to losing that extra weight. How the Rice Diet Can Manage Both Diabetes And Cholesterol While You Slim The rice diet is a rapid weight-loss plan that must be clinically monitored. The rice diet regime was created by Duke University for the treatment of all forms of diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity. The diet plan is a low fat, low salt diet that was devised for optimal health. Salt, as a part of the rice weight loss plan, encourages appetite and lowers several health risks which include high cholesterol, hypertension, and heart size and weight. In the therapy of diabetes mellitus, the rice eating plan has a significant benefit. The diet not only cuts down the need for the hormone insulin, but it also has a great "beneficial influence on blood pressure levels, cholesterol as well as the eye and kidney complications which could occur with diabetic issues. Of the patients using insulin for the rice diet, thirty eight % could discontinue using insulin after four weeks and still have great blood sugar control. The remaining sixty two percent were able to decrease their dosages of insulin. Even those making use of oral diabetes treatments had outstanding outcomes; eighty percent were able to discontinue their doses after four weeks! Even more extraordinary is the facts that lots of individuals (under this medically supervised diet) who had been legally blind as a result of diabetes had their eyesight improve to the point that they could get drivers licenses|Within the management of diabetes, the rice diet is significantly beneficial. It reduces the necessity for insulin in most patients - thirty two % of which could entirely eliminate their co-dependence on insulin. The remaining percent of patients were able to significantly reduce their medical intake for his or her diabetes. The diet program is also regarded as the definitive treatment for coronary artery disease. Since it alleviates the symptoms of the illness (angina pectoris and congestive heart failure) it makes medication unnecessary. Studies have shown that lowering cholesterol with diet and/or medicine can reduce the death risk because of vascular illness. The dietary plan is a really effective treatment for blood pressure levels. Most sufferers can completely stop their prescription medication throughout the diet|In coronary artery disease it cuts down on the symptoms of angina pectoris and congestive heart failure - therefore making the medications connected with it unnecessary. In conjunction with the rice diet plan, studies have shown that bringing down cholesterol with diet and/or medication can reduce the chance of death because of this disease, and therefore the diet is a very valuable treatment for it. Many CVD sufferers have sometimes managed to totally end their prescription medications after using the rice diet program. High blood pressure is also affected by the rice eating plan. Studies have established that the rice diet program brings down the blood pressure of hypertensive patients and so prolongs life because it brings down cholesterol, normalizes blood glucose, uric acid, excess weight, and heart size.. Obese people can easily shed typically half to one pound a day on the diet. On www.ricedietprogram.com it states, "The average preliminary weight for women was 204 pounds. The average weight for men was 266 pounds. The typical weight-loss in the initial few days was 8 lbs for women and twelve pounds for men, but some people have lost around Thirty pounds in the first week. In a month, ladies lost an average of 19 lbs and men an average of Thirty lbs. Again, some individuals have lost over 90 pounds within the initial 4 weeks.†Subsequently, sixty three percent of patents documented weighing the same or even less than they did once they left the program. Such high success rates are documented across the board, and so are indicative of exactly what individuals learn during the program. As the grain diet routine will not be for everyone, it's a safe method to not only slim down, but in addition combat major illnesses including high blood pressure levels, diabetes mellitus, along with heart disease. The makers, at Duke University, have formulated a useful and safe method for one to lose weight (and maintain it) while under the direct guidance of a physician. If you think that this program could possibly be of assistance to you in your quest for weight-loss, speak to your doctor to see if the grain diet system will work for you. How to Eradicate Head Lice If you or your young children suffer from head lice infestations, then you know what an unpleasant and embarrassing this condition can be. Even though men and women are often shocked and distressed when head lice are discovered, you need to maintain in mind that it is a frequent and extremely treatable issue. What Are Head Lice? Head lice are tiny insects that take up residence on the scalp. Even though some folks mistakenly believe there is a connection, contracting head lice is not caused by a lack of correct hygiene. They are simply picked up by close contact with individuals who already have them. This is why one of the most frequent scenarios in which head lice are spread is in elementary school classrooms, where many youngsters are in close physical contact with one one more throughout the day. What Are the Symptoms? The main symptom associated with head lice is an itchy, irritated scalp. Head lice are diagnosed visually. A close inspection of the scalp will reveal lice eggs, known as nits, and/or adult lice. Nits are very small, white oval shapes that, on first glance, can effortlessly be mistaken for dandruff flakes. Adult lice will appear as tiny, dark, moving specks. You should make certain to wear gloves when checking a person for head lice, in order to avoid contracting them yourself. Fortunately, head lice can be treated successfully and fairly basically. Whilst prescription and over the counter medications are obtainable, natural head lice remedies have confirmed to be similarly powerful whilst also becoming gentler and much more pleasant to use. There are a number of head lice house remedies offered that work well. How Can I Get Rid of Them? Very first of all, if you have detected nits (lice eggs) on you or your childs scalp but no adult lice, then normal shampoo used in conjunction with a unique nit comb (accessible at most pharmacies) is typically all that is required. Just wash the hair and scalp thoroughly with shampoo and then manually eliminate all visible nits with the comb. If no further symptoms (itching, visible nits or lice) show up for many days, you can be confident that the issue is solved. If adult lice are present, even so, a a lot more involved method to natural head lice treatment is known as for. Nearly all head lice residence remedies share the identical simple approach a liquid, cream, or gel is applied to the hair, left to sit for a few hours or overnight, and then a nit comb is utilized to eliminate the remaining nits. What is the Finest Way to Eliminate Head Lice? The most popular substances employed in natural head lice treatment are mayonnaise, olive oil, and Vaseline (petroleum jelly.) Whilst numerous folks will swear by their particular choice and claim it is the most effective, in reality, any substance that is healthy for the scalp and thick enough to remain in the hair will function equally nicely. The reason these head lice residence remedies are powerful is that the olive oil or other liquid smothers and immobilizes the lice and their eggs. It is then significantly less difficult to get rid of them all with the nit comb. Using this method, head lice can be easily and inexpensively treated at residence with out the need for medication or harsh chemicals. How to Find the Top 5 Weightloss Meds? The Real Secret of Weight-Loss: Powerful weightloss prescriptions We all know, today, in virtually all weight loss techniques and methods fat loss capsules are the best and the most popular solution for obesity and they give the best results when taken in combination with an appropriate weight loss program. In many instances diet prescriptions can help work miraculous weight loss when taken in combination with a balanced diet and regular exercise. See here for the top 20 fat loss meds reviews and research resources on the web. New slimming tabs research The research I've conducted on a large number of different diet pills shows as expected, a large number of the diet pills have proven to be ineffective or even have serious side effects. However, on the other hand, my research has shown a number of fat loss drugs that may be of benefit to many dieters, with little or no known side effects. And that's where, Phenternin, a revolutionary weight loss product, the only Hoodia based Phenternin appetite suppressant product that featured all the pre-requisite certificates along with a USDA protected plant permit and Phytosanitary documentations, comes in. Phenternin slimming capsules offers a superior 90 count per bottle and best of class appetite suppressant weightloss pill. There is no prescription needed with Phenternin and 98% of dieters report they like this slimming meds. Moreoever, Phenternin comes with a value package providing a free bottle when you purchase 3 or more. Best of all, no serious side effects have been reported for the Phenternin fat loss pill. Acheive weight loss success Get your list of the of the top slimming drugs in the market that can really work in weight reduction. Make sure to select a safe and successful fat loss tab. While presently there are a huge number of commercial slimming medicines and weight loss programs and methods that claim to work as the best weight loss solution make sure to do your own due diligence. And look for natural and safer fat loss meds. Insure these do not contain any harmful diet drugs or chemical substances. Check for weight loss testimonials and read the feedback from actual dieters and customers, who may share some of their amazing stories of how their weightloss meds have helped change their lives for good. Most of all take a chance on yourself, get extra help in the form of the finest weightloss tabs and achieve your weight loss goals. Get motivated knowing you have a true and Powerful ally in the battle of the bulge! Make sure to use your new weightloss drugs to change to a healthier lifestyle. Set your goals and seek to achieve life long health objectives knowing you will succeed when you set out and achieve your goals one by one. Remember its up to you to begin, and know you have support from the finest weightloss prescriptions on the market. Make sure to find the right ones for you and begin to use them. How To Get A Bigger Butt Hey ladies & possibly gents :p, My name is Lucy and I created this article to show you exactly how to get a bigger butt. For years, I have struggled with being overweight. I was 75lbs. overweight for 5-6 years then I had my first child. Post pregnancy I was 100lbs. overweight. I have tried everything in the book. Powders, pills, ketogenic (no carbs), high intense exercise, counting calories, etc. and nothing was working. Couldn't even be as intimate with my husband as I wanted. No way was I going to let him see me naked like this. At one point I even hired a personal trainer at my local gym but he was a baboon. He was extremely unhelpful. We did a lot of resistanse band training and a lot of abs. He told me he knew how to get a bigger butt but I wasn't seeing the results I truly wanted. We did a lot of resistanse band training and a lot of abs. Fast forward to the year 2011. I lost the 100lbs. I lost it by following a very intense regimen of weight training, cardio, & proper nutrition. This was caused by the book, The Fat Loss Bible by Anthony Colpo. GENIUS!!. He brought over 100 studies proving why we have been doing everything wrong. He debunks a ton of myths and his book captured my attention the whole way through. Check it out on Amazon. Following my weight loss goals, I looked skinny & healthy. I receive compliments everywhere I went. Family & friends didn't even recognize me. But there was still one problem. I didn't have the butt I desired. I wanted a sexy ass! Something like Jennifer Lopez. I remember my trainer telling me to do squats. While squats are very good for you, it still didn't give me the looks I wanted. That is when I came across Joey Atlas. His program was probably the most incredible thing I have ever seen. When I signed up, I filled out a questionnaire so my custom sexy butt recipe could be created. I had a personal trainer at my own home. He had dozens upon dozens of extremely helpful videos showing me exactly what to do. I was able to work out on my own schedule, not whenever the gym trainer was available. He was actually showing me how to get a bigger butt, & it was working. 4 WEEKS!! 4 weeks was all it took for me to come at 75% of my total goals. Every week, he shows you something new to ramp up muscle memory (something you p90x fans might be aware of). Besides butt exercises, Joey provides routines that enhance the other major parts of your body such as: the tummy/core, the chest/bust, your back, your shoulders, your arms and the rest of your legs below the butt. He really showed me how age is not a factor. (In case your wondering, I'm 46 right now). I remember like it was yesterday. I woke up in the morning & went to the bathroom. Walking out of the bathroom, I looked at my husband. He gave me the biggest smile. Creeped out at first, I asked him what was wrong. He said, "your ass is amazing!". I then jumped his bones. But in all seriousness, Joey Atlas is a certified exercise specialist who truly has a passion for helping people which can be seen immediately. Look him up, and check out his site to see for yourself. Sexy Butt Makeover!! How To Get Most From Phen375 Phen375 is the best diet pill available and always gives the great results customers want from a good fat burner. There are easy ways in which you can take advantage of Phen375 to gain even better results to end up with an even more impressive weight loss. Just follow a few of these easy to follow ideas to learn what you can do to enhance your use of Phen375 to not only meet, but exceed your expectations. Physical Fitness Phen375 will furnish you with extra energy, so it makes sense to draw on it for exercise, which will not only help Phen375 to burn even more calories to speed up weight loss, but will also improve your mood. Weight training may be a good choice as it builds your muscle mass which boosts your calorie burn rate. Consume Water Water is important for keeping your body hydrated and to keep it working but it additionally helps with metabolism function, enabling greater calorie burn. Water is also important in flushing out toxins and can also make you feel fuller which will help Phen375 to effectively reduce your appetite and curb the desire to snack. This will affect your calorie consumption which will become smaller, as you eat less. Eat Healthy Do not undo all the good work done by Phen375 by eating foods that are bad for health. It is better to eat regularly in small portions. A few small, low fat meals each day will keep your energy levels on track and will help Phen375 to burn as much fat as it can. Also, try to eat enough. Depriving yourself of sufficient quantities of food could be damaging to health and will make it impossible to retain any resulting slimming results. Set yourself reasonable goals Try to reduce your weight slowly and therefore, without risk. Overambitious targets will affect your morale and can hurt your health if you are under-eating to try and achieve them. You will not achieve your perfect weight in a week so be rational. Plan to lose, roughly 12 lbs a month. Phen375 can help you reach this goal. Don't be tempted by unrealistic promises Many people are impressed by wild claims advertised by other diet pills on the market. Many appear just too good to be true...and in most cases they actually are. There is no fairy-tale pill for losing weight and any diet pill that makes these types of claims will definitely leave you disillusioned and wishing you'd spent your money on a genuine product such as Phen375. Phen375 promises attainable results, that is what makes it different to many other weight loss aids. Phen375 is simply the best OTC fat burner so stick with it, and do not be fooled by fat burners scams. How To Get Rid Of Fat Arms For Women If you have ever waved at someone and then realized that your arm kept waving after you tried to stop, then you want to know how to get rid of fat arms. For women, this may seem to be a bigger issue than for men, but it really isn't. This is one of the hardest areas to lose weight. You may struggle mightily to lose weight here and work hard only to realize that you aren't seeing any results. Why is it so hard to lose weight in your arms? The area around your arms may have a large number of fat cells. As your body starts to build up it's fat reserves, it spreads it around wherever it can. Though it may not seem like it, there is a limited amount of space in your mid section. Your body tries to find any and every available space to store it in case it needs it some day. That is why you find yourself gaining weight around your neck and face and arms. Your body may decide to store more around the arms because of the genetics you inherited. Some people are just more prone to storing fat in the arms than others. So can I exercise to get rid of this fat in my arms? There isn't really any specific exercise that you can do to totally eliminate the fat around your arms. What it is going to take is overall weight loss. There are exercises that you can do to tone the muscles in your arms, but that won't have much of an effect on the fat that's there. The muscles will grow under that fat and take on a good shape, but unless you are working to reduce the fat all over, you will never know. The only way for the efforts of weight training to be displayed is if the curtain (fat) is pulled back to show them off. Put yourself on a low fat, high energy diet and an aerobic workout regimen. Getting the right food for your body and for your aerobic activities will go a long way towards reducing that fat around your arms and everywhere else. Get moving using aerobic activity. Aerobic exercise means exercise with oxygen. This is the only way that you are going to get that fat burning off. Do exercises that gets your heart pumping and your lungs working hard. The more air you push through your body, the more fat is going to be burned off. If you want to increase the amount of fat you are burning off in your aerobic activity, increase the amount of muscle you have overall. Get on a regular schedule of lifting weights. Your metabolism rises with the amount of muscle you gain. If you have higher metabolism, you will find you lose fat at a faster rate. That means that it will also take less work to burn that fat off. If you can find the time to start exercising more with an emphasis on aerobic activity, you will find how to get rid of fat in arms for women and men. How to Get Rid of Neck Fat How do we get rid of neck fat fast? When someone has a fat neck, he or she usually has an overwight body. The number one goal should be losing weight and having a healthy body. Losing body weight will definitely make your neck a bit thinner. We need to know what causes and how to fix it. Listed here are the causes of neck fat. Retention of Fluid Water retention occurs when the natural fluid surrounding the cells of your body increases. Bloating is caused by this. Lack of Exercise The neck and the face same as the other parts of the body is composed of muscles. Sometimes you tend to consuming more than what you are burning......so we have to reverse it. Incorrect Habits of Sleeping Getting enough sleep will help your body recuperate from stress. Bad Nutrition One thing that can make you fat and also look old are food with high calories. What makes you look years older is neck fats. You need to eat healthy food. Eat foods that has high nutrient content and low saturated fats. Examples are fruits, veges, nuts, lean meats, fish, beans, legumes, low fat dairy products and non-hydrogentated oils like olive oil. When most people see those neck fats in the mirror they would usually run to their surgeon to fix it. Liposuction or surgery is good. There are really good surgeons that can fix those neck fat fast. Problem is that they may cost thousands of dollars. Here are some simple ways that you can do at home on how to eliminate neck fats. Try this simple neck exercise. Sit in a comfortable position and straighten up your shoulder. Lift your chin. Then, place your tongue flat into the roof of your mouth and press up with your tongue. Hold it and count to five. Do this day to day and in a s period of 2 weeks you'll see the results. No need for an expensive surgery and no need for expensive cosmetics. With a little work and proper diet you can surely get rid of those neck fat and have the firm neck that you always wanted. How to keep testosterone high and estrogen low? As a man ages, testosterone levels get lowered. His body begins to convert more testosterone into estradiol (estrogen). This leads to low sex drive, emotional, psychological and behavioral changes, decreased muscle mass, loss of muscle strength and increased upper and central body fat. Too much estrogen in a man's body is not a good thing because estrogen negates testosterone. What can be done to keep everything under control and maintain healthy testosterone level? Stay Strong and Lean.Try to keep yourself lean! Fat cells contain aromatase that converts testosterone to estrogen. Building and maintaining muscle mass requires free testosterone, so building and maintaining muscle mass trains the body to use testosterone efficiently. The idea behind slowing down the effects of diminishing testosterone would be to increase or at least maintain muscle mass and bone density while keeping the heart strong and fat away. Zinc inhibits the actions of aromatase in the body. Getting adequate levels of zinc from the diet is important to keep estrogen levels down. Zinc is also important for the manufacture of testosterone by the body. Foods rich in zinc include meat, poultry, dairy, nuts, beans and whole grain foods. Alcohol drives estrogen levels up. Avoid at all costs. Some prescription drugs can mess with hormone levels. It's a good idea to check this out with your doctor if you feel you are having some symptoms related to lowered testosterone. Effective HGH products should also be tried. Human growth hormone is a hormone normally produced by the human pituitary gland. In children and adolescents, the hormone regulates growth; in adults it plays a role in regulation of bone density, blood sugar, fat metabolism and storage, strength and endurance, and emotional stability.Unfortunately for the old age, high levels of human growth hormone, also known as simply growth hormone (GH), also shy away from old age. When we are young, we all enjoy the benefits of hgh as our bodies naturally produce the GH from childhood into early adulthood. This hormone is produced in the pituitary gland and influences our energy, fat-burning ability, desires, libido, skin, muscles, and other attributes of our body. Human growth hormone (HGH) is the man-made hormone that mimics the natural substance. It can come under a variety of forms like injections, oral sprays, pills etc. HGH may also come in the name of Genotrpin, Humatrope, Nutropin, Saizen, Serostim, Somotropin, or Zorbtive. Hgh is basically known to fight aging process. The major benefit being the increase in energy and strength and decrease in fat while increasing muscle tone. People using it have also experienced increase in libido, tightening skin tone, aiding memory functions, increasing focus, and improving sleep and emotional states. These are the signs of youth, my friend, regained youth and it is possible. In other words it can have a dramatic impact on the level of testosterone in your body and help maintain the quality of life. How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Month without Exercise Is it possible to lose 10 pounds in a month without additional exercise? Yes it is, though, it may be slightly more difficult to adjust your diet. However, there are a few weightloss tips which will help you burn the fat and feed the muscle. If you have read my articles, you know I am a big proponent of fat burning exercises. However, due to various reasons, you may not be able to exerise or just don't want to. If this is the case, follow these tips. First, eat less calories than you burn Every food label has the amount of calories per serving. A can of soda may have 140 calories. A muffin 600. A candy bar could have 200-400. Your body uses calories to give you energy and fuel so your body operates. Any excess calories are stored as fat. Unfortunately this can build up your abdomen, thigh regions and rest of the body. If you are eating more calories than you are burning, you will gain weight. Pure and simple. If you eat less calories than what your body needs for fuel, then it will take from your fat deposits and you will lose weight. Generally, a pound of fat consists of 3500 calories. If you burn 500 calories more than what you consume each day, you could lose a pound of fat a week. This would take you 2 months to lose 10 pounds. A little slow for your liking, but keep reading. You have to reduce how many calories you eat if you want to lose 10 pounds in a month. Sorry, but there is no other way. If you want to lose up to 9 pounds in just 14 days, check out this step by step diet plan. Second, Eat less than 20 grams of fat a day. Preferably around 10 grams. Again every food item label has grams of fat listed on the side. You will need to choose low fat products, cut out some desserts and meats, and reduce the amount you eat of some items. If you eat 100 calories worth of Bacon, fast food, Ice-cream, around 95% of those calories will be turned into fat on your body. However, if you were to eat 100 calories of carbohydrates like bread and pasta, only about 70% or so of those calories would be turned to fat. Vegetables and fruits will have less calories converted over to fat. So what does this mean? Replacing a 150 calorie bacon slice with a 150 calorie bagel will help you lose more weight, but you will actually feel fuller! Be careful when choosing low fat items. They may say low fat but they add even more calories in, so you are not gaining a whole lot! Third, Eat a lot more fruits and vegetables I know this does not sound sexy, but it can make you feel and look more sexy. Fruits and vegetables fill you up, but do not provide a lot of calories and fat. You will lose weight doing by replacing unhealthy foods with more vegetables. Follow these three ideas and it will help you lose 10 pounds in one month without exercising. How To Lose 50 Pounds Quickly and Safely To lose 50 pounds is never an easy thing to do but people have done it before you, so it's entirely within your power. I say this only to be honest with you: you have to be committed to the plan and the goal, but you can succeed if you set your mind to it. I can only suggest a way in which you can do it. If you are otherwise healthy, many experts agree there is no reason why you should not try to lose weight quickly. To lose 50 pounds fast, you need a diet plan which will provide a fast and continuous weight loss. Fast because you want to get thin as soon as possible and because the fast weight loss will motivate you to stick with the plan. It should be continuous because it takes time to lose 50 pounds and you want to lose as much as you can in one attempt, not yo-yo up and down. Yo-yo-ing is actually worse for you than losing weight quickly. To achieve this you will need a diet which will work in the long term and not just in the short term. That's why you need to be extra careful when choosing a diet to follow; it has to be one you can follow more than a couple of weeks. Quite frankly, almost any diet will do. It's the reduction in calories that will cause you to lose weight. Pick a low calorie plan that contains foods you can see yourself eating for a while. Diets like a cabbage soup diet or grapefruit diet is not a good idea if you do not like cabbage soup or grapefruits! The difficult part of losing 50 pounds as fast as possible is the hunger and cravings that will result with the drop in calorie intake. First, accept the fact that these are two normal side effects of a reduction in calories. It's our body's way of telling us to eat more because it doesn't want to use our stored fat. You have to keep it up though so that your body is forced to use stored fat. That's the fat you want to get rid of! For this reason, I recommend using a tool that will help eliminate hunger and cravings so that you are able to stay on your diet. Diet pills will do this but I don't recommend them. It seems like most diet pills run through a natural cycle of approval, use, bad effects, recall, and withdrawal from market. I recommend a natural food product such as one of the cookie diets. I make this recommendation because cookie dieting will eliminate hunger and cravings so that you can stay on a low calorie diet. Ultimately it is hunger and/or cravings that make us fall off our diet and give up. If you use a program like cookie dieting, the cookies will take care of the hunger and cravings and you have just won more than half the battle! How does this diet work? On a cookie diet program you eat about 6 of the hunger-fighting high protein/fiber/whole grain cookies throughout the day and a sensible, low-calorie dinner. This results in a daily calorie count of around 800 to 900 calories. Of course, you could eat more calories and slow down your weight loss, but this article is specifically targeting losing the weight as quickly as possible. How much can you lose with this diet? It really depends on your starting weight and a lot of other factors like how strictly you stay true to the plan. If you are very overweight and you stick to the plan, you could lose 50 pounds in as little as 4 months which is very impressive. You may lose even more weight initially if you limit carbohydrates. A recent study showed that combining cookie dieting with a low-carb diet such as Atkins® resulted in greater weight loss than simply dieting alone. If you are otherwise healthy and you've made the decision to lose weight quickly I have offered at least one way to do it. It's a good idea not to exercise during this phase of your diet. Exercise is good for you and good for your heart, but it doesn't help much in weight loss. Ever heard the phrase “work up an appetite”? Exercising will make your body want more to eat which is counterproductive to your goal here. If you seriously tackle this, it won't take long to lose the 50 pounds. You can then work on developing some kind of exercise programs that works for you. You will feel better too! How to Lose Arm Fat for Women - 5 Exercises to Remove those Fats on the Arms For most women, having flabby arms is what they dreaded the most. But this dilemma happens to a lot of women, and there's really no reason to worry for there are simple solutions on this. The following are five simple arm exercises that you can do at home to help you with how to lose arm fat for women. Pushups - Pushup is the best exercise that could help to build both the upper and lower portion of your body. Pushup is great in keeping your arms stronger in order to work those muscles in your arm and remove the fats. When doing pushups, try to position your hands in different directions in order to exercise various parts of your muscles. Lift some Weights - Lifting weight is a common exercise that could make your arms to be firm. The number of times as well as the weight of the object that you will lift would depend on whether you want to have toned triceps or if you want to achieve some bulge in your muscles. Start by lifting light objects in the beginning in order to avoid injuries and if you think you can handle it, go for heavy objects sooner or later. Backward lifts - Backward lifts will not only help in getting rid of those flab in your arms, but it's also a great way to strengthen your upper back portion by giving you a deep workout even if you don't make use of any object as weights. Do this exercise by standing on your feet apart and slowly bending your knees and elbows while lifting up your forearms and moving up your hands as high as you can reach. Next, lift your arms slowly and draw them farther away and then releasing them, and go back to the position where you started. Triceps dip - This exercises are the best way to build your triceps and help a lot in getting rid of the flab in your arm. You need to use a table for this, and place your hand on the table facing away from it then gently walk your legs away from your body. Afterward, lower your body slowly while your weight is on your hands. Triceps extensions - The triceps extension is great in removing excess fats right at the back of the upper portion of your arm. You need to hold a dumbbell in both hands when doing this exercise, and slowly raise the arms over your head until your elbows will shape a 90 degree angle. Perform these exercise with at least 30 repetitions everyday and in only one month, your upper arms will no longer have those ugly fats. Given this list of exercises, you can tell that it is certainly easy to solve your problems on how to lose arm fat for women. But remember that in order for you to totally remove the loose flesh on your arms, you must perform all these exercises and not just choose one. And more importantly, along with these exercise programs, you should be careful with your diet as well, since exercises will not be beneficial unless you follow a strict weight loss diet. How To Lose Cankles | Learn The Secret If you have the kind of unshapely ankles that I did - then you almost certainly want to know how to lose cankles. That was my biggest issue for years and years while I tried to get rid of my cankles. I tried everything and what I found is that if you want to lose your cankles you need to address all 3 main causes. Having lower legs that seem like tubes rather than that shapely hour glass is commonly known as having "cankles". To get rid of your cankles you first must understand what they are. A significant part of the cankle look is the bone structure. Maybe you have slightly thinner or thicker bones, or maybe the Tibula and Fibula are closer together, making a smaller ankle, or are further apart, making a wider ankle. The bone structure comes from your genetics and nothing else so there is nothing that can be done from a structural standpoint. Next you may be carrying body fat in your lower leg. That stored body fat can lessen the shape of the ankle and give you the cankle appear. This entire blog is about weight loss so if you are unconfident about how to lose weight than keep going through these posts and you can quickly see the answers that you seek. To summarize though, if you want to reduce the cankle look then you must to make sure that you are losing weight! In addition to carrying lower extremity body fat you may also be retaining water. That water withholding can be a product of hormones, dehydration, lack of working out, medication or any number of counts. Water withholding can also be a mirror image of your health, except during menstruation, and should be addressed. You can do things like lift your feet, increase your water intake (I know that sounds counter to what you should do but escalating hydration could help your body flush the water that it holds) but most importantly you should working out. The blood flow from exercise can help carry away the excess water and the action of working out, called muscle pump, could help that water leave the unwanted areas. Lastly, you must to give your legs some shape. That means make sure that you have more than a healthy quantity of calf muscle. That will increase the size of the upper calf area and give the impression that the lower calf is smaller. I know that is a scary concept for some individuals but do not be afraid of having a little muscle. It is far better for your looks and general well being to have a touch more muscle than you want than a touch too little! So if you want to know how to lose cankles the best thing I could suggest is to check out the review at the bottom of this article (just click the link below). It was what gave me the info I needed to make the choice that was right for me. How To Lose Stomach Fat Many people place the stomach at the top of their list of undesirable places to have fat. How can you lose stomach fat? Is there a way to specifically target and get rid of it and, if so, how? Targeted Fat Loss Myth The first thing to say is that there is no such thing as targeted fat loss. All those ab crunching devices and stomach contraptions and workouts will not help you to lose stomach fat and here is why. When you eat more than your body needs then it gets stored as fat all over the body. It does not go on in equal proportions all over the body - every person is different so some, for example, may put weight on their stomach first whereas for others it will go on last. When you lose weight you generally lose it in the reverse order that you put it on. So if you had a medicine ball gut right from the beginning then unfortunately it will probably be the last to go. Your body does not use up the fat adjacent to muscles that are worked out. It simply does not work that way. How To Lose Stomach Fat The only way to lose any fat, including stomach fat, is to start a regime of calorie restriction. This means that you should consume fewer calories than you expend each day. You can do this by eating less and making no change to your daily activities. You can also do this by increasing your activity by doing exercise. Or you can do a combination of the two. If you sustain a calorie deficit for an extended period of time then your fat will slowly disappear, including that on your stomach. Eventually, you will have lower body fat all over your body. Some parts are more stubborn than others and this is just natural variation from person to person. However, it is almost impossible to have a huge belly and sunken jaws, for example. The guy with the classic beer belly may be an exception to this rule but he needs to stop consuming more calories than his body needs and he will lose the gut quickly. What About Toning? Many manufacturers talk about "toning" because there is really little other advantage to doing their "stomach targeted" exercises. If you have minimal stomach fat then these exercises will increase the size of the underlying muscles (abdominals) and make them more prominent. However, are your abs too small to begin with? This is extremely unlikely, given that you use them every day anyway. If you want to make them more prominent then forget about so-called "toning". Losing weight is the best way to get better abdominal definition. How to lose weight effectively? When your BMI (Body Mass Index) has reached the value of 30 or more it's a serious cause for concern Such a value means that you're clinically obese and puts you in a high risk group that needs adequate and timely treatment. Meridia is a weight loss drug that is prescribed only to obese patients and assures increase effectiveness of traditional weight loss programs in order to avoid specific health issues. Obesity is known to cause many health problems such as heart diseases and even premature death. Meridia helps in quite a simple and effective way. It affects certain parts of the brain that are responsible for appetite and makes the brain think that there's no hunger at all. This way it is much easier to follow low-calorie diet programs as you aren't burdened by constant food cravings that make you want to eat more and more. It's much easier to control own energy intake and adjust it to adequate levels for effective weight loss. Numerous clinical trials have indicated that Meridia helps lose weight in about half of the patients. Moreover, it helps maintain the lost weight for a longer period of time after the treatment course. That's why many doctors suggest using this drug for effective weight loss programs because it helps keep up a constant weight and prevent the lost weight from coming back after the initial treatment. People who have problems with excessive weight in the waist and stomach area are usually recommended to use drugs such as Meridia because these parts of the body are particularly hard to address with weight loss programs. Meridia is based on the active element sibutramine HCl monohydrate which is responsible for the appetite suppression and has been intensely studied since the mid 1990's. Meridia was approved by the FDA for weight loss purposes and is available only through a prescription. This is because Meridia can be habit forming especially over longer periods of time, so a strict medical supervision is very important when taking the drug. It's crucial to consult with your doctor about the right dosage of the drug in order to gain the best of this medication without experiencing any side effects. However you should bear in mind that any weight loss drug such as Meridia can't be a solution to the problem on its own. It requires intense exercise for weight loss and special low calorie diet for reducing the normal calorie intake in order to get any substantial results. Don't hope that all your excessive weight will be gone by simply taking pills on a regular basis. You still have to work your way in order to get any results, and Meridia is just an aid that will make your weight loss efforts much easier and effective. It's not one of those drugs that are advertised as revolutionary weight loss pills and don't work at all when you buy them. Remember that there are no easy solutions to obesity and you will still have to work hard in order to see any results in the mirror. How To Lose Your Body Fat Safely And Naturally Losing fat can be a very difficult task, but there are ways of losing excess fat safely and naturally without using any chemicals or unsavoury ingredients that could affect your health in the long run. There are a plethora of products on the market that advocate safe weight loss but these products although are marketed as natural may not be. The safest way of losing weight is to take regular exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet. There are some natural products you could take in order to lose excess fat. These are some of the things you should consider doing in order to lose fat and live a healthier lifestyle. Drink plenty of water Many weight loss experts have argued that drinking plenty of water is vital when it comes to losing fat. The idea that keeping yourself hydrated can aid in the weight loss process has been prevalent in the weight loss industry for many years. Experts state that you must try and drink at least 8 large glasses of water a day to help flush out toxins and to act as a catalyst for fat burning. Water is vital when it comes to efficient running of the human body. Therefore a body without water is an unhealthy body. Anyone aiming to lose body fat should try endeavour to drink at an extra half a glass for each hour of exercise. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables The idea that eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables can help you lose fat safely and naturally has been a prominent one for generations. There are various vegetables and fruits that have a fat burning effect on the body. Such food types are called negative calorie foods, for example; celery. Celery is one of the most well known negative calorie foods, the idea of a negative calorie food is that, it takes more calories to eat and digest the food than the food actually contains. This may sound confusing but let's break it down. Celery has 5 calories per stick, and it takes 10 calories to chew and digest therefore creating a deficit. The more negative calorie foods consumed the faster you will lose excess fat. Many believe that in order to lose weight fast you must take some kind of fat burning pill. However there are fat burning properties in many natural foods. Exercise to lose body fat safely When it comes to exercise you don't have to spend a fortune joining a gym, exercise is free! You can start off very small by just walking for an hour every day. You will be surprised at how quickly you will start to see results. Always try and make sure you do some small form of exercise every day and work your way up to achieving more challenging exercise regimes. Doing cardiovascular exercise is key if you wish to lose fat. However in order to lose fat safely you must make sure you consult your doctor before embarking on any weight loss regime. How to Maintain a Successful Eye Drop Treatment Plan Glaucoma is a disease that affects millions of people around the world. Glaucoma occurs when the fluid level inside your eyeball rises causing an increased pressure, this can lead to vision loss. According to the World Health Organization, glaucoma the second leading cause of blindness. At the moment, glaucoma is incurable, but there are many different eye care treatments that can help control the disease and hopefully prevent vision loss. Once diagnosed with glaucoma, life-long eye care treatment is necessary. One of these treatments is eye drops. Prescription eye drops are an important part of the eye care treatment regimen. They help prevent progression of glaucoma by working to maintain the pressure inside your eye at a healthy level. In a 2002 study, Americans said blindness was their 3rd biggest fear behind cancer and heart disease. But if that's the case, why is it that 40% of the patients diagnosed with glaucoma do not take their glaucoma medications as prescribed, or do not continue to refill them? East West Eye Institute has come up with some possible explanations why so many glaucoma patients don't follow the doctor's orders. Some people are afraid of eye drops and flinch at the thought of something going into their eye. If this sounds like you, please don't let that prevent you from taking your medication, because if you don't take them as prescribed, it can lead to further blindness and eye care. If you are afraid of the drop hitting your eyes, East West Eye has an alternative that can help. Place the drop outside of the lid in the corner of your eye near your nose. When you open your eye, the drop will roll in. Then, gently close your eye again, and keep it closed for a few minutes without blinking. A lot of patients run out of drops too quickly. Insurance companies have placed limitations on the quantities of eye drops and the speed at which patients can get a refill. These regulations have a big affect on your treatment routine. Sometimes two drops come out at once or do not land directly in your eye, so there is a small percentage of drops that get wasted. If you are running out of eye drops, please let your doctor know. Keep track of when you run out, or on days when you have to skip doses because you don't have enough. Your doctor may be able to provide you with a sample of eye drops, or can request an exception from your insurer. Also tell your pharmacist, and they can check what your insurance allows. If that doesn't work, contact your insurance company directly and file a complaint. We know that this can be tedious, but it is important to maintain good eye care. Once diagnosed with glaucoma, it is a lifelong battle, and eye care treatment must become a daily part of your life. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the East West Eye Institute at 877-871-1684. How To Pick The Best Weight Loss Programs Can you think of the last time you were in a conversation and the topic of weight loss did not come up in some shape or form? Probably not right? For the most part, many people seem to constantly complain about the extra weight they are carrying around with them. It isn't entirely their fault, however, as the media has certainly done a lot to foster these different ideas. While it is true that we are all dealing with somewhat of an obesity epidemic, it is also driven by the desire to look like popular stars or people that we may see in a magazine. Still, there are quite a few of us that could stand to lose a few pounds. The problem with this is that it can be quite difficult to go it alone. That is why many individuals join weight loss programs in order to help them. There are many weight loss programs out on the market that have gained notoriety. Most of these systems not only teach you how to lose weight, they also have support centers and food to aid in your efforts. Of the most popular, Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig have to be at the top. These top programs have been around for what seems like ages and have actually helped many people lose a lot of weight. We are all unique so these types of programs may not appeal to some of us. In addition to the types of programs listed above, some of the more popular ones are in books. Two of the most popular weight loss books are The Atkins Diet and The South Beach Diet. In line with the programs listed above, the books offer various products to be used while following their particular systems. These types of diets have also been responsible for significant weight loss of many individuals. One issue with these diet systems is that they are not really meant to be a long term solution to your problem. Something that most individuals do not know is that many people have lost weight with programs created for those who are battling disease. One of these programs is for those with diabetes and has been responsible for a dramatic loss in weight with many people for extended periods of time. Not only that, this particular diet is one that can generally be sustained for a lifetime so you can experience permanent weight loss instead of a temporary drop. Because there are so many different weight loss programs for you to choose from, you can really look around and decide which will work the best for you. The only option you really have is to analyze different programs and try and block out the ingenious advertising that comes along with some. What you are really looking for is something that you will be able to use for permanent weight loss and not simply something to take it off temporarily. As you find one that works best for you, be sure to stick it out and make it a new lifestyle so you can finally keep the weight off. Check out my bio below for my number one recommended weight loss program for starters. How To Prevent Menopause Weight Gain As women grow older, many experience menopause weight gain. When both men and women get older and less active, there is a tendency to gain weight but there is something unique about the menopause for women. This happens because a women's body produces less estrogen, the female hormone, in the post menopausal stage of her life. The distribution of weight on a woman's body changes at this time to be more like a man's which means that it is focused on the belly rather than the hips. Low estrogen may also be the reason for some extra weight gain, or at least a tendency to put on weight more easily. Dieting can become more of a struggle, too. Weight and the Menopause. Post menopause weight gain doesn't mean that you should give up having a healthy body within a normal weight range. If you are mindful of the potential problems and resist the temptation to eat too many high calorie foods, it is possible to avoid menopause weight gain Maintaining a reasonable amount of of exercise is also important. Exercise is important for other reasons as well as avoiding menopause weight gain. It helps to maintain a healthy heart at a time of life when the risk of heart attack for women rises significantly. Women of childbearing age who have fat on their hips rather than their belly have a lower risk of heart attack than men, but that changes at the menopause when more fat is stored on the torso. To help women avoid menopause weight gain hormone replacement therapy or HRT is available. But, it is only available from your doctor and it is not recommended for everybody because there can be other risks associated with it. Besides, you cannot avoid the menopause forever. Menopause Weight Gain Solutions. 1. Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables and fewer processed and packaged foods which contain high levels of fat and sugar. 2. Take regular exercise combining both cardio and strength workouts. You will tend to exercise a little less as you grow older, but muscle that is not taken care of will turn to fat. That's why it's important not to stop your exercise regime completely. 3. Do not worry if your weight increases a little If it is still within the normal range. This is redistribution of weight, not gain. If you are overweight choose a healthy eating plan that will serve you well for the rest of your life. Try to accept that there will be some changes in your body at this time and by adapting to them you'll be healthier and happier. No matter what stage you are in life, the healthiest option for losing weight is to make changes that will allow you to lose weight slowly on a healthy eating plan that does not ban any foods completely, but allows you to incorporate occasional treats. If you suffer from any health conditions, do consult with your doctor before starting any weight loss or fitness program. Your doctor will also be able provide more advice on menopause weight gain and what is best for your individual circumstances. Copyright (c) 2014 Jon Allo How To Repair Metabolic Damage If you've lost weight too rapidly or if you've followed a very low calorie "starvation diet" in the past, then you may have damaged your metabolism. Once this occurs, it can become extremely difficult to achieve any further loss of body fat at all. If you've ever experienced a "weight loss plateau" where the scale won't budge, even when it seems like you're working hard and doing everything right, then you know exactly what I'm talking about. The good news is, metabolic damage can be "repaired." All it takes is the right combination of metabolism-stimulating exercise and metabolism-stimulating nutrition (NOT just a "diet"), all done consistently over time The big irony is that most of the diet programs that claim to help you get rid of excess weight, only end up making it harder for you in the long run because they use harsh metabolism-decreasing diets and not enough exercise (almost never any weight training). It may take a little longer if you've been a "diet dummy" and you've really messed things up with severe starvation dieting, (especially if you've lost a lot of lean body mass), but it's never hopeless. Anyone can increase their metabolism. Most people get an almost immediate boost in metabolic rate when they make a few important changes to their eating and exercise routines. However, the results are not going to be "overnight." Give it a little time... Within 3 weeks your metabolism will already be more efficient. Within 6-8 weeks, it's burning hot. Give me 12 weeks of consistent diligent effort, sticking with all the metabolism boosting strategies I teach, and your metabolism will become like a turbo charged engine, and I'm not exaggerating when I say that. What's most important for upping your metabolism is CONSISTENCY in applying the nutrition and training principles every single day. That includes: • Meal frequency: eat 5-6 small meals per day • Meal timing: eat approximately every 3 hours, with a substantial breakfast and a substantial post workout meal. • Sufficient Caloric Intake: maintain a small calorie deficit and avoid starvation-level diets (suggested safe levels for fat loss: 2100-2500 calories per day for men, 1400-1800 calories per day for women; adjust as needed) • Food choices: Select natural, unprocessed foods with high thermic effect (lean proteins like chicken, turkey, egg whites and fish are highly thermic, as are all green vegetables, salad vegetables and other fibrous carbs) • Cardio training: Push up the intensity a bit if you really want to get a metabolic boost. Walking and low intensity cardio is fine, but higher intensity is more metabolism-stimulating • Weight training: The basic exercises that include the largest muscle groups or even call into play the entire body as a unit (squats, split squats, deadlifts, stiff legged deadlifts, overhead presses, rows and full body core exercises) will have a much greater metabolism-stimulating effect than isolation exercises (concentration curls, crunches, calf raises, etc) The weight training is extremely important in cases of "metabolic damage" because this is the stimulus to keep the muscle you have and begin rebuilding new muscle tissue, which is the engine that drives your metabolic rate. The men don't usually have a problem with the weight training, but I still hear women say they don't want to lift weights as part of their fat loss programs. Well, people who wont lift weights can expect a very, very long metabolism "repair process" if they achieve it at all. Consistency is the key. Nothing will undermine the "re-building" of your metabolism like inconsistency. If you stop and start, or skip meals and workouts often, you will not even get off the ground. After your metabolism is back up where it should be, it takes continued "stoking" of the metabolic furnace to keep it there. Once you get your metabolic engine running, you've got to keep feeding it fuel or the fire will die down. Picture an old fashioned wood burning stove... Imagine you're in a cabin up in the mountains in the winter. It's cold in there and you want to keep the cabin warm. Can you achieve this by feeding the fire once or twice per day? Nope. Not enough fuel to burn, so not much heat is generated. What if you just toss an entire pile of wood in the stove all at once? Will that work? Nope. Lots of fuel, but can't all be used at once... it just smothers the fire and the excess just sits there. How about if you throw some tissue paper or crumpled newspaper in the stove, will that work? Nope - too quickly burning. You have to keep putting small amounts of wood (the right type of fuel) on the fire at regular intervals or the fire burns out. It's also difficult to get the fire lit again. In the case of metabolism, it's like going through those initial few weeks of overcoming inertia all over again. Your goal is to get your metabolism burning hot and keep it burning and this cannot be achieved by missing meals, missing workouts or with sporadic, infrequent training. I have only seen a handful of cases where all these things were done properly and there was still a longer "repair" process. For example, one case was former ballet dancer. At 5' 5", she was previously 110 lbs and had increased to about 145 or so. She didn't want to reach her previous 110, but find a happy medium of about 125 lbs. I figured with 20 lbs to cut, this would be a simple and predictable process, but she had a challenging time (and I didn't know why at first). I later found out that she had been anorexic and bulimic for many years. This had caused a lot of damage, and although she did reach her goal, it took about twice as long as we had anticipated. The good news is, even in this extreme case, the same nutrition and training principles worked! It just took a little longer. And by the way, her program included some serious training with free weights and she ate a lot more (clean) food than she had ever eaten before. No "starvation!" Trying to starve the fat with crash diets is what causes metabolic damage in the first place! You have to Burn The Fat And Feed Your Muscles! How to Rub Weight and Fat Off From Your Belly The conventional weight loss methods for losing weight and flattening the abs are often tedious and they simply don't work, they require a lot of sacrifice and are very expensive, each day there is a new book on how to lose those inches! Today I am going to show you a simple way to remove fat from your belly-it is a simple 5000 year old Chinese method that tales just two minutes of your time! To begin this exercise lie on your back. Now put the palm of your hands on your navel- then simply rub it as follows. Use your right hand, then rub clockwise from the center, that is from right to left, first in small circles, then increase the circles until the upper and lower abs are being rubbed when you have covered both the lower and upper abs, reverse the movement counter clockwise , this time the circle gets smaller with each and every counter clockwise rotation until you are back at the navel. Do not apply force, you want a simple gentle rub, when you get to the navel, repeat from the start again, do this 10-12 times What is happening when you apply your right hand on your belly and you are performing the clockwise movement, is that your chi- invincible energy is being passed from the hands through the skin to your belly, so as you go in circles, you are applying energy to the muscles of the stomach. To make this exercise more effective visualize the energy from the hands going through the skin to your belly, gently massaging and burning fat off your abdominal area. This electricity from your hands- your chi- massages your intestines, your blood vessels and your digestive and bowl system Fat accumulations are disturbed from their resting place and broken up, where it is passed into the bowl system and eliminated. This way your stubborn fat is burned away simply by rubbing away! But there is another benefit- when you rub your abs in a clockwise position you are encouraging proper bowl movement, this relives constipation and allows you to have the proper bowl movements/ Constipation is what usually causes water retention, and weight gain (fat deposit!) So if you suffer from constipation, this exercise will allow you to have regular bowl movements which will allow you to lose those last few stubborn pounds How To Select The Best Crossbow For Hunting Whitetail The world of hunting, more specifically whitetail hunting, is experiencing a trend in the decline of numbers of people heading out into the fields all across the United States. This is one of the main reasons why it is important to introduce the younger generation to this sport. There is a group within the whitetail hunting ranks however which are experiencing a growth spurt in every corner of the country. The incorporation of crossbows into the archery season is allowing for older hunters to remain in the fields longer. Despite this fact, crossbow hunters are growing in all age groups and genders. If you are considering the purchase of a new crossbow for hunting whitetails and joining these ever growing numbers, your first order of business is purchasing the best crossbow for your style of hunting. The optimum way to do this is to head out to a large sporting goods store. Examine and touch every single crossbow which you lay eyes on. Take your time and narrow your choices down to your top three or four picks. Find a salesperson who can answer all of your questions about the different characteristics that you consider to be paramount in making your decision. If the store you are at offers the option of a shooting range; take advantage of it. Put several bolts through the crossbow; get a true feel for how each and everyone one of your final choices handles. Your next order of business is to take some time and do research on the internet. Visit various crossbow forums. You will find that there are avid crossbow hunters who are more than willing to share their opinions and experiences with you about crossbows in general as well as the specific one you may be considering. Ask the questions which are most important to you; get the honest answers; make the best decision. Two of these forums can be found at the following web addresses: www.huntingnet.com/forum/crossbows-76 and www.bowhunting.com. However, no matter how much information you obtain before your purchase; once you settle on the right one for you, read the owner's manual completely. Another consideration when deciding to purchase and use a crossbow is the fact that crossbows have a significantly higher draw weight than vertical bows. For a hunter who has a disability, cocking a crossbow could be impossible. If this is the case there are tools available to help. You could use a cocking rope which can reduce the draw weight by up to 50 percent. You could also use a crank- cocking device. This attaches to your crossbow and operates much like a winch. The need for a high draw weight is essential because a crossbow has a shorter power stroke than a compound bow. The power stroke is the distance that the bowstring travels to push the arrow toward the target. Because of this shorter power stroke, the kinetic energy built up in the limbs is much less versus the buildup in vertical bows. Due to this fact, even with the higher draw weight, the arrow leaving the crossbow will always drop off faster than an arrow leaving a vertical compound bow. Another difference is the fact that the arrow used with a crossbow needs to be much heavier. Most crossbow arrows are 400+ grains. This is necessary for the arrow to withstand the initial energy transfer. Be sure that you follow the manufacturers instructions to the letter. If you don't, you risk injury to yourself and damage to your crossbow. Also, most manufacturers do not recommend taking a shot at a target which is over 40 yards away. This is due to the rapid loss of arrow speed and the fact that the higher draw weight makes the crossbow considerably louder than its vertical compound bow counterparts. Keeping your shots within 40 yards also helps to prevent a buck from "jumping your string." Finally, it should be noted that most crossbows are heavier overall than vertical bows. Though manufacturers are continually working to lighten the overall weight, currently this is not the case. So, there are a number of items on the market which are constructed specifically to help the hunter steady the crossbow when preparing for a shot. There is the "KneePod." It is lightweight and easy to use. Another item is "Steddy Eddy." This helps the crossbow hunter just like shooting sticks help the rifle hunter. Maintenance and safety concerns are mostly the same as you have with vertical compound bows. The only additional safety concern with crossbows is making sure that your fingers remain below the barrel. Failing to do so will mean the loss of your fingertips. For more safety information you can check out the National Bowhunter Education Foundation website. Crossbow hunting whitetail deer can be a challenging experience. Choosing the right crossbow for you will also make this experience a fun one. How to select the best Weight Loss Supplement The principle is actually quite simple and has been around for many years. Hunger is the psychological need for food. Appetite, on the other hands, is the psychological motivation for food intake - which depends on the individual's nutrition stage. Weight Loss Patches Weight loss patches are fixed onto your skin on areas of the body. These patches work on a transdermal process, which means that they administer the ingredients aiding weight loss through the skin. Such transdermal weight loss patches are highly effective because they tend to deliver the ingredients directly into the bloodstream bypassing the digestive system and ensure better absorption and more accurate dosage. This is because stomach acids and liver can neutralize some of the ingredients in such pills. Slimming drinks Slimming drinks are a highly refreshing alternative to consuming diet pills and other supplements. In fact, the reason many people take a slimming drink is because they are easier to incorporate into the daily routine of the busy person. Conclusions To lose weight healthy and sensibly, you need to attack your poor eating habits and lack of exercise that helped you gain weight. If you think on making long-term changes to your diet and lifestyle, you won't need to go to quick fix remedies. Herbal Weight Loss Supplements are getting more and more popular because they are effective, safe and cheaper than prescription Weight Loss Supplements. They come in a wide variety and it is not easy to pick the best products available today. How to Start a Nutritarian Diet for Weight Loss A nutritarian diet is where you eat more food that is high in nutrients and less food that is lower in nutrients. Dr. Joel Fuhrman, after many years of research, coined the term "nutritarian" when he came up with the equation H=N/C, or health equals nutrients divided by calories in food. Healthier food options are high in nutrients and low in calories so you get a bigger nutritional punch with every calorie you put into your body. It makes the most out of every calorie you eat. This diet is more about a complete lifestyle change to eat more nutritious overall. It focuses on eating more vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, and beans. When you focus on more nutrient rich foods you decrease the amount of processed and packaged foods, sweets, white flour, fast foods, and animal products. This diet does not say you must give up these foods, just that you eat more of the nutrient rich foods that allow your body to thrive! The key to setting yourself up for success with the nutritarian diet is to start out with small steps and working yourself up to eating a diet that is very high in nutrients. 1. Learn more about the nutritarian diet by visiting www.eatrightamerica.com or www.drfuhrman.com. By reading up on this diet you will understand the basic way to make sure you are getting the biggest nutritional bang for your buck without skipping any vital nutrients from other food groups. Dr. Fuhrman has some really great books on the market that will help walk you through the ins and outs of eating in this healthy way which may be very foreign to the majority of us. 2. Make a list of whole, plant based foods that you currently enjoy. There are many more out there than you think there are! Take a look at what you're currently eating and write down what qualifies as a vegetable, fruit, nut, seed, or bean. Then, write down 10 foods that you wouldn't mind trying. If you need help with this, get your free healthy grocery shopping list from my blog at http://www.AmberKeinath.com/your-free-gift-2. 3. Find some plant-based recipes. Dr. Fuhrman includes some great ones in his books. Otherwise search around the internet and come up with some recipes that include mainly vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, or beans. A lot of vegetarian recipes fit into this diet. You probably already have some great recipes you are currently using for meals at home that could be considered vegetarian or fit with nutritarian diet. 4. Plan a week's worth of meals and make a grocery shopping list. You can get a FREE healthy food guide and healthy grocery shopping guide on my blog at http://www.AmberKeinath.com/your-free-gift-2. 5. Clean the unhealthy foods out of your refrigerator and pantry. 6. Stock your refrigerator and pantry with healthy foods. 7. Take one step in the healthy eating direction at a time! You don't have to go extreme with this diet all in one day. Take it in small steps. How do you start eating healthier today? You can make some of these great healthy snacks: green smoothies, fruit smoothies, fresh juices, fruit and vegetables for snacks, trail mix for snacks, salads with cooked vegetables and some nuts or beans for lunch, eat more salad or vegetables with your dinner, fruit for dessert, use meat as a topping for your meal, not as your main dish, and you can decrease processed and packaged foods in your diet (including soup mixes) How To Stay Healthy and Lose Weight as a Pescetarian When looking at different diets to help you lose weight it is best to avoid trendy fads. Often fad diets are really about starving your body, rather than eating healthy. Stick to traditional diets that emphasis nutrition and health, and your weight loss will come naturally and safely. A Pescetarian diet could be a great choice. Pescetarianism is a type of vegetarianism; the difference is that a Pescetarian also eats fish along with fruits, veggies and dairy that a vegetarian eats. A Pescetarian diet can be a great healthy way to eat right and even lose weight - but it can also be dangerous. The main danger of a pescetarian diet comes from eating too much fish. Since a pescetarian diet encourages fish and seafood as a form of protein, people often overdo it. Fish contain lots of great omega three fatty acids and protein; but they also contain dangerous toxins and elements like mercury. When mercury builds up, it can cause brain damage and defects; so especially pregnant women need to be careful. The FDA recommends eating less than a half pound of fish per week and no more than thirty pounds over the entire year. This means that a person should only have a serving or two of fish each week; making a fish a poor choice for a primary source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. A second danger for pescetarians is other forms of nutrient deficiency due to the loss of meat from their daily diet. While fish are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids; they often contain very low levels of omega-6 or omega-9 fatty acids. However, a pescetarian diet doesn't require you to eat this much fish; and there are natural supplements that help every pescetarian should take in order to make sure they have the right vitamins and nutrients to keep their diet safe. One easy supplement for a pescetarian to take is a daily multivitamin. A good multivitamin will provide almost all the nutrients and vitamins that a person needs each day. This helps cover for deficiencies that often occur in vegetarian and pescetarian diets. Another supplement that is great for pescetarians is a fatty acid supplement. These provide blanket coverage of all the fatty acids that your body needs to promote healthy brain and cellular function. Without them, your body will have a hard time repairing damaged tissues and flushing waste - so a pescetarian would be wise to supplement their diet with them. Finally, the obvious supplement for a pescetarian is a protein supplement. Since most pescetarians rely on fish and seafood for protein, eating too much fish is a real concern. However, if you add protein supplements into your diet you can avoid eating too much fish. A great choice for a protein supplement is a whey protein shake because whey protein is dairy based and easy to digest. Whey protein is also complete in the sense that it has all the essential amino acids a body needs to stay healthy and promote good functioning, unlike soy based protein. If you choose a pescetarian diet, be sure to include whey protein. How To Teach Teenage Girls Healthy Eating Habits Regrettably, weight loss for teenage girls often entails unsuitable, unhealthy eating habits, such as crash dieting or experimenting with diet pills. Sadly this is often the onset to eating disorders and other serious health problems. Studies undertaken show that nearly 70% of young teenage girls have attempted to lose weight before their 18th birthday. Is it necessary for these young girls to be dieting, and are they doing it in a way that is not detrimental to their health? It is crucial to teach your teenage daughter how to develop a healthy lifestyle which is more than merely encouraging her to eat healthy meals. A healthy lifestyle means to develop habits that she can practice for the rest of her life. This article addresses the issues of healthy weight loss habits, weight management and body image. Promote Gradual Weight Loss As a parent it is not always easy to get your child to eat healthy balanced meals, and there are circumstances where your child may need to lose a little weight. It is then your role as a responsible parent to promote safe, gradual weight loss. Many teenage girls will put themselves onto strict crash diets. The problem with crash diets is that not only are they potentially damaging to your daughter's health, but gaining the weight back again is inevitable and unfortunately the gain is often beyond that of her original weight. A loss of 1-2 pounds per week is recommended to achieve permanent weight loss results. Get The Whole Family Involved To get your teenage daughter to adopt healthy eating habits, the whole family needs to be involved. Rather than filling your kitchen with unhealthy snacks or "forbidden foods", stock your kitchen with foods that are good for you. Offer snacks that are nourishing, satisfying, and tasty. Always prepare nutritious, well balanced meals and replace those sugary snacks and potato crisps with fresh fruit and nuts. Teenagers who get the support from their families will achieve better weight loss results and are more likely yo maintain their weight loss, than those who don't. Additionally, children who grow up educated in healthy eating habits at home will adopt those habits for the rest of their lives. Start The Day With A Nutritious Breakfast There are a number of reasons why teenage girls will often skip breakfast such as; not feeling hungry, they're running late, or they believe that skipping breakfast will help them to lose weight.Missing breakfast wil in factl slow down her weight loss efforts. Eating a nutritious breakfast fuels the brain and the body, and kick-starts the metabolism to burn off additional calories right throughout the day. Drink Plenty Of Water One of the biggest weight gain perpetrators is high sugar drinks, energy drinks and fruit juices. Instead, try to promote water as an alternative to these high calorie beverages. Not only is water calorie free, but it flushes out harmful toxins and rejuvenates the body. Discuss Body Issues Many teenage girls struggle with body image issues and it is vital to discuss openly with your daughter any of the concerns that she may have with her weight and body image. Encourage her to discuss her worries, about her body image and why she thinks she needs to lose weight. For the health and safety of your daughter these issues should never be brushed aside. Your support and assistance will allow your daughter to continue to grow in happiness and good health. How Weight Loss Pills Can Help You Lose Weight Weight loss pills are actually drugs which can burn your body fat really quickly. These weight loss pills are very common all over the world. Just visit any medical store or a shopping mall and you will be easily able to find them. When it comes to price, then there is nothing to worry about because most of the weight loss pills are so cheap that anyone can afford to buy them but it is recommended that you only go for those those weight loss drugs which have some reputation in the market like clenbuterol. Weight Loss pills or weight loss drugs can really help you in losing weight. One of the most famous weight loss drugs, clenbuterol is also used by many celebrities and other famous people because it is the drug which is said to be medically safe for health and can also be purchased online without any hassle. As we know that this drug can really make you lose weight in days but its price is still very reasonable which means you just have to pay few dollars and start losing weight. There are many doctors who recommend weight loss pills to their patients to lose wight but still there are few doctors who think that weight loss pills are a fake method to lose weight and these pills cause a huge damage to the health. According to some doctors these pills might even present some diseases for you in the future because those doctors think that losing weight that quickly is obviously dangerous for health. Weight Loss pills never let you lose weight on a constant basis, there are always ups and downs while using them. so make sure that you use them in constant promotion otherwise you might also become one of the victims. Those were few of the advantages and disadvantages of using weight loss pulls. There is no doubt they are perfect way to lose weight but they can be really harmful for you sometimes. For example if you took too much pills during your normal course then there is a great possibility that you will lose weight so quickly that you might get your health damaged. So never ever use these kinds of pills without the prescription of the doctor otherwise you can harm yourself a lot. Visit:http://affiliatemoneyathome.com/top3/weightloss.html Human Growth Hormone Bodybuilding When we see the photograph of a bodybuilder, who stands smilingly with his gigantic muscles in the full form, we may wonder as to how it would have been possible. At least, some of the men, crazy of getting such wondrous muscles, may try out with different products available in the market that boost of making even candle sized muscles to amazing muscle mass in a few days time as shown in their product's advertisement. Most of the men may not be aware of the fact that such petty products contain abundant chemical composition and deadly supplements which have the power to enhance the secretion of growth hormones in their body in an ultra fast pace. When the level of growth hormones, mainly the HGH, exceeds its limit in the body, instead of getting lasting benefits, the users may end up puzzled in an array of side effects, which can even turn deadly if not handled carefully. In the recent years, many physicians and fitness trainers are opting for HGH or human growth hormones as safer alternative to the steroids and harmful injections. The name itself signifies that it triggers the growth of hormones. What a bodybuilding HGH does is that it works within the body in a natural way to stimulate and promote the development of muscles. It should be taken into account that today, even the weight lifters and body builders are looking for much safer bodybuilding HGH supplements that are made of natural ingredients because there are too many of such people in the past who have become victim to the world of prescription injections and steroids, on which they had relied in achieving the muscle mass and strength they were longing for. Since HGH is found within the body itself, using a bodybuilding HGH supplement will be the best choice for those who want to enjoy the positives of building big muscles without worrying about the excessive damage over the years. Three things are necessary in maintaining the level of bodybuilding HGH in the blood. Two hormones necessary to control the bodybuilding HGH secretion are Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) and the Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide (GHRP). The body also requires reducing the level of somatostatin. So, an increase in the production of GHRH and GHRP, and a decrease in the production of somatostatin facilitates in triggering the pituitary glands for increasing the production of bodybuilding HGH. Many medical companies have engaged themselves in coming up with suitable substitutes that increases GHRH and GHRP, and at the same time decreases somatostatin. Undoubtedly, it can be said that steroids are not at all a safe method if you want to gain muscles like body builder. Though a number of athletes may use steroids, the bodybuilding HGH is much safer on getting similar and best results. It would be better to be aware of some of the side effects of using steroids which would be enough for anybody to get scared of using them. They include severe liver damage, impotence and even pain during urination. This list may go on, which ensures that a bodybuilding HGH is definitely, a much safer choice. Hydroxycut Hardcore X in Review MuscleTech has released some truly amazing products in the past. The various nutritional, muscle building, and weight loss supplements on the market have long since established MuscleTech as one of the top name brands in the industry. With the release of Hydroxycut Hardcore X, the company may have truly topped all its previous brilliant releases. Through taking Hydroxycut Hardcore X, the potential to enhance and increase the metabolism expands dramatically. What is the value of an increased metabolism? Simply put, the faster your metabolism becomes the more lean and ripped you will become. That means you can possess a highly desirable physique that displays all of your muscular definition. Who said looks are everything? When you are able to reduce the amount of body fat on your frame, you can also greatly enhance your health. Obesity can lead to all manner of health related problems which is why maintaining proper levels of body weight is a must. MuscleTech's release of Hydroxycut Hardcore X certainly can help in this regard. How does the supplement work? The process is relatively simple... There is a stimulant effect associated with the use of Hydroxycut Hardcore X. Thankfully, the stimulant potency has been reduced from what was common with the ephedra based stimulants of the 1990's. This product is (mercifully) free of ephedra and still manages to deliver an impactful increase in energy. When you are more energetic, you will be more willing to exercise a little longer, a little harder, and more frequently. That alone will aid in burning off scores of unnecessary calories that do little or nothing more than lead to a larger, heavier frame. And here is something that many will find appealing: this stimulant will aid in burning calories even while you are at rest. No, you will not lose 20lbs simply by taking this supplement and not exercising. No one is suggesting this would be the outcome of taking Hydroxycut Hardcore X. However, there will be a certain amount of increased calories that will be burned at rest or when performing regular daily tasks. Of course, that will yield enhanced weight loss without any additional effort. While certainly not a magic pill, Hydroxycut Hardcore X can be considered the closest thing to it. The capsules in this supplement comprise mainly of natural, herbal ingredients. This is a huge improvement over synthetic supplements of prior generations. The newer mode of natural metabolism boosting supplements adds a much needed level of safety required to attain the desired results from the supplement. The capsules come in the form of liquid gel caps which enhances their potential to be effectively absorbed into the system. Once the active ingredients have been properly absorbed, their impact on the body will be immediate. As most consumers of bodybuilding and weight loss supplements will note, Hydroxycut Hardcore X is among the best fat burning supplements on the market. It can definitely boost metabolic function and enhance the potential to lose a tremendous amount of weight. Hypnotize Yourself to Exercise to Lose Weight Wouldn't it be amazing, if you could eat whatever you want and not put on weight? By the time you finish reading this you will feel a whole lot better about what you can eat. I'd better come clean, this is what I ate and drank for lunch yesterday: 10 quarter slices of granary bread, buttered and topped with smoked salmon, 8 olives 1 pint of beer. Then we went to the dining table: Man-size portion of lasagne, with a selection of green leaves, tomatoes and raw onion salad, topped with an olive oil salad dressing. Large slice of chocolate terrine, with a large strawberry dripped in dark chocolate and frozen, plus one meringue with pouring cream on top. Anyone who knows their chocolate facts will know that this recipe is high in calories, but delicious. Cheese, bread biscuits and butter. 4 large glasses of wine, or about 500 wine calories. One, very large brandy and 6 small cups of white coffee. Total calories ' an awful lot. Weight gain 07.00 hrs yesterday to 07.00 hrs today = zero pounds. How Could I Eat all That Food and NOT Put on Any Weight? The simple answer is that I played tennis for two hours before lunch. Now keep in mind that I exercised BEFORE I ate. This gave me two important benefits. First, I burned more than a few calories by playing tennis. So that put some calorie credits in the bank before I started to eat and drink. Simply by exercising before you eat you can counteract the fat producing effects of the food. Second, because of the exercise I'd taken, my metabolism was running very quickly by the time I stared to eat. This has the effect of burning off many of the calories you are ingesting, more or less as soon as they enter your body. Let your inner mind shift back to a time in your childhood when you were out playing all day long and returned home in the evening to eat your mother out of house and home. Did you put on a lot of weight? No you didn't, because you'd spent your day creating calorie credits. Now you'll be surprised to discover that you can create calorie credits for yourself every day by doing simple exercises. Solved, the Problem of Exercising to Lose Weight Any expert on weight loss will agree that you need to burn at least as many calories as you ingest if you are to succeed in losing weight. It's true to say that many people are averse to exercising just for the sake of exercising. Many studies have already shown that exercises are regarded as boring and repetitious and they take up too much time. There is only one solution to this ' multi-tasking. What is important is to spend time burning calories and toning up your muscles. It doesn't matter how or when you do this. What do you tell yourself about weight loss. You want to lose weight, but you don't want to alter your current life style and eating habits. Am I not right on this? You are reading this, aren't you? And it is all about weight loss, isn't it. So you do want to lose weight, don't you? What you're saying to me is: "I want to lose weight, but I don't want any hassle. Please make it easy for me. If you read my weight loss diary you will see that I use hypnosis to get me over the more challenging times. By constantly hypnotising myself I hardly notice that I am eating more sensibly or exercising more. It is not difficult to learn how to hypnotize yourself. And, as part of the process, you can also learn to remind yourself to do it constantly. This Tip is Amazing! I have invented a whole series of exercises that I do in bed, as I watch TV or sit at my desk and as I'm out walking my dogs. Just think, I don't set aside special times for going to the gym or to go swimming or out for a jog. I just blend my exercise time in with my other every day activities. This not only saves me time, but ensures that I get the extra exercise that I need to keep me trim and to keep the excess fat falling away. It's just incredible what you can do when you make it easy for yourself. When you create ways of doing things that both work and do not require any special effort. Why I Keep a Diary Notice how I don't talk about losing tens of pounds in a few short days. That's not the point of losing weight. The point is to take it off and keep it off. You may remember how long it took you to put the excess weight on in the first place. Well, isn't it logical then to allow yourself a reasonable amount of time to take it off again. To achieve anything in this life you have to be well motivated. Simply by reading back through the pages of my diary I can plot the progress I'm making and encourage myself to keep going. I have been on my weight loss campaign now for 48 days and I am losing weight steadily. My belt has come in one notch. I can feel that my body is in better shape. When I ran around a lot playing tennis before the "calorie fest" meal that I mentioned earlier in this article, I hardly lost my breath at all. What's even better thought is that I feel good in myself. I feel good about myself. Everybody should, in my opinion, do whatever it takes to make themselves feel as good about themselves as they possibly can. Impact of Xenical on People Suffering From Major Xenical, one of the most commonly prescribed medications, is recommended for the treatment of clinical obesity; it consists of the active ingredient orlistat. Xenical diet tablets do not work as appetite suppressants or as metabolism boosters. Instead, they act as lipase inhibitors and block the action of this enzyme that assists in the breakdown and absorption of fats in the digestive system. This prevents the digestion and subsequent absorption of about one third of dietary fats, which are later eliminated from your body through bowel movements. This does not mean, however, that you can consume as many calories as you like without putting on weight. A low calorie diet is essential for the success of Xenical slimming pills. Xenical and dieting This anti-obesity drug is not, however, a miracle ‘get slim quick' pill. Xenical cannot be taken by itself; it is supposed to be a part of a holistic weight loss program that should also incorporate traditional weight loss measures which include a balanced and low calorie diet as well as behaviour modifications such as keeping your habit of binge eating in check and controlling your sweet tooth. In addition, health experts also recommend that foods rich in calories must be avoided when taking Xenical. Xenical and other risk factors Obesity and overweight puts you at greater risk of developing serious health conditions such as high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, breathing difficulties, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, sleep disorders as well as some kinds of cancers. Research has proven that a large number of obese people also tend to develop at least one of the above mentioned health conditions. Obesity can also be held responsible for emotional and psychological conditions such as low self esteem, depression, loneliness, poor body image as well as eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Losing even a small amount of weight with Xenical substantially lowers your risk of developing obesity related health conditions. Xenical and diabetes Weight loss is crucial for improving the health of individuals suffering from type 2 diabetes. Weight loss improves insulin resistance and carbohydrate tolerance, as well as reduces hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia. Xenical is only prescribed for individuals suffering from obesity. This condition is defined as a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or more. Xenical is also prescribed for people with a BMI of 27 or more, in addition to suffering from other obesity-linked health conditions such as diabetes and hypertension. Studies have shown that weight loss with Xenical eliminates or reduces the need for drug therapy in diabetics and lowers insulin sensitivity in them, in addition to improving coronary risk. Xenical and thyroid It is essential to inform your doctor if you take thyroid medications or suffer from hypothyroidism – also known as low thyroid function – before taking Xenical for weight loss. Your health care provider needs to monitor your thyroid function during treatment with Xenical and adjust your dosage if required. It is also recommended that you maintain a gap of four hours between your thyroid medications and Xenical to avoid potential drug interactions. Importance Of Choosing Professional Skin Care The increasing health conscious and beauty care products make it possible for us to get a variety of professional skin care products just about anywhere these days. It used to be that you were limited to only the selection of products at your local spa, but now there are quality skin care products at the pharmacy or health store, along with a number of outlets online. You no longer have to pay expensive spa fees just to get the products you need. Recently I happened to watch a skin care show aired on Discovery Fit and Health Channel on my television wired up with ATT Uverse Cable. It was quite informative and I was amazed to find some interesting factors about the professional skin care and its benefits. Now getting back to the point, along with the expanded choice of retailers, there is a vast array of professional skin care products available. You can choose an entire product line to cover all of your personal care needs or just select single products as you need them. There are also more organic and natural beauty products on the market now than ever before, so you do not have to use chemical-based skin care products. Some products are blended with the natural raw materials and synthetic substances, to ensure the absence of any types of toxic chemicals. Many of these products can be purchased over the counter with no prescription, but some of the stronger items may require a prescription from a dermatologist. These products are usually made from a stronger chemical concentration that is meant only for certain skin problems and should be used only after proper consultation. These types of products should be avoided because they may cause serious skin damages to people who are not aware about its reaction on their body or who do not have that type of particular skin condition. Some of the most common products that can be bought without prescriptions are mainly used to treat acne, discoloration, and premature aging. Of course, if you do need a prescription product, you will have to make an appointment with a dermatologist. A qualified dermatologist is the best person to decide if you have a severe-enough skin condition to accept treatment with professional skin care products. If he does determine that you have a problem, the dermatologist can suggest certain products that will be best suited for your specific skin condition. The doctor can also advise you on the safe use of all cosmetic products, including warnings specific to pregnant women. Any professional skin care product you buy should come with an instruction booklet and warnings. A good dermatologist will also verbally warn you of any side effects and should explain how to use the product correctly. Always follow the instructions or ask the pharmacist if you have any questions about how the product should be used or how much to use. Although all professional skin care products are packed with their own instruction leaflets, your dermatologist should be able to verbally repeat product instructions and warnings. A good doctor will always warn you if you should expect some side effects. He can also tell you exactly how to safely get the most out of your product. You should also check with your doctor to make sure there are no adverse reactions with any other medications or products you are currently using. The expansion of the skin care industry has brought many high-end products to the consumers. You may now be able to find your skin care solution without having to see the dermatologist. Of course, be careful when purchasing your own products without any guidance as there may be side effects or interactions. Always do your research to make sure you are getting the right type of professional skin care products. Infertility and Tips to Cop with it Most couples talk with each other about when to start having their children. They may plan conception around their careers or monetary readiness. They feel that they have a measure of control over timing, that is, until infertility strikes and the illusion of control is gone. Commonly it is the female that is first to question why it is taking so long to conceive. Infertility is described as the inability to take active part in the process of conception. Childbirth in cases of infertility becomes an issue. Infertility is caused both in men and women. Infertility can be divided into two kinds, namely primary infertility and secondary infertility. Infertility in men arises from factors like low sperm count, poor sperm motility or Asthenospermia, abnormal sperm morphology, ejaculation related problems like retrograde ejaculation. Infertility information is your best resource for helping to pinpoint the cause of your infertility problems. Whether the problems stem from male or female infertility issues, there are treatments that will either treat the problem or, at the very least, increase your chances of starting a family. Low mobility of sperm A human being, journey through the system of a woman to reach the egg dropped by the fallopian tubes are tiny tubes. But the tiny microscopic sperm, it can be miles long! Any sperm that can not be pushed to get through the journey that will die off before they do so, and again, sperm is very fragile to begin with. The low mobility of the sperm can not be the most common reason for infertility in men, but it is quite common that again, the doctors want to control the capabilities of their "little swimmers" can sure make your trip longer Male Infertility: Every 6 couples have 1 pair of the causes and derived from the husband makes up half. The most cause of Infertility in men can be identified as a very cold the vein. Age can also cause rare late. To allow for the same stay healthy, and he should your attention to a diet of, nutrition, exercise regularly and limit stress. A man not has relation with excitement as people lose weight with health. Up to 25% of men are problems in the way and this number can also higher because men do not say much about the status of your physical. Treatment a) Heparin Heparin is a member of anticoagulants,it is a purified preparation derived from animal tissue. It helps to increase the blood in transportation of nutrients to the reproductive organs leading to high chance of fertility and lessening the risk of pregnancy loss. b) Aspirin Aspirin is an anti-inflammatory and blood thinner agent, it helps to increase the blood circulating to the reproductive organs, thereby reducing the risk of antinuclear antibody attacking the fetus or the women reproductive tissues. It is recommendation to take 80 mg per day, which is equivalent to a baby aspirin. if necessary. Men in particular grapple with denial. It is hard for a man to admit that he can't be successful at what should be a natural act. Each negative test adds to the building frustration felt by the couple. They may try many fertility aids that are available like charting software or ovulation kits only to be even more frustrated at their failure. Information on Diet Pills Information on Diet Pills It's rare that you'll see a weight loss pill getting approval from United States Food and Drugs Association. However most of such weight loss pills in the market don't even deserve to get approval because they are fake. Most of the manufacturers are just out there to take advantage of the huge over-weight population of US by attracting them towards such products. There are very few weight loss pills that have got approval from US F&D Association. Alli is one of them while the other is Proatcol. Besides being one of the only two approved pills from F&D Association, it is also the oldest such drug that was ever produced. Alli is the half dose version of Xenical. Xenical is the prescription drug name for Orlistat. Research and studies have shown that Orlistat is an effective drug to treat obesity. Some of the results of a one-year clinical study on the effectiveness of Orlistat indicate a high success rate. The results indicate that between 35% - 55% of the subjects lost 5% or more of the body mass. It was also observed that in case the intake of Orlistat was stopped it resulted in a 35% regain of the lost body mass. Some observations also indicate a 37% decrease in the occurrence of type 2 diabetes, which is remarkable. All these statistics point towards a positive effect of Orlistat. Alli being a half dose version of Orlistat ought to be effective. As stated before the prescription drug for Orlistat is Xenical and that it contains a higher dosage of Alli. Orlistat causes weight loss by preventing absorption of fats. As a result it is advisable to maintain a low fat diet while you are on Orlistat. Otherwise you'll see the effect on your hand. Nonetheless even the best of products come with slight flaws and Alli is not an exception to this rule. Alli too has some side effects. When you know that it prevents fat absorption under normal diet, it makes you wonder where does all that unabsorbed fat go. Some of the side effects of Alli are occasional loose stool, gas with oil spots, mild diarrhea etc. Obesity is one of the major problems suffered by Americans and because of fake weight loss pills present in the market it is difficult to choose one. DietPillsIndex.com helps you choose the right product. Not only does it provide authentic report on credibility and effectiveness of the product but also provides detailed list of precautions one should take before choosing a diet pill. Intermittent Fasting Diets For Long-Term Weight-loss Achievement Let's say I said there was clearly a diet system that permitted you to shed weight a lot more than the long-term but that you wouldn't must obsess about the foods consume? Intermittent fasting will be the answer. Considerably more importantly, this diet regime is far more probably to be followed inside the long-term than the usual restrictive low-calorie diet regime. Intermittent fasting entails a period of not consuming (fasting) alternated having a time period of eating. The fasting period normally will allow for water but no calorie consumption. You will find myriad benefits to intermittent fasting. Some of such contain: fat reduction, insulin resistance, HGH boost, and detoxification. Fat loss is definitely an apparent benefit. Fasting forces your body to work with fat as a means for power. Furthermore, assuming you don't atone for a rapidly by overeating, your weekly calories will reduce allowing for any decrease in 1-2 pounds each week. High levels of insulin lead to fat storage. Fasting drastically decreases insulin levels allowing you to definitely store less fat. Fasting has additionally been demonstrated to increase HGH (human growth hormone) levels. This further accelerates fat reducing whilst sustaining muscle. Detoxification assists clean out your program and boost overall wellness. Unlike public perception, intermittent fasting will not cause a slowdown in metabolism. Furthermore, you can actually preserve, or perhaps gain muscular mass while following a good intermittent fasting diet basically by performing resistance coaching. Some approaches that contain daily fasting contain Fast-5 plus the Warrior Diet regime. Eat Quit Eat encourages One day fasts 1-2 days a week. Aside from your frequency of fasting, there's one major distinction among the approaches. Inside every single day fasting method, you take in the full day's price of calories throughout your consuming window. Within the 24 / 7 fasting method, you eat a regular sized meal ahead of and following your rapidly, efficiently eliminating calories instead of lumping them into one 4-8 hours interval. Having been blinded through the bodybuilding strategy of eating six meals every day, I slowly incorporated an intermittent fasting eating plan, primarily centered on Brad Pilon's Eat Cease Eat. Since I became eating six times per day, I initially desired to wean myself off of the dependence of consuming each 3 hours. 1st, I eliminated morning and afternoon snacks. Soon following, I eliminated my late night protein shake. I had conditioned myself to nibble on every three hours therefore the largest challenge I faced was that my brain was looking to convince me that we was required to eat. My subsequent step up getting ready for intermittent fasting was to skip breakfast 1-2 instances each week. This meant I became going from dinner the evening prior to to lunch in the overnight with out eating (basically an 18 hour rapidly). This was considerably less complicated than the 1st step as I'm normally busiest inside mornings, and my thoughts was too distracted to nibble on. The final step was skipping breakfast and lunch 1-2 days weekly. Just while i struggled to eradicate snacks, this method proved difficult to me. My brain kept telling me that I required to nibble on lunch. Nonetheless, following 3-4 instances, my figure completely adapted to fasting. I now perform a Round-the-clock quickly on each Monday and Friday and also a 15-18 hour quickly on Wednesday. This allows for me to lose fat while still enjoying some "sin" foods in moderation: pizza, pasta, ice cream, etc. Wholesome consuming is critical but becoming able to "cheat" while on a diet program is the thing that permits intermittent fasting to become long-term weight-loss solution. Intermittent Fasting Results I initially started a good intermittent fasting diet regime since I desired to shed a number of pounds of stubborn belly fat. Eat Cease Eat taught me to be successfully lose that extra weight and reduce my reliance on food. I no more sense as being a slave to eating about meal time. I eat when I'm hungry, not because of the fact I'm conditioned you can eat at certain times. I'd very advocate attempting intermittent fasting. It will try taking a little effort your initial few instances, but you'll lose weight. Additionally, with no specific food restrictions, it is a diet program that could not adversely affect your lifestyle, meaning that you just need to haven't any problem sticking with this greater than the long lasting. Introducing a simple and very different method for losing weight Nearly all weight loss courses and other weight loss products and pills tackle weight loss from a superficial basis, only treating the obvious and this in my opinion is why most of them fail miserably. My own professional experience has proven to me that weight loss in most cases is far more about the mind than the body and it is much more about the subconscious mind than it is about the conscious mind. What I have found, is that the subconscious mind is very capable of sabotaging any or all weight loss efforts without the individual even being consciously aware of it. How scary is that? So, if your subconscious mind (which is by far much more powerful than your conscious mind) is continually sabotaging each and every weight loss effort you make you will be forever on a very fast track to absolutely nowhere. The actual real reason you gained weight in the first place could be lying there in your subconscious mind in fact your subconscious mind could not only be responsible for your initial weight gain but also be responsible for stopping any weight loss. So, in my opinion it is extremely important to work with your subconscious mind if you are to be successful in losing weight and also just as importantly keeping weight off. If this makes sense to you, then you need to know more about the subconscious mind and something I have termed ‘Hidden Negative Emotions'. These hidden negative emotions come from our past bad experiences. Now, not all bad past experiences will have a negative effect, but it is surprising just how many do and how many can have a profound negative effect on your daily life without you being aware of them. Many of your passed issues you will of course be aware of, but they can still have adverse effects and again be the reason for your weight gain, for example comfort eating. These I have termed ‘Open Negative Emotions' but for you to lose weight and keep it off it is also important to resolve these open negative emotions. So, how do you find these hidden negative emotions and how do you resolve both the hidden and open ones? You need the help, assistance, know how and support from someone who is experienced in this specialised field and the appropriate technology to obtain the best results as quickly and as easily as possible. Is there any such thing available? Well yes there is; it is a brand new weight loss course that has everything you need, including the very latest specialised sound technology to help you get deeper into your subconscious mind as quickly as possible. Support is one of the most vital components to be successful when losing weight. The author of this specialised course is, therefore, providing a full six months personal support for each individual client from the date of purchase. The special sound technology (brainwave entrainment) has in it's own right been responsible for improving matters of the mind and thereby resolving many health problems. Is Alli the New Miracle Weight Loss Drug? There are many weight loss pills, potions, lotions, powders, and creams that promise to melt off the pounds you've put on while you are asleep. The sad truth is that only one pill sold over the counter at this point in time has the approval of the FDA as an effective weight loss drug. It's the over the counter equivalent of the prescription drug Xenical. Alli along with diet and exercise is known to boost the weight loss process to provide more immediate and long lasting results. Alli works by absorbing about one quarter of the fat you eat at mealtimes, however you must make a commitment to only eating low fat food otherwise you will experience some quite nasty side effects including flatulence, loose stools, and bowel incontinence. This is not a drug for the faint of heart nor is it a medication for those that are not completely dedicated to the cause of loosing weight and dieting. With any medication such as this there are those that will recommend it as well as those that will point out the dangers of this chemical we are potentially introducing to our bodies. The one thing that is important to remember is that Alli holds no claims to work without consistent weight loss and fitness efforts on your part. This product is meant to supplement your own efforts not to work as a substitute for your own efforts. While Alli is not the overall solution that so many are hoping for, it can lead to more substantial effects for your efforts and that is nothing to overlook when it comes to importance. According to the website for Alli you have as much as 50% greater weight loss potential when you combine Alli with diet and exercise than dieting and exercise alone would bring. This is a huge break through for the weight loss community and diet industry at large. While this isn't the magic pill that will melt off the pounds as you sleep it is a pill that is documented to get results and some of these results are quite impressive for those who stick to the plan. If you have been struggling with dieting, diet plans, weight loss, and incorporating a bold and beneficial fitness routine into your life there is no time like the present to check out Alli and see what outstanding results this product can introduce into your fitness plan. If Alli helps even a tenth of those who decide to take it achieve their fitness and weight loss goals then this is the miracle product we hoped it would be. Most miracles, after all don't come free and most of them do not come for less than $100 a bottle for certain. If you are one of the many out there who is struggling with obesity and feels hopeless when it comes to controlling your weight and your life, then maybe Alli is your answer. My best recommendation is to discuss this product seriously with your doctor before making any sort of commitment in order to decide if you are committed enough and ready to take the next step or if your doctor feels this may not be in your best interest at the time. Is Bontril a Healthy Alternative to Phentermine? With so many people looking to find the perfect prescription diet pill to help them lose weight, it has caused many to try any and all of them in search of the miraculous solution to their weight loss needs. Phentermine is a prescription weight loss pill that has been around for some time, and with some success. The problem with Phentermine is that it can only be obtained through a doctor and is only for short term use. Bontril is a prescription diet pill that has been in use for some time now. It is a narcotic closely related to amphetamines and should not be used if someone has a history of drug and alcohol abuse. Similar to Phentermine, Bontril helps with weight loss through appetite suppression and an increase in metabolism. Bontril also will lose its effectiveness after the first few weeks and at that time you should not increase your dosage, but stop using the diet pill altogether for safety reasons. The side effects associated with Bontril are like many prescription diet pills, cardiovascular problems, dizziness, high blood pressure, and hallucinations to name a few of the more serious conditions linked to Bontril. Use of Bontril for weight loss has proven to be effective in short term use, prolonged use increases the chances of the side effects mentioned earlier or becoming addicted to the weight loss pill. Keep in mind that as with all prescription diet pills you still have to diet and exercise to lose weight. So for anyone who is looking into taking Bontril and thinking that you can just sit there and it will magically shed off the pounds you will be highly disappointed. There are no easy solutions or magic beans it will take time and effort to lose weight and keep it off safely. If you are looking into taking Bontril as a safer alternative to Phentermine, you will be disappointed. Bontril has many of the same dangerous side effects and addictions that Phentermine has and also needs to be prescribed by a doctor. So if you are looking to lose weight in a safe and healthy way look into some over the counter diet pills or even all natural supplements. There are many on the market and most will be able to assist in weight loss without many of the harmful side effects of prescription diet pills. Remember that whenever you start a diet, exercise, or weight loss program you should always consult a physician. Is Phen375 Really A Safe Diet Option? Phen375 is a revolutionary weight-loss pill which has been proven to really work in weight reduction. After several years of researches, Phen375 was released in the market on 2009, and it is just manufactured in FDA certified institutions. Phen375 can be obtained without prescription, yet its' forerunner Phentemine was banned due to producing in uncontrolled conditions, along with it being regarded as risky. So is Phen375 really safe? Or does it have risky side effects like its' Phentemine. Years of study developed the complicated mixture of 5 enzyme enhancers that allow such incredible weight reduction as is offered by Phen375? So what exactly does Phen375 do to the body? We're all entitled to our own opinion, and if we're amongst those who think that an item that changes our bodily make up is not safe, then you're well within your rights to think that Phen375 is risky. Phen375 is made up of a unique mixture of five enzyme enhancers which change how the body work, sending messages to our brain to tell us we aren't hungry, preventing the normal procedure for changing carbs to fats, and accelerating our metabolism. Definitely a lot of changes to our bodily processes cannot be good? So is Phen375 really secure? Or is it even somewhat safe, or is Phen375 dangerous? Phen375 has passed all the recommended tests and has been verified secure. But just what does the word secured mean? That Phen375 doesn't harm the body? That Phen375 is not addicting? What does secure mean? The manufacturers of Phen375 have, after the prohibiting original phentemine ensure that Phen375 is produced under regulated conditions, and lay out in extreme detail in their website just what Phen375 will do to your body. Thus for the producers, this is sufficient. Phen375 has been confirmed secure. But if we take a deeper look into the statements of Phen375, several risk factors surely may arise. For such a revolutionary weight loss supplement that takes no hard work and is affordable to all, surely there have to be any catch or risk. Phen375 speeds up your bodies rate of metabolism, that is fantastic in fat loss, in addition to giving us a new lease of energy. For all those of us who have suffered with under active thyroid complaints, and a sluggish metabolism, Phen375 is an incredible product that can aid us where even our doctor often couldn't. But then, after so many years of feeling down and tired, this new lease of life and energy could have consequences. Therefore what negative effects might Phen375 have? Initially, if we've an addictive nature, Phen375 really could become a habit, even after our desired weight is met. Who doesn't desire to feel wonderful daily? Care really must be taken if you're known to suffer from depression, as Phen375 will solve this, but then what happens when you stop taking it? Or perhaps you find you can not stop? As with all magical diet pills, even though they've been deemed safe and are properly manufactures, there're always several downsides. Phen375 is safe, but should not be administered to people suffering from depression, or with a previous drug addiction nature. Is Shakeology All It's Cracked Up To Be? Hunting for legit, no bull Shakeology assessments? If you are like me, when I commenced working on some homework on Shakeology I had a really hard time getting serious, no buzz Shakeology evaluations. It just appeared like each of the evaluations that I uncovered have been so optimistic and Shakeology is this superb, magical things that's probably the most brilliant wonderful matter ever before! I just wished to look for that a person or perhaps a few Shakeology critiques that states this things sucks so I could dismiss it as an alternative around hyped product or service. In the time I began executing my explore I had been performing the P90X exercise for about six months so I had the fitness facet of points down. Although, I realized and recognized if I unquestionably required the outcomes I used to be seeking to have, I needed to guarantee I received the right diet each day. It consistently appeared unattainable for me to have plenty of nutrient dense vegetables and fruit in my weight loss program on the day-to-day foundation, so Shakeology appeared like an outstanding choice. The large matters keeping me back again with pulling the set off with Shakeology ended up the overly impressive Shakeology testimonials and really frankly, the cost. On the time, I did not have a very great deal of funds to waste on merchandise that just did not function or reside as much as what they say they'll do. Immediately after a nuts, insane ninety days of P90X although, my P90X outcome ended up quite remarkable. The improvements that occurred with my entire body in only ninety days ended up undeniable. The business powering P90X is Crew Beachbody, and they're exactly the same agency that puts out Shakeology. With my fantastic outcome with P90X there was a glimmer of wish that just it's possible this magnificent, wonderful, magical things described as Shakeology functions. So I set every one of the hyped up overly beneficial Shakeology testimonials to your back again of my head and needed to recover from a person last hurdle ahead of I jumped about the bandwagon- the value. Shakeology shouldn't be an inexpensive products so I was not guaranteed if it absolutely was well worth the $4 on a daily basis cost tag. The very first matter I made a decision to accomplish was to learn precisely what this things can supposedly do for me. I identified that that is what it is intended to aid most people with- Reduce weight Cut down foods cravings Boost your stamina Expand your vitality Enhance regularity and digestion Lessen cholesterol These are definitely some rather daring statements. For any solution that's intended to help you everyday people with all of people distinct concerns, it will truly have to own some prime quality elements in it. So I dug deeper and I checked out accurately what is within Shakeology. To soon sum up my evaluation, it can be loaded with anti-oxidants, probiotics AND prebiotics, vitamens and minerals, phytonutrients, fiber, digestive enzymes, protein, and plenty a great deal more with only about a hundred and fifty calories per serving. It will be 100% all healthy (no chemical compounds, no preservatives, and so on.), and it is gluten zero cost, caffeine no charge. It's got more than 70 fairly top quality components that virtually arrive from all world wide. I used to be fairly frankly blown away at what is inside this things. Irrespective of the all pure, nutrient packed elements inside of Shakeology, I however had a really difficult time grasping the value. That's till I undoubtedly assumed about this further. Before me beginning my fitness and healthier journey, my spouse and I'd go out to try to eat at a quickly meals restaurant a minimum of as soon as per full week. Our favourite quick foods site was Arby's. A common meal at Arby's for only one of us was about $5 or maybe more. That incorporated a Coca-Cola, a roast beef sandwich, and a few curly fries. We had been obtaining a pleasant artery clogging meal which was loaded with calories that had rather minor if any dietary appeal. The one point that meal was accomplishing for us was bringing us nearer to our grave. Right after in fact pondering that, it surely set matters into point of view for me. We ended up investing $5 or maybe more for an individual speedy foods meal that is stuffed using a belt busting volume of calories, once we could happen to be investing that income (and each of the other financial resources we ended up investing on soda, as well as other junk) and investing it within our well being regular with Shakeology as our meal for only $4. That correct there for me adjusted the tide and I as a final point made the decision to consider the plunge and purchase Shakeology. I'm a Chocolate lover, so I needless to say ordered the Chocolate Shakeology while in the thirty day bag. I also ordered it to the autoship to ensure that I could preserve the $10 on delivery. I desire I'd have video clip recorded my earliest style of it. Each and every style bud on my tongue was expecting it to style like crap. I imply how could anything so beneficial to suit your needs essentially flavor quality? Following that to begin with sip I used to be hooked. It basically tasted remarkable. It tasted like a Chocolate smoothie and was mouth watering. My spouse then tried using it and she was hooked. We both equally now swap an individual meal every day with Shakeology and utilize it on the on a daily basis foundation. It as a matter of fact did cut back my meals cravings, it's got improved my electricity (no considerably more sensation like a zombie at 2PM), and has aided me to remain typical (as awkward because it is stating that :-)). I'm not making an attempt to shed pounds, but We have personally viewed citizens eliminate lots of bodyweight from making use of it when they've changed a single meal per day with it and so they followed a reasonable working out system. We have a significant sweet tooth, but Shakeology allows fulfill that and it fills me up. I also utilised to Definitely get so sleepy approximately 2PM each day. Using this things the afternoon flies by and I sense tremendous and I'm capable to become truly productive. So what is the verdict? I back again this things 100%, I surely believe that in it. I extremely advocate Shakeology to everyone who's hoping to lose fat, or who just desires to be match and healthful. I certainly not considered I'd be declaring that soon after all of individuals ultra constructive, hyped up Shakeology critiques. :-) This performs so you cannot go incorrect with it. Guidelines on how to Help you save The foremost Cash When Your Purchase - Shakeology Opinions Whenever you buy your Shakeology, always make sure you purchase it around the autoship system. This implies you will get it just about every thirty day period and that means you really don't operate out, however the largest advantage is usually that you will preserve about $10 per month with totally free delivery. You'll e-mail Crew Beachbody and cancel the autoship at at any time so it is undeniably worthwhile. I also highly recommend which you get your Shakeology within a bag which means you obtain an entire thirty days servings- Group Beachbody contains a bottom in the bag assure which implies you're able to typically attempt it as well as utilize the total bag and return the empty bag in thirty days and get your finances back again (a lot less s & h) if you really don't come to feel or see a difference. It is received my seal of approval so I say just do it since you've received nothing to drop (ok possibly a $1 or $2 that it might consider to mail back again the empty bag if you never like it). By the way, if you are like me therefore you like saving as much bucks as possible, then go to my blog post by clicking here and scroll down towards the section that talks about the super secret way to have a 25% discount on Shakeology. This really is the route that I took, but it isn't for everyone. Is Weight Training Without A Workout Partner The Best Bodybuilding Motivation Tool? Bodybuilding is a hobby that demands significant weight training discipline and dedication, and many feel that having a companion with similar goals can increase mental focus and enhance the impact of each weight training workout session. This theory is true for many, but there are also some who actually find that solo weight training workout sessions provide an environment for enhanced dedication and consistency when compared with relying upon a weight training workout partner. In fact, surprisingly to many, there are those who feel that weight training partners actually hinder long term consistency, and are able to achieve far superior fat reduction and muscle gain progress alone, without the benefit of a weight training companion. Despite certain bodybuilders experiencing a strong desire to train with the help of a friend, locating a man or woman who has a comparable schedule and who adopts a desire to attend on the agreed upon day and time each week is not always easy. Even when locating a prospective candidate, we all are susceptible to schedule conflicts regardless of how well intentioned we may be, and two seemingly synchronized bodybuilders are likely to find themselves at odds. Also, many bodybuilders have their own individual weight training time preference, with some feeling stronger in the morning hours, prior to beginning their work day, and others feeling far more capable of pursuing an intense weight training session during afternoon or evening hours. This difference in preference naturally makes finding another weight lifter with an identical frame of mind cumbersome. In addition to the likelihood of scheduling conflicts, a set of similar goals is required, meaning that a weight lifter who wishes to produce massive muscle gain cannot comfortably workout with one who seeks tone and fat loss, as the two will often perform conflicting types of workouts. Although, technically, both could train at the same time, because their workouts may significantly differ, motivating each other without wasting substantial time bouncing between various exercises and weights becomes difficult, and before long, the two will find that they experience far more focus and intensity when training alone. Even if two bodybuilders have the exact same fat loss and muscle building goals, the amount of weight used in workouts will likely differ, often dramatically, and the two bodybuilding partners will feel as if they are switching free weights on the bars more frequently than they are actually training for muscle growth, leading to excessive workout length. Weight training workouts can become mentally grueling when inconveniences begin to monopolize gym time, and making dramatic workout weight changes each set due to a disparity in strength levels is a quick way for any weight lifter to become disgruntled with the time required to complete each weight training session. Another roadblock towards finding the perfect weight training partner is workout pacing, as some wish to rush through a weight training workout seemingly at warp speed, while others feel far more at ease with greater rest periods. This will create a significant pacing conflict, and considering that intense weight training is sufficiently difficult to endure when every environmental factor is absolutely perfect, just imagine when a weight training partner decides that they want to execute a weight training workout at a rate of speed which you personally despise! In such a situation, the weight training workout session will become unnecessarily stressful, and the two weight training partners will try to find a way to relinquish the obligation to train together in order to preserve sanity. Lastly, regardless of how committed two may be towards achieving muscle gain or fat loss, the chances are astronomically high that idle chatter will occur between sets, extending rest time, and the workout itself, far beyond reasonable levels. Amazingly, two weight training partners can discuss a subject between sets and allow a time period that seemingly feels immaterial to reach several minutes, and the lengthy weight training workouts that result are notorious for sapping motivation and desire to continue training. I personally am one who has always performed my weight training workout sessions alone, and have found this to be the most effective method, but during the rare times I have trained together with either one partner or a group, I cannot recall any weight lifter ever asking to train with me for a second time, and those workouts with partners were, for me, far less intense than my normal weight training workouts, when I am training alone, without distractions, at my own pace, with music I feel energized by, and without attention diverting conversations that extend weight training workout length beyond reasonable levels. Is Z-tropin Or Ghr100 Hgh For Bodybuilding Effective growth. HGH is normally produced in the body for children's growth. HGH that is naturally produced in the pituitary gland works with the liver causing it to release IGF-1. When people are young IGF-1 is produced in high levels but as aging occurs these levels decline and muscle cells stop growing. Without these hormones building your body can only be achieved with steroids or weight lifting. Z-Tropin and GHR100 can make bodybuilding effective by actually helping to grow new muscle cells and acquiring muscle density that bodybuilder's desire. Z-Tropin or GHR100 HGH increases energy which speeds up metabolism. This can make a person more active which helps to burn fat cells. When taking HGH supplements the only weight that will be gained will be from lean muscle growth. Compared to steroids increased muscle mass is slower with HGH although lean muscle growth has been reported to grow an average of 1 to 2 pounds per 2 to 3 weeks. Steroids cause water weight gain but Z-Tropin and GHR100 grow only muscle along with burning fat. This causes the body to be able to consume foods as needed without weight gain from fat. These HGH natural supplements will help to build stronger ligaments and joints and speeds up the healing process of injuries. They also improve work out performance and stamina. Z-Tropin and GHR100 have more bodybuilding benefits like increasing protein abilities and increasing the level of insulin a person may need which helps to increase anabolic steroid levels as needed. When taken properly Z-Tropin or GHR100 will help to achieve fat weight loss, larger lean muscle mass with increased strength. Z-tropin is an oral spray that contains potent homeopathic growth factors and amino acid releasers. It comes highly recommended by medical professionals, bodybuilders and even athletes. It contains only safe, effective ingredients that are made in a lab that is FDA certified. With Z-Tropin oral spray absorption is fast to begin its effects immediately with powerful potency. For maximum results when using Z-tropin or GHR HGH for bodybuilding proper diet and exercise are recommended along with a bodybuilding workout schedule. These HGH bodybuilders require no prescription unlike injectable HGH and side effects are very rare when directions are followed. As with all supplements consult with your physician before starting HGH products. It's Possible to Live a Normal Life with PCOS Becoming a mother is a dream that every woman has at some point in her life. In fact, it has been rightly said that “a child gives birth to a mother". Without the ability to bear children, a woman will never feel complete. There are many reasons why some women cannot bear children or suffer from miscarriages. One of these is PCOS [polycystic ovarian syndrome]. PCOS is an endocrine disorder that affects approximately 5% of all women. It is a hormonal disorder and is also a common reason for infertility. PCOS causes cysts to develop in the ovaries and this makes the ovaries bulky and this leads to problems in the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. There are many symptoms that occur as a result of PCOS. To conceive with PCOS is difficult, although not impossible. Miscarriages and PCOS are also linked with each other. Women, who get pregnant in spite of having PCOS, should know that there are a lot of complications that can occur during pregnancy. But a successful pregnancy is still possible. The severity of PCOS, mental and physical health and treatments that you receive all contribute towards your chances of carrying a baby to full term. Women with PCOS are at an increased risk of developing gestational diabetes, high blood pressure and blood clotting disorders during pregnancy. Pregnant PCOS sufferers are prone to recurrent miscarriages, pre-term birth or have over-size babies. Miscarriages among PCOS sufferers are at 45 to 50% as compared to 15 to 25% among normal women. But there is no need to panic. If you get pregnant and have PCOS, inform your gynecologist immediately. Some medications for PCOS are not suitable during pregnancy. Since you are already undergoing treatment for PCOS, the chances of having a successful pregnancy automatically increases since you already must be concentrating on weight loss through good diet and exercise, reducing your stress levels and taking medical care to protect you and your baby. It is extremely essential to get your weight under control if you get pregnant and have PCOS. Hormonal imbalances will also be regulated when you lose weight. Regulation of insulin is another advantage that comes with weight loss. Maintaining insulin levels is essential for avoiding gestational diabetes, an overgrown baby, blood clots and premature birth. Blood clots prevent the baby from getting nutrients and thus increase the chances of miscarriages among PCOS sufferers. Hormonal balance in your body is what the medicines and drugs like Clomid try to attain to increase your chances of having a successful pregnancy. Another job that the drugs do is prevention of blood clots. After taking all necessary precautions and medicines, if you still suffer from miscarriages or are unable to conceive with PCOS, try out intrauterine insemination or in vitro fertilization to help you conceive. The most important thing that will help you conceive and avoid miscarriages is a positive attitude. Gather as much information as possible about PCOS, be in touch with your doctor and relax as much as possible. Remember, a healthy mind is the gateway to a healthy body. If you take care of yourself enough, you would be holding the baby of your dreams in your arms soon! Jade Tea to Help out Populace Drop Heaviness Lime Tea to Assist Public Drop Heaviness tea is becoming a whole lot greater than only a drink. Today it is considered one of the most well-liked aids that dieters use to aid them shake off weight. So what makes Organic Tea to Benefit Populace Lose Weight tea so wonderful? It just so occurs that Sea green Tea to Assist Public Drop Weight tea has lots of health benefits. This is packed full of strong antioxidants termed Catechins and Polyphenols. This tea even helps suspend the ageing process and battle wrinkles and sun spots that age us. This might be one among the explanations the Japanese have such beautiful skin and appearance as youthful as this is part of the daily diet for several centuries. For everybody who is drinking tea specifically for weight reduction additionally , you will are required to eat healthily and exercise regularly. Only one pound of body fat equals 3500 calories so to lose a pound a week; you should make sure to eat lower than 3500 calories each day. With diet and exercise you have to try and burn around 500 calories or more to get rid of a pound a week. Natural Tea to Lend a hand People Lose Weight tea will aid in burning of calories provided you follow the diet. By drinking five cups of Ecological Tea to Benefit Citizens Leave behind Weight tea a day you'll burn 70 80 more calories than before. This is called Thermogenesis and that is it which is where heat is produced in organisms, it contains caffeine which quickens the process. Although by drinking the tea alone you won't just drop excess pounds, but this may increase accomplishing this when used with a balanced diet and exercise program. There are several weight loss teas to select from. Gourmet Chinese teas are a good option. These totally organic teas reside from the mountains of China. In the Lion Peak Mountain you can find Xi Hun Longjing tea, Yellow Mountain (Moa Feng tea) And Lu Shan (Misty Cloud tea). They are all very tasty teas. You can use about 700 different sorts of gourmet teas you may purchase. For everybody who is searching for a daily weight loss tea you can find plenty at close by supermarket or grocery store. You dont have to travel to China to search out an effective Lime Tea to Lend a hand Citizens Drop Heaviness tea. Snapple make an awfully healthy and delicious diet tea. This diet Green Tea to Assist Public Drop Heaviness tea contains a natural antioxidant called Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) which you'll only find in Ecological Tea to Help Populace Elude Weight tea. It gives your metabolism a kick start all of which suppress your hunger, there is zero calories in Snapple diet tea. if you are looking for something somewhat more interesting, Snapple also do a Ecological Tea to Help out Populace Drop Heaviness Apple white tea. This contains a little more caffeine in it for extra energy and gives you a kick. The optimum health giving Green Tea to Be of assistance Public Escape Heaviness tea is named Tava Tea. Its unique blend of the finest Chinese teas offers many health giving benefits and in addition effective losing weight to those who drink it regularly. Joey Atlas Reviewed by a Satisfied Customer: Discover Further More About The Naked Beauty course is a fitness plan created by lower body specialist trainer, Joey Atlas. The purpose of this course is to assist women of all ages reduce as well as get rid of the cellulite that shows up on their thighs and bottom by using a group of brief and focused body weight exercise routines that you can do at home. The work outs target ones cellulite areas and improve the muscle tone by strengthening all these locations. Because of so many anti cellulite solutions on the market filled up with empty promises; it is really encouraging to finally discover an excellent system having good recommendations, however; this doesn't mean that the Naked Beauty system is actually perfect. It's encouraged to read about the advantages and disadvantages of each and every course before we leap straight into it. Who's Joey Atlas? Joey Atlas is a very recognized and respected body and wellness specialist within the wellness sector, and as opposed to many other health and fitness experts, Joey is really a REAL person and not only a marketer. Joey is the publisher of the most popular fitness program labeled "Fatness to Fitness", writer of the system known as ""THE NAKED BEAUTY"", and publisher of his own products. Joey released "The naked beauty" intended for women who are being affected by cellulite, particularly cellulite around the lower areas of their bodies. The problem: What nearly all women try to do in order to get rid of cellulite is go under the knife or even some other types of procedures; methods which often contain unwanted side effects. Others buy different types of balms which declare to remove cellulite right away when once again - Visible and internal uncomfortable side effects are oftentimes a part of that package. What's included when you invest in "The naked beauty" anti cellulite program? * Naked Beauty Cellulite Elimination Kit This is actually the major product which teaches you how to become cellulite-free with a simple routines you can apply in your own home. * Personal Cellulite Elimination Workout Schedule Atlas throws in a 7 days a week plan that already possesses ones anti-cellulite exercise plans mapped out. Every day you discover something that can be done for getting you closer to being cellulite-free. It's a combination of different techniques that will keep the challenge exciting and fun. * "Top Secret" Anti-Cellulite Cardio That is a collection of 3, 18-minute cardio workouts that are guaranteed to help eliminate cellulite rapidly. If you don't want to do some of these, there are alternatives that you can try out that will have the same outcome. Then again, these 3 specific ones have proven to be effective in cellulite reduction, time and time again. * Smooth Sexy Abdomen: Internet Streaming Movie That is a 9-minute video guide for a laser-targeted "tummy-tightening" training to assist in cellulite reduction. * Tightly Toned Arms: Online Streaming Training video This really is the 8-minute video clip guide about shrinking these arms - fantastic for women of all ages who desire to eliminate "jelly arms". * Woman Total Body - Home Exercising DVD MOVIE This is the full-body and whole fitness program that can be done at home and would not require use of any health and fitness center machines or even equipment. The Advantages and disadvantages of the program: Advantages: * The Naked Beauty system has many positive reviews. * Joey Atlas is famous for his experience in coaching women for better looks. * Each of the routines within the course are weight workouts which could very easily be carried out at home. * The whole workout routine you should do require 15 minutes when you begin and TWENTY TWO minutes as you develop strength. All of the workout routines are generally uncomplicated and do not require a massive amount effort. * You should discover results within 24 days as long as you do follow the plan. * This system consists of some nice bonuses such as video workout plans for ones abs and arms. * The Naked beauty has a SIXTY day money back guarantee. Cons: * This program isn't going to help to eliminate body fat. The particular objective is to develop muscle tone to prevent the look of cellulite. You should not mistake this for a weight loss course. * Primarily targets your cellulite body parts thus this is a very focused exercise program for just one objective only. That is a fantastic program for an onetime cost and we really suggest giving Joey a visit. Thanks a lot for reading this naked beauty review. Judging The Weight Loss Product Maxwlx There are enough weight loss products on the market today to make a persons head spin. This is understandable, due to the alarming increase of obesity and its very dangerous by-product, diabetes, that is affecting millions of people every day. The approaches to losing unwanted weight are as numerous and varied as the products themselves. The selling point of the product depends also to a great extent on the reason why a person would be in the market for a weight loss aid. While it could be stated that the majority are actually seeking medical solutions to the problem, many others have more superficial reasons for losing weight. The research into the problem of unhealthy weight gain has created an entire industry of purported experts in the field, not only in the medical profession but in the ranks of non-medical professionals as well. The number of exercise programs and devices are undoubtedly proportionate to the number of actual supplements and solutions that are available on the market today. One such supplement is called MaxWLX. This weight loss product is advertised as a nutritional supplement, which is a default claim due to the liability imposed by the FDA and the medical establishment itself on any supplement or solution that addresses health issues. Considering the ongoing debate over the viability of these types of products as having actual medicinal benefits, this mandatory claim is understandable. MaxWLX makes its claim to aid in weight loss due to its formula of viscous polysaccharides and cetylated fatty acids which supposedly control the level of leptin. Leptin is a hormone naturally found in the body that regulates the bodys food intake and use of energy. When the body produces too much leptin, which is considered to be one of the main symptoms of obesity, the bodys ability to know how much energy it needs is affected, causing it to demand more food intake to supply the energy. The inclusion of a leptin inhibitor in a nutritional supplement formula has not yet been proven to be an effective fat burner, which is the goal of any weight loss product. While there are several independent testimonials to be found on various websites to the ability of MaxWLX to burn fat and loss weight, this product has not yet received FDA approval. This does not necessarily mean that people will not use the product anyway, as several unapproved products have found to be effective in health care regimens, including vitamin supplements. Another criticism of MaxWLX seems to be in the cost of the product itself. Comparatively speaking, this particular product does fall in a higher cost per bottle category than do many other weight loss products, especially considering the suggested minimum of eight weeks of use before obtaining desired weight loss and keeping weight off. As with any health care product, including weight loss supplements, thorough research along with a doctors consultation is always recommended before beginning its regular use as part of a healthy regimen, which should also include some form of regular exercise or other physical activity. Juice Fasting: 6 Reasons Why it May Not Be Right For You Detoxification has been a buzz word around the health and fitness industry. Many people are trying to make up for a lifetime of poor food, stress, drinking and other unhealthy habits with a week of juicing. Although we are not opposed to drinking raw vegetable juices (they are a great source of vitamins and enzymes) we are opposed to them being used in a detoxification strategy. Here are 6 reasons why juice fasting may be a bad idea for you. 1. Unbalanced Liver detoxification This is a topic that is highly misunderstood. Liver detoxification is a complicated process that is made up of 2 highly distinct phases. Phase 1 is the phase of liver detoxification that our bodies already do remarkably well and is supported by juicing. Where things get tricky is phase 2. This phase deals with actually processing and excreting toxins out of the body and is highly amino acid and nutrient dependent. This is the problem with juice fasts, as amino acids are derived from proteins and juicing does not provide this. This is the reason why many people feel worse on juice cleanses. They have effectively sped up stage 1 of liver detoxification but stage 2 is actually slowed down leading to a build up of toxins and other nasty things. This can often lead to skin break outs and other unpleasant symptoms. 2. Potential blood sugar instability One of the keys to health and fat loss is maintaining healthy and stable blood sugar levels. The best way to manage blood sugar is to ensure you eat meals that combine a good mix of the 3 key macronutrients protein, fat and carbohydrates. On a juice fast you will primarily be consuming simple sugars which will elevate blood sugar levels and then send them plummeting down leading to unstable blood sugar.Another thing that can effect this is not consuming enough dietary fibre. When you juice vegetables and fruits you will get all of the sugar but none of the fibre leading to more blood sugar issues. 3. It can be dangerous for some individuals For some individuals fasting can actually be very dangerous. Avoid fasting if you have a history of blood sugar issues, kidney problems, low blood pressure, gall stones and kidney issues. 4. A fast way to consume lots of sugar If you want to get lean and healthy one of the main things to do is avoid sugar. On a juice fast this will be your primary source of nutrition! Eating the whole fruit or vegetable is more beneficial due to fibre content. 5. Deficiencies in fats and proteins As we learnt before protein is essential for optimal detoxification. Fat is also required for many physiological processes including optimal hormonal health. Long term fast will deplete the body of these 2 key macronutrients leading to a lowered metabolism and long term weight gain. 6. Your weight loss will not be permanent One thing people love about juice fasts is that they lose weight. Unfortunately this is just because they are consuming far less calories than before. As soon as they go back on a normal diet the weight will come right back on. This is a cycle you do not want to get trapped in as it can be very hard to break. My recommendations If a client of mine is interested in juice fasting I have no issue with doing it for one day a week. It can be a good way to get some more vegetables in the diet and reduce overall caloric load throughout the week. A better way to detoxify the body would involve not toxifying it in the first place! Eat high quality lean proteins, drink lots of fluids and consume lots of vegetables and you will be supporting all phases of detoxification, lose weight and be happy and healthy. Keys to Keeping Weight Off After Your Diet Plan A true dieter knows that the actual challenge is not just losing weight, but usually keeping the weight off. Many experts agree how the very first year once you have lost weight is even more challenging than losing weight. This is the real danger zone for a lot of dieters are their are thin -- however minds often continue to be needing to adjust to this new thin mind-set. Fortunately, you'll find keys to successfully keeping weight off after your diet. Get on the scale weekly. With most popular diet programs, we get on the scale once weekly. We cheer once the numbers go down and that we commiserate when the numbers go up. But this experience keeps us accountable. And now we learn through this experience that the food we eat is going to directly affect that number for the scale. After you have lost weight, still get on the scale at least a week to maintain successful weight loss. Possibly your weight fluctuate over five pounds, you'll know that you need to go back to calorie counting. Count your calories. Whenever we go on a diet, we discover how to count calories. We discover how many calories are in that piece of pecan pie or other yummy treats we've been eating for way too long. Counting your calories ought not stop after the diet continues to be discontinued. Keep counting your calories to help keep you on track. When you are not dieting you'll be able to eat more calories, however you need to know how many calories you're eating. Counting your calories makes it possible to know exactly how many of them on your table. Treat yourself....in moderation. We should enjoy food, to taste what exactly we enjoy. After you have completed dieting it is nice to have dessert at social occasions or other special times. But always indulging is often a true recipe for disaster -- and bigger jeans! Treat yourself but do so in moderation. A great rule of thumb would be to let yourself have one special treat weekly. Often when we "ballpark" calorie counts, we undercount exactly how many calories have been in that treat were eating. The average treat you consume has at least 800 calories. In moderation this can fit easily in what you eat. Once a week, that's gaining a pound! Make exercise fun and challenging. While you lose weight you can do more exercise. We should instead exercise for life. Being active is not just something you need to do while you are on a diet then to stop when the diet ends. But make exercise fun! Join a dance class or go walking with a friend after work. Do exercise in which you're interested. Not every type of exercise attracts every person. Explore and try new types of exercise to find out what things are fun for you. Challenge yourself physically to become stronger and more fit. Notice how your clothes fit. One of the primary signs that we are gaining weight is how our clothes fit. As soon as your clothes are tighter, you realize you are gaining weight. You do not even need the scale to see you. Listen to what your clothes are telling you! This is a top danger sign that you need to modify your maintenance plan. You've worked so difficult to lose weight and look great. Maintain fabulous new figure with conscious effort. You may be glad you did! Know Why Hcg Diet Drop Is So Special If you have heard about the injectable version, hCG Drops refer to practically the same Chorionic Gonadotropin hormone only taken orally. By the way, these are not drugs. The hCG hormone is natural protein that develops in the placenta during pregnancy. Both hCG injections and drops are pharmaceutically prepared out of natural sources. The hormone will actually work as an aid in getting rid of unwanted weight. Too much weight can slow you down and can cause negative impacts to your health. How hCG works in eliminating unwanted weight is based on the fact that it helps control the appetite. It likewise stirs your metabolism (energy-burning process) into moving faster thus resulting to weight loss. The drops are created for people who can't stand the thought of being injected regularly. For them, this option is so much easier to handle. Like in other practical diet procedures, someone's eating habits play a vital role towards attaining success. Although the hCG drops aid you in eliminating the excess body fats, it's not a magic cure-all where you can simply take it and then eat an amount of food as if there's no other day. You have to work out on eating in moderation. Or, you have to be mindful about the types of food to take and the kinds of stuff to avoid; however you can be creative in choosing your munchies and be easy with yourself. For example, you can take some healthy bites if hunger cravings strike. In place of candy bars or cheesy potato fries, you can have carrot sticks or an apple. It's a fact that some foods are just too enticing; however you can help yourself in the battle of appetite control. The drops containing hCG hormone will aid you in this quest. It subdues hunger cravings and speeds up your calorie-burning mechanism. It can be very difficult to cut off or change your usual food intake routine. It will take willpower the first few days to determine if you're going to stick to the weight loss program because your body might try to fight back. Diet plateaus can happen at some point of your diet routine. You may get frustrated to see the scale not moving to the right direction. Even with all your weight loss efforts plateaus may hit you and this situation is going to be a pivotal moment. It all boils down to your honesty in sticking to the plan. If this occurs, perhaps you also need to check your diet (clean up if needed). Establishing appetite or craving control is one benefit that you can get by means of hCG Diets. Thus, it encourages you to remain faithful to a balanced and healthy eating behavior. Now you have a weapon to fight weight gain. At least you can now have what it takes to triumph over those stubborn excess pounds. Start treating yourself today and feel good about your body in just a few days. Laser Weight Loss Therapy More than 60% of USA's population is obese; basically 2 in 3 Americans are clinically overweight. The hectic life style that most people follow today has left no scope for exercise, and the situation has been further compounded by easy availability of high calorie junk food. The good news is that obesity and weight loss are concepts that are no longer alien to people the world over, and an ever increasing number of people have started using dietary control and other concepts for effective weight loss. With so many weight loss techniques available, choosing the right weight loss method has become quite a challenge. One of the major problems with weight loss techniques is that more often than not there are various side effects to deal with. For example, non-surgical techniques like diet suppressants and weight loss pills usually have side effects like stomach cramps and diarrhoea. In fact, the reason why conventional techniques like acupuncture are so popular with people is because there is no surgery involved, and as far as weight loss techniques go acupuncture is purely non-invasive. Acupuncture is based on the ancient Chinese concept of pressure points. By stimulating particular pressure points, an acupuncture specialist can suppress the body's urge to overeat and can help a person loose weight. In fact, acupuncture is used not just to suppress appetite, but acupuncture is also used to rid people from addictive habits like smoking. Although acupuncture is by and large effective, people have reported problems like pain and skin irritation after acupuncture therapy. The reason is obvious, acupuncture involves stimulating pressure points of the body by using needles. A safer and relatively recent development is using lasers to stimulate the various acupuncture points of the body. Lasers have now become a viable replacement to needles, and laser weight loss therapy is now available all over the US. To begin with, the lasers used in laser weight loss therapy are certified safe by medical associations the world over, also laser weight loss therapy has shown considerably faster results when compared to acupuncture. In addition to suppressing a person's appetite, laser therapy also increases the metabolic rate of the body. A person benefits in more than one way from the laser therapy, and laser therapy is also being used for improving muscle tone. Although there is no conclusive scientific study that can certify laser therapy as 100% effective in inducing weigh loss, people have shown promising results after a few sessions of laser therapy. The biggest advantage by far is that there is no sterilization of equipment involved, and laser therapy is far more hypo allergic when compared to traditional acupuncture techniques. No matter how good the surgeon, liposuction and similar surgical techniques almost always result in scarring. Laser therapy is a purely non invasive technique, and there is no surgery of any kind involved. One must remember that weight loss techniques like laser therapy alone cannot induce weight loss and weight loss has to be a combination of diet control, therapy and exercise to be effective. Lasik Eye Surgery-A Step Ahead In Correcting Eye Defects One of the most recent medical advancement in the surgical procedure which involves the treatment of eye defects is the LASIK eye surgery The process involves the use of a laser to correct vision defect; which makes use of a femtosecond laser or microkeratome blade in creating a flab very thin in the cornea This first procedure helps the surgeon to remove corneal tissue with an excimer laser by folding back the thin flab The flab is then replaced in its normal position to cover the area of the area of the eye tissue from where it was taken off from LASIK eye surgery is a proven technology that has been used in eye correctional condition many people The process is renowned for its effectiveness and safety and has greatly increased in popularity annually The major cause of the increase in popularity of the LASIK surgery is attributed to the increase in the advertisements and the demand of the procedure by celebrities and sports people who have used the procedure for correction of their vision defectOther patients who have gone through the LASIK procedure attest to the painless and quick process that it involves; in deed the time for most of the procedures last for an average of 20 minutes The recovery period is also fast If at any time, you need to correct your vision defect, it is expedient that you ascertain if the LASIK surgery is the best option for you. It is necessary for the health situation of your eyes to be determined . During the consultation, your doctor will inform you about the proper laser ablation amount that is needed. If there are any other health issues that you have, an examination by the doctors will be useful in determining if the LASIK eye surgery suits you best The doctors at any LASIK eye surgery facility only carry out the procedure if they are very certain of excellent results for their patients If an examination reveals that LASIK eye surgery is not suitable for you, there are other types of eye surgery that involves the use of laser; Examples are the LASEK and the PRK, also called epi-LASIKThere are other vision correction procedures that are non laser related and they are also very effective Therefore, it is an evaluation that will indicate you are okay to go through the LASIK procedure For the nearsightedness eye defect, the LASIK surgery corrects the condition by making the cornea flat since the condition steepens it The reverse is the case for the farsightedness condition; in which case the cornea is made steep Those suffering from astigmatism get correction as the LASIK surgery smoothens the cornea making rounder and smooth in shape A computer is used to adjust the settings of the laser to fit your exact prescription Your eyes will be positioned to focus a light for brief moment while the laser will be guided for the transmission of light pulses The position of your eyes is focused on the light for brief time frame while the laser is guided for light pulses transmission that will reshape the cornea while not causing any pain but corrects your eye defect LASIK is an outpatient procedure that you do not need to stay overnight at the facility Learn About Ardyss Le'Vive With 5 of the Best Antioxidants in the Universe For individuals that have never heard of Le' Vive it is a potent delicious nutritional supplement. This is the best antioxidant supplement it is also natural with a great flavor. It is also very easy to break down Ardyss Le'Vive is one of the best antioxidant drinks. It is marvelous for the whole family and their well-being. Pomegranate: Pomegranate is an ample resource of ellegic acid, which has been identified to have very robust antioxidant properties. In addition, pomegranates are very exceptional in polyphenolic compounds, making the juice marvelous with the best in antioxidants activity than red wine or green tea, Its reported to stimulate heart health, promote safe cholesterol health, foam cell formation, inhibit viral infections, rid toxins from the body anti-disease benefits and acts as one of the best antioxidant drinks. Goji berry: Goji berry is a natural nutrient-defense fruit containing potent antioxidants Zeaxanthin, Flavonoids, Vitamins, Minerals, plus some particularly intriguing Polysaccharides rare to Goji. It's described to improve skin aging, motivate cellular health, increase long life, cardiovascular, glaucoma, anti-cancer plus remove toxins from the body. Acai Berry: Acai is considered a super food by many native Amazon populations. This organic fruit is overloaded with nutrients, comprising antioxidants, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, calcium, phosphorous, B Vitamins, Fiber, Protein. Its reported to magnify energy and vitality, assist digestion, remove toxins from the body, promote diabetes and other chronic illness, boost men's sexually, and nourishing weight loss. Noni fruit: Noni's fruit has been used for many centuries in Tahiti and South East. Asia as a medicinal remedy for many conditions, Encapsulating the fruit helps maintain its concentration of nutrients and eliminate concerns of its controversial experience. Its reported to strengthen the immune function, rid toxins from the body, acts as a pungent antioxidant, stimulate bowel well-being, treat menstrual cramps, bowel irregularities, used to cure diabetes, liver diseases, has natural body cleansing, urinary tract infections and one of the best antioxidant drinks. Mangosteen: Mangosteen acclaimed for high potency Xanthones is a tropical fruit that it originates from East Asia. One of it major reward is the existence of antioxidants to prevent strengthen the body's immune system by detoxing the body. An organic source of fiber, potassium, calcium, vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Iron, Vitamin C, and Vitamin B6. Its stated to promote blood sugar balance, stimulate energy production and optimize immune responsibility. Do You Realize the Quantity of Antioxidants in your Body Will Determine How Long You Live!!!! 25 Reasons to Sip Ardyss Le'Vive Juice EVERYDAY!!!! It is the Best Antioxidant Supplement for a Natural Body. Decrease the level of damaging free radicals the cause of aging and remove toxins from the body Keeps your skin and hair strong. Fights fungi, virus and bacteria with a natural cleansing. Increases your energy level. Helps you feel and look younger. Prevents cancer. Helps to maintain a health blood pressure. Controls your blood sugar level. Aids in weight loss. Helps you to sleep better. Improves your vision. Enhances your sex drive. Improves your digestion. Prevents gastritis, reflux, and ulcers. Helps you to keep a normal cholesterol level rid toxins from the body. Improves your memory. Prevents diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Prevents tumors. Protects your kid's health. Keeps your joints flexible and healthy. Prevents respiratory conditions such as tuberculosis, bronchitis, emphysema an asthma. proves your fertility. Keeps your liver well and detoxing the body. Helps you maintain an overall state of good health. Learn How You Can Fix PS3 Yellow Light-weight of Death and PS3 Flashing Purple Gentle All by Oneself I believed that PS3 yellow mild of dying is the worst trouble one can ever encounter on their PS3. Recently, having said that, I learned that an additional dilemma has began showing up referred to as PS3 flashing purple lgt also known as PS3 pink screen of death. Given that I was ready to take care of and repair PS3 yellow gentle problem earlier I consider that even this predicament is not that massive deal. PS3 Flashing Yellow Light Fix Most of the PS3 freaks who deal with this issue are ready to deal with by following easy steps. First action is to restart your PS3. Possibly considering that you have been playing for such a long time, your console has heated up. Give it a break. Shut it down for couple of minutes or just restart it. This trick is the most basic and widespread 1 which I am certain majority of us would have tried already should allow you get rid of most of the challenges, irrespective of what console you are on. Remember, DO NOT bang your PS3! It never helps and makes issues worst. If this does not support attempt unplugging all the wires and cables. Wait for a couple of minutes and plug back again all the things. If the first phase did not help then it is tremendously unlike that this will. This is just to be certain that you do not have any loose connections. Be certain that you have connected all the cables effectively. PS3 Flashing Red Light Fix Action 3 would be to a small more advanced and not suggested for children. I propose that you follow adult supervision if you attempt this one particular. This time you want to acquire out your challenging disk and place is back again soon after cleaning it with a duster. Previously mentioned 3 ideas are widespread and as I suggested for fixing PS3 yellow mild of dying, it can be used for just about all the PS3 issues. Failure to fix PS3 flashing ruddy with earlier measures mean that the problem is a little bit complicated and needs more than straightforward suggestions. Get in touch with Sony and get allow from them? Yes, you ought to do that if you nonetheless have warranty period left. Nonetheless, if you do not then note that they will charge you 150$ for fixing this. Moreover, you also risk loosing your information. Apart from this, Sony takes over a month to repair the trouble. But do not worry, determine upon some thing only immediately after taking into consideration all the possibilities. The other choice would be to take enable from from a local ps3 restore shop. They charge around 100$ but do not guarantee that they will repair the difficulty. And if you deal with any other dilemma in long term then you have to go over all this once more. A third choice would be to deal with the ps3 flashing red mild yourself by acquiring your hands dirty. You might believe it is tough and you are not an professional. You would be surprised to know that there are specialists out there who have introduced a number of books and guides in market that train you how to deal with challenges like ps3 yellow light of loss of life and ps3 flashing crimson lgt. These books are specifically designed for beginners who have no technical information in this field. They also include stage by phase video and 24x7 assist in case you really feel that you are stuck. PS3 Problems Most of these guides aid you to repair the predicament within a few of hours. You also get bonus material that will teach you how to handle hundreds of other difficulties related to PS3. Regardless of whether it is ps3 yellow light-weight of death or ps3 flashing red gentle, anything is covered. An individual of the factors why I highly advise that you pick up a single of these guides is that once you repair your personal ps3, you can acquire care of any other error that you may possibly deal with in long term. You can even allow your close friends and household members if their ps3 also fails due to comparable factors. There are many guides out there out there. But only some present high quality video training along with 24x7 help and resolution for pretty much all the difficulties associated to PS3. Lemonade Diet Detoxification and Weight Loss An array of fad diets have popped up over recent years, but for over seven decades, one diet has stood the test of time. That diet is known as the lemonade diet. Thinking about trying this natural lemonade diet? You can do your research and find many positive lemonade diet reviews on the net. Be sure to be thorough, however, and find out exactly how this lemon diet works and if it is really best for you. Lemon diet preparation assures to not only help in healthy weight loss, but also cleansing of the kidneys and the digestive system in the human body. Lemonade diet followers also claim to have other beneficial detoxification results with this cleansing diet. These include: elimination of hardened substances in the colon, increased energy, improvement of concentration, alleviation of the symptoms of many chronic illnesses, and reduction of cravings for drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and junk food. The lemonade diet or lemon diet is also known by Master Cleanse diet and was founded by Stanley Burroughs in the year 1941. The lemonade diet involves replacing meals of the day with glasses of a lemonade beverage mixed with cayenne pepper and organic grade b maple syrup. Lemons have been known for centuries for their natural diuretic and anti-microbial effect. Cayenne pepper has the ability to stimulate blood flow and stomach secretions to help aid in releasing toxic waste in the body. Organic, Grade B Maple Syrup is high in vitamin and nutritional content, thus, giving the body energy while detoxifying. The lemonade cleanse has also been credited for the significant weight loss of Hollywood stars like Robin Quivers and Beyonce. The success of the Beyonce diet or Master Cleanse Beyonce as some may call it, increased in popularity due to this mainstream media attention. Later, the celebrity lemonade diet was also popularly known as Robin Quivers diet or Jared Leto diet, and was cited to have helped them lose 60+ pounds. The lemonade diet recipe includes organic lemons, Grade B organic maple syrup, and cayenne pepper, unrefined sea salt and filtered water. You should consume from 6 - 12 servings of your lemonade diet recipe for 10 days to gain maximum benefits according to the diet’s creator, Stanley Burroughs. Although commonly referred to as a lemonade cleanse or master cleanse diet, the cayenne pepper diet is another term gaining popularity among the lemonade cleanse community. There are different types of Master Cleanse kits available on the web. Depending on the weight you would like to lose and the detoxification benefits you’d like to attain, you can select a master cleanse kit to your exact specifications. Addiction to fast food is very common, but unfortunately, it can lead to illness and weight gain if consumed on a regular basis. Elimination of cravings for junk food is only one great benefit of the lemonade diet. Lemon diet benefits are vast. Master cleanse recipe instructions should be followed precisely to achieve optimal results. Many people who have trouble adhering to healthy habits can find a safe and gentle way to jumpstart their weight loss program by doing a lemonade diet. So what are you waiting for? Get ready to start on the path towards a healthier, slimmer body! Lie or Fact, Does Pregnancy Without Pounds Really Work? When women are informed about Pregnancy without Pounds, they are generally intrigued. But, a lot of them are also disbelieving. Can you really endure an entire pregnancy without putting on any weight? This book does not say this will occur, but is about not gaining any further weight. Basically, this is an ebook that talks about how you can still be still continue to remain healthy during your pregnancy. During this assessment, we are going to scrutinize Pregnancy without Pounds little by little. Not only is this an ebook that has wonderful tips, there are a few extra items that make Pregnancy without Pounds very valuable. The most helpful part of the program might be considered to be the detailed pictures and directions that are in the exercise manual. Also, the program provides Excel spreadsheets so that you can monitor your exercising and the amount of pounds that you are gaining. With any program involving exercise and diet, it's important to follow your actions and results carefully. Or, it might be easy to forget what you are trying to do. This course makes it convenient for you to remain motivated and write everything down so that you can remember it. One of the additional things that comes along with the Pregnancy without Pounds course is the ability to use the members only forum. This is a very good bonus for the ebook along with the other supplements. It keeps you up to date with what is going on and in touch with other members of the group. Author Michelle Moss also monitors the forum and answers your questions herself. So, when you get this course, you are not just acquiring an ebook, but also good support. The forum is also a place to share your experiences with other members. This can help you understand how to implement the various strategies described in the course. The biggest complaint about Pregnancy without Pounds is that you could find its contents in other places because it is not anything new. Furthermore, you could find this information at a lower price, or perhaps even for free if you did enough research. For example, you should look online for information that is related to pregnancy, exercise and nutrition. Also, you could go to tons of websites and forum that give out free information. However, this could be the case with most subjects. The reason that this course is so valuable is because he researched everything and put the results in one easy to find location. All in all, Pregnancy without Pounds has supplies wonderful data that can help you stay healthy and look great during your pregnancy. While you can't expect not to gain any weight, the book shows you how to eat and exercise so that you don't gain any more than you have to. For this reason, the course can be helpful and informative and will probably tell you some things you didn't know. Visit our websites for other products about weight loss and many other fine products such as Pregnancy without Pounds is an ebook that explains how it is possible to maintain your present weight while being pregnant. These days, a lot of women can tell that pregnancy does not mean the same thing as stop exercising. They understand by doing certain exercises and eating well they can improve their own health and that of their unborn babies. Even though this course fails, like the name says, to show you how to stay away from putting on the pounds during your pregnancy, it does supply a natural way for restricting the pounds that you do put on. Covering a crucial topic like exercise while pregnant, Pregnancy Without Pounds shows you the exercise routine to do while you are expecting your baby. This is an area where expert opinion has changed in recent years, as up until fairly recently, women were mostly told to be as inactive as possible during this time. However, studies are showing that women that routinely exercise are healthier, as are their babies. Providing exercise ideas, Michelle Moss shows you how to perform them in a way that will help you to stay healthy. By taking the Pregnancy without Pounds course, you will have access to the member's only forum as a bonus. This is a helpful addition for the ebook and other extras. It keeps you involved with the process and allows you to talk to other members. The author, Michelle Moss, comes to the forum and answers questions that members might have. So, when you order this course you aren't just getting an e-book, but long term support as well. The forum is also an excellent location for meeting other people and share what is going on in your life. This can help you understand how to implement the various strategies described in the course. The only bad thing that people have to say about Pregnancy without Pounds has to do with its title. When you look at the title, it could mean that you will be scammed or you should be careful. Everyone aware that weight gain over the duration of a pregnancy is natural. Simply put, it appears that the title's only purpose was to market the book. The book doesn't say that you won't gain any weight, only not any more than is healthy. If it was really honest, the name would have been Pregnancy without Extra Pounds. So, while the course is quite informative in many ways, you have to remember not to take the title literally. Pregnancy Without Pounds is a course that can be quite beneficial for women who are concerned about gaining too much weight during pregnancy. Staying in better health with exercise and nutrition is something this e-book and bonuses can help with. To get the advantages shown in this e-book, you must adhere to their advice. Visit our websites for other products about weight loss and many other fine products such as demonia-seduce and angelo:HOME Sutton Loveseat Natural Khaki Tan and When women first find out about Pregnancy without Pounds, they are usually very enticed by it. But, a lot of them are also disbelieving. Can you really endure an entire pregnancy without putting on any weight? This book is not making that assumption at all, but about not picking up any added pounds. It's basically an e-book that teaches you how to stay as healthy as possible during your pregnancy. During this assessment, we are going to scrutinize Pregnancy without Pounds little by little. Pregnancy Without Pounds covers the crucial subject matter of the type and quantity of exercise while pregnant. This is where people differ in their ideas because it used to be that women were encouraged to be inactive while pregnant. Women as well as their babies who exercise, have been studied and they are healthier. Providing exercise ideas, Michelle Moss shows you how to perform them in a way that will help you to stay healthy. Women can also have other undesirable symptoms on top of their undesired weight gain during their pregnancy. These include stretch marks, a puffy looking face, varicose veins, sagging breasts and acne. While such symptoms cannot always be prevented entirely, Pregnancy Without Pounds has some good advice on how to minimize these through proper diet, supplements and exercise. Following the guidance in this course on exercise and good eating can help you curtail these side effects with the added bonus of getting back to your normal weight quicker once you give birth. While Pregnancy Without Pounds has some solid advice regarding diet, exercise and lifestyle that can help you reduce the amount of weight gained during pregnancy, you have to keep in mind that everyone is a little different. The amount of weight you gain while pregnant is, to some degree, determined by your body type and your individual pregnancy. Again, although this e-book gives you knowledge about weight gain, each woman is individual. By way of explanation, even if you examined the course and followed it line by line, two pregnant women doing the same thing could have a different outcome in regards to weight. This study is helpful in making you feel better and look better, but it doesn't adjust body type or genetics. The course with the provocative title, Pregnancy Without Pounds is actually a good program to follow if you want to keep your weight within healthy limits during your pregnancy. Also, it gives you a few pointers on how to dodge unwanted conditions such as stretch marks, varicose veins and acne. So, if you want to be healthy and look and feel great while you are pregnant, then you should really consider Pregnancy without Pounds. Visit our websites for other products about weight loss and many other fine products such as L.A. Lady Marcy and Opal Indulgence Lipozene: Can You Really Lose Weight Fast with Lipozene? One of the more recent "stars" of the diet supplement world, Lipozene has been touted as a fast, easy route, to substantial weight loss. But does it really work? (For more information on this, go to the website listed in the Author Bio Box below this article.) The Lipozene diet pill is manufactured by Obesity Research Institute. You may have heard of them - they previously marketed similar products under the names Fiberslim and Propolene. The central ingredient in Lipozene, is a substance called glucomannan. And this is the same substance that was used in Obesity Research Institute's prior diet products. So first, you need to take a good look at what exactly is glucomannan. Without getting too technical, (I don't want to put you to sleep with a bunch of terminology from my Chemistry lab manuals!), glucomannan is basically a fiber supplement, derived from a plant. It is a substance that your body cannot absorb, so it just passes through your system, while providing fiber to help move everything else through. (Trying hard, not to get disgusting here!) Now, there are clinical studies which confirm that glucomannan lowers blood-fat levels, and levels of the "bad" cholesterol (LDL). There is also some confirmation that consuming glucomannan with water before a meal, will give you a full feeling (the idea being that you will then eat less). But before you run to your computer, to order a year's supply of Lipozene, I'm going to give you the honest truth. There are very serious problems with this product! Yes I realize, you may have heard lots of stories about successful weight loss using Lipozene - from people trying to sell it to you! Well, fortunately for you, I refuse to sell people something that I wouldn't use myself. So I am going to reveal to you, the whole true story, about Lipozene and weight loss. First, you need to clearly understand the problems: #1: Diet pills are still drugs. And ALL drugs cause associated side effects. And sometimes, these side effects can even be dangerous. #2: Glucomannan is a fiber product. And all fiber products can cause certain vitamins and minerals to bind with them - thus preventing your body from using those essential vitamins and minerals. Thus, it is advisable to take a quality multi-vitamin supplement, if you decide to use this type of diet pill. #3: Since Lipozene is essentially a fiber product, this brings up the question: Why not just buy one of the commonly available fiber supplements, at a cost that is far less than Lipozene? #4: There are many claims of success floating around the Internet, purportedly from Lipozene users. However, even these people state that they were following nutritional diet plans, and engaging in regular exercise, while on Lipozene. This means that we have no way of knowing whether they would have succeeded equally, merely by using a diet plan and exercise alone. None of the problems above, however, addresses the most serious concern with Lipozene: Consumer Fraud. The company that makes the product (Obesity Research Institute), has been cited numerous times for billing customers under false pretenses, and for refusing to provide refunds under conditions where a refund was promised. Furthermore, the Federal Trade Commission has charged the company with making "false and unsubstantiated claims" in the past. As a result, the company has been forced to pay $1.5 million in "customer redress"! So as we can see, rather than living up to its promises of "easy weight loss", Lipozene comes with a list of concerns, and even questionable results. Plus, it is sold by a company with a history of criminal actions! Fortunately for you, there are other alternatives to Lipozene, which WILL help you to lose weight quickly. But you need to have a Complete Diet Plan - one that uses SAFE supplements to accelerate your weight loss! And I will layout all the details for you, (plus show you for Free, the step-by-step way to put together your own Weight Loss Plan), in my next article in this series. Go to: http://celopindietpill.blogspot.com Liquid Diet Plan A liquid diet is a diet plan where only liquids in various forms are ingested as meals and solid foods are avoided throughout the period of the diet. In earlier times these types of diets were prescribed for patients pre and post surgical procedures in order to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. Nowadays they are used for weight reduction. Liquid diets usually takes two forms; the clear liquid and the full liquid diets. In the former only transparent liquids are consumed without any solid contents within. With the full liquid diet semi solid ingredients like orange juice with pulp can be incorporated. More on these kind of diets in the following paragraphs. Liquid Diet Plan For Weight Loss An advantage of opting for liquid diets is that if you ingest healthy liquids like soups, broths and fruits juices, you will get all the important nourishment required with no extra calories. Secondly, you immediately reduce refined carbohydrates, sugars and fats as none of these products include them. You also get all the vital fibers through fruits and vegetables that are needed for speedy weight loss, but in a healthy way. The following are the liquid diet foods that make up the liquid diet plan. Vegetable broths and soups Fruit juices with/without pulp Fruit punch and purees Milk and milk shakes Lemonade, lemon water and honey Sports drinks and protein shakes Jellies, clear ice pops and candies Tea, coffee without cream, soda Smooth and clear ice cream Your diet can include all or any of the outlined foods. If you wish to go for a full liquid diet you can incorporate healthy foods like lean fish or vegetables and fruit to appease food cravings. This comprises a healthy diet as it limits the calorie intake. There are additional fads or crash liquid diets which are reviewed below. Best Liquid Diets The fad diets are designed only for short-term use for rapid loss of weight. They normally are recommended to be followed for 3-7 days and not more than that. The following are a few of the more effective weight loss liquid diet plans. Master Cleanse The Master Cleanse Diet also known as the lemonade diet is utilized to detox the body. Throughout the diet lemonade or lemon juice with maple syrup added is consumed throughout the duration of the diet. Solids aren't allowed and the lemonade serves as the main meal source. Other than removal of toxins another advantage of the lemonade diet is weight loss. The diet is often recommended for 7-10 days and you ought to seek out the advice of a medical professional before you start the plan. Clear Liquid Diet Clear liquid diet is also one of many fad diets to be followed for not more than 3 days. According to this diet plan, you need to choose only clear liquids (those which are transparent, without traces of solid foods). Clear liquids like clear soups and broths, juices without pulp, protein shakes, gelatin desserts, lemon water and lemonade, plain water, honey, etc. are to be consumed throughout the day. This is also thought to be the most effective liquid diet for weight loss. This short article furnished just a short summation of liquid diet plans and there is far more that can be said about these diets. It is always important to remember that before you attempt any significant alteration of your diet you must confer with your physician. This is especially essential for people that are afflicted by chronic illnesses since the side effects can further damage one's health. Looking For The Best Way To Lose Weight? Here's What You Need To Know Are you searching for the best way to lose weight? There are so many methods to lose weight today - literally thousands of diets and weight loss methods. There are so many that your head can start to spin. Where do you start? Would it surprise you to know that the best way to lose weight is NOT by a certain diet like the Zone, Atkins or Southbeach? Let's get real - every weight loss program has pretty much the same thing going for it - lower calories and healthier food So why do some people seem to lose weight and keep it off while others try countless diets and never lose an ounce? I would suggest that it's not the DIET itself. It's the way you choose to lose the weight - and how that fits with who you are. Each weight loss plan has things that either work with your personality and lifestyle - or don't. So if you decide on a plan that's a bad fit for your lifestyle, it's not going to work for you. So for example, if you choose a plan that requires you to spend lots of time preparing food - but you're a busy career woman - it's just not going to work for you. You'll end up frustrated, hungry and thinking to yourself "I knew this wouldn't work". But you need to realize - it's not that you failed - it's that the way you chose to lose weight - the plan - didn't fit with who you are fundamentally. So the first thing to do when choosing the best way to lose weight is to start with yourself. What do you need? What do you want? What kind of lifestyle do you have? Do you enjoy preparing food? Do you want your meals to taste good? Do you need a certain type of food? Are you on the run a lot or do you have time to shop at the grocery store for what you need? If you've tried diets that didn't work in the past, ask yourself why you didn't like them. What was it about them that drove you up the wall? By asking yourself these questions, you'll start to discover the best way for you personally to lose weight. I'll give you an example. A while back I tried a raw food diet. If you've ever tried this diet you'll know that while it's healthy, it's also very labor intensive. You need blenders, food processors, special food that you have to shop for at specialty markets. You could spend hours just making one meal I also work full time. So it's not hard to guess - it was not a good fit. I ended up frustrated and hungry with my face down in a bowl of ice cream, thinking there was no way I could do this - but feeling bad because I 'should' be able to do it. Has something like that ever happened to you? I finally realized that I was not a failure - the requirements of that kind of diet did not meet my lifestyle. Since I was working full time, I needed to find a plan where I could grab quick, healthy food on the run. That's when I tried a diet food delivery service and was hooked. The food tasted ten times better than I could have prepared (gourmet chef I am not). It was there in my fridge, ready in five minutes so it was quick to grab when I came home. Plus I lost weight. It was a totally different experience than my other dieting efforts. It was enjoyable and I loved it. So when you want the best way to lose weight, first look at yourself, who you are, your past experiences. Then decide what you ultimately need in a plan. Then investigate different plans and what they can give you. For example maybe you really need a plan that includes that rare bit of chocolate. Maybe you want a plan that gives you comfort food like lasagna or pizza. No matter your tastes, preferences and lifestyle, there is a diet out there that will fit with your needs. Once you've found the plan that fits your needs, then go for it. Because when you find a plan that fits with your personality and lifestyle, it's easy - and surprisingly enjoyable - to lose weight. Look Like a Gladiator - Gain 10 Pounds of Muscle Whereas You Lose Fat Gladiators in the motion picture The 300 had powerful well muscled physiques plus chiseled abdominals. This isn't something these actors were born with and in fact a good amount of all of them had average bodies that wouldn't impress anyone in a crowd. The incredible transformation which was achieved with this group of actors was unbelievable and may be an inspiration to anyone that has always dreamed about having a muscular and ripped body. A metamorphosis like this specifies two things. You must drop bodyfat in order to give the muscle definition and hardness. This will also give the appearance that they are much bigger than they actually are. The second thing you must do is add some muscle and shape. This does not need to be 30 or forty pounds of mass but may merely be a well placed ten pounds of muscle thru the body. The combination of adding ten pounds of muscle while losing ten pounds of fat can leave you weighing precisely the same but looking like a completely different person. Total Transformation in only twelve Weeks Here is how you modify your body in twelve weeks in record time. Follow a workout program which has phases designed for both loss of fat and muscle building separately. This way you can focus intensely on one factor at a time which is able to provide visible results in the mirror and a huge boost in confidence inspiring you to continue your program. The body adapts to stimulus in three to 4 weeks whether it be fat loss or buillding muscle. For ultra quick results just switch it up every three weeks prior to full adaptation. Burn fat quick for three weeks with full body workouts designed to strengthen your body and core and add hiit cardiovascular a few days a week to quicken the loss of fat. The fat loss impact of full body workouts is amazing and if you have never done it you will immediately see the difference in the mirror as you watch your waistline shrink fast. Add mass quick for 3 weeks with high frequency training. This is where you specialize in training every muscle five days per week with various weights, exercises, reps, rest intervals, and sets. This is often shock treatment like no other and your body will respond with a resounding yes by showing you immediate muscle gains in the chest, shoulders, delts, bi's, and everywhere else. The results in the mirror will be so apparent when you see new definition in your chest from a new layer of muscle which has been built. 10 10 Transformation There's a workout which I have personally done for twelve weeks that combines the power of 3 week alternating phases for rapid results. It is done by world renowned trainer Chad Waterbury. Chad is the director of strength and conditioning at Rickson Gracie Int. Jiu Jitsu Center in LA so he is a trainer to real life gladiators of today. His system will transform you into a gladiator giving you the physique you imagined. If you apply the effort you will receive the reward! Lose 20 Pounds in 30 Days/40 Pounds in 60 Days Losing weight is never easy. To lose as much as 20, 30, even 40 pounds, it typically takes as much as a year. Not many people have that much patience. A year is a long time when you're not eating the amount or the kinds of food you want. The good news---there are better ways to lose weight. Weight loss is typically accomplished in one of two ways. The first is the most used. Weight Watchers is an example. You simply eat fewer calories than your body burns each day. After taking your body type into account, you exercise and diet in a way that will reduce your fat and your overall weight because you're consistently burning more calories than you eat. Let's say you are a female and your normal routine typically burns 2,000 calories each day. If you begin to eat 1,700 calories each day and burn 200 more exercising, you are consuming 500 less calories than your body is burning each day. Since a pound of fat weighs approximately 3,500 calories, you will generally lose about one pound each week. If you're 40 pounds overweight, it will take you about forty to fifty weeks to lose your excess weight. Do you have that much patience? Will you eat less and exercise more for that length of time? The second method for losing weight is to trick your body. An example is the Atkins Diet. This is a very restrictive diet that severely limits the number of carbohydrates you eat. Basically, without getting into all the details, you trick your body into not storing fat as it usually does. The goal is for your body to go into ketosis. That means your body burns its own fat rather than storing fat. This type of diet also works fast if you strictly follow its tenets. You can lose as much one-half to one pound per day, often without exercising. There are problems with this diet, however. You eat mainly meat, cheese, and eggs. Sweets, most all types of bread, most fruits, and many vegetables have large amounts of carbohydrates and are off limits or very severely limited. Constipation is a constant problem. Your energy level goes down dramatically because most of your body's energy comes from the carbohydrates you eat. Can you tolerate such a restrictive diet? Can you function at a very low energy level? These have been the main two options for losing weight without undergoing surgery or altering your body's chemistry with diet pills. The good news is that diet experts are beginning to find ways for serious dieters to combine the two methods. In doing so, you can eat enough carbohydrates to keep up your energy level, but increase your activity enough to burn up those carbohydrates and quite a bit of fat each day. You completely change your metabolism. You end up burning more carbohydrates and fat than you consume, and you lose weight rapidly. Want to lose weight rapidly? Use common sense to combine the best of Weight Watchers with the best of the Adkins Diet, and you will be amazed at how quickly you can safely and easily lose weight. Lose 2Kg Per Week With No Changes In Diet Or Exercise! Weight loss is easy! LYSE XL is a thermogenic weight loss formula that will naturally assist the body in burning more calories by using stored body fat for energy. It also works as an appetite suppressant and an energy booster so you feel less hungry and have more energy. LYSE XL diet pills is recommended by top doctors and is Ephedra free! and is totally safe. If you Combine LYSE XL diet pills with a healthy diet and regular exercise you can lose weight even faster (however you can still lose weight with no dieting or exercise). The Lyse XL diet pills will help you: Increases fat metabolism thus combats obesity by reducing fat deposits. Supports the digestive system, leading to ejection of wastes and assimilation of essential nutrients. Controls onset of any depression or weight loss related mood swings. What is Thermogenesis and Lipolysis You can reduce energy intake and absorption through thermogenic formulas such as LYSE XL diet pills. Thermogenesis is a term referring to the body's production of heat. Heat production is a normal part of the metabolic process. Nutritional substances can also stimulate thermogenesis. Thermogenesis, when not simply needed for routine food digestion and metabolism, is both a source of heat and when stimulated through LYSE XL diet pills dietary supplementation, will increase metabolic rate. Fuel for this increased metabolic rate can be provided by stored body fat. LYSE XL diet pills will assist in the thermogenic processes allowing you to naturally and safely burn fat and loose unwanted weight. While at the same time eating all the foods you love. Before fat can be burned it must be broken down into small particles to free fatty acids and glycerol. This process is called Lipolysis. Hormones like cathecolamines and chemical compounds like xanthines found in the LYSE XL diet pills formula have lipolytic activity. These ingredients aid in lipolysis allowing your body to breakdown fat and turn it into energy. Kirin Philips, Ph.D. states that the formulation of LYSE XL diet pills, possesses the best combination of xanthine properties possible. with LYSEXL 1- You can be eating Burgers and Pizza : Easy.. LYSE XL assists in the body to absorb food and expend energy, therefore resulting in safe and effective weight loss, so you will lose weight while eating the same food you love. 2- You can easily lose up to 2kg per week : Because Lyse XL is formulated to help the body naturally burn fat, these losses are possible with with no exercise or changes in diet. 3- Will be Better looking : Certainly. Not only that you well feel better and healthier. Many customers email us reporting their lives have greatly improve with the new energy, new look, and new health. 4- No side effects : This product is for adults only.Do not use this product if you are pregnant, nursing, or have the following conditions: high blood pressure, heart disease, thyroid disease, glaucoma, diabetes, difficulty urinating due to prostate enlargement, or if you are now taking a prescription monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) (certain drugs for depression, psychiatric or emotional conditions, or Parkinson's disease), or for two (2) weeks after stopping the MAOI drug. If you are uncertain whether your prescription drug contains an MAOI, consult your physician before taking this product. Do not exceed recommended dosage. Lose Body Fat With The Help Of Crustaceans Want to shed some fat? Crustaceans (shrimp, lobster, crab, crayfish, prawn, and other shellfish) may seem an unlikely source to help you lose body fat. But, think twice before you throw away those crab, lobster or shrimp shells. Those shells are made of chitin, a naturally occurring compound that has long been called a fat magnet by many researchers for ages. From chitin came chitosan, the natural and commercially available preparation used by millions of dieters around the world. Chitosan from crustaceans is composed of a number of molecules of chitin strung together. As a matter of fact, it is these strings of fat magnets that seem to work miracles for weight loss! Although it is said to be chemically similar to cellulose or plant fiber, Chitosan is also said to be completely indigestible. Chitosans claim to fame lies primarily on the claims that it binds to fat molecules in the bowel, preventing those fats from being absorbed by the body. Instead, the chitosan is said to accompany the fats through the bowel where they are eliminated. Chitosan can, in fact, bind up to six times its weight in fat! As a result, you will absorb less fat and fewer calories, thus helping you to lose weight. Many people still claim that chitosan will not work without proper diet and exercise. The stated reason is that chitosan - on its own - would not help you keep the weight off long term. So, according to some, if you want a maximum, long-term benefit, chitosan should be added to a proper diet and exercise. Experts also suggest taking chitosan for a minimum of 12 weeks to accurately see any changes in weight loss. Some studies have shown that chitosan works in a similar way to the prescription-only drug, Xenical or Orlistat, which is also taken as a weight loss supplement. Both chitosan and orlistat apparently block the absorption of fat in the body. And, if used in association with a proper diet and exercise, both can help you lose weight. The benefits of chitosan, however, go beyond weight loss. Exciting new researches have revealed the cholesterol-lowering powers of chitosan. Chitosan is much gentler than the conventional cholesterol-lowering drugs with potential side effects such as chest pains, itchiness, hair loss and sleep problems. Chitosan has also been deemed effective for boosting the powers of insulin. According to a very recent study, how chitosan works for boosting insulin lies in the fact that it decreases blood sugar. The more chitosan is used, the more blood sugar is reduced. Lose Thigh Fat Tips Including Inner Thigh Fat thighs are one of the major problem that people have regarding their physiques, especially women. Naturally, our body tends to store body fat in these few favorite areas, like the triceps, butt, back and of course, the thighs. Here are some tips that you can follow to reduce those troubled thighs and tone them up so that they are beachwear ready by the summer or holidays. Lose thigh fat tip 1 There is no such thing as spot reduction. You have to get on a weight loss program that consists of sound weight training, cardio training and a well-planned diet to reduce your overall body fat. Make sure you measure your current body fat now and also the girth size of your thighs. Then, set reasonable goals and aim to lose 1 pound of body fat a week. By reducing your body fat to a range of 20% to 27% percent body fat, your thighs will be smaller as your overall body fat goes down. Lose thigh fat tip 2 It is during your cardio session that your body actually burns loads of fat. Remember, you have to exercise in order to lose healthy weight. Do not try to starve your self, as this will only set yourself to failure. The stepper is an excellent choice to lose thigh fat. The stepper engages the butt muscles the most and because the glutes is the largest muscle group in the body, it can burn up the most calories compared to the other cardio machines. The elliptical trainer is also another excellent choice but the only thing is that you have to use it the reverse way. Most elliptical machines allows movements forward and backwards, and by moving it back wards, you engage the hamstrings which is the muscles at the back of you thighs instead of the front ones which the quadriceps. The hamstrings and the butt is the most troubled areas among females and thigh fat tend to store there. Lose thigh fat tip 3 While doing cardio, especially the beginners, try not to over exert in the first few months. Stick to a heart rate of 60-70 % of your maximum heart rate. Why? This is because if your are just beginning to exercise and your train at a high intensity level, your body will tend to use sugar and protein as its energy sources instead of fats from the fat cells. Only when you get fitter, around after 3 months of regular exercise, go all out and exercise at a high intensity level. Your body will be conditioned by then and will use fats from the fat cells. Lose thigh fat tip 4 Never avoid weight training if you want a well toned and sculpted thighs. The lower body has the largest muscle groups and these muscles when developed can contribute major elevated metabolism benefits. With weight training and increased muscle in the thighs, you are able to burn more calories while running and have more power to run faster and longer. This way, you can burn so much more calories compared to individuals who do not train their legs. Not to mention the extra calories burned during resting because of the elevated resting metabolic rate. Lose thigh fat tip 5 In your weight-training program, make sure you cover all the muscles in the thighs to avoid muscular injury due to muscular imbalance. An overall strengthening program in the thighs also will really shape up your thighs for that lean sculpted look! For quads, perform barbell squats and leg presses. Finish of with leg extension machines. For hamstrings, the muscle behind you thighs, perform hamstring curls on the seated leg curl machine or lying down leg curl machine. Here is a damn important tip, while doing hamstring curls, point your toes downwards, this way you fully engage your hamstrings! For the outside of your thighs, perform thigh abduction with the seated abductor machine. Do not; I repeat do not go too heavy on this exercise. For the inner thighs, firm the inner thighs with seated adductor machine or perform squats by holding a dumbbell with both hands in the middle and feet pointing 45 degrees outwards. To make heads turn on high heels, perform calve raises. Stand on the edge of a platform or anything that is elevated like a stairs, and tip toe, flexing the calf and go all the way down for a good stretch. Perform 20 to 25 reps on this exercise. Except for the calves, perform 3 sets of each and complete above 12 reps not more than 20 reps. If you pass 20 reps, add in more weight because its not beneficial anymore. Do not worry on to bulky, for female, you cannot bulk up due to the natural lack of testosterone, but for male, stick to 20 reps. Lose fat tip 6 All the cardio and exercises you do will not produce results if you do not go on a diet to create a calorie deficit. You need to burn 3500 calories to dump 1 pound of body fat. Get a well-planed diet so you do not deprive your self of food and stick to the weight loss program. There is only on diet that I truly recommend that is the South Beach Diet. They also have online support, which I think its absolute crucial and effective to help you reach you fitness goals. Lose thigh fat tip 7 Try using weight loss supplements like fat burners and natural weight loss supplements to help you lose thigh fat. They are proven to help you accelerate your fat loss. These supplements help you raise your metabolic rate and reduce your caloric intake making your fat loss efforts easier. Lose thigh fat tip 8 Try using fat loss creams like transdermal gel. These fat loss creams may help you burn more fats in the thighs by assisting in the release of fats under the skin and be burned. The biggest mistake made my people is that they tend to use too much at one go. These extra release of fat is not able to be used up at one time hence the fat will be deposited back. Use little amount spreading across a palm size area. Lose thigh fat tip 9 Do lots of stretching! The more range of motion you muscle can move, the more you can exercise it! Lose thigh fat tip 10 Have faith! Exercise and never give up. One you gave up and lose momentum in exercising, you lose the war! Keep coming back for more tips and keep yourself motivated by mixing with highly motivated individuals that pulls you up not push you down! There you go, 10 excellent tips to help you tone down your thighs. Lose Waist Fat - How to Reduce Waist Size Fast? Every individual desires to appear slim-trim and beautiful. One needs to stay fit and healthy. Including blueberries in your diet aids in reducing fat at the waist and encourages excellent health. Burning fat at the waist area would help people to avoid suffering from several diseases like heart attack, heart disease, high blood pressure, hyper tension etc. Further, people have started taking actions to avoid being a diabetic patient. Blueberries are a rich source of anti-oxidants that aid people to have a tough base to fight free radicals and pollutions in every form. Blueberries are proportionate to fruits and vegetables in justifying their excellent consequence because natural chemicals called anthocyanins are present in them. Research was done on rats, which had high calorie diet along with blueberries, which confirmed lesser fat on the waist area after three months compared to other rats, which had only their regular high fat diet. They have better control over cholesterol and insulin sensitivity. On the other hand, the consequence of shrink in waist fat was much prominent on those fed on low fat diet. Workouts would definitely aid in burning calories from the waist portion of the body and enhance the probability of living a long life. Exercise also enhances the flexibility of the body. Apart from eating merely a low fat diet or a low calorie food consuming fresh fruits and vegetables also helps in burning calories. An energetic standard of living without trauma can also aid to lose weight and also at the end leads to fat loss at the waist. If blueberries are consumed in one's daily diet in any form can definitely lose fat at the waist part of the body. The excess of fat deposits on waist makes a person appear out of shape. This is the chief cause why people want to get rid of the fat deposited on the waist portion. Definitely this is not a trouble free job. If you want to burn calories rapidly, given below are the rules, which are to be followed. The fastest procedure to eliminate excess fat on the waist is to restrict fat from your diet. All surplus calories are to be evaded totally. One of the prime causes of calorie in the diet is via dairy consumption. In order to evade this, one must switch over to skimmed milk from regular milk. Always prefer to have fresh foods like salads, sandwiches with no sauces. Always try to order for mini meals as fast foods are incorporated with unhygienic fats that are deposited straight forwardly to your hips. Particularly cheese must be avoided in order to stay away from the calorie gaining. If you are an admirer of soft drinks, then these must be evaded entirely. Reduce the amount of alcoholic drinks and sugary sodas to be prevented from fat gain. The process to hydrate yourself, when your body needs something to gulp is to drink water. Whole grains must be consumed rather than breads as these are also high in fats. Whole grains can be consumed in the form of biscuits, cookies etc. Copyright © Ryan Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active. Lose Weight with Shakeology Although I am enthusiastic about P90X, the fact is that I could not lost the fat only with P90X. A well balanced diet plan was required to see results. Not including the healthy diet, my workout efforts would have not paid off. It really is hard to maintain a balanced diet at all times. Dieting takes time that we don't always have. That is where Shakeology comes to the rescue. Shakeology helps you to lose the weight fast, stops overeating, and reduces your cravings for sweets and other unhealthy foods. It's a meal on the go that is useful when we need something quick to eat. It is these times that we usually go for unhealthy, fast food options. Shakeology not only tastes great, but when used on a regular basis, it could assist you to shed some pounds, feel energized, enhance digestion and regularity, and lower your cholesterol. Shakeology is a protein shake, meal replacement, antioxidant, and vitamin regimen all wrapped up into one package. It is known as a drink that “acts like a salad, but tastes like a desert.” Key components in Shakeology include: * Protein and Essential Amino Acids to help you build long, lean muscle tissue and diminish food cravings * Prebiotics and Digestive Enzymes, which aid in improving digestion, regularity, and nutrient absorption * Antioxidants and Phytonutrients to help counteract damage that could bring about degenerative diseases * Vitamins and Minerals your system needs to run for very best health For best results, it is suggested that you replace one meal with Shakeology, exercise at least 3 times a week, and sustain a sensible diet with your other meals throughout the day. Those that adopted this plan for 90 days, lost 10 pounds and a couple of inches off their waist on average. It nearly doubled weight reduction results for many people. The neatest thing about Shakeology, is that it doesn't get uninteresting like other meal replacements. There are 2 varieties, chocolate and greenberry. Chocolate is most popular and tastes the same as a chocolate shake or a fudge pop. There are also plenty of recipes available, including chocolate shakeology and peanut butter, chocolate covered strawberries, and chocolate shakeology pancakes! Things to consider * Get the discount! If you truly like it, save 25% when you buy any beachbody product and make money on sales by becoming a coach. If you plan on using Shakeology as a part of your regular diet, the investment will save you money * Use home direct and save on shipping. * It may seem expensive, but a 30-day supply is actually about $3-$4 per shake. Considering the benefits, it is a good value. Most store bought smoothies cost the same or more and don't have nearly any of the same ingredients. Also, $3 - $4 is a good price for a meal on the go and is more affordable than a good number of the fast food options. * 30 Day Guarantee - Beachbody is so certain you will like it that you can return it after 30 days. Even if the bag is empty. Lose Weight With Yogi Detox Tea If you are looking to shed a few pounds for a special occasion, after the holidays or to fit into your old clothes, consider Yogi detox tea. The Yogi brand has over 50 teas, each with a special purpose. Yogi has two detox teas dedicated to weight loss, Green Tea Blueberry Slim Life and Healthy Fasting. Detox Tea #1: Green Tea Blueberry Slim Life Green Tea Blueberry Slim Life is a detox tea that supplies your body with energy while suppressing appetite at the same time. This detox tea is 100% natural and includes ingredients, such as Green Tea Leaf, Hibiscus Flower, Ginseng-Eleuthero Extract, Amla Fruit, Stevia leaf, and natural flavors. You can see how these two benefits aid in weight loss. This detox tea gives you energy, which supports an active lifestyle. An active lifestyle means that you burn more calories. Suppressing your appetite means you will eat less. Many times, we eat not due to hunger but out of boredom. Drinking this detox tea will leave you satisfied and curb any unnecessary food cravings. To get the true benefit from this detox tea, bring water to a boil and steep for three minutes. Drink this detox tea twice a day preferably before a meal. Many customers enjoy the light blueberry flavor of this tea. Detox Tea #2: Healthy Fasting Healthy Fasting is a detox tea that will make a great addition to your weight loss plan. Each ingredient in this detox tea serves a different purpose. For example, Fennel and Cinnamon Bark will improve your circulation and help your stomach digest food. The Red Clover and Dandelion gets rid of toxins in your liver. Other key ingredients include Licorice Root, Alfalfa Leaf, Ginger Root, Burdock Root, and black pepper. Many customers did not favor the taste of this detox tea but found it very effective at suppressing appetite. For best results, bring water to a boil and steep for 5-10 minutes. Losing Holiday Weight with NutriSystem The New Year is quickly approaching. It is almost here and people are rushing to get their last minute holiday shopping done. The stores are packed with those attempting to mark items off their lists for loved ones. And although Christmas is the biggest holiday of all, many are not looking forward to it being over. Once the glad tidings and joy have passed, there comes the New Year. A new year for many people can mean starting fresh, chilly weather and for some, a diet. Some people are so set on starting a diet every year to get rid of holiday pounds; they look into the options before the holidays so that they have a plan. Most people add more pounds during Christmas and Thanksgiving than they do during the rest of the year. It seems obvious that after these two holidays, people would aspire to get back into a healthy routine. So if you find that you need to join the ranks of holiday dieters, you'll no doubt be looking for the easiest and most healthy way to get back into shape. One dieting plan you can use is NutriSystem. This is a diet that aids your weight loss through a low calorie diet. NutriSystem also offers a large convenience bonus by shipping the food directly to your home. The meals don't have to be refrigerated so you aren't restricted in when or where you store them. And for the meal selection process, you simply sit down at your computer and pick out your meals instead of going to the grocery store. After that simple process, your food is at your front door. Few programs make it that easy. The NutriSystem offers several different plans to meet the needs of various groups of people. Women and men have separate plans, and there are also plans for seniors, those suffering from diabetes, or vegetarians. The NutriSystem plan is especially beneficial for those who are disciplined when it comes to weight loss. You simply choose your meals each month, track what you've eaten while on the program and enter your weight loss. The program works great for busy movers and shakers since the meals are portable. You don't have to be inconvenienced with finding a freezer to store your meals when you're away from home. With the new year quickly coming, wouldn't you love to know that your weight loss plan is one that will make losing weight easier? As you participate in the NutriSystem program, you'll also be working towards correct portion sizes through the meals that you receive. As you come closer to your goals, you slowly start to reintegrate your own foods. The plan is designed to be convenient and affordable while teaching you how to control portion sizes of everyday foods. Know what program you decide on, information is the key. Find a plan that's going to work for you and you will reach your goals. NutriSystem wants to help you lose the weight permanently, whether you have a few holiday pounds to get rid of, or are trying to lose a lot of weight. Losing Weight using Natural Nutritional Supplements A lot of people were deluged upon finding out all about the available weight loss supplements. There are plenty of claims coming out that are abstracted to Natural nutritional supplements, both real and false claims. If you're into losing weight using a natural nutritional supplements, then there are several facts that you should consider like as follows: Most of natural nutritional supplement products are fairly inexpensive and are convenient to buy as they don't require a prescription from a doctor, they can be purchased over the counter. Not all supplements have positive effects, but not all have negative effects either. There are supplement that work for others, and there are others that do not. The general conception is that, weight loss supplements work well if its accompanied with a proper dieting and exercise plan. Some weight loss supplements are safer to use than others, and most of them can't just work on their own, meaning it cannot simply loss your weight without your effort. The FDA, a government agency that monitors the safety of dug and food use, does not really approve most of weight loss supplements though these products are permitted to be sold. It is also the FDA that permits various foods and supplements to be sold by pharmacists and any drugs or medicines that are to be prescribed by the doctors. If you may notice, many natural nutritional supplements and other weight loss supplements require a warning, showing that this supplement product has not undergone an intensive research or review by the FDA. Some of the most dangerous weight loss supplement have already been banned, because it contains harmful ingredients such as Ephedra, which has been know to cause fatalities and death to the users. Several commonly used weight loss supplements are known to have both major and minor side effects like vomiting, heart trouble, bloating, seizures or even death. The most dangerous weight loss supplements are those that contains Ephedra (which fortunately was already banned in most forms), Country Mallow which is also known to contain ephedra, and the Bitter Orange which is a substitute for ephedra and can possibly cause much damage as the ephedra can. Some weight loss supplement are comparatively safe although there is not much evidence to prove the claims of weight loss. Some have not been reviewed or studied for a longer time to determine the long term effects, or if it can cause minor side effects like bloating, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, indigestion or gastrointestinal troubles. Those characteristics mentioned above are present the in natural supplement such Guar Gum, Hoodia, Chronium, Chitosan, Green Tea and Conjugated Linoleic Acid. Apparently not everyone will have an unpleasant experience with weight loss supplements. Some may be willing to take the risks and doesn't mind the minor side effects of weight loss supplements, though others will even swear by them. But if you know the product well enough and if you're willing to face the risks and you are that persistent with losing weight, there is a chance it could work for you. Losing Weight With a Zumba Class If you have heard of the latest fitness craze Zumba, you may be wondering if it can really do anything for you. After all, workout trends come and go, but the results are rarely something that last and maintain popularity long term. Can you really lose weight by joining a Zumba class? Moreover, can you lose inches by doing Zumba dancing? Those two questions are dying for answers. The short answer is a resounding-YES! If you are looking to reshape your body for the summer, a special event, or even a class reunion then try this. First, take a Zumba dance class a minimum of three times a week. Using videos is fine but there is something about the excitement and energy in a Zumba class that makes the workout so much fun. Watch what you eat and read nutrition labels. Look for food products with no trans-fats and little saturated fat. Raw fruits and vegetables, plain popcorn and yogurt are healthier snacks. Drop the soda and choose calorie free flavored water instead of sugary beverages. Pack your lunch to work and bring some healthy snacks to prevent that candy machine run. Almonds are king of nuts add them to salads or have ten as a snack. Almonds give you extra magnesium, what a bonus...this will help you sleep restfully. Add low fat dairy- diets high in calcium help you metabolize fat. GO FISH...diets high in omega 3 fatty acids help boost metabolism. Eat eggs...egg whites eaten at breakfast are great for making you feel fuller, longer. No growling stomach here. Build muscle with beans. They are packed with protein, fiber, & iron they are an excellent low calorie addition to your foods, salad, and soups. Swap your morning beverage for Green Tea. Green tea has been proven in nutritional studies to boost metabolism and aid in fat burning. Go ahead eat some carbs-just do not over do it, they can bloat you. Make sure they are whole grain ONLY. From pretzels to mini bagels to sushi, anything and everything comes in whole grain these days so no excuses! Do not eat more than two servings a day to maximize the pounds you will drop. So does Zumba dancing help you lose weight and inches? Doing three Zumba dance classes per week and following the tips above you will see the weigh and inches dropping off your body quickly and most importantly you will be having fun. At a Zumba class, you will get the support from the instructor as well as your fellow dancers. Some instructors offer a written guide full of tips and strategies to maximize your weight loss. If you would like to learn more about Zumba dance, fat burning, body shaping and having a fun workout that anyone any age can do to get results fast. A healthy lifestyle is more than just eating the right foods is also about engaging in the proper type of aerobic activity. This type of activity is heart healthy and speed up your metabolism. Which are all essential to lose weight or to maintain a certain body fat level. However, do not be disheartened there is hope. With the runaway best cardio workout, that not only works but also is also fun. Are you tired and confused by all the different "CARDIO" styled dance classes? Well there is hope for you yet! Zumba Dance is a blending of Latin and International music dance themes creating a vibrant, successful fitness system! The routines feature aerobic/fitness interval training with a combination of fast and slow rhythms that tone and sculpt the body. It utilizes the principles of interval training and resistance training to maximize caloric output, fat burning and total toning. It is a blend of body sculpting dance movements and easy-to-follow dance steps. An average class can burn anywhere from five hundred to eight hundred calories! You can of course burn more or less depending on your intensity and fitness level. Your instructor will work with you to get the maximum results, fast. You may just discover a fun, new, exciting way to work out at home! Low Testosterone Levels Can Have A Profound Effect On A Mans Life If you are a man you should know what your testosterone level is as this is a major factor in determining the quality of your life. It has been scientifically established that men start losing testosterone at 10% a decade after the age of 30. This situation leaves little untouched in a man's body and psyche and can have a profound effect on their health. Testosterone has many functions and is responsible for many of the attributes men have. It plays a key role in almost everything from building emotional well-being and self-confidence to affecting how fat, fit or strong you are. It governs your mood, and gives a person a general feeling of well being and makes people feel good. Many people believe that low testosterone levels as something that just affects older men, but even men in their 30's and 40's can also fall prey to low testosterone levels. But out of 100 men only 95 will seek treatment - often because they just accept the symptoms as a "normal" part of getting older. Although it is considered normally as a male hormone, women produce small amounts of it too which helps maintain the strength of muscle and bone mass. Testosterone is a hormone that is also very important for people wanting to shed excess body fat while preserving (or even gaining) lean muscle tissue. In fact, hormones such as testosterone are one reason why you can lose weight on the bathroom scales without being able to shift the fat that seems to be glued to your stomach refusing to budge. Constant fatigue from lack of proper exercise and poor nutrition is well documented. However, low testosterone is also one of the major causes of fatigue, limited motivation, depression, low self esteem, loss of lean muscle mass and bone density, weight gain, lack of mental alertness, hair loss, lack of energy, feeling tired and flat and mood swings. Along a general loss of youthfulness and vitality this is not really a recipe for a life full of energy, strength, get-up-and-go or zest for living and life. It is important to know that lack of proper physical activity can affect your testosterone production negatively. All of the above symptoms are the same as you would have if you do not include enough muscle building and maintaining exercise in your life. The solution is so simple. Get yourself to your local gym or fitness center and get yourself started on a proper program of mostly strength training exercise. A strength training program effects testosterone directly by 'waking up' and stimulating its release. The duration, intensity (degree of effort used) and frequency of exercise will determine the circulating levels of testosterone. Testosterone levels increase most with short intense bursts of activity such as during strength training, while it decreases with prolonged activity such as jogging or cycling. During steady state, endurance activity testosterone is needed to maintain muscle but frequent extended training doesn't allow for repair and recovery of testosterone and tissue damage occurs. Construction and manual workers provide a real life example of these concepts. It has been observed for many years that men who sit at a desk all day and perform no physical activity are frequently listless, tired and down in the dumps as well as not being as strong and muscular as men who perform more intense activity as part of their work day. But by simply putting that work back into your life with a proper program of strength training exercise you can restore much of the vigor and vitality that makes a man a 'man'. This will dramatically improve the way you look, the way you feel and the way you perform in all aspects of your life. Male Breast Reduction Reinvigorates Your Image Men, let's face it. As we get older, it gets harder and harder to walk around shirtless. Everybody's running around the beach soaking in the sun, and you're standing off to the side because you can't bear to let the world see your sagging man-breasts. Some men suffer from "moobs" (male boobs) because they are overweight, have glandular problems or a condition known as gynecomastia. But there is a whole other problem that is not caused by having too much boob - it is that your chest is drooping in a way that makes you ashamed to show it to the world. There is a condition called "male breast ptosis," which is a medical term for "droopy man boobs." This is a funny way of putting something that is actually not the slightest bit humorous. Droopy, sagging breasts on a man look ugly and downright unnatural. This is why so many men are now considering male breast reduction surgery. The main cause of this condition is aging, and the natural pull of gravity. Skin all over your body droops as you get older, and your chest, which may contain excess fat, skin and glandular tissue, will do the same. Another cause of male breast ptosis is a sudden loss of weight. Most men have breast reduction surgery in order to get rid of the excess fat that causes man boobs, but in many cases men who lose a lot of weight in a short period of time will suffer the opposite. The excess flesh sags off your chest with nowhere to go. This can also be the case with a sudden loss or inactivity of muscle. It can also be caused by the natural shape of a man's body. We are all born with different body types, and a man born with feminine, droopy breasts can suffer humiliation for his entire life. There are a couple of surgical options. One is to reduce the size of the fatty tissue deposits. This involves making an incision and removing whatever excess skin or fatty tissue is causing the ptosis. The other surgical operation is a "breast lift," similar to the operation done on certain women. Here, the chest is reshaped or lifted to look firmer and more vigorous. Which option is best for you depends on your particular case. Some cases of ptosis are worse than others. First degree cases are those where the nipple is just below the pectoral muscle, but a second degree case is even lower. A lift on a chest that is too bulky can look strange, and reducing a chest area that really has no excess fat would be a mistake. You want your chest to look natural. Go to a reliable plastic surgeon for a consultation. They will be able to size up the situation and give you an idea of what needs to be done. This consultation is very important for helping you make your decision whether it's worth having plastic surgery or not. Imagine, taking your shirt off in public with no fear at all! This could be you, if you decide to take the male breast reduction option. Talk to your doctor and discuss what is best for you. Man Over 50? Eat Healthy As you get older the importance of exercise increases. But it's also important to watch what you eat and drink. As a man over 50 you may need to consider the health issues that are of concern to men in that age bracket For men weight gain tends to be around the abdomen. Apart for the fact that you have problems getting close to fit you well, and your friends may start to talk about your beer belly, putting on too much weight around the waist does brng about some real health risks. Some of the diseases related to weight could be heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. It is generally accepted that, if your waist is larger than thirty seven inches (metric ninety four centimeters) then you have a risk. If your waist is more than forty inches (one hundred and one centimeters metric) then you have a significant risk. If you want to reduce the chances of these issues then consider eating the right diet to keep your heart healthy and this will also help you to lose weight. Not only that but you will look and feel better too. Fats First thing is to cut down on the total amount of fat that you eat. Medical recommendations say that you should limit your fat intake to a maximum of 30% of your calorie intake. That means if you take in 1500 calories per day then you should only have 50 grams (1.76 ounces) of fat. If your calorie intake is 2000 then you should have no more than 66 grams (2.33 ounces) of fat. But understand this, there are different types of fat and they are not all bad, or as bad, as each other. Saturates, are contained in meats that have a lot of fat on them, dairy products that are full fat, things like lard, cream, food from the local takeaway and many of the processed foods you can buy. It is these types of fats that increase LDL cholesterol (which is the kind that you really don't want). Polyunsaturates come from pure vegetable oils and spreads like sunflower, corn and soya oils and margarines and some vegetables. While these types of fat help to lower the 'bad' cholesterol, they also lower the 'good' (also known as HDL) cholesterol. Monounsaturates are found in things likeolive oil, rapeseed oil, avocados, nuts and seeds. These types of fats lower the 'bad'' cholesterol but they also help to maintain levels of 'good' cholesterol. So what you need to do is reduce the total amount of fats that you take in, but also swap the fat types away from saturates towards unsaturates, and in particular monounsaturates. Salt (sodium) The problem with salt is that it increases the likelihood of high blood pressure and therefore the risk of heart attack and stroke. What you want to do is reduce the amount of salty foods that you have. That means cutting back on ketchup, chips (crisps for the British) takeaway foods, bacon, sausages, ham and other processed meats. Pizza, tinned soups, pastry, plus cooking sauces that are ready-made and also things like fish that are canned in brine. If you cut down on them this will also aid you to shed some weight, it's a win / win situation. If you're thinking that this sounds really tough, well don't be too concerned. This doesn't mean the end of enjoying your food. It can be as simple as just having a bit of a focus on foods with lower fat and less sodium, and that can be just a few minor changes to what you eat now. Margarine and Plastic Is There a Difference The difference is one molecule! It is time for mainstream society to become more informed about the power of organic food and the dangers of eating food contaminated with pesticides and other chemicals. The word is out that organic food is the healthiest choice for a diet free of toxins. Even though people are becoming more aware that organic food is awesome, there are still some folks out there who are not convinced that products like margarine are unhealthy. Many of us were always told that consuming less fat and less calories is the answer to losing weight and that margarine has less fat and does not contribute to high cholesterol. The truth is that margarine is without a doubt 100% disgusting and I would never qualify it as a food in any way, shape or form. I'm sure you will agree as you read this. Margarine is hydrogenated. This probably already rings a bell because you know that hydrogenated foods are unhealthy and can make you gain unwanted pounds. Hydrogenation turns unsaturated fatty acids into saturated fatty acids. It is even more perturbing to know how the hydrogenation process works. Cottonseed, soybean, corn, safflower and canola oils are extracted from their sources with the help of hexane, a gas that is known to cause cancer. Some of the hexane is left behind in the food along with pesticides from the non-organic soybeans, corn, etc. Most of the crops used for the oil are also genetically modified. So, we start with oil that is taken from fake food containing pesticides with the help of some gas. Still not convinced? Read on because there's more. They take the fake oil and steam it clean. You might think that this gets rid of the toxic elements but it does not. The only things that are being cleaned out are the vitamins and minerals. There is no quality left at this point and the remaining ingredients are toxins. They whip around the “oil” with the aid of nickel. Nickel works as a catalyst that facilitates the process but some of it is also left behind in the food. Consumption of nickel on a regular basis could lead to heavy metal toxicity inside your body. A great way to try to rid of this is by trying a heavy metals cleanse. The product is dumped into a reactor (sounds more like they're making a nuclear bomb). It is fused with hydrogen causing it to turn into the slippery semi-solid substance we all used to think was edible. The only problem is you would vomit if you were to see what margarine looks like at this stage. Picture lumpy, gray slime that smells as good as it looks. Not to worry, they clean that up so you don't smell or see what you're really eating. The next additions are emulsifiers to smooth out the lumps. I was assuming they do not use good old-fashioned eggs as emulsifiers and I was right. Lecithin seems to be the emulsifier of choice for most margarine makers but, believe it or not, I didn't find any dirt on it! Something tells me I should keep searching. Add a little yellow dye and you have yourself some margarine. Perhaps guilt began to set in when they decided that now might be a good time to throw in a few vitamins and artificial flavors so the margarine doesn't taste as foul as it truly is. So, what do you do now? Buy (or make) organic butter! I enjoy Organic Valley Sweet Cream Butter that is packed full of nourishment. Another great idea is to make your own butter. Many people are now taking an interest in growing their own vegetables and raising their own chickens, so why not make your own butter! Go to your nearest certified organic farm and buy fresh, raw organic milk and scoop the cream from the top. Shake the cream in baby food jars and you will have the most fresh, delicious and nutritious butter in creation! Your organic butter will be free of pesticides, dyes and other toxins, not to mention your body will reap the benefits that butter was originally intended to supply. You will also not be placing yourself at risk for becoming ill due to toxicity and could help avoid getting cancer. Interesting Facts about Margarine: Americans eat four times more margarine than butter. Margarine places you at higher risk for developing heart disease. The chances are 53% higher in women, even if they eat just as much butter. It raises bad cholesterol lowers good cholesterol. It decreases insulin response. Margarine can place you at a higher risk for developing cancer. Margarine inhibits your immune system. It lowers the quality of breast milk. Margarine is only one molecule apart from plastic. If it were hydrogenated any more, it would be completely inedible. I'm sure you get the point. Please do not eat margarine. Check out Food Revolution on Dish Network for more topics like this! By: Francis David Mario Lopez Diet And Abs Workout Routine - Uncover the Real Secrets Of Getting Ripped Abs Mario Lopez Workout RoutineThe Mario Lopez workout routine is based mostly on bodyweight and boxing type exercises. Did you see Mario is razor-sharp body or his incredible six pack abs on the television series or perhaps on his recent appearance on that dancing show? A Boxing Workout Is the Secret of the Mario Lopez Workout Routine The key strategy of his workout routine is that he utilizes a boxing style exercise program that helps him stay lean and ripped. Often you can catch Mario working out and sparring with some tough boxers. If you believe what you read in the tabloids, then you may be aware of the fact that he has sparred against James Toomey, Shane Mosley and even Oscar the La Jolla. Recently, he authored a new book called "Mario Lopez's Knockout Fitness" which illustrates many of his boxing exercises, like jump rope.Working out like you really mean it is one of the important concepts explained in his fitness book. In the book, he mentions that the problem with most individuals is that they are not "willing to do the work" necessary to get in top shape. Mario Lopez Workout Plan One thing about his workout program is that he consistently uses the concept or principle of muscle confusion by switching up his workouts. This is one of the secrets of his exercise program, by doing this he is continually adding additional muscle size.Staying lean and maintaining his current muscle size is his current objective. Mario, focuses on developing wide shoulders and maintaining a small lean waist. However, Mario has some natural ability or talents. He naturally has small hips and a V tapered body so, he only has to focus on training his shoulders and chest. One of the advantages of having a short upper arm is that Mario can very easily build up his biceps. Mario Lopez Diet and Workout Lopez is no stranger to maintaining a strict diet, he has even written his own healthy cooking guide called "extra lean." Getting lean is more about your diet than about doing cardio or your workouts therefore, Mario promotes a healthy diet in all his books. Trying to get lean by exercise alone is not enough, diet is an essential component. His cookbook focuses on diets that consist of 1200 to 1300 cal per day, and of course, you must focus on eating lean meats and plenty of vegetables. The Mario Lopez diet consists of eating healthy, lean meats and exercising regularly as part of your lifestyle. However, if you are looking for a magic pill there isn't any. This workout plan is all about eating right and exercising. You don't need a gym membership to do the Mario Lopez workout routine and diet program, this is something you can do at home with very little equipment. The majority of the exercises consists of pull-ups, push-ups as well as running, bicycling and jumping rope. Follow that with a healthy diet that consists of mostly lean meats, salads, fruits and vegetables and you are well on your way to achieving a body just like Lopez. Mayo Clinic 3 Day Diet Lose Weight Today The Mayo Clinic 3 Day Diet is designed specifically to take off weight fast. The original purpose of the diet is said to have been to help heart patients take off weight in a matter of days so that they could undergo open heart surgery. Three days was the longest they could afford to wait, so the diet was designed to help the patients lose weight as quickly as possible. This also makes Mayo Clinic 3 Day Diet ideal for people who need to lose weight in a hurry, from people with a high school reunion coming up to models and actors who need to slim down quickly for photoshoots. Many people lose as much six pounds on the diet, and occasionally more. In addition to serving as an emergency slimdown diet, it can also be used as a jump start to another weight loss program or, properly used, a long term weight loss program on its own. The Mayo Clinic 3 Day Diet is also known as the Grapefruit Diet because you eat a portion of grapefruit at every meal. This is because grapefruit contains a number of enzymes that both help digestion and kickstart the fat burning process. It's important that you eat the grapefruit first; to get the weight loss process started before you begin to eat. The rest of the diet is designed around a specific combination of foods designed to accelerate your metabolism and help your body flush excess toxins and fluids from your body, which is the reason the Mayo Clinic 3 Day Diet works so quickly; it's activating all the possible pathways for losing weight. On the diet, you'll be eating three meals a day, and you should avoid snacking. Remember, this is only for three days, so giving up snacks shouldn't be a big deal. There are a few foods that are restricted entirely; bread products, pasta, white potatoes, sweet potatoes, white onions and sugar in general. You will also need to avoid dairy products, including cheese, while on the Mayo Clinic 3 Day Diet Every meal should start with half a large grapefruit or four ounces of unsweetened grapefruit juice; if you get sweetened, the diet will not work nearly as well, and may not work at all. The actual grapefruit is the better choice, but it may not always be possible to have them at every meal if you're a busy person. Breakfast on the Mayo Clinic 3 Day Diet should consist of two eggs, done anyway you like, and two slices of bacon. Make sure that you are using regular bacon for this, and not a substitute like turkey bacon or tofu bacon. You may use as much butter as you like. Lunch will consist of a portion of any meat you like, and any kind of salad, making sure to avoid the foods prohibited. Eat as much as you like of both of these. Remember, you need these foods to burn fat, so trying to starve yourself won't work. For dinner, you will again have a portion of meat and any vegetables you like that are not on the restricted foods list. Again, you may use butter, real butter and not margarine, to flavor. That's the Mayo Clinic 3 Day Diet in a nutshell; Make sure to eat your grapefruit before every meal, and be sure to stick with the diet as laid out, and this will help you drop the pounds quicker than you ever thought possible. Meal Replacement Shakes - Pro's and Con's You Really Should be Aware of Losing weight can be such a chore. The constant need to keep your metabolism running through exercise is a daily challenge that must be overcome by anyone serious enough to keep flab away. Then there's that daily need to watch what you eat. From breakfast, lunch, dinner to the snacks in between, it's a continuous battle to choose the low-fat over the yummier high-fat, high-sugar goodies. In the face of these obstacles, those on the road to weight loss, those who wish to gain a few pounds and even diabetics, appreciate the convenience offered by meal replacement shakes. As the name suggests, these are pre-packaged powdered milk drinks designed to replace prepared meals. Because they have a high- protein-low fat- moderate- carbohydrate content and are also fortified with vitamins and minerals, they provide the body with the nutrients it needs even as they suppress hunger that facilitates weight loss. Besides, they are easy- to- prepare and costs much less than other packaged diet options. But like any processed food, meal replacement shakes have its share of benefits and risks. Knowing what these are will better guide those who use them. Benefits: 1. Meal replacement shakes, when used together with natural foods, provide the necessary nutrients needed by the body. Their vitamin and mineral content meet 50%-100% of the RDA needs. 2. The high-protein, low-fat and low-calorie content aids in weight loss. 3. Because they are low in simple sugars, they stabilize the release of insulin in the body and does not cause havoc on the metabolism. Unlike other diet supplements that have loads of sugar content, meal replacement shakes utilize complex sugars like maltodextrin which does not cause a spike in insulin levels that contribute to fat deposition. 4. They are good breakfast substitutes for diabetics because of their low to moderate carbohydrate content. 5. They can also be used by those who wish gain more weight. Meal replacement shakes can be added to their regular meals to give them the extra pounds. 6. Meal replacement shakes can also help those looking to build muscle and aids in fast recovery of injuries due to its high-protein content. 7. They are cheap and easy-to-prepare, ideal for those who are too busy to count calories. Risks: 1. Safety in long-term use has not been established. Its effect on the kidneys and the liver are of special concern due to the high-protein content contained by some meal replacement shakes. 2. Using some meal replacements on their own can cause a disparity in nutrient ratios and wreck havoc to one's metabolism because of its low calorie content. When stopped, one can expect to gain weight rapidly. 3. Overuse could lead to bowel problems because liquid shakes don't have a lot of fiber. Meal replacement shakes have been accepted as a healthy and filling alternative to those who are on a diet. However, for a food supplement that has not been tested for side effects and potential dangers in the long-term, it also has its share of risks. To achieve the best results, meal replacement shakes should be used in moderation and in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise program. Medicines And Drugs Used In Amoebiasis Amoebiasis is a worldwide disease, particularly common in tropical countries and places where public hygiene and sanitation are poor. Amoebic infection is caused by an organism, Entamoeba histolytica (EH) which usually spreads through contaminated food and water. Since the causative organism of amoebiasis derives its nutrition from the normal bacterial flora of the large intestine, the latter is the chief site of infection. However, in some cases it may spread to other organs of the body, liver being the most susceptible to infection. Based on the site of the infection, the disease has been divided into intestinal and extra-intestinal amoebiasis. Intestinal Amoebic Infection: During the acute phase of intestinal amoebiasis the patient may have loose motions, with or without mucus and blood, besides griping pain in the abdomen which may be severe at the time of evacuation. In chronic amoebiasis, a patient may complain of a dull pain in the lower abdomen, alternate constipation and diarrhoea, foul smell in the stools, formation of gases, and loss of appetite. Some people with amoebic infection may remain symptom-free or experience little discomfort but they may pass cysts in their stools (free cyst passers) and are potential carriers of the disease which spread it to others. Extra-intestinal Infection: This amoebiasis infection is usually associated with a previous history of intestinal amoebiasis. When the liver is involved, the patient 'may have pain in the right upper abdomen, fever, sweating, loss of weight, and anaemia. Importance of Diet: Successful treatment of amoebiasis depends both on drugs and on proper diet and good hygiene. For quick recovery it is best to eat a protein-rich, low-roughage and low­carbohydrate diet. Use of clean drinking water and avoidance of contamination are important. Drugs for Intestinal Amoebiasis The drugs used in treating amoebiasis can be divided into three categories according to their effectiveness. Metronidazole (Flagyl, Metrogyl, Unimezol) This is a drug of choice in all forms of amoebiasis except in asymptomatic cyst carriers. Since most of it is absorbed in the intestines, another drug which acts in intestinal amoebiasis should be used along with it to avoid relapse and to eradicate the disease. It is given in a dose of 400 to 800 mg, 3 times a day, for 10 days. Adverse Effects: The incidence of adverse effects is low and include nausea, an unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth, a furry tongue, ulcers in the mouth, loss of appetite, distress, and pain in the abdomen. Sometimes it may affect nerves and may, in rare cases, cause convulsions. Depression of the bone marrow may lead to a short lasting fall in white blood cell count. A relapse can occur if the full course is not taken. Precautions Alcohol consumption should be avoided with this drug as it causes a severe reaction leading to vomiting and flushing. Also avoid its use during initial months of pregnancy. Those suffering from epilepsy or any other nervous system disorder should avoid it. It depresses the bone marrow. White blood cell count must be monitored by those taking the drug repeatedly. Melt Belly Fat Without Dangerous Diet Pills If your waistline is bigger than you would like, I'll bet that your health is seriously at risk. Melting abdomen fat is crucial as excess fat storage here can cause high blood pressure, high cholesterol and also Type two diabetes. High blood glucose levels, heart disease and inflammation are also brought on by excess belly fat. Even though these diseases sound hard enough, the harsh truth is that this can result in numerous different health problems. Belly fat is also called visceral fat. This tends to accumulate around vital organs, and this is what makes it dangerous. The soft, jiggly fat just under the skin is less of a problem, but still should be kept off. Around 70 years ago, tummy fat barely posed a problem at all. Obesity and unhealthy belly fat were far less common. Nowadays, however, this unhealthy fat storage has almost become an epidemic. Women who measure their waists at larger than 34 inches are at elevated risk for hearth disease. The same applies to adult males whose waists measure 40 inches or more. Exercising is important, not only for health and vitality, but also for your body form. Being active might help you lose belly fat by melting off excess calories that could eventually turn into belly fat. It will also help by toning up your body and restoring balance to your body shape. All the same, exercising alone isn't sufficient to fight belly fat. Although it will help a bit, but there are other factors to consider and other techniques to use. Another essential part of what causes your body to be shaped the way it is, is what you eat. This might sound like common sense, but so many people forget or choose to disregard this fact. You don't really need to cut back the amount of calories you consume, but you do need to eat more foods that will nurture your body while eliminating the toxins that pollute it. Evidently, this is easier said than done. Start your diet change by slowly cutting back on preservative filled foods. The more processed your snack has been, the more harm it can do to your body shape. Include more fresh fruits and vegetables into your meal plans, using them in yummy dishes that you feel are pleasant. Employing common sense will help you to reduce the amount of belly fat you have, and will also help you to be proud of the way you look. Melt Belt - Sauna Belt - Slimming Belt : A Review Of Miracle Weight-loss Devices Who has not seen an advertisement or so-called 'infomercial' (rather mis-informercial should you ask me) advertising a weight loss gadget or slimming belt that astonishingly enables you to shed pounds without actually doing sports or altering your eating routine. Practical sense alone dictates that this kind of thing is hardly possible. However, the advertisers are certainly cunning and they claim that they can achieve the goal of losing lots of weight in almost no time with even less effort by using new, revolutionary technologies. Now, I am not a tech freak and I cannot claim to understand all of the workings of infrared light/ heat (Melt Belt and Sauna Belt, vibrations (Slimming Belt) or whatever 'new' technology is employed to supposedly achieve weightloss. So, if I told you these products are useless why would you believe me any more than the advertisements? It is extremely simple: you do not. Although I am a specialist about the fields of nutrition and sports medicine you should not believe one person coming up with a claim. However, the american Government has pointed out that obesity is actually a growing problem which deceitful advertisements for slimming devices can event present a health risk for individuals depending on these devices to lose the weight if they don't additionally do exercises and change their nutrition. The Federal Trade Commission is a government agency that monitors advertisements for bogus or deceptive claims. Within the brochure "Red Flag - Bogus Weight Loss Claims" (downloadable at www.ftc.org) the agency lists 7 different ways to identify false ads and merchandise. Using those 7 indicators you can check the ads for Melt Belt, Sauna Belt, Slimming Belt and every other miracle weight-loss device such as non-prescription diet drugs, supplements, skin patches, creams, wraps or other product that is worn on your body or rubbed into your skin. Instead of taking my word for it, utilize the FTC's recommendations plus your own commonsense to ascertain if Melt Belt, Slimming Belt or maybe the Sauna Belt may help you shed weight - and maintain it. You're throwing your hard earned cash out of the window if the product you pay for claims to: 1. Cause substantial weight reduction by wearing it on your body or rubbing it into your skin. You may think of the US government what you like, but honestly: why should they publish a guideline for healthier living and protecting people from product scams if their findings are not true? Especially because these guidelines only confirm what commonsense tells most of us anyways. Products like body belts, body wraps, rings, creams or lotions cannot make you lose substantial weight. Ads claiming that products from this category could make you lose as much as a pound each week are simply put: just lies. 2. Cause weight-loss of two pounds or higher each week for a month or more without dieting or exercise. Despite the fact that certain adverts really wants to make us believe differently, we all know that to be able to shed extra pounds you have to exercise more and/or change your diet consuming fewer calories. According to the nutrition experts of the FTC any advert that claims otherwise will be just false. I personally agree wholeheartedly that it's not real when a product promises to make you lose weight without altering your lifestyle. 3. Cause substantial weight loss (meaning the losing of at the very least 1 pound/week or simply a total weight reduction of more than 15 pounds in any time period) regardless of what or how much a consumer eats It's impossible for you to shed weight no matter how much or what you eat. As pointed out above, shedding weight requires consuming fewer calories. Some products may claim that they can curb your appetite, however that also means you'll want to eat less, if they work that is. But, by eating less you would possibly deprive your body of the nutrients, nutritional vitamins it needs. Eating the correct quantity of healthy food is the key, not eating less of the wrong kind of food. 4. Cause permanent weight reduction even if the consumer stops making use of the product. You must permanently improve your lifestyle so as to drop some weight and maintain it. If you stop using the product and neither make positive changes to dietary habits nor exercise, you are going to gain pounds again. Now the only question remaining is, if you want to use that specific product (especially critical with diet pills) for the remainder of your lifetime simply to keep that weight off. 5. Obstruct the absorption of fat or calories to permit consumers to shed substantial weight. Even legitimate and prescribed fat blockers must be used in combination with a dietary change in order to attain significant weight reduction. Pills on their own won't make you slim. Again: you can't achieve significant weight loss simply by washing down your burger and fries with weightloss pills. The calories you consume are not miraculously neutralized by any pill. A healthier diet will also benefit your level of cholesterol and your blood pressure level. 6. Safely enable consumers to lose more than three pounds each week for more than 4 weeks. If you ever lose more than 3 pounds each week you risk getting gallstones and are endangering your state of health in several other ways, too. Should the product claims that no dieting is necessary it's false for that reason also - as was shown before. 7. Cause substantial weight loss for all users. Every body is different, has got a different metabolism, needs and abilities. It is just not true that this same product can lead to a substantial weight loss for anybody utilizing it. All types of medication or medical device targets a specific group of people. Inside the large group of obese people there are numerous subcategories as persons are overweight for various reasons. Hence, the very same pill, lotion or device cannot guarantee to lead to some lowering of weight of any user. The following statements are from respective ads for Sauna Belt, Melt Belt and Slimming Belt. Just read them and see if any of the FTC indicators match the ads for the products. Make up your own mind. Sauna Belt: The Sauna Pro Deluxe advance heat systems sweats away unwanted fat, eliminate cellulite, lose weight and ease muscle pain, all while in the comfort of your own home. Just apply the Sauna Belt around the chosen body part and let the belt do all the work. Melt Belt: Lose Inches And Pounds Without Diet Or Exercise. The secret is that you use your body's own heat as you gently massage away unwanted bulges with this amazing ultra-thin rubber belt. Slimming Belt: The swaying vibration with large arc will make the human body carry out sympathetic vibration and accelerate the blood circulation of the body, speed up the metabolism and achieve double effects of fat dissolving and body slimming. Microdermabrasion for Stretch Marks: A Trustworthy Answer Is microdermabrasion for stretch marks an effective tactic? Can the process reverse the unsightly and unseemly presence of stretch marks on the human body? Whilst some may possibly presume that stretch marks are not possible to reverse, this is not an accurate evaluation. Rather, it really is unquestionably attainable to employ microdermabrasion to acquire rid of stretch marks in an expedient and efficient manner. What precisely are stretch marks and how do they create around the skin? Understanding such queries will make it easier to establish why microdermabrasion treatment options are so viable. Generally, stretch marks are visible discolorations around the epidermis due to the skin losing elasticity. You will discover several causes of stretch marks together with the most typical getting fast weight loss. After stretch marks develop into present on the skin, they usually do not fade away naturally. That is why a great number of will look towards surgical procedures to reverse their presence. Nevertheless, it might not be necessary to employ strictly surgical procedures. As you would probably assume, microdermabrasion for stretch marks will be amongst the ideal techniques to cut back their presence to a degree far greater than frequent invasive surgical procedures. Microdermabrasion for stretch marks alters the prime layers of skin and reduces the presence on the severe discoloration on the skin. In fact, it will not reduce the presence in the discoloration as considerably as it "gets rid of" the discolored skin. How so? The course of action is comparatively simple to know. The way the procedure functions is the fact that the best layers of your skin are removed. When the skin is removed, it should then regenerate via the new development approach. When the skin that includes the presence of discoloration is removed, the new skin is not going to have any discoloration. How could it? The skin itself would by no means have already been stretched. Therefore, it is going to not yield any discoloration upon its regeneration. This indicates you won't have any stretch marks present around the skin causing the really unsightly discoloration you'd choose to eradicate. Furthermore, with microdermabrasion for stretch marks, you would also not need to take care of the critical likely risks that cosmetic surgical treatment procedures may yield. Now, that is not to say it is incredibly hazardous to undergo cosmetic surgery. Nevertheless, there will generally be risks with surgical procedures as most will probably know. While microdermabrasion for stretch marks does need a qualified physician to perform, the risks are considerably less than what will be the situation with surgical treatment. That alone tends to make microdermabrasion a process well worth thinking about. The course of action is not really invasive and it delivers benefits. Granted, there may possibly be a requirement for a number of remedy sessions based upon the severity of the situation. It wouldn't be correct to infer that a single therapy can get rid of stretch marks overnight. But, quite a few remedies could possibly eliminate the marks over time. Eventually, when you wish to become no cost in the annoying presence of these discolorations, microdermabrasion for stretch marks could show to become your very best possibility. Microdermabrasion for Stretch Marks: A Trustworthy Remedy Is microdermabrasion for stretch marks an efficient strategy? Can the process reverse the unsightly and unseemly presence of stretch marks on the human body? Whilst some may possibly presume that stretch marks are impossible to reverse, this is not an accurate assessment. Rather, it can be undoubtedly achievable to employ microdermabrasion to have rid of stretch marks in an expedient and effective manner. What precisely are stretch marks and how do they create on the skin? Understanding such inquiries will help you establish why microdermabrasion treatment options are so viable. Essentially, stretch marks are visible discolorations on the epidermis resulting from the skin losing elasticity. You will discover a variety of causes of stretch marks with all the most common becoming rapid weight loss. When stretch marks develop into present around the skin, they tend not to fade away naturally. This is the reason countless will look towards surgical procedures to reverse their presence. Nonetheless, it may not be necessary to employ strictly surgical procedures. As you'd most likely presume, microdermabrasion for stretch marks will be amongst the very best strategies to cut back their presence to a degree far higher than typical invasive surgical procedures. Microdermabrasion for stretch marks alters the top rated layers of skin and decreases the presence in the serious discoloration on the skin. In fact, it doesn't cut down the presence of the discoloration as much because it "gets rid of" the discolored skin. How so? The procedure is relatively easy to know. The way the procedure works is that the top layers in the skin are removed. When the skin is removed, it will then regenerate through the new growth approach. If the skin that includes the presence of discoloration is removed, the new skin is not going to have any discoloration. How could it? The skin itself would by no means have been stretched. Consequently, it can not yield any discoloration upon its regeneration. This indicates you won't have any stretch marks present on the skin causing the incredibly unsightly discoloration you'll choose to remove. Also, with microdermabrasion for stretch marks, you'll also not need to handle the really serious likely dangers that cosmetic surgery procedures may possibly yield. Now, that is definitely not to say it can be extremely hazardous to undergo cosmetic surgery. However, there will constantly be dangers with surgical procedures as most will most likely know. While microdermabrasion for stretch marks does call for a qualified physician to execute, the dangers are significantly under what could be the situation with surgery. That alone makes microdermabrasion a process very well worth taking into consideration. The process is just not invasive and it delivers final results. Granted, there may be a requirement for various remedy sessions depending upon the severity on the difficulty. It wouldn't be accurate to infer that 1 remedy can get rid of stretch marks overnight. But, quite a few therapies could possibly eliminate the marks as time passes. Ultimately, for those who want to become totally free on the annoying presence of these discolorations, microdermabrasion for stretch marks could prove to be your most effective choice. Mint Tea Benefits Mint has been enjoyed as a tea for many years, both as a refreshment and as an herbal medicine. Since mint is a strong flavor, it can be used alone, or as a flavoring for tea or herbal teas. Mint is also often used as a garnish for tea, adding a fresh sprig to the top of the glass. With Spearmint teas, recent studies have found that drinking two cups a day can help with Hirsutism - this condition in women, where hair grows in areas such as the face, stomach and chest is thought to be caused by too many androgens (male hormones such as freely circulating testosterone). Keep in mind also - the best cold sore remedy is one that's applied topically. A cold sore is primarily an external problem and is easily treated this way. You may hear of a variety of vitamins or prescription medications that are useful as an internal cold sore remedy. These do sometimes help. But, the simple and direct approach will always give you the very best results. Tea has long since been associated with nearly every meal in many countries and accepted as a healthy supplemental drink. Scientific studies suggesting that medical benefits of tea can improve a person's health have sparked new interest in tea as an alternative drink. A cup of tea contains an average of 40mg of caffeine, compared to 85mg as found in a cup of freshly brewed coffee. The heart-health and cancer-preventive benefits of black and green teas are well-publicized. Green tea becomes more and more popular in western cultures. Experts believe that drinking minimum 2 cups of green teas everyday can help you achieve the health benefits outlined above. Eastern philosophers add that meditation over a cup of tea brings happiness and longevity. One is certain - drinking tea follows tested, traditional and natural approach to health and is far less risky than trying all the novelties of today's medicine. But weight loss is not the main benefit of green tea - besides the improving your heart health and helping in preventing cancer there are more health benefits for green tea such as: Preventing osteoporosis, preventing allergies, easing the pain caused by arthritis, helping in preventing skin cancer and more. Moroccans tease each other about mint tea, calling it "Moroccan whiskey". There is quite a ceremony involved in the making of mint tea. It is usually served on a 3 legged tray, which holds a smaller tray. On this tray are three boxes that hold mint, sugar, and green tea. The tea is prepared in a teapot that has come to be known as Moroccan style, long and thin rather than round and with a long spout, and made to be very strong. It is served in small crystal glasses rather than the traditional cups. Some people consider mint to be one of the easiest herbs to grow; others the most difficult. It has a number of great benefits in that it grows quickly, can survive even in the poorest soils and returns year after year without much effort from the gardener. Conversely it has a habit of trying to take over as much of your garden as possible which can be a huge problem if you do not know how to deal with it. Peppermint is a soothing and cooling tea. Mint comes in many varieties including apple, chocolate and orange. Mint tea can be enjoyed as it helps you relieve headaches, colds, insomnia and abdominal pains. Lemon balm is related to mint. It is mild and gentle with a light lemon flavor. It is also beneficial when you are feeling a little down in the dumps. Another mint relative, catnip, makes a wonderfully relaxing tea. A soothing, calming digestive aid and appetite stimulant Fennel tea is made from the seeds of the fennel plant and has a wide range of medicinal uses. It is a wonderful tea for those with stomach complaints as it has anti-spasmodic properties, relieves intenstinal cramps and soothes general stomach pains. There is also evidence that it helps in the digesting of fats and can take away hunger pangs. Muscle Meds Methyl Arimitest Dual Action Pharmadynamic Testosterone Technology Increases Testosterone Over 10,000 pg/mL . 7-ArimataseT Anti-Aromatase and Testosterone raising . DihydrotaseT DHT Blocking and Testosterone Elevating . SubZorb Delivery - Bio-Potency Amplification . Clinically Tested Musce meds methyl armatest represents one of the greatest research-based sports science breakthroughs in testosterone optimization, featuring dual anti-aromatase and 5 Alpha- reductase inhibition. The ingredients in this powerful formula have been shown to increase testosterone to over 10,000 pg/mL. Compelling new research reveals a more effective way to increase testosterone levels based on a triad of intricate factors: multi-pathway physiological testosterone optimization; methylation techniques for enhanced bio-effectiveness and the application of an advanced bioactive deliver system technology. In the development of Methyl ARIMATEST, the MuscleMeds research team knew it was paramount to inhibit the conversion of testosterone into DHT and estrogen if they were going to achieve the desired elevated and sustained levels of testosterone for maximum anabolic effects. To achieve this, MuscleMeds researchers focused on how to optimize the endogenous production of testosterone, while inhibiting negative feedback inhibition. To understand the importance of this, you must understand that the human body is a complex system of checks and balances. The production of testosterone is controlled at the hypothalamus-pituitary-testes axis. At this axis, the levels of testosterone are governed by a variety of complex signals and surges, and a negative feedback mechanism exist. This negative feedback is a physiological "turn off switch," which shuts down testosterone production in response to trying to maintain homeostasis. Methyl ARIMATEST is scientifically formulated to override this negative feedback "off switch" to sustain testosterone production and promote the higher levels of testosterone needed to trigger "anabolically activated" muscle growth. DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) and 5 Alpha-reductase Inhibition In the body, some testosterone gets converted to DHT, which primarily exerts what is termed "androgenic effects," such as body and facial hair growth, acne and prostate growth. Increasing testosterone levels can therefore lead to increasing DHT levels and androgenic effects, versus the more desirable anabolic muscle-building effects that testosterone exerts in muscle tissue. Research has shown that blocking the 5 Alpha-reductase enzyme will inhibit the conversion of testosterone to DHT. Additionally, researchers have recently hypothesized that reducing testosterone's conversion to DHT will allow more testosterone to remain in the bloodstream thereby increasing testosterone levels. To accomplish the goal of reducing the conversion of testesterone to DHT, Methyl ARIMATEST utilizes a clinically tested 5 Alpha-reductase inhibitor, Dihydrotase. Dihydrotase Clinically tested 5 Alpha-reductase Inhibitor Testosterone Boosting Study Results The Dihydrotase complex used in Methyl ARIMATEST was tested in an independent clinical research study, which reported significant elevations in testosterone levels and decreased levels of dihydrotesosterone (DHT). Healthy males were recruited for this 14-day study to determine the 5 Alpha-reductase inhibitor effects of the ingredients in the Dihydrotase complex. By the end of the 14-day study period, testosterone levels increased by an astounding average of 10,066 pg/mL. A significant lowering of DHT was also reported to be experienced by the research subjects. Aromatase Inhibitors - Lower Estrogen and Boost Testosterone Another mode of action in testosterone optimization is the use of aromatase inhibitors. Circulating estrogens in the body can be decreased by inhibition of their biosynthesis from testosterone. The metabolic target of estrogen synthesis inhibition is aromatase enzymes. Aromatase enzymes are part of the body's biochemistry system that are used in the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. So, when aromatase enzyme activity is inhibited (blocked), this prevents conversion of testosterone into estrogen. For this central role in the production of estrogen, aromatase has become a central enzyme target of inhibition for people who want to optimize their testosterone levels and minimize estrogen levels. Aromatase inhibitors have been used extensively by the medical community as a means to reduce the amount of estrogen that is produced in the body from testosterone. Research studies have reported benefits in men using aromatase inhibitors, demonstrating lower estrogen levels and simultaneously causing an increase in testosterone levels. Therefore, the use of aromatase inhibitors have become common among bodybuilders and other strength athletes who want to maintain highest testosterone levels for maximum anabolic muscle-building effects, while reducing their estrogen levels. Independent research conducted using aromatase inhibiting substances has reported consistent results for improving testosterone level status among men of all ages. In addition to preserving testosterone levels by blocking the aromatase enzyme conversion to estradiol, increased luteinizing hormone levels are observed. Because LH is responsible for triggering testosterone production, higher LH levels are directly related to promoting higher testosterone levels. Aromatase inhibitor's effect on testosterone production is likely mediated by the reduction in estradiol production. Reducing estradiol production from testosterone reduces estradiol's negative feedback on the pituitary and hypothalamus glands preventing the "shut down" of testosterone production. Aromatase inhibitors appear to stimulate pituitary LH secretion sufficiently to cause an increase of endogenous testosterone production. It is interesting to note that aromatase inhibitors have been given to men of various ages in several studies. In these studies, similar changes in gonadal steroid hormone levels were generally observed. In one noteworthy study of eugonadal elderly men who were given just 2 mg of aromatase inhibitors daily for 9 weeks, researchers reported that blood levels of estradiol decreased by 29% and total testosterone levels increased by an incredible 56%. 7-Arimatase: A New Type of Highly Bio-Active Aromatase Inhibitor During the MuscleMeds research team's constant effort for creating an improved aromatase-inhibiting product, their attention was drawn to specialized naturally occurring compounds that were determined experimentally to have aromatase-inhibiting properties. As part of their product development protocol, MuscleMeds evaluated the bioavailability of the selected candidate substances. While several of these substances exhibited high aromatase-inhibiting activity, when it came to intestinal absorption and metabolic stability in the body, it was determined that there was a clear grouping of the majority of flavonoids that scored low and only a few that scored high. When the molecular structures of these aromatase-inhibiting substances was examined closely, an interesting discovery was made. There were key characteristics of the molecular structure that were related to the substances aromatase-inhibiting activity and the bioavailability (intestinal absorption and metabolic stability in the body). MuscleMeds used this research in their creation of the 7-Arimatase methylated flavone (7-methoxyflavone) molecule. When subjected to independent research, it was determined that 7-Arimatase (also referred to as 7-MF) had one of the highest aromatase-inhibiting scores, with high intestinal absorption and metabolic stability in the body. This triad of characteristics is extremely important for creating the most effective aromatase inhibitor. You see, even if a substance has high aromatase-inhibiting activity, if it is poorly absorbed or unstable and metabolized quickly in the body, it will be ineffective. Therefore, out of all the substances examined by the MuscleMeds research team, 7-Arimatase was the top choice due to the triad combination of characteristics required for maximum aromatase-inhibiting activity inside the body. Once the highly effective 7-Arimatase aromatase-inhibitor was created, the MuscleMeds research team focused its attention on determining the ideal route of oral administration. It was determi ned that transmucosal delivery was ideally suited for delivery of 7-Arimatase into the body. A specialized subuccal tablet was created utilizing MuscleMeds exclusive SubZorb technology. This is the fastest route of oral delivery as absorption takes place in the mucosal tissues of the mouth, and any residual that was not absorbed in the mouth is taken up via the digestive system. Getting 7-Arimitase into the bloodstream fast is important to synergistically maximize the testosterone levels produced by Methyl ARIMATEST's Dihydrotase complex, while also reducing estrogen levels. Breakthrough Dual Action "Testosterone Looping and Pooling" Effects Research reveals that because DHT and estrogens are metabolites (breakdown products of testosterone) the body is sensitive to DHT and estrogen levels. When DHT and estrogen levels start to increase, it triggers the body's feedback system to down regulate testosterone levels. So, by keeping DHT and estrogen levels low, this will short-circuit the feedback and keep testosterone production going, which results in optimizing, maintaining and sustaining high T levels like never before possible. Less conversion of testosterone to estrogen and DHT means that more testosterone is available for anabolic muscle building. Couple this testosterone pooling effect with the signal looping effect to shut down negative feedback inhibition at the pituitary, and you have the most effective testosterone booster ever developed! Supplement Facts Formula 1 (Dihydrotase) Serving Size: 2 Capsules Servings Per Container: 60 Amount Per Serving DihydrotaseT (Astaxanthin From Haematococcus Pluvialis, Saw Palmetto Berry Lipid Extract From Serenoa Repens) 800mg ** Formula 2 (7-Arimatase) Serving Size: 1 Tablet Servings Per Container: 60 Amount Per Serving 7-ArimataseT Methylated Flavone (As 7-Methoxyflavone) 25mg Directions: FORMULA 1 (DIHYDROTASE): Take two capsules in the morning and two capsules in the evening with water. FORMULA 2 (7-ARIMATASE): Place one SubZorb tablet in mouth and let dissolve completely, then swallow. For maximum effects take two Formula 2 SubZorb tablets per day: one tablet in the morning and one tablet in the evening. Warnings: For use by healthy adult males only. NOT FOR USE BY INDIVIDUALS UNDER THE AGE OF 18 YEARS. DO NOT USE IF PREGNANT OR NURSING. Consult a physician or licensed qualified healthcare professional before using this product, including, but not limited to, if you have, or have a family history of, prostate cancer, prostate enlargement, heart disease, low "good" cholesterol (HDL), or if you are using any other dietary supplement, prescription drug or over-the-counter drug. Do not exceed recommended serving. Exceeding recommended serving may cause serious adverse health effects. Possible side effects include acne, hair loss, hair growth on the face (in women), aggressiveness and irritability. Discontinue use and call a physician or licensed qualified health care professional immediately if you experience rapid heartbeat, dizziness, blurred vision or other similar symptoms. * No claims found on this web page or in print have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. No claim or opinion about weight loss, bodybuilding or general health on this web page is intended to be, nor should be construed to be, medical advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional before starting any weight loss diet or exercise program. Natural Fat Burners Getting rid of fat does not have to be difficult. There are a lot of people that think it is going to be really complicated and they will end up taking unhealthy things to get rid of the extra weight that they are carrying around. But, that is not the case. You do not have to do that. There are natural fat burners out there that you can take.One of the first natural fat burners for you to consider is pears. In fact, there have been studies that have shown that those who consume at least three pears each day are going to be consuming less calories during the day. This means that they will be able to start decreasing their weight. It is going to be best for you to consume a pear before you are ready to eat a full meal. You will find that you are not going to be nearly as hungry if you do this.Another natural fat burner would be grapefruit. There are some people that have found that they are going to be able to drop at least one pound a week if they are eating a grapefruit before their meals. They do not have to change anything else about their diet in order for this to work. This just goes to show that this is one of those natural fat burners worth trying.Almonds are a great fat burner. Some studies have shown that those who consume at least one handful of almonds each day will see that they will be able to start dropping their weight. In fact, it has been found that those who make an effort to consume more almonds will be able to decrease their body fat by at least 18% over the course of several months. These are also very easy to consume. All you have to do is put them in your desk and then have a handful of them when you want something to munch on.Chocolate has antioxidants and these are wonderful when it comes to fighting off fat cells in the body. So, you will see that it may be a good idea to start consuming more chocolate. Now, you should know that you do not have to have a lot of chocolate to receive the benefits. In fact, you really do not want to consume more than one ounce. If you make the decision to do this then all you have to do is melt this small amount in the microwave and then spread it onto a gram cracker. It is a wonderful little snack. Have you ever heard of resistant starch? This is a very powerful fat burner and it can be found in navy beans. Studies have shown that you will be able to burn 25% more fat if you are mixing these beans into your meals than if you were not consuming them at all. That is certainly a large increase when it comes to natural fat burners. You might want to add these to your grocery list immediately. Natural Life Extenders And Nutrition For Aging Coenzyme Q10 Aids circulation, increases tissue oxygenation, protects the heart and is vital for many bodily functions. 100 milligrams daily. DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) is an adrenal hormone that enhances immune function. It has been found to help prevent and treat many of the disorders associated with aging. Take as directed on label. DMG (Dimethylglycine) is a derivative of the amino acid glycine. It improves tissue oxygenation and boosts immune function. Take as directed on label. Melatonin is a natural hormone that acts as an antioxidant. The body produces an abundant supply early in life, but as we age, production steadily declines. It may also help counteract insomnia, boost immunity and prevent cancer. 1.5 - 5 milligrams daily, taken 2 hours or less before bedtime. Mushrooms Maitake, morel, reishi and shitake are mushrooms that the ancient Chinese praised as superior medicine that give eternal youth and longevity. They are found fresh as well as in supplement form. PABA (Para-aminobenzoic acid) is one of the B vitamins. It keeps skin healthy and delays wrinkles. Take as directed on label. Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) keeps hair healthy with little graying and prevents premature hair loss. It is also important for normal adrenal and immune function. As prescribed by physician. Helpful Herbs For Old Age Burdock root and red clover cleanse the bloodstream. They can be used separately or in combination. Chaparral has antioxidant characteristics. Echinacea helps to boost the immune system. Garlic helps immune function and protects the heart. Ginseng and ginkgo biloba extract are good for giving extra energy, increasing circulation and improving brain function. (Do not use ginseng if you have high blood pressure.) Gotu Kola is called the "fountain of youth" herb in China and is thought to work with the immune system. Horsetail, taken in form of tea or extract, is an excellent source of silicon, which is important for maintaining the strength of bones and connective tissue, and possibly the walls of blood vessels. Ligustrum has immune fighting properties and is used to reverse prematurely graying hair and to retard aging. Milk thistle promotes good liver function. Stinging nettle is full of vital minerals, good for prostate, hypoglycemia, allergies, depression and urinary tract disorders, and a host of other problems. Valerian root is valuable as a sleep aid and tranquilizer. Wild yam contains natural steroids that have a rejuvenating effect. Steroids are what help exercise to melt off more weight and build muscle. As with all supplements, herbal supplements should only be used in amounts typically recommended for medicinal purposes and you should always consult with a health professional first, especially if you are pregnant, nursing or taking prescription medications. Natural Remedy For Herpes - Modifying Your Food Regimen Plan Primarily based on the New England Journal of Medicine, twenty p.c of the American populace more than twelve has genital herpes, a quantity that has increased by 30 % since the 70s. And there's each sign that sooner or later, the numbers are only going to get extra serious. An individual who has been a long run herpes victim is going to do anything simply to do away with it as soon as possible. Well, the simplest strategy to take care of it is the pure cure for herpes and we'll try the strategies under in order that you'll understand how primary food plan modifications can make an enormous difference. Well being practitioners, may it be typical or various, will all the time stress that the first line of protection for herpes management is to consume meals gadgets which are wealthy in amino acid lysine. Research signifies that Lysine will help in inhibiting the expansion and production of herpes virus. Some meals gadgets abundant with lysine are eggs, beef, fish, hen, shellfish, turkey, pork, nuts, grains, apricots, apples, and cheeses just like Parmesan, Edam, Gruyere, as well as Gouda. Subsequent would be be sure that your intake of vitamin supplements like A, E, C, B12 and B6 and minerals similar to zinc and selenium is enough. They make your disease preventing capability more durable and due to this fact assist in controlling herpes. Shifting ahead, natural therapy for herpes may help and you could select on completely different number of options for treatment as well. Examples of those herbs that may assist you management herpes embody Burdock, Dandelion, Licorice and Siberian. Licorice has anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties whereas burdock and dandelion improve the illness combating capability. Siberian ginseng will increase your vitality level so it helps the body deal with stress. Given that we are considering a regulated weight loss plan regime as one of many high cures for cold sores, we also needs to look at what to not eat. Attempt to keep away from an excessive amount of acidic meals that creates an imbalance within the pH stage of 1's body, thereby leading to frequent outbreaks. Some foods you'll want to chorus from are processed meals, sodas, coffee, alcoholic drinks, sugar, tomatoes, white vinegar, deep fried foods, pink meat, and white bread. Along with a healthy diet you may additionally need to think about using Herpeset - a main pure remedy for herpes. A homeopathic prescription produced from 9 herbs and 100% pure substances, Herpeset is really one of many good things to occur to a herpes sufferer. Even the FDA has granted this resolution a clear bill of health. There are countless people who trusted Herpeset and certainly, they were not mistaken. The product helped them deal with herpes. That's one thing to be thanked for. Natural Weight Loss Pills: Strengths And Weaknesses If you are reading this article, then you are probably one of the millions of people around the world trying to lose those excess pounds. As the overweight population increases within each year, so does the number of weight loss methods. “Fad diets” are included in these methods, along with the decreasing popularity of weight loss programs that are very effective but demand dedication, rigid obedience and different weight loss pills. The majority of people cannot let themselves abide to strict dieting regimes or rules of certain weight loss programs, though it would be reasonable since it gives positive results. Lack of willpower or time certainly hinders us in the battle against being overweight. Natural weight loss pills are irreplaceable when it comes to helping us lose the weight, making us feel that weight loss is indeed possible. Basically, if one starts to lose weight using weight loss pills, they can easily fit in a new lifestyle that leads them to that body figure they've always dreamed of. Before choosing natural weight loss pills, let me explain their strong and weak points to help you make the right decision. STRENGHTS – Natural weight loss pills grow more and more popular with its great advantages against prescription weight loss drugs: • Natural weight loss pills don't need prescriptions. They are the best choice if you want to shed those unwanted pounds easier and you want to take weight loss into your own hands. If your health conditions are not restricted and excess weight is not complicating your health, the best option for you is to choose the most effective slimming pill and combine them with healthy nutrition and exercising. • Natural weight loss pills don't lead to tolerance, unlike prescription drugs. You can take natural pill a lot longer and its effectiveness won't go down. • Compared to chemical ingredients of prescription drugs, natural weight loss pills don't have any side effects. You can take natural weight loss pills without any worry of health complications resulting from the same pills. • Some natural weight loss solutions contain mixes of components that not only make you lose weight, but also support your organs in its weight loss efforts. Proponents of natural weight loss pills will tell you that they will report such effects such as energy boost, and an even better mood due to the combination of natural ingredients. WEAKNESSES: • There is a vast number of weight loss pills available, making it difficult to find the most effective and credible pills available. The huge number of pills also means there are ineffective and fraudulent pills available. • Most of the natural weight loss products are not approved by official organizations such as the MHRA or FDA, meaning their effectiveness as well as possible side effects will only come to light after they have reached the market. • There are hardly any pills that have been CLINICALLY studied to confirm their claims. • There are many natural weight loss pills that have natural ingredients but are dangerous to our health. One perfect example is EPHEDRA, which intensify fat burning, has its mix of side effects that could damage your health. NEW WEIGHT LOSS SOLUTIONS: 2007 has seen the release of brand new natural weight loss pills that passed numerous clinical studies, along with approvals from the respective official medical organizations, compared to the majority of the existing natural pills. With more and more natural weight loss products coming into the market, the decision to choose the best product becomes harder and harder. But regardless of brand or ingredients, natural weight loss products won't be so effective if it's not balanced with a proper diet and exercise regime. New Diet Pill Finally Hits U.s. Market! Gets Gastric Bypass Results Without Surgery! The Fill Pill? is an advanced formula that both suppresses hunger and aides in cleansing the digestive tract. The Fill Pill? contains a special 0 carb/calorie soluble fiber that expands to 50-plus times its size when mixed with liquid and aides in normalizing blood sugar levels by cleansing the digestive tract of toxins and fats. One double-blind study showed that individuals taking this fiber consistently lost weight over a 3 month period compared to those who didn't. In addition to the amazing expanding and cleansing properties, The Fill Pill? also contains an all natural, safe, non-stimulant appetite suppressant, which has been used in India for centuries. One double-blind study showed that those taking this appetite suppressant felt fuller before meals than those who didn't, and, as a result, ate less and lost weight. In creating The Fill Pill?, we recognized that the body and mind need certain nutrients to feel full and function properly. The body needs vitamins and minerals to be at its best, so we added just the right amount to ensure you get what you need. This includes calcium, which helps prevent osteoporosis, and vitamins. If you take 3 servings of 4 pills per day, you will get a full day's vitamins. How Does It Work? When you take 4 of The Fill Pill? with 16 oz of water your body is getting dietary fiber from glucomannan, glycosides from caralluma, along with vitamins and calcium. The combination of the expanding properties of the glucomannan in water along with the glycosides, vitamins and calcium fool your body into feeling full. Since your body requires calories for daily activity and The Fill Pill? has none it will look to your fat reserves to get the calories it needs to function. This will cause a rapid loss of fat and in turn weight loss. The Key Ingredients Glucomannan (Amorphophallus Konjak) - Expands 50 Plus Times Its Size and has many beneficial properties including weight loss. Properties: Anorectic, Antacid, Cholagogue, Digestive Nutrition, Purgative Primary Nutrients: Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Niacin, Phosphorus, Selenium, Silicon, Sodium, Vitamins A, C, B1, B2 and Zinc Primary Uses: Blood Sugar Disorders, Cholesterol/high, Constipation, Diverticulitis, Hemorrhoids, Obesity Secondary Uses: Atherosclerosis, Blood Pressure/high, Diabetes, Gastric Problems, Hypoglycemia, Pancreatic Problems Glucomannan helps reduce cholesterol, maintain regularity, and promote intestinal health. It also aids in normalizing blood sugar levels, relieves stress on the pancreas, and discourages blood sugar abnormalities such as hypoglycemia. Glucomannan... * Collects fat from the colon wall and discharges it from the body. * Combined with diet and exercise, Glucomannnan is helpful in a weight loss program. * Effective at absorbing toxicity resulting from improper food combining. Glucomannan is derived from konjac flour, which comes from the tuber of the various species of amorphophallus plants (related to the common philodendron). Konjac flour has a long history in China and Japan where it has traditionally been used as a food substance to thicken foods, much like guar and xanthan gums, and as a general health aid for skin care. Glucomannan is a unique herb, also classified as a soluble dietary fiber, providing dietary fiber with no calories. On its way through the body, glucomannan collects and removes fat from the colon wall, thereby promoting bowel elimination; while absorbing intestinal toxins and helping to normalize blood sugar. Glucomannan has been receiving more attention lately due to its role in weight loss. It is believed that the expansion of glucomannan in the gastrointestinal tract is a major contributing factor to weight loss. Glucomannan expands up to sixty times its own weight. This swelling causes the subject to experience a feeling of satiety; and they therefore consume less food. According to PDR Health online, in an eight-week double-blind study, 20 obese subjects received 1 gram of glucomannan or placebo daily. The overweight subjects were instructed not to change their eating or exercising habits. The average weight loss of the subjects who received the glucomannan supplements was 5.5 pounds. Their serum cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels were significantly reduced as well. Glucomannan may also play a potential role in normalizing blood sugar. This could give glucomannan the ability to improve glycemic control in Type 2 Diabetes. This is due to the delaying of the absorption of carbohydrates. By increasing the gastric-emptying time and/or the decreasing small intestinal transit time, your body has less of an opportunity to store those carbs as fat. Aside from glucomannan's role in normalizing blood sugar and promoting weight loss, it provides your body with a good source of fiber, which the typical American diet is lacking. Fiber helps to lower blood cholesterol levels and stabilize blood sugar, helping to prevent colon cancer, constipation, hemorrhoids, obesity, and many more disorders. It also helps to rid the body of toxic metals. Because most diets are deficient of fiber, it is important to start supplementing in small doses. Too much fiber may decrease your absorption of zinc, iron, and calcium. Fiber supplements, such as glucomannan, combined with high-fiber foods, such as whole-grain cereals and flours, brown rice, bran, fresh fruit, raw vegetables, etc., are an essential part of a healthy, well-balanced, low-carb diet. WARNINGS: Glucomannan is considered non-toxic, but anyone suffering from any blood sugar-related disease should check with their physician before using the supplement. Glucomannan dramatically expands when ingested, it MUST be followed by substantial amounts of water. Caralluma has been used as a portable food for hunting, and as an appetite suppressant during times of famine in India. It is also used to suppress hunger and appetite and enhance stamina. It blocks enzymes, therefore encouraging the burning of fat reserves, and lowering blood sugar levels. It is also believed to have an effect on the appetite control center of the brain. Caralluma fimbriata is an edible cactus, used by tribal Indians to suppress hunger and enhance endurance. The effect of Caralluma extract was assessed in overweight individuals by a placebo controlled randomized trial. Fifty adult men and women (25-60 years) with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 25kg/m(2) were randomly assigned into a placebo or experimental group; the latter received 1g of Caralluma extract per day for 60 days. All subjects were given standard advice regarding a weight reducing diet and physical activity. At the end of 30 and 60 days of intervention, blood glucose and lipids, anthropometric measurements, dietary intake and assessment of appetite was performed. Waist circumference and hunger levels over the observation period showed a significant decline in the experimental group when compared to the placebo group. While there was a trend towards a greater decrease in body weight, body mass index, hip circumference, body fat and energy intake between assessment time points in the experimental group, these were not significantly different between experimental and placebo groups. Caralluma extract appears to suppress appetite, and reduce waist circumference when compared to placebo over a 2month period. SOURCE: Appetite. 2007 May;48(3):338-44. Epub 2006 Nov 13. Division of Nutrition, Institute of Population Health and Clinical Research, St John's National Academy of Health Sciences, Bangalore 560034, India. The Fill Pill? Is Designed So That If You Take Three 4-Pill Servings In A Day You Get A Full Days Vitamins And Calcium. Read below to learn what role each vitamin plays in your well being. Vitamin A Vitamin A, also called retinol, helps your eyes adjust to light changes when you come in from outside and also helps keep your eyes, skin and mucous membranes moist. Vitamin A mostly comes from animal foods, but some plant-based foods supply beta-carotene, which your body then converts into Vitamin A. It also has antioxidant properties that neutralize free radicals in the body that cause tissue and cellular damage. Vitamin C Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, helps to heal wounds, prevent cell damage, promote healthy gums and teeth, and strengthen the immune system. It also helps the body absorb iron. Recent research has indicated that vitamin C may be associated with delayed aging and disease prevention by destroying 'free radicals'-the molecules associated with aging and cell damage. Vitamin E Vitamin E acts as a powerful antioxidant by neutralizing free radicals in the body that cause tissue and cellular damage. Vitamin E also contributes to a healthy circulatory system and aids in proper blood clotting and improves wound healing. Some studies have shown that vitamin E decreases symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and certain types of breast disease. Vitamin B1 Vitamin B1, also known as thiamin, helps fuel your body by converting blood sugar into energy. It keeps your mucous membranes healthy and is essential for nervous system, cardiovascular and muscular function. Vitamin B2 Vitamin B2, also called riboflavin, works with other vitamins in the B complex to process calories from carbohydrates, protein and fat. Your body needs it for growth and red cell production, and adequate riboflavin intake promotes healthy skin and good vision. Vitamin B3 Vitamin B3 is also called niacin. Like all the B-complex vitamins, it is important for converting calories from protein, fat and carbohydrates into energy. But it also helps the digestive system function and promotes a normal appetite and healthy skin and nerves. Vitamin B5 The body uses pantothenic acid, also known as vitamin B5, to break down carbohydrates, proteins and fats for energy. Some claims have been made that pantothenic acid is effective for treatment of nerve damage, breathing problems, itching and other skin problems. Vitamin B6 Vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, helps brain function and helps the body convert protein to energy. Some research has shown that vitamin B6 works with folic acid and B12 to reduce levels of homocysteine (an amino acid) in the blood. Elevated homocysteine levels can increase a person's risk of heart attack. Calcium Citrate + Vitamin D and Magnesium Calcium is a mineral that is found naturally in foods. Calcium is necessary for many normal functions of your body, especially bone formation and maintenance. Calcium can also bind to other minerals (such as phosphate) and aid in their removal from the body. Calcium citrate is used to prevent and to treat calcium deficiencies such as osteoporosis. Vitamin D The major biologic function of vitamin D is to maintain normal blood levels of calcium and phosphorus . By promoting calcium absorption, vitamin D helps to form and maintain strong bones. Vitamin D also works in concert with a number of other vitamins, minerals, and hormones to promote bone mineralization. Without vitamin D, bones can become thin, brittle, or misshapen. Vitamin D sufficiency prevents rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults, two forms of skeletal diseases that weaken bones. Magnesium Stearate Magnesium is an essential mineral, playing a key role in over 300 enzymatic reactions in metabolism. Magnesium is involved in energy production and storage, the breakdown of fatty acids, protein synthesis, DNA metabolism, the relaxation of both voluntary and involuntary muscle tissue, neuro-transmitter activity, and hormone regulation. Magnesium is stored primarily in the bones, and along with other minerals, plays a role in the metabolism of bone. No Energy And Always Tired? It May Be Adrenal Fatigue According to statistics, more and more people are being attacked by adrenal fatigue each day. You may be thinking what this kind of fatigue really is. Basically, it is the tiredness experienced by people when their adrenal glands do not function properly. The adrenal glands are the glands in the body that are responsible in producing different kinds of hormones for the body to use. Among the hormones they produce are adrenaline and cortisol. When the body does not produce enough of these hormones, this can cause extreme tiredness or even chronic fatigue. How will you know if you are experiencing adrenal fatigue? There are a number of symptoms that you can watch out if you want to confirm whether the tiredness you are feeling is adrenal fatigue or not. The first symptom is extreme tiredness. Extreme tiredness usually occurs when you have a very low energy level and when you easily feel tired even if you are just performing light physical activities. Tasks such as cleaning the room may easily wear you out. Another symptom is the loss of appetite which can result to loss of weight. Most people with adrenal fatigue do not feel the urge to eat however there are cases where overeating is also a symptom. Adrenal fatigue can also be characterized by mental health conditions such as depression. You feel depressed when you are always down and you are always unmotivated to accomplish your tasks. Depression makes people worry a lot. On a scientific basis, depressed and stressed people are people with high level of cortisol in the bloodstream. Because the adrenal glands cannot regulate the amount of cortisol in the body properly, conditions like depression and anxiety occur. There are also cases reported that show the relationship between adrenal fatigue and memory loss. People experiencing fatigue find it hard to remember the things that they have done. One probable reason is lack of focus. When people are tired, they lose focus therefore it is more difficult for them to pay good attentions to the things that they do. Temporary memory loss for tired people may also lead to depression cases as this may affect their overall productivity in their respective jobs. Temper may also be affected when a person experiences adrenal fatigue. For instance, if a person is usually long-tempered but all of a sudden he becomes short-tempered and irritable, this is a good indication of tiredness. Impatience that can lead to irritability and anger is a major symptom and problem associated with the tiredness caused by the adrenal glands. There are many things that can trigger excessive tiredness. The first one is excessive intake of stimulants such as sugar and caffeine. When the body is always stimulated, the adrenal glands are forced to work hard continuously. As a result, they become worn out and they lose their ability to function well in the long run. Lack of sleep can also be a trigger for adrenal fatigue. When a person does not sleep well at night, he will not have enough energy for the following day therefore his body is forced to produce adrenaline to support his daily activities. Non-prescription diet pills can have serious side effects Alli is the manufacturer name for Orlistat. If the name Orlistat sounds familiar to you, then you may have been among the hundreds of thousands of people who purchased Olestra fat-substitute potato chips during the mid-nineties, which promised to help control fat. This product was originally touted to not only offer a fat-substitute chip, but to also help the body reduce up to 30% of the fat you ingest on a daily basis. The side effects? Diarrhea, stomach cramping and oily poop. Alli, manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline in FDA approved pill form, (and an over-the-counter less-potent form of Xenical) touts similar benefits and side effects. Without getting an exact chemical make-up of these two products, it is impossible at this writing to determine how alike they truly are. But most roads lead to the fact that they are one-in-the-same. Olestra was submitted for FDA approval by Procter and Gamble. Even then, the introduction of Olestra was met with a storm of protest. For one thing, vitamins A, D, E and K are delivered via oils. Since Olestra cannot determine which oil, bad or good, is affected by its mechanism, both are removed from the system Mechanics. That is another trail that leads this author to believe they are one-in-the-same product. Olestra blocked the absorption of fat throughout the intestines. Alli behaves in the same manner. As far as using this product as part of a diet regime, its proponents are not promising the moon. They agree that it only increases weight loss by about 5% when used with a viable food and exercise program. The big hype is that it is FDA approved for over-the-counter sales and, just like in the case of Olestra; its approval was protested because of the possible vitamin deficiencies that could occur from its use. Alli's website suggests their clients plan on a gradual weight loss and offers an accompanying book that educates the user with regard to modifying food intake and increasing exercise. When addressing side effect issues, those that are outside the obvious embarrassment of leaking bowels are considered a matter of user responsibility. In other words, Alli will not take responsibility for your dietary choices while using the pill and does not espouse recognition of any additional side effects than the aforementioned embarrassing discomfort. In fact, it holds that the gastrointestinal affects that may accompany its use are not serious enough to be considered adverse. That, however, is not what the food industry decided when it pulled Olestra-laden chips from the shelves. The gastrointestinal side effects were so wide-spread that the products were pulled within six months. Furthermore, most physicians believed that its far-too-sparse benefits are outweighed by the fact that a patient with true symptoms of serious disease might not seek medical attention, if they believe their malady is associated with the pill. Therefore, since the use of this pill does not have to be monitored by a physician, it is best for the potential user to educate themselves as to the pros and cons associated with its use. Normal Blood Glucose Levels, Range, Chart and Reading to Know When glucose levels rise in blood, a person is said to suffer from the disease called diabetes or diabetes mellitus. Diabetes has now become a very common disease. To keep pace with the fast flowing life, people have adopted sedentary lifestyle, inactivity, faulty food habits, and this has caused almost every house to have a patient of diabetes. Normally the carbohydrates we consume take the form of glucose. The hormone, insulin secreted by our pancreas breaks down the glucose, makes it absorbable by the body cells, and in the process converts it in to energy. When pancreas produces insufficient insulin or when body cells become insulin resistant, glucose collects in blood, leading to diabetes. Diabetes can be kept under check, and the patient can lead a hale and hearty life. But if not timely diagnosed, it can be fatal causing serious damage to kidneys, liver, heart, eyes and even the nervous system. Types of Diabetes Diabetes is mainly of three types - Type 1, Type 2 and Gestational. Type 1 diabetes is caused due to insufficient insulin production. The patient in this case, has to take insulin injections. Type 2 is caused due to cells growing non-reactive to insulin and Gestational diabetes occurs in women during pregnancy. Symptoms of Diabetes 1. Increased urination 2. Increased hunger 3. Increased thirst 4. Loss of weight 5. Fatigue 6. Irritability 7. Nausea and vomiting 8. Blurred vision 9. Passing of acidic urine with a sweet smell 10. Poor wound healing 11. Intense itching around genitals Normal Blood Glucose Readings, Range and Chart Normal blood glucose readings indicate the amount of glucose that should normally be present in the blood stream. Normal blood glucose should range between 70 to 150 mg. Levels are lower in the morning, when the body is on fast and rise after the meals. Actually glucose level readings depend on factors like the amount of food consumed, whether one has done exercise or not before the blood test and so on. If glucose levels are consistently above 150 mg, the condition is known as hyperglycemia or high blood sugar, and the person is said to be diabetic. If the readings are below 70 mg, the condition is known as hypoglycemia. Normal blood glucose readings and range depend on how the blood glucose has been tested. Testing of blood glucose can be done through the following ways. 1. Fasting blood glucose test-This test is done when the body is on fast for more than eight hours. The time span between the previous day's dinner and the next day's breakfast makes up for the body's fasting period, and it is suitable to take the fasting blood glucose readings at that time. Normal fasting blood glucose level should be less than 110 mg/dl. If it is above 126 mg/dl, the person is said to be diabetic. 2. Random blood glucose test-This test is done any time. The normal count should be in the mid 100's. If the reading is 200 or above, the person is diagnosed with diabetes. 3. Oral glucose tolerance test-In case of this test, the patient is made to drink a sugar water solution after fasting overnight. Glucose levels in blood are then tested over several hours. In a non-diabetic person, the glucose levels rise after drinking the solution and then fall quickly. In a diabetic, glucose levels will at once soar higher than normal, and will not drop as quickly. A normal glucose reading should be 140 mg/dl two hours after drinking the solution. If the reading is 200 mg/dl or more, the person is said to be diabetic. Chart Normal person 1. Minimum fasting value - 70 mg/dl. 2. Maximum fasting value - 100 mg/dl. 3. Post-Prandial - less than 140 mg/dl. Pre-diabetic 1. Minimum fasting value - 101 mg/dl. 2. Maximum fasting value - 126 mg/dl. 3. Post-Prandial - 140-200 mg/dl. Diabetic 1. Minimum fasting value - more than 126 mg/dl. 2. Maximum fasting value - 126 mg/dl. 3. Post-Prandial - more than 200 mg/dl. Nutrabolics – A Company Overview Based in Canada, Nutrabolics is one of the world's major manufacturers of health supplements for athletes. For over ten years, it has been known for its high-quality products developed by a dedicated scientific research team that tests them for effectiveness. The company devotes a large budget to research and development. Its products all conform to the current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) that are set by the government of Canada to ensure the safety, purity, and quality of all health products. The company is known for a wide variety of natural health products, including supplements for athletes, weight loss products, and vitamins and health foods. Sports supplements Nutrabolics offers sports supplements in various forms, including tablets and drinks. Its line of products for athletes and people who work out intensely includes muscle-building products, pre-workout amplifying supplements, post-workout recovery formulas, and energy-giving products. The Anabolic Window All-in-One Post-Workout Muscle Builder of Nutrabolics is a particularly highly rated sports supplement, having been a winner in the Canadian Supplement Awards in 2011. It is a formula consisting of carbohydrates and proteins that will contribute to speedy muscle repair after a workout, which has been improved to have a better flavour and provide as much as 43 grams of whey protein in each serving. Nutrabolics' Isobolic Protein Shakes give 19% more protein and 57.1% fewer carbohydrates compared to most other protein shakes. This translates to 25 grams of protein and 3 grams of carbohydrates. It provides a total of 120 calories, just 20 of which are from fat. Extremely popular with men is the Nutrabolics Fighter's Food. It is a powdered drink formulated as a meal replacement. It is packed with essential nutrients and protein, plus antioxidants in a great-tasting blend that includes fruit and vegetable extracts. It is more filling than the usual protein shake, making it sufficient as a meal replacement. Isogainer is a muscle-building product that works by increasing calorie levels in the form of proteins while reducing carbohydrate and fats. It also boosts your energy with the inclusion of specific essential fats to redirect the proteins in your body into building up muscle mass. With less fat and carbs for the body to burn for energy, the energy-boosting factor is essential to keep the proteins from being used to provide energy instead of building muscle. Weight-loss products Nutrabolics also provides health supplements that aid in weight loss. These make use of natural ingredients to help burn excess fat. At the same time, the products are formulated to maintain and increase energy levels. Inferno is one of the most popular fat-burning products from Nutrabolics. This product is formulated to naturally boost one's metabolism in order to burn fat more quickly. Each capsule contains about as much caffeine as a cup of coffee combined with malic acid to give a boost in energy with an accompanying increase in mental focus. It also contains natural sage extract that prevents the rise of blood pressure and overstimulation of your nervous system. In addition, Inferno contains phosphatidylserine, a naturally occurring substance that decreases stress by lowering the body's levels of cortisol. It also suppresses appetite, making it helpful for those in a weight-loss program. This product is intended to be used along with a rigorous exercise regimen in order to be effective in reducing weight. Used with an appropriate bodybuilding workout, it is effective in boosting the development of lean muscle in one's body. There is also Superfats, which aids in speeding up weight loss naturally. It makes use of healthy fats in order to stimulate the body's metabolism. It is based on lineolic acid and sesame oil, which is a good source of vitamin E and certain essential fatty acids. Also popular are the Gernaium capsules, which also work well as pre-workout pills. The 100% pure geranium extract with cayenne pepper is a strong, fat-burning stimulant. This can give you an increase of energy for a more effective workout, which will help you to burn more fat. It also increases mental focus. The Nutrabolics version of this product contains more geranium than most other geranium-based supplements, with 25 milligrams in each capsule. Vitamin capsules The Vitabolic Full-Spectrum Mineral and Multi-Nutrient Complex is a multivitamin especially formulated by Nutrabolics with bodybuilders in mind. The combination of vitamins in this product has been chosen to provide those who work out intensively to build their bodies and reduce fat with energy as well as essential nutrients. It provides powerful antioxidants as well as vitamins and nutrients in an easily absorbed form, including the possibility of saving money with Vitamin Shoppe promo codes. Nutrabolics strives to meet the needs of those with a serious workout regimen with a full range of products that are all formulated to burn fat, build muscle, and increase energy. The best thing about this company is that they are committed to scientific research in formulating health supplements using natural ingredients known to be safe and effective. Nutrilite !!! Growing awareness about the need for a balanced diet, and the fast pace of today's life have created an urgent need for a diet supplement that would take care of the requirement. Enter the Nutrilite range of products. Designed to ensure that you get a completely balanced diet, Nutrilite products contain the goodness of plant ingredients and the nourishment of selected minerals and vitamins that are necessary for your health. Catering to the needs of various target groups, Nutrilite supplements are available as essentials, Targeted formulas, weight management and Children's supplements. As a concept, Nutrilite dates back to the 1930s, when it was first established as a group of nutritional products that use plant and plant concentrates to produce nutritional supplements and weight loss products. The Nutrilite brand has over 200 nutrition products sold all over the world. It has won wide recognition as an outstanding brand of health foods. Nutrilite's greatest advantages springs from the fact that it is based on natural products. Nutrilite is also claimed to represent a healthy way of life. What's more, the product range is wide enough to cover a variety of needs and target groups. Nutrilite depends on its own vast farms for the procurement of the plants that form its raw material and uses technology to dehydrate and process the farm products. Research and innovation keep the product range growing. Clinical research programs ensure that the products are scientifically tested and capable of delivering desired results. Measurement and blending of the ingredients are done with scientific precision in the manufacturing facility. The Nutrilite essentials include a number of products aimed at providing you with the required nutrients by filling in the gaps in your diet. Nutrilite DOUBLE XTM contains a balanced mix of plant nutrients and vitamins and minerals. The typical western diet is short of essential nutrients, which are to be found more in fruits and vegetables. DOUBLE XTM was observed to boost the levels of these nutrients significantly, within a period of six weeks of regular use. Nutrilite Daily is a multi-vitamin multi-mineral product that acts as an adult food supplement. Nutrilite concentrated fruits and vegetables, provides the equivalent of generous servings of fruits in one stroke. Nutrilite Omega 3 takes care of your diet balance particularly of two types of fatty acids. Nutrilite Targeted formulas offer the solutions to problems in specific areas of the body created by the aging process or lifestyle. These supplements are the result of constant understanding of current research and the formulation of the supplements from carefully selected herbs and other ingredients. Nutrilite's weight management products include a range of food bars, drinks and food supplements. These are specially designed to aid in weight loss programs and provide delicious alternatives to high calorie junk foods and meals. With a good program of exercise and normal diet control, Nutrilite's products should help you in managing your weight more effectively and painlessly. Children are in a growing stage in life and have special requirements to support that growth to ensure healthy adult life later. Nutrilite's Children's supplements address this vital area through a range of child supplement products. The Nutrilite range of products is manufactured by the Access Business Group in California. It is sold exclusively by Quixtar through its network of affiliates known as Independent Business Owners, and renowned MLM Company Amway. Amway has been a co-promoter of the brand and has promoted the concept through campaigns, commercials, and documentary films. The Nutrilite brand has had a very good reception with consumers with nearly eighty percent having rated the products that they have used as extremely or very satisfactory in a year 2004 survey. One of the main factors in the rating was the effectiveness as perceived by the consumers. 24-Hour Processing - We handle and process Your deca durabolin or sustanon within 24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... Extensive Customer Service - We offer comprehensive order support and customer service with full feedback and support throughout ordering and receiving.Special Prices And Discounts - We offer special prices and discounts for all large quantity purchases -see special offer section for favorites deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol...discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. Designed to meet all Your bodybuilding requirements. 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There are many advantages to purchasing prescription drugs online, including the privacy of purchasing drugs without others knowing what you are purchasing, a greater availability of some drugs (especially for those who do not live near a major city), and the easy of shopping without ever leaving your home. You may also be able to find more information about products online than in a traditional pharmacy. According to one survey, customers can actually save almost 30 percent by buying drugs online. This can translate to a considerable savings if the drugs are expensive. However, many online pharmacies do not have any sort of regulations or other laws surrounding the sales of their drugs. This means they can provide any prescription drug to anyone without a written prescription. They can also provide drugs that may not exactly do what they claim to. In the United States, the FDA has found dozens of different online pharmacies may not be completely legal. Many of these pharmacies sell drugs like Viagra, weight loss drugs, and baldness drugs like Propecia. Online pharmacies based in other countries may also sell prescription drugs that may be much different from the approved version. This means these drugs may not actually cure anything. When it comes to overseeing sales online, there are many different issues. State or government regulation boards may not be able to affect online pharmacies, especially those in other countries. The postal service and customs service of a country can help cut down on the shipping of illegal drugs. In the United States, the FDA does not allow pharmacies to sell prescription drugs to people who do not have a prescription. However, online pharmacies that operate in other countries can often bypass the FDA and sell prescription drugs anyway. It can be nearly impossible to regulate how these online pharmacies operate and what drugs they sell. Even if they manage to shut down an online pharmacy, there's nothing to stop that company from changing their name and starting a new website. The regulation of online health products is something many countries are working towards. Many are working to shut down illegal online pharmacies, while others are trying to legalize these pharmacies by getting them to agree to certain regulations and requirements. Again, however, it can be difficult to find and shut down these companies, and those who do not want to agree to regulations will find some way around them. To that end, it's very important for customers to realize that not all online pharmacies are legitimate. Options for Medical Marijuana Patients Facing an Employment Drug Screening What if you were offered a killer job and the only thing standing between you and that job is the employer's insistence that you be drug tested before starting work for the company. While you may not engage in illegal drugs, you do smoke medical marijuana on a regular basis and further, the medical marijuana you smoke was prescribed to you by a licensed medical doctor for a physical ailment your doctor believe medical marijuana will provide relief. The issue presents a troubling dilemma. Under California law, an employer may not unlawfully discriminate against existing employees or prospective ones based their medical condition. In our situation, should our job seeker test positive for marijuana, which will likely happen, the job seeker could be denied employment for testing positive for marijuana, whether it was medically prescribed or not. Complicating matters further, consider that chemical traces of marijuana (THC) can and usually do remain in your system anywhere from three to thirty days from the day the marijuana was originally consumed. This means the job seeker, so long as the drug therapy continues, will not able to test clean for marijuana, leaving the job seeker at a disadvantage in a already tough job market. While most employers within and outside the state of California consider employee drug testing, credit checks and reference screening to be an essential and legitimate right employers. Medical marijuana advocates and some state legislatures are claiming this is unfair and unlawful. Either way, if you are an employee facing a drug-screening test and you still use medical marijuana, you need to be informed of your options. Currently, there are thirteen states that legally permit the use and safe access to medical marijuana. These states include: California, Alaska, Colorado, New Mexico, Rhode Island, Hawaii, Maine, Michigan, Montana, Oregon, Vermont and the state of Washington. Each of these states have legislated their medical marijuana laws slightly differently but all of them share certain common characteristics. Most of the thirteen require a current written medical recommendation for the use of medical marijuana by a licensed medical doctor. The doctor must have examined you and concluded with some medical degree of certainty that you would medicinally benefit from the use of medical marijuana. Under California law, the state now provides for the voluntary registration of qualified medical marijuana patients and their primary caregivers through a statewide medical marijuana identification card system. Medical marijuana identification cards allow law enforcement to identify and verify that cardholders are able to cultivate, possess and transport certain amounts of marijuana without being subject to arrest. Marijuana dispensaries and clinics require patients to produce a valid medical marijuana card before being allowed to purchase medical marijuana. People who use medical marijuana should know that there is no easy way of knowing, after submitting to a drug test, exactly how long the medical marijuana will remain in the blood system, since a persons method of marijuana use, quantity of use, resistance, body weight, and overall rate of metabolism play an important role in determining the rate at which the body eliminates marijuana from it's system. Most experts agree however, that the detectable time range for the presence of marijuana can be anywhere from seven to thirty days after it's use. Moreover, detection time does not mean that all of the marijuana has been fully metabolized by the body, but rather, the presence of marijuana, at the time of the testing period, can no longer be detected in your urine. A common approach to passing a urine test is to substantially increase your fluid intake thereby diluting the concentration of marijuana in the test sample, below the level of chemical detection. Approximately one hour before testing, fill your bladder up with as much fluid as possible. Water is considered best. Many people choose to literally sweat the marijuana out of their system by drinking substantial amounts of water and then by performing aerobic based exercise to sweat the THC out. Finally, be careful not to give a urine sample first thing in the morning, since drug metabolites tend to build-up in the late evening hours and you can end up with an elevated and therefore positive test result. Another option is to consider purchasing a marijuana “clean test” product, which is said to eliminate all evidence of THC from your system, and allowing you to test negative for the presence of marijuana. These types of products are available online and have been used with some degree of frequency and success. Under California law, and most other states, employers can legally demand that an employee submit to a marijuana and drug test screening. Similarly, people already employed with a company can be asked to submit to a test. If you fail the drug test and are found positive for marijuana, under the Fair Employment and Housing Act, it is legal for the employer to terminate you for failing a drug test, Ross v. Ranging Wire, Telecom, Inc. (2008) 42 Cal.4th 929, 933. In summary, in California, it is an employers' established right to demand drug testing as a precondition to employment, as well as continued employment. Finally, if you are thinking of objecting to submitting to a drug test, and you think it will cost you the loss of a valuable job opportunity, you might wish to reconsider objecting to the drug test. Many people in this type of situation have chosen not to take the risk and instead stop their use of medical marijuana in favor of securing employment. Orlistat - Alli - Available Over The Counter While Orlistat has had a major impact upon the treatment of obesity, there are still many issues stopping vast numbers of suffers from actually becoming actively involved in the treatment. As the number of suffers continues to grow, especially within the younger generation, there is a real concern that the situation is getting out of control. There are even moves within places such as the UK to actively prosecute parents who let their children's weight spiral out of control - with the first active “neglect” case already processed through the UK courts. The fact that the authorities are taking the issue so serious has prompted many to review their particular situations, both personally and for their children. However, there are still social acceptability issues with many suffers unable or unwilling to recognise their difficulties, and some adamant that they do not want to visit a doctor. To many it is then a god send that a new variation of Orlistat has been introduced in the form of Alli, a treatment which is now available over the counter in many countries around the world. Early indications are that the treatment is “flying off the shelves” with record sales over taking any other obesity treatment before. Due to the strict and thorough testing of the treatment, the US Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) have actually, for the first time ever, approved an obesity drug for sale “over the counter”, i.e. without prescription. This has opened up a whole new market for the treatment, taking in the many thousands of people who were either unable to or refused to take medical advice. The fact that the treatment is now available over the counter means that it is readily available and without the often uncomfortable situation of discussing personal issues with a doctor - this to many has been a major obstacle. It also offers many the opportunity for the public to consider purchasing the treatment prior to any weight issues growing out of control - it is this aspect which is perhaps as important as the treatment of the clinically obese suffers which receive such a bad press throughout the world. While the dosage of Alli has been reduced to 60g for over the counter sales, rather than the 120g enjoyed by Orlistat users, the treatment still has the potential to make a huge difference. Unlike so many other treatments before (only available on prescription), the fact that Alli works via a physical method rather than trying to influence thought and brain patterns (or even surgery) is also an added bonus. Alli works by restricting the body's production of enzymes in the intestine, which allow fatty food content to be converted into fatty acid and absorbed into the body. By reducing the production of these enzymes there is an immediate 30% reduction in the absorption of fat into the body - having an immediate impact upon weight loss. While there are a number of side effects, in the shape of irregular bowel movements, oily and loose stools as well as increased flatulence, because the treatment is at a lesser dosage than Orlistat the side effects are greatly reduced. However, these side effects can be easily controlled by a reduction in the intake of fatty food content, increased exercise and a general change in dietary habits. The massive impact that Alli will have on obesity sufferers can be even greater if used in conjunction with a generally healthier lifestyle - improved dietary habits and even just increased light exercise. It is essential that Alli is used as the catalysts for a new lifestyle, as once the user stops taking the treatment there is every chance of regaining the weight unless more care is taken in the future. While much has been made of the first hand weight loss, and the immediate impact which Alli has on the body's intake of fatty acid, few have considered the positive mental impact. Many reports in the past have shown a direct link between obesity, low self esteem, depression and anxiety. These are conditions which have a major impact on people around the world, with millions of working days lost through depression, and an ever increasing burden on the medical industry. For many years now doctors have been reporting a major increase in stress and depression related illnesses, with many patients waiting years for appointments with therapists. While Alli is predominately a weight loss treatment, it really has the potential to lift the depressive cycle which many millions of people are currently suffering. There are direct links between weight loss and an increase in self esteem, leading to many sufferers empowering their own lives and going on to successful careers, improved family lives and a general all round feel good factor. Perhaps this is also one of the reasons why the FDA have been so keen to issue their first approval for an over the counter obesity treatment - the impact of which is set to grow and grow. There is no doubt that Alli has the potential to make a major difference to the lives of many around the world, both young and old, it also has the potential to lift what can often be a very heavy cloud of depression for many stuck in a vicious circle of comfort eating and depression. While new and innovative drugs such as Orlistat (in this case Alli) can take many years to appear on the shelves, the fact that the world renowned and heavy weight authority of the FDA is behind the treatment has made a massive difference. Many countries with close trading links to the US have their own regulatory authorities, although they have taken the FDA research and approval as a major step towards acceptance in their own country. This has resulted in the traditional time scale for worldwide approval being greatly reduced, to the benefit of the millions of sufferers who have been crying out for such a treatment for years. Prominent market experts are forecasting that Alli will be one of the most successful treatments of all time, a view which seems to be backed up by initial sales reports. P90X Review - Does P90X Burn Fat and Build Muscle? As a fitness expert I am always networking with associates and others out there to see what they are doing for loss of fat diets. I've seen the PX90 advertised on tv and the net but recently had a friend that tried it write up a review for the program. My Friend Gary Stuart recently place it to the test and here's what he had to claim regarding it - The Review As someone who has been a lifelong athlete, I was always under the assumption that I could eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I lived the standard college lifestyle, and when college ended, the life-style remained. Then one day, a family member made a comment concerning how I was getting a belly and my face was rounding out. I then realized that it was time for a change. It was time to get back to the gym. But ,, I lacked the motivation to keep myself going back. Even paying for a membership didn't help. I was wasting cash on an unused membership and was starting to have a very negative outlook on things. 1 day at work, 1 of my colleagues mentioned to me which he was going to start a recent workout regime known as P90X. I had never heard of it and figured it was worth doing some analysis and finding out exactly what P90X was. I then realized that it had been a home workout program and almost laughed out loud. But ,, with having someone who was in nice shape recommending it, I set to give it a shot. After the first 30 days of following the diet (which at a 2400 calorie intake seemed like a lot) and workout regime, I noticed a tiny change in my overall look, but not as much as I would have liked. I jumped back on the message boards and found out that many people do not make it past the first initial days for this exact reason. After reading that, I realized that I did not want to return to my old self. I needed to stay motivated and be one of the individuals who saw this thing all the way through. The second phase was when I began to find the major differences, as did people who hadn't seen me. I lost a lot of the weight out of my face, and I didn't have that belly that was mentioned to me six months earlier. At that point I used to be fully motivated to see this thing all the way through. Now, here I am after finishing the complete P90X program. I'm about thirty lbs lighter than when I started. I even have made subtle changes that have made all the difference in the world. Wheat pasta and bread vs. white, skim milk, nonfat cheese, nonfat salad dressing, etc. I love everything about it. It is so much easier to come back home, change and just pop in that video. There's no traveling to a crowded gym plus having to wait to use equipment. I might absolutely advocate this program to ANYONE looking for a Lifestyle Fitness Solution. Simply remember, the most important part is sticking to that diet, and to not get discouraged. Several of us have abused our bodies for years. Asking for a whole transformation in thirty days is a bit much, but see it all the way through, and you'll realize what I did. P90X is more than a workout and nutrition program, it's a lifestyle change. Recommended? From Gary's honest review of the program I would have to say that this program is 1 that I could recommend if you have got some weight equipment at home or are willing to invest in some. It's great to see a hit story and I hope this motivates you to take on your own fat loss challenge! Paiyouguo Tea- Use It To See Real Weight Loss Effectives I have always been one of the chubby girls. I always have felt that I was missing out on life because of my weight problem. I started taking paiyouguo slimming capsules and paiyouguo tea on Jan 3th 2011, weighting 265. Today is the end of my first week (Jan 10th) and now I weight 255. So I have lost 10 pounds in one week. The way I lost ten pounds, was to take paiyouguo pills first thing in the morning and drink a 16.9 oz of water before eating my breakfast. And then I'd eat a light breakfast. Then lunch and dinner I'd eat regular food regular portional of the pills does decrease hunger so I'm not pigging out. My boyfriend is also taking this product. These are real results, and even I'm surprised that I lost so much in one week! I achieved my ideal weight and body shape. I have never felt so confident, and I now feel can chase my dreams!! If you are trying to lose some weight, why not add paiyouguo tea into your weight loss plan. Paiyouguo tea is prepared to reduce fat, their prescription varies, and most of them will mix with appropriate medicine (or herbs), can reduce fat, lower cholesterol and eliminate fatigue and so on. Paiyouguo tea contains low gather the sugar malt, chitin meal, apple fiber, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B2is a raw material, manufactured by the American gene biomedical science technique research center by the professors of many years in clinic research making use of the modern crest. The sharp living creature medicine withdraws the technique, passing the national fogs. Reduce weight, smooth bowel movement the result is quick, taking effect on that day. Paiyouguo slimming Capsules has been made of river giantarum rhizomepowder, low polysaccharide.malt, chitin, tuckahoe meal fiber, apple extract, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B2, through many years clinic research by Zhanersi the professor of American Gene Biomedicine Technology Research Center and applying modem advanced biology medicine extraction technology. It is the new medicine taken mixing with boiling water that has passed state drug and food GMP standard certificatin.It has effects of discharging grease, reducing fact, smoothing intestines, beatifying skin effects with rapid effect and getting effective in a day, with fruits and multi -vitamin formula and equal nutrition ,it can effectively nourish skin, discharge grease and slim, with safety and free from toxin ,is a new skin care, slimming healthy food that can treat what is called "bucket waist” and "general big abdomen " and " elephant leg". Pai You Guo Tea and Capsules is a well known weight loss product in the US and Europe. Citrus is one of the strongest antioxidant found in nature. Antioxidants repair free radical damage which causes premature aging that robs the body of its youthful appearance. Knocking Nut is a fat burner. It helps breaks down accumulated fat in the body and increases the body's ability to burn fat. Extract of Citric Acid, pineapple, papaya, apple and kiwi is said to inhibit the body's ability to produce fat. It is also believed to be an appetite suppressant as well as an energy booster. This amazing powder has the natural ingredients that helps heal the body, lose weight and stay slim. It assists in ceasing the body of excess fat that is stored in the body. PCOS Weight: Sugar Cravings For women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) sugar cravings are very common. Eating or drinking sugary foods and drinks produces additional energy and causes a rise in the blood sugar. The extra energy produced from eating too much sugar at one time is stored as fat since the body doesn't need it right away. This cycle of eating sugar and turning it into body fat can be a really tough cycle to break, especially for women with PCOS. It can lead to continual weight gain which ultimately can be very frustrating. Typically women with PCOS strongly crave sugary foods, typically in the late afternoon and evening. This just adds to the struggle of weight loss because PCOS sufferers feel like they are compelled to have sugary things particularly at that time of day. When a women gets these sugary food cravings, the extra sugar she eats will be stored as fat and once her body has enough fat it automatically wants to make more fat and this is what causes your body to have strong food cravings. This can really make it much harder for people to be successful with losing weight if they have PCOS. It is a vicious cycle. Fat is not the only thing that drives food cravings, but stress can be a huge contributor. Most people don't realize just how much stress can alter their body and mess up their health. It can truly affect weight loss of all kinds, including PCOS. If a woman or a girl who has PCOS is feeling stressed out, especially if it's a long term stress, she is far more likely to have deep-seeded strong sugar cravings, because sugar helps to instantly appease feelings of stress. These cravings can wreck even the strongest willpower. The changes the body goes through with stress, makes it highly likely that sugar cravings will be an issue to deal with. This is an important part of how the weight gain associated with PCOS builds up over time. Quite a number of women with PCOS make the mistake of thinking that fruit juice, even freshly squeezed fruit juice, is a healthy choice for their weight loss needs. This is a mistake. Drinking lots of fruit juice really spikes the blood sugar and directly leads to the weight gain and an unwelcomed increase in body fat percentage. The best way to get fruit into your regular nutrition is to eat fruit in its natural state, such as eating an apple with the skin on. You should focus on eating fruits that have a low glycemic index (GI index) which means that the food has a lower impact on your blood sugar. For women with PCOS focusing on eating foods with a low GI index is a huge part of getting success with PCOS weight loss. Another mistake women with PCOS make is thinking that artificial sweeteners can replace sugar in their diet and there won't be any negative consequences. Research has shown that when a person uses artificial sweeteners, the brain senses the sweetness and the brain gets tricked into thinking that a bunch of calories are on the way because typically foods that are sweet tend to be higher in calories. Since the artificial sweeteners do not contain the expected extra calories, the brain then sends out signals to the body to eat more food in order to get the calories the brain was tricked into thinking were coming. So the very thing the artificial sweeteners were supposed to help with, which is lowering the calories from sugar, winds up backfiring. It causes people to eat more than they otherwise would since the brain is tricked into expecting those calories. If you are suffering from PCOS, there are a few ways that you can combat some of your sugary cravings. There are specific herbs and supplements that can really help boost your chances for success along with certain changes and knowledge about nutrition and diet choices. Also, good sleep habits can help a PCOS sufferer to reduce or to get rid of these unwanted and frankly unhealthy sugar cravings. It is important to read all of the labels carefully for the foods and drinks that you consume so that you know what you are putting into your mouth. Look specifically for the carbohydrate content and try to keep the total carbs low so you don't accidentally spike your blood sugar. Eating plenty of fiber and non-starchy vegetables can help you avoid big spikes in your blood sugar that lead to the classic PCOS weight gain. Women with PCOS should know that there is hope for their situation and that help is available. All it takes is becoming informed and making a few lifestyle changes to reach your PCOS weight loss goals. Penis Health Major Breakthrough Using Vitamin A While most people understand that they need to eat healthy foods, they often don't understand why they should have foods rich in certain vitamins and minerals, and just what happens to their bodies when their bodies do not receive these beneficial ingredients. One such vitamin is vitamin A. This vitamin is vital to the function of the human body. It plays a crucial role in the operation of the immune and reproductive system, vision, and the development of bone and blood structure, as well as aiding in antioxidant activity and skin and cellular health. What is Vitamin A? Vitamin A is an organic compound that supplies the human body with nutrients that sustain growth and allow it to function correctly. Vitamin A comes in several forms, retinol, retinal and four carotenoids – alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, crypto-carotene, and gamma-carotene. In fact, if the human body has enough beta-carotene in its system then it can produce its own vitamin A. Vitamin A can be found in animal and vegetable sources. Retinol typical derives from the animal, and the carotene from the vegetable. Foods that are rich in vitamin A are as follows: butter, cheese, egg-yolks, liver, milk, and dark green and yellow vegetables and fruits such as, apricots, broccoli, carrots, cantaloupe, pumpkin, spinach, and sweet potatoes. People who are deficient in vitamin A often have problems with their eye sight and are prone to skin disorders such as bumps, break-outs, and infections. Other symptoms can include severe weight loss, insomnia, fatigue, and reproductive difficulties, as well as hair loss and an itchy scalp. Vitamin A – How it Can Benefit Penis Feeling Vitamin A gives a man an overall feeling of wellness, as this compound improves penis feeling, sexual pleasure, and penis health, as well as improves the function of major organs. Largely, vitamin A has the following benefits: 1. It promotes healthy cellular growth and activity and improves skin rejuvenation so that the skin of the penis retains its softness and elasticity, and is more receptive to touch; 2. It increases overall physical endurance, with recipients feeling more lively and active, especially in the bedroom. This, in turn, increases sexual pleasure as men are able to sustain longer sexual activity; 3. It assists in maintaining a healthy male reproductive system and decreases the likelihood of impotency and erectile dysfunction; 4. It promotes a healthier immune system and prevents colds and other sicknesses which can reduce stamina and erode endurance; and 5. It enables the male body to function as a whole and creates a feeling of overall wellness. Due to the fact that vitamin A is essential to the growth of healthy skin cells and tissue, and that it aids in promoting overall wellbeing, it is believed that the regular use of vitamin A will increase penis feeling as the skin becomes more receptive, which, in turn, will enhance sexual pleasure. For Best Results Use Vitamin A in Crème Form Using a crème form of vitamin A increases the amount that the body absorbs and it directly aids the area that it is applied to. In this capacity, a crème form of vitamin A works significantly faster than, say, a vitamin capsule, and it ensures that the skin cells of the penis receive a higher dose of vitamin A than the entire body. Daily use of penis specific crème(health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is recommended, as this contains vitamin A and other essential vitamins, amino acids, and minerals, which are said to increase sexual pleasure and improve penis feeling. This product is known to promote the overall wellbeing and function of the penis so that it aids in optimal penis health. A healthy lifestyle means eating a balanced diet, exercising for at least 20 minutes a day, drinking sufficient fluids -- preferably water -- and learning to do anything that is not considered ‘good' for a healthy body in moderation. This allows the human body to function at its best and it also means that it is getting the right dose of essential vitamins and minerals, so that it operates at an optimum level. People Easily Get Magnetized By Bellissima Diet Pills The foodstuffs that all they prefer or like to eat are bad for health. This the main reason why with the passage of time people are getting magnetized by the weight loss pills like Sim, Bellissima Diet Pills, Emagrece Sim and many more likes. Taking diet pills is easy way to reduce weight. But one should take complete information about these diet pills before going for the. This is because these diet pills can also have the side effects on your body that can affect your health in bad way. Thus it is must fro you to consult your doctor about the prescription of these diet pills. The diet pills are also very helpful to reduce weight in a healthy way. Some of the side effects of weight loss pills are heart attack, irregular heart beat, hair loss, seizures, high blood pressure and many more likes. Ephedrine is present in almost each and every diet pill and prolonged use of diet pills thus can lead to blurred vision, dry mouth, seizures, heart attack, vomiting, nausea and many more likes. This is reason behind why many diet pills for weight loss are completely banned by the FDA. But the problem in the present date is that people use the banned diet pills also. And all those people who make it a habit of taking diet pills regularly become totally addicted to them. The diet pills for weight loss can also contain synthetic chemical that can for sure cause a number of health problems like imbalance in the level of nutrients present inside the body. A very large number of diet pills like Pildoras Brazilenas also cause nervousness, insomnia and even restlessness. Because of this reason a number of people worldwide are suffering from the problem of sleeplessness. And when people stop taking the diet pills, they have to again fight with their weight. The diet pills promote dependency on drugs and also even interfere with all the other medicines taken by a person. Thus the diet pills must be viewed as aid for short term only and not for a long term. If you are a heart patient then you must not take any diet pill ever. A healthy diet is the best method to remain healthy and thus one must truly avoid using the diet pills Phe375 The Weight Loss Solution There is a product devised for weight loss called Phe375 and comes in the form of diet pills. It is also known as Phentermine. Most people report great results with it. In terms of side effects, the Phe375 is reported to have just a few minor effects. As any other diet, there is a need of a healthy mixture of exercise and junk food diminishing or elimination if possible. No matter what your main motivation to lose weight is, this option is helping many people with overweight problems. You might want to look healthier and more attractive to the opposite gender, or prevent a heart attack due to many illnesses provoked by obesity. Of course, no medication should be used without the supervision of a physician of trust, and diet and exercise should be top of the list on any attempt toward weight loss. Reducing calories is always a need when trying to lose weight. As every project, if you want to be successful at getting rid of your body fat, you need to be proactive and accomplish every step replacing bad habits with new and better habits. The Phe375 is a product designed for specific functions like: Synthesizing Hormones, decrease the body's ability to store fat at the same time of increasing the ability to burn fat reserves, it suppresses the appetite and stimulate the metabolism and energy levels. As the goal is to lose weight fast, the Phe375 is the perfect choice in most cases because by working on the functions mentioned above, would reduce the time of getting results without sacrifice hours and hours towards that goal. As any drug, you should be careful with the right prescription and accompanying diet recommended. In some cases, you might want to replace body fat with muscular growth. Exercise would be in charge of that area. This product is not some placebo product, incorporating exercise and diet in the package, and having no effect but the psychological advantage of working as a trigger for motivation. It really increases your energy levels and metabolism and you really would feel the difference on your day by day. If you want to lose just a few pounds for aesthetic reasons, hit product may not be for you. If all you need is some exercise and a light diet, you might be putting yourself at risk. Phentermine Phe375 is meant for people with serious over weight problems. The drug is designed for people who are about 30 percent over a healthy body weight. There is a reason that it is one of the most popular and advertised diet pills. If you find a product that reduces the desire to eat all the time, you will naturally lose weight. People with overweight problems share a list of bad habits and a very unhealthy menu every day. The quantity of weight lost for each case is different. You could find many reviews of the product and real life case studies where you could find a similar condition as the one you experiment currently. Normally, you might expect results on the first weeks of active therapy. As the time goes by, and the treatment makes your body used to the drug, the effect tends to wear off. That is the reason why you need to follow the prescription from your physician as exact as possible. This would prevent you from getting unexpected side effects, inherent to any drug consumption. Finally, the level of real desire to change your life and health would determine the success or failure of your goals. Above all, you need to do this for yourself mainly. The other people around you should be on a very second place in relation with your decision to lose weight. You come first, then the world. combination of enzyme boosters the 1, 3 Dimethypentylamine Hydrochloride, Sympathomimec Amine, 1, 3, 7 - trimethylxanthine, I- Carnitine, and Dehydroepiandrosterone. These powerful compounds are essentials to help burn every excess fat that is stored in your body. In addition, you have nothing to worry about as this is manufactured by FDA registered labs. Therefore, quality and standard is observed to make you safe and worry-free. Since losing weights is not the only thing that is important to Phen375 but with your overall safety and effectiveness of the product. Now that we have established what is Phentamine and how important is this to your ultimate goal and that is to lose weight. Let us give you the reasons why you need to decide now, as every day that you forego your plan to lose weight is a day that you are letting yourself at risk. Overweight entails a lot of health conditions that you do not want to suffer from and experience. Diabetes, heart disease, stroke, inability to sleep and others are just some of the problems you will likely go through if you do not act now. So if you are obese and dreaming of getting in shape and healthy - do not hesitate to try the best and fastest solution to rid of your fat Phen375 Diet Pills - The Known Problems of Products Created for Reducing Weight If you are at all like us, it can be nerve-wracking any time you need accurate details concerning Phen375 weight loss supplement, and it seems nearly out of the question to find. What we have noticed, more and more, is just doing a basic search does not always generate the most suitable resources. On the other hand this is something that every person can occasionally experience, so your predicament is not unique. That is what motivated us to put this article together for you pertaining to Phen375 fat burner. You can acquire this advice and expand on it in your own researching efforts. For many years the fight seems to go on between the FDA, FTC and small sections of the weight loss industry. We do not even look for them, and yet we can effortlessly find promotions that make bold claims about fat loss in the least amount of time. There are extravagant claims made by companies selling pills, patches and other things that burn the fat almost overnight. One essential item worthy of note is many ingredients and products haven't been given any kind of stamp of approval for usage. There is no guarantee that the FTC can put a halt to confusing advertising simply because they're overwhelmed. If you do plenty of your own research, you will observe that a lof so called herbal ingredients have not been studied or endorsed for specific uses as marketed. Our feeling is many of these products feed on people who are eager, and they are most probable to use these products. It isn't out of the question for people to believe something is proven to be safe merely because it is on the shelf. However, consider that many substances make it to the shelves without any testing for safety. Just a little research can quickly confirm the existence of herbal products that are obtainable yet they could pose serious consequences for certain people. Just one well known example is ephedra, and that chemical was eventually banned within the United States. But that is simply one, and there are others that are of an equivalent potential risk. Also think about something like Phenylpropanolamine Hydro Choride which is a serious threat to some people, and yet you can Google it and find an advertisement to purchase it. This used to be a very widespread ingredient in slimming capsules and cold medicines about ten years ago. But the typical situation with something like this is it was sold under different labels. However just a few of the complications with Phenylpropanolamine is that it "could" result in problems such as nervousness, super fast heartbeat, high blood pressure, heart injury, heart attack and not surprisingly death in some instances. Even so, you can easily buy this specific ingredient on the web; we know because we have viewed the ads for it. So just imagine the danger that is posed to people who have no notion about probable hazards with using it. It is simply impossible, we think, for any agency to be completely aware of everything that happens, and we must watch out for ourselves in the long run. Just think about the process that allows for a dangerous product to still exist and be easily bought so long after the facts are acknowledged. There just are no cutting corners with weight reduction, and people need to understand that sometimes you just cannot have a fast and easy route to success. It is not unachievable to lose weight, and it does demand a dedicated attempt. There is no magic about shedding pounds and keeping it off, yet there seems to be no end to the new products that always seem to be emerging. The great thing about what we have covered is the ease of execution. But hold in mind as it concerns Phen375 weight loss supplement that you have to realize what you are working with. It is less complicated than you think to read a specific thing that looks good, but it can be outdated. It can be easy to make an error when you are publishing on the net. You should also keep the subsequent in mind because it will make a huge distinction for you. Phentemine 37.5 Fat Loss Phentemine 37.5 is a great product which is likely to aid you in loosing weight! Initially I was skeptical about does it guarantee fat loss. And, I made the decision to find out, does Phentemine work or is it a fraud like some different products on the market. Phentemine 37.5 is a brand-new supplement designed after a long time of scientific research for best fat burner and appetite suppressant. Phentemine 37.5 begins a modern era in the diet world because it has full capacity of phentermine, yet clear of the effects that are related to original formula of phentermine, which is today prohibited by the FDA. Phentemine 37.5 is created in Food and Drug Administration administered facilities in the States and is famous as Phen375. It is classified as potent as Phentermine supplements minus negative side effects. All ingredients of Phentemine are mixed to generate the best fat burning and appetite suppressant in the market presently. 1-3 dimethylpentylamine is the essential substance in Phentemine. It increases your metabolic processes and enables your organism burn more fats. 1,3,7-Trimethylxanthine cuts your cravings and makes you consume less food . Sympathomimetic Amine boosts the secretion of Norepinephrine which assists in accelerating fat mobilization and metabolism. L-carnitine is accountable for the release of fat into the blood for energy. Dehydroepiandrosterone is a hormone released from the suprarenal glands. It aids in the collapsing of excess fat. Capsicum Extract. It assists the body easier absorb all ingredients and enhance their benefits. All Phentemine ingredients are made at FDA certified facilities, which guarantees that they're all risk-free for human intake. Because Phentemine is a non-prescription fat burner, many slimmers have bought it and experienced benefits such as: Slimming of around 2-5lbs weekly Improved metabolic rate and better energy levels Suppressed cravings, less crave for food Quick weight loss is possible with Phentemine, because it stops your hunger before it starts. Still, you will not be tired, with the help of its ingredients that deliver your body with energy. Such attributes of Phen375 are now being appreciated by many satisfied consumers which make Phentemine even more accepted. If you are searching for useful method to provide your weight loss a jump-start, then phentemine dietary supplement would be exactly what you need. Phentermine, Adipex and Atlanta Weight Loss-Shapemed Phentermine is phenyl-tertiary-butylamine, an appetite suppressant that is also marketed under the name Adipex, and used in Atlanta weight loss programs to reduce weight in obese patients whose health is at risk due to their weight. It is a prescription drug that stimulates neurons in the brain to release a form of neurotransmitter known as catecholamines, among them dopamine and epinephrine (adrenalin). Neurotransmitters are chemicals used by the brain to pass messages across the synapses (spaces between brain cells) and allow the neurons to communicate. Catecholamines send the fight or flight signal, part of a reaction to which is a termination of the hunger signal. A chemical known as leptin signals to the brain that you have had enough to eat, and it is believed that phentermine might also be able to raise the levels of leptin in the brain. The overall result is that Adipex, or phentermine, prevents you brain from receiving the hunger message, and so you feel no desire to eat. Hence its use in prescribed Atlanta weight loss programs. Because it is a prescription drug (it is actually an amphetamine), Adipex is used only where excess weight presents a distinct risk to health, and is generally part of an overall weight reduction program involving diet, exercise and modification of the subject's behavior. Phentermine is not a long term treatment, and is used only for temporary modification of the biochemistry of your brain. The FDA recommends short-term use, which in their parlance normally refers to up to 12 weeks use; drug usage is then stopped and treatment continues with diet and exercise. The type of health risk where phentermine is indicated includes hypertension (high blood pressure), weight-related diabetes (Type 2) and high cholesterol levels. The diet provided will vary according to the condition and the level of exercise adjusted to suit the patient's medical condition. Because it is prescribed by physicians only if the patient is at medical risk through obesity, it will not always be part of a weight loss regime, and is not always the best solution. Most cases respond well to a proper diet and a sensible exercise program, and most Atlanta weight loss programs are based upon diet and exercise. You should only seek this type of so-called weight loss pill if your weight is making you ill to the extent that urgent and radical treatment is needed to get your weight down quickly. Once it has reached a reasonable level, and the danger to your health has been reduced, then you might be put back on a normal diet and the pills stopped. There are times when phentermine should not be taken. You should never take it when you are using other weight loss medicines without your doctor's approval, because it can cause a fatal lung condition. It is also an amphetamine, and so can affect your reactions and speed of thought, so try not to drive during your treatment or carry out any other activity that needs you be alert. Adipex is also habit forming so if you have been taking it for a while you might suffer withdrawal symptoms such as depression and excessive tiredness. It is important, therefore, that when you are nearing the end of your course you come off them gradually by reducing the dosage in stages. Although you should never take Adipex or phentermine when you are also taking certain other medicines, your doctor will know this and you will not prescribed them together. However, for that reason it is very important that other people don't take your drugs, so keep them in a safe place where others cannot get to them. You should also steer clear of phentermine if you have glaucoma, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure or have a history of alcohol or drugs abuse. Your doctor will again be able to control this, and is one reason why Adipex is available only on prescription to those undergoing Atlanta weight loss programs. It might seem a bit paradoxical that the very conditions that demand the use of phentermine, such as high blood pressure and heart problems, can be exacerbated by its use. However, your physician will be aware of your medical condition and of what the best weight loss strategy is for you. Excessive weight can cause high blood pressure, so while you should not take Adipex while you suffer from HBP, it can be used to prevent it by reducing your weight and your physician might prescribe if your blood pressure is only slightly over the norm. Your doctor will understand the relative risks, and will know what is best for you. In Atlanta weight loss can be either cosmetic or for medical reason, and it is for the latter that you must take your doctor's advice. You will not be given Adipex or phentermine pills for cosmetic weight loss purposes - that is weight loss just to make you look better. They can be used as part of an Atlanta weight loss program, but it is equally important that you maintain a healthy diet and take enough exercise to prevent a build-up of hard abdominal fat that is so dangerous to your health. Given that you understand that, then Adipex and phentermine are effective in helping you to lose weight by persuading your brain that you have eaten enough - but should only be taken exactly as instructed by your doctor. Phentramin-d Tablets And Capsules By Lazarus Labs: A New Approach In Weight Loss In the recent past years, a fresh new alternative for weight loss has come forth in the public's eye in awareness. The new Phentramin-D dieting tablet, is emerging since as one of the most superb and suggested diet pills for weight reduction in recent years. In your active and hectic lifestyle, Phentramin-D is genuinely aiding in the struggle of obesity. This dieting pill comprises basically a precise beneficial appetite suppressant to subdue weight in obese patients once utilized for short-term management and with the combining of the advised exercise and wholesome eating. You are able to find them in a individual tablet and a capsule upon the marketplace. You'll be able to easily purchase these dieting pills at nearby health stores or you can acquire them online with this diet pill prescribed by your doctor. They are commercialized under assorted brand names Adipex-P and so forth as Phentramin-D is accessible in most countries including the U.S.A.. Phentramin-D is formulated of NO HERBS, NO EPHEDRA and NO CHROMIUM. Phentramin-D's pharmaceutical level of elements are substantial enough to outperform Adipex and Phentermine as well as otheqr well known prescribed weight loss products on the market twoday in effectiveness and potency, while remaining much less expensive, accessible without a doctors prescription, and to a large degre muchsafer for both short-run and long-term daily use by those truly seeking weight loss results. Contrary to similar over-the-counter herbal weight loss diet pills, Phentramin-d embodies a genuine chemical pharmacologic dieting tablet like Adipex only without the non-wanted side-effects. For reasons like these many professionals in their healthcare professions are suggesting the safe alternative of non-prescription Phentramin-d because of it's safe and it is risk-free to use for both short and long-run consumption (up to 12 weeks at a time). It processes the hypothalamus portion of the brain or release, or epinephrin (a neurotransmitter) that the fighting or flight signals to subdue hunger draws smoothly. The chemical messengers released by this dieting pill works likewise outer the brain and the release of epinephrin or Adrenalin making stored fat cells to collapse and consequently it serves 2 functions collectively. A outstanding benefit of this diet tablet is that it does not make you feel lethargic or dizzy, equivalent to other fat burners. It's recommended through the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that it ought be in use generally adequate to only up to twelve week intervals. During its consumption, if you experience side effects internal or external, always speak to your physician. More than that, for the length of weight reduction platform, you must be in contact with your physician. You ought ingest this tablet diet in the stomach empty as well that the 30 minutes prior to breakfast room. If this diet tablet may reqsult in insomnia and therefore void taking a dose later in the daytime. You must keep at room temperature absent from sunshine and moisture. Lazarus Labs Phentramin-d is definately a new approach in weight loss management in on the market and yeilding results. Phentramin-d is not a herbal weight loss product but rather an FDA compliant, chemically infused "hybrid" of both the supplement and synthetic weight loss product industries. Planning An Easy Quick Weight Loss Diet Many individuals are overweight or even obese due to various factors. Most people tend to indulge in unhealthy foods such as junk foods, which are being sold in almost all supermarkets. Big companies that manufacture these unhealthy foods are promoting them enthusiastically while diverting people's attention from the unhealthy ingredients of their products. The second thing that causes people to become overweight or obese is stress either from home, school, or workplace. Some people resort to excessive eating when they want to be relieved from stress or simply want to stop thinking about their life obstacles. As such, they eat unrestrainedly. However, most individuals who are overweight or obese want to lose weight the fastest way they can. They rely on fast weight loss diets that are available online or offline. If you are overweight, you can easily plan a quick weight loss diet that is appropriate for you. Weight loss diet plans that promise fast results are usually hoaxes. People who create them are usually just doing it to make easy money. The best thing to do is to plan a diet personally designed for you. However, you may need to consult your physician first prior to involving yourself in any kind of diet plan. If you are opting for a quick weight loss diet, make sure it includes eating of fat-burning foods. Most weight loss diets suggest burning calories through eating foods that help flush out the fats. These include citrus fruits such as lemons, lime, oranges, and grapefruit, which all contain Vitamin C. More so, these fruits help in controlling the level of cholesterol in the body. Other fresh fruits can also help in limiting the amount of fat that your body can absorb. Fresh fruits help cells release unwanted fats through absorbing liquid substances in the body. Foods such as garlic oil and soybeans can also protect your body cells from absorbing fat. In general, fat-burning foods help improve your metabolism while detoxifying the body from toxins and unwanted fats. Another effective and inexpensive way of losing weight is through exercising regularly. Any kind of weight loss diet would not yield positive results unless it is coupled with performing physical activities. It is undeniable that most people are too lazy to workout. However, for those who eagerly want to lose weight, dieting is not enough. You have to do even simple exercises such as running, brisk walking, jogging, or dancing to improve your metabolism and increase your stamina. You can also hire a personal trainer if you have time and budget to make sure you are able to exercise regularly. Most people have one common objective of obtaining a quick weight loss diet, that is, to lose weight and obtain a perfect, healthy body. As such, it is important to keep a healthy diet, which involves vegetables, fresh fruits, fat-free dairy products, and whole grains among others coupled with doing regular exercises. Apart from being inexpensive, following these tips will surely result to a healthier and good looking body in no time. Powerful Tips To Improve Your Digestive System's Health Digestion is one of the most complicated processes in the human system. It has to deal with all that we care to put in our mouth. A brief idea of what digestion is all about will tell us a lot about foods that aid digestion and the why's and how's of eating. The food we eat has to be broken down into small particles so that our system can absorb them and send them on to do their job. This process of breaking down the food in to molecules is a broad definition of digestion. This breakdown is chemical and mechanical in nature. The only things that our body can absorb without breaking down are water, salt, and simple sugars like glucose. There are special proteins called enzymes in our body that help this breakdown process. The digestive process This starts when you put food in your mouth. Chewing is very essential, as the saliva in our mouth provides the enzymes that aid the breakdown of carbohydrates. The chewed food is then sent down to the stomach. The walls of the stomach are muscular and churn the food into even tinier particles. Gastric acid is released along with an enzyme called pepsin, which boosts the food breakdown. The food is now converted into a semi-fluid called chyme when it gets sent to the start of the small intestine or duodenum. Here, enzymes from the pancreas and bile from the liver break down the fats and proteins. From here, food gets pushed, and absorption takes place. Undigested food, fiber, etc. is sent to the large intestine and colon for exit from the body. This entire process can take anywhere from 2 to 6 hours depending on the person's constitution and metabolic rate. Different rates for different foods: Simple sugars digest in minutes, as no breakdown is required Starch needs an hour plus Fat takes 4-6 hours Meat takes longer and is dependent on how much you eat. Small amounts are digested faster than large quantities. Foods that aid your digestion There are foods that help the digestive process, and then there are foods that complicate this process and thus affect overall health: Fiber rich food - A diet rich in fiber keeps your digestive system functioning properly. Not only does this mean you remain healthy, but that you also have energy to take you through your day without feeling tired. According to experts, high fiber food should be introduced slowly, and there should be a balance in what you eat. Whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and plenty of water to flush waste from the body should be your mantra for a healthy digestive system. Fiber rich foods include: Whole Grains Vegetables Fruits Legumes Nuts Fermented foods - Fermented foods give your digestion a leg-up because these are pre-digested to an extent. The bacteria present in the above foods have done most of the breaking down of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, so your digestive system has a little less to do. These foods include: Yogurt Pickles Sourdough Bread Aged Cheese Miso Kimchi Sauerkraut Tea Chocolate Spices - Spices increase salivation, which is the first step to digestion. Spices in food also increase bile production to some extent, which helps the body break down and absorb fats. They include: Coriander Cumin Mustard Garlic Cinnamon Paprika Cayenne Black Pepper Herbs - Herbs work well to fight environmental toxins. You need very little of these- just a sprinkle on your food acts as a cleansing agent and as a natural laxative to rid your system of toxins. Some of the herbs that are good for digestion are: Peppermint Ginger Fennel Clove Coriander Wormwood Rosehips Spirulina Aloe Olive oil helps stimulate digestion and works wonders for an upset stomach. It is the perfect way to give your body the monosaturated fatty acids and antioxidants it needs. One tablespoon is all you need to sort out an out-of-sync digestive system. Flaxseed oil has the same benefits. Lemons activate the salivary glands. The juice helps the digestive system break down essential minerals in the food like calcium. It is rich in vitamin C as well. Probiotic supplements are very essential for digestion. This is because at times, the probiotics found in food are not enough to keep the digestive system going. Supplements that contain acidophilus and bifidobacteria are available in health food stores. Some conditions that occur due to a malfunctioning digestive process are: Irritable bowel syndrome Diarrhea Gas, bloating, flatulence Recurring vaginal yeast infections Bad breath In addition the foods you eat, the following factors also affect your digestion process: Chewing Smaller bites Water intake Reasonable gaps between eating Eat slow and taste the myriad flavors of what you are eating Don't have cold liquids while eating. Warm drinks make digestion easier. Put all of the above tips to good use, and you will find that irrespective of what you eat, your digestion can handle it. All you need is to do is put some sense and sensibility to your dietary habits! Power Walking - The Top Secret Weight-Loss Tip Used By Celebrities Power walking is employed routinely by a few of the world's most beautiful and hottest babes. Celebrities such as Jennifer Aniston, Nicole Kidman and Katie Price to mention just a few have all been spotted power walking frequently. Power walking can be a especially demanding exercise routine if carried out in the right way. Nevertheless the attraction for some is usually that it's a great way to lose weight and keep fit and slim. Nonetheless What EXACTLY Is Power Walking? Power walking is essentially walking at a speedier pace compared to regular and involving the arms in a significantly more vibrant and efficient way. Not only do the legs and arms continue to work harder but the technique also tests the muscles involving the ab muscles, shoulder area and backside if done properly. If you think of walking very quickly as though you're late for an scheduled visit or a bus etc and then you include slightly overstated arm movements and a tightening from the entire waist and lower back section, then you've essentially gotten power walking worked out. Why's Power Walking Beneficial for Weight loss? This pretty much boils down to these Three main points... It can burn off 20 - 30% more calories than simply walking It's very easy to perform at any place, with no gear with zero fitness membership necessary Because it's ordered that has a definite technique to use (the fact is there are three unique techniques) it's looked at a lot more of exercise, as a result it's regarded much more seriously and it has a way more significant consistency percentage compared to running as an example. Give it some thought right now, which specifically do you consider appears to be more efficient, 'a saunter on the park' or maybe a 'a power walk in the park' Truly does Power Walking Genuinely Do the trick? Utterly it can do! In addition to the advantage that you'll quickly lose weight while tightening your arms, lower body, buttocks, abdomen and shoulder muscles it provides a entire plethora of medically proven health perks, from a lowering in the chances of getting many forms of cancer to a diminishing risk of encountering osteoporosis. It's like everything else in everyday life, if you ever give it your very best try and also invest in doing it on a regular basis then you'll experience incredible outcomes. If you wish to shed weight, then you'll really have to additionally make some modest alterations to your current diet at the corresponding time as using a well produced walking programme. Truth be told there is usually a reason why some of the most wonderful as well as nicely toned famous people in the entire world benefit from power walking for an important part of their fitness plan because that's quite simply due to the fact it works well. Why not test it out for yourself sometime.? Precisely Why Choose Cho Yung Tea As Opposed To Weight Loss Tablets A lot of men and women hold on to hearsays that pills are a lot more productive when it comes to slimming, promoting healthful physique and mind, and other conditioning variables. But are these true? This is exactly where Cho Yung Tea comes in and I'll offer you factual reasons why Cho Yung Tea is a lot more critical and far more productive than ordinary teas as well as drugs like slimming pills. You will not simply benefit from the compounds in Cho Yung Tea in terms of well being promotion but also in secure weight reduction related to your metabolism. Cho Yung Tea has essential anti-oxidant properties in it that take away toxic wastes and really damaging substances present in our body which can cause fatal illnesses and illnesses like cancer. Wellness promoters like medical doctors, physicians and even scientists also say that Chou Yung Tea is safe and extremely effective in burning reserved fat in our body all throughout the day resulting to fat loss. So why spend more time and income in the fitness center when you can accomplish an ideal and desired physique for less by just drinking Cho Yung Tea. What more could you ask for? Some reports show that you just could double the amount of weight reduction in just 2-3 weeks of following a slim down diet plan and working out at the gym alone than taking Cho Yung Tea with a balanced diet program and workout. Looking very good and feeling healthy are what most people want. Cho Yung Tea is just an ideal mixture of these two. Using the aid of Cho Yung Tea, life could possibly be effortless for you personally. Just just a little change in your life's daily routine can help you sustain an extremely massive distinction on your health and figure issues. Just boil water and pour it into your preferred mug, sip the Cho Yung Tea for around 1- minutes and sip your way to a healthier and slimmer physique. Containing all of those 100% all-natural ingredients, Cho Yung Tea will bring a helpful impact on your wellness with out worrying about any major side effects such as nausea, vomiting, change in behavior or temperament, and intolerable headaches. A lot of slimming pills alters the normal metabolic procedure of the physique especially in vitamin and mineral absorption. Most well being consultants permit you to take vitamin and mineral supplements when taking slimming pills and other medicinal drugs. Folks do not even bother asking their physicians the poor unwanted side effects of taking too much drugs like slimming pills which could actually affect the normal function of internal organs like kidneys, intestine and liver. So why take the risk of taking slimming pills when you can just drink the tea created by Cho Yung. Preserve a healthful and sexy life with Cho Yung Tea. Take pleasure in your life drinking Cho Yung Tea and enjoy the adjustments of your physique internally and physically. Cho Yung Tea is the greatest ever Chinese herbal tea produced and is supplied to the public. Copyright (c) 2012 savvycontent.com Pregnancy Stretch Marks - 5 Proven Ways to Prevent Them What are stretch marks? Pregnancy brings a new level of experience to an eager parent. Physical changes tag along with oversensitive changes throughout pregnancy..Among the physical changes are nausea, low energy, backaches, and repeated urination to mention a few. But nearly all eager mothers cannot avoid out the development of unpleasant stretch marks. This is a real problem to deal with. According to studies, 70-90% of pregnant mothers develop stretch marks. Approximately Ninety percent Americans have it. Stretch marks start as pinkish, scarlet, dark, purple lines in parallel at the bulging belly, typically occurring during the sixth or seventh month of pregnancy. And later on diminish as silver or whitish lines. But these lines are not confined at the belly. They could also progress in the arms, breasts, thighs and buttocks that equally swell for the duration of pregnancy. They are caused by changes in the elastic supportive tissue in the deeper covering of the skin. Skin is very elastic, on the other hand the sudden stretch and weight gain, that comes with pregnancy can oftentimes be more than the skin can take as a result the manifestation of lines. Stretch marks are not painful but they are from time to time uncomfortable or scratchy. According to Alexa Boer Kimball, a dermatology professor from Harvard University, an individual may be more prone to develop stretch marks if: 1.Expecting mother gains a lot of weight 2.Expecting parent has multiple pregnancy 3.Hopeful mother carrying a big baby 4.Hopeful parent has extra amniotic fluids What are the effective tips and ways to help prevent against stretch marks? It is now a recognized fact that stretch marks do not really actually go away. It can just be treated until it is less visible. So what can be done to put a stop to stretch marks? Quite a few studies done in the past have opposing ideas about stretch marks. On the other hand, what was determined is heredity is a determinant factor if one predisposes stretch marks or not. It means that if ones mother got stretch marks throughout her pregnancy, more possibly that daughter will develop it. Fortunately, there are several things that can be done to heighten an expectant mother's skin condition and overall wellbeing thereby preventing the development of stretch marks. 1. Eat healthy mixed and proportioned diet that keeps excessive gain weight. The suggested gain weight for pregnancy is 25-30 pounds only.Allow the skin to stretch Moreover, it is beneficial not just to the skin but to the growing baby as well. 2. Use a bath scrub to massage the areas where stretch marks more likely to develop, such as arms, breasts, thighs, and buttocks. This will amplify the circulation to the area thereby reducing theprobability of stretch marks appearance. 3. Increase liquid consumption (water, fresh juice). Hydration is critical to the complete health of the skin, as well as to the developing baby. 4. Have vitamins every day. Correct diet is need not just for the developing baby but to skin. 5. Keep the skin substantially moisturized. One helpful way of doing this is to liberally spread lotion and moisturizers. This should start even before pregnancy until after giving birth until the parent's original weight has returned. These moisturizers (containing shea butter and olive oil), will keep the skin soft and elastic, hence preventing overstretching of the skin. These moisturizers provide more vitamins and nutrients that help enhance collagen production that is highly important to the skin throughout this development. They also support the dermis to keep the skin undamaged despite severe stretching. A lot of people only think that stretch mark appear during pregnancy. But what they don not know is that it can also appear during the post partum stage. The sudden weight loss makes the skin susceptible to stretch marks as well. If one has done the suggestions mentioned above, and still develops stretch marks, one should not despair. There are various treatments to be done to lessen the appearance of stretch marks post partum. Consult your dermatologist and OB-GYNE on the best treatment and the best time to start the treatment for stretch marks. Pregnenolone, DHEA & Adrenal Stress Pregnenolone is a type of hormone that is produced naturally in the human body and is also available as a dietary supplement. This natural hormone cannot be patented. Back in the 1940's, when researchers started experimenting with the use of pregnenolone, they realized that it could be helpful for people under stress and it could increase energy in those who were fatigued. However, about the same time, cortisol, another closely related hormone, was discovered. Cortisol stole the limelight. When cortisol was given to individuals with rheumatoid arthritis, there were outstanding short-term improvements. Photographs of these remarkable recoveries were circulated and the medical community was impressed. Scientists basically put pregnenolone aside to focus on cortisol. The structure of cortisol was altered to make similar molecules such as dexamethasone and prednisone, much more powerful steroids. Dexamethasone and other similar corticosteroids could be patented, and thus a pharmaceutical company could make a lot of money by owning patents. Pregnenolone, however, remains a naturally produced hormone by the body so it is available as a nutritional supplement, not as a high cost patented drug. Benefits of Pregnenolone This hormone is claimed to help with several health conditions, specifically, pregnenolone is often claimed to be beneficial for: Depression Menopause Arthritis Endometriosis Fatigue Fibrocystic breast disease Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) Alzheimer's disease Allergic reactions Lupus Prostate problems Multiple sclerosis (MS) Psoriasis Scleroderma Seizures Injuries or trauma. Also, pregnenolone is promoted to be beneficial for slowing down the aging process, enhancing memory, increasing energy, stimulating the immune system, detoxifying the body, and improving the body's response to stress. BioMatrix Pregnenolone is of the highest pharmaceutical grade. It contains just enough alcohol to be absorbed under the tongue (the alcohol is vaporized and not absorbed), thus bypassing the gut, where malabsorption may be a factor and oxidative reactions cause hormone degradation. 1.2 mg (1 drop) of BioMatrix Pregnenolone is equivalent to 3 mg of micronized oral pregnenolone. BioMatrix Pregnenolone has a 99% absorption rate. DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is an endogenous hormone (made in the human body) secreted by the adrenal gland. DHEA serves as precursor to male and female sex hormones (androgens and estrogens). DHEA levels in the body begin to decrease after age 30, and are reported to be low in some people with anorexia, end-stage kidney disease, type 2 diabetes (non-insulin dependent diabetes), AIDS, adrenal insufficiency, and in the critically ill. DHEA levels may also be depleted by a number of drugs, including insulin, corticosteroids, opiates, and danazol. There is sufficient evidence supporting the use of DHEA in the treatment of adrenal insufficiency, depression, induction of labor, and systemic lupus erythematosus. BioMatrix DHEA is of the highest pharmaceutical grade. It contains just enough alcohol to be absorbed under the tongue (the alcohol is vaporized and not absorbed), thus bypassing the gut, where malabsorption may be a factor and oxidative reactions cause hormone degradation. 1.2 mg (1 drop) of BioMatrix DHEA is equivalent to 3 mg of micronized oral DHEA. BioMatrix DHEA has a 99% absorption rate. Prepare Respond Recover and Mitigate Life is a big jumbled mess of accidents and calamity. Throughout your lifetime the most memorable moments will be the ones that changed your life. Make these memorable moments ones that changed your life for the better. There will be situations that test your physical wellbeing, your mental wellbeing and your emotional wellbeing; it is important to be ready for these situations before they happen. Prepare means to brace yourself for the possibility of something. This is the most important step of all, and if done with the proper amount of foresight it could be the first and last step in the whole outline. Stock pile food in case you are in a financial crisis and cannot offered to buy groceries for a week or so, keep a first aid kit around in the off chance that you have to provide minor medical assistance to someone, and prepare yourself with knowledge of how to deal with certain situations. In situations where someone may be joking it is important to know CPR, and if someone has been bitten by a poisonous predator it would be beneficial to understand how to deal with that as well. Respond is the second step, and this is where you take your preparedness into action. This would be using your food storage in times of need, or applying CPR to a choking patient. In the case of a poisoning you want to slow the blood, so response to this would mean relaxing and waiting for the ambulance to come. Even though all instincts are going to tell you to freak out because you have been poisoned, really, it is best to relax. Recover from the incident the best way possible. This means you are going to respond until the patient is back to health or until the crises has ended. Mitigate and prevent are the last two steps. Mitigate means to lessen the aftermath of the crises and to learn to deal with whatever damages have been accumulated. Not every time are you going to be able to recover to one hundred percent, that is why it is important to learn how to deal with what has happened because it some instances it could affect the rest of your life. Prevent the second part of mitigate is to learn from the incident and keep it from happening ever again. Preparedness is the key to holistic health. If you are prepared for any and all of the challenges of life, you can bet you are going to have a feeling of wellbeing too. Protect Your Nose From Irritation This Winter Season During the cold weather month we often experience runny noses, nasal congestion and stuffiness. Although we do often associate colds with the winter season, it's very common to suffer from sinus or nasal discomfort all year round. Is it a cold, allergies, or sinuses? Get to the bottom of your symptoms. Sinuses are characterized by Commonly, many do not understand the nature of their nasal congestion or what produces their symptoms. Before visiting their local ENT, they seek relief for nasal and sinus discomfort by taking non-prescription medication, which may not target the appropriate areas for proper treatment. Congestion of the nasal membranes may lead to the blockage or the Eustachian tube leading to the ear, which can result in a feeling of blockage in the ear or fluid behind the eardrum. Tips for Sinus Sufferers during the Holiday Season Sinusitis is an inflammation of the membrane lining of any sinus. Acute sinusitis is a short-term condition in which antibiotics and decongestants have been proven to work well. Chronic sinusitis is determined if you have suffered at least four different recurrences of acute sinusitis. In this case, either medication or even surgery is a possible treatment option. Some at-home treatments may include: • Saline nasal sprays that moisturize the nasal cavity, reduce dryness, and help clear thick mucus • Humidification of your living spaces in dry climates will aid the movement of mucus through the sinuses Visit your ENT to determine if you have an infection requiring an antibiotic treatment. In addition, your ENT can discover if you require intensive medical treatment for a condition such as a nasal obstruction. Treating your Runny Nose (Post-Nasal Drip) Glands in your nose and throat are constantly producing mucus. Daily, your nose and throat can produce one to two quarts of mucus. The mucus that is produced moistens and cleans the nasal membranes, humidifies air, traps and clears inhaled foreign matter, and fights infection. Swallowed unconsciously, the feeling of mucus accumulating in your throat or dripping from the back of your nose is called post-nasal drip. Often, this is caused by excessively thick secretions or by throat muscle and swallowing disorders. Due to colds, the flu, allergies, cold temperatures, bright lights, certain foods/spices, pregnancy and other hormonal changes, you can exhibit increased thin, clear mucus secretions. In the winter, increased thick secretions can often result from dryness in heated buildings and homes. It can also be the result of sinus or nose infections and allergies. Often, this can be associated with allergies to foods such as dairy products. If your thin secretions become thick with green or yellow color, it is likely that a bacterial sinus infection is developing. Correct diagnosis of your sinus irritations requires a detailed ear, nose, and throat exam. Your treatment can vary based on these causes: • Bacterial infects can often be treated with antibiotics. In cases of chronic sinusitis, surgery may be recommended to open the blocked sinuses. • Allergies tend to be managed by avoiding the source of the irritation. • Gastroesophageal reflux is frequently treated by elevating the head of the bed by six to eight inches, avoiding foods and beverages for two to three hours before bedtime and eliminating alcohol and caffeine from your daily diet. It is important to take extra precautions this winter season to protect your nose from irritations. The common cold, if not treated properly, could lead to even more sinus problems. Upon initial sinus irritations it is important to visit your local ear, nose and throat doctor in Bend for further instructions on how to eliminate your symptoms. Protein Requirements in Post-Operative Period When determining the right course of treatment for post surgical patients, nutritional status is without doubt one of the vital parameters to be considered. The concept of nutritional status in surgery involves various aspects of perioperative nutrition that includes both preoperative and postoperative nutritional status. Many studies show that preoperative acceptable nutritional conditions help to prevent early and late postoperative complications. In 1996 Klein et al. published a study comparing 2 groups of patients, a previously malnourished group and one more in agreeable nutritional condition. Both groups were voluntarily subjected to a lumbar spinal surgery. It was reported that out of 26 postoperative complications, twenty four were in the malnourished group. The study suggested that the nutritional status of patients undergoing surgical procedures be checked out very thoroughly. It also implies that individuals with less then optimal nutrition should be supplemented and replenished prior to elective surgery. Additional studies have been performed oh which all emphasize that nutritional status should be examined before any type of operation. As a result individuals which are malnourished and undernourished need to be given special consideration. Successful recovery from a surgical intervention is dependent on several variables, and post surgical nutritional support is one amongst these. Post surgical nutrition should be started as soon as possible. Having an superior nutritional status will aid in: - Wound closure - Improving immune responses - Fighting off infections or sepsis and - Preventing immediate and late complications. Amino acids come from proteins and are the basic building blocks of the body. For proper wound healing it's crucial to have a sufficient protein intake. Protein depletion appears to holdup wound healing by: prolonging the inflammatory part; by inhibiting fibroplasia, collagen and proteoglycan synthesis; and by inhibiting neoangiogenesis (proliferation phase) and wound remodeling. While the severity of the stress inflicted on a patient is porportionate to the severity of the wound, surgery, nevertheless, poses great matabolic stress on patients. Increased metabolic activity of would healing, acute-phase protein production in response to stress, and amino acid mobilization from muscle used for hepatic gluconeogenesis all end in patients who have suffered injuries requiring more protein than non-injured patients. Experimental protein depletion in animals showed a decrease within the tensile strength of wounds. In a study of 108 human patients with experimental wounds, individuals with either low serum protein or serum albumin had considerably weaker wounds than those with normal protein values. Protein calorie malnutrition increases morbidity and mortality in the surgical patient. Several studies have found hospitalized patients in a state of malnutrition at admission. Thus, it's important to increase protein intake to optimize healing and immune function, and to stop post-surgical complications in these individuals. Protein requirement It is recommended that the non-injured adult obtain about 0.8 grams of dietary protein per kilogram of body weight every day. Since elderly patients have a decreased ability to synthesize proteins it's suggested they possess a higher protein consumption of about 1-1.2 grams of dietary protein per kilogram of body weight per day. The surgical/trauma patient can require considerably more protein. Minor surgery could not significantly increase the protein demand; but, if the patient is already protein malnourished, wound healing can be adversely affected unless dietary protein intake is increased. Major surgery can increase protein requirements 10% , while a patient with multiple traumas could need 75% additional protein. The protein requirement is raised the most (about 75-100%) for special cases like burn victims, whose wounds bring about tremendous metabolic stress. Therapeutic modes of nutrition For patients in whom the protein requirement of the body outweighs the intake, supplements are required to fulfill the increased demand. Therapeutic modes may be helpful in this case. - The best form of nutrition is oral as it is safest, least expensive and overal best quality for our bodies. - For patients which have a functioning gastro intestinal tract enternal tube nutrition is used to replace or aid oral feeding all together. This is only called for in individuals that require intensive protein support. - Partial parenteral nutrition supplies only part of the patient's daily nutritional requirements, supplementing oral intake. - By using TPN (total parenteral nutrition) all of the patient's each day nutritional requirements are provided. Thrombosis can often be the outcome of long periods of concentrated solutions use, however in temporary situations a peripheral vein maybe used. A patients weight, plasma proteins, glucose, etc should be monitored regularly. Role of milk proteins in recovery process Whey proteins are an excellent protein source for everyone -- regardless of what their age. From a nutritional perspective, whey proteins reign supreme. Whey is a by-product of cheese and casein manufacturing process. Whey is made from around 20% of original milk proteins. Currently research is suggesting that specific components of whey protein can assist with the development of new body tissue. Immune modulation, anit-inflammatory and healing effects are amone the biological activities related to whey protein. Casein is essentially a milk protein and is considered the foremost protein fraction of milk. Caseins are synthesized within the mammary gland and are considered phosphoproteins. They have the capability to impact gut motility while possessing immune modulator activity also. Caseins are extraordinarily high in the amino acid glutamine, which is the most abundant amino acid found in skeletal muscles and may play a role in supporting the immune system. References: 1. Loimaranta V., Laine M., Soderling E., et al. Effects of bovine immune and non-immune whey preparations on the composition and pH response of human dental plaque. Eur J Oral Sci 1999; 107:244-50. 2. Bolke E., Orth K., Jehle P.M., et al. Enteral application of an immunoglobulin-enriched colostrum milk preparation for reducing endotoxin translocation and acute phase response in patients undergoing coronary bypass surgery--a randomized placebo-controlled pilot trial. Wien Klin Wochenschr 2002; 114:923-8. 3. Zello G.A., L.J. Wykes P.B., Pencharz and R.O. Ball. (1995) Recent advances in methods of assessing the dietary amino acid requirements for adult humans. J. Nutr. 125: 2907-2915. 4. Ayles H.L., R.M. Friendship and R.O. Ball. (1996) Effect of dietary particle size on gastric ulcers, assessed by endoscopic examination, and relationship between ulcer severity and growth performance of individually fed pigs. Swine Health & Prod. 4(5): 211-216. Qivana Top Health Home Based Business Opportunity Qivana is a company that focuses on the immune system to enhance energy levels and health. Some of the unique products that Qivana has developed are proven Asian herbs and antioxidants that are known to improve the immune system's defenses. Many of the executive board of Qivana have a history in numerous other health nutraceutical companies, and many of them held executive positions with Xango, another popular product line. Qivana has a product line called Qore which have several crucial products that also go by an initial to represent what they are used for. The Qore line of products consists of a three month regiment that is meant to detox your system and keep it that way. It focuses on the digestive and intestinal systems as a sort of colon cleanser, as well. Through the removal of toxins that we intake through the food we eat, it removes the impurities for a healthier immune system that enhances circulation and adds to increased energy. Qivana Qore Probiotic or "S" for Stabilize: As an example, the Qore probiotic is known as "S" which is for stabilize. This product introduces healthy bacteria to the intestinal and digestive systems to help build the immune system and overtake the harmful bacteria in those systems. Probiotic cultures are something you have probably heard about in commercials of the products that contain them, but they are essentially the types of bacteria cultures that live in yogurt, for example. They also help keep cholesterol and triglycerides at lower levels, besides keeping harmful bacteria in check. Trisphere technology is used, which creates a triple layered beadlet delivery method for the sensitive "good" bacteria, which makes it more effective than other methods such as capsules. "S" for stabilize boasts a stable shelf life of 18 months, unlike other products like this on the market. Qivana Qore Essentials or "V" for vitalize: Like the name implies, this is the energy boosting part of the routine which enhances the biogenetic potential. The unique blend of Asian herbs which are Chinese skullcap, White Korean Ginseng and the herb of immortality, Gynostemma pentaphyllum aid liver function, and improves toxin removal and boosts anti-inflammatories. The revitalization of the cells leads to increased circulation and you are re-vitalized and more energetic. Qivana Qore Detox or "O" for optimize: The final part of the system is the detoxification, which removes toxins, heavy metal contents, and other free radicals that attack the immune system. All of these things can cause a compromise in the immune system and they typically come from the food we eat, and the debris that is left in the intestines and stomach. By detoxifying the systems, they are optimized for a strong immune system, and enhanced overall health. The detox or "O" is an essential part of the system, because by detoxification, you remove the harmful bacteria in these systems, which makes the good bacteria in the "S" stabilizer, more effective. Through the vitalizer, or "V", natural antioxidants encourage new cell growth and make the whole body healthier. By using this three component system for better digestive and intestinal health, you will experience an overall healthier body and more energy than you knew you had. Raw Vegetable Diet Raw food diet has recently been discovered as one of the healthiest way to conduct a diet. For most vegan/vegetarians, raw vegetable diet is the optimum path to health. This article discusses the reasons for you to decide whether the raw road is the correct one for you. Raw food diet is considered to be one of the most healthy and nutritious diets available. A raw diet consists mainly of fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, grains, beans, seeds and dry fruits. This is the ideal diet to reduce the intake of starches, fats and carbohydrates. It also reduces the risk of diabetes, cancer and heart diseases, amongst other illnesses associated with blood vessels and circulation. However, many people have the wrong idea and think that a raw diet only consists of eating foods like salads and fruits. There are many raw vegetable recipes that can certainly change your point of view. Fruits and vegetables can be taken as juice as well. Juicing fruits or vegetables can help keep the essential nutrients unbroken, and your body will take many more benefits. Many scientific studies have repeatedly shown the repayment on keeping with a raw food diet. Since it is very low in fat content, most of the food is turned into energy, and as a result, it maintains the health benefits and fitness levels in balance. It greatly aids the weight loss, while helping restore the equilibrium in your digestive system. Many people still dispute that raw vegetable diet is not a very healthy one to follow, as it has deficient amounts of proteins, due to the elimination of meat, eggs, dairy products, and fish. The matter of fact is, enough amounts proteins can be received in this diet. Many of our vegetables, fruits and grains can give us all the nutrients needed to keep alive, well and healthy. If you are about to start off on your way to better eating and healthier living, let me give you three important tips to follow. 1. Start spending time learning the benefits of Organic Foods. The advantages are incredible. This can certainly start getting you ready to cleanse that body. 2. Try juicing your favorite vegetables and fruits instead of eating them cooked. Get used to their rich flavor in their true content. Have as many natural juices as you can. 3. Open up your mind and your palate. Get the dictionary and learn about new vegetables you haven't tried. Eat them in every possible way you can. You'd be surprised how many options are out there to choose from! There are, however, two main methods to get on the raw food diet. There is the dehydration of fruits and vegetables using a dehydration machine or the usual 'eat it as it comes from the tree'. Many beginners start off by purchasing an inexpensive dehydrator at their local store. It tends to take from 24 to 48 hrs to be ready, but it is worth the wait. There are many more tips on this method you can learn from. Then, there is the natural way; cut the fruits and vegetables and have a blast at it. This other method may take some taste acquiring, but it is the best way. Remember, cooking food above 115° F destroys the vital enzymes your body requires. In very simple words, the raw diet it is a great choice to follow, only if you have studied the pros and cons and have consulted with your physician about it. This diet is not recommended for all, as it can trigger some health issues. Especially in people of advanced age, children, pregnant women and people suffering from anemia. Realize Easy methods to Do away with Dandruff Naturally Dandruff is often a persistent scalp situation, characterised by itching and flaking for the skin tone in your scalp. This ailment isn't contagious and is almost never considerable. Yet, for people that have dandruff, it can be a great deal more like a nuisance than something else, as well as the reality is, dandruff will not be simple and easy to remove. Dandruff is definitely the single most typical scalp grievance in North America. In keeping with dermatologists, practically anybody has this obstacle to some diploma. Results in of Dandruff You'll notice extremely a small number of workable will cause of dandruff, along the lines of: Dry pores and skin: Maybe this is a most popular underlying cause of dandruff, primarily within the winter when the air is chilly and rooms are overheated. Flakes from dry epidermis are typically smaller and much less oily than those people from other brings about of dandruff. Not Shampooing Generally Ample: Not washing your curly hair routinely can contributing factor oils and dead epidermis cells to construct up - a root cause of dandruff. Make contact with Dermatitis: Usually in case your scalp is delicate to sure locks care solutions for example shampoo or locks dyes, it would create an epidermis circumstance through which your scalp turns into irritated, red and itchy, resulting in dandruff to sort. Bad weight loss plan: A deficiency of nutrients certainly zinc, B nutritional vitamins or some specific varieties of fat raises your probability of possessing dandruff. A variety of Pores and skin Difficulties: Different epidermis dilemmas equivalent to psoriasis, eczema, and seborrheic dermatitis also can contribute to dandruff to variety. A Yeast-Like Fungus: This fungus, named Malassezia, lives around the scalps of most nutritious adults lacking inducing issues. Then again, quite often it grows out of management, irritating the skin tone on your own scalp and creating flaky white dandruff to type. Thankfully, you can find truly one or two efficient healthy dandruff remedies that may support get rid for the white, flaky spots inside your locks and with your shoulders. Natural Treatments for Dandruff Quite a few herbs are worthwhile on the epidermis and scalp and may be manufactured right into a rinse, or additional in your shampoo. For instance: Comfrey, Thyme, Plantain, and Licorice. Imperative Oils for Dandruff Absolutely necessary oils are also efficient dandruff remedies. Some fundamental oils that happen to be significantly favorable encompass: Rosemary, Thyme, Sage, Lavender, Lemon, Cypress, and Tea Tree. You'll increase a couple drops of any of your previously mentioned very important oils on your preferred organic shampoo. Imperative oils may also be extra to vinegar to create a therapeutic massage oil combination for dandruff. You wish: * Single tablespoon of cider vinegar * five drops of Thyme * three drops of Sage * three drops of Cypress * five drops of vegetable oil (e.g. night guarantee, jojoba, carrot) Combine the earlier on with each other and include them to 1 ounce of spring water. Use about one particular teaspoon on the blend every time, therapeutic massage in to the scalp (not the curly hair) each evening prior to heading to mattress. Dietary Dietary supplements for Dandruff As described higher than, an inadequate food regimen deficient of a few particular natural vitamins and minerals can be one in all the doable creates of dandruff. If you happen to have dandruff, make sure that that your diet regime is abundant in the next: Vitamin A; B-complex natural vitamins, specifically vitamin B1 and B2; biotin; mandatory fatty acids, significantly omega-6; and zinc. Make sure you base your eating plan on loads of green leafy greens and uncooked food. Refrain from oily fried food items and lessen consumption of saturated fat, sugars, chocolate, dairy supplements, seafood and peanuts. Remove the Ugly Fat With Calatrin Pregnancy is sure to bring along with it oodles of extra weight. And the worst part is that it becomes noticeable in all the wrong places: the waist and the thighs. Your face also looks pumped up like a balloon when there is surplus of weight in your body. How you wish that there was a way to control your weight and make you look fresh and young once the baby is delivered. Well, with the influx of a great number of weight loss supplements in the market, you now have the choice of reducing your weight in the most natural and painless way. Calatrin is an effective weight loss supplement which gets rid of the excess fat in your body, helping you to get that slim look that you always dreamed of. In fact, the accurate name of the supplement is Calotren which many people mistakenly refer to as Calatrin. What is Calatrin? Calatrin is in fact a protein supplement which carries a protein called collagen. Collagen is actively used in our body for many activities. The main function is to develop the lean muscles in our body which require a lot of energy to function well. This energy is extracted from the fat deposits in the body. This automatically leads to weight loss. In fact, because Calatrin is a protein supplement, it is useful for underweight people too. These people get the stamina to do their work and also build up lean muscles by taking this product. And the greatest advantage of Calatrin is that is has no side-effects. Being free from stimulants like ephedrine and caffeine, this product is fairly safe to use. How Does It Help You? Since Calatrin works on the lean muscles, it strengthens the muscles and keeps them supple. The joints are lubricated and work well. It adds to the good effects of the connective tissues and helps them to be better adapted to absorb impact. And you will be floored to know the advantages for the skin. Calatrin helps the skin to lose its wrinkles becoming beautiful and making you look much younger in the process. The arteries are also strengthened and the blood flows normally through them. Being a protein supplement helps the product to fortify the protein level in our body. Any Side-Effects? As mentioned before, Calatrin has no side-effects. Usually most weight loss supplements are associated with harmful intoxicants like caffeine and ephedrine which decrease the energy level of the body. You are also free to take regular medicines with this weight loss supplement. Generally, if you are suffering from high blood pressure, you have to take medicines on a daily basis. Taking Calatrin has no untoward effects on this. How Much Should You Take? For best effects, you can take 4 capsules of Calatrin at night daily with a glass of plain water or water mixed with lemon juice. The body should be free from food. At least 3 hours should have elapsed after taking food to take the product. You can also take it to improve your stamina about 45 minutes before you go for a workout session. So making Calatrin a part of your life will surely prove to be very fruitful for you. Retain Beauty For Rapid Weight Loss Rapid weight loss techniques that call for reduced food intake can increase your urge to binge eat just after you have managed to lose weight and reach your target. This leads to the formation of cellulite, stretch marks, sagging skin and hair loss and can make you look older than you actually are. Foods that have healthy fat content are essential for retaining the suppleness of your skin and maintaining overall health. Fruit If you are looking to rapid weight loss techniques that will allow you to get into swimwear for the summer holidays or a short dress for the New Year party, ensure that you keep your body hydrated and your glucose requirements met with sufficient intake of food. Opt for fleshy fruit that provide you the carbohydrate that is essential to maintain high activity and keep you mentally alert. Discard biscuits, chocolates and pastries and choose this option. This will help you eliminate toxins and keep your system clean and your skin clear. Dry Fruit Dry fruit are an easily portable option to fruits that can be messy if you are on the go. Dry fruits aid your digestive system and provide you with a burst of energy while helping your internal organs. Walnut and almond are heart and intestine friendly and provide essential nutrients. Peanuts are high on protein and fat content and necessary for your mental alertness. Raisins, apricots, dates and small quantities of pistachio and cashew nut are good supplements to keep you fit. Do not avoid these food options as a part of your rapid weight loss plan since they provide you the necessary nutrition to maintain your exercise regimen. Juice and milk You can have a fresh fruit juice early in the morning in place of tea or coffee. Milk is an essential source of protein and calcium and is preferably had twice a day. A rapid weight loss plan must include these vital fluids to counter any nutrient loss on account of your reduced food intake. If you find that you develop a stomach upset because of milk, opt for soy milk or sprouted seeds. Some fruits have very high fibre content and should be avoided if they do not suit you. You will have to identify fruits that soothe your intestines and leave you feeling energised. Salad Almost all rapid weight loss plans incorporate a high amount of raw food eating. Our digestive system can, in fact, accept only small quantities of salad. Raw food salads must be washed in hygienic conditions and eaten fresh. A purely raw vegetable diet can lead to constipation and reduced nourishment for the body. Eat salads that provide protein content and have boiled vegetables as well. Boiled vegetables should be taken in higher quantity so that there is reduced pressure on the intestine to process the food and there is higher nutrient absorption. Some boiled vegetables like beans and peas provide high protein form excess gas in the system and lead to excessive discomfort for the person. Review Of The Ab Rocker So many of you have either heard of the Ab Rocker through commercials, through advertisements, or even just by talking with other fitness gurus. And some of you have never even heard of this product, which is why I am here to give you an honest review. So let's get started. But, before we get into the review of the Ab Rocker, we have to answer one major question. First of all, what is an Ab Rocker? Well, the Ab Rocker is a product that is designed to promote maximum muscle tone in your midsection abdominals. Basically its a product or "exercising aid" for those people that don't want to put the time and effort in themselves to get the most ripped abdominals. Better put, its a product for those people who want to try and get the easy way out of "six pack" work outs and for those who think they can just use an exercising aid to get the maximum results for their abdominals. Now after scrolling through the positive and negative feedback, you may realize that this product isn't for you. I can see how this kind of mechanism can draw in the attention of countless people, and that reason is because the creators of this exercising aid product, aim to enhance the abdominal toning benefits of a normal sit-up. The creators of the Ab Rocker have good intentions, because their aim is to simplify the performance of a basic sit-up, while emphasizing the phenomenal results you get from the fact that this machine enhances the toning benefits of your "six pack" abdominals. The main method implemented in the Ab Rocker is the method called Spot Reduction. They use this method to emphasize the power of the Ab Rocker to promote their idea of weight loss in the abdominal area. Now, what is Spot Reduction? Spot Reduction is the idea that the harder you hit a certain area with powerful exercises, the more fat will be lost in that area. Basically, constantly targeting one specific are with intense work outs will result in major fat loss. Positive Things: One cool thing about this product, is that you don't just target your abdominal muscles, but you also can target your lower back and whole core by reversing the direction you sit on the Ab Rocker. So you come off this mechanism with toned "six pack" abdominals, lower abdominals, obliques, and even a more toned back. The product is said to deliver a complete abdominal work out, because the creators claim that it targets your obliques, "six pack" area abdominals, and lower abdominals. Supposedly your whole abdominal muscle group will be more toned and chiseled, along with your lower back. Another positive quality that all consumers will love is that it is not at all time consuming. So combined with the fact that you gain increased muscle tone in both your abdominal muscles and lower back and do this in the least consumption of time as possible, you are also promised to lose weight. So honestly, with all these cool, promising qualities, the Ab Rocker can possibly deliver the phenomenal results that the creators claim you'll have. If you were to combine this Ab Rocker with consistent, daily, aerobic workouts and a healthy diet, maximized results could be endless. Negative Things: Although there are are a great amount of qualities to consider the Ab Rocker as praiseworthy, there are a few negative things to it. The first negative feedback is that many reviewers claim that this mechanism doesn't live up to the standards that the creators claim it will have. Second, many reviewers consider this product to be expensive because the "cost-Free" normal sit-up will give you the same kind of results. Though the creators of the Ab Rocker promise some kind of weight loss, that is almost impossible due to the fact that no abdominal exercises can cause you to lose weight. Apparently, according to reviewers, any kind of diet will produce better results than the results you get from the Ab Rocker. Another fact is that the method of Spot Reduction is one of the main "myths about abdominals" that you can find on my "Best Ab Exercise Myths To Watch Out For" page. Another failure on the part of the Ab Rocker creators, is that they forgot to implement exercising the thousands of tiny stabilizer muscles that support your "six pack" abdominals. The reason these stabilizer muscles are important is because they create imbalances and can result in injuries if they aren't exercised at all. The last negative thing about the Ab Rocker is that it needs to be assembled which can take a while, and the machine itself is pretty fragile. Conclusion, Good Or Bad Product: The Ab Rocker has both amazing qualities and bad qualities, but for the price range of $25.99-$199, this exercise aid machine is not worth as much as the creators claim it to be. Because the Ab Rocker has many bad reviews, it proves that this machine doesn't live up to the potential that it claims to have. It doesn't efficiently burn any of the fat surrounding your stomach or develop muscle around your abdominals, and to see the "phenomenal" results, you'll have to add in some aerobics, weight loss supplements, and a healthy diet to the equation. In my opinion, sticking to the basic abdominal workouts found on this site will really get you the ripped, chiseled, abs you've been aiming for. Running Is The Perfect Form Of Exercise To Keep You Fit The Road to Hell they say is paved with perfectly good intentions and nowhere is more applicable than in the world are running, health and fitness. Why is this so? Well basically the traditional viewpoint is that if it's a quick fix it isn't working. It takes hard work and dedication to manage a long-standing fitness program. Be sensible about what you can achieve and it will motivate you. Aim for a gradual loss of weight and this will be more sustainable in the long run. That is why health and fitness experts had come up with the idea of lifetime fitness in order to teach people set realistic goals. These lifetime fitness programs generates dietary regimens that cut your normal calorie consumption for your weight by 500 to 1,000 per day, so will burning the same amount with exercise. In turn, this will definitely encourage healthier weight loss. Lifetime fitness teaches you how to maintain a physically fit body at the same time enjoy and live a happy, contented life. It gives you the chance to strike a balance between the two (exercise and diet), and make exercise, be it team sports, cycling, or walking, something you will truly enjoy. That is why lifetime fitness embodies the concept that making a long-term healthy lifestyle change is essential to keeping the pounds off once they are gone. It helps if you understand the long-term benefits and advantages that lifetime fitness can bring you. 1. Lifetime fitness programs offer you the most comprehensive and wide-ranging fitness and health encounter with quality services, in which the customers will feel gratified. These fitness programs provide you the right method in maintaining health, build up and encourage your competence, and take care of your family's physical fitness as well. 2. Because the goal of lifetime fitness is to provide you with long-term achievements as far as physical fitness is concerned, these programs utilizes numerous fitness equipments that will tone and manage your health and the different parts of your body. There is a variety of fitness equipment that will give your cardiovascular system a lift. You can also opt for some sports facilities that will provide you with an alternative way of being physically fit. 3. Lifetime fitness programs and centres also provide nutritional products such as food supplements that will aid in the formation of good blood cells and tissues thereby making your body at its pink of health. Nowadays good gyms and health centres provide you with all sorts of material to help you keep your mind focused and motivated as well. These articles will give you an insight on how to make you life balance and how to live a life that is healthy and fit. Indeed, staying fit and healthy can be a long and winding road and there are instances wherein you may find your enthusiasm fading occasionally. Nevertheless, with the comprehensive programs provided by lifetime fitness plans, you can start heading back to the right track of a healthier you. 24-Hour Processing - We handle and process Your deca durabolin or sustanon within 24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... Extensive Customer Service - We offer comprehensive order support and customer service with full feedback and support throughout ordering and receiving.Special Prices And Discounts - We offer special prices and discounts for all large quantity purchases -see special offer section for favorites deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. Designed to meet all Your bodybuilding requirements. By Shrenks Online Pharma Selecting the Most Beneficial Meat for Protein Diet Food and Diet Foods List Picking the correct meat and poultry diets foods can be one of the most complicated components of cooking and eating for better wellness. Meat, seafood and poultry are important sources of protein, iron, vitamins and minerals, but they're usually laden with undesirable qualities; for example saturated fat and cholesterol as well. Picking out the ideal, leanest cuts of meat is important to any health conscious shopper. Among the most important items to understand when selecting meat, seafood and poultry goods is the fact that less is typically extra. That indicates acquiring meat, seafood and poultry goods that have been processed as little as you possibly can. The past few years have seen a considerable jump inside the number of convenience foods, but these foods are normally much much less wholesome than their fresh meat counterparts. One particular purpose why this can be so may be they require preservatives, sodium and other additives. Foods that are frozen, microwavable or ready to consume typically contain big amounts of sodium, frequently greater than you'll need in quite a few days. When it really is fine to help keep a couple of these convenient foods on hand for rapid foods for diets, they can't form the basis of a diet foods list life-style. Fresh meat, seafood and poultry, alternatively, doesn't suffer from the requirement to add sodium or preservatives. Buying fresh meats and seafood, and preparing it your self, will be the most effective strategy to have self-confidence inside the nutritional high quality of the healthy meal for weight loss you feed your loved ones. Certainly no discussion of fresh meat is complete without a note or two about safe handling approaches. Healthy diet foods borne illnesses can very easily be spread by means of contaminated meat, poultry and seafood, and it truly is impossible to tell from seeking if the product is contaminated. Considering the fact that cooking for the appropriate temperature destroys these diet foods to lose weight fast borne pathogens, probably the most important thing is usually to preserve raw meat and poultry away from foods which will not be cooked. That means keeping issues like salad bowls and bread plates nicely away from the region from the countertop exactly where the meat is ready. Any surface touched by raw meat, seafood or poultry need to be completely cleaned with an antibacterial resolution, and separate cutting boards should really be applied for vegetables and meats. Following these simple diet foods to lose weight fast hygiene practices will be the greatest solution to defend your self as well as your household from healthy diet foods borne illnesses. Cutting the fat can also be a crucial consideration on the subject of deciding upon meat, seafood and poultry. Even though most forms of fish are healthy and low fat, some fish, for instance salmon, can have significant fat content. Yet again, the nutritional labels need to be your guide. With regards to chicken, the most beneficial course of action is always to acquire skinless, boneless chicken breasts. This sort of poultry is wholesome, practical and easy to use. And most effective of all, skinless, boneless chicken breasts are normally on sale, so stock up on them when your nearby grocery store runs its subsequent promotion. A great option for those with all the time would be to acquire typical chicken breasts and get rid of the skin and bone oneself. This can be typically a much less costly alternative than acquiring the boneless, skinless chicken breast. Ground turkey is usually an excellent and lower fat option to ground beef, but yet again it's critical to read the label cautiously. That is certainly since ground turkey, particularly the less high priced brands, usually include skin and fat together with the lean meat. Ground turkey breast, or possibly a brand using a lower fat content material, can be a healthier alternative. Ground turkey breast may be employed in any recipe that calls for ground beef, which includes burritos, barbecue, tacos, chili as well as hamburgers on the grill. And naturally, consuming wholesome doesn't mean giving up delicious foods like beef and pork. Lean cuts of beef and pork can be a crucial portion of a wholesome best diet food. Beef and pork are each exceptional sources of iron, zinc and B complex vitamins, and adequately ready, lean beef and pork are healthy diet foods together with delicious. And lastly, you will discover a variety of lower fat, healthier options to beef and pork. Meats like buffalo, venison and emu are significantly lower in fat than beef, although supplying the exact same or perhaps increased levels of protein. The downside of those exotic meats, needless to say, could be the value, but when you can obtain a neighborhood supply at a very good price tag they're undoubtedly worth a look. Sensory Ataxia Surgery ,Sensory Ataxia Surgery in India at Affordable Cost, Mumbai Delhi India Sensory Ataxia Surgery Overview Sensory ataxia is both a symptom and a sign in neurology. It is a form of ataxia (loss of coordination) caused not by cerebellar dysfunction but by loss of sensory input into the control of movement. Sensory ataxia is distinguished from cerebellar ataxia by the presence of near-normal coordination when the movement in question is visually observed by the patient, but marked worsening of coordination when the eyes are closed. Sensory ataxia also lacks the associated features of cerebellar ataxia such as pendular tendon reflexes, scanning dysarthria, nystagmus and broken pursuit eye movements. Patients with sensory ataxia often demonstrate pseudoathetosis and Romberg's sign. They usually complain of loss of balance in the dark, typically when closing their eyes in the shower or removing clothing over the head. The term sensory ataxia is employed to indicate ataxia due to loss of proprioception - the loss of sensitivity to the positions of joint and body parts. This is generally caused by dysfunction of the dorsal columns of the spinal cord, because they carry proprioceptive information up to the brain. In some cases, the cause of sensory ataxia may instead be dysfunction of the various parts of the brain which receive positional information, including the cerebellum, thalamus, and parietal lobes. Sensory ataxia presents itself with an unsteady "stomping" gait with heavy heel strikes, as well as a postural instability that is usually worsened when the lack of proprioceptive input cannot be compensated for by visual input, such as in poorly lit environments. Physicians can find evidence of sensory ataxia during physical examination by having the patient stand with his/her feet together and eyes shut. In affected patients, this will cause the instability to worsen markedly, producing wide oscillations and possibly a fall. This is called a positive Romberg's test. Worsening of the finger-pointing test with the eyes closed is another feature of sensory ataxia. Also, when the patient is standing with arms and hands extended toward the physician, if the eyes are closed, the patient's finger will tend to "fall down" and then be restored to the horizontal extended position by sudden muscular contractions (the "ataxic hand"). Causes Sensory ataxia is present in sensory peripheral neuropathies and conditions causing dysfunction of the dorsal columns of the spinal cord such as tabes dorsalis. The cause can also be genetic The functional defect results from an impaired perception of the location of the body part combined with relatively preserved strength in the member. Clinical findings include defective joint position and vibration sense in the leg and sometimes the arms, unstable stance with Romberg's sign, and a gait of slapping or steppage quality. Some examples of diseases that cause sensory ataxia are shown in the table below. Polyneuropathy Myelopathy Diabetes Acute transverse myelitis Hypothyroidism Vacuolar myelopathy(AIDS) Cisplatin Multiple Sclerosis Isoniazid Vascular Malformations Diphtheria Tumor or Cord compression There is a lot of others diseases that can cause disorders of gait and equilibrium, such as spastic ataxia, frontal lobe disorders, hemiparesis and retropulsion. Nevertheless, their anatomical and physiological basis are very distinct, sometimes poorly understood, and are beyond the scope of this review. Symptoms of Sensory ataxia The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Sensory ataxia includes the 4 symptoms listed below : - Balance problems - especially in the dark or with eyes closed Romberg's sign Abnormal writhing movements - usually of the fingers Loss of proprioception Venous Angioplasty for Sensory Atoxia Venous Angioplasty for Sensory Atoxia in India Surgery Bangalore Physicians can find evidence of sensory ataxia during physical examination by having the patient stand with his/her feet together and eyes shut. In affected patients, this will cause the instability to worsen markedly, producing wide oscillations and possibly a fall. This is called a positive Romberg's test. Worsening of the finger-pointing test with the eyes closed is another feature of sensory ataxia. Also, when the patient is standing with arms and hands extended toward the physician, if the eyes are closed, the patient's finger will tend to "fall down" and then be restored to the horizontal extended position by sudden muscular contractions (the "ataxic hand"). Causes Sensory ataxia is present in sensory peripheral neuropathies and conditions causing dysfunction of the dorsal columns of the spinal cord such as tabes dorsalis. The cause can also be genetic The functional defect results from an impaired perception of the location of the body part combined with relatively preserved strength in the member. Clinical findings include defective joint position and vibration sense in the leg and sometimes the arms, unstable stance with Romberg's sign, and a gait of slapping or steppage quality. Some examples of diseases that cause sensory ataxia are shown in the table below. Please log on to :www.indiahealthtour.com Please log on to : http://www.indiahealthtour.com/treatments/neurosurgery-india/sensory-ataxia-surgery.html contact Email : Serious Effects of Benzodiazepine Abuse Benzodiazepine is a psychoactive drug used to treat anxiety disorders, panic disorders, nervous tension, acute stress, and anxiety associated depression. Benzodiazepine slows down the activity of neurotransmitters in brain and gives relief from stress and anxiety. Benzodiazepine when consumed produces an initial euphoric feeling and mostly abused to experience the pleasure of feeling of drowsiness that it causes. Its abuse can produce side effects like muscle cramps, nausea, drowsiness, loss of concentration, loss of appetite, slurred speech etc. Serious Side Effects Benzodiazepine is a highly addictive drug and tolerance soon develops with increasing amount of dosages that further leads to addiction. Unusual Risk Taking Behavior Prolonged exposure to benzodiazepine causes a person to show more unusual risk taking behavior, decreased inhibitions, show less fear of danger etc. Benzodiazepine alters the brain chemistry that causes feeling of fearlessness that can lead the abuser to engage in dangerous acts. Such decreased inhibitions can result in person suffer from injuries, accidents, incurring debt etc. Depresses Mood, Thoughts of Suicide or Hurting Themselves Benzodiazepine changes the chemical structure of brain that causes the abuser to feel depressed, sad, and worthless. It also causes abusers to feel about committing suicide or hurting themselves. The person looses interest in daily activities and appears tired. Hyperactivity, Agitation, Hostility, Hallucinations The person abusing benzodiazepine shows heightened levels of hyperactivity and restlessness. The person feels more agitated and hostile due to these increased levels of hyperactivity. Hyperactivity can lead to body injury, accident, or physical violence. The person can also experience hallucinations like hearing strange voices, see things that do not exist etc. Fainting Benzodiazepine abuse can cause the person to experience loss of balance, coordination, fainting, lightheadedness etc. Seizure Benzodiazepine abuse can cause person to experience muscle twitching or convulsions that result in seizures. It further results in loss of consciousness, speech difficulties, and confusion. Urinating Less or Not At All Benzodiazepine abuse affects the urinary system and the ability to urinate. Prolonged exposure can cause the person to pass very less urine or even lead to anuria which is complete stoppage of passage of urine. Blurring Of Vision The persons abusing benzodiazepine may also suffer from eye sight problems and blurring of vision. Jaundice Benzodiazepine abuse also causes liver damage and dysfunction. Damage to the liver further leads to jaundice. Physical Effects: Benzodiazepine abuse can be physically and emotionally addictive. Muscle Cramps Persons abusing benzodiazepine have found to suffer from muscular side effects like muscle crams, twitching, muscle pain, muscle rigidity, and joint pain. Nausea Benzodiazepine abuse can cause gastrointestinal side effects like nausea and vomiting. These side effects are not serious but immediate medical treatment should be initiated if noticed. Diarrhea Other forms of gastrointestinal side effects include diarrhea. If diarrhea is noticed for more than 24 hours, immediate medical attention needs to be sought as it can cause dehydration or cardiac arrhythmias. Drowsiness Benzodiazepine acts as a depressant on the Central Nervous System (CNS) and causes drowsiness among the person abusing benzodiazepine. Lack of Coordination Benzodiazepine abuse affects the Central Nervous System and the person shows lack of coordination in the activities performed. Loss of Appetite Persons abusing benzodiazepine may suffer from loss of appetite and subsequently lose weight. Loss of Concentration Abusing benzodiazepine can also have mental side effects, and impair and affect the person's ability to concentrate and perform regular tasks. Slurred Speech The person abusing benzodiazepine can have a slurred speech and is often seen in confused state of mind. Sudden cessation of benzodiazepine intake can cause the person to experience severe withdrawal symptoms like seizures, convulsions etc. Addiction to benzodiazepine can be effectively cured through detox programs at rehabilitation centers under the observation of trained physicians. Detox programs help in early recovery of the addicted person and cope with withdrawal symptoms. Shedding Pounds By Colon Cleansing Are you trying to lose weight? If the answer's yes, you'll probably have used the Web to evaluate weight loss products. When we speculate about products for losing weight, diet pills are typically the primary thing that comes to mind. While diet drugs might be able to help you achieve your weight loss desires, diet drugs don't seem to be the sole product for weight loss that you will need to look into. A considerable number of individuals have successfully used colon cleanses, additionally commonly referred to as weight loss cleanses, to weigh less and you may want to consider doing the same. When it comes to using colon cleanses to lose weight, there are various people, presumably simply such as you, who wonder how the full process works. Before understanding how colon cleanses may aid you to lose weight, it's important to not forget that there might be a variety of approaches. There are some colon cleanses that advertise that they're designed to assist you lose extra pounds. These varieties of colon cleanses are commonly called weight loss cleanses. With that in mind, there are colon cleanses that advertise that they are not guaranteed to assist you lose extra pounds, even though some of them may. When using a colon cleanse, it is necessary that you just follow all of the directions given to you. For instance, there are some colon cleanses that need that you are doing not eat something for one or two days. These types of colon cleanses are usually ones that are in liquid format. The colon cleanses in pill format may request that you only eat and drink foods like fruits and vegetables. If you buy a colon cleanse that asks to you restrict your diet, you are suggested to try to to so. This diet restriction is what makes it possible for you to lose extra pounds, also allowing the colon cleanse to properly work. When you use a colon cleanse, you're basically detoxifying your body. The colon cleanse will work to push toxins out from your colon and sometimes even your intestines. This is often not solely ideal to market a healthy wellbeing, however it will also aid you lose extra pounds. It's been said that the average person has anywhere from four to eight pounds of stored waste in their body. When employing a colon cleanse, that additional waste can be expelled from your body. This can be why many people will be able to weigh less with a colon cleanse. If you're ready to use a speedy colon cleanse, like one that works in three to seven days, you will notice a rapid weight loss. There are some individuals who use colon cleanses to quickly shed pounds before a special event sort of a wedding or a vacation. Whereas you will be able to attain fast weight loss with a colon cleanse, it is necessary that you proceed with caution. If you are doing not amendment the approach that you just eat or add exercise to your daily activities, you will see your weight add back on it as little as some weeks or a few days. This typically happens if you were asked to limit your diet when employing a colon cleanse. While you are doing not have to keep up together with your restricted diet, you're suggested to scale back your junk food intake and start a daily or a minimum of a weekly exercise program. Since it is a lot of than possible for you to lose weight with a colon cleanse, you'll be fascinated by giving one a try. When trying to shop for a colon cleanse, you will be in a position to search out them on the market for sale in traditional malls, fitness stores, and health stores, each on and offline. Before buying a colon cleanse, you may wish to go looking for product reviews online or speak with a healthcare professional. This will facilitate to make sure that you simply if you are doing obtain a colon cleanse that your cash is intelligently spent. Shocking Visalus News.. What Others Don't Want You To Know In this Visalus Review, I am going to reveal the truth about a new health and wellness company called Visalus Sciences. Do their products really stand up to their Challenge? Visalus: The Company Visalus Sciences is a health and wellness company based out of Troy, Michigan under the management of CEO Ryan Blair, and CMO Blake Mallen. The company has been around for over five years marketing a nutrition line called the Vi Pack, and recently began experiencing rapid growth, with the launch of the 90 Day Body By Vi Challenge. They are a multi-million dollar company, backed by Blyth Industries, which is a Billion Dollar publicly traded company under the management of Bob Goergen. Visalus SciencesProduct Line At the centerof Visalus's Body By Vi 90 Day Challenge, is their Vi-Shape nutritional shake mix. Their shake revolves around the concept of meal replacement, thus helping people on the Body By Vi Challenge, lose weight effectively. In addition, to their Vi-Shape mix, the company also has other great products that can be taken along with their shakes. These products help people accelerate their weight loss, as well as maintain healthy weight. What's unique about their shakes is the fact that they are yummy tasting, are packed with vitamins and other nutrients,and cost about $1.87 per shake. This givesconsumers the added value of being able to save money they're already spending on unhealthy meals, and get the vitamins, minerals, and nutrition that their bodies need. The Body Body By Vi 90 Day Challenge The concept of the Body By Vi 90 Day Challenge is designed to help people who are serious about losing weight, chose a target weight goal they would like to achieve, and pick akit that will assist them in reaching their goal. Two kits revolve around weight loss, and the other two around weight maintenance. What I find interesting is their refer 3 and your next month is free concept. Meaning that if a person who particpates in the challenge shares the challenge with 3 other friends or family members, once those people join, they could potentially get their next month's auto order absolutely FREE! This is a good way to help people lose weight,and help others they care about save money! The thing that I like most about this company is how they are building a community of like minded individuals who share the common goal of getting in shape. They have their own social media community called Vi - Net, where someone participating in the challenge, can get information on nutrition,post before and after pictures, get recipes, and track their weight loss. Winners of the 90 Challenge qualify for trips, shopping spree's, and are rewarded for choosing to adopt a healthier lifestyle. The Visalus Sciences Business Opportunity For those interested in starting a business with minimum overhead, Visalus gives peoplethe opportunity to partner with them, and share the Body By Vi 90 Day Challenge around the nation. Some perks of the Body By Vi 90 Challenge business are the ability to earn weekly money, on going residual income on a monthly basis, a BMW Car Bonus, Disappearing Auto Orders,rank advancements, and most importantly Financial Freedom in a time where the economy has most peopleout of work. In Closing I believe that Visalus and the 90 Day Challenge is a win win situation, for anyone who is serious abouttheir health and changing the lives of others. In a time when the economy is in the dum and prices continue to go up on just about everything, Visalus is a pioneering a new way of doing business that is helping people in all aspects of life... Plus the people in this company are so Cool! Shopping For Safe Diet Pills That Work? Here Are The Essential Points To Know Are you looking for safe diet pills that work? We have some significant information for you personally in this article. You can find diets pills in slick packages getting sold on websites and in retail stores everywhere, but did you know that almost all items sold do not need any type of approval from the FDA? We will go over the background on this and go into a few relevant details to help you. On this article, we will offer tips on finding safe diet pills that work, as well as include some example diet pills by name. Why We Should Be Careful There has been cases in which manufacturers include most likely dangerous amounts of active drug ingredients in pills only to be exposed and banned by the FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) later on. In this article, we will explain the main things to search once shopping for safe diet pills that work, in addition to some examples of what a few of the top diet pills that work are. FDA Approved Diet Pills - What Are They Almost all FDA approved diet pills are prescription drug medications that have been able to pass the the standard requirements of the FDA. Usually, the manufacturer's have provided clinical trial facts to back up their claims of helping users lose weight. So should you are trying to find safe diet pills that work, FDA approved prescription weight loss pills stands out as the safest and best bet simply because they've been tested thoroughly. However, you will discover limitations surrounding this as well. Prescription strength weight loss medication tends to stronger and may well not be right for everyone. If this is the route you desire to take, you will want to discuss this with your doctor. There is one FDA approved over the counter diet pill that can be bought without a prescription. It is named Alli. Except for your newest warning associating it with rare cases of liver problems, many users have found it being both safe and effective. Some enthusiastic users even say Alli may be the fastest working slimming pills they've used. Other top prescription weight loss drugs include Phentermine, Xenical and Phendimetrazine. Phentermine is an appetite suppressant used for patients who need to lose a lot of weight, and may also have related health issues like high blood pressure and diabetes. It's used as a short term aid for losing weight. Xenical is the prescription version of Alli. It's a fat blocker that prevents fat from being digested and absorbed into the body. Phendimetrazine is another appetite suppressant used for treating obesity. It works best when used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise. Over The Counter Safe Diet Pills That Work Over the counter diet pills can be safe and work as well, we just need to be careful when choosing the right one. Almost all weight loss pills being sold over the counter fall under the category of dietary supplements according to FDA rules. These include vitamins or herbal extracts and do not require pre-approval in order to be sold. However, the FDA will monitor their safety once they hit the market. Therefore, it is safest to stay with pills that have a long established presence in the market and lots of positive reviews. Read to see if there are studies that associate their product with weight loss. These studies should clearly referenced and verifiable. To understand the safety of the product, take a look at the list of ingredients in the pill and research them online as well. Check The FDA Website For Warnings And Talk To your Doctor Before you decide to buy any advertised safe diet pills that work, you can also research the FDA website to see if there has been any warnings regarding the weight loss pills. Last but not least, verify with your doctor for any advice. Should You Be Concerned About Gymnema Sylvestre Side Effects? It's alarming to see the climb of cases of diabetes and obesity. The main culprit is excessive intake of sugar. Exercising regularly and eating right is still the best combination for dealing with obesity and diabetes. However, the struggle for most people is to follow a diet plan. It also takes plenty of self-discipline to exercise every day. There's an herb that's said to be extremely effective in regulating sugar craving and also blood sugar levels. A shrub found in India and Africa, Gymnema sylvestre is said to be the miracle herb. Weight loss and combating diabetes are just two of the uses of this herb. The herbal medicine is also used to remedy coughs as well as malaria. It can also be utilized as a laxative and also appetite suppressant. Reports show that Gymnema has a chemical substance that prevents the absorption of sugar in the intestines. The body's insulin amounts may be boosted by using Gymnema. Additionally, it may encourage the growth of pancreas cells at the same time. The creation of insulin is a function of the pancreas. One reliable source, a site that provides natural news, confirms this. The site affirms that gymnemic acid can be found in Gymnema sylvestre. This substance is very just like glucose. The glucose receptors in the intestines can be closed by gymnemic acid. Because of this, absorption of sugar in the intestines is prevented. Within the taste buds, Gymnema sylvestre has an equivalent effect. It was already pointed out above that there's resemblances between glucose and gymnemic acid. The glucose receptors in your taste buds could be blocked by gymnemic acid. Every time the taste buds are clogged, eating sugar-rich foods definitely won't be as satisfying. Your yearning for sugar, as a result, will be minimized. But like with all good things, there are also a couple of things you have to be wary about too when using Gymnema. There are Gymnema sylvestre side effects that you should be cautious about. To always be safe, experts say that pregnant women should refrain from using Gymnema even though there's no documented side effects. In case you have diabetes, use caution when combining the use of Gymnema with other diabetes prescription drugs. Decreasing blood sugar is one of the things that Gymnema can do very well. By taking Gymnema along with insulin, you're at risk of lowering your blood sugar to unsafe levels. The key thing to keep in mind is to regularly keep an eye on your blood sugar levels if you're taking Gymnema along with other diabetes medications. Consuming huge amounts of sugar still isn't advised even you take Gymnema to decrease your blood sugar. Eating right and working out on a regular basis is still your best choice against obesity and diabetes. So eat healthy food and live a good life. Do not forget that these natural cures are simply there to aid you a little with losing weight. Shedding pounds will entail a lot more than just taking Gymnema. You need to train and eat well. The reality is that there really is no quick fixes with regards to attaining and sustaining a healthy body. There's just a couple of things that you have to bear in mind and that's eating right and always remembering to workout. Should You Buy a Personal Sauna? Saunas have been shown to provide many benefits. They are great for reducing stress and reinvigorating the body. They can aid in weight loss and improve the condition of your skin. There have been studies that suggest other health benefits like reduced blood pressure, improved immune system, and relief of joint pain. But who has the time to make a special trip to use a sauna all the time? You can enjoy the benefits of a sauna in your own home with a personal sauna. They are not as expensive as you would think, and can add value to your home. Not only that, regular sauna use can give you a wide variety of benefits that would be hard to attain using saunas away from home. Building a personal sauna in a spare room or on your patio at home will give you the health benefits that regular sauna use can provide. Studies have shown that you need to be consistent with your use of a sauna in order to receive the maximum health benefits. In our busy lives, we may not always be able to get to a gym or day spa on a regular basis. A personal sauna will eliminate this problem. It will also be available to you in your own home at one of the most critical times you would need a sauna – when you are sick. Most people don't like to get out of bed when they are sick. They are definitely not going to the gym to use the sauna. But when you are sick, the steam from the sauna and the sweat it produces can shorten the time you are sick. Regular sauna use can also improve your immune system so that you don't get sick in the first place! Now, you may be thinking that having a personal sauna is only for the extremely wealthy. But really, anyone can have a personal sauna. They are relatively inexpensive and can be built with the minimum or carpentry skills. Depending upon the model, its features, and the retailer, you can for only a couple thousand dollars. That can be a significant cost savings, if you think about how many trips to the day spa it would pay for in the first few months of use. Personal saunas can come partially built, completely built, or you can hire a professional to build and install a personal sauna in your home. Whatever method you choose, there are affordable options for any budget. A personal sauna is also great for detoxification. In our modern world, there are so many daily environmental toxins we are exposed to that our bodies often cannot keep up. Chemicals, pollution, processed foods – we are constantly bombarded with unhealthy elements of contemporary society. A sauna can be successfully used to help the body expel any toxins that have accumulated in a very safe and natural way. Toxins are released through the skin and our sweat. Saunas amplify this process and help the detoxification of our bodies. When you regularly use a sauna for detoxification, it limits the amount of toxin build up in your system and keeps you healthier. Whether you buy a personal sauna from an online or offline retailer, you will experience the benefits and realize the value of owning a personal sauna. The internet is full of research on the highlights of different manufacturers and models. You can also visit brick and mortar retailers that can show you the various features to look for when shopping for a personal sauna. It truly is a sound investment for anyone. This is an article by Carla Corbett who writes more about home saunas and sauna health benefits at her website www.guidetosaunas.com. This is an article by Carla Corbett who writes more about home saunas at her website http://www.guidetosaunas.com Shred The Fat Using Whey Protein Supplements Whey is most well known for its bodybuilding properties - But did you know you can remove fat with Whey as well? Adopting protein supplementation can aid you lose weight by both reducing your protein to fat intake, as well as reducing your appetite by stimulating cholecystokinin (CCK-PZ,) which is the chemical in your body that controls how hungry you are. Condensing Your Protein to Fat Intake All in all, when you take in protein you also take in fat. For example, when you drink milk you're drinking a lot of fat. Even low fat or 2% fat milk, which is measured as 2% by weight, has a lot of fat when you measure it by calories. The same can be said for meat, nuts, and just about any other protein source. That's why Whey is such an credible supplement. You get an almighty dose of protein into your body, without having to ingest any fat in the process. Whey is almost 100% protein. In addition, it has all the essential amino acids your body needs. That means you'll get all the proteins you need, including the proteins that your body can't produce on its own. Conquer Appetite With Cholecystokinin Cholecystokinin (CCK-PZ) is considered one of the most important things when it comes to weight loss. It's the brain chemical that controls how hungry you are or aren't. Whey is one of the few foods that scientists have found can actually increase the body's production of CCK-PZ. In other words, when you drink Whey, not only do you add proteins your body badly needs, but you also reduce the feeling of hunger by boosting the chemical in your brain that regulates hunger. That means eating less foods that your body doesn't need to build muscles. This again translates to losing more fat over the long term. What Does Scientific Research Show? There have been multitude scientific tests done on Whey protein to see its effect on weight loss. Many of them involve comparing Whey to other forms of protein to see which had more of a weight loss effect. One study to be prominent was a study conducted that compared Whey with milk and with someone who ate nothing during the period of the study. The results were quite shocking: Participants consuming Whey lost even more weight than someone who was consuming nothing. Whey actually stimulated processes in the body that caused the loss of fat, even more so than the body's natural tendency to burn fat when there isn't food around. Losing Fat with Whey Protein Supplements As incredible as it is, it's not a magic drug. In order to really lose weight with protein supplements, you need to compound supplementation with a consistent workout routine. If you combine the benefits of the low-fat percentage of Whey with its hunger reducing, fat burning properties, you get a supplement that's 100% percent ideal for burning fat. Just make sure the rest of your diet doesn't add too much fat to your body while crafting a workout plan to consistently sculpt your body to the body you truly desire. Side Effects of Arava Arava is brand name for leflunomide. It is used for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. It reduces damage on bone joints and improves physical functioning. It is also used for other purposes. Common side effects of Arava Arava can produce many common side effects, which are not dangerous. The common side effects of Arava are as follows Mild stomach pain Diarrhea Loss of appetite Weight loss Headache Dizziness Back pain; Numbness or tingling for a little time Running or stuffy nose Symptoms of cold Mild itching Mild skin rashes Nausea Hair loss Muscle aches Indigestion These side effects are not dangerous in nature. They can fade away quickly. But if any of these side effects persist for long time, seek medical help. Serious side effects of Arava Arava can produce several serious side effects. Some of severe side effects are listed below. You should immediately seek medical help if any of these serious side effects occur. Use of Arava can produce persistent cough, numbness or tingling of hands or feet and hair loss It can cause chest pain, fast or pounding heartbeat It can also produce increased thirst and urination. Other serious side effect of Arava is acute muscle cramp or pain. It can also cause mental changes or mood changes. It can cause vision changes too. It can lead to easy bruising or bleeding. In some cases unusual growths or lumps can also be seen. Other serious side effects of Arava are swollen glands or lymph nodes, unexplained weight loss, unusual tiredness. It weakens immune system and slows down body's power to fight infection. It can cause different signs of an infection such as fever, chills, or persistent sore throat. Severe allergic reactions such as rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue; blisters on the inside of the eyes, nose, or mouth can also be caused due to use of Arava. It can cause liver problems. Symptoms of liver problems such as dark urine, pale stools, yellowing of the skin or eyes, stomach pain, severe or persistent nausea or loss of appetite could be experienced after use of Arava. Precautions while using Arava Tell your doctor if you have any allergic reaction while using Arava, as you may be allergic to any of its ingredients. If you have any immune system disorder like HIV infection, do not use Arava and consult your doctor. If you develop any infection, cancer, bone marrow or blood disorder, consult your doctor. Consult your doctor if you have any kidney or heart disease. Any liver disease such as hepatitis B or C or alcohol abuse should also be consulted with doctor. Do not drive, use machinery, or do any activity where you need to be highly alerted as use of Arava can make you dizzy. Avoid alcohol while on Arava. It can affect your liver. Avoid vaccinations during use of Arava without asking your doctor. Take measures to prevent infections. Stop using Arava if you get pregnant while using Arava. Do not use it while breast-feeding. Stop using Arava in following conditions and consult your doctor immediately If you experience fever, chills, body aches, flu symptoms If there are white patches or sores inside your mouth or on your lips If you develop chest pain If you have cough and having trouble while breathing If you have painful or burning urination If you have pale skin, easy bruising or bleeding and unusual weakness In case of nausea, stomach pain, loss of appetite, itching, dark urine, clay-colored stools, jaundice or any other sign of liver problem, you should stop use of Arava If you have sore throat, headache with a severe blistering, peeling, and red skin rash. For more information visit http://www.unsafedrugs.com/1519/side-effects-of-arava Signs and Symptoms of Liver Cancer In Adult Men and Their Effects There are several factors why symptoms of liver cancer in women aren't the same as liver cancer symptoms in men. The biggest organ found in the body is the liver. The most usual type of cancer for both women and men is liver cancer which could show the same symptoms for both of these sexes. Two of the most notable liver cancers that are common for among men and women are primary liver cancer (hematoma) that originates from the liver itself, and secondary liver cancer that stems from other organ which has metastasized to the liver. Liver Cancer Symptoms In Men That Differ From Women Enlargement of the Breasts Abnormal growth of the breast is also included in the many liver cancer symptoms in men. Liver cancer may stimulate the breasts of males to swell more than the normal size of an average man. Often, this breast enlargement is accompanied by pain upon being touched. Erection Problems Any drastic change in the biochemical level of a man's body brings about erectile dysfunction, which is the case for men going through cancer of the liver. Even though erectile dysfunction is included in the list of liver cancer symptoms in men, not all erectile problems are the result of liver cancer. Men who experience this kind of sign of liver cancer need to have themselves examined to identify what causes the erectile problem to ascertain if they indeed have liver cancer or not. Enlarged Testicles One of the most distinctive liver cancer symptoms in men are unusually swollen testicles. This swelling of the testicles develops when the cancerous cells have metastasized to the testicles. Usually, these inflammation and/or growth aren't painful which could cause a person to ignore such symptom. Because of this it is strongly suggested that if any individuals observe unusually inflamed, they get diagnosed immediately before it's too late to avoid the growth of the liver cancer. Blood in the Urine Hematuria or blood in the urine can be a positive sign of possible prostate cancer or liver cancer. A positive sign that the liver cells are already malignant is when the liver becomes filled with blood. The blood will then flow through the urinary system and be excreted along with the urine. Should you be observing blood in the urine, you need to be checked by your medical professional to identify whether it is liver cancer that is creating the presence of blood in the urine or not. Common Liver Cancer Symptoms Liver cancer symptoms which are common in both men and women are the following: . Hepatitis . Liver cirrhosis . Fever . Jaundice . Unusual weight loss . Weakness . Loss of appetite . Abdominal pain near the liver .Nausea or vomiting . Abdominal pain that radiates to the right shoulder When you're experiencing any liver cancer symptoms in the list above, it's best to seek medical help immediately. The risk for having liver cancer drastically increases if an individual is he's an alcoholic, has been sick with hepatitis B, has been exposed to pollution contaminants for example polyvinyl chloride, has been suffering from liver cirrhosis. As men are ten times likely to have cancer of the liver than women, it is always best for men to adhere to a healthy way of life and consume less alcohol. If you're diagnosed with cancer of the liver, speak to your doctor about the options you have in treating the disease. As a lot of the liver cancer symptoms in men can be attributable to other diseases, it is imperative that you get professional assistance when you recognize any irregular changes in your body. Signs of Throat Cancer and What You Can Expect Amongst the numerous kinds of cancer symptoms, throat cancer symptoms are probably amongst easiest to identify. Throat cancer is a wide term which includes larynx cancer and upper esophageal cancer. There are numerous various causes of throat cancer that have been identified starting from excessive smoking, tobacco use to exposure to chemical compounds. Smoking has been shown to be the most common cause of throat cancer symptoms among these different causes. To be able to formulate the best treatment for throat cancer, it is completely essential to have an immediate and early diagnosis of any symptoms of throat cancer that creating problems for you. Listed below are the various throat cancer symptoms that could help you in your diagnosis. Throat Cancer Symptoms . The earliest signs of throat cancer may include long term coughing. There are many factors that cause an individual to cough, nonetheless; because this is one of the main body's protective reflexes, it is considered to be the prominent symptom of throat cancer. An obvious swelling on an individual's throat may be seen from patients who have throat cancer as a result of inability of the throat to let the air flow properly. Continual dry coughing becomes persistent since the body's natural reflex makes the effort to protect itself against microorganisms. . Dysphagia, or the difficulty swallowing, is one other common throat cancer symptom. Because of the compression and swelling of the food pipe, the individual normally experiences problems swallowing food. But, the degree of which an individual experiences difficulty swallowing is determined by various factors- having throat cancer is definitely one in particular. . Rapid weight loss may be explained as a secondary effect due to dysphagia in which the patient loses appetite because of the difficulty taking in food. The patient's loss of appetite can be so severe that he/she may not even think about eating during the day. This is one of the most noticeable throat cancer symptoms that you'll see in an individual who has throat cancer which need to be referred to a physician without delay. . . A strange lump on the neck or throat which doesn't heal or recede in spite of taking various medications and solutions is one thing to take into consideration. A sore throat can also be a warning sign- nevertheless the distinction between a common sore throat caused by a cold and sore throat attributable to throat cancer is that a common sore throat due to a cold can be easily treated with prescription antibiotics whereas a sore throat due to throat cancer cannot. . Ear pain is a symptom that throat cancer patients often complain about. This symptom is often seen in the later stages of cancer such as stage 4 of throat cancer. . Other symptoms of throat cancer you should be aware of include numbness around the face, slight changes in voice, difficulty in breathing and inflamed lymph nodes in the neck. The throat cancer diagnosis and the throat cancer survival rate usually go hand in hand with one another. If the stage and the symptoms of throat cancer are determined earlier, the patient could have a much better chance of survival and treatment. Thus, if a patient has the previously discussed throat cancer symptoms and most importantly, if he/or she has had a smoking history, he/she should refer to a doctor or otolaryngologist immediately. Simple Facts About Ashwagandha And Its Uses Learn how to consume Ashwagandha in this article and also discover how to make use of this herb. You may have heard that Ashwagandha burns body fat and you may be curious about the uses of Ashwagandha? Can it help out with shedding fat and losing weight? Ashwagandha or "Samm al ferakh" .the latin name is Withania somnifera- it is a known adaptogen. This simply means that it modulates the immune system and adrenal health. Ashwagandha offers some anti-inflammatory properties all of which brings about a slight boost in white blood cells, neutrophils and hemoglobin. Mainly because of the adrenal benefits of Ashwagandha, it can aid to cut down high blood pressure somewhat and enhance cognition and memory This herb will basically have little to no affect on weight-loss and will eventually not influence the libido if your libido is already healthy, as well Ashwagandha is not a metabolic booster The ingredients in Ashwagandha are the withanolides or steroidal lactones and the parts with the raw herb used would be the root, the leaves and the berries. But I'd suggest you find a formulation from a respectable company to make sure that you're getting what you spend on and that it's not actually contaminated with toxins. The best is PRI Ashwagandha The easiest method to use Ashwagandha may be to taken it in and absorb it in pill form. In all honesty the majority of the Ashwagandha you will discover on the market are diluted. The price should be a good indication of its quality of the Ashwagandha If you are paying five to fifteen dollars a pop it can't be pure. A good quality one is developed by Mira herbals There isn't any toxicity related with Ashwagandha, but it's not recommended for pregnant women. Here's a brief run-down on the potential herb-drug interactions of this herb: Potentiates pentobarbital resting time (rats); potentiates barbiturates (speculative); (-) tolerance to morphine (mice); avoids myelosuppressive activity of cyclophosphamide, azathioprin and prednisolone (mice); magnifies antiepileptic effects of diazepam and clonazepam (rats); utilised as adjuvant for benzodiazepine and opiate revulsion (both empirical) How soon does Ashwagandha perform its magic? Regrettably, the answer would depend entirely on your body but most people notice the huge benefits within from 2 or 3 days to a few weeks. Supplements give one's body nourishment it's otherwise inadequate, so the herb works immediately after your physique has the capacity to utilize and absorb its nutrients will it have its required effect, then and only then will you feel it. It is similar to giving a person food to eat. If they're starving and not properly fed, it might take a few days of ingesting food and sipping water a tiny bit at any given time to return to normal health, however when someone is generally fed, they'll feel better around the first couple bites of food. The same goes with this herb. All its potential benefits will be determined by how healthy you might be at the moment Simple Step to Help Lose Weight (Whey Protein, Multivitamin, and Weight Loss) You have done it; you have reached the point that you need to start seriously planning on how to lose weight. You want to lose the weight in the most efficient manner. When you are starting to put together your weight loss program here are some quick and simple suggestions for helping yourself to get more out of you weight loss plans. Take a good multivitamin. When people are planning their new weight loss program they normally start by taking things away from their diet. Plus, they plan on eating fewer calories. These are both good things, but one of the side effects of eliminating certain foods from your diet is that you will lack the essentials to helping your body to lose weight. A good way to counteract the loss of nutrients in your diet is to add a good multivitamin. The multivitamin will pick up the slack in any nutrients that are missing from your diet, and it will also increase certain vitamins that help your body to process stored fats. Sleep is another element that is often over looked when thinking about losing weight. It is important not to overeat close to when you are going to sleep for the night. While your body is running at a lower level of energy, it is storing up energy for the next day. If you are eating before sleep your body will convert the excess food into fat. Sleep is also very important for muscle growth. When you are sleeping is one of the main times that your body will produce new muscle. It is important that when you start a workout program to be sure to get at least six to eight hours of sleep a night. Adding protein to your diet is another great way to help you to lose weight. Protein is the building block that your body uses to create new muscle and repair muscle fibers. When you are trying to lose weight the most efficient way to accomplish it is to create lean muscle in your body. Lean muscle burns large amounts of calories when you are idle. This will help you to burn fat even when you aren't at the gym. To help your body get extra protein and to build more lean muscle include a whey protein supplement in your diet. Whey protein is better than a soy protein mixture. Whey is easier for your body to metabolize, allowing it to be used more efficiently. Also there are fewer side effects with whey protein, including less cases of indigestion due to usage. When you are looking for a good whey protein, you should purchase whey protein isolate. Whey protein isolate contains fewer fats and carbohydrates in comparison to whey protein concentrate mixtures. Whey protein isolate contain over 90% pure protein. Protein is a good way to help your body to create lean muscle, but it works better when you increase the amount of water that you are drinking in your daily diet. There are numerous health benefits that come from increasing the amount of water that you drink. If you are active, and you are consuming protein supplements then it is a recommended that you drink at least a gallon of water a day. This will help your body to process the waste that comes from burning fat, and from constructing new muscle. These are simple suggestions that will lead to much greater weight loss success. It is important to not forget the little stuff when you are planning on losing weight. Simple Techniques To Stop And Cut Down Cellulite This really is for those people with cellulite or individuals who desire to stop it: you're advised to take a detoxifying diet plan, including inside quite a few fresh vegetables and fruit, and steering clear of black tea, iced tea, coffee and alcohol. The canned foods also require to be forbidden. Very important aspects to have a close look on are the water retainer alimentary substances, which can increase the problem of having cellulite. An example can be the sodium, existing in great amounts within the salt and gravies like Chinese shoyu. Lactose (sugar of milk) can present the same effect, so it also has to be consumed with moderation. Decide on yogurts and cheeses that have decreased lactose. It's also critical to decrease the fat on the diet, since it contributes for the enhance of cells that produce the adipose tissue, consequently ultimately causing weight gaining, and this is extremely related with the advance on the cellulite. Associated to a balanced diet plan, you have to practice workouts regularly. You must rather food that contain vitamins, fibers, minerals and fewer calories, because they regulate the process of energy production in the system, besides diminishing the absorption of body fat of foods and controlling the restoration of tissues, keeping your skin healthy and stunning. Drinking water is another quite vital item to acknowledge. You should drink daily, minimum two liters to hydrate the body; this procedure assesses the kidneys while in the toxin elimination and assists during the treatment for cellulite. Here's a hot tip: besides all these advantages for your, it fools the stomach giving it a sensation of satisfaction of already eaten prior to. Have plenty of meals in small portions during the day. It makes the digestion simpler. You will have much less appetite plus your organism will have less weight to deposit on individuals spots we most hate, like thighs, hips, bum, etc. Be sure to chew correctly and slowly. This can decelerate the digestion, meaning that the stomach will need longer to send the brain the message with the digestion, diminishing your motivation and will to eat much more. Here are some additional tips to avoid cellulite: - Lean protein sources have got to be consumed, for instance the egg white, white meat (including chicken and fish meat) and lean red meat (filet Mignon). Rather than fried meals, you are able to replace it with a grilled or baked preparation. - Stay away from food with a lot of extra fat, including greasy pizzas, gravies, cheese, filled bread and cookies, buttered biscuits, ice-cream, etc. - Select getting food that lack refined sugar. Some of these are the pasta, potatoes and fruits. If you feel like eating a candy, choose a cereal bar. - Avoid utilizing excessive oil during the preparation within the food. - Foods containing mostly fibre are good sources of energy and aid to diminish the absorption of fat, besides contributing for that regulation on the intestine. - Try to select eating foods that tend not to contain salt in its formula, like the diet plan cookies, margarine without salt, vegetables and natural seasons and spices, for the exact same reasons mentioned previously about the consequences of getting a lot of salt. - If you prepare a meal, never add a lot of salt through its preparation neither after it's ready. Here's an advice: never place the saltcellar on the table to start with! - Tend not to take sodas and alcoholic beverages, simply because they only supply calories and possess no vitamins and minerals. Prefer juices or water. - Practice aerobic physical exercises, like jogging, riding bicycle and swimming; these sorts of exercises help to lose body fat and calories, consequently decreasing the cellulite. Sirolimus - A Brand New Addition To Mesothelioma Treatment Mesothelioma treatment improved with addition to Sirolimus treatment. This is wonderful news for mesothelioma patient because of its anti-proliferative effects; sirolimus is now being looked at for the treatment of malignant mesothelioma and a number of other cancers. After being diagnosed with mesothelioma it is natural to experience a whirlwind of emotions. This lethal disease can definitely turn your life upside down, but rests assure that researchers are working night and day to find a cure for you! Researchers at the Boston women's hospital report that the immune suppressant drug called Sirlimus is an effective mesothelioma treatment. According to the researchers working at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston they saw greater success when using sirolimus along with cisplatin than they did when using cisplatin alone. What Is Sirolimus? Sirolimus also known as rapamycin is an immunosuppressant drug which is typically used to prevent rejection of organ transplantations especially in kidney transplants. Sirolimus has an anti-proliferative effect which makes it an effective treatment option for mesothelioma. Benefits of Sirolimus It is believed that the benefits of sirolimus could make it easier to treat certain cancers. Sirolimus acts as an inhibitor in the development of certain proteins that affects the cell survival and cell growth among others. The researchers also stated that upon observation of combination of sirolimus and cisplatin “Sirolimus appears to enhance the cytotoxicity of cisplatin in malignant pleural mesothelioma cell lines through the mammalian target rapamycin pathway. These results provide a basis for the clinical evaluation of combined sirolimus and cisplatin chemotherapy in malignant pleural mesothelioma.” Precautions & Warnings When Taking Sirolimus According to research, before taking sirolimus you should follow these guidelines: * Let your doctor know if your are allergic to any medication * Give your doctor a list of medication (prescription or non prescription) including vitamins nutritional supplements, herbal products and make sure you let your doctor know if you are taking amphotericin B, antifungals, ketoconazole, bromocriptine, cimetidine, HIV protease inhibitors, seizure medication, Phenobarbital, metoclopramide, rifabutin, verapamil or any other medication. Your doctor will need this information to prescribe appropriate dosage of your medication or to monitor for any side effects. * Let your doctor know if you are pregnant, plan to become pregnant or breastfeeding. * Tell your doctor if you suffer from high cholesterol or triglycerides of liver disease. It is best to disclose any health conditions and medications to your doctor before taking sirolimus. Are There Any Side Effects Caused By Sirolimus? Possible side effects of Sirolimus are: * Headache * Constipation * Back pain * Diarrhea * Weight loss * Fever * Weakness * Vomiting * Stomach pain There are other serious side effects which are uncommon, but if you experience pale skin, shortness of breathe of unusual bleeding or bruising you should call your doctor immediately. The most frequently recommended treatments for pleural mesothelioma patients has been chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery or a combination of two or more of these types of treatment and medication. But with sirolimus, this new addition will significantly improve the lives of mesothelioma patients. These clinical researches are making advancements in the treatment of mesothelioma. Patients suffering from mesothelioma are volunteering to receive the newest development in mesothelioma treatment in the hopes of finding a cure for this disease. We hope that one day there will be a cure for this lethal disease. Skinny Fiber Weight Loss - A Scam? Brief Overview Of What Skinny Fiber Is All About Can we make a smart guess that, prior to stumbling upon Skinny Fiber, you have previously tried out many other weight loss solutions, where the product manufacturers claim that you will be able to lose weight fast and easy… But at the end of the day it was nothing but all disappointment? The main reason why many of those weight loss solutions in the marketplace do not work is purely because they do not attack the root of the problem. And when it comes to being able to effectively lose weight, you need to work on attacking 3 root causes and they are: Eliminating your cravings, Get rid of all new fat formations, as well as slow metabolisms. The reason why Skinny Fiber works so well on many is because they are formulated in such a way that they attack the 3 root causes that is hugely responsible in one gaining weight. And in case you are wondering, Skinny Fiber is all-natural… So there is no need for you to worry about you suffering from any side effects as a result of trying this weight loss solution out. How Does Skinny Fiber Works To Help One Get Rid Of Excess Fats? Skinny Fiber works in 3 ways to help you get rid of those ugly, excess fats off your body and allow you to once again look and feel great, sexy, and confident! First, it will curb your food cravings by sending signals to your stomach that you are full. And as such, you will cut down your food intake significantly and at the same time, you will still full all day long. Second, it stops new fat formations by blocking fat absorption. And it also works to force your body to burn off those existing fats (that your body have accumulated over the years). Third, it helps to produce enzymes in your body that will help stimulate metabolism, allowing your body to burn off fats much faster (as compared to previously, without Skinny Fiber), and you feel energized all day long. Customers' Feedback About Skinny Fiber Based on what we have found, many customers are satisfied with the results that Skinny Fiber has brought about for them. Typically, they have managed to lose about 30 pounds in 3 months (results not typical). Also, they noticed that the product did a really great job in significantly reducing their food intake, and at the same time, keeping them full all day long. Pros & Cons Of Skinny Fiber After taking a look at how Skinny Fiber help one to get rid of their excess fats in the previous section, let us now take a look at some of the pros and cons of the product itself. Starting off with the pros – The number #1 plus point that we like about it is the fact that it is made up of all-natural ingredients and hence, you will not suffer from any of those side-effects. Another plus point that we like about the product is the fact that it can help one lose weight without any exercising – This is perfect especially for those who would want to lose weight, but yet at the same time do not have time for exercising, or engaging in physical activities. However, one downside about the product is that, after you have managed to successfully lose weight (and stopped taking these Skinny Fiber pills), you will need to exercise self-discipline to continue cutting down your food intake – As failure to do so will see you gaining the previously lost weight back. Our Final Verdict After taking a look at how Skinny Fiber works, as well as what fellow customers have said about the product, we feel that the product does indeed work very well for those who would like to lose weight the easy way (without any exercising). Therefore, Skinny Fiber is definitely a weight loss product that we would recommend that you try out if you are looking for a proven to work way to help you lose off those excess fats that just wouldn't go away no matter what you do. Slenderiix in Australia - The Weight Loss Wonder People have different reasons for losing weight. Some of them would want to tone up while others do it for health reasons. Whatever your reasons are, you should keep in mind that losing weight is easier said than done. The weight loss fad continues to grow through the years. Because of this, different weight loss programs are beginning to enter its way to the weight loss market. One of them is particularly gaining popularity nowadays - Slenderiix in Australia. What is Slenderiix in Australia? Slenderiix in Australia is a weight loss program designed to promote fast and permanent weight loss. It is comprised of a month's supply of Slenderiix supplements along with Xceler8, and a nutritional plan. How does it work? Slenderiix weight loss program works by providing for a detailed fitness program that will help you lose weight according to your body type. It includes a customized meal plans and daily workouts. It also provides supplements to further speed up the weight loss process. It is very close to getting a personal fitness trainer at home! Customer membership One of the incentives given in this weight loss program is the lifetime "preferred customer" membership. This is a onetime enrolment procedure that entitles the member to a 15% discount on Slenderiix. The fee for this membership is fixed at $25. Aside from the discounted price of Slenderiix products, members are also given other privileges. 4 Good Things About This Weight Loss Program There are a lot of weight loss programs available nowadays, but here are 4 reasons to choose Slenderiix in Australia: Money Back Guarantee - This is one of the features of the product that will give you some peace of mind. Whatever the result is, you will be assured to get your money's worth through their 30-day money back guarantee. This money back guarantee ensures that the Slenderiix program will give you noticeable results within a month. The only requirement for you to get a 100% refund is substantial compliance with the instructions. If such compliance have been proven, Slenderiix will give a full refund of the purchase price. No Starving - Unlike other weight loss programs, Slenderiix will never require you to go hungry. Instead of cutting off on food supply, this weight loss program will help you to choose the right foods to eat through its meal plan. No Crazy|Extreme Exercises Needed - Demanding weight loss programs would often require you to sweat for hours on different acrobatic positions. The Slenderiix weight loss program makes exercise very tolerable and effective by targeting flabby areas, i.e. arms, legs, thighs, etc. The exercises are very common and stimulating so it's very easy to follow in general. Excellent Customer Support - Another good thing about this program is the excellent customer support. For example, you can get a free coaching session if you are not sure about some of the things included in the manual. You can also ask for some tips and help if you are experiencing anything unusual about your condition. Customer service can be availed of via email or via phone call. Slimming pills – Helping people lose weight A number of people are doubtful about the efficacy of slimming pills. The reason is not hard to find. Everyday, new pills enter the market, claiming to promote weight loss and offering to help people lose weight in as little as a few days. It's difficult to believe such claims. But, at the other end of the spectrum there are prescription slimming pills that are clinically proven to work and whose claims can be believed. What are slimming pills? As the name suggests, slimming pills promote weight loss. Their function is to aid the weight loss efforts of men and women who are obese or who have excess weight. They perform a support function in the sense that they must be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and a strict exercise plan. People generally go wrong when they start seeing sliming pills as a magical solution for weight loss. They believe that all they need to do is use the pill and overlook the other important aspects of losing weight. Slimming pills, that is effective slimming pills, don't work that way. They promote weight loss, but only if you put in the required amount of effort from your side as well. Slimming pills – Various types available on the market The choice, when it comes to slimming pills is immense. You are in danger of being lost amongst the innumerable choices on offer. You can choose from prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) pills. There is a number of OTC slimming pills available if you want to give them a try. Most of them have not been clinically proven to work, but that doesn't mean that they won't work. Also, many of them claim to use a unique new compound that helps promote weight loss like no other. While using such slimming pills, it's important to be aware of their shortcomings in the form of side effects to your body. When you choose OTC slimming pills, it's more a case of trial and error, rather than making an informed decision. You can also choose from the number of herbal slimming pills available on the market. Their intake can either act as an appetite suppressant or can speed up the metabolism of your body, helping to burn fat faster. One of the important benefits of herbal medications is that there are no side effects linked to them. Prescription slimming pills Most prescription weight loss pills available on the market are appetite suppressants. The working of these pills helps increase the levels of specific neurotransmitters in the brain which permeate a feeling of satisfaction and fullness. So a person begins eating less, but doesn't feel hungry. There is also a fat blocker pill called Xenical that does not act like an appetite suppressant but works to block the digestion of fat. A pill like Xenical needs to be taken with a reduced calorie diet to improve its efficacy. There are various side effects linked to these pills, so you need to consult with your doctor about their intake. The doctor will also inform you about the various indications and precautions related to these prescription slimming pills. This will help you make an informed decision as to whether you want to be prescribed such a drug or not. Stabilized Rice Bran - The New Super Food Stabilized rice bran is the new natural health super food! Rice bran contains an amazing number of advanced nutrients and antioxidants which help you maintain your overall health. The nutritional value of rice bran is phenomenally superior to other brans and works with your body naturally for optimal heart healthy benefits. Studies have shown the presence of over 100 antioxidants & Co-factors in rice bran. Stabilized Rice bran contains just about all the essential vitamins and minerals you would ever need for natural health maintenance, weight management and instant energy. Rice bran doesn't stop there - it contains an astounding quantity of other healthy nutrients such as phytosterols, polysaccharides, beta-sitosterol, natural fiber, Vitamin E complex, plus a large complement of B vitamins. Rice bran also boasts an array of essential vitamins and minerals, gamma oryzanol, plus it is packed full of Omega 3 & Omega 6. So What Could Stabilized Rice Bran do for Me? Well, let's start with rice bran's super antioxidants. These are the vital nutrients which fight off free radicals in our bodies. Free radicals cause premature aging and many of the degenerative diseases of old age. Rice bran contains over 100 of these antioxidants & Co-factors to help keep you young, maintain your health and supply your body with its daily nutritional needs. Now, let's look at all the vitamins, particularly the B vitamins, and the Vitamin E complex which is only found in rice bran, barley and palm oil. The broad-spectrum efficiency of this product is a result of the complex forms of advanced nutrients and antioxidants it contains. Stabilized Rice bran is continually being tested and so far it has displayed great promise in the use against a myriad of modern diseases, including arthritis, joint health, peripheral neuropathy, cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol and diabetes*. Rice bran's naturally filling fiber content can also aid as a healthy weight loss supplement in the fight against obesity. From the most recent Rice Bran Studies, rice bran certainly has earned the accolade of a true natural health super food! Rice bran is the single most nutrient rich food source there is. Rice Bran OR Vitamins? Taken separately, vitamin supplements are not as immediately available in the body as the vital nutrients & antioxidants are in Stabilized Rice Bran. This is primarily due to the difference between how vitamins are digested and how rice bran works in your body naturally. The significance can be seen in the difference between the digestibility of a pill/capsule versus a powder/drink. Why? It is a well established fact that a powder is more readily distributed and digested along with its almost immediate availability of nutrients to your body compared to a vitamin pill/capsule. This is called Bioavailability and refers to the availability of a nutrient(s) to the body. Nutrients that are bioavailable are readily absorbed into your system, digested and distributed to the various parts of the body where they are required to support good health. Which means that Rice Bran can be more efficient, with less waste, in its distribution of vital nutrients and antioxidants than vitamins. Rice Bran Health Benefits: Gluten Free Lactose Free Zero Cholesterol Zero Trans Fat Hypoallergenic Superior Health Maintenance Low-glycemic Food Ingredient Great Weight Loss Management Helps Maintain Energy Levels Support Immune Defenses Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Supports Heart Health Helps Burn Fat Rice Bran In Your Diet: Vital Nutrients Phytonutrients Full Amino Acid Profile Quality Omega-3 & Omega-6 Fatty Acids Potent Antioxidants including: Alpha-lipoic Acid Ferulic Acid Gamma-Oryzanol IP6 (Inositol hexaphosphate) Phytosterols Tocotrienols Terrific source of Vitamin E Complex Natural source of B-complex vitamins Soluble & Insoluble Fiber Minerals & Trace Minerals Beneficial amounts of Magnesium, Manganese & Potassium Hypoallergenic Protein Where Has Stabilized Rice Bran Been all my Life? Thrown away, is the sad answer to that, or used for things other than supplying nutiritional supplements and nourishing people. Rice bran is one of, if not the, biggest squandered food resource in the world. Rice bran is the brown part of the rice kernel, the part which is discarded to make the white rice that most of us consume. All around the world rice bran has been used for burning as fuel and/or dug back into the soil. I Eat Rice - Don't I get my Rice Bran that Way? Sorry, but no. Eating brown rice might give you more fiber. The bad news is that most of the essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals plus the potent antioxidants found in rice bran are denatured during processing. Rice bran products are whole foods in themselves. This is basically concentrated brown rice, without all the white carbohydrate eaten with a rice-based meal. What Does Stabilized Rice Bran Mean? The problem with rice is that the brown part (the bran) contains oil which is very prone to rancidity, occurring within a few hours. The stabilization process denatures the lipase in the rice bran. Some of these processes are proprietary and patented due to the huge potential of rice bran as a product. There is an enzyme found in rice bran that causes the fat to spoil, and the stabilization deactivates this. This process gives stabilized rice bran a shelf life of at least 1 year guaranteed. This enables it to be made into powdered drinks and other derivative rice bran products that can be shipped around the world and used as nutritional health and dietary supplements. Try Rice Bran - The New Super Food today at Rice Bran Products and you will enjoy this complete nutrient rich food source that helps you enhance and maintain your overal health, along with providing instant energy for your whole day. Rice Bran Is The Single Most Nutrient Rich Food Source Available Today! STACKing up the Odds on my Weight Loss Program I've been on countless weight loss programs, from the traditional to the radical. Some worked, resulting to a 10-15 pounds of lost weight, while some didn't. Either it gave me headaches, stomach aches or sleepless nights. At age 34, with a height of 5 feet 8 inches, current weight of 198 pounds, and body mass index of 30.1kg/m2, my goal is to put my weight down to 150 pounds. The medical recommendation for my weight being within the 125 – 164 pound range, I'd be happy to lose 140 pounds. My pAGG experience It's been a month since I started taking pAGG supplements recommended by Tim Ferriss. The first time I heard about Tim Ferriss and his book The 4-Hour Body was when I asked a colleague (who has recently lost a significant amount of weight and is still continuing to do so!) what she did. She lent me her book and I read all about 4HB and the pAGG stack concept. Although Tim Ferris' book clearly explained how the pAGG supplement worked, and how it was possible to achieve healthy weight loss with the 4-Hour Body, I wasn't sure if it would work for me. But then again, all it took was another look at my slimmer, healthier-looking colleague – it if worked for her, why not for me? I decided to try out Tim Ferris' all natural weight loss program. I've been on the pAGG stack for over 30 days now and I now weigh 12 pounds less than when I started, with a reduced body fat of 17.2% (coming from 19.4%). How'd I do it? I simply followed Tim Ferris' recommendations to the letter: My pAGG stack I got my pAGG supplements from http://paggfatloss.com. For 6 days a week, for the past 4 weeks, I would drink my AGG supplements before meals, and the PAG supplements before bedtime: • AGG (before meals) – Alpha Lipoic Acid, aged Garlic Extract, Green Tea Flavanol • PAG (before bedtime) – Policosanol, Alpha Lipoic Acid, aged Garlic Extract I made sure to drink the pAGG supplements as recommended by Tim Ferris – no Green Tea Flavanol for the bedtime stack, especially since every 300mg of decaffeinated Green Tea Flavanol is equivalent to drinking 5 cups of coffee! And paggfatloss.com's green tea flavanol is 98.1%! Taking the pAGG supplements made me feel healthier – more energetic, have less food cravings and faster metabolism. What I like most about Tim Feriss' diet plan, aside from it being an all-natural weight loss program, are the “cheat” days it allowed. Once a week, I was allowed to binge, meaning, I can eat absolutely anything for the day. This is when I'd give my sweet tooth a treat with my all-time favorite cheesecake. On these days, I allow myself to load on carbs with the usual pizza and pasta. The rest of the week, the 6 days that I'm on my pAGG stack, I follow the delicious meals I've searched online for “slow carb meals”. I thought I wouldn't be able to survive on this on a regular basis, but I found helpful sites online that shared recipes that adhered to the 4HB diet plan. One favorite of mine is the Chicken and Lentils recipe (http://paggfatloss.wordpress.com/2011/02/28/chicken-and-lentils/) – interesting, appetizing and easy to prepare. It's quite an unusual dish that for me is a winner because it's both delicious and nutritious. My pAGG exercise routine Of course, no worthy weight loss plan ever worked without good old exercise incorporated in it. Tim Ferris 4 Hour Body recommended an exercise routine that should be done at least 3x a week. On weekdays, (Tuesdays and Fridays, usually, when my work-load is relatively lighter), I would do my 2-mile run around the neighborhood. I love breathing in the air, and the rhythm of my running shoes pounding on the pavement relieves all the pent us stress from my body. On alternate days when I don't run out, I do my cardio routine with a 20 pound kettlebell (3 sets of 25), 10 myotatic crunches, and 10 cat vomits. I'm on my 38th day of the pAGG stack already – I'm down to 186 pounds and extremely proud of the 12 pounds I've lost since I began taking the pAGG supplements. More than the numbers on the scale, and the better way my clothes fit now, I feel more beautiful knowing that I glow and radiate good health. This, I believe, is the best thing I've done for myself – heed Tim Ferris's 4HB plan, and work my way to a healthier life and body. Stanozolol – Winstrol (Oral) & Winstrol Depot (Injectable) Stanozolol is a synthetic derived from testosterone. Technically classified as an anabolic steroid, Stanozolol is commonly sold under the brand name winstrol. Created by the Winthrop Laboratories in 1962, winstrol is one of the most popular anabolic steroids. Winstrol is a registered trademark of Sanofi-Synthelabo Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Sanofi has licensed rights of Wnstrol to Ovation Pharmaceuticals. Winstrol is commonly marketed as Winstrol (oral) and Winstrol Depot (injectable). USAGE – The United States FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has approved winstrol for human use. Medically, winstrol is used in both animals and human patients to treat a number of conditions. Winstrol is commonly used for the treatment of anaemia and hereditary angioedema that causes episodes of swelling of the face, extremities, genitals, bowel wall, and throat in humans. Winstrol has substantial fibrinolytic properties. It has been effective treatment for urticaria, Raynaud's phenomenon, cryptofibrinogenemia, and lipodermatosclerosis. It has also been used to cure osteonecrosis in cases; it is resistant to all other therapy. The drug also has been successfully used in treatment of AIDS wasting syndrome. Winstrol is often used to improve muscle growth, red blood cell production, increase bone density and stimulate the appetite in weak and feeble animals. Winstrol is widely used by muscle builders for its anabolic and androgenic effects. Average Dose for men is 50-100 mg/day, and for women is 25-50 mg/week. CHEMISTRY – winstrol is a DHT (dihydrotestosterone) derivative. It is a 17AA steroid. It is chemically designated as 17-methyl-2' H -5(alpha)-androst-2-eno[3,2- c ]pyrazol-17(beta)-ol. In winstrol (oral), Stanozolol is solidified into tablet form, and each tablet contains 2 mg of stanozolol. Stanozolol is aqueous in winstrol Depot. Inactive Ingredients of winstrol include Dibasic Calcium Phosphate, D&C Red #28, FD&C Red #40, Lactose, Magnesium Stearate, and Starch. Active Life of winsrol is around 48 hours. SIDE EFFECTS – overuse or high doses of winstrol are often linked with cause serious side effects. Some of the side effects of winstrol are – allergic reactions, such as difficulty in breathing, choking of the throat, swelling of the lips, tongue, or face, or hives; swelling of the arms or legs, especially ankles; frequent or persistent erections, breast tenderness, breast enlargement (males), voice changes (hoarseness, deepening), hair loss, facial hair growth, clitoral enlargement (females), menstrual irregularities (female), worsening acne, difficulty in sleeping, headaches, and changes in sexual desire. LEGAL STATUS – winstrol has been classified as a Schedule III controlled substance under federal regulation. It has been banned from use in sports competition by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF). Stem Cell Treatments for Weight Loss Different types of stem cells Stem cells are considered to be master cells for other types of cells. Stem cell research is severely attacked and chastised by several religious and ethical groups, especially when the research revolves around “embryonic” stem cells. But there are also two other types of stem cells that have much lesser ethical and moral controversies surrounding them. The first one is the cord blood stem cell. These are isolated from the blood in the umbilical cord of a newborn. Since cord blood is considered a waste product that must be discarded anyway, there are much lesser religious or ethical concerns here. Today, people even pay to have their babies' cord blood frozen, should the child need stem cells for later use. For a very long time, scientists believed that only embryonic and cord blood stem cells are primitive enough to render them master cells that are capable of developing into any tissue type. But recent scientific research has discovered adult stem cells – stem cells from adult individuals – that have the capability to become any other type of cell. Just a few years ago, adult stem cells were used only for making blood. But now scientists believe that they have far more implications than what was thought possible. Adult stem cells are abundant in the bone marrow. They circulate in the body to replace dysfunctional cells. What has all this got to do with weight loss? What is the best and healthiest way to lose weight? Diet and exercise. You must understand that it is virtually impossible to lose weight permanently without exercise. However, most people find that even with exercise it is an uphill task to lose weight. This is because most of the exercises that people do to burn fat ends up burning mostly sugar. When fat is not burned off, it remains in the body and the result is weight gain or obesity in spite of exercising. Along with proper fat burning exercises such as walking, your body must also rebuild more muscle. When you exercise, your body builds more muscles. Where do these new muscle cells come from? Can we in any way help new muscle cell growth? Yes, and that is where stem cells come into the picture. You need enough adult stem cells in your body so that they can be converted into new muscle cells as you exercise. The lesser the number of adult stem cells you have, the lesser the body's ability to build new muscle cells. With the revolutionary stem cell treatment for weight loss, mobilization of adult stem cells from the bone marrow can be increased by 30% or more. There are many supplements and organic products available that support and boost the release of stem cells from the marrow into the blood stream. Through the natural processes of the body, these adult stem cells then travel to those parts where they are needed the most. Stem cells not only enhance the body's ability to do what it is naturally supposed to do, it also fills you with more energy. Suicide Damages in Zoloft Lawsuit Claims There are two types of Zoloft lawsuit claims cases that can arise from using Zoloft. The first of the claims is the personal injury case lodged by the person who was injured by the medication through the suicide attempt, or increased suicidal thoughts or actions; the patient can make Zoloft lawsuit claims that his loss of judgment was as a result of the effect of the drug thus laying the blame on either the doctor or the manufacturer, or both in the lawsuit. The second of the claims in the lawsuit is wrongful death lawsuit lodged by the family of suicide victim that has been proved to be linked with Zoloft use. The family can accuse the doctors, Pfizer, the pharmacist and the FDA in the lawsuit. In both types of claims the damages available are essentially similar to the types of damages availed in any other personal injury or wrongful death case. The damages in the lawsuit, whether decided by the court or by out-of-court settlement will be designed to reposition the victim to the same position the patient would have been without the injury or death. The Zoloft lawsuit claims on damages to compensate the victim or the family for medical expenses, stress caused by birth defects, benevolent expenses, loss of income, or any other incurred expenses are compensated on the basis of the weight of the claims. The success of the lawsuit entails practically collecting the documentation of the lost income, all medical expenses such as emergency room care, hospital consultation and treatment, doctor’s calls, laboratory and diagnostic tests, the necessary therapy, medical travel expenses and burial expenses if the patient eventually died. The second type of recovery in Zoloft lawsuit claims a bit hard to pin down. The claims in this lawsuit call for damages for physical and emotional pain and suffering, loss of economic opportunity that generate income, loss of benefits, restrictions on enjoyment of life due to handicaps and loss of companionship if a spouse commit suicide. These are just some of the claims the lawyer can make in the lawsuit for settlement or court arguments. The problem with these claims is that it is very difficult to pinpoint the exact monetary figure on the subjective complaint. The discretion is laid on the court, the lawyer and the insurance adjusters who have prior experience in working with these types of concepts. Alternatively depending on the court the Zoloft lawsuit claims has been brought, other case studies similar to the present one can be used to get the value of these claims. Lastly, the other types of damages that may be available in the Zoloft lawsuit claims are the punitive damages. The Zoloft lawsuit claims for these damages can be sort in the lawsuit to punish Pfizer for negligence or ignorance in not effectively warning the doctors and the public on the increased suicidal tendencies caused by their product Zoloft. The million dollar question in this lawsuit will be whether Pfizer action borders on level negligence that warrants severe punished. Sytropin Human Growth Hormone Benefits of Sytropin Human Growth Hormone: Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is manufactured by the pituitary gland, and is responsible for making us grow and develop properly. As we reach adulthood, our production of HGH slows down. By the time we are in our forties, our production of HGH is less than 80% of what it once was. This may seem ok; after all, we are done growing, right? Yes and no. We are done growing, but we still need HGH for other things. Some of the things that we often attribute to getting older are really symptoms of lower HGH levels. Things such as a lower libido (sexual desire), memory loss, not having enough energy for daily tasks, loss of muscle mass, weight gain, wrinkles, and hair loss may be noticed, signaling lower HGH levels being produced. Using Sytropin Human Growth Hormone may help alleviate these things. Sytropin is made with all natural ingredients, and has no known side effects. The ingredients in Sytropin work together to promote production of the Human Growth Hormone naturally, increasing the amount you produce in your pituitary gland. Children shouldn't use Sytropin HGH or any other HGH releaser or supplement. If you are pregnant, nursing, on any medication, or suffering from any medical conditions, you should talk to your doctor before beginning any supplement program. By recent Sytropin Reviews - Sytropin Human Growth Hormone can change your life by increasing HGH, making you look and feel more youthful. As you notice changes occurring, you may see things happening to you, such as increased sexual desire, increased memory, better sleep, weight loss, smoother skin, less wrinkles, and more energy. Using Sytropin Human Growth Hormone may have an impact on your life that will make getting older easier, and make feeling older take longer. Sytropin Human Growth Hormone may be what you are looking for, Buy Sytropin now. T3 Liothyronine aka Cytomel For Weight Loss T3 Liothyronine is a form of thyroid hormone used to treat hypothyroidism and myxedema coma. T3 is marketed as the sodium salt under the brand name Cytomel. Liothyronine is the most potent form of thyroid hormone. As such, T3 acts on the body to increase the basal metabolic rate, affect protein synthesis and increase the body's sensitivity to catecholamines (such as adrenaline) by permissiveness. The thyroid hormones are essential to proper development and differentiation of all cells of the human body. These hormones also regulate protein, fat, and carbohydrate metabolism, affecting how human cells use energetic compounds. In comparison to levothyroxine (T4), liothyronine (T3) has a faster onset of action as well as a shorter biological half-life, which may be due to less plasma protein binding to thyroxine-binding globulin and transthyretin. Thyroid hormones regulate many body systems, including metabolism. One thyroid hormone is triiodothyroxine, also known as T3. When thyroid hormones are not in balance, certain health conditions can develop. When thyroid hormones are too low, this condition is called hypothyroidism. Thyroid medications to replace T3 and T4 can relieve some symptoms of hypothyroidism. Some patients with hypothyroidism find it easier to lose weight when they take such medications **Uses Physicians can use T3 instead of levothyroxine (T4) for patients undergoing thyroid withdrawal. When a patient has thyroid cancer or Grave's, I-131 ablation therapy can be used to remove any trace thyroid tissue. In order for I-131 therapy to be effective, the trace thyroid tissue must be avid to iodine. The best method is to starve the tissue of iodine but this can lead to hypothyroid symptoms for the patient. Withdrawal from levothyroxine can be done but it takes 6 weeks of withdrawal for the remaining thyroid tissue to be completely starved. 6 weeks is needed owing to levothyroxine's long half life. 6 weeks can be inconvenient for the patient and delay treatment. Liothyronine (T3) instead can be taken and withdrawn from for 2 weeks to starve the thyroid tissue. This is much safer and more convenient than levothyroxine. Cytomel T3 Weight Loss Natural T3 is a regulator of the oxidative metabolism of energy producing substrates (food or stored substrates like fat, muscle, and glycogen) by the mitochondria. The mitochondria, as you will recall from your high school biology class, are usually referred to as the "cells powerhouses" because they produce ATP. Taking Cytomel (supplemental T3) greatly increases the uptake of nutrients into the mitochondria and also their oxidation rate (i.e. the rate at which they are burned for energy), by increasing the activities of the enzymes involved in the oxidative metabolic pathway. Everything is working harder, in other words, and more fuel is needed to supplement this increased work rate. Therefore, as you can guess, taking supplemental Cytomel will increase your bodys energy demands. And if you are in a hypocaloric state, you will begin burning even fatter primarily due to an increase in ATP. This increased ATP causes an increase in overall metabolic activity. This is exactly what we want, and is why we would be taking thyroid hormones like Cytomel in the first place. If you arent taking anabolic steroids with your Cytomel, however, your body may start to eat away muscle to provide energy for you to function. Remember mitochondria/ATP arent very picky, but they are very efficient. What is meant by this is that they will use whatever is on hand to generate energy for your body to continue functioning, fat, protein, glucose; it doesnt matter to ATP, as long as there's something to give them energy. Taking this drug will increase their need to find something to burn to create this energy. Ergo, if we aren't taking anabolic steroids while taking our T3, we may lose too much muscle, especially while dieting. The other issue then becomes that anabolic steroid use is illegal in the USA and many other countries. Please follow all laws regarding anabolic steroid usage or any drug on this page. T3 + Exercise Combine regular exercise with T3 medication to achieve the best weight loss results, recommends the University of Maryland Medical Center. Exercise for at least 150 minutes weekly, or a half-hour on most days of the week. Engage in moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, such as walking, swimming and dancing. Add light resistance training, such as lifting weights or Pilates, twice per week to build muscle tone. Muscle burns more calories than fat. Cytomel aka T3 is sought out for these uses. T3 Side Effects Unfortunately, in all of the studies I've seen, T3 also increased growth hormone production. As we all know, GH is also a strongly lipolytic compound, and this is another mechanism by which T3 may exert its effects, although I suspect this would only be a small percentage of its overall effects. This being the case, it has always been somewhat problematic to me to note that when GH and T3 are used together, the increased nitrogen retention normally found with GH use is negated. If you were only using T3 and GH this may be a problem, but as I've already stated, you are going to need some anabolic agents if you are using T3. A popular mix is the veritable anabolic/lipolytic orgy of Insulin, T3, Anabolic Steroids, GH, and insulin, for 100% maximum results in minimal time. Now this is only for countries where the above are legal. On the brighter side, and of special note to dieters, administration of T3 has been shown to up-regulate the beta 2 receptors in fat tissue. As you know clenbuterol and similar compounds down-regulate this receptor, so using T3 with your clen will help stave off or reverse this down-regulation. Warnings Although T3 can make it easier to lose weight, you should not take this medication for the sole purpose of losing weight. You should also start slowly with the medication, not increasing the dosage too quickly or exceeding the prescribed dosage. T3 medications can cause serious side effects, including heart palpitations, chest pain, shaking, agitation and shortness of breath. **Let's face it, drugs work. They improve muscle mass, strength, and athletic performance. But for many reasons drug use by athletes (or anyone) is a serious problem. Not only are there moral and health ramifications to the use of performance-enhancing drugs by athletes, but for substances such as the illicit drugs, the amphetamines, anabolic steroids and growth hormone we also have to consider the legal consequences of their use. Growth hormone and anabolic steroids, drugs used mainly by athletes, have been classified as controlled substances in North America and other places. In addition to the legal ramifications of growth hormone and anabolic steroid use, there are the health risks inherent in how these compounds are obtained and used. Think of the main source of these drugs. People run the risk of getting counterfeit drugs that may be tainted with who knows what and putting themselves at further risk. Take Advantage Of Capsaicin Health Benefits By Consuming Spicy Meals If you enjoy spicy food, it's most likely merely a bonus to learn that it's healthy for you. The phytochemical in chili peppers called capsaicin is in fact beneficial to your health. Capsaicin is produced by chili peppers to push back fungus and animals that feed on plants. When pure, capsaicin is odor free, clear and it isn't going to mix with water. The many capsaicin health benefits will be tackled in this article. Raising metabolism is one among the various benefits related to capsaicin. If the body has a faster metabolic process, it uses up fat faster and this can lead to weight reduction. Furthermore, you'll consume less food when you incorporate capsaicin in your diet. Mainly because chili peppers are hot, not everybody likes eating them. Capsaicin accounts for that pungent smell and also burning taste. This may be difficult to believe for some but capsaicin may actually aid in relieving pain. Capsaicin sends pain signals to the brain and after that it lowers the amount of these pain signals which in turn leads to pain relief. You could get ointments which contain capsaicin to help with pain relief. Capsaicin is also found to be beneficial to your cardiovascular system. A powerful one-two pairing that capsaicin does is it lowers blood pressure levels and while doing so, it also lessens 'bad' cholesterol. Another of the benefits associated with capsaicin is that it can help in preventing the stiffening of arterial blood vessels. Reducing inflammation is yet another thing that capsaicin is apparently good at. Various illnesses, as we know, may be caused by inflammation. Capsaicin is also found to be effective in killing cancer cells. Capsaicin was released to human cancer cells which were grown on mice. Capsaicin was seen to minimize the tumor sizes in mice to 1/5th of the initial size. Capsaicin can stop leukemia cells from growing. Additionally it is found to be very helpful in the management of lung cancer. You can use capsaicin to keep your respiratory system healthy. Like stated earlier, capsaicin can be very useful in treating cancer. For those who have sinusitis, the anti-bacterial qualities of capsaicin should certainly help you. It may clean nasal passages, alleviate symptoms associated with emphysema and also other lung diseases. Your digestive system may actually gain from chili peppers. It has antibacterial qualities and these can fight intestinal tract infections. It also increases the digestive juices in the digestive system leading to improved digestion. It may also beat diarrhea. Losing weight, sustaining a healthy digestive system and also a healthy respiratory system and fighting cancer are a few of the benefits of capsaicin present in chili peppers. There are several health advantages linked to capsaicin and you may read about them in a variety of sites regarding natural cures. Just a a little heads up. Ensure that you only consult websites that are reputable. You won't have trouble finding sites that feature health advice but not all of them are correct. Understand that simply because something is on the internet doesn't ensure it is true. It's a great idea to always verify the sources used by a write-up. Ten Tips For Body Fat Reduction And Ideal Figure-building Dreaming of a nice figure, obese women never stop trying all kinds of purported ways claimed to help lose weight, which turned out to harm their health or even put on weight due to rebound. We now recommend 10 “magic” tips recongnized as the best ways to lose weight by experts. You definitely will win the battle with obesity if you persist. Let's take an average daily intake of 2000 kcal as a starting point. 1.Trim Intake of Calories Nutritionists believed that whatever you tried to control, protein, carbohydrates or fat, you ultimately decreased the intake of calories. If you cut 800 kcal daily, you'll drop 10 pounds in 6 weeks. By trimming 500 kcal off a day, you'll drop 10 pounds at the end of 2.5months. Don't risk to lose weight too fast. You know, the daily required calorie intake is at least 1200kcal. If the supply of calorie is insufficient, you will lose muscle, which is essential to calories consumption and metabolism promotion 2.Eat less meat, lose 10 pounds in 2 months Experts pointed out that 1 gram of fat provides 9 kcal of energy. Compared with fat, each gram of carbohydrates or protein provides much less calories, about 4 kcal. Therefore, without dieting, you can lose weight by replacing fat-rich food, e.g. cream with fresh vegetable, fruit and cereals. Experts believed that you can drop 10 pounds in 2 months by intaking 20- 40g fat each day. But not everyone can lose weight by trimming fat. You will get on weight with excessive consumption of carbohydrates. 3.Decrease Food Intake You don't need to give up your favourite food if you are trying to lose weight. diet control is crucial. If you have a preference for a certain food and often eat too much of it, you should decrease the amount consuming at one time. For example, if you eat meat 4 times a week with only 100g intead of 200g each time, 1200 kcal can be cut and you can drop a lot of extra weight in about 7.5 months. You are suggested to have a scale in the kitchen with a note warning you about the weight of the food you are eating. 4.Take fluid food every day, lose 10 pounds in 5 weeks Normally,it's convenient to make fluid food. If one of your meals is fluid food or beverage a day, you can lose 10 pounds in 8 months. You should take various fluid food to avoid denutrition. Under the guidance of a doctor, you can even take two fluids a day, then you can lose 10 pounds in 5 weeks. But you should make sure that the fluid food you are taking can supply all the needed nutrient and protein and do eat 3 meals a day. 5.Walking 45 minutes, lose 10 pounds half a year Try to walk 5km within 45 minutes once a day, 5 days a week, you can cut 10 pounds in 6 months. If you can walk 6.5km within 45 minutes, then more weight can be reduced. You would complain that you are too busy to go walking. However, as the saying goes “Time is like the water in sponge: if you squeze,you can always get some.” Since cardiovascular doctors pointed out that losing weight by walking may increase appetite, you can eat low-fat food or fresh fruit and drink water before or after walking to replenish water supply to the body. 6.Take regular exercise Taking regular exercise 3 to 5 times a week is a good way to reduce fat,lose weight, grow muscle and refresh yourself. Running 45 minutes a time at the speed of 170m/minute, 5 times a week can help lose 10 pounds in 3 months. Dancing 1 hour a time, 6 times a week and swimming 4 hours a week both can help lose 10 pounds in 4 months. Cycling 1 hour a time at the speed of 15km/hour, 4 times a week can help lose 10 pounds in 5 months. If you haven't taken regular exercise before, you can shorten the duration to avoid injuries. You should also notice that excessive exercise would increase appetite, which is negative for weight loss. 7.Strength Training You can grow muscle through strength training. Metabolism will be faster with more muscle. With 45 minutes weightlifting a time, 3 times a week, you can lose 10 pounds in 10 months. To avoid injuries, you should choose proper weight and make a feasible plan with the assist of a coach. Don't forget to do stretching exercises before weightlifting, which can help remain flexible. You can increase the lifting weight and frequency step by step. 8.Trim calorie intake and walk You will save 150 kcal of energy by drinking SODA instead of Coca Cola. If meanwhile you walk 5km within 45 minutes a time, 5 times a week, you can have 10 pounds dropped in 3 months. You can even drop10 pounds in 7 weeks by trimming more calorie intake with the same exercise. 9.Trim fat intake and practice weightlifting Trimming fat intake and practicing weightlifting at the same time can help consume excessive fat, keep nice figure, grow muscle, speed up metabolism and promote cardiovascular health. If you trim 20g fat a day and practice 20 minute weightlifting a time, 3 times a week, you will find yourself pounds lighter after just 3.5 months. 10.Best Choice Natural herbal slimming products will be your best choice if you want to lose weight but have no time to do exercise. The most effective herbal slimming products available on market are Lida Daidaihua Capsule, Zisu Slimming Capsule and Basha Nuts Slimming Capsule, which will help you lose weight quickly and build an ideal figure with no harm to the health. Ten Unusual Diets From History 1. Vinegar Diet. Legend tells us it was the English poet Byron who started, and popularized, the Vinegar diet. This diet was pretty uncomplicated due to the fact people would simply stir three tablespoons of vinegar into water. They would take the solution prior to each and every meal due to the fact they imagined that this would be effective in weight loss. Till today, this eccentric diet is still enjoyed by many people. One thing to be wary of, it is still unknown whether vinegar contains any ingredients that actually help in dieting. 2. Blood Type Diet - There is a theory that there is a specific diet which best suits a dieter's blood type. This could be reasonable since it indicates that you can lose weight by eating a diet that matches your basic biology. An interesting concept, and, to an extent, one that is still current. 3. Cigarette Diet - Before restrictions on advertising tobacco came in and it became harder to advertise tobacco, a variety of cigarette brands invented and promoted appetite suppressing products to the wider community. One unforgettable ad for Lucky Strikes urged smokers to "Reach for a Lucky" instead of eating a sweet. They also pushed a health spin in general ("Cigarettes are Great For Your Health") since they wanted to get physicians and other health-related pros to prescribe their products. 4. The Alcohol Diet - William the Conqueror from England tried to consume only alcohol just to lose weight. Evidently, this diet didn't work for him - when he died he was way too obese to fit in his own coffin. Consuming only alcohol does not really help lose weight: in fact, it just causes health issues. 5. The Sleeping Beauty Diet - Just like today, substantial numbers of people in the past were not very pleased with the thought of the painful routine of exercising and skipping meals. The rather attractive idea of losing weight while you sleep (ie while you are greatly sedated) for a couple of days) has drawn many people over time. Apparently even Elvis Presley attempted this one, but when he was woken up he discovered that he had gained an extra ten pounds. Not quite the effect he was looking for! (Uh huh huh!) 6. Chewing Diet - It has also been believed that chewing food as often as you can before swallowing helps lose weight. Chewing could break food down physically before it enters the digestive tract. It also properly slows down the sheer amount of food you consume. They also say that when you chew your food gradually, you feel more full. 7. Cotton Ball Diet - This is all about eating cotton balls dry, or after they have been soaked in gelatin so that they could be swallowed more easily. Folks felt that by filling their stomachs with cotton balls this would help them lose some weight. The idea was that cottonballs are high in dietary fiber, but unfortunately it's not any kind of fiber that can help people out. Of course the other problem is that cotton balls are definitely not terribly appetizing, plus they could truly cause major pain in the belly! 8. The Tapeworm Diet - This diet idea has to be one of the more bizarre - and even crazy - diet ideas. The concept was that soon after folks took the diet pill (a tapeworm egg!) then the tapeworm would hatch and start to eat the person's food in their stomach. The Lazy Man's weightloss! The problem was that having a long parasite in your intestines is clearly wrong, since there is zero evidence that they help you lose weight, but lots of evidence that they cause the carrier health difficulties and problems. 9. The Vision Diet - This fad diet is based on the idea that when a food looks unappealing it will help you suppress your appetite. People imagined that blue is an appetite suppressant; therefore, they would wear blue sunglasses that made the food look not appetizing. A Japanese corporation has actually created a line of blue spectacles for individuals who wanted to diet like this. 10. The Breatharian Diet - This diet comes from the Inedia, a sub-branch of Hinduism. The adherents imagined that they did not need sustenance to survive. They felt that just fresh air and sunlight was all they needed in order to survive. This regime is linked with several deaths of followers due to dehydration and hypothermia. The 12 Super Foods for Weight Loss The 6 Best Foods for Weight Loss Let me be clear. There are a LOT of foods you can eat that will aid in weight loss. I don't want you telling your friends that Craig Woods said that you can only eat 12 foods on a diet. There are actually a whole lot of foods that are extremely good for weight loss and I've included more than 12 of them in this chapter. These foods are so important because they give you the most bang for your buck. They are so high in nutritional properties and low in calories, that eating them is almost like eating negative calories. Including them in your diet regularly will insure not only that you will lose weight, but that you'll get the proper nutrition you need while you're trying to lose weight. 1 - Water - Let's start with the basics. Water is one of the most important things to have during a diet. Yet often times, people disregard it for its simplicity. They even substitute it for other things, like coffee and soft drinks. It's not enough to simply have fluids during a diet. The benefit of clear water is that it flushes away toxins that can get trapped in fat cells. If left in those fat cells, the toxins would inhibit weight loss. Drinking coffee or soft drinks does not flush these toxins out the same way water does. Therefore, it's important to remember to drink 6-8 tall glasses of water over the course of each day to help aid weight loss. Also, during weight loss and exercise, your body will use up more fluid than normal. You'll need to replace that fluid in order to stay healthy. If you become dehydrated because you're not drinking enough for the amount of activity you're doing, your body will naturally try to hold onto as much fluid as possible, preventing you from losing weight. 2 - Spinach - This vegetable is a high-octane vegetable filled with nutrients, minerals, anti-oxidants, and high levels of iron, calcium and lutein. It's also an excellent source of fiber. Spinach is best eaten when it's at it's freshest. The longer it sits in the refrigerator, the more nutrients are lost over time. Try buying your spinach at a farmer's market, farm stand or grow your own. 3 - Broccoli - Believe it or not, calcium from broccoli is absorbed better by the body than any other food with calcium, even milk. Calcium is vitally important to keep your bones strong while you're losing weight. Broccoli is also a negative calorie food. Therefore you'll burn more calories digesting it than what is actually in the broccoli itself. So eat to your heart's content. You'll get benefits all the way around with this food. 4 - Kale - Like broccoli, kale is a negative calorie food. It's also super high in fiber, aiding in digesting food and cleansing the colon. As foods go, it's top on the list of nutrient-filled foods and is a high source of beta-carotene. 5 - Tomatoes - Most people associate tomatoes with marinara sauce and pasta or in a salad. Thought of as a vegetable, tomatoes are technically a fruit that is full of vitamin C and high in antioxidants that help build and maintain the immune system. During weight loss, it's easy to get run down. Make sure you get fresh tomatoes that are firm and only cut them when you are ready to eat them. As soon as tomatoes are cut they will start to lose much of their nutritional value. 6 - Eggs - Starting the day with a high protein food will give you instant energy and keep you energized longer than simply having a slice of toast. As far as fat burning properties, eggs have been known to burn fat in that ever frustrating tummy area that plagues a lot of people. The B12 found in eggs is excellent for breaking down fat and turning into energy.Some of you might be a little fearful of having too many eggs in your diet for fear of raising your cholesterol levels. However, high protein and low carbohydrates will actually keep your cholesterol levels from rising. If you're really concerned, try having eggs for breakfast every other day instead of every morning. These are just 6 of the dozen or more super foods that I reveal in my Elite Wight Loss Package that shows you How to Turbo-Charge Your Metabolism and Burn off Body Fat the Easy Way… You Will ... • Learn why 95% of all diets fail • Learn the top twelve worst foods for weight gain • Learn the top twelve best foods for weight loss • Learn what can make you fatter • Learn how eating so called "good fats" can speed up fat loss • Learn how to speed up your metabolism the right way and turn it into a fat burning furnace! • Learn how you can eat as much as 50% MORE calories to aid weight loss • Learn how to increase the fat burning effects during workout Visit http://gavin10968.elite-weight-loss-package.com now The 3 Simple Steps to Quick Weight Loss New Page 1 The 3 Simple Steps to Quick Weight Loss Weight loss is easy, and quick weight loss is even easier with these 3 simple steps. I have found a high success rate with people who have tried this and I highly recommend it to you as well. 1. Find Someone Who Has Already Lost Weight The purpose of having someone in your life who has already lost weight is to serve as a frame of reference for yourself. The key idea behind this is "if they can do it, so can I!" Many times when people try to lose weight they have the mentality in the back of their mind that they cannot do it. Trust me, if you do this, you will fail at losing weight even before you have started dieting. Why? Because all your actions will reinforce this thought, you will function with this negative mindset in the back of your head that you cannot really lose weight. However, having that person in your life that can act as a benchmark to success for you will bring you the confidence you need to succeed. Once you believe that it is possible for you yourself to lose weight, quick weight loss will follow. 2. Find Out Exactly How He or She Lost Weight Another way to quick weight loss is this important step – find out exactly how the person lost weight. Nothing is more powerful and important when trying to lose weight than a person's testimonial. This person probably tried a plethora of good and bad diets and knows what ultimately worked! You now have free unrestricted access to this information, take advantage of it! Interview the person, take notes, diarize what they did for a week, a month, 6 months. Find out every single possible detail you can about how they did it. Get all the facts. Quick weight loss is no secret when you have the information provided for you. 3. Write Out A Weight Loss Action Plan Although this is a simple step, this is the most important step towards quick weight loss – writing it out. Whether it be in your diary, a piece of paper, or on your computer. Writing down your weight loss plan of action solidifies it and makes it real. You should have a plan that is so detailed that you can pass it on to a friend and they would be able to replicate the exact same plan of action towards quick weight loss. The 5 Most Common Weight Training Mistakes Weight training is one of the most popular fitness and recreation activities in the world today. All over the world there are gyms on every corner with dedicated trainee's pushing hard each and every day. Unfortunately the vast majority of these people are making mistakes in the gym each and every day that are holding them back from achieving their goals. Have a read of the following 5 most common mistakes in weight training and see if you are making any of these. 1. Not using tempo Tempo is a key variable to training and it is imperative to success. There is a world of difference between a repetition done with a 4 seconds lowering phase and a pause vs a high speed swing rep. To truly gauge the effectiveness of a program on strength and hypertrophy development you need to carefully measure and record each training variable. Use the correct tempo for each lift for the best results. 2. Too much focus on isolation exercises Isolation exercises certainly have their place in a training program and can be useful for correcting muscular imbalances and bringing up weak points. However they should never make up the majority of your training program and at most should make up only 20% of your program for the vast majority of training goals. Focus on the big compound exercises like chin ups, dips, squats and dead lifts for the best results. 3. Using too many high repetition sets Just like isolation exercises high repetition sets definitely have a place in a training program however they are not the best option for most goals. Most people would get better results from training if they alternated between higher and lower rep programs, with a middle point of around 6-8 reps. This would help them change their body composition rapidly and develop strength which is very useful for future high repetition work. 4. An imbalanced training program How many times have you gone to the gym on bench press monday? And back again for arms day tuesday? and then the same training sessions occur on friday and saturday as people try to 'pump up' for the weekend. Unfortunately this leaves the majority of muscle at the back of the body woefully under-trained. Ideally you would have one pull exercise for every push, one hip dominant exercise for every quad dominant and one set of back work for every abdominal set. Although this is not by fat a perfect approach it is far better than most stuff seen in gyms daily. 5. Program hopping We all know the person. Each and every week they are starting a new program that is going to finally get them the results they crave. Then the next week, they start the next program. This is a cycle that can lead to nothing but disappointment and crap results. Pick a program and stick yo it for the recommended duration. Assess you results and then try something else. Who knows, you just may find what works for you! Don't be that guy (or girl). Stop making these mistakes and get something out of going to the gym. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using the Fastin weight loss pill from Hi-Tech The simplest way to describe the Fastin weight loss pill from Hi-Tech is that it is a type of stimulant that was designed to promote fat loss while boosting your energy levels. You know it is a stimulant because it acts to elevate your mood as well fast and keeps your mood steady while the stimulant effects are being felt. The Fastin weight loss pill from Hi-Tech is not safe for all patients or individuals to take though. It is contraindicated in people who suffer from high blood pressure, heart ailments, hardening of the arteries (known as arteriosclerosis in medical terms), a hyper thyroid gland, or glaucoma (an eye condition where the eyes are under pressure when fluids do not get released from the eye.) Anyone who may be agitated while taking the Fastin weight loss pill from Hi-Tech, or who is known to have been taking illegal drugs or abusing alcohol, should also refrain from taking this weight loss pill. The key ingredient on which the Fastin weight loss pill from Hi-Tech is based is Phenylethylamine HCL and molecular derivatives such as methylsynephrine and methylphenylethylamine. The ingredients of the pill contribute to the stimulant properties of the Fastin weight loss pill from Hi-Tech. Actually, the Fastin weight loss pill from Hi-Tech was originally produced by King Pharmaceuticals for another company (SmithKline Beecham.) The trade rights were then bought by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals which is now marketing it. A further word of caution to anyone who wants to take the Fastin weight loss pill from Hi-Tech: it is not meant to be consumed with any other phenethylamines. This means if you are currently consuming cathinone, amphetamine, fenfluramine, phentermine, any substituted phenethylamines, methylphenidate or dextroamphetamine, then you should not consume the Fastin weight loss pill from Hi-Tech under any circumstances. This is because this pill has another ingredient that could overlap with the previously-mentioned drugs that you could be taking. The Fastin weight loss pill from Hi-Tech must also not be consumed in the evening or prior to sleeping because insomnia is one of its side effects. Anyone who is pregnant, or lactating should never take the pill either. Since it is a fat loss product, you must always ask the advice of a doctor before using it during a diet, as part of an exercise program, or in conjunction with a dietary supplement. The Fastin weight loss pill from Hi-Tech is a proprietary product under US patent # 20060204599. It is not meant to be consumed over the long term. It was designed to be taken as part of short-term weight loss efforts – meaning, at the time you will be put on Fastin, you should also be trying to change your lifestyle and dietary habits to promote more permanent weight loss activity. The Apparent Murder-Suicide of Chris Benoit Really Creates More Questions Than Answers Copyright © 2007 Ed Bagley News of the apparent murder-suicide of well-known and well-liked WWE wrestler Chris Benoit left me with mixed emotions: sadness and dismay. Unlike so many men past 60 who would not be caught dead admitting to watching pro wrestling on television in a polite, worldly, sophisticated public environment, I embraced the admission and stood my ground. I believe Chris Benoit would have done the same. Benoit's boob tube presence was never a good interview, never as charismatic as we would have liked, never a loudmouth, never a blowhard, never obnoxious, never foul mouthed but always quiet, real, genuine and tough as nails. There is no telling how many World Championships Benoit (pronounced Ben-WAH) would have been allowed to win if he was all of the things that other wrestlers like "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair, the "Heartbreak Kid" Shaun Michaels or "The Cerebral Assassin" Triple HHH (Hunter Hurst Helmsley) flaunted. Do not misunderstand what I am sharing here. I respected Triple H, I loved Ric Flair and Shaun Michaels as competitors and I loved Benoit even more as a pure competitor. Benoit, Flair and Michales have probably taken more punishment in the ring, won more matches and won more titles than any other competitors. Few competitors and few fans ever figure out that everyone can dish it out in pro wrestling, but the ones who can dish it out AND withstand the punishment are eventually the champions. Chris Benoit was born in Montreal, Canada and grew up in the same wrestling community as Stu Hart and his sons, most notable of which were Bret Hart and Owen Hart. Benoit was the consummate mat wrestler with talent and skills only matched by Flair and Michaels and perhaps exceeded by Bret Hart. Benoit was a former World Heavyweight Champion, Intercontinental Champion and several time Tag Team Champion. His ring names included "The Canadian Crippler" and "The Rabid Wolverine". Benoit reminded me a lot of of Eddie Guerrero. Both Owen Hart and Guerrero died prematurely, Owen from a tragic wrestling promotion accident that should never have happened, and Guerrero from an apparent overdose of prescription drugs. Like Owen Hart and Eddie Guerrero, Benoit was almost universally liked by his fellow superstars and sports entertainers in the WWE locker room. I do not believe that Vince McMahon (Vinny Mac), the World Wrestling Entertainment owner and arguably the most gifted of sports entertainment promoters ever, could really tolerate a person so quiet and respected as Christ Benoit. That is why it came as such a shock to me that Benoit could have allegedly strangled his 43-year-old wife Nancy, strangled his 7-year-old son Daniel and then committed suicide by hanging himself on the cable of a weight-training machine at his home. I cannot comprehend the unspeakable horror of his wife or son realizing their circumstance when Benoit apparently lost control of his life. Their bodies were found in three separate rooms of their home off a gravel road about two miles from the Whitewater Country Club near Atlanta. Holy Bibles were left beside Benoit's wife and son. Benoit had maintained an Atlanta address from the time he wrestled for the defunct World Championship Wrestling. The Fayette County Tax Assessors Office listed the value of the house, situated on more than 8.5 acres, at nearly $900,000. The same house and property in Connecticut, California or Seattle, Washington would probably be valued at $2+ million. I know the pain of suicide as my sister Loretta committed suicide. She was a victim of MS (multiple sclerosis) and had apparently lost any hope of living a better life in the advanced stages of her disease. I came to know that people who commit suicide have lost all hope of a better life. I certainly do not condone killing one's immediate family on the way to committing suicide; murder in this circumstance seems cowardly to me, and if there is one thing I never, ever, thought about Benoit was that he was a coward. I thought him to be just the opposite. Since this tragic story has unfolded it has taken on a life on its own in the national media, in part because of the incredible events that have surfaced since the tragedy. These include: The rumor that Benoit and his wife constantly fought about money, even though he apparently made $500,000+ as a professional wrestler for WWE. The rumor that Benoit and his wife fought about the best way to raise their son Daniel, who was undersized and possibly a special needs child. The fact that Benoit's wife filed for divorce in 2003, saying their three-year union was irrevocably broken and alleging "cruel treatment." She later dropped the complaint as well as a request for a restraining order. The fact that Benoit's page on Wikipedia, a reference site that allows users to add and edit information, was updated about 14 hours BEFORE authorities say the bodies were found on Monday, June 25. The update said the reason Benoit missed a match on Saturday of the fateful weekend was "stemming from the death of his wife Nancy." The source was traced to a user in Stamford, Connecticut, but claimed no connection to WWE, which has its headquarters in Stamford. The fact that anabolic steroids found in Benoit's home led officials to wonder whether the drugs played a role in the killings that started the weekend of June 22. Some experts believe steroids can cause paranoia, depression and violent outbursts known as "roid rage". Toxicology tests on Benoit's body have not been completed. The fact that Benoit had seen his personal physician and friend, Dr. Phil Astin, and been given prescription medications on June 22. The fact that Dr. Astin prescribed a 10-month supply of anabolic steroids to Chris Benoit every three to four weeks between May 2006 and May 2007, according to a Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agent in a filed affidavit. The fact that the DEA acknowledged that Benoit's name had surfaced in a drug probe investigation before the tragedy occurred. The probe was called "RX Weight Loss" and Benoit was identified as an excessive purchaser of injectable steroids. The fact that Dr. Astin was charged exactly a week after the tragedy with improperly prescribing medications to two patients, but not Benoit. More charges may be coming. For the record, since 1997 about 1,000 wrestlers 45 and younger have worked on pro wrestling circuits. Of the 1,000, at least 65 have died since 1997 according to a report in USA Today (3-12-04 edition), 25 from heart attacks or other coronary problems. Many had enlarged hearts. Another statistic from another source purports that 104 wrestlers have died prematurely in the last 10 years. The list of steroid or prescription drug users include some big names: Hulk Hogan (real name Terry Bollea), former Minnesota governor Jesse "The Body" Ventura, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper (real name Roderick Toombs), "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, Bret "The Hit Man" Hart (Hart was also know as "The Excellence of Execution"), Paul Michael "Triple H" Levesque (also known previously as Hunter Hearst Helmsley), Mark "Johnny B. Badd" Mero (Sable's husband), "Superstar" Billy Graham, Jim "The Ultimate Warrior" Hellwig, Kevin "Big Sexy" Nash, Jeff Hardy, Mike "Road Warrior Hawk" Hegstrand, Mike "Crash Holly" Lockwood, Scott "Raven" Levy, Eddie Guerrero, "The British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith, and the lesser known "Strongman" Johnny Perry. Why do they use steroids and prescription drugs? That is an easy answer. During a 15-minute match, pro entertainment wrestlers exchange choreographed body slams and punches. Some leap from top ropes onto cement surfaces outside the ring. No matter how choreographed the moves, imagine lying in the ring and your opponent does an Eddie Guerrero "Frog Splash" on you from 15 feet in the air. Stand on top of a 15-foot stepladder in your front yard, dive off, flatten yourself out so you hit parallel to your lawn. Does it hurt landing? You better believe it. In the more physical "hard-core" matches, wrestlers are smashed through tables, whacked in the head with steel chairs and punctured with barbed wire and tacks. None of these dangerous antics are fake. And you thought pimping was hard. Try being a pro wrestler. Pro wrestlers have my total respect. They are incredibly well-conditioned, talented athletes who put up with a lot for my viewing enjoyment. My heart sinks when I see an genuine icon like Ric Flair wrestling at his age and being allowed to get the holy hell stomped out of him for the sake of ever-more violent entertainment. There are no words to describe my anguish over Chris Benoit. May God have mercy on his soul, and may God take Benoit's wife Nancy and son Daniel into his arms in Heaven. Perhaps Benoit's father Michael said it best: "It's impossible to come up with a rational explanation for a very irrational act." My condolences go out to Chris Benoit's family and to all of those who knew and loved Chris Benoit as one of the greatest pro wrestling entertainers of our generation. The Basics Regarding Weight Loss Surgery Many people believe that weight loss surgery provides the answers to their weight problems. While it is true that obesity surgeries such as vertical gastroplasty, lap banding, gastric bypass another obesity weight loss surgery techniques help individuals lose weight, improve quality of life and improve health, the weight loss surgery process is only part of the overall obesity weight loss journey. In order to lose weight and keep it off, individuals must also understand the basics of nutrition, the importance of exercise, and changing poor lifestyle habits, replacing them gradually, to ensure long-term weight loss progress and maintenance . Starting the Weight Loss Journey Obesity surgery centers around the world such as Mexicali Obesity Solutions, located in Mexicali Mexico, or 365mc's Obesity Clinic, in Seoul, South Korea provide all-around bariatric surgery center options for individuals seeking a variety of gastric bypass, gastric band, or lap band surgeries. However, such facilities also provide counseling services, behavior modification therapy, and dietetics therapy designed to improve long-term weight loss maintenance goals and to adapt eating habits to benefit overall health and wellness. Some of the most common methods and treatments used for obesity treatment and weight loss therapies include: ? Weight-Loss Medications ? Bariatric Surgery ? Gastroplasty ? Lap Banding ? Sleeve Gastrectomy ? Gastric Bypass Lap banding -- Laparoscopic gastric banding (LAGB) is a process through which a silicone band, much like a rubber band, is placed around the entrance to the stomach. One of the most popular choices of weight-loss procedures, patients undergoing this type of procedure can expect a 50 to 75% weight loss of 50 to 90 pounds after two years. Vertical Banded Gastroplasty -- This procedure is commonly known as stomach stapling or VBG. Surgical staples are used to section off a small portion of the upper part of the stomach. The other side of this pouch is fitted with a band that slows the amount of time it takes for food to leave this pouch, which results in feelings of fullness after eating small amounts of food. Most patients who choose this type of procedure are generally able to lose roughly 50% of excess weight after a two-year time period. Sleeve Gastrectomy -- This type of procedure is generally performed on patients who have a body mass index over 50. It involves removing a portion of the stomach to create more of a sleeve rather than the pouch shape that the stomach has. This type of procedure offers less of weight loss expectancy after a typical two-year timeframe, and a person may anticipate losing between 30 and 35% of their initial body weight, or roughly 40 pounds. Gastric Bypass is a procedure results in dividing the stomach to create a small pouch that is directly attached to the small intestine. This pouch can only hold 1 ounce of food, though it may stretch in time to allow a person to eat about a cup of food at a time. This type of procedure is considered the most drastic, although it contains the highest success rate with patients losing between 60 and 70% of excess body weight within a year. Finding Affordable Bariatric Surgery Centers Facilities, bariatric surgeons and obesity and weight loss experts around the world, including Alejandro Aguirre Wallace of Ensenada, Mexico, Dr. Marco More, bariatric surgeon in Buenos Aires, Argentina and MedTravel Ecuador, located in Ecuador's capital city of Quinto, offer medical travelers the best weight loss programs in South Korea, weight loss surgery in Turkey, obesity surgery in Columbia, and the best obesity surgery abroad. The Benefits and Uses of Apricot Seed Oil Homemade skin care products are becoming more relevant than ever before--but only a few people are interested enough to go beyond merely passively keeping up with the phenomenon's latest trends and moving on to actively participating the production of natural beauty care products. The sheer amount of online resources and extensive guidebooks dedicated to the delicate art of crafting natural cosmetics and remedies may, at first, seem daunting--but the task becomes therapeutic and fulfilling as time goes by. Common ingredients associated with the process include mangoes, cocoa, shea butter, crushed pearls, almonds, aloe vera, cornmeal, honey, flax seeds, apricot kernel oils and a lot more. We've just rattled off the most basic ingredients that novice natural beauty care hobbyists should dabble with from the very beginning, but you can be certain that there are more natural ingredients that you can experiment with once you've mastered the initial procedures associated with crafting all natural skin and hair care products. Mass produced apricot seed oils retain the light color as well as mild nutty odor that characterizes its earlier, kernel form. Moreover, apricot seed oils are a fertile source of Vitamin E and Vitamin A--enabling it to easily penetrate the skin. The presence of essential fatty acids such as linoleic and oleic acids, on the other hand, is responsible for making the moisturizing as well as softening properties of apricot seed oil product function (this affects not only the skin, but treats hair effectively too.) Apricot seed oils are also proven to ease asthma, in addition to soothing irritation resulting from dermatitis or eczema. Apricot seed oils are in high demand for individuals who are suffering from dry and damaged skin--and the oil's antioxidant properties help to eliminate harmful free radicals in the skin at the end of the day. An ideal skin care product values versatility and efficacy above all else--that means devising a method of maximizing the way that natural beauty product exfoliates, moisturizes and revitalizes your skin. Of course, the same principles apply for when you create products catering to hair or nail care as well. For beginners, those principles get cut out for them by making use of apricot seed oils. The benefits and uses of apricot seed oil encompass a wide range of matters pertaining to taking care of the skin. It effectively neutralizes free radicals in the skin; acts as a natural antioxidant with the help of vitamins A, B and E; repairs dry and damaged portions of the skin via the easy penetration of oleic and linoleic acids, and is quite popular among aromatherapists and massage therapists as well. Apricot seed oils originate from the dried kernels of the apricot fruit. It is characteristically disitinguishable due to its light hues and soothing nutty odor. The refined apricot seed oil manages to last for a year with the aid of optimal storage conditions. Finally, apricot seed oils benefit allergy sufferers, in particular, due to the ingredient's lack of harmful chemical additives (it's also surprisingly abundant; easily obtainable in bulk, and most of all, affordable). The Benefits of Taking Activated Charcoal Supplements If you have never heard of charcoal supplements, it is probably not your fault. After all, the only charcoal product you might have come across is inside the barbecue pit! For ages, however, the world has been well acquainted with charcoal as a medicinal product. Charcoal is used for removing toxins from the digestive track, alleviating digestion, and helping to treat cases of poisoning. To those who are already acquainted with charcoal's medicinal properties, it is no less than a wonder drug of nature. The 'activated charcoal', as it is called in medicinal circle, is not the same product that is found in your barbecue. Therefore, even when charcoal is prescribed in a medical emergency, do not reach out for the charcoal inside the barbecue. Commercial barbecue charcoal is not only unfit for ingestion; it could be lethal. Powdered charcoal in the pure form or suspended in liquid is used in emergency cases of poisoning. Your pharmacist probably keeps it in the first aid section rather than with the vitamins and the supplements. The powdered form, although abrasive on the throat and the upper digestive tract, has the quickest effect in emergencies. As food supplements or detoxifying agents, charcoal comes in small, easily digestible tablets or capsules. Some swear on charcoal effects on chronic flatulence. However, this is still anecdotal and has not been medically proven. Charcoal is mainly used as an absorbent of toxin in the stomach and intestinal tract. However, charcoal also absorbs some nutrients thus, weakening the effect of other food supplements. For this reason, charcoal should only be taken with the approval of your physician. Activated charcoal lowers cholesterol level and lessens the danger of heart disease by absorbing fat. Users also claim that charcoal cleans the body of environmental toxins, although this fact is yet to be established. Form wise, activated charcoal comes in pills and powder. Experts advise that if you are using powdered charcoal then mix it with a tall glass of water and drink it with a straw. This will prevent your teeth from getting stained. If your teeth do get stained, there have been some instances, then brush your teeth and rinse with water. The stains will wear off. Do not consume activated charcoal with milk as dairy products lessen the effectiveness of charcoal. For flatulence, mix two tablespoons of activated charcoal powder in a glass of water and drink with a straw, thirty minutes before a meal. You may also take it by a 500 mg capsule after meals or every two hours; whichever is suitable. Care should be taken not to ingest more than 4,000 mg within the period of 24 hours. Remember, activated charcoal can hamper the effect of other supplements and medication by absorbing nutrients. So, take it two hours before or after other products. If there is a case of suspected poisoning, consult a poison control center expert before contacting your family physician. Applying activated charcoal. Never use activated charcoal at the same time as ipecac syrup, which is a home remedy for poisoning. It is very important to remember that charcoal supplements, taken in excessive amounts, can cause black stool, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. The Benefits of Taking Psyllium Fiber to Promote Weight Loss Plantago ovata is a plant that is primarily grown in Iran and India and contains stalks that have seeds, which are called psyllium. It has been used in Indian culture for hundreds of years. The seeds are covered in a husk which forms a gel like substance containing mucilage, that finds its way into foods to add fiber, especially breakfast cereals, and contains much higher water soluble fiber than oats or barley. The United States is one of the largest importers of psyllium, as high as 60%, and mucilages are found in products, such as Metamucil. Psyllium fiber is not broken down as it passes through the system and has no other nutritional value besides being a source of fiber. By adding water to psyllium fiber, it swells to ten times its original size, so it finds its way into weight loss products. The combination of a low fat diet, low in saturated fats and cholesterol plus the addition of psyllium can reduce cholesterol due to reduced absorption by the intestines. It has also been found that psyllium fiber incorporated into food products is effective at lowering levels of blood glucose. The benefits of taking psyllium fiber to promote weight loss, would come through its ability to enable digestion without much absorption, much like a cleanse agent, and its ability to swell up with water. Besides making you feel fuller, a healthy digestive system eliminates excess fat and toxins. Because 1 tablespoon equals a bowl of bran cereal, by adding 1-3 tablespoons to your daily diet, it satisfies appetite cravings, which cause you to feel full for longer. It is best to start off by taking 1 tablespoon a day for the first week and gradually add up to the 3-tablespoon per day dosage. Another benefit of taking psyllium fiber to promote weight loss is that it comes in an odorless and tasteless powder form, so it can be added to foods to increase the fiber and feeling of satiety. It also comes in pill form, which can be taken about 30 minutes before a meal, but powder form can just be sprinkled on food, or added to a smoothie or protein shake to make it thicker. Many dieters add a little to anything they have, so they get psyllium fiber in smaller, regular doses, instead of all at once. It has been recommended by Dr. Mehmet Oz, who is often on Oprah, and psyllium is readily available at most health food stores, or around the dietary supplement aisle in stores. Possible side effects could be gas since it is a natural laxative. So monitor your dosage carefully for the first few days as your system gets used to it. By adding psyllium fiber to your diet, not only will you feel more satisfied and eat less if you are dieting, it acts as a natural colon cleanse, and is good for heart disease, diabetes, high triglycerides, and irritable bowel syndrome. The benefits of taking psyllium fiber to promote weight loss, may have other benefits, as well. The Benefits Of Test Powder Test Powder is usually a dietary supplement which contains a balanced quantity of all major and minuscule nutrients, essential for our body to function at its maximum potential. In these fast pace world of junk food and unhealthy eating plans, protein powder certainly are a boon as it is convenient, easy, safe and economical for people who are conscious about their health. Every active persons like body general contractors, athletes, sportsmen, etc would desire more energy and even more protein than other folks. International Society regarding Sports Nutrition offers said that healthy proteins shake ensures enough protein in the safe way when it is being used in nutrient rich healthy diet. Being low in fat, high in healthy proteins and abundance of fiber help it become a must pertaining to body builders, runners, sportsmen, dieters, heath aware people, growing children, office goers, expectant mothers, etc who need nourishment to remain healthy and in shape. Today the rapid and handy Supper Replacement Protein Dust has become one of the favorite of the majority of fitness conscious persons. Intake of lesser calories enhances fat loss goals and considering that years dieters have been using the dinner replacement protein shakes as being a weight loss aid to control calorie intake in addition to for fast fat loss as protein shakes accentuate low crab diet programs. Dieting and cutting meals could make you lose a lot of nutrients required by your body to maintain health and may often keep you feeling worn out and ill health over time. The quick in addition to nutritious protein drink can be utilized as a meal substitute for many who are planning to shed off of the extra kilos. The protein take in fortified with health supplements can maintain your general energy and nutrition levels and may even help you greatly within your efforts for fast and effective fat loss. Protein Shake Protein Shake could well be very effective for many dieters who would like to curb the quantity of daily meals intake to achieve their slimming or fat loss goal. Protein Powder made out of high quality healthy soya contains absolutely no artificial coloring or perhaps preservatives. Both vegetarian in addition to non vegetarians love this device alike. The protein take in enriched with proteins, ginseng and aloe Vera can offer more energy. Added psyllium husks can support fat loss goal by telling the 'full pertaining to longer' feeling in addition to keeping the hunger at bay. The constituent nutrients are often absorbed by our bodies. The high dietary fiber content helps in cleansing the bowel along with to detoxify our bodies. The high energy drink may be consumed with almost anything. They can be taken as milk shakes, combined with fruit juice or maybe mixed with lukewarm mineral water. The dairy free powder comes in various lip licking flavors. The highly effective, scientifically and period tested powder, with no side-effects is certain to speed up your current fitness, energy in addition to weigh loss results. Meal Replacement Protein Powder may be the panacea for all nutritional issues. The Best Diet Options For Body Detoxification In today's fast and furious times, one is too bothered about work and other pressures. Thus, people are increasingly depending on fast food which can satiate their hunger for a short period of time. However, from time to time, one needs to get their bodies cleansed and rinsed from germs and toxins. Therefore, people end up opting for detoxification. The whole process of body detoxification is one that includes removal of body wastes, cleansing the body from germs and ensuring that the health problems are cured. Thus, body detoxification can be done with the right diet. Thus, here is a look at a detox diet. Every detox diet should be full of ingredients that need to be included for their benefits. The components should be those that help to cleanse and detoxify the body thoroughly from all aspects. Generally, a detox diet is one that also helps in achieving goals like weight loss or even helping your ruined digestion to recover naturally. Thus, you need to consider what ingredients can be used suitably in a good diet for detoxification. Let's have a look at some of the best medicinal and natural substances that can be a part of a good detox diet. Some of the substances included in this type of regimen are substances that are naturally found in nature. For instance, the lemon detox diet plan includes things like lemonade, cayenne pepper, maple syrup and other such tasty things. These ingredients are substances that are used in cleansing and detoxifying the body. On the other hand, another detox plan includes things like juices, vegetables and fasting from eating other things. This is known as the juice detox diet plan. The juices should be made of fresh fruits and vegetables. Thus, these fresh fruits would help in cleansing the body from germs and other toxins. On the other hand, there is yet another plan. This plan is about consuming raw foods like raw meat and fish. Raw meat is something that contains all the essential vitamins and nutrients in good doses. Raw meat is something that can be cooked at a temperature of 118 degrees Celsius. The meat, if cooked raw, will be better than processing it chemically. Also, vegetables in this type of dietary plan can also be taken raw and fresh. These vegetables and fruits, if raw, will contain a lot of nutritional and health value. Thus, this one will be handy for detoxifying and cleansing the body. The benefit of a detox diet plan is that it helps to remove the wastes from the body systematically. It will aid in digestion as the substances contain fibres and other essential ingredients. Also, with raw meat, one needs to be assured that such a diet will also be conducive enough for fitness and overall health. Thus, from time to time, you should choose to have a detox diet that will cleanse your digestive system and make you feel healthy and cleansed from the inside. The most important step to a healthier life is the change to a healthy diet. Get more information from the free copy of my e-book report to make better choices! The Best Way To Slow Down Hair Loss Due To Dihydrotestosterone The main factors that people have hair loss problems is mainly because of the over formation of Dht, a male hormone which stops the increase of new hair. Men usually are the ones predominantly affected by this balding hair predicament and is frequently indicated by a bald spot on thetop of your head. There are nowadays a number of remedies to prevent the loss of hair caused by dht that are approved by the Department of Food and Drug Administration. If you need to discover the choices you have got, read through this information. Minoxidil – This is certainly the most popular Food and drug administration okayed treatment solution. It is promoted in different brand names that include Rogaine. It is available as a topical ointment. It isn't clear precisely how Minoxidil works however it has proven promising success in new hair growth for customers that have hair thinning troubles. You need to apply this everyday for a couple of months to observe some enhancement in hair growth. Regrettably, there are unwanted side effects to Minoxidil. Certainly one of these is a strong allergic kind of reaction to the treatment. In the event that this becomes excessive, you surely need to consult a health care provider. Other side effects consist of acne, chest pain, quick weight gain, swelling or fainting, among others. Likewise bear in mind that it truly is usual to shed more hair in the first 2 weeks of usage. But this should stop after this period. If it doesn't, speak with your medical professional. Provillus – This is an herbal and safe thinning hair option. The major component is Saw Palmetto extract that is assumed to end the excess production of male hormones and therefore, pattern baldness. A bigger study, not carried out by the organisation selling it, needs to be performed to fully figure out the effectiveness of Provillus. In spite of that it is considered one of the popular natural treatment in the market at the moment and day after day, an increasing number of people really want to find out where to buy Provillus. In comparison to Minoxidil, this is not a topical solution but comes in a supplement that you'll need to take daily. Similar to Minoxidil and some other hair loss products and solutions, you have to have to take this for a few months before you are able to notice virtually any significant change. A great number of provillus reviews unquestionably show that it can take at the very least 4 months to really see some changes. Hair Max – This is a laser comb that you're able carry out at home. And is the very first treatment method that does not make use of prescription drugs at all. It is quite easy to use and is in addition Fda approved to be a harmless product. It truly is a medically-verified laser therapy that is claimed to enhance hair growth and eliminate hair thinning. Again, use this on a daily basis for a few months to see some substantial results. As you can see, you have these three options to stop baldness as a result of high levels of testosterone. It truly is your decision on which one to make an effort to get your hair back. Know which will fit your life the most, consider the side effects and get started in getting rid of your hair loss problems at this time. No matter what you do, keep in mind that the quicker you give attention to your own hair loss, the less complicated and quicker you can get it back. You shouldn't wait to lose almost all of your hair before doing anything about it. Stop even more loss by dealing with it right this moment. The Dangers Of Some Weight Loss Pills Losing weight is not the easiest process of the world which is why some people look for the quick fix. For many, this means radical diet changes or aggressive exercise programs that can't be sustained over time. For other people, weight loss pills seem to be the answer until they deal with the nasty side effects that some of these supplements have. In recent years, many weight loss pills have been removed from the market because of their dangers. It's very important to understand what weight loss pills do and how you can make sure that you find one that is reasonably safe for your situation. When looking for weight loss pills, there are some factors that you can consider to help you make your decision. For example, look at other users' reviews of the product. Read what they had to say and see if they had any specific side effects or problems with the pill. Another criteria that you can use is the company's reputation. Look for companies that you've heard of and have a good reputation online before purchasing. They should also list all of the ingredients in the pills on their website. It's important to look at the list of ingredients to make sure that none of them will conflict with any prescription medications such are currently taking. You can ask your pharmacist or doctor about any interactions. The sad thing is that while some diet pills are dangerous, others are just completely ineffective. Some people believe that about 95% of weight loss pills are not helpful at all. We all know that there are crazy advertising claims made by many supplement companies. You have to be able to separate the promotional sales copy from the real deal. Again, customer reviews are one way to do this. When looking into weight loss pills, most doctors will recommend that you stay away from any supplement that's going to cause a racing heart or higher blood pressure. Unfortunately, many of the herbal supplements created today will have side effects that are not only uncomfortable but could be dangerous to some people. It's very important to speak with your doctor before you decide to start taking any kind of supplement because it could interact with current medications or cause you to have medical problems that you're not aware of at the time. The Difference Between GNC and DNC Supplements Both DNC and GNC supplements are becoming highly popular around the world today and with many competitors unable to rival DNC's low prices and high quality; they are currently dominating the marketplace over GNC, allowing them to expand globally and introduce new ideas and products to their already existing lines on their website and in many health food stores today. The health industry has expanded vastly over the past few years with the demand from consumers for exceptional quality supplementary products offering quick results at a reasonable price. With most individual getting involved in physical activities and opening up gym memberships across the globe, the need for a large range of diverse products available to the public is in great demand. DNC have a variety of excellent products from weight management supplements, sleep aids, herbal capsules to the popular muscle building shakes that are available. DNC has found a gap in the market for competitive pricing along with great product quality allowing them to lead the market for workout supplements and general health products. The items produced by DNC are high quality supplements that are used by many individuals before and after a gym workout. The protein and energy that is incorporated into the specialist shake mix has had a great impact on other products on the market. It has become a highly popular product due to the low pricing and has received extra attention from gym enthusiasts because of this. With the help of the weight loss supplements, many individuals have been able to lose weight healthily and within a relatively short amount of time. They are all natural herbal remedies that aid in keeping an individual feeling fuller for longer and help turn food into energy instead of fat. Including regular exercise, a healthier diet, a change of lifestyle and taking the weight loss capsules as advised, can help with losing weight. Some of the most popular supplement products on the market are produced by DNC and the expansion of new ranges to add to the already global healthy lifestyle products that are available worldwide is welcomed by many loyal customers and potential clients. With the low prices and specific products often in the sale section through their website, DNC is enjoyed by many men and women around the world. The range of drinks, vitamins, workout shakes, foods and snacks has ensured they remain at the top of the market and this factor has led many health food stores to stock their shelves with DNC products today. The main competitor for DNC is the company GNC who offer a similar variety of products to customers. DNC is always trying the stay ahead of the market trends and is constantly looking for ways to improve their products and provide better customer service to clients. DNC takes pride in their company and loyal customer base; therefore it is extremely important for them to continue to supply customers with the best possible products available on the market today. If you are looking for information on GNC, click on the link. Or you can visit https://www.dncsupplements.com/ If you are looking for information on GNC, click on the link. Or you can visit https://www.dncsupplements.com/ The Extremes We Go To For Extreme Weight Loss While researching a recent article on weight loss I became curious as to how we got into a culture of, for lack of a better term, “weight loss chaos.” It is chaotic because the choices are numerous, confusing, and many are very dangerous. We are apparently willing to go to just about any extreme to accomplish “extreme weight loss.” We see losing pounds as greater than the risks. Many people today are living with physical problems that resulted from bad diet choices. Some have even died as a result of dieting. Even physician prescribed weight loss aids have led to an untimely demise. I am not suggesting that we should avoid diets altogether but rather that we should be less willing to jump on fad diets. We absolutely must do something…but not the wrong thing. So how did we get from a world with only a handful of diet choices to today's massive pool of weight loss plans and products? By studying the history of diets one thing that I noticed was that the number of diets began to increase in number in the 1960s, escalated gradually in the 1970's and 80's, and then a boom started in the 1990's that still exists today. In 1960 Jean Nidetch invited some friends to meet in her apartment so that they could provide diet support to one another. The idea caught on, Weight Watchers was born, and earned the founder $100 million in just 17 years. Others saw the potential in the weight loss market. Perma-Slim was introduced in 1968 and Dr. Robert Atkins started his “Diet Revolution” in 1972. In 1974 a charismatic personality named Richard Simmons jumped on the diet bandwagon with the “Roughage and Anatomy Asylum.” In 1977 we were introduced to the Pritkin Diet. The Scarsdale Diet followed in 1978. In 1980 the Beverly Hills Diet gained popularity and in 1982 Jane Fonda caused a stir with her workout videos. Then Optifast became a household word when Oprah lost 67 pounds on the program in 1988. Remember, the diet market began to grow in the early 60's and continues to grow today. The reason for the incredible growth was simply “supply and demand.” According the CDC the percentage of the American adult population labeled as “overweight” increased slightly…from 31.5% in 1960 to 32.2% by 2006. More significant was the rise in obesity rates in that same period, 13.4% in 1960 and 35.1% by 2006. A further alarming statistic is the rise in those in the “extreme obesity” group. That percentage has escalated from 0.9% to 6.2%. So the obvious reason that the diet market has grown so dramatically is because we have been putting on more and more weight. A small market in the early 60's has grown into the mega marketing opportunity of today. By the way, since weight loss has become such BIG BUSINESS what would be the incentive for creating diets that help us lose weight, keep it off, and get healthier? Most of the products that are on the market are only there for a quick and easy fix…something that requires overweight consumers to keep coming back again and again. Only a few are truly healthy, provide good nutrition, and promote wellness for life. Interestingly, the first of the mega diets, Weight Watchers, was based on…and continues to be a healthy program. The one deficiency…which is not the fault of Weight Watchers…is that the only diet that will have lasting benefits is one that results in life change. In other words, until we grasp the importance of a right diet for life then we will never keep it off. In 1992 the National Institutes for Health got it right by declaring that the best diet is “moderation and exercise.” What they meant by “moderation” is that we must adopt a lifestyle of healthy food choices without excess. Most of us know that the 1992 declaration was on the mark…but it wasn't what most of us wanted to hear. Lifestyle change and moderation are just too hard for most of us. Therefore, we continue to grasp for the hot new diets that hit the market hoping for the easy magic that will produce the slender good looks we all desire. The solution is there for us if we want it. The Fact About Natural HGH Releasers Through the pituitary gland, the human body can make its own natural HGH which is important in maintain good health. Because of the inevitable occurrence of aging and various health conditions, the production of such kind of hormone is altered, halted or lowered. This is the primary reason why HGH releasers are very important. This kind of supplement could bring back the production of such kind of hormone for the body. For many people who are very eager to slow down the process of aging, as well as its symptoms; HGH supplements are very popular. In some cases, HGH supplements are being used to treat children with height or short stature problems. Human growth hormone supplements such as GenF20 Plus, HGH Advanced and GenFX may also help in promoting high level of energy, effective weight loss, and increase in muscle mass. Because of the growing niche and good reputation of HGH supplements the critics as well as the skeptics are trying to raise issues about the side effects of this anti aging product. A great number of natural HGH releasers are being taken orally. Most supplements that are being taken orally have lower and proper dosages; they have less or no side effects at all. The people who are planning to take the supplement should not feel anxious or nervous about the possible side effects. Best HGH supplements are very effective but they are delicately formulated as compared to the popular synthetic version of HGH stimulator, which is in the form of injection. A usual HGH releaser is working differently compared to the typical steroid. To give you an idea, steroids is making use of synthetic hormones where HGH supplements can boost the hormone in a natural way. A lot of experts underline that HGH releasers can generate a complete natural process that's efficient and good enough to prevent the adverse and the dangerous side effects. However, in some clinical tests, the use of different brands of HGH supplements may bring minor side effects, which cannot lead to any serious issues. Some users may experience muscle and joint pains during the first stage of HGH releasers therapy. The side effect could last for an hour or more and has no possibility of recurrence during the period of taking the supplement. Another side effect is that, some users may experience mild edema. Mild edema is a condition where the legs would swell due to accumulation of fluids; but some experts assert that it is not a condition caused by taking human growth hormone supplements. Again, this symptom would naturally go away after several hours. In general, it is very safe to say that natural HGH releasers do not bring any serious side effects. That is the reason why a lot of medical experts consider it as safe and effective. But before taking this kind of supplement, it is better to consult a doctor or medical expert first, ask prescription as well as their opinions for your own safety. This should be done in order to prevent the unwanted effect of the anti aging product. One must remember that, when taking this kind of supplement, you should not feels headache, dizziness, sleepiness and even tummy aches. The Food Lovers Fat Loss Diet - Does it Work? When you see an advertisement for a package referred to as "Meals lover's Fat Reduction Diet" you may tend to be intrigued to understand extra about it. Essentially it sounds like the best diet program approach ever invented if you love foodstuff and require to lose extra fat does it not? Well the approach is extremely prosperous and has many followers worldwide. The developer of this strategy is a man named Robert Ferguson that is an ex-Marine and trainer/nutritionist. Robert has created pretty a name for himself with endless videos featuring his points and interviews posted on the You Tube internet site. He has been a fitness consultant to various major companies and in schools and universities as a guest speaker. The Food Lover's Weight Reduction Diet consists of 21 days of eating foods you delight in but with a primary focus on portion control and right after you've completed the 21 days; the flexibility begins to expand with your program. You will be provided with numerous tools to get your goal around that 21 days or maybe even sooner. They consist of DVD's, booklets and CDs in the plan that aide you in picking ideal portion sizes and how to study to consume the foods you love with out gaining pounds. Some interesting parts of the Foods Lover's Unwanted weight Loss Diet program program are the detoxification and workout segments as nicely. By making use of detoxification prior to or during any eating habits schedule you enhance your chances for maximum bodyweight loss by cleansing the digestive procedure out and getting rid of harmful toxins and excess fats. The physical exercise methods are a necessity in any diet schedule and the ones enclosed in this application are straightforward and can be performed by people of any fitness level. You're not going hungry on this program as its title stays true that it is for foods lovers. It instructs the client how to eat many tiny meals throughout the day to raise your metabolism and lose excess fat at the exact same time. The procedure is not actually just a diet program, instead it supplies you with a smarter, healthier approach of eating that you can utilize for the rest of your life. Excess weight loss and maintaining a healthful figure is not about fasting or spending every single waking minute in the gym. Living nutritious and staying trim is a way of existence and Robert's schedule instills those elements in the plan. Certainly the resources and details involved in the Extra fat Lover's Fat Reduction Diet regime are nothing that hasn't been utilized in previous diet regime plans on the industry, but what the technique does is generate results. You can obtain the complete process for $120 which is reasonably priced for how very much they give you integrated in the eating plan. For extra details on the package, you can search on line regarding the creator of the system, Robert Ferguson. You can locate a number of videos and articles featuring him that disclose why he developed the schedule and offer a far more detailed description of it by the developer himself. You will discover some relief in purchasing the system once you turn out to be far more familiar with the minds behind the effective method. The Grapefruit Diet: Does It Work? The grapefruit diet works in the short-term, but does it have any staying power? In other words, if your goal is to drop weight quickly and gain it all back in a month, then go for it. If, however, your goal is to have lasting weight loss, the grapefruit diet is not for you. Here's why. The grapefruit diet has been around for many years. It's been modified slightly over the years, but for the most part, it's the same. The basic diet plan for the grapefruit diet consists of four meals. Breakfast includes a half a grapefruit, three eggs, and two slices of bacon. Lunch is another half a grapefruit, a piece of meat (any kind), and a salad with any type of dressing. Dinner is again, a half a grapefruit, any piece of meat, salad and then added to that a cup of coffee. The last meal isn't really a meal, but either an 8 oz glass of tomato juice or fat-free milk. Proponents of the grapefruit diet tout the grapefruit as having a fat-burning enzyme which is why it's added to all but one meal. Grapefruit is a wonderful fruit and a good healthy choice for fruit; but it's not magical! The grapefruit diet helps a person drop weight quickly because it's drastically low in calories. As with most fad diets a gimmick (in this case the grapefruit) is used to promote an extreme cut in calories. The grapefruit diet has a dieter eating around 800 calories per day which is not an adequate amount of calories to consume. An average-sized woman who is moderately active needs around 1800-2000 calories per day for the body to function correctly. When the diet is varied and healthful, this 1800-2000 calories brings that woman optimum nutrition in terms of receiving all the recommended daily allowances of important vitamins, minerals and fiber. The grapefruit diet is seriously lacking in fiber, calcium, iron and many other important nutrients. Over time, this will cause and contribute to serious nutritional deficiency related problems such as anemia and osteoporosis. The lack of fiber will lead to gastrointestinal problems such as constipation. In addition, fiber has been shown to promote weight loss, lower serum cholesterol and aid in colon cancer prevention. So, say hello to a thin body that will fit into the size zero dress, but you might want to pick up some make-up to cover the pale, sickly face you'll be sporting as well! And whoever said a hunched neck as seen in osteoporosis wasn't sexy? Healthy weight loss is not achieved with the grapefruit diet, bottom line! And more than likely, you should keep the tags on the size zero dress because the weight will be back as soon as you start eating normally again. Seriously, lasting weight loss consists of slow, steady weight loss resulting from a healthy, varied diet, exercise and patience. The grapefruit diet contains none of these things. Start by figuring out your daily caloric needs for weight maintenance. There are many calorie calculators on the internet that utilize your height, weight, age, sex and activity level to determine the amount of calories needed for weight maintenance. Next, realize that one pound of body fat is equivalent to roughly 3500 calories. Healthy weight loss is about one to two pounds per week. Therefore, if you wish to lose one pound per week, you'll need to decrease calorie intake and burn calories to the tune of 500 calories per day. This could be as simple as eliminating dessert at night and taking a brisk 2.5 mile walk. Two pound per week requires a debt of 1000 calories. This should only be achieved through calorie reduction combined with exercise, or you'll be right back to extreme calorie reduction seen in the grapefruit diet. Ramp up that work-out! Go another mile, use the incline, or increase resistance on the elliptical. Lasting weight loss isn't about gimmicks and fads such as the grapefruit diet. Lasting weight loss requires a person to commit to changing their eating and exercise habits for good. The Herbalife Diet.....Does It Work? Is It Dangerous? Herbalife is best known for its products that help people lose weight and boost their metabolism. Herbalife's flagship products is an herbal supplement that aids in weight loss and provides similar benefits to a fat burning pill. Herbalife does not give its users the restlessness and nervous feeling that are often associated with weight loss pills. That makes it a popular option for people interested in weight loss but not interested in some of the symptoms over the counter diet pills can have. A few years back Herbalife changed their products that involved Ephedra. Ephedra has been shown to great increase the risk for some heart conditions. As soon as that information was verified they took the proactive steps to create a safer product that was Ephedra free. That became available in 2004. Herbalife has shown that they are interested in consumer safety and keep on top of all available research to make sure that they products are delivering consumers are high quality. The Herbalife formula consists of 12 different herbal supplements to assist in weight loss. Not all of the herbs are proven to do that but they still provide benefits to the human body. Overall, people that use Herbalife will see positive results if they use Herbalife combined with a healthy diet. The great part about Herbalife is that it contains nutrients that are bodies use all the time. If you are wanting to lose weight these nutrients are also beneficial. They are: * Calcium - Calcium helps create bone density in the body and also has properties that help in preventing fat storage and increasing metabolism * Yerba Mate - Yerba Mate is a type of pine tree. The tree is native to regions of South America. The leaves of it have been used for a long time. They provide both a source of energy and appetite suppressant properties. As you can see Yerba Mate leaves have a TON of other benefits including a plant chemical called saponin in them. Saponins are known to help boost the immune system. * Green Tea Extract - An extract refereed to as EGCG is contained in Green Tea. This extract is popular for a number of reasons, including increased metabolism and a decrease in appetite of the users. The properties of green tea extracts have been used for many thousands of years in China to cure depression and headaches in addition to the newest findings of what it can assist in. * Fennel Seeds - Calcium rich Fennel seeds are another ingredient in this product. * Hawthorne Berries - These berries are excellent for protecting the heart. They also decrease excess water retention in the body because they help the body process salt. * Ginger Extract - Ginger has the unique ability to calm your system while increasing your metabolism. The best part is that it is very likely to balance the effect of caffeine. * Celery Seeds - Celery seeds are well known for reducing blood pressure and they are a low calorie food. * Astragalus Root - This root is used in many Chinese herbal medicines because it is does a good job of boosting the immune system. It also plays a role in appetite suppressant. Herbalife also contains a number of other "herbal" items in it, but in much smaller amounts. You will also find alfalfa leaves, cinnamon bark, marshmallow root, parsley leaves, and suma root. They are not effective for weight loss on their own but provide the body with other benefits. Caffeine is always going to be a concern for some people. That is why you need to look at weight loss products that can counteract the nervousness and restless feelings that are often associated with caffeine. Herbalife is in high demand as a dietary supplement. The reason it stays popular is because it should work for people when they use it according to instruction. Life changes like that are always a positive step for a person. Overall, I have talked to enough people to know that the Herbalife product does work. The Importance Of Breakfast:Fact Or Fiction Breakfast has long been pointed to by many as being the most important meal of the day. But is this just a myth passed down through the ages, or is there actual scientific verification for the statement that breakfast is important. To understand more about this subject, it is good to realise what breakfast actually is. Breakfast is the meal which 'breaks the fast' which the body has experienced over night. A fast is a time when we give our body a rest from eating. In some cultures, people fast regulary to be sure that their bodies get a break, but night time (and sleeping) are the natural times for the body to do this. It's not something that we have to build into our lifestyle! The first meal after that sleeping is usually, then, a meal which is taken fairly early in the morning and before we begin our day's activities. It sets the scene for the body of what it is now expected to do. It kick starts, if you like, the metabolism. It signals the body to get ready for a new day. Many people skip breakfast because they feel that they don't have time for breakfast. But to break the fast after a night's sleep does not require a meal which has taken hours to prepare. A simple bowl of cereal with a splash of milk will suffice. And the time saved in not eating it is not worth the loss that will be suffered. What loss, I hear you ask! Let us look at the loss of energy. Without breakfast, we expect our rested body to begin a day's activities with no nourishment since the night before. Therefore, later in the day there will be a corresponding loss of energy as the body's blood/sugar level drops. It may be necessary to eat some high calorie food from a vending machine you are passing so that your body can continue to operate effectively. So, the next loss we might expect is a loss of appetite for the next proper meal that we would normally have, lunch. As you may see, there is a cycle being established. If you begin your day with a nourishing and satisfying breakfast, you will be less likely to eat between meals and, in particular, to be drawn to high calorie, high sugar foods for energy. Which leads to another reason that people often give for not eating breakfast. They think that by not eating breakfast they will be able to lose weight. In fact, studies show that people with high BMI (body mass index) are people who tend to skip breakfast. Obese people are often those who eat high calorie food at nighttime, when there is not an opportunity for the body to burn the calories as the body is preparing to rest for the night. Participants of the Seasonal Variation of Blood Cholesterol Study (SEASONS), for example, who regularly skipped breakfast, had 4.5 times the risk of obesity as those who consumed breakfast regularly! But while the link between obesity and skipping breakfast is strong, there is room to subscribe also to the notion that people who don't east breakfast also make other decisions which are not nutritionally astute and thus contribute to their obesity. The fact is, though, that the body and brain expect to be re-fuelled a few times a day at intervals which are appropriate to what the body has been doing. So, it may be that if a person's occupation has them physically very busy in the morning, they may eat breakfast and follow fairly quickly with another snack prior to lunch and then may not need additional 'fuel' until their evening meal. But that first breakfast - which ideally will be rich in protein and fibre - sets the body up for the day, re-charging the brain so that it operates more efficiently, and giving the body the necessary nutrients for it also to operate with ease. It is for these reasons that national experts refer to breakfast as the most important meal of the day. And, as with many other things, eating habits are generally learned early in life and carried through lifetimes, so the importance of educating our children as to the importance of this meal cannot be overstated. And, in particular, because as school children when they are learning and growing more intensively than at any other time in their life, breakfast will assist them with their studies. Poor academic performance together with decreased school attendance, displeasure in school and poor lecture learning have been linked to fatigue which is measured in studies using the Chalder Fatigue Scale which has been shown to be reliable in evaluating the severity of fatigue. And in the magazine 'Nutrition', recently a study in Japan was published which showed that skipping breakfast was associated with fatigue in medical students. So, as I have said, it is important that we assist our children to learn good eating habits early in life which will alleviate other problems and challenges for them as they get older and begin to demand more of their bodies and minds! There are many studies which confirm that breakfast is an important meal which should be included in our daily routine, but one which I will mention here is The Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III) which investigated the relationship between BMI and breakfast consumption by looking at the relationship between breakfast type, total daily energy intake, and BMI. The survey addressed 16,452 adults in a large, population based study that confirmed there was no correlation between skipping breakfast and losing weight - not eating breakfast is not a successful weight loss technique! This study also noted that breakfast choice plays a role in lowering BMI. Individuals that ate cereal (hot or cold) or quick breads for breakfast as opposed to meat and eggs had a significantly lower BMI. So, once again, it is true to say that it is not necessary to spend a lot of time preparing a 'meal' for breakfast. Something quick, like cereal and a splash of milk, will not take time to prepare, but will be beneficial in health terms. The Isogenics Diet Plan - Things to Know There are more than 130,000 queries monthly for the key word Isagenix - which is the correct spelling for the frequently queried "Isogenics" diet. Therefore if you've heard about the Isogenics diet and you are looking for more details you are not alone! Because of its speedy & visible effects, the Isogenics diet (or Isagenix diet as it is properly spelled) has grown to become very popular in Canada And America and around the globe. People in numerous international locations are finding the amazing potential that nutritional cleansing has to help them to get rid of unwanted weight quickly and easily. Nearly on a daily basis one can find new testimonials documented. The Isogenics Diet Program - What You Need to Know Isogenics has more than 50 unique overall health products, but most people start with either a 9- or 30-Day Cleansing System. Health supplements in the 30-Day Program range from the Isalean Shakes, Ionix Supreme and Cleanse for Life. the 3 mainstays of the program. Isagenix 30-Day System The Cleansing and Fatburning 30-Day Program is typically an excellent system to start with since it is the easiest to stick to. It is also the most cost-effective plan. Both the thirty-day and nine-day cleanse programs innundate your body with wholesome nutrients, supporting all-around health, increasing vitality and promoting weight loss. Third-party studies have proven Isogenics diet routine is effective. You could have attempted one or a couple of of the traditionally used weight loss plans on the market, but suffered what is generally known as "the rebound effect." Because the Isogenics Diet deals with the reduction of toxic compounds, it's very different than a regular weight loss diet. Exactly What Do Harmful toxins Have to Do With Weight Loss Results? The earth is a lot more toxic than in the past and we are exposed to many chemical substances. On top of that most of us lead demanding and hectic lives. Our bodies are not able to cope with this rise in toxins, as our bodies were never made to deal with the man-made chemicals we have been confronted with these days. These influence well being and can even be the explanation for weight reduction problems. Nutritional cleansing handles the root issue of removing unhealthy toxins from the body, in a fashion that a traditional weight loss plan or single-supplement cleanse just cannot. When your 'body' is clear of unhealthy toxins, junk & additional impurities, it can begin the process of repairing itself to its normal, balanced condition. Isagenix facilitates that process by simply supplying your entire body with all the essential nutrients it needs to repair, recover and then revitalise Added benefits of Nutritional Cleansing There are big benefits to cleansing one's body: * Aids in achieving and maintain healthful weight * Improved digestion * Much more energy * Much better skin * Better sleep * And many more health benefits The Isogenics Diet - Do The Products Work? YES, these products work! In the last eight years many thousands of individuals have used the products and now have successfully maintained how much they weigh. With the 1000s of testimonials it's obvious why the Isogenics diet is becoming so well known. To put it very simply, the Isogenics diet works. And because of this Isogenics, is quickly becoming a household name. When you buy your Isogenics diet by means of the secure online ordering system you can be certain your order will arrive quickly, as all products are delivered from the Isogenics warehouses, strategically situated in all the nations in which the Isogenics diet is sold. I 100% highly recommend the Isogenics diet to absolutely everyone! Whether or not you buy the Isogenics diet at retail to lose weight and get healthy, or you join up as an Isogenics Member to save money and/or generate income, you will get a good product, and are picking a reputable company with integrity who cares about your results. The Lemonade Diet Recipe and Directions The Lemonade Diet is the portion of The Master Cleanse during which you consume only the Lemonade. It is a diet in the sense that you are restricted to a certain food. The Lemonade Diet is often used synonymously with The Master Cleanse, but I break it down in order to describe the portion of The Master Cleanse when you consume the nutrients and energy from the Fresh Lemon Juice, Rich Maple Syrup, and Organic Cayenne Pepper. The other sections of The Master Cleanse are : The Ease-In The Lemonade Diet (of course) The Salt Water Flush The Ease-Out The Post Cleanse Lifestyle. What is the Lemonade Diet? The Lemonade diet (The master Cleanse) is one of the most simple, effective, and inexpensive cleansing and healing programs available. It is a liquid monodiet (that is, one mixture only) designed to work with an complement your body's own cleansing and detoxifying processes, and at the same time to nourish your body with the things it needs to function. It is not a true fast (one in which there is no nutrition), nor it is a means to starve the body in order to loose weight dangerously fast. The cleanse is typically done for 10 days, but can be safely maintained for many more days in a row, even weeks when desired. " This quote is an exert from Tom Woloshyn's book The Complete Master Cleanse. This page is dedicated to the directions to The Lemonade Diet Recipe as well as the ingredients, expectations, problems and experiences myself and the readers of this website have encountered. The Lemonade Diet begins with preparing the Lemonade. During the diet, you will only consume the Lemonade that you make each day. In order to ensure that it is fresh and will retain as much of the nutrients and energy as possible, you should prepare the Lemonade just moments before drinking it. Lemonade Diet Recipe - The Ingredients To make the Lemonade you will need the following ingredients: 2 Tablespoons of Fresh Lemon Juice from one half of a Lemon 2 Tablespoons of Rich Maple Syrup 1/10 of a Teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper 1 - 2 cups of Pure Water (Alkaline Water is best, in my opinion) To prepare the Lemonade for the Lemonade Diet you will also need the following: Equipment need for The Lemonade Diet 1 large cup to mix your lemonade in 1 Tablespoon Measure 1/10 Teaspoon Measure Cutting Board Sharp knife Juicer (Hand juicer or Power juicer) Directions on making the Lemonade Diet Recipe Start by rolling a Lemon on the cutting board to get it nice and juicy. Cut the lemon along its belly and grind it on the juicer. Do this until you have juiced half your lemons, or until you have no more room in your juicer. Measure 2 Tablespoons of Fresh Lemon Juice into your large cup. Now measure and at 2 Tablespoons of Rich Maple Syrup to the cup. Measure and add 1/10 Teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper to the cup (or more to taste). Mix a and drink immediately. While on the Lemonade Diet, you can and should drink plenty of Pure Water. I drink 1 cup as a chaser after each cup of Lemonade. You can drink more throughout the day. Try to avoid drinking more than double the amount of Lemonade each day. Drinking enough water helps to wash out the toxins being released out of our body during the cleanse. It also helps to prevent possible headaches as well as feeling of hunger or cravings that surface during the detox. The Many Health Benefits From Extract Of Raspberry Ketone Fruit Weight loss campaigns have continuously been spreading online in order to promote healthy lifestyle. The increasing number of obese people all over the world has prompted health advocates to continue their drive of disseminating information about ways to achieve good health. At present, there is one weight loss ingredient that has earned the attention of many people. This is known as the extract of raspberry ketone fruit. This extract has undergone many different studies and various opinions from experiences of users have crowded message boards and forums online. The Truth about the Fruit Raspberry ketone is known as rheosim which is chemically structured to act as flavoring agent. People use it since 1920s to enhance the flavor of their food. It is also acquired for the production of scent specifically crafted for cosmetics and insect attractant products. One wrong notion about this is that it is extracted from raspberries. The truth is that it could come from natural sources which are apples, grapes and peaches. Some barks of trees can also provide extract of raspberry ketone fruit including maple, pine and yew. The Fruit and Its Weight Loss Properties Before products containing the extract are being sold in the market, it was already used as subject for study in weight gain analysis for mice. The study in mice has proven that those which are provided with extract in their meals have shown very little increase in their weights. There are still other studies being conducted to verify the effect of the substance in weight gain programs. Raspberry ketone has the ability to increase the secretion of adiponecin which is an agent in the metabolism of glucose and lipids. At present, a lot of products containing extract of raspberry ketone fruit have lured many people who, in return, have testified how they become slimmer and fitter by using them. Combinations and Other Health Benefits The extract that is derived from ketone fruit has other health benefits aside from that of helping a person lose weight. It also aids in protecting someone against non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, increase growth factor, avoid severe inflammation, and helps in the lightening of the skin. The best weight loss property of this extract can be experienced when added with grapefruit that lowers insulin levels. It can also be added to garcinia cambogia extract which aids on filling the liver with glycogen to reduce appetite and prevent you from eating too much. The Many Health Benefits Of The Lemonade Diet Thanks to the renowned dietician Stanley Burroughs for creating the fantastic lemonade diet. Thousands of people everywhere are using this all-natural diet as a stepping-stone to a healthy way of life, simply by using it as an aid for detoxification and weight loss. Its consumption pattern comprises of pure lemon juice, Grade B Maple Syrup and cayenne pepper (or cayenne pepper capsules if preferred) mixed with water. You need to drink this mixture at least 6 to 12 times a day. Many famous celebrities like Beyonce Knowles, Jared Leto and Robin Quivers have opted for doing the terrific lemonade diet. The lemonade diet is commonly referred to as the Beyonce diet by the mainstream media and press. Beyonce did the Lemonade Diet for her role in the film ‘Dreamgirls,' and the outstanding results are for everyone to see! You can also check Robin Quivers diet or Jared Leto's weight loss to judge the authenticity and reliability of the diet. Given the modern world of fast food, chemicals, prescriptions drugs, food additives, etc, toxic build up is likely to accumulate in the body. A human body is not capable of fully eliminating these toxins. Negative effects are bound to occur. Low metabolism, illness, weight gain, and fatigue are also associated with toxic build up in the colon. This is why the lemonade diet is such a hit with thousands of people coming from different backgrounds. Thousands of people are opting for trying the lemonade diet recipe to discover its remarkable health benefits. Lemonade diet testimonials and lemonade diet reviews are far from discouraging. The diet is a resounding success. The goal of the diet is to give your digestive tract a rest, remove chemical impurities from your body, mobilize and eliminate toxins stored in various parts of the body, ward off illness, kill parasites lurking in the flora of intestinal walls and burn excess fat storage. Naturally, reduction in weight is a by-product of this diet. It helps dissolve toxins formed in any part of the body. It cleanses your overall system. It purifies the glands and detoxifies you. It also relieves pressure and irritation in the nerves, arteries and blood vessels. This ensures a healthy blood stream. The Lemonade Diet or Master Cleanse has also been said to reverse diabetes in some people. For lemonade diet questions and lemonade diet instructions, you can log on to the Internet. You will find answers to all of your questions pertaining to the diet. It is of utmost importance to follow the directions for your Master Cleanse recipe carefully, so be sure to read the Master Cleanser book or find instructions from a reliable source online. A lemonade diet blog or forum can also be helpful. The lemonade cleanse or the Master Cleanse diet recommends using Grade B Maple Syrup. Organic Grade B maple syrup is very high in vitamin content. It has important minerals like calcium, potassium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and iron amino acids. The lemonade detox diet is a strict cleansing diet with the added effect of weight loss. It requires reserves of resilience, will power, and conviction on your part. The lemonade cleanse is well worth all the effort and hard work since it offers enormous health benefits. The Master Cleans Diet: Master Cleanse Secrets Reviewed Are you searching for information on the master cleans diet. In this revioew I explore the Master Cleanse Secrets illuminating how useful it may be for you. The “Master Cleanse Secrets” ebook has been produced by Raylen Sterling, nevertheless the actual master cleanse formula has been in utilize for the past fifty years. Something that enhanced the curiosity of the general public within the master cleanse diet was the announcement made my Beyonce Knowles on the Oprah Winfrey show that she had lost 20 pounds using it. The Master Cleans Diet -The Facts The master cleans diet essentially requires you take two Tablespoons of organic lemon juice, Tablespoons of organic grade B maple syrup, 1/10 Teaspoon ground cayenne pepper and combine all in ten oz.of filtered water. This generates one serving of the cleansing lemonade. You should be having 6-12 servings for every day. The flavor of the lemonade is actually fairly good. The cayenne pepper are a few things that persons might be interested about in conditions of taste but it provides a certain amount of spiciness to the lemonade. This recipe is part of the diet and you ought to not be simply making it and taking it at will. There is more to the Master Cleanse diet than the recipe. You'd know how exactly to arrange the diet, how you are able to reduce or completely stay away from side effects and how you ought to be going about matters following you end the master cleanse course. Additionally, you will discover how exactly to keep yourself after a very long time has passed after the finish of the diet plan. The process of detoxification and rejuvenation of the body will begin immediately after you start the dieting procedure. The diet is related to exceptionally rapid results. So do not be amazed if a couple individuals pull you aside and request if all this has been accomplished naturally. You will bring your appetite to a conventional level so your body are able to return back to its perfect weight according to your body. You will also experience a natural movement away from poor ways of behaving. The Master Cleans Diet - Summation The master cleans diet specifies you to keep your hands of the fridge while on the diet plan. Nevertheless this can be a tough activity to do. This book aids you with this by supplying a list of foodstuffs that you can eat during the diet and they'll not have an effect on the cleansing procedure. The guide also comes with three bonus books. Optimizing Your 4 Purification Systems, Master Cleanse Success Journal and Poison Water. There is another offer within which you can get 3 different books: Design The Life Of Your Dreams, seventeen Bible Foods That Heal and Body On Fire: How exactly To Stop Storing Fat And Begin burning It. The master cleanse diet plan is able to be used to lose fat, invigorate yourself and eliminate health related complications. With the first 3 bonus guides solely, the package costs $37. The price for the six further books within the master cleans diet package is $37. The Myths of Blood SugarControl If you are concerned about controlling your blood sugar, and you should, you need to know.. The Great Myths of Blood Sugar Control 1. Conventional wisdom says if you're not having symptoms, your blood sugar control problems are not such a big deal, they're wrong! If you do not have symptoms now, here is a little sampling: Foggy thinking, memory lapses, weak and irritable before meals, low energy levels, cravings for sugar, kidney problems and high blood pressure and cholesterol levels are just a few of the symptoms you might not be attributing to unbalanced blood sugar... but should be. 2. Most people think that low-fat dieting can control your blood sugar. Wrong again! Fat is not the cause of America's epidemic of insulin resistance. Sugar and excess carbs are, and most people are in the dark about it. The average American consumes roughly 200 pounds of sugar each year, much of it hidden in the processed foods we eat. Ingesting too much sugar is acid-forming and wreaks havoc on your blood sugar levels leading to poor health. 3. Conventional wisdom says that drugs are the only way to manage blood sugar, that natural solutions won't work for blood sugar. Wrong, dead wrong! The pharmaceutical companies have plenty of drugs to help you deal with blood sugar imbalances. The trouble is... the side effects of some of these drugs can be WORSE than the disease they're supposed to treat! For example, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently mandated the use of a "black box" warning on the diabetes drug Avandia. This strong warning label emphasizes the drug, "may cause or worsen heart failure in certain patients." Despite this disturbing admission, an agency advisory panel voted 22 to 1 in favor of allowing continued sales to U.S. patients! But here's some good news. You can balance your blood sugar naturally, simply by using nutrients straight from Mother Nature. Nutrients for Healthy Blood Sugar It might seem hard to imagine that a few herbs can help you win the battle of blood sugar imbalance--but it's TRUE! I want to introduce you to some natural compounds that represent a breakthrough for balancing your blood sugar. Let's examine each of these super nutrients individually... Gymnema Sylvestre For more than 2,000 years, people in India have used the herb Gymnema sylvestre to help control blood sugar. In fact, the leaves of this climbing plant are highly valued by practitioners of Ayurvedic medicine--the ancient system of healing developed in India and practiced by the renowned doctor Deepak Chopra. The herb is also called "gurmar," which literally means "destroyer of sugar" in Hindi. This name describes the way that chewing the leaves interferes with your ability to taste sweetness. Because this amazing herb decreases the sensation of sweetness in many foods, this may reduce your cravings for sugary snacks. In addition, this versatile herb helps improves insulin receptor sensitivity and insulin signalling. Chromium Another weapon in nature's arsenal of sugar fighters is the mineral chromium. Chromium aids in digestion and helps move blood glucose from the bloodstream into the cells for energy. It also helps turn fats, carbohydrates, and proteins into energy. What's more, chromium is critical for healthy insulin function. Without enough chromium in your body, insulin just doesn't work properly. Chromium exists in many foods, but research shows that 90% of American adults have a chromium deficient diet! This could be a key reason why an increasing number of Americans suffer from problems related to imbalanced sugar in their blood. The biggest reason for chromium deficiency in America is that packaged food has none of this key blood sugar controlling ingredient in it. And Americans eat far more packaged food than natural "real" food. Banaba Leaf Extract For many years,people living in the Philippines, South Asia, and India have brewed a banaba leaf tea to help regulate blood sugar. Medical scientists believe that banaba leaf's beneficial effects on blood sugar are due to its high concentration of corosolic acid, a natural compound extracted from its leaves. Corosolic acid mimics insulin by moving sugar out of your bloodstream and into your cells. And numerous scientific studies have proven banaba leaf's effectiveness. Fenugreek Modern science is shedding new light on another traditional folk remedy which delivers excellent health benefits. Fenugreek is an herb native to the Mediterranean, Ukraine, India, and China. Practitioners of Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine have used the herb for more than 2,000 years. Modern scientists now know fenugreek helps balance your cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood glucose. Fenugreek seed stimulates insulin release. This helps food sugars reach your cells properly. BitterMelon Although it may be unknown to most people in the West--bitter melon has long been used in South America, the Caribbean, East Africa, and the Orient as both food and a natural medicine. And scientific studies prove its value for treating blood sugar problems. Studies have show bitter melon could play a key role in helping to balance insulin in your body and had positive effects on the serum glucose levels of those taking it--which of course means healthy blood sugar control. So if you've resigned yourself to a life filled by downing daily prescription medications, jabbing yourself with insulin shots, and praying that you don't succumb to kidney failure, loss of vision or extremities, Think again. Imagine avoiding the dangers of pharmaceutical agents while you: - Balance your blood glucose - Control insulin and help your body use it more effectively - Keep your cholesterol healthy - Boost your immunity - Support healthy weight loss - Eliminate sugar spikes - Protect your kidneys - Banish tired, sluggish feelings - Reduce sugar and food cravings - Plus, dozens more benefits! All these powerful nutrients are great for blood glucose control but it does not give you a license to eat sweets regularly or to go long periods of time without eating. Both of these practices will imbalance your blood sugar leading to multiple health problems, not the least of these is diabetes. There is a huge laundry list of diseases and health problems that have blood sugar imbalances as their underpinnings. So, look to balance your carbs with proteins and take a supplement that has bitter melon, chromium,fenugreek, and gymnema. Your body will thanks you by increasing it's performance in daily tasks. There Is A Point When The Zipper Will Not Zip Up Anymore I don't consider myself old by any means but when I was younger I never thought about my weight. I was always looking good and could wear what I wanted to wear while stuffing myself with chips, chocolate bars, and soda as a staple food item. I basically worked all day and partied all night. I was always on the go and always had real high self esteem. Then I slowed down my partying to a reasonable rate and wasn't dancing as much. I eventually moved from a very physically demanding job to a less physical – sitting behind a desk – job that I still enjoyed my junk food at. The months went by and before I knew what was happening I couldn't fit in to my favorite pair of jeans and I could no longer make the buttons connect on my knee length sweater. In fact, I couldn't even get it around my circumference, it was just too small. So I headed to the gym. The first year I melted off the gained weight quickly and built up some muscle. I looked and felt better than I had before I even gained the weight in the first place. So once I was satisfied with my weight and my gym membership expired I put working out on the back-burner and grabbed my chocolate bar. Quickly, I went past the not being able to button up the pants era and entered the - I can't get the pants past my thigh - era. So I found a different gym. I remember the first time I went to that gym and stepped on the scale and honestly thought to myself that the scale must be broken. I worked out harder than I had ever worked out before. I lost the weight and ended my gym routine again. Very quickly I was in the – I'm not even going to attempt to try to put those jeans on – era. And back to another gym I went. But this time I wasn't excited about it because I knew that while I may lose the weight I will eventually get bored with the gym, stop going, gain even more weight back and continue this process forever! So I stopped going altogether and bought a treadmill and some free weights. I had been on the treadmill off and on for a few years when I realized I had gained another twenty pounds that I needed to lose now. Truthfully walking on the treadmill was usually the most I pushed myself. My heartbeat never had a chance to get pumping because I never let it. So I went out and bought an elliptical. That would for sure get my heart rate pumping I told myself. But it's quite easy to get lost in TV land and just kind of robotically go up and down on an elliptical with not much effort. Well let's just say I eventually was forty pounds heavier than the days of dancing and eating anything I wanted. True, I probably could have gained even more if I had not done my yo-yo gym routines but honestly it was getting harder if not impossible to lose the weight and I was at a loss of what I was doing wrong. It used to be so simple for me. After talking about it with my husband I remembered that I used to do a lot of weights in my early years. Even at my job I was lifting, pushing, and pulling. In fact, cardio was boring to me in the gym and I could only get through the recommended ten minutes of warm-up most times. I would then push myself on the weights and completely exhaust myself with them. And that's when it clicked. I hadn't been doing weights because we have free weights and I didn't know how to utilize them correctly. I had seen the ads for the resistance band, and the exercise ball, and even the use your own body weight for toning up but I was tricked into thinking that the gym was the only way I could have a good weight workout. I also assumed that cardio was the key point in losing weight. Somewhere along the line I had been told this about cardio and embedded it into my thought process. Now I know it's not true. Not only is cardio not the only part to losing weight but building muscle is essential to losing weight and being healthy. And you don't have to head out to the gym to achieve it. You can get the same muscle building and fat burning workout at home by using the proper techniques and schedule. Today I actually have a productive workout at home routine and I don't have to head to the gym anymore. The Relationship Between Toxins and Weight Loss Recently scientists have discovered the relationship between environmental toxins and weight gain. Toxins can restrict your ability to balance blood sugar and metabolize cholesterol. Eventually this leads to insulin resistance, diabetes and obesity. Don't think you have toxins traveling around your blood stream right now? In a recent report put out by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), scientists found that practically every participant they tested was riddled with chemicals, including highly dangerous chemicals like flame retardants which were stored in the fatty tissue, and Bisphenol A, which is a hormone-like substance found in plastics. Even adorable innocent babies were toxic with 287 chemicals in the umbilical cord, 217 of which are poisonous to nerve cells. The Solution Each day the human body purges toxins by four main channels: urine, feces, sweat and breath. However there are absolutely some things you can do to aide your body detoxify. Drink More Water You've heard this message countless times, but the fact is water is what helps your body purge the toxins. A dehydrated body won't function as it should. Your kidneys are responsible for removing excess salt and toxins from your blood, and without water continually flowing through the kidneys, the salt and toxins sit there and the kidneys become exhausted. When this takes place, you may potentially experience an infection and if not addressed in time, the kidneys could start to shut down. You never want this to happen so be sure to remain hydrated throughout the day. Juice Detoxing A juice cleanse can aid the body in eliminating menacing toxins. By abstaining from solid food and only drinking juice from organic fruits and vegetables, chiefly green veggies and herbs like Kale and parsley, the body can take a break and use the energy normally given to digestion to heal any illness and imbalances. The juices are powerful and able to flush the kidneys helping to remove toxins through your urine. Eat More Fiber One of the most awful offenders of toxin buildup is constipation. Like water through your kidneys, your intestines and colon also need help in keeping things moving through the system. Water also plays a role here as does fiber. Eating fibrous foods like fruits and vegetables will help the toxins in your waste travel all the way out. Exercise More Did you know the skin is the single largest organ of elimination? When we sweat, we get rid of an incredible amount of toxins. exercising is good for more than just getting your muscles toned exercising makes you sweat, and the more you sweat, the more toxins can leave your body. As a side note, consider trying a sauna if you have access to one. Breathe Deeply Taking big deep breaths in and out not only helps fight stress and regulates certain bodily functions, it also eliminates toxins. As you inhale you draw in fresh, life-giving oxygen, and as you exhale you letting go of stale air filled with toxic waste. Consider taking some yoga classes every week as a main part of yoga is focusing on your breath. If nothing else, take time every day to stop whatever's going on around you and breathe deeply for 10 minutes. If you eat well and exercise weekly and you still seem to have trouble losing weight, consider the previous tips to eliminate harmful chemicals that are perhaps making you overweight. Therma Slim Diet Pills When we think of losing weight, the first thing that comes to one's mind, other than exercising and dieting, is to take diet pills and the most convenient way to do so is to buy diet pills online. Therma Slim Diet Pills happen to be the answer to every dieter's query to loose a few pounds. Manufactured by Total Nutrition and marketed by a number of vendors, this drug is easy to buy online. This diet pill offers all that one needs to loose weight. Therma Slim diet pills contain various stimulants and diuretics to help increase metabolism and reduce retention, inturn, helping one get rid of excess weight gain. This drug boosts metabolic rate so that dieters can eat well and also burn more calories, losing excess weight. Therma Slim diet pills work on the logic that if one reduces calorie intake, then the it takes longer to burn the lesser number of calories, taking it longer to loose weight. Also, a slower metabolism leads to lower energy levels so it's hard to stay motivated and to keep activity levels up, and meanwhile, the dieter does not lose as much weight. Active Ingredients That Help In Weight Loss Therma Slim contains a number of ingredients that are known to speed up the process of losing weight. It has vitamin C, chromium, L-carnitine, juniper berries, uva ursi, kola nut, buchu leaves, cascara sagrada, peppermint leaves, calcium phostphate, celulose, croscarmellose sodium, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate. Therma Slim ingredients, like Dandelion and burdock are both effective diuretics that helping in getting rid of excess water and result in weight loss. Sida cordiofolia, a source of ephedrine, stimulates the metabolism, helps to burn body fat and increases energy levels. L-carnitine being an amino acid transports fat to the mitochondria, the part of cells that burn fat and kola nut assists the L-carnitine in the fat burning process. Chromium aids in balancing blood sugar and keep untimely cravings at bay. Advantages Studies have shown that combining an appetite suppressant with the fat burner is the most effective formula to loose weight. The use of amino acids like L-carnitine is helpful in burning fat more effectively and assisting in achieving weight loss goals. Therma Slim diet pills contain a full day's supply of vitamin C. It is faster than many other diet pills as one burn fat easily and the pill helps on suppressing appetite to maintain the weight loss. Disadvantages There is lack of information about the manufacturer of the diet pill. There is no official presence for this brand. Therefore, all of the information is gathered from alternative sources rather than the ThermaSlim manufacturing company itself. Some of the ingredients listed may have undesirable side effects. Caffeine can also contribute to nervousness, increased heart rate and other adverse side effects in some. There is no proven appetite suppressant in this product. The Role of Capsicum in Weight Loss When it comes to weight loss more and more people are getting attracted to the most natural methods of losing weight or at least prefer natural ingredients to lose their body weight fast. Nature has provided many ingredients to lose weight in the form of berries, fruits, nuts and so on. Capsicum is a vegetable; has many natural properties to help mankind lose weight fast and is no wonder to have gained wide popularity very recently. Capsicum or Cayenne, commonly called as red chilly or red pepper, has been known to be cultivated since 3000 BC and used as a spice for its pungent taste. Capsicum belongs to a group of plants in the nightshade (Solenaceae) family. It is the same family of plants which includes tomato and potatoes. Cayenne pepper was introduced into Britain from India in 1548. Capsicum contains capsaicinoids such as capsaicin, dihydro-capsaicin and nor-dihydro-capsaicin, which are responsible for its pungent nature. These active ingredients of capsicum are universally accepted as nutritional supplements for regulating diet and in the treatment of obesity, thus the safety of Capsicum is well established. Capsicum also contains Vitamin A and C. Capsicum is also known to contain provitamins of E, B1, B2 and B3. Capsicum contains antioxidants such as carotenes which eat away the free radicals of the body. The free radicals are known to cause cell damage and diseases such as cancer and increase the aging process. Capsicum has been found to have weight suppressant effect as well as reducing the bad cholesterol in the blood which can lead to overweight and heart disease. The study of capsaicin on humans and animals has been well documented. These studies clearly prove that capsaicin is capable of producing diet-induced thermogenesis which results in faster metabolism thereby increasing the energy expenditure of the body. Capsicum can also bring about a reduction in the appetite level. Recently documented studies also show significant reduction in body mass by fat oxidation in areas such as waist circumference, belly and so on. The critical factors that increase weight such as blood glucose, insulin, tricaylglycerol and leptin are also reduced by the capsaicins. These research results clearly point out the potential benefits of incorporating capsicum or its extract in the dietary formulations to curb excess appetite, prevent weight gain and thereby facilitate weight loss. Apart from the weight loss effects Capsicum also regulates the heart and blood pressure rates. Capsicum blocks the transmission of pain and helps in relieving pain. It also alleviates constipation. Capsicum is also good for the eyes and skin. The required quantity of Capsicum to produce enough weight loss effect in a person is about 10 grams per day. A certain company promoting slimming pills feels that this quantum of red chilly or its equivalent in capsaicinoids might irritate the mouth or stomach mucosa, so they have used a unique design to give a special coating on the ingredients. This coating of the capsules will prevent the contents getting in contact with the mouth as well as the stomach. The specific place where the ingredients have to be released is the intestines. As the acidity of the stomach is different from that of the intestines, the coating of the capsule will dissolve in the intestines only releasing the contents exactly in the place where it is digested and absorbed into the blood stream. This is where the modern technology gives a helping hand to nature in achieving its weight loss goal. Capsicum along with extracts of black pepper, niacin (vitamin B3), and caffeine are presented in this slimming pill. If the claims of the promoters of this slimming pill are put in a nut shell then one would say: these pills can burn an extra 278 calories a day. If this slimming pill can burn an extra 278 calories a day will it suffice to produce enough weight loss effect to a person? Burning an extra 278 calories will certainly work out to about 25 pounds a year by just taking one pill a day. Now let us take a look at how the claim has been accepted by the people who have the need for such a pill. This pill has attracted a lot of media attention for the fact that it is being used by the top celebrities. Unless the claims are true it would not be accepted by the celebrities as every one of us are aware that the celebrities have more need to be slim. The Tapeworm Diet Does Not Work - Why? The tapeworm diet does not work for the simple reason that tapeworms are like people: they poop and pee, and we discuss the implications of these natural functions here. Selling Tapeworm for Dietary Purposes is Illegal The US government has banned trading in tapeworm - but why? Why ban tapeworms if they don't work? Is the country awash with tapeworms so that their import must be restricted? Perhaps they are just too difficult to tax, because the Great American Public might not be as agreeable to being scanned for tapeworm as they are to being checked for bombs. It's one thing checking for drugs but quite another to have a tapeworm detector stuffed down your throat or up your rectum! Nope - there are other reasons. One is that the tapeworm diet does not work and is actually a bit dodgy and the other is that it might kill you ( that would make you lose weight) - so the FDA have banned doctors from slipping tapeworm down your throat (or anything else) for health reasons. It is illegal to sell tapeworm or tapeworm diet pills on the open market in the USA but you can get them in Mexico or on the internet where anything goes. Does the Tapeworm Diet Work? You cannot simply get a prescription for tapeworm and hand it into your local pharmacy in exchange for a bag of wriggly worms that you can eat (raw) and also you cannot purchase a carton of their eggs. It has nothing to do with food - They cannot be classed as foods and you cannot scramble or poach these eggs - it would stop them working. But assuming you could get your hands on some, would they work? Being serious, is it worth your while driving down to Mexico, or going online with a Google search for tapeworm eggs? I am a scientist - a qualified chemist with an Honors Degree in chemistry from Edinburgh University and as such I know more about the tapeworm diet than those that know less than me and can prove it. Do here is my opinion of why the tapeworm diet fails to work. What are Tapeworms? If you deliberately eat poop, swallow feces-contaminated food without properly cooking it or eat raw meat from contaminated animals or fish, then you can take in tapeworm segments or their eggs. Pills are also available or you can even eat them live, or at least as tapeworm segments (like pineapple segments) although avoid cooking them - that will kill them). The Tapeworm Diet: How it Works The theory behind the tapeworm diet is very simple: a) You make yourself have tapeworm. b) You eat food. c) The tapeworm consumes your food. d) You lose weight. Why the Tapeworm Diet Does Not Work 1. The tapeworm might not like onions or fat, or it might be a veggie worm - or even a vegan - so it won't eat your food. It might even be on a diet if it is too fat. 2. The tapeworm has its digestive system and metabolism just as you have, so 3. It grows after eating. It gets bigger and puts on weight - therefore, so do you! How much does a 60 foot tapeworm weigh? Not far off half a ton I would imagine. I even read of a 168 foot one. 4. Its feces are also passed through its rectum and out its anus just the same as yours, and it then poops and pees right inside your intestine! 5. The tapeworm diet therefore CONTRIBUTES to your weight by: a) Fattening a tapeworm up that started as just a single segment, or even as an egg. As it puts on weight then so must you. b) The tapeworm pees and poops into your intestine, so you then have to pass that along with yours and how much does your own poo weigh, without adding a 160 foot tapeworm poop. That has to be at least the weight of half a dozen pizzas! Until you pass the tapeworms you will heavier. Maybe now you can understand why the USA has made it illegal. It is alleged that some American politicians are financially connected with some food growers, and that they are liable to oppose any bill that is presented that might mean you buying less food. Because the tapeworm and its feces is effectively acting as a food supply for you, the tapeworm have been banned until such time as they develop a strain that does not provide you with a free meal (tapeworm poop). Conclusion The tapeworm diet is effective but not as effective as it could be. It is an inefficient way of losing weight, and the United States government has recognized this fact. So to recap: The tapeworm's food is digested and metabolized just as yours is, and eventually generates energy (so the tapeworm can wriggle), muscle (strong tapeworms), fat (heavy tapeworms) and poop. Where does the poop go - into your intestinal tract where its sugars are absorbed into your blood - that makes your fat cells even fuller. It's the ultimate in recycling! It means that the tapeworm diet is ineffective. The Truth and Lies About the Side Effects of Acai Berry Products We all know that too much of anything can be bad. There are also many food types that we consume which have side effects. As a matter of fact, there have been a lot of studies and researches conducted that have revealed about 80 percent of the food we eat have bad side effects. The good thing is that these side effects are normally minor and are easily countered by the other foods that we eat or by supplements that we take. However, there are certain food types and certain drugs which we take that offer more negative side effects. Many people assume that these drugs would be the diet pills that are being sold in the market. The truth is, although there are quite a number of weight loss drugs which could do the body more harm than good, there are those that offer a healthier and safer way to lose weight. A particularly safe weight loss supplement would be those that have the acai berry as their main ingredient. Although there are still some rarely encountered side effects with the intake of the acai berry supplements, these side effects are milder compared to the side effects brought about by the weight loss pills that claim to help you lose a lot of weight in a very short time. Acai berry weight loss supplements offer a very natural way to shed excess pounds. These supplements usually have a big percentage of acai berries in their content with some added natural fruit juices to counter the slightly bitter taste of the acai berry. This would ensure the individual taking it that he would only be consuming the acai berry in its purest and most natural form, making him receive all the health benefits that the fruit offers. Acai berry supplements do not have any negative side effects to the body. The only slightly bed side effect that it has would be that it suppresses the hunger. However, this is not really a bad side effect as the individual still has the power to eat a balanced and healthy meal thrice a day. Acai berry supplements effectively help in increasing the metabolic rate of the body which ensures the efficient burning of the fat and calories stored in the body from the meals consumed. As you take an acai berry supplement, it would be advisable to eat balanced meals and exercise regularly to ensure its maximum benefits. You would not only be able to shed some excess weight but also improve your body's overall condition. It is important to note that any health supplement you take such as amazon acai berry, you need to maintain and exercise for the best results and experiences. The Ultimate Body Clearnser: Procleanse Gold One of the best colon cleansing solutions is found in France and is called Procleanse Gold. This is a product that is found in France but available for purchase through the internet in other countries. Those who are looking for the ultimate in body cleansing when it comes to using a colon cleansing solution can take a look at what procleanse has to offer. This is a product that is known throughout the world as one of the best colon cleansing products that is offered on the market today and really does work to not only clean out your digestive tract, but also will help provide you with the nutrients that your body is probably lacking. One of the reasons people use a colon cleansing system like procleanse gold is to lose weight. The problem with this is that they are eliminating waste before it has the chance to provide the body with any necessary nutrients that can come from the foods that are eaten. It is important to make sure that you are properly hydrated when you use a product like procleanse so that you get all of the necessary vitamins as well as nutrients in your system that the product can replace. In addition to using procleanse gold in order to lose weight, many people also use this type of colon cleansing product as a way to get rid of the toxins in the body and maintain a healthy digestive system. If you want to be sure that you maintain a healthy digestive system, then you need to use a product such as procleanse in order to do so. This will flush the waste from your system, some of which can accumulate in your colon and cause problems for you later down the line, as well as replenish it with the things that your body needs to stay healthy. If it very vital for the body to have a balanced and healthy digestive system. You can detoxify your body and lose weight at the same time when you are using a product like procleanse gold. This is one solution that will provide your body with everything that it needs when it comes to necessary nutrients that you are probably not getting as well as getting you to eliminate harmful waste in your body as well as toxins. It also will make you feel lighter and help you when it comes to losing weight in this process. The more you continue to use a product like procleanse gold, the better you will feel and the more weight you will be able to lose. You can use the product a couple of times a week to eliminate the impurities in your system and make sure that you are eliminating waste at the same time. You should follow the directions on the bottle of procleanse, although it is very much like other types of colon cleansers in this respect. The difference is the nutrients that are put into the product that are not available in other products of this nature. If you are looking for the safest colon cleanser that is on the market, you can take a look at procleanse gold. This is one of the best colon cleansers in that it does not only aid in weight loss and detoxification in the body but also gives the body what it needs when it comes to nutritional value. You can get what you are looking for when you get this product from France that is receiving rave reviews throughout the world because of the way it works. The Ultimate Fat Loss Circuit In the past, the cornerstone of most resistance training workouts has been performing exercises in a straight set format. Basically, this means you perform a certain number of reps for a certain number of sets or you perform as many reps as possible for a given exercise and then you rest anywhere from 30 seconds to five minutes based on your training goals before repeating this set a certain number of times based on your goals. If you want to gain muscle and burn fat, shorter rest periods are suggested. If strength and power development is your goal, longer rest periods are prescribed. So, what's the problem with this format? Well, though straight sets are extremely easy to comprehend for people new to fitness, they are also an extremely inefficient and time consuming way to exercise. In most commercial gyms you'll typically see someone perform three sets of 15 reps of the leg extension.. They pump out 15 reps, go to the water fountain, talk with some buddies, watch a couple of highlights on ESPN, and then gingerly walk back to the machine area to hit up their second set. In general, most people, guys in particular, tend to take about 3-5 minutes between sets. In the case of three sets of 15 on the leg extension that means it would take up to 15 minutes to complete only one movement pattern (a knee dominant exercise). That means you'd need at least in hour to perform four different exercises! What a way to waste an hour! A much more effective and time-efficient approach to ordering your exercises is utilizing the alternating set format. Here you'll perform one exercise, rest for a short period of time, then perform another non-competing exercise, rest for a short period of time, and so forth. Alternating sets allow you to work different areas of your body when you would otherwise be resting with the straight set format. Plus, by working another area of your body with a non-competing exercise you allow your body to recover from the previous exercise(s). The result is improved training economy and density: more work accomplished in less time, the cornerstone of any sound fat loss program. There are several ways to perform alternating sets outlined below: 1.) Supersets: Alternate between two different non-competing exercises (e.g. upper body and lower body such as push-ups and lunges) 2.) Trisets: Alternate between three different exercises (e.g. push, pull, and lower body such as push-ups, rows, and lunges) 3.) Circuits: Alternate between four or more different exercises Though supersets and trisets are excellent alternating set options, I believe that circuit training is the best bang for your buck. By combining 4-5 non-competing exercises in a row, a workout can take ¼ the time, but produce 9 times the fat loss. Check out the following circuit to get a better idea of what I'm talking about. The 50-10 Five Exercise Circuit: You will alternate between 50 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest for all five exercises in the following 5-minute circuit: Exercise#1- Deadlifts Exercise#2- Push ups Exercise#3- Single-Leg Hip Extensions Exercise#4- Pull-ups Exercise#5- Stability Ball Knee Tucks Perform this circuit up to four times for a 20-minute total body fat burning workout. Basically, in the same 15 minutes that it took to get in three sets on the leg extension, you could have gotten in three sets of five different exercise for a staggering total of 15 work sets! Plus, the intensity on each exercise will be just as high as in the straight set format because in this five exercise circuit you will have full recovery with over four minutes before you return to any given exercise (just as you did with the straight set format described earlier). To recap, the key to creating the optimal hormonal environment for fat loss in less then 30 minutes a day is to perform each exercise with maximal intensity while separated by brief rest periods in order to accumulate a high volume of total body work in the shortest amount of time possible. Circuit training provides for the best of both worlds and is thus simply unmatched for simultaneously maximizing fat loss and lean muscle gain. Use the following template I use with my clients for some killer, yet simple fat loss circuits: Exercise#1- Double-Leg Exercise#2- Push Exercise#3- Single-Leg Exercise#4- Pull Exercise#5- Core Try out this format with different work:rest ratios and get ready for the workout of your life. Copyright (c) 2008 Kirk Ream Thigh Lift The thigh is one of the most beautiful parts of the body. So sought after are beautiful thighs that they are even celebrated in the Bible (Song of Solomon 7:1, et al) and in many famous works of poetry, literature and visual art. But for those whose thighs are marred by drooping, saggy or inelastic skin due to aging or dramatic weight loss, the thighs can be a source of physical and psychological pain. Enter the thigh lift. A thigh lift (aka thighplasty) is a surgical operation during which the thighs are given a firmer, smoother, more youthful and more pleasingly contoured look and feel. This cosmetic procedure tightens sagging thighs by removing excess skin and associated tissues, reshaping and proportioning the thigh. And since sagging buttocks often accompany sagging thighs, the thigh lift operation is frequently performed simultaneously with a buttock lift, producing a more shapely lower body. Although thigh lifts are more frequently performed on female than on male patients, the difference is likely due to the tendency of excess fat in women's bodies to settle in the thighs. Three basic types of thigh lift operations are commonly performed: • Inner thigh lift - concentrates on the lower portion of the inner thigh • Medial thigh lift - centered on the upper portion of the inner thigh • Bilateral thigh lift - eliminates loose, hanging skin on the front and outside of the thigh. These are the areas most commonly treated in patients who have lost significant amounts of weight. The surgical procedure itself is relatively straightforward. In many cases the patient is placed under general anesthesia prior to the procedure, which can take up to two hours. In certain cases liposuction is performed prior to the thigh lift itself to remove stubborn fat in the affected area of the thigh. Removal of excess skin, repositioning, suturing and bandaging follow, then the patient is moved to a recovery suite. During the typical six-week recovery process, patients will likely experience swelling, bruising, and tenderness of the wound areas; these are treated using over-the-counter analgesics or prescription pain medication as necessary. Any abnormal swelling, bleeding, discoloration, smell, or change in temperature discovered in tissue adjacent to the wound areas should be reported promptly. The thigh lift is not a particularly risky operation - but, like any operation, it involves a certain degree of risk, including the risk of disfigurement and even death. By choosing an experienced and board-certified surgeon, these risks are greatly reduced. Potential thigh lift patients should consult with him or her and weight the pros and cons of thigh lift surgery in the context of their own lives. This Is Why Rice Cakes Are Bad For Weight Loss If you are on a low fat diet, and fighting to achieve desired weight loss results, then it is certain you need to apprehend your diet by making changes that would work for you. What is more important that you have to let go off junk food and consume real and natural food items that would help you to lose weight! No matter how much amount of good food that we eat to aid weight loss, we can never run out of any bad food, and one such example is known as rice cakes. Yes, rick cakes are one diet food item that is enjoyed by many weight losers and dieters in an effort to lose weight. These people have a notion that it is a low calorie diet. Strange to notice, hardly these people know that in fact this weight loss diet helps in abstaining from weight loss! These dieters are not good with their food choices as they believe that this is a low calorie diet. These dieters have a feeling that in order to shed pounds of fat, it is better to lessen the amount of calories consumed on the daily basis. Now, talking in terms of calories, rice cakes are without any doubt low on calories. But, if fat burning is your mission, then these are not at all helpful for your body. You should also be aware of the fact that they are equally not at all good to gain muscle mass as well! You would feel a difference in your appetite level whenever you are on a low diet! The fact and truth is that whenever you are dieting you are eating the right amount and type of food. On the other hand, your body needs time to adjust to your eating habits because it is habitual to your overeating habits. Did you ever have a feeling that every time you munch on a rice cake, you feel hungrier and want to grab another one? This is not your mistake, but that of rice cakes. Although rice cakes are a low calorie diet, they do not work as a good die to lose weight. These can be compared to another pack of snacks because it does not work like a normal diet. There is no point in stating that obesity is the leading cause of overeating. However this might mean that you would never be able to enjoy rice cakes again? Typically speaking, if you are on losing weight, then you should keep your focus only on those diets that are rich in fiber. Make sure that weight and diet are directly related, meaning that eating less leads to weight control and eating more leads to weight gain, and vice versa. But, on the other hand if rice cakes are a part of your diet addiction, then it would seem quite pain in the neck to get rid of it! Limit your body to eat rice cakes only at a time when it is in dire requirement of carbs. Ideally, carbohydrates are used by the body in order to produce energy to keep you moving. Typically, after a tiring & long work out, your body loses essential segments of carbohydrates. This is the time when you need to eat rice cakes as it would provide you with carbohydrates to regain your energy. Frankly speaking, don't make yourself a rice cake addict. Just limit the amount of consumption to only those times when you have completed an intense workout! This New "Calorie Shifting" Diet Plan Is For Everyone! Calorie Shifting is the new fad in Weight Loss.  Because of it's ease to follow it has had a huge increase in popularity all over the planet.  The Calorie Shifting Meal Plan, as the name implies, is a diet based on the theory that shifting your calories from meal to meal, from day to day, will trigger the appropriate metabolic response that will induce fat burning and thus rapid weight loss. Calorie shifting differs from other diet plans in that you are not limiting the quantity or the types of food that you eat. You can eat as much as you want from all four food groups while you are on this diet plan. The only caveat is that you must group your calories together in accordance with the pattern that is most conducive to fat loss. It is not uncommon to lose as many as 9 pounds in 11 days without ever feeling hungry or deprived. Interestingly, you are encouraged to eat 4 meals every day, and you can eat as much as you want until you are satisfied, but not until you are too full. (Stuffing yourself is counterproductive to the fat loss process.) The conditions of this diet are very simple and straight-forward, as outline below: * Eat only until you are satisfied but not until you are too full. * Leave a minimum gap of 2.5 to 3 hours between meals. * Eat only the foods prescribed to you according to the calorie shifting meal plan at each meal. * You must eat exactly 4 meals per day, no more and no less. * You have a choice to eat any of the 4 meals in any order throughout the day. * You must take a 3-day break from the diet on days 12 through 14 of your diet, before you may resume the diet again. This is to give your body a chance to rest from the rapid weight loss that you will be experiencing. Take a look at some sample meal plans that you would be following. The diet plan lasts for 11 days.   Only 3 days are included here, just to give you an idea of how the plan is structured and to give you a sense of how satisfying and sustainable this diet truly is. Keep in mind that each of these four meals may be eaten in any order throughout the day, as long as you only eat that the designated foods at each of their respective meals. Day 1: Meal #1: Scrambled Eggs Meal Meal #2: Sandwich (any type) Meal #3: Flavored Oatmeal Meal #4: Tuna Salad Day 2: Meal #1: Cottage Cheese Meal #2: Scrambled Eggs [and] Mixed Vegetables Meal #3: Chicken Meal #4: Banana Milk Shake Day 3: Meal #1: Chicken Meal #2: Fish Filet Meal #3: Cottage Cheese Meal #4: Fruit Salad There are some Snags: Starting a Calorie Shifting Regiment sounds easier than it really is.  Most of us don't know how to group foods and the the success of the diet will tempt people to choose the same diet for more than 11 days. The best way to attack a Calorie Shifting diet is to purchase a "Calorie Shifting Diet Calculator." What this does is actually plan your meals for you 11 days at a time.  Such Calculators are very reasonable (under $20) and well worth the expense. Benefits: * This a viable weight loss diet. * It is safe if the instructions are followed. * You can adapt it to most any lifestyle (yes you can eat out and have alcohol). * There are no pills. * There is no exercise regiments. * There is no extra cost to absorb.  This is regular food. Check Out The Bio Box Below To See Where You Can Get A Calorie Shifting Calculator! Tips on how to lose weight effectively There are countless medications on the market these days that all promise incomparable weight loss effects over a short period of time. Of course, you are free to buy them and try them but there's only a small percentage of these pills that actually work. Do you have the time and will to spend on looking for these solutions and trying to get some benefits with them? If yes, maybe it's better that you put them in a whole other direction, trying to overcome overweight and obesity the natural way that is really effective. There are no side effects to changing your lifestyle towards a healthier way of doing things, and the following tips will help you outline your weight loss plan step by step. Remember, the more tips you put in use the better will be the overall effect for you. Change your regimen It's the most important change in your lifestyle and probably the hardest one. If you like eating burgers and candy it will be a hard transition but a necessary one. If you don't change your diet other lifestyle changes won't have much sense and effectiveness. Stop eating red meats and switch to fish and poultry, avoid fried foods and process them by roasting, baking or grilling them. Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables, eat more greens and less chocolate and artificial sweets. And what you drink is also a point for concern. Forget about cola or any other soda drinks! They are sometimes richer in calories than a chocolate bar, and who needs that? Instead drink simple or mineral water and make sure you drink a lot of it. Keep your emotions within limits In many cases increased food intake is caused by emotional stress. People are "eating out" their problems with junk food and sedating their feeling by filling their stomachs. Such mode of conduct can lead to psychological food dependency that is quite similar to drug or alcohol abuse. Learn how to deal with your feelings without putting food into your mouth. Eliminate frustration by jogging or working out instead of eating chips and watching TV. Keep on moving Lack of physical activity and bad diet is a devastating combination that will lead to overweight and obesity faster than you can even notice and the only thing that will be left is to buy Acomplia and learn the hard way of loosing weight. Instead, you can switch to a more active way of life aimed at fitness and exercise. Start jogging, walking, exercising, doing yoga or swimming. Go to the gym and embark on a group fitness program if you have weak self-encouragement abilities. Just do something rather than sit around and watch TV or sleep. And the more calories you are loosing while doing it the better! Use weight loss pills While not being a stand-alone solution for weight loss, diet pills can be a very helpful instrument for achieving maximum effectiveness with other tips discussed above. Drugs like Acomplia help control food cravings and calorie intake, which is really helpful for changing your regimen and loosing fat through exercise. Discuss the possibility of using such drugs with your physician and make sure they are only an addition, not the main instrument for reducing weight. This way you will gain maximum effect with minimum trouble and drawback. Top 10 Diet Tips For Weight Loss Success 1. Our first diet tip is also our most important. We strongly encourage you to seek medical advice before beginning any diet and nutrition program. This is good advice for anyone beginning a new exercise program, as well. Nobody but your own personal physician is qualified to give you the expert advice you need to make intelligent decisions about healthy weight loss, so first and foremost get some medical advice before starting any diet. 2. Our second diet tip is to look for all the free advice on dieting you can find. Be aware that the best, most reliable health advice will come from people actually working in the industry - NOT from marketers and salespeople. With this in mind, seek tips on losing weight from doctors, nutritionists and gym owners. Be wary of health tips from marketers who are solely interested in selling you a product or plan. The ulterior motive to sell may make their weight loss tips questionable. 3. Realize that if a diet has gained national exposure, it has probably worked for someone. However, just because a diet has worked for someone else doesn't mean it will work for you. Just as legal advice and dating tips must vary from person to person, diets are not a one-size-fits-all commodity either. So when your relative or co-worker gushes about the great new online diet they're on, check it out before you jump on the bandwagon. What works for them may not work for you. 4. Try many different diet recipes to decide which you like best. People enjoy different foods, and finding a diet recipe that pleases everyone is like trying to give the same relationship advice to every couple on the planet. It just won't work. Attempting to force yourself to eat foods you don't like, just because they're low in calories, will only lead to frustration and failure. A much better approach is to experiment with diet recipes until you find the perfect match for you. 5. Our fifth diet tip is to avoid weight loss pills and prescription diet pills that may be unsafe or even deadly. Although some diet drugs are completely safe and effective, others (like Meridia and Phen-Fen) have surprised users with serious side effects. The promise of fast weight loss isn't worth the risk to your health, so be cautious with weight loss drugs and other weight loss supplements. 6. Good financial advice always mandates that you journal your expenses in order to find out where your money is going. In the same way, you should start keeping a journal of everything you eat. Everything! This is one tip on losing weight that is guaranteed to work for virtually everybody. It turns out that just a bite here and a taste there really adds up, and keeping a diet journal will open your eyes to how many calories you're actually getting. Armed with this information, you'll know where to cut and trim to lose weight. 7. Join a support group. Some of the best weight loss tips and diet advice isn't found in a book, but comes from other people just like you. Joining a diet support group like PRISM or TOPS can make all the difference when your willpower starts to fade and you're tempted to throw in the towel. Whether you're swapping Weight Watcher recipes or discussing the new diet patch on the market, a support group can be a tremendous help as you write your own weight loss success story. Top 7 Methods for Shedding Belly Fat Belly fat is the result of lack of proper exercise, lack of a good balanced diet and irregular and wrong eating habits. Maybe you are like that as well, and that is why you should keep reading this article and you will have an idea what is the fastest way to lose belly fat. 1. Daily exercise for 20-30 minutes is a must if you wish to get rid of the excess fat from your body. You can either join a gym and undertake rigorous exercises or go for other exercises that can be done on your own. Crunches, squats, stepping, etc. are some of the best exercises to lose stomach fat fast. Secondly, cardiovascular exercises like swimming, jogging, brisk walking, running, cycling, etc. are also some of the losing belly fat exercises that can be performed for 20-30 minutes everyday. 2. When you're trying to lose belly fat the number one thing you have to do is cut your fat intake. Eating fatty foods coupled with no exercise is the primary reason belly fat is gained in the first place. Focus on a variety of fruits and vegetables as well as natural fats and lean proteins. Doing this should give you a well balanced and healthy diet as well as a low fat intake. You also need to remember that healthy eating has to become a way of life if you want to lose any type of weight and keep it off. 3. The food you eat also plays an integral part in weight loss. Diets rich in fruits, vegetables and lean proteins is always prefered in terms of losing weight compared to fast foods. This is because these foods are healthy and contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and nutrients necessary to help boost your metabolism and burn body fat. Foods rich in fiber are also good cause they help you to maintain a negative calorie balance. Another helpful tip is to eat smaller meals per day. 4. Eat more meals a day instead of 2-3 big ones as usual. That extremely helps enhance your metabolism and subsequently aid your body to shed fat faster. But keep in mind that you eat more times and at the same time you have to reduce the portions of food in each meal. 5. Apart from these, you also need to drink 8-10 glasses of water and have a good night's sleep for 6-7 hours everyday to boost your metabolism and lose weight. On the other hand, you should reduce the intake of sodas and coffee and tea as they contain caffeine and can have negative effects on the body. You can make your own diet plan with the help of foods mentioned above and plan accordingly for the entire week. You can also go for alternate exercises to avoid monotony. 6. Your metabolism will decrease if you pass your meal especially the breakfast that is the most important meal in the day. If you pass it, you are likely to eat more in the next meal and that means you force your digestive system and metabolism to work harder, which is really not beneficial for your fat burning process. 7. Increase your physical activity. You can start by hiding the remote control. If you need to switch channels, you need to get up from your seat and do it manually from the TV set. Walk your dog. Park your car some distance away from the grocery store or your workplace so you can walk the rest of the way. Engage in sports. Increased physical activity boosts your metabolism which burns the fat from your midsection. Keep moving! Top Fat Burners: OxyElite Pro and Cellucor D4 Thermal Shock Millons of dollars every single year are spent on fat burners. Consumers see the miraculous claims that they can lose 50 pounds in a month or two just by taking some pills. Unfortunately for everyone, it don't really work that way. If it did almost everyone would be running around with toned arms and chiseled abs. Plenty of us enjoy good food. It is a passion for many people. If you want to be able to enjoy tasty, calorie laden foods occasionally you need to try and maintain a relatively active lifestyle to keep that metabolic rate high and the body fat off your physique. Fat burners are basically a group of herbs and vitamins that are meant to increase energy levels and increase the metabolism. The most popular of these is caffeine. Caffeine is in nearly every fat burner you can think of. B vitamins and green tea extract also frequent the labels of diet supplements for their energy enhancing benefits. Some of the active compounds in green tea extract have been shown to be beneficial in fat loss as well. Do fat burners work? This depends on who you speak with. Some individuals think they are helpful while others think they are simply energy pills. Some ingredients have some science behind them so far as body fat reduction benefits go. Caffeine and Green tea are good examples of that. One could assume that fat burners work indirectly. The boost in energy for a lot of folks would allow them to be more energetic which in turn would result in more calories burned and ultimately fat loss. That being said, you don't need fat burners to burn fat, they are they merely to help you if you want it. Which Are some of the superior fat burning supplements on the market? Well, presently the top couple of fat burners are most likely Cellucor D4 and OxyElite Pro. These supplements will assist with sustaining energy levels and should assist in increasing the metabolic rate. Cellucor D4 comes in two strengths. You have the regular version then you've got the D4 Thermal Shock. Thermal Shock is really potent and not many individuals can deal with the full dose without getting jittery. OxyElite Pro is a newer fat burner on the market that has a novel compound called Geranium. It can give an ephedra like effect and has grown to be a very popular fat loss supplement in recent months. These products are effective only if you take them properly and use an effective nutrition and exercise plan. Using these products without exercise or good nutrition may give you some energy, but you will not see any benefits on the scale or in the mirror. Diet Pills are helpful, as mentioned earlier, don't make them the cure for the issue at hand. If you decide to take a product like this but make no other adjustments in your lifestyle, you are setting yourself up for failure. Top Ten Tips For Weight Loss That You Won't Get From a Fitness Guru A healthy lifestyle is a holistic process where all the pieces need to come together for ultimate success. The energy around you, and your neural pathways can be blocked in un-resourceful ways which prevents us from following through with our efforts to lose weight and get in shape. This I have personally experienced when the trauma, drama, and emotional turmoil of my divorce from my 12 year marriage was a catalyst to my ballooning 30 pounds and well and truly losing my bikini babe figure. Nothing I seemed to do would cause the weight to fall off and when I did make progress and shed 5 pounds, I would go on a sabotaging binge and gain it all back again. From being a former slender and healthy figure to what the charts technically deem as borderline overweight, feeling sluggish and out of sorts, and most certainly not feeling 'me', I have been on both sides of the table. And because of this I've learnt something about creating a healthier body and lifestyle. That as of importance in creating the perfect body, is also creating a healthy mind. Now finally on the way down from having lost 10 pounds in the last few weeks, I'm on my way to feeling great all round again. So Here's My Top Ten Tips for Weight Loss That You Won't Get From a Fitness Guru: 1. The Holy Trio ~ A healthy body is incomplete without a healthy mind and spirit. There's more to weight loss and getting in shape than eating well and exercising regularly. Well being is an emotional, psychological, and physical process. Leave one out, and chances of failure are high. 2. Self Care ~ Take your focus off weight loss, and onto Self Care. Weight loss is a temporary thing, but self care is forever. Focusing on self care will bring the three factors, emotional, psychological and physical, all together and make a life long practice that increases the ratio of success dramatically. When focused entirely on weight loss with dramatic crash diets and extreme exercise routines, it's all too easy and common to fall quickly off the wagon. 3. You are an Individual ~ Your body is individual. What works for another, say a high protein no carbohydrate diet, or the cabbage soup diet, may not work for you. Listen to your body and let it lead you to what it wants for optimum health and well being. 4. Feeling good is NOW ~ Feeling good about yourself can start today. You don't have to wait till you drop that 20 pounds to feel good. Dress up, make up, feel good today. It's a decision. Make is yours. A tip: I put around pictures of myself that showed my beautiful eyes and smile. Even though my body was not in the tip top shape I would like, when I look at pictures that show the light within me, it makes me realize the beauty I have NOW. It's not something I have to wait for. Posting those photos on my Facebook and getting wonderful comments from my friends made me feel good too. 5. Real life is not airbrushed ~ Many photos of all those gorgeous actresses, pin up girls, even models, are airbrushed. Don't expect to meet those standards until your pictures are airbrushed too. Case in point. 6. Do what you like ~ Find a form of exercise, or a few forms that you love and do it daily. Don't force yourself in the gym if that's not where you like to be. If you prefer to be outdoors, than run, walk, or work out outside. If you don't like exercising alone, then join a team sport. Be creative about exercise. Even pushing around a heavy wheelbarrow full of horse manure is a workout for me. Exercise does not have to mean trips to the gym. 7. Moderation ~ Face it, you'll probably succumb to some chocolate cake or bag of chips at some time during your weight loss journey. That does not mean you fall off the wagon and give up. Enjoy it. Savor every bite, and then continue on with your goal. It's not the end of the road nor is it failure. It's about allowing moderation into your life. 8. Forget perfection ~ The quest for perfection will kill you. Or at least make you very miserable. 9. Pleasure versus Pain ~ The pain of getting in shape can be more than the pleasure of achieving the loss of those 20, 30 or more pounds. To fit into a size 10 dress may not be a big enough reason to miss out on weekly hamburgers, to endure 5 am rising for a workout, to be counting calories and sweating nasty sweat. Your reason must be a compelling one that is greater than the perceived pain. For me, my mother's recent heart attack and the finding it was a inherited genetic problem was compelling enough for me. I did not want to die. What's your compelling reason why? 10. Don't make it HARD ~ If you are not a morning bird, don't set yourself up for failure by planning a weight loss and get fit schedule that means getting out of bed at 5 am for a run. On that note, don't run if you hate it!! Walk instead and steadily increase your pace. I you like sugar don't try going cold turkey. Cut down a little each week. Take out the afternoon lollies, or the teaspoon in your coffee, and swap the sugar for alternatives such as Stevia or even honey. Look for do-able alternatives. Copyright (c) 2013 Vanessa Talbot Total Body Combination Exercises To Burn Belly Fat and Lose Weight Fast! For years the first thing most fat loss seekers have done is jump on the treadmill and do hours of endurance training with no results to speak of. Fortunately, training for fat loss has truly evolved over the past decade. In fact, it has been scientifically proven time and time again that aerobic training alone for fat loss just doesn't work. So what does work? A combination of total body resistance training workouts and cardio interval training has been proven in both the lab and in the gym to be the ultimate one-two fat burning punch for twice the results in less than half the time when compared to the primitive, outdated aerobic training approach to weight loss. Now, what exactly is a total body resistance training workout? Well, there are many ways to skin a cat but for our purposes a total body workout means that you have effectively worked you upper body, lower body, and core within the same workout. Now, am I saying that you need to perform three separate exercises each and every workout to get that total body effect? Not exactly, in fact I am about to share with you today a rather revolutionary approach to fat loss training that truly simplifies the process on the user's end. Essentially I am going to teach you how to do ONE exercise total body workouts using combination exercises to burn belly fat fast! A combination exercise is where you take one exercise and combine it with one or more exercises. The whole idea here is to get more muscles involved to burn calories (and fat) in the shortest amount of time possible. After all, the key to any successful fat loss workout is escalating density, or the accumulation of more work in the same amount of time or less from workout to workout. So, total body workouts are great, but why not turbo charge your results by using total body exercises within your total body workouts. For example, let's say you are doing a dumbbell lunge to work your lower body. The lunge is a unilateral knee-dominant exercise which when performed correctly dramatically increases single-leg strength and stability and is a key movement pattern to teaching your body how to decelerate or efficiently stop and go on command. Well if you add a dumbbell curl to press at the end of each lunge, you would transform this exercise from a great lower body exercise to an even better TOTAL body exercise by simultaneously involving your upper body. The curl to press is in itself a combination upper body movement that works both pull-push components at the same time. Plus, your core is the link between all integrated upper and lower body movements so any time you perform an upper-lower body combo exercise your core automatically gets called into action. In other words, choose the right exercise and it's one and your done! So, now let's show you how to make use of this single total body exercise for a simple, yet brutally effective five to ten minute fat loss workout: One Exercise Workout#1- DB Lunge + Curl to Press - Select one dumbbell (in general, 8-15+ lbs for women and 15-30+ lbs for men works great) - Perform max reps for time in 5-10 minutes, only taking brief 5-20 sec rest periods as needed when speed slows and/or technique/form is jeopardized - Once you can perform at least 5-10 reps per minute, seek to increase the weight by 2-5 lbs per dumbbell This is all made possible because each leg gets just enough rest as you alternate legs on each lunge and your upper body gets just enough rest while you reset and perform each lunge before the next curl to press. Plus, you are using the same piece of equipment in one place without the need to move to another exercise or station. Yep, that's called making the most out of every available second to melt off that ugly, unwanted body fat as quickly and efficiently as possible. Now, if this sounds easy, let me personally guarantee you that it certainly is not. Many noted fitness professionals like Charles Staley and Alwyn Cosgrove refer to this type of workout as Escalating Density Training (EDT) and have used it with their diverse clientele with great success. Just like every trainer has a different name for every exercise, so do I have a different name for this type of training. I refer to it as Continuous Work because you are literally performing the same total body exercise continuously for 5-10 straight minutes. My many boot camp and corporate clients have a definite love-hate relationship with these workouts. Love because of the intensity and hate... well, because of the intensity! Here are three more great "One Exercise Workout" examples that you can do anywhere: One Exercise Workout#2- 1-Arm DB Squat to Press - Select one dumbbell (in general, 8-15+ lbs for women and 15-30+ lbs for men works great) - 1 Round = Perform 10 total reps/side - Perform max rounds for time in 5-10 minutes, only taking brief 5-20 sec rest periods as needed when speed slows and/or technique/form is jeopardized - Once you can perform at least 1 round per minute, seek to increase the weight by 2-5 lbs per dumbbell One Exercise Workout#3- 1-Arm DB Swing - Select one dumbbell (in general, 8-15+ lbs for women and 15-30+ lbs for men works great) - 1 Round = Perform 10 total reps/side - Perform max rounds for time in 5-10 minutes, only taking brief 5-20 sec rest periods as needed when speed slows and/or technique/form is jeopardized - Once you can perform at least 1 round per minute, seek to increase the weight by 2-5 lbs per dumbbell One Exercise Workout#4- Killer Variation: DB Squat Thrust + Push-up + Core Row + Knee-Ins - Select one dumbbell (in general, 8-15+ lbs for women and 15-30+ lbs for men works great) - Perform max reps for time in 5-10 minutes, only taking brief 5-20 sec rest periods as needed when speed slows and/or technique/form is jeopardized - Once you can perform at least 5-10 reps per minute, seek to increase the weight by 2-5 lbs per dumbbell Well there it is, four great "One Exercise Workouts" involving total body combination exercises that you can do in 5-10 minutes at home or on the road when traveling. Now if you really wanted to ramp up your results with a full 20-minute workout, try selecting two of the total body exercises above and then doing two separate 10-minute workouts or selecting all four of the total body exercises above and then doing four separate 5-minute workouts. And for those of you hardcore lifters, try adding in these short, but sweet 5-10 minute workouts as finishers for a great metabolic boost to end each training session. It will go a long way to helping you stay lean year round. Crank it! Transcendental Meditation Reduces Adhd Symptoms Among Students: New Study The Transcendental Meditation technique may be an effective and safe non-pharmaceutical aid for treating ADHD, according to a promising new study published this month in the peer-reviewed online journal Current Issues in Education. The pilot study followed a group of middle school students with ADHD who were meditating twice a day in school. After three months, researchers found over 50 percent reduction in stress and anxiety and improvements in ADHD symptoms. Effect exceeds expectations “The effect was much greater than we expected,” said Sarina J. Grosswald, Ed.D., a George Washington University-trained cognitive learning specialist and lead researcher on the study. “The children also showed improvements in attention, working memory, organization, and behavior regulation.” Grosswald said that after the in-school meditation routine began, “teachers reported they were able to teach more, and students were able to learn more because they were less stressed and anxious.” Stress interferes with the ability to learn Prior research shows ADHD children have slower brain development and a reduced ability to cope with stress. “Stress interferes with the ability to learn—it shuts down the brain,” said William Stixrud, Ph.D., a Silver Spring, Maryland, clinical neuropsychologist and co-author of the study. “Medication for ADHD is very effective for some children, but it is marginally or not effective for others. Even for those children who show improved symptoms with the medication, the improvement is often insufficient or accompanied by troubling side effects,” Stixrud said. “Virtually everyone finds it difficult to pay attention, organize themselves and get things done when they're under stress. So it stands to reason that the TM technique which reduces stress and organizes brain function would reduce ADHD symptoms.” While in some cases a child cannot function without medication, there is growing concern about the health risks and side effects associated with the common ADHD medications, including mood swings, insomnia, tics, slowed growth, and heart problems. In 2006 the FDA required manufacturers to place warning labels on ADHD medications, listing the potential serious health risks. These high risks and growing concerns are fueling parents' search for alternatives that may be safer for their kids. The study was conducted in a private K-12 school for children with language-based learning disabilities. Participation was restricted to 10 students, ages 11–14, who had pre-existing diagnoses of ADHD. About half of the students were on medication. The students meditated at school in a group for 10 minutes, morning and afternoon. To determine the influence of the TM technique, at the beginning and end of the three-month period, parents, teachers and students completed standard ADHD assessment inventories measuring stress and anxiety, behavior and social competency, and executive function. Students were also given a battery of performance tests to measure cognitive functioning. “The results were quite remarkable” Andy and Daryl Schoenbach's daughter was diagnosed with ADHD in second grade. Like most ADHD children she was taking medication. “The medication helped but had mixed results—she still lost focus, had meltdowns, and the medications affected her sleep and appetite,” said Andy, who lives with Daryl in Washington D.C. “She was not performing close to her potential and we didn't see the situation improving. So at the end of seventh grade when her doctor recommended increasing the medication, we decided it was time to take a different course—stopping the medication and using Transcendental Meditation.” “The results were quite remarkable,” Daryl said. “The twice daily meditations smoothed things out, gave her perspective, and enabled her to be in greater control of her own life when things started falling apart. It took some time, but it gradually changed the way she handled crises and enabled her to feel confident that she could take on greater challenges —in her own words, ‘climb a mountain.'” “Everyone noticed the change,” Andy added. Grosswald explained that there is substantial research showing the effectiveness of the TM technique for reducing stress and anxiety, and improving cognitive functioning among the general population. “What's significant about these new findings is that among children who have difficulty with focus and attention, we see the same results. TM doesn't require concentration, controlling the mind or disciplined focus. The fact that these children are able to do TM, and do it easily shows us that this technique may be particularly well suited for children with ADHD,” she said. This study was funded by the Abramson Family Foundation and the Institute for Community Enrichment. A second, recently completed TM-ADHD study with a control group measured brain function using electroencephalography (EEG). Preliminary data shows that three months practice of the technique resulted in significant positive changes in brain functioning during visual-motor skills. Changes were specifically seen in the circuitry of the brain associated with attention and distractibility. After six months TM practice, measurements of distractibility moved into the normal range. A third, $2 million TM-ADHD study, to be funded in part by a grant from the David Lynch Foundation (DavidLynchFoundation.org), will more fully investigate the effects of the technique on ADHD and other learning disorders. Facts About Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) * The Center for Disease Control reports that nearly 50 percent of the 4.5 million children (ages 4–17) in the United States diagnosed with ADHD are on ADHD medication—and the majority of those on medication stay on it in adulthood. * The rate of prescriptions for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in the U.S. has increasing by a factor of five since 1991—with production of ADHD medicines up 2,000 percent in 9 years. * The commonly used drugs for ADHD are stimulants (amphetamines). These drugs can cause persistent and negative side effects, including sleep disturbances, reduced appetite, weight loss, suppressed growth, and mood disorders. The side effects are frequently treated with additional medications to manage insomnia or mood swings. Almost none of the medications prescribed for insomnia or mood disturbances are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use with children. * The long-term health effects of ADHD medications are not fully known, but evidence suggests risks of cardiac disorders and sudden death, liver damage and psychiatric events. It has also been found that children on long-term medication have significantly higher rates of delinquency, substance use, and stunted physical growth. The Transcendental Meditation Technique * The Transcendental Meditation technique is an effortless technique practiced 10–20 minutes twice a day sitting comfortably with the eyes closed. * TM is not a religion or philosophy and involves no new beliefs or change in lifestyle. * Over 350 peer-reviewed research studies on the TM technique confirm a range of benefits for mind, body and behavior. * Several studies have compared the effects of different meditation practices and found that Transcendental Meditation provides deeper relaxation and is more effective at reducing anxiety, depression and hypertension than other forms of meditation and relaxation. In addition, no other meditation practice shows the widespread coherence throughout all areas the brain that is seen with Transcendental Meditation. * The Transcendental Meditation technique is taught in the United States by a non-profit, educational organization. Treat Back Pain And Return To Your Normal Weight Loss Routine There are many different reasons why patients may want to visit a chiropractor for a spinal adjustment. The main reason patients schedule appointments with a chiropractor is to treat misalignment and stop back pain. When the vertebrae or joints are displaced, it can make it difficult for patients to attend to their daily routines. Simple tasks like walking, sleeping comfortably, or even sitting in a chair comfortably can become difficult to accomplish. This puts a damper on your daily routine, and that includes your ability to exercise. If you are experiencing any type of discomfort, now is the time to visit your chiropractor. How Can a Chiropractor Help Me? Daily activities and stresses can cause a lot of trauma to the body, which is why it's important to undergo regular chiropractic appointments. Chiropractors are trained to understand exactly how the bones and muscles should be aligned to prevent pain and improve overall body function. If you experience any trauma like an injured neck, back, or herniated disc, a chiropractor can align the spine and apply pressure to specific joints to correct problems. Chiropractors help correct alignment problems, alleviate pain, support the process of healing, and improve communication throughout the body. If you are experiencing any feelings of discomfort, contact your chiropractor as soon as possible. How Will a Spinal Adjustment Help Me with Weight Loss? One of the most upsetting consequences of injury is the inability to go about your daily activities as usual. For most people, daily activities include a regular exercise routine with the proper amount of caloric intake. When this routine gets disrupted, people lose the ability to exercise regularly, but often maintain the same appetite. This can result in unwanted weight gain. As soon as you visit a chiropractor, get adjusted, and receive approval to return to your exercise routine, patients can maintain a regular weight loss program and reach a healthy weight. Of course, you will lose weight from being able to return to a regular exercise routine, but what many people don't know is you can actually lose weight from simply visiting a chiropractor regularly. You may be wondering how this is possible. Well, chiropractic care contributes to overall health, which includes improving how your organs and hormones function. When your organs and hormones function properly, you are able to metabolize food and avoid potential weight gain. Additionally, when your lower back functions properly, it can aid proper digestion. When your digestive system is working properly, it means you are absorbing the nutrients you need, ridding your body of any harmful substances, and metabolizing your food correctly. Keep in mind that visiting a chiropractor is not the only thing you need to do in order to lose weight. It's important to make sure your body is properly aligned and functioning correctly, but it's also important to maintain an exercise schedule and eat healthy. If you are interested in setting your body back in order and/or relieving pain, contact a chiropractor in your local area today. Treatment For Hardening Of The Arteries – 5 Steps Worth Considering The good news is that current treatment for hardening of the arteries and related diseases seems to be working. This point is driven home by a new study revealing a one third decrease in the annual death rate from coronary artery disease, which of course is closely linked to hardening of the arteries. While most health care professionals will have you believe that the improvement was primarily due to the use of prescription cholesterol lowering medications this is not what the numbers are telling us according to Dr. Harindra C. Wijeysundera who states that “risk factor changes appear to play an important role accounting for just under half the improvement despite increased availability of better treatments”. In my opinion this doesn't mean that prescription medications are not a valuable tool but rather an important part of a bigger treatment picture. Treatment for hardening of arteries *Saying no to cigarettes: Cigarettes put toxins in your body and elevate LDL (bad) cholesterol and dangerous blood fats called triglycerides. They also raise carbon monoxide levels in the blood which are thought to cause damage to the interior lining of the arteries, thus facilitating plaque accumulation. Simply by quitting smoking and/or staying away from second hand smoke a person will have taken a giant step in the successful treatment of hardening of the arteries. *Exercise, weight loss, and dietary changes: According to the American Heart Association you should strive to formulate an exercise plan with the help of your doctor involving activity five or more days a week. Weight should be kept within 10 percent of a healthy range and a heart healthy diet should consist of less than 10 percent of calories from saturated fat with baked fish being consumed twice a week. *Fish oil: The days of long ago where cod liver oil left you with bad breath and the urge to belch are long gone with the new types of fish oil encapsulation available. So if you haven't considered fish oil recently now would be a good time. The latest research suggest that fish oil when taken in a dosage containing between 700 and 900 milligrams of the fatty acids DHA/EPA substantially reduces inflammation in the arteries (one of the primary triggers for hardening of the arteries). One word of caution, while fish oil supplements are generally considered very safe they do act as a blood thinner and you should consult your doctor for dosage guidelines, especially if you are already on blood thinning medications, blood pressure medications, or taking daily dose aspirin. *Managing high blood pressure and diabetes: Managing these two serious condition should be an important part of any treatment plan for hardening of the arteries. * Natural cholesterol reduction supplements and prescription medications: Cholesterol molecules are the building blocks for the arterial plaque deposits that over time lead to hardening of the arteries. By reducing the amount of cholesterol and other fats making their way through your arteries you will have taken away the fire that lights the flame for this disease. Talk with your doctor to determine which of the above treatment options is right for you. Two Aids Help You Lose Extra Fat: Consuming 1MR Preworkout Fitness Supplement and Drinking Green Tea In the midst of the growth of training supplements over the past several years, 1MR made available one of the most improved supplements to get superior workout sessions. This preworkout supplement comes in powder you stir in 4 - 6 ounces of liquid. A fact not as well known is you could utilize the supplement to lose weight. The leading reason why you should consume 1MR is to reach new levels and increase your power. However the lesser-known truth is the supplement will help you burn off extra calories to boot. Nearly all 1MR reviews I've read neglect to emphasize this fat loss result. Exactly how does a CNS stimulant supplement assist you to slim down? It's rather basic actually, 1MR features caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant that by nature causes your body to expend added calories. A very unhealthy issue is, almost all beverages which contain caffeine contain "zero value" extra calories to give the sweet taste. Preworkout products, similar to 1MR, normally utilize manufactured "zero calorie" sweeteners such as Acesulfame K and Sucralose. Energy drinks, coffee and soda were never intended to assist you to shed pounds. Simply because they're flooding your system with sugars and fat in addition to the caffeine substance. It's essential to explain that 1MR delivers a substantial energy rush with caffeine content at 300 mg. The result should force your system to expend an additional 90 to 130 extra calories each day which is more than 8 pounds of fat every year. That amount is substantially lower than the calories in a cappuccino or typical container of energy drink. Important to remember is 1MR works well as a "remain alert" and weight reduction supplement in addition to motivating you to have mind blowing workouts. Now another CNS stimulant with other beneficial qualities is green tea. One thing that gives green tea its weight loss advantage is the compound called epigallocatechin gallate, commonly known as ECCG. The ECCG in green tea increases the effectiveness of the caffeine, leading to a greater amount of calories burned. Along with the fewer calories contained in a serving of green tea versus regular soda or flavored coffee, means green tea can help you lose weight in two ways. It can't be stressed enough that green tea is just a piece of the solution in the war against fat. If you were to lose 80 extra calories per day, that adds up to about 8 pounds lost in a year. If you want to shed pounds quickly, green tea can help, but it's not the sole answer. The good news is drinking green tea does more than just help you lose weight. As an antioxidant, green tea provides a number of benefits to your cardiovascular health – this means green tea can help reduce the risk of heart problems. Green tea will also help raise your metabolism and control your cholesterol level, and some claim that it can help your mental focus, as well. Replacing your daily flavored coffee or regular soda intake with green tea can be a great way to help lose weight and improve general health. You're replacing all the calories and chemicals found in coffee with pure herbal tea. This change can help make you feel healthier in months, and experience the effects of green tea weight loss at the same time. Typical Causes Of Unexplained Weight Gain Unexplained weight gain occurs when people undergo or encounter substantial accumulation of added pounds that can't be attributed to dieting or overeating. This can actually happen both ways, unexplained weight changes can either see one losing or gaining a considerable amount of weight. For each cases, there might be particular elements involved. Unexplained weight gain generally happens when people consumes much more calories that they are able to use. This may be brought about by overeating but also through other means like lack of physical activity, hormonal modifications as well as mood swings. It could be simple if the weight gain may be attributed to one's diet plan that usually is composed of too much calories that the body can use for energy. This leads the body to convert the excess calories into fat cells and store it up within the body for later use, thus resulting in weight gain. But there are instances that weight gain cannot be directly attributed to one's diet plan or overeating. Some people undergo weight changes even though they try to follow the exact same diet routine for the longest time to preserve their weight. Unexplained weight gain in this case can be attributed other indicates. Some might be caused by some underlying illness or disorder. Some can also be brought on by changes that happen within the body or modifications in lifestyles. Here are some of the recognized causes of unintentional or unexplained weight gain in people. Aging Individuals going via aging might experience some gradual decrease in their metabolism. This decreases the body's capacity to burn calories more efficiently which results in an excess of calories which the body converts to fat for later use. The low metabolism brought about by aging may be a trigger of weight gain for people above the age of 35. Elderly people may also encounter bouts of weight reduction since aging might also bring about loss of appetite.To raise your metabolism naturally look into a growth hormone releaser called Trans-DTropin. Pregnancy and menstruation In some women, unexplained weight gain may be brought on by one's menstrual cycle or pregnancy. The hormonal modifications that happen during a woman's menstruation might cause her to gain some weight. In a comparable way, a pregnant woman may also experience adding up some weight which is natural with the development of the fetus inside the womb. Tumors Some tumors might also be the trigger of unexplained weight gain. You will find some tumors, especially those that release large amounts of serotonin and other substances may also bring about unexplained weight gain in individuals who might have them. Most of these weight gain causing tumors are those generally situated within the bile duct, pancreas, intestinal tract, the lungs or the ovaries. Medication Some types of medication may also assist in causing unexplained weight gain in people. Certain medications such as cannabinoids, corticosteroids, insulin, sulfonylureas, and anti-psychotics might contribute to weight acquire in individuals who are utilizing them for treatment. People using such medication are advised to talk with their physicians initial before halting their therapy due to the unexplained weight gain. Abruptly stopping some of these medications might prove to be hazardous. Way of life Changes Some lifestyle modifications may also be the cause of some unexplained weight acquire in people. Most notable of these modifications is when one quits smoking. Quitting smoking would eventually see an individual gaining a bit of weight due to the modifications happening inside the body brought about by quitting a poor habit like smoking. Remember to look into Trans-DTropin. Ultimate Maqui Berry Review - Latest 1 SUPER Supplement! Maqui Berry is quickly growing in reputation which is not any surprise as it's well documented that it has the very best recognized antioxidant worth of some other tremendous fruit. So what is Maqui Berry, naturally discovered in the Patagonia area of Chile as is slated to turn into one of the largest and one of many world's most successful weight reduction supplements of the world. Few folks had any inkling about this Berry from Chile which is also known as Aristotelia until it was talked about by TV superstar Rachael Ray through the course of certainly one of her. Maqui Berry is an incredible mix of all the pieces it's worthwhile to be healthy! Maqui Berry is greatest in school for antioxidant products, the very best recognized strategy for healthy getting old, inhibiting free radical cells, strengthening the immune system and is a pure COX-2 inhibitor. Maqui berry is also useful for weight loss and detox. Probably the most impressive thing is that its will support your coronary heart so that your can take pleasure in higher well being total What is Ultimate Maqui Berry? Ultimate Maqui Berry is crammed with Polyphenois, Anthcyarina and Resveratrol, these may also help enhance weight reduction and improve basic health. Ultimate Maqui berry is manufactured to preserve the goodness of the fruit proper at the supply where these superb berries are harvested, within the Patagonia forest of Chile. Ultimate Maqui Berry is 100% pure and has the help of newest scientific information emanating from a credible and dependable platform. Really helpful and examined, you may get the product in pure freeze dried form. Maqui Berry is hands down, the highest anti-oxidant containing fruit known to man. ORAC-H (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity )Lab analysis has proven that maqui berry (pronounced Maki Berry) has over 400% more antioxidants than blueberries, nearly 200% greater than Pomegranate, and over one hundred sixty five% more antioxidant energy than even Acai Berry. Maqui Berry may be very excessive in ranges of polyphenols and anthocyanins as well. Additionally it is the most effective ways to get in your iron, calcium, vitamin C and different important nutrients. How Does Ultimate Maqui Berry Work? Antioxidant power is virtually bursting from this little fruit. Let me disclose to you why you need to consider including the berry juice to your every day consuming routine. Antioxidants act to steadiness the physique by neutralizing the injurious effects of free radicals. They work ceaselessly to rid the bodily system of waste, toxins and chemical substances thereby bringing it to peak condition. Antioxidant assist shield the physique from toxins, chemical compounds and free radicals that harm the body. Eliminating toxins permits our bodies to become healthier and infrequently, weight loss is a results of this. Anthocyanins are produced by plants for self-safety in opposition to solar, irradiation, ailments and biological enemies; maqui thrives in the harsh climate of central and southern Chile, necessitating the plant's considerable anthocyanin production. The native Mapuche Indians of the Patagonia area in South America have for centuries benefited from the distinctive medicinal and wholesome aging advantages of the maqui berry. Cleaning your colon is the important thing to stay wholesome and match for longer time. This product is the powerful combination of Maqui Berry and Acai Berry, which are the very best anti-oxidants. Cleansing the colon shouldn't be a new course of and has been practiced for tons of of years relationship back to historical civilisations. Extra frequent colon cleaning strategies embrace enemas and hydrotherapy (colonic irrigation) which might usually be messy, involving skilled practitioners and plenty of water. Cleansing entails eliminating impurities and toxins from your body. Especially from your blood, lungs, liver, lymph, kidneys, intestines, and skin. Detoxify you body and lose weight on the same time. Supports a wholesome heart so you can live a long and healthy life. Benefits · Lose 1-5lbs weekly · Increase your metabolism · Fight fatigue · Suppress your urge for food · Get rid of harmful toxins · Decrease dangerous LDL cholesterol · 1800mg of pure maqui berry no filler, no extract. · Improve the looks of the quality of your skin, hair, nails and MORE! · Offers Certificates of Analysis and purity and details of medical studies. · Filter toxins and poisons that prevent weight loss. Facilitate fat burning process. · Decelerate the indicators of aging. · Enhance Metabolism and power which lead you to be healthy and stronger. · No known aspect effects. · free delivery for four months or more packages. · 180 days a refund guarantee. Conclusion is…. We had been utterly impressed by the potency of this common antioxidant. From the power of its antioxidants, to its pure skill to assist lose weight safely, every part about this method screams promote. It's definitely one to try in case you are searching for cleansing your physique and decreasing your weight too. There are lots of positive suggestions from it's users coming day by day. Understanding Breast Firming Creams and other methods- Does it BringBenefit? Will it Work ForYou? The actual connective tissues helping the busts are always below constant stretch out due to the outcomes of gravity around the weight of the breast. Breast-feeding is another contributor to breasts sagging as a result of expansion and also contraction of the breast tissue over months. Other women could be prone to sagging because of reduction in weight, genetic makeup or multiple pregnancies. As we age, our skin age groups too. It doesn't support some misconception as well as this did whenever we were younger, because it offers lost some of its flexibility. The more mature we get the less elastic our skin gets. Sagging can also be caused by part deterioration from the glandular tissues in which produce firmness of the breasts and some stretching out of the tissue connecting the chest to their muscle tissues. Premature loose occurs due to stretching the particular Cooper's ligaments that help suspend as well as support the busts. This can occur following pregnancy and weight loss. The particular onset of sagging breasts in some younger women is actually change in overall breast dimension after having an infant. A woman's bosoms generally grow to be larger as well as engorged with whole milk in preparation with regard to breastfeeding. When breastfeeding is finished, her breasts may not breeze back. If one is not getting enough support coming from her bra, or not putting on a breast support at all, breasts can start to be able to sag due to lack of assistance. This is especially true with regard to larger breasted women, and women who may be playing sports without wearing a proper sports bra. Another reason for breast dropping is the not enough the hormonal estrogen, which usually occurs at menopause. This particular reduction in oestrogen affects every one of the tissues of the body, such as breast tissue, to cause a reduction in dimensions and bounties. Who can reap the benefits of breast tightening techniques? o Breast-feeding mothers require breast toning and breast implants, as having a baby and lactation could have caused sagging of their busts. o Girls that have lost considerable weight; and need increased busts size and firmness. to Women who have experienced breast implants removed and need breasts firming and also enlargement. to Women who have got loose as well as sagging busts, due to heredity, or several surgery and so forth. o Ageing women who still want to sustain that youthful look. What to do to increase breast firmness? Breasts are like any other part of the body, and therefore quite definitely susceptible to wear and tear, toxins and other related problems. Breasts lose their own tone and also elasticity as we grow old. This usually happens throughout the middle age. However, a woman can preserve healthy busts through several ways. Measures should be taken before in life to prevent, or at least lessen, sagging later in life. They will include sporting supportive brassieres during pregnancy, breast feeding, as well as exercising. Workout and kneading: Massage aids in the enlargement and rigidity of busts. Breast workouts help set the pectoral muscle tissue below the chest. Once the pectoral muscles become more solid, the breast tissues also follow creating the breast tissues more powerful. Breast exercises are the most natural and risk-free way for an improved and company bust dimension. Breast stiffness exercises also make you usually healthy. Breast massages include different pressures applied on the breasts leading to better circulation of blood in the breast. Busts firming products: Many breast-firming products are easily available on the market today. Breast firming items available in numerous forms consist of creams, supplements, lotions and sprays. Most of these products promote the growth associated with breast tissue, and so help in maintaining the stiffness of the bosoms. It is considered that theses items contain place estrogens, called as phytoestrogens, which stimulate the growth of breast tissue and give stiffness to the breasts. A lot of study on breasts firmness items is constantly going on to introduce new as well as unique goods. One should be also regular in wearing encouraging bras throughout breast-feeding. Special kinds of such brassieres are actually available in the market, which give support throughout lactation, so as to prevent sagging. Busts Pumps: Busts pumps additionally help improve the breast dimensions and give stiffness to the busts. It contains two mugs attached to vacuum pressure generating gadget. These cups are to be positioned over the breast. Pressure is created when the atmosphere is sucked out of the mugs, thus increasing the blood circulation within the breasts and also providing tone to it. Breasts pumps assist in flushing out virtually any toxic components that settle in the breasts every once in awhile. Breast implants: This is a surgical procedure, and is used to boost the size of the actual breast and present it a more firm and rounded appear. This aesthetic procedure is actually increasingly becoming popular nowadays, amongst women of age groups. However, one should be well aware of the pros and cons of any surgical procedure before going in advance with it.Understanding Breast Firming Creams - Are They Effective? Use Common Sense & Eat A Balanced Diet For Weight Loss Losing weight no longer needs to be just a thought floating around in your head. You can make it a reality. Following these simple tips, you will see how easy weight loss can actually be. Don't be intimidated by the thought of weight loss. Losing weight is just within your reach. When you are trying to lose weight, there is one simple fact to keep in mind: to lose weight, calories in must be less than calories out. This means reducing your caloric intake to less than the calories you burn in your daily activities or else, increasing your activity level to more than the calories you eat. When you are trying to lose weight, monitor your progress by weighing yourself daily. If your weight remains steady or becomes lower, you will feel encouraged to continue your weight loss efforts. If you have strayed from your diet and your weight rises, you will know immediately, so that you can take steps to correct the situation. A good way to lose weight is to always eat a well-balanced breakfast. It's no secret that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After eating a quality breakfast, you'll have more energy to perform that workout later in the day. You should never skip breakfast. One of the best ways to lose weight is by doing sprints. If you've ever seen short distance runners in the Olympics, you've noticed how lean and shredded they are. Science has proven that high intensity cardio such as sprints, is the most effective way of shedding fat and preserving lean muscle mass. I worked with a slim fellow once who told me he only ate twice a day. He had a huge breakfast, a moderate lunch and no dinner at all. This sounds impossible for most of us to follow, but the logic is sound. Ideally, to lose weight, you should eat an enormous breakfast, a middle-sized lunch and a very light dinner. This is because taking your calories early in the day, gives you the most time to burn them off. Whereas, if you start noshing after you get home from work and continue until bedtime, your body will have no chance during your sleeping hours to metabolize what you've eaten. Think about becoming a member of a group such as Jenny Craig. There are others who are on the same journey and you can also get meals delivered. If you are able to afford it, joining one of these organizations can really help to make weight loss easier. To really maximize the effectiveness of a healthy diet, it needs to be a diet that the dieter can stick to. An extremely audacious fat-burning diet, will not be any help if the dieter finds it intolerable. A dieter is more likely to keep on the straight and narrow, with a diet that feels comfortable for him or her. As you can see, weight loss is a dream that can actually come true. Taking off weight does not need to be a daunting task. You can now use what you have learned to lose the extra weight that you have been thinking about taking off for some time now. Use The Juice Fast To Lose 10 Pounds In 10 Days Imagine being able to lose ten pounds in ten days. Sounds like fantasy, doesn't it? However, the problem with turning fantasy into reality is the lack of self-belief and motivation in most of us. A healthy way to jumpstart your weight loss program is shifting to a juice fasting diet. It's certainly worth trying. What Juice Fasting Can Do For You Juice fasting diet programs confer a host of benefits on the practitioner. One of the greatest advantages of following a liquid diet is that it enhances your body's ability to expel toxins from you blood stream. It can also heighten your metabolic rate and thereby help you lose weight by burning more calories. It aids the body's nutrition absorption capabilities. Finally, a juice fasting diet helps eliminate cravings and addictions if practiced for a considerable period of time. Diet Planning You could start your diet program on a weekend since the first 2 days are likely to be the hardest. Beginning on a weekend helps you relax with plenty of time to deal with likely food withdrawal issues. It also gives you the chance to feel the cleansing effects of your new, healthy diet. You might want to ensure you have enough distractions to keep you from worrying about what you're depriving yourself of. Distractions like games, books or movies work pretty well. If you are unable to time the beginning of your diet program on a weekend, you should think of beginning the regimen during a week that is particularly light and less stressful. Changing your diet suddenly can get stressful in itself. It is not a good idea to compound the situation with stress at the workplace too. Mixing the Juice This will count among the most important aspects to maintaining a proper juice diet. Ensure that you have an excellent juicer at your disposal since this will be your companion for the entire duration of the program. It should be able to handle six to eight sessions of juicing a day. There are plenty of juice types for you to take a considered decision on. Perhaps you could begin with the Master Cleanse or Lemonade Diet. Master Cleanse consists of lemonade, maple syrup and a spike of cayenne pepper. Ideally, a 2:2.5 mixture should be combined with double ounces of water. You need to rely on the juice alone, whenever you get hungry. Don't feel sorry for yourself for depriving your body of essential nutrients since the juice is potent enough to supply you with a healthy dose of nutrition that's adequate for the day. Importantly, it really is satisfying. Never deviate from the plan. Failing to stick to set plans is the first reason for weight loss failures. Making it Through the Diet The greatest virtue you need to cultivate and demonstrate during the course of the diet is patience. The fasting program will most likely test your resolve and patience during the first week. You will need to fight off natural tendencies and motivate yourself with self-belief. Also, don't forget to drink enough water. Do not ignore the need to take adequate quantities of water at regular intervals, since the juice alone will not suffice to keep you well hydrated. Follow the routine with resolve, and it will be no surprise if you find yourself ten pounds down in a matter of a couple of weeks. Having achieved your target, you can return to your regular fare. Only, don't forget to watch the quantity as well as quality of food you eat. Exercise is extremely important to maintain your figure and to keep your weight under control. Using Bioidentical Hormone Replacement To Control Hormone Imbalance During Menopause Menopause can be defined as the cessation of menses which usually takes place in women averagely between the ages of 40-50. The transitional period may start with significant varying of the menses and graduate to complete cessation of the menses. The end of this transitional period marks the end of the functioning of the ovaries, meaning that after this period, an otherwise health woman will not be able to reproduce or be able to conceive. Menopause, although a natural process, may come with various side effects, some mild and others severe. The transitional period also comes with various fluctuations in effects on the body some of which involve hormone imbalance. Common menopause symptoms include hot flashes, palpitations, flushed skin, vaginal changes, urinary incontinence, bone loss, skin thinning, breast changes, cholesterol changes, higher risk of heart diseases, and weight loss or gain among others. Some of the symptoms involve hormonal changes which are not pleasant to endure. Bioidentical hormone replacement is a procedure used to supplement the natural hormones to gain a balance for better functionality of the body. BHRT (bioidentical horomone repoacement) has proved to be quite effective in treating various perimenopause, menopause and postmenopause symptoms. Just like several other hormone therapies, the BHRT acts by changing the activity or production of some specific hormones. Depending on each person's symptoms, different hormone therapy procedures and doses will be recommended. A doctor will first have to determine the underlying cause of an individual's hormonal imbalance or hormonal decline. To help determine the best BHRT administration an assessment of the current hormone levels needs to be done. This also serves as a base line to monitor the progress of the treatment. The use of bioidentical hormone replacement therapies is gaining popularity. The increase in popularity is due to the fact that such therapies claim to use natural products which means their use pose little or no side effects as compared to the use of the commercial hormone replacement drugs. The rising popularity can also be attributed to the fact that numerous celebrities are using the product to relieve osteoporosis and menopause symptoms. BHRT makes use of various hormones including estriol, testosterone, estrone, progesterone, dehydroepiandrosterone and estradiol. Some of the hormone components face restriction in use in various jurisdictions. The bioidentical hormone replacement can be availed in various ways including vaginal creams, skin creams, transdermal patches, vaginal tablets, vaginal rings, topical gels or even oral pills. In many cases, hormone therapy will be a combined prescription of progesterone (or any other progestins) with estrogen. Progestins are used to reduce the risk of uterine cancer which is heightened with an increase in the use of estrogen. Estrogen is often used solely on women whose uterus has been surgical removed. Bioidentical hormones are basically preparations whose formula is said to contain hormones that are similar to what the body is able to produce naturally. Proponents argue that when applied as gels or creams onto the skin, the preparations, are in their active forms absorbed onto the body thus avoiding any side effects that the commercial hormonal preparations may pose. Vaginal Itching: Knowing More About It The Definition Vaginal itching or alternatively known as pruritus vulvae is the tingling irritation felt in the skin portion of the vagina and sometimes including its surrounding area or vulva. The itchiness can be uneasy making it impossible not to scratch the area affected. The Causes There can be many causes why the vaginal area is irritated, among them are the following: 1) The use of chemical irritants like laundry soap and fabric softeners, feminine wash and sprays, contraceptive foams, creams and jellies. 2) Low estrogen level causing the vaginal wall to thin and produce lesser lubrication in case of menopause. 3) Stress can make women susceptible and prone to infection causing vaginal irritation. 4) Vaginal yeast infection brought about by taking antibiotics, pregnancy, menstruation, sexual intercourse, contraceptives such as pills and condoms. The infection can also be secondary to diabetes or a weak immune system. 5) Vaginitis or the inflammation of the vagina, which eventually can have a foul-smelling discharge. This is manifested distinctively when women has a sexually transmitted disease. 6) Other skin conditions and parasitic infection mainly pinworms. The Remedy Vaginal itching can be treated at home, except when the irritation becomes severe and unmanageable where medical help must be considered. Knowing the cause of the itchiness can aid on how to manage the vaginal uneasiness. Home care is the best alternative to treat and prevent vaginal itching, such as: 1) Avoiding too much use of feminine wash and douches and the use of perfumed or colored tissue paper. Washing the vaginal area with hypoallergenic or unscented soap is enough to keep the area clean. 2) Wet clothing and underwear should be changed right away. The use of cotton underwear instead of synthetic materials can help prevent irritation. 3) Proper cleansing technique after urinating and bowel movement. The direction of washing or wiping should be from the front (vagina) to the back (anus). In this manner, bacteria in the anus area can be prevented to get to the vaginal area. 4) Observing proper and healthy diet to avoid being overweight and getting diabetes is the best solution for an overall health care. Eating yogurt regularly can also be helpful. Seeking Medical Help Although initial home care can help prevent further vaginal itching, emphasis should be made on when would be the right time to get medical assistance. If despite effort in treating vaginal itching in homes, no improvement is seen or the itchiness becomes worse, then it is time to call the doctor. Some of the signs that would show the need of a medical professional include: 1) Increase appetite or thirst 2) Weight loss 3) Frequent urination with a burning sensation 4) Fatigue 5) Lower abdominal pain 6) Fever 7) Swelling and blisters in the vaginal area 8) Vaginal bleeding and unusual discharge If going to the doctor is the ultimate remedy to be relieved from vaginal itching, then you should be able to give the basic information in order to be diagnosed correctly and to be given the right medication. Typical examination would include vaginal discharge culture, Pap's smear, biopsies and urine and blood studies. Vibration Training - Successful Weight Loss Is Only Possible With Proper Support Vibration exercise machines have now become one of the popular and highest demanding exercising device. The machine works on the basis of vibration therapy that can accelerate weight loss more effectively and more importantly, you can tone your body weight by burning 174 calories in just 5 minutes. Basically, vibration machine involves proper weight loss management plan called as vibration training to improve your general health along with many other health benefits. You can install exercise vibrating machine at your own home with all the comforts. Apart from this, you can also try it at a gym or at any health organizations. For flexibility and balance body weight, you should have strong muscles. Using exercise vibrating machine, your muscles can contract up to the frequency of 30-50 Hz per second. This clearly means that vibration training can contract the body muscles faster than ordinary heavy pull up exercises and hence develop balance, coordination and a perfect shape when standing, walking, and exercising. Vibration training keeps a track on proper blood circulation and involuntary muscle contractions. And proper circulation inside the body can improve lymphatic flow, decrease blood pressure, increase blood oxygenation; decrease cellulite content and can boost energy levels to the highest peak. And within just a few minutes you could move back for a while and this can increase flexibility and range of motion to improve mobility. Vibration exercises also involves balanced secretion of human growth hormone to promote the development, repair and regeneration of bones, increases muscle mass, boosts the immune system and promotes the breakdown of fat cells. Performing exercises at an optimum rate will obviously have a positive and boosting effect on all the voluntary and involuntary processes as well as improving the emission of hormones including testosterone, serotonin (known as feel-good hormone) and IGF-1 along with the reduction of Cortisol (stress hormone) levels. Accurate rhythmic movement of the vibration plate can also mobilize your spine and can clear accumulated fluids, reducing inflammation and allowing fresh oxygenated blood to enter inside the whole body cells. Following are some of the common positive results that you can notice after few weeks: 1. Proper fat burning 2. Weight loss in an effective way 3. Flexibility 4. Improved skin appearance 5. Maintained blood circulation 6. Increased Bone density 7. Improved muscle strength 8. Enhanced blood circulation 9. Accelerated body metabolism This has been estimated that an ordinary exercise engages around 45% of muscle fibres where as vibration muscle contractions engage approximately 96% of muscle fibres and hence can increase the fitness potential both externally and internally at the highest level. ViSalus Body By Vi vs. Herbalife's Formula one Nutritional Shake Sometimes it shocks individuals to find out that a wholesome diet protein shake can really taste great, fill you up and enable you lose weight. We are going to cover two well-liked wholesome diet protein shakes that claim they can enable you do just that. Who will be the winner? Will it be Herbalife's Formula one or ViSalus Vi-Shape Nutritional Shake? What is a Meal Replacement Shake? Meal replacements shakes are pre-packaged powdered drink mixes. They are especially nutrient dense & might be mixed easily and conveniently with water, milk, or juice and then taken in the place of a meal. They're practical, inexpensive, and most taste pretty good. Meal replacement shakes are likely the most valuable and underrated weight loss supplement. In truth, they really are not supplements at all - They're complete meals. Meal replacement shakes provide an ideal, compact meal that's high in protein, low in fat (many have no fat) are low in carbohydrates, & contain all your important vitamins and minerals. People are usually trying to find the magic answer to quick fat loss or building muscle, obtaining a number of metabolism boosting drink or diet pill that promises miraculous results. We gain body fat by having poor eating habits, so the only method to undo the damage is to reverse the cycle by evolving excellent eating habits. Meal replacement shakes help us to get quick weight loss outcomes while we are studying to make superb diet choices. For optimum fat-burning and muscle-building outcomes, we need to consume a quality protein, moderate-carb, low-fat meal about every three to 4 hours. This equals about 5 meals per day. So, replace two or 3 of your whole food meals with a quality protein, low calorie, low carb meal replacement shake & you will radically start burning off stored body fat. So ~ lets compare 2 widely known alternatives for meal replacement shakes : Herbalife's Formula one Nutritional Shake Mix VS ViSalus Vi-Shape Nutritional Shake. Diet Protein Shake Taste Challenge: *Herbalife's Formula one comes in seven flavors, French Vanilla, Dutch Chocolate, Wild Berry, Tropical Fruit, Cookies 'n Cream, Pi?a Colada and Cafe Latte. You could add fruit to customize them more, however you cannot get around having to order each of the different flavors to get a genuine range of flavors in your meals. *Vi-Shape Nutritional Shake comes in Sweet Cream flavor. You could easily get pleasure from this as-is or simply change the taste by mixing in your preferred fruits. You can also get ViSalus Health Flavor Mix Ins that add not only good flavors however awesome wellness advantages as too. The shakes might be enjoyed in thousands of different variation. Winner: ViSalus Vi-Shape Nutritional Shake for being the most customizable to your taste preferences. Diet Protein Shake Quality Protein Challenge: *Herbalife's Formula 1 contains soy protein isolate, which is mentioned to be a heart healthy source of high-quality protein. Each serving has nine g of soy protein isolate. *Vi-Shape Nutritional Shake contains an one of a kind, concentrated & highly absorbable blend of proteins named Tri-sorb protein. What makes this blend special is it has the highest quality whey accessible, whey hydrosolate in combination with the whey protein isolate and non GMO soy with the isoflavones removed. The tri-sorb protein is the fastest absorbed & utilized form of protein obtainable. The protein has been processed to remove fat, lactose, carbohydrates and isoflavones to supply the most pure as probable concentrated protein. Each serving has 12 g of whey/non-GMO soy protein. Winner: ViSalus Vi-Shape Nutritional Shake because of its superior form of Tri-sorb protein. At 12 grams, it is superior for the reason that you actually want less of it to get superior outcomes. Need more protein? Instead of making use of water for your shake use an natural nut milk, rice milk, cow milk or soy milk. Diet Protein Shake Ingredient Challenge: *Herbalife's Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix has 60-plus ingredients incorporating many herbs. These ingredients are mentioned to give you protein, antioxidants, fiber, 19 vitamins and minerals for optimal wellness. Supplement Details - Formula one French Vanilla Flavor: Total Calories: 90 Total Fat: 1 g Total Cholesterol: 0 mg Total Sodium: 140 mg Total Carbohydrates: 13g Total Dietary Fiber: three g Total Sugars: 9 g Total Protein: 9g *Vi-Shape Nutritional Shake doesn't have as much extra ingredients, yet often less is more! The ultra-high-quality ingredients will provide you with an one of a kind blend of Tri-sorb protein, non-GMO soy protein, fibersol to help keep you feeling full without the gas, pre-biotics, aminogen to help with absorption plus 23 vitamins and minerals in tandem with other ingredients to assist you burn fat. There are also no questionable herbs, so the Vi-Shape Shake doesn't have any contraindications that would trigger a physician to disapprove of its use. *Supplement Facts - Vi-Shape Shake: Total Calories: 90 Total Fat: 1 g Total Cholesterol: 15 mg Total Sodium: 75 mg Total Carbohydrates: 7g Total Dietary Fiber: 5 g Total Sugars: <1 g Total Protein: 12 g Winner: ViSalus Vi-Shape Nutritional Shake is the winner because it comes in with more protein, less, sodium, sugars & carbohydrates. It also as more dietary fiber. Let's not forget you might save even more income & get a huge boost in nutrition just by getting the ViSalus Wellness Flavors. They allow you to customize your shake to your demands. You could have it your way... the Vi-Shape Shake is "fast food" made healthy! Diet Protein Shake Expense Challenge: *Herbalife's Formula one Nutritional Shake Mix is $34 for a 30-serving supply, or $25 if you are an Herbalife distributor. *Vi-Shape Nutritional Shake is $59 for a 30-serving supply. Still you can get it for $49 month in case you decide on to get join their auto-ship program.ViSalus has a referral program for clients as well. When you refer three clients to buy the Vi-shake mix, you get yours zero cost the next month. Winner: ViSalus Vi-Shape Nutritional Shake is clearly the winner in this challenge. The refer 3 and get your product free program signifies that you could continue to get yoru Vi-Shape meal replacement shakes for gratis. Gratis fits into everyone's economy! So who's the winner for this weight loss protein shakes challenge? Hands down it is ViSalus Vi-Shape Nutritional Shake for being the most user friendly, tasty, customizable & inexpensive diet protein shake. Do the study and click here to consider the ViSalus Vi-Shape testimonials. Once you are done, signup and attempt out the Vi-Shape Nutritional Shake on your own. What do you need to lose, except for many pounds and inches? Right now they're having a particular where you could save $28 by joining their Body by ViT Challenge by clicking here. You'll get a 30-day supply of the shake plus the Health Flavors for only $48. You also get access to the Well being Member web-site where you'll get recipes, menus, nutritional info, exercise tools, & more. In the event you aren't Definitely satisfied with your results, they've a 30-day money-back guarantee. After your challenge is over, let us know your outcomes. Keep in mind to take before and after pictures, and track weight and inch loss. We look forward to hearing your story! Visceral Fat Fighting With Alli Recent studies presented at the 1st International Congress on Abdominal Obesity (held in Hong Kong) have shown that overweight and obese individuals using alli® (also known as olistat 60 mg) in combination with a reduced low-fat, reduced calorie diet have seen significant weight reduction, reduced waist circumference, and reduced visceral fat. These accomplishments may lead to a reduction of the risk of hypertension, heart disease, stroke, and even type 2 diabetes. The alli product is an FDA approved over the counter weight loss aid that has shown to be clinically proven to boost weight loss by 50% and can reduce excess visceral fat in significant amounts. alli prevents nearly 25% of the fat eaten by individuals from being absorbed into the body by working within the digestive tract. The Dangers of Visceral Fat As one of the more dangerous types of fat, visceral fat envelopes vital organs in the abdomen. When excessive amounts of this visceral fat are found, the normal function of the body's organs can become disrupted, increasing the risk of diseases that are life-threatening. Weight loss, even in small amounts, has been shown to have an effect on the body's overall health and leads to significant amounts of visceral fat reduction. When on a weight reduction program, visceral fat is one of the first types of fats to be lost. A reduction in visceral fat has the health benefit of reduced total cholesterol and LDL, or low-density lipoprotein. A reduction in LDL helps reduce the risk of stroke, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and hypertension. These health risks have a very high societal and personal toll, as well as an impact on the obesity epidemic found world-wide. According to Jeanine Albu, M.D., Associate Chief of the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Nutrition at the St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center in New York, many individuals try to lose weight for appearances sake, but need to understand that losing the excess fat stored within their bodies will result in reducing their risk of life-threatening diseases. The Hong Kong congress conducted two studies on alli to specifically determine its effect on excessive amounts of visceral fat found in the body. The overall evidence found proves that the alli product can significantly reduce weight and the unhealthy visceral fat, leading individuals concerned with weight loss to improve their health overall. About alli alli is FDA approved and available over the counter to overweight individuals over the age of 18. It is a clinically-proven product that must be used with a comprehensive and individualized plan of action. Those individuals who use alli can expect to lose 50% more weight than with just dieting alone. The product program encourages gradual weight loss – a standard accepted by all weight loss experts. The alli product is effective and completely safe, as long as it is used as directed. Nutritional and weight management experts, with the knowledge of how difficult it can be to lose weight, developed the alli plan. The alli program includes a balanced, healthy diet plan and encourages regular physical activity. alli capsules are available in 60 and 90 capsule starter packs. The alli product works by blocking about 25% of the fat in the foods eaten to help reduce the total amount of calories and fat absorbed by the body. alli is very well-tolerated and non-systemic. Vitamin B12 Benefits Vitamin B12, also called Cobalamin is a water disolveable vitamin needed for a range of biological functions in the human body. From metabolism of cells to the consistent functioning of the nervous system, Vitamin B12 plays a key role in maintaining a healthy physical state. Spirulina is the perfect source of Vitamin B12. It can also be obtained from fish, eggs dairy products, meat, etc. Vitamin B12 has many health benefits and can help your body in many ways. Here is a look at the different benefits offered by Vitamin B12: 1.) Generation of Red Blood Cells - The maintenance, formation and repair of red blood cells is generally dependent on Vitamin B12. Athletes and people with low energy levels often take B12 injections, for an instant boost in energy levels. Vitamin B12 also plays a key role in the regeneration and development of DNA and RNA (the genetic material in our body). It is essential for the rapid synthesis of DNA and RNA during cell division, specially in tissues where cells are dividing quickly. B12 Deficiency can affect DNA production and cause abnormal cell growth, causing anemia. 2.) Healthy Nervous System - Vitamin B12 helps in the smooth and proper functioning of the nerve cells and brain in the body. Each nerve fiber is surrounded by an insulating fatty sheath made up of Myelin, which is a complex protein. Myelin not just protects the nerves but also allows transmission of electrical impulses between the nerve cells throughout the body. Vitamin B12 plays a significant role in the metabolism of fatty acids important for maintenance of Myelin. A deficiency of Vitamin B12 can have serious neurological effects ranging from loss of sensation to visual impairment to memory loss and dementia. 3.) Cures Depression - Vitamin B12 is best-known to promote activity of hormones and neurotransmitters that can influence your mood and emotional state. These hormones include Dopamine, Serotonin and Melatonin. Patients with depression are usually prescribed Vitamin B12 supplements as it can set off serotonin 'happy hormone' production and uplift their mood. A deficiency of B12 vitamin can lead to stress, anxiety and depression. 4.) Controls Homocysteine Levels - Proper dosage of Vitamin B12 in combination with Folic acid can effectively control the homocysteine levels (an amino acid made from proteins) in the blood plasma cells. Vitamin B12 insufficiency can result in hematological diseases, increasing the risk of heart conditions, stroke and osteoporosis 5.) Healthy Skin & Hair - Vitamin B12 is vital for DNA and RNA synthesis and cell reproduction. Our skin, hair and nails undergo a process of constant growth and renewal, which is why they need enough amount of B Vitamins, especially B12 for maintaining a healthy growth. Deficiency of Vitamin B12 can lead to wrinkles, dry skin acne, brittle hair and nails and skin problems like dermatitis. 6.) Promotes Absorption of Folic Acid - Folic acid is important for the synthesis of red blood cells in the body. With out Vitamin B12, folic acid cannot be regenerated in the body and becomes trapped in a metabolically useless form. For proper absorption and regeneration of folic acid, one needs to get enough amount of Vitamin B12. Both Vitamin B12 and folic acid are dependent on each other, as deficiency of Vitamin B12 is followed by a deficiency of folic acid, and vice versa. 7.) Weight reduction - Vitamin B12 is also called the 'Energy Vitamin' since it can give a instant and real energy boost. It can speed up the metabolism process, thus burning more calories and improving the rate of weight loss. It also increases the overall energy levels in the body, allowing you to boost your level of physical activity and exercise. Moreover as we discussed previously, Vitamin B12 helps in fighting stress and depression, symptoms which are mostly associated with weight gain. 8.) Stimulates Healthy Pregnancy - Compared to normal adults, pregnant women need a higher amount of Vitamin B12 to generate red blood cells, maintain a healthy nervous system , release energy from food and to process folic acid. B12 deficiency can cause miscarriage and even birth defects. The RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) of Vitamin B12 for pregnant women is 2.6 mcg per day, and it is important that this requirement is met. 9.) Helps Combat Mental Decline - Vitamin B12 is a vital nutrient important for everybody including older adults. According to recent researches, enough amount of Vitamin B12 can prevent mental decline associated with old age. Alzheimer's conditions, Dementia and short-term memory loss can all be prevented, as Vitamin B12 promotes healthy performance of the brain and neurological system. Specialists have found that whenever patients suffering from Alzheimer's or other memory problems were treated with vitamin B12, numerous of their symptoms faded within six months and they regained mental clarity and focus. 10.) Permits you to Sleep Better - Vitamin B12 enhances the production of Melatonin, a hormone that facilitates healthy sleep patterns. This is particularly beneficial for older adults, as with age their body is less efficient in making this hormone. Vitamin B12 can help in improving Melatonin production allowing the elderly to sleep better. Although the above mentioned benefits of Vitamin B12 are well documented, there are many other benefits that are being studied by researchers and health experts worldwide. One of such researches shows that Vitamin B12 can drastically increase sperm count and treat male infertility. Likewise, tinnitus (constant ringing in the ears) can also be treated with B12 supplementation. Vitamin B12 is undoubtedly an important nutrient required for most of our life processes - from enhancing physical health to boosting mental performance, Vitamin B12 can help you in numerous ways. Make sure that you get enough amount of this vitamin either from dietary sources or through B12 supplements. Vsp Vision Care Vision Care For Life At some point in everybody's life there is going to be a necessity for corrective lens of some kind, whether they be eyeglasses or contact lenses. VSP (Vision Service Plan) is dedicated to offering affordable, high-quality eyecare plans that put people first, support visual wellness and improve one's quality of life. As the nation's largest provider of exceptional eyecare coverage, more than 1 in 10 Americans rely solely on VSP for the health of their eyes. For close to half a century, VSP has been a trusted advisor in eyecare wellness and health benefits. The VSP network or family of companies offers world-class products and services to clients, doctors and members. "VSP companies' capabilities range from comprehensive eyecare, to cutting-edge e-commerce and practice management technologies, to services that connect private practice with the industry's most respected and high-fashion frame brands and lab finishing capabilities." Of course, if VSP is provided for by the company you happening to be working for, all the better. Vision Service Plan insurance will generally cover all the necessities of eye care leaving the cost of cosmetic enhancements up to the patient, usually to pay out of their own pocket. VSP, at a minimum, provides for an eye exam per year as well as lenses and frames for glasses or a set of contacts. Some plans can be set up with more comprehensive coverage and a series of co-payments tapping into a litany of quality, VSP managed, care services. Coverage of obtaining glasses usually encompasses the following steps: Eye Examination, Prescribing, Frame selection, Accuracy of lenses, Fittings and Adjustments. Getting contacts usually entails an eye examination, prescription and then trying on and testing out a new pair of contact lenses. Normally, the optometrist suggests testing a new set of contacts out for a week or so before ordering a new set. Vision Service Plans cover the aspects of contacts that are visually necessary but as mentioned previously leave the cost for cosmetic embellishments-such as colors-up to the patient. The VSP network works together to ensure that private practice remains the number one choice of patients in today's extremely competitive eyecare industry. VSP Vision Care based in California provides vision care to more than 55 million members nationwide and the exclusive network of private-practice doctors is more than 25,000 strong and growing. As a full-service benefit provider, VSP members can get a WellVision Exam, a wide selection of eyewear brands and personalized, monitored care from any of their network doctors. At Vision Service Plan's website, www.vsp.com, a large amount of invaluable, up-to-date resources are available to all members, as well as non-members, promoting trusted eyecare wellness to the larger public. Optometric and doctor resource articles are continually being added revealing the lastest practices and developments in the eyecare industry. Members can easily "Find a VSP Network Doctor" that is right for them, access personal benefit information, choose a plan through their employer and obtain eyewear advice specifically suited to that member. This are only a few of the services available online through VSP. Most of your eye health questions can also be answered. Questions relating to Computer Vision, Contacts, Driving, Eye Conditions & Diseases, Eye Exams, Eye Safety, Eyewear Genetics, How the Eye Works, Laser Surgery, Nutrition for Your Eyes and School Vision Screenings can all be addressed. There is also a Diabetes Discovery Center at https://www.vsp.com/discovery/html/ada.jsp which addresses living with diabetes and information related to eyecare and diabetes. Topics covered include: Diabetes and Your Eyes, Diabetes Risk Test, All About Diabetes, Diabetes Prevention, Nutrition & Recipes, Weight Loss & Exercise and For Parents & Kids. You can also subscribe to Eye on Health, their quarterly eyecare education e-newsletter, providing timely information on eye health topics to help you keep your vision healthy. You can subscribe to their newsletter by clicking the following link: https://www.vsp.com/eyeonhealth/ Dr. Beckwith of Austin County Eye Associates is a VSP doctor instilling the same commitment and dedication to eyecare wellness for nearly three decades. His commitment to the quality of life of his patients and eyecare on the whole meets with the standards of excellence and practice set out by Vision Service Plan. Walking Fitness Program For All Fifty-plus Walkers A good activity for all walkers including diabetics is walking, this is one of the best fitness programs. I am Dr. Frank Ferrari and I am telling the fifty plus walking population including diabetics that walking is an excellent exercise for all the fifty-plus individuals to do. Here are some points that you should consider for walking programs: (1) You as an individual can lose weight doing a walking fitness program. Weight loss by walking is a great method to lose weight, but you first have to prepare yourself to walk. Preparation is half the battle. Remember to stop eating all the foods that are not very good for us to eat. Attempt to eat healthy foods. Then, set up an eating plan with the foods that you as a walker or diabetic walker senior can enjoy. All of the foods that you will enjoy are not O.K. to eat as either a walker or diabetic. Your portions must be the proper portion seize. (2) Stop watching the T.V. programs that are not necessary for you to watch, just go outside and walk. All senior and diabetic walkers ask your health care provider for your blood pressure. (3) Your walking fitness program should be done for at least 30 minuets a day. You can just walk around the block, but remember you have to get some walking in, no matter how far. This is important. Walking programs can reduce the risk of you getting many diseases -- from a heart attack, a stroke or even getting a hip fracture. It keeps you mobile and healthy. Major research done by our government and universities backs the claim that they make.. Walking doesn't even require any prescription either, the risk of side effects is small, and the benefits are great. WALKING IS A GREAT PROGRAM All people do this exercise even those with diabetes benefit from walking a great deal, but you still must go easy on your feet. If you are a diabetic there are diabetic walking programs, the walking that you do in these doesn't put much strain on your feet. Just make sure you have the proper shoes for whatever doing this activity. Walking shoes are made just for walking, nautrally. They are sturdy, well built, and give you enough room for your feet so you can do this program. Walking is a great exercise for all the 50-plus seniors and diabetics. You should plan a portion of time each and every day to get in at least 30 minuets of walking. You can split those thirty minuets up into two or three sections if you don't have enough time to walk for thirty minuets at one time. When you do your walking it doesn't have to be done all at once, you can split that time up into 10 or 15 minuet time sessions. Do thirty minuets of walking a day. If You Are A Diabetic You Must Control your Blood Sugar "There's a direct relationship between blood sugar level and damage to the nerve cells," says Dr. Tillet. Out-of-control blood sugar can lead to neuropathy and/or getting a foot sore. The neuropathy will make it hard for a diabetic to know when your feet are being damaged. Your feet will be in good shape if you control your blood sugar and that is a must for all diabetics. Finally, if you have an infection with high blood sugar levels, that you get with diabetes, can make it hard for your body to heal that infection. Get Regular Health Check-ups Your health care provider can give you a check-up. All walkers should get their check-ups once a year, but diabetics get one twice a year. If you are a diabetic know your blood sugar number and your diabetic team is great to get information. If you need ideas for taking care of your feet, ask your health care provider or podiatrist. At your check-up you should ask your health care provider for your blood pressure number. If you are a diabetic know your blood sugar number, and control it. When you tell your health care provider he will be glad.. You should the best walking footwear that you can get. Use the best walking shoes that you can and notice any changes in your feet that concern you. This is Dr. Frank Ferrari telling you that if you are a fifty-plus walker have diabetes or not it is very important for you to take care of your feet. You can avoid a lot of serious health problems if you watch your feet, wear the best walking shoes, and use a walking fitness program. Copyright (c) 2013 FPW, LLC Want to Know More About Xenical and Alli? People are always more fascinated by the thought of becoming slim and attractive but due to busy life style people are not left with enough time to do exercise to shed some extra pounds or follow some program for weight management to keep them fit and fine. An obsession for becoming slim and the need to weight loss in order to avoid life-threatening conditions associated with obesity and weight gain have truly encouraged a lot of people to take help of modern day slimming pills. Now-a-days, there are a number of drugs available in the market; each drug claims to help people to lose significant amount of weight and promises to provide them a slim body. These drugs include either prescription or non prescription slimming pills. Alli and xenical are two renowned weight loss pills that help in reducing obesity and overweight. Alli Slimming Pills Alli is a weight loss aid, manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline. Orlistat is main ingredient of Alli pills. Alli is FDA (Food and Drug Administration USA) approved, over the counter weight loss pill. FDA approved drugs undergo a number of clinical trials and these have been tested at various stages. Alli is a non prescription slimming pills so people can buy it without any prescription of doctor. It is available in USA, UK and other European countries. Alli is not suitable if a person: * Is allergic to Orlistat * Has liver disorder * Has had organ transplant Xenical Slimming Pills Xenical Orlistat is FDA approved, prescription only weight loss pill that helps one to get rid of significant amount of weight. People can buy xenical on prescription basis only. Xenical is also available in online clinics. The procedure to buy xenical from an online clinic is very easy and it can be completed in just few simple steps, the only condition is that it must follow a prescription of a registered doctor. Xenical is marketed by Roche pharmaceutical company and it is available in dosage of 120mg. Even though Xenical and Alli have the same chemical Orlistat as their main ingredient, but the amount of orlistat in Xenical is twice to Alli i.e. 120mg. Alli is the lower dose sister of Xenical, available in dosage of 60mg. The working of both the slimming pills is same. Both pills works on lipase enzyme; On one hand Alli helps to prevent up to 25% of the fat while on the other hand Xenical helps to prevent up to 30% of the fat in your diet from being absorbed. Every medication has some side effects associated with it; Xenical and Alli are no exception. Sometimes people taking xenical or Alli feel minor side effects which include increased number of bowel movements, gas with oily discharge, flatulence, tooth and gum disorders, abdominal pain and headache, diarrhea, irregular menstrual cycle and urinary tract infections. Patients having type2 diabetes may experience low blood sugar levels. Watch Those Pounds Go Away with Calatrin! “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the prettiest of us all?” How many times must most of us have repeated this quote willing the mirror to answer, “You, my lady/lord”. But, no matter how much we deceive ourselves into believing that we have a good figure, the truth is that all of us know that there is scope for improvement. We can have a good physique if we so desire. The only catch is that we are not willing to try our options. Calatrin or Calotren, as it is known more famously, is a weight loss supplement which helps us to attain the perfect figure if we take it in the correct method. Defining Calatrin Calatrin is not just any weight loss supplement but it carries a protein called collagen which aids the body in losing substantial weight. It helps in building up lean muscles in the body which require a lot of energy for their functioning. This energy is extracted from the extra fat stored in the body. Calatrin is not only helpful for people with an urge to lose weight. It also works wonders for people who are underweight. The energy levels are brought up which gives improved stamina to the person. He feels energetic and thus improves his physique. But there is nothing synthetic about Calatrin. It does not have side effects. The Effectiveness of Calatrin Since Calatrin has a tremendous impact on the lean muscles of our body, it keeps them flexible. It has good effects on the joints of our body too. It fires up the connective tissues to tackle all the problems related to the absorption of impact. Calatrin has a great impact on the skin as well. It does away with wrinkles on the skin, adding a youthful touch to your face. The blood is also energized to flow along the arteries in a normal way. The protein is absorbed by the body after being broken down. This helps to maintain a stable protein level in our body. The Benefits of Calatrin It is very safe to take Calatrin. There are no side effects associated with this product. It does not even have stimulants like caffeine or ephedrine which can bring about a laziness in the body. Calatrin allows you to take other medicines with it. If you are taking medicines for blood pressure regularly, then you can still take Calatrin without any fears. Whilst building up the lean muscle, it makes sure that only the extra fat is shed without affecting the muscles. As already discussed, Calatrin improves the flexibility o the joints and also decreases the signs of aging. And what's more! You are sure to notice the positive effects of the protein supplement after only a month has elapsed. The Amount To be Taken You are required to take 4 capsules at night before sleeping. A plain glass of water or water with lemon is sufficient to swallow these capsules. Keep your body free from food at least 3hours before you take Calatrin. If you want to get enhanced energy, the take it 45 minutes prior to a workout session. You are sure to feel perked up. The recommended amount of time for taking Calatrin is 90 days. If you observe a good food regimen and exercise regularly, you are bound to see a change in yourself. Weight Loss After Pregnancy, Take Care of Yourself It is just as important to care for yourself after you become a new mum, as it was when you were pregnant. Mothering can, at times, be overwhelming and it is common for new mums to put their health on the back burner to concentrate solely on the needs of their child. However, this mind set is counterproductive. If you are not in shape, you will not be at your best for your family. By taking care of yourself that involves eating a well balanced diet and exercising, you will be healthier with the added benefit of increased vitality. Sleep is one area you should not shortchange yourself. While pregnant, utilize a body pillow. It assists in supporting your back and stomach, allowing you to find a comfortable position to sleep restfully. Whenever possible after your baby is born, enlist your significant other or family member to take a late night feeding so you can get a good night's rest. Frankly stated, lack of sleep can be detrimental to your health. In addition to the psychological drain that lack of sleep causes; it can also affect the rate in which weight loss after pregnancy occurs. In a study of 940 new mums, researchers concluded that those sleeping five hours or less a night were at a higher risk of retaining baby weight. The sleep-deprived mums were three times as likely to retain 11 or more pounds of their pregnancy weight. In contrast, new mums that received at least seven hours of sleep each night made headway in their weight loss after pregnancy efforts. These mums were successful in returning within a pound or two of their pre-pregnancy weight. Researchers are beginning to see a definite correlation between the amount of sleep an individual receives and obesity. It appears that when a person is sleep deprived, their body releases hormones that tend to increase weight. Many new mums suffer from constipation. Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of fluids daily. The best choice is water, but some servings can include 100% fruit juices that contain important nutrients. Also, warm herbal tea may alleviate constipation and assist weight loss after having a baby. Pregnancy is a great time to be self-indulgent. Mums to be should sign up to receive monthly maternity massages. There are many benefits of prenatal massage performed by an experienced therapist. Some of these include: reduced fatigue, decreased pain in pelvic/hip area, increased circulation, improved digestion and skin elasticity; it aids in reduction of swelling, alleviates stress on the knees as well as promotes relaxation and deep breathing. A prenatal massage can also ease backaches, headaches, and shoulder/neck pain. You will look forward to this special time to relax and be pampered each month. After the birth, new mums should continue with the monthly massage sessions, if possible, as it is important the many benefits provided continue. Make sure you are getting at least seven hours sleep per night and with a good nutritious balanced diet, with plenty of water, the new mum will be in the right frame of mind to make weight loss after pregnancy so much easier. Weight Loss and Detox: Do Detox Diets Lower Your Metabolism? One of the many concerns about detox diets for weight loss is how they affect the body's metabolic rate. After all, most, if not all, detox diets involve a period of not eating any solid food for a period of time. This is especially a big concern for people who want to lose weight through detox diets, and for good reason. With a lowered rate metabolic rate, you're bound to gain all that lost weight once you start eating solid foods again. But to answer the question, "Do detox diets lower your metabolic rate?,"... If you go on a fasting period long enough, you can slow your metabolic rate. Thankfully, the body can be tricked into believing you're still eating and thus maintain its regular metabolism. Actually, what slows your metabolic rate are "hunger pangs". Weight loss and diet experts have always warned against skipping meals in order to lose weight; the hunger pangs are what cause your body go on "starvation mode", making it horde calories instead of burning them. Since most detox diets are "restrictive", meaning you don't eat any solid food for some time, the trick to retaining your metabolism rate is to drink plenty of water when you're detoxifying, and to eat some fruits. Detox For Weight Loss? You should never ever go on detox diets for long-term weight loss. What the detoxification process can do is to jump start your weight loss by getting rid of accumulated toxins and conditioning your body to eat healthier. Weight loss is actually the natural consequence of detoxification. After a detox process, most people lose substantial weight. Most of that lost weight comes from lost water retention and toxins flushed from the large intestines. Never Use Detox Diets For Long Term Weight Loss There's been a lot of misconceptions about what detox diets can do about weight loss. To clear up the confusion, just remember that nothing can ever replace a well-balanced vegetarian (alkaline) diet to maintain the body's health and its normal weight. Overdoing detox diets will starve your body of the necessary vitamin and mineral nutrients in the long term. (Whatever your detox diet, make sure it has a nutrition-giving ingredient in the meantime.) What Detox Diets Can Do What detox diets can do is to rid your body of accumulated toxins. It is easy to lose 20 pounds by simply flushing accumulated intestinal plaque, phlegm, and other wastes from your large intestines. (Watch your stool become more colorful as you complete your colon detox diet.) Detox diets also remove water weight, or water that's accumulated around the cells of your body. Overweight or bloated people usually have water retention problems because they have too much sodium in their diet. In all, you can use detox diets programs to successfully complete your main weight loss diet program - one very important benefit of detoxification diets is that they make you want to eat healthy. Weight Loss Doesn't Have to Make You Crazy An easy weight loss plan that works every time has yet to be invented but that doesn't mean you should give up looking; many weight loss plans do work very well. You need to be aware of how much harm being overweight is doing to your health and how many serious health conditions are caused as a result of carrying excess weight. While some weight loss plans are effective, you have to find the one that works well for you and information on most of these are easy to find online. Losing weight is good for your health and self-image, but whatever the reason, you must be doing it for your own benefit and not for somebody else in order for you to enjoy long lasting effects. Many factors affect how well your weight loss plan will work for you, including how much physical activity you have during a normal day, the type of food you eat, how many meals you have and when those meals are eaten. Try not to have unrealistic expectations about how much weight you should lose every month. Weight loss should not be too rapid; quick weight loss can have a serious impact on your health. To lose weight permanently means losing it slowly; for instance, one pound per week is considered safe and if you combine some exercise with dieting this can easily be achieved. Most of us eat too much and definitely an excess of junk foods which we shouldn't rely on the way we do although it is not a good idea cut out everything you enjoy. How we feel is also a determining factor as people who are depressed or are not happy about their lives usually consume too much. The problem is that being overweight is the cause of many life threatening medical conditions including diabetes, heart problems, joint trouble and cancer. The problem with many dieters is their attitude to an easy weight loss plan and whether or not they understand that dieting is not a cure all for obesity. Studies have shown that people who have started weight loss plans with a light-hearted determination are more likely to accomplish the looked-for results. It helps to provide an environment of positive mental attitude which is necessary for us if we wish to be successful in any endeavor. Most people who lose those extra pounds claim they have more energy and are able to do things that their weight stopped them from enjoying previously. Easy weight loss plans are all about your ability to adapt to a new lifestyle and once you embark upon it, it really does get easier and easier. Weight Loss Drugs Reviewed to improve your appearance. After taking Acomplia, you will automatically eat less because your hunger will be turned off. And when you start losing weight, the first place you will lose body fat is your mid-section. The pounds will just melt away. And better yet, your cholesterol will go down and your blood pressure will return to healthy levels. The mythology is so seductive that we might as well add more things to the story. Maybe the drug will repair your broken relationships with family members, spouses, and co-workers. Perhaps the drug will quadruple the balance in your bank account. Maybe the drug will even improve your appearance or add ten pounds of lean muscle mass to your body each and every year, without working out at all! I mean, why not? If the drug is going to do all these other things, let's just make the story even more seductive. This is the mythology surrounding Acomplia and Alli. And of course, there is nothing in the mythology that is true. In fact, there is not a single clinical trial proving a single one of these suggestions. The drug hasn't been shown to result in permanent weight loss, lower cholesterol, reduce smoking addiction, or help people stop drinking alcohol. None of these things have been demonstrated with the drug. So why is Acomplia or Alli so remarkably popular even before it has been approved by the FDA? The reason it's popular has nothing whatsoever to do with science or nutrition or health. It has to do with the seductive idea that we as Americans can pursue whatever lifestyles we want and yet have never have to face the consequences for making such decisions. Acomplia or Alli allows us to shift control of our lives from our own conscious intentions to a prescription drug handed out to us by doctors. The seductive qualities of this drug encourage people to release themselves from responsibility. They encourage people to disempowering themselves, to shift their power to external influences. Rather than self-discipline, wisdom or education taking a role in the person's outcome, the only factor that counts, according to the mythology, is the name of the drug you choose to take. Weight Loss Elite Program Most of us have Struggled to lose Weight in the past. Alot of us have gotten to the point where we have had enough and given up. Plus most of us do not have time to go to the gym. ...Learn how Craig Woods, A trainer of Millions of people both on the gym and online,help to get people just like you slimmer and toned in weeks! not months! A new revolutionary step-by-step book you are going to discover the most powerful fat loss program ever created to this very day! It is the very same program that Hollywood actors, supermodels, use to achieve lean, shaped, toned bodies. Also covered in this Step-by-step book! • How to keep from sabotaging your efforts and your metabolism • How to break old habits and start new ones that will lead to healthy weight loss • The reasons why 95% of all diets fail and people who have lost weight regain their lost weight within 1 year of losing it • The top 12 foods that make you gain weight • The top 12 foods that help you lose weight • The foods and habits that make you fatter • How not all fat is created equal and "good fats" can actually help speed up fat loss • How to turn your body into a fat burning furnace and speed up your metabolism • How eating 50% more calories per day can actually aid weight loss • How to increase fat burning effects during your workout Whether you have 10 pounds or 100 pounds to lose, I will show you, step-by-step, what you need to do to achieve your weight loss goal and keep that weight off! So now a program that was offered to only the rich and the famous, and no need to spend thousands of dollars, or fly to California anymore as all the secrets are now revealed for the first time in this unique book. This program developed as a 100% guaranteed fat loss system and results have been proven through out California before it was to be published. Many scientists and nutritionists compared notes and passed on information and results which were trialed, tested and proven over the past 6 years. It is the nutritional guide of the stars. So if you would like to learn how to lose weight without pills... without starving yourself... and without messing up your metabolism forever... Then this is the program for you! Kev James results don't lie! Weight Loss Goals To Lose Weight And Keep It Off Losing weight is frequently easier said than done. Adjustments in eating habits and working out are the understandable methods used for weight loss; but, without the proper preparation, a dieter can sabotage their weight loss desires. Be incredibly precise when developing these weight loss goals in order to be a success. These goals should not be unclear. If you want to lose a specific amount of weight a week, one goal might be not to over eat each day. Develop a full plan of action. Willpower by itself is never enough! If you know that specific situations like holidays or being with associates is a risk to weight loss goals, a plan to aid you in handling these situations. Also throw away clothes that are expandable, avoid fast food and purchase healthy food. Plan to take small steps with weight loss. Ensure that your plan fits your lifestyle and not someone else's. Don't make your steps all about weight loss. Implement rewards for yourself after you achieve these small steps. Every goal you obtain brings you nearer to weight loss. If you don't care for your body, it won't take care of you. Your diet has to contain plenty of vitamins and minerals along with plenty of water. Get an ample amount of rest and fresh air everyday and alleviate as many stressors as as you can. Anything that you can do to become healthier will also assist in your weight loss goals. Develop a timeline for your weight loss. Think about how much weight you want to lose and by when. Also understand that weight loss is going to vary for each person. Make your weight loss efforts known to an individual that you are at ease with and have faith in. You are going to need support to stay on task. You may even find that this person has a desire to lose weight as well. You can both work on it together. Create ways to track your efforts. Write your goals for a week in a journal. At the end of the week, look at the journal and to see if you achieved your goals. Keeping track of your goals and holding yourself responsible will help you find out what worked for you and what didn't. Your weight is going to vary from day to day. Even eating healthy foods will cause this fluctuation. Backslides, stress, moods, etc... Will affect your weight also. Do not become depressed when this occurs. Step back up and continue with your weight loss goals. Weight Loss Medication For Obesity Treatment Obesity gambles health Obesity is metric medic. It is a state in which there is a mass of body fat to the limit which hinders physical and mental well – being obesity bring a shorter life span and increased ailment. Intake of food or calories is more than the use, obese individual have a dull metabolism. Obesity adversely results into diverse diseases specially heart ailments and disorder category -2 diabetes, breathing and respiratory pulmonary ailments, difficulties to relax and sleep particular types of cancer and osteoarthritis. As obesity fatal various fallible treatments have emerged from medical research. Obesity though stellar and prevalent reason for death globally, loss of weight by treatment aid medical pills can be a lawsuit against obesity. Buy Weight Loss Pills and Products to Manage Your Weight. Weight loss pill throttles the obesity stigma. Weight loss is the most logical and practical cure for obesity. Weight loss schedules usually motivate life style, routine alliteration and food and diet modification for the better. Weight loss targets are also achieved by anti obesity drugs. Exclusively only a couple of drugs are approved for obesity and weight loss cure. Rehabilitate with reductil. Reductil has main component sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate. Reductil is considered as are the most affluent Anti-Obesity Drug and weight loss pill. Buy Reductil Online U.K. aids over – weight and obese people to lose the excessive amount of fat. Reductil functions on the neuro transmitters in the brain. Reductil inhibits transmitters from being taken in by the brain, higher quantity of free nordrenalises and seroterin alters brain cells. Reductil gives a contented even with less intake of food. Buy Reductil Online and decrease your food intake. Reductil is licensed anti obesity drug for BMI of 30 or more. Reductil doesn't alter your daily balanced diet or fitness schedule. Reductil is safe assured appreciated drug with least side effects. Reductil maintains the weight loss even after the medicine is stopped. Buy reductil online in 10 mg, 15 mg, for weight loss and longevity. Benficial XENICAL: Buy Xenical weight loss pills for Obesity Treatment. Xenical seems to be the most influenced potent anti-obesity cure the best bet rather than dieting, rigorous exercise and motivational groups which usually help in side streams. Taking Xenical prescription won't be regretted by you even for a minute. Xenical doesn't require any odd diet you can stabilize and maintain your weight even after stopping the medication. You have an easy and simple way out with anti – obesity drug. Reductil in addition 30 % calorie content diet can be on easy going assured way to attain your weight loss target. Xenical is most appropriate for BMI of 27 or more. The Xenical mission – Xenical functions over your digestive system to obstruct one – third of the fat in the meal you eat from getting digested and is extracted by bowels. Xenical endeavors as a potent Anti Obesity Pill by restoring one third of the fat in the food from being devoured by your body. Buy Xenical Online U.K. in 120 mg. capsules to reward your existence with a healthy, fit body – built. Xenical is the commercial name for orlistat, which lessens intestinal fat absorption by restricting pancreatic lipase. Xenical is F.D.A. approved prolonged anti- obesity and weight loss drug with global appreciation. Weight Loss Remedy In Kitchen Cupboard What is in your kitchen cupboard? Why am I asking you that? The reason you want to lose weight is in the cupboard. Are you thinking of going on a diet and are looking for pills, joining a gym to get on an exercise program. The answer to your weight problem is already in your kitchen cupboard. It is apple cider vinegar. Yes, you heard right. Cider vinegar weight loss is an age-old technique: you do not need to pump your body full of chemicals or go on some crazy crash diet. So how can apple cider vinegar help with your weight loss? The truth is, no one quite knows. Scientific tests have not been able to prove anything for sure about cider vinegar in regards to weight loss. The reason to try cider vinegar is mainly the stories of people who have already used it, and already lost weight thanks to it. There are a few ideas as to why cider vinegar aids in weight loss. Some people believe that it increases a person's natural metabolism, which makes out body digest and change food into energy faster. Other people have stated that cider vinegar actively burns the calories in your body to help you lose weight. Some reports say that cider vinegar helps cleanse the liver, which is an organ that can have a big effect on weight loss. One recent experiment showed that taking cider vinegar with or right before a meal can help you feel more full, and thus prevent overeating. The test was a very small one, but the results looked good. Cider vinegar weight loss still needs to be tested more with people before we can be sure just how much it helps. There is evidence that ancient Egyptians used cider vinegar for weight loss, so it must be doing something right! There are a couple of different ways to use cider vinegar in your weight loss program. The easiest way is just to add a little bit of cider vinegar to a glass of water or juice, and drink it with a meal. Another option is to buy tablets or capsules that contain cider vinegar in them. Some of these tablets contain other things, like vitamin B6 and something called lecithin, which may have more effect than cider vinegar alone. Aside from weight loss benefits, cider vinegar is very healthy for you. It is naturally rich in vitamins and minerals, and can help with a number of medical problems and improve your general health. For instance, cider vinegar contains potassium, which helps lower blood pressure. It also has fiber, which can absorb the cholesterol that causes heart problems. Those are just a few things it helps with – cider vinegar can also help with digestion, sore throats, arthritis pain and even diabetes. Despite all the bonuses of using cider vinegar weight loss, it has some risks as well. The biggest thing to watch out for is that cider vinegar is very acidic, which means it can burn and damage your teeth, mouth or throat. It is important to dilute cider vinegar in water or juice before drinking it. Be sure to contact your doctor before trying cider vinegar if you have any serious medical conditions. Weight Loss Secrets For Truck Drivers What is the secret to losing weight? Weight loss for truck drivers can be hard work because of the nature of the profession. With a little work most people can lose weight, but the biggest challenge is keeping it off. What current experts are saying does not differ from what previous experts have said for many years; make sure that the calories you eat match the calories you use. This model of burning what you eat will allow your body to keep weight off (fine print: that is unless you have a medical condition or medical prescription that alters your ability to lose weight). It is common sense that if you are consuming too many calories per day and do not exercise or your activity level is slim to none; then your chances of becoming slim is slim to none. The best way to understand how many calories you are consuming versus how many calories you are burning is to keep a daily log – Yes, you read that correctly, "keep a food journal." You can do this on your own or you can join a program via internet that will calculate and track your daily activity and intake. This is two fold; you will track your caloric intake compared to your calories burned and you will also visually be reminded of the good vs. not-so-good food that you have consumed on a daily basis. This we call an “eye opener.” In today's world, we are surrounded by advertisements and marketing schemes. Diet programs are in abundance. We have been nurtured to believe that we must “diet” in order to lose weight. The biggest downside to most diet programs is that they set individuals up to fail. Most programs are not designed around lifestyle modification; and definitely not designed with the truck driver in mind. They are designed for an individual to diet and then quit, diet and quit, diet and quit. So, as long as you understand that the highway to success in weight loss is a lifestyle modification, then I recommend you attempt the following: 1-Keep a food journal Understand that true and effective weight loss takes time. Do not get frustrated. 2-Use Portion control If your dinner or lunch takes more than one plate, maybe you should reconsider. Don't allow your dinner table to look like a buffet table. Pre-plate your food 3-Read the packaging and compare fats, calories, fiber, etc. Understand that increasing your activity does not require you to pay for a gym or lift heavy weights. 4-Walk more. You can increase your activity level in ways that are fun and do not require you to open your wallet. Truck driving jobs may make it hard to be active on the job, but try getting active when your off the job. 5-Park further out in the parking lot. 6-Take the stairs instead of an elevator or escalator Just remember, you can lose weight and enjoy doing it and the end result will be a new you! Oh, the secret to losing weight is.......it is not a secret........it takes determination and self control........and you have to burn more than you consume. Weight Loss Tips And Plans And Baba Ramdev Yoga For Fat Loss Obesity is the biggest curse on any human being. Obesity not only spoils your outer appearance but it brings along a huge array of other problems as well. For leading a healthy life you need to be fit and not obese. For solving the problem of weight loss Baba Ramdev has made a few very useful medicines. Baba Ramdev's medicines for weight loss are extremely effective and one can see visible results in a very short span of time. There are a number of techniques that can be employed to get an effective weight loss treatment. The weight loss programs employs the diet planning techniques and the exercise management using which you can control the amount of intake calories and burned calories. The way the calories are burned in the body is dependent on an individual. The calories and fat burning procedure in the body is dependent on the rate of metabolism of the body. The rate of metabolism of the body is dependent on the hormones that are produced in the body. Yoga is well known for it's abilities to create a wonderful state of relaxation in the practitioner which has been proven to lower blood pressure and many other physical ailments. It is also a great way to remove that access weight that has been plaguing you for months or years. Weight reduction through Yoga What to do 1. There are various Yoga asana like Paschimottanasana, Bhujangasana, Halasana, Dhanurasana, Veerasana, Trikonasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana which are specially meant for weight reduction. Following few of them regularly will certainly help you lose flab. 2. Incase you are a thyroid patient and you have abnormally gained weight. You must go for Sarvangasana and Matasyasana for checking on the hormonal secretion of your thyroid gland. 3. Regular Yoga asana done with Sun salutation (Surya Namaskar) is also very helpful in weight reduction. 4. Regularly practicing Pranayamas for example Kapalabhatti, Anuloma-Viloma and Bhastrika not only help in weight reduction but equally helps in achieving a better muscle tone and endurance. 5. Other than the regular practice of the Yoga, you must abide rules of eating healthy and fat free meal. 6. Kriyas for cleaning the body namely Vaman Dhauti, and Shanka Prakshalana also help immensely in weight reduction. Yoga postures The techniques and postures of yoga concentrate mainly on stretching and breathing methods. The breathing induces more metabolisms and the stretching will set up muscle expansions. Though these procedures aid the weight loss process indirectly, it is to be admitted that they are extremely effective in bringing out results. A good frame of mind should be developed in order to take the yoga initiative. The biggest advantage is that yoga is a relaxing way of exercising which as mentioned earlier relieves you from any kind of stress. Stretching Doing yoga stretches your body in good ways. When lean muscles are synthesized, calories in the body get burnt and this is an effective way to lose weight. The stretching exercises make your body to generate more muscles. When muscles use up energy, large amount of calories will be expended and this is the principle behind the stretching methods. Another advantage is that stretching is not a very high intensity exercise and can be easily adopted by anyone. Stretching exercises eases you off from any physical strains as well takes you to a higher level of health. Breathing Proper breathing mechanism helps you to lose weight impressively. Breathing is the mechanism where oxygen intake occurs. Oxygen facilitates the breaking down of food molecules. When there is more supply of oxygen, the more effective will be the respiration process that leads to the exhaustion of calories. Synchronous breathing along with proper stretching is one of the principles of yoga that aids weight loss in a big way. Slow breathing is advised that prompts effective body metabolism. Weight Loss Tips - Tea, Earl Grey, Hot In Star Trek Next Generation Jean-Luc Picard (French but inexplicably with a perfect English accent) was admirably played by Patrick Stewart. I was once lucky enough to see Patrick at a conference; he was one of the speakers giving an inspirational talk. He held the stage as befits a Royal Shakespeare Company actor and commander of the USS Enterprise. (I didn't think any one could better him, but the next keynote speaker did pretty well, too*). But the thing I remember about Patrick Stewart in Star Trek was his taste in tea. I almost can't ask for Earl Grey in a restaurant without asking for "Tea, Earl Grey, hot". So what has Earl Grey got to do with dieting and slimming? Earl Grey was a British Prime Minister who was responsible for the Great Reform Act of 1832, which began the process of electoral reform. But as well as reforming British politics he also reformed tea. He asked Richard Twining to make him an aromatic tea based on a tea given to him as a gift by a Chinese Mandarin. Twinings developed a tea flavoured with oil of bergamot and it later became know as Earl Grey tea. Earl Grey is a classic, delicately perfumed tea that is best drunk without milk and sugar. If you drink Earl Grey instead of your usual cuppa you'll save yourself a few calories over the course of the day. If you have the Earl Grey instead of cappuccino you could easily save yourself a few hundred calories! Cappuccino is one of the sources of hidden calories and, delicious though it is, can easily add unneeded calories to you diet. And by making these small consistent changes you'll have an easy reduction in your calorie intake. Small consistent steps are the best ways to weight loss and taking the milk out of your tea or the cream out of your coffee is an easy way of doing this. Think of it - 100 calories a day less is 10 pounds of fat per year less. And all you have to do is drink tea! If Earl Grey doesn't appeal (I know it's not everyone's cup of tea) try a herb tea or fruit tea. You can find these in the speciality tea section of the supermarket. You have these teas without milk or creamer so you save yourself those calories. Just make sure it's a tea without added sugars or sweeteners. You can make the teas quite dilute so that they'll help keep you hydrated in the summer. Lime tea is also a favourite of mine. By this I mean the tea from the flowers of the linden tree, sometimes sold as Tilia, not the citrus fruit lime. You can even get mixed packs of these herb teas so you can find your favourite. And step-by-step you can make a change to help your figure and your health. * He was the 42nd president of the United States of America - for non-Americans, that's Bill Clinton! Weight Management Is a Mental Game - Are You Prepared to Win? Many people think of weight management or weight loss as purely a physical process. If they can eat fewer calories than their body needs to burn for energy each day, they can lose weight on any weight loss program. While this is the basic philosophy behind losing weight, there is a mental component that must also be acknowledged. When a professional football player is having a rough time on the field, they are told to get their head back in the game. Coaches will often set strict guidelines on what their professional players can and cannot do the day or sometimes week leading up to an important game. These players have to get adequate amounts of sleep, avoid fighting or other drama with loved ones, and watch their diet so they are extremely healthy and well focused on game day. Coaches do this because they know that the game is largely mental, even though play is carried out physically with the body. The same thing goes when you are trying to follow a weight loss program or go through a weight management process. If your head is not in the game, then you are going to fail. What does it mean to have your head in the game with weight loss? It simply means you acknowledge that there is a mental process that must be mastered in order to lose weight and keep it off forever. Here are some tips that will help you keep your head in the weight loss game: * See everything stopping you from doing a workout or making the best eating decision as an excuse. If your excuse is that you don't have time for a run, take a quick walk around the block. Do not let yourself off the hook unless it is a life or death situation you cannot avoid. You will start to see through your own excuses. * Find quotes that inspire you to lose weight or pictures of yourself that are unflattering, and hang them up around your home or office. Place them where you will see them daily. This is your reminder of why you are trying to follow a weight loss program. * Make a list of all the reasons you want to lose weight. You will start off with shallow reasons such as wanting to look hot for bathing suit season. Keep listing until you start to get into the deeper reasons, such as wanting to live longer so you can be here for your children. Circle the top five reasons and post them somewhere you will see them frequently. * Give yourself small rewards that are not related to food. These rewards can be for every 10% of your body weight lost, every 10 pounds, or at other increments that work for you. When you are not motivated by anything else, keep your eye on the prize. You have to know why you are trying to lose weight if you want to stick to your weight loss program long term and come out successful. Just wanting to look better is not enough. You have to want something deeper, something that means more to you. That is the mental component to weight management! What are the Alternatives to Xenical Weight Loss Pills? In an age of medical break-through, can modern medicine play a role in the battle against today's obesity epidemic? Xenical has traditionally been a prescription only capsule prescribed to obese patients, and recently, the FDA gave the thumbs up to an over the counter version - Alli. Both products contain the active ingredient Orlistat, a lipase inhibitor that helps prevent fat being absorbed into the body. Is Xenical safe? When taken at meal times, Orlistat reduces the amount of fat that is broken down in the stomach and absorbed into the body by about 30%. Instead, fats are expelled naturally in faces, thus helping towards weight loss. Xenical sounds ideal for those of us who struggle to keep to a healthy diet. However, the active ingredient, Orlistat, is usually only prescribed to obese people with a body mass index in excess of 30kg/m². So if you are not dangerously overweight, Xenical/Alli may not be the right option for you. In either instance, you should always consult your doctor. There are also some worrying side effects: What are the Xenical's and Alli's side effects? Brace yourself. Some rather unpleasant side effects have been reported from use of Orlistat products. Users have reported uncontrollable anal discharges, so taking this drug could well result in embarrassing situations. Other possible effects are oily stools, loss of bowel control, diarrhea rectal pain, liver inflammation and fatigue. So Orlistat based products may not be the shining ray of light overweight people have been hoping for. Are there any safe, effective alternatives? There are hundreds of weight loss products on the market, but few have been clinically proven to be effective. There are products on the market that are proven to have very similar benefits to Orlistat in reducing fat in take, but with out the nasty side effects. Proactol™ is a relatively new weight management product that also reduces fat from the food we eat by around 30%, butin a different way. Proactol™ - Safe, Clinically Proven Fat Binder Proactol™ is based on a patented fiber complex, that rather than just preventing fat from being broken down, pulling in fat molecules and binding them into a viscous solution in the stomach. So fat is prevented from entering the body without the embarrassing side effects of Xenical and Alli. Initial user feedback of Proactol™ is extremely positive, and as well as reducing fat intake. Proactol has the following associated benefits: • Helps to suppress appetite • Helps to reduce cholesterol levels • Decreases food cravings With hundreds of "miracle pills" on the market, Proactol™ is one of the few that lives up to its claims of effectiveness. In several pre-clinical trials it has proven to be a highly effective alternative to Orlistat based products. As with most weight loss supplements, Proactol™'s best results come when used in combination with a healthy diet and active lifestyle. What are the risks in any weight loss program Risks of Organized Weight Loss Programs It is necessary for you to explore the risks of weight loss program and then carefully weigh the risks against the benefits. Ask questions to uncover all of the risks so you can make an informed decision. 1. Does the weight loss program carry risks related to the eating plan and/or the fitness plan? 2. If there are nutritional supplements or drugs included with the weight loss program, do they carry any risks? 3. Is there a medical practitioner on staff and is it essential that people who participate in this program talk with this person before they start the plan, as well as throughout the plan? Does a medical practitioner remain an active part of the program? 4. Will the doctor on staff (is there one) work with a participant's medical doctor if that person has a medical problem and/or is taking prescription medication? Costs Associated with the Weight Loss Program How much a program is going to cost plays a significant role in the choice of a weight loss plan. Take the time to evaluate each program for its own merit and then do a cost analysis. What can you realistically afford to pay? 1. What is the cost of the weight loss program including tax? 2. Are there costs that occur more than once throughout the program? Examples of this could be the cost of special foods and nutritional supplements, attendance fees and so on. 3. Once the program has been completed are there fees for doing a follow-up? 4. If you must leave the program without finishing it, can you get a percentage of your money back? Do you have preferred status if you enroll again or do you start from scratch and pay the same rate as a new member? 5. If medical tests are an essential component of the program, is the price included in the total or is it extra? The End Result of the Weight Loss Program Once you have come to the end of the program, hopefully you will have succeeded in shedding the 10, 20, 30 (or more) pounds that you started the program to lose. It is important from the start to find out the types of results that are typical, based on past participants. This can act as a gauge for what you can expect. 1. On average how much weight can a participant expect to lose on this program? What do the majority of people lose? What is the least a person has lost on the program? What is the most? 2. -Do most participants keep all of the weight off that they have lost or not? What percentage of people repeats the program? 3. Can the staff who works on the program provide references for those contemplating the program? What Are The Symptons of Bipolar Disorder? Mood swings are an every day occurance for many of us but when these mood swings become more extreme then it is possible that it could be down to more than just your mood. One possible answer to severe and intense mood swings could be bipolar disorder, a form of manic depression, where the sufferer can display behaviours ranging from deep depression to extreme elation or 'highs' on a frequent basis. The Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder It is important to distinguish between the main three elements of bipolar disorder which are: depressive symptoms, manic symptoms, and mood cycles. Depressive Symptoms As with many health issues, there are many symptoms to depression, and a person does not have to suffer from all of them to be depressed. Generally a depressed person will be quite miserable and pessimistic as well as: - Variation of mood during the day. It's often worse in the morning, improving as the day goes on -but the pattern can be the other way around. - Disturbed sleep, usually waking early and being unable to get back to sleep - A general slowing down of thought, speech and movement - Feelings of anxiety - Tearfulness for no reason - Short temper - Lack of energy and constant exhaustion - Inability to enjoy things - Lack of concentration - Difficulty making decisions - Feeling that you're forgetful - Negative thoughts about the future - Feelings of guilt - Loss of identity - Blaming self and low self-esteem - Feelings of hopelessness and despair - Unrealistic sense of failure - Loneliness, even when around others - Becoming preoccupied with illness - Loss of appetite and resulting loss of weight - Reduced desire for sex Symptoms of Mania The symptoms of mania can include: - elation - short temper - changing from short temper to elation and back again very quickly - overactivity - being easily distracted - not sleeping - overeating - increase in sexual desire - moving very quickly from topic to topic in conversation, making it very difficult for others to keep up - speaking so quickly that it's difficult to understand all the words being said - having very grandiose ideas Then there's the cycle in which these sets of symptoms can occur. This can come in several varieties: Mixed: it's entirely possible for a person to have many of the symptoms of mania and yet also suffer from severely depressive thoughts. This is especially the case if the person experiencing mania has insight into what's happening to them. Although the symptoms of mania can sound quite pleasant, for the person experiencing them it can feel as if their life is dangerously out of control. Cycles: symptoms of mania can be followed by symptoms of depression in an almost regular pattern. These swings in mood can occur over a period of anything from days to months. Less commonly, some people may experience only depression or mania, but within a regular recurring pattern. How Common is Bipolar Disorder? Bipolar disorder effect between 1-2% of the UK population. If you have a relative with bipolar disorder then you have a higher chance of having it compared to someone who doesn't. What Are The Three Benefits Of Aerobic Activity This is the reason it is much better to follow a good diet plan and also incorporate some exercise in your routine. One of the best exercises that one can do for fast and effective weight loss is through Aerobics. There are three benefits of Aerobic activity that will surely reduce weight and make you a fan of this form of exercise. You can lose some effectively and also get back in a toned and healthier physique. Aerobics gives you great breathing exercise as well and that increases your overall health. Adding to that is the fact that Aerobic exercises are a lot of fun! The first benefit of Aerobic activity is that your body generates more energy and this in turn provides extra amounts of oxygen to your muscles. The Aerobic word itself means related to oxygen. This is includes the breathing parts of the body like lungs, blood vessels and muscles. This increased intake of oxygen also enhances the blood flow and your body is left feeling more energized and healthy. When you progressively incorporate Aerobics in your daily routine it gives you more energy each day and every time your body's ability to intake more fresh oxygen also increases, giving you that added benefit of better breathing. The second major benefit of Aerobic activity is that it enhances the condition of your heart and makes it healthier and strengthens the heart muscle. This makes your mood better and reduces overall health of your body. Aerobic exercises also aid fast weight loss and they build your stamina so you can enjoy living a more toned body and a great outlook on life. They even lower your blood sugar levels so you can maintain that healthy weight that makes you look so good. Even if your work or general lifestyle is adding stress to your life, you can use Aerobics as a great stress reliever that boosts your mood. The third most effective benefit of Aerobic activity is that it is so much fun! Unlike some other forms of exercise that can end up being boring and not fun at all, like treadmills and bicycles, Aerobics and the more recent dance Aerobics are the most lively way to lose weight fast! You can do them on any music that drives you once you get the hang of it, and since it incorporates your favorite music you will end up feeling revitalized after an Aerobics session. Aerobics is also known to increase stamina over time and the more you do it the stronger your muscles and overall physique are going to be. In this day and age where obesity is becoming a problem, it has become even more important to indulge in good physical activity. This can ensure that you live a happier, longer and safer life for your family and kids and most of all, for yourself. Incorporating Aerobics workouts can give your life and mood the boost that you require to motivate you in all endeavors of life. Whatever Happened To Proper Exercise And Healthy Eating? A recent survey showed that many people believe they are living a healthy lifestyle even though two thirds of us are overweight and one third of those obese. Most people surveyed believed it was a lack of exercise that contributed mostly to their weight problems rather than diet. They also thought that weight loss surgery was the best remedy for losing weight followed by prescription drugs. What has happened to good old fashioned exercise and healthy eating? Maybe it is because those first options seem like a quick fix and ones that require absolutely no effort or 'work' on their part at all. Is this how we want to live our lives? Have we made them so 'easy' and 'comfortable' that everything must be obtainable without effort, without sacrifice, and without any commitment what-so-ever? We need to give some thought to how this attitude affects other areas of our lives as well. What about our careers, jobs, family, relationships as well as the most precious asset we own - our health? Surely we all know that nothing really comes easy in life - especially not things that are important to us, things that make our lives a higher quality. All the prescription drugs, doctors or surgery in the world is never going to give us truly strong, lean and healthy body that is disease resistant. There are no short cuts, no quick fixes, and no easy instant cures for our unhealthiness. We can avoid and deny our bodies what they need to keep healthy like proper exercise and proper nutrition but in the end it will lead to a lower quality of life and more than likely a shortened life. The human body left to weaken with a no proper exercise and be undernourished with poor quality nutrition such as a diet of processed foods is in a downward spiral of accelerated aging, degeneration and disease susceptibility that no drugs or surgery can ever slow down and certainly never stop. Why would we want this sort of lifestyle for ourselves and the lesser quality of life and health it is giving us, and more importantly why would we want to pass the same tragic mess on to our children and future generations? The two most important things we need to stay healthy are not that hard to implement. Just a couple of sessions each week of proper strength training exercise to keep our body strong supported by as much unprocessed natural food as possible. This means it does not come in a pretty box or a packet with a food label. It is whole and in one piece like a piece of beef, a tomato, fish from the ocean, a sweet potato, a bunch of spinach or free range poultry or eggs and you cook or prepare it from scratch. Yes it might mean a little more work and a little more effort but, you do more you get more, more strength, more energy, more health and more longevity as opposed to less strength, less energy, less health, and less longevity. You choose. If you make the right choice you will be embarking on a mission of increased health and wellness. But remember that you are investing in something very precious and worth every extra second you invest in it - a higher quality of your own life both in the short term and most certainly in the long term. What Is Evening Primrose And How Does It Improve PMS? Evening primrose oil was used by Native Americans in North America for healing. This herb was used by the Iroquois, Cherokee, and Ojibwe tribes for various conditions including hemorrhoids, weight loss, and bruises. European settlers learned from the natives and applied a poultice of the fresh herb to wounds. They also used a tea of the root and leaf for an upset stomach. Evening primrose is responsible for stimulating the liver, spleen, and digestive system. It reduces alimentary toxins that result from an inadequate diet and negatively affect the central nervous system. This herb is responsible for slowing down the speed at which cholesterol is made in the body. It has also been found effective in lowering cholesterol levels, inhibiting the formation of clots, and lowering blood pressure in individuals who have mild to moderate hypertension. Evening primrose also works to open blood vessels and relieve pain from angina. Evening primrose oil prevents inflammation and can help control arthritis pain. It has been sued in Europe to treat multiple sclerosis. Research in Britain has determined that evening primrose oil may help in treating PMS, mastalgia, multiple sclerosis, atopic eczema, some diabetes conditions, and cardiovascular disease. Many women who suffer from PMS have lower levels of GLA, which is gama-linolenic acid. Evening primrose oil may help this by adding GLA to the body, offering relief to mood swings, headaches, sore breasts, and other symptoms of PMS. Evening primrose oil has been approved for internal and external use for the treatment of eczema. A double-blind study involving the use of evening primrose oil in treating eczema found beneficial results. Some research even suggests the use of the oil for treatment of multiple sclerosis, as it may aid in stabilizing the conditions, lowing progression, and offering relief. Other research suggests that it may also be beneficial for diabetics and individuals who are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Evening primrose oil is extracted from the seeds of the evening primrose. The oil is usually put into capsules for use. Evening primrose oil happens to be well tolerated by most people. Mild side effects resulting from this herb include gastrointestinal upset and headache. You should be sure to tell your health care provider about any complementary and alternative practices that you use. It is important to give them a full picture of what you do to manage your health. This ensures both coordinated and safe health care. The bark, leaves, and oil of the evening primrose plant are used to provide astringent and sedative properties. The primary nutrients provided by this herb are GLA, magnesium, and potassium. Primarily, evening primrose is extremely helpful in treating high blood pressure, nervous problems, obesity, prostate problems, rheumatoid arthritis, and skin disorders. Additionally, this herb is very beneficial in dealing with alcoholism, allergies, cancer, colds, uterine cramps, depression, gastric disorders, glaucoma, headaches, hyperactivity in children, intestinal problems, migraines, obesity, skin irritations, and ulcers. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by evening primrose, please contact a representative from your local health food store. What Makes A Criminal: Nature Or Nurture? For many years, psychologists have debated on just how big a factor mental health is in the criminal mind. After all, some of the world's master criminals aren't clinically insane and have little in terms of mental disorders. Certainly, there is an abundance of mental health problems in criminals whose crimes are subjected to sensationalism by the media, but there are others. There are criminals out there that are not insane and can easily pass even the most scrutinizing examinations without even the slightest indication of any known or documented mental health disorder. Also, insanity does not automatically make one a criminal and sanity does not automatically make one an innocent bystander. So, with that in mind, what exactly is the relationship between psychology and crime? The first concern in unraveling this link is whether or not there is such a thing as a “born criminal.” Is there a combination of genetics and hereditary mental health problems that automatically labels a person as a criminal for life? The number of people who believe in this is starting to decrease rapidly, particularly in the light of recent arguments. Even in families with a long history of mental illness, criminal behavior is not a common trait of the offspring. Hereditary mental health disorders may manifest, but they do not automatically become triggers for criminal behavior. In the cases where they do, it is found that the environment they grew up in also played a large role in the transition. However, like any other aspect or facet of the complex human psyche, it would be a mistake to assume environment alone plays a major role. There is no arguing that the nature of one's environment and influences growing up play a role in this argument. However, there is still debate over whether it is a larger factor than psychology. There is an old study into a New York family known as the Jukes (a false name) that chronicles observations into what drove such a large extended family to criminal behavior. The study systematically removed family members that were not exposed to the primary branch of the family. Certain other factors were also used to remove even more members. Finally, when the core of the family had been determined, the study was conducted and returned interesting results. Of the remaining 709 members, a startling 180 of them had grown up as criminals in some way, shape, or form. Further study into the details show that the 180 were in constant contact with family members who were known criminals, though not necessarily close blood relations. There is little arguing against the adage that criminals are made, not born. However, the debate still rages as to how exactly criminals are made. Studies have been conducted to prove a relationship between genetics and crime, but there is no substantial proof that a “criminal gene” exists. A connection between mental illness and criminal behavior has also been suggested, but the fact that not everyone who's crazy is a criminal makes the hypothesis suspect. For the time being, the debate will continue, with no clear answer in sight. Ultimately, all of the aforementioned factors could play an integral role in turning a person into a criminal. What Makes Cho Yung Tea The Best Green Tea? Cho Yung Tea is an excellent option to think about if sticking to a punishing diet and exercise regimen has become a bit of a tall order. Cho Yung Tea is a unique concoction of Green tea that supports weight loss labours. The tea can not function as a substitute for diet and exercise, although it can be truly beneficial when you are feeling tired and therefore do not complete sufficient amounts of exercise. This is particularly the case on very hectic days when your schedule forces unhealthy food options upon you, there are benefits to be enjoyed from Cho Yung Tea. Because of its powerful, thermogenic properties, tests have shown that Green tea furthers weight loss by boosting metabolism through increased body heat which, in turn, melts away fat and burns calories. Many Green tea products not only swear to provide quick and easy weight loss but also speak of a cheaper cost, but they are not as efficient as Cho Yung Tea because of the inferior and ineffective leaves they are made up of. Cho Yung Tea is a totally organic and natural product comprising of unique blends of Sencha, Puerh and Oolong teas, each possessing their own special distinguishing features. Sencha includes Catechins that have anti-bacterial properties able to defeat free radicals, eliminate stress and forestall clot formation, so reducing the dangers of heart disease. Oolong tea contains strong antioxidants also proficient in battling free radicals, lowering cholesterol and burning fat build-up. Puerh lowers cholesterol distinctly, helps in the digestive process and prevents the development of cancer cells. Regular Green tea is not as effective a calorie burner as Cho Yung Tea, which burns 2.5 more calories per cup. This fabulous tea not only has been demonstrated to reduce the fattening effects of carbohydrates, it also helps to overturn signs of premature aging and works to restore calm to body and soul. Drinking two cups of Cho Yung Tea every, research has shown, that it will lower your risk of infection by boosting your immune system, with the added advantage of Oolong's ability to prevent cavities and plaque buildup by strengthening tooth enamel. Imbebing two cups of Cho Yung Tea everyday will bring in the full potential of these unbelievable benefits. The tea oils are fully extracted, thanks to the large, nylon, pyramid-shaped teabags, ensuring the proper strain of its unique taste. Likewise, antioxidants and minerals are completely concentrated because the tea bags are exclusively designed for reuse. When you use each of the 30 tea bags contained in a box of Cho Yung Tea twice, you will undoubtedly get your money's worth while enjoying quick and efficient weight loss. For a delicious tea that guarantees and delivers a great weight loss result, despite the fact that there is never any strictly easy path to taking the weight off and keeping it off, Cho Yung Tea should be your first choice. What's Behind Chiro 8000 Complaints? Medical professionals ranging from hospital administrators to chiropractors with small practices are voicing concerns about many of the guidelines for implementation of EMR (Electronic Medical Records) software programs. These complaints vary from lack of technical support to outright inefficiency with respect to billing and patient management. Common among the industry working to created, perfect and install EMR programs is the position that many professionals are just not capable of applying the time needed for training and proper utilization of the software to make it work for them the way it should. If you have not been paying attention to the new incentives offered by the Obama Administration, here's a snapshot of what's on the table. The federal government is asking that all permanent medical records move from paper to an electronic version, where they can be stored, managed and processed. This is nothing new: many small businesses cutting across a wide swath of industries have been using electronic records software programs for years for their customers' information and sales history. Why not do the same for the medical industry? Think about it: how many times have you gone into a doctor's office for an appointment and told your file was "missing" or they didn't have the lasted information on your prescriptions or treatment for some reason? What having an EMR system in place would do for medical professionals is provide a permanent medical record for each patient that will contain your history, all your physical exam results, x-ray and laboratory tests, doctor's orders, treatment plans, and valuable data that cannot be lost or destroyed. Unfortunately, making the transition from paper to an electronic system takes money, time and lots of hard work. Many health care professionals have purchased EHR (electronic health records software) or EMR software packages from any one of the many providers and vendors out there and attempted to appoint a staff person or two to implement the programs, update all the information and keep the system up and running at peak level. This, say experts who are designing and selling the EMR and EHR programs, is making things difficult for the vendors and those companies who have successfully implemented the changes by filing complaints about lack of service and functionality. Managing these new EMR systems is not a piece of cake. The process requires a designated administrator, medical record technician, medical transcriptionist, and medical record coder and other professionals who have been assigned to obtain the training required to handle the new technology on a day-to-day basis, with minimal hiccups. Medical professionals are anxiously trying to implement EMR successfully while racing to comply with deadlines to receive financial incentives for making the conversion. This race against time is making many in the medical industry anxious and, in some cases, quick to utilize the fastest and often cheapest form of training, implementation and management possible. But EMR and or EHR technology training and management should not be taken lightly. All of this aside, every medical professional out there has a right to expect their EMR vendor to be both accountable and responsive to issues of concern, even if they do lead back to a lack of proper training. Any solid vendor will be able to offer you and your staff the training necessary for a successful transition to electronic medical storage systems, you just have to remember that this training is not going to be free and most likely will take more than a few days to complete. Streamlining your medical practice is the ultimate goal behind the transition from paper to electronic records management systems. Making the move to a fully integrated EMR system is going to require money, time and a dedication to providing the resources (people) necessary for building a team of on-staff professionals who can handle the backend operation while you focus on your patients. What To Do After Weight Loss Surgery Weight loss surgery must be undertaken with the clarity that you will have to make certain key lifestyle changes after the event to avoid complications. Your doctor will provide you with a prescription of medicines, rest, food and precautionary measures to take after weight loss surgery. Be cautious since the reduced capacity of the stomach demands simple diet and a mind set that disciplines you to forego old eating and life habits. Food Care Keep a list of the food items you were partial to before the procedure. Your body must be provided with correct nutrition in the face of this reduction and it is imperative that you do not feel discomfort after eating. If your preferences are not healthy in a state of reduced capacity, you should avoid them altogether. Weight loss surgery brings with it an impaired absorption of excess sugar and fat. Excess consumption of these will force it to travel directly to the duodenum and leave you feeling dizzy. Any food or liquid consumption should be carefully chosen and done at an unhurried pace. The body will assimilate the input and send a message of fullness to the brain. In case this is a slow process in your case, eat in very small quantities and wait for half an hour to understand whether your body is full or not. Exercise care If you are in otherwise good physical health, your doctor will recommend that you start walking immediately after the procedure. You will be expected to graduate to abdominal exercise and weight bearing exercise after a few weeks. If you are prone to high blood pressure, the doctor will monitor your pressure and medication before recommending exercise. Any exercise that leads to a feeling of giddiness or discomfort after weight loss surgery necessitates an appointment with a physician to ascertain that your vital signs are in order. Check how your body is feeling just after you exercise and how fast it takes to recover. You must avoid over exercise. Mind care Be prepared for lifestyle changes after the weight loss surgery and feel positive about them. The physical reactions may seem a little strong but will lead you to a leaner and healthy physique and you will be able to freely engage in more activity. Do not allow thoughts of despair about avoiding your favourite foods to enter your mind, instead revel in the new found health and fitness that your body is experiencing. Train your mind to think of activities and hobbies that take you away from food. You might face a situation of hair loss, this happens due to the reduced food intake and requires you to ensure a steady consumption of proteins and liquid. Family support The family must understand the procedure and the likely behaviour changes that they are likely to see. You are adjusting to a new set of habits and family members must be able to provide you emotional support and strength to help you cope on the days you feel low. Weight loss surgery necessitates family and friend group support that helps you to come out of the occasional lows you may feel and understand symptoms that you are likely to display. What To Expect After Having Gastric Bypass Surgery Knowing what will happen in the weeks after your gastric bypass surgery is one of the most important ways to insure your success. Many people think they'll have the surgery and the weight will magically disappear with no effort on their part; this attitude is a sure way to be disappointed! After your Surgery After your surgery and release from the recovery room you will get out of bed and walk a bit. Every day of your hospital stay, you'll walk a little further and more often. This is standard procedure with any surgical patient and prevents a number of complications that can come from staying in bed. You may find some weakness in your knees when you climb stairs but don't be alarmed. Your body at this point isn't getting as much protein as it used to and your muscles are acting accordingly. As your food intake improves, this will go away. Getting Used to Food Again In about three days you'll be able to go home, but will be reminded not to lift anything over 20 pounds for the first six weeks if you've had an open procedure. You'll have to be sure to follow your nutritionist's instructions because you won't be eating like you used to. In fact, you'll be on a liquid diet for the first week consisting of diluted juice, broth and sugar-free gelatin. This is to allow your "new" stomach to adjust itself to digestion. Be sure to take your acid reducer, probably Tagamet, every day to protect your stomach from acids. After a month you'll be able to quit taking it. After the first week, you'll be able to eat pureed foods and after that, soft foods. Finally, when your stomach has adjusted to its new size and gotten the hang of digesting, you'll be eating normal foods. By now you'll have noticed significant weight loss! Be sure to keep choosing low fat and low sugar foods. It's particularly important to learn how to chew carefully and completely, not only for the sake of your digestion but to take the time to enjoy your food. You'll be eating five small meals a day and eventually exercising up to an hour each day. Follow-up Care You'll see your doctor about ten days after discharge to have your skin staples removed and to get a prescription for an iron and B12 supplement, which you'll need the rest of your life. In another four weeks you'll return for a check up and get a prescription for Actigall. This medication prevents gallstones from forming due to the rapid weight loss you'll be experiencing. You'll have another appointment four weeks later, then four months later and finally your one year checkup arrives! Your checkups will be yearly from then on, for routine blood work and to refill the prescription for your supplements. And now you're on your way to a new, comfortable and active life! It's not an easy out; you'll have to work hard to break bad habits and replace them with good ones but it's a change that's well worth it. Make an Informed Decision! Bariatric surgery is not to be taken lightly, however. Do some research and talk to people who have had the procedure done to be sure that it's right for you. Find out about all four different types of surgery and talk to your primary care physician before you make your decision. If you do decide to have the surgery your physician can probably refer you to several good surgeons that you can interview before choosing who you want to do your surgery. What You Need To Know - Antidepressants And Herbs In The Treatment Of Depression People Use The Word Depression Loosely To Mean A Number Of Different Moods. I prefer to use the term "clinical depression" to distinguish the type of depression that may improve with medication. Clinical depression is more than the "blues" or sadness. It is not something a person can "just get over" or talk themselves out of. Clinical depression is at least partially based on brain biochemical imbalance (we are still in early stages of understanding this) and often runs in families. Stress and psychological factors also play an important role, although we do not fully understand the causes and factors that result in clinical depression. Common Symptoms Of Depression Include: · sad or irritable mood · loss of interest / energy · poor or excessive sleep and appetite · difficulty with concentration and memory · physical complaints Types Of Depression: There are four types of depression listed in the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM 4 TR). The intent of this manual is to help those in the mental health field make accurate diagnoses. One of its goals is to make the diagnosis more consistent between providers. Unfortunately it is often used haphazardly. 1. Adjustment Disorder With Depressed Mood: A reaction to a stressor. (Loss of a loved one, job, physical illness, move etc.) This type of disturbed mood is usually mild and self-limiting. When symptoms last longer than 6 months another type of depression should be considered. Counseling, therapy and support may be sufficient treatment. Medication is not usually necessary. 2. Dysthymia: A chronic low-level depression. It can be very debilitating and may be a part of the personality. It also can be difficult to treat with medication; therapy is recommended. 3. Major depression: A severe form of depression with multiple symptoms as described above. Medication is necessary and usually very effective. Therapy may be helpful after acute symptoms have abated. Suicide potential must be monitored. This can be severe enough to cause psychotic (loss of reality) symptoms, such as delusions and hallucinations. 4. Bi-Polar 1 Disorder: A cycle of depression and elevation of mood (hypomania or mania). This can be very severe, with psychotic symptoms. Antidepressants may be avoided due to risk of switching the mood to mania. This condition needs expert psychiatric treatment usually with mood stabilizing medication. (By the way there is a significant amount of confusion and disagreement about this diagnosis especially between Bipolar 1 and Bipolar 2 disorders. Bipolar 2 disorder is less severe and medication is often not necessary.) Differential Diagnosis (problems that may be confused with depression) · hypothyroidism (low thyroid) · grief · substance abuse · chronic pain · anxiety · side effects of medication Target Symptoms Of Depression: Identifying and describing specific target symptoms is crucial if treatment is to be monitored and its' effectiveness evaluated. It is easy to forget how severe symptoms were when depression is resolved. The more specific the target symptoms are, the better to keep track of changes. Some examples of target symptoms are listed below. · sleep disturbance (difficulty falling or staying asleep, awakening often during the night, early morning awakening, oversleeping) · concentration / memory problems · low energy level · irritability · physical symptoms · change in appetite (decreased or increased) · lack of motivation / interest · mood changes (sadness, anger hopelessness) Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (Ssris) The Most Commonly Used Antidepressants. SSRIs have been on the market for over 20 yrs. They increase levels of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is a substance that allows chemical activity in the brain (neurotransmitter). Serotonin is known to play a role in depression and anxiety. SSRIs are used for treatment of depression, anxiety, Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and occasionally other illnesses. (Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, pain). SSRIs have much fewer side effects than the older antidepressants (tricyclics such as Elavil); they are not as lethal in overdose, and work well for most people. They are much more expensive then tricyclics. All SSRI's are effective although side effects may differ somewhat. Because individuals are different, some may react more positively to one particular medication then to another. Choosing between the SSRI'S is usually dependent on the side effect profile (see below), and the prescriber's and patient's preference and experience. They are usually the first choice in depression and often the first choice in anxiety disorders. With anxious patients it is helpful to start low and increase the dose slowly in order to minimize the side effect of activation. Anxious patients can be very sensitive to this side effect. Higher doses of medications are often needed in Obsessive Compulsive disorder and Panic disorder. 1. Prozac TM (fluoxetine) This may be more activating initially. It has a long half-life and therefore stays in the system longer. Once a day dosing is usual; recently Prozac introduced a once a week dose. 2. Paxil TM (paroxetine) May be more calming initially, weight gain can be a problem. Once a day dosing is the norm. 3. Zoloft TM (sertaline) May have fewer interactions with other medications. Weight gain may be a problem. May cause more stomach upset and diarrhea. Once a day dosing is the norm. 4. Luvox TM (fluvoxamine) Sometimes used for OCD, multiple dosing. Not used frequently in US. Needs higher doses that may cause drowsiness. 5. Celexa TM (citalopram) Said to be "more" selective for a particular type of serotonin and therefore thought to have less side effects and interactions. May have less weight gain. Once a day dosing is the norm. 6. Lexapro TM (escitalopram) Similar to Celexa some feel it was manufactured because the patent on Celexa was running out. Said to work quicker then the other SSRIs. Side Effects - SSRI's Most SSRI's have similar side effects. Some patients do better on one than on another. This cannot be determined before a trial of the medication is given. · Nausea is a common problem. Taking the medication with food helps and this side effect. It usually passes in time. · Headache is usually mild and goes away with time (about one week) if it continues it may be necessary to change medication. · Activation or sedation: patient can feel either activated (hyper, jittery) or sedated. Patients with anxiety / panic are more likely to feel activated. To avoid this start with a low dose and increase as tolerated. Sedation will often disappear with time but occasionally a change in medication is necessary. · Sexual dysfunction can be a significant problem with some antidepressants. Use may result in decreased sexual interest or ability. Most common treatments for sexual dysfunction include: drug holidays (holding the drug for one or two days once the patient is stable, (cannot be done with Prozac due to staying in the body longer), changing medication, or using an additional medication. (Some such drugs include: Periactin, Amantadine, Yohimbine, Ginkgo others. All have only limited success.) Talk to your prescriber if this is an issue for you. · Weight Gain can be a problem that is often not taken seriously enough. Weight gain may start after you have been on the medication for a while. It may be necessary to change to a different antidepressant. · Agitation / Aggression/ There has been some anecdotal reports about patients becoming more aggressive on SSRIs. The research does not support this. However, that concern should be taken seriously, and attempts made to avoid a drug the patient is concerned about. The same is true about the reports of increased suicide. Other Antidepressants These drugs are thought to affect a number of neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine, nor-epinephrine being the major ones.) 1. Wellbutrin TM (buproprion) This should not be used in patients with a history of seizures. Said to cause less sexual dysfunction and weight gain. Now has a sustained release formula but still is usually given twice a day. This is the same drug as Zyban, which is used for smoking cessation. Obviously, they should not be used together. 2. Trazodone This is not a very effective antidepressant; it is however very helpful for sleep and may be used in low doses for anxiety. It should be used in caution with men due to possible priaprism (This is an involuntary erection that in the worst case may not go away). 3. Effexor XR TM (venlafaxine HCI) Is thought to have fewer interactions. Less weight gain and sexual dysfunction 4. Remeron TM (mirtazapine) Is said to have less sexual dysfunction and fewer interactions. Weight gain can be a problem. Used at lower doses (15 mg) this is a good sleep aid, but is not powerful enough to be an antidepressant. At higher doses no longer specifically helpful with sleep. 5. Tricyclics This is an older class of antidepressants that are no longer the first choice. They can have severe side effects including sedation, weight gain, effects on the heart, and drug interactions. These drugs are used in anxiety, depression and some pain syndromes. They are much less expensive than SSRI's. These drugs are lethal in overdose! ( IE.: amitriptyline, nortriptyline, desipramine) 6. MAOI'S (monoamine oxidase inhibitor) These are another older class of antidepressants with many dietary restrictions and interactions. Not currently used very often. (I.e.: Nardil TM, Parnate TM) Herbs & Supplements For Depression How herbs and supplements work is not fully understood, but they have been used for thousands of years. They can be potent and should be used with care. They should not be mixed with other medications for anxiety or depression. You should let your health care provider know if you are considering taking supplements. Research on supplements has been conducted in other countries for many years. In the US research has been slow due to the fact that pharmaceutical companies (who sponsor most research) don't see them as a moneymaker. This is changing however, and there is some research underway. Pharmaceutical companies are now starting to manufacture prescriptions forms of some supplements. Some of the outcomes of herbal research have been contradictory, and more studies are needed. There are a number of supplements advertised for use in depression and anxiety, the following are the most well studied and most commonly used. · Omega 3 Fatty Acids (Fish Oil) Some of the research on fish oil is truly remarkable. It indicates that it may be just as effective as antidepressants in treating depression. The research was done using 4000mg a day of fish oil. · SAM-e S-Adenosylmethionine is a compound found in all living tissue, and is concentrated in the liver and brain. There have been a number of studies that have shown its effectiveness in depression. It is also used in hepatitis and arthritis. There have been no side effects or interactions with other medications found. SAM-e uses B12 and folate in its lowering of homocysteine levels. It is therefore suggested that adequate levels of folate and B12 be assured when taking SAM-e. The dose of SAM-e is between 800 and 1600 mg a day to treat depression. It is expensive, and many pills may need to be taken to obtain a sufficient dose. Research in the US is needed. Studies in other countries have been very favorable. (Benjamin, 2000) · St. John's Wort Used for mild to moderate depression. The mechanism of action is unclear, some think it works like an SSRI or MAOI. The dose most commonly suggested is 300 mg, (standardized to .3% hypercin) three times a day. Side effects are usually mild but may include photosensitivity, emotional vulnerability, itching, and fatigue and weight increase. Alcohol, tyrosine, narcotics, amphetamines, and over the counter cold and flu remedies should probable be avoided to be on the safe side. It interacts with drugs for HIV, and some other medications that are metabolized by the liver (as many other drugs do also). The research on St. John's Wort has been generally favorable (Muskin, 2000) with one recent study questioning its effectiveness. · Ginkgo Biloba Ginkgo is used for resistant depression in elderly, early Alzheimer's disease, impotence, cerebral vascular insufficiency and peripheral circulatory disorders. Ginkgo should be standardized to 6% terpene lactones, 24% ginkgo flavones glycosides. The suggested dose for prevention is 120-160 mg a day in divided doses. Up to 240 mg a day may be used in Alzheimer's or resistant depression. Side effects have not been reported. May be helpful for sexual dysfunction with SSRIs. This will thin your blood and increase blood flow, should be stopped a few days before surgery. There are over 400 published studies with Ginkgo in studies of circulation. (Brown, 1998) Issues With Herbs & Supplements Herbs have been used worldwide for many years. Although they are thought to be "natural", remember, allergic reactions, side effects and interactions with other drugs/herbs/supplements are possible. There is a lack of standards in manufacturing and often it is difficult to know exactly what you are getting or how it has been processed. Name brands you are familiar with should be used. Some Herbs can be dangerous (as can some medications). Read and understand labels, the active ingredient should be "standardized" although this is no guarantee. Herbs may have interactions with other drugs, side effects and possibly dangerous effects on pregnancy. They should be considered seriously, and researched carefully before use. Under dosing is also a common problem, (both with medication and herbs) as is not giving herbs in a sufficient dose or enough time to work. Cost is a factor as herbs can be expensive and are not covered by insurance. Combination herbs should be used with care and only if one is sure of the dosage of all ingredients. Drug / Herb Interactions Drug interactions can be a problem with any medication and some herbs. Herbs should not be mixed with drugs for the same condition. Information is being discovered at a rapid rate about interactions. There is much we have to learn and caution is advised in the use of herbs. Discussion with health care providers who are knowledgeable or at least open to these ideas can helpful. If your health care provider is not willing to consider and be open to learning about herbs perhaps you should consider a change of provider. Some people may be slow metabolizes and need lesser doses. Over the counter drugs should be used with care when taking herbs. Grapefruit Juice has been found to interact with many drugs, and probably herbs. Caffeine may interact with some drugs and herbs. Alcohol should not be mixed with most medications and some herbs. Helpful Hints For Prescribers And Patients When Using Medications / Herbs · A full trial is crucial of medications, and supplements is important and often not done. This means a full dose should be prescribed for a sufficient length of time. · There is some information that indicates frequent starting and stopping antidepressant medications may lead to ineffectiveness. · Monitor target symptoms in order to determine effectiveness. · Change one medication at a time in order to clearly identify the effect of each one. · Consider cost and the patient's insurance · There is less suicide risk by overdose when using SSRI's then tricyclics. · In anxious patients start low; increase slowly (but not too slowly, in order to avoid discouragement due to length of time needed for improvement) · Understand and consider side effects when choosing a medication. This will help to know what to expect, reduce anxiety, and decrease early discontinuation. · The first treatment for depression should be 8-12 months in length, and there is a 50% relapse rate after that. A second treatment regimen should last 18 months and has a 70% relapse rate. After this medication may be needed for life. · Try to avoid unrealistic expectations about medications. · If you medical provider is not willing to talk with you about these issues, perhaps you should seek a new one! · Always tell your health care provider when you are taking supplements of any kind! References: Benjamin, S. (2000). Cam Spotlight SAM-e For Depression and More? Patient Care for the Nurse Practitioner March, 22-26. Blumenthal, M. Goldberg, A. Brinckmann (Eds). (2000) Herbal Medicine, Expanded Commission E Monographs. Newton, MA: Integrative Medicine ommunications. Brown, D. (1998) Phytotherapy, Herbal Medicine meets Clinical Science. Bothell, Washington: Bastyr University, Continuing Professional Education Program Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-IV-TR (Text Revision) (2000) American Psychiatric Association Physicians Desk Reference (2006) Thompson Healthcare. Keegan, L (2001) Healing with Complementary & Alternative Therapies. New York: Delmar. Muskin, P. (2000) Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Psychiatry, Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press. Where Do I Buy Dinitrophenol From? One of the most common problems affecting the health of many millions is their inability to maintain their body weight within the desired parameters. This is due to a large number of factors. Some of us are not biologically programmed to be thin while others are not able to process the fat content in their food effectively. The diet pill is one of the more reliable options for those of us who are interested in controlling their burgeoning body weight. This is achieved by inducing the body to effectively deal with the fat that is ingested as a part of the regular food that we eat during the course of our daily life. Once your weight loss pill starts to help you manage the fat levels in your body, you can be absolutely sure that you are never going to regain the weight that you have lost. There are multiple options available if you decide to begin a fat loss pill intake. Of these, you have to make the right choice as the diet pill that you choose will have a direct bearing on the results that you can expect from the weight loss efforts that you have begun. Dinitrophenol is one of the most effective fat loss pills that has been brought in the market for many years now. There has been a growing acceptance of dnp as a very potent and effective weight loss pill as it acts in conjunction with the metabolic mechanism of the human body to assist in the weight loss efforts. It supplements the efforts of the metabolic system to deliver the best possible results. The metabolic rate is increased in persons who have begun an intake of dinitrophenol and as a result the body becomes adept in burning more fat molecules than ever before. The direct consequence of this is that there is a reduction in the accumulation of fat in the body. It has been reported in the extensive trials of dnp that a regular intake of this fat loss pill is guaranteed to produce results even in chronically obese people. The dinitrophenol pill acts even on the tough layer of fat that exists in the inner thigh, stomach and in the gluteus. What this translates into is an extremely well toned body that could be your asset in maintaining your health as you get along in your years. You can buy dnp online as there are many specialty stores in the Internet that offer these fat loss pills to customers across the globe. When you buy dinitrophenol online, you can be sure of getting an authentic product that you can then use to suit your specific needs. You also can benefit a lot from the extensive usage related information on dinitrophenol that most of the reputed online stores that let you buy dnp have on their websites. All these factors combined with the excellent customer support that you are bound to get from the online vendors should be reason enough for you to buy dnp online for all your weight loss needs. Whey Protein Usage: Weight Loss AND Diesel Muscles The usage of whey protein can help your body in three different areas - losing weight, gaining muscle and muscle repair. I gained nearly fifteen pounds of muscle in 30 days while taking whey protein and you can read my in-depth article on how I use whey protein with muscle gain on my blog. There's also a full article on using it for weight loss but this article sort of combines those two to give you a brief synopsis of both approaches. When someone is on a diet, their blood sugar is much more likely to get low. Because you're probably drastically changing what you usually put in your body, your sugar levels begin to plummet. This is very detrimental to the diet because when someone has low blood sugar, the desire for fatty foods and sweets is increased exponentially. Taking a whey protein supplement at least once a day (if not twice) helps to keep blood sugar levels high as well as providing your body with healthy calories to help sustain you on the diet.?It's always a smart idea to add a bit more nutrition and calories to your whey protein shakes. Throwing a banana in the blender will go a long way towards filling you up and adding about 100 more healthy calories to your day. Many people end up losing muscle while dieting. The first thing your body does when it stops getting its normal diet of foods is to quit making growth hormones and manufacturing nitrogen. If you have a whey protein supplement that is feeding your body calories and at least 13 grams of protein per serving (and if you follow my serving guide, you'll be taking two whey protein shakes a day - the difference in times depends on whether you are using it to lose weight or gain muscle.if you need to know the difference between those two, scroll to the top of the article and read both of my full articles on using whey protein for weight loss and muscle growth) which will telegraph to your body to keep producing nitrogen to make sure that the nutrients you are taking in will travel quickly and effectively to your muscles. On my blog, there is the entire post about how I built (and build) muscle with whey protein and how I put on nearly twenty-five lbs. of lean muscle mass in 60 days with my number one whey protein shake. But real quick, a good whey protein supplement gives your muscles a lot of repair and recovery ingredients in a healthy and efficient manner. You're going to be a lot less sore in your future workouts and as a result, the workouts will be more effective. By tearing your muscle fibers on a consistent basis, you're going to get big in no time and this is all part of the recovery process that is aided by whey protein. Many whey protein powders might taste good but they also have a lot of fat and corn syrups in them which fill your body up with gunk. Who Also Desires Safe and Effective Diet Pills To lose Weight Quickly But Safely? It is possible to obtain safe and effective diet pills that can help you lose weight quickly but safely. Nevertheless if you wish to increase their impact then it'll mean you need to combine taking these kinds of pills with regular physical exercise, a healthy diet and certain other adjustments to lifestyle. So just how can you choose safe and effective diet pills? You'll find some weight loss supplements which are a lot more powerful and effective as compared to others, but you should look at the possible side effects. If you are intending to take any kind of new pill it may be beneficial to see your doctor first. How To pick The Best Weight Loss Supplements It is recommended to opt for weight loss pills that contain all natural and herbal elements as they're safer than compared to the ingredients in commercial prescription drugs. It's also wise to discover exactly how the product which you intend to purchase works. Some weight loss supplements work by blocking our body's absorption of carbs or fats, while some suppress your desire for food. With such a multitude of weight loss supplements available on the market today it can be pretty hard to pick which one will help you in your quest to lose weight. The problem is truly how to find safe and effective diet pills? Points You Should Look At When Discovering the right Weight Loss Supplement - They should be completely safe to use. - They ought to have gone through thorough laboratory testing and been scientifically shown to be effective. - They should only contain natural ingredients and absolutely nothing more. So that you can ensure that what you are purchasing does satisfy the above criteria allow me to share several tips you should consider prior to making any type of purchase: - Check each product and the ingredients contained in them. - Carry out some research regarding the ingredients in order to discover it's effects (allergic reactions etc.) on your body. - Find locations where you are able to purchase the pills. Although you can purchase straight from the company numerous third party vendors also exist. - Once you have discovered likely locations to buy them from verify their contact information to make certain they're legitimate as well as look for previous customers who've done business with the company. Ask them if the product and service are acceptable or not (you can do this on the web through forums or review sites). - Finally find free trial offers. There are plenty of manufacturers which offer free samples. This will help you to determine whether what you are planning to purchase are indeed both safe and effective with out having to waste any money as you can try them for free first (after you have obviously carried out your research first). Whole Food Supplements - Taking Modern Technology and Converting It Into Helping Others Whole foods supplements give consumers the nutritional impact associated with a raw diet without the having to actually eat so many raw ingredients. But a lot of men and women don't recognize how you can decrease the nutritious potential connected with whole foods in to vitamin supplements. That boils down to today's technology. Modern technology allows for suppliers to process natural fruit and veggies speedily yet at reduced temperature ranges so that you can catch the most vital vitamins, minerals, and enzymes feasible. 1 of the most effective technologies in use these days is InstaFresh. It really is the technology behind the industry leading supplement provider, Nuriche. By utilizing the newest technology, Nuriche gives customers the full impact of raw foods in their whole food supplements. For men and women living active lives, it really is easier to take a supplement that to change their diet drastically. The market for these supplements continues to grow. With lives not getting any less difficult, the projections for this market show steady growth for a lot of years to come. A great deal of smart men and women see the opportunities available in this market. In case you desire to take a look at the approach to join this market as a supplier, you should take into account joining Nuriche as an independent company owner. Nuriche distributes its whole food supplements by means of a network of independent distributors. Every independent distributor is a sole proprietor organization. That means that the distributor is responsible for buying the product from Nuriche, marketing it, selling it, and getting it to the consumer. Additionally, each distributor has the alternative of adding distributors to the network connected to their own. This can increase their sales through a modest portion of their distributor sales. This is the basic concept behind network marketing. And many people have joined the expanding network of Nuriche distributors. Nuriche offers its distributors a competitive compensation plan along with the opportunity to gain more compensation with every single distributor that they add. To be able to do this, the company provides a full line of whole food supplements that pretty significantly sell themselves. They also present marketing materials and training to their independent company owner network. This makes it straightforward for men and women to get into the network and to get began making their own income. Additionally, 2% of all sales go towards the Nuriche foundation focused on providing contributions towards education and mentoring. So for every sale you make, a bit of it goes towards helping others. That means that you are able to aid yourself, aid others, and contribute to the world at the time. Why Are Fad Diets So Popular? With obesity anticipated to impact 50% of the population by 2050, the reign of ‘fad diets' and ‘fast weight loss schemes' has become more popular than ever before. From the apple cider diet to the Hollywood 24 to the Factor 5 diet, all of these diet diets all claim to help you lose weight fast and feel increased energy. Can they help you to lose weight? Sometimes… Aside from helping you to witness immediate water weight loss, 90% of obese patients have experienced minimal weight loss of just one to four pounds before hitting a plateau. More disappointingly, once dieters stopped eating these dietary fad meals they quickly regained all the weight they lost. Are they risk-free? Whilst it is true that some of the top celebrity can help dieters to benefit from instant weight losses, almost all of them are not safe for the foreseeable future Limiting the amount of key nutrients required to ensure your body is recieving the energy they need to work properly, many involve cutting your calorie consumption to less than 1,000 calories a day – more than 50% your recommended intake. Supported by heavy sessions in the gym and unrelenting calorie checking, many of these said dietary fads do run the risk of leaving you feeling queazy, fatigued, unable to think straight and more worryingly prevent your body from working efficiently - All of which are good for your long term health and ultimately your future ability to lose weight. Are they easy to spot? Fad diets are quite easy to spot. Proclaiming to offer you a ‘quick fix' solution to your weight loss concerns, you can easily recognise a dietary fads by these common factors: • Too good to be true claims • Lack of clinical trials • Deletion of one if not more of the five food groups • Recommendations from trials without reviews from other researchers When picking a dietary fad or herbal supplement, it is imperative to deeply analyse their studies first before including them into your eating habits. If there is no medical evidence that they can achieve quality health benefits, then they probably don't work. The problem with fad diets is that their fat-reducing effect is temporary and results in quick regain of weight. What is worse is that most of these diets are harmful to health. Do not use these programs if you are looking for permanent weight loss. You may not like it but,without exception, slow and steady wins the race when it comes to weight loss on any diet plan. The slower the weight comes off, the less likely it will go back on. This is what people need to understand if they really want to lose weight permanently. Why Does Bunion Surgery Have Such a Bad Reputation? A bunion is one of the most common sources of foot pain, and is a common deformity not limited to age or activity. With the exception of wider shoes, padding, and inserts, not much can be done to alleviate the pain of this condition outside of correcting it surgically. While this surgery is very successful when the proper procedure is selected, it seems to suffer from a bad reputation in the general community. This article will discuss the surgery, the proper way to recover from it, and why some people needlessly have a difficult recovery period. A bunion is a complex foot deformity involving both bone and soft tissue (ligaments, tendons). Usually inherited from one's parents or grandparents, bunions have several underlying causes. The most common cause is flat feet. Over time, muscular changes needed to adapt to walking with flat feet will contract the great toe towards the second toe, and make prominent the 1st metatarsal head ( the bone one sees sticking out ) . This can create pain in the bunion when it is rubbed against tight shoes. Over time arthritis can develop due to the abnormal joint position, leading to joint pain. The great toe can also crowd into the lesser toes. Treatment often includes conservative measures that either separate the big toe from the second toe next to it, place padding over the bunion bump. Wider shoes may also help relieve bump pain. Orthotics (prescription shoe inserts) may help to lessen the progression of the bunion by controlling it's underlying cause (usually flat feet). However, the joint changes already in place cannot be reversed. In most cases, surgical correction with an alteration of the bone position and soft tissue tightness is necessary to permanently treat this condition. Bunion surgery is one of the most common types of foot surgery performed. In the majority of cases, the bone involved in the deformity must be cut and moved over towards the central part of the foot. Simply shaving the bone 'bump' will not correct the deformity, as the bunion will continue to develop over time, with some patients having a return of their symptoms in as little as a few months. The bone that is cut during a bunion procedure is the 1st metatarsal, the long bone whose head creates the bunion bump at the base of the big toe. This bone is angled too far away from the 2nd metatarsal next to it, owing to a very complicated and slowly developing series of events related to one's foot structure. The bone position must be moved back over so it is in proper angle alignment with the 2nd metatarsal (essentially parallel to it, not angled outwards). The area where the bone is cut in surgery is dependent on how big of an angle the bone creates. If the angle is generally under 14-15 degrees, a cut in the area near the head of the bone can correct the bunion. This has an advantage of being easier to heal, as it is more stable. If the angle is more than 15 degrees, a cut in the bone back at the base of the bone (near the mid-length aspect of the foot) is needed in order to fully correct the abnormal angle. This area is not as stable, and recovery usually demands non-weight bearing until the bone heals. The cut bone needs to be secured together to help it heal. Essentially, the bone cut is a controlled fracture. The bone will heal at a faster rate by holding it closely together. This is typically accomplished with internal screws or an external wire. This process takes 6 weeks at least, sometimes 8-12 weeks depending on the location of the healing bone and one's state of health. Any excessive motion or pressure at the bone cut site while it is trying to heal can result in a delayed healing, or even healing that occurs in an abnormal position. The recovery process for bunion surgery should be relatively uneventful. Most cases will have moderate pain for a couple days due to the incision in the skin. If one has a lower pain tolerance, this pain may be more severe. The pain slowly evolves into aching and throbbing discomfort from the inflammation of the healing process, which lasts for a week or two. Both of these periods of pain are usually made tolerable through pain medication, anti-inflammatory medications, and the all-important icing and elevation necessary after foot surgery. To be certain, no bunion surgery recovery is pain-free. As in all surgical procedures, one needs to expect some level of discomfort following the procedure, even when pain medication is used. The difference between those who have a good recovery from bunion surgery and those who have a bad recovery is how closely they follow their surgeon's post-operative instructions. This is the key to keeping pain and discomfort to a minimum, and limited to a few weeks following surgery. The reason why some people have difficult recoveries from bunion surgery, and therefore why the procedure sometimes can have a poor reputation, is not due to the surgery itself, or the skill of the surgeon. In most cases, difficult bunion recoveries are due mainly to too much activity following the surgery. In many other types of surgery, such as abdominal or pelvic surgery, one usually feels lousy as a whole for the time following the surgery. With foot surgery, the rest of the body feels normal while the foot itself feels uncomfortable. In this situation, many people are tempted to resume some of their normal routine and activity level a few days to a week following surgery. Unfortunately, this activity will directly lead to more inflammation of the foot, and therefore more pain. This heightened level of inflammation, spurred on by gravity pushing fluid into the foot and by the strain of foot motion and the weight of the body, will often persist for several weeks following the procedure, and can lead to delayed healing of the bone. Once this process starts, it is difficult to reverse it without complete activity rest. This ultimately can lead to a difficult recovery process, and therefore to a bad reputation of the procedure. If one carefully follows their surgeon's instructions, the likelihood of this recovery difficulty is significantly lessened. To be certain, bunion surgery, like all other surgery, can have potential complications. These include infection, nerve damage, scar tissue, reduction of big toe joint motion, and chronic swelling. These can also be a source of pain following surgery, and can delay the healing. However, the vast majority of bunion procedures do not have these complications. If one smokes, the healing of the bone will be delayed due to the chemicals in tobacco smoke. Smokers do tend to have more recovery problems than non-smokers, so this must be kept in mind when considering bunion surgery. Most surgeons recommend smoking cessation during the recovery process, especially if there are other health problems present. In general, most bunion surgeons recommend home rest for a couple weeks. This rest period can include some light movement around the house, and light home chore activity for less than ten minutes after the first week. Icing and elevation are absolutely necessary, and must be performed regularly to ensure a comfortable recovery. If one has a sit-down job at work, returning to work after two weeks is possible as long as one can elevate their foot on a chair, and does not have an excessive long commute where the foot would be dangling in the car for awhile. If one has had surgery on their right foot, driving is generally not possible until the foot is nearly healed. When one keeps in mind all these activity restrictions, and follows their surgeon's instructions carefully, the likelihood of a comfortable recovery period is high. Of course, these recommendations are generalized, and may not reflect the specific instructions of one's actual surgeon, who may be more stringent or liberal depending on his/her experience and personal preferences. One should always follow their own surgeon's instructions, and simply take this article as a general guide. If one has a painful bunion, surgery should be considered as a viable option to relieve the pain. Despite the reputation of the procedure, this surgery is very successful, involves only moderate and temporary post-operative pain, and can have a gentle recovery course as long as the proper instructions are followed. Why Do We Tend To Gain Weight As We Get Older? Is it inevitable that we gain weight as we get older? People tend to blame their increasing waistlines of a 'naturally' slowing metabolism (the body's engine) but in fact the answer really lies with the loss of our muscle tissue. You may have heard people say or you maybe have even said it yourself "At around age 35 I started to gain body fat, I am sure my metabolism has slowed down". Many people believe that this slowing of our metabolic engine as we get older is unfortunately inevitable, something we cannot avoid. But this is simply not true. Both men and women usually gain weight as they age with the average man aged 35 gaining about a pound of body fat each year until age 60. That adds up to around 25 pounds between ages 35 and 60. Even worse, women often gain proportionately more between these ages. You may be wondering how this happens and the answer does lie with the metabolism. The good news is it is not unavoidable. After our mid 20's unless we perform regular muscle building and maintaining activity we lose around half a pound of muscle tissue each year throughout our life. After we get past age 60 this rate doubles. We are often not aware that this is happening as the body fat increase hides this loss on the bathroom scales and fat tends to fill the spaces left by the lost muscle tissue. Muscle tissue is highly active tissue and it requires a lot of fuel (calories) to maintain. This tissue is what drives our metabolic rate which is the rate our body burns fuel. When this is lost the strength of our engine becomes downsized and therefore is less efficient and requires less fuel. The way to keep your motor running hot so you don't gain weight is to perform a strength training exercise program two to three times per week. If you are new to exercise have a fitness professional set up your program for best results. Not only do you need to learn how to perform the exercises correctly you also need to learn the intensity you need to use (degree of difficulty). If you do not do this it is unlikely you will be happy with your results. The other part of the fitness/weight loss puzzle is your healthy eating plan. Try to eat 5-7 small meals with some protein every 2-3 hours throughout the day. Your body will have to work hard to keep digesting the food and this will stimulate your metabolism as well. Weight gain as we get older is not a normal occurrence because there is no biological reason for it. Increases in body fat are more a function of failure to keep our muscles strong and toned throughout our life. So, it is not a factor of the aging process that makes us overweight, but simply our lifestyle, and this is something we can change. Just add in your proper exercise program, keep eating little and often and stay slim and healthy. Why Is Pilates Good For Athletes? As compared to other forms of resistance training or conditioning training, Pilates classes allows athletes to stretch and tone up the muscles at the same time. This means that athletes like yourself have a chance to both strengthen and lengthen muscles that have been shortened in high intensity workouts while conventional workouts allow them to focus on one aspect. Pilates also teaches the body to utilize a group of muscles in one movement as compared to targeted weight training. As you may know, our joints are prone to injury if we subject our joints to repetitive and high demanding training that focus on the bigger muscle groups and neglect the smaller muscles surrounding the joints. Pilates classes focus on exercising deep muscle groups, also known as local stabilizers; which are key in controlling joint movement and ensuring the stability of joints. Thus, Pilates is also helpful in rehabilitating athletes' overworked joints. Firstly, Pilates helps to prevent injury by building a strong and flexible body with focus on joint mobility. Pilates exercises aid in developing a strong core by focusing on breathing, balance and range of motion. A strong core is much more than a nice set of abs! A strong core means that the lumbo-pelvic region is stabilized, therefore reducing the risk of injury such as slipped disc or lower back pain. Pilates also develops the deep muscles of the body. That is the deep abdominal muscles, gluteus muscles, and the deep intrinsic muscles surrounding the spine. It is the balance between strength and flexibility that reduces the potential for injury. Pilates works on a controlled lengthening of muscles so it can help to improve overall flexibility in places such as the lower back, hamstrings and shoulders. Being more flexible would reduce the risk of torn muscles when training in high intensity or when doing vigorous strength training. Being flexible is important to athletes as there is a bigger range of movement, thereby enhancing various sports performance. Besides building a strong and flexible core, Pilates exercises also target the more delicate muscles surrounding the joints. Quite often, these muscles are neglected during other form of training and this can result in joint injury or instability. For runners for example, the exercises in Pilates can help to prevent patella injury as it would focus on the muscles surrounding the knee cap instead of just the quads and hamstring. Next, Pilates can also improve self-awareness. That is to help the athlete be aware of his posture and alignment so that he can perform movements efficiently without causing unnecessary strain to other muscles and joints. Pilates improves coordination and stability so the athlete use the correct intended muscles to perform the work. By being aware of how to perform the movements of the sport correctly, the athlete would be able to generate more force and power in one move. An example would be a rear hand or power hand punch in boxing. Through Pilates, the boxer knows how to coordinate better by twisting his core and torso while pivoting on the ball of his rear feet with heels two inch off the ground and execute his punch with more power! Thirdly, Pilates helps improve focus of the athletes. Having better focus often leads to enhanced sports performance. In Pilates, the exercises are performed in slow and controlled movements. By deliberately performing the exercise in a controlled manner, it increases focus and make one aware of his body and posture. Performing exercises in this way would also mean that the movements are harder and fewer repetitions are required. It forces the athlete to concentrate on mind-body control and thereby increase body awareness. With time and practice, Pilates is very beneficial for athletes as it evens out muscle imbalances, prevents injuries, enhances athletic performance, improves focus and even improves overall health! If you are keen to achieve above benefits, you should look for a Pilates studio and start reaping the positive impacts on you bodies. Pilates is an excellent cross-training tool that will bring you to the top of your game! Will Losing Weight Help Your Excessive Sweating? If you are overweight and also suffer from excessive sweating, you might have thought that the two are connected. Whilst being overweight could be a contributing factor to your sweating problem, there might be others as well. Around 3% of the population are affected by excessive sweating, or hyperhydrosis. If you are affected, you are probably already miserably familiar with the symptoms. The underlying reason for those problems might be less obvious though. The fact is, there are a number of possible causes. The first thing to understand is that there are two types of hyperhydrosis. The first - primary hyperhydrosis - often begins in childhood or adolescence. One characteristic of this type is that it is 'symmetric' i.e. affects both right and left sides of the body simultaneously. It occurs on very specific areas of the body, most commonly hands, feet, underarms, head or face. Sufferers of primary hyperhydrosis don't usually have episodes of excessive sweating when they are asleep. If you believe you have this type of hyperhydrosis, the good news is that it is not usually a result of being overweight. However, the bad news is that it is an actual medical condition, usually a result of genetics. If your family has a history of excessive sweating, that could explain your symptoms. But, there is hope! There are treatments available for this type and a good resource is SweatHelp.org. The other type of hyperhydrosis is secondary hyperhydrosis. This is where there is another issue and excessive sweating is the symptom. To help to identify this type, sufferers usually experience sweating on a larger, more generalised area of the body. They also experience their symptoms during sleep. In the case of secondary hyperhydrosis, the cause could be another health issue or a side-effect of medication. Causes like hyperthyroidism, stress, and the menopause might be to blame... In fact the list of conditions that have excessive sweating as a side-effect is quite extensive. But this list does include obesity and being overweight. So how do you know whether your weight is a factor? Well, if you are overweight, the only way to know for sure if your weight is the cause of your excessive sweating symptoms is by losing weight and monitoring the effects. If the sypmptoms reduce, or even stop, when you lose weight - you will have identified the cause of your excessive sweating. Obviously then the challenge becomes to maintain a healthy weight and/or lose more weight. However, at least you have gained the awareness of your condition, which can be half the battle. Since hyperhydrosis is a recognised medical condition, if you believe you sweat more than is 'normal', it's a good idea to seek advice from your doctor. If you think your symptoms are linked to being overweight, that's a good incentive for starting a healthy eating and exercise plan. You won't see any negative side-effects from a healthy weight-loss program if you are overweight, and you could reduce your excessive sweating problem as well. But even if your weight is not directly responsible for your hyperhydrosis, by becoming fit and well, you will improve your overall health and self-esteem - which may inadvertently relieve your symptoms. Will Silica Supplements Really Slow Down Hair Loss? The last few years have witnessed an exponential rise in the number of silica-supplements on sale. On the Internet alone, there are more than two dozens such silica supplements on offer, and counting. People buy these silica supplements in search of various things. For some, it is in a bid to improve their bone health, as that is said to be one of the things with which silica-supplements can be of help. For others, it is in a bid to improve their skin appearance, as this is something that silica is said to have the potential to help with. For others still, it is in search of hormonal balance (and the many health benefits that comes with), which is still another promise that silica supplements come with. And yet for others - who are of interest to us in this discussion - use of silica-supplement is in search of a cure to the hair-loss problem. Now as one goes out to buy a silica-supplement in the hope that it can help them with their hair and nail appearance, they tend to be in a situation where they can't really know what to expect out of it all. They will, subsequently, tend to have a number of questions in their mind, which they would prefer to get answers to; before proceeding to purchase the silica supplement for this purpose. In a nutshell, what a person who is considering buying a silica supplement in a bid to slow down hair-loss will want to know is whether the silica supplement can really help in that regard, by way of slowing down the hair-loss. So, can a silica supplement really slow down hair loss? There are a number of directions we can look for answers to the question as to whether a silica supplement can really help to slow down hair loss. The first is would be by looking at the experiences of people who have used it in search of the same benefit. This is where it turns out that a considerable percentage of the people who have used silica in a bid to slow down hair loss had obtained some benefit in that respect. It is definitely not all of them who have done so, but a good percentage has definitely experienced this benefit. This shows that silica supplementation can help in at least some cases of hair loss, depending largely on what is causing the hair loss. The second direction in which we can seek for answers to the question as to whether a silica supplement can really slow down hair loss is that of scientific community, where we would be trying to see whether there have been any studies in this area. And as it turns out, there have been a number of studies carried out in this area. These would include a prominent one in the former USSR, where silica use was seen to slow down hair loss in a considerable percentage of subjects. The final conclusion we can come to is that silica supplementation can slow down hair loss, at least in some cases - especially where the hair loss is being caused by silica deficiency (as is often the case in many instances). Women Excessive Hair Loss - How Do You Prevent Feminine Pattern Baldness (FPB) How can you avoid female hair thinning? That is truly a predicament that's been asked progressively more recently, as women hair loss gets increasingly more common. The numerous occurrences of female thinning hair and loss of hair is very unpleasant for ladies, as hair loss has commonly been considered a curse in men only. The emotional backlashes of hair loss in women are normally as engulfing as the noticeable physical implications. For guys, baldness is thought of as an unavoidable path, especially if they've anatomical traits that make them just as likely. However , for women, you will find a great number of components that they by no means thought would result in them losing their hair. Hormone fluctuations are high on the list, but anxiety and stress likewise play an important role in hairloss for some females. There may well also be an innate ingredient that may induce feminine hair loss. It's with this in mind, that the technological advancements to cease feminine hair loss are increasingly being observed with bated breath by women of all ages around the world. Feminine pattern baldness (FPB) is usually a sign typically identified from menopausal females, and is generated for a number of components, such as falls in estrogen levels and raised levels of other hormones called androgens. But Can Anyone Deter Female Baldness? As the knowledge of hair thinning in both adult men and females begins to be fully understood, you will find now numerous treatments which are extremely specifically aimed at hair loss in females. Ladies physiques are completely different to men's, and also the treatment procedures provide similar, but different products for males and females. Now there are all natural new hair growth supplements that genuinely can eliminate female baldness, and quite often reverse the condition. Oral natural home remedies applied to be considered the best of thinning hair treatments, but as time has gone on, shampoos and conditioners and topical cream applications have become possibly the most preferred solutions to promote hair regrowth and prevent hair loss. Female Hair loss Causes Feminine pattern baldness is the general name for androgenic-alopecia or female pattern alopecia. Alopecia areata is really a regular phrase that generally refers to total or partial baldness or thinning. Progressive hair thinning is commonly noticed by ladies, nevertheless , you will see instances when huge patches of hair fall out within a short time period. Females are likely to experience baldness on the top and sides of the head, as opposed to the receding hairline often found in men. This yet again illustrates the distinction between feminine pattern baldness and male pattern baldness. Hormones are one of the major elements in hair thinning in ladies, and many women observe hair loss during imbalances in the body's hormones, in particular around menopause time and after giving birth. Strain levels also have an impact on hormone sense of balance, and times of serious stress or anxiety can be triggers for substantial hair loss in ladies along with guys. Precisely how You can Stop Women Loss of hair Avoid Ladies Hair Thinning Now there are a variety female hair thinning products as well as products you can use to halt women baldness and these entail: * Avoid coloring your hair or utilising harmful functions on it for instance perming * Massage therapy your scalp with natural oils to energize the hair follicles and to dispose of dead skin * Keep away from setting your hair under extreme strain like tying your hair back tightly * Try a hair loss product or service that has been clinically trialled such as Provillus, Propecia and Rogaine which have a certain package for women * Another important point would be to give your own true hair a rest, majority of the women are now putting on lace wigs to permit their hair to recover and repair progressively over time. Lace wigs are made from human hair, appear natural and accommodate similar attribute of authentic hair. Hair thinning could be a distressing and soul destroying practical experience for ladies, who base so much of their appearance on their hair. You will find amazing hair thinning products and services that genuinely can help put a stop to baldness. Think about the natural ones using tried and tested elements. These can absolutely stop female hair loss. Working Of Diet Supplements Pills Phen375 Creating Ruffles With 3 Important Features Many people like to keep their body weights at well toned levels, so that they have got a presentable appearance, sometimes harping on the effect of having a muscular built. Not only for the purpose of impressing others, but the fit body is immune from disease states like that of diabetes and hypertension, which can be quite debilitating in the long run. In many cases, it so happens that people keep on gaining weight, even though they try their best to keep off their liking for good and tasty food items. Thereafter, they start consuming diet supplements for weight loss, without understanding much about their working mechanism. To appease and allure such customers, it is becoming lucrative for many companies to come up with supplements for weight loss, with tall claims of loss of fat and well toned figure. Among the varied products which are found in the market, the diet supplements pills phen375 has presently garnered a lot of attention among the figure conscious people. Both men and women are falling on these pills of Phentemine for reducing their weight and removing the fat from their bodies. When so many products are present in the market, it is surely a big deal for people, who find these pills quite effective, where others making tall claims are falling flat in a few months time. In contrast, Phen375 has been used by people since many months and they are still enthusiastic to use these products, proving that this particular weight reducing pill has been able to create a belief among people. This has been possible because the best weight loss product phen375 has well established mechanisms of action. • Burning calories – The ability to burn calories by Phen375 is considered to be an important role in the weight loss regimens. With specific places in the body, where fat tends to get stored in more quantities, the diet pill is able to remove the fat by burning it within a short span of time. In the natural process of degradation, the fat globules gets disintegrated and this leads to loss of unnecessary and excess weight, due to the fat contents in the thighs, lower waist and in the upper chest and arm regions. When these fats are removed, the muscles are properly exposed and the body appears taut and toned. • Increase metabolism of fat – In another of the methods by which this best weight loss product phen375 acts is through increased metabolism of the fats. The body calories are burnt and fat globules are metabolised into small fatty acids, which are either removed from the body or get converted into other useful substances to give strength to protein membranes. • Stop cravings – These fat burning supplements for men & women contain important ingredients, which are naturally found in the body and work in their own way to counter the fat inside the body. The third mechanism by which the best weight loss product phen375 acts is by stopping the cravings for food, even though people do not take plenty. These ingredients have the capacity to provide fullness to the stomach, allowing less intake of food and hence lower conversion of the ingested diet into fatty molecules. It is through genuine mechanisms that diet supplements pills phen375 keeps on working in the body towards the loss of fat and burning of calories. Due to the novelty of its mechanism, these products have become well established as fat burning supplements for men & women and are presently being used popularly by many people for attaining their dream figures. Worries About The Rising Pounds If you have been watching your weight go up and you are worried about the rising pounds, you may be wondering whether weight loss surgery really works. Is it possible to prevent future weight gain by putting yourself on a well-known weight loss surgical operation? Today, weight loss surgeries are gradually gaining recognition when it comes to losing weight. Many health experts contend that people who are excessively overweight or has slower metabolism would normally require some surgical operations. Surgery at Present: The greatest progress in the care of the surgical patient has taken place since the beginning of the present century. An increasing knowledge of disease and disorder as a result of research has permitted the development of many diagnostic aids. Some of these depend upon roentgenograms, laboratory procedures such as chemical, bacteriologic, and pathologic determinations, as well as monitoring devices and computer aids. Hence, the result is that the diagnosis of disease and disorder is made with more exactness and certainty than was possible from the simple clinical examinations of previous days. That is why people who wish to undergo weight loss surgery should no longer be afraid of the procedure because high clinical standards are now being implemented in every surgical operation. The Concept of Weight Loss Surgery Health experts contend that weight loss surgery is a "major surgery." One of the most common reasons why people would like to lose weight is to enhance their physical attributes. However, it should not be the underlying motivation that they should undergo the process of weight loss surgery. What people do not know is that weight loss surgery is especially generated to help obese people live longer, healthier, and better. That is why it is important for an individual to meticulously analyze his or her situation, do some research about the process, and analyze if weight loss surgery is the ultimate choice for his or her physiological condition. Moreover, it is important to gather further information about weight loss surgery by consulting an experienced and knowledgeable bariatric surgeon or even just an expert family physician who knows the ins and outs of weight loss surgery. In addition, the patient should also consult the other health experts such as the psychiatrist and dietician with regards to some psychological advices on long-term goals after the operation. Generally, patients who have undergone weight loss surgery are said to be successful if they were able to lose 50% or more of their extra body weight and will be able to maintain that condition for the next five years or so. However, the results of the operation may still vary depending on the clinical information of the patient and the skills of the bariatric surgeon. Normally, the patient will be able to lose at least 30% to a maximum of 50% during the first six months after surgery; and within the year after the operation, the patient has the potential of losing weight up to a maximum of 77%. Best of all, people who were able to loss weight through surgical operations can actually maintain a continuous weight loss of up to 50% to 60% in the next 10 to 14 years after surgery. Factors to Consider As with the other weight loss management programs, there are many factors to consider before the patient should decide to undergo weight loss surgery. Consequently, the actual weight that will be lost is reliant on the weight before surgery, surgical procedure, patient's age, capability to exercise, total health condition of the patient, dogged determination to maintain the necessary follow-up nurture, and the enthusiasm to succeed with the help of their family, friends, and their colleagues. If you have just put on a few extra pounds and want to avoid gaining more, these weight loss surgeries for better health may seem convincing. But, in addition to being convinced, you may also have to take some action to ensure that your weight does not creep upward. Therefore, it can be concluded that losing weight is not just a question of deciding to be strong-willed and determined or upbeat and positive. Lifestyle changes are where it is at for long-term success with your weight especially after weight loss surgery. Your Thinner Waist Could Be A Pill Away Losing weight can be difficult without the proper tools. Actually, losing weight can be difficult no matter what the situation, but one way to help make the task easier is to be educated about the options available to help you. One of the keys to having a successful weight loss journey is being equipped with the knowledge of safe and effective ways to lose weight. Diet and exercise are the keys to losing weight and keeping it off. Basically, burning more calories than you consume via exercise or cutting calories from your diet are the most common ways to go. There are various types of products available to help aid your weight loss journey. Some people choose to lose weight through meal replacement shakes, eating prepackaged foods, or simply cutting out high fat and high calorie foods. Others might choose to use supplements or diet pills to help their diet journey along. Diet pills often promise to help control your appetite while helping your body burn additional calories. Most diet pills can be bought at your local drug store, but there are some that must be prescribed by a doctor. Some diet pills have come under fire for being unsafe and causing health problems in those that use them. One diet pill, Alli has been FDA approved and is the only diet pill to receive that approval. If you decide to use diet pills to help you lose weight, do your research. Be sure to check and see what pills have been the most effective, as well as what side effects they involve. Also check with your doctor before incorporating diet pills as part of your regimen. One important thing to remember is when using diet pills; you are not free to eat what you want. Diet pills will not do the work for you. Diet pills should be used in addition to a diet and exercise plan, not in place of. Many people get caught up in thinking that they can take pills and those will lose weight for them. In order to lose weight effectively, you must put some effort in. Losing weight can be a successful task with the right tools. It's important to remember that a safe rate of weight loss is one to two pounds per week. Anything more than that after the first three weeks of your plan can be unhealthy. Some diet pills might promise better results, but remember anything that seems too good to be true probably is. Keeping side effects in check can be critical if you are on other medications that don't mix well with the diet pills you might be taking. Keeping your doctor in the loop can keep you healthy and allow you to prevent any conflicts before they happen. Be careful when taking diet pills so that they don't become addictive. Zija International – Is Zija A Credible Business Opportunity? If you are checking out this review, then chances are you're searching for information on Zija International. Zija is not a brand new company, but is relatively young and still in it's ground floor stages. Also, because it's involved in the booming Health and Wellness industry, there is an obvious market for the products Zija sells. If you're seriously thinking about joining Zija as a rep, I want to advise you to read this entire review as I will go into information on the company, the product line, the compensation plan and, most importantly, what you'll have to do to give yourself the best chance of succeeding at Zija. First Things First, Who Is Zija International? Zija is a company that markets health products through a network marketing, or multilevel marketing, business structure. The company was started by Kenneth Brailsford and a group of entrepreneurs in 2006. Currently, the corporate team is led by Kenneth Brailsford (founder and President), Rodney Larsen (Executive President) and Michael Hershberger (Vice President). All three of these men have extensive backgrounds in business, and bring 50+ years of combined direct sales experience to the company. Currently, Zija is headquartered in Utah, but is doing business in the US, Mexico, Canada, Japan and China. Based on their current growth, it wouldn not be a surprise to see them break into more countries and expand their international market presence. What Does Zija Market? Zija markets nutritional and health products that all contain Moringa. Moringa is an exotic plant that has been used for thousands of years in various countries for it's health properties. There is tremendous research that document that plant's balance of amino acids, minerals and antioxidants. Based on the company's website, the Moringa plant has been used as early as 150 BC by many cultures including the Romans, the Egyptians, the Greeks and various Asian cultures. Also, the corporate site states that there are more than 300 conditions known that the Moringa plant can help with. The company has developed a few different Moringa products. Some of these products include: 1. The liquid nutritional line – Zija's liquid nutritional line is made up of three products. The first one is their original, flagship product called The Smart Drink. The Smart Drink comes in small cans and contains over ninety different nutrients, vitamins, minerals, omega oils and, of course, the Moringa plant. The second product is Smart Mix, which is a powder version of The Smart Drink, so you can pack it and add it to water whenever you want to consume it. The last product is called XM3, which is Zija's version of the energy drink, but has weight loss benefits as well. 2. Weight management products – The first product in Zija's weight loss line is a capsule version of their XM3 product. And the second product is Miracle Tea, which is a cleanse product. 3. Skin care products – Zija has created a complete line of skin care products that contain Moringa extracts and are all -natural. Obviously, if you're considering joining Zija, you should take time to research Moringa for yourself so you can get some basic knowledge on it's medicinal properties. The Zija Compensation Plan As far as Zija's business opportunity goes, you can become a distributor by purchasing a starter kit and an initial product purchase. Every month thereafter, you will have to maintain a monthly autoship order to max out the compplan. The pay plan has a couple of ways you can make money including personal commissions, residual income, matching checks, several kindsof bonuses and even order rebates. All in all, there's a fair balance of upfront income potential and long-term residual income potential. Is Zija A Lucrative Opportunity? In summary, Zija is a very solid business opportunity. Zija has an experienced management team,a high quality product line, a lucrative pay plan and is still in it's ground floor stages. If you are looking to get involved with a network marketing company that markets health products, Zija might be the company for you. But, Zija Alone Won't Make You Rich! The only thing Zija provides is an opportunity and a vehicle. Ultimately, your success will rely on your ability to sponsor reps, sell products and build a productive organization. In addition, in order to succeed at building a lucrative Zija business, you must learn how to market and generate leads. Without leads, you will have a difficult and hard time getting your business going. However, if you're generating an endless flow of leads, you can very well be on your way to building a wildly successful business.